
ddbt_nlDaPenguin: i know about tabs.. was just looking for a way to split the screen in VI00:00
ddbt_nllmontrieux: the last one, that was the one i was looking for.. a split screen in vi00:00
trismddbt_nl: I find NERDTree useful with vim, browse the files on one side, and hit o to open them in a window or t in a new tab00:00
DaPenguinddbt_nl, don't know how to do it in vim, emacs its ctrl-x, then ctrl-arrows to switch windows00:01
lmontrieuxddbt_nl, sorry, can't remember from the top of my head. In emacs it's C-x 2 or C-x 3, but in vim, I don't know00:01
macoddbt_nl: :split00:01
macoddbt_nl: or for a vertical split:   :vsplit00:02
ddbt_nl: split?00:02
ok_waitwhat can i do to make network manager stop disconnecting and reconnecting my shared wired connection? it's like a child playing with a light switch. has anybody heard of this?00:02
macoddbt_nl: no space00:02
ddbt_nli know00:02
ddbt_nli'll try it out00:02
macoddbt_nl: ctrl+w and arrow keys to move around00:02
ok_waiti'm using pinguy with ubuntu 10.10 (gnome)00:02
DaPenguinok_wait, is it going through a router or a switch?00:03
ok_waitif it's connected directly to the other computer or going through a switch, it still does it :/00:04
ddbt_nlmaco: and how can i open 2 separate files then? i mean.. now i'm editing the same file in 2 windows00:04
DaPenguinddbt_nl, try opening the second file in the second window00:05
macoddbt_nl: :e filename00:05
ddbt_nlmaco: tryin'00:05
AuroraXHow can i install GCC witthout having MAKE installed? Cuz i need MAKE to install GCC and vice versa :O00:06
rcmaehl☣☢ <- why can't some people not on linux see these?00:06
ok_waiti have cricket broadband now (usb wifi modem) as ppp0. if i leave the cable connected for too long nm disconnects the ppp000:06
macorcmaehl: using a font that doesnt have them?00:06
rcmaehlmaco: idk ask them00:06
macorcmaehl: thats the only reason i can think of why they couldnt00:07
hpHi converting hs basketball video to quicktime how do i add quicktime or mov to Winff00:07
macoAuroraX: sudo apt-get install build-essential00:07
ok_waitDaPenguin, to answer your question: no00:07
AuroraXmaco: will that work without having nor gcc nor make nor nothing (i have apt-get) installed?00:09
XiolHow do I stop Server 10.04 from clearing the screen after the boot messages have been show, but before the login prompt? Nothing in rc.local or issue...00:09
macoAuroraX: yes, thats the *usual* way to get those things00:09
AuroraXmaco: thanks! it will be very useful :) my friend bought a sheevaplug PC and that bring a Debian for AMR processors that has nothing installed on it00:10
aeon-ltdXiol: iirc, pressing scroll lock will pause the messages00:10
pHrois there an irc channel dedicated to ubuntu server issues?00:10
hpubuntu converting hs basketball video to mov any suggestions00:11
AuroraXmaco: build-essential or build-essentials?00:11
Logan_!server | pHro00:11
ubottupHro: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server00:11
pHroLogan_, thx00:11
mcheartyohsix: Figured out how to do it without software, package is dov4l :300:11
Xiolaeon-ltd: it's not that as such, i need to display a scripted message - can't script in /etc/issue, so it needs to go in rc.local, which gets cleared. can't find where that clear is coming from though00:11
Logan_pHro: you're welcome00:11
=== hp is now known as rachel_hp
mcheartyohsix: just pinged u to let u know :)00:11
rachel_hphi anyone know how to convert mpeg video to mov High School basketball game00:12
macoAuroraX: singular00:12
Logan_erkan^: do you need help with Chrome OS?00:12
AuroraXmaco: what?00:13
AuroraXmaco: ah ok00:13
AuroraXmaco: singular of "not plural" lol, sorry, my bad english xD Thanks00:13
rachel_hpwhere is a good channel for video editing00:13
AuroraXmaco: damn, i dont have wget installed LOL00:14
mkanyicyrachel_hp, editing a video is not the same as converting it00:14
erkan^yes Logan_00:14
macoAuroraX: is this ubuntu or something else?00:14
AuroraXmaco: Debian for ARM00:14
rachel_hpi want to conver mkanyicy00:15
rachel_hpconvert sorry mkayicy00:15
Logan_erkan^: /join #chromium-support00:15
limitlesspillwhere is a good resource to begin ubuntu development?00:15
AuroraXmaco: i have it running on this: http://www.cyrius.com/debian/kirkwood/sheevaplug/gallery.html00:15
ddbt_nlmaco: why do i need to hit ctrl + w twice to switch the window?00:16
macoddbt_nl: i usually just hit it once and then use an arrow key after...00:16
mkanyicyrachel_hp, ffmpeg00:16
rachel_hpMkanyicy I have winff but quicktime isn't choice00:16
macoAuroraX: hmm not sure. maybe want to try a debian channel?00:16
macoAuroraX: i would think if you have apt-get you'd have some way for it to download things, such as wget..00:16
mkanyicyrachel_hp, ffmpeg commandline00:17
AuroraXmaco: apt-get asks me for wget LOL00:17
rachel_hpmkanyicy on the support it shows quick time as an option00:17
macoAuroraX: ive never used the arm build of debian. i suggest #debian00:17
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rachel_hpnot sure i am smart enough mkanyicy for command line00:18
ok_waitwell i know networkmanager blows but is there really no way to fix it if something goes wrong??00:18
AuroraXmaco: yes, im gonna ask there, thanks, as soon as i get wget ill be able to install build-essential :)00:18
DaPenguinwhat kind of distro doesn't install wget? that's just weird...00:20
AuroraXDaPenguin: lol, Debian for ARM00:21
ok_waitdoes anybody know if there's a network configuration utility alternative to networkmanager that supports ppp?00:21
macook_wait: pppoeconf ?00:21
ok_waitand/or pppoe00:22
macook_wait: though i think there should be a network manager plugin too00:22
ok_waiti want network manager to go bye bye00:22
ok_waiti'm looking for an alternative00:22
=== Enissay__ is now known as Enissay
Mndrllhey guys!00:25
Mndrllim trying to install a Virtual Machine on VirtualBOX in UBUNTU 10.10 64 bits, i tried with different OS and it says "this kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU Unable to boot"00:27
=== zz_PhilMather is now known as PhilMather
Mndrlli did install Ubuntu 10.10 64 bits00:27
Logan_!away > PhilMather00:27
ubottuPhilMather, please see my private message00:27
Mndrllcan anyone please help me00:27
gatoparlanteIs there a way to share a folder via SAMBA in a NTFS partition?00:27
Logan_!please | Mndrll00:27
ubottuMndrll: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:27
Logan_!samba | gatoparlante00:27
ubottugatoparlante: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:27
KB1JWQMndrll: uname -a says what?00:27
rachel_hpany suggestions for ffmpeg command tutorial00:28
BlaDe^Hey guys. I've just installed vsftpd but I can't access it from my laptop, any ideas what i've done wrong?00:28
BlaDe^the service is started00:28
rypervencheI've been reading up on dpkg-reconfigure locales, and everyone says that I should be able to choose my default language...however when I run it I am not able to. Any advice?00:28
Logan_rachel_hp: #ffmpeg should be able to help you out00:28
MndrllKB1JWQ, Linux PhoenixFX 2.6.35-28-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 14:39:03 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:29
Logan_BlaDe^: try joining #vsftpd and asking your question there00:29
gatoparlanteThank you, Mr Ubuttu.00:29
BlaDe^no-one's home Logan_00:29
Logan_!thanks | gatoparlante00:29
ubottugatoparlante: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:29
Logan_rachel_hp: you're welcome00:30
fulkaHi CcSsNET00:32
fulkaand HarryD00:32
Logan_fulka: neither of those users is in this channel...00:33
fulkaLOL, sorry, I saw them00:33
benzaldehydeubottu: we're pleased to be making our GPS systems jealous in your pressence00:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:33
MndrllKB1JWQ, Linux PhoenixFX 2.6.35-28-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 14:39:03 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:33
fulkaSorry, I have just connect because I need to install CmapTools on Ubuntu and I can't...00:33
fulkaI have downloaded the bin archive; then I executed in terminal: sudo chmod +x archive_name.bin... it ask me for my password, I give it, and nothing else happens00:35
infinituxis there a repository for the most up to date stable kernel available on kernel.org?00:36
fulkahello? can somebody help me?00:37
Logan_!please | fulka00:37
ubottufulka: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:37
vitaliusis there a way to restart USB service? it used to be in /etc/init.d/hotplug but where did it move in 10.04?00:37
IdleOnefulka: chmod +x made the bin executable now you need to execute it00:37
DaPenguinvitalius, maybe sudo service hotplug restart00:38
fulkaok... NO... I double click in it, and nothing happens again... I have checked to "excecute as a program"00:38
Mndrllhave anyone used or uses VirtualBox on a 64 bit machine with ubuntu 10.1000:39
DaPenguinfulka, try running in a term window and see if any errors get kicked back00:39
fulkaI also wrote on terminal: ./archive_name.bin and still nothing00:39
vitaliusare all usb devices (mouse,keyboard) in udev now?00:39
habeouscorpusMndrll: I've used it on a 32 if that helps any.00:40
HodrHey guys, installed ISPConfig, everything everything is fast until I try to access the DB, it's so slow things often time out00:40
fulkaIt returned: "bash: ./archive_name.bin is a directory00:40
Hodrhmm, double word typo... sorry00:41
escohey, what's that service called that ubuntu is doing like dropbox?00:41
dewey423fulka: then enter it cd ./archive_name.bin00:41
habeouscorpusubuntu one00:41
habeouscorpusno prob00:41
BlaDe^Hey guys. I've just installed vsftpd but I can't access it from my laptop, any ideas what i've done wrong? Could it be ipfw?00:42
Mndrllhabeouscorpus,  the thing is that i cant install any OS cause it appears "This kernel requires an x86-64 CPU, but only detected an i686 CPU"00:42
dewey423BlaDe^: is it listening?00:42
benzaldehydeBlaDe^: have you ever tried Wedmin?00:42
Mndrllhabeouscorpus, uname -a says "Linux PhoenixFX 2.6.35-28-generic #49-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 14:39:03 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux00:42
meganerdcaBlaDe^: if you put a firewall on it then probably00:42
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.00:42
habeouscorpusMndrll: Is Virtualbox the 64 bit version?00:43
benzaldehydeitaylor57: they giveth and taketh away, why god why00:43
Mndrllon virtualbox website..00:43
Hodrany idea why mysql would be super slow on a fresh install?00:43
habeouscorpusMndrll: so it is the 64 version?00:43
Mndrll ther are 2 options for a Ubuntu Maverick version, the i386, and the AMD6400:44
Mndrllhabeouscorpus, i install the AMD6400:44
{C9}t00lsh3dIs 64bit flash player glitchy as hell in ubuntu 10.04 or is it just me ? (:00:44
dewey423Hodr: ISAM?00:44
habeouscorpusMndrll: Install the AMD54.00:44
Mndrllhabeouscorpus, yes i did install that one...00:44
habeouscorpusMndrll: Hmm. That's odd.00:45
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fulkait returned ~/archive_name.bin$  I do not know what to do00:45
MkopI'm trying to install open-vm-tools on a 10.04 guest VM. http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/open-vm-tools seems to indicate that the package exists, but "apt-get install open-vm-tools" says "E: Couldn't find package open-vm-tools"00:46
Mndrllhabeouscorpus, i even try to install ubuntu 10.10 same version i have on the virtualbox and it says the same thing00:46
BlaDe^dewey423 I belive so - the service is running and listen=YES00:47
habeouscorpusMndrll: have you tried googling the error?00:47
BlaDe^benzaldehyde nope00:47
BlaDe^meganerdca i'm not sure00:47
tbruff13Is anyone on00:48
DaPenguin!ask | tbruff1300:48
ubottutbruff13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:48
fulkawith cd ./... returned: ~/LinuxCmapTools_v5.04.01_10-28-10.bin$00:49
tbruff13DaPenguin, okay then here goes when i click on something in my place menu like downloads instead of opening into file manager it opens up in VLC music player00:50
Mndrllhabeouscorpus, yes i did but i have already enabled the VT-X/AMD-V00:50
DaPenguintbruff13, check file type associations in the settings panel. make sure a default file manager is set00:51
rachel_hpLogan_ pasteeater you guys are awesome its working00:51
habeouscorpusMndrll i'm a little stumped.00:51
fulkaWhat do I have to do now?00:52
chotazhey guys00:52
sparcIf I want to try installing a package from Maverick on Lucid, can I just add a Maverick deb line to my sources.list?00:52
chotazhow do I add softsub support to totem?00:52
sparcor will that make everything explode00:52
chotazlike having it automatically detect subtitles?00:52
LjLsparc: might make everything explode... if you really want to, install the .deb separately00:52
tbruff13DaPenguin, sorry for the wait how do i do this00:53
LjLsparc: there is always the option of requesting a backport, as well00:53
Mndrllhabeouscorpus, thanks either way, ill keep on searching wtf!!...thanks!!00:53
sparcLjL: ok, thanks, i'll try downloading it from packages.ubuntu.com00:53
sparcLjL: yeah, I should really request a backport of puppet and puppetmaster00:53
habeouscorpusMndrll: sorry! good luck.00:53
JasonnI am not able to connect to a VPN on my computer, it just sais failed to connect to00:53
DaPenguintbruff13, not sure exactly where it is in gnome. i run kde normally.00:53
tbruff13DaPenguin, okay then how do i fix this annoying issue that started for no rason00:54
digirakany body knows what this at-spi-registryd process is?00:54
Mndrllhabeouscorpus, thanks!00:54
benzaldehydedigirak: nope, did you try killing it00:55
digirakbenzaldehyde: na wanted to know if its a system process before i kill it00:55
tbruff13okay does anyone know how to fix places menu opening in VLC00:55
eflynnHaving trouble hooking laptop up to external monitor.  It flashes a few times, then goes blank on the external monitor00:56
mdshannsome of them have a function key you have to hit to get it to go to the external00:57
tbruff13If fixed it by right clicking and using open with00:57
GuySofthi all, might anyone know of a doc here how to set unity to be the default window manager?00:58
mdshannDoes anyone here use 11.04 on a laptop with nvidia mcp79 audio?00:59
Jasonn!natty mdshann00:59
Jasonn!natty | mdshann00:59
ubottumdshann: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.00:59
lampe2is there a way to enable pivot on ubuntu?01:00
_Neytiri_can someone point me to a good tutorial to setting up a mail server on my machine?01:01
=== aarcane_ is now known as aarcane
rypervencheIs there any way to put all of the language locales settings back to default?01:05
benzaldehyde_Neytiri_: i've flirted with that idea on occassion, i think you have to have a static ip and nameservers but don't quote me. maybe someone here can enlightenme but i beleive it is not just a matter of steps, i think there is some other things you need before the networks will recognize you as a mail exchange server, probably a spam related discrepency or rather spam preventive measure i should say01:05
fulkaagain: trying to execute a binary file: I cheched "execute as a program", typed chmod +x... , then ./...bin... then cd ./...bin it returned ~/LinuxCmapTools_v5.04.01_10-28-10.bin$  now what?01:07
loctricehello room01:08
loctriceis this the correct place for technical issues? I haven't been on in a while01:09
infinituxif I have a symbolic link to a directory within a directory and I scp -r a directory containing it, will it double copy the file the symlink is pointing at or will it just copy it once?01:09
benzaldehydeloctrice: i should hope so01:09
infinituxcould I get trapped in an infinite transfer loop?01:09
loctriceI'm having a problem with my thin clients, but it's not an ltsp issue. I have squid set up as a proxy for my ltsp and I'm trying to play hulu.01:10
loctriceHulu starts, works great, but won't load anything after the advertisements01:10
Ampelbeininfinitux: I think you can't do that with scp.01:10
richcollinsWhy would output appear in my terminal, but not in the file that I redirect output to?01:11
zmbifulka, use ./binname01:12
rcmaehlZOMG! Google Chrome OS is getting rid of the shift key!01:12
GuySofthey all, i upgraded now an ubuntu-netbook-remix to 10.10. and I have NO desktop configuration, no icon, nothing, (just an empty taskbar) is there a way to revert it to default?01:12
richcollinsWhen I run a command in the terminal, I see it print line after line of output01:12
wingdspuranybody using laptop with nvidia optimus without issues?01:12
fulkaI did it, and it returned me: archive_nave is a directory01:12
richcollinswhen I redirect to a file, I see the first few lines and then the last line01:12
richcollinsthe lines in between are misisng01:12
fulkazmbi, I did it, and it returned me: archive_nave is a director01:13
fulkaarchive_name is a directory (sorry)01:13
habeouscorpusinfinitux: try it.01:13
zmbithen cd to it01:13
infinituxalready did what i didn't want. made multiple copies01:14
teagehow do the dual monitors work?, does it just increase the size of current desktop or does it display a entire different desktop?01:15
fulkazmbi, I wrote: cd ./ binname and it returned: ~/LinuxCmapTools_v5.04.01_10-28-10.bin$  Now I don't know...01:15
loctriceinfinitux: can't you just scp the files inside the directory?01:15
zmbiyou dont use ./ when you cd01:16
teageoh, and do the monitors have to be the same brand name and/or the same size01:16
zmbiwhat is the output of ls01:17
leapy0yowhat does ubuntu use if it does not use X org or Freex86?01:17
fulkaah... let me try then01:17
regeyait currently uses xorg leapy0yo01:18
BlaDe^How can I create a user with minimalistic priviliges for vsftpd?01:18
fulkazmbi, it returned: bash: cd: LinuxCmapTools_v5.04.01_10-28-10.bin: No existe el fichero o el directorio01:18
fulkafulka@fulka-laptop:~/LinuxCmapTools_v5.04.01_10-28-10.bin$ (it says that directory does not exist)01:18
Rebe|armshey all01:18
=== FORTHELULZ is now known as Koopa516
benzaldehydeBlaDe^: i would think creating a user on the system in the shell would be your solution01:19
_Neytiri_benzaldehyde, i do have static ip's and nameservers01:19
zmbiok stop and again01:19
_Neytiri_i just dont know how to do it01:19
fulkammm... now I don't know what I did... ok.01:19
zmbiin wich path is the file you want to execute?01:19
fulkaI let it in the desktop01:20
=== Logan_ is now known as RebeccaBlack
zmbicd ~/Desktop01:20
SurenioHi!! how aare you?01:20
JasonnI am trying to set up a PPTP server, but clients cannot connect to it :(01:21
=== RebeccaBlack is now known as Logan_
fulkaok... then?01:22
loctricehello hello01:22
hellohello to you good sir01:22
fulkasorry, what is "ls"?01:22
hellolove sand01:23
loctriceom nom nom nom01:23
zmbithen you see what files are in the folder you in01:23
benzaldehydeloctrice: nom nom nom01:23
zmbito know more about ls, type man ls01:23
benzaldehydefulka: list01:24
fulkait appeared: fulka@fulka-laptop:~/Escritorio$01:24
fulkalol... sorry, I am learning01:24
zmbiits ok01:24
roddhi where can i get help for gparted01:24
BlaDe^can anyone help me with creating vsftpd users?01:24
loctriceI'm trying to get hulu to work through squid. Anyone have any ideas?01:24
zmbido you see the $ at the end??01:24
=== birdthief is now known as spthysis
benzaldehydeloctrice: i don't think hulu hires sea creatures, sorry01:25
dewey423if I type $nano fileone filetwo ; how do I switch between files?01:25
loctricebenzaldehyde: I should have known *facepalm* . What bout getting it to work through a local proxy?01:26
zmbithe output of ls ~/Desktop = fulka@fulka-laptop:~/Escritorio$   ???01:27
BlaDe^can anyone help me with creating vsftpd users, please?01:27
bin_bashHello all. I have been trying to use rsync, but I get an error that the directory is not found. the syntax I'm using is rsync -va --progress /home/user/media/Ubuntu/home01:27
BlaDe^fulka was that to me?01:28
Rebe|armsanyone feel like helping a noob with a problem?01:28
fulkablade, no... to zmbi01:28
zmbithen your desktop is empty?01:28
fulkazmbi, it can be... I have some folders and archives there01:28
loctriceRebe: what kind of problem?01:28
fulkacan't be... sorry01:28
zmbiDesktop == Escritorio ??01:29
loctricefulka: type pwd01:29
fulkazmbi... exactly01:29
fulkaloctrice... with "sudo"?01:29
Rebe|armsloctrice:  having trouble with video on new Ubuntu install01:29
fulkalet me do it again01:30
quizno50@Rebe|arms what kind of trouble, and on what kind of hardware?01:30
dewey423BlaDe^: are you using adduser ?01:30
zmbitype ls ~/ Escritorio01:30
fulkaLOL... sorry... now I have the list01:30
loctriceRebe: I haven't had issues with video since I was on debian. then quizno's questions01:30
fulkaand yes, there it is the bin-archive01:30
zmbiif you type ls -hl you see the rights from all files in it and the size of it01:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».01:32
zmbiput down the line from your binfile here please01:32
BatshuaHey guys, I have a question01:32
Rebe|armshmmmmm... been working on this for 2 days now01:32
Batshuaso my boyfriend's laptop which I am borrowing is an acer with one of those buttons that disables the trackpad01:32
BlaDe^can anyone help me with creating vsftpd users, please?01:33
fulkazmbi, -rwxrwxrwx  1 fulka fulka 110M 2011-03-29 14:10 LinuxCmapTools_v5.04.01_10-28-10.bin01:33
Batshuaand I know it's a known bug since 9.04, but I'm running 10.0401:33
diegoviolahow do i enable laptop mode in ubuntu?01:33
loctriceRebe: did you respond with anything? I think I might be missing some lines or something01:33
diegoviola10.10 here01:33
zmbithen type:01:33
Rebe|armsoh, I am sorry... I must have missed something myself01:33
zmonkdoes anyone know the grep command for grepping any two chars enclosed by parentheses?01:34
Batshuadiegoviola: is 10.10 lts?01:34
loctriceRebe: what type of video problems are you having, first off01:34
diegoviolaBatshua: no idea01:34
Batshuadiegoviola: 'cause I thought it wasn't, and he never runs anything that isn't LTS01:34
zmbithen it should execute the file01:35
Batshuaso uhm, hold on.01:35
fulkazmbi, you are a genius... thanks a lot, it is executing it01:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 374459 in linux (Ubuntu) "Acer Aspire 5738G: touchpad can be switched off, but not on again" [High,Triaged]01:35
Rebe|armsloctrice: Ubuntu boots up to terminal only unless I use recovery mode.01:35
BatshuaThat's what I found about it, and it seems to imply the drivers...01:35
zmbiim not a genius, but thanks for thinking that :)01:35
Batshualike, are fixed?01:35
loctriceRebe: so you don't get a desktop?01:35
BatshuaExcept either they're nto or I don't have the right drivers installed.01:35
Rebe|armsloctrice: correct01:36
fulkathanks again... and goodbye01:36
loctriceRebe: can you switch to another tty and get a terminal?01:36
=== njan is now known as n
Rebe|armsloctrice: tried that but still no gui.... and after a minute or so the screen goes full black and locks up01:37
loctriceRebe: I'm just wondering if you get a tty, not really concerned about the gui. This is an install right, not a live cd?01:37
BatshuaSo, uh, how do I figure out which one it is, so I can fix it?01:38
Rebe|armsloctrice: correct.... I guess that I don't really understand what a tty is....sorry01:38
loctriceRebe: if you hit ctrl + alt + F2 you should get a terminal. You'll have to work from there if you don't have a gui01:39
Rebe|armsloctrice: ok01:39
loctriceRebe: do you know what video hardware you have?01:40
wn1zidtthe text to the right wont complete, is there a way i can fix this ??, thanks :     http://imagebin.org/14599701:40
Rebe|armsloctrice: I know that it is Intel HD...... I just bought this laptop..... don't really know it all thatwell01:41
loctriceRebe: are you using the desktop edition or the netbook remix for the laptop?01:41
Rebe|armsloctrice: desktop01:42
loctriceReb: type cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:42
loctricesee if your device section has a driver01:42
Lesterwood>ubuntu takes 25 seconds to boot01:42
Lesterwoodwhat the fuck?01:42
IdleOne!language | Lesterwood01:43
ubottuLesterwood: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.01:43
Rebe|armsloctrice: ok.... one sec01:43
=== Axlin` is now known as Axlin
Rebe|armslocttrice: ummm.... no such file or directory01:45
loctriceReb: the X in X11 is capitol... use tab completion if you can01:45
DARKGuyhey, anybody knows how do I exclude a module in an USB install stick made with unetbootin and 10.10, my netbook can't boot the ubuntu install because it hangs with "phy0 -> rt2800pci_mcu_status: Error - MCU request failed, no response from hardware" netbook is a Siragon ML-1040 and links on google with the error description say to blacklist some modules, but how do I do that on an usb install stick ?01:45
ericfizerhas anyone had experience with power issues with compaq laptops?01:45
rypervencheIs there any way to put all of the language locales settings back to default?01:45
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Rebe|armsloctrice: hmmm, still a no-go..... no such file01:47
indamothhow do i remove ubuntu?01:48
loctriceRebe: Let me google for a minute. That file should be there ls /etc/ |grep X01:48
stercorWhat is the Super+N command, and how do I do it?01:49
rypervencheHow can I change my locale settings back to default? I'm having problems with different utf8 files. Can I somehow delete all of the files and settings and start from scratch?01:49
zmbiidamoth: rm -r /01:50
rwwdoesn't work ^01:50
indamothhow do i remove ubuntu?01:50
pheuterjust installed 11.04 beta on vmware, toolbar is not visible, where did it go? and why isn't it unity? is it not compatible with vmware?01:50
rwwpheuter: #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion and support01:50
pheuterrww: thnx01:50
Rebe|armsloctrice: am i supposed to type tha ls command?01:50
stercorindamoth: What replaces it?01:50
indamothstercor: windows 701:51
loctriceReb: yes. it's case sensative.   I was just wanting you to grep for a capitol X01:51
loctriceReb: ls /etc/ |grep X01:51
stercorindamoth: Do you have an install disk?01:51
Rebe|armsloctrice: ok.... all it came up with is X1101:52
indamothstercor: no i have to download it01:52
bonnyare there any screen video takers similar to fraps for linux01:52
loctriceReb: cd /etc/X1101:52
rypervenchebonny: glc01:52
loctriceReb: the do another ls01:52
stercorindamoth: Can you boot from a flash drive (RAM stick)?01:52
bonnybonny@bonny-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install glc01:52
bonnyReading package lists... Done01:52
bonnyBuilding dependency tree01:52
bonnyReading state information... Done01:52
bonnyE: Couldn't find package glc01:52
FloodBot2bonny: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:52
bonnynot workin01:52
rypervenchebonny: The guy has stopped working on it, but it still works. Audio can be a bit wonky if you want multiple inputs, but if you just want the basics, it works great.01:52
stercorindamoth: You may have to go in and change some BIOS settings.01:53
stercorindamoth: to get it to boot from the flash drive.01:53
KaloutAnyone there? Kinda desprate for help here.01:54
loctriceI had this exact same problem for two months with my very first Debian install.01:54
loctriceDebian was a great learning distro for me :)01:55
rypervenchebonny: https://github.com/nullkey/glc/wiki/Install01:55
stercorindamoth: Does your computer have a CD/DVD-ROM drive?01:55
Kaloutanyone have ubuntu dual booted?01:55
Rebe|armsloctrice: hmmm..... it still keeps coming up with only X1101:56
loctriceReb: did you cd? cd /etc/X11/01:56
loctriceReb: then type ls01:56
stercorKalout: I put dual-boot on another computer.  wubi is the key.01:56
HamledI'm looking for a commandline tool similar to process monitor for Windows. Specifically, I want to be able to see a historical list of file access attempts by a particular process (lsof seems to only provide what files are open at the moment lsof is run)01:56
Hamledanyone know of a tool that can do that?01:57
Rebe|armsapp-defaults             X                   Xreset      Xsession.options01:57
Rebe|armscursors                  xinit               Xreset.d    Xwrapper.config01:57
Rebe|armsdefault-display-manager  xkb                 Xresources01:57
Rebe|armsfonts                    xorg.conf.failsafe  Xsession01:57
Rebe|armsrgb.txt                  xorg.conf.save      Xsession.d01:57
FloodBot2Rebe|arms: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:57
Kaloutstercor: wubi doesnt work. I cant get any form of linux onto my computer01:57
c0dege3kI just recently upgraded to the 64 bit version of maverick, and now when i try to do things with my folders, it says permission denied. how do i fix this?01:57
Rebe|armsoh... sorry01:57
c0dege3koh, and this is in terminal01:57
rypervencheHow can I change my locale settings back to default? I'm having problems with different utf8 files. Can I somehow delete all of the files and settings and start from scratch?01:57
stercorKalout: Uh, on.01:58
stercorKalout: Uh, oh.  I'm out of my league.01:58
loctriceReb: did you have an xorg.conf in there? I didn't see01:58
Kaloutstercor: HP Envy 14. And oh01:58
[deXter]Hey all, any recommendations for a really good audio cd ripper?01:59
Rebe|armsloctrice: no..... dont see one01:59
loctriceReb: what are your xorg. files?02:00
Rebe|armsand thats it02:00
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mark49_@seek "old earth"02:01
loctriceReb: cat xorg.conf.failsafe   ... it should be a reverted version in case something went awry. I'm looking for a section device . If it's the right file we can use it02:02
{C9}t00lsh3dI'm scarred to install my video drivers directy from ati site, last time I did that on linux 2d accels stopped working too, but ubuntu installed my 3D accel but playonlinux says it doesn't detect 3D accel ?02:02
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Rebe|armsloctrice: ok... one sec02:02
Rebe|armsloctrice... ok done02:03
loctriceReb: did it have the section "Device" in it?02:03
Rebe|armsloctrice: yes02:04
wn1ziddoes anyone have any solutions for why the text to the right is like it is ??  http://imagebin.org/14599702:04
loctriceReb: what device was listed?02:04
loctriceReb: the driver i mean02:04
kastor_kastor exit02:04
indamothSHUT UP BITCH!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!02:04
th0rwn1zid: I think that is a flaw in the page design...the text is too large for the cell02:04
Rebe|armsloctrice: "vesa"02:04
IdleOneindamoth: ok02:05
carlossalazargoodnight greetings come from the Spanish channel but do not answer, my problem is I change the language from Spanish to English without touching anything or I will update waiting for a response thanks02:05
loctriceReb: ok, just check one more time to make sure that there is no xorg.conf so we don't hose anything up02:05
IdleOneubottu: tell indamoth about guidelines02:05
ubottuindamoth, please see my private message02:05
wn1zidth0r-  most pages load normally, but ya, some are just like that, a while ago i seen a fix for it and it worked, but its been a while and forgot where i found it.02:05
Rebe|armsloctrice: k... one sec02:05
bastidrazorloctrice: you do know you could type 'reb' then hit tab to auto-complete the name.02:06
Rebe|armsloctrice: no, there is none02:06
loctriceI didnt know that, and it didn't work02:06
Rebe|armslol bastidrazor ... thanks02:07
loctriceReb: sudo cp xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf02:07
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Rebe|armsloctrice, ok, one sec02:07
bastidrazorloctrice: the client you're using doesn't support tab completion.. very odd02:07
bonnyi downloaded it but wat category will it be in02:07
indamothhow do i remove ubuntu?02:08
bastidrazorindamoth: how did you install it?02:08
loctriceindamoth: the wubi should have a remove option. if not, you can remove it from add/remove programs02:08
carlossalazargoodnight greetings come from the Spanish channel but do not answer, my problem is I change the language from Spanish to English without touching anything or I will update waiting for a response thanks02:08
Rebe|armsloctrice, ok... done02:09
loctriceReb: it's already set to use the safe driver, so you should be able to just reboot. I'm not sure how you lost the original02:09
loctriceReb: you can just type sudo reboot02:09
Rebe|armsloctrice, ok.... gonna try this and will letyou know how it went02:10
Rebe|armsloctrice, brb02:10
elocinan #wikihow02:12
=== sam__ is now known as Rebe|arms
loctricewell how'd it go?02:13
indamothSHUT UP BITCH!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!02:13
Rebe|armsloctrice, ok..... it still stopped at the terminal but i was able to type startx and the gui started02:14
Rebe|armsthanks for the help02:16
rpaddockHow do you figure out what updates you recently installed? One of the ones that I installed today seems to have broken eclipse02:16
loctriceI'm having problems getting hulu to work on my thin clients through squid. Anyone have any experience with squid?02:18
Kopetehola buenas tardes02:18
david_@rpaddock - are you using synaptic? i think there's a part which shows you your recently installed packages02:19
rpaddockdavid_: Ah, thanks. Must not have seen the "history" menu item02:20
tjiggi_forpaddock, look in your log file viewer at the dpkg.log02:20
loctriceI'm surprised that after explaining my problem to hulu support they tell me how to ping one of the servers from a windows command prompt. aparently they don't know if squid is affecting it02:23
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Kopetehola necesito ayuda!!02:24
loctriceI just want hulu to work on my thin clients >,< . It has to be squid02:24
Loshki!es | Kopete02:24
rww!es | Kopete02:24
ubottuKopete: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:24
Kopetethanks ubottu02:25
CyFusis anyone here good with nvidia CUDA?02:25
murphy--nickname "san"02:25
loctriceI think I will search for a squid channel. I'm sure there is one.02:27
lightahey guys is there an autocomment function in gedit ?02:30
fanzhenhave anyone got some news about gnome 3 ?02:30
zmbiligtha: what do you mean?02:31
k_szestupid power cord messed up my upgrade process.02:34
k_szeNow I need to fetch a CD/DVD reader to reinstall everything.02:35
k_szeI might as well buy some new hardware and build a new gig.02:35
Riptideoi oi, anyone here good with sound problems?02:35
wheaties_i got a good question02:36
wheaties_pretty big prob02:36
wheaties_you think you can help?02:36
th0rwheaties_: no02:36
rwwnot if you don't state it.02:37
wheaties_i need video card drivers02:37
rwwpreferably in a manner that doesn't involve abusing your return key :\02:37
trismlighta: yes, it is in the gedit-plugins package02:37
Riptidelong story short....i have no sound02:37
wheaties_that are only avalible via windows xp installer02:37
isleshocky77Anyone got an idea why it's not automatically running ecrypt-mount-private upon login through ssh?02:38
RiptidePass, i'm fairly new on the Ubuntu scene02:39
sacarlsonisleshocky77: the user you loged into has an encrypted /home/user account?02:40
isleshocky77sacarlson: Yes.02:40
isleshocky77sacarlson: And this stopped working out of the blue. I believe it was working.02:40
CyFusim stuck on installing cuda, im getting errors from ld02:41
isleshocky77sacarlson: The auto-mount file is in .ecryptfs02:41
wheaties_trism: you sure that will work for a mother-board card (not removable)?02:41
CyFusbut I already linked to the headers, did something break between 10.04 and 10.10?02:41
detrix42Hi, I have ubuntu server 10.10, with a gnome also installed. It is currently in runlevel 2, and I need it to be in runlevel 3 or 5. How do I switch to a different runlevel?02:42
sacarlsonisleshocky77: maybe try sudo mount -a   to mount all that is in /etc/fstab  I'm not sure where the encrypt tab is kept02:43
th0rdetrix42: if they haven't changed it....in a terminal type 'sudo init 5'02:43
std_errth0r , you beat me to it. I'm so slow at typing ppl's names >,<02:43
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.02:43
sacarlsonisleshocky77:  I guess you should lood at /etc/crypttab02:44
detrix42th0r: thanks02:44
isleshocky77sacarlson: That doesn't seem to be it.02:44
isleshocky77sacarlson: If I run ecrypt-mount-private once I login it works fine. but I'm not sure why it's not automatically mounting it any more like it should.02:45
sacarlsonisleshocky77: ok but at least you found a workaround02:45
isleshocky77sacarlson: Well yeah, of course that works. But it's supposed to do it automatically as long as .ecryptfs/auto-mount exists.02:46
isleshocky77But it's not doing it.02:46
bsmith093i tried to install traceroute and the process froze, so i quit and now i cant get rid of it, E: traceroute: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal.02:47
sacarlsonisleshocky77: I guess you could add that in a line of your .bashrc file to make it mount at entry of the shell02:47
bsmith093reinstall freezes too02:47
