
CompacthackMorning all, 00:03
head_victimikt: yeah it's getting close, made beta now.01:08
head_victimCompacthack: good morning01:09
head_victimWhoops, look at the time, I have to go do some mowing so I can be back for the translation jam. Hope to see some people here for that01:10
CompacthackHey has anyone tried 11.04 Beta in VB? I'm having all kinds of fun.01:33
head_victimCompacthack: I had a hardware meltdown about 6 months ago and haven't had a chance to redo my VMs for this release cycle :/ Is it shaping up ok?02:57
head_victimSo anyone here for the translation jam?03:55
head_victimWell if anyone drops in for the translation jam please just give me a ping, I'm hoping some people will drop by as they have time. I've started working on the translations but will still be here for anyone needing help getting started or has any questions04:07
sagacihead_victim: ping04:27
head_victimsagaci: welcome :)04:27
head_victimSo how far into the documentation on the wiki did you get?04:27
sagacifor translations?04:28
head_victimYeah https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects/Translation04:28
head_victimI'm just trying to see if you're comfortable doing translation alone or if you wanted some help getting started.04:28
sagacioh, I thought you meant the main documentation04:29
head_victimHah yeah, get it finished already ;)04:29
sagaciwhat area are you going to focus on04:29
head_victimI've actually started on kubuntu-docs04:30
sagaciah ok04:30
sagaciI started banshee the other day but only got through about a third of it04:30
head_victimIt was kinda random, I was looking for examples so those who weren't sure how to do it I could have some examples ready to go04:30
head_victimSweet, well if you want to continue on that, I am hoping people can just make a note of what packages they finish so we can show "what we did" sort of thing04:31
head_victimBut yeah it's good to konw who's working on what so we don't all trip up on each other04:31
sagacihow does karma work on launchpad04:31
sagacii understand you get karma by doing things but then how do you lose it04:32
head_victimAh it expires after a year04:32
head_victimSo it's only a snapshot of time04:32
head_victimhttps://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/Karma is the in depth information on that04:33
head_victimI actually like translating the -doc stuff because it teaches me things at the same time :)04:43
head_victimI found out about some features in exaile I didn't know about until I translated that package04:44
blahdeblahHi folks, i've had a request from http://www.highanddrycomputers4u.org/ to help them with rolling out Ubuntu on some of their donated computers.  Their licensing negotiations with Microsoft have fallen down :-D and they are wondering what help we can give them to get Ubuntu-based computers into needy familes' hands.  Any thoughts?05:02
Blank__hmm, good question05:04
Blank__support is probably the most important thing, because people who are used to other operating systems (or none at all) will need it05:05
head_victimInstallation will be easy, the support is the issue like Blank__ said 05:06
head_victimDepends on the recipients really, are they going to be mum and dads or computer saavy people?05:06
Blank__there might be a few fiddly installs though, systems with prop drivers and systems requiring workarounds, but nothing too severe05:06
blahdeblahhead_victim: H&D are targeting the most needy families, and small businesses05:07
Blank__for small businesses we should get a list of management software, GNUCash etc05:07
head_victimblahdeblah: well I have a bunch of business cards still if they'd be useful05:07
blahdeblahI wonder how many people we could pull together for an install- and training-fest.05:08
head_victimWhere are the computers though, in Brisbane?05:08
head_victimI'd be happy to come along to an installfest and help organise a training session05:08
blahdeblahYeah - although target area is Ipswich mostly.05:08
blahdeblahThey're working with the Ipswich City Council, i think.05:09
Blank__it's sad because i can't drive and therefore can't go anywhere to help :( being on the NSW South Coast is annoying when it's not close to the action05:09
head_victimThat's easy travel for me and if people were worried about travel I'd be more than happy to carpool people from my house05:09
MoLE_sorry I'm late everyone05:12
head_victimMoLE_: no worries, it's only me and sagaci at this point.05:12
head_victimMoLE_: how experience with translation work are you?05:12
