
mhall119jcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bugs?field.tag=summitjam02:51
mhall119jcastro: how much do you love me? https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/auto-slots/+merge/5602704:23
=== IdleOne is now known as WolfOne
jcastromhall119: very much? :)05:15
=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
nigelbanyone got a minute to test someone? IdleOne?07:01
AlanBellI have :)07:02
AlanBellbut I don't count07:02
pleia2test someone?07:02
nigelberr, something :D07:02
AlanBellin #ubuntu-trivia07:02
pleia2do I have to know the answers to any trivia to help? ;)07:03
nigelbjust try !choose07:03
nigelbbut if you get addicted, AlanBell and I are not responsible07:03
duanedesignmorning all10:45
=== PinkUnicorns is now known as nhandler
nigelbPinkUnicorns? heh14:23
* duanedesign spots nigelb 14:30
duanedesignand waves14:30
* nigelb waves to duanedesign 14:30
* duanedesign thins I know what nigel is watching today14:31
duanedesignhow is india doing?14:32
nigelbvery bad :(14:32
duanedesignohhhh no14:32
duanedesignunfortunately we get no Cricket coverage here14:33
head_victimduanedesign: http://livescores.cricket.com.au/summary_2507_49.html if you're interested14:53
nigelbhrm, this one is a bit more lively http://www.espncricinfo.com/icc_cricket_worldcup2011/engine/current/match/433606.html14:55
mhall119Daviey: any chance that there's a UK code review jam this weekend?15:31
nigelbmhall119: code review?15:32
* nigelb will be working on summit tomorrow15:32
mhall119nigelb: yeah, for some of yesterday's work15:46
mhall119if you could look over them too15:46
mhall119your /today branch was merged with some modifications15:46
mhall119instead of it being /uds-o/today/15:46
mhall119it's just /today/15:46
mhall119and it'll assume Summit.objects.next()15:47
nigelbmhall119: oh, neat15:49
Technovikingwhat channel is ugj events happening in if you loco is not doing anything?18:01
nigelbwell, its the genteric channel, but if something specific is happening, you could join -bugs or -translations or -testing18:04
AlanBellTechnoviking: in -uk we have been doing virtual stuff18:15
AlanBellon IRC and voice conferencing with a mumble server18:15
* jcastro is installing ubuntu for a friend of a friend18:18
nigelbhead_victim: WE WON! WE WON!18:20
Technovikingjcastro: I thought the new scroll was out?18:23
jcastroI thought it was too18:23
jcastrobut they put it in yesterday18:23
jcastroor approved it anyway, don't know if it's in now or not18:23
jcastroI think mark sabdfl'ed it18:24
duanedesignnigelb: india won?18:30
nigelbduanedesign: Yes!18:31
jcastroman, unity is running awesome on this mini 9 of all things18:43
kim0jcastro: man .. is there a guide to unity features/shortcuts ...etc .. like noob2pro in 10mis or so19:18
jcastroI have keyboard shortcuts19:19
Technovikingjcastro: it is running like a beast on my Macbook Pro19:19
jcastroTechnoviking: I can't believe it works this well on a netbook19:19
jcastrokim0: I need to make a video, maybe tomorrow or something19:19
jcastrokim0: my trick is super, then just start typing19:19
kim0jcastro: yeah19:19
jcastroit's like a GNOME-do like thing19:19
jcastrosuper, terminal, down arrow, enter19:20
kim0we were checking out unity yesterday at UGJ19:20
jcastrobut the "terminal" autocompletes19:20
kim0and some people were unsure what exactly to checkout19:20
jcastroso it's like super, ter, down arrow, enter19:20
jcastrooh dude19:21
jcastrosuper, ter, tab, enter19:21
Technovikingneed to try it my sons old Acer A119:21
Technovikingstill hate the purple-tinted terminal19:22
Technovikingis global-menu flicker a known bug?19:23
czajkowskijcastro: just back online19:47
czajkowskiunity is still being weird19:47
czajkowskican't change connections to net when I click on the internet sybol so can't connect to my VPN19:47
jcastrowhat do you mean weird?19:52
czajkowskican't max stuff19:54
czajkowskithe top of every application when it launches is going too high19:55
czajkowskiso can't see the buttons19:55
jcastrotemp work around19:55
jcastrohold alt then click on the window to drag it down19:55
czajkowskiah ok19:55
czajkowskiso known issue :(19:55
jcastrolet me guess19:55