detrix42How do I check what runlevel I am currently at?02:48
std_errbsmith: purge?02:48
bsmith093cant stuck halfway between in and out02:48
std_errdetrix: runlevel02:48
detrix42std_err: thanks02:48
timewriteranyone had panic attacks ?02:50
milamberbsmith093: did you try apt-get clean?02:50
bsmith093yes no effect02:50
sacarlsonisleshocky77: oh and did you ever change your password?  if the account password has changed then it won't auto mount since the password on the account won't match02:50
CyFuswhat am I doing wrong I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/cuda.conf and sudo ldconfig02:50
CyFusbut I keep getting usr/lib/ld errors02:50
std_errbsmith: install from source.02:51
isleshocky77sacarlson: No. I believe I've had the same password. I read that somewhere though so I'm looking how I change the passwords now.02:51
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std_errbsmith: that's probably not a good way to do it,but it should use the source version instead of yours02:51
bsmith093std_err: how do i do that02:51
std_errbsmith: what's the program again?02:51
bsmith093when i first tried to install it it hung on unpacking traceroute02:52
lightatrism, I didn't found it may you specify please ?02:52
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std_errbsmith: have you installed programs from source before?02:53
rypervenchewoot! I figured our my locale problem!! I had chosen the wrong encoding at my login screen and it was one that did not exist in my locale file :P02:53
trismlighta: sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins; then in gedit Edit/Preferences/Plugins, enable code comment, then there will be new options in the edit menu02:54
std_errbsmith: It's a hack anyway, probably not the best way to do it. If you haven't installed a program from source before I'd hate to send you in that direction02:55
bsmith093std_err: no not really02:55
std_errbsmith: probably best to wait for someone who knows better to answer. I'm sure someone will. I'll google a bit while you wait02:56
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momokhi all02:57
momokhave anyone here had used nagios in ubuntu :)02:57
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c0dege3kI recently reinstalled Ubuntu to upgrade to x64. Now trying to curl into a folder in terminal and it says Permission denied. What's wrong with it?02:58
ptn107c0dege3k, make sure you own the folder02:59
std_errbsmith: It's a long shot, but did you try seeing if it was installed in the software center gui?02:59
momokif i want to monitor from ubuntu for example what plugin i should use?02:59
c0dege3kptn107: i do. its the exact same thing i used in x86 and it worked then02:59
momoki mean by using nagios :(02:59
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std_errthe only other thing I can think of is apt-get --purge remove. I"m still googling , but coming up empty03:00
TrickyJhey hi friends..03:01
deshymersI'm having an issue with my nvidia drivers and xorg, my desktop is larger then my screen, and no matter what resolution i change it to its still bigger03:02
momokc0dege3k: would it involved your iptables?03:02
TrickyJdeshymers: Uninstall the drivers and try to re-install ?03:02
deshymersI've tried to manually change my xorg.conf, I've updated the driver to the beta and even went to a previous version03:03
deshymersTrickyJ: yes03:03
c0dege3kmomk: I dont think so. the command im running is: curl http://android.git.kernel.org/repo > ~/bin/repo03:03
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deshymersTrickyJ: any other ideas?03:04
momokc0dege3k: maybe you can run strace to check it :P03:04
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c0dege3kwell, its not JUST the curl.... any command i run dealing with my folders gives me the same error03:05
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TrickyJdeshymers: try out this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-adjust-screen-resolution-on-ubuntu.html03:06
=== ftjla is now known as fgwilliams
c0dege3kwell, not all of them, little messup ther03:06
tjiggi_fobsmith093, try apt-get autoremove : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-clean-up-your-packages.html If that fails try installing bleachbit from synaptic. You'll find it in the Applications menu after install. Use it to clean up loos fragments.03:07
deshymersTrickyJ: cool hanks03:07
tjiggi_fobsmith093, you do know that traceroot is in NetworkTools in Admin, don't you?03:08
momokc0dege3k: i think if you try to run strace together for example 'strace curl abc.com > myError.txt' maybe you can try to check it03:08
bsmith093oi vey thanks i do now03:08
std_errbsmith: I can't really find anything03:09
wizard1could someone help me with adding a custom module to always load at boot time?03:10
wizard1i know the module works, i just have to manually insert it each time03:10
std_errwizard: you can add it as modprobe in the startup scripts if you don't want to mess with grub configs03:10
sacarlsonc0dege3k: a permision problem in your /home/user space?  look at ls -l to see who owns the directory you try to write to and what permisions it is set to03:11
momokwizard1: did you try to add in .bash_profile?03:11
momoki mean have you tried :P03:11
std_errdoesn't the bash profile get read up every time you open a terminal?03:11
momoki think every time you're login not terminal?03:12
wizard1std_err: how does modprobe work on ubuntu, it doesnt seem to have modprobe.d/modprobe.conf03:12
c0dege3ksacarlson: ah, root owns the folder im trying to work wiht03:12
c0dege3khow would i change that?03:12
std_errwizard: I would just make a shell to run the command, and add it to the defaults03:12
sacarlsonc0dege3k: man chown03:12
wizard1mmm problem with that is i need to elevate privelleges03:13
std_errwizard: the startup script would run as root.. are you the admin?03:13
momokoh i think it would be .profile :P03:13
Lesterwoodguys what is your opinion of windows03:13
ZealousDeath to Windows :P03:13
wizard1i am admin but i dont ever log in as admin03:13
tjiggi_folesterwood, it doesn't matter!!!03:13
=== big_t_ is now known as big_t
momoktriple boot with my windows03:13
std_errwindows are cool, they hold hte air conditioners and let you know if it's time to get up03:14
Lesterwoodwhen will the year of the linux desktop happen03:14
tjiggi_fo!ot  Lesterwood03:14
Lesterwood!ot tjgillies03:14
tjiggi_fo!ot | Lesterwood03:15
ubottuLesterwood: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:15
std_errwizard: well, if you add the shell script to the startup scripts it will run as root. you don't need to elevate03:15
bsmith093what does this mean and how do i fix it bc the package is stuck halfway?03:15
bsmith093   03:15
bsmith093(Reading database ...03:15
bsmith093dpkg: warning: files list file for package `traceroute' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.03:15
FloodBot1bsmith093: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:15
std_errwrite a bash script that does the modprobe, and put it in init.d03:15
momokstd_err: im agree with u :D03:15
sacarlsonbsmith093: try change your repository mirror site in synaptic to something like japan or other03:16
wizard1alright will do that03:16
std_errwizard: then run update-rc.d your.sh defaults03:16
wizard1thanks guys03:16
std_errwizard: then forget about it :)03:16
c0dege3ksacarlson: that worked! thanks03:16
sacarlsonc0dege3k: cool03:16
std_errmomok: you mean about windows?03:17
ignaciobye everyone03:17
momokstd_err: i mean the startup scripts :D03:17
momoknow i've got my own problem.. nagios in ubuntu...03:18
std_errI'm not even sure what nagios is03:18
momoki want to monitor this url:
alex86hey guys. Can anyone advice some books to read for linux novice?! I want to be confident with linux or maybe can you give some suggestions on what to concentrate while learning linux environment03:18
Zealousi am looking for some nice themes for ubuntu 10.10? Any suggestions?03:18
momokoh please help me std_err :P03:18
edbianalex86: Are you comfortable with the command line?03:19
sacarlsonmomok: monitor?  can you open it with a browser?03:19
DrMorphiasok i need help installing ubuntu.  i cant boot into it?!?03:19
momoksacarlson: aha yes03:19
edbianDrMorphias: You can boot a live CD.  Try that03:19
sacarlsonmomok: what does monitor mean?  that the file continues to exist?  maybe a script with wget03:19
momoki want to use nagios script. but i don't know the command and which one i should use...03:19
alex86edbian: with terminal, no at all03:19
steve0hhDrMorphias: maybe u have to hit F1 and select boot from CD..03:19
std_errmomok: did you check the nagios quickstart guide?03:20
gsp2009Zealous: google bisigi themes03:20
edbianalex86: Start there!  :)  http://linuxcommand.org/03:20
DrMorphiasedbian, i can boot a live cd , and install it, but after installing grub window never shows up.03:20
edbianDrMorphias: What happens when you boot?03:20
alex86edbian: thanks03:20
DaGeek247DrMorphias, is it 10.10?03:20
edbianalex86: Come here with specific questions :)03:20
momoksacarlson: i mean its checking whether the url still exist and can be access or not... i've checked it but my url is quite different03:20
DrMorphiasedbian, my computer just idles then reboots continously, and yes its 10.10.03:20
Zealouscheers gsp03:20
momokthe port too03:21
MeshezabeelI can access my windows partion from the Places menu, and it displays a mounted icon on the desktop, but I can't find out where it is mounted. Nothing is in /mnt and /media only shows floppy and cdrom03:21
DrMorphiasDaGeek247, its 10.10 .03:21
edbianDrMorphias: press shift a whole bunch after bios but before the reset thing.  See if you can get the grub menu to show up03:21
gsp2009Zealous: np.03:21
Meshezabeelany ideas where it could be mounted?03:21
DaGeek24710.10 did the same for me. i had to go back to 10.04.03:21
sacarlsonmomok: ok then setup a cron job with at some periodic period of your choice to wget the file and verify it's contents maybe with md5sum to verify it has the same values in it03:21
MeshezabeelDaGeek247: are you talking to me?03:22
edbianMeshezabeel: look using df -h03:22
edbianMeshezabeel: he is not. He's talking to DrMOrphia03:22
DaGeek247DrMorphias, actually.03:22
DrMorphiasedbian, i think it has something to do with the rocketraid inside my computer.  it isnt using any raid but i think it might be confusing grub :/03:22
std_errmomok: the quickstart guide?03:22
jfarrellgreetings guys, i am somewhat new to linux03:22
gsp2009jfarrell: welcome03:22
mister2so, dumb question, but where's the best place to dump compiled programs?03:22
guampaanyone knows where to get the gallium radeon driver? tried xorg-edgers ppa but i still have classic mesa, r60003:22
mister2isn't it mostly in /etc?03:22
jfarrellhow do I setup my installation so that I dont need to specify the IP when I SSH to the server03:22
edbianDrMorphias: It might be.  BUt it sounds to me that grub is loading, loading Ubuntu, and Ubuntu is crashing03:22
tjiggi_fonoob, hi, what's your question?03:22
edbianmister2: either in /home/you/bin or /usr/local/bin (the latter so other users can run the program)03:23
milambermister2: http://wiki.debian.org/FilesystemHierarchyStandard03:23
DaGeek247mister2 wherever you want.03:23
mister2@milamber thanks03:23
edbianmister2: /etc is configuration files03:23
Meshezabeeledbian: all that shows up there is /dev/sda1 (mounted on /) and tmpfs on /lib/init/rw, udev on /dev, tmpfs on /dev/shm03:23
ohsixtheres ~/.local/bin too03:23
edbianMeshezabeel: Then windows is not mounted03:23
momoksacarlson & std_err: ok friend thanks i will try to do that03:23
edbianMeshezabeel: Are you viewing the files right now?03:23
sacarlsonjfarrell: you can setup the address in your /etc/hosts file to give an ip a name03:23
DrMorphiasedbian, i know how i can boot into ubuntu, and thats using EasyBCD in windows but im trying to GET RID of windows lol03:23
Meshezabeeledbian: but I am browsing the windows folders right now03:23
lovesthethianoodis there an alternative to cain and able for linux that handles ARP poisiong?03:23
jfarrellsacarlson, ahh, ok that is what i was reading here, but iw as not sure03:24
edbianDrMorphias: Well you need Ubuntu to boot before you can get rid of windows.03:24
std_errmomok: http://nagios.sourceforge.net/docs/3_0/quickstart-ubuntu.html03:24
barack_osama-Meshezabeel maybe you browse it over network?03:24
edbianMeshezabeel: Really it's on the desktop?  Go into it and keep pressing the up button and see where you get.03:24
Meshezabeeledbian: yes, I'm viewing the files right now, it is on the desktop03:24
edbianMeshezabeel: Press up repeatedly and see where you get!03:25
jfarrellsacarlson, any idea how i can give the machine a static IP, my router is using DHCP, which is what I want for everything else on the network, just not this server03:25
Meshezabeeledbian: hmm, it shows up that it is under /media03:25
edbianMeshezabeel: That's where it is03:25
ohsixjfarrell: check your routers settings, they can usually be set to hand out specific ips to the same machine03:25
momokstd_err: thanks maybe i should relearn to understand the basic nagios script again...03:25
std_errmomok: sorry, I didn't mean to insult you. I thought... nvm03:26
Meshezabeeledbian: but terminal does not show it there, it only shows cdrom, cdrom0, floppy, and floppy003:26
sacarlsonjfarrell: you want your ubuntu box to be setup static on your lan or all your boxes that attach?03:26
std_errmy mistake03:26
chxhi. i am about to get a new laptop -- does https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-firmware/+bug/630748 mean that i better install 10.04 LTS and not muck around with the newer ones 'cos 802.11n for Intel is fubar?03:26
guampaanyone knows where to get the gallium radeon driver? tried xorg-edgers ppa but still have classic mesa, r60003:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 630748 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu Natty) "iwlagn degrades quickly during normal wifi session" [High,Confirmed]03:26
Meshezabeeledbian: I even tried "cd /media/Acer" and it says no such file or directory03:26
edbianjfarrell: You set the IP in /etc/network/interfaces and you give it an IP outside the DHCP range.03:26
DrMorphiasebdian, so push shift a bunch of times?03:26
edbianMeshezabeel: That is very strange.  I don't know.  Perhaps has something to do with fuse?  (userland mounting)03:26
jfarrelledbian, ahh ok, that makes sense03:27
barack_osama-Meshezabeel what "df -h" gives u?03:27
DrMorphiasebdian, how do i find out if grub is actually loading?03:27
edbianDrMorphias: pressing shift during boot time is what makes the grub menu show up.  Yes03:27
sacarlsonjfarrell: if you want that all the boxes that connect to your lan be static then you could disable the dhcp server in your router and run dhcpd in your ubuntu box that can be configured to assign ip dependent on the mac adress of each device03:27
edbianDrMorphias: You press shift to get it to show the menu.  Some boot loader is running or the system would say 'no operating system found'03:27
slakchttp://distrowatch.com/        this is a funny april fools joke had me for a sec03:27
jfarrellsacarlson, naw its just one box (the ubuntu) that i want static03:28
jfarrelleverything else i want dynamic03:28
slakc24 floppy disks :)03:28
edbianjfarrell: If you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file I can help you edit it.03:28
momokstd_err: its ok its just because i need to learn the depth of the some script like to specific certain port, multiple url, certain protocol :P03:28
DrMorphiasebdian, ok ill go try that.03:28
deshymersTrickyJ: nope didnt help03:28
edbianslakc: hahaha03:28
Meshezabeeledbian: I don't know what fuse / userland mounting is :)03:28
jfarrelledbian, awesome, let me take a crack at it first :)03:28
Meshezabeelbarack_osama-:  all that shows up there is /dev/sda1 (mounted on /) and tmpfs on /lib/init/rw, udev on /dev, tmpfs on /dev/shm03:28
edbianMeshezabeel: Read all about it.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace03:29
sacarlsonjfarrell: then you can modify /etc/network/interfaces and define your ubuntu box to be static, it needs 3 values assinged  an ip, a gateway and dns address03:29
edbianMeshezabeel:  barack_osama-: Isn't it strange?   fuse?03:29
jfarrellsacarlson, ok, i just need to figure out my DNS03:29
jfarrelldo i need a local DNS?03:29
edbianjfarrell: You need to point the machine to some DNS but usually you put that in /etc/resolv.conf03:30
=== std_err is now known as loctrice
sacarlsonjfarrell: the dns address is defined in /etc/resolv.conf and you can use if you want google to be your dns or setup your own dns with bind903:30
edbianjfarrell: Your router will proxy dns for you.03:30
loctricegot my nick back .. I really should learn to be in more then one channel in the same terminal I guess03:30
edbianjfarrell: http://www.opendns.com/03:30
edbianjfarrell: or03:31
jfarrell209.55.5.10 and 1103:31
barack_osama-sacarlson jfarrell  another open DNS servers are or
sacarlsonjfarrell: edbian: yes you can use your router as your dns also or others as edbian states03:31
jfarrellsacarlson, hold on, i got a million people telling me things03:31
jfarrellvery new to this aspect of linux03:31
loctriceit's not me, I don't even know how to send private messages03:32
edbianjfarrell: install gentoo!03:32
edbianjfarrell: no no, don't edit that file!03:32
jfarrellsacarlson, and 11 are what i have in my resolv.conf03:32
jfarrellcould use these in the interface file03:32
edbianjfarrell: they're fine where they are.03:32
ooshim new to linux.. and ive been noticing that my internet speed is quite laggy when using firefox 4... but with windows it works quite well.. what could be the problem?03:33
edbianjfarrell: You don't specify dns in /etc/network/interfaces03:33
edbianjfarrell: the /etc/resolv.conf file usually gets filled by dhcp03:33
jfarrell<sacarlson> jfarrell: then you can modify /etc/network/interfaces and define your ubuntu box to be static, it needs 3 values assinged  an ip, a gateway and dns address03:33
loctriceoosh: chrome is insanely fast03:33
jfarrelldns address03:33
Meshezabeelwell heck, I'll just copy the files I need to my ubuntu partition from within gnome, thanks for trying edbian and barack_osama-03:33
sacarlsonjfarrell: sure that works so just leave it03:33
edbianMeshezabeel: strange! :D03:33
edbianjfarrell: Meshezabeel I believe it's address, netmask, and gateway (not DNS)03:34
ooshim new to linux.. and ive been noticing that my internet speed is quite laggy when using firefox 4... but with windows it works quite well.. what could be the problem?/03:34
jfarrelledbian, current interfaces file - http://pastebin.com/UfkdtA1R03:34
ooshmy downloads are laggy as well03:34
barack_osama-oosh is it on the same PC or is Linux on another PC?03:34
edbianjfarrell: You didn't add anything yet?  Is that on purpose?03:35
jfarrelledbian, i have no idea what to add :)03:35
barack_osama-oosh so u boot either into windoze or into linux correct?03:35
loctricejfarrell: do it from the gui03:35
jfarrellloctrice, not an option03:35
ooshinternet, etc works just fine with windows.. but with linux its laggy03:35
loctricejfarrell: ah, my fault.03:35
loctriceoosh: which version of windows, and which version of linux?03:36
ooshxubuntu and windows 703:36
jfarrelledbian, goal would be to get this box to be named svn-server, IP
edbianjfarrell: Something like this:  http://pastebin.com/mUbfH0ZB  I guessed at the IPs03:36
barack_osama-oosh maybe u have big ass update being downloaded if u just installed linux an hour ago03:36
ooshno no03:36
guampaanyone knows where to get the gallium driver for radeon? tried xorg-edgers ppa but still have classic mesa03:36
ooshmy updates are current03:36
loctriceI don't know anything about xubuntu. I know kubuntu was not very good imo when I tried it03:37
edbianjfarrell: In order for the machine to respond to 'svn-server' you'd need a local DNS server or to manually edit every /etc/hosts file on every other machine.03:37
ooshits just a gui of xfce on top of ubuntu03:37
mrdebwhat is03:37
sacarlsonoosh: you might try change your MTU setting and see if that makes any improvment in your network performance http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-mtu-maximum-transmission-unit-of-network-interface-in-ubuntu-linux.html03:37
edbianxubuntu kubuntu03:37
edbianthey're just ubuntu with a different gui03:37
jfarrelledbian, ok got the changes03:38
mrdebgnome works fine for ubuntu03:38
jfarrellfor the hell of it, i am going to restart03:38
loctricegnome da bomb03:38
edbianjfarrell: Try it out.  Save the file and sudo service network restart03:38
edbianjfarrell: That'll have the same affect03:38
mrdebgnome jhas good features for moving windows, resizing., and it's just as quick almost03:38
centHOGGxubuntu = laptop03:38
mister2anybody find a fix for kslowd00*? i found a forum thread but i didn't see any solutions on it03:38
ooshi have a laptop03:38
mister2or even know what its from?03:38
ooshand xfce is the shit03:38
loctriceoosh: it's a laptop?03:38
FloodBot1oosh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:38
loctriceoosh: is it wireless?03:39
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:39
mister2anybody know if i can kill kslowd?03:40
jfarrelledbian, nothing03:41
edbianjfarrell: sudo service networking restart03:41
jfarrellcant hit it with svn-server or
edbianjfarrell: and tell me what errors you get :)03:41
jfarrelledbian, i rebooted the whole machine03:41
edbianjfarrell: and paste.ubuntu.com   it here03:41
edbianjfarrell: sure but if you run that command and something is wrong you'll see the errors.  with a reboot you get nothing!03:42
mrdebis there a way to enable the nice resolution in terminal after installing the closed source graphic driver?03:42
Meshezabeeledbian: barack_osama- I am stupid...my terminal was logged into my remote vps server, I thought I was looking at my local machine...guess I have to laugh about it now, but sorry to have bothered you03:42
edbianMeshezabeel: You've given me my sanity back.03:43
barack_osama-Meshezabeel heh that happens :) especially if u have a bunch of consoles open, I ussualy run hostname at begining if not sure03:43
edbianMeshezabeel: :)03:43
loctriceMeshezabeel: don't worry, we can all have a laugh. We've all done something along those lines03:43
jfarrelledbian, this is on a different machine altogether03:43
jfarrelland the machine is not really in that good of shape, externally03:44
Meshezabeeledbian: barack_osama- loctrice haha, thanks, have a good night03:44
jfarrellmouse doesnt work, so this is going to be quite the effort03:44
Meshezabeel(or day or whatever)03:44
edbianjfarrell: I can do everything cli with you so mouse is not needed.  Can you run commands on it?03:44
edbianMeshezabeel: good night :)03:44
Zealousi downloaded and installed the bisigi project and when i aptitude the theme i get "sudo: aptitude: command not found03:44
jfarrelledbian, yes03:45
jfarrellran ifconfig, it doesnt even see eth003:45
edbianjfarrell: that's ok. restart networking already!  :)03:45
edbianjfarrell: sudo service network restart03:46
jfarrelledbian, unrecognized service03:46
loctriceZelous: is aptitude installed?03:46
swimhey guys, can anybody tell me what they know about ubuntu being compatible with macs??03:46
massai29disculpen alguien puede ayudarme03:47
loctriceswim: ubuntu has been put on kindle book readers. It can be installed03:47
edbianjfarrell: sorry, sudo service networking restart03:47
jfarrellrestart: unknown instance03:47
massai29no puedo instalar unos controladores03:47
swimso, as far as anybody knows, is it compatible straight from install??03:47
lamentswim: i'm running ubuntu on a mac right now, obviously compatibility depends on what model you have, help.ubuntu.com has a guide somewhere03:47
edbianjfarrell: sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start03:48
Zealousloctrice: i have aptitude other stuff before which is why i find this weird03:48
gslackdepends on what u mean by compatable03:48
lamentmassai29: #ubuntu-es03:48
loctriceedbian: you can /etc/init.d/networking restart ?03:48
jfarrelledbian, same error03:48
jfarrellmaybe something in the interfaces file?03:48
massai29YA BUSQUE AHI03:49
massai29Y NO PUEDO03:49
lamentoh :(03:49
FloodBot1massai29: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:49
edbianloctrice: Isn't the deprecated?03:49
edbianjfarrell: try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart03:49
loctriceedbian: not that I know of... depricated is funny on linux :)03:49
edbianjfarrell: I need to restart networking to get a handle on what might be wrong in /etc/network/interfaces but you can pastebin it now to save time.  paste.ubuntu.com03:49
chipmenkcan vlc play files in a windows samba share?03:49
edbianloctrice: ok03:49
edbianjfarrell: yeah try sudo /etc/init.d/...03:49
jfarrelledbian, misplaed option03:50
centHOGGchipmenk: no joy there03:50
massai29nadie habla español03:50
swimgslack i sold my junky acer that i used as backup while on the road, i'm thinking about buying an old junky mac..  obviously i use ubuntu and nothing else (cept crunchbang) i'm looking around to see if i can just straight up install it without having to hack like crazy to make it work03:50
edbianjfarrell: misplaed ?03:50
jfarrelledbian, misplaced option :)03:50
edbianjfarrell: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   really should work.  try stop instead of restart03:51
mister2anybody know anything about kslowd?03:51
sacarlsonchipmenk: sure why not03:51
centHOGGswim: how much $$$?03:51
edbianHow do you restart networking in Ubuntu!?!?03:51
jfarrelledbian, bare in mind that i already restart the machine03:51
jfarrellbefore we did any of this03:51
gslackswim: I don't think there should be a problem as long as its a pretty standard MAC03:51
edbianjfarrell: Again, I know that.  I need to see some errors.  Can you pastebin that file for me please?03:51
loctriceedbian: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart            .........it works I did it today even03:51
sancaswhat can i do with ubuntu?03:51
jfarrelledbian, its on a seperate machine with no web browser03:51
edbianloctrice: That's what I thought.03:52
swimcentHOGG like maybe 50$03:52
gslackI mean no homebuilt or hotrodding03:52
jfarrelledbian, give me a second, ill copy it by hand03:52
swimit's a g4..03:52
centHOGGgood price03:52
centHOGGi think03:52
edbianjfarrell: You should install pastebinit (command line that's AWESOME) and pretty much pastebins for you.03:52
centHOGGswim: much mileage?03:52
edbianjfarrell: It is not long though right?03:52
swimwell, it's pretty beat up.. which i like...  i actually hate buying and using new computers..03:52
gslackwell might want to check Ubuntu's site for anything specific to it. but id say baring no big issues they list try it and see03:53
* centHOGG latest mac is imac ruby03:53
swimi think i can definetly score it for under 100$ but i'm going to try a little closer to 50$03:53
centHOGGhell yeah03:53
swimi guess if i have to hack, it's worth it anyways..03:53
gslackrun the live cd/dvd and try taxing it a bit03:53
centHOGGpm me and tell me the details03:53
jfarrelledbian, i dont think you understand.  I cant get to the other machine with ssh due to the IP problem03:54
edbianjfarrell: Ah, ok. sorry to hear that.03:54
jfarrelli have to physically roll the chair over to the shelve and read it :)03:54
DrMorphiasedbian it got me to see grub loading and then it restarted03:55
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edbianjfarrell: Don't pastebin me errors like that.  It's a waste.  Just describe them to me.  I need to see the file.  Something is wrong in it.03:55
edbianDrMorphias: You saw the menu?  What option did you choose?  What options were there?03:55
jfarrelledbian, let me copy it by hand03:55
jfarrellone second03:55
gslackAnybody having issues with DHCP on a dual boot Ubuntu 10.10 and win 7 setup?03:56
loctriceprobably a misspelling.03:56
edbianjfarrell: take your time.03:56
DrMorphiasedbian it didnt show the menu. just a blinking cursosor and then grub loading then restart.03:56
edbianloctrice: yes03:56
edbianDrMorphias: Mmm,  I'm not sure.  Maybe grub is crashing?  If you can't get to the menu I don't know what to tell you03:56
edbianDrMorphias: Try resetting the bios?03:56
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DrMorphiasedbian like take out the bios battery?03:57
jfarrelledbian, http://pastebin.com/qjTD9JB103:57
loctriceace = iface03:58
edbianDrMorphias: There usually is an option in the bios to 'reset to factory defaults' taking out the battery is too much work for what you need to do.  We just need all the settings reset03:58
gslackusually also a lil jumper to clear CMOS03:59
edbianjfarrell: yep,  'ace lo inet' needs to be 'iface lo inet'03:59
barack_osama-yeah it should be on the mobo03:59
gslackusually right next to battery03:59
edbianjfarrell: Also, put a blank line between loopback and auto eth0.  It's not necessary but it's just good form03:59
FloodBot1zhoule: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:00
jfarrelledbian, ok, restart worked that time without any errors04:00
loctriceedbian: sorry, couldn't help it04:00
jfarrellssh worked04:00
gslackusually the jumper has 3 prongs, sits on two at a time. mine for normal is the first two prongs from left04:01
jfarrellstill cant hit it with svn-server04:01
griphownany is using candidate version ?04:01
griphownanybody is using candidate version ?04:01
edbianjfarrell: hurray!  :)04:01
gslackto reset I have to take the jumper and place it on the farthest right two prongs04:01
jfarrelledbian, so, everything is working fine, except I cant type svn-server into putty and have it open the connection04:01
jfarrellhow can we get that?04:01
edbianloctrice: couldn't help finding hte error first?  You just want all the glory!04:01
griphowncandidate no have problems ?04:01
DrMorphiasedbian that didnt work04:02
edbianjfarrell: Yeah I told you that before.  You need to have a local DNS server if you want to refer to machines on your LAN by hostname.04:02
Zelozelosim using easystroke to controll some stuff like switching workspaces, open a terminal, start an animated background via xwinwrap, what would be the terminal command to turn up/down the volume?04:02
edbianDrMorphias: I'm not sure then.  Sorry!  :(04:02
jfarrelledbian, roger that, I will look into that tomorrow04:02
jfarrellthanks for the help04:02
edbianjfarrell: no problem04:02
loctriceedbian: lol. glory! I didn't want to step on any tows04:03
edbianno worries04:03
loctriceedbian: I was a newb on the forums nd in here for so long, I have been trying to help ppl out when I can04:03
gslackgot a DHCP issue i was hoping someone could help with. I have a two physical harddrive setup dual booting win7 and ubuntu 10.1004:03
edbianloctrice: We all were at one time.04:03
edbiangslack: What's the issue?04:04
gslackbooting the linux drive and using grub to choose between the two OS's04:04
loctriceI helped someone get a destkop earlier. It took me 2 months on debian to get my desktop04:04
edbiangslack: still not a problem...04:05
gslackanyhoo, I randomly can't get a DHCP from the linux04:05
edbiangslack: wired or wifi?04:05
gslacki boot win7 fine, boot linux after and no DHCP04:05
Zealousomg i love it how the windows wobble when you move it04:05
loctriceI learned about vesa, and then learned that I needed the driver for 3d. Then I learned about finch, links, wget, and how to install stuff from source04:05
catitohow can i install a .bin file?04:05
gslacki have tried several fixes so far04:05
henriqueola alguem pode me dar uma ajuda?04:05
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edbiangslack: what is the output of sudo ifconfig -a   ?  can you pastebin it for me?  paste.ubuntu.com04:06
edbianZealous: It is awesome04:06
loctricecatito: chmod it and then run it04:06
Zealouscatito .bin is a image file unless nix has it's own version04:06
m4v!br | henrique04:06
ubottuhenrique: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:06
henriqueok, me desculpe.04:06
catitoloctrice, Zelozelos thanks gonna try04:06
gslackits very strange, cause its not all the time nor is it showing any errors in the configs.. one sec ill do a fresh one04:06
edbiangslack: k04:06
Zealousjust got a nice background of tux taking a wizz on the windows logo hahaha love it04:07
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loctriceHulu told me to watch videos without squid because they don't support squid or vpn because of contractual issues04:07
gslacketh0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:04:5a:8e:59:e004:07
gslack          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
gslack          inet6 addr: fe80::204:5aff:fe8e:59e0/64 Scope:Link04:07
gslack          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:104:07
gslack          RX packets:720671 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:004:07
gslack          TX packets:596331 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:104:07
FloodBot1gslack: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
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catito-rwxr-xr-x 1 catito catito 84927175 2011-03-31 20:53 jdk-6u24-linux-i586.bin , how can i run it?04:07
DrMorphiasedbian grub stores logs someplace right? i mean since its grub thats crashing maybe you can help me diagnose the output?04:07
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hurrpdurpI'm testing empathy on a vm'd ubuntu04:08
Zealouseeeewww what is Tux doing sitting on paris hiltons sholder eeeewwwww04:08
edbianDrMorphias: If you could get the output.  Are you able to get to the menu?  I'm not sure you're even getting shift to activate anything04:08
loctricecatito: just type the file name04:08
hurrpdurpwell good bye04:09
BahrulHidayatHello ???04:09
jcmarinihow do i get Clamav latest version on 10.04 lucid lynx... nothing so far listed in ubuntu home page04:09
loctricejcmarini: compile the source?04:09
catitoloctrice, i did ./file-name, and it works!!! thanks04:10
barack_osama-jcmarini apt-get install clamav04:10
loctricebarack: the latest version probably won't be in apt04:10
loctricejacmarini: apt-get install clamav04:11
Zelozeloswhats clamav?04:12
edbianZelozelos: anti-virus software.04:12
sacarlsonZelozelos: something we no longer need04:12
barack_osama-Zelozelos antivirus04:12
loctricejcmarini: compiling from source isn't really that complicated. It's if you have to track down dependancies04:12
gslackok sorry for the delay got a new one saved to text now04:12
Zelozeloslol yet another reason i LOVE ubuntu...no virus worries (unless im sharing something w windows)04:13
edbiangslack: well where is it?04:13
edbianZelozelos: heck yes!04:13
gslacksorry new xchat install04:13
edbiangslack: no worries.  I'm just eager to see! :)04:14
loctricejcmarini: you can get it from backports, but that means you have to enable backports04:14
Zelozelos got some kewll stuff goin on w ubuntu, set up an entire entertainment system controlled via a  lappie w compiz, easystroke xwinwrap a big-screen tv, 3d audio by the time im done all ill need is a mouse to controll it all, and maybe some voice commands...havent looked into that yet04:14
edbiangslack: Next time just use paste.ubuntu.com04:14
gslackok cool04:15
edbiangslack: You have 2 wired interfaces?  One of them has an IP address.  Can you ping  ?04:15
gslackstill getting my handle on IRC.... yeas04:15
gslackhad to to get a connection on ubuntu04:15
edbiangslack: The whole problem was that you could not get an address via dhcp?  You have an address...04:16
FloodBot1wangpeng: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
royale1223My networkmanager is disabled. How do I fix it?04:16
j_duck2000hi all04:16
gslackright now its working just fine but if i log into win7 and back into linux i have to reset my router04:16
wangpengwho are you04:16
gslackthats the problem, i can't get one after win7 runs04:16
gslackunless I restart my router via unplugging04:17
Zealousno more windows 7 hahaha fixed hahaha04:17
gslacklol zealous04:17
edbiangslack: can you paste.ubuntu.com the output of sudo lspci -k  ?04:17
gslackkids would die without there games04:17
Zealoussorry i had to say something04:17
royale1223Edbian: hi04:17
loctricegslack: you can play games on linux04:17
Zealousbut that is strange tho04:17
edbianroyale1223: Oh hello04:17
Zelozelosgslack wine is comming along quite nicely as well04:18
edbiangslack: If they don't like linux I'm not sure you wanna keep them anyway...04:18
loctricegslack: are you the network admin?04:18
royale1223Edbian: i have a problem with network man. Can u help me?04:19
edbianroyale1223: What's the problem?04:19
Zealousonly thing i can think of is a bad router as both OS should ask for the details on connect04:19
royale1223Edbian: it isnt running after an update. I think i didnt restart the pc properly.04:19
