
ebelHello from the Ubuntu Ireland (Dublin) Jam09:57
ebelIn TOGF09:57
ebel* TOG09:57
airurandogood morning ubuntuie10:23
airurandohave a great UGJ day10:24
airurandoebel is just setting up stuff in TOG.10:24
infoturtlehey all10:29
ebelyo yo10:30
infoturtlejust getting set up, problem with keys this morning10:31
* ebel has found a web cam, let's see if it works10:33
infoturtlebring it on10:35
airurandoare you alone infoturtle?10:48
infoturtleha ha10:49
infoturtlesure am10:49
infoturtleI'm sure some more will come later10:49
mokmeisterhey infoturtle! Getting ready to leave now, way behind with getting kids organised and stuff, will be in by twelve methinks!10:57
infoturtleegg salad mokmeister, you'll have to ring me to get in tho, my numbers on the door10:58
infoturtleebel any luck with that web cam?11:01
ebelsorta, forgot linux was a pain with flash :P11:01
ebelsilly webcam11:42
ebelif anyone knows how to do streaming on linux, let me know11:42
infoturtleI do but its an awkward set up, involves using desktop streaming as output to ustream or a site like that11:44
ebeli was looking at ustream11:47
ebelbut couldn't get it detecting the camera11:47
infoturtleneither could I ever, try using cheese webcam booth, it picks up nearly every web cam, then use recordmydesktop 9http://recordmydesktop.sourceforge.net/downloads.php) to put the desktop recording as an output the ustream understand, it's pointlessly long but works11:50
ebelah like a loop...11:50
ebeli've used recordmydesktop before to make videos, didn't think about making it streaming...11:51
ebeli've used recordmydesktop before to make videos, didn't think about making it streaming...11:51
infoturtleit's actually the only way I've ever been able to stream11:51
infoturtlein linux anyway11:51
infoturtlefriends have come!12:30
airurandoUGJ Dublin are going to lunch13:14
infoturtleI have a silly question, after I find a bug I wish to work on where can I find the code to work on?14:50
ebelYou can get the source code for any ubuntu package with "apt-get source PACKAGENAME"14:51
ebelyou may also want to do "sudo apt-get builddep PACKAGENAME" which will install all the extra packages you need in order to rebuild/compile/test a package14:51
infoturtleok, then I need to find what package this bug refers to as it seems not to be listed14:52
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 651932 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Maverick) "Without internet connection, the installer shouldn't recommend the updates during installation, or third party software" [Low,New]14:52
ebelWell assiging a bug to a package is a good thing to do.14:53
ebelLooks like that bug is assigned to ubiquity14:54
ebelYou can tell from the bot's reply here.14:54
infoturtleah, ha ha, thats class14:55
infoturtleto ubiquity!!14:55
ebelhi sheena15:02
infoturtlewell done Sheena, you finally got in!15:02
sheenahaha, cheers!15:02
airurandoping infoturtle15:21
infoturtleping airurando15:36
infoturtlewas letting more people in15:36
infoturtlehhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm, I've no idea what to do with this source.....15:40
infoturtlethis isn't a good day15:40
ebelwell if you can patch it, you could submit the patch15:40
ebelsometimes it can be difficult to try to figure out what's going on...15:41
infoturtleit sure can15:41
infoturtleI kinda know what i want to do but don't know where to find the checks15:41
ebeldon't forget to take photos of your event! :P15:42
airurandoinfoturtle do as ebel says :)15:43
infoturtleha ha15:43
infoturtleI just took a load cos I can't find anything thing else usful to do15:44
infoturtlealso proof we have two girls here15:44
ebelall people regardless of gender are welcome.15:49
infoturtlehows the dublin end of things going?16:26
infoturtleUbuntu bug free yet?16:26
infoturtleI've tried two bugs and fix none16:49
airurandoinfoturtle: did you run system testing?16:59
airurandothe more people that system testing the better17:00
airurandoonly you can test your hardware17:00
airurandoinfoturtle ping17:10
