
=== IdleOne is now known as WolfOne
=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
=== PinkUnicorns is now known as nhandler
AlanBelltsimpson: #ubuntu-uk-meeting is only really used for meetings, and when a meeting is on it is logged by a mootbot variant, so permanent logging seems reduntant19:26
tsimpsonAlanBell: I was mostly wondering why it was on ubuntu-eu.org rather than irclogs.u.c19:27
AlanBelloh, that would be old logs19:28
AlanBellsurprised that channel was ever logged there tbh19:28
AlanBellminutes are here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/LastMeeting19:29
AlanBelland we are doing some more mootbotish hacking later19:29
=== whoelse is now known as guntbert
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel

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