loctricegslack: are the computer names the same in the two os's, and do you have dchp reservations?04:20
edbianZealous: I'm willing to bet unloading the module before shutting down linux will fix the problem.04:20
edbianroyale1223: what if you do this:  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:20
mister2make throws up this error04:20
edbiangslack: I need the full link04:20
mister2ah, that one04:21
gslackcrap wht the hell am i doing?04:21
edbiangslack: haha, good question04:21
royale1223Edbian: reconfiguring network interfaces. But still doesnt work04:21
edbiangslack: put the stuff in the text box.  press paste, give me the link to the new page generated04:22
Zealoushhmm i don't like to ask this but girls i know use msn for cam chat and my laptop is now a nixtap so could i still use the msn proacal and use the inbuilt web cam too04:22
mister2okay, so make throws up this error http://pastebin.com/fNGgx4hM when i try to run make from pianobarfly's directory04:22
gslack/home/greg/Desktop/gslacks lspci04:22
edbianroyale1223: can you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces  (paste.ubuntu.com)04:22
Zealouscoffee time brb04:22
gslackgot it04:22
edbiangslack: but I don't have a link...04:22
gslackshows a link on my end04:22
edbiangslack: go here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/   run the command in a terminal, copy and paste, press paste button, give me a URL.  http://...04:23
edbiangslack: You pasted file:/// which is not a file I can get to04:23
edbiangslack: sudo lspci -k  in case you forgot04:24
kdogI've got a USB2.0 drive that I would like to backup my laptop to. What ubuntu apps are recommended? I'm rather fond of backuppc, but would like a GUI option.04:24
gslackok done04:24
loctricemister2: http://sourceforge.net/apps/phpbb/drm/viewtopic.php?f=5&p=1704:24
edbiangslack: Now give me the link to that website04:24
acerimmerZealous: gwibber shows msn chat client, so I presume it's functional for chat.  IDK about the cam, though...04:24
sacarlsonkdog: rsync would be one method and I think there is a gui for it not sure of the name04:25
royale1223Edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588091/04:25
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mister2@loctrice ...? Dream? and windows? i'm ubuntu 10.10 i'm pretty sure04:25
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gslacksorry for the learning curve here just find that as i get better in nix i have to adapt to new forms of help..used to be easier lol04:26
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crackguycan I install ubuntu server package on ubuntu or do I need to install one seperately?04:26
loctricemister2: look towards the bottom. it tells which c++ lib will get you that04:26
kdogsacarlson: back in time maybe?04:26
loctricemister2: c++ doesn't really care which os you are in :P04:26
royale1223Edbian: by the way, i'm trying to connect via mobile broadband.04:26
sacarlsonkdog: seems to be many frunt end gui for rsync http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/rsyncweb.htm04:27
edbianroyale1223: what does this output?  sudo ifconfig -a  (just tell me the interfaces no need to pastebin)04:27
edbiangslack: reading...04:27
gslackk thanks btw04:27
mister2loctrice: i don't really know enough c++ to figure out what bit relates to me...04:27
edbiangslack: Now.  to be clear. If you shut down linux and boot windows will you have dhcp or no?04:27
mister2or, c++ compliation errors i guess04:27
royale1223Eth0, lo and vboxnet 0, none connected04:28
gslackwindows almost alays just fine04:28
gslack a lil bit slow on occasion but other than that no issues04:28
loctricemister2: it's a dependacny issue. I'm having a problem getting back to that post. I'll find it again and see about giving better instructions04:28
royale1223Edbian: i want to show you something intresting too04:28
gslackthe other way tho is a hit and miss04:28
edbianroyale1223: what is it?04:29
ooshhi all.. im hoping someone can help me... ive had xubuntu installed for a few days and my browsing and downloading have been extremely laggy.. Everything works fine in windows 7, so i know its not my internet connection.  Is there anything i can do to fix this from the ubuntu end?04:29
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gslackone quick point: this did not happen for a year on this router using xp and linux dual boot04:29
edbiangslack: You should boot into linux with the problem (no dhcp address) and then look at lspci -k and ifconfig -a04:29
gslackhappened after win7 and sp 104:29
centHOGGoosh: try another distro livecd04:30
sacarlsonoosh: I suggested try another MTU did you try that?04:30
ooshthe mtu is fine04:30
edbiangslack: I'm not a Microsoft developer.  I have no idea04:30
gslackok got ya04:30
mister2loctrice: which links did you need? i have both open in firefox04:30
Guest75251hay alguien?04:30
ooshits at 1500 which is for ethernet04:30
chalcedonyi'm trying to install znc on ubuntu 10.04. it says to ./configure --enable-tcl   - i get an error:  error: tcl not found, how do i need to fix that please?04:30
sacarlsonoosh: what values did you try?04:30
gslacklol i can tell ur nice and dint ask for a credit card04:30
loctricemister2: what app are you making?04:31
ooshits set at 1500... which is default.. i didnt mess with it04:31
edbiangslack: :)04:31
loctricemister2: this command I found to get that lib sudo apt-get install libfaad-dev libmad0-dev04:31
mister2loctrice: pianobarfly04:31
gslackthe things is its more a nuissance than anything else. after a router cold reboot its fine04:31
loctriceand it's for that error04:31
royale1223Edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588093/04:32
sacarlsonoosh: you should try 1492 and 57604:32
mister2loctrice: sweeeeeet04:32
randomuseri'm disabling wifi module sleep by whitelisting the chipset's module in /etc/default/acpi-support.  Is this the optimal method for the goal, and will restarting acpid enact the change?04:32
mister2i was wondering what i was missing :/04:32
edbianroyale1223: whoa.  I have never seen that before.  It is strange.  I have no idea how to interpret it :)04:32
loctricemister2: no problem.04:32
ooshwhy 1492 and 576 specifically?04:32
ZealousIs msn messenger usable in ubuntu? i could use other programs it is just the web cam chat i want for the laptop04:33
sacarlsonoosh: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-mtu-maximum-transmission-unit-of-network-interface-in-ubuntu-linux.html04:33
centHOGGoosh: try another distro livecd04:33
gslacktried one guys fix who had similar issue involving setting mac address in the DHCP client ID. didnt fix a thing04:33
royale1223Edbian: maybe a problem with dbus? How do i check?04:34
ooshanother distro? why?  i like xubuntu.. i want to work the kinks out..04:34
sacarlsonoosh: my one of my router didn't like 1500 with my new ISP not clear to me why,  I was told to try another value and it worked for me04:34
centHOGGif another distro works then you know it WORKS04:34
gslackallright logging off and going to try to get the error again (its random) and when i get it ill save the info and paste it thx again for the help04:34
edbianroyale1223: I don't know :(04:34
ooshsacarlson: 1492 is for firewire...04:35
loctriceedbian: sudo aptitude remove connman  from : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159456604:35
loctricetry that?04:35
mister2loctrice: so i found the readme ._.04:35
randomuseroosh, a 1492 MTU is used because a 1500 MTU is the standards max and the extra byte leaves your router some room for NAT04:36
Zealousi downloaded supertux and the ext is .package and the site has no instructions04:36
barack_osama-Zealous try chmod a+x .package04:36
barack_osama-then ./sampple.package04:36
ooshso why isnt 1492 the default setting then?04:36
IdleOnewhy not just sudo apt-get install supertux ?04:37
Zealousi could do that too, force of habit of download setup files :P04:37
barack_osama-btw what is supertux :D04:37
randomuseroosh, i don't set the default settings.04:37
Zealousit is super mario version but with tux04:37
barack_osama-aaa ok I think I played it04:37
ooshi know... but it seems strange that we should need to reconfigure these networking settings04:38
mister2question: what libmao should i use for 10.10?04:38
royale1223Loctrice: hi04:38
sacarlsonoosh: I guess my ISP uses  IEEE 802.3 http://www.danzig.us/tcp-ip-lab/ibm-tutorial/3376c28.html04:38
loctricethe "latest" one in apt?04:38
mister2yeah but there's a bunch...04:38
royale1223!info connman04:38
ubottuconnman (source: connman): Intel Connection Manager daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.55-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 145 kB, installed size 508 kB04:39
loctricehang one, let me look in my apt04:39
loctriceyou'll want libmad0 and the -dev file for make04:39
ooshshould i reboot after i change the settings?04:39
loctriceocaml is another language extension, which you shouldn't need04:40
royale1223Loctrice: hi04:40
loctriceroyale: hi04:40
sacarlsonoosh: if the change is seen in ifconfig it should already be active in that state04:40
mister2loctrice: and what are pthreads and taglib?04:40
mister2i see no installation candidates on apt04:41
mister2(by hitting tab)04:41
sancasjey!! what can i use for download music??04:41
loctriceopen up synaptic and search for it. it will install any other stuffs you need with it04:41
Wickedanyone know of a easy way to update vlc in 10.04? its using a old version04:42
loctriceI'm not sure offhand what pthreads and taglib is04:42
mister2loctrice: kk04:42
Zealousfail: could not find "simple DirectMedua layer mixer (SDL_mixer)04:42
ZelozelosWicked try the vlc site04:42
FirefisheWhat is a good, secure ident server to run for irc?04:42
Zealousi just installed it not long ago worked fine04:42
WickedZelozelos, they suggest using backports04:42
kdoganyone have a recommendation for ripping "streaming optimized" DVD movies to put on my forked-daapd server?04:42
ooshok its been changed to 1492.. and its active.. but no noticable diff in the lagginess of firefox and transmission...04:42
loctriceZelous: you need to install the sdl libs04:42
Zealouscheers loct04:42
Wickedwhich seems like a good way to fubar a bunch of stuff04:43
anlekAny reason why my cron isn't running daily? (or at least not that my script is running daily)04:43
royale1223Loctrice: can you help me with networkmanager?04:43
loctricewicked: I haven't fubarred anything with backports. I usually recommend installing from source any time you need a more current version of something. What is it you need anyway?04:43
loctriceroyale: I can try. what is the problem?04:43
centHOGGoosh: DOH04:44
royale1223Loctrice: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588093/04:44
ooshwhats doh?04:44
* centHOGG simpsons04:44
Wickedloctrice, well im having issues with vlc and some files..i was seeking help in #videolan but was told to update to latest and if the problem is still there to file a bug report04:44
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sacarlsonoosh: lagginess?  is it a dns problem?  test your dns or change it to  tools to test dns would be dig04:44
centHOGGoosh: try another distro livecd04:44
randomuseranlek, is your script in /etc/cron.daily ?04:44
royale1223Loctrice: nm is not working. It isnt communicating with dbus. Etc etc04:44
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Wickedi see ppa's like https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/vlc04:45
Wickedbut i tried that one and it wont update vlc04:45
ZelozelosWicked what was the initial issue with the files?04:45
anlekrandomuser: Yes, and it's got +x and belongs to root04:45
Wickedi think because it says maveric04:45
ZanQdowhat does \; means at the end of a shell line04:45
ooshok thanks for the attempted help... im sure ill be on later if i cant figure it out04:45
ubuntu hey i need some help to install grub. So my problem is i have a windows pc that the boot loader crashed and i want to put grub on it from terminal whats the command that i need to do form a live cd04:45
ZanQdowhy is it needed04:45
anlekrandomuser: I can run it directly via root and it works, but doesn't seem to run via cron.daily04:45
WickedZelozelos, long story....vlc refuses to play 1080i content that i capture myself04:45
Wickedall other players play it04:45
randomuseranlek, redirect the output of the script to a log in /tmp04:45
Victini`im wondering how do i see my ip adress on ubuntu04:46
Wickedi dont really have time/effort to reitterate the whole problem :)04:46
Victini`with terminal04:46
randomuser./script > /tmp/scriptlog04:46
ZelozelosWicked.. cant help there dont even know what a 1080i is04:46
ubuntuVictini`, ipconfig04:46
anlekrandomuser: via > ?04:46
* centHOGG buzzed04:46
raidoVictini`: ifconfig04:46
loctricewicked: install the source package04:46
anlekrandomuser: But how can I do that via cron.daily?04:46
sillavhi... what's the mail icon in the top right of my panel... I used it to connect to pidgin and get on here, but is that all it does?04:46
ubuntu hey i need some help to install grub. So my problem is i have a windows pc that the boot loader crashed and i want to put grub on it from terminal whats the command that i need to do form a live cd04:46
loctriceroyale: I'm looking it up, give me a minute04:46
Victini`tried that04:46
ubuntuVictini`, you didnt do it right then04:47
Wickedloctrice, ?04:47
Wickedoh like as in compile04:47
centHOGGifconfig /a04:47
randomuseranlek, you might have to do a crontab, i got mixed up. I'm not sure why it wouldn't run, though04:47
Wickedi was thinking source-deb04:47
Victini`look i port forwed port 80 so i need to know how to enter my internet settings04:47
loctricewell, if vlc offers a deb, then use it04:48
anlekrandomuser: Ok, I'll give it a try... one more question...(one sec)04:48
loctricejust remove the apt version first04:48
sacarlsonubuntu sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda # change sda1 and sda to your choice04:48
mrdebwhat do you need with vlc04:48
ubuntusacarlson, Thanks do i need internet for the computer04:48
Victini`so how do i get in it04:48
anlekrandomuser: my crontab file says: 25 6* * *roottest -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) however, /user/sbin doesn't have anacron... any idea why or if this works?04:48
sacarlsonubuntu: not to run that command no04:49
giikeranybody knows how to kill a screen sessions?04:49
sillavVictini`: it's ifconfig -a ... not /a04:49
anlekgiiker: exit should do it04:49
loctriceroyale: are you in the wireless group? which hardware are you using?04:49
giikerI think screened twice in a remote screen session04:49
giikerand can't kill it04:49
giikeranlek: just exit?04:49
sacarlsonubuntu: make sure you change /dev/sda1 to where your root partition of ubuntu is locate3d04:49
sillavVictini`: but unless you've set up your connection to use manual not dhcp, knowing your current ip won't help much04:49
randomuseranlek, if there's no anacron, install it. that could be your issue04:49
anlekgiiker: works for me04:49
ubuntusacarlson,  how do i check to see if it mounted04:50
anlekrandomuser: so that should fix it? Any idea why that was in my crontab?04:51
sacarlsonubuntu: cd into the directory and see if the files you expect to see are there04:51
Victini`so what do i do04:51
royale1223Loctrice: i'm trying to connect via mobile broadband. Its isnt a problem with wireless or wired. It affects the whole nm. Nothing can be connected. No connections are detected.04:51
royale1223Loctrice: yes04:51
giikeranlek: YOU R a screen God!! :) I have read the man pages and found nothing about the exit command, although i have used it before but forgot about it! thanks!!04:51
anlekgiiker: glad I could help ;)04:52
ubuntusacarlson, how do i cd to sda1 like cd sda1 or cd/sda104:52
giikernow, going to split those screens!! :-)04:52
loctriceroyale1223: you did the connman fix? that's where I came back to04:52
anlekrandomuser: awesome, looks like it works! thank you so much for your time.04:52
Zealoushhmm spt-get can not find SDL_mixer is it under another name?04:52
ubuntusacarlson, the command i use to mnt was sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt04:52
giikerI love screen!!!04:53
sacarlsonubuntu: you cd to where you mounted it so in that line we mounted to cd /mnt  ; ls04:53
loctriceZelouse: it's in libsdl-mixer in apt04:53
Zealousaaahhhh this program was wrong then04:53
xiyazhaoi don't use ubuntu.don't install soft.just play04:54
ubuntusacarlson, ok thanks its mounted properly04:54
royale1223Loctrice: no, it didnt04:54
loctricemight as well get teh image and flast libsdl to04:54
randomuseranlek, it just tells bash to execute all the scripts in cron.daily04:54
Zealoussudo apt-get install libsdl-mixer = E: Unable to locat package04:54
loctriceroyale: read this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159456604:54
royale1223Loctrice: :(04:54
anlekrandomuser: But it's not installed by default?04:54
ubuntusacarlson, ok the drive is sda1 i want to install so the commad is sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda1 right?04:55
loctriceroyale: sudo aptitude remove connman04:55
loctriceroyale: but you won't know why if you don't read the thread04:55
sacarlsonubuntu: no04:55
royale1223Loctrice: okay04:55
FirefisheWhat configuration file determines the sound system balance control (L----R) in Ubuntu 10.04?04:55
xiyazhaomy ubuntu system is ylmf.04:55
giikeranlek: have you notices that when you have like 4 screens open, it gets really slow?! I wonder why 'cause it's just multiple virtual terminals!!04:55
ubuntusacarlson, ok where did i go wrong with the code04:56
sacarlsonubuntu: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt; sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt /dev/sda    note: "/dev/sda  NOT /dev/sda104:56
anlekgiiker: I usually don't go beyond 2.04:56
loctriceZelous: tab complete in apt after libsdl-mixer04:56
randomuseranlek, i guess not. your average ubuntu user isnt using cron.daily, so i suppose it shaves a few kb to leave anacron out04:56
anlekrandomuser: well once again, thank you for your time (and teaching me a thing or two)04:56
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox404:57
giikeranlek: well, I have to, 'cause I ned one for my local terminal, one for my remote ssh and another one for my irssi, :( I still can't understand why! it's just a terminal...04:58
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox04:58
randomuseranlek, no problem, i dont know much but its nice to share.04:58
royale1223Loctrice: i have removed connman. Now do i have to reinstall?04:58
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Guest57435Is it normal for gvfs to be running?04:59
ubuntusacarlson, k im going to reboot do i need to do anything else first04:59
loctriceroyale: reinstall what?04:59
mister2loctrice: got one more question for your expert self,  why am i getting this? i have pianobar installed (ps you can tell me to ask someone else if you're swamped)04:59
mister2oh wait04:59
mister2sending links is being anoying04:59
grindcrusherty rcmaehl04:59
RKyleWhy is it that everytime I log into my Ubuntu 10.04 via ssh it tells me I have 250+ updates but when I run 'sudo apt-get upgrade' it says 5 packages were kept back. What happened to the rest?05:00
loctricemister2: looks like it's looking for the man page for it..... is there a contrib folder in the source directory?05:00
giikerwau, first time I hear someone using piano, how is that working out for you mister205:01
ubuntuWHY is everone asking me questions05:01
SwedeMikeRKyle: use apt-get dist-upgrade05:01
mister2giiker: really well, actually05:01
mister2giiker: infinite skips is really nice05:01
mister2loctrice: yep05:01
loctricemister2: is the pianobar.1 in there?05:02
psycho_oreosubuntu, probably because you're using the default nickname which is the name of the linux distribution?05:02
mister2loctrice: nope05:02
giikermister2: I read about a few weeks ago, but haven't had the time to try it,  I will tomorrow, wait infinite skips, how?!05:02
drmorphiasguys, how do i login to my ubuntu installation from a livecd.05:02
ubuntupsycho_oreos,  ya i thought of that05:02
mister2giiker: it just gets a new playlist like you refresh the page :D05:02
loctricemister2: ls /usr/local/share/man/man1 |grep piano05:02
Guest57435Is it normal for gvfs to be running?05:03
mister2loctrice: nothing came back05:03
psycho_oreosubuntu, change yer nick to make it less obvious and it might help :)05:03
giikermister2: niiiicee!! I will definistley run this tomorrow, thanx05:03
loctricemister2: did you make clean at any time during this? ./configure before make?05:03
RKyleSwedeMike, Thanks!05:03
mister2loctrice i did make clean but i didn't ./configure before i made05:04
mister2definitely forgot to do that...05:04
ubuntusacarlson,  So i installed grub ow do i get it to see my os instalsions05:04
mister2./configure then make then make install?05:04
loctricemister2: most install packages with make have a ./configure . You run that to check things like dependancies , etc. it will help you figure out the libs to install05:04
MTughanI've got a question about Natty, but I can't seem to find the channel for it. Where should I go?05:04
drmorphiashow do i login to ubuntu from live cd?05:04
mister2loctrice: yeah i was doing it from memory and i'm a little stoned >.>05:04
loctricemister2: you need to make uninstall the pianobar if you didn't configure it05:04
chipmenkhow do i get vlc to play a file from a samba share?05:04
mister2loctrice: i did it from apt-get05:04
gslackok 3 swapping reboots and a puppy linux live DVD session later and still not producing the error05:05
loctricemister2: ok. ./configure the program you are on now, it will list any errors05:05
psycho_oreos!natty | MTughan05:05
ubottuMTughan: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:05
MTughanpsycho_oreos: Thanks.05:05
gslacki thinks its laughing at me now05:05
ubuntusacarlson,  are you still there05:05
centHOGGchipmenk: i can get video from a samba share... but not with vlc05:05
mister2there's no configure file in the directory with the INSTALL file...05:05
sacarlsonubuntu: yes it should have scanned and found all that was bootable05:05
ubuntusacarlson, thats what i though its just says grub/05:06
loctricemister2: in the dir you are compiling from, run ./configure and see if it runs or you get an error05:06
chipmenkso vlc will not play a file from a samba share  period05:06
loctricemister2: I've never seen a make without configure options05:06
drmorphiashello? i know this is possible because i stumblled into it before. how do i login to ubuntu installation while using a live cd?05:06
ubuntusacarlson, it says GNU GRUB version bla bla blah  grub>05:06
sacarlsonubuntu it won't as default pick what you want as a default boot you need to select one to boot05:06
mister2loctrice: yeah, file not found o.005:06
icedteadrmorphias: you mean login to your hard drive's linux partition?05:07
drmorphiasicedtea, yes.05:07
sacarlsonubuntu: oh then you didn't select the root dir of your ubuntu when you mounted it05:07
loctriceok, make clean and then regardless of what that does recall make05:07
loctricesee if make has any errors when it runs05:07
mister2loctrice: i don't have recall installed05:08
sacarlsonubuntu: you must have mounted your windows partiton?  /dev/sda1?05:08
mister2loctrice: i'll grab it in a sec05:08
loctricemister2: recall = execute make again05:08
mister2loctrice: ah... kk05:08
royale1223Loctrice: no luck still, removed and reinstalled conman, then restarted.05:09
sacarlsonubuntu: you must have mounted your windows partiton?  /dev/sda1?05:09
drmorphiasicedtea, it was ch... something05:09
mister2loctrice: ran make with some warnings but no errors05:09
icedteadrmorphias: first mount the partition, then chroot into it05:09
icedteadrmorphias: you'll need to be root05:09
drmorphiasicedtea, lol thats the one. thanks05:09
icedteadrmorphias: np05:09
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loctricejcmarini: later05:10
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loctriceroyale: I lost that forum thread. You reinstalled it? (you shouldn't have to reboot)05:10
ZealousWoo i got supertux working hahahahaha Jump Tux Jump!!!!!05:11
lucidiumi'm having a problem with the installation of 10.10... the installer freezes at the update-grub step. is it a problem with the hard drives?05:11
loctricemister2: what were the warnings?05:11
royale1223Loctrice: it showed restart to complete update option05:11
mister2src/ui.c:675: warning: ignoring return value of ‘write’, declared with attribute warn_unused_result05:12
loctricelucidium: that's actually a common issue with the installer for 10.1005:12
mister2several of those05:12
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loctriceroyale: remove it and then restart the networking05:12
lucidiumloctrice, has there been any fixes? or a workaround I could try?05:12
loctricemister2: those warnings are ok. make install again?05:12
royale1223Loctrice: okay05:12
loctricelucidium: new disk is what I ended up doing. You can reattempt until it works, that's what I did at first05:13
mister2loctrice: cannot stat...05:13
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loctricemister2: you used apt to install the piano bar right?05:14
mister2loctrice: yep05:14
mister2loctrice: should i install pianobarfly wherever pianobar is?05:14
lucidiumloctrice, any other versions affected?05:14
mister2and idk where that would be...05:14
royale1223Loctrice: done, what next?05:14
zetohubuntu 11.04 beta 1 was released, if i install it , will i be able to install sun java jdk, netbeans and virtualbox in it ( ubuntu =host , windows =guest) ?05:14
loctriceroyale: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:15
royale1223Loctrice: done05:15
loctricemister2: it's just looking for the man page. apt should have installed it05:15
mister2there is a man page05:15
loctricelucidium: 10.10 is the only one I know of.05:15
mister2loctrice: i can man pianobar05:15
loctricemister2: where?05:15
lucidiumloctrice, thanks for the help.05:15
mister2loctrice: erm... idk. where do i find it? "whereis"?05:16
loctricemister2: hang on. we shold just be able to make a link to it05:17
Victini`im trying to save something in /opt which is httpd.conf but it will not let me how do i make it let me05:17
lucidiumVictini`, are you root?05:18
loctricemister2: do you have anything in /usr/local/share/man/man1?05:18
moionly speak english ?05:18
mister2loctrice: nope05:18
loctricemister2: pfft... wonder why it's looking for a dang manpage anyway05:18
lucidiumVictini`, is it mounted on a read-only partition?05:18
royale1223Loctrice: restarted networking..05:19
lucidiumVictini`, do mount -o remount,rw /opt05:19
Victini`how do i let it allow me to save it05:19
moiwhere i found a chan for  french?05:19
nmvictorWOW! The kernel to be released in BSD license, isnt that threatening. Especially when Microsoft CEO talks of the move as something that would save their company[http://www.itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis/open-sauce/46242-linux-kernel-to-be-released-under-bsd-licence], the BSD license permit the use of the kernel in a propiertary software with no much ado05:19
lucidiumVictini`, if the partition is /opt05:19
draven_solis swap needed if i have enough ram for my processes?05:19
loctriceroyale: you find any networks?05:19
lucidiumVictini`, otherwise replace /opt with the partition05:19
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.05:19
BlackWebHey does anyone know about networking with Ubuntu, The Problem I'm running into is when i share it then if i dont give guest acess to the share then it wont allow me to view it on other computer even after i enter the username and password05:19
moiyes and neew for IRC05:20
royale1223Loctrice: it says nm not running05:20
zmbiswap is not needed, but handy05:20
Victini`whats partiton05:20
lucidiumVictini`, did you manually set the partitions when you installed? if not, then forget all those steps05:20
Victini`i don't know dad installed it05:21
lucidiumVictini`, and if not, what exactly is the error message?05:21
nmvictordraven_sol: If you are not that much a user of you  memory, but if you are into stuff that would call for memory, swap is important05:21
Victini`premission denied05:21
Victini`when trying to save as05:21
loctriceroyale: install the manager again , you can't get the older version if you don't have the internet for synaptic.05:21
lucidiumVictini`, what program are you using?05:21
draven_solnmvictor, it's for a server install running media serving, backups etc05:21
mister2loctrice: where are the other man pages? maybe i can copy the pianobar one over?05:22
loctriceroyale: this is beyond me for the time I have left tonight. I'm sorry I'll have to research it more05:22
royale1223Loctrice: i have the deb file.05:22
david430Attempting to set firestarter in startup applications getting error user must have root access to enable program have set user to administrator ubuntu 10.1005:22
BlackWebHas anyone done any networking with ubuntu05:22
zmbithen use it05:22
loctricemister2: I'm looking for them still05:22
lucidiumVictini`, no, the editor05:22
royale1223Loctrice: how can i contact you?05:22
Victini`text editor05:22
BlackWebdavid430 do you have root access05:22
david430how do i set root access?05:23
loctriceI have no idea how to pm05:23
lucidiumVictini`, ah. that's the problem. it's not run by root by default, so you need to start gedit through the terminal05:23
BlackWebdo you have the root password05:23
joshmcdavid430: firewall rules would seem to require root access. use `gksudo firestarter` or w/e the name is.05:23
lucidiumVictini`, in the terminal use "sudo gedit"05:23
lucidiumVictini`, that will let you run gedit with unlimited permissions05:23
rcmaehlWhat about that 11.0405:24
rcmaehlWhat's new05:24
joshmcdavid430: as a rule of thumb, to start graphical apps as root prepend gksudo to the app. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility.05:24
rwwrcmaehl: ask #ubuntu+1 ;)05:24
lucidiumjoshmc, my bad. thank you.05:24
loctricemister2: you can try to just stick a mock file in there. I don't know what make is looking for though05:24
lucidiumVictini`, my apologies, use "gksudo gedit" instead05:24
david430ty will attempt05:25
moiOK i go!05:25
joshmclucidium: not a problem! I dont mind sudo but it's from a F2 prompt or something it wont go nowhere ^_^;05:25
Victini`no that worked thanks05:25
BlackWebI'm running into a problem when i create shares on my computer unless i give guest access to folder then it wont allow me to login even after i enter username and password05:25
BlackWebany ideas05:25
Victini`sudo gedit worked05:25
loctricemister2: what about /usr/local/man/man105:25
lucidiumVictini`, it did? well then never mind. Try again, and tell me if there's any more problems.05:26
randomuseris ubuntu's keyring implementation as effed as I suspect? I just had to manually delete a user's keyring when their keyring password was reset to something unknown, nothing but minor updates and a reboot to cause it05:26
nmvictordraven_sol: in that case, keep the swap but how much memory have you?05:26
draven_solnmvictor, 4gb05:27
loctricemister2: got it. are you able to man pianobar?05:28
david430that did the trick thanks05:28
leagrisrcmaehl, Ubuntu 11.04 will be called Coy Carp and be available on 5"¼ floppy disk with kernel 1.0 for your retro computing enjoyment.05:28
loctriceyou still there mister2?05:29
david430had an old pc with crashed windows put ubuntu on it to get it working again first time user having loads of fun with it C:05:29
rcmaehlleagris: ROFL05:30
rcmaehlSysInfo: Linux 2.6.35-28-generic |  Dual AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+ 1000.000 MHz | Bogomips: 4007.54 | Mem: 1698/2512M [||||||||||] | Diskspace: 170.73G Free: 120.88G | Procs: 188 | Uptime: 9 hrs 48 mins 55 secs | Load: 0.06 0.16 0.22  | Screen: nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600 GT] (rev a2) @ 1280x1024 (32 bpp) Corespeed:  | eth0: In: 1012.31M Out: 76.83M05:30
rcmaehlSensors: HDD:05:30
rcmaehlleagris: ^05:30
david430is there a good antivirus for ubuntu or does it even really need one?05:30
rcmaehldavid430: there are but they're not free and designed for servers05:31
loctricedavid: it really doesn't need one. You have certain responsibilities when you admin a machine, but rootkits are your biggest worry if that05:31
verin_Подскажите русский канал, #ubuntu-ru05:31
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loctricemister2: I'm pretty sure all you need to do is make sure that directory path exists. /usr/local/share/man/man1 and try running the make again. I believe it's going to use that path to put the pianobar.1 in. If it fails you can go to that path and pipe man pianobar into a file called pianobar.105:33
loctriceIm going to bed everyone. gnite05:33
castle``hi, running ubuntu 10.04, trying to play a full screen game but the aspect ratio is wrong.  my laptop is 16:10 and the game is 4:3, does anyone know how to adjust the ratio?05:36
dublisk16:10 ??05:36
lucidiumcastle``, set the resolution in the game to something 16:1005:36
castle``the game doesn't have an option to adjust it, i thought maybe there was an xorg fix or something05:37
lucidiumcastle``, fullscreen apps set the resolution independently05:37
rcmaehlhttp://uni.xkcd.com/ you guys might find this interesting05:37
castle``lucidium, ok i'm going to talk to the devs and figure it out, thank you05:38
Athencurious, has anybody running 9.10 had problems when updating to the 2.6.31-23 kernel?05:42
muteHey guys. I need an alternative to skype for a video call on account of the fact that it won't sign in and I have no idea why.05:44
dharmahi i need serious help05:44
dharmawith a file issue in ubuntu heron05:45
dharmacan anyone help with a shortcut issue?05:47
madpropsdharma: fire away05:48
aStewartS90Hi, can someone walk me through removing past kernel versioning from the Grub 1.98 boot menu? I am a major newbie, so please explain this like I am 2 years old.05:48
dharmaok i had some files i was moving around back and forth, possibly dragging and dropping at times, but probably cutting and pasting... and the original files belonging to the shortcuts disappeared :|05:48
BlackWebaStewart sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:48
dharmais it possible to recover them? i have no idea where they are, they are just gone and i have empty shortcuts with no file to go with them05:49
dharmait's ubuntu heron05:49
mister2how do i make a link from a executable to my /bin?05:50
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BlackWebln -s /bin05:50
DrkCodemanwhy doesn't conocial offer its cd's in LTS?  only the latest and buggiest?05:50
dubliskcant you download it ?05:51
JohnTeddyI have a few backups with music and pictures... My directories are a bit messy. What is good software to use that will analyze files over 1 meg, and delete duplicates.. so I can start to clean up a bit?05:51
JohnTeddyIt's easier to clean up once I've deleted duplicates.05:51
dharmaso i had a lot of files on my desktop, some were shortcuts, i cut/pasted them into "All Desktop" and some of the shortcuts may have gotten pasted into the file with the original05:51
dharmadid the shortcut overwrite the originals??05:51
dharmabecause i changed the shortcut name to the file name? thinking the computer knew, like in windows, that it was not the original but a new file the shortcut05:52
FirefisheWhere does ubuntu 10.04 store the config file for the balance control on the sound  system?05:52
DrkCodemanof course i can download ubuntu but i would like a official disk i dont see why conocial cant send out LTS disks instead of a broken build05:52
madpropsdharma: that cant be because the shortcut and the files had different extensions05:52
dharmaohhh ok whew05:53
dharmaso this is recoverable?05:53
dharma(in one case, once i found the parent file in a totally different folder, it made the shortcut come back to life as in solid orange vs. these weird graphics right now on the broken shortcuts)05:53
dharmathe broken shortcuts have a blue machine cogs square icon, a padlock icon, and a square with x (envelope-looking) icon05:54
madpropsdharma: so you moved some files to another folder and they dissapeared?05:54
mister2how do i make a link from a executable to my /bin?05:55
dharmayes, i think; or i moved the shortcuts to the parent folder and the parent folders appear to have disappear; only i can't tell where originals were because originals disappeared so i lost track05:55
dharmaall i know is files are gone, the ones that go with shortcuts now called broken05:55
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guampadharma: you misunderstood a "windows shortcut" with a linux link and dropped the link over the real file?05:58
