
Deithriando i ask questions about Xubuntu Natty here or in #Xubuntu?00:05
charlie-tcaEverything +1 goes here00:06
DeithrianOk using nvidia-settings in Xubuntu to setup dual monitors, it doesn't take into account the "Make this my primary display" setting and it makes the other monitor primary00:07
charlie-tcaThere are several people that hang out here and run Xubuntu Natty00:07
Deithrianalso after i enabled the second monitor with twin view the bar that shows at the bottom of the screen no longer functions00:07
Deithrianit loads on startup then hides then i can't make it popup when i go to the bottom of the screen00:07
charlie-tcaright, panels in dual monitor is broken00:07
charlie-tcaWhat about making it not hide?00:08
Deithrianit's just gone00:08
Deithrianumm where do i make it non hide?00:08
charlie-tcaclick the logo, Settings -> Panel00:08
Deithrianoh found it00:08
charlie-tcamake panel1 on top, uncheck the automatically hide00:09
Deithrianpanel is "LockPanel option selected auto hide is not selected00:09
charlie-tcaoops, check the Lock panel, uncheck the Automatically show and hide00:09
charlie-tcaIt should let it show up then00:10
charlie-tcanot panel 1, panel 200:10
charlie-tcapanel 1 is always the top panel, panel 2 is the bottom00:10
Deithrianok when i'm in that menu the bottom panel shows up when i close the menu the bottom panel drops down and it's gone again meaning i can't make it show with the mouse00:10
Deithrianohh ok00:11
Deithrianpanel 2 :)00:11
Deithrianok it's working now00:11
charlie-tcaright, select the panel 2, uncheck automatically show and hide for it00:11
charlie-tcaI don't know how to make dual monitors work right00:11
Deithriancharlie-tca any way to make the primary monitor thing work? my second monitor is smaller and to the left :/00:11
charlie-tcaI don't know. I only run a single monitor on each of my three computers00:12
Deithriancharlie-tca it's strange because the splash screen loads correctly on my main monitor and second monitor works as it should in splash screen00:12
charlie-tcaYou might have to ask that in #xfce.00:12
Deithrianok thank you :)00:13
Deithrianbtw this is gorgeous interface ^_^00:16
charlie-tcaThank you. I can pass that on to the artist00:16
penguin42http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/04/01/ubuntu1004_beta_review/  is pretty scathing00:17
ceed^Hi. anyone else seeing these dependency problems right now when trying to upgrade: http://pastebin.com/a1X2hu5L00:23
Deithriani think i figured it out o-o for some reason with twin view my second monitor is missing from the nvidia generated config huh00:24
thiebaudeim on 11.04 so far so good :)00:29
gordonjcpI really want to like Unity but it just makes me seasick00:31
gordonjcpand the deep drop-shadows make my eyes hurt00:32
thiebaudeim going check out classic gnome see i like it better :)00:34
ceed^I had decided to hate Unity, but I can't. It's simple and works. Buggy though.00:35
syn-ackI still prefer Gnome Shell, myself.00:36
syn-ackUnity is faster tho...00:36
Sonjawhat´s the differences between chrome and chromium00:38
Sonjai have both now00:38
gordonjcpceed^: about the only thing I can't really get past is the lack of a taskbar00:38
gordonjcpthere's no easy way to see which apps are running00:39
TheBuntuim useing the 2.6.39 rc1 kernel..in 10.10....how can i add the nvidia 270.26...repo00:39
BUGabundoSonja: chromium is the community build of the code of chromium00:40
Sonjamy chromium is all configured as i like it00:40
BUGabundochrome is the binary built (who know how and for what target) and distribuited by google00:40
Sonjaafter the upgrade to natty, i now have a chrome available too00:40
BUGabundoI doubt it00:40
BUGabundo*we* don't provide chrome00:41
Sonjait might just be chromium packaged as chrome?00:41
Sonjai have the old blue chromium and the pan-african coloured chrome available00:41
Sonjathey open different windows00:41
Sonjahave different settings in them00:41
TheBuntuim useing the 2.6.39 rc1 kernel..in 10.10....how can i add the nvidia 270.26...repo ???00:45
deithriancharlie-tca well i placed the left monitor on the right side of the main monitor in nvidia-settings and now it works as it should have o-o left monitor is secondary right monitor is main although in nvidia-settings it's the opposite, also the bottom panel works as well with autohide weird00:45
shaneocan someone give me a hand with a vm error00:51
shaneoApr 01 19:49:36.526: app-3077564096| Building module with command: /usr/bin/make -C /tmp/vmware-root/modules/vmmon-only auto-build SUPPORT_SMP=1 HEADER_DIR=/lib/modules/2.6.38-7-generic/build/include CC=/usr/bin/gcc GREP=/usr/bin/make IS_GCC_3=no VMCCVER=4.5.200:51
shaneoApr 01 19:49:43.430: app-3077564096| Failed to compile module vmmon!00:51
TheBuntuim useing the 2.6.39 rc1 kernel..in 10.10....how can i add the nvidia 270.26...repo00:58
_skplcan i get supprt for natty here?00:59
bjsniderTheBuntu, unsupported and offtopic00:59
thiebaudeTheBuntu, try #ubuntu01:00
TheBuntuhow #ubuntu...going to tell me how to add a natty repo01:01
thiebaudeTheBuntu, its not good to mix and match repos like that01:03
bjsniderTheBuntu, the 270 blob for maverick is in the x-updates ppa01:05
bjsniderbut it may not work with that kernel, and if it doesn't, there's nothing anybody can do about it01:06
TheBuntuthiebaude: i know..but i been running the natty kernel on 10.10 every sence 2.6.38.rc1...with no trouble...just now on 2.6.39.rc1...the 10.10 nvidia dont want to activate..thats why i wanted natty nvidia repo01:07
jkorkeanitaylor57: http://pastebin.com/Zgqc41Qq01:07
thiebaudeok TheBuntu  :)01:08
thiebaudei sure dont know how to add it01:08
TheBuntubjsnider: where do i get the ppa x-update01:09
bjsniderTheBuntu, google is your friend01:09
jkorkeanitaylor57: any idea?01:11
TheBuntubjsnider: is this what i want...    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates01:12
jkorkeani heard notification area is nowadays picky on what it accepts, but reinstalling should have resolved that (i guess)01:12
itaylor57jkorkean: no01:13
jkorkeanok, ill file a bug on this01:14
ethana2Hello all, I have just installed and updated/dist-upgraded Ubuntu 11.04 on this computer01:26
ethana2I would like to install Nouveau 3d and get Unity running, how should I go about it?01:26
Daekdroomethana2, install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental package, but have in mind that it is an unsupported package.01:29
eekTheCatis it possible to change the shortcut keys the unity panel uses?01:30
_skpli install natty neta but when the machine logs on i dont get a panel or anything.01:30
eekTheCatfrom mod4+1, mod4+2 and so on to something else01:30
eekTheCati've always used those keys to change desktops01:30
ethana2Daekdroom: I've been using Nouveau for about a year on different machines-- does it seem to generally be functional at the moment?01:32
ethana2like, if it explodes, i can deal-- but what's the probability of that right now?01:32
DaekdroomThe 3d? I wouldn't count on it.01:32
DaekdroomI mean, I've seen people test that package, and it couldn't run unity01:32
ethana2Daekdroom: hrmm.. so just because it can run compiz on a machine with a previous release doesn't mean it can run unity on it with 11.04?01:33
Daekdroomethana2, it's possible.01:34
ethana2Daekdroom: if it explodes, will removing that package fix it?01:34
Daekdroomethana2, yes, unless it actually explodes ;)01:35
DaekdroomWhich is not going to happen01:35
ethana2Daekdroom: well, Nouveau has caused a gpu of mine to explode, kind of01:35
ethana2Daekdroom: if you remember the whole bad manufacturing nVidia debacle01:35
DaekdroomSort of.01:35
ethana2Daekdroom: filed on the class action, waiting for my airbill'd box to send it in one last time01:36
eekTheCatfrom what i'm reading this panel thing isn't even remotely customizable is it01:40
ethana2ok, Unity is running :D ...only the little ubuntu icon in the top left isn't there01:43
Kurdistanhey guys how are unity going on in ubuntu?01:43
Kurdistanhow stabile will it be in release day?01:43
Kurdistanhow will 11.04 perform in boot, battery time etc?01:43
Kurdistanbetter then 10.10?01:43
coz_Kurdistan,  I dont use it on a laptop so I couldnt say here01:45
coz_Kurdistan,  it  has its issues... of course... it seems to be running decently but thinks can certainly change within these next few weeks :)01:46
Kurdistannobody here that can tell me?01:46
bazhangKurdistan, as its not released yet, no01:48
Kurdistanbut this is for people that use ubuntu 11.04 beta?01:49
coz_Kurdistan,  this channel is yes01:49
coz_Kurdistan,   hang out here,, someone running this on a laptop may have some info for you,, however,, its not released and as I said , things can change in the next few weeks01:50
Kurdistancoz_, I hope becuase there is many unity haters out there.01:51
Kurdistanthey would love to see unity fall.01:51
coz_Kurdistan,  :)  well I am not a lover of it here :)  I change the session to classic gnome01:51
coz_Kurdistan,  on a desktop Unity + global menu is  too difficutlt to deal with01:51
Kurdistanokey, It looks really good.01:52
lcbKurdistan, is running nice on my laptop. try it first on a virtual machine though01:52
coz_Kurdistan,  it does have a nice look to it01:52
Kurdistanbetter then all ubuntu version I have tried past years.01:52
Kurdistanclassic gnome is good. I think gnome 3 will be apart of 11.10?01:54
lcbKurdistan, natty is a much more improved 10.10 with a different interface. however you can easily use "10.10" desktop (here called Classic Desktop)01:54
coz_Kurdistan,  not sure about that,,, I doubt it01:54
lcbKurdistan, about the haters, they probably will became eaters on april 28th01:56
Kurdistanthx girls/guys01:57
coz_Kurdistan,  guy here :)01:57
Kurdistanwill battery time be better?01:57
lcbi'll tell my girl :)01:57
lcbKurdistan, seems better, yes01:57
coz_Kurdistan,  I think th at was one of the working ideas  when this was planned01:57
ethana2lcb: how much better?01:57
Kurdistanhow is boot-time? any improvement? 10.4 was big improvement compare to 9.10.01:57
lcbKurdistan, all core system is upgraded, so imagine01:57
Kurdistan10.10 same boot-time as 10.0401:58
lcbi have no way of comparing it now. but on this laptop my cpu fan is not working no much as on 10.10. didn't check the rates though01:59
lcbno much /so much*01:59
Kurdistanoki... thx anyway01:59
lcbKurdistan, try it and cameback so you'll know if you will be one of the eaters :p02:00
Kurdistanlcb I have only one laptop02:00
KurdistanI am student :P I dont have time anymore to play around02:00
lcbKurdistan, try it on a VirtualBox machine, it's easy to set it up, all02:01
KurdistanI want it just to work and tired of install different dist...02:01
Kurdistanlcb true, but I am lazzzzzzy...02:01
lcbKurdistan, have in mind, at the moment unity desktop, now called simply 'Ubuntu', doesn't have gnome /tree menus02:01
lcbKurdistan, from kurdistan to portugal is not so far, so came here and i'll do it for you.02:02
Kurdistanlcb hahaha :P you are cool02:04
lcbKurdistan, are you from Turkey, Iraqi, Iran or Syria?02:05
lcball - kurdistan "land of kurds"02:06
Kurdistanlcb nice one that knows about kurdistan and kurds.02:06
Kurdistanfrom the turkish part of Kurdistan02:06
lcbKurdistan, i'm not so lazzzzzzy to check wikipedia :p02:07
Kurdistanlcb I hate wikipedia02:07
lcbanyway, i knew a bit about it02:07
Kurdistanmany crapy facts02:07
lcbKurdistan, Internet - the big new encyclopedia - wikipedia a small part of internet02:07
Kurdistanlcb true02:08
lcbKurdistan, damn small linux runs very well on all diskettes. too bad is not developed anymore. you can tell that to the 'haters'02:10
Kurdistanlcb yeah I have read about it before.02:11
Kurdistanslitaz was the last distro I tried in virtualbox02:11
Kurdistanreally lightweighted02:12
lcbthere are a couple, nowadays02:12
lcbi even made a computer from a pocket calculator, a small satellite dish with a cooking pan for internet and all in BASIC.02:14
Kurdistanhave nice time peepz02:15
lcbyou too :)02:15
Guest64094charlie-tca i think the bug may be in Xubuntu, when i checked, panel 1 was set to "auto" and when i selected "monitor 1" it displayed at the right position.02:17
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=== Drian is now known as Deithrian
arandhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/747824 is affecting eveyrone isn't it?02:22
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ubottuUbuntu bug 747824 in ubufox (Ubuntu) "unable to press serch button on ubuntu start page" [Undecided,New]02:22
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nkiesel1just upgraded to 11.04 beta1 and have some basic problems with unity on my netbook02:34
coz_nkiesel1,   if you tell everyone the issues ,, anyone familiar with them may be able to help :)02:35
nkiesel1example: only app running is firefox in full-screen mode.  How to I access the unity side-bar from this state?02:35
coz_nkiesel1,   move your mouse up to the upper left corner where the ubuntu logo is02:36
nkiesel1right now the only way I know is to either minimize or non-fullscreen firefox02:36
nkiesel1there is no logo in full-screen mode02:36
coz_nkiesel1,   ok it should still show when you move the mouse up there02:36
coz_nkiesel1,   can you open ccsm...click on the Unity plugin to see if it is ticked for autohide02:37
nkiesel1it shows the tab bar02:37
nkiesel1of firefox when I go to the top-left corner02:37
coz_nkiesel1,   yeah compiz config settings manager02:38
coz_nkiesel1,  if you close firefox ,, in the launcher it is a white icon with a crecent wrrench  icon02:39
nkiesel1ccsm is not installed right now02:40
coz_nkiesel1,  oh ,, ok02:40
coz_nkiesel1,  mm02:40
nkiesel1i'm willing to install if that helps02:40
coz_nkiesel1,   well it con tains the plugin settings for compiz...02:40
nkiesel1applying changes...02:42
coz_nkiesel1,  I assume the video driver is already installed ...yes?02:43
nkiesel1good Q.  i clearly have "a" video driver02:44
nkiesel1i now started ccsm and clicked on the unity plugin02:44
coz_nkiesel1,  ok the "Hide Launcher" pull down should be set to  Dodge windows02:47
nkiesel1it is02:47
coz_nkiesel1,  mm02:47
coz_nkiesel1,  then it should open when you mouse over the upper left corner of the screen  ...left corner,.left side02:47
nkiesel1key to put keyboard-focus on launcher is set to <Alt>F102:47
nkiesel1upper-left corner: it does, unless I'm in a full-screen mode02:48
nkiesel1then it does nothing (visible)02:48
coz_nkiesel1,  mm  that sounds unreasonable02:48
coz_nkiesel1,  sounds more like a bug  than normal behavior,, hopefully02:49
coz_nkiesel1,  try just maximizing firefox instead of full screen02:50
nkiesel1I don't see the top panel (with ubuntu icon in top left, time etc in top right) in full-screen mode, and of course I don't want to02:50
nkiesel1will try maximize02:50
Randolfhow do I get empathy to let pidgin handle im?02:50
coz_Randolf,  ooo I dont use either sorry02:50
nkiesel1maximize works, but waists about 10% of my precious screen height because it now shows top-panel, tab-bar, and url bar02:52
coz_nkiesel1,  right understood02:53
coz_nkiesel1,  well I am going to assume it is a bug,,, on a netbook,, accessing the launcher is absolutely necessary,, I cant imagine this is a "feature"02:53
nkiesel1i guess I'm just looking for a way to make Alt-F1 work even in full-screen mode02:53
nkiesel1coz_: should I file a bug? where (was first on the unity irc, but they sent me here)02:54
nkiesel1thanks for your help btw02:54
coz_nkiesel1,  well I would stick around here  and ask again just in case,, personally I would file a but report  and explain how necessary the launcher accessibility is when full screen window is opened02:55
nkiesel1only workaround I have right now is to have a 2nd app running in non-fullscreen mode (e.g. gnome-terminal), and the <Alt>Tab to that, and access the launcher from there02:57
coz_nkiesel1,  mm  well.. as I said ,, I would report this.. see what they say02:58
coz_nkiesel1,  or go back to #ayatana ,, which is where the developers are,, and ask there02:58
nkiesel1(and of course I then start working in the terminal and thus full-screen that as well, and I'm back to square 1 :-)02:58
coz_nkiesel1,  yeah this sounds like inconvenience and that is not suppose to be on a net book,, accessing the launcher, in my opinion, is critical on netbook02:59
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ubuntuguestHey guys, I have a quick question to ask03:01
ubuntuguestI will be installing Natty to an external USB drive later tonight and wanted to know if the installer still has the "Advanced" options so I can change the location of GRUB. Also I would like to know which screen it is on if anyone knows03:01
bazhangubuntuguest, near the end of the installation process iirc03:02
bazhangubuntuguest, the live cd or the debian-installer?03:03
ubuntuguestbazhang: LiveUSB03:03
bazhangshould prompt you near the end if I recall correctly03:03
trismubuntuguest: you can select the location of grub on the manual partitioning screen, as far as I know, for the moment though, you can only choose not to install grub by running: ubiquity -b;03:03
bazhangnot used the live cd for awhile though03:03
trismthey changed it considerably for natty03:04
ubuntuguesttrism: so I can change to location on the Manual partition screen? I want it to install GRUB to the external drive's MBR and not the Internal03:04
ubuntuguest*the location03:05
bin_bashI have a MacBook Pro 8,1 with a 2.3 GHz i5 processor. I wanted to know if I should try running Natty or if I could stick with Lynx or Maverick. I haven't installed any of them yet, as I just got the computer today. ANY help is appreciated.03:05
trismubuntuguest: I believe I saw the option there, because I was trying to select to not install grub, but that wasn't in the combo box03:05
ubuntuguesttrism: Ok, thanks I will keep that in mind when installing later tonight :)03:05
ubuntuguestI was using the LiveUSB of the Beta earlier and I am really enjoying it, this release of Ubuntu is going to be amazing!03:06
arandtrism: Is it full out a combo box nowadays, you can't write in it no more?03:08
bazhangbin_bash, stick with a release03:09
bazhangbin_bash, wait for the end of april for natty03:09
arandbin_bash: Natty is beta, consider it unstable.03:09
coz_bin_bash,   ubuntu 10.04 is the LTS  version03:09
bazhangapril 28 or thereabouts03:09
bin_bashbazhang: I've heard that 10.04 or 10.10 might not be compatible with my processor. I have NO Idea how to find this out03:10
coz_bin_bash,  i would probably go with that or  if you want  ubuntu 10.1003:10
trismarand: yeah, it only let you choose from a set number of locations, last time I checked during alpha 3 anyway03:10
coz_bin_bash,  oh mm thats interesting about the cpu03:10
arandbin_bash: Run liveCDs and test the different release03:10
bazhangbin_bash, you could try natty, but its hardly completely stable right now03:10
bin_bashcoz: yeah, apparently Sandy Bridge is not compatible or something. When I ran the live CD everything looked okay, but I have no idea if it'll reflect how it'll behave once actually installed.03:10
bin_bashI'm also worried I won't be able to find the drivers I need03:11
arandIt should reflect it reasonably...03:11
coz_bin_bash,   well are you intending to dual boot?03:12
bin_bashcoz_: Yes, with OS X.03:12
coz_bin_bash,  well  then you will have that partitioned off ,, and at the worst you would just reformat it for mac and use it as storage,, yes?03:12
bin_bashYeah I guess. I already used GParted to partition03:13
coz_bin_bash,  then cant hurt to try,, which version did you use the live cd ?03:13
bin_bashIt's the only version I had downloaded.03:13
coz_bin_bash,  ok thats the LTS  long term support03:13
