
bazhanggoing to remove him from #ubuntu as well02:07
ubottuIn ubottu, KevinK said: !ubottu is  Hi! I'm ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi   | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins   | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu-ops's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:09
bazhangif i_rape_consumers asks why they were removed from #ubuntu , I have left a note int eh bt02:20
bazhangwhoops in the bantracker02:20
rwwI think it's rather obvious :)02:20
bazhangI PM'd them, and got no response, then told them to join here if they had questions why02:21
mneptok"I'd like to remind you that Abe Vigoda and Joan Rivers are consumers. Enjoy your weekend."02:22
bazhangIdleOne, hi02:23
IdleOnebazhang: heya02:23
IdleOnealso I see nothing in BT for i_rape_consumers02:24
rwwIf lrussell mentions that stupid website anywhere in the namespace, feel free to thwap him. He's been told not to repeatedly.02:24
bazhangall the old releases, for eternity02:25
rwwif only they were hosted on a Canonical site somewhere! They could call it old-releases!02:25
IdleOneI thought I went through all that with him already02:26
rwwYou did, hence me issuing an ultimatum.02:26
bazhanghe wants more webhits I guess02:26
bazhangthus the amnesia has set in02:26
IdleOnewell he should atleast put adds on it and make the ban possibly worth it02:27
rwwif irclogs.ubuntu.com doesn't do that search engine hinting that stops pagerank from spreading to linked pages, it really should.02:27
IdleOnedoesn't even have any iso's hosted yet02:29
rwwwait a minute.02:29
IdleOneand I'm #1102:29
rwwsee the link at the bottom of that stupid page.02:29
rwwgoddamn spammers02:29
IdleOnethe adhd one?02:30
nicofsmneptok, just so you know. i googled my problem and i consulted other irc channels. other people have the same problem. without using arm-based machines. only because i use an arm doesn't make every single problem on it arm specific an off-topic.02:40
uRockto whom this may concern http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10627471#post1062747102:42
uRockWe have closed the thread, but I figured I share as it looks to be an issue with #ubuntu02:42
specialmoosehello, im banned from #ubuntu. My nick was changed to i_rape_consumers =/02:46
specialmooseim at a trade show so...02:47
specialmoosei am not steve jobs so, id appreciate if i could kindly get unbanned02:47
rwwspecialmoose: That nick wasn't appropriate for #ubuntu or #ubuntu-offtopic. Do you plan on not doing things like that in the future?02:48
bazhangspecialmoose, you understand how that nick is very offensive?02:48
rwwah, I'll leave it to bazhang02:48
* rww busg02:48
rwwbusy **02:48
rwwthat too02:48
specialmooseYes I do. I'm currently at a tradeshow and one of the other booths thought it was funny02:48
specialmooseyou know, since I am at a tradeshow selling goods to consumers02:48
specialmoosebad taste02:48
bazhangspecialmoose, I PM'd you to ask for a change before I removed you02:49
specialmoose*i didnt change it02:49
specialmooseyeah, I just got back on the comp and saw my nick was changed and was banned02:49
bazhangplease wait a moment02:49
nicofsi was kicked from #ubuntu - what can i do to get back there?02:50
specialmoosebazhang, http://greatalaskasportsmanshow.com/ is the show i am at, booth 37402:50
specialmoosebazhang, thanks02:51
bazhangspecialmoose, you're unbanned in #ubuntu ; please take care in future as such02:51
bazhangnicofs, you wanting arm support when there is not arm in ubuntu yet?02:52
specialmoosebazhang, future reference, is it an ip ban or a nick ban?02:52
bazhangspecialmoose, just the IP, now removed02:52
nicofsbazhang, i changed my approach and whanted to learn about how xrandr works...02:52
specialmoosebazhang, thanks, sorry about the nick02:52
bazhangnicofs, you realize that arm is offtopic in #ubuntu as there is not a supported port yet02:53
bazhangspecialmoose, thanks02:53
nicofsbazhang, i googled my problem nad consulted other people in other channels and found out that other people not using arm have (had) similar, if not the same issue. that led me to the conclusion that it might be a problem with xorg/xrandr and not arm specific...02:54
bazhangnicofs, you could easily /join #ubuntu-offtopic to chat on it02:54
bazhangnicofs, any idea why you were banned and removed?02:54
nicofsbazhang, obviously because a chan op disagreed with what i just said...02:55
bazhangnicofs, from reading the logs that does not seem correct02:57
* rww facepalms02:57
rwwopping in #ubuntu is a case study in fundamental attribution error :(02:57
nicofsbazhang, my last question was about xrandr and gamma settings... i don't see how that's arm specific...02:58
nicofsSo i guess what you want to hear to allow me back into #ubuntu is that I'll never ask for help again  for any problem i have on an arm-based machine even if it is about setting up a network printer?03:07
