
razorr1990cmake error: directoey doesnt appear to contain cmakelists.txt00:03
pm2What sound system does lucid use by default?00:09
DavidSHow would i add Windows partition to Grub that's on a seperate H/D00:10
pm2pp7, really?  There's no pulseaudio process running, but yet I get sound...00:10
pm2will alsa have a process listed in ps ax00:11
pp7not sure00:11
rooksyay ubuntu rox, if anyone wants to know how to setup auto system updates heres the info: http://pleasanthacking.com/2011/03/31/easy-ubuntu-updates/ :)00:11
pp7rooks: auto system updates????!?!??! ROFL00:12
littlebearz1xd, changing to ubuntu to rolling release?00:13
rookspp7, whut?00:13
pp7rooks: take that page down LOL00:13
rookspp7, what? seriously?00:13
littlebearz1(pp7): lol, I was like I thought I was in the wrong channel, archlinux does that00:13
pp7well in my experience updates always seem to screw something up00:13
pp7i'd rather know what is being updated00:13
rookspp7, this is why you have mail system to see what is going on, duh00:14
pp7yea but wouldnt u want to know *before* the update?00:14
rookspp7, i actually dont, i know what packages i installed on my sys00:14
littlebearz1that's what dependency list are for00:14
pp7rooks: good luck :P00:15
rookspp7, and i have email with each update stored safely in case i need to figure out what went wrong00:15
rookspp7, sorry, but take your FUD to someone who will listen to it :P00:15
rooksindeed :)00:16
pp7just trying to save people from disaster on their next reboot00:16
valehey there, for a problem with ultilex where can I ask?00:16
rookspp7, never happened when i just press update all on popping up window00:16
th0rpp7: but there is much more entertainment value the other way00:16
pp7th0r: LOL00:16
rookspp7, so rly, its just fear youre spreading00:16
pp7rooks: whatever00:17
th0rrooks: or maybe common sense00:17
madpropswhats the deal with that remote application testing before install?00:17
madpropsis it to save bandwidth from the mirrors?00:18
rooksth0r, you mean its better to sit around your desktop and manually click update all, instead of having a system to do it for you and send you a mail on how things went?00:18
rooksmadprops, to see if someone like them i think, to not mess up system with uninstalls i presume00:18
pp7rooks: a manual click isn't all that hard00:19
th0rrooks: that's exactly what I mean. I would never run an unattended update...and would be surprised to see one occur without major problems00:19
rooksth0r, youre living in fear. ive been running my home linux box on auto updates for about a year without any problem00:19
th0rrooks: good for you....I have run linux since Slaxware 1.0 and have learned better00:20
pp7rooks: he's living in common sense00:20
rooksth0r, name one serious issue that popped up during update of desktop pls00:20
rookspp7, , name one serious issue that popped up during update of desktop pls00:20
th0rrooks: loss of wifi, loss of video drivers, loss of network connectivity....shall I go on00:20
littlebearz1(rooks): xd, I've been running ubuntu without auto updates, it's excellent, I guess different niche to different people00:20
vhdrooks, funny I updated my linux and it completely messed everything.00:20
pp7rooks: xfs had a bug which caused any qt app that was launched to crash gdm00:21
pp7luckily someone here knew about it otherwise it would have been reinstall time!! :P00:21
th0rrooks: of course, you can always ssh into the unattended computer and fix it. No wait....you wouldn't be able to, would you00:21
rooksim running stock plain ubuntu, no problems here, even when i have my desktop without hdd, netboothed from my linux box00:21
madpropsi just update all the stuff, sometimes it breaks, the next time it fixes00:21
madpropsits an ongoing thing00:22
woonixSo what are you going to do, see what the list of updates is and then do research on each one to see if there are any known issues?00:22
vhdI have a distro based on ubuntu, so auto-updates are a no-no.00:23
pp7i only update if there is a pressing reason for it otherwise forget it00:23
rooksth0r, does any of that issues you mentioned actually happened to you on stock ubuntu desktop? (non kde, non strange filesystems for root)00:23
pp7rooks: yep for me00:23
th0rrooks: all the time. If you spend any time at all here you will encounter plenty of problems that were caused by updates00:23
pp7rooks: noone's trying to badmouth Ubuntu, just updates sometimes break things00:24
th0rrooks: and if you aren't around when those things break the system comes down and waits for you to fix it00:24
vhdupdates can break stuff, with any OS.00:25
pp7happens on any OS00:25
rooksth0r, ive been running desktop linux for quite a while, even on archlinux stuff was fairly stable, ubuntu is rock solid for me00:25
DavidSAny OS ?00:25
DavidSI beg to differ.00:25
vhdmaybe not mac's :p00:25
rooksth0r, and really, if the mail was sent with what was updated you know where to look for problems00:25
pp7rooks: your experience doesnt negate all others00:25
th0rrooks: yeah....whenever you get back to the computer00:25
DavidSI've never had any breaks with BSD/Nix*00:25
DavidSCaused by updates anyway00:26
vhdDavidS, what version do you use? and how is the support for hardware vs linux?00:26
DavidSVersion of what00:26
woonixmaybe running a backup before an update is a good answer00:26
th0rI lost wifi in ubuntu one time due to a kernel update. All I had to do was reboot with the old kernel, something I couldn't do if the update was 'unattended'00:27
vhdoh :(00:27
rooksDavidS, yeah, neither me, so i made a blog article on how to have it automated and not thing about it anymore http://pleasanthacking.com/2011/03/31/easy-ubuntu-updates/00:27
DavidSrooks, only an idiot can't use ubuntu.00:27
vhdthats not very nice.00:27
DavidSWell, if you can read you can use any distribution00:28
DavidSIt's a fact of being lazy00:28
DavidSAnd people are00:28
pp7vhd: why?00:28
vhdpp7, why what?00:28
rooksDavidS, yeah, its for making stuff pleasant and automated, with some sort of log to figure out what went wrong in case things do go wrong00:28
pp7vhd: is it not nice that only an idiot *can't* use ubuntu ?00:28
DavidSrooks, Linux is plenty documented enough00:29
vhdpp7, I'm not saying ubuntu is difficult. I just don't like the term idiot :p00:29
pp7ok, bbl00:30
vhdespecially when its in the context of someone trying to be helpful.00:30
DavidSDocs are there for a reason.00:30
rooksyeah.. what im saying days of hand-prodding stuff are over, no need to browse web with telnet00:30
DavidSWhat are you talking about00:31
=== jco is now known as Guest69741
rooksDavidS, about doing more with less.00:32
shcherbakso... Natty or Sabayon? Should I flip the coin...00:32
DavidSTalking rubbish more like00:32
DavidSshcherbak, Debian or Gentoo?00:33
rooksDavidS, if you say so...00:33
DavidSI know so00:33
rooksDavidS, if you say so...00:33
shcherbakDavidS: yes00:33
DavidSshcherbak, Depends what you need, i find Sabayon nice and well documented00:34
shcherbakDavidS: I think I am in period of "wanting latest out there", so rolling option could be this, but Natty look very promising. I guess it is just stress before release ;)00:36
DavidSshcherbak, It's upto you i don't tend to go for Original distro spin-offs00:37
DavidSI've used Debian for 5 years00:37
shcherbakDavidS: But... that is whole thrill! When all works like it should live is boring.00:38
* madprops wonders if all the candy ubuntu adds to it's interface affects performance00:39
DavidSshcherbak, I use mine for a Desktop i can't afford for a system meltdown00:39
DavidSmadprops, Do a benchmark i'd be interested in seeing that00:40
jkorkeancould someone help me with nm-applet?00:41
tbr281there's a bug with wifi in 11.04 b00:42
aeon-ltdmadprops, DavidS : if it uses compiz yes, variations in metacity themes i highly doubt it to render one color over another is talking less than one millisecond00:42
jkorkeanim testing with natty00:42
jkorkeanwhen starting nm-applet it gives error:** Message: applet now  removed from the notification area00:42
itaylor57jkorkean: join #ubuntu+100:43
DaGeek247lol, no april fools jokes00:43
vhdjkorkean, have you looked at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160299700:44
jkorkeanvhd: im not getting the gtk-dialog-error00:45
mcheartyCan someone give me a hand with vlc nightly repository?00:46
jkorkeaninstead i get in .xsession-errors: ** (<unknown>:3795): DEBUG: TrayChild Rejected: NetworkManager Applet nm-applet Nm-applet00:46
vhdjkorkean, pastebin the whole error00:46
mcheartyCan someone give me a hand with vlc nightly repository?00:47
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:48
mcheartyI wouldn't come to irc if I didn't try google first00:48
mcheartybut thanks for that helpful pointer00:48
DaGeek247whats the problem?00:49
daniel_would anyone be able to tell me how to get a broadcom BCM4401-b0 100base-TX wokring on a dell inspiron 130000:49
mcheartythe repository vlc lists can't be reached for some reason00:49
mcheartybut I can browse it fine in browser00:49
lucidiumi'm having a problem installing 10.10, it freezes at the "update-grub" step. Is it a problem with the hard drive?00:49
=== vale is now known as vale_maio
flopexhow are you trying to install 10.10?00:50
lucidiumflopex, the desktop amd64 installer00:50
flopexwhole hard drive? or through partition?00:50
puff`I have an auto-rooted nook color, 1.1.0 rooted with autorooter 3.00:50
puffWireless seems really flaky.00:50
lucidiumflopex, i'm installing grub to the MBR of the entire hard drive, if that's what you're asking00:50
mcheartypuff: what rom are you running00:50
puff`I routinely have to disable/reenable wireless every 10-15 minutes.00:50
daniel_would anyone be able to tell me how to get a broadcom BCM4401-b0 100base-TX wokring on a dell inspiron 130000:50
flopexI'm assuming ext4 journaled format and mounted to "/". Right?00:51
DaGeek247daniel_ are your drivers updated?00:51
lucidiumflopex, actually, / is reiserfs and /home is ext4.00:52
=== puff` is now known as puff
mcheartypuff: nevermind then00:52
flopexI used ext4 and /00:52
DaGeek247are there restricted drivers available for it?00:52
lucidiumflopex, and got the same problem?00:52
edbiandaniel_, Are you connected to the internet right now with that machine?00:53
daniel_DaGeek247, i am using my phones wired tether to get it all updated just cant get the broadcom to turn on it never worked on it when it had windows 2000 so i thought if i put ubuntu it would work fine00:53
flopexnop. Never got that problem. That is why I'm asking how did you install it, usually the problem is during this step.00:53
daniel_edbian, yes i just finished updated it and i search synaptic for all the bcm drivers00:54
DaGeek247ubuntu isnt perfect. debian would be more likely to work.00:54
mcheartyCan someone give me a hand with a 404 error in sources?00:54
edbiandaniel_, Is this a wired or wireless interface?  the bcm4401 ?00:54
daniel_DaGeek247, you think it would work right away00:54
flopexmchearty, they are no longer available or error when inputing them.00:55
Tb0n3I cannot figure out why my new wireless card is freezing my netbook on acpi changes, but only some times. It's an AR5B9500:55
daniel_um this is the thing that pops up on my notification when i am using my phones wired tether (broadcom BCM4401-b0 100base-TX)00:55
jribmchearty: pastebin full output00:55
Tb0n3any idea how to change acpi manually?00:55
daniel_edbian, um this is the thing that pops up on my notification when i am using my phones wired tether (broadcom BCM4401-b0 100base-TX)00:55
DaGeek247i have no idew honestly. but then again, debian doesnt have a release every four years for nothing.00:55
edbiandaniel_, How are you connected to the Inernet?  What is the purpose of the phone tether?00:56
edbiandaniel_, can you pastebin the output of sudo lspci -k   for me?  paste.ubuntu.com00:56
daniel_edbian to make sure i was updated00:56
mcheartyjrib: http://pastebin.com/uTcRCC4600:56
edbiandaniel_, Ahh, so do you know that wired or wifi does not work?00:57
jribmchearty: do you see anything interesting in "http://nightlies.videolan.org/build/intrepid-i386/arch/"?00:57
shcherbakTb0n3: ...change acpi?00:57
jkorkeanvhd: http://pastebin.com/Zgqc41Qq00:57
drozdakhi there fellow ubunu users00:57
Tb0n3shcherbak: toggle acpi modes for a specific device00:57
mcheartyjrib: the nightly build for vlc?00:57
drozdakneed some instatn help00:57
daniel_edbian, niether of them work right now but wireless has never worked00:57
jribmchearty: "intrepid"00:57
flopexhello drozdak00:57
drozdakhi flopex00:57
mcheartyjrib: then what do I do because it didn't work in intrepid either00:57
drozdakso my problem is00:57
edbiandaniel_, Wired did work at some point?00:57
jkorkeanvhd: there is a lot of noice from other errors, that i havent resolved00:57
drozdaki have ubuntu 10.1000:57
flopexok, what else?00:58
Tb0n3shcherbak: to be absolutely sure it's the wireless card and what's causing it to freeze, as once it does there's no log or anything00:58
mcheartyjrib: I went to 10.10 assuming the repos would be more up to date for vlc but tehy aren't00:58
jribmchearty: remove it from your sources.list00:58
drozdakand i kinda messed up with repositories and software in general00:58
mcheartyjrib: and add what to replace it?00:58
jribmchearty: vlc is in ubuntu's default repositories00:58
mcheartyjrib: and it's outdated00:58
mcheartyjrib: and I want the nightly build00:58
daniel_edbian, im not sure my friend gave it to me for me to fix it cause it was all messed up but ubuntu fixed everything but the internet conections00:58
drozdakso i need some simple how-to on how to delete it all without loosing any data on my disk00:58
drozdaki need to return to console00:58
jribmchearty: then contact videolan or search for a ppa00:59
mcheartyjrib: perhaps if the repos could keep up with software releases00:59
jrib!sru | mchearty00:59
ubottumchearty: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates00:59
daniel_edbian, i dont care if the eithernet works or not i just need the wireless to work00:59
shcherbakTb0n3: Try iwconfig first, you can set power off (power management).00:59
edbiandaniel_, Ummm, ok.  Assuming 'it' is the computer.  Alright, we'll get wifi to work.  You have the machine online right now.  Do you know how to pastebin the output of a command?00:59
Tb0n3shcherbak: set the device to down?00:59
mcheartyjrib: the current stable release of vlc outdated in intrepid01:00
daniel_edbian, no let me get on irc on that computer so things will be easier01:00
Tb0n3shcherbak: I'm using it to connect right now, I've got it working pretty well, but it cannot go to sleep because every few times it freezes01:00
edbiandaniel_, sure.01:00
jribmchearty: you aren't using intrepid.  And in any case intrepid isn't supported anymore01:00
mcheartyjrib: it's dated in lynx too01:00
jribmchearty: you also aren't using lucid lynx.  But see the information I had ubottu send you about how updates are done in ubuntu01:01
bill__edbian, ok this is daniel_01:01
edbianbill__, hello 'daniel'01:01
bill__edbian , ok what am i sposed to pastebin01:02
edbianbill__, open a terminal.  applications -> accessories -> terminal   and type this: sudo lspci -k  and press enter.01:02
rajvihello all :) an average newbie  how to upgrade to 11.04 ( on 10.10 via Wubi )01:02
Tb0n3shcherbak: 03:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)01:02
edbianbill__, go to this website: paste.ubuntu.com  copy and paste the output of the command into the box and press paste.  Then give me the link.01:02
itaylor57rajvi: you can't01:02
gimpy4681If I have an Ubuntu 10.04 system with no networking, how would I pull down all the packages within 'build-essential' from another ubuntu 10.04 box with networking?01:03
itaylor57rajvi: wubi isn't working yet with natty01:03
jrib!offline | gimpy468101:03
ubottugimpy4681: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD01:03
shcherbakTb0n3: no, just: sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off (it disable power management), hm...01:03
mcheartysigh ubuntu community01:03
rajvi@itaylor57 : is that becoz i m on wubi?01:03
flopexSomeone knows how to change your wifi card MAC address through command line?01:04
Tb0n3shcherbak: kay, I'll see if I can get it to break01:04
itaylor57rajvi: you need to ask in #ubuntu+101:04
bill__edbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/588442/01:04
DavidSflopex, macchanger01:04
shcherbakTb0n3: Do you have kernel log from sleep/unsleep cycle?01:04
edbianbill__, reading...01:04
flopexis it the same as backtrack 4?01:05
DavidSflopex, yes01:05
drozdaklooking for some simple command or script that will remove any software and restore original ubuntu repositories leaving pure base system and contents of my disk, any ideas? pm me01:05
flopexcool, thanks for the help.01:05
DavidSflopex, it wont be installed though01:05
bill__edbian, take ur time ima go grab some drink01:05
flopexoh! so what do I need to install?01:05
DavidSflopex, correct01:05
edbianbill__, This is the entire output?  There is no wireless card on this machine?01:06
bill__edbian, lol u gotta be kidding let me make sure01:06
edbianbill__,  BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX is a wired interface01:07
Tb0n3shcherbak: syslog?01:07
flopexDavidS, thanks for the help already installed it and works perfect.01:08
bill__edbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/588443/ i did it again01:08
edbianbill__, there is no wifi card in this machine :(  Is it a laptop?01:09
shcherbakTb0n3: Yes, also kern.log01:09
edbianbill__, at least, one is not showing up01:09
bill__edbian , did not know this comp is this old yeh its a laptop a dell inspiron 130001:09
bill__edbian, well when i got it it had windows 2000 on it01:09
RansoogardHelp please. Having issues burning an .iso to DVD and to USB. Whenever I burn the .iso to USB, on startup I can't boot from it since it lacks a boot sector. On a DVD, it gives no output whatsoever and just fails.01:09
edbianbill__, b130 or b120?01:10
Nick_Meisterhi guys, my audio hardware is there and sound works in windows, but in linux i get no sound all of a sudden what gives?01:10
sheenams* .01:10
bill__edbian, how do i find out ?01:10
shcherbakTb0n3: Did you try to hardswith wifi and run cycle? It would show that atheos module do something and not ram.01:10
edbianbill__, IDK, does it have a number on it.  I only asked because of this: http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=273801:10
edbianbill__, Clearly indicating it does NOT have wifi :(01:11
=== Vinu is now known as Vinushika
bill__edbian, well i feel dumb for the day well shoot welll i have a wireless card that goings into the slot on the side will that work right away ?01:12
edbianbill__, Plug it in.  You tell me if it works.01:12
bill__edbian, ok u on alot ?01:13
coldheadhow can i see which packages have recently been updated in ubuntu?01:13
bill__edbian, cause i gotta find it i have no clue were its at01:13
edbianbill__, I'm on all the time01:13
edbianbill__, Can you pastebin the output of sudo ifconfig -a    ??01:13
edbianbill__, Maybe we can get wired working01:13
genii-aroundcoldhead: In /var/log/apt/history.log01:14
coldheadthank you very much, genii-around01:15
genii-aroundcoldhead: You're welcome01:16
RansoogardThis stupid .iso refuses to be booted from. :< Help please? When I boot it from USB, it doesn't have a boot sector, so it fails. As for when I use a DVD burner, when I boot from the DVD, it fails and gives me no output.01:17
daniel_edbian, this is my personal computer the wired doesnt work here either i wanna get this fixed first http://paste.ubuntu.com/588446/01:18
daniel_edbian, but my wifi works perfect01:18
fnatal1hi just starting to get to know ubuntu. first time visiting.01:19
