
broderslangasek, kklimonda_, micahg: ok, i'm calling it quits for today on these rebuilds. i got libassuan2 through libfso-glib, not counting a handful of unrelated FTBFS's. good luck to you guys00:01
slangasekbroder: great, thanks for the help! :)00:24
micahgbroder: thanks, I took care of libmpd earlier in the week and will see what's left to do on sunday00:27
Ampelbeinhi, I have a question about packages failing to build because of multiarch. I filed bug 747889 for one such package and attached a fix, but I'm not sure if that's correct. The package uses cmake which supposedly should support multiarch. Can someone have a look at that please?01:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747889 in arpon (Ubuntu) "FTBFS with multiarch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74788901:12
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slangasekAmpelbein: looking01:33
Ampelbeinslangasek: thank you.01:36
slangasekcmake itself certainly does know about the multiarch paths now, but maybe it's not using them for something particular to how arpon is checking for pthreads01:38
slangasekwas this a failure found in the archive rebuild, or locally?01:39
Ampelbeinslangasek: in the archive rebuild01:39
Ampelbeinbut i can reproduce it locally, too01:39
slangasekso 0 chance of out-of-date packages :)01:39
Ampelbeinhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/588452/ is the code arpon uses to find librarys01:40
slangasekyah, I have it in front of me here01:41
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slangasekAmpelbein: so I would argue that the correct fix is to not require PTHREAD_LIB_DIR to be found, and to only error out when PTHREAD_INCLUDE_DIR or PTHREAD_LIBRARY is missing01:43
slangasekAmpelbein: follow-up patch sent to the bug01:46
Ampelbeinslangasek: ok, I think I understand the reasoning. Your fix can be easily forwarded to upstream while the dpkg-architecture one is ubuntu/debian specific and makes backports etc. harder?01:49
Ampelbeinthank you very much for looking into it!01:50
slangasekno problem :)01:50
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dylan-mHey, little Unity question if anyone's about: right now that cool feature where the dash resizes to fit its contents only happens with the AltF2 and Home lenses. Is this for a particular reason?02:17
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ScottKdylan-m: #ayatana would be a better channel for that question.03:24
dylan-mScottK: Ah, that makes sense. Thanks :)03:24
AmpelbeinDo I need a FFe for a package removal from natty at this time? I guess so, just want to make sure.04:23
Ampelbeinbug 747988 in case anyone wonders04:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 747988 in agsync (Ubuntu) "Please remove agsync from natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74798804:26
HobbseeAmpelbein: i doubt it, to be honest04:27
Hobbseeit's not going to corrupt the archive if it's broken and doesn't build04:28
AmpelbeinHobbsee: yes, I agree. I will subscribe ubuntu-archive and let them handle it ;-)04:30
rigvedhi everyone...i am talking about bug 458872...i want to test a fix which I have created for it. how do i do that? specifically, i want to introduce cruft into my system. how do i do that?04:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458872 in computer-janitor (Ubuntu) "Don't mark for removal manually installed packages" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45887204:36
ScottKAmpelbein: As long as you've checked it has no rdepends (which is part of the process) then I think cruft removal is a bugfix and doesn't need an FFe.04:40
* ScottK waves to Hobbsee.04:41
Hobbseehey ScottK04:41
ScottKKDE is getting good again, you might give it a try now ...04:41
AmpelbeinScottK: yes, I did check rdepends, with 'apt-cache rdepends agsync/agsync-dev' and 'reverse-build-depends agsync/agsync-dev', so I am pretty sure it has none.04:42
HobbseeScottK: i was thinkin the pictures of it looked pretty cool04:44
ScottKAmpelbein: Good.04:45
rigvedi guess i'll ask in #ubuntu+104:46
ScottKHobbsee: Pretty stable too.  The only problem I've had since upgrading my main laptop for beta testing was resolved by manually removing hal and the one universe package I had installed that needed it.04:46
HobbseeScottK: impressive.  :)04:46
Hobbsee(just as long as it's not windows)04:46
ScottKI won't mention slangasek arranging to have kdm restart in the middle of the upgrade.  That wasn't kdm's fault (and is fixed).04:47
ScottKDetails in Bug #74494404:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744944 in pam (Ubuntu Natty) "kdm is restarted during the upgrade to Natty . The user is disconnected from the session" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74494404:50
broderAmpelbein: wait..i would have sworn i built agsync earlier today..05:24
brodermaybe not05:24
broderah, no, i was about to, once i rebuilt its r-build-deps, which i thought i did05:25
broderAmpelbein: it's failing to build because of the multiarch rearrangement, so i don't think that should contribute to any removal discussion05:26
broderbut the other reasons do seem rather valid :)05:26
Ampelbeinbroder: yes, so I thought it's no use to put energy in fixing the build issue now05:26
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slangasekScottK: is there any indication yet whether skipping the restart for nss modules is a problem, btw?06:00