infoturtlesup airurando17:11
tdr112how is the bug jams going18:33
* ebel is just leaving now18:36
ebelBBL for socal18:37
=== mike is now known as Guest22353
=== Guest22353 is now known as airurando
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=== Guest46520 is now known as airurando
airurandohi micflan22:50
* micflan waves22:52
=== mike is now known as airurando
airurandomicflan: I haven't seen you in here before.23:03
airurandonot saying you wern't in here before :)23:04
micflanI wandered in yesterday :)23:06
airurandonice to meet you!23:07
micflanthanks, you too23:08
airurandoyou involved with the ubuntu project in any way?23:08
micflanno, just a user23:08
micflanI'm a php developer23:09
micflanmostly php anyway23:09
airurandoah. I'm just a home user.23:09
airurandomicflan: what part of the country are you in?23:10
airurandoor country :)23:10
airurandobut I hook up with the Dub crew23:11
airurandowe had a Ubuntu Global Jam event today in TOG23:12
micflanlast thursday of every month?23:12
micflanoh, cool23:12
airurandonah last Thursday is Limerick23:12
airurandolast wednesday is Dublin :)23:13
airurandoprobably be last thursday in Dublin this month as Thurs 28th is Nattys release date!23:14
airurandono point in having Ubuntu Hour on Wednesday 27th and then a release party on Thursday 28th23:14
micflancool, might head along to that23:15
airurandoto clarify, thursday 28th is the current likely date for the release party23:15
airurandoyou heard it here first :)23:15
airurandoand you would be most welcome at the party23:16
micflancool :)23:16
micflanhave you been using Unity yet?23:16
airurandostay tuned to www.ubuntu-ie.org and loco.ubuntu.com for details.23:17
airurandoUnity.... yip23:17
micflanbit apprehensive about the change in desktop23:17
airurandoloaded 11.04 beta 1 on Thursday23:17
airurandoapprehensive.... you and me both23:18
micflanyeah, I downloaded that last night. Going to put it in a virtualbox, just haven't gotten around to it yet23:18
airurandostill I'm trying it to help out23:18
airurandobugs and stuff23:18
airurandohope they get it right by 12.04 LTS :)23:19
micflanit's won't be right for 11.04 then? :)23:19
airurandocan't say.23:19
airurandoI'm sure there will be some issues23:20
airurandoas a home user I believe in the importance of the LTS releases.23:20
airurandophp developers and others such as yourself can happily use the 6 monthly iterations23:21
micflanI just can't resist playing with the new toys :)23:22
micflanbut at the same time, I definitely need something that *works*23:22
airurandowell I must say based on my very limited exposure to 11.04 I'm impressed so far.23:24
airurandoyou can see some of the Dublin based crew at:23:25
airurandonot great pics but they are 3 very active members of the LoCo.23:26
airurandothankfully you don't get to look at my mug in that selection as I was the bad photographer :)23:26
airurandothe guy holding up the mug of coffee is the ubuntu ireland LoCo point of contact.23:27
airurandoRory McCann or ebel on IRC.23:28
airurandolalonde on twitter I believe23:28
airurandoJulie and Tom are the other two23:28
micflancool, will give him an aul follow on twitter anyway23:31
micflanI'm micflan pretty much anywhere online btw. twitter.com/micflan delicious.com/micflan micflan.com etc :)23:32
airurandowill certainly add you to my follow list23:33
airurandoI'm (as seen here) airurando.23:33
airurandomicflan: I am your 470th twitter follower.23:38
airurandodon't use delicious I'm afraid.23:38
airurandoreal nice talking to you and I do hope to meet you in person soon. :)23:39
micflanno worries... I don't use the social side of it at all really. Just somewhere I store bookmarks23:39
airurandodo keep up to speed with events on ubuntu-ie.org and our team page on loco.ubuntu.com23:40
micflanyeah, will do, cheers. And I'm sure I'll idle in here too most of the time, now that I'm aware of it :)23:41
airurandogreat stuff.23:42
airurandonot a busy channel but definitely a friendly one :)23:42

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