rwwunless ARM becomes officially supported03:08
nicofsrww, forgive me, but isn't that somehow close-minded?03:09
rwwnicofs: Perhaps. It is, however, the rules.03:09
nicofsrww, but - in theory - not reporting a problem but asking for help understanding how gdm, xrandr and xorg work together would be on-topic?03:11
rwwnicofs: not if you're using ARM03:12
rwwnicofs: I use Debian. I do not ask questions about my Debian system on #ubuntu. Ever. Even when I know they work the same.03:12
nicofsrww, i'm not using only arm, i also use i386 and amd64 - and i tend to frequently have issues with screen resolution. that has always been a tricky thing in linux. and ubuntu. knowing how xrandr xorg gdm work will help me there, too.03:15
bazhangnicofs, please dont idle here04:03
nicofsbazhang, why don't you just ban me here aswell? never mind... off to bed. gn8 to all of you anyway...04:04
bazhanghe was crossposting his issue in #xubuntu fwiw04:05
bazhang<Osmodivs> gerrin: have my script04:08
bazhangthats the same osmodivs from the bt I am guessing04:08
tonyyarussorww: "AtomicSpark talks to himself a lot. He wrote over 5 lines in a row 158 times!"  :P04:33
rwwI haven't been tending that, probably should.04:35
tonyyarussoThe stats, or the user?04:35
bazhangsounds suspiciously like statsrigging04:36
bazhangcui bono?04:36
bazhangforward bullgard to #erlang ?04:40
IdleOne4 years you think he would learn pastebin04:41
bazhanghe asks very tangential questions at best then is somewhat brusque (putting it nicely) when he does not get the answer he wants04:43
rwwtonyyarusso: the stats04:58
rwwbullgard has been getting worse over time :(04:58
=== IdleOne is now known as WolfOne
ubottuizinucs called the ops in #ubuntu (Blits bot?)05:14
mneptokbaz/rw: thanks for the legwork with nicofs. i was going to say the same thng about my Squeeze laptop. :)05:14
=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
oCeanhi, notice <Vizirka> in #u09:31
oCeanknown user from .hu with 'ola bruder' ..09:33
oCeananyone here?09:39
ubottuoCean called the ops in #ubuntu (Vizirka)09:39
oCeanyou're having a bad lag, ubottu09:40
oCeannow i got him in pm09:41
oCeanjust fyi, that vizirka guy probably thinks I'm ikonia10:36
oCeanApr 02 10:40:48 <Vizirka>oCean Bro: Just for your attention: I am Ongavezir Da Holyness, favor of Allah, da KiNg of tRoLlZ10:36
oCeanApr 02 10:41:31 <Vizirka>My bro ikonia bruder10:37
oCeananyway I closed the pm10:37
qwebirc61633take a look at Flynn311:04
ikoniaI am doing11:04
ikoniaqwebirc61633: I'm also looking at you11:04
ikoniado not tell people to STFU11:04
qwebirc61633ikonia: hes bugging me11:04
ikoniayou don't tell someone to STFU11:05
ikoniahe actually made a valid suggestion to you with his ps command suggestion11:05
qwebirc61633[11:03] <Flynn3> qwebirc61633: cute11:05
qwebirc61633[11:00] <Flynn3> qwebirc61633: also this isn't arch.11:05
ikoniathat is correct11:05
qwebirc61633[10:59] <Flynn3> qwebirc61633: not helping you.  but might want to look into hdparm and scripting :P11:05
ikoniaI have the logs, I'm in the channel11:05
qwebirc61633if he doesnt want to help me, he should stop hilighting me with stupid statements11:06
ikoniait wasn't stupid11:06
ikoniait was wrong, but he appeared to actually be offering attempts to help11:06
qwebirc61633webchat doesnt offer /ignore command11:07
ikoniadon't follow his advice, or "ask" him to stop, don't tell him to "STFU"11:07
qwebirc61633[11:07] <Flynn3> qwebirc61633: if anyone is going to be ban it's both of us.  me for giving in to you11:07
ikoniaqwebirc61633: ok, I'll past some logs, the one where you threaten him with a ban11:07
ikoniaqwebirc61633: I've told you I am IN the channel11:08
ikoniaI can see the conversations and you're pasting snippets11:08
qwebirc61633to ask if wants to be banned if not threaten him11:08
ikoniayou're not pasting the bits where you threaten him with a ban and tell him to STFU11:08
ikoniaso I suggest you stop11:08
ikoniaqwebirc61633: it certainly came across as a threat11:08
ikoniaand if it wasn't a threat, why say it, he hadn't done anything to be banned11:08
qwebirc61633well if he is not following channel rules11:08
qwebirc61633I asked him11:09
ikoniahe IS11:09
ikoniayou ARE not11:09
qwebirc61633a legit question11:09
ikoniayes, and he gave you a legit answer11:09
qwebirc61633HE IS NOT11:09
qwebirc61633he continue with offtopic in there11:09
ikoniait was wrong, but his intention was trying to help11:09
ikoniayou broke the channel rules telling him to STFU11:09
ikoniaso should I ban you ?11:09
qwebirc61633if you want11:09
ikoniaa bit of offtopic is easy to guide back on, I can help you / him with that11:09
ikoniabut your response to him doesn't help11:09
