
kristian-aalborgI can't get wifi running.... again01:22
The_Pacoyo, anyone have issue with adobe flash for FF4 displaying upside down webcam images? Running 10.04x64 on an asus g50v laptop. Cheese works great with the camera. Tried to update libv4l-0, no dice01:30
MotoservoIf I want to write a cron job that will open an ssh connection to a server and then run svn revert, how would that look? I've tried a few things but nothing is working,03:22
pleia2depending on the trouble you're having, I'd put all the login and svn stuff into a script and then just execute that script from cron03:34
pleia2what exactly is "not working"? the job not executing from cron at all? the revert command not being successful? ssh not successful?03:36
Motoservowell, I tried (guessed) putting the password with the user name like (user:pass@domain.com) but it's still prompting a password. Thats the first thing failing.03:37
pleia2ok, you probably don't want to be using password based logins for something like this :)03:38
pleia2you'll want to set up ssh keys03:38
MotoservoI realize that's not secure but it's not that important in this context.03:38
Motoservothis account is sort of a sandbox.03:38
pleia2if you're not worried about security you should still use keys, but you can use passwordless keys03:38
MotoservoI'll have to look that up.03:39
pleia2so on the client (where the cron job is) you create a key pair with: ssh-keygen03:39
pleia2when it prompts for a password, just hit enter, and that will output an .ssh/id_rsa and .ssh/id_rsa.pub file03:39
pleia2take the contents of .ssh/id_rsa.pub and on the REMOTE server, put the contents in a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file03:40
MotoservoI'm setting this server up for client. This is for a his developers and I'm trying to keep his effort to a minimum.03:40
MotoservoI'll try that, thanks!03:40
pleia2unfortunately there really is no good automated way to send an actual password over ssh03:41
pleia2you could have a script put it in, but storing an ssh password in a script is so so so bad when you can easily do this with ssh keys03:41
MotoservoThe keys will work.03:43
pleia2if you are concerned about security in the future you should look into ssh-agent03:44
=== IdleOne is now known as WolfOne
=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
MK`Hey, can someone help me installing Ubuntu please? I am getting an error09:52
xardas008can you post the error?09:57
xardas008and please try to describe how the error occured09:57
MK`I selected to manually partition because I want it to use a different disk. I formatted the disk to be an ext4 partition and this was the error: "No root file system is defined. Please correct this from partitioning menu."09:57
MK`Is it because I am missing the swap partition? How big do I make the swap if so?09:57
xardas008did you define the mountpoint for / ?09:58
MK`No; how do I do that?09:58
MK`Oh, I had left that blank09:58
xardas008right click on the partition and then in the last drop down box at the bottom of the dialog (Mountpoint)09:58
xardas008swap depends on your ram09:59
MK`Do I just make it one ext4 parititon and set the mount point to /?09:59
MK`or also make the swap at the end09:59
xardas008depends on your need09:59
MK`It's an older system; 1.5GB RAM, a 15GB hdd09:59
xardas008a swap is needed, ok 3gb swap should be there09:59
xardas008at the beginning or end of the hard drive10:00
MK`Does it matter where?10:00
xardas008but you are more flexible10:01
xardas008if you define a separate home partition you can resize later if  more space is needed, but if swap is between both / and /home you can't resize10:01
MK`Ok, where do you suggest? And do I specify a mount point for the swap?10:02
xardas008swap doesn't need a mount point10:03
xardas008place it at the end10:03
MK`so [/] [/home] [swap]?10:04
xardas008the / and swap will be enough because you only have 15 gb10:05
MK`I have another hard drive for media (that is currently holding windows)10:05
xardas008if you want to have windows on that you can let it as it is10:06
xardas008you don't need to specify a mount point, only if it should be mounted on boot you need a mount point10:06
MK`I just got many orders of magnitude more confused X)10:07
MK`There's 2 disks, an 80GB drive where windows is installed, and this 15GB where I want to put Ubuntu. Will I need to manually specify which disk to boot to get to one of them or will I be able to have grub let me choose even if they are on different disks?10:09
xardas008Ubuntu will have an entry for both in grub so you can choose on boot time which os to load10:10
xardas008you should make sure to install the grub on the correct partition (would be best to install it on the hard drive where ubuntu will be installed)10:10
xardas008the entry is at the bottom of the partition manager screen10:11
MK`The 15GB HD is a slave, should I install grub on the master hdd instead where windows is? Or...hm10:11
xardas008if you specify grub on the slave the mbr of the windows hard drive won't be affected, which would be better in the case something goes wrong with ubuntu (maybe deleting it later f.e.)10:12
xardas008if you can specify the order of the hard drives in bios it will work10:13