edbiandaniel_, get off the wifi.  Plug a cable into the wired port.  What happens with the icon when the wire is plugged in?01:19
daniel_edbian, ok one second then01:20
phoenixsampraswill Ubuntu 11.04 will make the HIBERNATION and SUSPEND to work finally ??01:20
Nach0zHello. Got a quick question for yall. What's a good VPS software to install on a server? Someone reccommended Xen to me, but it failed since i'm on 10.10 rather than 9.04, and i can't use KVM...01:20
shcherbakphoenixsampras: What machine?01:21
phoenixsamprasNach0z: yeh, ubuntu server 10.10 doesnt work properly with citrix or Xen01:21
phoenixsamprasshcherbak: Sony Vaio vpcf115fm01:21
Nach0zyeah it just restarted every time i tried to boot into the xen kernels >_<01:21
random_Hey, I have a question regarding setting palettes for the terminal. I recently downloaded solarized and the author recommends setting the palette if you use vim in terminal mode. However, I don't think any of his palettes support the gnome-terminal. There is an Xresources file and an iterm file...01:22
phoenixsamprasNach0z: use centos with Xen, thats the best01:22
daniel_edbian ,http://paste.ubuntu.com/588448/ i feel like i got the same thing and when i pluged in the etho cord it didnt do anything01:22
shcherbakphoenixsampras: Try 64bit, mine magically work (vaio vgn-fw)01:22
Nach0zphoenixsampras: I've already got the server well established and running with ubuntu 10.10; installing a whole new OS is not really an option right now ;/01:22
daniel_edbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/588448/ i feel like i got the same thing and when i pluged in the etho cord it didnt do anything01:22
phoenixsamprasshcherbak: im on 64 bits01:22
phoenixsamprasNach0z: then what is the problem?01:23
shcherbakphoenixsampras: bump :(01:23
daniel_edbian, btw my computer is a dell vostro 1000 so its a very cheap laptop that has been throught many falls and steps on01:23
TechnicusHello . . . with the kernel in Mavrick (2.6.35-28-generic), it seems as though the driver for the Tascam US-122L is broken, the driver worked perfectly with the kernel Lucid used (2.6.32-*); how can I keep my current install of Mavrick and use the Lucid kernel?01:23
edbiandaniel_, It didn't do anything?  the icon didn't turn into swirling nonsense or anything?01:24
Nach0zphoenixsampras: I just want to get some kind of VPS software running so I can make VPSes, but Xen didn't work. i'm just looking for alternative softwares.01:24
daniel_edbian, nothing01:24
nicofsCan someone help me set my screen resolution right? All i get is "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default"...01:24
phoenixsamprasNach0z: try vmware or citrix01:24
daniel_edbian, i feel like its a hardware issue but i dont know all that much bout comps cause it hasnt been working evan when i had xp01:24
edbiandaniel_, I can see via the pastebins that for some reason that laptop wants to call the wireless interface eth1 but there is an eth0 so that should be fine.  Is there a light on the actual physical port on the laptop?  Usually there is a green light indicating that the other end of the wire is plugged into something01:25
bonnydoes anyone know a facebook hacker for linux01:25
Sansui350A_Technicus, reflash to the oldest firmware in Windows, it ought to get it going01:26
Tb0n3shcherbak: http://pastebin.com/9g2FM4cx  http://pastebin.com/gbBzyyD601:26
daniel_edbian, the only light is inside the port and its allways on01:26
Nach0zphoenixsampras: Does vmware have a non-gui sort of thing that I can set up? this IS a server i'm on, I can't use GUIs...01:26
edbiandaniel_, what if you do this: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   ?01:26
Sansui350A_Technicus, http://www.linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=107301:27
daniel_edbian, with the cord in or out01:27
phoenixsamprasNach0z: vmware is server/client, the client can be a remote gui, also supports command line through ssh01:27
edbiandaniel_, wire in01:27
daniel_edbian turn off wired first ?01:27
daniel_edbian, turn off wireless first ?01:28
edbiandaniel_, turn wireless off and keep it off if you can.01:28
edbiandaniel_, Do you have to have the wireless on to talk to me?01:28
eekTheCatthere was a seperate channel for ubuntu beta questions right?01:29
eekTheCatused to be mentioned in the topic01:29
eekTheCatDavidS, thanks01:29
rww/topic really needs an overhaul :(01:30
daniel_edbian, daniel@Shielia:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:31
daniel_ * Reconfiguring network interfaces...                                   [ OK ]01:31
The_Pacoyo, anyone have issue with adobe flash for FF4 displaying upside down webcam images? Running 10.04x64 on an asus g50v laptop. Cheese works great with the camera. Tried to update libv4l-0, no dice01:31
fatbrainHi, I'm unable to boot the live-cd on my mac :S the screen just goes black :S what am I doing wrong?01:31
daniel_edbian, lol yeh01:31
daniel_edbian, but it didnt do anything01:31
edbiandaniel_, still no wired internet?01:31
daniel_edbian, nothing01:32
Tb0n3shcherbak: any idea what's with the abrupt end to teh log?01:32
edbiandaniel_, Wired is VERY reliable in linux.  I suspect, since you have 2 machines that wireless won't work.  And I don't see anything wrong with the ifconfig or lspci that maybe something is wrong with your router01:32
daniel_edbian, well it runs the 360 and my moms comp fine i belive the other computer when i tested wired i used an old cord so i may rety that later and this computer wont conect to anyones wired internet wether with xp or ubuntu01:34
Tb0n3shcherbak: it's been quite a bit more stable since I installed the newest compat-wireless01:34
edbiandaniel_, than that computer probably has a broken (physical) port01:34
daniel_edbian, thats what i thought but thought ide give one of u computer ppl a try at it01:35
edbiandaniel_, haha, sorry we couldn't get it working!01:35
daniel_edbian, but hey thanks for ur time if i see u on again when i try to get my desktop working i will ask u for help again01:36
edbianno problem01:37
daniel_edbian, just trying to fill my mind with as much linux as i can i enjoy it so far very user friendly and if its not they got this swet channel01:37
RansoogardPlease help. I'm trying to burn an .iso image to boot from but it keeps failing. Been trying for over 6 hours now and I'm utterly stumped.01:37
antantHow would I go about finding    ""    in a file that contains    "IP="   ?01:37
edbiandaniel_, linux is amazing01:37
daniel_edbian, would u recomend anything other then ubuntu for my desktop ?or just stick with this01:38
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WeThePeopleany good turtorials on how to install tar.gz01:38
edbiandaniel_, Try linux mint01:38
antantor what I really mean is how do I find what 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'  is from a file that contains  'IP=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX'  ?01:39
edbianBut that's blasphemy in this channel01:39
daniel_edbian, haha they all came from the same thing in the end01:39
daniel_edbian, ubix right ?01:39
edbiandaniel_, unix...01:39
bonnyDoes anyone know afacebook hacker for linux01:40
edbiandaniel_, If you think they're all the same, try slackware!01:40
daniel_edbian, never said that just saying they all started from the same thing from what ive read if im wrong tell me quick lol01:40
beata|lemurI have a little bit of a grumble and gripe. I cannot, however I manage to poke stuff, print an *envelope* from OpenOffice.01:41
snake_I don't know what I'm doing wrong to make a bootable USB of Linux with Unetbootin. First I Format it to MBR, and create a FAT partition on it that is bootable. Then I write the ISO and when I reboot, it doesn't boot up. anything wrong here?01:41
edbiandaniel_, No no.  It's true.  Especially the desktop distros are pretty much the same01:41
Kurdistanhey guys were can I talk with people that are trying unity/ubuntu 11.04?01:42
genii-around!illegal | bonny01:42
ubottubonny: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o01:42
snake_bonny, why would you want to use someone else's script, write your own.01:42
aeon-ltdbonny: NO! NOT IN THIS CHANNEL01:42
coz_Kurdistan,   #ubuntu+101:42
snake_my apologies.. bonny get out.01:42
daniel_edbian, is slackware pretty bad?01:42
beata|lemurCould someone suggest a more simple solution to printing an envelope?01:42
bonnyumm ok mean people01:43
bin_bashHey guise. How do I find out which Ubuntu system is compatible with my new machine?01:43
edbiandaniel_, It's very technical01:43
daniel_edbian, well def not for me im just dipping in ill go deep end later01:43
coz_bin_bash,  you mean the hardware in your machine?  is this a ready made or one you put together?01:43
The_Pacotrying to fix flash in firefox displaying my webcam upside down. Other programs work fine. Installed gtk-v4l, no dice01:43
edbiandaniel_, have fun :)01:43
coz_daniel3_,  sorry wrong name01:43
daniel_edbian, thanks again cya01:44
coz_beata|lemur,   is this a bought system or one you put together01:44
edbiandaniel_, have fun with Ubuntu :)01:44
bin_bashcoz_: It's a brand new MacBook Pro. I've heard that I might be using the Sandy Bridge Processor, but I'm unsure. Is it true that 10.04 and 10.10 are not compatible with Sandy Bridge?01:44
beata|lemurWell, yes.01:44
edbianbin_bash, They should be fine.  It's all x8601:44
coz_bin_bash,  mm that One I dont know at all01:44
coz_bin_bash,  sorry01:45
snake_I don't know what I'm doing wrong to make a bootable USB of Linux with Unetbootin. First I Format it to MBR, and create a FAT partition on it that is bootable. Then I write the ISO and when I reboot, it doesn't boot up. anything wrong here?01:45
bin_bashedbian: I heard that they weren't compatible with the GPU, and there's no documentation about it on the ubuntu site.01:45
edbianbin_bash, just load a live CD and see how it goes.01:45
bin_bashedbian: I really don't want to waste 3 hours downloading something that won't work01:45
snake_bin_bash, the thing about downloading things is, you can do other things while it's going.01:46
nit-witsnake_, what is format it to mbr01:46
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snake_nit-wit, Master boot Record; it's in the disk utility for ubuntu 10.1001:46
spanglesontoastif I upgrade ubuntu versions will I lose data ?01:47
nit-witsnake_, use gprted or a right click format to fat 32 and install the iso with unetbootin01:47
snake_nit-wit, there's mbr, GUID partition table.01:47
snake_nit-wit, ok01:47
bin_bashHow do I find out what kind of processor I'm using besides the fact that it's an i5?01:48
acerimmerspanglesontoast: depends.  Always back up your data.  If you have a dedicated /home partition you *should* be able to safely  upgrade.01:48
shcherbakTb0n3: Does hardswitch wifi change anything? you could try rfkill with pm-suspend (in pm-utils)01:48
genii-aroundbin_bash: sudo lshw -C cpu01:48
beata|lemurI'm also not too impressed with Unity. But then, I do rather customise everything.01:48
bin_bashblah that command doesn't work in os x01:48
bin_bashwhich is weird01:48
shcherbakTb0n3: just of side, did you check your swap (overload)?01:49
spanglesontoastacerimmer, I don't that's what I was worrying about I thought it only updated the system root though01:49
genii-aroundbin_bash: If you're currently in osx why are asking that question here in an ubuntu support channel?01:49
bin_bashgenii-around: Because I need to figure out which ubuntu distro will work with this machine. I literally just got it today to replace my broken one.01:50
acerimmerspanglesontoast: it's not that hard to set up and it does save a lot of problems.  suggest you google and get 'r done.01:50
bazhang!home | spanglesontoast01:51
ubottuspanglesontoast: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome01:51
snake_who wants to hear a funny story pertaining to this girl in my English class and a wireless mouse adapter that she thought she wrote her essay to :P01:51
beata|lemurBut I do like the concept of exporting the menu bar. That's why I kept Feisty for so long.01:51
bazhangsnake_, wrong channel01:51
shcherbakbin_bash: Get x86 "normal" installer and use live session to test.01:51
RansoogardIssue burning files to DVD and USB. Any ideas what's wrong? k3b and Basero just don't work. Been trying to use bash instead but not having too much luck.01:51
genii-aroundbin_bash: Why not make liveCDs of the ones you want to try, boot to those and see01:51
snake_oh wait, that's basically it. bazhang you're right, sorry.01:51
Tb0n3shcherbak: I did not check my swap, I wouldn't know what to look for01:52
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bin_bashgenii-around: Will that work?01:52
luchohasbonhope you are all good01:52
spanglesontoastacerimmer, you remind me of someone that coded a paltalk thing for gaim lol01:52
luchohasbonIm glad to join01:52
genii-aroundbin_bash: If the CD doesn't boot then it's a good indication it also won't work to install, yes01:53
shcherbakTb0n3: free space, all ram is dumped there when hibernating (not sure about suspend).01:53
luchohasbonI need some help with a soundcard today01:53
The_Pacoanyone have any luck getting a webcam to work with adobe flash on firefox 4? Showing my video upside down. Other non-flash webcam apps are fine01:53
beata|lemurI would *like* for my webcam video to be shown upside-down.01:54
acerimmerspanglesontoast: sorry.  not me.  thanx for the vote of confidence tho :)01:54
phoenixsampraswill Ubuntu 11.04 will make the HIBERNATION and SUSPEND to work finally ??01:54
bin_bashok going to try 10.0401:54
luchohasbonI bought a Nvidia gts 450 it has a HDA audio module HDMI, My motherboard has a built in VIA soundcard vt1708/a  I want to unistall the Nvidia hda card in order to use my motherboard builtin audio card01:54
spanglesontoastacerimmer, oks :)01:54
The_Pacoalas, I cannot scare chatroulette users without standing on my head01:55
The_Pacoit's the little things01:55
spanglesontoastlets test natty :D01:55
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Tb0n3shcherbak: hibernate, I'm not hibernating01:56
ScuniziWhat's the address to an image pastebin service?01:56
luchohasbonI bought a Nvidia gts 450 it has a HDA audio module HDMI, My motherboard has a built in VIA soundcard vt1708/a  I want to unistall the Nvidia hda card in order to use my motherboard builtin audio card01:56
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nOStahlhey guys, I am trying to boot ubuntu live flash drive and its been loading for bout an hour now....01:57
snake_it didn't work01:57
nOStahltakes over an hour for this tower to boot to windows xp too... any ideas01:57
Scuniziluchohasbon: install pavucontrol and you should be ablel to pick which one to use for input and output.. you might also be able to do that now by clicking the speaker>Properties> And then you'll see where.01:57
beata|lemurI believe the broken hibernation is because of the encrypted home directory option, and I have no idea myself.01:57
Cornudo_charlasi need hepl, sorry for my bad english i speak spanish01:57
Cornudo_charlasi want run one live cd of other distro in ubuntu, like mobalive cd of windows01:58
genii-aroundCornudo_charlas: There is Spanish support in #ubuntu-es  :)01:58
Cornudo_charlasok thz01:58
VinushikaSHould I put ext4 as the format for my linux partition?02:02
KevinKVinushika: yes02:02
VinushikaI'll assume it's thoroughly incompatible with windows02:03
ScuniziIn the top right and bottom of my panels, right in the corner, is a grab handle.. at least the mouse cursor changes when I point to it.. they overlap the virtual destop pager and where my icon lands for tasque.. how do I get rid of them?  See my screen shot at http://imagebin.org/14619402:03
Vinushikadon't particularly care02:03
Vinushikaubuntu can read HFS+ and NTFS right?02:03
shcherbakTb0n3: suspend... there is soluton whitch make sens http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1564653 , but you said your machine freeze?02:03
B3rz3rk3rVinushika yes02:03
KevinKVinushika: if you want it read by windows, use FAT or NTFS, or at least ext3 since at least some applications support it02:04
nicofsCan someone help me set my screen resolution right? All i get is "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default"...02:04
Vinushikaoh, no02:04
shcherbakVinushika: Yes, you should, it is partly incompatibile.02:04
Scunizi!xrandr | nicofs02:05
ubottunicofs: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1202:05
VinushikaI'm fine with it being incompatible with windows so long as linux can read/modify both drives02:05
Scunizi!resolution | nicofs02:05
ubottunicofs: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution02:05
Vinushikaer, both partitions02:05
KevinKVinushika: then stick with EXT4, :)02:05
genii-aroundVinushika: There are some programs which will let you access ext4 from Windows, like http://www.diskinternals.com/linux-reader/02:05
shcherbakVinushika: From linux you can do anything, fat, ntfs are supported02:05
Vinushikaum...silly question, how do I mount an internal drive?02:06
VinushikaI'm on a ubuntu 9.04 livecd...02:06
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nicofsScunizi, that doesnt work02:06
ubottudocumentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com02:07
tr3ntonis help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com based on different data sources?02:07
shcherbakVinushika: In Gui, open > System > Admin.. > Disk Utilities and mount drive.02:07
Vinushika..oh....yeah I Just noticed how to do it02:07
Vinushikathank you02:07
Tb0n3shcherbak: do you think it's possible that the card is broken in some way? I just bought it and it's done this the whole time02:08
Scunizinicofs: nvidia? or intel? or ATI?02:09
nicofsScunizi, ARM02:09
shcherbakTb0n3: No, find what module it uses, and manually remove it and test suspend, or hardswith... still it can be ram too.02:09
TechnicusHello . . . I have Mavrick installed but I want to install the Lucid kernel, how do I achieve this task?02:09
Scunizinicofs: no.. the video card02:09
folornanyone know how to speed up a pc running ubuntu is there any programs to help repair lost or stolen bandwith etc or a place to review process's?02:10
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nicofsScunizi, yes... it's all in one chip02:10
Tb0n3shcherbak: I removed the card and it didn't freeze, I'll try it with the ath9k module removed02:10
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mneptokfolorn: top02:11
Scunizinicofs: gotta be based on something known.. netbook? or nettop?02:11
Scunizinicofs: what brand and model of machine?02:11
folornif i do it and shit could you review it. mneptok?02:11
nicofsScunizi, Toshiba AC100, based on nVidia Tagra02:11
azizLIGHTSi changed the rsa host key on ubuntu-server, so what do i do on the other computers?02:11
azizLIGHTSwho want to connect to ubuntu server02:11
nicofsScunizi, sorry, Tegra02:11
rwwazizLIGHTS: over ssh?02:12
shcherbakTb0n3: You may need to wrap "whole" cycle or... one moment..02:12
rwwazizLIGHTS: modify ~/.ssh/known_hosts02:12
azizLIGHTSwhat do you mean rww ?02:12
rwwazizLIGHTS: You didn't say what protocol you're talking about. I assume it's ssh?02:12
azizLIGHTSyes ssh02:12
azizLIGHTSi did changed the .ssh/known_hosts (i delted it, and it asked me to add the new one, i said yes), but now it says permission denied (publickey)02:13
azizLIGHTSwhat am i doing wrong02:13
Scunizinicofs: nvidia.. did you look in System>Admin>Hardware Drivers to see if there was a driver waiting to be activated?02:13
mneptokfolorn: my Linux system admin consulting fee starts at US$250 per hour. ;)02:13
nicofsScunizi, yes, i did - no there isnt02:13
Salih-kHi all. I have a little problem running flash player on chromium . I cannot play or run videos simultaneously when i am using web browser.02:14