bin_bashcoz_: yeah, it's the version I had been using.03:14
coz_bin_bash,  so give it a try,, if it worked as live cd  it is more liekly to work installed as well03:14
bin_bashBasically I had another MacBook Pro that was supported with 10.04 (5,5) but then it got messed up, and so they replaced it for free. But I didn't know this processor was potentially incompatible03:14
coz_bin_bash,  I use live cd to test clients systems... I have not had it  fail on install once the live cd worked03:14
bin_bashAlso, I'm concerned about finding the drivers I need.03:14
bin_bashcoz_: I was able to get into gnome and use gparted and everything.03:15
coz_bin_bash,  well jump in.. as I said if it fails,, seems unlikely,, you can reformat that partition03:15
bin_bashthis is true.03:15
bin_bashcoz_: How can I make sure I find the right drivers? the wireless one is especially important.03:16
coz_bin_bash,  but it would be interesting to hear about the results03:16
bin_bashI can't find anything about drivers. I don't even kjnow what kind of wireless card this is.03:19
arandYou will probably be able to find out using "lspci" whence in ubuntu.03:21
arandbin_bash: And, as it were, in most cases the drivers are already present in the kernel, or easily installable using the "additional drivers" (jockey-gtk) application03:22
bin_bashokay this might be an insane question03:23
bin_bashbut i found these files in this "linux" folder03:23
bin_bashdo you know what this is03:23
arandKernel source for the broadcom wireless driver module, for a 32bit debian/ubuntu system I would venture a guess...03:25
arandThat package will be available to install from the repositories.03:26
id10tHello, I was running a dual boot of 10.10 and win7, normally I use g-parted to remove my linux partition and then install a different version with no problem. Tried the same method with natty beta1 but grub loaded to rescue, I repaired grub but natty failed to load. any ideas?03:27
bin_bashDo you guise know what this is?03:29
arandrepaired grub how? failed to load how?03:29
id10tI am guessing this channel is for natty03:29
arandid10t: Indeed03:29
id10tarand, I repaired grub using the live cd... then when I select natty to load from grub, it loads partially and then freezes03:30
aranddkms is stuff for kompiling kernel modules...03:30
bin_bashWell I'll put this stuff on the flash drive in case i need it03:30
bin_bashI'll be back soon hopefully.03:30
arandid10t: So you get the ubuntu splash screen?03:31
bin_bashWish me luck in installing 10.04!03:31
arandbin_bash: 11.04*03:31
id10tarand, no splash, just text03:31
bin_bashNo, 10.0403:31
id10tarand, sorry I will load it and give the exact point of freeze03:31
arandbin_bash: Ah, right, then you have support in #ubuntu03:31
id10t1 moment03:31
arandid10t: But the kernel starts initiating?03:32
bin_basharand: I'm just hoping it doesn't totally eff up my system03:32
arandbin_bash: Well, there's something for making backups at key points in time...03:32
id10tarand, hmmmm..... not sure what just happened, but it loaded....03:33
arandOf at least the most important data...03:33
bin_basharand: yeah I have my ubuntu home folder and my entire OS X partition backed up03:33
id10twell anyway, I had to reinstall grub because it didn't load from the cd (install along side other operating system) method didn't work03:33
arandSo you get the grub menu with kernel options though?03:34
id10tarand, only after re-installing grub from the live cd03:36
arandAnd if it does manage to load up the kernel, I would say the problem doesn't lie in grub, but further on in the boot process03:36
id10tinitally, I only got grub rescue03:36
arandHmm, the installer is normally supposed to reinstall grub in a sane way.. but anyways, atm, i think your problem is past grub03:37
id10tCurious, natty beta has a much longer load time than 10.10, think this will change with final release?03:38
arandI do not know, if you run bootchart and try to pin down specifics and bug report it, it might ;)03:39
id10tI wish I was better with this stuff, everything I do is trial and error... I dont know what bootchart is..03:41
arandIt's an application, install it and look at the charts in /var/log/bootchart I think03:42
id10tI'll give it a shot03:43
arandThough having a reference to the old faster system would be quite helpful in that case, unless there is stuff that is obvious03:43
id10tMaybe I should have mentioned the system I am running it on, thinkpad x120e, 4 gig's of ram03:44
arandAlso, note that there is optimisation going on during the first boot(s?) So the boot speed won't be representative the first boot around03:44
id10tI did not know that... thanks03:45
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Randolfwhy do compiz window decoration shadow settings get overrode?04:19
bin_bashWell, 10.04 installed successfully.04:36
TheBuntuin 11.04.... what replaced /boot/grub/menu.lst04:42
bazhangTheBuntu, its replaced long ago04:45
DrakasXHello all04:45
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:46
rigvedhi everyone...i am talking about bug 458872...i want to test a fix which I have created for it. how do i do that? specifically, i want to introduce cruft into my system. how do i do that?04:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458872 in computer-janitor (Ubuntu) "Don't mark for removal manually installed packages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45887204:46
bazhangTheBuntu, ^04:46
DrakasXI'm currently preparing to upgrade to 11.04 and i was wondering if the Broadcom wireless driver is unsupported, since i noticed it on the list of packages to be removed.04:46
DrakasXI forgot to mention i am upgrading via network04:47
TheBuntui just need to know where the file went to that i can edit the kernel line04:47
bazhangTheBuntu, check that link?04:48
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2   <---- TheBuntu04:49
TheBuntubazhang: its telling me what i thought and asked where it went to.../boot/grub/menu.lst......i have no menu.lst in there....and plus im geting...sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst........ No protocol specified04:54
TheBuntukwrite: cannot connect to X server :004:54
=== IdleOne is now known as WolfOne
arandTheBuntu: grub2 has /boot/grub/grub.cfg05:11
lazyPowerQuestion about the Natty Beta, how do you change the screen resolution? the system-applet has been removed (As far as i can tell) and its not using xorg, so i'm at a loss on how to change it. Maybe my google-fu is weak tonight?05:11
TheBuntuarand: i found that....so thats where i edit the kernel line then right05:12
AmaranthlazyPower: It's using xorg, open the unity dash (click the ubuntu logo) and type in monitor05:17
AmaranthlazyPower: Or if you're in classic click the Ubuntu logo, go to preferences, click on monitors05:17
ubudorkhola... i just updated 10.10 to 11.04... after i have logged in i see my new desktop, i can move the mouse around  but that is it. no response to keyboard or clicking on any item. all seems frozen... heeeelp!05:18
ubudorkno one able to help out here?05:21
Amaranthubudork: Is that in the unity interface?05:22
Amaranthubudork: does pressing caps lock turn the light on?05:22
Amaranthalso, is that intel video?05:22
ubudorkit is nvidia video, caps lock turns light on05:23
ubudorkyes seems unity is set default¨05:23
Amaranthubudork: See if it happens with classic05:23
Amaranthubudork: Try regular classic first then try classic (no effects)05:24
Amaranthyou can choose those on the gdm login screen after you choose your user but before you put in your password05:24
ubudorki tried ctrl alt delete now.... after one two minutes the computer responded and shut down05:24
GriemakBoot it back up and see if a "Kernel panic" message occurs, it is posible the Nvidia driver failed install?05:25
ubudorksame frozen experience in classic. will try no fx now05:27
GriemakWhich Nvidia card do you have?  Have you installed the Nvidia driver yet?05:28
ubudorkno fx works... puh05:28
ubudorki think i saw that the 260.something was installed05:29
Griemakwhich Nvidia card do you have?  the 260.something may be incorrect05:29
ubudorkwill check now. not sure what card. it is a old lenovo 300n200 laptop05:30
GriemakYou may want the NVidia-173, not NVidia-Current, check the Nvidia model to see05:31
benzaldehydeis the upgrade from maverick to natty the same route from lucid to maverick, i.e. can i mount the iso and let the upgrade manager do the rest?05:31
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ubudorkwell the current driver is the only one appearing in the thirdpasrty driver window05:33
ubudorkdo i use synaptic then?05:34
Griemakperhaps, were you able to track down your gpu to see if it can handle the 270.x version?05:35
ubudorkno luck identifying the adapter05:36
rigvedbenzaldehyde: just for your info, natty is still in beta stage. so do not do this for a production system. but otherwise, upgrade is still the same process05:36
Griemaktry the "auto find" beta application at Nvidia's website, under "Drivers" from nvidia.com05:37
ubudorkif i install the 173 driver ubuntu-desktop and a whole lot of x-org files will be removed05:37
benzaldehyderigved: I just figured out i have both alternate iso all ready burned to discs, shwew, this is going to be cake. appreciatete the advice though--playstation 3 home use though thanks05:38
bin_bashAlright, I think I'm going to have to wipe and install natty. While 10.04 installed, nothing works. I can't get any internet. The people in #ubuntu can't seem to help. Any advice?05:38
ubudorkit is the Nvidia GeForce Go730005:39
benzaldehyderigved: this channel is less busy than the other buntu chans--nice to not have ten thousand people asking 90 different questions at once05:42
rigvedbenzaldehyde: this channel is for 11.04 related questions only. #ubuntu for question related to 10.04 and 10.10 (9.10 will reach end-of-life soon). #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat05:44
GriemakThat GPU is listed as being the 270.x version.  what do you get when you run "nvidia-settings"?05:44
ubudorka whole lot of errors05:46
ubudorkunable to asign cursor shadow.. etc... (no display connection05:47
ubudorkall in all just a bunch of: Unable to assign.... Errors05:49
benzaldehydeubudork: when i get to 11.04 i will see if i can mirror the error on ppc64 architecture if you can tell me what you are running into05:51
Griemakdoesn't sound like it was loaded/installed properly...  'sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current --purge' followed by a 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current' may help?05:51
benzaldehydeubudork: oh nvm, nvidia05:51
ubudorkbenzaldehyde: ??05:52
benzaldehydeubudork: i was saying i would try to reproduce the error on my end but i don't have that hardware05:52
benzaldehydeubudork: i stepped in half-way through your discussion, just trying to get acclimated05:53
GriemakI had issues with the Nvidia driver as well, turned out the Kernal (dkms) was corrupt05:53
ubudorkah.. ok :)05:53
benzaldehydeyou are welcome 'dork' :305:53
id10tHello, Anyone else experience this. Install proprietary ATI 11.3 drivers and unity becomes disabled?05:56
id10twell im sure if its a real issue a dev will address it....06:00
ubudorkpurged and reinstalled... same problem06:00
benzaldehydeubudork: you are basicaly dealing with a hardware issue, correct?06:01
ubudorki dont know..06:01
benzaldehydeubudork: k, but i see a lot of talk about nvidia. am i to assume this is the focus of the issue06:02
ubudorki am only able to use desktop in non FX mode06:02
Griemakbenzaldehyde: my amateur assumption: when he boots no fx, he's fine, otherwise he is frozen and 'nvidia-Settings' is throwing errors06:03
Griemakwhoops... or "her", assuming male is bad :(06:03
ubudorkyes sir06:03
benzaldehydeGriemak: could it be  conflict with another package?06:03
ubudorki am a he-man06:04
GriemakYes, it could.  He purged and reinstalled nvidia-current and his GPU supports the latest version. Nouveu conflict?06:04
ubudorkGriemak: is correct in the assumption06:04
id10tHas anyone been able to install the proprietary ati 11.3 drivers and have unity function correctly?06:06
benzaldehydeubudork: i know this might not work for you but i had a problem using my mouse, it turned out to be a conflict with xserver-xorg-input-synaptics so i guess what i am saying is keep purging until something does happen but write it down because you may want to install what you take out later06:07
ubudorkhmmmm......  not sure i am up to that. dont really know where to start... and for sure not where to continue06:10
benzaldehydeSuhn_: numma numma hey, ello06:11
ubudorkguess i will have to wait for a fix or something06:11
Suhn_i have a bad problam06:11
Suhn_I just updated to 11.0406:11
Suhn_But on the boot manager when i select ubuntu, it just restarts the computer06:11
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nit-witSuhn_, did it upgrade with no errors?06:12
rwwsee /topic if you're using Wubi.06:12
Griemakubudork: if time permits, you could try a reburn of the ISO and install again with the Beta that was recently pushed06:12
Suhn_It might have failed to read a mirror06:12
id10tSuhn_: if you can load from a live cd/usb follow this tutorial:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20206:12
rwwalthough iono if it applies to upgrades06:12
Suhn_i thought i saw something like that06:12
benzaldehydeubudork: why not try to purge the same xserver-xorg-input-synaptics seeing how it was a culprit in one instance it may be a source of all hardware probs06:12
Suhn_I dont have a cd/usb06:12
Suhn_i had 10.1006:13
Suhn_and i did upgrade-manager06:13
Suhn_at the end of the installation process, it restarts teh computer06:13
Suhn_well, when it tries to boot up ubuntu it just restarts the computer right when i select ubuntu in the boot manager06:13
nit-witSuhn_, you need a cd to reload grub to the mbr06:14
id10tdo you mean grub?06:14
Suhn_I have no idea what that means06:14
id10tplease read this tutorial, I had the same problem and this fixed it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20206:15
Suhn_ill do it tomorrow06:15
nit-witperfect link.:)06:15
Suhn_what a hastle06:15
id10tit takes a couple min's top06:15
ubudorkbenzaldehyde: what is culprit? do you mean that i should pugre all xserver-xorg packets?06:15
Suhn_I cant do any of that06:16
Suhn_because i cant get access to ubuntu tho06:16
id10thave faith in your self06:16
benzaldehydeubudork: no, just give that one a try. if it does not do the deed, reinstall06:16
id10tuse a live cd06:16
benzaldehydeubudork: the package, not the entire system06:16
ubudorkok.. ill try06:16
Suhn_the only thing i can get to is windows06:17
Suhn_Do i boot from the cd?06:17
id10tboot from a live cd of ubuntu then follow the tutorial I linked you to06:17
Suhn_This is a huge document what does it do?06:17
ubudorkwill i be able to use the mouse pad then06:18
id10tGrub is a boot manager, you need to reinstall it. The section you need to read is relatively short06:18
ubudorkif not im lost :P06:18
Suhn_Im not sure what section it is but....06:19
benzaldehydeubudork: you ought to. purging this was the solution for my non ability to use th mouse pad06:19
ubudorkok.. ill have to take the chance then06:20
ubudorki also want to remove xserver-xorg-input-all06:21
ubudorknot i... it06:21
benzaldehydeubudork: if however you can not, just alt+ctrl+f1 for a shell and sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-synaptics and it should be back. might have to cycle gdm, i.e. sudo service gdm stop/start06:21
ubudorkmouse still works :)06:22
benzaldehydeubudork: what about the FX06:23
ubudorkreinstalling nvidia now06:23
ubudorkmaybe that was not nessecary?06:24
benzaldehydeubudork: balancing wireless keyboard on top of skull06:24
benzaldehydeubudork: what was not neccessary?06:25
thiebaudesince i dont use compiz, i did not install my nvidia drivers :)06:25
slyrusso... I've got a natty system that I want to migrate to a larger volume... any suggestions on how I need to partition the drive/boot flags/etc...?06:25
ubudorkthe reinstall?06:26
slyrusdf -k06:26
slyrusoops.. wrong keyboard...06:27
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benzaldehydeubudork: well your card depends on that package, does it not?06:27
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ubudorkstill no luck06:28
benzaldehydeubudork: crap crap double crap06:28
ubudorkyes sir06:29
benzaldehydeubudork: what is the specs of this card and name of the package06:29
Griemakubudork: have you rebooted to build the kernal module?06:29
ubudorkand i think i  will have to reinstall the input packages.. i have a over sensitive mouse pad now06:30
benzaldehydeubudork: yeah it was only a conflict for me in 9.10, it was a long shot06:30
DrakasXNatty definitely runs smoother in Ubuntu Classic, Unity ran horribly06:31
ubudorkok.. i forgott to mention that everything worked just fine in 10.10 before upgrade. dont remember what nvidia driver it was. but it was the current for 10.1006:32
DrakasXHaving nVidia problems?06:33
DrakasXwhats your chipset?06:33
ubudorkit is the Nvidia GeForce Go730006:34
DrakasXdid you check for Additional Drivers?06:34
ubudorkin synaptic?06:34
DrakasXSystem>Administration>Additional Drivers06:35
ubudorkonly the current present there06:35
DrakasXis it activated/installed?06:36
ubudorkactivated and installed06:36
ubudorknvidia-settings give alot of assignment errors06:37
benzaldehydeubudork: activated, installed but you can't get any use out of it06:37
ubudorkyes sir06:37
DrakasXrestart the service?06:38
benzaldehydeDrakasX: isn't there a gnome safe mode?06:38
benzaldehydeDrakasX: that ubudork could try06:38
DrakasXyeah but you have to boot in to it via grub06:38
ubudorki have restarted the computer many times.. does that count for restarting service?06:38
benzaldehydeDrakasX: i meant before logging in when you start up the gui at the bottom, i vaguely remember seeing another gnome choice in that box06:39
DrakasXbenzaldehyde: I'm not sure, don't remember seeing that06:40
benzaldehydeubudork: click switch user and see if you can switch gnome at the bottom06:40
DrakasXdid you try $ nvidia-xconfig  ?06:40
benzaldehydeubudork: i would try it but i am upgrading06:41
ubudorknvidia-xconfig gives some warnings and a error06:43
Griemakubudork: a clean install  may be needed instead of an upgrade, did you do the upgrade while the Beta was being pushed out? (package conflict)06:43
ubudorkit is a upgrade yes06:44
DrakasXI think im gonna start updating with pre-release updates06:45
Griemaktry a 'sudo apt-get update' followed by 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' in a terminal window and see if any packages need updating (probably not, worth a shot)06:46
DrakasXcant he go in to recovery and run dpkg? or computer janitor it up?06:46
ubudorkah good idea.. but then i will have to log off here meanwhile. im using a mobile modem and am on my windows computer atm..06:47
lazyPowerAmaranth: uhm, one problem. I dont see the ubuntu logo06:54
lazyPowerits just a grey bar with applets on it06:55
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not currently be installable.07:15
Chr|sI tried to upgrade to latest beta, was unable to nagigate properly. everything turned black when opened and moved around. It was quite odd07:21
Chr|sany suggestions?07:22
phibxrWhat is the purpose of the backlight in Unity? The colors seem quite random to me.07:50
Lars__sb here ?08:01
Lars__I'm interested in your! openion08:10
Lars__Do you like the unity ?08:10
bazhangLars__, #ubuntu-offtopic for chat please08:11