blahdeblahDid i gate-crash something else?  I haven't been keeping up with the mailing list or IRC much lately.05:12
MoLE_head_victim, I'm pretty experienced.  I've been on the uau translation team for almost a year05:12
head_victimblahdeblah: we're having a translation jam but this is more an organisation area so no worries with other conversation as well05:13
head_victimMoLE_: cool, well feel free to dive in to anything you want, sagaci is working on banshee and I'm going through kubuntu-docs. If you can please just keep a record of what packages you've completed so we can show "what we accomplished"05:13
head_victimMoLE_: feel free to ask any questions you always wanted to ask as well :)05:14
blahdeblahhead_victim: Better for me to send something to the mailing list as well?05:14
iktoversleeping ftl :/05:14
head_victimblahdeblah: but yeah what sort of numbers of computers are we talking about?05:14
blahdeblahLet me find out for you05:14
head_victimblahdeblah: sounds good, you thinking of coming to the release party for Natty? Could be a good item of discussion there as well05:14
head_victimikt: sleep is so good sometimes though05:14
blahdeblahI hadn't checked the date yet05:14
MoLE_Ok, I usually work on gnumed and openmolar  (kind of medical apps)  I'll ask away if I have problems head_victim 05:14
head_victimMoLE_: cool, thanks mate. This is all about getting as much done as possible before the string freeze for natty05:15
MoLE_head_victim, when is that btw?05:16
head_victimblahdeblah: I'm not a big "this is how to do this" kind of person but more than willing to help out with organisation and stuff. If I get enough notice I can even submit a request to Canonical for official CDs and some paraphernalia05:16
head_victimhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule according to that the 7th of April ;)05:16
blahdeblahThere's no way in the world they're gonna make that date.05:18
blahdeblahThey've only just released beta 105:18
iktdid you have a link to the translation docs head_victim ?05:18
iktblahdeblah: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule05:19
head_victimikt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects/Translation is where I put most of it05:19
head_victimikt: have you done much translation before?05:19
iktnot really, only just looked around at the docs when this was first annouced05:20
head_victimAH k no dramas05:20
head_victimWell you have a launchpad account right?05:20
blahdeblahAh, was the 7th the translation cutoff rather than the release date?05:20
head_victimblahdeblah: yep :)05:20
MoLE_looking at the "todo" list on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+lang/en_AU it looks like firefox needs some serious love05:21
ikthead_victim: yeah05:21
head_victimMoLE_: that it does, I never quite got around to that one yet05:22
head_victimMoLE_: you sticking your hand up to tackle that one today?05:22
head_victimikt: sweet that makes it easy05:22
head_victimikt: first of all you need to join those teams on launchpad that are mentioned on the wiki, this will allow you to translate enAU05:22
MoLE_head_victim, I'll do it.  I'm just finishing off remmina (replacing tsclient in natty I think)05:22
head_victimMoLE_: cool, just making sure we all know where we're at so we don't trip over each other :) I'm looking like I'll finish the Kubuntu-Docs today.05:23
MoLE_hey, should grayscale be "greyscale" or leave as-is05:25
MoLE_I'm inclining to the latter05:26
head_victimI always change to grey05:26
MoLE_remmina is done - starting firefox05:27
head_victimhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnglishTranslation#Translation%20Guidelines is a great resource for "hmm I wonder about ..."05:27
head_victimWe are pretty much identical to enGB so I don't want to rewrite it all05:28
head_victimikt: how you going with joining those teams?05:29
iktwas just reading over the differences, should be mandatory reading in school :|05:30
head_victimI assume you are proficient in enAU, if you have doubts feel free to ask or check that link I just posted.05:30
MoLE_should be.  I did well in high school english :D05:30
head_victimYeah it's a really good reference. I'm fairly pedantic when it comes to spelling and grammar. I was so poor at it in primary school I made a thing of it to make it perfect.05:30
MoLE_I weep for the children though - I saw "pretty" spelt "pritty" on ebay recently.05:30
head_victimMoLE_: maybe it was pritty and we just don't know what pritty is?05:31
MoLE_let me just google that...05:31
ikturban dictionary 05:31
iktused to describe quantity; 05:34
