
andrewbts3685|vps: Thanks. I lost the game.04:24
andrewdarn screen sessions with backlog04:24
=== IdleOne is now known as WolfOne
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
MutantTurkeythere is a war going on for your mind, if you are thinking you are winning.05:06
andrewlooks like I'm losing that as well05:07
ssweenyunless you're thinking of the game like bts3685|vps05:07
MutantTurkeyI was not thinking of that game, I was reminded of a song by Flobots called "we are winning" from the album "fight with tools". An excellent record if i do say so myself.05:08
=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
InHisNameI have a mind, thank you very much.05:36
InHisNameI am NOT loosing that!05:36
InHisNameHowever every birth day I seem to loose a bit of something . .   .    .     .     .05:36
InHisNamea piece of my    .   .   .   .   youth05:37
InHisNameI'd easily agree to a million losses of 'the game' to exchange for one single win of a piece of lost youth.05:39
bts3685|vpseffing hell you guys. it's true. screen + irssi is like a timebomb for the Game. which i just lost.07:38
=== anduril___ is now known as anduril
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
=== anduril___ is now known as anduril
ssweenyChinnoDog, you never said if you actually wanted a diaspora invite18:31
ChinnoDogI wouldn't know what to do with it19:27
ChinnoDogIs it FB without the proprietaryness?19:27
ssweenymore or less19:44
ssweenyit's reminiscent of fb before it got so annoying19:44
pleia2it's facebook but without all the people you signed up to facebook to communicate with ;)19:47
ssweenythose people are what made it annoying19:50
pleia2everyone on diaspora knows how to communicate with you properly so you don't even need to log into it ever19:50
ssweenythe perfect social network :)19:51
=== anduril___ is now known as anduril
ChinnoDogpleia2: I never have to log into it?20:39
ChinnoDogSo I sign up and then forget it ever existed in the first place?20:40
ssweenytbh that's probably what i'll end up doing20:41
ChinnoDogWhat is the point of that?20:42
ChinnoDogI already don't use identi.ca20:42
rmg51I'm way ahead of all of you.....20:45
rmg51I don't use any of those things :-D20:45
ChinnoDogIt isn't even out of alpha20:49
ChinnoDogIt only exists because a few people were dissapointed in Facebook's privacy policy, and they hardly represent the majority20:49
* ChinnoDog thinks it is destined for mediocrity20:53
ChinnoDogAnyone need any 2gb hard drives?22:09
andurildo you mean thumb drives?22:10
andurilcause otherwise 0_o22:10
ChinnoDogYou could put an adapter on it, but it wouldn't fit in your pocket very well22:21
ChinnoDogAt least if it was on your keychain you wouldn't be able to lose it very easily.22:21
ChinnoDogHardware goes into my closet to die.. this is so sad22:22
andurildoubt it'd work for very long those old drives werent very shock proof22:22
ChinnoDogThey are Quantum drives too. Not very reliable.22:22
ChinnoDogI have 4 2gb, 2 20gb, and a 18gb 68-pin SCSI drive22:24
ChinnoDogI should probably zero them out before I chuck them.22:25
ChinnoDogI've taken on a burden instead of making use of old parts22:25
andurilor smash em22:25
ChinnoDogtoo much wokr22:25
ChinnoDogI have an external USB to IDE adapter22:26
ChinnoDogno external SCSI adapter though22:30
ChinnoDogI might have to harvest its magnets for my refridgerator22:30
* ChinnoDog writes some zeros22:34
ChinnoDogThis must be the slowest 20gb hard disk on earth22:52
ChinnoDogNo worries here. No one will have the patience to ever look for data on it.22:52
InHisNameSo izzat where you'll stuff your pr0n ?22:55
ChinnoDogIt isn't fast enough for pr0n22:56
andurilmm cold pizza22:56
PennBotTitle: It's Happy Hour, Damnit. | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (at www.flickr.com)22:59
bts3685|vpsChinnoDog: zeroing out doesn't prevent recovery from things like foremost or testdisk. might want to get yourself some thermite insteaad23:20
ChinnoDogbts3685|vps: Reference one verified report of data recovered from a modern hard drive that has been wiped23:24
bts3685|vpsthat's like saying "reference one verified report of mysql serving requests"; it's status quo. http://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/storage/8257-how-to-recover-lost-files-after-you-accidentally-wipe-your-hard-drive23:25
PennBotTitle: How to recover lost files after you accidentally wipe your hard drive | Linux.com (at www.linux.com)23:25
ChinnoDogThat is about how to reconstruct data that is already there23:26
andurilthere's a difference between recovering deleted files and recovering information thats been wiped with multiple passes of zeros23:26
ChinnoDogThat is not recovery of data after the disk has been erased23:26
ChinnoDogYou only need one pass of zeros on a modern disk23:27
ChinnoDogNo one has ever recovered data from a modern disk below the level of what was written23:27
andurilthree passes doesnt take that long :)23:27
ChinnoDogThat is like the argument for taking vitamin suppliments. It doesn't cost much, no one knows if you need it, might as well do it23:27
andurilhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_remanence like always wikipedia has some decent links about this stuff23:31
PennBotTitle: Data remanence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)23:31
andurilI thought 3 passes was the DoD level but apparently it was 7 but now they require physical destruction or degaussing instead23:32
ChinnoDogThat is theoretical23:33
ChinnoDogIt was much easier to do on old hard disks with low density platters23:33
ChinnoDogEven then it isn't that easy23:33
bts3685|vpshuh. lookit that, as long as the drive is over 15GB and modern ATA, one pass suffices23:33
PennBotTitle: Data remanence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)23:34
bts3685|vpsi wish they mentioned which specific ATA spec though. prolly ATA-II?23:35
ChinnoDogSee that, I could have just save y'all hours of sitting around waiting for disks to be erased23:36
ChinnoDogAlso, this will help kill the dd suspense: http://fosswire.com/post/2007/08/command-line-progress-bar-a-progress-bar-for-dd/23:36
PennBotTitle: Command line progress bar - a progress bar for dd | FOSSwire (at fosswire.com)23:36
bts3685|vpsknow about that, already... i usually use DBAN (and overwrite with randomized data rather than zero-ing out), which has a nice and purty ncurses(?) interface with progress bar and all23:37
bts3685|vpsi can't remember if dban iso runs in freedos image or uses a tiny linux kernel...23:38
bts3685|vpsor shred/wipe23:38
bts3685|vpsshred should be a part of coreutils (i'm on ver. 8.10), and wipe is at wipe.sourceforge.net23:40
bts3685|vpswhich reminds me, rm was updatd to prevent accidental -rf /'s. but i wonder what effect dd if=/dev/zero of=`mount|grep " / "|awk '{print $1}'|grep dev` bs=512 will do...23:47
bts3685|vpstime to load up an inconsequential VM! :D23:48
ChinnoDogWiping would be a lot more convenient if it was built into the hdd firmware23:57
bts3685|vpshahahaha. whooooo boy.23:58
bts3685|vpsso i have good news and bad news.23:58
bts3685|vpsgood news is that the rm -rf / obfuscation i mentioned above using mount, grep, etc. TOTALLY works.23:58
bts3685|vpsthe bad news is that it totally works.23:59
* bts3685|vps goes off to #ubuntu to test it out23:59
ChinnoDogThere isn't going to be any protection from you working around the warnings for noobs23:59
bts3685|vps"HOW TO HACK WIRELESS! is actually a script built into ubuntu! dd if=/dev/zero..."23:59

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