ScottKslangasek: I'm not aware of any.06:00
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vishis there no compiz Ubuntu branch ?07:01
vish(looks like there is only the packagers branch and there seems none for maverick)07:02
vishhttps://code.launchpad.net/~compiz « doesnt have maverick07:03
slangasekvish: rarely do you find separate branches for previous releases; in this case I guess lool should have created one when he SRUed for maverick, but that didn't happen07:11
slangasekvish: and what do you mean, "only the packagers branch"? What would you expect to find in an Ubuntu compiz branch that would be different from a "packagers branch"?07:12
vishslangasek: something like the usual : /ubuntu/<release>/<package>/07:12
* vish thought all packages had them..07:13
slangasekah, a UDD branch; let me see07:13
vishhttps://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/compiz says 0 for all versions07:14
slangasekno UDD branch because of this error: http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/compiz.html#2011-03-15%2015:56:27.72189607:14
vishslangasek: so if i'm doing an SRU for maverick, which should i branch?07:16
vishwhich one*07:16
slangasekvish: you'll need to do it the old fashioned way, downloading the source package from maverick-updates07:16
vishk, thanks..07:17
lonejackHi, in UBUNTU future versions (that will adopt Wayland+unity), if I build a sw bu gtkmm, this sw, will continue to be compatible/compilabe  or not?07:17
loolvish, slangasek: Thanks; I've created a lp:~compiz/compiz/maverick branch from 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9 in lp:~compiz/compiz/ubuntu (after adding the missing tag) and importing my upload; I've also updated Vcs-Bzr in that branch for the next maverick upload if any08:01
TechnicusHello . . . I'm not a developer, but I am experiencing challanges which the typical solutions to not resolve, the problems stem from trying to use a device that works on the Lucid kernel but not Mavrick kernel . . .08:06
TechnicusSo I installed a realtime kernel from: [ https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+related-software ], but now Nvidia drivers do not want to cooperate . . .08:06
TechnicusWould it be appropriate to discuss this issue here?  If not please direct me to the proper channel.08:06
khrmI am not being able to trap SIGILL in ubuntu in expect script. The same thing I am being able to do in other distros. Here is line in my expect file: trap quit {INT TERM QUIT ABRT HUP ILL }08:24
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cjwatsonYokoZar: bug 746758 is presenting with the same symptoms as bug 745459, but the syslogs show that the most current version of ia32-libs (20090808ubuntu11) is installed.  Wasn't that supposed to fix it?10:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746758 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "11.04 64bit Beta1 CD Installer crashed [error processing flashplugin-installer]" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74675810:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745459 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "package flashplugin-installer failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74545910:26
doko_broder, slangasek: the page is updated hourly10:37
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YokoZarcjwatson: you sure there's still a problem?12:19
YokoZarcjwatson: ia32-libs contains the libraries now (according to ldd), and I was able to run youtube on it in vm before I uploaded.  The problem lies elsewhere...not sure exactly where though.12:20
cjwatsonYokoZar: well, as I say, the logs show the most current version of ia32-libs12:29
cjwatsonwould you mind having a look at the logs and see if anything jumps out?12:29
YokoZarcjwatson: what I mean is it a ldd link failure?12:29
cjwatsonno, it's nspluginwrapper complaining12:30
cjwatsonwhich was mentioned in some of the ia32-libs bugs that Andreas Moog closed too12:30
YokoZarcjwatson: admittedly I didn't try installing flash fresh.  So if you installed with ia32libs -ubuntu9 (the one from maverick) it worked fine, 10 broke it, and 11 fixed it, but I didn't test actually installing on -10 or on -1112:31
YokoZarso maybe that points to nspluginwrapper rather than ia32-libs itself, unless there's another library missing that flash doesn't need but the installer does for some reason12:32
vanguarddoes it make any sense to package a webapp (like a content management system)?13:39
wolfevanguard: web apps are packaged13:46
wolfevanguard: i.e. squirrelmail13:46
ari-tczewslangasek: could you look on ftbfs https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20110329/+buildjob/2395855 I guess it's related to multiarch13:58
JanCvanguard: IMO it depends on how often it needs updating and whether it's possible to ship it in a way that by default is useful for many people14:01
ari-tczewslangasek:  this one also has got problem with .la file https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20110329/+buildjob/239586014:02
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vanguardI rather meant something like wordpress, that you install on a webserver manually normally14:16
Hobbsee!info wordpress14:19
ubottuwordpress (source: wordpress): weblog manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-1ubuntu1.2 (maverick), package size 2459 kB, installed size 9712 kB14:19