spiralsgot the nepomuk crash on login in KDE 4.6/11.04, purged akonadi/nepomuk/kontact and their dependencies then reinstalled them per http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3115999.008:21
doodoounity is really laggy with fglrx....anyone know how to solve this?08:48
benzaldehydeOkay so i upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 by placing 10.10 alternate in the drive. that went great. now comes the sucky part, i put the 11.04 alternate in the drive, nothing happened. am i missing something? i thought this was an easy one two operation08:57
tranceok i'm having an issue with 11.04 (yes i know it's beta), and ics09:03
benzaldehydehas anyone upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10?09:03
trancei'm trying to share a wifi internet connection through another adapter, both adapters are recognized, and i've done this on windows so i know everything is set up right09:03
trancei can share it09:03
trancebut for some reason i can't get UbuntuAdhoc to go to wep, if it's unsecured it gets ip etc fine, but if i enable wep it doesn't work for some reason09:04
trancealso when i do enable wep, upon rebooting, the network appears (showing from other computers) and is connectable to, without security09:04
benzaldehydetrance: how did you get from 10.10 to 11.0409:04
tranceeven though i set it up for a wep key and saved it09:04
trancei didn't09:04
trancei downloaded 11.04 and installed it09:04
trancevia usb flash drive09:04
trancemind you i have a ubuntu router set up (that's being used too but it isn't good for my phone thus i use an ad-hoc network for my phone and ubuntu-router for my other pc)09:05
tranceso i know what it should look like somewhat09:05
trancewith wep enabled it seems the only issue is i can't get an ip from the ad-hoc network on other devices09:06
benzaldehydetrance: if you were had 10.10 installed how could you upgrade to 11.04 if say you had a disc with 11.04 on it09:06
trancewhen did i say i upgraded?09:06
benzaldehydetrance: this is the 11.04 room09:06
tranceand i didn't have ubuntu installed before, i have used it before, but it wasn't installed, i did a fresh install from the 11.04 disk09:07
benzaldehydetrance: oh09:07
trancei fail to see how that's relevant to my issue though09:07
benzaldehydetrance: it'snot09:08
benzaldehydetrance: before you came along i was asking how to upgrade, no one responded09:08
trancebecause if you read the main page for 11.04 you would know09:08
benzaldehydetrance: i do a lot of reading, i've been from 9.10 to 10.04 to 10.10, i was here earlier and someone had mentioned the process was the same09:09
tranceTo upgrade from Ubuntu 10.10 on a desktop system, press Alt+F2, type in "update-manager -d" (without the quotes), and press Enter. Update Manager will open up and display the message, "New distribution release '11.04' is available." Click Upgrade and follow the on-screen instructions.09:11
benzaldehydetrance: i have done that, it errored09:11
benzaldehydetrance: said d:\\\yaddayaddaydadda09:12
tranceyeah fuck this09:14
trancehow many years now and something as simple as ics still fucks up09:14
tranceback to winblows, at least it works without 3 hours of bullshit09:14
rwwtrance: watch the language, please.09:14
benzaldehyderww: what is ics09:16
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php09:16
rww(Internet Connection Sharing)09:16
benzaldehyderww: so basically he was using his ubuntu machine as a router for another computer?09:18
rwwbenzaldehyde: that's one way of looking at it09:18
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benzaldehyderww: would that mean that he was wired and then runing his adapter in ad hoc to boost the signal into the air for another to capture and connect to it?09:20
benzaldehydei need to reboot, bbl09:22
Lars__who from you like the unity ?09:33
carli2when i press the super button, the menu appears after a delay09:38
Lars__carli2: do you like new unity09:38
Lars__carli: what ubuntu what hard ware09:38
carli2i found no settings manager which can handle this09:38
carli2atom cpu+intel onboard09:38
Lars__expert says to slow09:39
carli2Lars_: good in general, but menu delays are annoying me and i have problems to find the right settings managers09:39
carli2i found out how to set the alt+tab delay to 0ms and it works09:39
carli2is there a way to turn of slide in animations of the left bar?09:40
Lars__compiz must be removed then09:41
carli2isnt there a compiz setting like it was with alt+tab switcher?09:42
Lars__look in compiz09:42
Lars__there is something like this09:42
Lars__but i dont know in reminder09:42
carli2for the animation i could switch between some animation kinds, but there was no option "none"09:43
carli2natty should have a clear settings manager list menu09:44
carli2the global menu in synaptics is buggy09:46
carli2it has a local menu and in the global menu there is only a "file->close"09:46
carli2how many developers are working at natty in the moment?09:47
carli2ah, this time the decorator crashed it was able to restart :)09:49
carli2and the pidgin menu completely fails09:50
carli2how can i disable the global menu?09:50
carli2the left menu also hides parts of my maximized window09:53
cousin_marioUnity stinks so much it crashes Virtualbox.10:01
gb__how do i enable compiz on new natty?10:09
gb__i dont see desktop effect option10:10
Lars__you need the graphics driver10:12
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gb__LarsTorben:  ok10:12
LarsTorbenyou can install it by jockey10:13
mongyis fglrx ok to install?10:26
carli2which graphics card do you have?10:27
mongyradeon 4650hd10:35
mongy1gig 4650hd, mobility version10:35
mongyI know it works in 10.10, just asking if its 'ok' in natty yet10:36
mrdebare you on 11.0410:36
mrdebdo you like unity10:36
mrdebi find it harder to find things and it's slower10:36
mongydefault driver is chugging along :(10:36
carli2mongy: you should use fglrx or use the ppa from xorg-edgers10:37
mongyI like it as a concept and it will help the less experienced users a bit more I think than default gnome desktop, but I will most likely use compizconfig gestures and 1 panel.  just find it simpler and more efficient10:37
mongysame as I use 10.1010:38
SwedeMikeI couldn't even find terminal at all using unity, I gave up after a few minutes and logged out and logged in using "classic ubuntu"10:38
mongycarli2, Ill give fglrx a try, see if it trashes my system or not :10:38
mrdebyou have to hit the windows key and A10:38
mrdebor ctrl alt t10:38
mrdebthe classic desktop is also messed up kind of10:38
mongyhit the lense, type ter , see terminal, click10:39
carli2mongy: fglrx is stable, but a lot of features (console resolution, dri2) do not work10:39
mongymrdeb, yeah, I have to remove indicator-appmenu and soemthing else to get traditional desktop setup right10:39
carli2yeah what i like on unity is the windows-like windows-button where i can start programs10:39
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mrdebi dont know10:40
mrdebi alays start programs with alt f210:40
mrdebso the icons are a waste of both space and cpu resource to me10:40
mrdebbut it is good for beginners10:40
mongyI much prefer desktop wall sliding to be paralax and not this visual full desktop switch... any idea how to fix it?10:40
mongyat the mo when I scroll wheel on free area it switches viewport, but its ugly10:41
mongyId like it the same as 10.1010:41
carli2how to set the default gnome browser to opera instead of firefox?10:42
mongy'preferred applications'10:42
carli2ctrl+backspace does not work in edit window of unity10:43
carli2i can only chose firefox in pref.apps10:43
carli2theres no way to set another10:43
mongyhmm, odd.  works with chrome10:43
carli2its a list with one item10:44
carli2where can i extend this list?10:44
mongyI think there is some dpkg-reconfigure command for browser10:44
carli2what if the browser does not make an entry to the gnome-list?10:45
carli2there should be a second way to make this entry10:45
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carli2user-unfriendly to let the user set the browser via gconf-editor10:49
carli2i also cannot set the default browser in gconf10:54
carli2mongy: reconfigure did not work10:59
mongyfglrx just gave me a blacked out screen.  I could see the session menu when I blindly clicked on it, and a patch or 2 of wallpaper but totally unusable.11:01
mongyand an expo mode when I initiated (bottom left corner)... it was a lot smoother, as I expected..11:02
carli2mesa driver is better, but a but slower. you should build from souce, that garantees that bugs are fixed permanently11:02
carli2opera is not in the list of browsers :S11:03
carli2where can i add it manually?11:03
robin0800where is the settings for dash or lens in unity 2d need to change browser?11:03
Chr|sI must say I don't care for Unity11:04
rick__Hello I´ve a problem with Natty11:34
rick__The screen is completely dark on my Acer Aspire 5732z notebook11:34
rick__GPU: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)11:35
rick__Can somebody help my?11:36
coz_good day all11:43
mrdebwhat is good about kernel 3811:50
MikeChelenis there any way to disable ubuntu one notifications, without disabling ubuntu one itself?11:50
mongyin the u1 program, devices11:56
krosonhi people what is the better one? unity or gnome shell?12:03
krosonhaven't tried any so far12:03
SwedeMiketry it and find out. It's subjective.12:04
krosonSwedeMike: what do u think of both?12:05
docx_cz_mostHi, I'm testing 11.04 beta, and my question is: how can I change the default app shortcuts in lancher? (firefox,evolution,shotwell and rhythmbox?)12:05
coz_kroson,   in my opinion,, based on the last time I used gnome-shell...Unity is by far less resource intensive and much smoother12:05
SwedeMikekroson: I don't like unity.12:05
coz_docx_cz_most,  well   open an application,, the launcher icon for that application will show up and you just right click and Keep on launcher12:06
coz_docx_cz_most,  or right click and remove one12:06
SwedeMikeor... I don't really know what I'm talking about, I don't like the default way 11.04 presents itself to its user with menus etc.12:06
krosoncoz_: gnome-shell is close to final now12:06
krosonSwedeMike: its still not final12:06
coz_kroson,  oh!  but it uses mutter  ,, I prefer compiz as a compositor12:06
SwedeMikekroson: I am well aware of that, thanks.12:06
krosoncoz_: is mutter more limited?12:07
docx_cz_mostcoz_: Maybe I wrote it wrong :) I mean shortcuts when you click on the "ubuntu button"12:07
coz_SwedeMike,  you can log off  then  log onto the classic gnome desktop12:07
coz_kroson,  well it was far more resource intensive  last time I tried , to the point, I gave up on it12:07
SwedeMikecoz_: yes, I discovered that, it helps.12:07
coz_docx_cz_most,  oh!  isnt there now a launcher for  for open search etc ?12:08
krosonSwedeMike: i think unity will be perfect only for 12.04 LTS12:08
krosonin that time it will be brilliant xD12:08
SwedeMikebut then again, I tend to run "classic mode" on windows xp and later, as well.12:08
coz_I dont intend to use Unity other than for support , perhaps,, I dont like it and it is absolutely useless on screens larger than 15"  and I will always say that12:09
docx_cz_mostcoz_: there are search box at the top and 4 "folders" (media apps, internet apps,..) and 4 apps icons below - these I like to change :).12:10
krosoncoz_: in terms of usability, whats the difference between unity and gnome-shell?12:10
coz_kroson,  last time..again... it was odd looking,,, not easily understood by average user,, resource intensive,, and plain ugly12:10
krosoncoz_: i think it takes a similar approach to mac/iOS12:10
krosonwith some things that make windows good, too12:10
coz_docx_cz_most,  I am not sure then guy12:11
SwedeMikekroson: there are plenty of articles to be found that looks into this topic, for instance http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/gnome-shell-vs-ubuntu-unity-which-desktop-wins/229112:11
coz_The problem with Unity on a desktop system, is that most people no longer have small monitors.. global menu,, on unity,, is nearly the same as mac's menuing system,,,  but people forget that the reason mac had that was because they only had 9" screens,, it saved realestate and traveling from the window to closing it was right above the window12:12
coz_on large screens or dual monitors global menu is a hinderance and by no means   an advantage ,, it slows work time buy at least 1/312:13
coz_I cant understand apple still using that menuing system12:13
docx_cz_mostcoz_: i mean this (http://img705.imageshack.us/i/unityshortcuts.png/) :)12:13
coz_docx_cz_most,  ah yes,, I generally havent used that one,, on the launcher panel ...there should be 2 clear backgrounded icons at the bottom...one of them is a menu ,, I generall use that one12:14
coz_docx_cz_most,  as far as chaning those icons on that screenshot,  I  really dont know if its possible,, you may want to stick around here and ask some of the people more experienced or knowledgeable about that12:15
docx_cz_mostcoz_: ok, thank you :)12:15
coz_docx_cz_most,  just stick around I am sure someone will have a yes or no  answer for that12:16
coz_docx_cz_most,  you can also go to the #ayatana  channel where most of the developers are... i am not sure how open they are to questions like this..so be  easy going :)12:16
hacknslashWell I like the unity interface, however it is not functional on my little netbook. So I have reverted to the usual desktop.12:17
krosonhacknslash: yea, you will have that option12:18
krosoni think unity has potential to be great, but needs time12:18
hacknslashkroson,  i agree12:18
hacknslashkroson, I like the single file menu too12:18
krosonbut i praise canonical for trying to be different12:18
krosonwith unity, ubuntu will be different from others, that will use kde or gnome-shell12:19
docx_cz_mostcoz_: ok then, I'll try luck there :) But i discovered that system setting's "preffered apps" is connected with this, but only web and email client.. other (music and photo) not :(12:19
hacknslashkroson, me too, and all the developer bods too12:19
coz_docx_cz_most,  ok,, sorry I couldnt help,, I havent been playing with Unity for a few weeks now12:19
docx_cz_mostcoz_: its ok, i understand :) but thank you for answer. bye12:20
coz_no problem12:20
phibxrHow are the backlight colors in Unity for different applications picked, and what is the reason for them being there?12:28
krosoncan we disable compiz in unity?12:29
phibxrkroson, you can run unity-2d.12:30
krosonphibxr: but inside unity 3d, it cant be disabled?12:30
SentynelHi guys, testing 11.04 beta and it looks like something in libglib2.0-dev is wonky and it's failing on its own includes - http://pastebin.com/9MBTeD6p example errors here, but I've had the same with more than one project. Where do I need to report this?12:31
phibxrkroson, I don't think so, no.12:32
coz_kroson,  yeah there should be 4 options under sessions when  you log in,,, Unity...Unity-2d..classic gnome...classic gnome(no effects)12:35
coz_kroson,  Unity and classic gnome use compiz   the other two do not12:35
robin0800coz unity 2d has to be installed12:36
krosonbut why 3D gfx cards will get 3d unity by default and 2d gfx cards wont get unity 2d?12:36
coz_robin0800,  ah yes sorry ,, I forgot,,12:36
coz_kroson,   install Unity-2d from synaptic package manager,,,lof off and choose that session12:37
coz_log off rather12:37
coz_although , it seems reasonble to have Unity-2d already installed12:39
robin0800kroson, note if you use the software centre it does not install all the packages needed12:39
krosoncoz_: i agree12:40
robin0800think its a space thing12:40
coz_robin0800,  maybe so I didnt check the packages  size12:40
robin0800coz no room on cd12:41
coz_let me check on the natty machine12:41
coz_robin0800,  mm all the unity packages total just over 2 megs12:44
coz_rather Unity-2d packages12:45
krosondo you know if unity 3d is already working with fglrx latest version?12:51
hacknslashbummer, cant install ubuntu-tweak_0.5.10-1_all.deb using gdebi13:01
SentynelIt looks like the includes for a bunch of things have ended up partially in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu with the rest in /usr/include as expected, and as a result it goes tits up when trying to build. Fixed glib by symlinking the offending file, and I have the same issue with dbus.13:02
=== doodoo is now known as Dart
Darti can't find wine apps in any catagory in dash...where to find them?13:04
* penguin42 is having issues with wifi on +1 on an eeepc, it's not authenticating; is this general or just for this hardware - Lucid is working13:10
bazhangpenguin42, what chipset13:13
bazhangthe attansic?13:14
penguin42rt3090 according to lspci13:14
bazhangah right , a newer eeepc then13:14
penguin42yeh, it's a 1001ha13:14
bazhangthe attansic is in the kernel iirc, original 701 4G13:15
penguin42bazhang: Thing is it shows up, finds the network and asks for the password but then never connects13:15
bazhangpenguin42, thats odd. maybe launchpad has something13:15
agrabI noticed I was asked to install fglrx when I downloaded the beta. Does this mean they've been updated to work with unity?13:16
penguin42yeh I'll have a dig when I get home13:16
krosonagrab: wanted to know the same13:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 541620 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ralink RT3090 Wireless Not Supported in Lucid" [High,Confirmed]13:17
bazhangseems to be it13:18
bazhangstill an issue with natty13:18
bazhangpenguin42, ^13:20
storrgieIn 11.04 how do I mount remote locations (ssh) graphically?13:22
penguin42bazhang: Ah thanks13:22
bazhangssh +X ?13:23
penguin42bazhang: I think what I'm seeing is one of the comments near the end - two drivers are getting loaded and neither ends up working13:23
bazhangpenguin42, seems to be13:24
psypher246hello all\13:25
psypher246is there anyone here who can help me with a packge removal problem13:25
penguin42psypher246: What happens?13:25
psypher246i tried installing sbackup and that has broken apt completely now13:25
penguin42how does it error?13:25
psypher246due to a bug in sbackup installation13:25
penguin42what is the error?13:25
psypher246when trying to install anything i get:13:26
psypher246Extracting templates from packages: 100%13:26
psypher246Preconfiguring packages ...13:26
psypher246(Reading database ... 191831 files and directories currently installed.)13:26
psypher246Removing sbackup-gtk ...13:26
psypher246gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid.13:26
psypher246dpkg: error processing sbackup-gtk (--remove):13:26
psypher246 subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 113:26
psypher246Errors were encountered while processing:13:26
psypher246 sbackup-gtk13:26
psypher246E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)13:26
psypher246and nothing i am doing will remomve the sbackup13:26
psypher246tried: sudo apt-get remove sbackup-gtk --purge13:27
psypher246sudo dpkg --force-all -r sbackup-gtk13:27
psypher246still same error13:27
psypher246so now i can;t run updates or install new apps13:27
penguin42hmm looks related to the icon cache error13:28
psypher246any workaroubnds?13:28
penguin42what happens if you run sudo gtk-update-icon-cache  ?13:28
penguin42hmm it's just the  psypher246: gtk-update-icon-cache: The generated cache was invalid. line looks like the issue13:30
psypher246penguin42: so any ideas? is there anyway to clear the pkg cache and start again, really don't want to reinstall but pat- is now stuck13:33
penguin42give me  a sec13:34
penguin42ok, can you do a find / -name \*.cache13:36
penguin42I think it might be worth deleting the cache file13:36
delachey, does anyone know if the compiz 0.9.4 in Natty has the new "minimized window preview"-property?13:38
