
hamitrongrrrr, locked out now for some reason00:06
Azelphurhamitron: debugging obsfucated code is fun :D00:09
HazRPGhamitron: keyboard test?01:05
hamitronno, just in a bad mood01:06
hamitronwas that or the mouse was gonna meet the wall01:06
hamitronjust had cops round, so kinda hyped up01:07
HazRPGhamitron: :o! What happened?!01:07
hamitronsisters mobile is still registered at this address, and she had to phone the police because of her bf beating her (again)01:08
HazRPGseems someone was talking abut TuxGuitar earlier! I use that!01:08
HazRPGhamitron: ouch :(01:08
hamitrondon't need them calling around, not even knowing the name of who called01:08
hamitronreally high stress01:09
HazRPGcan imagine!01:09
hamitrononce they confirmed it was her, and we gave the other address, they won't even contact us to let us know she is safe01:09
gordonjcphamitron: not wonderful01:10
hamitronlucky, this time he hadn't broken her phone01:10
hamitronso we could contact her01:10
hamitronbut last time her phone was smashed and we were in the dark01:10
hamitroncba to fix my vps I broke now01:11
hamitronso just gonna try chill01:11
HazRPGhamitron: play starcraft 2 with me and my mate :D02:26
hamitronHazRPG: don't own it02:31
hamitronbut ty for offer02:31
hamitronI got a trial key for steam, but it is a huge download02:32
hamitronso not bothered02:32
HazRPGhamitron: new xkcd is in 3D!!!!!02:35
HazRPGthis is FREAKY!02:35
HazRPGhamitron: .... your kidding right?02:38
HazRPGhamitron: hit it! http://xkcd.com02:38
HazRPGweb comic for geeks :)02:38
HazRPGso epic!02:39
hamitronI am not a geek ;)02:39
HazRPGhamitron: lies ;)02:40
hamitronI just never got into all these "geek interests"02:40
hamitrontbh, I consider myself more of an engineer in general, than an IT guy02:40
HazRPGhamitron: then you'll love xkcd!02:42
HazRPGit has physic!02:42
HazRPGIT stuffs!02:42
hamitronthe time wasted reading comics, can be spent doing something useful02:43
hamitronthe only problem is I tend to spend that time moaning instead02:43
HazRPGbut... but...02:43
HazRPGwell what are you doing now?02:43
HazRPGhit the link :D02:43
hamitroninstalling ubuntu02:43
HazRPGhit it...02:43
HazRPGhittttt itttttt02:43
hamitronand off to bed soon02:47
hamitronconsidering getting the new IL-2 game coming out02:47
hamitron128 player online!02:47
HazRPGhamitron: get sc2 ;(02:49
hamitronI always played C&C more02:51
hamitronbut lost interest in that series with all the DRM02:51
HazRPGcoophi: finally!03:25
coophioh hai03:25
HazRPGprobably a good idea to register your nick now03:26
HazRPGif it isn't already03:26
HazRPG /msg nickserv help03:26
coophitold you it needed to drop the 'e' :P03:27
HazRPGI said yeah03:28
HazRPG*eye roll*03:28
* HazRPG pokes hamitron, shauno to see if there is any activity03:28
HazRPGcoophi: when was the last time your used irc?03:30
HazRPGcoophi: in fact... what was the last client for irc you use to use dude?03:31
coophilol LOOONG time ago03:31
coophithe name escapes me.. it was the javascript one for a-eng though03:31
coophii never used the client coz i was never logged into it when i was at home03:32
HazRPGI use to use mIRC back in 199803:32
HazRPGcoophi: do a whois on me03:37
HazRPGhow does one go about getting a mask on irc again? (other than via tunnels, vps, etc)03:53
szymon_ggood morning!04:37
coophimornin ^^04:38
HazRPGszymon_g: sup dude04:41
szymon_gwassup ;)04:41
szymon_ghm... that unity is quite nice btw04:41
szymon_gi've installed it yesterday, seems to be ok04:42
szymon_g(apart from fact, that when i've resumed from hibernation, all side icons were gone)04:42
HazRPGstill in alpha/beta04:42
HazRPGcheck to see if there's a bug :)04:42
HazRPGif not, file one! \o/04:43
szymon_ghm... i didn't even know where to report it. anyway- it works fine now. and i thought Unity is stable now? /ubuntu 10.10/04:44
HazRPGunity 2D is stable04:54
HazRPGUnity 3D (aka the one being created for narwal 11.04) isn't yet04:55
HazRPGwhen I say unity 2D, I mean the one that's been used on the netbook editions of ubuntu for a while04:55
HazRPGszymon_g: btw, bugs get filed here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity04:57
HazRPGif you look on there, unity is far from stable04:58
HazRPGslowly getting there though04:58
HazRPGszymon_g: does this sound about right: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/60947205:03
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 609472 in unity (Ubuntu) "After resume, all the launcher icons are white boxes" [Medium,Triaged]05:03
szymon_gyeap, thats that05:10
szymon_gthanx HazRPG lubotu305:10
HazRPGhehe lubotu3 automatically just repeats any bug numbers to tell you what the bug is05:10
HazRPGtry typing the bug number and you'll see what I mean05:11
szymon_g... ;)05:11
szymon_g... :|05:12
* szymon_g has to go to bed05:12
szymon_gse ya!05:12
szymon_g*see ya05:12
coophiyo ^^05:36
AlanBellmorning all07:03
AlanBellI need to go trash my car now07:03
coophisleepy time07:04
HazRPGAlanBell: trash it why?07:21
HazRPGalso, mornin' guys :)07:22
HazRPGMartijnVdS: o/07:22
MartijnVdSmorning HazRPG07:26
HazRPGhow's it going?07:28
MartijnVdSJust woke up.. reading some of Linus' rants on LKML07:28
MartijnVdSHazRPG: https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/3/17/492 (not family-safe, maybe)07:29
MartijnVdS(it _is_ a Linus rant)07:29
HazRPGeven linus himself gets pi**ed off ;)07:34
MartijnVdSHazRPG: often07:34
HazRPGgood reasons for I'm guessing though07:34
MartijnVdSyes, but there are other ways of getting your point across07:35
HazRPGits one thing to release your code, and its another thing to release and find many people trying to screw it up07:35
HazRPGI agree though, but its funny xD07:35
MartijnVdSShouting obscenities works.. but people will remember just the obscenities.07:35
HazRPGdidn't realise you subbed to lkml07:36
HazRPGany reason for ? Or just generally nosey at what's happening in the community?07:37
MartijnVdSI don't07:37
MartijnVdSBut some of those "shouting matches" get posted to reddit :)07:37
HazRPGis reddit actually any good?07:38
MartijnVdSshauno: http://i.imgur.com/z5cDb.jpg07:38
MartijnVdSHazRPG: it's a great time sink (beware)07:39
HazRPGevery time I look at it, it just looks like another digg to me07:39
shaunooh dear07:39
HazRPGshauno: he awakens!07:39
HazRPGguessing you weren't on the night shift last night then07:40
MartijnVdSBut some of those "shouting matches" get posted to reddit :)07:44
Jibadeehaupnp support in rhythmbox sucks07:45
HazRPGMartijnVdS: this is better :) http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/albuquerque07:47
gordonjcpJibadeeha: s/upnp support in //07:48
MartijnVdSHazRPG: I know the lyrics. All of them.07:49
HazRPGMartijnVdS: :P same07:49
MartijnVdSHey mom, what's up with all the sauerkraut?07:49
HazRPGwacka wacka doo doo yeahhhhhhhhh07:49
HazRPGMartijnVdS: You got any jelly doughnuts?07:52
MartijnVdSHazRPG: No, we're out of jelly doughnuts.07:52