Scunizinicofs: this might help.. beyond that I'm lost.. check it out. http://www.slashgear.com/toshiba-ac100-ubuntu-hack-gets-video-demo-official-build-could-be-in-works-04105761/02:14
folornoof  im far from rich. i guess ill try to find another channel ...sorry :(02:14
mneptokfolorn: just fire up top and see what is using resources.02:14
mneptokfolorn: it's not hard.02:14
snake_yay! I'm booted into a Live cd of Ubuntu! now I need to get some file off my hdd, which is formatted to HFS+ (i think).02:15
mneptoknicofs: where did you get this ARM port of Ubuntu?02:15
nicofsmneptok, ac100.gudinna.com02:15
folornthere's the info .. i dont know jack about this thou so im not sure which is a need must be there and what doesnt?02:15
snake_wow, nvm looks like there's no problem :)02:16
folorni done a banwith test thou and wow its like 10megs slow for some fucked up reason and i got no idea how or why?02:16
mneptoknicofs: hardly a supported release.02:16
bazhangfolorn, no cursing please02:16
rwwazizLIGHTS: you changed something with the public key files on either the client or the ~/ of the user you're sshing to.02:16
mneptokfolorn: you have ~4% CPU usage. what's the problem?02:16
azizLIGHTSrww: ok how do i fix it now02:17
rwwazizLIGHTS: depends, what did you change?02:17
nicofsmneptok, but shouldnt that gamma thing be a generic error?02:17
azizLIGHTSi made a new ec2 instance of ubuntu server... i think it made a new rsa host key02:17
azizLIGHTSnothing is changed on the computer who wants to connect to ec202:17
mneptoknicofs: if you go and buy a car from a person on the street, the manufacturer is NOT going to warrantee it. same applies here.02:18
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mneptoknicofs: ARM is not a supported Ubuntu port. thus, discussions of issues with it is offtopic for this channel.02:18
rwwazizLIGHTS: allow password-based connections, then ssh-copy-id user@hostname on the client.02:18
azizLIGHTSrww: i am not sure, really02:18
nicofsmneptok, anyway - if that problem isnt tackled, it won't get solved and never be part of any supported release - and car manufacturers don't sell open-source cars02:18
folornits like my connection is slower than hell and our provider claims we are suppose to either get 1meg up and 14 down or vise versa or some shit02:18
azizLIGHTSrww: oh yes.. i have pssword login disabled on sshd02:18
rwwazizLIGHTS: although I don't do EC2, so that may or may not work for you.02:18
bazhangfolorn, stop with the cursing02:18
mneptoknicofs: again, ARM is not an officially supported platform02:18
folornsorry bazhang02:19
nicofsmneptok, and there are official efforts from ubuntu to support arm...02:19
mneptoknicofs: yes, and when they are complete ARM questions will be welcome in this channel.02:19
azizLIGHTSrww: when you say do ssh-copy-id user@host on the client, which pc do i run that from? ec2 or the comptuer who wants to connect to ec202:19
rwwazizLIGHTS: the user who wants to connect to ec202:20
azizLIGHTSok ty02:20
rwwazizLIGHTS: hence me saying "client"02:20
folornso mneptok - then its not my computer that is the problem then?02:20
luchohasbonhi people!!!!02:20
luchohasbonI ve been working around02:20
azizLIGHTSits hard for me to understand that word :(02:20
nicofsmneptok, if i had no arm and the same error, what would be your approach to the problem?02:20
mneptokfolorn: could be wahtever driver the kernel uses for your network interface02:20
luchohasbonand found a possible reason for a bug i have in my ear02:20
mneptoknicofs: we do not deal in theoriticals. for now, ARM questions are offtopic in this channel.02:21
luchohasbonhow do i change a soundcard driver module form snd-hda-intel to snd-card-via82xx02:21
folornwell it worked fine this morning and now it dont for some odd reason and not quite sure why :(02:21
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lrussellI'm re-doing my site. http://neverloselinux.nazuka.net/ all files are going to be hosted on my personal server02:22
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TechnicusWhat is the Lucid repositiory?02:22
TechnicusThe apt line?02:22
rwwlrussell: You've been told about spam before. Next time, I activate the banhammer.02:22
nicofsmneptok, so i'm not even allowed to try to get help here?02:23
mneptoknicofs: for unsupported platforms? no, you are not.02:23
Legend28469Hello .. I'm runnin Ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop problem is that I use it as a server for my phone while I'm at work I think the wifi disconnects on sleep.can anyone help me?02:23
lrusselloh, sorry. I forgot to go to offtopic. would it be spam there?02:23
Tb0n3shcherbak: yeah, I unloaded the ath* modules, and it didn't  happen02:23
rwwlrussell: yes.02:23
Tb0n3shcherbak: no problems02:23
Tb0n3damnit atheros02:24
nicofsI need help setting up xrandr. for some reason it is unable to get a correct gamma value. how could i manually set that?02:24
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mneptoknicofs: what is the output of "lspci | grep VGA" ?02:25
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azizLIGHTShow do you reboot sshd after editing sshd_config02:25
rwwazizLIGHTS: sudo service ssh restart02:25
GeekyAdamazizLIGHTS: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart02:25
GeekyAdamor that02:25
azizLIGHTSi thought we dont use the init.d method anymore?02:26
GeekyAdamazizLIGHTS: also, great nick ^_^02:26
mneptokor "sudo invoke-rc.d sshd restart"  ;)02:26
rwwazizLIGHTS: it still works, generally02:26
azizLIGHTSbecause proc id or something02:26
nicofsmneptok, lspci: Cannot find any working access method.02:26
GeekyAdamazizLIGHTS: yeah, do what the elders here say, im more of a noob than them02:26
mneptoknicofs: "uname -a"02:26
azizLIGHTSGeekyAdam: :)02:26
nicofsmneptok, "Linux wb201244-ARM 2.6.29-arm2-ac100 #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Oct 11 12:31:40 CEST 2010 armv7l GNU/Linux"02:27
mneptoknicofs: was i not clear when i told you not to ask ARM-related questions here?02:28
sheenamsjust started getting weird error in ubuntu. : perl: warning: Setting locale failed.02:28
nicofsmneptok, in how far is asking about how to enter gamma values in xrandr specific to the processor i use?02:29
mneptoknicofs: game over02:29
azizLIGHTSis UsePAM no ### the correct way to disable sshd password logisn02:30
azizLIGHTSin sshd_config02:30
rwwazizLIGHTS: no. PasswordAuthentication No is02:31
snake_mneptok, that was awesome :) "game over" *kick02:31
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:34
Tb0n3shcherbak: I just don't know how to search for this problem, I've search for acpi AR5B95/AR9285 freeze and other things02:35
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BlackWebwhile on the topic, how do you ssh into a system02:37
BlackWebI've tried and wont work, is there a config file i need to change02:37
chotazhey everyone, how can I get ubuntu 3 client to run on ubuntu, i got their amd64 *.run file from their website, how can I install it?02:38
Danielcg25_Cd is broken :/02:38
Danielcg25_I type "cd /home/daniel/" and it says theres no such folder02:39
BlackWebtype ls /home02:39
BlackWebdoes it bring it up02:39
Danielcg25_It says "daniel"02:39
BlackWebso if you type cd /home/daniel/ then it doesnt work,02:40
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aeon-ltdDanielcg25_: there is not meant to be a forward slash at the end, its "cd /home/daniel"02:40
Tb0n3how about tab-complete02:40
Danielcg25_It doesn't do anything it's like I didn't type anything and hit "enter"02:41
Danielcg25_It just gives me another line :(02:41
BlackWebso type /home/dan  then tab02:41
BlackWebdoes it complete02:41
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:41
Danielcg25_It says "bash: /home/daniel/: is a directory02:41
truepurple_Hi all, anyone remember me from earlier with losing my browsers ability to connect online?02:42
BlackWebi know root kits can damage your binary files like "ls cd02:43
truepurple_Well if any of you ever have this trouble, try disabling IPv602:43
Danielcg25_It says "daniel@DanielLaptop-Ubuntu~$"02:43
BlackWebso are you just trying to change into that directory, it should be in that directory by default when you run terminal02:43
Danielcg25_BlackWeb: But i just installed Ubuntu on this machine today02:44
BlackWebtype pwd02:44
Danielcg25_It says "/home/daniel"02:44
BlackWebk your in that directory already02:44
BlackWebtype ls02:44
royaleDanielcg25_: try cd ~02:44
Danielcg25_oh, lol. Thanks02:44
BlackWebthen it'll bring up everything in directory02:45
Danielcg25_It's already in that directory, I don't need to cd. (following a tutorial, it said to do that so I guess I can skip this step)02:45
victorhugo289Hello, I am trying to install Windows XP on Virtual BOx, but it has given 16MB of Video memory, my video card has 128MB, can i select the whole 128?02:46
BlackWebnot if your in that directory already, mainly only have to specify the whole directory in certain circumstances02:46
royaleDanielcg25_: what tutorial?02:46
BlackWebya victorhugo try turning up memory02:47
BlackWebsee how it goes02:47
victorhugo289Hi, can I give it 128 or will the host Ubuntu complain???02:47
BlackWebdepends try it out and see if you notice anything02:48
victorhugo289Is it like ram? I have 1GB, but I gave it 38202:48
BlackWebYa you can say that, ram built on the video card02:48
=== sam__ is now known as Moleboy
bin_bashHello all.02:48
chotazHow can I make my user has the exact same permissions as root?02:48
MoleboyHey guys, how would I go about extracting audio from a video?02:48
victorhugo289Ok, thanks, 16MB is too little!02:49
MoleboyI've tried multiple things, googled it, and it's not working!02:49
BlackWebchotaz add it to root group, and edit sudoer file02:49
shcherbakchotaz: Pointless.02:49
BlackWebthen do a chmod on entire filesystem02:49
bin_bashI burned a livedisk of 10.04 and was able to run it from the disc, and use gparted to partition my computer. I'm concerned however that installing it may not be good as I've heard it's not compatible with my system. Does anyone know if it's dangerous to install 10.04 with the i5 processor? Thanks.02:49
truepurple_Someone had me comment out a line using sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf, how do I remove the comment out, anyone know?02:49
truepurple_I used a pound, how do i delete it?02:50
BlackWebya find # and delete it02:50
MoleboyFine what you commented out, and remove the #02:50
BlackWebuse that same command sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf02:50
truepurple_what button deletes a character? Surprisingly not backspace02:50
shcherbaktruepurple_: press I02:50
BlackWebtype i02:50
BlackWebthen backspace02:50
truepurple_yes, but once I get into editor mode, what command deletes a character02:50
MoleboySo, can someone help me extract audio from a video?02:50
BlackWebthen when done ESC :wq!02:50
truepurple_backspace doesn't work02:51
BlackWebtype i02:51
truepurple_I did02:51
BlackWebyour using VI and in command mode02:51
BlackWebk was you able to delete it02:51
MoleboyWhy use vi? Just try using nano.02:51
truepurple_What does commenting out one of those lines do anyway? Can it slow me down any?02:51
Moleboydon't overcomplicate it =302:51
truepurple_no, nothing happened02:52
bin_bashDoes anyone know if 10.04 is compatible with Intel i5 Sandy Bridge?02:52
BlackWebmakes it not read the line02:52
MoleboyBin_bash, I believe it is, but out of curiousity, why not 10.10?02:52
BlackWebsome system files can only be edited with vI02:52
MoleboyAh, LTS?02:52
DaZbin_bash: is windows compatible with intel i5 sandy bridge?02:52
truepurple_And arrow keys in edit mode makes characters instead02:52
Dr_Willisbin_bash:  ive heard there can be some issues with sandy bridge. but thers always chance some updtes fix any issues.02:52
bin_bashMoleboy: Because I have a 10.04 live disc02:52
bin_bashDaZ: I don't know I don't use windows.02:52
BlackWebare you trying to browse the file02:52
Dr_Willistruepurple_:  you are using the vim-light instead of the vim 'full' version.02:53
MoleboyI'm confused, why use vim and not nano?02:53
Dr_Willistruepurple_:  ive seen that arrow keys 'issue' befor. its how the keys are mappeed.02:53
BlackWebpress ESC then the arrow keys will work02:53
DaZit's a processor, it's been the same architecture for the last 20 years.02:53
shcherbakBlackWeb: from twitter : RT @fR0DDY: Q:How to generate a random string? A:Put a fresh student in front of vi and tell him to quit.02:53
Osmodivsevery time I logout fro Ubuntu, my internal speaker sounds a BEEP, Where can I modify this beep? I want to hear a tune I made with just beeps, a .sh file02:53
truepurple_Dr_Willis So how do I delete a character in the vim-light?02:53
MoleboyAnd can anyone help me extract audio from video?02:53
Dr_Willistruepurple_:  'd' for delete.02:53
bin_bashDaZ: Apparently the Sandy Bridge architechture is different.02:53
unclemantisi set up a file called :~/.ssh/authorized_keys using ssh-keygen -t rsa  and then i scp it. When i ssh into the server specifiying the user i am still being asked for a password. What did i miss?02:53
MoleboyGet the audio, out of a video file, and have a separate audio file?02:54
Dr_WillisMoleboy:  winff, ffmpeg, or mencoder can do that..02:54
Dr_Willis!info vimtutor02:54
ubottuPackage vimtutor does not exist in maverick02:54
MoleboyI have ffmpeg, but I'm rather unclear how to use it02:54
Dr_Willis!find vimtutor02:54
ubottuFile vimtutor found in manpages-zh, vim-runtime02:54
MoleboyI'll look into it, I appreciate it =302:54
Dr_WillisMoleboy:  check its homepage/faq/docs.02:54
MoleboyI shall, that's what I'm doing02:55
unclemantisI am following this and i am still being asked for a password http://ryanbigg.com/deployment/getting_started_ubuntu.html#setting-a-key02:55
unclemantiswhat could i have missed? anyone?02:55
Dr_Willisunclemantis:  thers the 'ssh-copy-id serverip' that i always use.02:55
unclemantisi used scp02:56
tehnefunclemantis: did you set a password on the key itself? that could do it02:56
truepurple_Dr_Willis: d just causes the letter d to appear02:56
Dr_Willisunclemantis:  i never need to do scp directly for it all.. ssh-copy-id handles it.02:56
unclemantisi entered a passphrase02:56
Dr_Willistruepurple_:  hit the escape key to get into 'command' mode. then try d, or d then space.02:56
shcherbaktruepurple_: Press Esc,02:56
shcherbaktruepurple_: then v (visual mode)02:57
OsmodivsWhere can I found that .sh file - and replace it - that makes my internal speaker beeps everytime I logout?02:57
shcherbaktruepurple_: highlight what you do not want and d02:57
unclemantisi used ssh-keygen -t rsa  and it generated 2 files a public and a private. I took the public and scp.02:57
unclemantiswhat did i miss :(02:58
Dr_WillisOsmodivs:  i dont think there is a specific .sh file.  thats doing it. the beep is proberly some alert/system beep. Mine dose not beep when i log out. but i recall some laptop that did do it. (annoying also)02:58
Dr_Willisbye all...02:58
OsmodivsDr_Willis HEY!!02:59
shcherbakunclemantis: use ssh-copy-id, if this fails you have premission problem on server, ~ and .ssh and eventualy key02:59
Arv3nI'm tryibng to boot Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook Remix on an Acer Aspire AOD255 and all I get is a blinking underscore from my USB disk.02:59
OsmodivsDr_Willis please dont go02:59
OsmodivsDr_Willis I activated the internal speaker because i needed an alam beep for some temp monitors03:00
teageProblem guys, I have sloppy loose feeling touchpad. I did " cat /proc/bus/input/devices " and it shows synPS/2 Synaptics. So i have Synaptics but when i check my generated xorg.conf it says Identifier "Mouse0" . Is this as symple as editing xorg with Synaptics input?03:00
truepurple_shcherbak: That V thing doesn't seem to work, but it doesn't seem necessary anyway03:00
mactimesDoes anyone know if there is any sort of GUI for Graphics Tablet configuration?  I just connected mine,  but once I hover the pen in the tablet area, the mouse pointer gets "stuck" at top-left screen corner.03:00
OsmodivsDr_Willis, but now I want to replace that alarm/beep logout with a nice beep tune made like a .sh03:00
teageOh, im on Maverick03:01
coz_mactimes, ah actuall y there is  is this a wacom?03:01
bin_bashHow the heck do I find out if my processor is Sandy Bridge?03:01
mactimescoz_ Gotec WP554003:01
truepurple_Dr_Willis: So if I got that full version, these commands would make alot more sense?03:01
MoleboyOk, I've been working on this for 2 hours, and I just can't figure this out. I keep getting errors no matter what I do!03:01
coz_mactimes,  mm I know there is one for the wacom03:01
unclemantisit did the same thing the other thing did03:01
coz_mactimes,  let me try to find it hold on03:01
MoleboyDr_Willis: Sure you can't help me?03:01
mactimescoz_, Thanks.03:01
unclemantisso i don't understand. Why i try and log into the box using ssh and type in username it is NOT supposed to ask for a password, RIGHT?03:02
zortogHello, I have a really simple question but it has been driving me crazy. Using 10.10 can you set a diff background image for diff workspaces?03:02
coz_mactimes,     http://gtk-apps.org/content/show.php/Wacom+Control+Panel?content=10430903:02
MoleboyDoes anyone know how to extract the audio from a video file?03:02
niles|iPodunclemantis: Should, yes03:02
mactimescoz_, I'll take a look.  Thank you.03:02
MoleboyAnyone at all? I've been at it for hours!03:02
truepurple_Never mind, I guess v is necessary03:02
coz_mactimes,  here is the PPA    https://launchpad.net/~hughescih/+archive/ppa03:03
unclemantisniles|iPod it is NOT supposed to ask for a password???03:03
_Neytiri_how do i rin a cron one a day?03:03
niles|iPodIt should ask, unclemantis03:03
unclemantisso it should still ask for the password?03:03
Moleboyniles|iPod, any idea on your front?03:03
niles|iPodMy linux and mac boxes do, unclemantis03:03
niles|iPodNo ideas03:03
unclemantisThis is what the tutorial is telling me "We should not be prompted to enter a password, if we are then something’s gone Terribly, Terribly Wrong (TTW). "03:04
shcherbakunclemantis: without username ssh use your username, do not matter when client server have same user.03:04
bin_bashWhich is the Natty ubuntu chat?03:04
MoleboyPlease someone, help end my misery!03:04
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.03:04
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101003:04
mactimescoz_, No luck with that.  It says "No device detected".03:04
Moleboybin_bash, any idea? I'm sorry to be frustrating, but I've been on this for hours03:04
truepurple_shcherbak: So with the full version of this program, these commands will make more sense?03:05
OsmodivsHow come that bot does not know about the beep command!?03:05
coz_mactimes,  mm darn,,, not sure what to say  ... maybe in  ##linux channel03:05
coz_mactimes,  not sure wherelse to send you03:05
bin_bashMoleboy: what?03:05
mactimescoz_, Ok.  Thanks.  I'm trying Google searches to see what else I find.  Nothing useful so far.03:05
bin_bashMoleboy: What's your issue?03:05
unclemantisThis is what the tutorial is telling me "We should not be prompted to enter a password, if we are then something’s gone Terribly, Terribly Wrong (TTW). "03:05
Moleboybin_bash, I've been working for hours on extracting the audio from a video file, so I could have a simple MP3. That's it. I've tried dozens of things, always ending with errors and empty files.03:06
unclemantisbut you guys are telling me that it IS supposed to still ask me for a password03:06
unclemantisso what good is this private key file then?03:06
fishsceneUbuntu one contact sync just wiped out ALL my contacts and left 249 blank contacts on my phone.03:06