psypher246penguin42: as root?13:39
penguin42psypher246: Yeh13:41
psypher246penguin42: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588603/13:42
penguin42psypher246: Try nuking everything called icon-theme.cache13:43
penguin42psypher246: I think the following command could do it but BE CAREFUL IT MIGHT DO HORRIBLE THINGS - find / -name \*icon-theme.cache -exec rm {} \;13:44
psypher246penguin42: done13:45
penguin42ok, now try removing that package13:45
psypher246nope :(13:45
penguin42same error?13:45
penguin42ok, can you look in /var/lib/dpkg/info there should be an sbuilder.blah where blah is prerm and postrm etc13:48
psypher246you mean sbackup, but yes i see those files13:49
psypher246penguin42: must i delete them?13:53
penguin42psypher246: I think you should be able to get dpkg to --purge a package and not run the remvoe scripts, or you can attack those remove files to get them to skip the cache stuff that's breaking13:53
penguin42shouldn't need to however13:54
psypher246dpkg --purge doesn;t work13:55
mnkhi all13:55
psypher246so which files should i remove, i read i just need to delete the postrm but that didn't work13:55
psypher246i just remnoved it again and NOW it's working13:56
mnkanyone know how to enable the corner hotspots which allow me to move my mouse to a corner and then for example show desktop, or to another corner to see all workspaces?13:56
mnkin natty of course13:56
mnkbtw unity rocks13:56
psypher246mnk: yeah i'm LOVING it13:57
mnki think it's a great start13:57
psypher246spacially the use of super key and numbers13:57
psypher246super 1 firefox open13:57
psypher246super shit 1 new firefox open13:57
psypher246super 1 again scale all open firefox windows13:57
mnki think u mean shift ;)13:57
psypher246super ctrl 1 and all firefox wibndows are in foreground\13:57
penguin42psypher246: OK, be careful - it shouldn't need to have had that hack13:58
psypher246lol yes shift13:58
psypher246so friggen cool13:58
mnkhaha penguin4213:58
psypher246penguin42: yeah thanks will keep in mind13:58
psypher246but yeah upgrading now, so can try new features13:58
mnkunity takes no crap from its users i say13:59
mnkanyway back to my question13:59
mnkanyone know the answer?13:59
delacmnk: unfortunately I couldnt myself get the ccsm installed (couldnt get the repos to load), but the settings are there and you can edit them from gconf -> apps ->compiz14:00
mnki want to enable the corner hotspots which allow me to move my mouse to a corner and then for example show desktop, or to another corner to see all workspaces in natty14:00
mnkso will compiz show all workspaces in unity?14:00
mnklike the way it does when u click on 'workspaces' in the launcher?14:00
psypher246for the all workspaces one, try expo edge setting14:00
delacmnk: yes14:01
mnkit worked :)14:01
mnkexpo edge setting it was14:01
delacmnk:  and you can set the number of workspaces from the compiz->general (hsize, vsize)14:02
mnkso what would be the show desktop one?14:02
mnkthanks delac14:02
mnkand psypher24614:03
mnkaah it's in general14:04
psypher246super s will also show the edxpo mode14:05
mnki like14:05
mnknow we're talking14:06
mnkit is saving me like a zillion clicks14:06
mnki love it14:06
mnkok next thing14:07
mnkhow do i get the panel indicators back???14:07
mnki want that network speed applet!!!!!!!14:07
delacmnk: unfortunately for that you need to start the desktop in the gnome classic mode14:09
mnkoh great. now my global menu has gone mad. i can only see 'file -> close' and nothing else in anything, fiefox, terminal, etc14:09
mnkdrat delac14:09
delacmnk: I had the same bug too14:09
mnkhow did u fix it?14:10
mnkdon't say restart the session!!!!14:10
delacmnk: I think it was enough to restart the program14:10
mnkit's for every program14:10
delacmnk: for me it was only Terminal, and only on one instance14:11
mnki restarted ff and it's ok now14:12
mnkbut i guess i'll have to restart everything14:12
delacmnk: yes, this thing is quite not ready for production use yet14:13
=== enli1 is now known as enli
mongytalkin of compiz and expo, I normally have left edge - button 2 as expo, button3 something, button 1 yadayada, well, in natty edges dont work.14:16
mongynot edges with clicks anyway.  I can set a straight simple screen edge to trigger them..but not what I really want.14:17
=== PinkUnicorns is now known as nhandler
delacmongy: well, you are right, it doesn't seem to work anymore. At least not with the same gconf value (<XEdge>ButtonN) as it used to. I recommend you file a bug.14:29
carli2i cannot set my standardbrowser with unity14:32
carli2there is a dropdown list with only one item14:32
carli2no more text input field14:32
carli2i want to use opera as my browser14:32
carli2i also tried to edit gconf, but no effect14:32
carli2/etc/alternatives/x-www-browser is also set14:33
carli2>:O gnome-www-browser has a firefox-only-starter-script14:35
delacI'm been trying to get the new keep_minimized_windows (in workarounds) to work with expo. The workaround does show preview of minimized windows in e.g. alt-tab, but expo still wont show them at all. Any way to force expo to show minimized windows too?14:36
carli2and i dont find any settings in unity...14:36
carli2except i know the exact name of the settings dialog14:37
carli2guys, instead of unity, i could also use a console and have more power14:37
penguin42carli2: There is some magic involving the xdg- tools as well that involves mappings of where the tools for particular file types are stored - not quite sure where it stores it though, and I'm not sure if web browsers are included in the xdg stuff14:38
carli2when i try to set the url launcher in pidgin, it leads me to a settings dialog with one list item: firefox14:39
carli2i dont know where the list comes from14:39
carli2or if it is a fixed item and an unfinished dialog14:39
carli2/etc/xdg does not contain the word "firefox"14:41
carli2maybe i should simply simlink opera to firefox-bin?14:41
carli2what would happen if i remove firefox? would gnome fail to boot?14:41
carli2where is that list?14:42
penguin42carli2: for the x-www-browser look at the update-alternatives commands, not sure about xdg14:44
penguin42carli2: I'm surprised opera haven't set this up (I don't use it myself)14:44
charlie-tcacarli2: firefox is not needed to boot.14:44
carli2opera set this up (in ubuntu 10.10 it worked)14:44
carli2but just tell me where it is set up14:44
penguin42charlie-tca: It would be a scary distro that needed it!14:45
SuhnHey anyonehy here?14:45
charlie-tcaWindows needs IE to boot14:45
Atamiskis it a well known bug that the appearance of the top-menu in natty just sort of does it's own thing?14:46
SuhnOk, so last night, i updated to ubuntu 11.04. At the end of the installation process it prompted for reboot. I rebooted. I got to the screen where i select between windows and ubuntu. (Boot manager). And when i hit ubuntu it just restarts my computer and im right back to the boot manager14:46
carli2Suhn: try to not touch your touchpad14:47
Suhnum i dont14:47
penguin42Suhn: Does it immediately reboot having selected ubuntu or is there any stuff on the screen? Did you use wubi installer?14:48
Atamisklike if i change the appearance & colour of the windows, the top-menu stays the same color. but when i restart X, it shows up as something entirely different from both my settings AND the default. wtf?14:48
carli2the browser is set in update-alternatives :o14:48
SuhnI used wubi for my initial install of 10.10. It has a line of words before it shuts off but they pop up to fast the read14:48
penguin42Suhn: It's just there is a note saying that wubi is broken in the natty images14:49
penguin42but I've never used it so I'm not sure what the implications are14:49
carli2ARRGH gnome ignores the alternative settings14:49
carli2i will remove firefox and see what happpens14:49
carli2maybe i can set a symlink then14:50
Atamiskcarli2: what's firefox doing?14:50
carli2Atmisk: it's launching when i click on links14:50
Suhnpenguin42: i was told something about reinstalling grub14:50
Atamiskin the main menu or on a launcher button?14:51
carli2Atamisk: i cannot set alternatives to firefox. but update-alternatives said i already installed them14:51
carli2so i now remove it and set a symlink from firefox-bin to opera14:52
Atamiskdoes links come up if you type links into a terminal?14:52
carli2i try to set the default browser.14:52
Atamiskwell, if that works for you, i can't see a problem with it!14:52
carli2but there is no alternative14:52
Atamiskyes, i've run into that issue14:53
carli2opera is installed, but it's not on the list14:53
carli2in 10.10 it was14:53
carli2and it's also set up in alternatives/14:53
carli2ah :)14:54
carli2removing firefox fixed the issue14:54
carli2ubuntu becomes more and more like windows14:54
Suhnpenguin24: you still there?14:55
bazhangnot really topical carli214:55
trancegeekafter installing the ati proprietary drivers on 11.04 fully up-to-date and restarting the screen is full of black boxes that move around when you move the mouse/click on things etc, any ideas how i can resolve this?14:55
bazhangfeel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic though carli214:55
trancegeekusing an onboard radeon 4250 i believe14:55
carli2bazhang: when sth. does not work after the upgrade to natty is offtopic?14:55
Suhn Ok, so last night, i updated to ubuntu 11.04. At the end of the installation process it prompted for reboot. I rebooted. I got to the screen where i select between windows and ubuntu. (Boot manager). And when i hit ubuntu it just restarts my computer and im right back to the boot manager14:55
Atamiskanyway, anyone know why i can't change the appearance of the main menu in GNOME?14:55
bazhangcarli2, saying its more like windows14:55
trancegeekATI Radeon HD 425014:56
carli2trancegeek: try to build mesa from source or use an (outdated) ppa14:58
trancegeekwell see14:58
trancegeekit works without the drivers14:58
trancegeekbut flash is laggy14:58
carli2the open source drivers improved a lot.14:59
trancegeekwhich it shouldn't be, i'm on a 6 core amd phenom 2 x6 1090t with 2gb ddr3 and an ATI Radeon HD 425014:59
mongyopen driver is faster in 10.10 for me14:59
trancegeeki see, so mesa is the open source drivers?14:59
trancegeeki'm pretty unfamiliar with linux for desktop usage, i mainly use it for servers14:59
carli2but use gallium, not the classic driver14:59
trancegeekok do you have a link to somewhat friendly instructions?14:59
mongyfaster than it is now..  I always use fglrx anyway when its available.  not working at the mo15:00
carli2trancegeek: join #radeon15:00
SuhnIs anyone here?15:00
trancegeekok and ask for help in there or are you going to help me in there?15:00
bazhangSuhn, yes15:00
carli2mongy: fglrx will not support wayland, so it will not have that big future15:00
kujulesSuhn, i got the same problem!!!15:00
carli2btw: when will wayland be available for compiz, qt and gtk?15:01
Suhnbazhang: Wow, is it from updateing to 11,04 to?15:01
kujulesi upgrade to 11.04, and got kicked by system to log-in screen every time15:01
SuhnI get restarted at boot manager every time15:02
carli2kujules: upgrading never really worked for ubuntu15:02
kujulesi am now upgrading again, maybe this time i have more luck15:03
SuhnDoes anyone know how to get it to boot again?15:03
trancegeekcarli2: why must you send me to the arrogance room?15:03
trancegeek<adamk> OK, well there's no real reason to compile anything.  Certainly Ubuntu 11.04 comes with the open source drivers.15:03
trancegeekresponse i got when asking in radeon how to compile the mesa drivers for 11.0415:04
carli2trancegeek: the ubuntu drivers are the stable ones, i use git-master because not every r600/evergreen feature (=none) is merged into the release branches15:05
Suhn Ok, so last night, i updated to ubuntu 11.04. At the end of the installation process it prompted for reboot. I rebooted. I got to the screen where i select between windows and ubuntu. (Boot manager). And when i hit ubuntu it just restarts my computer and im right back to the boot manager15:06
trancegeekwhy must everything with linux be so damn complicated?15:07
charlie-tcaYou install a development version not ready for use and ask that?15:08
carli2trancegeek: because there too less people paid for polishing up the usability15:08
trancegeekcharlie, things have always been this complicated with ubuntu15:08
trancegeeki've tested it god knows how many times on god knows how many computers and there's always graphic, flash, etc issues, with stable versions, i've been testing it off and on for like 5 years now15:09
Suhn Ok, so last night, i updated to ubuntu 11.04. At the end of the installation process it prompted for reboot. I rebooted. I got to the screen where i select between windows and ubuntu. (Boot manager). And when i hit ubuntu it just restarts my computer and im right back to the boot manager15:11
charlie-tcaSuhn: what happens if you go to recovery mode/menu instead?15:12
SuhnI cant get to recovery mode15:12
SuhnThe second i select ubuntu it just restarts my computer15:13
charlie-tcatry editing the boot line then? maybe remove quiet/splash and see if it tells anything15:13
charlie-tcaor is that a windows menu instead of the Grub menu?15:14
trancegeekok so as i'm told by someone who looked at this (http://pastebin.com/amSfvbEg) i'm already using the gallium3d version of mesa15:14
SuhnTheres no windows menu15:14
trancegeekfrom the most recent release at that15:14
SuhnWhen i boot up my laptop. i get a screen that has me select what to boot into15:14
Suhnor windows15:15
SuhnI was told something about installing GRUB15:15
SuhnBut i cant get any access into ubuntu so idk how i would install grub15:15
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:15
SuhnNo, i installed windows, then ubuntu 10.1015:16
trancegeekok is there a version of flash that works with chromium x64 that doesn't suck?15:16
SuhnLast night, i did update-magager -d15:16
charlie-tcaI don't know then, either. That page has a lot of information about reinstalling grub15:16
Suhnand upgraded to 11.0415:16
SuhnI read that page, but i cant do any of it without being in ubuntu15:16
carli2i see, there are too many basic problems before anyone can care about usability and adjustability15:17
charlie-tcaSuhn: might be connected to this - http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta#Using%20Ubuntu%2011.04%20Beta%201%20with%20WUBI%20is%20not%20recommended%20at%20this%20time15:18
SuhnI did that15:18
charlie-tcayou did what was not recommended?15:22
Suhni did what was recommended15:22
Suhni didnt use wubi15:23
SuhnDo you understand like what im saying about the boot manager?15:25
SuhnWhere you select between OS15:26
charlie-tcaI don't have windows, makes it a bit difficult15:27
arandIs anyone else running btrfs and seeing huge fails after the last fsck.btrfs enabling?15:31
carli2how can i use the unity program starter (or a menu like that) for my classic desktop?15:35
ceed^arand:  I had that happen and went back to ext4 after loosing my whole / partition.15:35
arandceed^: Was that recently, as in within the last 48h?15:36
ceed^arand: Three days ago I think15:36
arandRight, then it wasn't this issue likely15:36
ceed^arand: I haven't had that kind of disaster with a file system since I tried reiserfs a few years ago. Btrfs is blazingly fast though15:37
Suhn   Ok, so last night, i updated to ubuntu 11.04. At the end of the installation process it prompted for reboot. I rebooted. I got to the screen where i select between windows and ubuntu. (Boot manager). And when i hit ubuntu it just restarts my computer and im right back to the boot manager15:38
kujulesSuhn, i am using now 11.04, it works stably... :-)15:39
Suhnkujules: mine wont even boot15:39
SuhnSomething is wrong with the linux booting15:40
kujuleswait till 28.04 :-)15:40
trancegeekis there anything like gnome-look.org that works for unity? or does gnome-look still work for unity? as far as theming ubuntu up15:41
kujules3 weeks15:41
trancegeeksuhn, i installed ubuntu in a dualboot environment with windows 7 x64 and it worked fine, however i installed ubuntu from the disk from scratch, no upgrade15:42
SuhnI upgraded from 10.1015:42
trancegeekok and are you able to access your menu.lst?15:43
SuhnI initially installed 10.10 from windows15:43
DaekdroomSuhn, using wubi?15:43
SuhnFrom 10.10!15:43
* ceed^ is so glad he doesn't dual boot.15:43
Suhnupdate-manager -d15:44
trancegeekit's not that effing hard15:44
Suhndual booting is not bad15:44
trancegeekyou prob just need to re-install and configure grub, have you done this?15:44
trancegeekdual booting is simple as piss15:44
* thiebaude ceed^ for sure :)15:44
trancegeeki didn't have to select a single thing15:44
Suhnbut i cant install grub without being in ubuntus terminal15:44
timhi, after upgrading to 11.04, programs which are launched via sudo cannot connect to the x server any more. is this a known issue?15:44
thiebaudei use to the do the dual boot thing,lol15:44
trancegeekwhich is why you download the ubuntu 11.04 livecd15:44
ceed^It's two OS's. It's not bad, its a little more complicated :)15:45
trancegeekdoes grub actually load?15:45
SuhnI never had grub15:45
trancegeekto where you can hit the key to manually enter commands?15:45
trancegeekthen how did you boot?15:45
SuhnIt was all through the pc15:45
SuhnI selected ubuntu over windows15:45
* trancegeek /quits15:45
trancegeekdon't use beta software if you're not computer literate enough to understand how to fix basic fuck ups15:46
thiebaudeceed^, i have done so many dual boots in the past, i can almost do them with my eyes closed,lol15:46
SuhnIm trying to learn15:46
trancegeekdon't learn with beta software15:46
SuhnWell, i was told last night, its easy  to use15:46
trancegeeksee point about beta = unstable15:46
trancegeeklearning on unstable software is bad practice15:46
SuhnI have a newer laptop that has lots of hardware not supported by 10.1015:47
SuhnHey trancgeek15:47
Suhnif im gonna figure out how to do this15:47
Suhnthen thats quite a bit of learning for me15:47
trancegeekyou're learning how to do something advanced without learning the basics15:47
trancegeekit's like hopping on a bike without training wheels when you've never rode a trike15:47
ceed^thiebaude: I've done plenty myself. Gotten too lazy and doesn't need two os's when one simply works :)15:48
kujuleswe are normal users and trust in ubuntu software :D15:48
trancegeekor diving into the deep end from the high board when you've never swam before15:48
SuhnWell, i was told by an expierienced user to upgrade15:48
Suhni fully let him know that i am new to ubuntu15:48
trancegeektell him to fix it then, it's his dumbass fault15:48
thiebaudeexactly, everything i did in windows i can now do on ubuntu except watch netflix movies15:48
trancegeekthiebaude needs to learn the magic of a virtual machine15:49
ceed^thiebaude: there's always bt ... :)15:49
kujulesnot really everything15:49
kujulesthat is true and sad15:49
thiebaudetrancegeek, i might not have enough ram for a vm15:49
SuhnSo you have no idea how to fix my problem?15:49
trancegeekhow much do you have?15:49
thiebaude2 gigs15:49
trancegeeksuhn, i told you how15:49
trancegeekyou have plenty thiebaude15:49
SuhnNo you didnt15:49
trancegeekallocate 512mb to an xp virtual machine15:49
thiebaudeim not even using my nvidia drivers on here,lol15:50
trancegeek<trancegeek> you prob just need to re-install and configure grub, have you done this?15:50
trancegeektry reading15:50
kujulesSuhn, best way you install 10.10 and use till 28.0415:50
trancegeekor do what kujules said, that's the best option imo15:50
Suhntrancegeek: i can not reinstall grub because i have no access to an ubuntu terminal15:50
