
nealmcbfunny you all should mention the reatek.  That was the first problem I had with the lemur: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/58593805:52
lubotu1Launchpad bug 585938 in linux (Ubuntu) "r8192se_pci + powertop (iwpriv -a) = kernel panic" [Medium,Confirmed]05:52
nealmcbToyKeeper: so what happened a month ago?  Hungary ftw!05:55
nealmcbjoey - join the party!05:55
ToyKeepernealmcb: Oh, what happened is I got hired.09:41
ToyKeeperI'm not working directly on Ubuntu though; I'm doing infrastructure and support for the ISD team.09:42
nealmcbToyKeeper: nice!14:48
nealmcbHeaded out to the Farmer's market, then to Panera.  Hope we have more than 2 for our local Ubuntu Global Jam :)17:36
nealmcb...which is at 13:00 today, Panera - 29th st mall in Boulder17:37
* nealmcb looks around for folks at panera....20:21
nealmcbw0jrl: joining the ubuntu global jam?20:30
w0jrlnealmcb, yes, I wanted to see what this is all about.20:31
w0jrlI am in Denver, so this is the only way I can join.20:32
nealmcbw0jrl: is that Nick?20:33
w0jrlMy name is Jeremy20:33
nealmcbwelcome to the jam.  Did you see the link I posted earlier on how to contribute?20:34
nealmcbwhat sorts of things are you interested in?20:35
w0jrlI have not read it yet. I have been working a few minor bugs with the Orca screen reader.20:35
nealmcbsweet.  Which bugs?20:36
w0jrlmain sugesting ways to the list to make orca work with natty20:36
w0jrlat the moment, orca is very unstable in unity. in my testing I couldn't access things like the applications menu or the notification ariea. There are alot of keyboard shortcuts missing.20:39
nealmcbyum.  I hope that doesn't happen with many apps....  I Haven't tried natty yet.20:41
nealmcbhopefully that's because screen readers are doing unusual things....20:43
w0jrlWord to the wise, try it in a VM if you can.20:43
w0jrlWell, part of the issue is that events that need to be passed to orca aren't geting there.20:45
w0jrlfor example, the new launcher (as I understand it gos down the left side of the screen) is not accessible at all. This is a real bummer for me because I am a blind user, and need items on that bar to be spoken.20:49
nealmcbYeah - that sounds like a pretty big issue.  Are there any alternatives to Orca, or is really a Unity problem?20:52
nealmcbWelcome, Nick!20:52
=== Nick is now known as Guest95671
nealmcb3 of us now - w0jrl (Jeremy) also20:53
Guest95671Thanks finally figured out how to join an IRC, haha.20:53
Guest95671Hi Jeremy20:53
Guest95671Hello Neil; you can disregard my last email obviously20:54
Guest95671Oh, sorry Neal20:54
w0jrlI am also trying to figure out a way to create an all-in-one scanning/ocr solution that is accessible. The default scanning tool in ubuntu is nice, but there is no way to tell what I scanned, or even if I have the sheet placed on the bed correctly.20:54
nealmcbw0jrl: Sounds like another great place to contribute!20:56
Guest95671What is a good open source IRC client. I had to 'evaluate mIRC' in windows and want to join with my Ubuntu system next time20:56
w0jrlIf you all use smilies, will you put a text description beside them please? Orca has no idea what they are.20:57
nealmcbI've used both irssi (for folks that like fast flexible text-oriented stuff) and pidgin20:57
w0jrlempathy does well with irc.20:58
Guest95671Oh, I didn't even think of Pidgin....wow.20:58
Guest95671I just installed Ubuntu again on my new laptop and haven't quite had the time to configure everything20:58
w0jrlI am using empathy at the moment.20:58
nealmcbw0jrl: do you mean graphical smilies in something like pidgin, or text smilies like the :) smiley20:59
Guest95671You gents going to be here for a bit?21:01
Guest95671I need to get my little one to sleep, takes me about an hour.21:02
nealmcbI may head home soon21:02
w0jrlI'm guessing there no one at your location neal?21:02
Guest95671Sorry to not keep your physical company there, Neal21:03
Guest95671gotta take care of naptime, ha. see you folks in a bit.21:04
nealmcbRight - just me at Panera.21:04
w0jrlI wish I could be there as well, but bus travel from Denver can be a pain in the ***.21:04
nealmcbI can believe that.  And the virtual world can work really well :)21:07
nealmcbWell, I'm gonna walk home now.  Such a beautiful day.21:13
nealmcb(in case you missed that...) Well, I'm gonna walk home now.  Such a beautiful day.21:14
w0jrlIf you get bavk on, I'll be here.21:15
nealmcbThanks again for joining in and helping out, w0jrl!   Hope to meet you in person some day21:15
w0jrlI hope to meet you in person as well.21:15
nealmcbAnd my irc client is on a proxy at home, so I'll see what is posted while I'm gone21:16
w0jrlneet! Do you login using ssh?21:16
Guest95671Hey, sorry. I'm back now22:28
nealmcbahhh - just missed them....22:39

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