MK`Ah good10:13
xardas008and if it doesn't work you can try again and windows won't be affected10:13
xardas008then you choose the other hard drive10:14
MK`let's hope I did this correctly :P10:23
MK`apparently that old noise my Windows ME machine made when working was the HD, so now whenever I boot Ubuntu I'll be having terrible flashbacks10:51
xardas008only during boot?10:51
MK`Whenever it's reading something it seems10:51
MK`It's a very old hard drive heh10:52
xardas008during boot it's normal (i have some strange outputs too), but when bootet everything is normal10:52
MK`I think this HDD was from 200110:54
xardas008i had a 20gb hard drive in my first personal computer in 1996 xD10:56
UndiFineD20 gb ? are you sure ?10:56
UndiFineDin 1996 I was happy to buy 1 GB10:57
xardas008it was quite big for that time10:57
UndiFineDmy system I bought in 1995 had a 400 MB drive10:58
MK`the noise is whenever I do anything11:00
MK`open the software center, make a new account... etc.11:00
xardas008if there only is a noise this could be normal because the hardware is a little bit older11:01
MK`It's like this noise except a lot more hollow sounding and a lower frequency: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9obzgmWrlM11:03
MK`but otherwise the same11:04
MK`disk has 33 bad sectors11:09
xardas008that's not good11:09
MK`yeah, hm11:09
MK`Also, I looked at the partitions, and it has the Extended partition (which contains the same-sized ext4 partition) and the Swap partition11:11
MK`but on my other installation of linux, the swap is under the extended partition along with ext411:11
MK`did I do it wrong?11:11
xardas008no i don't think so11:12
MK`I forgot the ram is 1.5 GiB, not 1.5 GB. So I have 2.8 GiB swap :P should I make it bigger?11:32
xardas008no that's normal11:34
MK`even if it's not 2x as large as the ram?11:35
xardas008normally not all of you swap will be used11:36
xardas008so it doesn't matter, this are only reference data11:36
MK`for the record this PC is used for stuff like Libreoffice and some music stuff11:36
MK`not even video11:36
xardas008my notebook has 4gb ram, my swap is also 4 gb but only a little of it is used while working with such programs you mentioned11:38
xardas008but can be that you need more of that because the hardware is old11:38
xardas008only a can be not a must be11:38
MK`the rest of the computer is about 5 years younger than the HD11:38
xardas008you can watch the disk usage using the System Monitor11:39
xardas008you find this program in the Administration menu11:40
MK`yeah; I am running update manager and it says ram is at 20%, swap at 011:40
xardas008that's why i like linux more than windows, on windows ram will always be near 100%11:41
MK`as I install all these updates CPU is consistently at about 80%11:41
xardas008single core?11:41
xardas008it's normal my notebook has the same phänomen when installing updates11:44
MK`2.93 GHz intel celeron D11:44
MK`it hit 100% for a while before it finished11:44
xardas008my cpu is always between 20-50%11:45
xardas008when it is idle11:45
MK`I need to just build a new PC out of this old one... new tower and everything12:31
=== lukjad is now known as lukjad_
serfusis it possible to use 11.04 without unity? to stay with just the plain old gnome?13:46
charlie-tcayes, just chooses classic-gnome session at login13:59
=== PinkUnicorns is now known as nhandler
shahanhi all14:53
holsteinserfus: theres a classic login15:32
holsteinfor now at least15:32
holsteinat the login screen, you can select it15:32
serfusit has many problems15:32
holsteinwell, anyways15:36
holsteinthey have a couple weeks to sort it out15:36
serfusthe use of gnome on 11.415:38
holsteinseemed like gnome to me15:38
serfusi have here only 10.10 but it is someone who i am trying to help out15:38
OcXcPunkI am trying to burn an iso. Brasero has this creating checksum bug that goes on for 8 hours. The cd dvd creator didn't do anything when I added the file and clicked write to disk. I installed poweriso but I don't know how to bring it up. I don't know how to do it on acetoneiso.19:29
bdfhjkHow many files are You trying to burn?19:30
OcXcPunkjust one19:30
bdfhjkand Brasero creating checksum 8 hours?19:30
OcXcPunkya I did it at 12 last night and I woke up at 10 and it was still going19:31
bdfhjkif You trying to burn is on CD, maybe Your CD-ROM is damaged?19:32
bdfhjk'burning function19:32
OcXcPunkbut I burned a game iso a couple days ago19:32
OcXcPunkI did it though brasero but it didnt do the checksum thing for that long it just burned it19:34
kristian-aalborghere's my fstab - any comments?21:13
kristian-aalborgpretty basic stuff21:13
UndiFineDkristian-aalborg, hat fstab ?21:55
kristian-aalborglol, forgot to paste21:56
UndiFineD /media/mediepartition <-- is that correct ?21:58
kristian-aalborgthat is my native tongue, you bastard :P21:58
UndiFineDhere is mine21:59
kristian-aalborgyeah, I usually keep everything in english but that one slipped and I couldn't bother to fix when it is of no actual importance21:59
kristian-aalborglooks pretty much like mine22:01
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi

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