SuhnI read the tuturial15:50
trancegeeksuhn, which is why you shouldn't have installed beta software15:50
mhall119trancegeek: if you're going to provide support, it's better to do so kindly15:50
thiebaudei did not need the fancy stuff so im sticking to gnome :)15:50
thiebaudetrancegeek, any good vm tutorial links?15:51
trancegeekdownload the 11.04 x86 or 64 bit version depending on what you used, and burn it to disk, put it on a usb drive, however you choose15:51
trancegeekthen boot into that, there is an option to install/repair grub from that15:51
SuhnOk, so i have to reinstall ubuntu and ive lost all of my files on the old one15:51
trancegeekthiebaude, i'm only familiar with vmware and that isn't free so i'm not sure if that's what you want15:51
trancegeeki've heard there is one that's good15:52
mhall119virtualbox is good15:52
thiebaudethanks anyway but i prefer free,lol15:52
trancegeekgrub is your bootloader15:52
mongyvmware player is free15:52
coz_I thought there was a free version of vmware in the repository ?15:52
thiebaudefrom sun?15:52
mongywell, non-free...15:52
trancegeeki wasn't aware there was a free version, i use the paid one anyway15:52
mhall119oracle now, but yes15:52
coz_checking now15:52
DaekdroomNope, that is VirtualBox15:52
thiebaudei thought sun had  afree one15:52
mhall119virtualbox-ose is in the Ubuntu repos I think15:52
thiebaudeahh ok thanks15:53
mongyvbox 4.0 is now free, until you add extensions15:53
trancegeeksuhn: grub is your bootloader, if you reinstall/repair grub it doesn't mess with the ubuntu install, everything will be the same with the install, it just fixes the bootloader15:53
DaekdroomVMWare has VMWare Player that is free for use (closed source, tho), but can't create virtual machines, only run them15:53
coz_mm there is a vmware view open client15:53
mongyDaekdroom, it can create them15:53
trancegeekthe bootloader basically hands control of the pc over to ubuntu, it goes bios>bootloader>operating system15:53
Random832i've created virtual machines in vmware player15:53
Daekdroommongy, I've never been able to do it15:53
mongyDaekdroom, I used it few months ago, created them fine...15:53
trancegeekyour bios is the first screen that shows, whether it's an image or white letters on a black screen15:53
SuhnI know what grub is.15:53
trancegeekthe bootloader is grub15:53
trancegeekwell then why are you telling me you don't have it?15:54
SuhnI dont know how to reinstall it without ubuntu15:54
bazhangtrancegeek, watch the language and attitude15:54
BluesKajit's a gamble to try alpha or beta OSs on virtual machines in the first place15:54
bazhang!grub2 | Suhn please read this15:54
ubottuSuhn please read this: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:54
thiebaudei would see no reasom why i would have to be in a vm,lol :)15:55
trancegeeki'm not giving him an attitude i'm trying to teach him, you can't get tone of voice through text, so it sounds/reads like an attitude but there is none, if i had an attitude with him i wouldn't help at all15:55
bazhangtrancegeek, it comes across that way, and no need for the invective15:55
mongyoo, never noticed the top left app button turn blue as well when an app needs some attention.15:55
bazhangcursing. lets move on15:56
SuhnOk, so i need to make a liveCD of grub15:56
bazhangSuhn, no, you need to read the link provided15:56
trancegeeki was just clarifying, i'm frustrated yes but no attitude towards him i was there once too15:56
bazhangokay thanks15:56
SuhnI did15:56
trancegeeksuhn, read it again :P15:57
bazhangSuhn, then you nee d to clearly explain what in that link does not work for you15:57
SuhnOk ok, which section do i need to read15:57
bazhangthe entire thing15:57
SuhnI read the part about reinstalling grub15:57
SuhnDo you know how much info is on that page????15:58
bazhangSuhn, then clearly explain what exactly you are getting caught on in the link15:58
bazhangSuhn, yes15:58
trancegeeklots, it's worth the read if you really want to use ubuntu15:58
charlie-tcaI read it many times, just to get grub reinstalled when I needed to15:58
trancegeekif you try and skim the documents you will miss important information that will help you later down the road15:58
trancegeek30 minutes of reading could save you hours or even days of troubleshooting15:58
charlie-tcaIt is very informative, and can be extremely helpful15:58
bazhangits hardly that long, but yeah15:58
trancegeekit will take you less time to read that entire document, than it would to sit here asking for help and get the issue resolved without reading it15:59
kujulesits complicated to normal users. i must admit15:59
bazhangthen ask exactly what is catching you up15:59
trancegeekalthough i can't say i've read it, i guess i always just understood how to reinstall grub from the livecd :P15:59
charlie-tcakujules: normal users should not be using development versions16:00
trancegeekcharlie, i explained this16:00
trancegeekhe persists so i guess it's his choice16:00
kujulesi used 11.04, and its.. stable, i got same problem like suhn, but its now disappeared :D16:00
* BluesKaj wonders what the definition of normal users means here :)16:01
thiebaudeend user,lol16:01
trancegeeknon tech savvy user16:01
BluesKajnever worked in IT in my life16:02
Suhnwhen i select windows it says16:02
Suhnno wubilder16:02
kujulesBluesKaj < no?16:02
trancegeekok suhn16:02
trancegeekyou need grub16:02
bazhangSuhn, so it is wubi16:03
trancegeeki'm not sure if you have it (never used wubi)16:03
BluesKajnope , kujules16:03
trancegeek11.04 is not compatible with wubu16:03
kujulesi think many people give help here are it-specialists or at least it-students16:03
SuhnI originaly installed 10.10 with wubi16:03
bazhangthere you are16:03
trancegeekso my guess is you would need to install grub manually from the livecd (a fairly simple task last time i tried it)16:03
SuhnOk, on grub, here is where i get confused, it says "Reinstall Grub using a Live CD" then it gives a bunch of ubuntu terminal commands16:04
BluesKajwell, I'm not a student nor an IT guy ...just an interested linux user16:04
SuhnBoot into a live cd using 9.10 or later16:04
trancegeekthe live cd is the iso image you downloaded to install 10.1016:04
thiebaudeBluesKaj, same here16:04
SuhnI used wubi16:04
trancegeekso i would go download the 11.04 live cd iso, and burn that to a cd16:05
Suhn"Windows installer"16:05
Suhnok one sec16:05
trancegeekand it states specifically on the 11.04 main page that it is not compatible with wubi16:05
trancegeekthus, you need to install grub manually as the upgrade didn't do that for you16:05
SuhnYea thats why i tried updateing straight from ubuntu 10.1016:05
SuhnWhere can i get the files for 11.0416:06
Suhnto make an iso16:06
trancegeekright, the proper way to do this for future reference, would have been to install grub from 10.10, get it set up and working, and then install/upgrade to 11.0416:06
mhall119y/w 5516:06
trancegeekyou don't make an iso16:06
trancegeekyou download the iso image and burn it to a cd16:06
trancegeekdo you have windows 7?16:06
Suhnthats what i mean16:06
Suhnyes i do16:06
trancegeekok so you know how to burn an iso file to cd?16:06
Suhni have a burner16:06
trancegeekand you know how to properly burn an iso?16:07
trancegeekyou don't just burn the iso file itself to the cd16:07
Suhni have an iso for 10.04 for another pc16:07
trancegeekyou right click on it and select burn iso to disk or similar16:07
Suhnyes i know16:07
trancegeekjust making sure16:07
Suhni have made an ubuntu disk16:07
trancegeekare you using 32 or 64 bit?16:07
trancegeekyou want to download that and burn it to a cd16:09
* thiebaude first time yesterday in my life i messed up burning dvd,lol16:09
trancegeeki always messed up the first time till like 3 years ago with everything to do with computers lol16:10
trancegeeki used to be banned from every computer that wasn't mine xD16:10
kujulesnever burnt a cd in kubuntu, will do that in 28.04 ...16:10
trancegeekbut i learned the first time and didn't mess that process up again at least lol16:10
trancegeeksuhn: once you've burned that to a cd, and booted the pc in question from it, you will follow that guide to reinstall grub, then after you reboot the pc and remove the cd, and it should boot into both ubuntu and windows16:12
trancegeekwhichever you select16:12
thiebaudeand even now the graphical installer on the 11.04 live dont work, so i did text install16:13
trancegeekit did for me16:13
Suhntrancegeek, am i going to have to go through the whole ubuntu installation process again?16:13
trancegeekno suhn16:13
Suhnlast time i did this, it had to install ubuntu again16:13
Suhnor at least16:14
trancegeekthis will be a fairly quick process, all it does is fix the menu you use to select between windows and ubuntu16:14
Suhnthat was with a computer that didnt have it already16:14
trancegeekyes you *can* install ubuntu from that cd16:14
trancegeekbut there are multiple uses16:14
SuhnHow do i boot from it without installing?16:14
trancegeekit's basically the ubuntu you have on your pc, but without all your personal settings etc, and it's on the cd16:14
trancegeekany changes made with the cd version won't affect the one you have installed16:15
Suhnhow do i boot from the cd without installing?16:15
trancegeekyou insert it in your drive, and when your computer restarts it will tell you to press a key to enter boot menu (if not we can get around that), and you press that key and select cd16:15
Suhnthats what i was guessing16:15
Suhnill just have to find out the boot manager key on this computer16:16
trancegeekyou may not even need to16:16
trancegeeksome computers will automatically boot from the cd if it's inserted, depends on the settings though16:16
charlie-tcaIf that is an 11.04 desktop cd, you start with it in the drive. It will eventually come to a screen with two choices, Try Ubuntu or Install Ubuntu. Pick Try16:16
SuhnI suppose i should pring those grub directions16:22
Suhnso i know the commands16:23
ceed^Anyone know if Ubuntu ONE works in natty? I'm trying, but the files aren't being uploaded to the cloud.16:29
trancegeekceed^, give me a min i'll test it16:39
trancegeekceed^, i just synced a file to ubuntu one successfully16:46
trancegeekon natty16:46
trancegeekwith all updates16:46
SuhnStill burning16:50
ceed^trancegeek: I rebooted and now itseems to work. Slow tho..16:55
ceed^trancegeek: Do you know Ubuntu ONE well?16:56
benzaldehydei'm trying to upgrade from an Alternate image via the gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" method and it says Could not calculate the upgrade16:56
benzaldehydeany ideas?16:56
trancegeeknot really16:56
trancegeekthat was actually my first time using it lol16:56
trancegeekand prob my last, i don't have much use for it16:57
trancegeeki thought it could sync files to my android phone but apparently it cannot16:57
ceed^Do you know that if you share pictures they show up in an album like DropBox?16:57
trancegeeki don't share pictures lol16:57
ceed^Guess I'll stick to DropBox then.16:58
benzaldehydetrancegeek: did you get your ics set16:58
trancegeeknot ad hoc16:59
benzaldehydetrancegeek: i'm about ready to scrap my install16:59
benzaldehydetrancegeek: i added some non supported software--i think that is why it won't let me upgrade17:00
benzaldehydeunless this is a "pre-release version of Ubuntu"17:01
benzaldehydeall i added were some codecs17:02
trancegeekit us17:02
benzaldehydejust doesn't make sense does it, why include "cdromupgrade"?17:03
benzaldehydeno milk with cookies is just evil17:04
niooinshello, im writing an article about ubuntu on a local newspaper. does anyone know a resource i can find info about m.shuttleworth's work as a debian developer?17:05
niooinsthe newspaper is free btw, and the community is small. dont expect my article to be on the news17:06
benzaldehydewhy don't you ask him yourself he's a member17:06
niooinsa member of what?17:06
benzaldehydehey shuttleworth aka trancegeek are you there?17:06
* benzaldehyde nudges trancegeek 17:06
benzaldehydeyou misspelled it honeybunches, it's one t, mr shutleworth hates it when ppl get his name wrong17:07
niooinsshuttleworth isnt a geek. and i doubt he listens to trance17:07
benzaldehydetrancegeek: are you going to stand for that mister shutleworth :D17:08
trancegeekwell if you know so much about him why do you need to find more info?17:08
niooinsi know a particular piece of info i cant seem to find17:08
trancegeekthere's probably good reason for that17:08
niooinsim not a  paparazzi or anything. i dont care what he does on his bed :p17:09
niooinstrancegeek: like?17:09
trancegeekhe doesn't want you to know17:09
benzaldehydeso what doea mister scuttlebutt do that interests 'local' news17:11
trancegeeki'm so posting an ad in that newspaper the following week letting everyone know the author of the last ubuntu-related article's irc id is 'niooins'17:12
niooinsi consider myself an actual journalist. its gonna be an in depth article, not overhyped bs. 'zomg ubuntu' easy for everyone to understand but with content17:14
niooinsplus i own half the newspaper. that means i own mostly debts :)17:14
benzaldehydetrancegeek: can you imagine not being able to afford an entire newspaper mister scuttlebutt?17:15
benzaldehydetrancegeek: they are only 50 cents on the weekday17:15
trancegeekwell working as an open source developer, i too have been there17:15
niooinsseems you cant seem to be able help fine. i'll try to find the info  from somewhere else. good afternoon folks (-:17:16
WLso what happened to the latest ubuntu? :-s17:17
coz_WL,  what do you mean?17:18
WLwhat is this annoying dock thing doing on my desktop instead of the menu i'm used to?17:18
WLi cannot even start a terminal!17:18
WLand i cannot see any firefox menu17:18
coz_WL, oh  well... 11.04 will default to the Unity desktop17:18
WLlike file, etc17:18
trancegeekwl, have you used windows 7 before?17:18
hypeWL, you just can disable Unity using Compiz COnfig settings manager17:18
coz_WL,  what you need to do is to log out  and  change the session to classic gnome17:18
WLtrancegeek: yes17:18
benzaldehydetrancegeek: me tpp17:18
trancegeekthink of the interface as windows 7's17:18
trancegeekit's very similar17:18
trancegeekyou get window snapping17:18
WLthis is horrifying though....17:18
trancegeekthe taskbar is on the left17:19
trancegeekit's great17:19
trancegeekit just takes a second to get used to17:19
WLit's not great :s17:19
trancegeekput your mouse in the top left corner17:19
coz_WL,   just log out and change session to classic gnome17:19
trancegeekthat's the windows 7 taskbar17:19
trancegeekno unity rocks screw that17:19
WLcoz_: will that remain supported?17:19
trancegeeklearn it live it love it17:19
coz_WL,  sure will17:19
trancegeekno it won't wl17:19
trancegeekyou must use unity17:19
WLok nice17:19
trancegeekthey're removing the normal gnome in 11.1017:19
benzaldehydetrancegeek: working as a delevoper i :D17:20
coz_WL,   he is kidding... i hope17:20
benzaldehydetrancegeek: what was that?17:20
WLi hope too but i think i read this too17:20
coz_WL,  Unity is "strictly" for net book systems17:20
trancegeekummm no it's definitely not17:20
coz_WL,  classic gnome for regular laptops and desktops17:20
WLpff, it's just a dock17:20
WLnothing more17:20
trancegeekwl is not for netbook systems17:20
trancegeekit is not just a dock either17:20
WLok tell me what's special about it?17:21
WLand what makes it so great17:21
trancegeekok see, it's awesome17:21
WLi'll try it out quickly17:21
coz_WL,  well   it is designed for saving reslestate on the screen17:21
trancegeekyou get window snapping like aero in 7 has17:21
trancegeekdrag windows to the top, left, or right17:21
coz_WL,  it is most definitly designed as netbook17:21
trancegeekput your mouse in the top left corner and the taskbar appears17:21
trancegeekyou can put shortcuts on the taskbar just like in windows 7, and those shortcuts are used as the taskbar button when that application is open17:22
coz_WL,  it cant hurt to play around with it,,, however if your monitor is larger than 15"  you will find global menu a pain in the rear17:22
WLit's just slow imho17:22
coz_WL,  indeed17:22
trancegeekclick on the top left corner, and your applications are in the box that appears, you can search for an application, and drag/drop it to your taskbar17:22
WLeyecandy over functionality maybe even17:22
trancegeeki don't see all the eyecandy you're speaking of...17:22
trancegeekberyl is eyecandy17:22
trancegeekthis is not17:22
WLi don't think this will be a good thing for new users either imho :(17:23
trancegeekthis is minimalist17:23
trancegeeki like it tbh17:23
trancegeeki'm not new though17:23
WLi'm not new either17:23
trancegeekwindows 7 aero window snapping is one of the major reasons i didn't use ubuntu17:23
trancegeekas soon as i saw that had been added i installed 11.0417:23
coz_trancegeek,  that is available in compiz17:23
coz_oh ok17:24
WLdoesn't seem like that big a feature :s17:24
coz_WL,  it is not for a netbook no17:24
trancegeekyes coz but it's a halfassed implementation that works like turd17:24
coz_WL,   window snap is great for large screens17:24
trancegeekhas a 21.5'' 1080p screen17:24
WLits handy but i don't use it a lot with 7 either17:24
trancegeeki use it ALL the time17:24
WLwindows 3.11 could even do the splitting17:24
KM0201anyone gotten skype to install on 11.04?17:24
coz_WL,  well play with Unity to see what it offers,, the bottom two icons on the Launcher bar  are key icons.. one is for a menu of sorts17:25
WLcoz_: trying to find out how to find my terminal17:25
coz_KM0201,  sorry I dont use skype17:25
trancegeekit felt clunky to me at first, use it for a day, trust me you'll like it17:25
WLalso how do i get in the firefox preferences?17:25
coz_WL,  it should be listed on the Launcher panel already17:25
WLthis is nothing short of horrible17:25
trancegeekclick in the top-left on the ubuntu icon17:25
coz_WL,   see if  alt+F2  works and type in   gnome-terminal17:25
trancegeekthen type in "terminal"17:25
WLah ok thanks17:26
KM0201np, i'll figure it out eventually... it errors out and says the package is unsafe, so i forced it, and it says something is missing... (libqt or something).. i just uninstalled it, so I'll check around and see what i come up.17:26
trancegeekto get to firefox preferences you open firefox and bring it to the front, and the top bar on the screen will have the menu items17:26
coz_WL,  if that opens  then look at the launcher for the terminal icon ,,, right click and keep on dock or launcher17:26
trancegeekall of your applications are in the menu that appears when you click the ubuntu icon on the top bar wl17:27
coz_KM0201,  oh  ok ,,, it may be missing dependencies.. from where did you get the package for skype?17:27
trancegeekyou just type in the search box to find them17:27
WLyeah still no firefox preferences though17:27
trancegeekoh wait17:27
trancegeekno they aren't17:27
WLi can guarantee you most people will dislike this crap17:27
* WL switches to gnome17:27
trancegeekthe magnifying glass with a + in it17:27
trancegeekthat's where they are :D17:27
trancegeekhe doesn't know what he's missing17:27
trancegeekaero snap is badass17:27
thiebaudeim just using gnome, cos i just use the ubuntu default graphics drivers :)17:28
benzaldehydetrancegeek: i want all the information on mister shuttleworth, name name damnit17:28
benzaldehydehi mom17:30
benzaldehydeMAmama: where is father?17:30
KM0201benzaldehyde, lol, all the info on shuttleworth?.. why?..17:31
=== MAmama is now known as LarsTorben
* benzaldehyde waterboards trancegeek. NAME NAMES!17:32
KM0201coz_, sorry, i got distracted, I got it from skype.com (it's for ubuntu 8.10, but it has always worked no matter what version of ubuntu i put it on.) i might have to enable the maverick partner repo.. dunno.17:32