bin_bashSorry I have no experience with that.03:06
zortogCan I sang someone for a sec?  I have a very simple question.03:06
fishsceneAnyone know how to resolve?03:06
shcherbaktruepurple_: Should, use vim (vi impoved), much easier and nice features. you may need to get vim cheatsheet, much help.03:06
truepurple_shcherbak: How do I get the improved version?03:07
manuel__how do i upgrade 10.10 to 11.04 without a fresh install?03:07
mactimescoz_, Hummm.  Interesting output from lsusb: UC-Logic Technology Corp. Genius MousePen 5x4 Tablet03:07
mactimescoz_, I'll try googling that.  Thank you. ;-)03:07
niles|iPodmanuel__: Run update-manager -d03:07
coz_mactimes,  sounds like a reasonable start  :)03:07
zortogI am just looking to set different pictures as backgrounds for different work spaces, I have tried a few ways but nothing has worked so can it actually be done or is it a lost cause?03:08
* Run_Time com uma lata de cerva na maun e ouvindo New Order - Blue Monday Uhhhuuullllllllllll.......................03:08
manuel__thank you niles03:08
MoleboyAnyone here know how to extract audio from video?03:08
bazhangRun_Time, disable that03:08
unclemantisi need clarification please. This tutorial I am on is saying "We should not be prompted to enter a password, if we are then something’s gone Terribly, Terribly Wrong (TTW)." and this is after i create a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file from the id_ssa.pub key03:09
Run_Time[bazhang]: this not is possible03:09
MoleboyAhhhh, I'm going to esplode!03:09
unclemantiswhen i log in using the user, am i or am i not supposed to be still prompted for a password?03:09
* unclemantis stands far away from Moleboy and takes aim03:09
shcherbaktruepurple_: sudo apt-get install vim03:09
shcherbaktruepurple_: My favourite: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/vi-guide.xml03:10
BeefEvening all. Please could someone tell me why 32-bit Ubuntu is the recommended download?03:10
s1ashdotAdobe Flash03:11
MoleboyBeef, what do yout hink it would be?03:11
niles|iPodBeef: most computers only have compatability with 32 bit03:11
shcherbakBeef: Coz it runs on 64bit systems.03:11
* Moleboy slowly moves towards unclemantis. 03:11
BeefI wouldn't know, as I assume more memory can be accessed with 64bit03:11
fishsceneIs the the proper room to address issues with Ubuntu one contact sync?03:11
MoleboyBeef: 32bit works on 64bit systems, but 64bit OS does not work on 32bit systems03:11
MoleboyIt's a universality thing.03:11
niles|iPodBeef: New conputers can03:12
shcherbakBeef: you will get pae with 32bit, so no matter.03:12
bazhangfishscene, #ubuntuone channel?03:12
BeefAhh. I think there are plenty of 64 PCs nowadays03:12
truepurple_shcherbak: Someone had me comment this line out with nameserver, could that have any negative effects, a bit of slow down or anything? What is the purpose of that line?03:12
fishscenebingo. Thanks03:12
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info03:12
bazhangBeef, ^03:12
MoleboyBetter question: Does anyone know where I could get help on finding out how to extract audio from video?03:13
Beefoh ok. but given that i've got a 64bit system, i might as well use the 64bit ubuntu, no?03:13
bazhangMoleboy, with ffmpeg or the like?03:13
niles|iPodBeef: Good idea03:13
MoleboyNot necessarily. There are occassionally compatibility issues03:13
zortogI hate to be a broken record but I would greatly appreciate it if someone could just tell me if it is possible to assign different backgrounds to different workspaces. So far all the methods i have tried, including kde, have not been able to do this. I would just like to know if it is possible.03:13
Beefah, ok03:13
MoleboyBut, generally, you'd be fine unless you have a specific issue03:13
Moleboybazhang: yep. but I just can't get it to work!03:13
bazhangzortog, perhaps with compiz03:13
truepurple_shcherbak: Someone had me comment this line out with nameserver, could that have any negative effects?03:14
bazhangzortog, may want to ask in #compiz03:14
Beefthanks for the replies dudes, I'll try 64-bit.03:14
Moleboybazhang, Think you could assist me? Or atleast help me figure out what I'm doing wrong?03:14
bazhangMoleboy, from youtube vids? one of the devs had a script to strip them out iirc03:14
eosshello how can i see who tries to connect to my computer03:14
Jeruvytruepurple:  are you on qwest?03:14
bazhangeoss, connect to what03:15
zortogbazhang: i have tried that and the disabeling the nautalis draw desktop and it has not cooperated, thanks for the suggestion i will ask there!!!:)03:15
Moleboybazhang, No, I have a video file of an oral history of my grandfather. I want the audio to put on a CD to listen in the car.03:15
eossmy ports03:15
bazhangeoss, which ones, what services03:15
truepurple_Jeruvy: How did you know that?03:15
eosswell apache server i have up for development sometimes03:15
eossand any port that can be seen from outside03:15
shcherbaktruepurple_: what nameserver are you using?03:15
luchohasbonhi again03:15
luchohasbonits me :P03:15
niles|iPodHello luchohasbon03:16
truepurple_shcherbak: I don't know enough to answer that question03:16
niles|iPodRemember me?03:16
Jeruvytruepurple: then that may be a valid nameserver for you03:16
luchohasbonpeople could anyone help me, i have two soundcards that use the same alsa module, ubuntu is using the one i don't want to use cause its hdmi, how do i fix this?03:16
truepurple_Jeruvy: Then what would the effects of commenting it out be?03:16
Moleboybazhang anything? :-(03:17
Jeruvytruepurple: to remove that nameserver03:17
ohsixluchohasbon: open the volume control applet and pick the right output03:17
shcherbaktruepurple_: In /etc/resolv.conf, what other lines do you have (should be your router, if you have one)03:17
truepurple_Jeruvy: And what is the effects of removing that nameserver???03:17
luchohasbonmy  volume control only recognice one card though lspci recognize both03:17
Jeruvytruepurple: not everyone uses DNS local or on their network.  You could choose to use OpenDNS for example.03:17
MoleboyJeruvy, think you can help me?03:18
truepurple_Jeruvy: I don't understand that03:18
Ray2zortog, Try this process http://ubuntuguide.net/different-wallpapers-on-each-workspace-in-ubuntu03:18
rams_panduhi all, how can I get ubuntu10.04 cd now? I have a slow internet connection, so I cannot download it. is there any way out?03:18
Jeruvytruepurple: DNS is how you resolve IP addresses to names.  Who you choose is a highly debatable subject03:19
JeruvyMoleboy: I can only see :)03:19
truepurple_Jeruvy: I understand the first part of what you said just fine, but I did not understand what you said about choice03:19
truepurple_Jeruvy: I should say, I already knew the first part03:20
MoleboyJeruvy: For hours, I've been trying to extract audio from video. I need this, and I am going crazy!03:20
JeruvyMoleboy: I'm not that expert in extracting audio codecs from containers, sorry03:21
facelessawhere is the default index.html file from apache stored on ubuntu?03:21
facelessaI cant find it lol03:21
JeruvyMoleboy: try #ffmpeg, that has been very helpful03:21
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MoleboyI see, thanks!03:22
shcherbakMoleboy: mplayer is best (personal opinion): http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/229/extract-audio-from-video-or-online-stream/03:22
raidofacelessa: /var/www/03:22
facelessathats what I needed lol03:22
facelessabeen a long time03:22
Jeruvytruepurple: not all DNS is equal.  I'm not sure what else I can tell you .  This is a bit OT for #ubuntu03:22
epzishi, i need some informations, i own an uefi pc and i'd like to install ubuntu on it, it appears that 32 bit OS cant run in a 64 bit uefi and all uefi's are 64 bit, is that true/correct?03:23
id10thaving some trouble with natty 11.04 beta 1, anyone successfully erase from 10.10 and install 11.04?03:24
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.03:24
MoleboyTry #ubuntu+1 =3 they'll know a bit more03:25
bazhangid10t, #ubuntu+1 please03:25
id10tthank you03:25
Moleboybazhang, hate to bug you, but you don't know how to do it?03:25
truepurple_Does having IPv6 off cause any trouble ever?03:25
shcherbaktruepurple_: Anyway, all DNS is done automaticaly in Ubuntu, so no worries, if you want to experiment a bit, mind a back up and common sens, google "public name server" to see what you can play with.03:25
bazhangMoleboy, did you not try tghe link above?03:25
bazhangMoleboy, the mplayer one?03:25
MoleboyI've tried using mplayer, though I missed your link03:26
shcherbakMoleboy:  http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/229/extract-audio-from-video-or-online-stream/03:26
bazhanghttp://linux.byexamples.com/archives/229/extract-audio-from-video-or-online-stream/ from shcherbak03:26
MoleboyAh, yep. tried it.03:26
truepurple_shcherbak: I don't trust ubuntu to do everything automatically, it already screwed up my internet once already03:26
shcherbakMoleboy: there is few ways shown03:26
MoleboyI can tell you what happens when I do it03:26
ohsixtruepurple_: did you file a bug?03:27
shcherbakMoleboy: do you have linky to that video?03:27
MoleboyI've seen about 3 videos03:27
MoleboyAnd when I do what that link says, and try playing the file, it says seek failed03:28
truepurple_ohsix: Not sure if you would call it a bug, but my browser stopped being able to call up internet, it required me disabling IPv6 to get it to work again03:28
shcherbakMoleboy: No, to video you want to strip.03:28
MoleboyNo, it's a video file I have on my computer. It's a 4 hour oral history of my grandfather.03:28
Moleboyshcherbak, :-/03:28
shcherbakMoleboy: did you try to load it in kino, or piviti?03:29
rams_panduhi all, how can I get ubuntu10.04 cd now? I have a slow internet connection, so I cannot download it. is there any way out?03:29
SvenGhey.. does anyone know where the bureau of ubuntu is in south africa (address)?03:30
deenai have os installed in virutalbox... can you tell how to ping from linux to guest os?03:30
niles|iPodrams_pandu: Try the network install03:30
shcherbakSvenG: I thought that it is Isle of Man03:30
ohsixtruepurple_: ah, that's pretty well known03:30
SvenGshcherbak: naahh.. that's whwre theGuy[tm] lives nowadays..03:30
Moleboyshcherbak, I tried loading it in pivirti, but I couldn't figure out how to eliminate the video part without getting rid of the audio03:30
rams_panduniles|iPod, can you detail it abit?03:30
Moleboyshcherbak, Have not tried Kino yet.03:30
Diamondcitedeena: Depends on how you have setup the network.. if the network IS running.. just use the regular ping command with the guest IP as a target?03:31
SvenGwasnt there some development bureau in ZA?03:31
ohsixtruepurple_: other things being broken make it a problem though :\03:31
DrDuckHello. I'd like to upgrade to python 2.7 on my my system in a way that I can directly call python in the terminal and not be presented with 2.6, but rather 2.7. Is this a trivial task or would it be hard to do?03:31
truepurple_ohsix: Well I have been asking on ubuntu forum, ubuntu chat, and firefox chat, as well as searching online, for hours, and noone thought to suggest that03:31
deenamy primary host is having guest os  is having
deenawhy i am not able to reach my guest os ?03:31
niles|iPodrams_pandu: It is a cd image with some installee files but it downloads rhe majority of them during the install03:31
ohsixtruepurple_: forums :D03:31
deenawhat needs to be added in virtual servr gateway03:32
truepurple_ohsix: Someone spend quite some time trying to help me by suggesting different things, and that was not one of them03:32
truepurple_ohsix: What about forums?03:32
bin_bashOkay guise. Wish me luck. I'm attempting to install 10.04 on my MBP 8,1 with a Sandy Bridge Processor.03:32
epzishi, i need some informations, i own an uefi pc and i'd like to install ubuntu on it, it appears that 32 bit OS cant run in a 64 bit uefi and all uefi's are 64 bit, is that true/correct? the pc is a dell vostro 3700, listed on ubuntu certified hardware as working with 10.10 x64, why wouldnt i386 work?03:32
ohsixtruepurple_: you might as well have asked your grandmother to speculate about what might be wrong03:32
shcherbakMoleboy: Can you cut few minutes, and test it (in mplayer), if you can strip from lesser part, or drop it somewhere? Also try to convert chunk to ogg format.03:32
truepurple_ohsix: Where would you suggest I go for help then?03:33
SvenGi got someone here going to south africa.. home of ubuntu.. any chance to meet ubuntu people in south africa?  maybe some ubuntun community meetup?03:33
Diamondcitedeena: Are you SURE the guest has a working network connection? Can the guest ping the host?03:33
rams_panduniles|iPod, ok, where can I get it?03:33
niles|iPodUbuntu website03:34
rams_panduniles|iPod, thank you:-)03:34
niles|iPodrams_pandu: Goto alternitave downloads03:34
spacenavihow do you restart the gui in ubuntu 10.1003:34
deenaip's are assigned but not able to ping from host to guest or guest to host03:34
niles|iPodspacenavi: Restart the x server ;)03:35
spacenaviyeah how do you do it in terminal03:35
=== Auriel_ is now known as Auriel
Diamondcitedeena: Please tell me which VM you are using, also please prefix my nick to your sentence it's hard to see your messages ^_^03:35
deenavirtualbox 403:35
newbie00198i need help03:36
deenavirtaulbox 4 _ diamondcite03:36
luchohasbonhow do i specify a device for a module I have one module driver for two diferent devices03:36
=== MrAdam is now known as THEBRODOZER
Diamondcitedeena: Okay, Under VirtualBox -> Settings (With the VM OFF) -> Network -> Adapter 1, what is it attached to? NAT? Bridged?03:37
deena_diamoncite_it is virtualbox 4.. host address is having guest systesm is having
truepurple_ ohsix: Where would you suggest I go for help then?03:37
newbie00198i need help to configure wifi radar03:37
ohsixtruepurple_: dunno, for one offs smart friends help, best you can do is support yourself and get an idea about how to do differential diagnosis and rule stuff out03:37
deenadiamondcite_it is nat.. i changed it to bridge but tell me it should be br0 or eth003:38
Diamondcitedeena.. eh? I never had that encounter....03:38
Diamondcitedeena: Do you have some sort of firewall setup?03:39
epzishi, i need some informations, i own an uefi pc and i'd like to install ubuntu on it, it appears that 32 bit OS cant run in a 64 bit uefi and all uefi's are 64 bit, is that true/correct? the pc is a dell vostro 3700, listed on ubuntu certified hardware as working with 10.10 x64, why wouldnt i386 work?03:39
truepurple_ohsix:  I only partially understood that03:39
deenadiamondcite_thanks i am able to ping now03:39
=== lonelyibex is now known as fungo
spacenavihow do I restart the gui in ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition03:39
spacenavinot server edition03:39
ohsixtruepurple_: your problem was a very narrow one that could be easily checked against dns problems and a networking problem, someone who knew of the problem already would have you paste the output of ifconfig, to see if theres any ipv6 stuff attached to the interface, then see if ipv6 worked, ping6 or something03:40
sacarlsonepzis: i386 should work on both 64bit and 32bit systems03:40
AJ_Z0spacenavi: Ig by GUI you mean the graphical login screen, then "sudo service gdm restart" should do it03:40
l_33Tlol any here03:40
newbie00198is there anyone who knows how to set up wpa with wifi radar i can see my connection but it times out and it asks me for a wep key and i have a wpa key so frustrating i miss zero config in windows right about now03:41
spacenaviAJ_Z0 thanks. will try03:41
epzissacarlson: on wikipedia it says that 64 bit efi doesnt boot 32 bit systems, but then imacs (first efi machines) boot both kernels if efi is 64bit so im a lil confused right now, what would the biggest problem be? (i have 3gb ram)03:41
truepurple_ohs I didn't know what kind of problem it was, I don't know how you mean to "check against something. And I had trouble understanding some of that03:41
Diamondcitel_33T: Nope, no one here, just ask a question for support and someone will answer if they can answer it.03:41
sacarlsonepzis: what it wouldn't run on is an apple mac or arm system without the version compiled for those type systems03:41
=== lonelyibex is now known as fungo
l_33Tto start a connection dont u write in konsole sudo start-network and then goto wicd and press connect03:42
epzissacarlson: then i have to guess that ami aptio (should be a 2.1 uefi) could run both and ubuntu hardware certifier had a 4gb ram vostro for testing?03:42
Moleboy#FFmpeg IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND03:42
Diamondcitel_33T: I am not sure why you are using wicd when networkmanager comes with Ubuntu.. but using wicd alone should be enough.03:43
l_33Tlol imma using backtrack 4  its way better03:43
l_33Tlol jk i just using backtrack03:43
Diamondcitel_33T: Then ask them not this place, it is not supported here ^_^03:44
newbie00198how to get to network manager03:44
truepurple_ohsix: I didn't know what kind of problem it was, I don't know how you mean to "check against something. And I had trouble understanding some of that03:44
newbie00198network manager in lucid running gnome03:44
sacarlsonepzis: efi seems to be the chip that apple uses so maybe your system is a mac?03:45
Diamondcitel_33T: Due to the nature of branched off distros this channel is unable to provide support for things not under ubuntu.03:45
=== Milos_ is now known as Milos
epzissacarlson: dell vostro 3700, ami aptio uefi, googling it says people have issues and ubuntu hardware certification says "it works with x64" but again this may be due to 4gb ram (mine has 3), would there be any other issue? (although i remember booting a 32 bit ubuntu on my mac some releases ago)03:46
SuhnWhy cant it03:47
SuhnLinux doesnt play through speakser03:47
Suhnor headphones03:48
Suhnit just playes through the computers build in speakers03:48
newbie00198i tried iwconfig and i can see wlan and i also tried lspci | grep lan and i can see the wireless card in there but not sure how to connect...03:48
DystaNI have Ubuntu !0.10 installed on my Windows Vista 6403:48
DystaNwhat would be the processes to uninstall it ?03:48
bazhangDystaN, wubi?03:49
SuhnCan anyone hear me?03:49
DiamondciteSuhn: ....03:49
DiamondciteSuhn: Don03:49
DiamondciteSuhn: Don't quit so quickly.03:49
bazhangDystaN, add/remove in windows03:49
SuhnOh sorry, it said cant send to #ubuntu03:49
DystaNdid that03:49
DystaNcannot start windows instalation03:49
DystaNand I am still on Linux03:49
=== RKyle_ is now known as RKyle
DystaNright no03:49
DiamondciteSuhn: Which sound card or sound chip do you have?03:49
SuhnOk, so. I cant play through speakers or headphones with linux. It just playes through the computer built in speakers03:50
SuhnIm not sure03:50
tpw_ruleshey, my drive's smart says the self test status is FAILED (Read)03:50
tpw_ruleswhat does this mean?03:50
tpw_rulesalso, fsck fails, but the OS seems to run fine and the drive doesn't make any abnormal noise03:50
DystaNWindows Still wont boot from the DVD and Linux is still here at its fullest03:50
arandtpw_rules: Open gnome-disk-tool and check the details03:50
DystaNCannot remove linux from vista 64 bits03:50
SuhnIm using a laptop03:50
seltzo hai03:51
tpw_rulesit says the current pending sector count is 3503:51
DiamondciteSuhn: What you you mean built in speakers? You only hear beeps? Or do you hear really crappy music from the speaker?03:51
spiralssuhn, what version of Ubuntu do you have?03:51
SuhnIts the built in speakers on my laptop. I hear the music and everything, but it wont play anything through what i plug into the auxiliary input03:51
Suhn1/8 jack03:52
Suhnubutnu 10.10 64bit03:52
spiralssuhn, are you trying to record or just listen03:52
