
mhall119today's XKCD is pretty cool02:35
mhall119results of today's Florida Team Summit Jam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bugs?field.tag=summitjam04:37
pleia2nice :)05:19
* nigelb hugs mhall119 05:23
head_victimGood work, we're running a translation jam right now05:39
BigWhaleSlovenian Global Jam starting in couple of hours! *cheers*06:14
head_victimBigWhale: nice, the Australian one is on as we speak :)06:21
BigWhaleAlrighty. I still have to do one hour of commuting... Bleeh. I need to wake up.06:22
TrickyJRonnie, Hi 07:45
TrickyJYoBoY, Hi wassup07:45
Ronniehello TrickyJ07:45
TrickyJRonnie,  I am trying to identify my self and its saying its an invalid password :(07:46
TrickyJRonnie, done :) hey you I am in d college right now.. and today is final cricket match between INDIA and Srilanka... 07:48
TrickyJand there is no one in the college these people in india are dam crazy for cricket :(07:48
Ronniehere cricket is unknown to ordanary peopple07:49
TrickyJRonnie, Here these guys are crazy even the india president will take a off and go to watch cricket match :P07:57
TrickyJg2g catch u all later 08:06
YoBoYgood morning09:52
serfustop of the morning folks09:53
YoBoYgood afternoon ? ^^"09:55
YoBoYhow the global jam is going ? :)09:57
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* ebel waves from the Ubuntu Ireland (Dublin) global jam10:05
* BigWhale waves from Slovenian Global Jam10:05
BigWhalepeople here are translating like crazy :>10:05
rafael_carrerasCatalan LoCo Team starting UGJ now10:08
YoBoYawesome :D10:13
YoBoYI need to wait until tomorow to do the same ^^" today is our monthly install rendez-vous10:13
BigWhaleIn the first 45 minutes we translated more than 200 new messages and checked more than 300 messages. 10:15
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BigWhaleUGJ update Slovenian Team just cleared 1600 translated messages. Mostly documentation strings.12:17
serfusthat's awesome!12:18
BigWhaleand that's before lunch break! :)\12:20
BigWhaleLunchbreak at 2490 translated messages13:51
michael_kGood afternoon to all LoCos from Ubuntu Global Jam in Preveza Greece14:17
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rafael_carrerasgood afternoon Europe LoCos, Catalan LoCo Team re-starting UGJ15:15
rafael_carrerasand good day to all other LoCos, of course :-)15:15
michael_kgood afternoon from Greece, jamming!15:15
BigWhaleGreetings! Slovenia is back from lunch break. :)15:32
mhall119everyone having a good jam weekend?15:47
BigWhale2520 translated messages at the last update! And we're still jamming.15:50
BigWhaleAbout to finish with kubuntu specific documentation.15:52
senseHow does the LoCo Directory generates its POT file? I cannot find a command to make Django generate it.17:14
AlanBellhi global jammers o/17:15
BigWhaleHello AlanBell.17:28
JanCsense: 'django-admin makemessages'?17:34
cjohnstonsense: ./manage.py update-template17:34
senseJanC: Just running that command does nothing, apparently you can only use it for PO files.17:34
sensecjohnston: Thanks17:34
cjohnstonhowever we are preferring that only the commiter run it17:34
cjohnston(i.e. commiting it to trunk)17:35
sensecjohnston: I was looking to use it in my own Django project, not in LD.17:35
sensecjohnston: Do you know whether it works with Launchpad Translations import?17:35
cjohnstonwe run update-template 17:35
cjohnstonbzr commit17:35
cjohnstonbzr push17:35
cjohnstonand LP sends an email saying the new template has been imported17:36
sensethanks for the info!17:36
nigelbhola cjohnston 17:43
* cjohnston runs17:45
Davieymhall119, Were you trying to get hold of me?17:53
mhall119Daviey: yup18:04
mhall119Daviey: I was just going to see if you were going to a Global Jam today, and if so would you be able to review some summit merge proposals18:05
mhall119sense: ./manage.py makemessages18:05
mhall119sense: "./manage.py update-template" actually18:06
sensemhall119: I just discovered your custom made commands in team/management.18:06
mhall119there ya go18:06
senseA shame auto-export can't be made to work with Django.18:07
mhall119Daviey: also, what version of South is on summit.u.c? 0.6 or 0.7?18:07
mhall119sense: what is that?18:08