draven_soli'm trying to create a raid, i rebooted but i keep getting a device busy error. how can i tell what is using the device?05:58
ruandraven_sol: is it mounted?05:58
needhelp1hey, anyone wana see something cool, check out omgubuntu.co.uk05:58
icedteamister2: huh?05:58
draven_solruan, no05:58
needhelp1their main site looks to be down05:58
dharmaguampa: possibly, i placed the link possibly mistakenly into the folder that had the file the link pointed to05:59
madpropsdharma: if it had the same name if would have warned you05:59
mister2how do i make a link from an executable to my /bin? so i can run it from terminal05:59
madpropsit would have*05:59
needhelp1http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk     check out their main page05:59
dharmamadprops: but you said i didn't do anything dangerous because the filenames, by virtue of different filename extension, were not the same, right?06:00
red2kicneedhelp1: Stop spamming.06:01
madpropsdharma: you cant have them being named the same06:01
dharmamadprops: ok one file i just found in the trashbin with all its folders, though it says it's a "link" when i click on it all the files are still there, even though the same link in the folder shows as broken06:01
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needhelp1red2kic, sorry, just never seen that before06:01
dharmamadprops: so did i lose the files permanently?06:01
dharmait's down to 3 files i cant find06:01
dharmai mean folders06:01
guampaif you overwrite the file despite the warning, the file just gets overwritten. original contents are pretty much lost06:03
madpropsdharma: have you tried searching for the files?06:03
dharmaoh wait it's 4 folders missing ...06:03
madpropstry opening a terminal and putting "locate foldername"06:03
dharmamadprops: i tried for one folder, it cant find it; the others i have not tried yet; i found one in the trash bin that the link opens up the files in the trash bin, but i dont know how to restore it without losing them06:04
dharmamadprops: ok06:04
wildc4rdAnyone tried running AutoCAD on Ubuntu? (under wine)06:04
xangua!appdb | wildc4rd06:05
ubottuwildc4rd: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:05
ruanis there a way to give internet to my phone using my computer?06:05
dharmamadprops: what are the i forgot what you call them, sorry, after the command06:07
madpropsdharma: the name of the folder06:07
madpropsdharma: or file06:07
wildc4rdseems like the version I use works well, cheers xangua06:07
dharmamadprops: what are the arguments to only search in "Documents" and not "Desktop"06:08
iggy19My openVPN has stopped working.  Error message says the VPN service has failed to start.  Would love help fixing it.  TIA!06:08
Horofoxi installed vim on ubuntu and i can't fucking find where vim is06:08
Horofoxhow do i find it?06:08
Nox33My HDMI sound output stopped working when I rebooted, I must have done something and forgot how I got it to work.  aplay -l shows no devices.. Any guesses?  Maybe I'm missing a module in the kernel I modprobed?06:09
dharmamadprops: it lists hundreds of files inside the folder; i have other folders named the same thing in another folder06:09
guampaHorofox: whereis vim06:09
FirefisheHorofox: language06:09
Marcus_123type vim in the terminal06:09
usrusrusrcan someone answer a quick question about sharing folder between users on a linux box (not samba related)?06:09
usrusrusrI have a minecraft server running in my home directory, but i want to let someone else manage it also - what is the best way to do this?06:10
dharmamadprops: the folder isnt coming up, that one is one of 4 or 5 lost folders06:10
guampausrusrusr: the simplest is have the two users in some group common to both06:11
madpropsdharma: have you tried ubuntus search?06:11
usrusrusrso if i have them in the same group - what folder should i use for that06:11
usrusrusrya all the results i get are related to samba folder sharing06:11
inthepithello everyone06:12
draven_solhow can i verify what is making a device busy?06:12
inthepithave a quick question if anyone is available06:12
dharmamadprops: ok i found one folder again, i had moved it; it's down to 4 missing folders; i tried the search but it doesn't always work right06:12
guampausrusrusr: minecraft folder i suppose no?06:12
xangua!ask | inthepit06:12
ubottuinthepit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:12
dharmamadprops: hold on lemme try search again from browser and terminal06:12
Horofoxhow do i sudo myself to move files using the graphic interface?06:12
usrusrusrya it is06:13
madpropsHorofox: sudo nautilus06:13
ruanHorofox: gksudo nautilus06:13
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:13
guampausrusrusr: then run in a terminal chgrp <dacommongroup> <dafolder>06:13
xangua!gksu | madprops:  Horofox06:13
ubottumadprops:  Horofox: please see above06:13
dharmamadprops: ok i found 2 more folders :) lemme keep trying, i forgot where i put them (after this is over i need to get it straight how links work :) )06:14
inthepiti cant seem to find a fix online regarding the contact list in empathy closing itself in ubuntu 11.04 beta, i figure it is a compiz issue, anyone know a workaround>06:14
madpropsxangua: i run it from the terminal so sudo works06:14
guampausrusrusr: you can do it from the folder properties too06:14
xanguamadprops: how about you read what ubbotu said06:14
xangua!natty | inthepit06:14
ubottuinthepit: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.06:14
guampausrusrusr: use the channel06:15
usrusrusrguampa: But is there a common area below /home/<username> that things like that are usually kep?06:15
dharmamadprops: down to one missing folder; i think what happens is when i cut and paste links, it forgets what folder the link represents06:15
guampausrusrusr: not in default install, no06:16
usrusrusrguampa: I am just trying to keep my folder tree clean - so i thought there might have been a normal common area06:17
madpropsdharma: i dont think thats the case06:17
usrusrusrguampa: thats fine tho - ill just use the common group thing - thanks06:17
dharmamadprops: ok06:17
guampayoure welcome06:17
crackguycan I RDP a Windows machine through Ubuntu?06:19
iggy19hey all.  I've been reading about openvpn, and I don't think I'm ready to be running it from the command line.  I have neen using it from the nm gui, and it's been working for weeks.  Now it says the service has failed to start.  Is there an easy way to cause openvpn to restart from the command line?06:20
dharmamadprops: i brought some archives onto this machine from my email, some of which had folders of the same name as the missing folder; but the missing folder was tucked away inside Documents, so i don't think the new folders of same name on Desktop would have overwritten them06:20
jrwyattcrackguy install the remote-desktop package06:21
madpropsdharma: thats good, you just got to keep looking, if it didn't throw any warnings the folder is probably still there06:22
dharmamadprops: ok, and i don't remember if i got any warnings but i don't recall any when i uncompressed the files but they got  uncompressed onto my desktop into folders, not into the Documents folder where LostFolder1 was06:22
dharmamadprops: the links are in the trash bin and when i click on them they say the target doesn't exist :/06:24
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icedteadharma: the links could be relative to their own location06:24
peroi was updating to natty via 'do-release-upgrade' and got to the removing obsolete packages06:25
perowhere i hit ctrl-c like an idiot and aborted the install script; what should i do now?06:25
madpropspero: why did you do that?06:26
BeyondSoradid u try restart?06:26
AndorinIs there a version of 10.04 that can be installed via a flash drive? The .iso I have is the same one I got on its release day, and it's got some odd error at the start whose specifics I cannot recall at the moment, but I was told a while ago that the OS was unbootable from a flash drive.06:26
perorestart the OS?06:26
AndorinI figure that it may have been fixed by now?06:26
BeyondSoratry updating again i meant06:26
peroi opened up the details and ctrl-c was muscle memory i guess06:26
perotells me 'no new release found'06:27
xanguaAndorin: use unetbootin or ubuntu usb creator06:27
Andorinxangua: Instead of usb-creator-gtk?06:27
tripelbHi Ubbies, I would like an equalizer for my sound. Please advise. (Ub10.04, I lied - sound card OUT, USB powered)  --> I found this  http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/pulseaudio-system-wide-equalizer-now.html but I'm not sure if it's for me. I am using youtube for wound right now. (dont understand PPA, puseaudio) )06:27
dharmaicedtea: i'm not sure what you mean, though i feel like i should know what you mean06:27
xanguaAndrewMC: whatever is called now06:27
tripelbI've been asking this for # DAYS now.06:27
xidis there a way to view the filesystem as root can on other nixes?06:28
icedteadharma: for instance, a link could point to a file in the current directory, or in folder and file in the current directory06:28
peroshould i reboot and hope for the best?06:28
digdugI updated to 11.04 beta 1 tonight, and it doesn't appear to be using the unity interface; was kind of hoping to try it out06:29
SN4K3How do you create a link/shortcut to a file using the terminal?06:29
xidsince hmmm nm06:29
xangua!natty | digdug06:29
ubottudigdug: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.06:29
Andorinxangua: Think you meant Andorin. Anyway, System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator (usb-creator-gtk) is what I've been using. Are you telling me to use something else?06:29
digdugoh yeah, thanks, xangua06:30
dharmaicedtea: ok i'll just give specifics, the folder is called Tarot Readings and was in the Documents folder; a Tarot Readings 2 exists in my Documents folder; there may have been a Tarot folder but i can't find that (small chance i tucked Tarot Readings into Tarot)06:30
guampapero: run an apt-get upgrade before06:30
xanguaAndorin: usb creator, unetbootin, multysystem, the one mentionet at ubuntu.com, lots of ways06:30
perothats a good idea.06:30
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donriSince some update, I suspect libc6; locales are broken for me since a day or so06:31
SN4K3 How do you create a link/shortcut to a file using the terminal?06:31
icedteadharma: I think the better question should be why are you reading Tarot Readings ;)06:31
dharmaicedtea: i was hoping that wouldnt' come up :P06:31
guampaSN4K3: ln -sv <file> <link>06:31
dharmaicedtea: i do great relationship readings :)06:32
peronothing to update...06:32
madpropsSN4K3: http://lowfatlinux.com/linux-link-files-ln.html06:32
icedteadharma: so how about my girlfriend and me?06:32
dharmaicedtea: cept my third eye is resting right now, so i'm avoiding them right now if i can actually :/06:32
icedteadharma: boooooooooo! lol06:32
dharmaicedtea: they take me a while, as i am very thorough and use 2 different spreads... i know! sorry lol06:32
Andorin...okay, here's something else. I insert a CD of 10.04 and tell it to (boot Ubuntu / install Ubuntu). After the Ubuntu loading logo, the screen goes black and nothing else happens.06:34
dharmaicedtea: i could do a very half-hearted one, that wouldn't stress out my third eye... just the thorough intuitive ones are too much right now until i heal (which better be soon so i can do reiki again too)06:34
ActionParsnipAndorin: are you using an nvidia video chip?06:35
guampapero: try "apt-get -f install"06:35
dharmaicedtea: i will live if i can't find this file, i just have this awesome method where i statistically analyze the readings for patterns06:35
AndorinActionParsnip: Sec, let me find its specs06:35
ActionParsnipGuampa: that will need prefixing with sudo06:35
guampathanks ActionParsnip, hes using sudo it seems06:36
ActionParsnipGuampa: just checking ;-)06:36
itsNehey! Are there any sendmail guru's on?06:37
perorebooted fine...seems to work06:38
guampaitsNe: might try in #ubuntu-server or ##linux06:38
perothat command didnt bring up as many packages as i saw in details i dont think06:38
dharmado you guys know if these files will be readable on a windows drive? i forgot how that works06:39
itsNethanks :-)06:39
guampapero: don't know what more to recommend apart from running again update/upgrade/dist-upgrade, that *should* make things consistent06:39
ActionParsnipAndorin: add the bootoption:  nouveau.blacklist=1  if you are, if not then remove the bootoptions: quiet splash   and add: nomodeset06:39
perona its cool; thanks again06:40
guampaok, no problem06:40
AndorinActionParsnip: Here's the specs page http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/ca/en/ho/WF06b/12454-12454-3329740-64546-64546-5035352-5049563.html For graphics it has "ATI Radeon 3000"06:41
ActionParsnipAndorin: ok, use the nomodeset route06:42
AndorinActionParsnip: How do I edit boot options? Or should I Google it?06:42
ashrayhi everybody, whenever I try installing some packages, I am getting the error "Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?" . but when i saw the version of my ubuntu, I am surprised to 11.04. I previously installed ubuntu 10.10.06:43
DaPenguinAndorin, you'll need to edit the /etc/defaults/grub file06:44
ashray*surprised to see06:44
AndorinDaPenguin: This being on the CD?06:44
DaPenguinAndorin, sorry, just came in, this is the live cd?06:44
AndorinDaPenguin: Yes. When I try to boot 10.04 from a live CD, the screen goes black after the loading screen.06:45
DaPenguinhmm, haven't used a live cd in a while, but should be an option to change boot options before it actually loads up06:46
ActionParsnipAndorin: a quick websearch would have found you this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html  try websearching using direction given rather than immediately asking how and you will learn your OS faster :-)06:46
DaPenguinor you could do that too :)06:46
AndorinActionParsnip: Sorry, it's been a long and tiring day, and I expected that dropping Ubuntu on this brand new computer would be a piece of cake06:46
DaPenguinfull OS installs are very rarely a piece of cake, but ubuntu is better than most06:47
ActionParsnipAndorin: some chips play nice, some need help06:47
KimmenAndorin: more often than not you need to fiddle with video cards in linux06:48
donrilocales broke with recent libc upgrade; ideas?06:48
Kimmenat least with at/nvidia06:48
OrbordeMy /boot ran out of space, causing a kernel update to fail. I went to Synaptic to remove some old kernels, but the removals also fail. It appears that this is because the old kernels are depended on by a couple of backported module packages, which try to rebuild the initrd file on removal, which fails because /boot is out of space, making it impossible to clear out old kernels from Synaptic.06:49
icedteaOrborde: why not just move one of the older vmlinuz's out of /boot and onto a different partition temporarily?06:50
Orbordeicedtea: I rm'd an old initrd and reran Synaptic. That fixed it. I brought it here because this is a bug.06:51
mbrochhwould it be possible to hit ctrl+alt+leftarrow and have a cd .. command issued in the terminal?06:52
guampaOrborde: you should use launchpad for report bugs06:52
draven_soli'm creating a raid and continuously getting a device or resource busy error. how do i resolve this? the drive it's complaining about is not mounted nor do i see output for it with lsof06:52
ActionParsnipOrborde: you could move one of the kernel files from a kernel you want to remove then make a symlink to another file so the package system still thinks it exists but it will be drastically smaller. Run the uninstall. If all is well delete the moved file06:53
ActionParsnipOrborde: why have a separate /boot partition?06:53
foureight84how do you change midori's default search engine?06:54
iggy19ActionParsnip: maybe it's the only cleartext partition on the drive?06:54
OrbordeActionParsnip: I think that's how the installer set it up by default. I have a dual-boot Win7/Ubuntu setup, and the Ubuntu part (swap and /) is entirely contained in a LUKS-encrypted LVM.06:55
Orbordeiggy19: You are correct.06:55
ActionParsnipI see. I've only seen this sort of issue come of them, so I avoid06:56
OrbordeActionParsnip: Do you have another way of setting up whole disk encryption? I'm open to switching to a better option.06:57
dharmaicedtea: something is seroiusly wrong, i clicked on another folder with my friend's name on it, it comes up nothing in there; but when i do another search that folder shows things in it from the terminal search06:58
ActionParsnipOrborde: never used encryption06:58
ashrayI have ubuntu 11.04 . whenever I try installing some packages using, "sudo apt-get install" I am getting the error "Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?" . How can this issue be solved?06:59
dharmaicedtea: so if it's lying to me about that folder, maybe it's lying about the other folder?06:59
ActionParsnipOrborde: i reinstall a lot and i can't be bothered to mess around with that stuff every time. Simpler times. Plus I have zero tinfoil hats07:00
rwwashray: #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion and support07:00
DaPenguinashray, i'm assuming you've tried the suggested fixes in that msg, correct?07:00
qwebirc44173How can I use "pci=noacpi" option in Grub?07:01
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, add it in /etc/defaults/grub and run an update-grub07:01
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: yes.. but in which line?07:01
icedteadharma: are you sure the folders are in the same location?07:02
dharmamadprops, icedtea: my friend says to reboot, that wont make the problem set in more, will it? :P07:02
voidmagewhy does find run on my home directory every day at 2am?07:02
dharmaicedtea: in the same location as what? um lemme check what terminal said07:02
guampaqwebirc44173: if just for one time you can edit a line from the grub boot menu, by pressing "e" and adding the param to the "kernel" line07:02
ActionParsnipqwebirc44173: add it next to: quiet splash  in /etc/default/grub   then run:   sudo update-grub07:02
dharmaicedtea: Vol Vol Readings shows in Documents, but no contents; it comes up in Terminal *with* contents07:02
qwebirc44173guampa: k tks07:02
qwebirc44173thanks all07:02
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, _DEFAULTS07:02
ashrayDaPenguin: ya i tried running apt-get update which was given in that message. Still it is not working.07:03
icedteadharma: maybe its a permission issue07:03
dharmaicedtea: it seemed so becaue a padlock icon showed earlier on my broken icons07:03
dharmaicedtea: just now, the shortcut "Documents" that i deleted from Documents, showed again07:03
DaPenguinashray, so it's an issue with broken repos.07:03
dharmaicedtea: and then i clicked on it, it errored out and then disappeared again lol07:03
icedteadharma: are you sure you aren't running windows?? ;)07:04
dharmaicedtea: lol... ok Vol Vol Readings showed up again lol07:04
dharmaicedtea: maybe someone's in my box messing with me? :P07:04
icedteadharma: sorry, dunno07:05
dharmaicedtea: my friend demands that i reboot lol07:05
dharmaicedtea: brb07:05
icedteadharma: K07:05
voidmagewhy does find run on my home directory every day at 2am?07:07
icedteavoidmage: probably a cron job07:07
DaPenguinvoidmage, probably a cron job for it for whatever reason07:07
icedteavoidmage: system maintenance07:07
voidmagewhere would i find that?07:07
icedteavoidmage: /etc/crontab /etc/cron folders07:08
leapy0yohow do i search if a package is installed and how to remove it?07:12
qwebirc44173OK the computer does not shutdown after OS . fans keep spinning07:13
icedtealeapy0yo: someone might have a better answer but I do 'dpkg --list | grep packagename"07:13
icedtealeapy0yo: to remove, dpkg --remove packagename07:14
qwebirc44173When I start ubuntu it shows "ac97 codec read timeout"07:14
qwebirc44173but sound work07:14
qwebirc44173what does it mean?07:15
* lemonhall GNOME 3.0 Rescheduled for September 2011 Release07:15
VinoTrying to install Squid I get this: "Package squid is not available, but is referred to by another package." ?07:15
* lemonhall GNOME 3.0 Rescheduled for September 2011 Release Is that a joke????07:15
DaPenguin!find | squid07:15
ubottusquid is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable07:15
qwebirc44173Vino: try squid3 ?07:15
DaPenguin!info | squid07:15
ubottu'squid' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable07:15
icedteaqwebirc44173: did you try sudo poweroff?07:16
sagacilemonhall: ask in #gnome07:16
qwebirc44173icedtea: yes :(07:16
abc1234hey i just installed ubuntu 10.10 and i have no software center07:16
qwebirc44173icedtea: and tried to disable acpi07:16
sagaciabc1234: it's under Applications07:16
abc1234sagaci: no "Applications"07:16
icedteaqwebirc44173: weird, but I had one pc that did that too a long time ago07:17
qwebirc44173lemonhall: April fools maybe07:17
DaPenguini dunno, apt has always worked for me lol07:17
abc1234accesories, internet, office, sound and video07:17
qwebirc44173icedtea: do you remember how you fix it?07:17
qwebirc44173abc1234: what do you wanna do?07:17
abc1234install software07:17
leapy0yohow do i renumber a screen instance?07:18
YankDownUnderUbuntu stopped giving away software as of this morning.07:18
leapy0yoscreen window i mean07:18
icedteaqwebirc44173: no, in fact I have a windows xp machine do the same thing. Check the bios power options or somewhere in the bios07:18
syedomarhow to enable compiz? im using ubuntu beta07:18
Kimmen!natty | syedomar07:18
ubottusyedomar: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.07:18
DaPenguinYankDownUnder, yeah, forgot to renew my software license. system crashed saying something about a failed UGA check ;)07:19
YankDownUndersyedomar, compiz --replace07:19
syedomarok thanks Kimmen07:19
YankDownUnderDaPenguin, Send your re-certification money to me. I'll take care of it. That'll be $320 USD, please. :)07:19
qwebirc44173icedtea: could be Ubuntu's power saving options?07:19
abc1234it's still march here07:19
YankDownUnderabc1234, Not for long...hehehehehehehe07:20
abc1234anyway, i found the synaptic package manager07:20
qwebirc44173syedomar: install compiz fuzion icon07:20
qwebirc44173then you just switch07:20
dharmaicedtea: i'm back, i suspect the file is gone but why i don't know, the new files of same name got uncompressed onto the desktop, this folder was in Documents07:21
qwebirc44173but you can do it a command like replace ..07:21
qwebirc44173cant remember07:21
DaPenguinYankDownUnder, nah, think I'll just this cracked version i have sitting around lol07:21
Vinookay. so there's a squid package that has 2.0 and is labeled stable, and a squid3 package that's not labeled stable. if i don't want any problems i should go with regular squid right?07:21
dharmaicedtea: maybe i moved the file; and i do suspect my other problems had to do with permissions, i never read all these linux books i have here07:21
icedteaqwebirc44173: it could be sometype of kernel setting not sure07:21
qwebirc44173icedtea: or kernel bug?07:21
dharmadoes anyone know the argument to search for a folder but only bring up folder results, not files?07:21
cgcardonai just created a user and gave them sudo powers and confirmed that the pub/private keys are working. Now I would like to disable password login. Is that done in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file at PasswordAuthentication no ?07:21
syedomarfglrx is better than radeon right?07:22
qwebirc44173icedtea: the  computer is kinda old.07:22
icedteadharma: you should. I learned a lot from my linux book07:22
syedomarfor 3D07:22
abc1234how do i view available wifi networks?07:22
icedteaqwebirc44173: absolutely, but check the bios first07:22
qwebirc44173abc1234: click on network manager applet right corner bottom07:22
DaPenguinabc1234, couple of ways, network manager probably the easiest07:22
abc1234i don't have that07:22
icedteaqwebirc44173: play with different bios acpi or apm or whatever options07:22
dharmaicedtea: i know, i've just been sick for a long time, now freaking out about the radiation coming to u.s.07:22
qwebirc44173abc1234: no, right corner top07:23
abc1234it's not there either :-P07:23
abc1234just the recycling bin07:23
abc1234and the clock07:23
dharmaicedtea: i'd still be on windows if i didn't neglect my machine while i was heartbroken, and have malware make it unusable (til i get the data off it)07:23
qwebirc44173abc1234: system preferences network connecitons07:23
dharmaicedtea: i might just break out my linux book, but it wsa in the moldy room lol... brb07:24
=== Amaranth is now known as its_gnarf
=== its_gnarf is now known as Amaranth
icedteadharma: I wouldn't be worried about the radiation, probably get more from the microwave ;)07:24
qwebirc44173icedtea: btw I tried to disable acpi apm options in bios07:24
abc1234that doens't show any avaialble networks07:24
DaPenguinactually, you get more from standing outside for 5 minutes lol07:24
abc1234also i installed network-manager-gnome but i don't know how to launch it07:24
YankDownUnderApple Magic Mouse. Horrible for radiation. Fries yer liverf.07:25
=== Amaranth is now known as its_gnarf
qwebirc44173abc1234: dude, click Add button07:25
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abc1234i have to enter everything manually?07:25
qwebirc44173abc1234: it's just your applet didnt start. alt+f2 and type nm-applet07:25
=== Amaranth is now known as oops_my_bad
qwebirc44173should open.07:26
=== oops_my_bad is now known as Amaranth
qwebirc44173Amaranth: enough07:26
qwebirc44173:) tks07:26
dharmaicedtea: we cant trust the EPA (raising radiation safety limits thousands of times), the rad is in the milk now and in rainwater, and there thousands x levels I-131 in the sea by japan07:26
abc1234ok that made the icon show up, but when it click it, it says "NetworkManager is not running.."07:26
qwebirc44173abc1234: open a terminal and type sudo service network-manager start07:27
DaPenguinhave you rebooted since installing it?07:27
dharmaicedtea: and you say not to worry? do you know that thyroid cancer skyrocketed here after chernobyl? and these are 4 reactors (and spent fuel pools) which are leaking 24/7 for weeks now... and into the sea now07:27
ayeceedharma: the only safe level of radiation is no radiation, eh?07:27
greppy!ot | dharma07:27
ubottudharma: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:27
dharmaicedtea: i mean the water they were using to cool it goes back into the sea07:27
dharmaicedtea: yes07:27
dharmagreppy: ok07:27
qwebirc44173dharma: stop with offtopic tks07:27
abc1234now when i click it says "device not managed" and "device not ready"07:28
camer0ffhi, was just wondering if there is a way to run an application on one terminal window, put it to background, then pull it to fg on another terminal window?07:28
mobius2greetings,  has anyone present gotten an aiptek usb tablet to function in karmic koala?07:28
greppycamer0ff: take a look at GNU screen07:28
qwebirc44173abc1234: sudo /etc/init.d/networking start07:28
greppycamer0ff: you can install it with apt-get install screen07:28
qwebirc44173abc1234: your installation is pretty "%$ up07:29
camer0ffgreppy: thanks, will check it out07:29
=== root is now known as Guest46197
abc1234it's ubuntu studio 10.1007:29
Kimmencamer0ff: or use tmux or byobu07:29
mobius2I am reading the information located at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AiptekTablet   but I do not see anything about karmic specifically07:29
qwebirc44173abc1234: well, you should use ubuntu desktop edition!07:29
camer0ffKimmen: is there any difference between screen, tmux, and byobu?07:29
abc1234Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)07:29
abc1234utility, e.g. service networking start07:29
abc1234Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an07:29
abc1234Upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start networking07:29
FloodBot1abc1234: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:29
abc1234networking stop/waiting07:29
qwebirc44173abc1234: try restart07:30
dharmaicedtea: so i have my nutshell book here07:30
qwebirc44173abc1234: and sudo service networking restart07:30
qwebirc44173abountu1: you should be using Desktop edition.07:30
Kimmencamer0ff: byobu adds a statusbar to screen, tmux is like screen but feels snappier for me =P07:30
camer0ffKimmen: ooh... probably could use the status bar if it shows the shortcuts. however, snappier is nice. I will be running over ssh on the net.... so it may narrow the differences between tmux and screen :P07:32
leapy0yohow could i remove a set of dpkg packages  such that  libglib-2.0*  all those packages matching that are removed?07:32
camer0ffleapy0yo: sudo apt-get purge libglib-2.0* ?07:32
Kimmencamer0ff: tmux also has the statusbar but byobus is more customizable. however byobu is a bit more buggy07:33
leapy0yocamer0ff, it asks for specific packages07:33
Kimmencamer0ff: try them all, there's great guides on the net to get you started =)07:33
camer0ffKimmen: difference in support for tmux against screen?07:34
camer0ffleapy0yo: oh :(07:34
dharmaok i have the arguments for locate command, just need to be able to form a path07:34
camer0ffKimmen: do you just ^1, ^2 etc between the screens?07:35
Kimmencamer0ff: the prefix is different in tmux but yes you use the prefix key-combo then 1, 2, 3 etc. tmux codebase is newer07:36
chobito01How can I get hardware acceleration with firefox 4, on 10.10?07:36
camer0ffKimmen: just installed tmux then... do i need to restart applications to start using it?07:36
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Kimmencamer0ff: read up on the man page to learn the basic key bindings or read online howto change them to your liking. Then just start tmux and launch something in it07:37
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chobito01WebGL works, but witout hardware acceleration, the compositing takes up all the CPU.07:37
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=== slept_with_ganda is now known as Amaranth
Kimmencamer0ff: One big difference between tmux and screen is that you can share your tmux session with multiple "real" terminals so all see the same thing07:38
zykes-anyone know if there's an updated backport of libvirt for lucid?07:38
syedomar!natty | syedomar07:38
ubottusyedomar, please see my private message07:38
greppyKimmen: you can do that with screen as well.07:39
Kimmengreppy: ok, never got that far with screen since I liked tmux better. Just got warnings when trying to attach a session which was already attached elsewhere07:40
Kimmenzykes-: is this something interesting perhaps? https://launchpad.net/~nutznboltz/+archive/kvm-libvirt-lts07:40
FirefisheWhen using chromium-browser, when I x out of it (close by using x-window frame x-button), my entire system crashes.07:41
qwebirc44173icedtea: pci amp disabled does not work, pci=noacpi in grub does not work, disabling most services and shutdown does not work. dont know what else I can do....07:43
qwebirc44173it wont stop the fans!07:43
mobius2I am attempting to install an aiptek tablet to ubuntu karmic....   the instructions I am reading call for a .conf  file to be created  in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d  but karmic does not seem to have this directory...  I assume that is because karmic does not use an  xorg.conf file ?  Can anyone offer any tip on where this directory would reside in Karmic?07:44
camer0ffKimmen: thanks, this is pretty cool... tmux attach'd from my phone to the terminal, and can write stuff in real time07:44
camer0ffKimmen: fancy :D07:44
Kimmencamer0ff: ;)07:44
Stupendousstevemobius2: configuration is not usually in /usr/share/07:45
chobito01Anyone know anything about FF4 hardware acceleration on 10.10?07:45
chobito01Does it work?07:45
qwebirc44173chobito01: it should other it wont be there07:46
qwebirc44173chobito01: it should otherwise it wooldnt be there :)07:46
qwebirc44173keyboard fail07:46
dharmaicedtea: aha i dont have permission to view lost + found folder07:46
qwebirc44173dharma: of course not07:46
chobito01qwebirc44173: Do you have to enable it?07:46
qwebirc44173you need to be root07:46
qwebirc44173chobito01: yes07:46
dharmaicedtea: while i take an hour figuring out how to write out a file path07:46
chobito01qwebirc44173: How.07:46
dharmaqwebirc44173: how do i be root?07:47
qwebirc44173chobito01: I just enabled in firefox..07:47
mobius2Stupendoussteve,  I am reading from these instructions https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AiptekTablet07:47
qwebirc44173dharma: sudo -s07:47
qwebirc44173via terminal07:47
qwebirc44173or gksudo nautilus07:47
mobius2Stupendoussteve,   they seemed fairly straight forward,  I am simply not finding anything the author is talking about07:47
Stupendousstevemobius2: Interesting... in that case, create the directory it says to07:47
dharmaqwebirc44173: is that a one time thing you are telling me to do?07:48
chobito01qwebirc44173: It's set to on, but it's not on - what could be the problem?07:48
Stupendousstevemobius2: It's odd that you don't have that directory, most of the xorg input packages put files there07:49
chobito01Typing in about:support in the navigation bar shows that hardware acceleration is actually off.07:49
Stupendousstevemobius2: Wait, I just noticed... the /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d is for Maverick07:49
chobito01How can I see what the problem is, other than just seeing that it's off.07:49
Stupendousstevemobius2: You said you07:49
Stupendousstevemobius2: you're on Karmic? You need to do the 8.10 - 9.10 instructions07:50
mobius2Stupendoussteve,  kk07:50
dharmaqwebirc44173: so do i have to do this each time i log on? i was looking for a file from the file browser, i don't know how to do complicated searches (as in with arguments) from terminal07:50
qwebirc44173How can I disable all the power management via CLI07:50
eosshello how to understand how computer work???07:51
qwebirc44173dharma: why you want access lost+found07:51
qwebirc44173!ubuntu | eoss07:51
ubottueoss: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:51
dharmaqwebirc44173: i lost a huge folder; the shortcut suddenly points to nothing07:51
dagon666im having problems with my software raid, it seems that sometimes not all disks are visible at boot time and the array cannot be assembled. bootdegraded=yes seems not to work07:52
* mobius2 tried using Windows today and felt like I used to feel when I tried to use Linux.... talk about twilight zone.... :P gave me a huge smile though 07:53
qwebirc44173!ot | mobius207:54
ubottumobius2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:54
qwebirc44173What is the purpose of lost+found folder?07:54
dagon666im having problems with my software raid, it seems that sometimes not all disks are visible at boot time and the array cannot be assembled. bootdegraded=yes seems not to work07:54
dharmaqwebirc44173: something about files that may get lost with crashes and stuff; my folder's not in there anyway07:55
ayeceeqwebirc44173: when fsck finds file inodes for which it can not find a directory entry, it puts them in lost+found07:55
ayeceeapparently this was a frequent enough occurence to make a conventional directory for07:56
qwebirc44173dharma: create a "lostandfound" folder in your home and then in terminal type sudo cp -r  /home/lost+found ~/lostandfound07:57
qwebirc44173i think that works07:57
TechnicusHello . . . which kernel version does Lcid use?07:57
ayeceeTechnicus: what is Lcid?07:57
qwebirc44173dagon666: and forget to chmod -R 755 ~/recovered07:57
KimmenTechnicus: 2.6.32-*07:57
qwebirc44173dagon666: and forget to chmod -R 755 ~/lostandfound :)07:57
dharmaqwebirc44173: why do i need to create a new lost+found when i already have one? and the folder's not in there anyway? (and i'm hungry)07:57
qwebirc44173dharma: ........................... lostandfound is an example07:58
dagon666qwebirc44173: I was not the author of this question and to be honest I dont care a lot07:58
dharmaqwebirc44173: ah ok07:58
qwebirc44173dagon666: I know. it's mibbit failing07:58
dharmaqwebirc44173: i'm in nautilus anyway07:58
mlmg317-himtsHello.  I am just wondering if I can recover content of the clipboard in Ubuntu?  Can anyone help me?07:59
DaPenguinmlmg317-himts, what do you mean by recover?07:59
mlmg317-himtsI copied something, then I accidently copied something after that - thereby losing what I had originally copied.  I'd rather not have to type it all over again ...07:59
mlmg317-himtsIt's like a couple paragraphs worth and very carefully worded ...07:59
mlmg317-himtsDaPenguin: Thanks - yeah see the two entries I just sent ...08:00
dharmaqwebirc44173: if i can't find the file in documents or desktop, does that mean it was deleted somehow? or that my permissions still might be off?08:00
dagon666I'll try one more time: im having problems with my software raid, it seems that sometimes not all disks are visible at boot time and the array cannot be assembled. bootdegraded=yes seems not to work08:00