SuhnJust listen03:52
DiamondciteSuhn: Please state Ubuntu Version and also the Full Model and maker of your laptop03:52
SuhnUbuntu 10.10 64 bit. Toshiba satelite c65503:52
epzissacarlson: so would ram be my only issue'03:53
sacarlsonepzis: all I see is this that says that ubuntu 10.04 worked on it but that it has some sub versions with different hardware https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-certification/+bug/71855603:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 718556 in Ubuntu-Certification "Notes for Dell Vostro 3700" [Medium,Incomplete]03:53
sacarlsonepzis: no 3 gig ram should be fine03:53
spiralssuhn, have you checked out the mixer settings from the tray applet?03:53
newbie00198how does someone go about getting a driver for wpa03:54
DystaNhow can I remove Ubuntu 10.10 from my windows vista 64 BITS ?03:54
epzissacarlson: ye but he doesnt specify what version of ubuntu lol03:54
DystaNI need to format and it wont let me03:54
epzissacarlson : besides those problems could you think of any other?03:54
sacarlsonepzis: version 10.0403:54
spiralssuhn, have you run "alsamixer" and explored the options there too?03:54
Suhnspirals: is alsamixer in the ubuntu software center?03:54
spiralssuhn, check it out, use arrow keys, spacebar, F keys to navigate alsamixer03:54
epzissacarlson: sorry, meant to say he doesnt specify if its i386 or x6403:54
sacarlsonepzis: well you didn't state what you see I asume you get a black screen at boot?03:55
spiralssuhn, checking, might be default03:55
SuhnHow do i use it?03:55
Suhn*where do i start it03:55
spiralssuhn, in a terminal03:55
epzissacarlson: actually i get nothing, x64 boots and installs i386 has yet to be burnt :P so i was making sure there were no known issues since here cds cost an eye and i dont have a usb stick lol03:55
SuhnWhat is the command03:55
spiralssuhn: alsamixer03:56
epzissacarlson : it came with a 32 bit windows 7 so i find it hard to believe that its not supposed to work due to "firmware version" :S03:56
sacarlsonepzis: if you already have an installed system then you can boot the iso direct from the hard disk with a grub2 entry03:56
Suhnspirals, i still cant get anything to play through the auxilary input. But i figured out taht i have a intel HDA sound chip03:57
epzissacarlson: thanks for your time, as soon as i get back home ill do it :)03:57
spiralssuhn, when you find the input channel (mic or whatever) make sure it's turned up and not muted03:57
spiralssuhn (in alsamixer)03:57
spiralssuhn, also what are you using to try to listen? what player app03:58
SuhnWell, youtube, grooveshark03:58
Suhninternet music03:58
Suhnalsamixer has nothing about an aux input03:58
spiralssuhn: it might be on a different screen, F2 or F3 etc, listed at top03:58
ceceis there any extension on the chromium like Noscript  on firefox ?03:59
spiralssuhn: you've now confused me. You are trying to listen to youtube from an external source, on your laptop? not play youtube on your laptop?03:59
SuhnMaster and PCM are the only accessible controls03:59
SuhnIm trying to listen to any music through my speakers. Plugged into the auxilary 1/8 input on my laptop03:59
DystaNcan someone help me uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 from my Windows Vista 64 bIT S ???04:00
SuhnUbuntu does not seem to recognize the auxilary input on my computer04:00
spiralssuhn: the output not the input?04:00
SuhnThe input04:00
Suhnoutput iguess04:00
SuhnIm basically just talking about where you plug it in04:00
spiralssuhn: your setup is totally unclear to me, going to pm04:01
newbie00198does wext sound like a good driver name for wifi radar wpa tab?04:01
rwwnewbie00198: yes04:01
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:02
gerrinyeah my panels screwed up again, can someon hook me up with the reset code, writing it down this time lol04:03
OsmodivsUBUNTU 11.04 IS HERE!!!!!! http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta04:03
newbie00198i really need help rww04:03
rwwOsmodivs: That's the beta, not the final version, and #ubuntu+1 already know that.04:03
edbianOsmodivs, that's the beta04:04
OsmodivsOH.... so, it is not safe to upgrade?04:04
gerrinwill someone help me out with the panel reset code please?04:04
ohsix!search recursive-unset04:05
ubottuFound: resetpanels04:05
DystaNTryed to uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 from Wubi.exe It did remove it but I am now inside my linux os and cannot formatt my windows partition from the dvd04:05
ohsix!resetpanels | gerrin04:05
ubottugerrin: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:05
gerrinthank you04:05
rigvedOsmodivs: it is not meant for production systems04:05
Osmodivsgerrin: I have a script for that04:05
newbie00198does wifi radar look back at network connections set up previously04:05
Osmodivsrigved: Then i wont risk my files just for a test OS04:05
Osmodivsgerrin: Dis you fixed the panel?04:06
excelsiorSo I updated my computer, restarted, and I have no title bars with the max, min, and close buttons on my windows.04:07
gerrinyes thanks, is there anyway to keep them from screwing up04:07
Osmodivsgerrin: have my script04:07
shcherbakexcelsior: metacity --replace , does it help?04:07
gerrinOsmodivs: what is t?04:07
chinthakahi, I have installed wordpress in ubuntu (/var/www).when I tried to install a theme it says "Is its parent directory writable by the server?". The reason for this I think it is not allowed to write in to the system directly.  can I allow accessing the system directly in ubuntu?04:08
chinthakacan anone please help me04:08
newbie00198rww is there a link you can send me that would help me set up wifi radar with wpa?04:08
lduroshello, what's the command to load "Additional Drivers" window from the command line?04:08
techhelper1chinthaka: sudo chmod 777 /var/www/* -R04:08
rwwnewbie00198: unlikely, since I don't use Wifi Radar04:08
shcherbakchinthaka: where is that theme?04:09
Jeruvy lduros: modprobe04:09
shcherbaktechhelper1: Bad.04:09
ohsixtechhelper1: that will let anyone read or write anything, it's not a good idea04:09
techhelper1shcherbak: it is just a permissions issue, nothing to do with WordPress04:09
ldurosJeruvy: that's what it is, modprobe? :-)04:09
techhelper1If you were really smart on how to secure a Linux system, it wouldn't matter04:09
ldurosJeruvy: it doesn't seem to launch that window04:09
Osmodivsgerrin: Check out my private message04:10
chinthakashcherbak: that is in the desktop04:10
shcherbaktechhelper1: Tell me yours servers addresses and I will show you what your command does!04:10
ohsixtechhelper1: the web server having randomf iles it can write is a good way to get owned04:10
shcherbakchinthaka: Path where is theme.04:10
techhelper1shcherbak: umm no, I know what it does04:10
shcherbaktechhelper1: so?04:11
techhelper1chinthaka: sudo chmod 777 /var/www/wp-content/themes/* -R04:11
techhelper1their happy04:11
ohsixtechhelper1: stop telling people to do that04:11
edbianchinthaka, that is not safe to do.04:11
ldurosjockey-gtk looks like what it is04:11
techhelper1it just allows the themes to be downloaded and work04:12
shcherbaktechhelper1: in www directiries group can be -rw and lart should be --r, nothing more (unless needed)04:12
chinthakaedbian:then what do I do for that?04:12
ohsixtechhelper1: it also allows anyone to write to that directory04:12
ohsixtechhelper1: and overwrite files, and add new ones04:12
edbianchinthaka, can you pastebin ls -la /var/www/ for me?04:12
techhelper1umm, why do you think it is having the issue04:13
shcherbakand drop links (to dev)04:13
techhelper1because it can't edit/add anything04:13
edbiantechhelper1, Yes, but 777 is overkill04:13
DystaNTryed to uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 from Wubi.exe It did remove it but I am now inside my linux os and cannot formatt my windows partition from the dvd04:13
ohsixtechhelper1: if you really knew what you were talking about you'd know how ridiculous it is to suggest it04:13
chinthakaedbian:total 2804:14
chinthakadrwxr-xr-x  5 root root 4096 2011-04-02 08:26 .04:14
chinthakadrwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 2011-03-21 21:51 ..04:14
chinthakadrwxrwxrwx 13 root root 4096 2011-03-24 08:10 agasti04:14
chinthaka-rwxrwxrwx  1 root root  177 2011-03-21 21:51 index.html04:14
chinthakadrwxrwxrwx  2 root root 4096 2011-04-02 08:06 test04:14
FloodBot1chinthaka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:14
edbianchinthaka, wait!04:14
edbianoh god04:14
bazhangtechhelper1, lets move on please04:14
edbianchinthaka, use this website: paste.ubuntu.com04:14
shcherbakchinthaka: ok, move your theme to wordpress directory (with sudo)04:14
ohsixchanging the owner would be sufficient04:14
techhelper1he is using the webui to download/install the theme04:14
ohsixtechhelper1: changing the owner would be sufficient04:14
chinthakashcherbak:ok thanks04:14
edbianchinthaka, ohsix That's what I suspect.  Who is the owner of wordpress files? (is there a group maybe)04:15
shcherbakchinthaka: ohsix ir right,  you change ownership of wordpress directory.04:15
jon_athonhow do I make dpkg pull dependencies while installing?04:16
ohsixscarleo: but now he has to undo the 777 damage :[04:16
ohsixshcherbak: ^04:16
shcherbakchinthaka: and set permissions to 70404:16
ohsixtechhelper1 messed his stuff up04:16
edbianohsix, I don't think he ran that command.04:16
Blue1is there a good speech recognition programme for linux with documentation?  (sphinx2 has none)04:17
chinthakashcherbak:how to set that?04:17
ohsixedbian: look at what he already pasted brah04:17
shcherbakchinthaka: 3 commands :04:17
chinthakahow to know about the owner? can you please help me?04:17
edbianohsix, link?04:17
shcherbakchinthaka: sudo chmod -R 704 /var/www04:18
ohsixedbian: the part that made it to the channel04:18
scottjif I'm in a dir with file foo is there a command that will give me the entire path to foo with foo on the end?04:18
shishirdwivedi20i want to install c/c++ software on my ubuntu 10.10 os where can i get this software?04:18
shcherbakchinthaka: then chown -R yourusername path/to/wordpress04:18
jon_athonhow do I make dpkg pull dependencies while installing?04:19
scottjshishirdwivedi20: gcc is your compiler, probably comes with ubuntu, you need to find an IDE or just use an editor04:19
ohsixjon_athon: use apt or aptitude, dpkg just works with debs, higher level tools do dependencies04:19
edbianscottj, echo $PWD/file04:19
nickmoeckjon_athon: that's not the responsibility of dpkg - that's the responsibility of the package manager, apt04:19
scottjjon_athon: it can't, use apt04:19
jon_athonI have a .deb that I downloaded and has missing dependencies04:19
chinthakashcherbak:"chown -R yourusername path/to/wordpress" here username means username of my user account of ubuntu?04:19
ohsixjon_athon: if you install something with missing deps with dpkg you can use apt to install them after you do; but it won't do it in one step04:20
shcherbakchinthaka: yes04:20
nickmoeckjon_athon: dpkg -i downloaded-package.deb && apt-get -f install04:20
shishirdwivedi20scottj   i dont know the name of IDE which work on ubuntu  will you please suggest me the names04:20
shcherbakchinthaka: third : chmod -R 744 path/to/wordpress04:20
ohsixnickmoeck: thanks04:20
edbianshishirdwivedi20, look at the output of sudo fdisk -l04:20
benzaldehydeIs it possible to download the iso of natty alternate and then use that to upgrade from lucid skipping meerkat?04:20
arandbenzaldehyde: no04:21
nickmoeckbenzaldehyde: Natty is not an LTS, so it's not possible to skip releases with it04:21
ohsixbenzaldehyde: it can be used as a package source, so when you do do the upgrade it will find packages there04:21
rwwbenzaldehyde: 1) no, 2) natty support in #ubuntu+1, not here04:21
edbianbenzaldehyde, Not unless you have a separate /home (it's not really an upgrade, you just install over what you have)  If you have a separate home you can easily avoid deleting your persoal files04:21
ohsixbenzaldehyde: but that will not be as efficient as you think04:21
DystaNTryed to uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 from Wubi.exe It did remove it but I am now inside my linux os and cannot formatt my windows partition from the dvd04:21
shishirdwivedi20edbian some memory block and file type inforamtion came04:21
jon_athon subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 204:21
edbianshishirdwivedi20, I have no idea what that means.04:22
=== Jasonn is now known as visit_badips_co_
scottjshishirdwivedi20: he thought you meant ide hard drive not ide development environment :)04:22
nickmoeckjon_athon: My fault.  Run apt-get -f install separately.04:22
=== visit_badips_co_ is now known as badips_co_cc
shcherbakchinthaka: you need to chnage "path/to/wordpress" with real path.04:22
=== badips_co_cc is now known as visit
=== visit is now known as badips_co_cc
=== badips_co_cc is now known as visit
jon_athonnickmoeck, it won't even let me dpkg by itself now...04:22
shishirdwivedi20scottj  ohhh LOL04:22
benzaldehydewow that is a lot of information, i just want the latest ubuntu available and i have had a lot of truble with the cds i burned, what is the best and fastest route to getting natty on a lucid system04:23
jon_athonone sec04:23
nickmoeckjon_athon: Just do the apt-get -f install - the dpkg process should be done04:23
scottjshishirdwivedi20: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24109/c-ide-for-linux04:23
ohsixbenzaldehyde: update-manager -d04:23
benzaldehydeohsix: what is the -d for04:23
DystaNTryed to uninstall Ubuntu 10.10 from Wubi.exe It did remove it but I am now inside my linux os and cannot formatt my windows partition from the dvd04:23
ohsixbenzaldehyde: read the man page or its --help output04:24
benzaldehydeohsix: i'm at that screen now but i was thinking why risk a network install, last time i tried the thing crashed in the middle of it04:24
nickmoeckbenzaldehyde: you *could* upgrade to maverick then to natty, but that will take a while.  your best bet would be a clean install04:24
=== visit is now known as Jasonn
edbianDystaN, are you talking about using gparted?  Why do you want to format your windows partition?  'formatting' it will erase it04:25
benzaldehydenickmoeck: i am seriously considering doing just that04:25
jon_athonah, its working. what is -f, fix?04:25
=== Jasonn is now known as jasonnn
DystaNIm trying to formatt my windows partition04:25
nickmoeckjon_athon: yes, -f is fix missing dependencies04:25
DystaNand it cannot start from the dvd04:25
=== jasonnn is now known as Jasonn
DystaNbecause linux is still installed04:25
benzaldehydemy first impression of 10.04 over 9.1 is amazed04:26
DystaNgoes into the GNU thing where I can select Ubuntu versions and vista04:26
DystaNcannot start from vista dvd04:26
jon_athonsweet works thanks04:26
DystaNalready removed wubi from windows04:26
zoLevDotComhttp://www.bronxzoo.com/    :-)04:26
ruansomehow, when i start searching with bluetooth, my internet connection cuts off _completely_.. why is this? i can't even access local addresses04:27
bazhangzoLevDotCom, wrong channel04:27
edbianDystaN, you're talking about the grub boot loader04:27
ohsixruan: sometimes wifi and bluetooth try and cooperate for the spectrum, you might want to check how it does that04:27
DystaNit goes straight into that04:27
ruanohsix: im on ethernet04:27
DystaNdosnt let me boot from windows cd04:27
edbianDystaN, Read the second post: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/uninstalling-grub-from-vista-550172/04:27
edbianDystaN, Turn on booting a CD in the Bios04:28
dzeremisCan somebody please help me get my Palm T|X to sync with the program J-Pilot? This should be a really easy fix. It syncs with Evolution like a charm, but I want to manage the data using J-Pilot. What do I do? RSVP--need help.04:28
DystaNreading now04:28
ohsixruan: then it's something entirely more strange04:28
ruanohsix: besides, my wifi antenna is near a window.. it shouldnt have any problems there04:28
ruanmy signal is 100%04:28
ohsixruan: doesnt matter where it is, it's how they cooperate04:29
wizard1if i have a custom module that i have added to /etc/modules, where do i need to put the *.ko file and is there anything else I need to do to make it work?04:29
DystaNno good04:29
DystaNdid that04:29
ruanethernet cable linked to a router and wifi antenna or whatever its called04:29
DystaNcannot remove partitions as04:29
DystaNwhen I am04:29
ohsixruan: ok, if it's not in your system then they aren't cooperating04:29
ruanohsix: ok04:29
DystaNin linux right now04:29
DystaNafter having removing it04:29
DystaNtrying to remove it04:29
dzeremisAnybody up for a simple Palm fix? The data is just not showing up in J-Pilot. My computer and my Palm are talking just fine.04:30
DystaNso I can remove windows paritions04:30
bazhang!enter | DystaN04:30
ubottuDystaN: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:30
nickmoeckwizard1: somewhere in /lib/modules, most likely04:30
edbianDystaN, what?  Maybe you should go to the channel for your native language.  You don't make any sense.04:30
ruansomehow it only loses connection in the last part of the search04:30
ruanlast quarter04:30
benzaldehydeedbian: when i use the built in partitioner, there is a problem with creating partitions, it will let me choose different locations for partitions but won't allow me to switch the label--i was forced into only doing a / and a swap04:30
ruanmy router is showing connection attempts04:31
edbianbenzaldehyde, Who cares about the label?  None of my partitions have labels04:31
benzaldehydeedbian: the installer did04:31
benzaldehydeedbian: would not pass go without it04:31
edbianbenzaldehyde, Yeah, why do you care about the labels?04:32
benzaldehydeedbian: the error would not let me pass go04:32
benzaldehydeedbian: i don't04:32
nickmoeckbenzaldehyde: are you perhaps talking about mount points, not labels?04:32
benzaldehydeedbian: it did04:32
benzaldehydenickmoeck:  both04:32
benzaldehydenickmoeck:  the partitioner in the installer is flawed04:32
edbianbenzaldehyde, How many partitions do you have?  You can only have 4 primary partitions04:32
benzaldehydenickmoeck:  it lets you choose as many points but gives them all the same label04:33
benzaldehydenickmoeck:  which in turn causes the installation to halt and forces me to change that04:33
wizard1nickmoeck: yeah i have it in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers but that isn't working04:33
benzaldehydeedbian: i put both swap and / as primaries04:34
wizard1would /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/lib be better?04:34
edbianbenzaldehyde, So you have 2 partitions total?  or 4?04:34
benzaldehydeedbian: nothing more, i wanted to do /boot but now that i know upgrades effect /home i wish i had that too now04:34
ZippidyDooconnect irc.quakenet.net04:34
benzaldehydeedbian: 204:35
edbianbenzaldehyde, And the partitioner won't let you create more than 2 partitions?04:35
bin_bashHey guys. I need to find out what kind of network card I have so I can get the right driver.04:35
edbianbin_bash, you can see it in the output of sudo lspci -k    (the -k flag shows if it has a driver already)04:35
benzaldehydeedbian: it will, that is what i meant by it will let me create as many points as i like but then it gives all of them the same / label which causes the installer to error and demand switching the labels without giving a way to switch labels04:36
bin_bashedbian: I know I don't have a driver.04:36
Suhnyou still there?04:36
edbianbenzaldehyde, edit each one and change the mount point.  Stop using mount point and label inter-changably.  They're not the same.04:36
nickmoeckwizard1: I believe you have to use depmod to make sure that the kernel knows about the module04:37
edbianbin_bash, Did you find it in sudo lspci -k     ?04:37
