
ScottK~ninjas | 4.6.2 tarballs for packaging.01:11
* ScottK tries again.01:12
ScottK!ninjas | 4.6.2 tarballs for packaging.01:12
ubottu4.6.2 tarballs for packaging.: Ninja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger01:12
neversfeldeScottK: would you add my ssh key to the known hosts on ktown?01:17
neversfeldeI lost my old one once again01:17
ScottKSo I can remove the old one?01:18
ScottKneversfelde: Swapped.01:19
ScottKPlease check you can get in.01:19
neversfeldeScottK: works, thank you. I'll have a look how I can help with 4.6.201:24
ScottKAFAIK you're the first, so I'd start with kde4libs.01:25
neversfeldeit's 3 am over here, I nee a bit of sleep, but I will start wit libs, if no one else does tomorrow01:30
dantti_ScottK: hey, you reported a bug against kpk, do you have some kind of test case like install gnome (for a bunch of packages)? I never saw that happening...02:56
ScottKdantti_: What bug.  I don't recall.03:18
dantti_ScottK: it says that you reported a hour ago :P https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kpackagekit/+bug/74790203:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 747902 in kpackagekit (Ubuntu) "[Natty] [Kubuntu] KPackageKit confirmation shows double apps" [Undecided,New]03:24
ScottKdantti_: That's not me.03:25
ScottKScottK != ScottT03:25
dantti_ah :P03:26
dantti_sorry then03:26
ScottKNo problem.03:26
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c2tarunI was trying to configure kmail in order to work on some kmail bugs and I got this error http://pastebin.com/tnMMBe3d  can anyone please help.07:37
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c2tarunanyone here?10:32
ari-tczewc2tarun: yep10:37
c2tarunari-tczew: can you please help me with this error http://pastebin.com/tnMMBe3d10:38
ari-tczewc2tarun: sorry dunno10:39
c2tarunok :)10:40
CIA-43[sysadmin] stikonas * 1226849 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/ (libqapt/ muon/) Cleanup after git migration.12:23
=== debfx changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | beta 2 bugs http://goo.gl/HbXHe | packaging KDE 4.6.2 http://goo.gl/PDQ9C
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debfxScottK: the ~ppa1/~release1~ppa1 version scheme breaks once we are in the q-series16:03
ScottKdebfx: Not so far away, so that's a good point.  Please reply to the thread with that thought.16:04
debfxScottK: done, the obvious fix would be to always use ~release1~ppa116:09
nixternalDarkwingDuck: ping16:38
nixternalDarkwingDuck: I am at the Ubuntu Global Jam here in Chicago along with a Python Hack-A-Thon and the Flourish conference, what needs to be done16:40
DarkwingDucknixternal: gimme 15 minutes... recovering16:52
ScottKdebfx: Agreed.  Thanks.17:18
ScottKnixternal: Make kubuntu-docs build would be a good start.17:19
nixternalScottK: they don't build?17:57
ScottKnixternal: Apparently not.  I recall some reference they FTBFS in a rebuild test.17:57
* nixternal checks17:57
nixternalScottK: was it a checkout build that was failing, or was it just the maverick docs being built in natty that crashed?17:58
ScottKIt was whatever in the archive failing.17:58
ScottKin/is in17:58
nixternalok, updating my pbuild then I will check it out. I need to see if DarkwingDuck has any updates that need to be built for nutty 18:03
nixternalScottK: yup, it sure does crash. this should be fun one.18:13
shadeslayerScottK: Riddell KDE 4.6.2 on kde-packagers ... did we start on those yet?18:40
ScottKshadeslayer: neversfelde said something about starting today.  Not sure if he got anything done or not.18:41
ScottKshadeslayer: Other than that, I think it's all there to work on.18:41
shadeslayerah .. okay .. i can start tomorrow after i fix a few bugs in telepathy kde tonight18:42
debfxshadeslayer: I've just uploaded kde4libs so you can start packaging the rest :)18:43
shadeslayerok :)18:43
afiestas__Riddell: ping19:07
ScottKafiestas__: Would you have a look at Bug 747572?19:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747572 in kde4libs (Ubuntu) "solid gets incorrect battery settings with both hal and upower installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74757219:27
ScottKafiestas__: I still haven't seen him since you last pinged.19:28
afiestas__ScottK: I'm kinda busy right now, but yes I can take a look at it19:31
afiestas__but I know a kde developer (apol) with the same problem19:31
afiestas__and iirc it was an udisk problem19:31
ScottKThis is power though.19:31
ScottKAnd upower was reporting correctly.19:31
afiestas__*upower 19:32
ScottK(unless upower -d reports something different than what it tells solid, I don't see how)19:32
afiestas__ScottK: could you check the value from dbus?19:34
afiestas__qdbus --system org.freedesktop.UPower... ?19:35
ScottKI'll try.19:35
ScottKafiestas__: http://paste.kde.org/8788/19:38
ScottKAlso reinstalling HAL and then switching power sources I immediately get the problem again.19:38
c2tarunIndia win the World Cup :)21:27
nixternalScottK: yeah, i found the borkage, but i will have to spend a little time on it. had to fix stuff in kubuntu-docs bzr but something has changed with the ksgmtools2 stuff in KDE that has borked a ton of other things. I need to figure those out next, so something tells me this is going to suck :/21:49
nixternalDarkwingDuck: ^^21:49
nixternalkubuntu-docs == borked, will not build. need major fixes, where? I have no idea, gotta figure that out, so you need to continue bothering me to get it done, otherwise I will just leave you all hanging21:50
ScottKnixternal: I have a vague recollection that ksgmtools2 used to be from kdelibs, now it's from kde4libs.21:53
ScottKSo it's moved to a several years newer version of $stuff.21:53
apparleguys, kubuntu 11.04 beta is out right? why don't I see anything on kubuntu.org?22:38
ScottKProbably because someone forgot to write something.22:39
ScottKryanakca: ^^^22:39
apparleScottK: what is the release date for 11.04?22:40
shadeslayer!schedule 22:40
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:40
ryanakcaScottK: Sure. Can I just base it off of http://www.kubuntu.org/news/natty-alpha-3 ?22:41
ScottKryanakca: Yes.22:43
ScottKapparle: IIRC 4/28.22:43
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.22:43
stikonasIs there any reason why there are no translations in .desktop files in plasma-desktop package?22:45
stikonas(this question was for anybody who knows)22:46
debfxstikonas: they are stripped from the desktop files and put into language packs22:46
* ryanakca wonders why the admin section of the Kubuntu website still only works with Drupal22:47
stikonashmm, strange because the word Desktop is untranslated in "Desktop Settings"22:48
ryanakcasorry, Konqueror22:48
shadeslayerryanakca: or rekonq22:50
debfxstikonas: you can check https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/kdebase-workspace/+pots/plasmagenericshell to see if the string is translated22:52
ryanakcaScottK: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-natty-beta-1-released22:53
stikonasok, I will look at it. Actually, it is translated in KDE and everything worked in Fedora and in Gentoo, so this is definetely launchpad thing...22:54
stikonasdebfx: are you sure that this is the correct pot file?22:56
stikonasbecause in upstream translations the string was in desktop_kdebase_kde-workspace.pot22:57
stikonasdebfx: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/kdebase-workspace/+pots/desktop-kdebase-workspace/ has "Desktop" entry and it is translated23:03
stikonassomething very strange is happening23:03
stikonasactually I tested now with another language, and Desktop is still untranslated23:04
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ScottKryanakca: Looks good.  Thanks.  23:21

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