jcastrothe entire thing except one infuriatingly small part of the title bar19:56
paultagczajkowski: fluxbox always works19:56
czajkowskijcastro: aye19:56
czajkowskithe bit I need to max min stuff19:56
czajkowskipaultag: I've just taken 10 mg of valium today so I'm pretty whacked. lemmie lone :)19:56
czajkowskistupid back problems19:56
jcastroczajkowski: good news, jason says he committed a fix to trunk for that last night19:57
czajkowskijcastro: at least I can use my mouse pad again without it crashing ;(19:57
czajkowskiwhich made working yesterday a royal pain in the you know whatstis19:57
nigelbBah, I give up sleep.  Firecrackers all around!19:59
kim0Does unity have no ALT+TAB20:01
czajkowskikim0: nope works fine here, I remember popey saying he couldnt tab alt and it would crash20:02
kim0nothing is crashing .. just not doing anything20:02
czajkowskijcastro: it's been impressive reading the #ugj #locoteams tweets today re the evnet20:02
kim0also not able to switch workspaces20:02
czajkowskikim0: sorry working here20:02
kim0ctrl-alt-→ ..etc .. not doing anything20:02
czajkowskikim0: nope working here20:03
czajkowskiand just did an update20:03
kim0awesome :)20:03
czajkowski87 more updates20:03
Pendulumjcastro: do you have any major objection to my also putting the list of keyboard shortcuts on the accessibility wiki?20:03
jcastroPendulum: go for it! They're all finalized now20:03
Pendulumawesome, thanks20:04
pleia2yay :)20:04
Pendulumjust rather difficult to find if you don't know where they are right now20:04
czajkowskigah leinster are wining!20:04
czajkowskinot helping20:04
czajkowskibugger wrong screen20:04
czajkowskiPendulum: me on unity and reportin stuff watching rugby via twitter and jon on his ipad2 playing flight control.20:06
czajkowskiyay for long cosy couches20:06
kim0not having chrome tabs on screen-top is not nice20:06
czajkowskijcastro: you at a jam ?20:10
jcastronot till tomorrow20:10
jcastrojust making USB sticks for it now20:10
czajkowskigreat stuff20:11
czajkowskijcastro: any idea why when I upgraded my default browser changed to FF >:(20:20
jcastronot sure20:20
Pendulumczajkowski: there's a bug about that20:20
czajkowskiit's a royally irritating one20:20
czajkowskiand then hrome decided to wipe all my login and password details >:(20:21
Pendulumyeah, akgraner had the same problem20:21
Pendulumthis sounds like the same problem she had20:21
kim0ok figured out the alt+tab thing .. was missing a compiz plugins package .. filed bug 74856420:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 748564 in unity "Add packaging dependency on compiz-plugins-main" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74856420:33
kim0ok the ctrl-alt-<num-pad-key> thing is pure awesome ;)20:35
jcastrokim0: I know right20:44
jcastrothe numpad thing20:44
jcastrokim0: I do super-#20:44
jcastrobrowser on 120:44
jcastromail on 220:44
jcastronautilus on 320:44
jcastrotwitter on 420:44
kim0just wish chrome tabs wouldn't detach when my mouse hits screen-top20:54
jcastrowhat do you mean?20:54
kim0jcastro: I'm used to running chrome with no panels on top20:55
jcastrooh I see20:55
kim0it's really hard to drag tabs perfectly horizontally .. you just have to be pressing against the ceiling ;)20:56
jcastrooh wow20:56
jcastrothat's /annoying/20:56
jcastronever noticed that before20:57
kim0oh really :)20:57
kim0jcastro: it would be great if chrome tabs only detach when the mouse moves a larger distance20:58
kim0away from the tabs20:58
jcastroor if we could lie to chrome and make it think it's hitting the top20:58
jcastrothis is a good thing to bring up at UDS20:58
* kim0 nods 20:58
paultagjcastro: do you know who leads translating stuff? I have some folks working to create the at loco that might want to do a de_AT translation20:58
kim0isn't that such a tiny bug :)20:58
* jcastro hopes someone from chrome will come to UDS20:58
jcastropaultag: dpm20:58
paultagjcastro: cheers, thanks20:59
JanCdo you mean chrome tabs detach before you release the mouse button?21:00
kim0jcastro: do you know what compiz plugin show the alt-tab mini-window screenshot thing .. coz I think it's slowing down alt+tab for my taste21:00
kim0and would rather switch it off21:00
jcastroyeah one sec21:00