shaunothat'd explain why it's doritos for breakfast07:53
HazRPGMartijnVdS: You got any Bavarian cream filled doughnuts?07:53
HazRPGshauno: \o/07:54
MartijnVdSHazRPG: No, we're out of Bavarian cream filled doughnuts!07:54
HazRPGshauno: I had the half a burger for breakfast from last night, technically... lol07:54
HazRPGMartijnVdS: Cinnamon rolls?07:55
HazRPGMartijnVdS: apple fritters!?07:55
* MartijnVdS goes check07:55
MartijnVdS"Besides, now he's got a really cute nickname: Torsoboy"07:58
AlanBelleveryone Jamming later?08:05
MartijnVdSglobal jamming08:06
shaunoand I hope you like jamming too08:06
HazRPG*insert bob marley song here*08:07
HazRPGAlanBell: hmm, is there something for the whole day? (looks at email again)08:12
AlanBellthere are sessions at various random times08:13
AlanBellbut I think we will take a pirates code approach to the timetable08:14
AlanBelltis more of a guideline than an actual law. Arrrrrrr08:14
HazRPGheh :P08:14
HazRPGjust lookin' at the 10AM stuff08:14
HazRPGI think I have most of that down by now08:15
HazRPGminus maybe the wiki personal page08:15
AlanBellyeah, we put that one up front to help people get started08:15
AlanBelloh, well perfect, you can do that bit then08:15
HazRPGI keep meaning to!08:15
HazRPGI just never know how to describe myself >_<08:15
HazRPGor etc08:16
AlanBellfine, getting over hurdles like that is *exactly* what this is about08:18
HazRPGwilly_1977: you'll need to drag yourself into the main channel ("Global Jam") otherwise no one will here you08:51
willy_1977oh, has it connected now...08:51
willy_1977it was doing it's thing this end for ages ;)08:52
willy_1977thanks HazRPG08:52
HazRPGwilly_1977: no problem :)08:52
willy_1977nope client crash :(08:52
HazRPGwilly_1977: alt. you can double-click on "global jam" and it'll do the same effect :)08:52
willy_1977some weird stuff going on here, so will reboot and be back shortly ;)08:53
HazRPGAlanBell: isn't there a way to make a channel the default one?08:53
HazRPGwilly_1977: no problem :)08:53
HazRPGAlanBell: I'm not sure how you've set it up, but this is one way of doing it: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/MurmurCL#Setting_a_default_channel08:55
HazRPGAlanBell: Just found an alternative to that method, depending on how you've setup mumble (either to use sqlite as the database, etc)... you just need to change/add the records in the "config" table as: server_id = 1; key = "defaultchannel"; value = id_number_of_channel (should be 0);09:09
HazRPGI use an sqlite browser to add/remove stuff in mine, however I'm sure there's a terminal tool for the same job09:10
HazRPGjust food for thought, since I'm sure the whole channel thing might be confusing to some09:11
HazRPGheh, I'm use to doing this in windows09:18
HazRPGmanaged to find the database though, its found in /var/lib/mumble-server/mumble-server.sqlite09:19
willy_1977don't you hate it when you've had something working perfectly well and then on the day when you need it...09:23
willy_1977mumble - All I have is an unresponsive app after hitting connect (I've tried both hostnames)09:24
willy_1977ok, time to think logically I guess :)09:25
HazRPGcheck the port number :)09:25
HazRPGhang on, it says your in channel though09:25
HazRPGdid you hear anything just then?09:26
HazRPGport number is: 6473809:27
willy_1977Should have gone now?09:28
willy_1977hmm interesting mumble was going fine but the gui is getting hung up on itself...09:29
HazRPGtry removing it and installing it again09:29
willy_1977will do - next on the list... it seems to get caught up when trying to sort SSL out...09:30
HazRPGdidn't realise it did SSL stuff09:31
HazRPGwilly_1977: might also be worth adding the ppa for the latest version of mumble (1.2.3) which is the version I'm running on09:32
willy_1977I *think* this is going to install 1.2.3-1ubuntu6 (mumble)09:33
HazRPGdidn't realise they'd updated it on the ubuntu repo09:34
HazRPGthe one I'm rolling with is 1.2.3-1~ppa~maverick1 (mumble)09:34
HazRPGalthough both sound similar09:34
willy_1977true, I'll see if this works... if it does I may have been a complete numpty... more to follow on that if so :)09:35
HazRPGright I'm going to scavenge some food from the kitchen somewhere09:36
HazRPGoh, btw, says your on the server again (just thought I'd let you know)09:36
willy_1977thanks... flipping thing...09:37
AlanBellmorning all09:59
willy_1977morning, still having mumble issues here :(10:07
AlanBelljust restarting the mumble server to give it more memory and a default channel10:11
willy_1977Ok, I think I'm having issues with my firewall etc. tbh.10:11
AlanBellok, we can get that sorted10:11
willy_1977*routers firewall10:12
willy_1977some noncey firmware on there that I haven't figured out yet...10:12
* danfish will be joining in later - the normal Saturday morning kids stuff first ;)10:12
AlanBellwilly_1977: ok, so you need to get outbound TCP access to the default mumble port10:13
willy_1977AlanBell: yep, so far I can open a set range of ports e.g. ssh, telnet etc. but there doesn't seem to be anywhere to add services / ports :(10:14
willy_1977I'm not quite sure what's changed because as you know it was working the other night.10:14
AlanBellwilly_1977: on most domestic routers outbound ports should be open anyway10:14
willy_1977ah, ok, so is it just outbound it needs then?10:15
willy_1977hmmm maybe then my suspicions on firewall were incorrect10:18
AlanBellport 64738, but it shouldn't be an issue10:18
willy_1977https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LeeWilliams is me... ;)10:23
willy_1977yeah I've been meaning to ask what does \o/ mean then?10:25
Davieywilly_1977, What version of ubuntu are you using?10:26
AlanBellperson waving both hands in the air10:26
AlanBello/ <- waving one hand10:26
willy_1977AlanBell: thought as much10:26
willy_1977Daviey: 11.0410:26
Davieywilly_1977, Ah... are you fully up to date on updates?10:27
willy_1977thought I was, will check now.10:27
DavieyI found mumble unusable for months under Natty... only recently has it worked better with the UI.10:28
* willy_1977 fetches coat10:28
willy_1977I'm beginning to doubt myself a little then :) but I could've sworn it was working on 11.04 the other night...10:29
DavieyThere was a known, "minimize and lose it forever" issue aswell.10:29
Davieyjamespage, here for the JAM? :)10:36
* willy_1977 we're jammin'10:37
Davieyjamespage1, here for the JAM? :)10:37
AlanBelloops, did I break the server?10:37
HazRPGAlanBell: seems that way!10:38
willy_1977I've just had a automatic bug report come through when exiting the update-manager gui , it appears to have been logged before is there anyway I can attach my info to that bug, i.e. does the auto reporting tool store it's reports and if so where?10:46
AlanBellHi all, we are now moving on to sorting out the wiki pages http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ListOfUKTeamPages10:55