coz_KM0201,  mm I am wondering if that is a good idea,, I believe  ubuntutweak has it offered in their ppa s17:32
coz_KM0201,  not sure ubuntutweak works on natty ,, let me check hold on17:33
KM0201coz_, i think i just discovered whatmight be theissue, but i wanna try onemore thing....  http://ubuntuguide.net/install-skype-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-3264-bit17:34
benzaldehydethat's what she said17:35
coz_KM0201,  ah ok that link looks better and ubuntu tweak does not install onto natty yet   python version errors17:36
KM0201coz_, yeah, but thats still just the ubuntu 8.10 package.17:37
benzaldehydeubudork_: \o/17:37
KM0201i don't really think it matters, i'venever had an issue w/it before.17:37
benzaldehydeubudork_: oh sorry i thought you were someone else17:37
ubudork_we talked this moring17:37
KM0201i figure one of these light years, skype will update their linux version past 2.1 beta 2...lol.17:38
ubudork_i had really bad luc17:38
benzaldehydeubudork_: i never forget a conversation, what did we talk about ? :D17:38
ubudork_i purged the  nvidia driver17:38
ubudork_and now i am not able to even log in17:39
ubudork_running from live cd now17:39
benzaldehydeubudork_: the white whale17:39
gorukaQuestion: How can I make the unity dock horizontal? I have a 4:3 monitor and it being vertical is pretty annoying17:39
KM0201coz_, it's in maverick partner... maybe i'll just add maverick partner, install it, then remove the repo.17:40
coz_KM0201,  for skype?17:40
KM0201coz_, yup17:40
coz_KM0201,   as long as it doesn want a specific version of a library that should work17:41
KM0201yeah, i'm gonna try that now.17:41
KM0201i wonder why it'snot in natty partner?17:41
* KM0201 doesn't particularly care for unity... thank goodness for the "classic" look.17:41
coz_guys I am sorry,.,, i have to break here,,, be back in a bit17:42
gorukaKM0201, I'm trying to use unity but it seems it's only designed for widescreen monitors17:42
ubudork_benzaldehyde> i dont know much about whales. but you tried to help me this morning with som driver problems after i did a update from 10.10 to 11.0417:42
KM0201goruka, it looks ok on my laptop, looks awful on  my dual screen PC17:42
gorukaalso i can't right click anywhere for settings, and settings are hidden between all the compizconfig clutter17:43
thiebaudewhen i had unity it looked good on my 20 in screen17:43
KM0201i much prefer the classic look..17:43
benzaldehydeubudork_: you upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 via update-manager?17:43
KM0201goruka, that was one fo thethings i really disliked about it (right clicking)17:43
KM0201woot, got skype working17:44
gorukaI like the idea and how it works, but unity is totally unusable for a beta17:44
KM0201goruka, well, some people really like it.. you just can't figure out how to make it work.. for doing basic desktop stuff, etc.. it works fine.. if you like tweaking your desktop, it's not all that great.17:45
benzaldehydeubudork_: ambergris is made from whale, it's essentially whale vomit--people from back in the day used it as lotion becuase of it's aroma. not it's aroma right away, but left out to ferment a bit17:46
gorukaKM0201, I can imagine that people with a widescreen monitor likes it more than me (4:3)17:46
thiebaudeactually i liked an older version of gnome-shell that i seen on youtube better than unity17:46
LarsTorbensomebody here who hates unity17:46
thiebaudeLarsTorben, its just not for me :)17:46
* KM0201 has never liked unity... ever17:46
LarsTorbenthiebaude hate it ?17:46
thiebaudei have used gnome since ubuntu 6.0617:46
ubbudorkbenzaldehyde: ok :P17:47
thiebaudeyes i do17:47
LarsTorbenthen you can test17:47
gorukasame here about unity, the concept is great but it really needs more work17:47
LarsTorbenSnowlinux its  as17:47
LarsTorbenbased on ubuntu 11.04 but ordinary desktop gnome 217:47
thiebaudeim on 11.04 now and i love the classic gnome17:47
LarsTorben 17:47
thiebaudelow memory usage17:47
LarsTorbenthiebaude: yes but 11.10 dont contain classic anymore17:47
KM0201thiebaude, yup... my opinion as well.17:47
thiebaudei just hope ubuntu never gets rid of gnome, imho17:48
LarsTorbenit do17:48
KM0201LarsTorben, well, at that point it will be time to move on to Debian.. :)17:48
thiebaudeor i might have to install one of the other cd's dvds i ahve,lol :)17:48
LarsTorbenubuntu 11.10 only contains unity 3d, unity 2d as alternativee17:48
benzaldehydethiebaude: i use fluxbox17:48
KM0201LarsTorben, my guess is, you'll be able to install "ubuntu-classic" w/o to much difficulty if you want to.17:49
benzaldehydethiebaude: gnome is sleek but slugish on ppc6417:49
thiebaudei tried it in 11.04 did not like the purple wallpaper in fluxbox17:49
gorukaLarsTorben, i like how it works, but i can't figure out why it doesn't support an horizontal dock. There's still plenty of people with 4:3 monitors like me17:49
arandAnyone else can confirm Bug #748340 ?17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 748340 in btrfs-tools (Ubuntu) "btrfsck fails with "unsupported option features", must [ignore] to boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74834017:49
LarsTorbenif you want you can test snowlinux too17:49
thiebaudei just wonder after 11.04 is released, what the furte of unity is17:50
LarsTorbenit base on ubuntu 11.0417:50
LarsTorbensnowlinux is my work :)17:51
benzaldehydei can't seem to upgrade from gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" it is giving me an error, anyone else have that hapen?17:51
serialhexhey, i just installed kubuntu 11.4 and it removed my nvidia driver, and the one it provided me with is wonky... but when i try and install it again it says i have to uninstall xorg & a bunch of other things... whats up?  how can i fix that?17:51
brontosaurusrex would unity allow positioning that launcher on the right or bottom of the screen or is it hardcoded to the left?17:52
brontosaurusrexLarsTorben, serously?17:52
brontosaurusrexseriously *17:52
LarsTorbendo not know but i also looked for it17:52
benzaldehydeserialhex: i do not know but there was a 'ubudork' with the same problem, you just missed him17:52
LarsTorbenand dont found17:53
ubbudorkhow do i go in to bash before the usual login sreen. i reinstalled the nvidia driver and now i do not even get to the login screen17:53
benzaldehydeubbudork: hm?17:54
ubbudork* Checking battery state... [ok] it says and is stuck there17:54
benzaldehydeubbudork: alt+ctl+f117:54
benzaldehydeubbudork: not a prob bob17:55
shadalooyo nigras17:55
brontosaurusrexuhmm, so is some sort of gnome-a-like desktop included as well?17:56
shadaloogdm start does not work - " could not acquire name; bailing out "17:56
shadalooany suggestions?17:56
ubbudorkhow to fix xorg.conf i am afraid it got fu....17:56
ubbudorkis there a backup?17:56
benzaldehydeubbudork: i still say that you shouldn't have to use that .conf file, it has got to be a conflict with a package somehwere down the line17:57
ubbudorkfound it17:57
serialhexubbudork: so you were having trouble with the nvidia driver too?17:58
ubbudorkyeah but now im not even able to log in????17:58
ubbudorkyes sir17:58
shadalooyou guys17:58
shadaloowhat do I do to fix my nvidia17:58
ubbudorkBIG trouble¨17:58
shadalooday 1 of beta I got verticle lines when tryign to boot17:58
serialhexhow are you resolving it? cause when i try & install the propritary one it wants to remove xorg & a bunch of other crap17:58
shadaloonow I get blank screen17:58
serialhex...and then there were three :P17:59
benzaldehydenatty is single handedly crashing nvida's stock17:59
* shadaloo facepalm17:59
thiebaudebut i have to say i do love the global menu17:59
serialhexyeah, i never really had a problem with their propritary drivers... they work & they're stable... why change them?18:00
shadaloois there anyway to revert back to x until this issue gets resolved? -.-18:00
gorukacan i show cpu load on unity desktop somewhere? :)18:00
shadalooor -18:00
shadaloocan someone recomment a lightweight graphical interface18:01
ubbudorkserialhex: new drivers seem to be needed for the 3d desktop???18:01
serialhex*is thinking of reinstalling 10.10*18:01
benzaldehydeshadaloo: a gui?18:01
shadaloobenzaldehyde: yea18:01
benzaldehydeshadaloo: fluxbox18:01
shadaloogood call18:01
serialhexubbudork: i've never had problems with 3d & nvidia...18:01
ubbudorknot me either18:02
shadalooi bet ubuntu people mostly run ati18:02
serialhexubbudork: in fact, the 'wiggle windows' option for kde (idk if it's in gnome too) is jerky with the new drivers, the old ones it was smooth as silk18:02
thiebaudei have nvidia 8400 gs18:03
ubbudorkbut if you uninstall the new 270 driver and install ie the 173 driver ubuntu-destop also must be removed for some reason18:03
brontosaurusrexshadaloo, 2/3 of my machines is nvidia, why ati?18:03
serialhexubbudork: and i'm running a fx 5200 & p4 3ghz... a >5yr old machine :-/18:03
serialhexthats weird!18:03
thiebaudeeven the propietary nvidia drivers in 11.04 i had no problems18:04
shadaloobrontosaurusrex: they are forced to be more competitive with nvidia the reigning champ so their cost/value is higher18:04
ubbudorkpuh.... restoring xorg.conf regained access to the standard login18:04
shadaloonot proven18:04
serialhexyeah when i try & install the propritary drivers it wants top remove xorg & kde & like 7938472 other things :P18:04
ubbudorkserialhex: i have a quite old one too18:04
kdogalled natty beta in a virtualbox and when I log in, nothing appears on the desktop. Unity must not be coming up. I do have "3d" checked in the vb monitors. Any hints?18:04
kdogwhoops. That starts with "I inst" :-p18:05
shadalooI cannot connect to Xserver with fluxbox, how can I reactive X?18:05
kdogI was able to right click on the desktop and create a launcher for "gnome-terminal"18:05
brontosaurusrexshadaloo, you mean they are supposed to do more for the same  money as nvidia?18:05
serialhexi understood kdog :P  but idk how to fix it :-/18:05
shadaloobrontosaurusrex: exactly18:05
bandit5432run it without unity :P18:05
benzaldehyde5 ERROR NvidiaDetection returned a error: __init__() got $18:07
bandit5432kdog,  see this thread http://askubuntu.com/questions/17937/why-cant-unity-run-in-virtual-machines18:07
kdogbandit5432: thanks!18:07
benzaldehyde5 ERROR NvidiaDetection returned a error: __init__() got $got an unexpected keyword argument 'datadir'18:08
bandit5432are you running the latets version of virtualbox?18:08
benzaldehydethat was in /var/log/dist-upgrade18:08
gorukauh... screen repaint is broken in katepart, wtf :|18:08
bandit5432kdog, the info on that says its fixed in virtualbox 4.0.418:08
bandit5432kdog, lol they broke it again18:09
bandit5432see here http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/how-to-test-ubuntu-1104-with-unity-in.html18:09
bandit5432ok now why i came here18:10
bandit5432i have an issue with a borked upgrade to 11.0418:10
bandit5432Traceback (most recent call last):18:11
bandit5432  File "/usr/bin/update-manager", line 29, in <module>18:11
bandit5432    import gtk18:11
bandit5432ImportError: No module named gtk18:11
shadalooanyone know why 2.6.35-25 is saying it failed due to missing headers?18:11
benzaldehydeshadaloo: reactivate x? sudo service gdm start18:11
shadaloobenzaldehyde: I will try it18:11
bandit5432now i have a partly upgraded system that i cant finish the upgrade18:11
bandit5432when i try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -f18:12
bandit5432i get E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'python-kde4'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)18:13
bandit5432any ideas help?18:13
shadaloobenzaldehyde: it worked this time :/ what do I type to launch to the new grahical interface now?18:13
benzaldehydeshadaloo: you don't type, before you login to your name look at the bottom of the screen where it has a rectangle that says gnome, click he down arrow and slide up to fluxbox then sign in to your user account18:14
shadaloobenzaldehyde: I cannot even get to the login screen xD I'm in recovery kernel atm18:15
bandit5432sudo gdm18:15
shadaloowhen I try startfluxbox it says 'xmodmap: unable to open display; Error: couldn't connect to XServer'18:16
bandit5432benzaldehyde,  try sudo gmd18:16
bandit5432gdm '18:16
bandit5432i cant type :|18:16
shadaloosudo gdm --> could not acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager18:16
shadaloo; bailing out18:17
bandit5432no i meant that to benzaldehyde18:17
bandit5432oh i see sorry18:17
benzaldehydewhat why18:17
benzaldehydeyour .fluxbox file is in your home directory18:18
kdogbandit5432: Hmm. I'm on 4.0.4, have 3d check, and cranked the video mem to 128mb (the max). The panel now shows when log in, looking normal, then it changes to a nasty, old school gray one.18:20
DaekdroomIs fglrx working already?18:20
bandit5432kdog, see this post it seems its broken again http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/how-to-test-ubuntu-1104-with-unity-in.html18:21
bandit5432Update March 2011: the latest Kernel (or Xserver, I'm not really sure) broke this so Unity doesn't work in VirtualBox for now. I'll remove this message once it works again!18:21
kdogbandit5432: hold on, I haven't installed the guest additions in this vm.18:22
bandit5432there is also a way to run unity in 2d mode see the bottom post on this page http://askubuntu.com/questions/17937/why-cant-unity-run-in-virtual-machines18:22
BUGabundoanyone packing http://tomahawk-player.org/download/linux ?18:23
bandit5432BUGabundo,  that page says Coming Soon: Building Ubuntu package on Natty (11.04)18:23
bandit5432and for 10.1018:23
benzaldehydestartfluxbox should do the deed18:24
=== marcos_ is now known as Daekdroom
BUGabundobandit5432: I know. but someone in here could have a ppa up18:24
bandit5432then do a ppa search18:24
BUGabundoactually https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/tomahawk18:25
BUGabundobandit5432: but I don't trust strangers!18:25
bandit5432i was looking couldnt find it that fast18:25
arandBUGabundo: You not on the butter either?18:25
BUGabundoarand: ?18:25
arandAS in btrfs.18:26
bandit5432and you trust the tomohawk site?18:26
BUGabundoI am18:26
* kdog why can't the guest additions just install themselves on first login :-/18:26
BUGabundobandit5432: I tiny more then someone on a PPA18:26
bandit5432thats like running a fake antivirus from a website18:26
bandit5432just because they have a website they must be better18:26
arandBUGabundo: Ok, did btrfsck work with the latest update for you (~20h ago)18:27
BUGabundohaven't tried18:27
LarsTorbensomebody here dont like unity ?18:27
BUGabundobut I saw a warning on boot18:27
BUGabundonow that you mention it18:27
SwedeMikeLarsTorben: correct.18:27
BUGabundoLarsTorben: o/18:27
bandit5432i hate unity18:27
LarsTorbentest www.snowlinux.de/18:27
LarsTorbenit based on ubuntu 11.04 but ordinary desktop gnome18:27
arandBUGabundo: That was just the normal "can't find fsck.btrfs"?18:27
LarsTorbenor later 318:27
BUGabundoLarsTorben: login with Classic :P18:27
BUGabundoarand: don't recall, I was busy18:28
LarsTorbenyes but 11.10 dont contain  classic any more18:28
BUGabundonoticed it took a while18:28
BUGabundoLarsTorben: well... I'm on 11.04 :P18:28
bandit5432they taking classic out of 11.1018:28
BUGabundocan't go into the future18:28
LarsTorbenyes bandit5432!18:28
LarsTorbenso test www.snowlinux.de/ :)18:28
brontosaurusrexLarsTorben, says "Based upon Ubuntu 10.04"18:29
LarsTorbenits wrong letter18:29
LarsTorbenthere must be "11.04"18:29
LarsTorbeni change that18:29
LarsTorbenand kernel is also wrong it is 2.6.39-rc118:29
arandBUGabundo: Since recently the link to btrfsck proper was added, which with current btrfs-tools just errors out horribly and I need to ignore fscking to even be albe to boot...18:29
bandit5432ok any one have any ideas on how to get my upgrade to work?18:30
LarsTorbenbandit: try dpkg --reconfigure -a18:30
BUGabundomine booted fine arand or I wouldn't be here18:30
arandWas wondering is that was due to my btrfs being a bit wonky or just something everyone was experiencing..18:30
bandit5432dpkg --reconfigure -a ?? or dpkg --configure -a18:31
arandBUGabundo: And that is with 3ubuntu2?18:31
LarsTorben"dpkg --configure -a"18:31
gorukahmm here's something else i dislike about unity. The workspace switcher icon looks too much like the terminal icon, so i get confused and click it all the time. Also i don't use workspaces and can't remove it :(18:31
BUGabundo  Installed: 0.19+20100601-3ubuntu218:32
bandit5432dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 25488 package 'xmount':18:32
bandit5432 junk after word in `priority' field18:32
digitalfizI am having a issue with firefox being used to open all links even though chrome is set to be default18:32
shadaloowhy am I getting so many errors with kernel 2.6.35-25?18:32
digitalfizthe reason im asking in ubuntu because its effecting all programs not just this one or that one so I assume its something with ubuntu18:32
shadalooI am trying to purge it away from system and I cannot even purge it?18:33
Daekdroomgoruka, you can use ccsm to remove all extra workspaces. Then the icon will disappear18:33
shadaloohow do I rm this kernel?18:33
digitalfizdidnt have the problem before upgrading to 11.0418:33
DaekdroomIt's under General Options's last tab.18:33
bandit5432i am not in 11.04 yet18:33
arandWell, then it must be my mucking about with snapshots has managed to fsck up btrfs to not be compatible with current userspace tools. And this is a system I installed yesterday...18:33
shadalooteam please help me purge linux-image-2.6.35-2518:34
gorukaDaekdroom, awesome, thanks!18:34
shadalooeverytime I try to apt-get update this kernel errors failing to process18:34
LarsTorbenshadaloo: sudo apt-get removve linux-image-2.6.35-25-generic18:34
shadalooI tried purge18:34
shadalooit errors removing?!18:34
bandit5432are you running that kernel18:34
bandit5432what does uname -r say?18:35
gorukaDaekdroom, i can't find where to disable that :|18:35
LarsTorbenshadaloo: expert lars: sudo apt-get removve linux-image-2.6.35-25-generic18:35
shadalootwo vs?18:35
Daekdroomgoruka, you should reduce workspaces to only 1.18:35
gorukaDaekdroom, but i can't find where to do that in ccsm18:35
LarsTorbenshadaloo: expert lars hopes helped you18:36
Daekdroomgoruka, General Options, last tab.18:36
hasenjis there a command to restart the sound service?18:36
bandit5432LarsTorben, that command you had me run errors out18:36
DaekdroomIf it doesn't show up, you have to click in the > that shows up beside the tab list18:36
bandit5432what me to repost the output?18:36
gorukaDaekdroom, ah i found it, but it already shows number of desktops as 118:36
hasenjI hear weird noises accompanying every sound, hard to describe in written words18:36
shadalooLarsTorben: thank you for trying my friend but alas, that does not work18:37
bandit5432shadaloo, give me the full output of uname -r18:37
LarsTorbenshadaloo: expert lars: hoped i could help you18:37
gorukaDaekdroom, ah i just had to place horizontal and vertical virtual sizes to 118:37
shadalooLarsTorben: no sir18:37
gorukaDaekdroom, the workspace switcher does nto dissapear, though18:37
shadaloo2.6.35-22-generic is what I am inside now18:38
LarsTorbenshadaloo: oh why not18:38
gorukaDaekdroom, i click it and shows 1 desktop :)18:38
kdogbandit5432: Hmm. Now when I log in unity starts up and the top and bottom bar switch back to gnome. Getting closer...18:38
Daekdroomgoruka, ah, must restart unity, I guess :P18:38
LarsTorbensudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.35-25-generic18:38
gorukaDaekdroom, ook18:38
shadalooI have 2.6.35-28 installed though18:38
