
=== asac_ is now known as asac
vishchrisccoulson: hi, i was waiting for Amaranth , he seemed to favor a compiz 0.8.8 update, if he dint have time i could do just that one bug..03:46
vishchrisccoulson: btw, i'd built the patch yesterday, and i dont seem to be getting any problems.03:47
gnome3onnattyHi guys, is here a place to talk about gnome3 and natty?09:08
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=== Guest18225 is now known as kklimonda
bcurtiswxWhere's all the partyin going on here???19:12
bcurtiswxthe District of Columbia LoCo team is here at Taste Of India :) woot woot19:13
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, so are we here in Montreal, jamming ;)20:32
cyphermoxI managed to coerce a few adventurous LoCo members to file bugs and test Natty20:32
bcurtiswx\o/ cyphermox20:39
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, I'm happily finding interesting small bugs in unity right now20:40
bcurtiswxi've found one emapthy bug, and im trying to go through my backlog of empathy bugs... 130ish remaining20:42
cyphermoxah, ok20:43
cyphermoxI took one earlier to give a quick bug triaging tutorial20:43
bcurtiswxtake as many as you want20:45
bcurtiswxactually can you confirm a bug for me20:45
bcurtiswxempathy crashes for me and another person on launch, just verify with the most recent updates that it works20:46
cyphermoxon launch?20:47
cyphermoxnah, seems to start here just fine, I must have rebooted a couple of times already20:48
bcurtiswxcyphermox, OK thx20:49
cyphermoxjust restarted it, works fine20:49
cyphermoxunless it's something specific to a service you use that I don't?20:49
bcurtiswxim gonna restart, see what happend20:49
bcurtiswxcyphermox, darn still crash...21:16
bcurtiswxcyphermox, another things to try...21:16
bcurtiswxcyphermox, add a MSN account and have someone add you to their contact list.21:16
bcurtiswxif you get time21:16
cyphermoxok, I already have my MSN account added, hold on21:16
bcurtiswxkenvandine, if you get a minute and are online, lemme know21:17
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, I was able to reproduce it21:23
cyphermoxdeuxpi added me to his list and it appears as though empathy crashed21:23
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, it's bug 747066 right?21:26
bcurtiswxbug #74706621:27
* bcurtiswx kicks ubot221:27
bcurtiswxno no im trying to find link21:27
bcurtiswxi reportd a bug21:27
cyphermoxso it's not 747066?21:27
bcurtiswxone sec, lemme look lol.. i was trying to get ubo2 to post the link to it21:28
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, a segfault in _empathy_marshal_VOID__OBJECT_OBJECT_UINT_STRING_BOOLEAN()?21:28
bcurtiswxmine is diff i think... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/74853521:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 748535 in empathy "empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in event_manager_add" [Undecided,New]21:30
bcurtiswxi ran it in gdb21:30
cyphermoxheh, seems to be the same error, just a little cleaner trace perhaps21:32
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, now my empathy won't start anymore!! tsk tsk tsk ;)21:36
bcurtiswxcyphermox, yeah me either :-\21:37
bcurtiswxi wish cassidy was around21:37
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, you'd essentially just need to have a way to accept the request, I guess21:39
cyphermoxtrying on hotmail itself , maybe that will work21:42
cyphermoxbcurtiswx, I had to clear much of my config22:07
cyphermoxanyway, bbl22:07
bcurtiswxcassidy, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/748535 when you get back in on Monday22:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 748535 in empathy "empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in event_manager_add" [Undecided,New]22:59

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