MoLE_I've just noticed that having the English - Australia dictionary loaded for firefox spellchecking can be quite handy05:34
head_victimMoLE_: it's a godsend05:34
ikthead_victim: is there any paticular package I should work on?05:34
head_victimBut only works on multi line boxes unless you tell it otherwise05:34
MoLE_ok I'll keep that in mind05:35
head_victimikt: really, whatever it is you use the most is a good start. MoLE_ is working on firefox at the moment, sagaci is working on banshee and I'm on Kubuntu-Docs05:35
MoLE_you can help me with firefox if you like05:35
head_victimNah can only have one at a time or you'll double up05:35
MoLE_Just use the filter for untranlated items05:35
head_victimAccording to the gods in Ubuntu-Translation if you both hit that at the same time you'll both get the same strings then when you hit save you'll save over each other05:36
head_victimukedron: hi, welcome :)05:36
MoLE_ok that's fair enough then head_victim 05:36
MoLE_thanks for the tip05:36
head_victimMoLE_: yeah I checked on that, I was hoping we could all have a crack at firefox together and get it done this afternoon as a goal for the day or something05:36
ikti'll hit up software centre05:37
MoLE_cool ikt05:37
head_victimikt: good work, just keep a list of what packages you finish off so we can add it to the wiki page at the end to show our work05:37
head_victimJust a note that threw me when I first started, if you see weird characters like _ thrown in it's important to ensure they stay there. For example _ indicates a shortcut key so _Save would mean alt+S would activate that shrotcut05:41
head_victimTHere are a couple of others I've run across, if in doubt in the future and no one is here, the people in #ubuntu-translators are always good to ask, they are very helpful05:42
MoLE_Cracked the 5000!  now only 4991 items to translate for firefox!05:42
head_victimMoLE_: Yay!05:42
MoLE_how are you going on kubuntu-docs head_victim 05:43
iktFailed to submit usefulness <- o_O?05:43
head_victimMoLE_: about two thirds through05:43
head_victimikt: not seen that error before, is that on a string or on when you hit save and continue?05:43
MoLE_ikt, sounds like chaiwanese05:43
head_victimOh it's a string? Hmm.05:44
iktyeah it's something to translate05:46
head_victimIs there any further information in the notes? If not I'd submit a bug.05:46
head_victimAh hang on. Does the software centre have a "usefulness" indicator on applications?05:47
head_victimThat might be a string to give you an error if you use that and it hasn't worked?05:47
head_victimcroppa: Hi, welcome 05:47
iktmight just leave it as no translation05:47
MoLE_or you could flag it for review?05:48
head_victimMoLE_: good idea, don't be scared to use that, I do it all the time when I'm not sure05:49
MoLE_me too05:49
iktah good call05:49
sagacipackage banshee has 1500 cases that need to be translated, is that a lot, average/normal amount for one package05:53
head_victimsagaci: depends on the package, firefox has over 5k05:53
head_victimSome of the kubuntu-docs ones I'm doing only have 50 - 10005:54
MoLE_head_victim, now 4902 for firefox05:54
MoLE_remmina only had 7505:54
sagacijust making sure i'm doing this 100% correct, if you have a page with 10 cases on it and all don't need translation, you just hit save and continue down the bottom, right05:56
head_victimsagaci: Hm not sure, I have always hit the blue arrow for each string05:57
head_victimhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/45015261@N04/5580664639/ is a highlighted image of what I do05:57
MoLE_sagaci, you explicitly need to enter the translation, otherwise it goes untranslated05:58
head_victimIs the number of untranslated items going down?05:58
sagaciI don't like that, if something doesn't need to be translated, it should be just left there06:00
head_victimWell all the kubuntu-docs are finished. I might start on ubuntu-docs now06:00
MoLE_I can see why though sagaci, as for the non-english translations, it would need to be entered explicitly06:01
MoLE_So the infrastructure needs to be consistent.06:01
MoLE_Would be nice to have a checkbox at the bottom of the page like "copy all base translations on this page to current language"06:02
sagaciyeah and someone that is lazy could just go save continue, etc06:03
sagacibut does this work roll over to the next release06:04
head_victimYes, unless they change the strings06:04
MoLE_head_victim, you sure about that, cause I'm getting lots of previously translated strings coming up as 'suggestions'06:05
head_victimMoLE_: that's for string sin other packages06:05