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:55
brobostigonsorry i am late.10:56
HazRPGbrobostigon: good morning :)10:56
brobostigonHazRPG: goodmorning, :)10:56
brobostigonlet mefire mumble up.10:56
HazRPGsure :)10:57
HazRPGUpdate my wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HazRPG10:58
MartijnVdSHazRPG: You should add "Future plans for Ubuntu: Remove unity"11:10
brobostigonMartijnVdS: or, replace with gnome3. :)11:14
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: or that.11:15
MartijnVdSFor now, I'm sticking to classic11:15
MartijnVdS♥ panels11:15
* jacobw likes Unity11:33
=== gary_ is now known as Guest39961
HazRPGagrees ♥ panels :)11:38
HazRPGclassic ftw11:38
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Stuff you have done -- set up an IPv6 tunnel ;)11:41
HazRPGta :)11:41
brobostigonsetup ipv6 routing.11:42
MartijnVdSthat as well11:42
brobostigonsetup a radvd,whatever description fits.11:42
brobostigonaddr advertising ?11:42
HazRPGyeah :)11:43
HazRPGupdated, how does that look :)11:45
brobostigonHazRPG: let me check, oneminute.11:54
brobostigonHazRPG: looks good, :)11:59
HazRPGbrobostigon: thanks :)12:00
brobostigonHazRPG: :)12:02
brobostigonHazRPG: youre welcome.12:02
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 743486 in calibre "library/server/ doesn't listen on ipv6" [Undecided,Fix released]12:14
DavieyHazRPG, Have you undergone the HE 'tasks'?12:17
HazRPGDaviey: erm...? The tests?12:18
HazRPGif so, then yeah :)12:18
DavieyHazRPG, http://ipv6.he.net/certification/12:19
HazRPGI certainly have :)12:19
HazRPGDaviey: guessing you saw my blog post :)12:29
DavieyHazRPG, yeah.. glad to see you used HE, rather than Sixxs12:30
HazRPGDaviey: I tried Sixxs a year or two ago, and well... I didn't like it, simply put12:30
HazRPGeven tried miredo (ubuntu) and teredo (win machine) a few years back12:32
MartijnVdSSo sixxs still have the uptime rules?12:32
HazRPGI think so12:33
DavieyHazRPG, I really disliked sixxs for being complete asses. :)12:33
* Daviey explains verbally.12:33
brobostigonsixxs dont have uptime rules with the way i connect ti them,12:37
DJonesYay, new laptop arrived and a live usb of natty works nicely on it12:41
sagacianyone around that's worked in translations for 3+ cycles?12:42
HazRPGDaviey: apparently tee's go out in batches I've been informed12:42
DavieyHazRPG, I guess i should do my glue stuff then.12:42
HazRPGDaviey: indeed :)12:42
penguin42hi from u^3 in Manchester12:47
HazRPGpenguin42: howdy :D12:47
DJonesNow to create recovery  discs for win7, free up some space & install ubuntu12:48
MartijnVdSpenguin42: U³12:49
MartijnVdSNot U96 or U23512:49
HazRPGDJones: hurrah \o/12:49
MartijnVdSHazRPG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwc0shJ2aYc12:49
HazRPGMartijnVdS: that is random xD12:50
MartijnVdSNo, that's U96 :)12:50
HazRPGDaviey: hopefully my blog post will help some others curious about ipv612:53
* willy1977 is just setting a few more things up...13:11
HazRPGfor vnc n stuff13:20
willy1977have got further it's asking me for a password for registered users?13:22
willy1977*mumble I mean :)13:22
HazRPGas far as I know... there isn't one13:23
brobostigonagreed, there isnt.13:23
willy1977what's the url for the mumble server then? in case I've got the wrong one?13:23
HazRPGport 6473813:24
DJonesAlmost ready to install ubuntu, should I go with 32 or 64 bit & 10.10 or 11.04 beta, decisions, decisions ...., its nice to have to make decisions like this13:39
sagaciDJones, probably 10.10 but you'll probably want to reinstall 11.04 in a month's time13:41
DJonessagaci: Just been trying 11.04, unity is going to take some getting used to13:42
DJonessagaci: I can do some bug testing as well, although I could do 10.10 and then try 11.04 in a vm13:44
sagaciDJones, you can fallback to gnome 2.32.x13:44
DJonesI've seen that, must admit I normally install/update once they hit beta, so I'll probably go with natty as the main install, now I've got a decent machine it'll be good to see what its capeable of13:46
sagacijust expect hitches13:48
DavieyHazRPG, yeah, it was a good blog post!13:48
AlanBellanyone else want to come and join in our Natty install over VNC?13:52
AlanBellvncviewer libertushost1.libertus.co.uk:590613:52
AlanBellpassword is ubuntuuk13:53
AlanBelland join the mumble thing to talk about it as we go13:53
AlanBellthe idea is to file bugs against the installer13:53
JR0cketI had a problem with the install when I checked the "Install this third-party software" - install did not complete13:55
AlanBellnext session is at 16:00 going through the Natty install with the screenreader option and filing bugs14:32
* BigRedS claims that inistence upon swap partition is a bug14:44
shaunodoes it actually demand one now?  I thought it used to just pop up a warning making sure you know what you're doing14:47
BigRedSyeah, it warns, but it makes it sound like it's a terribly bad idea14:51
willy1977is it a terribly bad idea?14:51
BigRedSI think it should just ask how big a swap file you want somewhere along the way. I completely don't get the obsession with separate partitions for swap14:51
BigRedSespecially since we don't put anything else in separate partitions by default, and swap gains the least from being on its own14:52
popeywhere would you put the swap file?14:52
willy1977ahhh... swap partition/file = virtual memory I see!14:52
penguin42popey: /14:52
BigRedSPersonally, probably just in  /. That's where mine are14:52
shaunothe idea always was that swap actually does gain a lot from being one contiguous region14:53
BigRedSI don't know if thre's a fhs opinion on it or something14:53
shaunoswapd could be an interesting option one day.  it doesn't seem to react fast enough when things go wrong tho14:54
BigRedSshauno: it is as a file, too; it's a contiguous file.14:54
penguin42it's probably still the case that swap on a separate partition is faster; I'm also not sure the magic in hibernation14:55
popeypenguin42: its not14:55
BigRedSPopular opinion seems to be that on a separate opinion 'makes sense' for some reson, as far as easily seeing what's going on14:56
BigRedSBut I think that, especially for new desktop users, everything-in-one-partition would be a handy thing to be able to do14:57
BigRedS(and I suspect the seeing what's going on argument is based on the tradition of having a swap partiton)14:57
popeyit does make sense for people who upgrade RAM14:57
popeywho want/have to resize their swap space14:58
popeyalthough, i believe they're toying with the idea of hiding the hibernate option entirely in natty14:58
popeybecause it's slow and rarely works14:58
BigRedSI don't think I've ever resized a swap file, I suspect it's non-trivial (but the non-trivia can be done all behind the scenes)14:58
BigRedSyeah, resuming from hibernate takes longer than a cold boot14:59
willy1977hibernation is for bears...14:59
