[00:03] http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/04/01/i-am-jef-spaleta/ [00:03] I really am not looking forward to tomorrow [01:09] <_stink_> oh god. me neither. [01:10] crap, I read that at first and wondered wtf, didn't realize tomorrow is april tools day :/ === Blazeix is now known as Morasique_ [12:38] ok, so if you can't copy and paste code from a pastebin to your project does that mean I get to revoke your dev card? [12:38] damnit. i hate april fools. i never know if something is real [12:39] yes, revoke away [12:42] heh, make sure you hit up xkcd, but not via rss [12:42] go to a web page? barbaric [12:42] yea, I know, some of this stuff is borderline...so not funny that it's almost believable so you have to go "could they really be that stupid?" [12:44] not even stupid, just unsure if its real [12:44] http://massive.immersedcode.org/2011/staging/projects/default/python/flask-enterprise/ [12:44] phew, so march is done, 44.613 GB of podcast downloads [12:45] heh, well flask was an april fools joke to start with [12:45] i know [12:45] so is this weirdly-licensed thing with no access to source code real? [12:46] only if it's downloaded some 15k times [12:47] i think it must be fake. the license and no ability to contribute patches gives it away [12:48] whoa, freaky xkcd [12:54] yea [12:59] sigh http://garbaginator.cartwheelweb.com/ [13:02] yea, saw that one [13:02] no offense, but no need to dupe the horrible april fools stuff, get enough of it already :) [13:02] right [13:29] i like the readme.rst on garbaginator github [13:30] hahaha, and hte LICENSE.xt [13:54] hah, i didn't go into the actual code [13:54] actual repo i should say [13:54] <_< [13:54] >_> [13:55] Good morning. [13:55] oooh, viewsonic gtab for $299, no joke http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7212231 [13:55] 10.1" android tablet [14:00] thinkgeek always is full of win on April 1st [14:00] to make up for the rest of the internet sucking [14:00] Yeah, they're getting slashdotted. [14:01] and, as usual, they have some gag products people would actually buy [14:01] i want those pork rinds [14:02] I mean, I would love to see the No-3D glasses available, so that people will quit bitching about 3D movies. :-) [14:02] thinkgeek is in ann arbor. do they have a storefront there? [14:02] Um, TG is in VA [14:02] it is? [14:02] darnit [14:02] and has a warehouse in Ohio [14:03] There is no storefront [14:03] brousch: And the Dexter office is in... wait for it... Dexter Michigan [14:03] brousch: snap-l is April foolin' you [14:03] fine, put the store in dexter [14:03] not to be confused with Dexter's Lab or Dexter [14:03] They are in AA. I'll take you there sometime [14:03] It's very cool place. [14:03] :-) [14:03] brousch: I'll be happy to sell you things in Ann Arbor [14:03] and we ca call it Thinkgeek if you want [14:04] bring some of those pork rinds sunday [14:04] since it'll be a satellite store, it won't have the full selection [14:04] weak [14:05] in fact, it'll just be me taking your money [14:05] http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/looflirpa/e8bb/?pfm=AprilFools_homepage_Featured_9 [14:05] ahhh thinkgeek [14:05] <3 [14:06] !openmetalcast goes clubbing, with the very first Club Metal episode: http://ur1.ca/3q39o (no fooling). Implant it in your biochip now! [14:07] * wolfger is dubious... Club Metal? [14:07] It's an industrial show [14:08] So far, I <3 <3 <3 the instrumentalcasts and :( :( :( anything else. [14:09] wolfger: You should try this [14:09] I think you might like it [14:09] OK, I will try it. [14:10] http://www.r2d2central.com/story/front/New_Full_Size_R2D2_Vacuum_137420.asp [14:10] I'm not clicking on any links today. ;) [14:10] Weak. [14:32] http://freelish.us/ [14:32] rick_h_: ^^ [14:34] Nice double-standard there [14:34] ? [14:34] "I'm not clicking any links today. Oh, btw, here's a link..." [14:34] dudes, hulu.com [14:36] so who's using Gmail Motion? ;-) [14:36] heh, I thought it was april fools at first: freelish.us is a microblogging service. Users post short (0 character) notices which are broadcast to their friends and fans using the Web, RSS, or instant messages. [14:36] 0-character? That *is* short! [14:37] yea [14:37] Yeah, I thought it was a joke as well [14:38] wolfger: Let me rephrase: I'm not clicking on stupid links today. ;) [14:38] but yea, that's what we were looking at, ostatus and such [14:38] rick_h_: nice 44 gigs of lococast! [14:38] <_stink_> haha, Kids in the Hall clips. [14:39] _stink_: we all know who was watching Channel 9 when they were younger. ;) [14:39] <_stink_> hehe [14:39] "I watched Mr. Dressup and Sesame Street in