
bonnydoes anyone know a facebook hacker for linux01:24
* aetherian stabs bonny in the throat01:37
bonnyi really need it01:38
aetherianLART time01:39
bonnydo u know of a facebook hacker01:39
aetheriansomeone else stab this guy for me01:40
szczurbonny, there's none and there will never be01:40
jmarsdenbonny: If a "Facebook hacker" does what I think it does, it would not be considerate, respectful or collaborative to use it.  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct01:42
bonnyomg u guys dont know we basically do it for fun friends hack my account all the time and they wont tell me how they do it so i need one01:44
aetheriandarn internet01:46
john123hi semitones, are you familiar with java programming editor in lubuntu?04:22
semitonesno, I've never used it :/ sorry!04:23
semitonesmaybe someone else will see your question though04:23
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=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
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Shogoothey people. wondering why the command sudo /etc/init.d/lxde stop dont work.... isint the desktop of Lubuntu LXDE?12:17
msucanwhere do i find info about the latest lubuntu beta?12:53
Shogootisint Lubuntu beta the same as ubuntu beta? 11.04 comming out 28 april?12:58
msucanShogoot: should be13:03
msucanbut i want to know about lubuntu-specific changes13:03
msucani am configuring an old laptop now and i want a lightweight distro13:03
msucanpuppy linux or lubuntu :)13:03
Shogootim afraid i wouldn know13:04
msucani'd favor an ubuntu based distro, but i don't know much about lubuntu13:04
msucanno worries13:04
Shogootim guessing but maybe you should look for changes in lxdm? the desktop thing?13:04
bonnyIs there any way to make my videos faster?16:46
mark76Why the heck would anyone want to make their videos faster?16:48
jmarsdenmsucan: Info on beta1 release is at https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-desktop/msg03691.html .  More info is supposed to be at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu/Testing but noone has updated it since Alpha 3, it seems :)18:49
aguitelhow change setting in "time and date" under lxde?19:35
jmarsdenaguitel: In Lubuntu 10.10, click on the bird, then on Preferences, then on Time and Date19:54
aguiteljmarsden, i am in 10.0419:55
aguiteljmarsden, no time and date19:55
jmarsdenI don't have a running Lubuntu 10.04 to test with right now.  What are you trying to change?19:56
aguiteljmarsden, mm/dd/aaaa  to dd/mm/aaaa19:56
jmarsdenOh... that is a locale change.  Set your locale to be correct for your country and the date and time formats should change too.19:57
aguiteljmarsden, how i do that19:57
jmarsdenaguitel: I'm not sure if there is a GUI way to change that in Lubuntu.  Edit the file /etc/default/locale and reboot?20:00
jmarsdenUsually you tell Ubuntu what country/locale you are in at install time.20:00
aguitelok thanks20:00
jmarsdenYou're welcome.20:04
Brunoirshave lubuntu now20:38
MrChrisDruifGreat Brunoirs :)20:43
BrunoirsLike it20:44
Brunoirsiim happy20:44
MrChrisDruifEven better to hear Brunoirs, did you have Linux experience before?20:57
MrChrisDruifAlright, what did you try before?21:04
Brunoirs5.10  :D21:36
Brunoirsand dapper drake21:36
MrChrisDruifAlright, that's a long time ago :D21:38
MrChrisDruifFor how long did you use it?21:38
Brunoirsa year maybe21:39
Brunoirsbut long time ago21:39
Brunoirswas 2006 i think21:39
BrunoirsBut now i got a "new" laptop and i decided to install lubuntu on it21:39
MrChrisDruif5.10 was October 2005 (5 is year, 10 is month)21:40
Brunoirsyes know21:40
MrChrisDruifA "new" laptop? :P21:40
Brunoirsbut dapper drake was 200621:40
Unit193MrChrisDruif: I upgraded (format, reinstall) Ubuntu 6.10 to Lubuntu 10.04 (then 10.10 came out few weeks later)21:40
Brunoirsyes a dell latitude xps :P21:40
MrChrisDruifUnit193: That's why I'm waiting with Lubuntu now...next should be available in less then 4 weeks21:41
MrChrisDruifBrunoirs: Those are pretty powerful machines right?21:41
BrunoirsYes really powerful :D21:43
BrunoirsI think its a real nicec laptop21:43
BrunoirsIts enough for me21:43
MrChrisDruifBrunoirs: XPS are gaming laptops afaik :P21:56
BrunoirsMy laptop not anymore :P21:57
BrunoirsCan i play Starcraft 1 on it?21:57
BrunoirsUnder lubuntu?21:58
BrunoirsMaybe with Wine?21:58
bioterroryou can play xbill21:58
MrChrisDruifBrunoirs: You can probably play it with Wine indeed :)21:58
BrunoirsThought with Wine its laggin22:00
MrChrisDruifI never heard of xbill22:00
Brunoirscool thx22:06
Papaaawww.snowlinux.de www.computerhilfe-forum.com www.cfreakz.de www.larstorbenkremer.de22:12
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
pam61Can anyone point me towards docs that will tell me how to set a vnc server (x11vnc) to run at startup? I've not used lxde before, so I'm a bit lost ;-)23:53

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