gordas long as the swap file doesn't dynamicly grow/shrink (except in explicit cases like memory size changing) i'v always felt that it makes more sense over a fixed partition14:59
willy1977no matter the OS it's just painful in my experience anyhow...15:00
BigRedSyeah, I thought it was unique to Linux, but then I tried it on a windows box and that was even worse15:01
BigRedSI was happy :)15:01
gordi have to use an sd card as a swap parition on this netbook, because you can't change the partition layout in order to create a swap partition inside it :(15:01
* BigRedS wanders off to file a wishlist bug15:01
BigRedSargh. One day I'll get the hang of launchpad15:03
BigRedSis Ubiquity the name of the installer?15:04
shaunoI'm not sure you can resize a swap file.  swapoff filename, change the filesize (however you like), mkswap & swapon it15:05
hamitronis there not less overhead having the swap on a partition, because it is formated accordingly?15:05
popeya swapfile is formatted accordingly internally15:05
hamitronyeh, but it must still use ext4 or whatever the filesystem is?15:06
hamitronit is like 2 layers of filesystems15:06
gordthe only additional overhead from a swapfile over a swap partition is potential fragmentation, otherwise after the first stat and file open, there is no additional overhead15:06
popeyarguably it shouldn't matter15:07
popeyyou shouldn't be using it15:07
BigRedShamitron: no, the kernel doesn't use the fs15:07
hamitronso how does ext fs know where each section of a file is?15:07
BigRedSis the most succinct an explanation I've found.15:08
willy1977so the has it's own map of the swap file locations etc.?15:09
willy1977*the kernel15:09
BigRedSit accesses it essentially as it does a swap partition15:10
willy1977that was nice and concise ;)15:10
hamitronso in theory, a larger swap will mean using more memory?15:10
hamitronon a linear relationship15:10
willy1977I'd have thought you'd just need a start / end location address?15:11
willy1977or similar15:11
BigRedSyeah, assuming it's contiguous15:11
BigRedSI suppose that if it's not you'd need a start and offset for each fragment15:12
hamitronso a heavily fragmented would15:13
hamitronif that is how it is done15:13
BigRedSyeah, which is why you create the file at install time, or at least on a very young system15:13
willy1977yup, and if you have to add to it, that's when the irk begins (which BigRedS  mentioned could be done behind the scenes :/)15:13
hamitronthink I'll just stick to a partition, easier15:14
shaunotwo answers there.  either don't add to it (you can create a second swapfile & use both), or fix the cause instead of the symptom, and find out why you've living in swap15:14
BigRedSIt just seems dumb that we've already moved all the other traditionally-separate-partitions onto the same as /, but the one with little technical merit in being separate is still an additional partiton15:15
gordcreating a second swap file and using both is fragmentating ;)15:15
BigRedSshauno: the current argument for having swap at all is generally hibernation15:15
hamitronBigRedS: you don't have seperate partitions?15:15
willy1977and we've already established hiberantion is the devil.15:15
shaunotrying to expand an existing file is going to be fragmented too15:15
hamitronis it sane to have no swap?15:16
BigRedShamitron: I do, but IIRC the installer defaults to most-in-one if not all-in-one?15:16
hamitronthen you have no swap fragmentation15:16
BigRedShamitron: yeah, generally if you're using swap you've problems outside of the efficiency of swap15:16
shaunoI think a second swapfile on a lower priority would be saner than fragmenting your only swapfile15:16
BigRedSand you should be fixing those rathe rthan optimising swap15:16
popeydepends on your definition of "using swap"15:17
BigRedSyeah, and what the system is doing15:17
gordshauno, actually no, if your using ext4 or such and just swapoff , make new larger swap file, swap on, you should be fine. its clever enough15:17
popeyusing could mean "space allocated" or "blocks in/out per second"15:17
hamitronblocks in/out is what matters15:17
BigRedSgord: is that intelligence in ext4 or in mkswap?15:18
shaunoext4 isn't clever at all :/  it just contains the fragmentation to roughly the same physically area of the disk15:18
gordBigRedS, ext4 - using extents15:18
gordif you say "i want a file and it will be this size" then it'll find the largest free space to put it in to avoid fragmentation15:19
hamitrontoo complex15:20
hamitronKISS and use a seperate partition15:20
hamitronor drive15:21
hamitronhow good is ext4 when you run low on free space then?15:25
shaunoI'm not sure anything's good when you run low on disk :/15:26
hamitronthat explains why I always hurt then15:26
hamitronI do try to store data on a different partition though15:27
hamitronI refuse to budge from some old habbits15:28
hamitronseperate /boot too :/15:28
hamitronnot even sure if there is any advantage for the boot partition now15:28
hamitronjust stops me getting greedy with the number of kernels I keep installed :)15:29
* brobostigon prods pitivi, ormight have to resort to using blender.15:32
* penguin421 yaawwwnns15:39
gordbrobostigon, does pitivi still not work well?15:40
shaunohamitron: given your love for older machines, /boot may still be useful for you.  iirc it was a trick to make sure kernels lived without a given cylinder boundary from when harddrives were growing faster than bioses15:41
shaunoer, *live within15:41
brobostigongord: very badly. yes.15:42
hamitronbefore the 1024th15:42
popeygord: doesnt work at all for video from mant video cameras15:42
hamitronredhat 6.0 was fine with LBA32 passed to lilo though15:42
* brobostigon uses blender insted, and gives up on pitivi15:43
hamitronwhen you get kernel updates in ubuntu, does it automatically ask to remove the older ones eventually?15:44
hamitronso what happens to a newb who doesn't know there is even such a thing as a kernel?15:45
mattihamitron: He goes on the Internet and educate himself to the ranks of Jedi Master.15:46
directhexhamitron, computer janitor will remove old kernels.15:46
gordugh that sucks15:47
brobostigonwhat is normal dvd framerate?15:50
hamitronanyways, I'm gonna go do something useful, rather than look for problems that don't affect me15:50
popeythe issues done affect the newb user15:51
popeynewb users aren't tainted with legacy ways like creating /boot partitions15:51
brobostigona fresh unbiased mind.15:51
hamitronI was thinking more having 500mb used with old kernels15:52
popey500MB is not worth thinking about15:53
hamitronmr popey is wasteful15:53
hamitron500mb is huge15:53
popey/dev/sda5             207G  138G   59G  71% /15:54
popeyi wouldn't notice15:54
penguin421filling up /boot can be a real problem15:55
matti/dev/sda1             251M   47M  192M  20% /boot15:55
shaunoI don't believe the installer recommends a /boot anymore?  so it's only a problem if you opt for it :)15:56