benzaldehydeedbian: i'm not as advanced, i am just saying that the partitioner is kooky04:37
bin_bashedbian: I'm not in ubuntu right now, I'm in OS X, and that command doesn't work here. Because I don't have internet connectivity I have to switch back and forth between OS's04:37
folornthis question is for someone who plays open arena and knows where to find "your captured screenshots of a game. anyone know how or where to locate those files in your dir?04:37
wizard1nickmoeck: ok i have messed with that yet, it works fine when i do sudo insmod *.ko, but modprobe doesnt work for it04:38
edbianbenzaldehyde, you have to right click and edit each partition and change the mount point04:38
izinucsbenzaldehyde: it just takes a different understanding of what's going on04:38
shcherbakbin_bash: in google type your model and "wireless chipset"04:38
rigvedwizard1: modprobe requires that the .ko file be somewhere in the system path04:38
edbianbin_bash, ouch, yeah sudo lspci will list everything in Ubuntu.  the network card will be in there.  I don't know how to do it in Mac.  I'm sure you can.04:38
TechnicusHello, where can I find a .deb for Kernel 2.6.32-30-generic ?04:38
ruanfolorn: possibly in /home/user/.openarena/ (i havent played it before though)04:38
folornthank you ruan04:39
bin_bashedbian: I got this from the system information: Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0
folornlemme look04:39
benzaldehydeedbian: i think i would have tried that, i been through it like 4 or five times tying different file systems and editions and so forth but i will be more vigilant next go04:39
rigvedTechnicus: in the Software Center04:39
bullgard4' ~$ ps aux | grep 1653; detlef    1653  0.0  0.7  39908 15396 ?        S    Apr01   0:43 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.4/bin/beam -Bd -K true -- -root /usr/lib/erlang -progname erl -- -home /home/detlef -- -noshell -noinput -smp auto -sasl errlog_type error -pa /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-0.10.0/ebin /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/mochiweb-r97/ebin ...' --  What is the function of the process...04:39
FloodBot2bullgard4: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:39
wizard1rigved: is there somewhere in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ that would be recommended?04:39
Technicusrigved: I am not familiar with that . . . will you please educate me?04:39
edbianbin_bash, That's pretty good.  I can guess that you need to boot Ubuntu and follow these directions for installing the b43 driver: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:40
ruanbullgard4: erts-5.7.4?04:40
edbianbenzaldehyde, I don't know what to tell you.  I can't point to your screen over IRC channel.04:40
bin_bashedbian: Thanks so much :)04:40
rigvedTechnicus: if you are in 10.04, then run an update. System > Administration > Update Manager04:40
shcherbakTechnicus: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/linux-image-2.6.32-30-generic, from Ubuntu source you can build .deb04:40
bullgard4ruan: Your message is incomprehensible.04:40
benzaldehydeedbian: good point, no pun intended04:40
edbianbin_bash, Make sure you go to the installing B43 section near the bottom!04:41
dzeremisAll right, so you're telling me that in this big Ubuntu support channel, nobody is willing to take a probably very simple question and help me solve my problem? I mean, this is like, easy, but I don't know what to do.04:41
bin_bashedbian: I will, thanks.04:41
Technicusrigved, shcherbak, I am on Mavric and I want to install Kernel 2.6.32-30-generic.04:41
ruanbullgard4: it's in that folder04:41
bazhangdzeremis, what s the question04:41
benzaldehydedzeremis: if it is so easy why are you having trouble with it :)04:41
edbianbin_bash, :)04:41
rigvedwizard1: for testing purposes, no. whenever there is a kernel update, you will have to copy the kernel module to the new $(uname -r) directory04:42
bullgard4ruan: I asked for the function and not where it is.04:42
scottjdzeremis: this is a ubuntu channel not a j-pilot chan04:42
shcherbakTechnicus: not best idea, but try first: gksudo synaptic04:42
rigvedTechnicus: that is an ill-advised move.04:42
wizard1rigved: yeah but i have to recompile it each time for new kernels04:42
manuel__how do i make unity visible permentantly?04:42
dzeremisbazhang: I have a Palm T|X that is syncing perfectly with my computer and with Evolution. I simply cannot get it to sync with J-Pilot, the program I want to use to edit the data. The data won't show up there. I think I'm missing some component, but I'm not sure how to install it04:42
ruanbullgard4: it could mean something as to what beam is04:42
ohsixdzeremis: you should try and hunt down someone that uses j-pilot; if it syncs with evolution its working as reasonably expected, the problem is something with j-pilot04:42
rigvedwizard1: yes04:42
dzeremisscottj: I didn't know where else to go. Pardon me.04:42
shcherbakrigved: ^^04:43
folornnope not it either04:43
wizard1rigved: so placing it in the kernel specific folder is fine really since it only works for that kernel04:43
scottjdzeremis: it's fine to ask here just realize 99% of the people here don't use that app04:43
wizard1rigved: provided that is an acceptable place for a *.ko file04:43
dzeremisYes, I agree. I was hoping somebody could help me figure that out. It's probably easy, I just don't know how to install what I think is a prerequisite.04:43
wizard1rigved: after i put it there i just run depmod?04:43
Technicusrigved: shcherbak: Ok, so where can I find it.04:43
dzeremisMay I paste a link in here?04:43
edbiandzeremis, I don't use j-pilot and I don't use palm so...04:43
DrakasXHello all04:43
dzeremisI can show you exactly what my question is and you can answer it without going into Palm details.04:44
rigvedTechnicus: maverick uses 2.6.35-* series. installing a 2.6.32-* kernel will break your system04:44
scottjdzeremis: links are fine04:44
edbiandzeremis, link is welcome04:44
ruanbullgard4: i have it installed too, it seems to be something related to erl-daemon04:44
DrakasXOut of curiosity is anyone running 11.04?04:44
jesse_i currently have 2 video cards installed, but can only use one of them at a time. i would like to use them both for a multimonitor setup. can anyone help me with this?04:44
bullgard4ruan: Yes. Thank you for commenting.04:45
dzeremisThank you both. Here: http://www.henrikbecker.de/jpilot/jpilot-manual-en-2.html#ss2.1 I'm looking at this pilot-link thing. Hang on and I'll have that link for you.04:45
scottjfolorn: thanks for the ref, didn't know about open arena04:45
rigvedDrakasX: yes, in VirtualBox. please direct your questions to #ubuntu+104:45
izinucsjesse_: not totally but I might be able to point you in the right direction.. please tell me they both are nvidia..04:45
ruan!info erlang04:45
ubottuerlang (source: erlang): Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:13.b.3-dfsg-2ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 34 kB, installed size 84 kB04:45
scottjdzeremis: did you compile jpilot or install out of apt/synaptic?04:46
jesse_izinucs: actually they are both Radeon. I know that is terrible.04:46
ruanhmm no04:46
ruan!info erlang-base04:46
ubottuerlang-base (source: erlang): Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications. In component main, is optional. Version 1:13.b.3-dfsg-2ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 4049 kB, installed size 7304 kB04:46
dzeremisLink: http://www.pilot-link.org/ This is a prerequisite. Since J-Pilot is not working, I assume I have something wrong?04:46
folornnp :) its a fun and awsome trip sorta like quake2/quake3 almost identical really :) you will love it04:47
dzeremisscottj: I have no idea. In fact, I'm not even sure how I got the thing on my system? I'm new to Linux and I may have had trouble installing it.04:47
dzeremisCould you explain to me how to install it properly? That is probably the issue.04:47
Atamiskquick question: if i have /home and/usr on seperate partitions from /, if the system goes down, i can reinstall ubuntu without modifying /home or /usr?04:47
scottjdzeremis: are you already running jpilot?04:47
ruanseems to be an emulator for something. idk what04:47
dzeremisI'm on Ubuntu and I'm not goofing off wasting time. I just can't get the data to sync.04:48
rigvedwizard1: yes. but you will have to do this for every kernel update that you install04:48
dzeremisscottj: Yes, I got that far, somehow.04:48
izinucsjesse_: well.. hummm.. you'll have to build a custome /etc/X11/xorg.conf to do it.  best to start with one card and xorg.conf getting the settings right.. then add the 2nd card and do the same.. you might also be able to take another aproach and use xrandr to set it up.. I can have ubottu send you a link on that one..04:48
XqtftqxHey, i just installed 11.04, and my wifi doesnt work. i used b43-fwcutter in the past but its not detecting my card anymore.04:48
izinucs!xrandr | jesse_04:48
ubottujesse_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1204:48
scottjdzeremis: you must know. did you follow those install instructions, was it already on your computer, or did you install it through software updates/synaptic in ubuntu?04:48
edbianXqtftqx, Can I see dmesg in a pastebin please?  paste.ubuntu.com04:48
dzeremisIt seems to me that pilot-link may be the missing piece, like gnome-pilot seems to be the missing piece for syncing with Evolution.04:48
jesse_izinucs thank you so much. hope this works.04:48
wizard1rigved: that is fine it is just a temporary usb wireless adapter for the strange frequencies they use over here, im leaving in half a year04:48
izinucsjesse_: I'd start with xrandr04:49
wizard1rigved: ill give the depmod thing a go, thanks for the help04:49
dzeremisscottj: I remember having trouble with it and don't remember as clearly as you think. I think I followed install instructions. But hang on a moment and I'll jog my memory.04:49
scottjdzeremis: ok whatever, you can install pilot-link with apt/synaptic. in term sudo apt-get install pilot-link04:49
Xqtftqxedbian, one sec04:49
edbianXqtftqx, take your time04:49
dzeremisOkay. Simply type that command into the kernel?04:49
scottjdzeremis: jpilot doesn't need to be compiled, it's in apt too04:49
jon_athonANy thoughts about why my skype audio comes across with an echo?04:49
dzeremisI wasn't sure how to install pilot-link.04:50
Xqtftqxedbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/588483/04:50
rigvedwizard1: best to put it in a script, that compiles the kernel module against the new installed kernel update and then copies it to the proper $(uname -r) directory; and finally runs modprobe for it04:50
scottjdzeremis: into the terminal, that's not a kernel04:50
DrakasXXqrdrqx, are you on a macbook?04:50
dzeremisExcuse me, terminal is what I meant.04:50
scottjdzeremis: btw in the system menu, not sure where, there's like a install software link you can click and then install software like jpilot and pilot-link through that04:50
Atamiskquick question: if i have /home and/usr on seperate partitions from /, if the system goes down, i can reinstall ubuntu without modifying /home or /usr? Anyone?04:50
dzeremisOkay, jogging my memory, I think I must have installed it through the Ubuntu Software Center after having mega problems installing it.04:50
IsmAvatar_hey guys, I installed U10.10 about a week ago, and it's been going smoothly until just today. Now it won't boot at all, and takes me to some sort of BusyBox initfs terminal.04:51
wizard1rigved: ok if it works ill do that, since it is a wireless module, would /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wireless be the best place to put it?04:51
dzeremisYes, I think we've found that. If you guys (or gals) will hang on just a moment, I'll try to install pilot-link. BRB.04:51
edbianXqtftqx, what is the output of sudo iwlist scan  (no need for pastebin, just tell me if it sees networks or not)04:51
Suhnim upgrading to ubuntu 11.0404:51
Xqtftqxedbian, no such device04:51
jon_athonmy audio input echos...04:52
Suhnand its only downloading at 80 kbps04:52
jon_athoneven when voice recording04:52
XqtftqxSuhn, use the torrents :) make sure you seed though04:52
jesse_izinucs: how can i get to xorg.conf to remove the options in the first two steps from that link?04:52
edbianXqtftqx, can you pastebin the output of sudo lspci -k  ?04:52
scottjfolorn: I was playing cs:s the other day and thinking I really needed to shoot a rocket launcher04:52
IsmAvatar_anyone here know why U10.10 boots into BusyBox initfs terminal instead?04:52
edbianXqtftqx, Your dmesg strangely doesn't say anything about loading or not being able to load the b43 driver for your wifi.  I wanna see what lspci thinks04:53
excelsiorshcherbak: thanks, what exactly is metacity (it worked, but I just don't understand what happened to my title bars and max min and close buttons)04:53
dzeremisOkay: very interestingly, pilot-link appears to be installed correctly. I have no idea how that happened. Now, how would I go about running pilot-link, if it's that simple? If it's equivalent to gnome-pilot, I'll bet it's just misconfigured.04:53
Xqtftqxedbian, okay. one moment04:53
izinucsjesse_: that's why I mentioned trying xrandr first.. typically xorg.conf has nothing in it (on the current versions of ubuntu going back several releases)..04:53
rigvedwizard1: yes. that will do04:53
edbianXqtftqx, thank you.04:53
Xqtftqxedbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/588484/04:53
dzeremisThanks to each of you for your help so far. I think I just need a little more and it will work.04:53
ruanattempting to boot off a liveusb, brb04:54
wizard1rigved: thank, after depmod, it registers with modinfo04:54
jesse_izinucs: alright then. this is a fresh install of ubuntu. so i can just skip the steps where it tells me to remove some options from that file?\04:54
wizard1going to see if it works on reboot, peace guys04:54
dzeremisscottj: still there?04:54
folornu can dl that from the software center if your on linux/ubuntu its just right int he software center takes afew to get ur controls setup but after that happy fragging :)04:54
ohsixedbian: b43 stuff needs firmware04:54
edbianXqtftqx, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart   (does it give any errors?)04:55
edbianohsix, Sure but it usually errors about it in dmesg04:55
shcherbakexcelsior: metacity is not compiz, less heavy annoying way to display windows, you can try to compiz --replace to see if your compiz works.04:55
edbianXqtftqx, Is this machine connected to the internet?  Did you install b43-fwcutter?04:55
izinucsjesse_: you trying for more than 2 monitors?04:55
Xqtftqxedbian, yeah over ethernet. and i did04:55
scottjdzeremis: yeah I have no clue I'm not going to install the software or read it's instructions04:55
jesse_izinucs: no only two. one connected to each video card.04:55
izinucsjesse_: are these older cards with only one connection on them each?04:56
edbianXqtftqx, inside /lib/firmware/b43 is anything in there?04:56
dzeremisscottj: I wouldn't ask you to. At this point, I simply want to know if there's an easy way to figure out how to run a program: pilot-link. I'm not sure where in my computer it's stored.04:56
jesse_izinucs: yes they are both pretty old. at least 7 or so years old.04:56
scottjdzeremis: in terminal run man pilot-link04:56
chinthakashcherbak:  after I run the above three codes I cannot access anything in www directory?can you please help me04:57
Xqtftqxedbian, b43 doesnt even exist. i usually back up the firmware but i made the stupid mistake of not this install.04:57
izinucsjesse_: check out this link. It deals with xrandr and might (at this point) be worth a shot.. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11559604:57
dzeremisscottj: It can't find it.04:57
ruanhmm i stil can't boot off a usb04:57
dzeremisNo command "run" what did you mean?04:57
edbianXqtftqx, Scroll down to installing b43 drivers  and follow the instructions for how to get the firmware04:57
scottjdzeremis: just man pilot-link04:57
ruanis there at least a way i can make grub boot my usb?04:58
Xqtftqxedbian, where?04:58
jon_athonMy audio is recording with a distinctive echo04:58
dzeremisThere we go.04:58
edbianXqtftqx, There is a bug on some machines that the firmware is not downloaded / installed by b43-fwcutter04:58
dzeremisThanks. Let me see what I can do with this.04:58
edbianXqtftqx, sorry here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx04:58
edbianXqtftqx, haha  Maybe I should give the link huh?04:58
Zealousis there a iOS developer in here? I am trying to figure out how to get iOS SDK installed on ubuntu and there is documents around but they are not the best for instructions04:58
scottjwhat's the name of gnome/ubuntu's graphical man viewer?04:58
shcherbakchinthaka: ok, please paste (at paste.ubuntu) output of ls -l /var/ww*04:58
ljsoftnetruan current bios i know of, boots the usb first then grub04:58
Xqtftqxedbian, :P thank you, ill take a look :)04:58
edbianXqtftqx, optionally, if you think b43-fwcutter is fine try purging it and installing it again.04:58
ruanljsoftnet: usb/removable is set to first boot priority04:59
dzeremisscottj and others: Okay, that was as helpful as it gets for this topic tonight. Thank you all.04:59
JasonnHye there, how would I load a .py script onto a bot?04:59
dzeremisI am logging out, simply because I don't leave this computer up all the time. Thank you very much.04:59
Zealousis there a iOS developer in here? I am trying to figure out how to get iOS SDK installed on ubuntu and there is documents around but they are not the best for instructions04:59
ruanit goes into grub anyway though04:59
ljsoftnetruan you want to install ubuntu?04:59
ruanljsoftnet: i want to partition05:00
chinthakals: cannot access /var/www/test: Permission denied05:00
chinthakals: cannot access /var/www/agasti: Permission denied05:00
chinthakals: cannot access /var/www/index.html: Permission denied05:00
chinthakals: cannot access /var/www/test.php: Permission denied05:00
chinthakals: cannot access /var/www/wordpress: Permission denied05:00
FloodBot2chinthaka: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:00
JasonnHye there, how would I load a .py script onto a bot?05:00
chinthakatotal 005:00
shcherbak!paste | chinthaka05:00
ubottuchinthaka: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:00
ljsoftnetruan partition?05:00
jesse_izinucs: that seems helpful. i will take a look at it. both of my cards are radeon, one is a 7000 and one is a 920005:00
ruanljsoftnet: yes. i want to remove a partition and resize another, which is my ubuntu partition05:00
shcherbakchinthaka: try: cd /var/www/wordpress/05:01
izinucsjesse_: good luck.. it's a grand aventure and you'll learn a lot.05:01
ruanljsoftnet: i can't use my livecd because i dont have a cd drive05:01
=== PuffTheMagic is now known as Puffy_pixi
Xqtftqxedbian, it seems to not even run the setting up process. i already had b43-fwcutter installed, but i just purged and reinstalled, nothing happened.05:01
ljsoftnetruan did you format the usb stick? or it just doesnt boot up, does it says any error?05:01
chinthakabash: cd: /var/www/wordpress/: Permission denied05:01
ruanljsoftnet: i did format it, it wont boot the usb at all05:02
edbianXqtftqx, Yeah, something is wrong with that.  Just follow the directions for how to get the firmware manually from that link.05:02
ruanljsoftnet: it just goes into grub05:02
edbianXqtftqx, again: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:02
izinucschinthaka: did you just copy the wordpress files there?05:02
ljsoftnetruan thats wierd, im all out on that05:02
shcherbakchinthaka: ok, sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www05:02
