
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
geserwgrant: Hi, I got another rejected mail for an ancient upload. I guess it's because of the current archive rebuild. I remember mentioning it to you at the last archive rebuild. But I don't remember the outcome of it (or if a bug got filed).09:30
lifelessgeser: there is a bug filed, nothing acted on yet09:40
Frankbproblème connecting to launchpad server12:37
Frankbpour upload un fichier de 125Mo12:37
Frankby a quelqu'un qui peut m'aider?12:38
=== vvinet_ is now known as vvinet
exarkungrats on restoring staging13:55
exarkunI am looking at https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/pyflakes to see the results of https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/149785 but there's nothing there13:55
exarkunI did set pyflakes to use launchpad as its bug tracker13:56
wgrantexarkun: staging's DB gets wiped once a week or so... that test import was a victim of this.13:57
wgrantexarkun: Could you re-request the test import on the question? I'll get it done on Monday.13:57
=== PinkUnicorns is now known as nhandler
=== doko_ is now known as doko
Frankbwhy is it impossible to upload a file on launchpad?15:30
nigelbit is possible.15:32
Frankba file of 125 mo?17:04
jelmerFrankb: not sure if files as large as that are supported17:11
jelmerFrankb: what sort of file is it?17:13
PsyForceanyone know anything about joining a translating team and/or starting a translation project?17:45
PsyForceit seems not entirely straightforward17:45
PsyForcewell, it's late here17:56
PsyForceperhaps another time17:56
bewest1I'm using my ppa for the first time... I'm wondering when I should expect to see my package in my ppa after successfully running dput?18:01
bewest1oh, I see, I received an email with an error18:10
Frankbjelmer: this is a .zip containing ax exe file18:54
Frankbjelmer: on launchpad site, it's written that we can upload a file up to 200 Mo19:09
lifelessFrankb: what page are you trying to upload to, and where do you see 200MB listed as a limit?20:37
Frankblifeless: i'm tyring to upload a file for ocs inventory project21:12
Frankblifeless: You may upload files up to 200.0 MiB in size.21:13
FrankbA digital signature associates a verifiable identity to the files you upload, allowing end-users to know you signed and approved this file for distribution.21:13
FrankbTo create a digital signature, use the following command:21:13
Frankb% gpg --armor --sign --detach-sig <filename>.21:13
FrankbThis command will create filename.asc, which you can then upload as the signature file.21:13

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