French" [14:40] JoDee didn't like Sesame Street. I blame the French version of Sesame Street. [14:40] The Spanish version was far superior [14:41] https://blog.opendns.com/2011/04/01/announcing-the-%25e2%2580%259cinternet-phonebook%25e2%2580%259d/ [14:46] ugh [14:47] JonathanD: I have to admit, I don't think I've met you, have I? I don't remember knowing any Freenode staff, at least. [14:49] greg-g: you haven't :P [14:49] JonathanD: well that's good then, at least my memory isn't as bad as what my gf says :) [15:02] greg-g: lucky guess != good memory :-) [15:08] wolfger: fair [15:16] Holy crap. IE9 scores 100% on ACID3? [15:17] http://www.ironsky.net/site/support/therace/ [15:32] I am currently streaming from my computer via the Squeezebox server to my iPhone using Safari, connecting to http://lister:9000/stream.mp3, playing Testament [15:32] We are truly living in the future. [15:50] * wolfger drags snap-l kicking and screaming back to the present. [15:50] no flying cars for you [15:58] greg-g: I'm from PA :) [15:58] One of my "jobs" with freenode though is to help organize events in the eastern US, which is why I'm in a lot of ubuntu-us-state channels. [15:58] JonathanD: ahh, right on [15:59] well, welcome, make yourself at home :) [15:59] Keeping the ear to the ground and all that. [15:59] * greg-g nods [16:01] Hopefully we don't lose our charter. ;) [16:01] Big Brother is here. He's surveilling us. :-p [16:01] * _stink_ stomps loudly [16:25] Has anyone else used libhibernate in Maverick? [16:26] http://textaligncentaur.com/ [16:28] Not as cool as EyeDrops but funny none the less [16:50] http://www.eclipsephase.com/original-art-auction-support-libyan-rebels [16:56] http://identi.ca/notice/70209858 [16:57] <_stink_> zing! === jcastro_ is now known as jcastro [17:11] Milyardo: is libhybernate the java library? [17:12] rick_h_: Got some feedback on the Jasom Smith interview. [17:25] snap-l: oh yea? [18:03] stupid frat boys playing rave music on the diag disturbing my work environment [18:04] go tell those kids to get off yer lawn [18:04] greg-g: you have my permission to blast them with whatever music you have available to you [18:06] urination is discouraged though [18:11] I encourage it. In the appropriate facilities. [18:19] snap-l: :) blast them some OMC out of my..... erm, laptop speakers :( [18:20] greg-g: I'll be right over with the big guns. ;) [18:20] sweet [18:20] saving the world from bad music, 1 tank of gas at a time. [18:22] jrwren: Yeah, I keep getting ClassNotFound exceptions for org.hibernate.validator.HibernateValidator even though I have hibernate-validaor.jar in my classpath [18:23] greg-g: Tell them if they're going to play rave music, they have to supply you with some E. Or even e17. ;-) [18:23] also I was wonder why the libhibernate-entitymanager-java package conflicts with libhibernate3 [18:23] *wondering === ninkendo_ is now known as ninkendo [18:33] hrmm libhibernate3-entitymanager-java says its its a dependency of of libhibernate3-java but libhibernate3-java doesn't list list libhibernate-entitymanager-java as a dependecy [18:34] time to file bug reports [18:40] it should be a DAG. [18:40] cycles are bad, mmm kay [18:40] DAG? [18:41] directed acyclic graph [18:42] oh for the depedencies [18:43] In the meantime I wonder why I'm getting the ClassNotFound exception [18:43] unless HibnernateValidator is in entitymanager [18:43] which would be counterintuitive [18:45] wolfger: :P [18:50] http://coffeecommon.com/post/4258699301/single-cup-vs-single-cup [18:50] no aprilfools, don't worry [18:52] Is there a command-line debugger for PHP code? [18:53] The following is a quote from the Sysadmin words of wisdom list [18:53] "Never... under any circumstances... use a Dell GX270 for anything that is even remotely important... ever. " [18:54] I'll shut up about squeezebox server in a bit, but I'm running mpg123 http://localhost:9000/stream.mp3 on my home machine. [18:55] tjagoda: Those machines should be practically run as thin clients if anything [18:59] libhibernate3-java has hibernate-entitymanager-jar in it, so why is there a libhibernate-entitymanager? [18:59] *.jar [18:59] grrrr [18:59] Welcome to Java [19:00] I'm not sure if thats a Java issue, more like a really dumb packaging issue [19:00] http://i.imgur.com/u9g93.jpg <- Blue Ray Player [19:01] I think one leads to the other [19:05] ummmm, snap-l rick_h_ _stink_ : https://identi.ca/doc/bookmarklet [19:06] greg-g: yea, saw that with their bookmark specific status.net today [19:06] http://freelish.us/ [19:07] That's also one of the ideas that I had [19:07] ie: federated bookmarks [19:07] right [19:07] it sure seems