jon_athonMy audio is recording with a distinctive echo05:03
edbianXqtftqx, At the very bottom is b43 - no internet access.  You need to do step 2, and step 3.  Then if you restart networking (sudo /etc/init.d/networking) it should work.05:03
shcherbakchinthaka: my bad (forgot of directories)05:03
ljsoftnetruan did you burn the iso on the usb stick?05:03
Xqtftqxedbian, alright. let me try05:03
ruanljsoftnet: yes with usb creator05:03
chinthakaok now it allows cd /var/www/wordpress/ after running sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www05:03
edbianXqtftqx, The modprobe commands they give may also be useful05:03
chinthakaits all right05:03
izinucsshcherbak: he should probably just chown www-data:www-data and permissions might be better at 64405:03
excelsio1shcherbak: hey, I did a control c after doing the metacity --replace05:03
ljsoftnetruan did you tried unetbootin?05:03
excelsio1and now my windows are messed up05:04
ruanljsoftnet: yes i did05:04
Peddyhow do I change the default folder than Ubuntu receives bluetooth files to?05:04
=== IdleOne is now known as WolfOne
ruanPeddy: why?05:04
excelsio1shcherbak: so now I'm in irssi on tty105:04
Peddyruan, because ~/Downloads is not where I want my bluetooth-transferred files.05:05
ruanPeddy: oh. i get them in /Public05:05
shcherbakizinucs: yes, but he have to get to wordpress themes and we started from 604 (wordpress owned to user)05:05
jon_athonMy audio is recording with a distinctive echo05:05
Xqtftqxit works, thank you very much edbian !05:05
=== oem_ is now known as outofanswers
edbianXqtftqx, no problem.  Glad I could help!05:06
shcherbakexcelsio1: oh, compiz did not worked, you need to restart x05:06
izinucsshcherbak: isn't it easier to make all the files owned by apache (www-data) and have the user just belong to that group?05:06
jon_athonMy audio is recording with a distinctive echo05:06
excelsio1shcherbak: will doing it from tty2 work?05:07
ruanjon_athon: did you try different audio settings?05:07
ruanjon_athon: input settings05:07
shcherbakexcelsio1: yes, sudo service gdm stop05:07
mynameistuxis there a program that will look for duplicate files on ubuntu05:07
mynameistuxI think I have a lot of doubled up files in my music library05:08
shcherbakizinucs: we do not have problem with files, just directories. But you right.05:08
ohsixmynameistux: fdupes, but if the mp3s are the same song with different tags it wont' find them D:05:08
ruanmynameistux: fslint, i found on the ubuntu software center05:09
leapy0yowhen my external hard drive has to be reinitialize smplayer stops completely; however, vlc does not act that way, it waits for a while then it continues05:09
ruan!info fslint05:09
ubottufslint (source: fslint): A utility to fix problems with filesystems' data, like duplicate files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.40-2 (maverick), package size 118 kB, installed size 856 kB05:09
leapy0yohow can i fix this?05:09
lazyPowerQuestion about the Natty Beta, how do you change the screen resolution? the system-applet has been removed (As far as i can tell) and its not using xorg, so i'm at a loss on how to change it. Maybe my google-fu is weak tonight?05:10
ruanlazyPower: natty support only in #ubuntu+105:10
Blitshello Ahadiel05:11
Blitshello MoLE_05:11
lazyPowerruan: ty05:11
MoLE_g'day Blits05:11
Blitshello  HeIsRisen05:11
HeIsRisenIs Blits a bot?05:12
Blitshello  Vr_Ray05:13
Blitshello  guitardk05:13
Blitshello  i_is_broke05:13
Blitshello  Athenon05:13
Blitshello ubudork05:13
leapy0yowhile using my external hard drive to play movies, smplayer stops if the external hard drive has to spin up again after stoping... but vlc does not stop... it simply pauses then goes again05:14
izinucs!ops | Blits bot?05:14
ubottuBlits bot?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!05:14
rwwBlits: turn that off, now.05:14
manuel__how do i add a shortcut to the unit panel?05:14
ouyesI have only one operating system installed in my hdd one, that is ubuntu, but the grub was installed, I do not want,  Is there a way to boot the system without grub?05:14
Blitshello cavalier_prime05:15
Blitshello  RKyle_05:15
shcherbakbye Blits05:15
ruanbye Blits05:15
leapy0yowhile using my external hard drive to play movies, smplayer stops if the external hard drive has to spin up again after stoping... but vlc does not stop... it simply pauses then goes again05:15
ubudorkhola... i just updated 10.10 to 11.04... after i have logged in i see my new desktop, i can move the mouse around  but that is it. no response to keyboard or clicking on any item. all seems frozen... heeeelp!05:15
=== RKyle_ is now known as RKyle
ruanubudork: natty support only in #ubuntu+105:16
infinituxi can't play any sounds but the test speakers function works!05:16
ubudorkruan: ok thanks05:17
excelsiorshcherbak: Hey, I restarted again and everything seems back to normal05:17
rigvedouyes: you cannot boot any operating system without a bootloader, which is exactly what grub is - a bootloader05:17
excelsiorcompiz seems to be working05:17
shcherbakleapy0yo: you could try to pipe movie into mplayer (or make wrapper with tmp somwhere).05:17
=== ardchoille is now known as Guest46197
bin_bashHey guise. I'm having a hard time finding a driver for my network card. I'm not exactly sure what to do. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on a MBP 8,1.05:18
shcherbakexcelsior: Sorry, should warn you that swapping matacity/compiz (too happily) can brake gtk.05:18
HeIsRisenCan anybody tell me why my sound would stop working all of a sudden05:19
excelsiorwhy didn't compiz work for me on the reboot05:19
leapy0yoshcherbak: how would i do that?05:19
HeIsRisenThe only way to fix it is to reboot, nothing is muted that I can see anywhere05:19
HeIsRisenI'm running 10.1005:19
Blue1!sound | HeIsRisen05:20
ubottuHeIsRisen: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:20
ruanbin_bash: which network card is this?05:21
bin_bashruan: NetXtreme BCM5776505:21
webPragmatisthow much swap space should i have on a mysql server with 4gb of ram05:21
HeIsRisenThanks Blue1, but been to all those links, not helping05:21
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info05:22
ruanwebPragmatist: 3gb swap at most05:22
webPragmatistokay i think i am just going to match the ram05:22
bullgard4' ~$ ps aux | grep 1653; detlef    1653  0.0  0.7  39908 15396 ?   S   Apr01   0:43 /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.4/bin/beam -Bd -K true -- -root /usr/lib/erlang -progname erl -- -home /home/detlef -- -noshell -noinput -smp auto -sasl errlog_type error -pa /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/couch-0.10.0/ebin /usr/lib/couchdb/erlang/lib/mochiweb-r97/ebin ...' --  What is the function of the process »beam«?05:23
ruan!info erlang-base05:23
ubottuerlang-base (source: erlang): Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications. In component main, is optional. Version 1:13.b.3-dfsg-2ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 4049 kB, installed size 7304 kB05:23
=== Guest46197 is now known as ardchoille
Zealousi give up on the noogle....How do i extract ISO file contents as i want to attempt to install iOS SDK on ubuntu05:25
soreauZealous: You can mount it to see the contents..05:26
ruanZealous: archive manager and mounter support iso05:26
Zealoushhmm let me give it a crack then :) cheers05:26
ScGFreaksterplz how to work with that irc chat smuxi?? i want to join quakenet server but im kinda lost in here05:26
ouyeswhat is the bootloader of windows xp?05:28
alex86program search path $echo path it shows me a path to several directories separated by semicolon. why do i need these paths?05:28
ouyesrigved, the question is for you05:28
shcherbakleapy0yo: two line script: line1: cp /my/movie/from/ext ~/temp.avi & line2: mplayer ~/temp.avi && rm temp.avi05:29
ruanouyes: ntldr?05:29
rigvedouyes: i think it's called "ntldr". but not sure. we do not provide support for windows here. ask in #windows05:29
shcherbakleapy0yo: you can make it to get argument from command line.05:29
Zealousi have a DMG file aka MAC OSX, is that compadible with ubuntu05:30
ruanouyes: ##windows05:30
rigvedsorry didn't see that ruan had already answered05:30
varunhi friends,is there any channel for skype issues or i can ask here only05:31
varunhi friends,is there any channel for skype issues or i can ask here only05:31
varunany one there05:31
FloodBot2varun: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:31
ruanZealous: there might be applications to open dmg files05:31
Zealousthis is day 2 of trying to get this working05:31
Zealousi made it into a IMG and mounted it and it is blank05:31
=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
ruanwhy does someone ask a question twice and leave? its like he expects an answer in a split second05:32
Zealousi am trying to install the iOS SDK and it is getting to the point there i am going to change to MAC OS as it will work then05:32
manuel__how do i pin srware iron launcher to unit?05:32
manuel__how do i pin srware iron launcher to unity?05:32
redentZealous: http://baghira.sourceforge.net/dmg.htm open dmg with linux05:33
Zealouslove you long time checking......05:33
rigvedZealous: running MacOSX on non-Apple hardware is not officially supported anywhere05:33
ohsixZealous: dmg files are many things, and they're not often images with just filesystems in them; you need to use diskutil in osx to do stuff with nearly all of them05:33
ruanZealous: + it might not work on an amd processor05:33
Zealousso will it just make life easy just to go to MAC\05:33
Zealousi have intel on the laptop05:34
Zealousi love ubuntu tho05:34
cavalier_primedevelop android then05:34
ruanubuntu wasn't made for creating mac software05:34
rigvedZealous: use dual boot with mac and ubuntu05:34
Zealouswould i need to redo the patitions then05:35
Zealousi don't want to format and redo things again05:35
redentZealous: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dmgmount/ screenshots are from ubuntu os05:35
Zealousthis is soo much fun lol05:36
Zealousi did the file DMG05:38
Zealousi got VAX COFF executable not stripped - version 37605:38
bin_bashGuise. I can't find a driver for my internet at all on 10.04 I'm not really sure what to do. I'm running 10.04 on a MBP 8,1 with the Sandy Bridge set.05:39
rjgonzaI installed ubuntu 10.10 the 64-bit version by mistake, is there any way to convert to 32-bit?05:39
syrinx_oh hai guise05:39
redentZealous: did it work?05:39
ruanrjgonza: only by installing 32bit05:39
Zealousdon't look good05:40
rjgonzawould i have to format?05:40
Zealousstill playing with it05:40
ruanrjgonza: you don't have to format, you can create a new partition for 32bit and delete the 64bit one05:40
rjgonzaahh, that is a great idea!05:40
Ponderahello i have a  hp pavillion a1520n (http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00674955&lc=en&cc=us&product=3184139&dlc) and im having a issue booting the ubuntu live disk, i see the splash screen gfor 2 secs and it sleeps my moniter05:40
rjgonzathanks ruan!05:40
Ponderahelp or sugestions would be nice05:40
bin_bashruan: Do you know what I can do to get my ubuntu partition working? I'm really freaking out since I need to access all my school work.05:41
luchohasbondear Comunity, I ve wondering05:41
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:41
ruanluchohasbon: yes?05:42
Zealouskurnel could not find the HSF file system05:42
RealOptyvitrualbox uses kernel modules right?05:42
eosswhy is C so hard to learn05:42
ohsixit's not05:42
luchohasbonhow do i set the device for a driver, the thing is that I have two soundcards under the same module snd_hda_intel, but alsa only recognize one. And I need the other one, I have an Nvidia hdmi and the motherboard via vt1708 azalia soundcard i need that one the azalia05:42
ohsixnot knowing anything about computers before you do is a problem though05:42
Ponderahello i have a  hp pavillion a1520n (http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00674955&lc=en&cc=us&product=3184139&dlc) and im having a issue booting the ubuntu live disk, i see the splash screen gfor 2 secs and it sleeps my moniter ive searched high and low for a solution, no luck05:44
ruanPondera: does the alternative version work?05:44
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal05:44
pbiggarHi. I've had hibernate problems for a year, and have been unable to fix them. Can someone help me debug and fix this?05:45
jrodgerwhat do I need to install to enable a touchscreen05:45
luchohasbonthe correct driver05:45
ruanjrodger: touchscreen devices should work by default, but some may need drivers05:45
Ponderathank you ruan05:46
luchohasbonhelp me05:46
lingohi all05:46
=== anakin is now known as Guest12991
KB1JWQ!please | luchohasbon05:46
ubottuluchohasbon: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude05:46
ruanluchohasbon: is it detected under sound preferences?05:47
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.05:47
luchohasbonhow do i load an specific device for a driver, i have two soundcards one is hdmi and the other one is the default motherboard, i need to use the motherboard, both cards use the same sound module, snd_hda_intel, but alsa only recognize the Nvidia hdmi card, with lspci, it recognize both but only nvidia hdmi appears to be using the kernel05:48
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ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:50
=== DCI1|FireWave is now known as DCI|FireWave
pbiggar(hmm, my bad. I thought that repeated my question)05:50
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:51
luchohasbonhow do i load an specific device for a driver, i have two soundcards one is hdmi and the other one is the default motherboard, i need to use the motherboard, both cards use the same sound module, snd_hda_intel, but alsa only recognize the Nvidia hdmi card, with lspci, it recognize both but only nvidia hdmi appears to be using the kernel05:51
ruanluchohasbon: answer my question, did you check sound preferences?05:51
Guest12991luchohasbon: yes hardware tab, what you see there05:52
jleeCan anybody help me with this? I'm trying to send mail outside of network. I am using postfix, and using terminal to send. I followed < https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix > to set it up. I can't get past the test in the "Adding your local domains to postfix" at < https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto  >.  I can cut and past mail.log or something else, mail.log says connection timed out or something.05:52
luchohasbonruan, there is not  in sound preferences, nor in alsamixer or pavucontrol, but it is shown in lspci05:53
=== Guest12991 is now known as Anakin_n
Anakin_njlee do you have ping to smtp server ?05:55
jleeAnakin_n  i'll check05:57
ruanluchohasbon: and in gksduo gstreamer-properties?05:58
kunjiHey everyone, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and have found recently that I can no longer execute programs on my second SATA drive, they need to be moved to the one that the OS is running off of, though I don't have a third drive connected to try.  Any ideas why this might be?  I am unable to modify the permissions of these files as long as they are on that drive, if I move them though, then I can change the permissions and run them.05:58
Anakin_nluchohasbon what sound device you not see in sound preferences -> hardware tab ?05:58
ruankunji: what filesystem is this SATA drive?05:59
luchohasbonAnakin_n: I don't see the ViA Azalia vt1708/a05:59
ruanluchohasbon: gksudo**05:59
luchohasbonruan: gksudo?06:00
EkN77u know.....06:00
ruanluchohasbon: gksudo gstreamer-properties06:00
bin_bashDoes anyone have any experience installing Ubuntu on a brand new MacBook Pro 8,1?06:00
kunjiruan: I forget, I created it on my windows partition because I knew linux would pick up on it.  I used to be able to run these files off of it, I've only noticed this change of behavior these last two or three weeks.06:01
jleeAnakin_n Average was about 43 ms.06:01
ruankunji: what happens if you mount the drive with ntfs-3g?06:01
EkN77may i ?06:01
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages06:01
EkN77Lubuntu is Great06:01
kunjiIt is HPFS/NTFS, just checked.06:01
bin_bashubottu: I checked there, and this one isn't supported. What can I do?06:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:02
ruankunji: ntfs-3g solved my problems with execution06:02
luchohasbonruan: in gstreamer-properties it only detects the hdmi06:03
EkN77it's like 50 % lighter than ubuntu... that + cromium, will make your eee 900 feel like a new thingie06:03
ruankunji: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdX /mnt/ntfs06:03
luchohasbonlook the lspci output06:05
luchohasbonAudio device: nVidia Corporation Device 0be9 (rev a1)06:05
luchohasbonSubsystem: Elitegroup Computer Systems Device 202306:05
luchohasbonKernel driver in use: HDA Intel06:05
luchohasbonKernel modules: snd-hda-intel06:05
luchohasbon04:05.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11g06:05
FloodBot2luchohasbon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:05
kunjiruan: fuse: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/ntfs: No such file or directory06:05
ruankunji: wherever you mounted the ntfs drive06:05
EkN77im drunk btw, but .. u know, this is great.. irc and all :))06:06
ruankunji: or sudo mkdir /mnt/ntfs06:06
Anakin_njlee can you telnet to the smpt server ?06:06
jleeAnakin_n yes port 2506:07
vieweri have two sata drives that i guess ubuntu thinks are external media so the devices show up in the device pane in nautilus but i have to actually click on them after booting for them to mount in /media/, how can i make this automatic?06:07
EkN77is there a female here ?06:07
SuhnI just updated to 11.0406:07
EkN77ack :(06:07
Suhnbut when i try to boot linux it just restarts the computer06:08
JackStonerEkN77: female what?06:08
kunjiruan: Hmm, that seems to work quite nicely, do you know what the problem might have been though?06:08
ruanSuhn: natty support only in #ubuntu+106:08
Suhnwhat do i do now06:08
ruankunji: the default 'ntfs' driver seems to only allow reading06:08
xanguaSuhn: install a stable version06:08
Suhnso i lost all my ubuntu files?06:08
EkN77Female human06:09
ruanSuhn: can you boot into recovery mode?06:09
Anakin_nluchohasbon i find many topics with problems for ViA Azalia vt1708/a and ubunu 10.10 , its may be a bug, may be you need to report it06:09
EkN77not slot06:09
SuhnOn the boot manager when i select ubuntu, it just restarts the computer06:09
JackStonerEkN77: oh..ok. Ummm..goodluck06:09
kunjiruan: Did that change in 10.10?  I updated to 10.10 around that time.06:09
ruankunji: im on 10.1006:09
kunjiruan: I mean was that the case in 10.04, since it was previously working for me.06:10
ruankunji: haven't been able to test, i started using ubuntu at v10.1006:10
jleeApr  1 21:20:43 cannedHeat postfix/qmgr[6924]: 7661C32015A: from=<jlee@oddbrew.com>, size=370, nrcpt=1 (queue active)06:10
jleeApr  1 21:21:13 cannedHeat postfix/smtp[7089]: connect to gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25: Connection timed out06:10
jleecan anybody help with this?06:10
sahilmCould someone please recommend a netbook without suspend/resume and wi-fi issues.06:11
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:11
kunjiruan: Hmm, interesting, I'll need to look into this further, thanks for the help.06:11
tHe-OuFHI all06:11
sahilmruan: That list isn't very helpful.06:11
luchohasbonAnakin_n:  I've already reported but, no one has replied, Ive been trying to fix it, all I need is to know how to set up a device a driver and a module, the fact is that I have the same module for two differente devices06:11
ruanbefore 10.10 i had a 9.04 vm, that's as far back as i've been06:11
