
akkiheartubuntu: No, haven't installed ubuntu in a long time, though I did a debian squeeze install a few weeks ago.00:08
akkI usually upgrade in place.00:08
nhainesakgraner: the current Ubuntu installer for natty is pretty.  :)00:40
aaditya#defocus is a chaos today, thanks to the new policy.02:05
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m4gnusgood morning folks. anyone _here_ at the moment?16:11
iheartubuntuI'll be doing an at home Global Jam here in a few min and will install Unity on my comp. Hope the Walnut Creek Jam is a great turnout!17:01
crashsystemsanyone have good April 1st links?17:02
iheartubuntuyoutube is doing an old version of their site. (not much though)17:03
iheartubuntusomeone made a Google Classic postcard... http://goo.gl/rM4df17:08
iheartubuntunot really april fools, but neat anyhow17:09
iheartubuntushould print it out and mail it in :)17:10
pleia2crashsystems: the thinkgeek ones are amusing17:16
crashsystemsYeah, I saw that one17:16
crashsystemsof course, thinkgeek is _always_ amusing17:17
pleia2http://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/uslocations/mountain-view/autocompleter/index.html was pretty good too17:18
crashsystemsalso, http://www.doublerainbowdaddy.com/17:19
pleia2hah :)17:19
crashsystemsugh, I want to kick irccloud17:20
pleia2oh, hah, debian.org17:21
pleia2I guess a bunch of them did it17:22
* MarkDude is at the Walnut Creek bug jam now17:55
pleia2how's it going?17:56
pleia2oh, just starting :)17:56
* MarkDude was here early - trying to get the internets set up- DAMN att17:56
pleia2MarkDude: make sure someone takes pictures :)18:35
pleia2we'll get them up on flickr18:36
iheartubuntuthanks pleia218:41
pleia2iheartubuntu: oh yes, tweets handled!18:42
* MarkDude is posting a few pics now pleia2 18:52
pleia2MarkDude: wanna send some to me for http://www.flickr.com/photos/ubuntu-us-ca ?18:55
pleia2doh, I should fix the license on these18:55
iheartubuntuwas there a plan to get the ubucon videos online? i want to relive the action!19:02
MarkDudeI posted to FB19:06
* MarkDude can post later19:07
iheartubuntuIn-N-Out sticker on Jono's computer HAAAAA19:08
pleia2hahaha, ubuntu coffee cups :)19:08
nhainesI'm about to upgrade x.org, gdm, unity, software-center, apt-get, and upgrade-manager all at the same time.  What could possibly go wrong?19:08
iheartubuntunothing :) worked for me!19:09
iheartubuntu(although not on this comp)19:10
iheartubuntuid say thats a huge plus. i remember a few years back some beta updates i did crashed my system.19:10
nhainesThat's a risk at any time in beta.19:12
iheartubuntuin my case, i have not had that happen for a long time, so +1 for Ubuntu!19:14
akkUbuntu really does very well with upgrades.19:15
akkOn another channel someone was getting all excited that SuSE was finally supporting upgrade-in-place19:15
akkand sheesh, that's been reliable for ubuntu for, what, 5 years?19:16
nhainesakk: that's what kept me off of Linux (and SuSE 9.2) back in 2003....19:16
akkI remember it used to be a nightmare in Redhat, everybody always reinstalled instead of upgrading.19:16
nhainesAnd it's also what helped me switch in 2006 is that Ubuntu had upgraded just fine for the past year and a half.19:16
pleia2wow, I had no idea they didn't spport them until now19:16
nhainesI appreciate that it is not an easy thing to do.  Although it's really fun to see the Ubiquity installer support upgrades now.  :)19:17
akkLittle stuff always breaks in upgrades, but not because of the upgrade, just because of software changes.19:17
akkBut no major things (knock silicon).19:18
nhainesGrr, now Unity isn't raising windows or assigning focus.19:34
grantbowpleia2: what's that bug # you were talking about? the unity soft keyboard.19:36
pleia2grantbow: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/73981219:37
nhainesActually, it's not doing anything right now.  Hmm, maybe I need another reboot.19:37
grantbowjono: thanks for looking at that bug. I agree with pleia2 there's an issue there.19:56
jonograntbow, pleia2 I suspect this will be bumped to Ocelot - I agree with Mark that this does not inhibit the Ubuntu experience for a11y reasons, the classic mode still exists, but it will make Unity suck19:59
jonoso we can still deliver an a11y experience via the classic mode, but Unity will be less compatible19:59
jonothe a11y work bore great fruit, they just ran out of time19:59
iheartubuntuGrooveshark has a 3D website for april 1st... http://listen.grooveshark.com/#/19:59
iheartubuntuThinkGeek has some crazy items for sale... http://www.thinkgeek.com/20:03
iheartubuntulight saber popcicles :)20:03
iheartubuntu"taste the force"20:04
iheartubuntuangry birds pork rinds20:04
slick666have u seen th bacon soap?20:05
iheartubuntuyoutubes 1911 viral videos... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNm8ZCJ7Fx820:09
iheartubuntulove the cat at the end licking the horn20:09
iheartubuntu"LinkedIn has an elaborate and fun joke this year. Log into the site, then click on Contacts – Add Connections and choose “People You May Know.” You’ll find out that the list is far more interesting than usual, featuring such celebrities as Robin Hood and Albert Einstein!"20:10
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broderhaha. on the subject of 4/1 pranks: http://blog.mezeske.com/?p=37720:21
broder"cppsh, the bash-like shell specifically designed for those engineers who find themselves most comfortable at the reins of a C++ compiler"20:22
pleia2iheartubuntu: no countdown banner submission this time?21:04
pleia2they are still accepting, selecting on monday https://lists.canonical.com/archives/ubuntu-website/2011-April/001148.html21:06
iheartubuntupleia2 - i will do something tonite. hope i make it in. i think all these great designs are passing my skills by now :(21:36
iheartubuntuthere was a star trek looking one a week or two ago... now i dont see it.21:37
iheartubuntuohh by april 4th. i'll get at least two in :)21:42
pleia2they are deciding on the morning of april 4th, UK time21:43
pleia2so by the 3rd here really :)21:43
iheartubuntuohh OK thx21:46
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