
rick_h_brough, there's an interviews tag, and an interview category00:03
rick_h_brousch: http://lococast.net/tag/pycon201100:05
rick_h_already on there00:05
rick_h_or just http://lococast.net/category/interview00:05
rick_h_lots of ways00:05
rick_h_if I'm missing one let me know, I sometimes miss a tag00:06
brouschpimping you on Mike Driscoll's blog http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/2011/04/01/pycon-2011-post-pycon-articles/00:20
=== Team-Xlink is now known as TeamXlink
snap-ljcastro: Yeah, I was going to wait until Saturday02:00
TeamXlinkIs there a good resource on creating what is basically a dial-up "isp" using Linux?02:01
rick_h_brousch: nice, thanks for the plug02:02
snap-lAnyone having trouble with gwibber and twitter?03:26
binbraintwitters been intermittently broke for me the last few weeks, today I got 2 "opps, we're broke" messages then short time later they were resolved03:48
snap-lYeah, it was broked for me most of the day04:09
greg-gsnap-l: it's working ok for me04:09
snap-lNot working over here.04:15
snap-lWonder if some stupid usage limit is in play04:23
* greg-g shrugs04:24
greg-gsnap-l: I don't get it, because I'm using gwibber+twitter+identi.ca just fine right now, and all day04:26
greg-gweird, Mendeley just crashed my compiz04:36
snap-lgreg-g: I think it was just rate limiting for me14:55
snap-lSeems to be working now14:57
snap-lI think the natty stuff is frozen for this weekend14:58
snap-lhaven't received any updates since I downloaded it a few days ago14:58
jrwrenTeam-Xlink: most ISP docs are probably long lost from 15 years ago.16:05
jrwrenTeam-Xlink: but if you can find PPP howto it probably covers it.16:05
Team-Xlinklol perfect timing!16:05
Team-XlinkI just woke up.16:05
Team-XlinkAlright, sweet thank you@16:06
=== Team-Xlink is now known as TeamXlink
TeamXlinkThats the best example I could come up with to relate what I'm trying to do too.16:07
snap-lI'm creating 32bit disk images on USB keys. I'll have three of them16:28
snap-lone of which will have a persistent filesystem16:28
brouschi got 24 beers from various west MI breweries16:33
snap-lbrousch: Awesome!16:33
binbrainbrousch: nice, can't be all diff breweries though unless Michigan went brewery crazy16:34
binbrainarcadia, founders, bells, dark horse16:34
binbrainoh, Traverse City count? and New Holland16:36
brouschnew holland16:36
brouschi got founders, arcadia, and new holland16:37
brousch2 from founders since its my favorite16:37
binbrainhad a beer from new holland a long time ago, one of my favorites I've had, and I don't like fruit beer, but it was a Blueberry Stout16:37
binbrainFounders is great16:37
brouschhah, yeah they have some crazy ones16:37
binbrainforget, I was just at Founders, I had the backwoods something16:38
brouschi love oatmeal stout, but can never find it in stores16:38
binbrainSam Smith has a good oatmeal stout, they have it everywhere here16:39
brouschoh, they call it breakfast stout16:39
snap-lI need to bring some chips and salsa. ;)16:39
brouschwe won't need an afterparty. it will be all party16:45
brouschi don't know what that means16:48
snap-lworks for me16:49
brouschi scoffed at the book of internet acronyms they were selling to old people at Flowerland. guess i should have bought one16:52
gamerchick02hey, is anyone around and able to give me a hand?17:04
gamerchick02GLib error of some sort.17:07
gamerchick02i wanted to see if anyone was up before sending issues to the room. it's saturday, afterall.17:07
gamerchick02GLib-GIO:ERROR:/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.4/./gio/gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)17:07
gamerchick02that's the error i get when i run sudo apt-get update17:07
gamerchick02oh, and i did an upgrade to Natty last night.17:08
rick_h_droidis what i end up with17:12
rick_h_droidknown bug in gnome with su minus the -?17:13
gamerchick02is there something i can modify to fix it?17:14
rick_h_droidguess it's hitting the sudo call. try su - and then just apt-gey upgrade17:14
gamerchick02su - ?17:14