head_victimSo if it finds strings in other packages the same it gives you suggestions06:05
MoLE_Ah.  firefox 3 is different to firefox 406:05
MoLE_that makes sens06:06
head_victimYep :)06:06
MoLE_gtg guys sorry - visitors06:10
head_victimMoLE_: no worries06:10
sagacihead_victim: how big is ubuntu-docs06:14
head_victimLooks like a couple of thousand strings still to be done06:14
head_victimIt's a collection of about 15 packages06:14
head_victimSome of them only have 50 some of them have over 50006:14
sagaciah ok06:14
sagaciso it's like a meta-package06:14
head_victimYeah I'd say that's exactly what it is https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/ubuntu-docs/06:15
sagaciwhen does this work sync... at translation freeze?06:17
head_victimI believe so06:17
head_victimI'm not 100% on all the technical details on when it all happens, etc. But the release schedule should give you pointers to more in depth info if you wanted it. 06:18
sagaci24% through banshee06:19
head_victimAwesome. I always like picking packages I use a lot myself so I can be sure I don't get words like "color" and "optimize" thrown at me06:20
sagaciwhich is why i started with banshee06:20
head_victimWe aren't all American thank goodnees06:21
head_victimOh one thing to come out of the english mailing list recently that I probably should have said earlier, all references to "Trash" should be labelled "Rubbish Bin"06:33
head_victimThey found there were about 10 different ways people were translating "Trash" so they just decided that "Rubbish Bin" was the most appropriate.06:34
iktgood decision imo06:41
head_victimDefinitely more enAU than Trash, but the problem is there's about 10 different ways of doing it already in the strings :/06:42
sagaciany way to increase the number of strings per page06:47
head_victimNot that I know of. What I've found useful when sitting here doing nothing but translating is to do 2 - 3 packages at once so when it's "saving" I can work on another set of strings to reduce downtime.06:48
head_victimI didn't suggest it today because I didn't want 5 people all trying to do the same packages :/06:48
sagacinah, i haven't got the brainpower to multitask06:49
sagacihead_victim: using firefox?06:54
head_victimSo how are we all going?07:03
iktfinished a few now07:04
iktjust might need you to review a few of them07:04
iktlook for: Software-center07:04
head_victimThat's fine, just mark them for review and we'll all check on each other :)07:04
head_victimI'm down to about 1000 strings in ubuntu-docs so I figure I'll knock that off in the next while07:05
iktyeah I'm going through all the easy ones :P07:07
head_victimHah that's good though, it's nice to see lists of completed packages07:07
head_victimIt's all got to be done :)07:07
iktA++ on the layout07:08
iktthis couldn't be easier for us07:08
head_victimIt's the one thing I figured I knew enough about to host a session on. Sorry it's not as exciting as papercuts or bugs or something but at least we're doing somethign :)07:09
sagaci300 for banshee07:09
ikthead_victim this is awesome07:09
iktdo you know hew?07:09
ikthe's an ubuntu member, lives in sydney, and does a lot of translations, but he's not in ubu au?07:10
head_victimGlad you're liking it. The idea was that I could impart some knowledge and hopefully get some people doing this on a continued basis.07:10
head_victimHew did used to come in here with the nick Hew :)07:10
head_victimBeen a while though07:10
head_victimI was hoping a couple of the translation tragic's would come out for this but it's been good that I wasn't sitting here alone :)07:12
head_victimI'm always worried I'll end up organising something that I'll be the only one at :P07:13
ikthaha I hear that :P07:13
iktwe're a recovering team though, and a few people inc. me have been getting really busy irl07:13
ikt /wave kermaic if you see this07:14
head_victimMe to, I've been going crazy looking for another job so that's taking up 20 or more hours a week 07:14
iktsorry getting distracted07:24
iktevery time we get a spam email through I have to go over and see what went wrong07:24
head_victimHah that's fair enough, we are running over time a bit here. I'm just happy we've got as much done as we've achieved already.07:24
iktnice :)07:25
head_victimYay under 500 to go for ubuntu-docs07:35
sagacibanshee done07:42
iktgz :D07:42
sagacii just spend an hour and a half turning a red bar green07:42
head_victimDoesn't it feel good :)07:42
sagaciwell it does since I use that package07:43
sagacibut to be honest I don't think i'd enjoy doing a package I don't use07:43
head_victimWell I'm sure there's plenty to do on the ones you do use07:44