DaPenguinmlmg317-himts, not that i'm aware of unfortunately08:00
dharmaqwerbirc44173: i may give up soon for the night though08:00
qwebirc44173dharma: dude, if you deleted the files permanently you cant recover them just like tha08:01
qwebirc44173you need to run recovering tools08:01
mlmg317-himtsDaPenguin: Hmm.  That's strange.  It's like a basic function that you would think would have been developed for Ubuntu ...08:01
qwebirc44173i think lost+found is for damaged files08:01
mithranhi can someone tell me a good native tool to use for ubuntu, to take ssh/telnet of an appliance and store the logs, term type, , etc?08:01
qwebirc44173dont know more.08:01
mithranis xshell good?08:01
ayeceemlmg317-himts: recovering clipboards? that would be an interesting and rarely used feature, i think08:01
dharmaqwebird44173:  yes i assumed i couldnt recover them, i forgot about recovery tools since i've only used them in windows08:01
qwebirc44173mithran: ##linux08:01
mlmg317-himtsDaPenguin: Windows has an application where you can see all text copied to the "Clipboard" ...08:02
dharmaqwebirc44173: thanks for the help though08:02
mlmg317-himtsqwebirc44173: I'm not talking about whole files.  I'm simply talking about copied text ...08:02
ayeceemlmg317-himts: however, clipboard will only show you the current contents, not the previously, overwritten contents.08:02
mlmg317-himtsayecee: Oh - OK.  So Ubuntu does not have that function?  If so, good to know I guess ...08:03
qwebirc44173mlmg317-himts: c'08:03
DaPenguinmlmg317-himts, the clipboard is really designed as a temporary buffer for content transport, not as a long term storage space08:03
EivoHi, I hope I'm in the right place. I'm brand new to Ubuntu and I don't know if I did something wrong. I am receiving a message titles "Requires installation of untrusted packages" when I try to install anything from the Ubuntu Software Center. I haven't had this before and was wondering how I could fix it.08:03
qwebirc44173mlmg317-himts: I know it's in memory RAM... lol08:03
qwebirc44173Eivo: what are you trying to install?08:03
qwebirc44173Eivo: it seems you changed the repositories08:04
mlmg317-himtsDaPenguin: Right - that would make sense ...  I just wondered if Ubuntu/Linux has a function like this - because Windows prompts you asking whether or not you want to remove all contents from the Clipboard ...08:04
EivoWell I tried several things, some games but currently Stellarium.08:04
Ali_ixhi, i am having some trouble with my onoard intel x4500 vga and new kernels, system crashes during startup right after resolution changes (modesetting or plymouth) and nothing works anymore (mouse, keyboard, services) and screens starts flicking random colored lines or spots. I cant boot with any kernel newer than 2.6.3108:04
ayeceemlmg317-himts: i, for one, have nt seen that prompt in windows.08:04
mlmg317-himtsqwebirc44173: Yeah - you're right.  I do love Linux for that reason, that it runs so efficiently ...08:04
DaPenguinmlmg317-himts, yeah, not that I know of. that function requires a cache of the clipboard to be made08:04
mithran qwebirc44173: any other channel, that would be more appropriate?08:05
qwebirc44173mithran: try #ubuntu-server08:05
mlmg317-himtsayecee: Hmm.  Really?  Because I have.  Maybe I'm just describing it wrong.  DaPenguin describes it when with the term "cache".08:05
DaPenguinmlmg317-himts, there might be an improved clipboard app out there somewhere, but default install doesn't have it08:05
EivoNot sure how I would have changed them.08:05
ayeceemlmg317-himts: it may be something seen in a particular application.08:06
mlmg317-himtsDaPenguin: Yeah.  Could be.  OK - not that big of a deal.  Just wondered.  I'll just have to retype it ...08:06
mlmg317-himtsDaPenguin: Thanks!08:06
qwebirc44173tired of helping and not get helped08:06
ayeceeqwebirc44173: QQ more08:07
icedteaqwebirc44173: it could just be no one in the room knows the answer08:07
Curly_QI would like to show this website and could anyone here offer any advice on a good WYSIWYG on this page? http://www.junauza.com/2008/09/5-best-html-editors-for-linux.html08:08
qwebirc44173icedtea: or are too lazy to give some tips08:08
ayeceeqwebirc44173: or are tired of a whiny bitch whining about it.08:08
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, u know, insulting people? not the best idea if you want help...08:09
qwebirc44173!language | ayecee08:09
ubottuayecee: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:09
alkisgSuppose I boot 30 clients behind NAT, and all of them run `ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com` simultaneously during their boot process. Is there a chance that ntp.ubuntu.com will consider that a DoS attack, and only respond to 1 client instead of all the 30 clients?08:09
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: when did I unsult?08:09
qwebirc44173I just GOT INSULTED08:09
dharmaqwebird44173: i'm getting errors now with nautilus08:09
qwebirc44173ayecee called me bitch08:09
ayeceealkisg: yes, though it would be very rude to set up a network that way.08:10
dharmaqwebirc44173: "WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported08:10
alkisgayecee: rude? how? It's part of the standard ubuntu booting process, I didn't do any special configuration08:10
qwebirc44173dharma: cant help you im too busy defending myself  in #ubuntu08:10
dharmaqwebirc44173: np08:10
dharmai'm hopeless08:10
ayeceealkisg: oh, nevermind. ntp.ubuntu.com is probably a round robin configuration.08:10
ayeceealkisg: i was imagining some other ntp server.08:11
alkisgayecee: ok, thank you, so I hope this isn't why I'm not getting time sync, looking elsewhere...08:11
kofialkisg: as is pool.ntp.org08:11
alkisgkofi: thanks08:11
dharmaqwebird44173, madprops, icedtea: thank you all, i need to eat and come back to this later08:11
ferengeeqwebirc44173, what is your question?08:11
noob qwebird44173 what is your q?08:12
qwebirc44173it's a problem not a question08:12
kofiMaybe I could ask a stupid question about access rights: I want a user to have access to specific apache logs. But just get access denied08:12
ayeceethere is no q, qwebirc44173 is just tired of not getting help after helping so much08:12
qwebirc44173after sudo poweroff fans keep spinning08:12
qwebirc44173!ot | ayecee08:13
ubottuayecee: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:13
qwebirc44173or !guidelines08:13
ayeceekofi: add the user to the group that owns the apache logs, perhaps08:13
kofiI created a group 'foo' whose member are foobar and www-data.08:14
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ayeceeqwebirc44173: acpi bug, probably depends on your specific hardware. though there may be a fix in newer kernels. it's unlikely.08:14
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, so the full power off command isn't getting sent to the mobo. probably either a kernel option or just a particularity of your hardware08:14
ayeceekofi: is www-data a user or a group?08:14
Gneaalkisg: you could also just install ntpd on your bootserver and have them all point to that08:14
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: if I press power button one time while in BIOS everything shuts down08:15
qwebirc44173kernel bug?08:15
kofiayecee: www-data normally is the user or group apache runs under?08:15
mobius2Stupendoussteve,  are you certain about those instructions?  I followed them carefully,  and also made certain that the aiptek-input package was installed first....  but I still get a "no sane response"  when I do  dmesg   just checking and thanks for the input08:15
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, probably, or just the way the default kernel is built08:15
ayeceekofi: are the log files owned by foo, or are they owned by www-data?08:15
alkisgGnea: good idea, will probably do that in the future08:15
Gneaalkisg: then just have the bootserver keep in sync with pool.ntp.org now and then08:16
alkisgGot it08:16
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, think of it this way, you ever had a universal remote that didn't work your tv all the way? same thing here08:16
Gneaalkisg: cheers08:16
qwebirc44173no I never had one08:16
kofiayecee: ATM they are even owned by the user himself and the group foo08:17
ferengeeqwebirc44173, what is your mobo type08:17
ferengeeqwebirc44173, and do u use apm or acpi08:17
qwebirc44173ferengee: old one > amd pc chips m810lmr aka lr-h08:17
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, in short, google your motherboard and see if #1 it's a known problem and #2 if there's a known fix08:17
qwebirc44173ferengee: tried to disable it and enale08:17
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: already did lol08:18
ferengeeqwebirc44173, do you have the apm module loaded08:18
qwebirc44173i will try another distro08:18
ayeceekofi: the user himself is part of group foo, and he still gets access enied?08:18
qwebirc44173ferengee: do you want to check the manual?08:18
qwebirc44173i can give the pdf link08:18
ayeceeqwebirc44173: sure, another distro always solves the problem08:18
qwebirc44173ayecee: stop with irony08:18
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, APM support probably isn't included in the default -generic kernel08:19
kofiayecee: foo:x:1003:www-data,fooBar08:19
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: not in PAE also08:19
DaPenguinerr, for your mobo anyway08:19
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, you might need to reroll your own kernel then08:19
ayeceeqwebirc44173: it's not too late to try another distro, right now.08:19
ferengeeqwebirc44173, this mobo should support acpi, the current default. But acpi is known to be buggy08:20
qwebirc44173ayecee: it's not too late to stop hilighting me08:20
Stupendousstevemobius2: Not certain at all. Are you stuck at Karmic or can you use a newer version? That may help with some issues08:20
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, or the appropriate modules may even be modprobe-able08:20
ayeceekofi: where is that from?08:20
ayeceekofi: if that's from /etc/passwd, it's broken. a user can only have one promary group, not two.08:21
ayeceekofi: additional groups would come via /etc/groups08:21
Stupendousstevemobius2: Not that it would necessarily, but it looks like later versions use that completely new way of configuring it08:21
kofino /etc/group08:22
ayeceeqwebirc44173: what other distributions have you considered?08:22
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, ubuntu treats the kernel a little different than most distros, it uses a barebones init image and modprobes literally EVERYTHING08:22
ayeceekofi: has foo logged out and logged in again since the change?08:23
kofijep, have done the chown several times as root then 'su foo' and exit serveral times08:24
kofiHere is a paste of how I did: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/363683/08:25
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qwebirc44173DaPenguin: must be power saving stuff need to know how to disable it completly08:26
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, have you tried booting without acpi?08:27
ayeceekofi: what is remirpm?08:27
qwebirc44173manual of the motherboard http://www.pcchipsusa.com/PCCWebSite/Downloads/ProductsDetail_Download.aspx?detailid=175&DetailName=Manual&DetailDesc=M810%20%20%28V7.1%29&CategoryID=1&MenuID=82&LanID=208:27
kofishould have been written foorpm ;)08:27
ayeceeqwebirc44173: it would be more helpful to have the model of the motherboard.08:27
ayeceekofi: I guess this is not a paste of the actual commands used then08:28
qwebirc44173ayecee: already told. scroll up08:28
qwebirc44173ayecee: you are just trying to get a conflict not helping at all08:28
kofiI replaced remi -> foo08:28
kofiOtherwise exactly the commands used08:28
ayeceeqwebirc44173: scrolling is hard on my finger. maybe you could just provide the model number for people who are here now instead of then.08:29
qwebirc44173ayecee: you were he already08:29
ayeceeqwebirc44173: my client was here already. I was killing virtual people.08:29
* qwebirc44173 misses /ignore in webchat08:29
ayeceeguess you'll have to just do it in your head.08:30
qwebirc44173./J ubuntu-ops08:30
ayeceeit's hard work, i know.08:30
DaPenguinoh god, it's in a .doc format, excellent linux support here </sarcasm>08:30
TechnicusIn the repositiory, what are linux-backports-modules-* for?08:31
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, hmm, onboard agp graphics chipset, might be part of the problem...08:31
ayeceeTechnicus: in the case of the wireless ones, they're backports of the wireless modules from later kernel trees. is that what you mean?08:31
JamesN_hi how do i install the php=gd package08:33
JamesN_i already have php5 installed08:33
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: how do you explain the fact that power button shuts everything down in BIOS but not in the OS? must be a software problem08:33
ayeceeJamesN_: is that the correct package name?08:33
mehdican i ask here about H.D.D?08:33
Technicusayecee: I am more interested in *-alsa-*, because I am trying to use a usb audio interface that is not working well on Mavric but worked just fine on Lucid.  It was suggested that I try a the kernel from Lucid on the Mavric install.  I am not sure about this because whenever I mess with the kernel it usually ends in catastrophic failure.08:34
JamesN_ayecee: php gd08:34
JamesN_ayecee: i dunno08:34
kofiqwebirc44173: It can also be a problem with your power supply08:34
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, what do you mean, power button is suspending the os?08:34
ayeceeJamesN_: apt-get install php5-gd08:34
ohsixkofi: power buttons in the acpi era aren't directly connected to the power supply08:34
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: no. when im in bios i press power button and computer shuts down completely08:34
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: when i try to shutdown from OS it does not08:35
ayeceeTechnicus: using the backports sounds like a good interim step in trying to get it to work then.08:35
kofiohsix: I know but I had a Windows PC (where ACPI is less troubel, *cough* and fans just continued working after poweroff)08:35
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, does the actual power button power down the machine?08:35
ohsixthats nice08:35
ayeceeqwebirc44173: that does seem like a software problem. maybe if we had the motherboard model, we could find the bug report on which that had been filed.08:35
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: yes, it does but after X seconds08:35
danielDaPenguin: Yes, it obviously does - has to be a software problem.08:36
JamesN_!info php5-gd08:36
ubottuphp5-gd (source: php5): GD module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 (maverick), package size 33 kB, installed size 152 kB08:36
qwebirc44173ayecee: for the second time: amd pc chips m810lmr08:36
ayeceeqwebirc44173: that is the first time for me. let's see what comes up.08:36
danielI was thinking that it might be a problem with the shutdown command that somehow "only" leads to a suspend/sleep mode, not to a real shutdown08:37
Technicusayecee: I have been at this for days, me an another character, who also has the same device who is going through the same senerio . . . he opted to go back to Lucid, I however did not do a dual install, and have no Lucid to go back to & don't feel like installing Ubuntu again . . .08:37
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, daniel that's what i'm thinking too08:37
Technicus. . . but if it comes to it I will.08:37
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: thats why I asked how to turn off power saving in UBuntu08:37
qwebirc44173using the terminal.08:37
danielI've had entire boot manage files screwed up immediately after a fresh install, so maybe something went wrong.08:38
Kimmenqwebirc44173: have you tried RSEIUB and see if it reboots?08:38
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, you have to boot with the noacpi option08:38
TechnicusSo anyway, what do backports do?08:38
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: in grub?08:38
Kimmenor was it REISUB? =S08:38
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
qwebirc44173reisub i think08:39
qwebirc44173alt+print then reisub right08:39
ayeceeTechnicus: backports are copies of the source from later versions of the kernel into earlier versions of the kernel.08:39
DaPenguinyeah, you can put the option in /etc/defaults/grub, and then sudo update-grub and then reboot08:39
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: already did that08:39
qwebirc44173let me paste08:39
KimmenTechnicus: backports uses user compiled packages, i.e. fif you compiled alsa for one kernel than install new kernel, alsa backport installs the previously compiled alsa driver for the new kernel08:39
qwebirc44173[07:01] <qwebirc44173> How can I use "pci=noacpi" option in Grub?08:39
qwebirc44173[07:02] <ActionParsnip> qwebirc44173: add it next to: quiet splash  in /etc/default/grub   then run:   sudo update-grub08:40
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, don't think you even need the pci= option for that08:40
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: just "acpi" ?08:40
qwebirc44173no acpi08:40
ayeceeqwebirc44173: maybe acpi=off08:41
ayeceenoapic would be something different08:42
TechnicusKimmen: ayecee: That is what I was kind of thinking, but I just don't entirely understand . . . after the number of times I tryed modifying kernels and completely hosing my system I want to be sure about what I am doing.  Are either of you able to direct me to a useful wiki about this?08:42
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, do you have the kbd power on/off  jumper shorted?08:43
ayeceeqwebirc44173: however, I haven't found a report of that problem with a solution, I'm afraid.08:43
ubottuUnity is a shell for GNOME, but it is not GNOME-shell. See http://unity.ubuntu.com and http://www.jonobacon.org/2010/10/31/unity-some-further-clarification-points/ for more information. Have a question, check http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity08:44
ayeceeTechnicus: I'm not sure what you're asking. Backports allow you to use newer code without using a newer kernel.08:44
ohsixKimmen: you mentioned the existing backport packages right08:44
Technicusayecee: AHH, I was thinking it was a newer kernel with older modules.08:45
Technicusayecee: I'm just not sure what I'n doing anymore.08:46
KimmenTechnicus: ohsix: ayecee: it's both, correct me if I'm wrong but backports repo is for new code, backport packages are what I was talking about?08:46
* sky1 is looking for an user which has experience with the tracking issue software Request Tracker /msg me08:46
* Technicus decides to take a break.08:46
kelvinellahi what is localStorage files?08:47
kelvinellai am using ubuntu 8.04 dell version, and recently my chrome start giving me this error08:47
ayeceeKimmen: we're referring to backports packages08:48
kelvinellaIf you see this message every time you start AdBlock, please make sure you are not using a file cleaner that also cleans 'localStorage' files.08:48
kelvinellahow to fix it?08:49
ayeceekelvinella: no idea. maybe the chrome adblock developer has a FAQ on this08:49
Kimmenayecee: how to separate them from the user compiled packages that show up as backport packages?08:49
ayeceeit's not related to the firefox adblock plugin.08:49
ayeceekelvinella: the ? is to what?08:50
ayeceeKimmen: not sure. do you have a lot of ppa sources, or what?08:51
solsticehi .I thought alternate install cd was dropped. but I  still see it in the beta 1 list of CD !08:51
ayeceesolstice: good!08:51
Kimmenno but when I had lucid and alsa 1.0.23 compiled from source I installed the alsa backport package for every new kernel, else I got no sound since it reverted to alsa 1.0.something08:52
kelvinellawhich extension is equivalent to adblock plus in ff for chrome?08:52
solsticenot good! alternate was supposed to be merged into normal install cd.08:52
OrsHi there, I am running Ubuntu Network and unable to switch off the microphone. Anyone could help?08:52
kofiFound out my problem: the folder for apache logs itself didn't allow any users outside adm group to list the folder08:53
ayeceeKimmen: I see we're no longer talking about backport packages.08:53
Kimmenkofi: that's standard08:53
ayeceekelvinella: the chrome adblock is the closest thing to adblock plus in ff, but it's not a related project.08:53
kelvinellawhat about adblock plus for chrome?08:53
ayeceesolstice: source?08:53
Kimmenayecee: probably just me that's confused =)08:54
ayeceekelvinella: there is none.08:54
kofiKimmen: Exactly but I wanted to have one user without adm membership to have access to some of the logs08:54
kelvinellait is by wladimir palant08:54
kelvinellasame author for adblock plus in ff08:54
ayeceekelvinella: it may be surprising to realize that firefox plugins don't work in chrome, and vice versa08:54
kelvinellaso which adblock for chrome should i choose there are many08:55
solsticeayecee: cnat' remember where i read that08:55
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
ayeceesolstice: oh ok08:55
qwebirc44173[08:43] <DaPenguin> qwebirc44173, do you have the kbd power on/off  jumper shorted?08:56
qwebirc44173sry did not understand08:56
solsticemay be it's for next release08:56
solsticeayecee: ^08:56
ayeceekelvinella: as chrome is not part of the official ubuntu 10.10 install, it's hard to say.08:56
ayeceesolstice: could be08:56
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, oh ok, it's a jumper switch on the mobo, jumper JP1 in reference to the manual. was asking if you had it jumpered to on or off.08:57
ayeceekelvinella: there may be a chrome-specific irc channel that can provide more detailed help on this08:57
MK`What is the minimum size for an ubuntu installation again?08:57
MK`was it 10, 15, or 20 GB?08:57
KimmenMK`: far less08:57
kelvinelladont know why ff is running slower than chrome in my dell mini9 netbook running dell ubuntu 8.0408:58
ayecee15 gb of space is recommended: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements08:58
ohsixway way way way less08:58
kelvinellaff adblock is good but the browser is slow08:58
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: is ON short or open?08:59
kelvinellachrome is fast browsing webpage but many ads08:59
MK`it's an old XP computer, an 80 GB harddrive, of which only about 17 is free heh08:59
qwebirc44173kelvinella: there is adblock for chrome.08:59
Kimmenthat's plenty08:59
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, it's actually a 3 position swich. short 1-2 it enables it, 2-3 it disables it08:59
MK`Last time I defragged there were files left at the end of the drive. Will it move them when I install it over there?09:00
kelvinellathe adblock for chrome wont memorize the setting09:00
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, no idea what completely open would do09:00
kelvinellai have to re-subscript to fanboy list when i open browser09:00
ayeceekelvinella: it does not look like the adblock for chrome is by wladimir palent09:01
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: oh you mean the keyboard switch..09:01
qwebirc44173it's off09:01
qwebirc44173in motherboard and bios09:01
oCeankelvinella: chrome support @ http://www.google.com/support/chrome/09:01
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: "Jumper JP1: Keyboard Power On Selector If you enable the keyboard power on feature, you can use hot keys on your keyboard as a power on/off switch for the system."09:01
ayeceekelvinella: http://code.google.com/p/adblockforchrome/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#Are_you_the_same_guys_that_made_Adblock_Plus_for_Firefox?09:02
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, wonder if turning that on would help. just a thought09:02
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: I could try and then shutdown using the shortcut?09:03
qwebirc44173lol :p09:03
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, you may also consider disabling acpi/apm in the bios09:05
qwebirc44173already tried09:05
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: so in grub I should use acpi=off?09:05
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, either that or just noacpi. think acpi=off is deprecated but still supported09:06
ZanQdohi im having problems booting ubuntu 10.10 from usb drive09:09
ZanQdotried with usb-creator09:09
kelvinellathe ABP works fine in chrome now09:09
kelvinellathx guys09:09
ZanQdousb-creator + ui hack = failed09:10
qwebirc44173DaPenguin: when i poweroff i hear a click09:10
ZanQdounetbootin = failed09:10
qwebirc44173hdd maybe09:10
ZanQdounetbootin + ui edit also failed09:10
ljsoftnetis it safe to run Gnome 3 from a usb stick? when i remove the stick, does it go back to the previous desktop?09:10
ZanQdosame Boot error09:10
silveryHi. How can I install grub to /boot/grub? I used Ubuntu 10.10 and did sudo grub install /dev/sdb (it's external disk) and as result system installed grub in /grub instead of /boot/grub. Now it returns "grub rescue>" when I'm trying to boot from that HDD.09:10
DaPenguinqwebirc44173, probably. that or the power supply09:10
qwebirc44173silvery: you want this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#METHOD%203%20-%20CHROOT09:10
qwebirc44173just follow it it's easy09:11
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silveryqwebirc44173 : thanks a lot09:14
kelvinellawhats new in ubuntu 11.04 ?09:16
ayeceekelvinella: the people in #ubuntu+1 will be happy to tell you about it09:17
qwebirc44173kelvinella: and watch videos on youtube about natty :)09:18
qwebirc44173google etc09:18
kelvinellaqwebirc44173, ok09:18
DaPenguinone of 3 things i don't like about buntu, major upgrade cycle vs simple rolling upgrades09:20
ljsoftnetis it safe to run Gnome 3 from a usb stick? when i remove the stick, does it go back to the previous desktop?09:21
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bazzi've added a "prepend domain-name-servers; to my dhclient.conf file, but my resolv.conf never actually gets updated.  closest bug report i can find is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dhcp3/+bug/260060   anyone know what this might be and/or a workaround?09:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 260060 in dhcp3 (Ubuntu) "prepend domain-name-servers ignored for ppp0" [Low,Won't fix]09:24
et_How do I disable the Session Chooser bar during login?09:24
bazzalso not sure why that bug was set to Won't Fix without comment09:24
StavaWill --encrypt-home work with useradd?09:25
ikoniaStava: don't think so09:25
Cursarionhow long are ubuntu releases supported generally?09:30
wairutem algum brazuc ai?09:31
Poisonfibretill Africa is forgotten =s09:31
DaPenguinCursarion, officially it's until the next release iirc, except for the LTS versions09:31
StarminnIf I'm using a PAE kernel, do I still need the regular kernel for it to work?09:34
CursarionDaPenguin: meaning? Fedora's pace is annoyingly fast (6 months until new major version is released, 12 months until stuff won't update etc. in the old version), is Ubuntu faster?09:34
ikoniaCursarion: they are both rolling 6 month distros09:35
DaPenguinCursarion, 6 month release cycle09:35
ikoniaactually ubuntu isn't a "rolling" distro, sorry, bad wording09:35
ikoniathey both have a 6month release cycle09:35
DaPenguinusually april and october09:35
apctrhello all i forgot my root password, so how can i reset it?09:35
ikoniaapctr: ubuntu does not have a root password09:35
ikoniaapctr: you use sudo09:36
Cursarionis software updateable for older Ubuntus through repos?09:36
ikoniaCursarion: if an updated package is available, sure, but that very rarley happens09:36
Cursarionso all the repos have specific packages for specific OS versions?09:36
ikoniaCursarion: correct09:36
apctrikonia: when i use sudo than it give the error"ser user1 is not allowed to execute '/usr/bin/gedit gaurav.c' as root on uce-desktop."09:37
DaPenguinCursarion, if you look at sources.list you'll see version info after the url09:37
ikoniaapctr: type "id" into a terminal and show me what it says09:37
CursarionI wonder what'd suit me then09:37
lloowenHello all! Can anyone recommend a DVD player application that just works out of the box on Ubuntu! I have tried a number of DVD's I have purchased from the shops, and I can't get them to play using kaffeine, vlc, dragon player, kplayer.09:37
ikonia!dvd | lloowen09:37
ubottulloowen: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:37
apctrikonia: it gives:"uid=1001(user1) gid=1001(user1) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),21(fax),24(cdrom),25(floppy),26(tape),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(fuse),1001(user1)"09:38
ikoniaapctr: ok, so this is on the amazon cloud I'm guessing ?09:38
CursarionI'd like a stable and working OS with good support & functionality and only basic GUI, no eye candy09:38
ikoniaCursarion: ubuntu ticks that box09:38
ikoniaCursarion: try xubuntu for a lower/cut down gui09:38
apctrikonia: no it ios ubuntu 10.04 version09:38
Cursarionnot really if I can't update software after a year09:39
DaPenguinCursarion, you can use any gui you want under buntu09:39
ikoniaios ubuntu ?09:39
ikoniaapctr: what is ios ubuntu09:39
Cursarionwithout upgrading whole OS09:39
apctrikonia: sorry it is ubuntu 10.0409:39
ikoniaCursarion: ubuntu ticks that box09:39
ikonia!info ubuntu-uce09:39
ubottuPackage ubuntu-uce does not exist in maverick09:39
ikoniaapctr: no problem09:39
DaPenguinCursarion, plus updating isn't as bad as everyone seems to think09:40
ikoniaapctr: that user is not in the "admin" group, that means it has no sudo or "root" access09:40
Cursarionikonia: you just said it doesn't?09:40
Cursarion[11:36:15] < Cursarion> is software updateable for older Ubuntus through repos?09:40
Cursarion[11:36:32] < ikonia> Cursarion: if an updated package is available, sure, but that very rarley happens09:40
ikoniaCursarion: updates to newer versions rarley happens, but you said you wanted stable/working desktop with a minimal gui09:40
ikoniaCursarion: you didn't say you wanted rolling updates of bleeding edge software versions09:40
Cursarionoh well, not exactly bleeding edge09:41
apctrikonia: i have to install a package so how can i do this? I have tar.gz source code but it is giving permisiion denied09:41
Cursarionworking would suffice09:41
ikoniaapctr: what do you want to install (what software)09:41
Cursarionall this started when VLC pissed me off with its stupid memory leaks09:41
ikoniaCursarion: ok, well "working" ubuntu ticks that box09:41
ikoniaCursarion: vlc is the same product in all distros, if there is a problem with VLC as an application, it will be present in most distros09:41
Cursarionyes, and then I need to compile it myself09:42
ikoniaCursarion: that is a very very bad idea09:42
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CursarionI can imagine09:43
mbrochhis there a way to clear all output in the terminal?09:43
mbrochhso that i cannot even scroll back any more?09:43
ikoniambrochh: clear09:43
Cursarionso it's either I upgrade OS or live with the memory leaking VLC09:43
mbrochhikonia, nope, that still allows me to scroll back09:43
ikoniambrochh: clear the terminal buffer then, normally in the terminal preferences or settings09:44
ikoniaCursarion: well, it depends, fixes and updates are provided in ubuntu and other distros, but version upgrades rarley09:44
ikoniaCursarion: bugs / issues do get fixed09:44
mbrochhikonia, many thanks09:44
Cursarionnot in Fedora apparently :/09:44
ikoniaCursarion: they do, but that's not something this channel can help/deal with09:45
Cursarionwell I just asked there09:45
Cursarionand yes09:45
Cursarionmaybe I should switch OS09:45
Cursarionthanks for your help09:45
ikoniano problem09:45
ikoniaCursarion: keep in mind you'll have the same issues with major version updates in ubuntu as you do in fedora though09:46
Cursarionyep. I'll mainly consider a distribution with slower pace09:48
Starminnikonia: How long do you suggest people wait before upgrading to the official releases of new versiosn of Ubuntu (with regards to bug fixes, etc.). For example, how long should people have waited between 10.04->10.10, and likewise between 10.10->11.04?09:48
ruanyeah, im not upgrading if 11.04 is unstable09:49
ikoniaStarminn: release day is fine, the only problem with doing it on release day is the repos are slow as people with little reason feel the need to have the bigger version numbers for no reason09:51
ikoniaStarminn: any day after release day is fine09:51
ruanyou can just switch mirrors for that09:52
ikoniaruan: normally most mirrors are swamped09:52
Starminnikonia: I just recall reading a lot about how Maverick apparently had a lot of bugs and wasn't considered "stable" by many users until a month or two after. Does this happen with all versions (i.e. Whiney people), or what?09:52
ikoniathe mirrors are swamped before days as foolish people constantly try to hit them to see when the iso's are up09:52
ruanhmm, i'll see09:52
ikoniaStarminn: that's just users talking, if it's not stable, it doesn't get released09:53
ruansince my location isn't so linux popular, but it has 5 mirrors09:53
Starminnikonia: Thought as much.09:53
Starminnikonia: How long do you, personally, wait?09:53
ikoniaStarminn: if a user has a problem, eg: nvidia card doesn't work, they start ranting that it's unstable,09:53
ikoniaStarminn: I upgrade when I have a reason or need to, I keep a current machine for development/bugs/research but I'm not in a rush on release day to get that as I normally know what's there having followed the development09:53
Starminnikonia: Are there really any perks to upgrading? I mean, for example, I've tested out the Alphas, etc., so I, like you, know what's there, but is there any real perk to getting the 'latest and greatest' sooner? Especially when other versions have a fairly decent EOLs?09:55
ikoniaStarminn: that's a personal decision for you, if you want/need something thats in the later version, then that is your benifit, if not, no09:57
Starminnikonia: Sounds reasonable enough.09:57
userdeli just created a folder in sd card 8GB and transferred all jpg files into that with mv command . i see that all files have become 0KB.what should i do now09:58
StarminnUpdate Manager just informed me it wants to isntall a bunch of "libqt4-<specificname>" stuff. Isn't QT4 = KDE4?09:58
davetarmacNot sure if this is the right place, but if anyone can help, please do - seem to be getting ignored in the other channels09:59
davetarmacGot a Bash problem on Cygwin09:59
ikoniaStarminn: it's the engine behind QT, but it's used for other stuff too09:59
ikoniadavetarmac: is it an ubuntu question ?09:59
ikoniadavetarmac: nope, nothing to do with ubuntu, so try #bash or #cygwin09:59
ruan!info libqt4-core10:00
ubottulibqt4-core (source: qt4-x11): transitional package for Qt 4 core non-GUI runtime libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4.2 (maverick), package size 45 kB, installed size 120 kB10:00
davetarmacikonia: tried both of those channels - as I said, ignored10:00
ikoniadavetarmac: sorry, wait for them to get back to you10:00
davetarmacok ikonia thanks anyway10:00
Starminnruan: Thanks.10:00
ruanStarminn: kde installs qt410:01
userdelcan anyone help me10:01
Starminnruan:  So GNOME doesn't need it. (Aside from any KDE-based apps)10:02
ruanStarminn: nope, APT suggested i autoremove it after removing KDE10:02
Starminnruan: I removed KDE a few days ago. ;) Thought it was a bit odd. I *thought* I deleted most of it.10:02
ikoniaStarminn: it is used for other things non-kde too,10:03
Starminnikonia: Like what?10:04
ruanStarminn: an application that is created with/needing qt410:04
ikoniaStarminn: can't think off the top of me head, some music players use it I believe, parts of MythTV like it for display, but I'm not sure if that's linked to KDE10:04
Starminnikonia ruan: Ah. So, again, just apps that were made with KDE. For example, KSnake or KBounce in the repos. Right?10:05
ruanStarminn: it could include some apps that aren't made with kde, but i havent found any yet10:07
ikoniaStarminn: not all QT apps are kde10:07
ikoniabut it's a small list10:07
Starminnikonia ruan: Ah. Gotcha. So QT != KDE, but KDE == QT right?10:07
ikoniaStarminn: pretty much10:07
ruanStarminn: yeah10:07
StarminnGot it.10:07
userdelcan anyone help me10:09
ikoniauserdel: with what ?10:09
eossguys, just read on google , ubuntu dev admitted helping nsa plant backdoor10:10
eossin ubuntu10:10
userdelikonia : i just created a dir in a sd card and moved all jpg files from one of its folders to this dir. they all have become 0KB. i have issued only 2 commands mkdir and mv.  its filesystem is msdos10:10