mattiI don't see a reason to keep bazillion old kernels. Current and previous is probably sensible.15:57
hamitroncould be a problem for something with a 160gb hard drive and 150gb of data15:57
mattishauno: Not everyone does what installer recommends ;p15:57
hamitronthat 500mb is just....15:57
popeydelete stuff15:58
popeydon't be a hoarder15:58
hamitronor you could delete unused kernels15:59
shaunomatti: understood :)  I just figure if you tell the installer you know better, then you gotta follow thru on that15:59
hamitronmaybe under some "system clean" or something15:59
shaunothat's what janitor is15:59
hamitronwhere is that?15:59
shauno(insert someone who uses gnome here)16:00
brobostigoni have about 6 or 7 unused kernel on my eeepc right now, as i am experimenting with different kernel versions, for the gpu lockup/hang bug.16:00
mattishauno: Janitor is -- in my opinion -- dangerous.16:00
shaunomatti: purging old kernels automatically isn't very safe either.  it's sane to keep trusted kernels around during upgrades.  it's less easy for the updater to evaluate 'trusted'16:01
directhex2.6.37 is evil! purge 2.6.37!16:01
AlanBellgoing to start the screen reader install shortly16:01
mattishauno: With things like dkms and other bits with do magic after you upgrade / downgrade the kernel.16:02
brobostigonAlanBell: sorry, i wont be able to be there, i have things to sort out here,16:02
mattishauno: A lot of things may break when you fall-back to previous kernel.16:02
mattishauno: Binary closed source drivers are a good example.16:02
popeythey do?16:03
hamitronI don't think automatic removel is good either, but some popup on reboot after kernel upgrade maybe?16:03
popeyyeah, would be nice if it kept a track of successful reboots16:03
shaunothey shouldn't :/  I'd expect dkms to put the new modules in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/, leaving previous versions untouched16:03
popeyand figured "You haven't used 2.6.old for 6 months, shall i remove it?"16:04
mattishauno: That is not always the case.16:04
hamitronexactly popey16:04
mattishauno: I guess incremental kernel updates from mainstream Ubuntu are fine.16:04
hamitronkernel tracker16:04
mattishauno: But when you have something older and/or custom ... then things get messy.16:05
shaunoso if I install a new kernel, device x no longer functions as expected, I can't trust rolling back to the previous kernel to be a sane option?16:06
mattishauno: It works in 90% of cases. But when it breaks you have to manually fix it.16:07
mattishauno: But, being up to date, and running recent Ubuntu is probably not a problem...16:07
mattishauno: I have older system, and things do break a lot. Especially when they back-port ...16:08
mattiHah ;]16:08
hamitron"Hah"? ;)16:10
hamitronthat just sounds childish :D16:10
mattihamitron: Hehe.16:10
mattihamitron: I am not really a grown up ;p16:10
* matti is running 9.10 ...16:11
mattiI guess this makes me quite out of date?16:11
hamitronATI drivers?16:11
mattiNo, Ubuntu release.16:11
hamitronwhy run 9.10?16:11
MartijnVdSThat makes you OLD :)16:11
hamitroneven I am upgrading to 10.04 now, and I am a stick in the mud16:11
mattiIt does not look like 9.10 any more.16:12
mattiI have custom most of the things.16:12
screen-xafternoon :)16:12
hamitronhow long does it have security updates?16:12
mattiMartijnVdS: I guess so.16:12
hamitronor does it?16:12
mattihamitron: I back-port when needed.16:12
hamitronso what is your reason?16:12
mattihamitron: I also have custom kernel.16:13
mattihamitron: I can't be asked to put all these customizations back after new fresh install.16:13
mattihamitron: It took me some time to get my notebook working as I like.16:13
mattihamitron: Purely because I never have the time to do it.16:14
mattihamitron: Keep posponing upgrades to ... "Maybe next week..." ;p16:14
hamitronI understand that feeling16:14
hamitronbut that is why I use LTS releases ;)16:15
mattihamitron: But then you want something more recent...16:15
mattihamitron: So you mix and match and hack'n'slash things.16:15
shaunoyou're stuck on 9.10? LTS _is_ more recent16:15
mattihamitron: And then you realise that it will be hard to port all of this onto something new ;p16:16
mattishauno: Me or hamitron?16:16
* matti either builds his own or gets things from Squeeze.16:16
hamitronmatti: i'd have still put the effort into getting upto 10.04, then good for 3 years16:16
brobostigonmatti: so debian stable?16:17
hamitrondebian is hardly modern ;)16:17
mattibrobostigon: That is hard to say ;p16:17
hamitronbut I suppose, that is best thing about linux as a whole, you can do wtf you want16:18
brobostigonmatti: :)16:18
mattibrobostigon: I cannot really put what I've done under a common umbrella ;]16:18
mattihamitron: Precisely ;]16:18
hamitronstill think you are crazy ;)16:18
brobostigonmatti: i know what you mean, after abasic cli install, i play about with things alot.16:18
mattihamitron: :P16:19
mattihamitron: I have my Mattinux, I guess.16:19
hamitrondull, matt like16:19
brobostigonmatti: my natty install, is pretty much a botch between standerd natty and gnome3 and a few other bit and pieces.16:20
mattiPfff ;p16:20
lubotu3Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.16:20
mattibrobostigon: :)16:20
hamitronthat is kinda new16:20
brobostigonhamitron: i agree, i lived with debian sid/unstable for quite a while, so this is little risk compared,16:21
hamitronyeh :)16:23
hamitronwell, I am still on debian 5.016:23
AlanBellbug 74835216:23
lubotu3Launchpad bug 748352 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "broken partial network manager icon at top of screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74835216:23
dutchiei see that occasionally16:26
dutchiei think16:26
dutchieoh no, i see something completely different16:26
AlanBellbug 74835916:26
lubotu3Launchpad bug 748359 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Londo (Congo, Democratic Republic of The (general), Democratic Republic of the Congo) repeated three times in location listing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74835916:26
AlanBellbug 74836116:28
lubotu3Launchpad bug 748361 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "firefox not default browser when clicking links in installer slideshow" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74836116:28
penguin421oh that one is fun16:37
Myrttiwhat an epic day16:41
AlanBellin what way Myrtti?16:42
Myrttilovely dreams during the night, then a bus ride to my apartment, there was British stuff being sold at the market and I got some nice stuff from there, then went to the nice food shop and got some salmon and rice for dindins, now I've got nice British tea in a nice British cuppa and saucer, nice vanilla pretzel with British lemon & ginger curd, watching Midsomer Murders on my lappy16:44
MyrttiI can almost imagine being in UK now16:44
AlanBellso can I :)16:44
AlanBellwhen do you come back?16:44