rick_h_droiddon't see a final solution in that bug :-(17:14
gamerchick02well, the funny thing is... i never set a su password.17:14
gamerchick02ha ha ha.17:14
rick_h_droidso maybe a future update will help17:14
rick_h_droidhmm, not sure then. does the upgrade not work?17:15
rick_h_droidor work with that error17:15
gamerchick02well, i can work with synaptic17:15
gamerchick02seems to update in there17:16
rick_h_droidyea, it's probably hard coded to do something diff17:16
gamerchick02i wonder if it's been reported on launchpad?17:17
gamerchick02thanks for the help, rick_h_droid17:17
gamerchick02you're on your phone?17:17
rick_h_droidyea, have the boy and no computers allowed17:18
rick_h_droidonly phones, no tv and such17:18
gamerchick02thanks for your help. i'll wait it out and see if that's fixed.17:21
rick_h_droidcan you do a sudo su -?17:21
rick_h_droidprobably not, but want to make sure17:22
snap-lrick_h_droid: Are you at least reading or something?17:38
snap-l"only phones, no tv and such"17:39
rick_h_droidno, sit on the floor and play with the boy17:39
rick_h_droidEric's working part of today17:39
rick_h_droidbut he just went down for naptime, so lunch and computer break17:40
snap-lakh, ok17:43
rick_h_bah, this isn't good17:56
gamerchick02what's not good?17:56
rick_h_has some more sticky key to clean up and now the trackpoint is acting up17:56
rick_h_keys are great now, but the mouse is bad...might end up back at getting a new keyboard for the laptop after all :/17:57
gamerchick02well, least you know what's wrong? heh.17:59
rick_h_yea, first time I ever spilled anything on a keyboard18:00
rick_h_guess I was overdue18:00
gamerchick02i'm lucky I haven't spilled anything either.18:04
gamerchick02next to, but not on.18:04
snap-lrick_h_: ugh18:04
rick_h_yea, this was good for a spill too. I had a cover on the drink and only spilled a little bit18:04
rick_h_but tea + honey == worse I guess18:04
gamerchick02it's the honey that did it.18:11
rick_h_yea, :/ but you can't have earl grey without honey :P18:11
gamerchick02i drink it plain... *shrug*18:12
gamerchick02now, my coffee? not plain.18:12
gamerchick02tea is almost always plain.18:12
snap-lI drink 'em both plain18:13
gamerchick02coffee and tea?18:14
gamerchick02i guess i just prefer my coffee with cream and sugar and my tea plain. *shrug* tea is good with lemon though...18:14
rick_h_I'm a slightly sweet guy18:14
tjagodaNow he's not18:14
rick_h_little sweet-n-low with blacks like irish breakfast, etc...and honey in earl grey18:15
gamerchick02sounds good.18:16
greg-gmmmm, this is the best mug of coffee I've made18:17
gamerchick02stupid question: why wasn't indicator datetime installed when i did the upgrade to Natty? and now when i start it from the menu, why won't it start? *frustrated*18:18
gamerchick02gawd, i feel like a n00b.18:18
gamerchick02ok. gonna log out and back in. again. blargh.18:22
gamerchick02back. now indicator datetime is installed and working. whoo-hoo.18:26
rick_h_snap-l: you try out the pgsql bookie install?18:27
greg-ggamerchick02: yeah, sometimes with those indicator things I had bad experiences from upgrades, seems to be a tough upgrade path to always get right, or something18:30
gamerchick02ah. thanks greg-g.18:30
gamerchick02i was like "where's my bloody clock?!?!"18:30
greg-gI haven't done Natty yet, but I had a similar issue with.... uhhh, Maverick maybe? one of the recent ones18:31
gamerchick02I did a clean install of maverick on my laptop and it was good.18:37
gamerchick02i *should* have done a clean beta install, i think....18:37
greg-ggamerchick02: but, testing upgrades is also really important :/19:41
greg-ggamerchick02: kind of a catch-22, the bugs won't be found if you don't do it, but you won't run into bugs (and thus will be better off) if you don't do it :)19:42
gamerchick02yeah, it is important.19:49
gamerchick02sorry about the signing in and out though, greg-g and everyone.19:49
gamerchick02i've reported 4 bugs already.19:49
gamerchick02indicator-weather, empathy, gwibber and compiz.19:50
nixternalhow is your global jam going?19:58
