
=== Axlin` is now known as Axlin
jonas_hey. anyone got a free mind to pick?02:30
RiptideHey folks. is anyone here good with sound issues?02:35
sillavanyone get lighting addon working in thunderbird on amd64?07:15
sillavah.. should add it's xubuntu 11.0407:17
Unit193sillav: You could also try irc.mozilla.org #thunderbird if you don't get an answer here (or try back later)07:22
Unit193sillav: My bad, they have irc.mozilla.org has #calendar <--- may be better07:33
sillavthx Unit19307:40
alexandros76xi. in 10.04 i have greek support (menus+apps) when logged as admin, but not when logged as user.10:00
TheSheepalexandros76: did you switch language for your user?10:04
alexandros76from where do i do this?10:04
TheSheepalexandros76: on your login screen10:06
alexandros76TheSheep: thanks!10:08
alexandros76TheSheep: i was aware of that option in login screen and it seems that some of my student switch it .. :-/10:09
NomikosI'm running Xubuntu in a VirtualBox, but it doesn't go on the network until after I login via the login dialog. what should I look for?11:49
Sysiwired internet11:50
Sysior well, i'm not sure about virtualbox11:51
NomikosThe connection it uses (once logged in) is a 'wired' one, according to the settings11:51
NomikosI know this works with Ubuntu, and /thought/ it worked with Xubuntu - could it be a permissions thing, that the network somehow has to run under the user?11:52
ochosiNomikos: xubuntu uses nm-applet (netwrok-manager applet) just like ubuntu to connect to the *net, afaik this is loaded after gdm, so basically you have to login to get it up and running11:52
ochosino, not a permissions issue imo11:53
Sysion HW wired connection works already before logging in11:53
Nomikosochosi: hmm.. maybe they changed it then, because I know I've been able to ssh in without needing the gui11:54
NomikosWhen I check "available to all users" it just disconnects the network, that's a bit idd11:55
Nomikosbut if I /then/ connect from the menu, ssh in, and log out of the gui, the connection does stay up. and after a restart I can login. I think that solves my problem :)11:59
ochosiok :)12:00
ochosigood to hear12:00
=== AndrewMC is now known as SpockVulcan
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
=== Pici is now known as ZarroBoogs
nicofsI need help to set up my screen resolution... all i get is "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default"...16:25
Sysido you have restricted driver?16:34
nicofsnot that i know of16:34
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
=== emma is now known as em
=== md_ is now known as Guest33263
Guest33263can someone tell me how to find my xubuntu version (alpha3 or beta1)?  all i get so far is "natty (development branch)".22:53
charlie-tcaIf you have run updates, it is beta122:54
Guest33263ok great, thanks!22:54
Guest33263i wasn't sure if it would automatically update or not.22:55
charlie-tcaIt doesn't really matter, since the alpha3 and beta1 are just cd's built at that point in the development cycle.22:55
Guest33263cool.  well it works just about perfectly on my eee pc, 1015pem22:55
lightahey how can I remove recursly a dir ? "rm -rf .svn" doesn't work :(22:59
Guest33263i have this shortcut in my bash profile23:00
Guest33263alias rmsvn='find . -name .svn -print0' | xargs -0 rm -rf'23:00
Guest33263presumably it worked, which is why i decided to make a note of it :)23:00
Guest33263oops except for that typo -- remove the ' after print 023:01
lightathx i'll take a note  too23:02
lightaswitching to git hmmm !!!23:02
charlie-tcadepends on where the directory is. You might need sudo rm -rf .svn23:04
lightait's recursive i'm searchinf charlie-tca23:05
charlie-tca-r is recursive23:05
knomerm -rf is recursive23:05
lightayeah but didn't work for dir23:05
lightarecursive trying to remove dir23:06
charlie-tcagive the full dir name? like /home/lighta/.svn23:06
lightanot an chmod issue23:06
knomeno, it is exactly what you want to do when removing a directory23:06
Guest33263maybe you want to remove all .svn dirs?  in which case, do what i said.23:06
charlie-tcaIs it owned by the user?23:06
lightahmm I tryed with ./ charlie-tca isn't this good or need absolute path really ?23:06
charlie-tcaYou said it did not work. I would then try an absolute path23:07
lightayes Guest33263 that the case i'm trying it23:07
lightaan not fan about absolute path i'm quite lazy hehe =)23:07
lightai'll try23:07
lightanext time23:07
lightayour function was fine Guest33263, i'll try on a copy charlie-tca wait  sec23:08
charlie-tcaknome: Okay, I waited all day, but I got to know. What is "spotify"?23:11
knomecharlie-tca, http://www.spotify.com/23:12
knomecharlie-tca, on-demand music player23:12
knomecharlie-tca, with a LARGE database of music23:13
charlie-tcaI thought that was what gmusicbrowser did?23:13
knomeno, on spotify you can listen to tracks you *don't own*23:13
knomelike, "wait, i want to listen the new radiohead album"23:13
knomethen you go to spotify and listen to it23:14
charlie-tcahm, I guess I won't ever get all this music stuff straight.23:14
charlie-tcathanks for explaining it. I think I understand it, anyway.23:14
knomeno problem :)23:14
charlie-tcaI guess it is kind of like what the "radio" used to be :-)23:15
knomebasically, the idea is that you pay amount n in a month to spotify, and you'll get an ad-free, unlimited access to their music database, without the fuzz of buying anything except the subscription23:15
knomeyeah, except you get to choose what you are listening to23:15
charlie-tcaheh, I see now.23:15
knomethat is what the "on-demand" part means there :)23:15
charlie-tcaMaybe I should go buy me a new radio23:15
knomei'm afraid that there's no on-demand radios yet ;)23:16
charlie-tcaI used to really enjoy the radio23:17
charlie-tcaI don't have one anymore23:17
knomehave you tried the web-based streamed radios?23:18
knomethey usually offer a better choice of music, also, fitting one's niches better23:18
charlie-tcayeah, but getting PBS to work every time the development release changes is a bear23:18
charlie-tcaoh, that's wrong. It is NPR, National Public Radio23:19
knomei think you can listen to streams with even just VLC by entering the stream url there23:19
charlie-tcaI think23:19
charlie-tcasure, if I can remember how to make it work. The radio was easy, just turn it on ;-)23:19
knomewell, you needed to tweak the knob to get the right channel without too much noise23:20
lightadidn't work charlie-tca23:20
lightamay I flood a bit ?23:20
charlie-tcatrue, must be my age making me lazy23:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:20
lightara ok ok23:20
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
charlie-tcaTried deleting it with sudo?23:23
lightawell i'm the owner but I can try if you want23:23
lightasame result23:24
knomelighta, the path should be /home/lighta/Myscript/RO/Rotest/lof_v21/npc/.svn ?23:24
lightahmm depend I want to remove all .svn dir on all sub directory from lof_2123:25
knomelighta, with rm -rf, you can delete *one* directory, not many directories with the same name under a specific directory tree23:26
lightaso hmm idk what to awnser it ain't a file but path would be something like ./lof_v21/.svn or ./lof_v21/npc/.svn23:26
lightayeah knome that what I saw I was asking wich command could remove recursly multiple dir23:27
knomewell, no command in itself, you need a loop just like Guest33263 told you23:28
lightabut Guest33263 cmd quite fine even if I suppose it not optimal23:28
lightayep sad23:28
lightaI'll make a suggestion on dropbox one day23:28
lightadir and file are so different in linux ?23:29
knomewell you can't remove multiple similarly named files in multiple directories with one command either23:29
knome(with one command...)23:30
lightahmm a yeah true23:30

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