Myrttianytime after mum gets better and I learn to inject myself with Klexane16:45
Myrtti(in which "mum gets better" means "is in a condition I can allow myself not to worry about her 24/7")16:46
popeybug 74838416:53
lubotu3Launchpad bug 748384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) ""Warning" text is barely readbale, is too feint " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74838416:53
willy1977what's next on the jam list?16:56
willy1977scratch that just picked up AlanBell 's email update16:57
MyrttiI recon I've soon drank almost a bucket of tea :-D17:18
MartijnVdSBuckets of tea++17:24
mattiCoffee \o/17:25
MartijnVdSmatti: heathen!17:25
BigRedScoffee for productivity, tea for relaxing17:25
BigRedSthat's quite a manic grin you've got there17:26
mattiBigRedS: Just had coffee, that's why ;]17:27
BigRedSah yeah, that should've been a bit obvious :)17:27
mattiAh, such a nice day and I have to do my course work.17:29
BigRedSHaha, I'm working today :(17:41
BigRedSAdmittedly, from a bench in the garden :)17:41
shaunoI'm at the office, but it's all good because I've already filled today's crazy quota17:42
mattiSpare time seems like a luxury nowadays ;]17:45
shaunonot sure myself.  I mean, train-spotters still exist ..17:48
mattiThis reminded me about my friend from work... he uses every single spare minute to play WoW.17:50
shaunothat was me until not so long ago :/17:52
* brobostigon needs to learn to use blenders video editing again.17:54
BigRedSmatti: I knew a guy who used every single spare minute from WoW to do work...17:55
BigRedSthat didn't last long17:55
MartijnVdS\o/ Colleague managed to register a team for a 10 mile running event in September17:56
BigRedSDo the members know they're in the team?17:56
MartijnVdSBigRedS: Yes, everyone volunteered :)17:56
MartijnVdSBigRedS: http://damloop.nl/index.html17:57
mattiBigRedS: Oh dear.17:57
mattiBigRedS: This can be really life-wrecking if you don't know where to draw the line...17:58
AzelphurHmm, I had an sd card with guarentee from a seller on Amazon and it broke, I sent it back to them, it's been a month and I havn't heard from them17:58
BigRedSmatti: yeah, I've seen a couple of people completely fail to find the line17:59
mattiBigRedS: Yeah... They need to learn how to draw the line from the best...17:59
MartijnVdSI know a few ex-WoW players who are now falling into the Minecraft trap17:59
mattiBigRedS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGF1NP-FrCU17:59
shaunoMartijnVdS: \o/17:59
mattiBigRedS: Picard will show them!18:00
* matti loves First Contact18:00
shaunoto be honest, I think that's why I'm loving minecraft.  I can pick it up, play it silly, and then put it down for weeks at a time18:00
shaunoinstead of having expectations, schedules, people to let down, etc18:01
mattiSo British ;p18:02
zleaphow did the ubuntu jam, thing to today ?18:03
mattiI have no idea.18:14
AlanBellzleap: we have been fixing wiki pages, filing bugs against Natty installer18:16
AlanBelland I am just doing a runthrough of some of the Accessible installer options18:16
zleapsounds good then18:17
AlanBelland filing *masses* of bugs against that18:17
willy1977AlanBell, you not doing that on mumble?18:17
AlanBellwilly1977: I did go through it on mumble18:17
AlanBellthen turned mumble off and went through it doing a clean recording18:17
willy1977missed that then...18:18
AlanBellwell feel free to have a go in a VM or something on your machine18:18
AlanBellI will upload my video later18:18
willy1977I'll check out the vid - I just wonder what went on with mumble... hmmm18:19
AlanBellcan you hear me?18:20
willy1977nope nowt...18:20
willy1977I'll try reconnecting.18:20
AlanBellI could hear you a bit18:20
willy1977ok so can't connect again now...18:21
willy1977must be my not so good connection then...18:22
AlanBellsay something18:25
AlanBellhello to you too18:25
AlanBellis your volume muted somewhere?18:26
willy1977not that I can see... are you talking now?18:26
AlanBellwhen I am red I am talking18:27
willy1977that's just it you're little lips aren't going red anymore :(18:27
AlanBellok, next session at 8PM18:35
AlanBellgoing through the election process and getting that ready for the wiki page18:35
DJonesEvening all18:42
AzelphurAnyone know a good ADSL modem that'll just do PPPoE from a cable router?18:43
AzelphurADSL2+ modem, rather18:43
MartijnVdSWhy not buy a PPPoE "normal" router then?18:51
AzelphurMartijnVdS: because I have a Linksys WRT610n with DD-WRT18:52
Azelphurand it's very nice.18:52
MartijnVdSGet a Fritz!Box 7340, it can switch from DSL to 3G if connection drops :)18:52
Azelphurso can my router18:52
AzelphurI'm not decomissioning my £120 Linux router :p18:53
Azelphurall I need is a modem and it's good to go :D18:53
shauno\o/ home!18:56
shaunoI'd be curious to see someone go thru that without the screen19:03
shaunoI really don't like that it's reading out 'underscore' everywhere.  it's reading out the name of the element?19:09
AlanBellyeah, it is a bit nasty19:14
AlanBellI have done it without looking at the screen in Lucid19:15
shaunonot sure how it works on gnome; is there any hinting in the dialog that should suggest content to orca?19:16
AlanBellwell kind of, try running orca and see what it does19:18
AlanBellthere is an app which shows all the accessibilty events and hints19:18
AlanBell!info accerciser19:19
lubotu3accerciser (source: accerciser): an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.11.1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1371 kB, installed size 4232 kB19:19
shaunoI'll have to take a prod at that after dinner19:24
shaunoI did the voiceover install on osx, thanks to the screen on my laptop being duff.  there was a single page that tripped me up.  not convinced I could have done the same with that walk thru19:26
shaunoseems it'd have made more sense if it just read out the fields we see, rather than .. wherever it's getting underscore from all the time19:26
shaunoI had one step that turned out to be a progress bar.  but it didn't tell me that.  nor did it read out the "now doing stuff" header.  having absolutely zero feedback was incredibly frustrating19:33
willy1977Yeah, that's not so hot is it...19:35
DJonesSucess, new laptop, ubuntu installed, /me sits back to install useful apps now19:44
ali1234it strikes me that an install using debian-installer might work a lot better with a screen reader than a fancy GUI method19:45
AlanBellali1234: yes, it probably would19:45
HazRPGseems I went from going for some food to actually sleeping on the sofa >_< lol19:47
ali1234hmm re: keyboard layout, do blind people have braille keyboards or are they all expert touch typers?19:48
AlanBellhi czajkowski19:49
AlanBellali1234: they are *amazing* touch typists generally19:49
AlanBellbut braille keyboards exist too19:49
ali1234in the case of touch typing, all the questions about detecting kb layout are irrelevant19:50