Kimmeneoss: haven't you heard that nsa has a backdoor into every windows os? =P10:11
userdelikonia: the photos are very important10:11
eosswell now ubuntu has backdoor10:11
ikoniaeoss: report a security bug as urgent then10:11
ikoniaeoss: launchpad.net10:11
eossAPRIL FOOLS10:11
DrkShadowHow can I make kernel message not print to the damn console? I get a USB error 4 times a second and it really makes it unusable. Under any other linux distro, I'd switch to an alternative tty, but nooo...10:12
Kimmenoh noez we all fell for it hard10:12
ikoniaeoss: ok please don't waste time with pointless aprilfools stuff10:12
bastidrazoreoss: you seem to be the only fool.10:12
eossits troll day son10:12
eossdeal with it10:12
ferengeeuserdel, i suggest photorec10:12
=== ikonia changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | IRC Guidelines: http://goo.gl/cEF1w | IRC info: http://goo.gl/Pgv9o | Pastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 | Release Notes: http://goo.gl/tuSzO | Download: http://goo.gl/Ov56R | Don't be a victim of spam, see http://goo.gl/TAyvJ | NO APRIL FOOLS JOKES
ferengeeuserdel, and do not save anything on that disk10:12
ferengeeuserdel photorec is in the testdisk package10:13
userdelferengee : please tell me complete  procedure . i have installed testdisk10:13
qwebirc44173output of /sys/power/disk is test testproc [shutdown] reboot      Is this the reason I cant shutdown the system properly?10:14
ferengeeuserdel, have you mounted the sd card? if so umount it10:14
userdelferengee: ok then.10:15
ferengeeuserdel, become root10:15
ferengeeuserdel, start photorec10:15
ferengeeuserdel, select the correct device for the sd card and hit proceed10:16
userdelferengee: ok10:16
userdelferengee: intel pc partition?10:16
ferengeeuserdel, do you use the whole device or a partition on the disk10:16
morgananyone got a source for good dual booting info. Building a HTPC and I want a windows and 2 linux installs on it.. Just looking for something definitive10:17
userdelferengee: i think there is no partition. should i choose none?10:17
ferengeeuserdel, yes10:17
userdelferengee: ok10:17
ferengeeuserdel, choose the 'other' filesystem type10:18
ikoniamorgan: 2 linux installs....Hmmmm with the current grub2 layout, I don't believe that is a wise move10:18
ferengeeuserdel, the one for fat etc10:18
userdelferengee: ok. done .should i start recovery. where will it recover and store10:18
c4ptcan anyone tell me offhand what deb package is used in question with visual effects in the System>Apperance panel ?     http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Desktop_Visual_Effects10:18
ferengeeuserdel, choose a location that has enough free space10:18
c4pt<< messed up X pretty bad10:19
=== FireCrotch is now known as nickmoeck
ferengeeusedel, know that all the deleted file space could be used by recovered files10:19
coz_  good day all10:19
ferengeeuserdel, so if you have a sd card of 4GB then you might need 4GB free to restore10:19
^Phantom^why did they cancel any future ubuntu development?10:19
StarminnI pop a CD in, I am unable to read it, but as soon as I eject it it's fine and I can view the contents. (Only this CD, no others)10:20
coz_^Phantom^,  for what?10:20
ferengeeuserdel, Photorec will ask you where to save the recovered files10:20
userdelferengee: ok.i have started the recovery. i have 8GB  sd card and similar free memoryno problems for that.10:20
ikoniaStarminn: how do you know it's fine after you eject it10:20
morganikonia - mostly it's so you always have access to ya cpu. when i crash my linux, my windows boot gets me outta the @$*#%..10:21
ferengeeuserdel, good luck then. Photorec will create multiple recup_dir folders in which you can find (partially) recoverd files10:21
morganhence my 2nd linux install will always get me outta the #$@%10:21
ikoniamorgan: if you have to star out words, don't say them10:21
morgansorry, its an aussie thing i guess10:22
erUSUL^Phantom^: april's fool XXDD10:22
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Starminnikonia: Well, I'm putting music onto my computer, so it's an Audio CD. So in Nautilus it lists all your media (or I can browse to /media, either one), and it appears as "Audio Disc" but it doesn't appear to be mount. So I say to mount it, nothing happens. So I eject it (manually, from the tower), and once it comes out, I can browse the files.10:22
^Phantom^erUSUL, yep10:22
ikoniamorgan: a dual boot with linux and windows if fine as windows doesn't care about grub, it gets more complext when you have 2 linux distros on there, that both want to modify grub, that's isolated to one distro10:22
userdelferengee: ok. i am able to see some non zero jpg files. thanks a lot.10:22
ferengeeuserdel, np10:22
userdelferengee: but how can it give such a heart attack10:23
userdelferengee: how can mkdir and mv destroy data10:23
morganikonia - recently I killed gdm with xbmc-live - my bad. But none of my previous distros would boot from grub. Not a fan of windows, I just want a hardwired linux install that will save the day10:23
ikoniamorgan: hardwired linux distro ?10:24
ikoniamorgan: pretty much all distros boot with grub10:24
ikoniamorgan: what areyou talking about10:24
ferengeeuserdel, it is probably a dead sector on your sdcard10:24
ferengeeuserdel or a bad umount10:25
Curly_QIkonia are you saying that all ISO files are GRUB installed?10:26
morganikonia  - sorry, i don't wanna dig for a live cd when I can have an alternate linux install on its own partition which will ALWAYS work as a backup10:26
ikoniaCurly_Q: no, I'm saying that pretty much all linux distros install grub and boot from it as part of the install process10:26
Starminnikonia: Aha! Now we're making progress! Here's the error: http://imagebin.org/14604210:26
ferengeeuserdel, on fat, the file allocation table contains all references to the file names. mv is writing in that table, as is creating a directory10:26
ferengeeuserdel, so the data stays on the same place, only the references are updated. But if the update of the fat fails, your files seem to be gone10:27
ikoniamorgan: nothing wrong with a windows/linux dusl boot system, I just don't know what you mean by "hardwired linux distro"10:27
Starminnikonia: He means on the HDD in a partition as opposed to a LiveCD10:27
ikoniaok, so that's simple, install windows, install a linux distro10:28
morganikonia - every update gives a new option on grub menu yes? but if I do something wrong, none of those options work. yeah, i wanna seperate install for backup. windows is only for windows progs. i hate it.10:28
ikoniamorgan: no10:28
ikoniamorgan: if you do something wrong, those options won't be affected, grub just boots the kernel, nothing more10:29
Curly_QOK. I remember the old Loadlin installer.10:29
morganikonia - installed xbmc live (which uninstalled gdm), without windows to google the prob I would've bricked my computer. can't i have a failsafe install?10:29
ikoniamorgan: what you've just said makes no sense10:30
coz_morgan,   why did you install xbmc live instead of just installing xbmc from the repository?10:30
ikoniamorgan: you install xmbc live - it uninstalled gdm, that has nothing to do with your capabilities to boot windows from grub10:30
userdelferengee: ok. so there is no problem with commands . that's reliable atleast . or should we always create a backup before doing it.10:30
coz_morgan,  do you get to a login prompt at all10:31
morganikonia - say i have no windows. and no live cd. can't i have a my working linux and a failsafe linux10:31
ferengeeuserdel, my personal policy is that disks cannot be trusted, so have your important stuff at atleast 2 places at all times10:31
ikoniamorgan: that's not the way to deal with it,10:31
Curly_QIkonia, I remember the old Linux loader with Mount Point in text mode.10:31
ikoniamorgan: a dual boot linux situation will make it more complex to manage and more likley to go wrong than just setting up your box and leaving it alone10:32
ikoniaCurly_Q: you said that10:32
userdelferengee: is there any way to restore with original names .10:32
et_I lost the session chooser bar in the login screen, wondering how to get it back.10:32
morganfairy nuff. was just an idea i wanted to explore, i beleive ya (keep a live cd eh?) cheers10:32
et_and I don't seem to find the gdm config file anywhere.10:32
ferengeeuserdel, recently i recovered a 500GB usb disk for someone, but all filenames are missing. It isn't much fun to structure that data again from the meta data (using file, exif2 etc)10:32
ferengeeuserdel, since they are photograps asume10:33
ferengeeuserdel, they contain exif info10:33
et_I lost the session chooser bar in the login screen, wondering how to get it back. And my gdm config files are missing. Weird..10:33
ferengeeuserdel, i use exiv2 to obtain that information10:34
ferengeeuserdel, you might be able to reconstruct filenames using that info10:34
morganikonia - while i have a guru at hand. i accidentaly associated items in my places menu with a program.. don't know how to break that association?10:35
userdelferengee:ok will try. thanks a lot for all the help.10:35
tr3ntondoes anyone know where I can find the md5 sum of natty beta 1? I been trying to create a usb startup disk, but it won't let me add the iso, so just want to check I've got the right file, without errors10:36
bouldingueil y a t il des francophones .10:37
bazhangbouldingue, en #ubuntu-fr10:38
bazhangylmfos, #ubuntu-cn for chinese10:38
sveinseI have a USB serial adapter and whenever I want to use it, upowerd locks access to /dev/ttyUSB0. How can I prevent it? Why is upowerd doing that? (Im running lucid on amd64)10:38
bouldingueokay thank's10:38
darejoin #gdku2710:39
ferengeeuserdel, as soon as you have all your data back, you could use the testdisk program to try to recreate a valid fat with filenames on your sdcard10:40
Curly_QIkonia I agree with you. Can you imagine you trying to remotely reboot a dual boot box?10:43
ikoniaCurly_Q: I do it all the time10:43
userdelferengee:not a bad idea. will try10:43
Curly_QIkonia, that is OK. But as you said there are complications involved. It is better to just leave the box alone.10:44
Curly_QI like to dedicate Windows box for Windows and Linux for Linux. Spend a few buck and do it right.10:45
Curly_QIkonia, I use a separate Hard Drive for my SWAP. The box runs much faster.10:46
woozlywhich programm in ubuntu, allow to 'Search an app by typing from keyboard'10:47
woozlypopuping little window on screen10:47
woozlywhile I typing a name.. it will auto-complete and run on Enter10:47
dagon666guys Im having problems booting from degraded raid array in ubuntu 10.1010:47
dagon666can anyone help10:47
mustermannHi everyone, is there a quick way to shorten the directory path in the terminal?10:48
coz_dagon666,  I dont think i can,, i havent used raid since forever,,,if no one here can help,,it's possible that maybe someone in ##linux might be able to10:48
Diverdudedo you guys run any kind of antivirus programs on your ubuntu machines?10:48
Curly_QWoozly you can grep the application and enter in the terminal window the name of the application.10:49
ikoniaCurly_Q: is there a reason you are telling me this information ?10:49
coz_Diverdude,  if you want one it is called  clamav   with clamtk  as the front end10:49
Curly_QIkonia, I was just talking with you.10:49
ikoniadagon666: what's up10:49
mustermanni mean the working directory currently displayed, can it be shortend?10:49
qwebirc44173can IRQ can cause shutdown problems?10:49
Axlinwoozly: if i'm interpreting your question correctly, you could look at gnome-do, kupfer, synapse, or launchy (tha i know of)10:49
woozlyAxlin, thank you10:49
shuttlehi, need help where i can find sth about saving ubuntu-os to partition10:49
Diverdudecoz_, but is it necessary? I mean no viruses or malware or the like is written for linux anyway right?10:50
dagon666ikonia: my raid array is driving my crazy. I have bootdegraded=true, nevertheless it cannot boot and I land up in initramfs shell10:50
Curly_QQwebirc44173 yes it can if your BIOS settings are turned off. If IRQ in BIOS is shut off, yes.10:50
ZealousDo i need a firewall for linux?10:50
dagon666shuttle: what do you mean ?10:50
coz_Diverdude,  well not generally especially for a linux Desktop,, most of the liunux viruses are geared towards servers  as far as I know and  even my nephew got one on his linux server  and he is a window addict :)10:51
Starminn!firewall | Zealous10:51
ubottuZealous: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.10:51
coz_Diverdude,  it cant hurt for sure10:51
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: Allocate IRQ for PCI VGA yes10:51
coz_Diverdude,  just done scan your windows installation with it or it will most likely render it un bootable :)10:51
shuttledagon666: when ubuntu crashes i dont want to reinstall vpn and dont wanna set up firefox10:51
Zealousdanka Starminn10:51
Zealousreading over it now10:51
StarminnZealous: :) But basically, no. IT all comes straight out-of-the-box10:52
dagon666shuttle: do you want to make a complete partition image ?10:52
StarminnZealous: Those links are for managing it. The defaults are usually fine.10:52
dagon666ikonia: can you help10:52
shuttledagon666: i want to image my ubuntu-partition10:52
Curly_QQwebirc44173, I don't know what you have there as a system or the BIOS, but in general, if the BIOS has been tampered with, I personally go into the BIOS and reset it to factory settings and work from there. Make sure you set the Plug N Play settings. That makes a difference.10:52
shuttledagon666: instead of reinstall lubuntu when it crashes i want to backup from image10:53
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: already did that10:53
dagon666shuttle: the easiest solution dd if=/dev/<your_part> of=<part_image_on different_part> bs=1024k10:53
cbfi just enabled the root account by setting a password but as soon as i supply that password via ssh, i am disconnected. if i supply the wrong password it re-prompts me to type a password. what am i doing wrong?10:53
Curly_QSo what is the situation then?10:53
dagon666shuttle: additionally you can compress it10:54
cbfsshd_config seems to say root logins are allowed too10:54
ikoniadagon666: give me 2 minutes, on the phone10:54
shuttledagon666: is there a package with gui available?10:54
useri changed the langauge of edubuntu 10.10 from english to albanian and sonce then i cant see new files i save from programs on the desktop10:54
dagon666maybe there is bu I do not care much about such stuff10:54
AxlinZealous: as stated, it comes with the distro. but i've found that gufw is the most reliable GUI method of managing it, though managing ufw rules through the command line isn't too difficult if you're willing to learn how :)10:55
useralbanian language support10:55
shuttledagon666: ok thx10:55
ferengeeshuttle, if dd for some reason fails on your existing partition, use dd_rescue10:56
dagon666shuttle: you can also use dump -its a true backup program10:56
ferengeeshuttle, and remember that you should not make an image of a mounted filesystem10:56
shuttleok thx10:57
Curly_QQwebirc44173 what hardware are you running on that box?10:57
ferengeeshuttle, and another tip :) try to recover your install from your image. So that you know your backup actually works10:58
shuttleok, and i wanted to ask, whats a good mp3-convert-package?10:59
UDPErrorHey guys. I'm currently dual booting Windows 7 and Fedora 13. I was wondering how would I replace my fedora with Ubuntu?10:59
coz_UDPError,  just install ubuntu over fedora11:00
coz_UDPError,   should be that simple11:00
UDPErrorwill replace the bootloader with grub?11:00
coz_UDPError,  I am assuming it will... I have not done this with fedora so I am not positive11:01
ferengeeshuttle, i like to use ffmpeg, but again that is commandline stuff11:01
dagon666UDPError: it would be better to reformat unfortunatelly, both systems come from completely different lines and conflicts may occur11:01
coz_shuttle,   sudo apt-get install  ffmpeg,,, then cd to the location of the file you want to convert and     ffmpeg -i  nameof.whichever   nameofmp311:02
rigvedUDPError: format the /boot and the /root partitions while installing ubuntu11:02
rigvedUDPError: sorry that should be /11:02
UDPErrorno worries rigved I figured as so :)11:02
qwebirc44173This is the exact problem that I have http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=c9437dac0fddfb56461dc26eadd4fb11&t=169287711:03
ikoniadagon666: appologies back now, are you still having a raid problem11:03
UDPErrorThe fedora install was easy all I had to do is select the "replace an existing linux os" option11:03
UDPErrordoes ubuntu have this option?11:03
dagon666ikonia: yeah11:03
ikoniadagon666: let me see if I can help you, what's the problem11:03
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108
coz_UDPError,  it has the option to choose partition,, which it will probably name,  to overwrite it11:04
rigvedUDPError: choose the manual partition option and erase the fedora partitions11:04
dagon666ikonia: sometimes at boot time my array does not get assembled and I land up in initramfs. I tried to remove one of the drives to force the degraded state and with one drive absent it does not want to boot, again I land up in initramfs shell11:05
ikoniadagon666: can you boot it at all ?11:05
Curly_QQwebirc44173 have you tried to halt the box as root or did you client sudo halt?11:05
UDPErrorIsn't Fedora a completely different system thanUbuntu though?11:05
ikoniadagon666: as in do you know how to fix it11:05
dagon666ikonia: yes, the array itself is ok. Im curently using this system11:05
ikoniaUDPError: yes, it is a different linux distro11:05
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: I have sudo shutdown -h now and sudo poweroff11:06
ikoniadagon666: what type of array is it, mdadm ?11:06
dagon666ikonia: the assembly problems at boot time are spontanious11:06
MrRaggai do have a Quadro FX 580 running the latest driver 260.19.44 with xorg version 1:7.5+6ubuntu3. i have two monitors connected via dvi but only the one is working which is directly connected to dvi. the second has a hdm -> dvi adapter and the monitor keeps unrecognised with the following error:"TwinView requested but only 1 display devices found"11:06
MrRaggahere is my current xorg.conf http://paste.pocoo.org/show/363733/11:06
UDPErrorhmm okay I'll see what I can find :) will reboot into fedora and do so11:06
ikoniadagon666: ok, but is it an mdadm array ?11:06
shomonwhat happens if I syncrhonise a folder on ubuntu one, then turn off the sync - is the ubuntu one folder still going to be there? Just want to put it there, format this disc, reinstall and put it back...11:06
dagon666they happend quite rare, but they exist and sometimes du to them my server is not available. Yes its software raid mdadm11:06
ikoniadagon666: ok, first thing is, do you have an mdadm.conf11:07
ikoniadagon666: could you pastebin it for me please ?11:07
dagon666ikonia: http://pastie.org/174307311:08
ikoniadagon666: where is that file located on your machine11:08
ikoniadagon666: perfect11:09
ikoniadagon666: ok, this is a raid5 array, do you have a seperate /boot partition ?11:09
MiYabIhello i'm new in ubuntu. is there taskmanager in ubuntu ?11:09
dagon666ikonia: no, everything including boot lies on md011:09
dagon666ikonia: strange thing I noticed at the moment11:10
ikoniadagon666: that maybe the problem, there are a lot of problems with having /boot on a raid5 array11:10
Curly_QQwebirc44173, it may sound crazy but it almost seems that you have two instances or more root permissions going on at the same time. One says yes and the other is waiting. It is a thought. I had something like that happen when I did an SSH with two clients SSH channeling at the same time. I had to halt one client for the system to halt.11:10
dagon666mdadm.conf says that my array consists of 3 drives, but it should be 411:10
ikoniadagon666: is it 3 drives and 1 spare, or 4 drives no spare11:10
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: so I sudo -s?11:10
dagon666ikonia: 4 drives active, no spare11:11
ikoniadagon666: ahh, ok, that is a problem11:11
coz_MiYabI,  you mean like window system monitor?11:11
dagon666ikonia: do you think that correcting this will help ?11:11
ikoniadagon666: manually re-assemble the array and then do a scan and redirect the output to the mdadm.conf (or a backup) and see if it recognises all 4 drives11:11
Curly_QI would use top to see what is running or netstat -tuanlp11:11
MiYabIcoz_ yea11:11
ikoniadagon666: if you have a 4 drive array, it will certainly help, you may want to consider moving /boot also if you can11:11
coz_MiYabI,  if that is the case it is gnome-system-monitor11:11
MiYabIcoz_ no GUI ?11:12
coz_MiYabI,  under system/administration/ system monitor11:12
coz_MiYabI,  or hit   alt+F2  and type   gome-system-monitor11:12
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: so how I one user and then try to shut it down11:12
UDPErrorIs ubuntu LVM? like Fedora?11:12
Curly_QQwebirc are you doing this remotely?11:12
MiYabIcoz_  how to launch that ? with terminal ?11:12
dagon666ikonia: ok, I'll try. Do you think that manuall correction of drives count will help anyway ?11:12
coz_UDPError,  you can set it up that way11:12
qwebirc44173MiYabI: alt+f2 (kleyboard )11:13
UDPErrorbecause Fedora is LVm.. that's the only reason I ask11:13
MiYabIOh Ok. thanks all11:13
coz_MiYabI,  that's one way   also   alt+F2   or go to the menus  under  System / Administration / system monitor11:13
ikoniadagon666: as in manual correction in that config file ?11:13
shomonis there a more specific channel to ask about ubuntu one?11:13
dagon666ikonia: yes, exactly11:13
ikoniadagon666: no no no11:13
coz_MiYabI,  in terminal     gnome-system-monitor & disown     ,,,,  with alt+F2    gnome-system-monitor11:13
MiYabIcoz_ thank you coz_11:14
qwebirc44173What is the difference between update-grub and update-grub2?11:14
coz_MiYabI,  no problem11:14
ikoniadagon666: don't do that, if it thinks there are only 3 drives, and your blockid is made up of those 3 drives, chaning it to 4 drives will invalidate your block ID11:14
coz_qwebirc44173,  I believe the  sudo update-grub2 is current  but then I am not a grub expert11:14
ikoniadagon666: correct the array to be using 4 drives, then do a scan to re-generate the config file with correct block id and drive numbers11:14
qwebirc44173coz_: yes it's the latest version of grub but update-grub does the same thing.11:15
dagon666ikonia: can I do a scan on assembled array ?11:15
coz_qwebirc44173,  I believe both are valid ... yes11:15
ikoniadagon666: is it currently running with 4 drives ?11:15
coz_qwebirc44173,  you can go to the #grub  channel to be sure11:15
dagon666ikonia: yes11:15
ikoniadagon666: sure11:16
Curly_QQwebirc44173, there is a difference between halt and shutdown. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163999911:16
thevishyhello friends now my window border has dissapeared11:17
coz_thevishy,   hit alt+F2  type   gtk-window-decorator  --replace11:18
thevishythanks coz11:18
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: did not work11:18
dagon666ikonia: could you give me some example command. The array is very important to me and I d oevery operation on it with shaking hands :)11:18
ikoniadagon666: hang on, I can never remember this, it's something like mdadm --exaimne /dev/md0 --scan > mdadm.conf.out11:19
ikoniadagon666: mdadm --examine --scan > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf.new11:20
CyFushey can someone help me figure out how to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, im trying to install CUDA but I cannot get the ldconfig to work11:20
ikoniaCyFus: whats the problem11:20
Curly_QQwebirc44173, read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers11:21
CyFusi cannot get the libraries to be recognized, the examples will not compile with a ld returned 1 exit status11:21
dagon666ikonia: hmmm, it displays 4 devices and different UUID11:21
elisa87Hi anyone from wisconsin?11:22
ikoniadagon666: nope, that's perfect11:22
elisa87hi anyone from wisconin?11:22
elisa87has anyone ever been to wisconsin?11:22
ikoniadagon666: that is totally expected, and why I told you not to update the mdadm.conf manually11:22
ikoniadagon666: use that file as your mdadm.conf now and see if the problem goes away11:22
ikoniaelisa87: why ?11:22
lariousThanks to this forum, now my modem connect not am on net, but am having other issue to complie since that am new to linux, I have 2 package giving to me from school as an assignment and i need to defend this11:22
CyFusi set the environment values, I set the path but I cannot get cuda to work11:22
ikoniaCyFus: what is the error11:22
dagon666ikonia: I assume that if I would simply change the drives count in mdadm.conf I would be in serious shit ?11:22
CyFus/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcutil_x86_6411:23
CyFus/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lshrutil_x86_6411:23
CyFuscollect2: ld returned 1 exit status11:23
CyFusmake: *** [../../bin/linux/release/bandwidthTest] Error 111:23
FloodBot1CyFus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:23
elisa87ikonia I have been admitted to wisc.edu for phd program in ECE...I wanted to know more about the city :)11:23
ikoniaCyFus: where are the libraries that are needed ?11:23
Curly_QQwebirc44173 It might be that in your halt file there may be a command that tells the computer to stay booted after halt which stops the halt.11:23
lariousCan anyone help me on how to build a program and install on my linux11:23
ikoniaelisa87: ok, try joining the loco team for that, this channel is only for ubuntu support11:23
ikonialarious: what program do you want to use11:23
ikoniadagon666: easy on the language, and yes, you'd be in real trouble if you changed it manually11:23
CyFusI installed the libraries they are part of the package, im just having trouble linking the libraries to the ldconfiguration11:23
elisa87what is loco team ikonia?11:23
CyFusso they are blind11:24
ikoniaCyFus: where are the libraries11:24
ikonia!loco | elisa8711:24
DJoneselisa87: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-wisconsin11:24
ubottuelisa87: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams11:24
erUSULelisa87: #ubuntu-us-wi or something like that :)11:24
CyFususr/lib/local/cuda I think11:24
ikoniaCyFus: you need to know11:24
DJoneselisa87: Join #ubuntu-us-wi11:24
dagon666ikonia: thanks for help11:24
lariousikonia: I need to install openvpn, I have the src and one other program called your-freedom, that is the example pof what I want to do11:24
ikoniadagon666: welcome, if you have time look at moving /boot off the array if possible11:24
elisa87djones and ikonia thx a lot11:25
ikonialarious: openvpn is in the ubuntu repos so you don't have to build it11:25
ikonia!info openvpn11:25
ubottuopenvpn (source: openvpn): virtual private network daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.0-3ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 415 kB, installed size 1196 kB11:25
CyFusits usr/local/cuda11:25
elisa87(2:55:26 PM) locobot_2: (notice) #ubuntu-us-wi: The channel is logged (at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode). Please observe the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Thank you!11:25
ikonialarious: open the package manager, search for openvpn then hit install11:25
ikoniaCyFus: ok, have you updated the ld search path ?11:25
CyFusthats the default config, I have it right11:25
=== tOrr`bnc is now known as tOrr`
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: how can I check the halt file11:25
CyFusthats the thing im getting stuck on getting ld to see it11:25
ikoniaCyFus: no, have you updated the ld search path11:26
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: just tried apm power_off=1 in /etc/modules rebooted and sudo poweroff and did not wor11:26
ikoniaCyFus: that's a directory11:26
CyFusi had to create a new conf file there for cuda11:26
dagon666ikonia: ok, I'll try to reboot11:26
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: "what is the machine (hardware profile) it is very possible that a peripheral is causing a "hang". Maybe a printer, sound card...."11:26
ikoniaCyFus: ok, if you do an ldconfig -v do you see the library11:26
N3ohello! please tell me what vnc server is able to run on display :0 and adjust the resolution11:26
lariousikonia: actually I am not on linux,... can i should you a link so that you can see my other package11:26
DrkShadowWhat does an ubuntu livecd look like? Does everything need to be under a subdirectory called ubuntu?11:27
ikonialarious: no thanks11:27
qwebirc44173DrkShadow: it's the same but live11:27
fejesehi everyone! i found a bug on ubuntu.com download page, where could i report it?11:27
ikoniafejese: launchpad.net11:27
lariousikonia: so how can you help me on other package11:27
ikonialarious: what OS do you want to do this on11:27
ikonialarious: what OS do you want to do this on11:27
Curly_QNot sure my friend. I am thinking about it as we speak.11:27
qwebirc44173ikonia: lol11:27
ikonialarious: ok, so deal with openvpn first,11:27
ikoniaqwebirc44173: ?11:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:28
ikoniaqwebirc44173: don't be silly please, it's just pointless noise to someone getting help11:28
lariousikonia: BRB cos I need to switch to my linux environment11:28
ikonialarious: no problem, not going anywhere11:28
CyFusikonia its going to take a bit im looking though many lines11:28
u-fokaHy! After installing today's updates for natty, my X crashes every time I touch my synaptics touchpad :( Anyone else has the same issue?11:28
ikoniaCyFus: grep is a good cheat11:29
ikonia!natty | u-foka11:29
ubottuu-foka: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.11:29
qwebirc44173ubottu: /join #ubuntu+111:29
qwebirc44173u-foka: /join #ubuntu+111:29
u-fokaok, I got it :)11:29
Chr|sJust installed fresh copy of ubuntu 10.10...I am unable to see my desktop. How do I fix this? I enabled propreity graphics software. I am also on my cell phone. Please pm message11:30
DrkShadowCan someone pastebin for me their ubuntu live USB syslinux.cfg and txt.cfg please? :-)11:31
tOrr`hello, maybe someone can help me: how to reproduce an output bug like this: http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/3460/outputbug.jpg ?11:31
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Chr|sThis has woked before11:31
CyFusyeah its in there all right11:32
ikoniaCyFus: ok, so the dynamic linker is set fine, that means it's either been compiled wrong, or there is a problem with those libraries11:32
Curly_QChris do you see anything on the screen?11:33
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: just found this http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/APM_Power.html11:33
^Phantom2^weirdest thing just happened11:33
^Phantom2^ubuntu turned off my gfx card11:33
Chr|sCurly_Q yes just horizontal lines. On computer start up I can see everything11:34
Curly_QQwebirc44173, that makes sense. I had a problem years ago with Red Hat and had to append the RAM I had to the boot config file. Good research.11:35
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: so I need to add options in grub cfg11:35
Curly_QGood work Qwebirc44173.11:35
Curly_QI had an idea it was something like that.11:36
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: i didnt say my problem is solved :P11:36
qwebirc44173need to try all the stuff11:36
Curly_QYou are close though.11:36
Curly_QCompiling the kernel is a different story though.11:36
TrickyJ#j ubuntu-locoteams11:37
ikoniaCurly_Q: can you stop making random comments about your old redhat box and compiling kernels, no-one is even talking about that11:37
qwebirc44173ikonia: he's giving me hope11:37
sl33k_i want to find the path for --prefix. So how do i write my path to a directory? the directory is in /media/890...11:37
ikoniaqwebirc44173: it's random and miss-leading11:37
ikoniasl33k_: in what respect ?11:37
Chr|sAny ideas?11:38
sl33k_ikonia: it says like this PREFIX=/path/to/where/I/want/directory11:38
ikoniasl33k_: what are you actually trying to do11:38
Chr|sNot sure how I could "roll back" graphics driver. Proproiety driver11:39
CyFusugh what a mess I'm not sure how im going to fix this11:39
sl33k_ikonia: this is before compile to find the prefix to the directories not in root.11:39
sl33k_root directory11:39
ikoniasl33k_: you can set --prefix to where ever you want then, --prefix is where you want to install it, that's up to you11:39
NomikosI'm running Ubuntu in a VirtualBox, but it doesn't go on the network until after I login via the login dialog. what should I look for?11:39
NomikosTo clarify, I'd like it to be able to accept incoming SSH and HTTP without logging in11:40
Nomikos*in the gui11:40
ruanNomikos: you can disable the login dialog11:40
Chr|sAnyone have any suggestions? I cantr access my desktop with it being like this11:41
GneaNomikos: open your network manager settings11:41
sl33k_ikonia: will the path be something like ~/home/media/840...  or   /media/840 ?11:41
Nomikosruan: I'd prefer not to11:41
GneaNomikos: there's an option to checkbox that it not be just for logins11:41
ikoniaNomikos: this is probably due to the fact that your network card is setup using network manager settings which doesn't get loaded until you log in11:41
ikoniasl33k_: it is where YOU want it to be11:41
[deXter]did you guys see the narwhal on google earth?11:42
ikonia[deXter]: offtopic for this channel11:42
sl33k_ikonia: yea but where to start the path. noobie at paths.11:42
ikoniasl33k_: where ever YOU want11:42
[deXter]ikonia: Whoops, sorry. Is there an #ubuntu-chat or similar?11:43
ikonia[deXter]: #ubuntu-offtopic11:43
sl33k_ikonia: path will start with /media or /home/media?11:44
ikoniasl33k_: where YOU want11:46
lee-xsl33k_: /media11:46
ikonialee-x: you don't know that, do you know his system ?11:46
locodir-userTrickyJ: HI11:47
TrickyJlocodir-user, How are u buddy11:47
rzx237how to configure linux to use individual audio stream for laptop speaker and for headphone using one audio controller? or we need two audio controller?11:47
mariuzsi'm sic and i can't go to work11:48
ikoniamariuzs: this channel is for ubuntu support discussion only11:49
Zealouslol Tux says NO!!!!!11:49
ikoniaZealous: ?11:49
Zealousidk trying to be funny, linux chat only11:50
Zealousdam irc can never do voices11:50
mariuzssorry, OK i have problem with subwoofer in ubuntu 10.1011:50
qwebirc44173I installed apmd and typed amd -s it shows:  No APM support in kernel11:50
ikoniaZealous: please don't, you've been told what the channel topic is11:50
ikoniaqwebirc44173: did you add that apm options to the kernel boot11:50
qwebirc44173ikonia: ye need to reboot11:51
ikoniaqwebirc44173: what options did you use ?11:51
qwebirc44173ikonia: im gonna try acpi=off apm=power_off11:51
qwebirc44173and there is apm=on i think11:51
ikoniaqwebirc44173: ok, so would that not explain why there is no power managment support11:51
ikoniaqwebirc44173: if you've turned them off11:51
qwebirc44173ikonia: do I need the apm=on?11:52
ikoniaqwebirc44173: depends if your hardware supports it11:52
qwebirc44173it does11:52
qwebirc44173it's on BIOS11:52
ikoniaqwebirc44173: how do you know ?11:52
ikoniaqwebirc44173: does it support it within linux11:52
qwebirc44173it should? lol11:52
ikoniaqwebirc44173: how do you know ?11:52
qwebirc44173how can I know?11:52
ikoniaqwebirc44173: research,11:53
qwebirc44173just trying11:53
ikoniaqwebirc44173: try it, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work11:53
qwebirc44173ok no need to be pessimist11:54
ikoniaqwebirc44173: I'm not11:54
Cyclopsecan anyone please tell me how to start with PHP on ubuntu?11:55
ikoniaCyclopse: in what way start, install it, or start writing softrware ?11:55
Cyclopseto install it11:56
fairuzCyclopse: Install php, apache and mysql11:56
ikoniaCyclopse: I assume you'll be wanting to use web applications with it, eg: wordpress or something like that11:56
qwebirc44173ikonia: it continues to show no apm support in kernel11:56
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ikoniaqwebirc44173: as I said, don't be surprised11:57
CyclopseI want to work on web applications11:57
fairuzCyclopse: If you don't want to install each of them separately, try Xampp : http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html11:57
fairuzThere are some instructions there that you can follow11:57
ikoniafairuz: please don't recommend that11:57
ikoniaCyclopse: don't use xammp11:57
ikonia!lamp | Cyclopse11:57
ubottuCyclopse: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:57
fairuzikonia: ah yes, sure. :D11:58
novitololoany recommendation of a program to take notes?11:58
ikoniaCyclopse: that information the ubottu gave you will walk you through installing the supported LAMP stack, which is PHP and Mysql DB on ubuntu, perfect for php applications11:58