sagaci180000 translatable strings07:46
sagaci49.34% done07:46
iktthat's a lot of strings07:50
sagacithat's more % than I expected07:50
head_victimIt's not a bad effort considering th enumber of packages that are involved07:51
sagaciso "Empty Trash" should be "Empty Rubbish Bin"07:52
head_victimYeah that's the consensus07:53
head_victimikt: have you been doing english (Australia) ? I've looked at software center and ubuntu one and they are still untranslated?07:56
head_victimHah nah they're good I was just looking somewhere else apaprently07:59
head_victimsagaci: you beat me to them :P08:00
sagacihead_victim: certain center's you shouldn't translate though08:01
sagacilike install the software-center package08:01
head_victimYeah, when they're in file names08:01
sagacitranslations are only for packages in main?08:04
head_victimNah they're for anyone who's willing to organise translations on launchpad, don't have to even be Ubuntu related at all08:08
sagaciis there any benefit trying to get all of it translated... what I'm asking is if in theory, if we were to finish it all this cycle, would it lessen the burden or number of strings to translate for the oneiric dev cycle?08:20
head_victimOnly when strings are changed do they need translating agian08:21
sagaciyeah so obviously it's a never-ending job because new strings are created but is it worth trying to get down to say ~20,000 08:21
head_victimWell if you get it down to 0 then all you have to do is keep up with them as they change strings08:22
sagaciyeah, being realist though08:22
sagacihas it ever been at 0?08:22
head_victimsagaci, ikt, MoLE_ if you all want to check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects/Translation to make sure I didn't miss anything08:23
head_victimsagaci: not to my knowledge08:23
sagacijust remember 18039908:27
sagacisee how much today's effort has brought that down08:27
head_victimI keep waiting for my karma to update to know how many I've done :)08:28
sagaciwould that be at 0:00 UTC08:36
head_victimI read somewhere it's meant to update close to hourly08:37
head_victimBUt that could be wrong08:37
head_victimAlright, I'm out for a while. Might be back on later so I can shoot an email to the list about the efforts.08:43
sagaciDid about 2000 in a couple of hours08:47
iktbeta still a little bit buggy :/09:27
head_victimOh, my karma just updated, around 2500 is what I got this afternoon :D09:28
head_victimI'm nearly 6000 now :)09:28
head_victimI'm wondering if I stuffed something up the other day when I rebuilt this PC, the temp is supposedly sitting above 75 :/ I guess I'll be back in an hour or two after checking09:32
sagacihead_victim, karma updated?10:41
iktsagaci: did yours?10:44
sagaciDon't know, on a crappy phone10:45
iktI think it will10:46
iktbecause mine updated as well10:46
sagaciHow much10:46
sagaciI'll look mine up now10:48
iktmines @ 2500 because I do a lot of bug work10:52
iktnot sure how much of it is translations10:52
sagaciWow guys, 180399 down to 17499910:53
iktnice :)10:55
sagacihead_victim, ping11:49
head_victimsagaci: it's sitting at 174699 now :D11:49
head_victimOh gday11:49
sagaciyeah, noted that before... so a good 5000 done today11:50
head_victim5700 :)11:50
sagaciyeah, that's assuming it hadn't changed much since we actually did start, I collected the 180399 about halfway through, but I doubt it would have changed much up til then11:52
head_victimIs that what you were pinging about?11:52
head_victimHah great minds think alike11:52
sagacihead_victim, you still going?11:52
head_victimNah not really.11:53
head_victimI pulled this pc apart again, I still can't get sound to work either on board or through a sound card (that may or may not be working) and the temperature is suggesting the CPU is on 75 but it's now.11:53
sagacioh ok11:54
head_victimGiven up for now and just hope I can afford the new atoms sooner rather than later.11:54
sagaciso how many people participated today11:54
head_victimikt, MoLE_, yourself and I were the people who indicated they were around11:55
sagacinisshh, were you jamming?11:55
head_victimGotta love april fools - http://www.junauza.com/2011/04/lady-gaga-goes-gaga-over-ubuntu.html11:56
nisshhsagaci, ?11:59
sagacidid you translate today?12:00
nisshhi write code, i dont translate12:00
nisshhcode + docs, is what i do12:00
sagacihead_victim, where was that indepth karma explanation?12:01
sagacihead_victim, you've got it bookmarked don't you12:01
head_victimNope, just searched the channel scrollback12:01
head_victimI have just over a month in my buffer12:02