AlanBellyes, it is pretty useless, just confusing if you end up in that section by accident19:50
HazRPGczajkowski: howdy19:50
hamitronomg, why do you always have problems when you are relying on someone else?19:50
* hamitron headbutts wall19:50
AlanBellczajkowski: have you been car shopping?19:51
HazRPGhamitron: Hmm?19:51
hamitronmy vps is broken19:51
BigRedSI'm after a way of debugging some PHP that's apparently not executing the SQL it should be without having to touch the code. Something like a PHP extension that gives me better logging? Anyone got any suggestions?19:52
hamitronmy node had updates on 29th, and now loads of hassle19:52
HazRPGhmm, seems I missed the natty install, but I do have like 6hrs worth of audio xD19:52
czajkowskiAlanBell: nope19:54
czajkowskirelaxing resting19:54
czajkowskinot able to move19:54
czajkowskiand now fighting with machine19:54
shaunoBigRedS: if you can change .htaccess, http://perishablepress.com/press/2008/01/14/advanced-php-error-handling-via-htaccess/  may be useful.  there's a lot of errorlevel & debug flags you can pass thru apache19:55
BigRedSshauno: Ah. I'm trying to work out why code that works under Apache/mod_php appears to not under lighttpd/cgi19:56
shaunonow that sound fun.  have you compared the output of phpinfo() between the two?19:57
BigRedSshauno: yeah. I've rebuilt the cgi binary to match the configure options as closely as possible, and the php.ini is just a cp of the tree apache uses19:57
shaunomay give clues if there's different capabilities listed  (or indeed, if they're pointing to different php.ini's)19:57
BigRedSI've just thought of pointing lighttpd to the same php as apache's using just to test19:58
BigRedSwhy didn't that occur to me before?19:58
BigRedSstill, I do need it working under lighttpd and a non-dpkg php19:58
HazRPGdoes audacity convert ogg to wave or something? I Just got a messaging saying I've run out of space on /20:00
AlanBellaudacity will uncompress the ogg into memory20:01
shaunothat could still cause problems with a 6-hour ogg20:02
HazRPG6hr ogg was fine...20:02
HazRPGbecause gotta remember its got blank spaces in between20:03
HazRPGit just didn't like me putting in ALL the ogg's I have20:03
HazRPG(one channel for each person)20:03
shaunosilences are only cool when they're compress.  if that's in pcm/wave in memory, that's going to be .. expensive20:04
gordHazRPG, yeah it pretty much converts to wav and puts it in /tmp20:06
AlanBellhttp://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UUKElectionProcess messing with this at the moment20:07
shauno22k mono's going to be roughly 2.5meg/minute?  so 6 hours would be 900Mb per person.   3600Mb per if it's 44k stereo.  you're likely to run into some real limits of how many channels you can mux that way20:07
HazRPGI see20:08
HazRPGI knew I should have given /tmp its own partitions xD20:08
ali1234audacity converts everything you add to the project to pcm for fast editing20:08
ali1234it uses some custom file format for it20:09
exobuzzHazRPG, just mount it elsewhere ?20:10
shaunoI wonder if you could do it with whatever the audiodaemon-de-jour is.  'play' a bunch of files at once, and point the output at | oggenc20:10
HazRPGexobuzz: hmm, never thought of that20:16
shaunohttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man1/oggz-merge.1.html     this could be interesting20:17
shauno"Similarly,  using  oggz-merge on a collection of Ogg Vorbis audio files will create a big  Ogg  file  with  all  the  songs  in  parallel,  ie. interleaved  for  simultaneous playback20:17
shauno(no promises, it's a google result not experience)20:19
exobuzzanyone here used unity 2d ? i might be being stupid but i cant work out how to add a new application to it heh20:19
exobuzzpretty unstable still. well i guess its still wip20:20
willy1977exobuzz, definitely wip... I went back to classic :)20:21
exobuzzyeh. shame though since it could work well on this touchscreen device20:21
exobuzzi need to work out how to switch on compositing even though im using unity 2d too20:22
=== MattJ100 is now known as MattJ
exobuzzseems that  its not advised/tested to run unity2d compiz. seems a mistake - they are assuming if you can run compiz then unity 3d will work, but there are gfxcards/drivers that compiz works but unity 3d doesnt20:25
exobuzzlike the o2 joggler20:25
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/Elections does that look OK?20:25
AlanBelldaubers: ^^20:27
czajkowskiwhy do ye mention the LCoC and the CoC ?20:28
czajkowskior snippets of it?20:28
daubersAlanBell: Perfect :)20:29
daubersczajkowski: Sets the scene20:29
AlanBellczajkowski: because we don't have fixed terms20:29
czajkowskiAlanBell: perhaps a way then would be to have a fixed term20:29
czajkowskisay 2 cycles = 1 year20:29
czajkowskiwould encourage more people to take part and step up20:30
daubersczajkowski: We struggled for volunteers in the last round... that sounds like a heap of trouble :)20:31
czajkowskiyeah we did20:31
czajkowskibecause we let the leadership go on for a long time20:31
czajkowskiperhaps forcing people to step up might be a way to get more involvement tbh20:31
daubersczajkowski: Also, since yu'd be changinging the status quo, it'd have to go to a meeting and what not to be approved. Can't just write it in now20:31
daubersczajkowski: Also, those two paragraphs help put people in mind that they should step down gracefully20:32
czajkowskiyes but it just seems ilogical tbh that you just elect a leader and when and if they get bored snad step down you go through this process.20:32
czajkowskidaubers: trust me I've seen those two paragprahs used to get people to step down and it usually ends up the loco council having to step in20:32
daubersWe haven't really ever had a problem with it (historically)20:33
AlanBellnot neccessarily20:33
AlanBellczajkowski: you only see the times when you have to step in20:33
willy1977surely though uuk is a global domination  outfit run by someone in a secret volcano island?20:33
AlanBellif it works properly you wouldn't know about it20:33
AlanBellwilly1977: quite right20:33
* AlanBell sits in a big chair stroking a chicken20:34
daubersAlanBell: I can actually picture that quite vividly...20:34
Pendulumcould you be having issues getting volunteers *because* people think it could be a multi-year commitment?20:34
nigelbAlanBell: I dunno why, but I can picture it quite clearly.20:34
AlanBellwe didn't have issues getting volunteers20:34
czajkowskiAlanBell: daubers I'm just saying it may be a case that leaving the leadership term so long  people dont wnat to step on toes or know when they can step up20:34
willy1977equally could you have problems getting volunteers because it definitely is a fixed term?20:34
czajkowskijust doesnt seem right . sorry.20:35
AlanBellwe got one quite easily, and it was uncontested20:35
czajkowskiAlanBell: yup and perhaps had we a fixed term people cna say ok, well I'm busy now but at least in  years time I can put myself forward20:35