Guest50103Why did my network always go offline today?11:58
Curly_QQwebirc44173, I shut down my Linux box from my SSH box and there was a clue to your situation. I saw this: Broadcast message /dev/pts/0    There is a Linux organization called:  http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/pipermail/lfs-dev/2000-May/002889.html      Check that out.11:59
=== Guest50103 is now known as DavidGao
DavidGaoI mean before I changed into Xubuntu11:59
Cyclopsethanks for the help:)11:59
qwebirc44173Curly_Q: dunno what it means11:59
ikoniaqwebirc44173: ignore it11:59
ikoniaCurly_Q: could you explain how that releats to power managment ?12:00
Curly_QIt talks about the Linux kernel and the shutdown message.12:00
DrkShadowI hate spending hours upon hours on something before coming to the conclusion that it's just unsupported hardware.12:00
ikoniaCurly_Q: who is asking about a shutdown message12:00
Curly_QQwebirc was.12:00
DavidGaoAh, hello everyone~~12:00
DrkShadownever mind, now I'm getting the error on both machines. USB key, "Unable to find a medium containing a live file system" -- anyone know how to fix that?12:00
qwebirc44173at /etc/default/halt # Default behaviour of shutdown -h / halt. Set to "halt" or "poweroff". HALT=poweroff12:01
ikoniaqwebirc44173: yes, so is the problem a shutdown message or power managment12:01
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qwebirc44173hopefully not hardware12:01
DavidGaoubuntu seems not running well on my ancient 2003 machine...could anyone please tell me which version I should use?12:01
ikoniaqwebirc44173: yes, so is the problem a shutdown message or power managment12:01
RovanionDoes anyone know what could cause only being able to join one wireless network per boot. I've tried restarting networking and, depending on what I had installed, wicd and NM. I'm still only able to connect to one wireless network per boot.12:02
qwebirc44173Where is   CONFIG_APM=y ?12:05
ikoniaqwebirc44173: it's in the kernel12:05
ikoniaqwebirc44173: it's a compile time option, but as ubuntu is modular it's likley to be set to "M"12:06
qwebirc44173ikonia: can I check its config?12:06
xiaoyWhich pkgs should i install to get 32bit compatibility in a 64bit Ubuntu?12:06
ikoniaqwebirc44173: I'll help you out, it's amodule12:06
qwebirc44173ok tks12:06
ikoniaxiaoy: if you install a 32bit package, it will pull the deps in12:06
xiaoyikonia, is thera a name for the 32bit main package?12:07
phonex01hi guys is there any tool can be used as wifi spy chanalyzer on ubuntu ?12:08
ruanxiaoy: there isn't really a 'main' package, but you can try ia32-libs12:08
Zealousspy chanalyzer????12:08
Zealousyou want to monitor your wifi network?12:08
Zealousto see who is connected12:09
phonex01i can use aircrack12:09
phonex01but i want to see the spectrum12:09
Zealousi don't security talk is covered in this room12:09
phonex01there is some tools for windows do that12:09
Zealouscould try the backtrack room12:09
ikoniaxiaoy: compat-libs, something like i386-compat-libs12:09
ikoniaZealous: please don't make things up12:09
ikoniasecurity talk related to ubuntu is fine12:09
phonex01im not trying to hack someone12:09
Zealouswell i mentioned aircrack yesterday and i got told to take it to backtrack room12:10
ikoniaZealous: #backtrackl-linux is for backtrack linux support, not security in general, as you've been told in #backtrack-linux12:10
phonex01im working on a wifi module12:10
ruanhmm, so you want to see who is connected to a wifi network?12:10
phonex01no man12:10
ruanwhat exactly then?12:10
phonex01i want to see the spectrum between channels12:10
phonex01there is a tool for windows called wifi spy chanalyzer12:11
ruandoes that work on wine?12:11
phonex01look like this : http://www.metageek.net/support/downloads/12:12
HRezaeiHi ti All! I have a problem using Ubuntu One: I see this error while trying to register or sign in: "NoneType" object has no attribute 'makefile'?!12:14
Chr|s!ops | siska12:15
ubottusiska: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!12:15
ikoniaChr|s: why have you called the ops12:15
ikoniaChr|s: where ?12:16
ruancan't see siska anywhere12:16
ikoniaChr|s: where ?12:16
ruanin the channel but i dont see any advertising12:16
=== erkan^2 is now known as erkan^
arunewhen my laptop enters or leaves suspend I would like it to do a "killall ssh" so that I dont have some "frozen" terminals when I wake the laptop from suspend, I guess there is some script that will run automatically?12:16
Chr|smy bad,must of noticed me12:16
Chr|sthought it was in channel12:16
hvnsweetinghi, please help me, i've reinstalled Windows, i try to restore grub2 after read some tut on net. But now, when i boot, i just got the "grub> " please tell me how to fix this. Thanks12:17
DirtyDawgguys, i have about 2 weeks ago just started using Ubuntu so i am still getting used to it, i have a disk with 3 partitions, one ext3 (Ubuntu) and 2 NTFS from when i had windows installed, even tho they both work and are readable under Ubuntu i would like to delete them both and resize the Ubuntu ext3 partition into 1 ext3, using Gparted (booted) would this cause any problems or should it work ok?12:17
ruanDirtyDawg: it should work. ubuntu is not dependant on NTFS12:18
ikoniaDirtyDawg: as long as you do it from a livecd you won't have a problem12:18
DirtyDawgahh thx guys :)12:18
ikoniaDirtyDawg: you won't be able to resize the ubuntu OS partition while you are using it, hence using a livecd12:18
ZeeTronjust make backup before12:19
ZeeTronuse hirens xD12:19
DirtyDawgahh yeah i wondered about that, i just bought some cd's to burn the bootable one12:19
ruanit can be done from a usb too12:19
hvnsweetinghi, please help me, i've reinstalled Windows, i try to restore grub2 after read some tut on net. But now, when i boot, i just got the "grub> " please tell me how to fix this. Thanks12:20
ZeeTronor by a floop disc12:20
qwebirc44173ikonia: I have added the commands to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line12:21
qwebirc44173is that right?12:21
ruanhavent seen a floppy that can store 700mb of data12:21
ZeeTroni didnt say that12:21
ZeeTroni said boot by12:21
ruanfloop disc?12:22
ZeeTronand not do all with a floop12:22
OomElvishey all, i wanted to connect to a host via SSH, but dont want my domain to appear in the command "history" - is there a way to use SSH like telnet where u run telnet and then type: "open destination"12:22
qwebirc44173ZeeTron: I know you can create a rescue floppy12:22
ZeeTronu see?12:22
venkateshhello everybody ....I have installed teamviewer package in ubuntu 10.10 , first it was showing the icon in internet menu , but now its not showing the icon, if i open from the command line it works.  how to bring back the teamviewer icon back to internet menu12:22
OomElvisin some sort of interactive mode12:22
qwebirc44173OomElvis: ssh -p PORT USER@HOSTNAME12:22
OomElvisbut then it gets rrecorded in the history12:22
OomElviswhen u type "histroy"12:22
OomElvisbut if i went telnet > open mydomain.com12:23
OomElvisthen it wouldnt be seen12:23
qwebirc44173OomElvis: nano .bashrc12:23
qwebirc44173add the line unset=HISTFILE12:23
cselabhw 2 install mysql without internet connection12:23
qwebirc44173then rm .bash_history12:23
qwebirc44173source .bashrc12:23
OomElvisqwebirc44173: cool!12:23
cipher_venkatesh, right click on the application ->edit menus .. there u go12:23
OomElvisthans man12:23
OomElvisye know too much12:23
disseHey guy's I have a problem with proxychains12:24
disse there on the link is the full description12:24
cselabcipher_, hw 2 install mysql without internet connection12:24
ZeeTronright click of a mouse12:24
cselabZeeTron,  hw 2 install mysql without internet connection12:24
qwebirc44173OomElvis:  it is unset HISTFILE12:24
qwebirc44173not unset=HISTFILE12:25
OomElvisoh ok12:25
cselabqwebirc44173,   hw 2 install mysql without internet connection12:25
ZeeTroncselab i dont have clue12:25
ruancselab: get the packages from a pc that has a internet connection, and put it on the pc12:25
cselabZeelot, ok thnx12:25
OomElvisor i could make a bash script that connects to the host12:26
OomElvisthen i delete the script12:26
cselabruan, i mean wt r those pkgs12:26
ruancselab: not sure, but they should be on packages.ubuntu.com somewhere12:26
qwebirc44173cselab: you could download the .deb file12:26
ruanyeah the deb files12:26
qwebirc44173cselab: http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:26
ZeeTronthey said withou internet12:27
qwebirc44173make sure you have the dependecies12:27
cselabqwebirc44173,i downloaded a file from my sql website.it hav no install script12:27
ruanZeeTron: via usb flash drive from a pc that has internet12:27
icerootcselab: install script for what?12:27
qwebirc44173dont know if you can install a package from installation cd12:27
cselabiceroot, its a single wordinstallscript12:28
qwebirc44173but that would be outdated anyway12:28
icerootcselab: a what?12:28
cselabiceroot, i mean i hav no file to install mysql12:28
ruancselab: get the .deb packages for mysql12:28
cselabiceroot, only some binary files12:28
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:28
icerootcselab: what do you want to install?12:29
cselabiceroot, mysql12:29
cselabruan, am on www.packages.ubuntu.com12:29
cselabruan, section please....12:29
icerootcselab: sudo apt-get install mysql12:29
elfranneis there a CLI version of ubuntu one or a way to install ubuntu one client on a headless server ?12:29
Pumpkin-another method, "export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace", and then prefix commands you don't want to be saved in the history with a space12:29
ruaniceroot: he wants to install it on another pc. packages get will do12:29
icerootcselab: sudo apt-get install -d mysql-server12:30
cselabiceroot, its not working i hav 2 update repositories 4 that12:30
Pumpkin-so "echo foo" would go in the history, but " echo foo" wouldn't12:30
icerootcselab: then copy the file from /var/cache/apt/ to the other machine and use "sudo dpkg -i mysql-server....deb"12:30
cselabiceroot, thnx a lot12:30
ruanyep, that will work12:31
cselabiceroot, anything other tahn taht?12:31
mih1406I want to extract data from files to a single file using grep?12:31
cselabother than that?12:31
ruancselab: once you have the .deb file, you can install it without an internet connection12:31
mih1406Grep prints only the files name not the matched regexp12:31
ruancselab: provided that it has all the dependancies12:31
DrkShadowThe live CD doesn't detect /dev/sdb1 as the source for the live filesystem... how can I tell it to look there, or manually mount it, or whatever?12:32
ruanmih1406: what type of files are these?12:32
cselabruan, thats ma qstn....does it hav all d dependencies?12:32
ruancselab: it should12:32
oCeanmih1406: grep prints both: the filename as well as the matching line12:32
qwebirc44173OomElvis: ssh will hash stuff to .ssh/known_hosts12:32
mih1406ruan, text files12:33
cselabruan,am on packages.ubuntu.com which section shud i select?12:33
mih1406I want to print the found matched regexp12:33
qwebirc44173mih1406: use cat?12:34
oCeanmih1406: grep -h will not print the filename, where the regexp is found12:34
cselabok bye 2 all12:34
mih1406I have 3 file of my database and I want to extracts usernames and emails to a single file12:35
llewangus825Hi all, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction - I'm not sure what I did but when I try scrol through menues like the application menu it does not always open the next menu (intermittent) and I can double click - I have tried loads of search terms - but I don't know what I am actually asking.... Any help would be very gratfully recieved.12:35
qwebirc44173I have a /proc/acpi not /proc/apm12:36
oCeanmih1406: yeah, so?12:36
lolmausHow do i list all groups a certain user belongs to? In console12:36
mih1406how to extract these data to a single file?12:36
qwebirc44173mih1406: > file12:36
Dr_Willislolmaus:  one way would be to grep the /etc/groups file for their name. or check the groups command.12:36
ruanmih1406: cat file1 >file.txt12:37
mih1406qwebirc44173, this prints the file name and the line but I want the emails and usernames12:37
oCeanmih1406: I told you12:37
oCeanmih1406: you have to come with examples, or show in paste.ubuntu.com12:37
lolmausDr_Willis, yay! Thx for "groups"!12:37
mih1406here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/588209/12:38
mih1406Can you gave me the whole command that extracts emails from 3 files to single files so I have a list of emails with their username12:40
oCeanmih1406: use * for each file in that directory12:40
DrkShadowIs there _any_ way to install Ubuntu from a non-ubuntu system?12:40
Dr_WillisDrkShadow:  debootstrap is one way12:40
Cube``when's 11.4 coming out?12:40
Cube``aint no counter on the homepage12:40
Dr_WillisDrkShadow:  fancy virtualbox tricks.12:40
DrkShadowoh screw it. I can just use the mini disk... it doesn't need to load a live filesystem.12:40
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.12:40
Dr_WillisCube``:  end of the month normally. 2011 4th month...12:40
Cube``thanks ruan12:40
Cube``ah ok12:40
Cube``thanks guys12:40
HRezaeiI have run sudo firefox in terminal. It opened ff and now I can not write any commands else. how to return to command line?12:41
oCeanmih1406: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588211/12:41
ruanHRezaei: why sudo firefox?12:41
Dr_WillisHRezaei:  bash job controll,.,.  ctrl-z and the 'bg' command. is one way12:41
qwebirc44173just found this beauty  cat /boot/config-2.6.35-28-generic | grep APM12:41
Dr_WillisHRezaei:  i also have to wonder.. why would ou need to do sudo firefox.12:41
Pumpkin-HRezaei: lots of questions12:41
Pumpkin-1.) Why are you running Firefox as root ?12:42
ruanHRezaei: first, firefox doesn't need root, and second, it should be run as gksudo12:42
Pumpkin-2.) You can tell tasks to run in the background by putting a & on the end of them (for example "firefox &")12:42
=== denny- is now known as denny
Pumpkin-3.) Hit CTRL-C will get you back to the command prompt, but it will close firefox12:42
llewangus825Just wondering if it could have anything to do with enabling PAE?12:43
HRezaeiruan, Dr_Willis ,Pumpkin- I wanted to update my ff from 3.6 to 4. so extracted 4.tar.gz then I did not know how to upgrade. so tested that command in extracted folder!12:44
mih1406thank you guys12:44
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox12:44
qwebirc44173I need help enabling APM support!12:44
mih1406oCean, special thank to oCean12:44
oCeanmih1406: welcome12:45
Dr_WillisHRezaei:  thats not the proper way top upgrade it at all. and even then. there was no need to do sudo firefox.12:45
Dr_WillisHRezaei:  your user could of extracted/ran the binaries from that tar.gz12:45
HRezaeiubottu: I have downloaded it before ! but your commands are downloading it again!12:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:48
chatmachineBREAKING NEWS! http://bit.ly/fpzn0q BREAKING NEWS!12:48
chatmachineBREAKING NEWS! http://bit.ly/fpzn0q BREAKING NEWS!12:48
chatmachineBREAKING NEWS! http://bit.ly/fpzn0q BREAKING NEWS!12:48
FloodBot1chatmachine: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
vieira061180hi prx12:49
qwebirc44173This is my old machine http://www.ciao.co.uk/Productinformation/PCCHIPS_M810_LMR__540987212:49
prxIs there an alternative for Ubuntu 10.10 for the networkmanager, like wpa_gui that i may use?12:49
Dr_WillisHRezaei:  You really dont want to be using the tar.gz file at all.  If you want to upgrade firefox 'system wide' you need to enable the proper repositories.12:49
qwebirc44173prx: wicd12:49
ruanprx: wicd12:49
Dr_Willisprx:  theres wicd that many people use12:49
HRezaeiDr_Willis:  I have downloaded it before ! but ubottu commands are downloading it again!12:49
prxthx, trying...12:50
ruanHRezaei: those commands install it properly12:50
Dr_WillisHRezaei:   You dowloaded that tar.gz - which is not needed. You need to enable the stable firefox 4 ppa repopsotry and update it that way12:50
prxwow, wicd even comes with a curses gui :)12:51
HRezaeiDr_Willis: I have had same problems installing other software! Is there any rich article helping me understanding use of repositories fully?12:51
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:51
HRezaeithx all!12:53
qwebirc44173where is apm module located?12:55
ikoniaqwebirc44173: kernel tree12:56
qwebirc44173ikonia: dont get it12:56
ikoniaqwebirc44173: what do you want to do12:57
=== dj is now known as Guest85965
qwebirc44173ikonia: to enable apm module12:57
=== Guest85965 is now known as dj__
qwebirc44173cat /boot/config-2.6.35-28-generic | grep APM  shows CONFIG_APM=m12:57
ikoniaqwebirc44173: load the module then12:57
qwebirc44173should be =y12:57
ikoniaqwebirc44173: no it shouldn't12:57
qwebirc44173ikonia: I tried it didnt found12:57
ikoniaqwebirc44173: I told you it would not be "y"12:57
ikoniaqwebirc44173: how did you try to load it12:58
qwebirc44173ikonia: sudo modprobe apm12:58
qwebirc44173and sudo -s12:58
ikoniaqwebirc44173: is that the modules name ?12:58
qwebirc44173btw its PAE kernel12:58
qwebirc44173same thing on desktop12:58
ikoniathat's not what I asked12:58
qwebirc44173I know12:58
qwebirc44173I think it is called apm12:59
qwebirc44173modprobe apm FATAL: Error inserting apm (/lib/modules/2.6.35-28-generic-pae/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/apm.ko): No such device12:59
dj__how to compile c program in ubuntu12:59
ikoniaqwebirc44173: ok, "think" it not enough, you need to know the name of the module you are loaded12:59
ruan!compile | dj__12:59
ubottudj__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:59
ikoniaqwebirc44173: ok - so that's the problem than, that module doesn't exist in that directory, so either it's not there, or it's the wrong name12:59
qwebirc44173ikonia: it is apm13:00
ikoniaqwebirc44173: how do you know ?13:00
qwebirc44173ive seen in websites13:00
qwebirc44173ppl telling to load apm module13:01
ikoniaqwebirc44173: use load the apm module, that doesn't it is / is not actually called apm13:01
dj__how n wer to comile c in ubutnu13:01
ikoniaqwebirc44173: eg: I could tell you to load the scsi disk module, that doesn't mean the module is called "scsi disk"13:01
ulughbeghhave you heard latest rumors after the 11.4 ubuntu will be a paid os :O13:03
qwebirc44173topic ulughbegh13:03
qwebirc44173ban ftw13:03
ulughbeghopps sorry13:04
* DirtyDawg thinks the paid for Ubuntu is an April fool joke :D13:06
ikoniaDirtyDawg: bit slow13:06
DirtyDawgwas eating a sammich13:06
DirtyDawgjust noticed lol13:06
[TK]D-Fenderikonia: Not at all... you were remarkably fast! *chop* :)13:07
lolmausI've created a user on ubuntu server and added it to the "admin" group. But when i try to login via SSH it says access denied. Why?13:08
lolmausI changed password to 123 so there's no typo13:09
prxlolmaus: inside the sshd config there may be some part that rejects logins for users in this group, why does the wheel group not succeed?13:10
jriblolmaus: can you « ssh localhost » on the server locally and login as the user?13:10
ikoniaprx: ubuntu does use wheel13:10
prxikonia: jup, but lolmaus used admin13:11
* jrib pokes ikonia13:11
jribprx: he meant "doesn't"13:11
prxjrib: ah, sorry13:11
prxI need to stay a bit to get some more information about ubuntu... ;)13:12
jribprx: essentially, the just use "admin" instead of "wheel"13:12
ikoniajrib: thank you13:13
LjLdoes Ubuntu support the Creative X-Fi nowadays, and if so how well and is it with OSS drivers?13:13
ikoniaLjL: it get "ok" sound out of it, nothing advanced, stero etc13:13
LjLikonia: you mean no stereo?13:13
lolmausjrib, the server is remote. And i can login to it with my own user.13:13
Picilolmaus: I suspect that you used useradd instead of adduser and the user's account isn't sufficiently set up.13:14
ikoniaLjL: no, I get the basics, such as stereo13:14
jriblolmaus: fine do « ssh localhost » after you login with your own user13:14
lolmausPici, i used the interactive one13:14
LjLikonia: ah. can you sample at 192kHz (assuming it supports that, i think it does but not quite sure)?13:14
lolmausjrib, yup, it did let me in13:15
ikoniaLjL: it can play back at that, so I'd assume sample also13:15
* jrib didn't expect that hrmph13:15
jriblolmaus: you did « ssh non-working-user@localhost »?13:15
LjLikonia: some cards can play back at 192kHz but not sample. can you test this for me please?  "arecord -f dat -r 192000 -D hw:0,0 -d 5 test.wav". if it doesn't support 192kHz, it will say that the "requested" sample rate is different from what you "got"13:16
ikoniaLjL: not got access to that box at the moment, it's my desktop that's powered off13:16
ikoniaLjL: I can do it for you though if you remind me13:16
LjLikonia: ok i'll remind you later then, thanks13:16
Shwaiilhi ppl13:17
lolmausjrib, yes sir13:18
jriblolmaus: pastebin /etc/ssh/sshd_config13:18
lolmausjrib, btw, i'm trying SFTP over SSH, not just SSH13:18
Las_hi people13:18
ThE_aLiEn_returnalguma brasileiro ai?13:19
jrib!br | ThE_aLiEn_return13:19
ubottuThE_aLiEn_return: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:19
ZeeTronsem aspas!13:19
Las_I dunno but sudently my cdrom doesn't work in ubuntu 10.1013:19
ZeeTrondo that thing of mount ...13:20
ikoniaZeeTron: what ?13:20
lolmausjrib, but it won't let me in via Putty either... sshd_config should be default: http://pastie.org/174345213:20
ikoniaZeeTron: why is that funny ?13:20
ZeeTronmy browser has crash13:21
jriblolmaus: what do you mean "either"?  You said that « ssh non-working-user@localhost » DOES work, correct?13:21
ZeeTroni cant remember how 2 mount a cdrom13:21
vieira061180eu sou brasileiro13:21
Pici!br | vieira06118013:21
ubottuvieira061180: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:21
Las_If I do --> sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom It says that It can't find /dev/sr013:21
ZeeTronbut i guess it could help that guy13:21
ikoniaZeeTron: if you don't know how to do something, don't offer advice13:23
ZeeTroni think that is harware Las_13:23
ThE_aLiEn_return! ubottu13:23
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:23
ZeeTron[ikonia]: i know google that13:23
ThE_aLiEn_return!br ubottu13:23
UbossI have Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Edition (Normal Ubuntu), if I would like to change my Ubuntu to Ubuntu Netbook Remix Edition, can I?13:24
jribThE_aLiEn_return: escreve: /join #ubuntu-br13:24
coz_Uboss,  open synaptic package manager    ,, hit search ,, tyep   netbook,,, you probably wanth the gnome one not the kubuntu one13:25
enochhi all13:25
PeddyI have a directory at /home/user1/share that I'm sharing. How can I access the directory from another computer, using user2's credentials (on the share computer)?13:26
enochhow can i play a video on two ubuntu machines perfectly syncrhronized?13:26
coz_Uboss,  so look for  ubuntu-netbook13:26
Ubosscoz_, I don't know :P I would like the Netbook edition which says in www.ubuntu.com (I would like to transform into that through upgrade process if possible).13:26
coz_Uboss, oh the 11.0413:26
Ubosscoz_, yeah but with Netbook's User Interface13:27
coz_Uboss,   well my suggestion is not to upgrade to 11.04  but clean install,,, however ,, it really is not ready13:27
lolmausjrib, it does work locally (after logging in remotely via my working user). But it does not work directly13:27
coz_Uboss,   well the similar interface in is ubuntu netbook edition but not sure if it is identical to the natty netbook Unity13:27
Ubosscoz_, can I transform my ubuntu into ubuntu netbook's edition and stay on 10.04 as I am now?13:27
jriblolmaus: did you see what Pici said about how you created the user?13:27
coz_Uboss,  sure ,, just install the ubuntu-netbook   ,, I would google ubuntu 10.10  netbook screenshots to be sure its what you want13:28
lolmausjrib, i've created my user with the interactive command13:28
jriblolmaus: what interactive command?13:28
coz_Uboss,  rather google ubuntu 10.0413:28
lolmausjrib, adduser?13:28
coz_Uboss,  with  netbook and take a look at it13:28
Ubosscoz_, thanks dude. :)13:28
jriblolmaus: why a question mark at the end of that?13:28
Ubosshave a nice day everyone13:29
coz_Uboss,  if your system is fairly  new  it should be able to handle it  otherwise  mutter,, the compositor will take up resources,,aka  a hog13:29
coz_Uboss,  or wait until the end of April for the release of ubuntu 11.0413:29
lolmausjrib, i don't remember which one of two is interactive :) It created the home folder and stuff. And it lets me in locally.13:30
Ubosscoz_, I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS now. An idea came into my mind today if I would be able to change my Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.04 or 10.10. Anyway, I will search more and then decide. Thanks!13:30
jriblolmaus: can you pastebin your attempt at sshing remotely and all of the output?13:31
lolmausjrib, FCUK!!!! I'm an idiot13:31
coz_Uboss,  ok13:31
lolmausjrib, the SSH port is NOT 2213:31
Ubosslolmaus :P13:31
jriblolmaus: it is according to what you pasted :/13:32
qwebirc44173sudo apt-get install brain13:32
Peddyhow can I control which users have access to a shared folder?13:32
ikoniaPeddy: file system permissions13:32
mih1406I have a file with a big list and I want to separate it into more than one file13:34
Peddyikonia, even when the permission on the shared folder is 777, I am unable to access it from any account besides the creator account.13:34
mih1406is it possible with grep?13:34
jribmih1406: depends on how you want to separate it...13:34
Dr_WillisPeddy:  access via samba? or on the local system/normal paths?13:34
ikoniaPeddy: look at the permissions above the folder your in13:35
k405mih1406,  if u redirect the output with >13:35
PeddyDr_Willis, samba.13:35
Peddyikonia, so if /home/user1 is restricted to user1 only, then /home/user1/share will still be inaccessible by other users?13:35
mih1406separate it in any possible way because it is more than 25 MB and want it to be 5 MB each13:35
ikoniaPeddy: correct13:35
jribmih1406: you can use "split" if you want to split the file strictly by size13:36
Peddyikonia, I see. Thanks for the clarification.13:36
janybekhi there13:36
Dr_WillisPeddy:  if accessing via samba - other users should be able to access it. IF its set up right13:37
janybekneed some help with gitosis13:37
amgarchIn9mih1406: man split; split -l NLINES input13:37
k405what is your use case mih1406?13:37
PeddyDr_Willis, I just used the standard nautilus method of sharing options>share13:37
janybekjoin #github13:37
Dr_WillisPeddy:  a local user2 trying to access /home/user1/share would reqwuire proper permissions on the dir and the dirs above it.13:37
Dr_WillisPeddy:  douvle check your shareing options and allow the guest share feature i think13:37
Dr_WillisPeddy:  you may want to give the users a actual samba password also with 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'13:38
mih1406a file with a big list of emails and usernames each pair in one line and want to split this lone list into lists13:38
PeddyDr_Willis, ah, I understand - that makes perfect sense, I understand now. With this samba password, will it work just as standard system accounts have been working (to access the shares?)13:38
jribmih1406: amgarchIn9 gave you the exact command13:39
mih1406i am trying it now13:39
xelisteropen office does not start13:39
Dr_WillisPeddy:  samba has 10000's of config options. check teh samba-doc package for books on configuring samba13:39
Dr_WillisPeddy:  personally i just enable the home shares for samba. and thats about it.13:40
PeddyDr_Willis, thanks for your help. Good night!13:40
dydhi all13:41
qwebirc44173"apm: BIOS not found."13:42
edbianqwebirc44173: april fools joke?13:42
oneman<  C Coder / Advanced User     ... Been using natty for a few weeks on my sandy bridge 2500k cpu + h67 chip motherboard, there has been graphics related crashes and messups throughout, is there anything I can do to help ?13:42
ikoniaqwebirc44173: I asked you if your board supported apm under linux and told you not to be surprised if it didn't13:42
dydi have a problem with backup: at this poing /host/ubuntu/winboot/wubildr.tar it gives this error tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors13:43
onemanthe app-report gpu thing seems to crash itself...13:43
qwebirc44173no edbian13:43
Dr_Willisthe bios may not support APM. but supports that other method.. APCI?13:43
dydwhy that happens?13:43
qwebirc44173Dr_Willis: apci wont work13:43
wibojoin pitivi13:45
wibojoin #pitivi13:46
qwebirc44173wibo: /join13:46
hellomrjackwould this be the right place to ask for help compiling from source?13:47
jribhellomrjack: sure... what are you compiling?13:47
hellomrjackjrib: just some support libs for opencv13:48
qwebirc44173so Linux doesnt like my mobo13:49
hellomrjackjrib: what im having a problem with is that configure isnt picking up my local install in $HOME/local/lib13:49
BlaDe^I added a user like: sudo useradd -d /ftp/datafeed -g ftp -p <password> -s /usr/sbin/nologin datafeed13:49
BlaDe^but I can't login via vsftpd -- why?13:49
BlaDe^it says incorrect pass13:49
hellomrjackjrib: i have the path in PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH13:50
qwebirc44173should I flash the BIOS?13:51
FloodBot1qwebirc44173: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
qwebirc44173FloodBot1: ?13:52
jribhellomrjack: isn't opencv in the repositories?  Why aren't you using apt?13:52
hellomrjackjrib: I have to install it locally from source as im not a sudoer on the system13:53
hellomrjackjrib: and i have to recompile all of the libs using gcc4.1.2 to make it compatible with the plugin i am using it in13:53
prxHmm, wicd cannot connect to my hostapd net using WPA2 PSK, does is take HEX keys of the appropriate length or are the keys interpreted some other way than hex?13:54
qwebirc44173prx: do not use the latest version it has a bug13:54
qwebirc44173use the previous one13:54
qwebirc44173(not april fools joke)13:54
prxqwebirc44173: I'm using what i get with ubuntu 10.10, i guess the faulty version will be masked? (not shipped, whatever)13:55
hellomrjackjrib: is there a specific variable you need to set so it looks in a alternitive location13:55
guessswh0what specifically has a bug?13:55
qwebirc44173prx: just a sec13:55
coz_Dr_Willis,  hey guy  http://www.delicious.com/dr_willis/ubuntu+tweaks  several links are not loading... are they now gone ?13:55
qwebirc44173guessswh0: with passwords13:55
prxqwebirc44173: take your time13:56
guessswh0oh really, a bug with ubuntu? Interesting13:56
qwebirc44173prx: I use wicd_1.6.2.2-4_all.deb13:56
qwebirc44173guessswh0: no, in an application13:56
prxqwebirc44173: Ic, i have 1.7.0_something13:56
guessswh0i get you now13:56
qwebirc44173prx: you can join and talk #wicd13:56
qwebirc44173guessswh0: do you have a question?13:56
prxqwebirc44173: thx...13:56
jribhellomrjack: you can usually pass alternate locations of libraries to ./configure.  Try ./configure --help13:57
MarconMwho know ppa for the kernel update on ubuntu13:57
guessswh0no, just wanted to see where the bug lied.  I'm an IT security engineer, and didn't know if there was something I didn't know about13:57
qwebirc44173it's not a security issue13:57
qwebirc44173in wicd13:58
qwebirc44173(ot: I hope  wicd gets VPN support in next release)13:58
hellomrjackjrib: I have tried all of the options in there13:58
guessswh0VPN support would be nice13:59
zider_hello world13:59
guessswh0NSLog(@"Hi there");14:00
epartwat is lucyd14:02
epartanybody knows about it14:02
jribhellomrjack: you can « man gcc » and see what environment variables it respects, but all that you should need to do is run ./configure with the proper arguments...14:02
qwebirc44173!lucid | epart14:03
ubottuepart: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100414:03
qwebirc44173epart: but the current one is called Maverick (10.10)14:03
jribhellomrjack: more specifically « man gcc<enter>/ENVIRONMENT<enter> » .  But again, I don't see why passing the location to ./configure didn't work.14:03
qwebirc44173how can I access cdrom via terminal14:04
qwebirc44173tried /media/cdrom14:04
qwebirc44173and /dev/cdrom14:04
prxqwebirc44173: /dev/sr0?14:04
qwebirc44173not a directory14:05
qwebirc44173i need to mount it?14:05
prxthe kernel should detect it... see dmesg | grep sr014:05
prxoder dmesg | grep sd14:05
qwebirc44173yep detected14:06
qwebirc44173now how do i check the files14:06
ikoniaqwebirc44173: the directory should be in media14:06
ikoniaqwebirc44173: ls -la /media/14:06
prxmount -t iso9660 /dev/whateveritdetected /media/cdrom14:06
prxmedia/cdrom has to exist14:06
qwebirc44173ikonia: yes there is a cdrom but empty or something14:07
mih1406I want to remove duplicates from a list in a text file?14:07
ikoniaprx: /media is controlled by hal/dbus on ubuntu, so it will need to create the mount point as hal normally do that for you14:07
prxikonia: thx :)14:07
llutzmih1406: sort -u14:07
qwebirc44173ikonia: cdrom is not a directory14:07
prxmih1406: unniq file > newfile14:08
ikoniaqwebirc44173: pastebin the output of "mount" please14:08
prxoh, its uniq file newfile14:08
mih1406Linux is Great!!!14:08
mih1406but in terminal14:08
MarconMhow i can to add ppa kernel on ubuntu14:09
JeffJasskyHey, guys. My web server keeps crashing (10.04 LTS) and I can't figure out why. I've checked the syslogs but they only show data post-crash. Nothing from before the crash is in the syslogs as if they get truncated on startup. I'm really hoping someone smarter than me could point me in the right direction so I could start diagnosing this server.14:09
MarconMi want to stay on 10.0414:09
ikoniaMarconM: I strongly advise you not to do that14:09
MarconMikoni why14:09
ikoniaMarconM: why do you need to update the kernel14:09
ikoniaJeffJassky: what type of crash14:09
MarconMikonia: i use ubuntu 10.04.2 lts ok14:09
ganeshalphahi pls help :( :( :( :(14:10
ikoniaMarconM: that's fine, why do you need to update the kernel to a PPA version14:10
MarconMbut i dont want to change my versio14:10
prxikonia: If the kernel in 10.10 crashes hard, youll get empty files (which were open and being written to as of the crash)14:10
MarconMjust make update my kernel14:10
ikoniaMarconM: that's fine, why do you need to update the kernel to a PPA version14:10
ganeshalphai jst downloaded ubuntu 11.04 beta 1 and made a usb stick14:10
ikoniaMarconM: why ? what do you need in the new kernel14:10
JeffJasskyikonia: Everything just seems to stop. can't ssh, apache doesn't respond, can't FTP.. until I do a hard reboot and everything comes back online as normal.14:10
MarconMikonia: i have to add ppa14:10
mm2000hello. what is the next LTS?14:10
ikoniaMarconM: why14:10
ganeshalphait boots fine in myd desktop14:10
ikoniaJeffJassky: do you have console access to the machine, or is it remove14:10
MarconMikonia: whem i make upgrade ... it ll update just the kernel14:11
ganeshalphabut it takes forever to load in laptop14:11
JeffJasskyikonia: it's remote. Rackspace hosts it.14:11
MarconMit i dont do that my kernel dont change14:11
ganeshalphapls help14:11
ikoniaMarconM: I'll ask again, why do you need to update the kernel14:11
ikoniaJeffJassky: is it a physical server or a virtual ?14:11
mm2000hello. what is the next LTS?14:11
JeffJasskyikonia: virtual.14:11
MarconMikonia: do u know the ppa kernel14:12
ikoniaMarconM: yes14:12
ganeshalpha12.04 will be lts14:12
qwebirc44173ok i mounted the cdrom :)14:12
MarconMikonia: do u can say me14:12
ikoniaJeffJassky: can you get to that server now ?14:12
qwebirc44173sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 or cdrom14:12
ikoniaMarconM: why do you need to upgrade the kernel to a PPA version ?14:12
JeffJasskyikonia: yes i have full access to it14:12
qwebirc44173one of those worked14:12
ruani think there's an LTS every 2 years, supported for 3 years14:12
ikoniaJeffJassky: can you connect to it and post me the output of "uname -a" please ?14:12
ikoniaJeffJassky: change the hostname if you are worried about posting it14:13
JeffJasskynah it's alright-- Linux guruz.us #8 SMP Mon Sep 20 15:54:33 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:13
mih1406i want to replace every space with a newline14:13
qwebirc44173umount: /media/cdrom: device is busy14:13
mih1406in a text file14:13
ikoniaJeffJassky: ok - this isn't a palm off but advice, that is a modified version of ubuntu (see the kernel version - it's not an ubuntu stock kernel) if the machine is locking its a big possability it's down to the changes rackspace have made14:13
ikoniaJeffJassky: contact rack space and log a support call explaining this, and let them deal with it, as it's their modified ubuntu version14:14
llutzmih1406: use sed or tr14:14
randomusermih1406, http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html14:14
edoctoorIs there a way to transfer my Grub2 from the D: drive to the C: drive?14:14
mih1406Hey you all, do you really memorieze all linux commands??????14:14
