
charlie-tcaGood morning14:54
knomeSpotify support for gmusicbrowser15:14
knomeThe Shimmer Project has decided to give a free Spotify account for a month to everybody using gmusicbrowser, alongside their new Spotify plugin for gmusicbrowser, which is to be released late tonight. Those who want the free Spotify account are asked to send email to spotify@shimmerproject.org along with their name and a screenshot or a photograph of them using gmusicbrowser.15:14
knomeThis offer is valid for one week from now, so act quickly.15:14
charlie-tcaknome: are you going to fix the header for the wiki to work in all themes? It might be better to go back to the old header and just change the color15:14
knomecharlie-tca, is there still problems? i changed the background color to veyr light blue. can you maybe send me a screenshot so i can see what would work with the link colors for you15:15
knomeright... that doesn't look so bad to my eyes really15:16
knomeit's not *beautiful*, but it works15:17
charlie-tcaIt is not the color, it is the code used. It does not lkook complete at all when not using the 15:17
charlie-tcadefault theme15:17
knomehmm... yeah15:17
charlie-tcaWhy have I got those borders? Why are the links running together?15:17
knomeso maybe remove the table borders?15:17
knomethe links are pretty much as supposed to be15:17
charlie-tcaWhy can't it fit the page now?15:17
knomefit the page?15:18
charlie-tcaThe links then need to be re-done15:18
charlie-tcaThe header is using about 2/3 of the page in the screenshot15:18
knomehave to look at that15:18
charlie-tcaIt should be the same size as the text15:18
knomethat's definitely something about the theme you're using15:19
charlie-tcaIt is not just this theme. It is all the themes except the default15:19
charlie-tcaThe old header fit15:19
knomethat's really weird15:19
knomeit has the same tablestyle as the old onw15:19
charlie-tcaIt might be better to keep the old header and just change the colors15:19
knomeimo not, i'll rather fix this15:20
charlie-tcaThat was the issue with it, right?15:20
knomebeing ugly as well15:20
charlie-tcaIt was not ugly, it was desig15:20
charlie-tcait was designed by cody-somerville, and that makes you decide it was bad15:21
knomeno, i didn't know it was designed by cody15:21
knomeand i did a refresh for it, if you don't remember15:21
charlie-tcaIt worked a lot better than this is. This looks half finished now15:21
knomeplease don't assume i'm bashing all the work others have done15:21
charlie-tcaI am sorry for that statement then. I thought you knew15:22
charlie-tcaBut I really need a nice header that works in all the themes for the wiki.15:22
knomeyeah, i'll try to fix the new one15:22
knomei didn't know it broke in all the other themes15:22
charlie-tcaI like the colors, I will work on the links to make them more useable.15:22
charlie-tcaYou work on making the header look right, okay?15:23
knomeyup, i'm working on it right now15:23
charlie-tcaYou are good with the design features. I have a lot of experience fixing links to look right15:23
charlie-tcaI won't touch it today. and maybe not until next week. I can play on my own wiki to make it look like the links fit. 15:25
charlie-tcaMaybe I didn't notice them on the old one because it spread them out more. I understand the need to squash it to fit the new non-resizing wiki defaults, but hopefully, we can make it all work.15:26
knomehow does the menu look now?15:27
knomeis it as spread15:27
charlie-tcawhat the hell do I have to do in FF4 to get the page refreshed now?15:28
knomectrl+r ?15:29
knomeor click the button right to the location bar15:29
charlie-tcadidn't work. I wound up clearing history, and have to log in again15:29
charlie-tcaNothing like the long way to refresh, huh?15:30
charlie-tcamake the borders invisible, too, please15:31
charlie-tcaIt does fit better15:32
knomedid it work now?15:32
charlie-tcaI think15:32
knomeactually for me, there is no change15:32
knomethat must be because i edited the MenuNew page15:32
charlie-tcaI might be wrong and did not work. 3.6 shows the short header, 4.0 shows it longer ?15:33
knomewell, it's better now15:33
knomebut still not 100%15:33
charlie-tcayes, that is an improvement. 15:33
charlie-tcaand does it still fit with the default theme, too?15:34
knomehard to test several themes per time, but it really much should15:35
knomeas the width values are now percents15:35
charlie-tcathat new theme is a pain to work with. We told them making it fixed width was bad for accessibility, but they shoved it through anyway, with a promise to work on it.15:36
