[00:26] ssweeny: Now that I've installed Banshee stable I can't launch it from the sound menu. Any idea why? [00:27] oh. It is a plugin [01:20] there you go [03:18] sup lamalex [03:19] hey ChinnoDog [03:29] hahaha [03:29] also, lamalex on xchat and not irssi? [03:29] WHAT IS THIS, I DON'T EVEN [03:44] lol [03:46] Why not laugh all at the same time ? At the count of 3, laugh! [03:46] ONE [03:47] TWO [03:48] THREE [03:48] Ha Ha Ho No [03:59] heh [04:05] * ChinnoDog smacks InHisName around a bit with a large trout [04:06] oh. slaps [04:06] It is so old I can't remember it correctly anymore [04:06] * ChinnoDog slaps InHisName around a bit with a large trout [04:07] * InHisName Laughs out LOUD at silly guy who forgot how to insult fellow irc chatters. [04:19] * EvilPhoenix hits InHisName with a frying pan for laughing loudly [04:20] * InHisName sees stars and birdies while Chorkling [04:51] Shhh, peeps are sleeping [04:51] ZZZZzzzzzzz [06:33] freenode_unicorn_april_fools_motd++ === jackson_ is now known as jackson [06:36] I wish it was always a unicorn [06:36] awesome_things_as_jokes-- [06:37] hahaha angry birds porkrinds [06:37] http://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/looflirpa/e8bd/?pfm=Carousel_20110401_Angry_Birds_1 [06:38] om nom nom [06:38] pleia2: you could use a packet injector to strip the normal freenode motd and replace it with a unicorn! [06:38] frik'n woot game [06:38] unicorns_all_the_dang_time++ [06:39] I remember when slashdot pinkified for april fools, it was awesome [06:39] didn't i do my first openwrt preso on 4/1? [06:39] hence the OMGPONIES redirect? [06:39] * pleia2 looks [06:40] 4/1/2009CentralUSPOpenWrtBrent Saner [06:40] si [06:40] I heart sparkle ponies [06:44] 5http://g.rainwreck.com/~bts/omgponies/ [06:44] Title: OMGPONIES!!! (at g.rainwreck.com) [06:46] err, minus the 5 [06:56] http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/bash/ [06:56] Title: OMG! Ubuntu! | Everything Ubuntu. Terminally. (at www.omgubuntu.co.uk) [07:06] ....so. much. win. [07:06] have you distroyed the internet yet? [07:08] qui, moi? [07:11] rm -rf / on that site [07:12] hahahah [07:12] AND YET LS STILL WORKS AFTER I DO IT [07:12] I SMELL SHENANIGANS [07:19] bts3685|vps: also try to vim/emacs a file [07:21] vim is for kids?! D: [07:21] nuh uh, it's for sysadmins! [07:21] emacs is for devs [07:22] because devs and feature-creep go hand-in-hand [07:22] heh [07:29] bts3685|vps: the game [07:30] GAHHHHH [07:30] Had to do it [07:31] Night [07:31] y'bastid. [08:52] holy crap, netcat/socat/cryptcat/etc. are so awesome. <3 [08:52] YOU CAN MAKE AN INET DAEMON OUT OF ANYTHINGGGG [09:08] for instance, ncat (nmap's bundled netcat; it's the only maintained linux version that supports persistent/multiple connections- via -k) is pretty handy: [09:09] run ncat -l -k -e `which date` 1234 (if you have a recent version of nmap installed) and then open up localhost:1234 in a browser. :D [09:09] hit refresh and the date changes. huzzah! [09:09] telnet in and: zsh 4998 % telnet localhost 1234 [09:09] Trying [09:09] Connected to localhost. [09:09] Escape character is '^]'. [09:09] Fri Apr 1 03:09:21 CDT 2011 [09:10] (and then the connection closes. replace the `which date` part with `which watch (which date)`, i think, if you want it to update) [09:12] whoops, nevermind: i mean ncat -l -k -e "`which watch date`" 1234 [09:13] 'course, then this stops working with a browser because it just continually loads data...more, and more, and more... [09:13] until eventually your browser times out and you get an ugly-looking stream [11:50] Good Morning Pennsylvania. [12:12] o/ [12:24] for the record. backing up server. [12:26] morning [13:23] morning [13:42] Pretty snow fall here. Mornin' JonathanD [13:48] InHisName: yes, april fools snow eh? :P [13:51] Get a load of what woot.com is doing It's bag of crap day and not selling out so quickly. [13:52] Forced to play game 'delivering' woots. Must achieve level 7 to win chance to buy BOC. [13:58] bah [13:58] I've tried 3 times now. [13:59] I keep getting 2 objects side by side. [14:04] is this even posible? [14:13] Good bacon to all! [14:15] this is unpossible. [14:17] What? You think the world is nuts just because I got engaged? [14:19] yes. [14:19] no [14:19] I mean the woot thing. [14:20] ahhh [14:20] Anyone here play Runes of Magic? [14:47] What is 2 side by side mean ? I had cannon to shoot woots into homes. Had to dodge junk on road as it moved along. [14:48] Sometimes I made it into homes sometimes missed. Hit trash, game done, if NOT level 7 then NO BUY BOC. [14:48] I got to level 2 once. Nice to save $8. [14:49] JonathanD: snow doesn't bother me much if I can hang in basement IRC'ing. [15:01] unicorn.... === Pici is now known as ZarroBoogs [16:32] Google_Motion++ [16:32] oh, sorry [16:32] Gmail_Motion++ [16:33] I want to know what Google's budget for Aprils Fools is. [16:33] 5 billion dollars [16:37] Wouldn't you be a little dubious if you worked for Google and they told you that you would be spending the next month working on their April Fools joke? [16:39] lol [16:41] I got to level 4 last night when the BOC was at level 3, but the darn server stopped responding so I could never buy [16:41] Seems like good subject matter for a corporate hazing for interns. "We have a special project for you, guys! Be sure to tell your friends about it, its going to be big." And then it appears on google.com on Apr 1... [16:41] Like gmail? [16:42] Like internet through the toilet [16:44] sweet, free chalk from PRG [17:31] http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=21-24+Millbank+London+SW1P+4QP++United+Kingdom&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Millbank+Tower,+21-24+Millbank,+London,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.492774,-0.12454&spn=0.005571,0.013937&z=17 [17:31] Title: 21-24 Millbank London SW1P 4QP United Kingdom - Google Maps (at maps.google.com) [17:33] hahaha NARWHAL [17:44] awesome [18:04] Is there a joke beyond the fact there is a critter in the Thames? [18:12] InHisName: I kept getting 2 objects blocking the 2 lanes so it was impossible to pass. [18:13] ChinnoDog: Ubuntu 11.04 [18:16] oh. k. [18:17] http://www.google.com/intl/en/jobs/uslocations/mountain-view/autocompleter/index.html#src=twitter [18:17] Title: Autocompleter - Mountain View - US jobs - Google (at www.google.com) [18:56] Hey jedijf, this just in on backups: now store your back-ups on paper! http://mashable.com/2011/04/01/april-fools-livedrive/ [18:56] Title: Online File Storage & Backup Service Gets Innovative With New, Paper Option [VIDEO] (at mashable.com) [18:59] I saw two objects blocking just a slight askew. I somehow slid between them and DIDN't end the game, JonathanD maybe at the precise pixel it still may go. [19:00] lol [19:01] Everyone was aware that yesterday was World Backup Day [19:01] http://www.worldbackupday.net/ [19:01] Title: World Backup Day 2011 - March 31st (at www.worldbackupday.net) [19:01] I still remember once upon a time seeing something on the news about how people were writing files to paper as dense bar codes and the news people were saying about how it could be a new way to transfer files. I was rolling my eyes the first time I saw it. [19:18] "Does your floppy disk have too much storage space? Want something even larger, floppier, and more fragile? Well look no further, paper is here!" [19:42] The question is, just how dense can you potentially store data on a sheet of paper? [19:43] You have horizontal, vertical, and spectral axis available to you. [19:45] If you can scan at a higher resolution than you print I think your efficiency goes up considerably [20:05] think 8 translucent colors all readable and 2500x1600 dots x 8 levels give lots more than 2MB [20:33] You can't multiplex colors unless you are scanning at a resolution lower than printing resolution, in which case you have already lost a lot of data [20:34] Right? iirc, printers do not print colors over one another [20:34] They print dots next to each other [20:34] I could be wrong.. [20:35] * ChinnoDog looks for a color printout [20:35] I don't have one. I don't have a color printer set up here. lol [20:37] I guess I've seen inkjets that print overtop of itself. Thats how pages get soggy [20:37] Ok, in that case you can have as many colors as there are permutations of the number of colors you have in your printer [20:37] 6 colors = 6 bits = 64 values per dot [20:38] ChinnoDog: laserjets print color on top of each other [20:38] k [20:38] Are they capable of varying the amplitude of an individual color? [20:39] Or is that achieved through dot density alone? [20:51] laserjets don't really do "dots" [20:52] they use a laser to carve an electrostatic image on a photosensitive drum and the toner bonds to the differential charge [20:52] It is still measured as pixels, but the paper (and maybe the drum) resolution is too low to separate them [20:53] you can change CONTRAST by changing the voltage of the developing roller though [20:53] hrm. This is all very complicated [20:53] Even with an assumption the scanner is higher res than the printer it gets ugly [20:53] err.. paper doesn't have a resolution, and neither does the drum. the "resolution" on the drum is as precise as the laser can move steadily [20:54] The drum is not as precise as the laser, it is going to depend on how accurately the toner sticks to charged areas. If one charged area attracts a glob of toner instead of just enough particles to fill it, your resolution goes down. It can't be perfect. [20:55] I suspect attracting particles is far less accurate than aiming a laser [20:56] http://www.howstuffworks.com/laser-printer.htm [20:56] Title: HowStuffWorks "How Laser Printers Work" (at www.howstuffworks.com) [22:02] HEY, ANDREW [22:02] I GOT SOMETHIN' FOR YA. [22:02] |''||''| '|| ||` '||''''| || || || || . || ||''|| ||'''| || || || || [22:02] .||. .|| ||. .||....| [22:02] .|'''''| /.\ '||\ /||` '||''''| [22:02] || . // \\ ||\\.//|| || . [22:02] || |''|| //...\\ || || ||'''| [22:02] || || // \\ || || || [22:02] `|....|' .// \\. .|| ||. .||....| [22:03] aww boo. didn't paste the whole thing correctly. oh well, got the point across. [22:03] enjoy april fools', ya jerk [22:04] what was that? [22:04] what or correct [22:04] you lost the game? [22:05] everyone, please don't run "cowsay -f sodomized" through here [22:10] Yes, this is a family channel [22:11] oh, it was originally "the game" [22:11] andrew: ^ [22:16] ASCII art fail. Its no good if you have to explain it. Just give up. [22:17] not that it was really that funny to start with [22:17] * ssweeny thinks we need to have an intervention with bts3685|vps and the game [22:17] lol [22:18] DANG IT [22:18] again [22:43] * waltman thinks the only way to win the game is to not play [22:44] WIN [22:46] that's not winning, that's just cheating. a victory through cheating is not a true victory [22:47] It depends on how lame the game is. [22:53] harumph [23:01] Quite.