they're shoe-horning this into existing status.net though [19:07] rick_h_: Yeah, it is [19:08] But it goes to show that we're not the only ones thinking that Delicious was a walled bookmark garden [19:08] oh yea [19:08] like I said when it came up earlier, it's the same thing I've got set to look at, ostatus and pubsub kind of thing [19:09] yep [19:09] We'll conquer the world yet [19:09] and get our own Cayman islands [19:09] I want the one on the left. [19:10] heh, anyone know the right sql for altering a column in pgsql from char to int? [19:10] DROP TABLE xxx; [19:10] CREATE TABLE xxx... ;) [19:10] (not offhand, though it's likely ALTER TABLE) [19:10] rick_h_: definite shoe-horning, yes [19:11] bah, casting error now [19:11] (sorry, I'm dumping links and leaving, only coming back a fwe minutes later to reply, one of those days) [19:12] It's because greg-g is busy saving the Internet [19:12] The Copyright Crusader [19:12] actually, this one thing I'm working on, I could argue that is indeed what I'm doing (in a very convoluted logical process, but still) [19:12] add int column, run script to convert them all, del char column, rename int column? [19:12] fighting corporate whores by day [19:13] there we go, <3 http://www.postgresonline.com/journal/archives/29-How-to-convert-a-table-column-to-another-data-type.html [19:13] brousch: yea, trying to run an app in pgsql [19:13] between all the damn camel case, and defining columns as string in one table and int in another...not going as smooth as hoped [19:14] I hated that at Chrysler [19:14] sounds like a terrible schema. [19:14] it is [19:14] I've been slowly correcting it since I got here [19:14] one of the tables they had was clearly intended to not be varchar [19:14] but can only do so much without blowing it up [19:14] so they had shit in there for data [19:14] finally have almost allof it in ORM vs manual queries [19:15] so they'd get stuff in there like ... [19:15] Or N/A [19:15] lol [19:17] Yay, cumulative security update for IE6 [19:19] you use ie6? [19:19] how many of you will be there sunday? [19:19] brousch: I have a corporate Xp laptop. Need you ask? [19:20] I'm planning on being there on Sunday. [19:20] Oi vey [19:20] I need a new Tech track head for 2012 penguicon [19:20] Do we have any young impressionable tech folks? =P [19:20] brousch: will be there as well [19:21] tjagoda: What happened this time around? [19:21] Is Krunal not working out? [19:21] or is he not doing it again [19:21] Well [19:21] He never attended meetings/asked questions/did anything [19:22] and when challenged responds "nobody ever told me" [19:22] doesn't it all just fall into place by itself? [19:22] so not working out/not doing it [19:22] /murder brousch [19:23] Why does it seem that the tech track always ends in tears ? [19:23] PC has a tech track :P [19:23] ? [19:23] stfu [19:23] sorry, just kidding [19:23] Hah hah only serious [19:23] It's hard to find tech people whom have organizational skills and are non-lazy [19:24] yea, and aren't crazy busy [19:24] People tend to use busy as an excuse more than they are actually busy I have found [19:24] But I will give you the point [19:24] and have high tolerance for BS. [19:24] Oh yeah [19:24] That too [19:24] It is a very young organization after all [19:24] d00d i am busy playing mario kart wii [19:26] seriously [19:26] mario kart is srs bsns [19:27] Blu Sprks FTW! [19:29] what is srs bsns? [19:29] i d not understand this canadian slang [19:29] srs bsns = serious business [19:33] Anybody want to design a penguicon website for 2012? [19:33] http://www.penguicon.org is ugly [19:35] Silence overwhelming ;) [19:36] tjagoda: are you seizing control of pc? lining up tech leads and web sites [19:36] tjagoda: I think we're all weighing the need vs the bickering that will occurring. [19:36] insert appropriate tense in that last sentence. [19:36] brousch: I am the convention head for the year of 2012 [19:36] * snap-l is way too jaded for my own good [19:36] using upstream jars makes all my problems go away \o/ should upload them to my PPA [19:37] Milyardo: Awesome [19:37] brousch's interest clearly signals that he will do the project [19:37] * tjagoda chains [19:38] How does mone package jars? should be easy right? you don't do any compliation [19:38] Milyardo: Not sure [19:39] tjagoda: my site will be 25% uglier than the existing site [19:39] UNPOSSIBLE [19:39] and i will use django so no one will help me [19:39] * jrwren raises hand for Sunday [19:40] I should just use a stock drupal site or something [19:41] yes, then you will get a lot of help [19:41] from exprienced php devs [19:44] and inexperienced PHP devs [19:44] and from homeless people [19:45] I'll take the homeless, as long as they dont flake or give me lice [19:46] * jrwren holds up his WILL write web2pyramid. ouch. [20:03] snap-l: dude, is JoDee serious about her cousins getting married at a pizza joint? [20:03] zing [20:04] so the joke here, I'm guessing, is the awful design of web2py, again, I'm guessing, but I've heard things [20:07] brousch, where did you find that? [20:07] greg-g: Partially.... they're my cousins [20:07] and I shit thee not [20:07] hahahaha [20:07] I loved the "partially...." part [20:08] Either they're pulling a huge prank on my family, or they're as stupid as they seem [20:08] binbrain: twitter feed [20:08] i think the flask guys were pimping it [20:09] ahh [20:09] greg-g: They're getting married at the Shields on Tlegraph [20:09] its a nice looking site for just apr fools joke, logos and all [20:10] called my parents to let them know this past weekend because "somebody cancelled" [20:10] binbrain: maybe it's real! [20:10] We're still trying to figure out what the hell was the rush for them to get married on a Friday [20:11] greg-g: get me drunk enough, and I'll tell you the whole story at GJ [20:12] * brousch picks up some dirty bastard [20:12] brousch: no chance [20:13] binbrain: yea, big joke [20:13] there was a HUGE thread in convore from pycon with people bashing web2py [20:13] well, web2py grow into something it wasn't supposed to be [20:14] https://convore.com/pycon-2011/a-bias-survey-of-python-frameworks/ [20:14] yea, but the main guys are very happy to defend what most consider really bad practices [20:14] really [20:15] hey are there after-UGJ activities? [20:15] like we going for beers after or ... ? [20:15] I heard one of them explain what went wrong with design aspects of web2py, I think it was at an old pycon [20:16] jcastro: yea, plan is to hit some place afterwards [20:16] though not sure how long I can stay [20:16] k [20:16] man, talk about work from homeish. [20:16] I drove to lunch [20:16] and drove past a cop pulling some guy over [20:16] and realized I totally forgot to renew my registration [20:16] "Zope Through The Web editing feature is finally back in our stack, we're sorry for taking so long." [20:16] since I never drive [20:16] haha [20:16] oh nice [20:17] AND my license is expired [20:17] awesome [20:18] http://dev.twitter.com/pages/display_guidelines [20:19] So, should we do a dead-pool on Gwibber? [20:19] and twit vim? [20:21] brousch: mmmmm dirty bastard [20:21] greg-g: it's not for you, it's to get snap-l drunk [20:21] snap-l: that would be a great april fools for the family [20:22] brousch: bah [20:22] jcastro: another yes to beers after, for a bit, but not for long given prior commitments [20:23] indeed [20:23] I am in for like 2 or 3 [20:23] :) [20:23] make fun of jay wren, curse your town, and then move on [20:23] :( [20:25] just for that, imma buy smokes and make you smoke with me. [20:25] heh [20:26] haha [20:26] ewwwwww [20:43] woo! have everything but the mysql trigger moved over to postgres in my little test [20:49] nice! [20:58] i plan to spend UGJ with a beer in my hand ,sitting behind rick_h_ and watching over his shoulder as he works his flying fingers [20:59] I plan on doing a lot of thinking, so I'll be sitting still except for the stroking of my beard [20:59] very pensively [21:01] I love stroking rick_h_'s, I mean, my beard [21:02] it's the one true reason to have one :) to pensively stroke while thinking. Best code ideas come from that [21:59] God, is there anything more miserable than attachments in SOAP? [22:36] i was going to download natty beta to some CDs for sunday and i'm a little confused [22:37] i thought they killed off the netbook version [22:42] bah, nevermind, there's an ARM netbook image and a "netboot" image that i read as "netbook" [22:50] I'm doing daily nightly downloads via zsyn [22:50] c [22:56] it's always good to have some physical CDs along with the usb installers [22:57] I'm going to make some USB keys [23:03] i need to install linux on something before i arrive so rick_h_ and jcastro don't stomp on my macbook [23:03] it's ok [23:03] I am used to hanging out with snap-l [23:03] hey snap-l [23:03] I tried to make a USB key but I failed [23:03] snap-l: when you make them [23:04] snag a daily ISO from tonight or tomorrow [23:04] there were so many unity fixes that landed this morning that the fresher the better [23:30] so these betas i just downloaded are crap? [23:31] rick_h_: can you add a pycon tag or category to lococast? i'd like to link to just the interviews [23:49] jcastro: are you going to drop a giant wad f fixes again tomorrow?