shadalooLarsTorben: yes that does not work18:38
shadalooI must press further18:39
LarsTorbenoh why not shadaloo18:39
shadaloolinux tells me18:39
shadalooE: sub process /usb/bin/dpkg returned error code 118:39
gorukaDaekdroom, great, pkill -9 compiz did the trick, thanks :D18:39
LarsTorbenshadaloo did you tried sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.35-25-generic18:39
shadaloofailed to process .postrm line 32818:40
bandit5432shadaloo, are you upgrading to 11.04?18:40
shadalootechnically I already did18:40
shadalooI am running natty now18:40
bandit5432well i am glad some one can get it to work18:41
shadalooI cannot boot into gdm tho xD18:41
bandit5432i cant get it to finish installing i have a borked system18:42
bandit5432hmm do you think restarting when update manager says i have a completely unusable system a good idea?18:43
bandit5432silence in #ubuntu+1 :X18:45
slyrus_it would be nice if "Disk Utility" had a facility to format a new drive suitable for installing a bootable system (bootable flag set, swap parition, etc... (?))18:46
=== bandit5432 is now known as bandit63
bandit63ok does no one have any ideas to help me?18:48
bandit63should i go back to #ubuntu and see if i can not say i was upgrading and am now getting errors?18:49
bandit63diffrent question when did updated packages start shipping with spaces instead of _18:50
trismbandit63: I don't think they do, but update manager did change to default to showing descriptions before package names since maverick18:56
bandit63well i have a ton of files with %3 in my /var/cache/apt/archives18:56
bandit63xutils-dev_1%3a7.6+1_amd64.deb for instance18:57
bandit63when is a good time to come back and try and get some help?18:58
trismbandit63: oh, the actual package name, well %3a is a : not a space, I think %20 is a space18:58
bandit63well i have never seen a package with a  percent before i am not good with the %#18:59
bandit63i assumed it was a space maybes it a period18:59
bandit63i am just trying to figure out how i can finish this upgrade19:00
=== bandit63 is now known as bandit-away
benzaldehydehe's having a finish upgrade? why didn't he use a french mirror xD19:05
voidmagethinking about testing natty. does ubuntu classic still include all the "lost" features in gnome 3 like forcing sleep when you close your laptop?19:14
voidmageoh, and i read that certain gnome applets don't show in unity. do they still show in ubuntu classic?19:19
bandit-awaybenzaldehyde, lol19:23
trismvoidmage: for some applets, you need to make sure gnome-panel-bonobo is installed, or they won't show up (in classic, there are no panel applets in unity, just indicators)19:23
=== bandit-away is now known as bandit63
bandit63so back to my issue how does some one recover from a broken upgrade?19:24
KM0201bandit63, lol.. that's a goodone19:27
bandit63i dont get the joke19:27
KM0201bandit63, recovering from a broken upgrade... :rofl:19:28
bandit63how about i use the word borked19:28
KM0201borked, broken.. tomato, tomato19:28
voidmagereinstall from a fresh beta iso?19:28
bandit63thats what i was afraid of19:29
KM0201and of course he had his machine appropriately backed up before starting the upgrade19:29
bandit63well i have a dd from 2 hours before the start is that fresh enough?19:29
bandit63KM0201, you have answers why are packages showing up with %3 in them?19:30
KM0201bandit63, i'm not really sure...19:31
KM0201i just installed the beta last night.... but i've had zero problems19:31
bandit63from my upgrade i have lots of packeages in /var/cache/apt/archives with %3 in them i was wondering if thats not part of the problem19:31
KM0201hmm, well i clean installed the beta, so maybe thats why i didn't have that problem19:32
bandit63i thought about doing a clean install19:32
bandit63of debian19:32
bandit63KM0201,  you running 86 or 86_64?19:34
MTughanJust installed the Ubuntu Natty beta on a VM here, and tried to update the packages. Got two 404s on ca.archive.ubuntu.com: module-init-tools_3.12-1ubuntu5_amd64.deb and xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu9_amd64.deb. Any cause for concern?19:34
bandit63try a diffrent mirror19:35
MTughanSound idea, but I don't believe I've ever seen something like that.19:35
bandit63i have even with the main mirrors19:36
MTughanNo, I mean an option to change mirrors.19:36
bandit63open up update-manager and click on options19:37
bandit63crap i need a vm to even use normal apps now19:37
MTughanAh, there... Thanks.19:38
bandit63no problem19:38
trismbandit63: the %3a isn't part of your problem, they are just packages with a : in the version19:41
bandit63ahh ty for finding that19:42
bandit63i am downloading the iso and will reinstall :|19:42
bandit63maybe i will dd the partition back i dont know19:43
jim_since my upgrade to natty, ubuntu one won't sync. Another has same, we have thread in forum. My current state is no files, contacts, machines but can log in in browser. Any help?19:54
FoolishOwlHello. I'm thinking of upgrading to Natty in the next few days. How smooth has the transition been, relative to past distribution upgrades? Any major trouble spots?19:54
benzaldehydeFoolishOwl: well there is not an upgrade yet19:55
jim_I upgraded during alpha and it was rocky but am having good luck now that is beta. Has been stable and other than ubuntu one all is working.19:56
jim_I do like unity. There is upgrade to beta 1 available19:56
benzaldehydejim_: there is no upgrade from release to beta19:58
jim_not sure what you mean benz, I did the upgrade20:00
bandit63FoolishOwl,  there is the beta which is an upgrade but it borked my system if thats what you are asking20:00
FoolishOwlbenzaldehyde, what do you mean, no upgrade?20:00
bandit63jim when you install the alpha it contines to update you untill release20:00
benzaldehydei tried to upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04, it won't upgrade to a pre-release20:01
bandit63benzaldehyde, update-manager -d20:01
jim_bandit, that is correct and since it updated me to beta and updates to it, all has been good except ubuntu 120:01
FoolishOwlAny patterns to reported problems? So far all I've seen are debates about the merits of Unity.20:02
bandit63i see a question about ubunt one sorry i cant get the update to finish to look into that20:02
benzaldehydebandit63: i've tried that it just says No new release found20:03
bandit63benzaldehyde,  are you running 11.04 ?20:03
bandit63FoolishOwl,  i cant get the upgrade to complete20:04
bandit63FoolishOwl,  it completely hosed my computer20:04
bandit63benzaldehyde,  type in terminal  cat /etc/issue20:05
docx_cz_mostI asked here few hours ago - is in 11.04b1 option to change default application shortcuts in the box appeared after "button" click (super key) - i mean that 4 icons for web, email, music and photos. Thanks20:05
jim_I've been working in natty testing and discussion forum, can't say see patterns. update-manager -d worked for my upgrade a few weeks ago20:05
FoolishOwlbandit63, sorry to hear that.20:05
LarsTorbensomebody who hates the unity ?20:06
benzaldehydei have the install cd and even it says error and then flashes a message about how  it doesn't allow upgrades to pre-release, if i were willing to do a install i.e. wipe out my existing system i could install it from the cd but still no upgrade,, i tried gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" and update manager, all that, no upgrade20:06
docx_cz_mostLarsTorben: nobody commands you to use it ;)20:06
benzaldehydebandit63: Ubuntu 10.10 \n \l20:07
LarsTorbenonly ask20:07
LarsTorbenonly ask20:07
jim_Lars, I like unity20:08
benzaldehydealthough i am on ppc64 so maybe that has something to do with it20:08
docx_cz_mostLarsTorben: i don't hate you for it.. it is something new, let give it some time ;)20:08
jim_not sure what to say benz, upgrade went fine for me20:08
FoolishOwljim_, okay, sounds good. As long as there isn't a pattern of show-stopping bugs, I'm happy to test the beta.20:08
bandit63benzaldehyde, i dont think the ppc version is out yet20:09
docx_cz_mostnoone know how or where is some conf files of these 4 icons?20:09
benzaldehydei have the alternate ppc iso writen to disc20:09
bandit63is it for 11.04?20:09
benzaldehydeyes, also have teh desktop ppc 11.0420:10
bandit63i dont see ppc64 as a choice i see only amd64 or 38620:10
delachmm, Dash doesn't seem to recognize "nautilus". That is, the search won't bring up anything. A bug?20:10
benzaldehydetry different directories20:11
jim_benz, I have seen forum entries of people feeling is best to install from cd instead of upgrade but am unsure of why that preference. don't know why that seems to fail for you.20:11
bandit63benzaldehyde, i found the ppc release my bad20:11
docx_cz_mostwhat is "internal" name of unity shell? where I can find some config files (in home dir or etc)?20:11
benzaldehydeit gave three reasons for not allowing an upgrade, one was that it does not allow upgrading to pre-release and another was if i had installed packages that don't belong to ubuntu20:12
jim_docx, I believe unity is a flavor of gnome for lack of a better way to say that20:12
FoolishOwlInstalling from CD means you don't have to worry about connectivity during an upgrade.20:13
bandit63benzaldehyde,  what computer do you have?20:13
delacdocx_cz_most: gconf -> apps -> compiz20:13
benzaldehydeFoolishOwl: actually you do if you use the alternate cd, it won't go very far without it20:13
FoolishOwlWell, you don't have to worry as much.20:13
benzaldehydethe desktop won't try to connect but the alternate install no matter what option chosen it will install the base system and leave you without an installation of packages20:14
jim_are any of having issues with ubuntu one sync with natty, is my only real issue20:14
benzaldehydeit is a playstation 320:15
docx_cz_mostdelac: thanks, but there are only "appearence" settings.. I like to change application shortcuts in "the main search window"20:15
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digitalfizanyone here using pidgin with 11.04 beta?20:16
delacdocx_cz_most: oh, you mean in the Dash? that's something I'm also trying to find out :)20:16
docx_cz_mostdelac: if the Dash is this http://img705.imageshack.us/i/unityshortcuts.png/, yes :)20:17
delacdocx_cz_most: yes, that's Dash20:18
benzaldehydei burned about 6 maybe 8 copies of everything i could find for ubuntu ppc. the 10.10, absolutely non of them install from disk, they just hang. 9.10 installs fine as does 10.04 but 11.04 to be honest i probably should have pluged the ethernet cord into the machine20:19
bandit63benzaldehyde,  look at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2010-December/000797.html20:19
docx_cz_mostdelac: I found that "preffered applications" setting affect web and email shortcut, but other two I cant find how to change it20:20
bandit63looks like no new ubuntu for ps320:20
benzaldehydei have a thread goingon ubuntu forums under the name zoggnoff if you want to know what i have been up to20:20
FoolishOwlThanks folks.20:20
benzaldehydebandit63: as long as there is ppc64 i'll be alright20:21
bandit63benzaldehyde,  still wierd you cant upgrade20:22
benzaldehydeyeah although i did use some debian repositories along the way so maybe i shot myself in the foot20:23
bandit63i use a bunch of ppa's so i think i did the same thing20:24
bandit63well i dont know if i should clean install or dd back my 10.10 install20:24
jim_I think some of the repositories do get disabled when doing the upgrade, some of mine say they were20:24
Milos_SDI have a problem upgradeing to Natty Beta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588710/20:25
syn-ackGenerally third party PPAs are what get disabled upon an online upgrade20:25
benzaldehydejim_: the point i'm driving at is that i may have unsupported packages on file and 'that' is likely why it won't upgrade20:26
benzaldehydethough i can't be sure20:26
syn-ackMilos_SD, Wow, that's a lot of broken stuff.20:27
syn-ackLooks to be more or less related to AWN though...20:27
syn-ackbenzaldehyde, That's unlikely. They usually just get disabled upon upgrade20:28
Milos_SDI know...  And don't know why20:29
syn-ackbenzaldehyde, Admittedly, it would probably be better for you to download an installer and clean install20:29
bandit63yay fresh installs i have windows again!!20:30
bandit63 / sarcasm tag20:31
bandit63that was not very nice of me20:31
bandit63hope my burner still works20:32
benzaldehydesyn-ack: i actually did do that20:33
bandit63syn-ack, do you like the new unity interface?20:34
benzaldehydesyn-ack: there were issues with it, most notably the lack of wifi and the videomode was handled differently being a non-ps3 installer, it gave me a 4:3 instead of a 16:320:34
alketHi, I just installed Ubuntu Beta 1, but there is just a blank desktop, I run firefox with alt f2 to get here, what is my problem ?20:36
benzaldehydesyn-ack: i booted into a 4:3 command prompt of 11.04 with no packages and no dhclient to issue an i[p20:37
bandit63off to do a fresh install20:37
benzaldehydeall in all i went back to 10.04 to do the upgrde upgrade which failed20:38
jim_alket, display was fine all through install till you rebooted?20:38
alketno jim_ I just waited for a half hour to make sure that it is finished bu I was displayed a CLI environment but with mouse20:39
cdbsalket: If that's the problem20:39
cdbsalket: install unity-2d20:39
cdbsalket: maybe your graphic card doesn't support Unity 3D20:39
alketbut I have supported Nvidia drivers which work fine with maveric20:39
cdbsalket: some of them have issues with compiz20:39
alketmaybe i should launch the jockey-gtk and install the drivers and then reboot ?20:40
cdbsalket: install unity 2d, in the meantime you can switch to Classic Desktop from gdm20:40
trijntje_nattyI dont think the drivers for natty are ready yet, is this correct?20:40
cdbsalket: yeah you can try that20:40
jim_alket, if you select classic desktop at login does that work?20:40
alketso if I reboot is there any command that i should execute ?20:41
alketjim_: I didn't try that20:41
jim_alket, if that does work, I agree could be you need to try unity 2d20:42
alketok I will take your advices. Thank you jim_ cdbs20:42
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bandit63grrr the update from the cd errors out20:45
digitalfizif a crash keeps happening throughout the day does it help to keep sending the reports or is it duplicate data?20:46
jim_keep sending unless is certain is same cause and effect20:48
digitalfizcompize decorator keeps crashing20:48
digitalfizits with different programs open so i dont think its a certain program doing it but maybe with different apps open it will help narrow down whats actually doing it20:48
Milos_SDis compiz customizable in Unity session ? Can I enable expo, cube, random animations?20:48
jim_milos, don't think you can20:49
delacMilos_SD: gconf->apps->compiz. Expo is in use on default. Don't know how sensible it would be to enable cube.20:50
Milos_SDhmm.... where's freedome in that ? :S20:50
jim_I only have used workspace switcher from unity bar as works by default and don't know if you can use cube20:51
bandit63unity is like osx its all for your own good Milos_SD20:51
Milos_SDbandit63, hahahha :D20:52
wacommhellp need help with simple-ccsm on natty20:52
bandit63wacomm, its slow around here today20:53
bandit63i dont know what ccsm is or i would help you or try to20:54
Milos_SDI have one other question... After every upgrade I did, when I start GIMP, it spams that gui for bug reporting... only way to get rid of it, is to do killall application name20:54
bandit63whats the question?20:55
wacommccsm is the compiz settings manager20:56
bandit63oh ok whats the question wacomm20:56
jim_wacomm, I see a bug notification about simple-ccsm not installable cause dependency conflicts. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/simple-ccsm/+bug/73843120:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 738431 in simple-ccsm (Ubuntu) "simple-ccsm is not installable cause dependency conflicts" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:57
Milos_SDbandit63, question is: why is that happening? Only when I start gimp. :D20:57
bandit63gimp is crashing?20:57
Milos_SDbandit63, no ... gimp is working ok. But bug report gui is spamed all the time... only way to get rid of it is to do "killall apport-gtk"20:58
Milos_SDthat happend after upgrade to 10.04, and after upgrade to 10.10... I think it will happend after upgrade to 11.04 too20:59
bandit63you using normal gimp or one from ppa21:00
Milos_SDbandit63, and when final version of Ubuntu comes, that stops :D21:00
Milos_SDone from ppa :)21:00
wacommbandit63 I try to install simple-ccsm using apt-get but then get the following errors:21:00
wacommDepends: python-compizconfig (>= 0.8.2) but it is not going to be installed Depends: compizconfig-settings-manager (>= 0.8.2) but it is not going to be installed21:00
bandit63wacomm, they posted above about some bugs you might want to look at21:01
bandit63omg they have turned ubuntu into osx :C21:03
wacommyes bandit63 its becoming very graphical, but still runs blazing fast on my 4 yr old toshiba :)21:03
bandit63crying :'(21:04
wacommthanks jim_ but there seems no solution yet21:04
J697Is Ubuntu 11.04 a good upgrade from 10.10?21:05
J697Are there many bugs?21:05
guntbertJ697: it only just left alpha status - so don't use it in "production"21:06
wacommJ697 its very graphical but runs fast enough. Nothing major except for compiz and dropbox21:06
J697The only thing I plan to do is use a few IDE's and program in Java and C and maybe watch internet videos on youtube, stuff like that21:07
J697Can it do all of that well?21:08
J697I looked up Ubuntu 11.04 on youtube and I like the look it has21:08
wacommJ697 u should be fine doing that21:08
jim_wacomm, I didn't know about dropbox, I have no sync with unbuntu one I can't seem to fix21:08
jim_J697, I'm happy with the upgrade21:09
bandit63they fixed the help on 11.04 at least21:09
wacommjim_ dropbox bug is fixable. http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/get-dropbox-appindicator-to-work-in.html21:09
wacommJ697 which IDE do you use for C?21:10
J697wacomm, Code::Blocks21:10
wolterwhat is known about the compiz crashes fixes?21:10
J697So, what I'm trying to get is, are there any major bugs with 11.04?21:12
delacJ697: for major bugs, check the release notes page21:13
jim_I'm not up on bug list J697 but certainly no show stoppers for me21:13
delacJ697: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta21:13
J697Ok, thanks for all the opinions guys I'm ready for the upgrade in fact, it's already 45% downloaded :)21:14
delacJ697: And you can check for yourself too. Just put it on usb-disk and select large enough storage area. Then you can use that as you would use normal installation and install all the apps you want to test before doing actual installation on the machine.21:17
cg2916i installed xubuntu and it won't let me log in21:20
delaccg2916: try empty password?21:20
cg2916it's not password, i'll type it in, it'll go black for about 10 seconds, then kick me out to the main login screen21:21
delaccg2916: might be desktop effects crashing then21:22
cg2916delac: i tried gnome, openbox, and xubuntu as my session, none work and now i'm forced to boot off my flash drive21:22
delaccg2916: you have all those installed?21:23
delaccg2916: cg2916 did you try the gnome classic no desktop effects (or something like that)?21:23
cg2916delac: i'll try21:24
wolterhm its a shame J697 left without hearing about the compiz crashes21:25
jester7did someone say compiz crashes?  happening to me constantly.21:26
jester7Also, sometimes, it seems to make Firefox's unified menu go away21:27