daubersczajkowski: I'm happy for a discussion and what not too happen around the issue. Hoever, I have no strong feeling on the issue at all20:35
willy1977czajkowski, I think you're making fair points how about we put it on the meeting agend for the next one? or something like that?20:36
HazRPGhmm that was odd20:36
HazRPGI hope I don't see that again!20:36
willy1977what AlanBell stroking his chicken?20:36
HazRPGalmost didn't come back onto the internet then20:36
HazRPGironically, I had an ipv6 though xD20:36
AlanBellI don't mind fixed terms, however I do think the "step down gracefully" thing is a viable alternative to fixed terms20:36
AlanBellwilly1977: I have pet chickens20:36
HazRPGipv4 decided to die, and all the internet with it20:36
czajkowskiAlanBell: that assumes the person will get tired and step down, what about peoplemnitchying to help out and lead20:37
czajkowskithis is no reflection on you20:37
czajkowskijust I think having no set time is a bit well... daft20:37
AlanBelland bond villains stroke cats20:37
willy1977AlanBell: I got it ;) do you have some layers?20:37
AlanBellczajkowski: maybe in a few years time someone like you or popey will have a quiet word with me and point out it is time to go20:38
czajkowskiwho knows20:38
BigRedSyou can quite easily emulate no-fixed-terms by a) re-electing the same guy again because he's good and b) letting him step down early and elect a replacement20:38
AlanBellwilly1977: yes, three of them20:38
czajkowskianyways battery is about to die and I need to go and rest20:38
AlanBellnot laying that well at the moment20:38
DJonesDoes anybody know why a dual core processor shows up as having 4 cores under system monitor20:39
AlanBellI keep telling them they have to step up production or it will be chicken tikka massala night at our house20:39
AlanBellDJones: dual core hyperthreaded20:39
DJonesAlanBell: Thanks, that explains it, I didn't think the i3's were quad core20:39
BigRedSyeah, the kernel's bad at telling the difference between hyperthreading and genuine different cores20:39
willy1977kind of like "I don't want to be a pie, I don't like gravy?" any idea what may be causing the girls to ... err... you know.20:40
DJonesI must add the laptop to the hardware database20:41
gordonjcpAlanBell: someone on the radio was talking about that earlier in the week, Gardener's Question Time possibly20:41
gordonjcpAlanBell: "More eggs, or less hens!"20:41
AlanBellgordonjcp: yes, there was a programme about it last week, I was at a customer at the time20:42
AlanBellwonder if it is on the web somewhere20:42
willy1977oh wasn't that on radio 4?20:42
DJonesAlanBell: Did you see that new open source licence "CDL - Chicken Dance Licence" when I read about it, I thought of you20:43
AlanBellI did DJones!20:44
willy1977AlanBell: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00zsdsb/Attila_the_Hen/20:44
willy1977ah ok.20:44
gordonjcpAlanBell: that looks like it20:45
d3ngar_ChanServ Help20:45
AlanBelld3ngar_: not here!20:46
gordonjcpAlanBell: although I'm sure GQT was talking about it too - I often only get to hear odd bits of shows as I go from site to site20:46
AlanBelld3ngar_: /msg chanserv help20:46
d3ngar_AlanBell: thx20:46
willy1977gordonjcp: Yeah, I'm the same, although I don't do as much lately.20:46
willy1977tavelling I mean.20:46
d3ngar_AlanBell: What is the AUTH command?20:48
lubotu3Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:49
AlanBellinfo in there somewhere20:49
willy1977are you trying to register your nick?20:49
d3ngar_I registered it already20:49
willy1977I'll shut up then :D20:50
AlanBelld3ngar_: ah, I see your problem20:50
lubotu3If you own an IRC nick that is currently being used, you can make it change nicks by typing: /msg nickserv release <nick> <password> | If you have a dead (ghost) connection, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv ghost <nick> <password> | further help in #freenode20:50
d3ngar_Just this client is new and I can't remember how to authenticate20:51
AlanBellfreenode things d3ngar is still logged on20:51
willy1977and once that is cleared you should be able to identify with /msg nickserv identify <password>20:52
d3ngar_good stuff20:52
=== d3ngar_ is now known as d3ngar
* AlanBell is enjoying atilla the hen21:04
=== ChrisB is now known as Guest79113
willy1977think I'm finally there with me new blog :)21:18
AlanBellwilly1977: url?21:20
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/ubuntu-uk.org/planet/ add it there and it will go on planet.ubuntu-uk.org21:21
AlanBellso i tis21:22
AlanBellnice theme21:22
DavieyHazRPG, I can haz sage.21:22
willy1977I'm not a designer so I have doctored that to work for me, have only tried it in FF4 though... must try it in IE when I get a chance there's a min-height which I think will cause IE to spit it's dummy out...21:23
shaunoI'm a rather fat feathery owl called Sage ...21:23
AzelphurDaviey: btw we're all still having fun in the waiting for an invoice from Daviey club :p21:24
Azelphurit's an awesome club, been established for 3 years now? :D21:25
Myrttimeh, why do I always get hungry at the most unconvinient times21:26
Myrtti(notice no questionmark)21:27
shaunoyummy.  I get to build my own mutt.  sigh.21:32
mgdmthe ones in the pet shop not good enough?21:32
* mgdm runs21:32
BigRedSthey're non-free; you can't take them apart, modify them, then put them back together again21:39
BigRedSwell, you *can*, but they never work afterwards21:39
shaunoyou can hardly blame the pet shop for a faulty compiler21:39
shaunough, using slang instead of ncurses just brings a different set of bugs21:48
* daubers gets his CSS beating stick out of the cupboard21:48
* willy1977 hides just in case...21:53
* penguin42 thinks he can play most of 'Wargames' from memory by now21:53
* penguin42 just watched it again; nice way to relax after having been at u^3 all day22:15
zleapyay i got that on video somewhere (wargames)22:17
willy1977how about a game global thermo nuclear war?22:18
zleaphow about a nice game of chess22:19
willy1977probably for the best...22:19
zleapi found a dos game called globa nuclear war once22:20
zleapi managed to accidently shoot down a missile over london :(22:20
zleapwell russia sent a icbm towards me and i launched an intecept missile thing,22:22
zleapso that was 7m killed, then 250m which was the pop of russia22:22
zleapit was more text based than graphical22:23
zleapits odd those old games as it gives you names of cities at the time which of course have changed now, and countries of course,22:23
exobuzznot the wargames game but this one was fun http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_War_%28video_game%2922:26
zleapRonnie Raygun lol22:28
zleapspooky that the 3 rd and 4th character in the list are like still around and in the same postition as 198522:32
andylock1anhowdy all23:09

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