
zoopsterthat was the funniest post ever by Jono01:21
zoopsterI still love empathy ;)01:22
zoopsteranyone else read Jono's confession?01:22
mhall119I didn't know who Jef Spaleta was01:29
zoopstermhall119: you didn't??? omg01:35
zoopsterI'm shocked he wasn't the first to reply to jono's post01:35
MichelleQmhall119: I didn't get it either.  02:08
DammitJimis there a command line utility that can let you copy a directory but only for certain file types?05:26
DammitJimlike if I have 100 directories with jpg files and avi files, but I only want to copy all the jpg files...05:26
dantalizingdammitjim you may be better off using 'find'06:24
nightfrogGood morning14:18
nightfrogSunshine for the first time in a few days, so I can actually tell its morning :-)14:19
mhall119yeah, it's nice out today14:20
nightfrogGreat day to go to the neighbors and clean up all the debris from the storm and make some extra $14:22
maxolasersquadSo, are we going to shut the channel down today as planned?14:23
reya276Morning Everyone14:38
reya276man they have a nice April Fools article http://www.infoworld.com/t/misadventures/shocker-redmond-microsoft-turns-linux-020 and they got me real good too.14:50
reya276nice http://www.google.com/hotpot#14:54
dorgananyone going to BarCamp tomorrow?15:31
maxolasersquaddorgan: Where's it at?15:38
maxolasersquadDamn, I wish I had known about it.15:38
reya276yeah me too15:39
dorganfollow @barcamporlando on twitter this way you'll know when the next one is15:40
maxolasersquadI just did, and joined the low-bandwidth Google group.15:40
dorganthey did a 90's throwback redesign on their site for AF15:45
maxolasersquaddorgan: The HTML on hulu.com is still post 90's.18:21
maxolasersquadLower-case and closed tags?  Not in the 90's.18:22
maxolasersquadThey should have designed the page in FrontPage. :)18:22
pak33mdorgan: thanks for the reminder (been buried in the sand so long now) think I'll make it out there18:23
maxolasersquadOh wow.  Check out xkcd.com18:24
pak33mwait, my head has been buried for way too long. now there's too many things to do and I have all the weekend free.18:27
pak33mhow do I go to gj today, tomorrow and barcamp (maybe) all in one go18:29
DammitJimpak33m, weren't you the main character in burried alive?18:43
pak33mwhat's that?18:47
DammitJimsince you said you've been buried in the sand18:47
DammitJimdid you go to the beach for spring break or something?18:47
pak33mah, yes18:47
DammitJimwoot woot?18:48
pak33mI did only get one day this week to do with the kidos and it was a real hoot18:48
dorganpak33m: if you actually get there gimme a call 321-536-306218:50
DammitJimwhere did you guys go?18:50
pak33mdorgan: will you be a the global jams at all?18:51
dorganglobal jam is tomorrow right?18:51
pak33mdorgan: well, I was just explaining indirectly how far in I've had my head buried of late so I'm just getting the details. shame, I know18:53
dorganLOL...if the global jam is tomorrow which I believe it is no...I will be at barcamp all day and then maybe the afterparty afterwards18:54
dorganits a shame but I comitted to barcamp months ago...and then the global jam date was announced18:54
pak33mdorgan: well, f course my loyalties lie with the team :)18:55
pak33malthough, I'm kid free all this weekend18:55
dorganmy loyalty lies with who ever I commit to first...and had i known ahead of time that would have been the team but I didnt so i commited to showing up early to help out the barcamp18:56
dorganso like I said if you end up for some reason making it there give me a call18:59
pak33mcool, will do 19:04
DammitJimman, why is everything in xkcd.com in "3D" this week?'19:08
maxolasersquadDammitJim: Why isn't everything in 3D every week?19:09
DammitJimcause it gives me a headache ;_19:10
maxolasersquadI like 3D, but I'm waiting for holligrams.19:11
DammitJimdorgan, I'm a doctor, not a pirate!19:12
maxolasersquadI might be waiting for holograms even.19:13
reya276is this true or another April Fools prank http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Security/LizaMoon-Mass-SQL-Injection-Attack-Escalates-Out-of-Control-378108/19:53
reya276oops I guess not19:58
reya276Commenters asked Websense why researchers were so convinced it was a SQL injection on multiple Websites and not a mass cross-site-scripting attack. The researchers said they’d been contacted by people who have seen the code in their Microsoft SQL Server 2003 and 2005 databases19:58
maxolasersquadThe vulnerabilities weren’t within the database software, but “most likely in the Web systems used by these sites, such as outdated CMS and blog systems,” Runald said.20:01
reya276nah I bet it was in their SQL servers, LOL glad we dumped that garbage DB20:13
reya276man I hope that link about WINUX was indeed an april fools joke I would hate to have all these attacks being directed towards Linux20:15
=== jimmah is now known as pak33m

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