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gregLDoes anyone know what kernel will ship with 11.0421:32
tensorpuddingcompiz crashes? they're getting less frequent it seems21:32
tensorpuddingthe one in the beta is the one that will ship, right?21:33
SwedeMikeif you bug report problems, they might get fixed.21:34
gregLtensorpudding, I would think so, yes.21:34
tensorpuddingall the big bugs are already triaged21:35
tensorpuddinghmm, is it all java applications lack menu integration into the panel?21:37
tensorpuddinglibreoffice seems to have this problem21:37
tensorpuddinganother reason to avoid java applications, oh well21:40
bazhang!info linux21:41
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)21:41
bazhanggregL, ^21:41
jester7What is the concensus?  Will most people be using the Unity desktop, or going with Gnome?21:45
wacommHow do u we revert back to Gnome21:45
delac_wacomm: select gnome classic from login screen21:46
jester7wacomm: When you choose your username at login, and menu will pop up on the bottom giving you a choice to login to "Classic Desktop"21:46
guntbertnatty (live CD) looks kind of strange here - no real interface to be seen  -- http://imagebin.org/14631921:46
gregLbazhang, Thanks for that..I did what I should have done in the beginning..I googled for it... Thanks again..21:46
bazhanghave a bad enough video card, like me, I suppose21:46
bazhanggregL, welcome21:46
jester7I'm surprised, but I really dig Unity21:47
delac_guntbert: I dont think VirtualBox supports 3D, which Unity requires. Try to login to gnome classic21:47
Atamiskcool, but it really isn't for me. i'm glad we still have the choice21:48
guntbertdelac_: I'll try :)21:48
guntbertdelac_: seems not so easy :-(   - do you know how to tell the liveCD to use "classic"?21:52
bazhangat login screen iirc21:53
bazhangchoose coke classic21:54
bazhangerr gnome classic21:54
delac_but yes, at login screen21:54
delac_first click the user you want21:54
delac_then at the bottom of the screen, select the appropriate desktop setting21:55
tonyyarussoDoes Natty have a separate Netbook edition, or were they merged now?21:55
delac_tonyyarusso: yes, they were merged21:55
tonyyarussookay, thanks21:55
kdogtonyyarusso: merged. Just a Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server21:55
guntbertdelac_: bazhang: live CD - so no login screen after booting - what is the command to logout from a gnome-session (from the terminal) ?21:56
guntbertanswering my own question: gnome-session-save --logout21:58
delac_guntbert: well thats nice, now we know too ;)21:59
guntbertdelac_: spread the gospel :-)22:00
Papaaawww.snowlinux.de/ ubuntu 11.04 OHNE UNITY OBERFLÄCHE22:04
guntbertdrive-by spammer?22:09
ceed^Doesn't seem to like Unity that much according to my German (which is very poor)22:11
* ceed^ likes Unity. Doesn't even miss the taskbar! :)22:11
bandit63i dont like uninty if i wanted osx i would buy a mac22:11
ceed^bandit63: I almost bought a Mac a couple of years ago, but been on linux for 12 years. Won't quit now :)22:12
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thiebaudeceed^, little over 5 years for me on ubuntu :)22:13
bandit63i have been using linux for over 10 years and ubuntu for 622:13
ceed^thiebaude: The last few years I've been mostly a user. Got tired of breaking and fixing and went Ubuntu :)22:14
thiebaudei know what you mean,lol22:14
ceed^I started installing Debian on a HP laptop in 98 using floppies and the dial-up. Took two weeks to get sound! :)22:14
bandit63lol ceed^22:26
bandit63bah i hate checking ppa for updates to new releases22:29
bandit63any one having weird spin up or downs with 11.04?22:44
bandit63hard drive that is22:44
syn-ackceed^, Man, I did that with Red Hat, though I had to rawrite a boot floppy since my motherboard wouldn't boot from CD22:45
SuhnIm trying to reinstall grub22:47
SuhnBut the partition wont mount22:47
bandit63that does not sound good22:47
bandit63what partition you trying to install it to and how are you booting into the system22:47
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:48
Suhnim using the tutorial22:48
bazhangits grub222:48
bandit63big diffrence22:48
vyomaHi. I did an upgrade from "Update Manager" to 11.04 from 10.10. After upgrade, it lets me login, but then it hangs up. I can move the mouse around but cannot click on anything. Does not seem to respond to keyboard commands.22:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:48
SuhnOk, thats what i was doing, anyway i cant seem to find teh right partition do do22:49
Suhnsudo mount /dev/sda /mnt22:49
bandit63Suhn,  you have to mout the partiotn22:49
SuhnIm trying to22:49
bandit63type this in terminal fdisk -l /dev/sda22:50
Suhnyea i did that22:50
bandit63what does it output?22:50
thiebaudevyoma, at the log in screen do you have options?22:50
thiebaudeif so alt f1 to restart22:50
thiebaudehad that happen a few times before22:51
SuhnDisk /dev/sda: 320.1 GB22:51
bandit63i have to click a name to get the options to show up now'22:51
Suhnhesres the ones22:51
bandit63Suhn, it does not show anything like /dev/sda1 ??22:52
vyomathiebaude, at log in screen, it allows me to choose my username (or another username I'd setup for my wife). After I type the password, it takes me to the desktop (looks like unity desktop). But there, it does not let me do anything.22:52
SuhnIt has /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda322:52
bandit63please paste each of the lines for those22:53
Suhnim not on the same computer22:53
Suhnim using a live CD so i cant use the internet22:53
thiebaudevyoma, when you click your name if look towards the bottom does it give optins like ubntu and classic gnome?22:53
SuhnI cant get on the internet22:53
vyomathiebaude: ah - let me try that after a hard-reboot22:53
bandit63the internet wont work on the computer you are trying to fix?22:53
SuhnIm using "try linux"22:53
SuhnSo firefox does not start22:54
bandit63hmm it should but nvm22:54
SuhnWhat exactly am i looking for in the device?22:54
bandit63filesystem type or mount point22:54
Suhnat the top of the list22:54
bandit63you are using the live-cd correct?22:54
Suhnit says Device Boot    Start      End        Blocks          Id        System22:55
Suhnthose are the titles at the top of each column22:55
bandit63perfect what does the end column say for al 322:55
mrdebwhere do you control unity options, hiding or size of pane22:56
SuhnUnknows, HPFS/NTFS, Hidden HPFS/NTFS22:56
bandit63did you install wubi?22:56
bazhangbandit63, yes22:56
bazhangbandit63, he/she did an upgrade from wubi22:57
thiebaudei think ccsm, not quit sure mrdeb22:57
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz22:57
Suhni was in 10.10 and i did update-manager -d22:57
vyomathiebaude: when I choose my username, below there is a dropdown (dropup?) selection, it has following options: Recovery Console, Ubuntu, Ubuntu classic, Ubuntu classic (no effects), Ubuntu(safe mode), User Defined Session.22:57
bandit63there is an error i thought with wubi installs22:57
mrdebi want to control whether unity hides or not22:57
bazhangwhich is explicitly not supported in 11.0422:57
mrdeband its size. where is this22:57
thiebaudetry classic no effects,  see what happens after you log in vyoma22:57
thiebaudedid you install your graphics drivers vyoma ?22:58
mrdebor addign shortcuts22:58
bandit63Suhn, what bazhang just said ^^22:58
bazhangbandit63, he/she knows this22:58
SuhnYea, can i still reinstall grub?22:59
bazhangfollow the guide of grub222:59
bandit63there is a thread about it somewhere22:59
SuhnOk, so which partition am i using22:59
vyomathiebaude: I tried Ubuntu (classic no effects) and it works; responds to mouse clicks and keystrokes.22:59
Suhni just mounted sda3, the one with Hidden HPFS/NTFS23:00
Suhni used sudo mount /dev/sda323:00
thiebaudeok, that sounds cool :) vyoma23:00
vyomathiebaude: graphics drivers? Hmmm - it was running fine as a 10.10 version. So, not sure.23:00
Suhnis sda3 ok?23:00
vyomathiebaude: so you think my system is not able to handle Unity ?23:00
bandit63Suhn,  i never do wubi installs23:00
SuhnIm in a live CD23:00
bandit63so any help i try to give probably will not help you out23:00
SuhnReinstalling grub23:01
thiebaudei did not need my nvidia graphics drivers cos im not doing compiz unity vyoma23:01
SuhnThe only thing i need to know is if the partition is right to install grub223:01
thiebaudejust classic gnome-no effects23:01
mrdebwhen apps open, the menu hides.23:01
mrdebthis is annoying23:01
vyomathiebaude, thanks though. Now it is not a brick and it works, I'll check out the graphics drivers to get Natty working with Unity.23:02
bandit63i didnt realize you used grub2 with wubi installs23:02
thiebaudeok your welcomed :)23:02
bandit63Suhn, can you boot into windows still?23:04
SuhnAlright, what happened was when i updated to 11.04 from 10.10. It prompted for a restart of the computer, When i get to the boot screen to select between windows or ubuntu, i select ubuntu and i get a screen for a half second that says something about not finding wubilder23:04
Suhnand then the computer restarts right away23:04
bandit63but can you boot to windows ?23:05
mrdebis there a reason why booting takes longer tahn 10.1023:05
bandit63Suhn, i dont even know how wubi works23:06
SuhnI dont either23:07
mrdeb870mb of used ram23:07
Suhnbut im tyring to install grub223:07
Suhnthats what i need help with23:07
thiebaudemrdeb, i had that problem before23:07
SuhnI have had multiple people say to do this. Will you help me with this?23:07
thiebaudethe ram usage23:07
bandit63to do what reinstall grub223:08
SuhnYes, reinstalling grub2 the right way23:08
bandit63thats simple to do but i dont now how grub works with wubi to be able to help you23:08
bandit63let me look at a couple things real quick23:09
SuhnWhich partition should i use. sda1 sda2 or sda323:09
mrdebthis is itneresting. application windwos randomly turn blank23:10
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bandit63i am looking up information on this23:10
mrdebok good. got wobbly windows back and bar does not hide23:15
Suhnbandit63, Can we just try this GRUB2 installation process. i was on here earlier and everyone said this is what i need to do23:15
delac_Suhn: have you installed your Ubuntu with wubi?23:16
mrdebthe unity settings should be installed by default. also applications should be shown in the unity menu instead of clicking multiple windwos23:16
SuhnI installed my old ubuntu 10.10 with wubi23:16
delac_Suhn: in release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta, there is this line: #  You cannot upgrade if wubi is installed to a partition other than Windows. (610898)23:17
mrdebwhereis the workspace configuration23:17
SuhnEveryone tells me i could just reinstall grub2 dude23:17
delac_Suhn: might not be enough23:18
SuhnCan i try?23:18
SuhnIm trying right now23:18
Suhni just need to know which partition is the right one23:18
SuhnI have sda1 sda2 and sda323:19
delac_Suhn: how are you trying to reinstall the grub?23:19
bandit63you can try but you might screw up your whole computer23:19
mrdebpackage depedency could not be resolved23:19
mrdebfor a suggestd app23:19
SuhnI booted into a live CD23:19
SuhnIm in terminal23:19
delac_Suhn: hmm, does it even work like that?23:20
bandit63you are nothing if not persistant23:20
delac_Suhn: is live cd capable of installing to the hard drive?23:20
bandit63what drive letter is your wubi installed to?23:20
SuhnYes, i burned 11.04 onto a dsik23:20
Suhnthis is what the GRUB2 Tutorial says to do23:21
delac_what tutorial?23:21
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:21
delac_oh, so it might work23:22
SuhnWhich... partition does Grub2 go on?23:22
Suhnsda1 sda2 or sda323:22
delac_Suhn: well, I gues it's safe to try23:22
delac_Suhn: on wich partition you have the ubuntu?23:22
SuhnIm not sure23:23
SuhnAlong the top of the table23:23
Suhni have23:23
SuhnDevice Boot   Start   End   Blocks   Id   System23:23
mrdebSuhn: it goes to /dev/sda, not a specific partition like sda123:23
Suhnok just sda23:23
bandit63Suhn, wait23:23
delac_Suhn: unless that is windows partition!23:23
SuhnIt probably is23:23
bandit63mrdeb, did you see where is using wubi?23:23
bandit63he is'23:24
SuhnYes i used wubi for my initial install23:24
bandit63you cant just go randomly installing boot loaders23:24
bandit63to what ever disk or partition you want to23:24
SuhnYea i figured23:24
bandit63when you boot the computer does it bring up grub for the boot menu?23:25
SuhnIt brought up a selection between ubuntu and windows23:25
Suhnthen i clicked ubuntu23:25
Suhnand it brought up a list of recovery mode or regular23:26
SuhnI did was not colorful, just black and white23:26
SuhnI can give you info on each partition23:26
SuhnI just need to know which one to put grub on23:26
thiebaudeoops, foot hit the keyboard,lol23:26
delac_Suhn: read this before you do that: https://bugs.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/61089823:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 610898 in lupin (Ubuntu Natty) "grub-pc upgrade renders computer unbootable when Wubi is installed to partition other than Windows" [High,Triaged]23:27
delac_Suhn: and tell us if that corresponds with your problem23:27
voidmageafter updating gnome-terminal, gedit, and nautilus didn't restore correctly using ~/.config/session-state. did this behavior move?23:28
SuhnNope i can boot windows23:28
voidmageactually, my session didn't restore at all23:28
Suhnyou know23:28
SuhnShould i just uninstall ubuntu with wubi?23:28
bandit63Suhn, can you still boot into windows?23:29
bandit63ok good23:29
Suhnhmm, i could probably uninstall wubi from windows, then procede to install grub with the live cd23:30
mrdeband do not boot to live. install from initial menu23:30
bandit63no dont install grub!!!!23:30
mrdebso ur uuid will be set23:30
SuhnOk ok, but i cant boot into windows23:30
SuhnI cant boot into ubuntu23:30
SuhnI CAN boot into windows23:30
bandit63installing grub onto your mbr is not a good idea win you are running wubi installs23:31
Suhnthen what do i do?23:31
SuhnIt just restarts the PC when i try to use Ubuntu23:31
bandit63i am trying to look it up23:32
bandit63when you start up and try to run ubuntu does it bring up choices?23:33
magn3tsHow can I remap Ctrl + Winkey in my keyboard layout?23:33
SuhnIt just restarts the computer23:34
bandit63magn3ts, try system prefrences keyboard shortcuts23:35
bandit63what you trying to set it up to do?23:36
bandit63Suhn, these grub configs are interesting with wubi23:36
bandit63there are so many bugs right now with wubi and 11.04 its hard to find the one that will help23:37
bandit63i am looking though23:37
SuhnMaybe i should just delete ubuntu and reinstall it23:37
bandit63do you have files on it that you need to keep?23:38
SuhnYea :/  kinda23:38
bandit63let me look something up real quick23:38
SuhnWhat if i just installed 11.04 from the disk23:39
mrdebi like how the windows blanks randomly until you click on a menu item23:39
mrdebwhat is the meanign of this23:39
delac_Suhn: in any case, as you now have the live cd on, it might be good idea to back up all your important data23:39
SuhnI cant access my files with the live CD23:39
mrdebyou ahve to chmod23:40
delac_Suhn: ore use root23:40
bandit63Suhn, you can access the files actualy23:40
bandit63want me to help with that23:40
SuhnWell, if i could just get those back and save them on a flash dirve23:40
Suhni only need a few23:40
bandit63want to try ?23:40
bandit63ok lets do that then23:40
bandit63first open a terminal23:41
delac_Suhn: do sudo nautilus on console23:41
bandit63if you dont have one open already23:41
Suhni have it open23:41
bandit63then sudo mkdir /reccover23:41
Suhnit didnt do antying23:41
Suhnbut it didnt give me an error23:41
bandit63yes it did23:41
bandit63sudo mount /dev/sda1 /recover23:42
SuhnMount is denied because the NTFS volume is alaready exclusively opened23:42
bandit63that give you any errors?23:42
SuhnThe volume may be already mounted, or another software23:42
bandit63sudo umount /dev/sda123:42
Suhn may use it which......23:43
bandit63sudo mount /dev/sda1 /recover23:43
Suhnsame error23:44
bandit63sudo mkdir /recover123:44
bandit63ok try this23:44
bandit63sudo umount -l /dev/sda123:44
SuhnOk wait23:44
Suhni tried to umount it again23:44
Suhnand i got23:44
bandit63sudo mount /dev/sda1 /recover23:44
Suhncannont umount /dev/sda1 -- /dev/sda3 is mounted over it on the same point23:45
Suhnthats the error when i did umount agian23:45
Suhnok i unmounted sda323:45
bandit63type in mount23:45
bandit63does it show sda1 sda2 or sda3?23:46
Suhnshows sda2 sda3 and sda123:46
bandit63where are they mounted?23:46
Suhnalong with loop0 sda1 and sdc123:46
Suhnon /mnt type fuseblk23:46
bandit63all of them?23:46
bandit63are moutned at /mnt?23:47
bandit63restart the livecd23:47
Suhnexept sdc1 which is mounted to /media23:47
Suhnok,, takes forever23:47
Suhnany other way to unmount?23:47
bandit63you can try umount all of them with sudo umount /dev/sda1 etc23:48
bandit63but you have errors with that23:48
Suhnim just going throught them all exept sdc123:48
bandit63some one else problably has a faster way to do this but they are staying silent :O23:49
bandit63250 people in the room and it seems just a little quiet to me23:50
delac_Suhn: can you see those disks on the nautilus?23:50
SuhnThere all mounted over eachother so im just going throuhg in order23:51
bandit63are they all mounted to /mnt or a directory under mount?23:51
delac_mounted over eachother?23:51
thiebaudebandit63, just falling a sleep thats all,lo23:51
Suhnok there unmounted23:51
voidmageokay this is stumping me23:51
bandit63must be in eu or aisa thiebaude23:51
thiebaudein north carolina23:52
voidmagecan't get my session to restore23:52
Suhnwahts the restore command again?23:52
bandit63sudo mount /dev/sda /recover23:52
voidmagedon't see a system->preferences->sessions anymore23:52
voidmagecan't figure out where it could have moved23:52
Suhnyou said sda1 last time23:53
Suhnis it sda or sda123:53
bandit63thats the first partition we are going to check23:53
Suhnfuse: failed to access mountpoint /restore: no such file or directory23:53
bandit63sudo mkdir /recover23:54
bandit63sudo mount /dev/sda1 /recover23:54
Suhnmkdir: cannot create directory /recover: FIle Exists23:54
bandit63sudo mount /dev/sda1 /recover23:54
voidmageanyone know how to get back session restore?23:55
bandit63any one know a faster way to get files from a wubi install or access the files from windows?23:55
syn-ackyou can't access them from Windows23:55
bandit63Suhn, cd /recover23:55
bandit63ty syn-ack23:55
syn-ackyou can access NTFS from linux though, so that's about the only way23:55
bandit63Suhn, ls -la23:56
bandit63is there a ubuntu folder listed?23:56
delac_bandit63: couldnt you just use root nautilus?23:56
bandit63i dont know23:56
delac_bandit63: i say you try :)23:56
bandit63i am trying the way that makes sense to me23:56
Suhnok ls -la brought up a bunch of drwxrwxrwx23:56
bandit63root nautilus mount the drive then how do i mount the wubi file?23:56
bandit63suhn is there a ubunt folder23:57
bandit63Suhn, cd ubunt23:57
bandit63cd ubuntu23:57
delac_bandit63: oh right, it's wubi file...23:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:58
SuhnSystem Vulme Information23:58
bandit63just try cd ubuntu23:58
Suhnapparently theres no directory23:58
bandit63type df  -h23:58
bandit63whats its show for /dev/sda123:58
* thiebaude steps away from the computer to wash dishes,lol23:58
bandit63thiebaude, dishes sure making a drink more like it23:59
SuhnSize Used Avail Use% and Mounted on23:59
thiebaudehaha, for sure23:59
bandit63yes but just whats availabel23:59
thiebaudei might pop one soon,lol23:59

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