Hobbseevanguard: that one? ^14:19
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YokoZarHobbsee: incidentally a package people often don't use in favor of installing it manually...14:24
HobbseeYokoZar: that's true, especially given you can update it from inside itself14:25
YokoZarvanguard: really your question is generalizable to packages for software that wasn't written for systems with good packaging systems (generally windows).  They tend to have their own update infrastructure which is a pain to integrate into ours.14:25
YokoZarI run into this problem whenever I consider packaging a Windows app via Wine, for instance.  ALL of them have to roll their own self-update tool from scratch since Microsoft doesn't provide anything like it.14:27
JanCalso, some CMS systems have configuration files all over the place14:27
JanCor need updates for security issues every other week...  ;)14:27
wolfevanguard: squirrelmail IS the exact same in methodology14:30
wolfevanguard: normally people will download squirrelmail individually just like wordpress14:31
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vanguardwolfe: oh, I thought squirrelmail was something like postfix, sry14:46
Ampelbeincjwatson: hmm, the only ia32-libs bug I (andreas moog) remember closing was bug 745781, what other bugs do you mean?14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745781 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu) "natty ia32-libs is missing /usr/lib32/libnss3.so" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74578114:54
cjwatson10:26 <cjwatson> YokoZar: bug 746758 is presenting with the same symptoms as bug 745459, but the syslogs show that the most current version of ia32-libs (20090808ubuntu11) is installed.  Wasn't that supposed14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746758 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "11.04 64bit Beta1 CD Installer crashed [error processing flashplugin-installer]" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74675814:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 745459 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "package flashplugin-installer failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74545914:59
cjwatson                 to fix it?14:59
cjwatsonAmpelbein: ^-14:59
cjwatsonah, sorry, it was Anders Kaseorg who closed that latter bug14:59
cjwatsontoo many shared letters in your names so I confused them :)14:59
YokoZarcjwatson: what do you mean by "same symptoms" though?14:59
Ampelbeincjwatson: oh, ok, so it isn't my mind splitting and doing things on its own ;-)15:00
cjwatsonYokoZar: "nspluginwrapper: no appropriate viewer found for /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so"15:00
cjwatsonand then flashplugin-installer.postinst exiting 115:00
YokoZarcjwatson: well what I fixed was the missing libraries, I don't claim to have fixed that since I never ran into it in testing.  But I didn't test a fresh install of nspluginwrapper.15:01
YokoZaror rather of flashplugin-installer15:01
cjwatsonidentical failure showing in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/746758/comments/1315:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 746758 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Natty) "11.04 64bit Beta1 CD Installer crashed [error processing flashplugin-installer]" [High,In progress]15:01
YokoZarI highly suspect though, that the error isn't in ia32-libs but rather in flashplugin-installer because ia32-libs is providing the libraries and they link fine post install15:02
cjwatsonOK, it seems to me that those bugs against ia32-libs were likely closed inappropriately, then15:04
YokoZarcjwatson: well both components really15:05
cjwatsonyep.  I don't have an amd64 installation right now to test with15:06
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Ampelbeincjwatson: I tried installing flash in a fresh natty amd64 chroot (with 'pbuilder dist natty login') and there is no error, on my work system flash works and I can install/uninstall flashplugin-installer like I want to.15:08
cjwatsonmaybe try with a desktop CD, since that's where I'm seeing reports?15:08
cjwatson(check the "Install this third-party software" box on the second page)15:09
Ampelbeinwill do. using kvm-qemu should make no difference?15:10
cjwatsondon't know, I'd be surprised if it did15:12
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ari-tczewslangasek: this one also has got problem with .la https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20110329/+buildjob/239486815:36
ScottKOdyX: Do we need some more pyside related syncs?15:37
OdyXScottK: pyside was apparently FTBFS'ing on armel… I had no time to investigate…15:39
ScottKOdyX: I saw you did another round of uploads in Debian.15:39
OdyXScottK: yes, new upstream releases…15:39
ScottKBugfix or new features?15:39
OdyXI suspect the armel thing won't be solved easily though.15:40
OdyXIt's #74585215:40
ScottKIt looks like it fails tests due to us switching from GL to GLES on armel too.15:41
OdyXScottK: but the new upstream releases build fine in natty PPAs (aka no armel). See https://launchpad.net/~pyside/+archive/ppa/+packages15:41
OdyX(+ shiboken 1.0.1-2 for symbols mismatch on sparc/s390)15:42
ScottKLooks like arch specific .install file will fix it on armel for Ubuntu.15:42