ruanmih1406: yes14:14
qwebirc44173ok unmouted cdrom after leave its dir :)14:14
randomusermih1406, not sure how to do a newline there, but that's your program14:15
mih1406I am using Ubuntu since 2007 but I do not memorize any14:15
ahoxmih1406: and for the commandswitches, we memorized the man command ;-)14:15
JeffJasskyikonia: I really don't think it's a rackspace problem. It only started happening after I installed a number of pieces of software a few weeks ago and it seems to crash about once a day or every other day.. I definitely feel that it's a software conflict or configuration issue causing the system to crash.14:15
=== ZeeTron is now known as Gata_de_Rosa
ikoniaqwebirc44173: don't need a running commentory14:15
mih1406do you memorize them just like memorizing poems in school?14:15
ikoniaJeffJassky: ok - but the version of the OS you are using is mofidied, so there isn't a guartentee of compatability with ubuntu packages14:15
JeffJasskyikonia: Ahh I see what you're saying14:16
ahoxI usually try to memorize the meaning of the command, as in ls = list, sed=stream editor, etc14:16
ikoniaJeffJassky: they however will have the hypervisor logs and can suggest why it's locking up, or even check the console for error messages, we can't14:16
JeffJasskyikonia: Darn really? there's not even a way to get crash logs or anything?14:16
ahoxbtw, is there a fusefs or something like it for the amazon storage cloud?14:16
mih1406I will start from now to memorize them14:16
epartubottu: thnks for the info.. i have a PABX server.. asterisk and im using the 10.01.04 lucyd..14:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
ikoniaJeffJassky: there is, but it would be better to get their logs14:17
ikoniaJeffJassky: the crash logs could show the symptoms rather than the fault14:17
ikoniaJeffJassky: their logs will show the fault14:17
edoctoorcan the bootloader ummm.. I mean the grub2 be created on the C: drive or drive zero?14:17
edoctoorif so how?14:17
JeffJasskyikonia: Gotchya. I somehow doubt they would actually supply them to me.. so I'd like to find out as much as I can on my end before contacting them..14:17
randomusermih1406, with some things, when you find it, it is so useful that you spend time learning it and get exited about how it can help. Once you know how t eat with a fork instead of fingers, you dont forget its name...14:18
ikoniaJeffJassky: I think they will, this is their job14:18
ruanedoctoor: yes, by installing grub on it and changing boot priority14:18
dydi have a problem with backup: at this poing /host/ubuntu/winboot/wubildr.tar it gives this error tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors14:18
JeffJasskyikonia: I'll give it a try.. but in the mean time how would I go about finding out as much as I can before I call them?14:18
bazhangdyd, wubi install?14:19
edoctoorOk, so how to I install grub2 on C:? and thank you ruan for your help14:19
=== Gata_de_Rosa is now known as ZeeTron
ikoniaJeffJassky: calling them is the first step14:19
ikoniaJeffJassky: call them and explain the symptomes14:19
dydbazhang: yes!14:19
JeffJasskyikonia: Alright i'll do that. So there's nothing in /var/log that would maybe he helpful for me to know?14:20
ikoniaJeffJassky: you'll get more worth while info from 3 lines of the hypervisor log, or the error message on screen when it hangs than anything else14:20
almoxarifedyd: you are backing up the whole of ubuntu install?14:21
JeffJasskyikonia: Well the thing is - it's not hanging.. and I don't know how to induce the hanging.. and I really can't afford for it to hang again because I have about 20 clients websites hosted on it and they're getting pretty upset with me. But if I call them even now do you think they would have logs from the previous crash?14:21
dydalmoxarife: i just want to backup all the disk, but i don't need installation files. are host/ubuntu/winboot/ installation files?14:22
ikoniaJeffJassky: I don't know, and with all respect in the world, if this is a business machine you should have it prepared better and no more about what your doing14:22
jichunjianthe what14:22
dydi used this command:  sudo tar cvpzf /media/LaCie/backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/media --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/media/LaCie/backup.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys /14:22
ikoniaJeffJassky: your best bet is to log a call with them, and leave it open, then when it next hangs, contact them for the logs/error message on screen, then trouble shoot it from that14:22
almoxarifedyd: yes, the wubi install created them14:23
ikoniaJeffJassky: if you can't deal with that, I suggest uninstalling all the software you installed before it created a problem14:23
dyd(i know that --exclude=/media/LaCie/backup.tgz can be removed)14:23
dydso i can just --exclude that folder?14:23
almoxarifedyd: you are backing up within ubuntu?14:23
dydalmoxarife: yes14:23
edoctoorPLEASE HELP, me install grub2 (Ubuntu 10.10 grub) to my first drive!!!14:24
ikonia!grub2 > edoctoor14:24
ubottuedoctoor, please see my private message14:24
almoxarifedyd: I would think that backing up your home directory/folder should do it, everything else would be an install?14:24
salihkhello guys, i am using ubuntu 10.10 and i installed unity 2d on it but when i try to boot with unity 2d it loads very slowly actually i wait 1 or 2 minutes after the desktop is showed up. I read ubuntu 11.04 comes with unity i wonder that if i upgrade to 11.04 will i suffer same problem did you try it ? what is your impression ? thanks14:24
edoctoorThank you...14:25
edoctoorubottu, Thank you14:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:25
dydalmoxarife: doing that will keep my desktop settings and other so preferences once i restore the backup on a fresh ubuntu installation?14:25
jichunjianah nobody is here14:25
PirschI'm using Ubuntu 64. Is there any issues with using KDE programs in Gnome?14:26
edoctoorubottu you have given me a link that I was asking for... that makes you Awesome in my books14:26
Pirschikonia: Hi.  I'm using Ubuntu 64. Are there any issues with using KDE programs in Gnome?14:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:26
almoxarifedyd: it should yes, I also backup /etc because I tweaked some confs14:26
ikoniaPirsch: why are you asking me ?14:26
dydalmoxarife: thank you, i'll try that14:26
Pirschikonia: cause I've been here before and found you to be quite helpful.14:27
ikoniaJeffJassky: 1400+ people in here14:27
coz_jichunjian,  you cannot see this?14:27
ikoniaPirsch: using KDE applications in gnome is not ideal as it's a different graphics engine, but should work fine14:27
n2iHi! Please help me to fix this error: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: midori is broken or not fully installed14:27
Pirschikonia: Ok, thanks. That's all I needed,... today. :-)14:27
salihkno idea ? strange :)14:28
SupeR_NovAHow can I install nvida a live cd 10.10 beta as a test14:30
ikoniaSupeR_NovA: same as a desktop install14:30
almoxarifen2i: synaptic should fix it14:30
ikoniaSupeR_NovA: however you may have problems as a reboot is needed14:30
n2ialmoxarife: really? how to?14:30
=== pvo is now known as pvo_away
StavaHow can I set up a umask for an ext4 partition?14:31
n2iI cannot open synaptic :'(14:31
almoxarifen2i: can't why?14:31
ikoniaStava: same as any other partition, the umask command14:32
n2ialmoxarife: there is and error mess: E: The package midori needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.14:32
n2iE: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.14:32
Stavaikonia, im pretty sure that the man page says that only fat/ntfs may have umask14:32
ikoniaStava: they don't14:32
Stavaikonia, oh, cool, thanks14:32
ikoniatype "umask" and you can see your users mask14:32
SupeR_NovAikonia, trick ??!?!14:32
ikoniaSupeR_NovA: what ?14:32
SuNotisimamorning, I need my modem's /dev/ id for wvdial connection. I don't know how I fond it14:33
Stavaikonia, I want one umask for /home (is a partition) and one for the rest of the system (/etc/profile)14:33
ikoniaStava: umasks are user based, not partition/milesystem based14:33
ikoniaStava: man umask14:33
=== nhandler is now known as [N]
Stavaikonia, the root of my problems is that i want 077 or 022 umask in /home and 000 or 002 everywhere else (shared locations)14:34
ikoniaStava: ok, as I said, umask is a user based thing, not file system14:34
qwebirc44173hahaha, poweroff works in archlinux14:35
n2iThis is what I get when try to install midori http://paste.ubuntu.com/588245/14:35
bazhang!ot > qwebirc4417314:35
ubottuqwebirc44173, please see my private message14:35
qwebirc44173bazhang: not offtopic because it's related with my problem I have in ubuntu14:36
qwebirc44173it's just the a conclusion14:36
bazhangqwebirc44173, save the running commentary14:36
ikonian2i: remove the http://paste.ubuntu.com/588245/14:36
ikonian2i: remove the file from /var/cache/apt/archives and try again14:36
qwebirc44173bazhang: sudo poweroff does not working in ubuntu maverick but works in archlinux.14:36
icerootqwebirc44173: halt14:37
ikonia!info midori14:37
ubottumidori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.4-3 (maverick), package size 804 kB, installed size 2816 kB14:37
qwebirc44173iceroot: not a change in ubuntu :)14:37
qwebirc44173im gonna try another version14:37
SuNotisimahow do I find my 3g modem's /dev/ address?14:38
n2iikonia: I have removed it from /var/cache..14:38
icerootqwebirc44173: ? you are searching for a way to shutdown the pc from the cli?14:38
gordonjcpSuNotisima: when you plug it in, look at the output of dmesg14:38
ikonian2i: try to install again14:38
n2iBut still get that error :(14:38
ikonian2i: remove the package from the cache archives again, so sudo apt-get update first, then sudo apt-get install for the package14:39
SuNotisimagordonjcp: it is plugged in (internal)14:39
qwebirc44173iceroot: the problem are not the commands, it's the kernel. check #ubuntu logs if you want to know my problem bye14:39
gordonjcpin 10.04, how can I replace the "volume control" at the top with one that actually... controls the volume?14:39
n2iikonia: yes, I'm doing it now14:39
ikonian2i: ok14:39
icerootqwebirc44173: sorry i dont search the whole logs for a problem which i never saw on any machine14:39
qwebirc44173too bad14:40
SuNotisimai do find it in lsusb, but not in dmesg? possible?14:40
n2inooooo...I also get error: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/midori_0.3.3-0.1~llwkt1_i386.deb: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 12714:40
ikonian2i: what command caused that problem ?14:41
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n2isudo apt-get install midori14:41
ikonian2i: looks like a bug with that package then14:42
n2ino, that is sudo apt-get upgrade14:42
ikonian2i: what version of ubuntu14:42
ruann2i: what happens if you try installing it with aptitude?14:42
n2iikonia: Lucid14:42
ikonia!info dpkg-maintscript-helper14:42
ubottuPackage dpkg-maintscript-helper does not exist in maverick14:42
ikonia!info midori lucid14:43
thauriswulfaQUESTION:http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-friday01april2011-070802ist.php WHY this happens with exaile ?14:43
ubottumidori (source: midori): fast, lightweight graphical web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 759 kB, installed size 2708 kB14:43
n2iikonia: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/588251/14:43
ruan!find dpkg-maintscript14:44
ubottuFile dpkg-maintscript found in dpkg14:44
ruan!find dpkg-maintscript-helper14:44
ikonian2i: where are you getting that package from14:44
ubottuFile dpkg-maintscript-helper found in dpkg14:44
n2iikonia: I have added midori ppa14:44
ikonian2i: there you go then, nothing to do with ubuntu, contact the PPA maintainer14:45
ikonian2i: why don't you use the version in the ubuntu repo14:45
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n2iikonia: I wanna newer version :(14:45
ikonian2i: ok, contact the PPA maintainer then, PPA's are not supported and use at your own risk14:45
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.14:46
ikoniathauriswulfa: you've already posted that, please stop14:46
n2iikonia: so..there is no way to fix now? :(14:48
ikonian2i: we don't support it, contact the PPA maintainer14:48
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n2iikonia: yes, I see! Thank you!14:50
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genjixanybody know how to view system emails?14:52
ikoniagenjix: system emails ?14:53
genjixyeah like from cron14:53
ikoniagenjix: do you mean emails that are sent to root for example ?14:53
ikoniagenjix: "sudo mail"14:53
genjixon my local machine, i get emails sent to mutt14:54
genjixi want to read the crontab emails on the remote machine :p14:54
ikoniagenjix: login to the remote machine and type "sudo mail"14:54
genjixok so i need mailutils14:55
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ikoniajust login to the remote machine and type "sudo mail" that's it14:55
genjixmail doesn't exist.14:55
ikoniashould do14:55
ikoniainstalled by default I thought14:55
deseroHi, I am running Ubuntu 10.10 on a PowerBook G4 and double clicking on the thouchpad works like a rightclicking when in Gnome, but if i try using it in XFCE4 nothing happens.14:55
JeffJasskyikonia: Thanks for the help. Rackspace didn't have any console logs or anything they could go over with me but they did make a few suggestions. He said that the symptoms seemed indicative of running out of memory? also showed me how to access older (pre-crash) logs and showed me a service i can use to monitor my server with email alerts and such14:56
ikoniaJeffJassky: that's nonsense14:56
CookieMonsteri want a working tv viewer for my philips tv chip tv tuner  anyone one14:56
ikoniaJeffJassky: it won't be out of memory fromt he symptoms you've said14:56
deseroWhat is the difference of running XFCE4 and Gnome, do they run a different xorg.conf or something?14:56
JeffJasskyikonia: no?14:56
ikoniadesero: totally different desktop setups14:57
deseroikonia: yes, but don't they use the same xorg.conf?14:57
ikoniaJeffJassky: see what happens14:57
ikoniadesero: xorg.conf isn't used14:57
genjixthanks ikonia, that worked.14:58
ikoniagenjix: mega,14:58
genjixi had to install mailutils then run 'mail' :)14:58
SupeR_NovAHow can I install nvida a live cd 10.10 beta as a test14:58
randomuserdesero, it's really easy to install xfce, log out, and log mack in with it . Just see what it does.14:58
tycableHello, what's the meaning of 'ctl' int the 'sysctl' command, please?14:58
ikoniagenjix: surprised not install by default, but hey ho14:58
JeffJasskyikonia: using the 'free' command I get: Mem - total: 508272, used:429912, free:7836014:58
genjixubuntu server edition14:58
genjixnot desktop14:58
ikoniaJeffJassky: no surprised there14:58
deserorandomuser: what do you mean by "log mack" with it?14:58
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terrydesero: ikonia xorg.conf is used if it is there, but it does not exist by default.  When third party video drivers are installed, (like Nvidia ones), xorg.conf is created in order to run the third party driver.14:59
JeffJasskyikonia: is that safe enough?14:59
ikoniagenjix: even more reason for it to be there by default14:59
ikoniaJeffJassky: tons free there14:59
ruandesero: back14:59
deserolol, sorry :)14:59
randomuserdesero, i mean install the xfce package group, and log out of your user account. on the bottom of the login screen you can choose your desktop environment, choose xfce14:59
deseroI have tried logging in and out and comparing the different applicatins running in the background.15:00
DirtyDawgi did tah ^ and it still used the same amount of memory as the ubuntu desktop (gnome) i thought xfce was supposed to be faster15:00
deseroI am pretty sure, this has something to do with synaptics driver wich enables this touchpad behavior.15:00
ikoniadesero: doubtul, more likley your desktop15:01
tycablehello, what's the meaning of 'ctl' in the command 'sysctl'?15:01
ikoniatycable: control, it's just a command name, it means nothing in reality15:01
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tycableikonia, and I know the apache also has a command named 'apache2ctl', so I feel it may have some meaning.15:02
ikoniatycable: they are just command names15:03
deseroikonia: i found some config files for X in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d, one of which is named 60-magictrackpad.conf15:03
deseroand then 50-synaptics.conf15:03
magnushcIm running gnome environment, is there a way to remove the global menu bar for kde applications?15:03
deseroI think they have something to do with this.15:03
tycableikonia, thanks, I got it.15:03
randomuserdesero, sorry, i missed your initial question; i thought you were simply curious about desktop environments.  input devices are handled by HAL these days, odd that you'd have issues with a differend environment15:03
ikoniadesero: it's unlikey to be X as it works in one desktop but not the other and they both use the same X setup15:03
deseroThat is what I thought, but I can't find any application running on Gnome that is not running in XFCE4 which would handle this behavior.15:04
randomuserdesero, try something like lxde, maybe. Its not that bad.15:05
deseroI thought maybe that Ubuntu runs different xorg.conf files for different environments.15:05
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:05
ikoniadesero: no, xorg has nothing to do with the enviornment15:05
randomuserdesero, then again, ubuntu's gnome implementation is hardly standard15:05
UDPErrorHey guys. So I've already asked this question but I had to make sure it's the right answer. I have a dual booted system running Windows 7 and Fedora 13. I want to change Fedora for Ubuntu however, Fedora is a LVM.. Can I still use the Ubuntu Live CD to replace Fedora? is there a certain thing I need to do15:05
JeffJasskyikonia: Do you know of any particularly good books I could pick up on ubuntu server administration?15:05
ikoniaJeffJassky: not really,15:06
JeffJasskyikonia: Any particularly good websites with walk-through tutorials targeted towards newcomers?15:06
d3vic3@jeffjassky : http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Ubuntu-Server-Administration-Professional/dp/159059923315:06
bazhang!manual > JeffJassky15:07
ubottuJeffJassky, please see my private message15:07
JeffJasskyd3vic3: Thanks.. yeah saw that book.. a few people said it was a little off..15:07
SuNotisimahow can I find my 3g modem's /dev/ id?15:07
ikoniaSuNotisima: why do you need it ?15:07
JeffJasskybazhang thanks - though I'm looking for more server related information. I'm not running a gui unubtu.15:08
SuNotisimaI need to connect with wvdial/commandline15:08
SuNotisimaneed it for my wvdial.conf15:08
deserorandomuser: i'm not sure that would fix the problem, I also tried icewm, double padding the touchpad doesn't work there either.15:08
ikoniaSuNotisima: dmesg should show it when you plug it in15:08
deseroikonia: any ideas on that application would control the behavior of the touchpad?15:08
ikoniadesero: the desktop15:08
deseroikonia: Gnome it self?15:09
SuNotisimaikonia: it's internal, I can't "plug it in" :/ i find it in lsusb, but not in dmesg15:09
ikoniaor xfce15:09
ikoniaSuNotisima: odd that it's internal if it's usb15:09
ikoniaSuNotisima: it may not have a device file if it's not supported in linux15:10
ikoniaSuNotisima: do you know if it's supported in linux15:10
SuNotisimaikonia: it did work like a charm with networkmanager, but nm sure sucks dockey d*ck15:10
SuNotisimaand gas stopped working15:10
ikoniaSuNotisima: if you need to star out a word, don't use it15:10
pcpowerI just disable it15:10
pcpowerbut then it makes firefox startup in offline mode15:11
pcpowerevery time15:11
rigvedUDPError: afaik, carry on with the steps that you had listed.15:11
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ikoniaSuNotisima: if you do ifconfig -a does it show up ?15:11
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SuNotisimaikonia: nope15:11
SuNotisimai got eth0, lo, wlan0 and wwan015:12
JeffJasskyHow can I read zipped logs? like syslog.2.gz15:12
ikoniawhat's wwman0 ?15:12
ZarroBoogsJeffJassky: zless15:12
ikoniaJeffJassky: unzip them or use zcat15:12
SuNotisimaikonia: i don't know15:12
pcpoweror vim15:12
ikoniapcpower: vim won't do compression15:13
SuNotisimaikonia: well it may be 3g15:13
deseroikonia: haha, you were, right, I was overcomplicating things like usually. :)15:13
icerootJeffJassky: zless15:13
JeffJasskyikonia: Thanks. And if I wanted to download my entire /var directory to my local machine what would be the easiest way to do that? zip -r /var/log myLogFiles, move it to my apache document root and download it?15:13
JeffJassky*var/log directory15:13
ikoniaJeffJassky: tar it up, gzip compress it, scp/ftp/http download it15:13
ikoniaJeffJassky: you don't really want all your var directory though15:14
JeffJasskyikonia: yeah I meant my /var/log directory15:14
deseroikonia: I can select different mouse devices under XFCE4 settings.15:14
bazhangdir hi15:14
dirbazhang: Error: "hi" is not a valid command.15:14
ikoniaJeffJassky: you don't want all your /var/log directory15:14
JeffJasskyikonia: I really appreciate your help today. I feel like I've already learned a lot..15:14
pratheepsory dir is not more15:14
ikoniaJeffJassky: not a problem15:14
bazhangpratheep, please remove it now15:15
pratheephow i remove15:15
bazhangpratheep, or I will15:15
SuNotisimait must be wwan0 then, but I didn't find the /dev/ id yet15:16
ikoniaSuNotisima: network cards don't have device files in /dev15:17
SuNotisimawhere is it then?15:17
SuNotisimai always thought it was there, because /dev/ttyusb* and all those are there too15:18
llutzSuNotisima: mine (option 3g) uses /dev/ttyHS0 (..HS3)15:18
skywu :)15:18
llutzSuNotisima: usb 0af0:7601 (vid-pid)15:19
SuNotisimallutz: thanks but mine tells me "no suhc file or directory"15:19
llutzSuNotisima: ls -l /dev/tty*                 something related maybe? some modems(?) use ttyACMx15:20
SuNotisimatried that before, no luck :(15:20
SuNotisimatried ACM*, USB* …15:21
janolap1Hi, I would like to know how I can configure my ubuntu server (10.10) to resolv the FQDN name of my other computers. I can do it from another ubuntu box (8.04), but I can't remember how I did this...15:21
BluesKajHey folks15:22
meganerdcajanolap1: you could put entries in /etc/hosts15:22
meganerdcajanolap1: you could also setup a DNS server on your LAN, probably overkill... probably15:22
pcpoweryou could use WINS15:23
janolap1meganerdca : Ok, but on the other box, I didn't do that ...15:23
sagi_Can anybody tell , once i have restored my unbuntu virtual to a previous snapshot, how to recover files ?15:23
guampaWINS is deprecated15:23
ddbt_nldoes anyone here why elementary os looks so sharp compared to the soft look of ubuntu natty?15:23
SuNotisimacan't I display the device id with some command?15:23
janolap1pcpower WINS ?15:23
sagi_I have lost files after recovering the snapshot15:23
llutzSuNotisima: lsusb15:23
SuNotisimayeah, but I need the address15:23
SuNotisima/dev/* or alike15:24
bazhangddbt_nl, thats offtopic here as its not a supported derivative15:24
janolap1meganerdca : There's already a DNS on the LAN. But when I type "ping proxy" for example, my new server doesn't resolve15:24
guampaddbt_nl: that's a guru question, might want to ask in ##linux15:24
janolap1meganerdca : but the old one does !15:25
meganerdcajanolap1: is this a business LAN?15:25
janolap1meganerdca : yes15:25
llutzSuNotisima: what model/make is it (usb-id)?15:25
meganerdcajanolap1: check /etc/resolv.conf15:25
janolap1It's the same ont the 2 hosts15:25
ddbt_nlguampa: why is that a guru q?15:25
meganerdcajanolap1: there should be a line that says "search my.domain.tld"15:25
SuNotisimallutz: it's a ericsson F3507g (0bdb:1900)15:25
meganerdcajanolap1: also make sure that nameserver line points to the proper name servers15:25
SuNotisimainternal 3g modem in my lenovo s1015:26
janolap1meganerdca : it's the same ont the 2 hosts, and serach my.domain.tld is present (with the good value)15:26
guampaddbt_nl: dunno. just seemed to me15:26
ddbt_nlguampa: did you notice that difference too?15:26
magnushcDoes anyone like the global menu bar, that is not sitting on a netbook?15:26
bazhang!ot | ddbt_nl15:26
ubottuddbt_nl: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:26
ZarroBoogssagi_: I'd guess that any changes are completely lost.  I'd ask the support of whatever virtualization product you're using though.15:26
bazhangddbt_nl, please ask in their support forums.15:26
meganerdcajanolap1: what happens when you type "host proxy"15:26
llutzSuNotisima: it "should" have /dev/ttyACMx        http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Ericsson_F3507g_Mobile_Broadband_Module15:27
janolap1meganerdca : I'm trying15:27
meganerdcajanolap1: then compare to "host proxy <ip of dns server>"15:27
llutzSuNotisima: grep CONFIG_USB_ACM /boot/config-$(uname-r)15:27
ZarroBoogssagi_: If its virtualbox, their support is in #vbox15:27
deserothanks :915:28
prxok, wicd (even latest prerelease) cannot connect to my WLAN... how can i get my networkmanager panel icon back? starting it from a console shows me "** (nm-applet:10306): WARNING **: <WARN>  constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager." dbus however is up and running15:28
llutzSuNotisima: ls -l /dev/cdc-wdm015:28
janolap1meganerdca : I'm reinstalling the system, hold on 2 minutes...15:28
meganerdcajanolap1: ok15:28
SuNotisimallutz: ACM1: ATZ / ERROR / Bad init string. — ACM2: ATZ / Sending: ATQ0 / Re-Sending: ATZ / Modem not responding15:29
quielhi, does anyone know if there is a way to show the battery status of a connected android device in ubuntu?15:29
meganerdcajanolap1: I am going to go and get a coffee, BRB15:29
SuNotisimaATM3: no such file…15:29
JeffJasskyhey, guys. how can I see what time my server is set to through SSH?15:29
ZarroBoogsJeffJassky: date15:29
meganerdcaJeffJassky: type "date"15:29
llutzSuNotisima: ACM1 responds at least, so there is "something"15:29
SuNotisimallutz: ACM2 goes one step further but also fails15:30
dorgananyone going to BarCamp tomorrow?15:31
ikoniadorgan: nothing to do with ubuntu, so offtopic here15:31
dorganoops wrong channel15:31
ikoniadorgan: not a problem15:31
cognac-gammare I need a wee help with wireless, works everywhere else just in the new flat not now i'm on wired15:32
dec3pti0nhow come ubuntu doesn't come with xen kernel like debian does ?15:32
ikoniadec3pti0n: xen isn't the selected hypervisor, you can install it if you want it15:32
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dec3pti0nikonia: kvm is I assume ?15:32
cognac-gammajust made iwlist scan if it helps15:33
dec3pti0n are there pkgs somewhere for it ? or needs source install and new kernel compiled ? from what I have found on docs kind of looks that way15:33
SuNotisimallutz: that manual page you sent me says I need to "send commands to /dev/ttyACM1" and I can use "any terminal terminal program like cu or minicom" - I don't have either of these?15:34
deshymersI've got an issue where my desktop is bigger then my monitor, I am using ubuntu 10.10 and the latest 260 nvidia drivers, I've tried editing the xorg.conf file and changing the resolution in the nvidia config manager, any ideas on how to fix this?15:34
meganerdcacognac-gamma: what kind of problems are you having?15:34
rigveddeshymers: which ubuntu version are you using? it is recommended to use the default nvidia drivers that come with your ubuntu version15:35
randomuserdeshymers, have you attempted adjusting your display to a larger size?15:35
llutzSuNotisima: apt-get install minicom    sry have to go, good luck15:36
SuNotisimallutz: kthx15:36
deshymersrigved: 10.10 and latest nvidia driver15:36
SuNotisimacan't install though, netbook is offline15:36
deshymersrandomuser: yes bigger and smaller15:36
HackeMatehello, i am trying to recover grub after installing windows15:36
HackeMatei go to a livecd and i execute these commands15:36
meganerdcaSuNotisima: do you have gtkterm installed?15:37
HackeMatesudo mkdir /mnt/sda2; sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda3; sudo chroot /mnt/sda315:37
HackeMateand the last command fails15:37
randomuserdeshymers, the phisical display. have you looked at the settings on the monitor itself, maybe an auto adjust?15:37
HackeMateit says chroot cannot run command /bin/bash15:37
Wandagretong gretong15:37
=== Wanda is now known as Guest39723
randomuserHackeMate, is bash installed on sda3?15:38
cognac-gammameganderca: iwlist scan output helps?15:38
rigveddeshymers: and what about the nvidia config settings manager. there's one that comes with the nvidia drivers15:38
HackeMaterandomuser: i believe so, is the linux partition15:38
deshymersrandomuser: I cant because it is greyed out on my monitor viewsonic vx283515:38
deshymersrigved: yes I've tried that manager15:38
cognac-gammameganderca: cannot connet to the wireless network, tried to troubleshoot, got no idea15:38
meganerdcacognac-gamma: well, I guest first is what  exactly are you trying to do, and what is the problem.15:38
rigveddeshymers: System > Administration > NVIDIA X Server Settings15:38
rigveddeshymers: ok15:39
randomuserdeshymers, try moving your xorg.conf to xorg.conf.backup (so the system has to make a new one) then log out and back in15:39
meganerdcacognac-gamma: you could paste it into pastebin.ubuntu.com, but I don't know what I am looking for15:39
deshymersrandomuser: I've tried that before but I will do it again15:39
Zealousi got a question, is it possible to make a shell script that would open firefox using a proxy and then close it and open another one using a different proxy15:39
randomusertry removing it, running nvidia-xconfig, then restart gdm15:39
deshymersrandomuser: ok15:40
timposeyI am trying to change my password back to a password that I used in the past, but Ubuntu will not let me, how can I change this?15:40
Guest39723oneconf lucid?15:40
Anon45356765434hackemate: what about imstalling grub from cd?15:41
cognac-gammameganderca: i pasted it there15:41
HackeMateim doing it from a live cd, i thought its the way15:41
deshymersrandomuser: no dice same issue15:41
HackeMatei fixed the chroot, the home and the dev were mounted in different patitions15:41
cognac-gammameganderca: cant be a driver issue cos everywhere else wireless works fine15:41
Guest39723grub , cd, ? reinstall it >?15:42
HackeMatei have the prompt now, and i try grub-install --recheck /dev/sda and it says grub-probe cant find a device for /boot/grub15:42
deshymersrandomuser: its not liek when the resolution is to big and you can scroll around the desktop with your mouse, its like 30px or so to big all around15:42
meganerdcacognac-gamma: are you using network manager to configure the wifi network?15:42
cognac-gammameganderca: ty for your attention anyhow15:42
Guest39723is there any package for fixing grub ?15:42
cognac-gammatried wifi radar, doesn't help15:43
meganerdcacognac-gamma: anything in /var/log/daemon.log that might indicate the problem?15:43
cognac-gammamegandrca: i've triesd wifi radar, doesn't help15:43
Guest39723i need such oneconf sync for lucid15:44
S74rk7anyone know off-hand what the difference of an Ubuntu-Alternate dvd compared to the Ubuntu-Desktop??15:44
meganerdcacognac-gamma: I have never used wifi radar15:44
meganerdcaS74rk7: it is a text based installer instead of the GUI one15:45
Abhijithelp. this error while trying to compile lifeograph latest version http://pastebin.com/d7TB1ZV515:45
meganerdca S74rk7 it is based off of the Debian installer.  I prefer it actually.15:45
Guest39723alternate dvd?15:45
S74rk7meganerdca: more configuration available?15:45
meganerdcaS74rk7: there used to be some differences, like like whole disk encyption.  I don't know if this is still the case.15:46
S74rk7meganerdca: Excellent... its the option to encrypt different partitions etc I am looking for... on the GUI Installs of ubuntu + kubuntu I seem to only have the option to encrypt the whole folder15:47
BluesKajS74rk7, the alternate install allows encryption of various ext partitions15:48
randomuserdeshymers,  try xvidtune15:48
cognac-gammamegandrca:  sent to pastbin the log15:49
meganerdcacognac-gamma: you will have to put the url in a message here15:49
S74rk7Guest39723: Alternate dvd... when you are downloading your distro of linux - be it ubuntu, kubuntu etc if you looks there was an iso called "Alternate" - I've been told its a text based install - rather than the GUI version on the Desktop versions of the distros...15:49
deshymersrandomuser: ok I'll give it a go, thanks15:50
cognac-gammamegandrca:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/588277/15:50
S74rk7BluesKaj: excellent... thanks mate15:50
cognac-gammamegandrca:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/588272/15:50
=== Guest39723 is now known as Relax_times
meganerdcacognac-gamma: looks like a problem with the saleem1234 nm profile.  Delete it then recreate it.15:51
S74rk7I have 4GB RAM - I read in a few articles that you should make your swap area at least twice the size of your available ram... so I've an 8GB Swap area - does this all sound ok? or have you guys anything I should watch out for?15:52
=== Relax_times is now known as monggo
erUSULS74rk7: no; it is not ok. the twice as much swap as ram is a rule from the last century when you had 16 o 32 MiB of RAM ....15:53
DJonesS74rk7: The double your memory for swap size goes back a few years when computers had lower amounts of memory15:53
meganerdcaS74rk7: the 2x RAM size is not that usefull anymore given how much RAM we typically have15:53
cognac-gammamegandrca: thanks, but tried already15:54
meganerdcaS74rk7: of course given the size of most hard drives it does not really matter15:54
ZarroBoogsS74rk7: Unless this is a computer that you plan to hibernate on, you won't need that much swap.15:54
timposeyI am trying to change my password back to a password that I used in the past, but Ubuntu will not let me.  It is saying that the new password is too similar, how can I change this?15:54
meganerdcacognac-gamma: there is not a lot of info that log snippet.  Is this a wpa protected AP?15:54
cognac-gammameganderca: i think so how to conclude it?15:55
Dr_Willistimposey:  you could do 'sudo passwd username' and i think it will skip any security 'settings'15:55
S74rk7OK so its not that necessary really unless I'm looking to hibernate etc... but is there any issues this can cause?15:55
meganerdcacognac-gamma: check the router settings?15:55
meganerdcaS74rk7: large swapspace just takes up disk space, not a big deal15:56
S74rk7meganerdca: OK thanks :)15:56
ruanS74rk7: im running without a swap, havent had any issues so far. its been 3 weeks now15:56
prxrunning the networkmanager config gui, and finally using nmcli i got my wlan running (lacking the applet)15:56
meganerdcaS74rk7: it is not used if it is not needed15:56
Dr_WillisS74rk7:  i alwyas put  about 512mb of swap on ever system i make.. at a minimal15:56
ruan3gb of ram btw15:56
Dr_Willislive cd;s can use swap :)  and can get confused if theres none. so i keep some on all my box's just in case.15:57
S74rk7is there any advantages to having such a large swap area other than being able to hibernate a busy system?15:57
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:57
meganerdcaI have 4 GiB of RAM in my laptop and an 11 GiB swapspace15:57
monggowhat... 2x is ancient rule one !!? should i resize swap?15:57
Dr_Willisif you system doset need 5+gb of swap.. then you dont gain anything by having 10+gb either. :)15:57
prxhaving too much swap can cause trouble if a mem leaking proces eats up all your ram15:58
Dr_Willismonggo:  depedns on your needs. and f you use hibernate15:58
prxit delays the action of the OOM killer15:58
meganerdcamonggo: it is an old rule of thumb, only resize if you really need the disk space, otherwise don't worry about it15:58
prxwasting 11Gig on swap seem insane, doesnt it?15:58
meganerdcaprx: only if you are wasting it15:59
prxwas that default?15:59
meganerdcaprx: even then with a 500 GB hard drive, its not like I would notice.  Yes it was the default15:59
ruanis it ok to partition on a drive that has a partition mounted, but to remove unmounted partitions on the drive15:59
meganerdcaprx: besides, I regularly need a lot of swap space15:59
Dr_Willisruan:  i think you can.16:00
ruanDr_Willis: thanks16:00
prxmeganerdca: what do you regularly need swap space for?16:00
ruanthough to resize my main partition, i'll need a livecd16:00
meganerdcaprx: lots of apps, a couple of VMs16:01
ruani hope my usb works this time16:01
monggoshould i allocated 160 GB for swap with my RAM 1GB?16:01
ruanmonggo: no way, your computer will never use that much16:01
ZarroBoogsmonggo: swap is akin to the pagefile on Windows.16:01
ruanmonggo: at most 4gb of swap, no more16:02