
stefano-palazzojcastro, Let me know what you think, once you've checked out today's improvements to the lens. It's build and ready to be upgraded.00:22
stefano-palazzoWho has implemented the HorizontalTileRenderer? I want to thank them :-)00:22
nkiesel1just upgraded my netbook to 11.04, and still struggling with unity. Is this the right place to ask some usage/usability questions?02:32
coz_nkiesel1,  more likely in #ubuntu+102:33
coz_nkiesel1,  not sure who is there at this time but that would be the channel02:33
nkiesel1thanks, will try there02:33
nkiesel1asked there and someone told me "really looks like a bug, see if you interest a developer ...".  Problem is that none of the hotkeys (e.g. <Alt>F1 or even mouse in top-left corner) work if the screen shows an app (e.g. firefox) in fullscreen mode03:00
nkiesel1(and using full-screen mode because it's a netbook with limited resolution)03:01
coz_nkiesel1,  not sure where everyone here is located ,, aka time zones,, so I dont know who is atually at their systems03:07
nkiesel1coz_: understood03:18
nkiesel1coz_: just found out that <super>d works to show the desktop (with the unity taskbar visible) even in full-screen mode03:30
coz_nkiesel1,  very cool.. :)  is that tolerable for you?03:31
nkiesel1tried to make <super>f1 just show the taskbar using the unity plugin of ccsm, but that does not work for some reason03:31
nkiesel1yes, <super>d is good enough for me03:31
coz_nkiesel1,  cool  glad that was partially soved :)03:35
OmegaIs it OK to mark these bugs as Fix Released? https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/3.8.204:22
doodoois there going to be a compiz release soon as there is this fglrx fix in trunk that can fix my ati card issues. thanks!05:33
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davidcalleseiflotfy_, ping10:27
coz_good day all11:43
AndreaAzzaronecoz_, good day12:00
coz_AndreaAzzarone,  hey guy12:00
docx_cz_mosthello, could i ask here for something about unity shell in ubuntu 11.04 beta1?12:22
docx_cz_mostis there some way to change app shortcuts in panel appeared by clicking to "ubuntu button"? (this http://img705.imageshack.us/i/unityshortcuts.png/) thanks.12:28
docx_cz_mostI discovered that gnome's preferred application settings affect this but only web and email.. but where is stored other two?12:29
zniavregood afternnnon , im wondering why launcher background is hardcoded and panel, panel-shadow are not ?12:51
zniavrehow to change the color of the menu button when attention is needed please ?12:56
Daekdroomzniavre, panel color used to be hardcoded.12:57
DaekdroomThere was a single bug report regarding launcher and panel. They split it into two.12:57
zniavreha so no way to modify it easely  :o)12:58
DaekdroomYou can replace obscure image files like they do with Gnome shell :P12:58
=== doodoo is now known as Dart
DartIs there a filter for wine apps in dash?13:05
engla3rd party dev question here: is there a way for my app (kupfer) to tell the unity dock that it's running, even if its window is hidden15:58
jfiHello, is attended that menu table does not work with appindicator?16:09
jfiit appears that call adding menu item with gtk_menu_attach does take attention to the cols parameters while used with an appindicator menu16:17
jfi*does not16:17
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NateWis anyone around?19:06
DBOping artfwo19:16
DBONateW, whats up?19:17
NateWbug #688816 has not been fixed19:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 688816 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Don't create windows over the launcher" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68881619:18
NateWthe windows still draw 1px too far to the left and hide the launcher19:18
DBONateW, i pushed a fix to trunk late last night19:19
NateWso different from yesterdays update?19:19
DBOunfortunately yes19:20
DBOi found the bug and resolved it19:20
NateWawesome. just wanted to make sure that the bug wasnt sticking around for some cases19:20
DBONateW, next release should see you right19:20
docx_cz_mostHi, is there some way to change app shortcuts in panel appeared by clicking to "ubuntu button"? (this http://img705.imageshack.us/i/unityshortcuts.png/) Thank you20:03
docx_cz_mostIn ubuntu 11.04 beta20:03
Alex--I have a idea for Unity20:18
kim0Hi folks, I have done "unity --reset" .. got some errors about plugins that couldn't be loaded .. and I still can't alt+tab between windows .. any help ?20:20
kim0hmm .. it seems installing the package "20:27
kim0compiz-plugins-main resolved the issue .. perhaps it should be added as a dependency20:27
htorqueDBO: hi, does this output from geis-tools mean that i can't help with multitouch testing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588589/20:32
DBOhtorque, i am not sure really20:32
DBOif you run geistest and do a 4 finger tap20:33
htorquethe three finger tap gets interpreted as middle click and does nothing but put the window in the background20:33
DBOdoes it register a 4 finger tap?20:33
htorqueDBO, nope shows the same output20:34
DBOsorry :/20:35
htorquenw, not your fault ;-)20:37
OmegaIs it OK to mark these bugs as Fix Released? https://launchpad.net/unity/+milestone/3.8.221:29

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