ScottKdh_install: python-pyside.qtopengl missing files (usr/lib/python*/*-packages/PySide/QtOpenGL.so), aborting15:42
ScottKOdyX: Why don't you request the sync's and I'll approve them.  Please ping me with bug numbers.  If it's bug fixes, we want them.15:44
OdyXScottK: lemme try to do that (I'm leaving for the week-end in ~1 hour).15:45
ScottKOdyX: Thanks.15:45
arandlool: Hia, seems to have a bit of an issue with the latest enabling of btrfsck, for some reason btrfsck reports "unsopported option" on my system (I use default mount options), and hence when it is enabled, boot fails, could this be something that many current btrfs users would run into?15:45
OdyXScottK: If you could do the "natty-armel" specific in a -1ubuntu0 for me, it'd just be great.15:46
ScottKOdyX: I'll try to find the time for that. It's now part of Bug #70779415:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707794 in kdeedu (Ubuntu Natty) "libqt4-opengl on armel should be compiled with OpenGL ES 2.x support" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70779415:47
ScottKslangasek: ^^^ one more.15:47
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MadCow108where do icons have to be so they are found by the unity launcher?16:03
sabdflMadCow108: usual places16:06
sroeckerHi, there seems to be a problem with the new fglrx package for x64. I've filed bug #74830816:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 748308 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "fglrx driver doesn't work because libatiuki.so.1 is not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74830816:06
MadCow108sabdfl; what are the usual places?  I have put it in pixmaps and icons and it is found also in the apps place but in the launcher I get a question mark16:09
sabdfl /usr/share/icons should work16:10
sabdflcjwatson: grub de-grubbed? sounds like it was a nasty one16:11
YokoZarMadCow108: how are you putting icons there?16:24
YokoZarMadCow108: I ask because generic newly defined icons coming from an upstream package should probably go into the hicolor theme, ie /usr/share/icons/hicolor16:25
MadCow108thats where I put them16:25
YokoZarAlso I'm not sure when Unity does its caching/detection of new icons16:26
YokoZariirc when I update icons from a package I sometimes need to restart to see them change16:26
MadCow108the launcher does not even display the name of the application, it does use .desktop files or?16:26
MadCow108done that a few times already16:26
MadCow108the app place seems to find the icon fine, why not the launcher?16:27
YokoZarNow that I don't actually know16:27
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charlie-tcacould the desktop file be pointing to a specific dir for the icon?16:32
MadCow108no its just the application name16:34
charlie-tca.desktop contain a line "Icon =" that sometimes is very specific16:35
MadCow108I replaced my desktop file with the one from vlc (with changed exec) and its still a questionmark in launcher and a vlc icon in apps place, weird16:37
jcastrocjwatson: I am only just now noticing the geoip bits in the alt installer, nice!17:12
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ari-tczewis it true that debian/changelog could not be longer than 79 characters?17:54
zulit shouldnt17:56
slangasekari-tczew: ibus-client-clutter FTBFS because clutter-imcontext is on the list at http://people.canonical.com/~vorlon/broken-srcs-universe.txt needing a no-change rebuild; ibus-input-pad needs input-pad rebuilt; gtkmathview needs gdome2 rebuilt.18:12
slangasekScottK: noted, thanks18:12
cjwatsonsabdfl: getting wubi to keep working has been a bit hairy this cycle, yes :-/18:26
cjwatsonjcastro: thank ev for that :-)18:26
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buxywhere should I reassign https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/748182 ? it's about an error in the installation process19:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 748182 in dpkg (Ubuntu) "Natty installer fails with E-Sub process /usr/bin/dpkg" [Undecided,New]19:20
slangasekbuxy: 'ubiquity' makes a good first approximation19:22
phenomubottu has a bug: Type "nc -lv 5555" in #ubuntu. Returns:Launchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released]20:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:20
phenomnc -lp 555520:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:20
phenomHope it's programmed with some good flood protection.20:21
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Davieyphenom, Thanks - can you report it to, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots/+filebug please?20:37
* phenom nod20:54
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ari-tczewslangasek: then ibus-client-clutter needs also rebuild?22:36
slangasekit doesn't need a rebuild; it just needs clutter-imcontext rebuilt so that it's buildable22:36
ari-tczewslangasek: ok, are you going to do it or shall I take it?22:40
slangasekari-tczew: please do :)22:54
ari-tczewslangasek: ok! if they are in universe, will do22:54
slangasekari-tczew: yes, they're all in universe; I cleaned main of these issues last week22:55
ari-tczewslangasek: I can do more uploads of them, just give me the reason for d/changelog which I should use.22:55
slangasekari-tczew: I've used 'No-change rebuild to pick up multiarch .la files'22:57
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