BigWhaleSlovenian Translation team wrapped up with 3292 translated and reviewed strings.18:08
sensemhall119: Launchpad can automatically export translations to a branch, but you have to have a correct directory.18:08
mhall119BigWhale: wow!18:08
sensemhall119: Django's locale directory layout doesn't play nice with Launchpad.18:09
mhall119sense: make a bug for LD, and include a link to explaining how, we can probably make it work18:09
senseIt wants the files to be in the same directory as the POT file.18:09
sensemhall119: You can make it work by chaning Django's localisation internals.18:09
* mhall119 would prefer to stay out of Djanog's internals18:09
mhall119seriously, it's dark and scary in there18:10
senseMaybe there is a way to get it working properly, but I'm not sure how far you can go with customising the locale directory.18:10
mhall119sense: make the bug anyway and we'll see what we can do18:10
sensemhall119: alright18:10
Davieymhall119, checking18:12
Davieymhall119, 0.618:15
mhall119darn, I may have to re-do my migrations scripts then, let me test them18:16
mhall119thanks Daviey 18:16
sensemhall119: bug #74844618:18
ubot4`Launchpad bug 748446 in loco-directory "Find a way to use Launchpad's automatic translations export (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74844618:18
mhall119hmmm, evidently something good happened in India18:28
mhall119nigelb: what did you guys win?18:29
nigelbmhall119: YES!18:29
nigelbmhall119: Champions after 28 years \o/18:30
mhall119of what?18:30
mhall119that's the one that's like baseball, yes?18:30
mhall119cool, well contrats18:31
mhall119congrats even18:31
nigelbmy facebook and twitter just exploded18:31
mhall119mine too, though probably to a lesser degree18:31
mhall119someone's shouting "OMG! WE WON!" over and over on my Facebook18:31
sensenigelb: It's not like beating the English at cricket is anything special nowadays. We beat them last year. ;)18:42
nigelbsense: and close to beating them this year too ;)18:42
sensenigelb: But congrats on beating the others anyway!18:42
nigelbsense: :D18:42
nigelbThe streets are wild today :)18:42
senseI like it's a disgrace to lose from us. :)18:42
* nigelb goes to watch presentation18:43
sensenigelb: Was it as bad that you could hear it everything they scored, by just opening your window?18:43
nigelbsense: I didn't even have to open the wwidnow18:43
nigelbfireworks ftw19:04
nigelbI'm not going to sleep any time early today.19:04
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trinikronohappy global jam20:45
cyphermoxhey komputes21:00
cyphermoxyou jammin' today? ;)21:00
komputescyphermox: nope21:01
trinikronoi am running a bug jam is anyone else running one?21:02
cyphermoxtrinikrono, yes21:05
cyphermoxhere in Montreal we're 11 here21:06
trinikronocyphermox: i only have 3 so far21:09
cyphermoxtrinikrono, is it your first jam in your location?21:10
cyphermox3 is still very good :)21:10
trinikronoplenty more than 1 :D21:11
cyphermoxtrinikrono, anybody absolutely new to Ubuntu and/or triaging?21:14
trinikronocyphermox: what bugs are you guys working on21:39
cyphermoxtrinikrono, random things. some guys here are messing with the unity interface in general and filing bugs21:40
cyphermoxwe noticed some small graphic problems in unity in expo and the control-arrow switcher, now I'm fighting with empathy21:40
cyphermoxbtw, trinikrono don't hesitate to ping me if you need help to confirm bugs21:41
trinikronocyphermox: are you in bugcontrol?21:41
cyphermoxI'm in #ubuntu-bugs as well21:41
trinikronoi am in the alpha mentorship group21:41
trinikronoi was wondering what to work on in the global jam21:41
cyphermoxalpha mentorship? I probably haven't followed this as well as I ought to21:45
cyphermoxtrinikrono, any applications you care about more than others?21:45
trinikronocyphermox: where is your loco located?21:46
trinikronoi am in trinidad and tobago21:46
cyphermoxtrinikrono, Montreal, Canada21:46
cyphermoxtrinikrono, if you're wondering what to work on, just pick an app you care about and mess with all the menus. there's a fair chance you could find something that doesn't work the way you expect21:47
trinikronookie ill talk to you in -bugs cyphermox21:48
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