nixternalchicago one is whack as hell today, and tomorrow i am not even bothering with it19:58
nixternalfuckin' arch kids everywhere at this open source conference19:58
rick_h_heh, you don't like the arch guys nixternal ? :P20:09
greg-ggamerchick02: awesome! 4 bug reports! mind linking to them so I can watch them/help out if needed?20:16
greg-gnixternal: ours is tomorrow afternoon20:16
nixternalrick_h_: no, they are all little twits, they need to be smacked around. they are what the gentoo idiots were 5 or so years ago20:44
jjesseyay back to normal speed internet20:53
jjesseno crappy hotel connection for a week :)20:53
brouschnixternal: i have also noticed a lot of younger users going to arch lately20:54
brouschmakes them feel 133720:54
* rick_h_ looks at that arch install disk on his desk...ummm21:02
brouschpunk kids21:03
brouscha lot of interest in those silly non-gnome window managers too. probably the same reason21:04
gamerchick02no problem, greg-g. lemme find them again...21:25
greg-ggamerchick02: cool! :) I'll try to see if people can replicate them/comment on them tomorrow during the jam21:26
gamerchick02the jam is tomorrow? well, i'll try to be in the irc tomorrow.21:26
brouschrick_h_ snap-l I see pyohio is july 30, 31 this year. just thought you'd like to know21:26
gamerchick02greg-g: weather indicator: https://bugs.launchpad.net/weather-indicator/+bug/74850421:28
gamerchick02greg-g: empathy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/empathy/+bug/74843721:28
snap-lrick_h_: Not yet21:29
gamerchick02greg-g: gwibber: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gwibber/+bug/74840921:29
gamerchick02sorry, it was three, greg-g, not four, but if i hang around long enough, i'm sure to find another one...21:29
gamerchick02i don't think the comiz one got through. >_<21:30
greg-ggamerchick02: :) thanks!21:31
gamerchick02you're welcome.21:31
greg-ghuh, I can't seem to get to those bugs21:33
gamerchick02what? they're there in my profile... how strange.21:36
gamerchick02is launchpad broken?21:36
gamerchick02whoa. i logged out and i can't get to them either.21:37
greg-gcould be, I'll take a look later21:37
greg-gprobably private? make them public, perhaps?21:37
gamerchick02what. what. what.21:37
gamerchick02there. all are public now.21:38
gamerchick02i'm not sure why they were marked as private. that's stupid.21:38
gamerchick02*shakes stick at launchpad*21:38
greg-ggamerchick02: if they are automatically reported bugs, they might contain personal info, so yeah, better safe than sorry I guess. Though I thought they changed that default, since the actual likelihood that there was personal info (for the majority of packages) was low.21:47
gamerchick02i'm at the point where i don't much care if there's personal info in there. I mean, how's it going to get fixed if nobody else can see it?21:48
gamerchick02and i doubt it's really that bad.21:49
greg-gwell, like passwords21:49
gamerchick02probably the same amount of private stuff google or microsoft get when you use chrome or IE21:49
gamerchick02that could be a problem.21:49
greg-gI've seen automatically reported bugs with passwords in them21:49
greg-gluckily they were private, I reviewed, deleted the passwords, then made public21:50
gamerchick02i didn't check that...21:50
gamerchick02ok. so i don't understand this error with empathy. it segfaulted. i started ebuddy, it reported that aim was signed on twice, then empathy came back to life?21:52
gamerchick02it's like a zombie or something.21:52
gamerchick02lococast time! :)22:19
brouschi'm hoping to cram in half a dozen podcasts while driving tomorrow22:20
gamerchick02oooh. fun stuff. i'm catching up. again. >_<22:21
brouschwhere rick_h_ is involved, i always feel like i'm catching up, again. i can't imagine working for/with him23:15
gamerchick02hehe. i'm *always* catching up on podcasts.23:15
brouschpoor tjagoda http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/11/04/02/2159217/Android-Passes-BlackBerry-In-US-Market-Share23:42
tjagodaI am not worried23:45

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