sagaciguess so, since this channel is pretty low-volume12:03
sagacithere's sometimes consecutive days where there's no activity here12:03
head_victimHelps I have 5k scrollback set as well12:03
sagacii checked the logs for something else a while back12:03
sagacihead_victim, should try to knock firefox over next weekend12:19
head_victimsagaci: yeah I was going to try for it during the week12:20
sagacihead_victim, you start and 0, I start at 4000, finish at the same time, gg12:21
head_victimHah no worries looking up keyboards now though12:22
sagacilike that mouse the other day?12:22
head_victimhttp://www.deckkeyboards.com/product_info.php?products_id=53 is the kb I'm looking at12:23
head_victimI need backlit due to lighting in this room and difficulty hitting keys accurately for kvm stuffs late at night. Mechanical seems to be the go so combining those 2 things pointed to the deck :D12:29
sagacibut $150 on a keyboard12:32
sagaciis that normal12:32
head_victimNot sure, I don't buy them often. But the backlit ones are all over 7012:32
sagacior is this just coming from an oblivious non-geek12:32
sagacibacklit fair enough12:33
head_victimAnd I want a standard keyboard, it runs through a kvm so most "extra" keys don't make it to the PC12:33
sagacihead_victim, or on a different scale, we translated about 2.5% today12:34
head_victimsagaci: that's a good number for  4 peole in one day12:35
sagaciuk is no. 1 obviously, 6900 strings to go12:36
sagacibut we're pretty significant with only 81 contributors12:37
head_victimYeah I was hoping we could get more involved today12:37
head_victimBUt we can do them again12:38
sagacionce a cycle?12:38
head_victimI just saw an opportunity to line up with the Global Jam12:38
ikthead_victim: double check the au wiki, just changed the web groups thingo so it's a lot closer and not as seperated12:40
head_victimikt: like we discussed the other week on your test page?12:40
iktdecided not to do as big a change as the test page12:41
iktjust made the web groups under 1 banner instead of 512:41
head_victimAh ok, I liked the test page :P12:41
head_victimBut yeah how itis now is ok (btw I'm sneaky, I'm subscribed to the whole team wiki so as soon as it's edited I konw ;) )12:41
ikti saw that :P12:42
iktthe test wiki was good, I just want some feed back from people who are almost 'lost' looking for ubu au info before I propose it12:42
iktalso what else was there to do to get the loco re-approved?12:42
head_victimJust activity in general12:43
head_victimWe've adressed most of the rest12:43
head_victimNeed to keep up to date on the meetings and reports but other than that getting out there and doing stuff is about it12:43
iktif only there was something we could all do as a team frequently12:44
iktlike once a week12:44
iktgaming comes to mind but it's hard to find a game everyone likes to play12:44
head_victimI want to start a Ubuntu hour in brisbane but can't until I get a mon - fri 9-512:44
iktI want a 9-5 that doesn't pay minimum wage :P12:47
iktwhat type of job are you going after?12:47
iktI'm looking at helpdesk sorta stuff12:47
head_victimGovernment admin stuffs.12:47
head_victimLooking at AO5/6 maybe a 4 if I like it12:47
iktA05 ? citrix xenapp?12:48
head_victimNah, admin as in paper pusher.12:48
head_victimNothing IT related. I have no IT qualifications or experience.12:48
head_victimAO4/5/6 are payscales, indicative of the level of office.12:49
iktjust looking at it now12:50
sagacihead_victim, do you work weekends12:54
head_victimsagaci: I'm currently working 4 days on 4 days off so every week I work different days.12:54
sagacihead_victim, well just do it one saturday morning or afternoon and see how it goes12:55
head_victimYeah I'm hoping to bring it up at the release party12:56
sagacibtw, the ubuntu installer is looking pretty swish these days13:06
head_victimYeah it's all of about 5 or 6 questions and you're done13:07
sagaciand the first slideshow slide is slick13:07
* head_victim waves to duanedesign 14:19
duanedesignhello head_victim 14:19
iktwant ice cream now :(14:45
iktthanks google :/14:45
head_victimsagaci & ikt & everyone else in here, I am planning on going for Ubuntu Membership this week. If anyone has the inclination if they could please add a nice comment at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JaredNorris14:48
iktgl, i'll add to it tomorrow, bit late atm14:48
head_victimikt: no worries14:48
iktremoved banshee, but it still showed up in the sound menu14:52
iktclick on banshee == unity crash14:52
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