ikoniaI suggest you go back to getting some help, and if there ia problem, ask people to stop, if they continue, ask the ops, or call the ops with the !ops command IF it's urgent11:11
ikoniaputting yourself in a position where you are just as bad as the person you are complaining about doesn't help11:12
ikoniaI will keep an eye on him and make sure the offtopic comment stop also11:12
bazhangqwebirc61633, is an op?11:13
ikoniaqwebirc61633: is that acceptable ?11:13
ikoniaqwebirc61633: also it would be helpful if you could not cross-post your questions across multiple ubuntu channels11:14
ikoniaqwebirc61633: could you please respond as I see you active in other channels11:15
qwebirc61633ikonia: now you failed. im taling to flynn via PM11:15
ikoniaqwebirc61633: what ?11:16
ikoniaI failed ?11:16
qwebirc61633[11:15] <+ikonia> qwebirc61633: could you please respond as I see you active in other channels11:16
qwebirc61633im not chatting in other channels11:16
ikoniaI can see you active in #ubuntu-server and #freenode11:16
qwebirc61633that was before11:17
qwebirc61633not right now11:17
ikoniaI'm just asking you to respond to acknowledge you've understood and you are happy with what was discussed in here11:17
qwebirc61633im not happy with anything of this11:17
qwebirc61633it's stupid to argue on the internetz11:17
ikoniathen I'm going to remove him from #ubuntu11:18
ikoniaahhh he's left anyway11:19
bazhangthink a remove will have fbot ban11:19
bazhangah whoops11:19
ubottuIn ubottu, rigved said: Which is the best video editor?11:21
ikoniaflyn is now complaining in #ubuntu that qwebirc61633 is trying to harass him in pm11:21
ubottuIn #ubuntu-bots, rigved said: ubottu: Which is the best video editor?11:22
bazhangqwebirc was acting odd earlier, giving a running commentary of his various issues11:22
ikoniahe was doing that yesterday despite being asked to stop11:22
bazhanghe was told how to solve that yesterday as well11:24
bazhangby iceroot11:25
ikoniahello Dan0812:22
Dan08hello there12:22
ikoniahow can we help you today ?12:22
Dan08need emotional support:\12:23
ikoniain what respect ?12:23
ikoniathis channels used for resolving issues for the Ubuntu IRC channels12:23
ikoniathat's all it's really used for12:23
Dan08i was forwarded here:\ for some reason12:24
ikoniaoh, one moment please12:25
ikoniaDan08: ahh you kept doing /me away /me is back12:26
ikoniaso the channel was getting flooded with comments such as this12:26
* ikonia is away12:26
Dan08apparently i was banned12:26
* ikonia is just back12:26
* ikonia has gone again12:27
* ikonia has now come back12:27
ikoniayou got pushed here so we could find out what was going on to cause this ?12:27
Dan08ohh:\ its my konversation configuration thing12:27
ikoniacould you disable it for us please, it was a bit out of control12:27
Dan08yes. just disabled it:D12:29
Dan08im still banned tho?12:30
Dan08and that was ages ago anyway. how long am i going to be banned for?12:32
ikoniaDan08: sorry about that I had to step away13:28
ikoniaDan08: I've removed the ban for you now13:28
ikoniaDan08: when you're back at you keyboard try to join #ubuntu13:46
bazhangyikes. some client broke through +g14:03
bazhangremotectr1 wanted to discuss the removal of cjm and the "show me a porn site" issue14:05
ikoniaand he could message you fine ?14:05
bazhangvia PM yes, but some kind of encryption link was made (OTR) and now I get all him messages to #ubuntu in PM14:06
ubotturuan called the ops in #ubuntu (ylmfos)14:06
ikoniasorted idoru14:06
bazhanghave to restart my irc client I guess as I can't un-PM with him, even with umode +g14:08
ikonianever seen that14:09
=== PinkUnicorns is now known as nhandler
ikoniaDan08: I see you're all back in #ubuntu now14:26
Dan08ikonia thank you:D14:38
ikoniano problem14:40
bazhangvincent_ 's been an issue before as well14:46
ikoniaDan08: if you don't need anything more from the operator team, we ask that you leave the channel so we can deal with other users that need help14:48
ikoniaDan08: you're welcome back if you need assistance with anything in future14:48
mneptokMicrosoft vi(m) - http://i.imgur.com/r9Jhh.gif15:00
Dan08thanks bye:D15:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (aWeelAdmin appears to be abusive - 4)18:47
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu (aWeelAdmin)18:47
ubottuGuest41779 called the ops in #ubuntu (ubuntu vs lenix)18:48
LjLnice job guest18:49
knomePapaaa joined + ads + left #xubuntu22:14
bazhangyep, he's been doing that since yesterday network wide22:17
knomeawwh :(22:17
bazhangrhodium in -ot seems to have connection issues22:20
bazhangcesin10> I need understand fast fourrier transform (fft) and inverse fft for compar audio format mp3 or wave in real time22:45
LjLtough topic, i don't know the appropriate channel22:48
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel

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