knomeit's working more or less now15:37
charlie-tcathat just resized to the text width15:38
knomeyup, all the 'sections' are now 25%15:38
charlie-tcaThat does make a difference. 15:39
micahgknome: you need another FFe to get a new plugin in15:39
knomemicahg, the help stuff wouldn't necessarily be plugin, and it doesn't matter if it was after natty release. it would just be cool to get it in natty *one day*, since gmb became the default in natty15:43
micahgknome: new features are only allowed in -backports unless there's a tech board exception15:44
charlie-tcaTeam Reports are due this week for March 2011. I plan on seeing this wiki update in there.15:45
knomemicahg, SRU then15:45
knomemicahg, i mean, it's a bit comical if one can't get a "Help" -link in...15:46
charlie-tcaknome, micahg, ochosi, pleia2 : are all invited to make updates to the Team Report too15:46
micahgknome: no, features aren't allowed in an SRU15:46
charlie-tcaIt is the Team Report, not the Team Leader must type everything Report15:47
knomeif something that gives help in using things X is a feature, then it sucks.15:47
charlie-tcamicahg: can we get an FFe for the plugin?15:47
charlie-tcamicahg: can we get an FFe for the plugin?15:58
micahgcharlie-tca: it can go right behind bug 747014 :)15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747014 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Major Natty regression: No fish!" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74701415:59
charlie-tcasorry I asked ;-)16:00
charlie-tcaMaybe I could file a bug report about there being too many bug reports?16:09
charlie-tcafor the record: I hate April 1 a lot17:33
pleia2charlie-tca: I just ignore the internet all day except for obvious jokes that people point out17:48
* pleia2 quite liked http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=21-24+Millbank+London+SW1P+4QP++United+Kingdom&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Millbank+Tower,+21-24+Millbank,+London,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.492774,-0.12454&spn=0.005571,0.013937&z=1717:48
pleia2(ubuntu related!)17:48
micahgdid Google do that?17:49
pleia2charlie-tca: created 11/March and added website stuff19:07
charlie-tcateam report?19:08
pleia2love the slideshow :)20:14
pleia2charlie-tca: I have a bunch of stupid testing questions but I want to go through the docs a bit more thoroughly before asking, will you be around this evening or tomorrow much?21:07
pleia2I'm putting together a little flier for our global jam on sunday and want to make sure the live testing process is properly described21:08
charlie-tcaI can be around, yes. I will make an effort to be around all weekend with the global jam going, even if it is in and out at times21:14
pleia2ok, I'm sure I'll catch you then :)21:14
charlie-tcaQuestions are good. It helps to get the documentation correct for anyone to use. 21:14
charlie-tcaI wrote it so I could understand it, but that doesn't always work.21:15
mr_pouitFYI, existing natty users might experience a breakage of their panel config because of my latest changes (this is necessary to fix a more annoying bug).21:16
pleia2I think my current challenge is reconciling http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing21:16
charlie-tcamr_pouit ...21:16
pleia2but I'll ask questions when I read more :)21:16
charlie-tcaWe only use the qa tracker during the milestone pre-testing21:16
charlie-tcaIt won't be used again now until right before the beta2 release21:17
pleia2ok, good to know21:17
pleia2so I just have people use the wiki page, and do regular apport bug reporting?21:17
charlie-tcamr_pouit: I see you could not reproduce my workspace bug. I can do it reliably, too.21:17
charlie-tcaOn two different hardware systems, to further mess things up21:18
charlie-tcaI suspect we will see duplicates come in against that bug when the final release happens21:18
mr_pouit(sorry for the config breakage, but otherwise users will be hit by Bug #747137)21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747137 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "When drag-droping application from menu to panel random application apperars" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74713721:19
mr_pouitcharlie-tca: yeah, I'll retry later to reproduce21:19
charlie-tcayeah, I saw that report too. We will be okay, in the long run21:19
mr_pouitah, interesting, it might not break too much existing configs after all21:28

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