kim0jcastro: sorry for bomarding you with questions :) first unity encounter hehe21:00
jcastrokim0: did you know about alt-f2 about:config?21:00
kim0huh no21:01
kim0was gonna use ccsm21:01
jcastroit's a ccsm shortcut21:01
JanCthere are about 4 compiz plugins that can show something when doing alt+tab21:01
jcastroI think it's static application switcher kim021:01
jcastrokim0: turn Show Icon Only on in Appearance21:02
jcastroin the static application switcher plugin21:02
kim0jcastro: got it! You rock man :)21:03
kim0using the Google keyboard shortcuts thing .. and loving it .. http://www.google.com/experimental/21:05
jcastroI have never seen that before21:05
kim0jcastro: enjoy :)21:06
kim0jcastro: if you'll be like me .. looking for the open-in-a-new-tab thingie .. it's Shift-O21:06
jcastrothey have that built in Google reader before21:06
jcastrowhich is awesome21:06
jcastroI always wondered why they didn't in the search21:06
kim0except in reader .. when you mark all as read .. the only way to get past that is a mouse click, right ?!21:07
jcastroI always hit f5 to just refresh (lol)21:08
kim0I mean, if I'm reading planetfedora .. I read titles .. nothing interesting .. shift-a21:08
jcastrothis is my latest skin kim021:08
jcastroI <3 it21:08
kim0I wanna flip to next thing .. like planetubuntu21:09
kim0no keyboard way .. sux21:09
* kim0 checks skin :)21:09
kim0hehe looks cool :)21:10
kim0jcastro: anothing unity thing .. super-w .. hit ESC .. why did dash apps open21:12
jcastrothat looks like a bug21:13
jcastroon mine it just cancels21:13
jcastrooff to a bday party, tty all laters21:14
JanCkim0: did you accidentally "press" super-without-w before Esc ?21:16
kim0JanC: anytime before21:18
kim0maybe :)21:18
JanCI mean, between super-w and Esc21:18
kim0nah not everytime21:18
kim0testing it multiple times .. getting different results21:19
JanCbecause I can reproduce the "shows dash after esc" then21:19
JanCand accidentally "bouncing" super might be easy on some keyboards21:19
kim0JanC: I *think* I might be hitting super-w removing finger from super quickly21:20
kim0and that's what's causing it ..21:20
kim0I guess it's like what you're saying21:21
kim0so .. when I do it slow .. it never happens .. when quickly happens though21:21
kim0this is really hard to control/reproduce :)21:22
JanCI wonder if there is a way to tell whatever does the super+w thing to only show windows on the current workspace...21:23
kim0oh .. it should do that yeah21:24
JanCI mean, it might be fine on a netbook with 2 windows open, but not so if you have 25 open, spread over 9 workspaces :P21:25
Technovikingjcastro: think it would be a good idea to create an Unity specific forum around the time Ubuntu 11.04 launch?21:44
jcastroI don't think so21:50
jcastroI mean, it'd be like creating a netbook one21:50
jcastroactually let me take that back21:51
jcastroI think it would be transitionary21:51
jcastrolike sure we'll get a bunch of them nowish21:51
jcastroI would just have them go in desktop environments like the other ones21:52
TechnovikingI thought of making one e for 6 month and I imagine there will be a ton of questions for it21:53
jcastrothe trick will be dealing with dupes21:53
Technovikingat least at first21:54
jcastroI was making fun of ken about this yesterday21:55
jcastroI was like dude why don't you just use the twitter API directly so I can use this without using gwibber?21:56
jcastrois it bad that all my fancy clothes are aubergine?22:01
Technovikingjcastro: but in purple you are stunning:)22:02
Technovikinglater Barnes and Noble wifi SUCKS!!!22:04
jcastroalso I am not unity fanboy #1!22:04
Technovikingif not you, then who?22:05
jcastroI am unity report guy #122:06
TechnovikingI was going to say cheerleader:)22:06
TechnovikingI meant to toward your passion for Unity, sorry about that22:11
AlanBelljcastro: my new twitter client nearly works a bit22:16
kim0hmm .. do old apps like pidgin have a chance of showing up under unity22:17
jcastroAlanBell: heh22:19
AlanBellit uses the streaming API22:19
jcastro<-- off to the party for real this time22:19
kim0ok pidgin is a bad example .. gnome-do is a good one22:20

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