sahilmruan: Everything has reported issues. I am looking for a personal review of something that just works06:12
tHe-OuFI m new in umbutu , is there someone who know kate06:12
tHe-OuFthe texte editor06:12
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code06:12
ruantHe-OuF: what about it?06:13
tHe-OuFi would like to add the SQL plug in but i don't know how06:13
tHe-OuFcan u help me06:13
FogeltHe-OuF: if you need SQL plugin then you know how to use google06:14
ubquesti am looking for a (cad style) program that can draw 2d maps, and can easily apply measurement annotations that show distance of lines etc06:14
kunjisahilm: my lenovo s10-3t doesn't have wireless issues, never tried suspend/resume though since I find it useless, I either need it on so I can use it or off/at least hibernated to actually save all the power possible.  It has a nice fancy touch screen as well.06:14
ruanubquest: openoffice might have something like that, im not sure06:14
tHe-OuFi ve found one page where they explain but i don't understand (its my first day with linux)06:15
ruanlink the page06:15
ruanubquest: have you tried openoffice.org draw?06:15
Anakin_njlee can you try other smpt ? may be gmail not allow you06:15
ubquesti looked at it, couldnt see a way to do automatic distance annotations (might have just missed the feature)06:16
FogelAnakin_n: this protocol; ic salled *smtp*06:16
ruanubquest: i'll search for it06:17
kunjiubquest: have you tried out the stuff that comes up when you search "cad" in the software center?06:17
kunjiubquest: you could also try inkscape.06:17
tHe-OuFthx guys06:17
ubquesttried inkscape - it has a ruler but doesnt seem to display the actual distance in text (unless i missed a setting somewhere)06:18
kunjiubquest: oh, well, it might be a buried option, I haven't used it much yet.06:18
milamberubquest: try qcad?06:19
jleeAnakin_n  What do you mean?06:19
Anakin_nluchohasbon are you tested in other linuxes or win ? you can try ask in alsa-project.org06:19
ubquestdownloading qcad, not tried yet though06:20
luchohasbonAnakin_n: Unfortunately in windows, this soundcard works perfectly :S06:20
luchohasbonAnakin_n: with ubuntu 10.04 it worked perfectly also06:21
luchohasbonAnakin_n: thanks a lot  mmm I supposed Im going back to 10.04 its ok anyway thanks06:23
=== patricia is now known as Guest81672
Guest81672Xchat is a chat client right?06:26
danileigh79dapenguin, are you on?06:26
xanguaGuest81672: irc client06:27
=== id10t is now known as Id10T
syrinx_Guest81672: irssi ftw06:27
=== Id10T is now known as id10t
=== id10t is now known as dudeman
danileigh79ok, need help, anyone know why installing xmms says needs gtk_ 1.2 or higher, I already have 2.0 or higher06:28
=== wisevoyager is now known as lagumerapumatsal
ajahgrub2 complains for syntax error file not missing linux image, doesnt  load the boot menu but just  boot the first entry in grub.cfg06:29
xanguadaniel3_: sudo apt-get install xmms206:29
speedrunnerG55hello fellow linux users06:29
DrakasXwhy hello there06:29
danileigh79xangua, Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?06:30
xanguadaniel3_: close synaptic/software centre06:31
danileigh79xangua, will close it and rety, is installing gnome_core_devel06:32
ubottuDas Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.06:34
dkonalwhat command do i type to get the ip of my router?06:34
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk06:34
SwedeMikedkonal: ip r l will show you your default route pointing at your gateway closest IP06:34
ohsixdkonal: route, it should be the one marked gw06:34
SwedeMikedkonal: netstast -rn does the same thing06:35
SwedeMike!cn | ruit06:35
ubotturuit: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk06:35
danileigh79xangua, does xmms have a gui?06:35
SwedeMikedkonal: netstat -rn I mean06:35
danileigh79xangua, er xmms206:35
xanguadaniel3_: lots, havent use it for a long time06:36
WizyrkahOla ikonia bruder && Pici bruder!06:36
Wizyrkaht-RoLL depends:)06:37
Wizyrkah ...mert én mondom Tinéktek "Hozsánna néktek dicsőséges Testvéreim!"06:37
WizyrkahOla penguinz!06:38
danileigh79still can't get xmms2 to work...06:38
Anakin_njlee ?06:38
=== semitones is now known as i_hate_rww
=== Wizyrkah is now known as Freedom_for_Pale
=== i_hate_rww is now known as semitones
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Anakin_njlee Gmail SMTP does not use port 25, it's required TSL or SSL , thats mean you must try telnet on Port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587 or Port for SSL: 46506:41
ruitubottu, are you a robot?06:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:41
jleeAnakin_n I read somewhere a work around was to use relayhost?06:42
jleeAnakin_n i'll try 58706:42
StavaI just got these messages in dmesg, what is this about? http://pastie.org/174637906:42
Anakin_njlee yes it's fork for me on both ports, but still can lie it to send mail :)06:42
Stavaand my screen is flickering06:43
Anakin_njlee trough terminal i mean06:43
linux_infernoHey. I am having some issues with my nfs. It seems to be running nfs protocol 4. What do I have to do to get it to run as protocol 306:44
jleeAnakin_n brb... cig break...06:44
benzaldehydeStava: you and your flickering06:44
benzaldehydeStava: :)06:44
Stavabenzaldehyde, what :o06:44
bullgard4What does an average user need the DEB program package »erlang-base« for? Synaptic: "This package contains the Erlang/OTP runtime implementation, which is configured and built without HiPE support (compiles to byte-code only), and minimal set of Erlang applications:..."06:45
andrew[andrboot]Hi guys, ive setup my box to auth ldap.. but i want to remove that.. how do i do so?06:46
Zeeshan4ui want to convert .wav file to .mp3 file in ubuntu. tell me what software to install?06:46
danileigh79sorry was tired of 4 open terminal windows, opened Terminals instead06:46
ruanZeeshan4u: Sound converter06:46
ohsixbullgard4: look at what deps are bringing it in, aptitude makes it pretty easy06:46
benzaldehydeStava: should i use a firewall?06:46
ruanZeeshan4u: check ubuntu software center06:46
Stavabenzaldehyde, are we talking about something?06:47
bullgard4ohsix: Your approach is doomed to failure.06:47
danileigh79xangua, how do i uninstall after I sudo installed xmms206:47
ohsixbullgard4: no u06:47
benzaldehydeStava: we weren't, we are now. :D06:47
ohsixbullgard4: aptitude tells me couchdb uses it, tada06:47
Stavabenzaldehyde, yeah it seems that way06:47
ruan!info couchdb06:48
ubottucouchdb (source: couchdb): RESTful document oriented database, system DB. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 12 kB, installed size 84 kB06:48
benzaldehydeStava: your screen is flickering?06:48
Stavabenzaldehyde, yes :(06:48
danileigh79somebody... how do i uninstall xmms2 after I sudo installed it?06:48
benzaldehydeStava: bad luck06:48
ruan!info couchdb-bin06:49
ubottucouchdb-bin (source: couchdb): RESTful document oriented database, programs. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 658 kB, installed size 2532 kB06:49
Stavabenzaldehyde, I get lots of "NVRM: os_raise_smp_barrier(), invalid context!" in my dmesg06:49
Stavabenzaldehyde, i dont think it has to do with luck06:49
ruanrestful database.. pun?06:49
bullgard4ohsix: Thank you for commenting.06:49
Zeeshan4ui need .wav to .mp3 convertor. Plz help06:49
ruanZeeshan4u: i told you, sound converter06:49
ohsixbullgard4: KYT06:50
ruanZeeshan4u: sudo apt-get install soundconverter && soundconverter06:50
danileigh79somebody... how do i uninstall xmms2 after I sudo installed it? it's not showing up in software center06:50
ruanZeeshan4u: run that in a terminal and you'll get it06:50
henry`danileigh79, what do you mean sudo installed it?06:51
bullgard4ohsix: 3-letter acronyms are prone to misunderstanding.06:51
danileigh79henry`, through terminal, but it's not working so now I wanna delete it06:51
benzaldehydeStava: yes technology--digital that is, either works 100 percent of the time or it does not. i read that quote when selecting hdmi cables. i was wondering what in the hell does a 'monster cable' serve a purpose for. turned out it was just a big waste of cable and money since it is digital06:51
xanguasudo apt-get purge danileigh7906:51
ohsixbullgard4: i understand them just fine06:51
henry`danileigh79, if you installed via apt-get, you can run apt-get remove xmms206:52
ruandanileigh79: sudo apt-get purge [package]06:52
danileigh79than k you henry, ruan, and xangua06:52
Zeeshan4ui have installed adobe reader on my ubuntu 10.10 . but not working. Showing that the sofware is installed but not opening any file.06:52
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pchello,everyone!where do you come from?06:53
benzaldehydeZeeshan4u: are you on x86 architecture?06:53
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pccan you speak chinese?06:54
Stavabenzaldehyde, i've never had anything that works 100 % of the time :o06:54
benzaldehydepc: cantonese06:54
benzaldehydeStava: the comparison was more about wire cable. on analog signals can be poor and come in at less than 100 percent but digital either comes in all the way or does not06:55
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benzaldehydeStava: i hate gimmicky sales ads06:56
Stavabenzaldehyde, thats interesting, but i dont think its the hdmi cable that is causing my flickering06:57
benzaldehydeStava: but you have checked the wires?06:57
Stavaits probably that nvidia driver06:57
Stavawell im getting dmesg errors that seem to relate to the driver (nvram?)06:57
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Anakin_njlee repeat pls first question, what finally must work, just sending mail ?06:58
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Stavaand each time the screen turns black for a moment i get a new entry in dmesg06:58
vieweri have two sata drives that i guess ubuntu thinks are external media so the devices show up in the device pane in nautilus but i have to actually click on them after booting for them to mount in /media/, how can i make this automatic?06:59
Stavai'll just reboot and hope this goes away06:59
navatwoHey, so I recently updated my kubuntu box and now I cannot connect to my wired network. /etc/network/interfaces is OK. Any ideas?06:59
ruansomehow lost connection and had to reboot07:00
cannonfoddercan someone help me ....basically install gone bad...http://pastebin.com/wnzaD5Wr07:00
jleeAnakin_n yes, sending mail outside of my network does not work. i get timeout message in mail.log07:01
cannonfodderfail on line 36...cant find a fix for it http://pastebin.com/wnzaD5Wr07:01
jleeSending mail to other users on my server works07:01
benzaldehyderuan: personally i think someone is messing with your connection, i'm getting random freezes07:01
scabs42haha I like the addition "NO APRIL FOOLS JOKES"07:02
ruanbenzaldehyde: no one can mess with my connection, it's protected with WPA and a good password07:02
soreauscabs42: They're not joking either07:02
sevihi there, i have question about save programm layouts in ubuntu 10.10, can someone explain how to do that?07:02
benzaldehyderuan: i meant remotely07:02
jleeApr  1 22:36:14 cannedHeat postfix/smtp[7636]: connect to b.mx.mail.yahoo.com[]:25: Connection timed out07:02
ruanbenzaldehyde: remotely?07:03
aauthorHi sevi, can you explain what you mean by saving programm layouts?07:03
kingsleyIs anyone going to package the newly GPL'ed "j" programming language?07:03
kingsleyI like to think of "j" as Ken Iverson's swan song, after he won the Turing Award for APL.07:03
benzaldehyderuan: over the internet. DOS attack07:03
ruanbenzaldehyde: oh.07:03
ruanbenzaldehyde: how07:03
navatwocannonfodder: check if your kernel is supported07:03
ruanbenzaldehyde: no one can see my hostname07:03
navatwoI don't see why it wuldntbe07:03
benzaldehyderuan: and you can crack into wpa if you get close enough07:03
jleeAnakin_n how do I change to 58707:04
ruanbenzaldehyde: im in an apartment07:04
ruanbenzaldehyde: ohhhh07:04
cannonfoddernavatwo umm how do i look up my kernel version07:04
navatwo`uname -r`07:04
sevii mean, i open Skype, XChat and organise the Windows as i like. Now, i want, that when i startup ubuntu, i opens the Skyp, XChat and arranges the windows as i adjusted it07:04
ruanbenzaldehyde: my router hasn't been connected to though07:04
seviis that posiible?07:04
cannonfodderthans navatwo07:05
ajah grub2 complains for syntax error file not found [Linux-bzImage, set= ,size= ] [Initrd, addr= , size =] , i`ve already use updage-grub but still show me this error07:05
benzaldehyderuan: the entire point of cracking into wpa is to force a reconnect, that is where it gets the little bits of info to gather, wpa just gives off packets that one could scoop up. your getting DC would be the bet indication that someone was actually in the next apartment trying to reset you07:05
saurabhthis is something worth remembering to do things like the old way of doing things like doing things in a loop \O/07:05
benzaldehyde*wep just gives off packets07:06
ruanbenzaldehyde: hmm07:06
ruanbenzaldehyde: again, i wish my isp didnt block me from accessing my router07:06
Anakin_njlee how you try with mail client or in terminal ?07:06
aauthorsevi: Yes, you can open up 'Startup Application' it's under System->Administration I think.07:06
benzaldehyderuan: wpa is all about the handshake, wep is packets , sorry07:06
ruani'd be able to check the logs and block them :/07:06
jleeAnakin_n: terminal07:06
navatworuan: that doesnt make sense..07:07
cselabanybody know ver 2 download mysql with all dependencies?07:07
sevi@ authoor: i have that open. Would be the Windows be arranged correctly? I'll just try that out...07:07
ruannavatwo: what doesn't?07:07
aauthorsevi:  There you can add the applications you want to open on start-up.  They will remember where they were located when you last closed them.07:07
navatworuan: that your isp wont let you connect to your router07:07
Anakin_njlee it's a little hard :) i'm now trying but info is a lot http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html07:07
sevi@ authoor: that looks nice, i'll try...07:07
jleeAnakin_n: no worries, gonna check the link out...07:08
aauthorsevi:  Good luck! :D07:08
ruannavatwo: some idiots messed with their routers and had to call the isp to fix it, i think that's why07:08
sevi@ author: Where can i found the installed Programms? ;-)07:08
navatwoits not /your/ router?07:09
ruannavatwo: it is my router07:09
ruannavatwo: the isp was losing money from that occurring i guess07:09
navatwothen they can't do that, I believe07:09
Anakin_njlee why not try to setup any mail client for TSL 587 , terminal is hard for test :/07:09
rypervencheI would like to create a user account for a friend to ssh tunnel my Internet connection, but I only want him to have access to his /home/username folder. How can I do this when creating the user account?07:10
ruanrypervenche: add him to the right groups07:10
jleeAnakin_n: in the middle of that right now...07:11
rypervencheruan: Would I have to chmod my home folder or anything like that?07:11
SwedeMikerypervenche: you can't. you can protect OTHER /home dirs, but you can't disallow him access from reading system files.07:11
Anakin_nhamachi and haguichi helps to resolve most of router and tunneling problems...07:12
SwedeMikerypervenche: if you "chmod og-rwx <dirname>" the other /home dirs, you'll get what you need.07:12
ruanhe may not have write access to system files though07:12
aauthorsevi:  Most of your programs can be found in /usr/bin07:12
aauthorIf they are in there, you can just simply put there name in the 'Command' field of the add dialogue.07:13
sevi@ aaouthor: Thanks, got it!07:13
rypervencheSwedeMike: Are there any negative consequences to changing the chmod of my home folder like that?07:13
SwedeMikerypervenche: well, it means nobody but you have access, so if that's what you want, then it's exactly what to do.07:14
Anakin_nsevi and you can see list of installed programs in Ubuntu Software Center --> Installed Software07:14
henry`rypervenche,  read this: http://gentoo.linuxhowtos.org/openssh/chrootedssh.htm07:14
griffordsonwhat is the best way to get a version of mysql that fixes this bug running on lucid? http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=4877607:15
benzaldehydeguys is the encrypted /home that my installation cd actually encrypted? i recall reading that it is mounted and unmounted with a users password which made me think that this was not actually encrypting anything07:15
lonejackHi, in UBUNTU future versions (that will adopt Wayland+unity), if I build a sw bu gtkmm, this sw, will continue to be compatible/compilabe  or not?07:15
ajah grub2 complains for syntax error file not found [Linux-bzImage, set= ,size= ] [Initrd, addr= , size =] , i`ve already use updage-grub but still show me this error07:16
ruanlonejack: it should07:16
webPragmatistnormally when uninstalling something like apache2 should i use purge07:17
webPragmatisti want to be sure and get rid of all the damn configuraiton07:17
Rugehello all07:17
benzaldehydewebPragmatist: that is exactly what purge does07:17
RugeJust bought a new laptop, decided to wipe off Win7 and give ubuntu a go... is it a tough process to get drivers for webcam n stuff or does the livedisc have drivers on it/07:17
ruanit has drivers for everything07:18
webPragmatistbenzaldehyde: uninstalls and deletes config07:18
ruanwebPragmatist: yes07:18
Rugeinteresting... i always worry about laptop devices having strange webcams n stuff so it might be hard 2 find07:18
ruanwebPragmatist: man says:            purge is identical to remove except that packages are removed and07:18
rypervencheSwedeMike: Would that person be able to sudo and access my stuff?07:18
ruan           purged (any configuration files are deleted too).07:18
rypervenchehenry`: Thanks, I'll check it out.07:18
ajah grub2 complains for syntax error file not found [Linux-bzImage, set= ,size= ] [Initrd, addr= , size =] , i`ve already use updage-grub but still show me this error07:19
aauthorRuge:  I'd try booting up a live disk and seeing what 'just works' you'll most likely be pleasantly surprised.07:19
SwedeMikerypervenche: yes.07:19
SwedeMikerypervenche: root can always access all files.07:19
ruanajah: is the kernel image existent?07:19
ruanajah: in /boot07:19
aauthorRuge:  and you can do that before you go formating your drive. ;)07:20
Rugeoo, ill do that then07:20
Rugeill dl the 11 beta and give it a whirl07:20
ajahruan, if u tell how to find this this kernel image knowing only its size in hex will good start07:20
rypervencheSwedeMike: So if he used sudo, he would just have to use his password to have access to everything, right?07:21
seviok. opening programms works fine. but the windows are not at the right position... also i arranged them on several Desktops, they are all on Desktop 1 (left), is there a way to remeber the Layout?07:21
aauthorRuge:  The 11.04 beta1 live disk has some known issues on it.  If you want to see what works well, I'd try 10.04 LTS or 10.10 first.07:21
ohsixrypervenche: only if he's in the admin group07:21
Rugeoh okay07:21
Rugeim looking to make this proper install07:21
Rugeso ill stick to 10.1007:21
Ellhi all07:22
Rugecuz i dont have good internet where im going to travel07:22
Rugeand looking for a fast os, hence ubuntu07:22
aauthorRuge:  That's a good plan.  While bugs get fixed fast in the beta, you'll need to have internet to grab them.07:22
SwedeMikerypervenche: yes. if you don't want him to access everything, don't give him sudo rights.07:22
Rugenow... LTS or regular07:22
Rugeive always wondered which one is best haha07:22
webPragmatistruan:  purge doesn't seem to remove items dependant though07:23
webPragmatistlike i just did purge apache2 and it didn't remove preform07:23
Chr|sis there a ppa with gnome 3?07:23
aauthorRuge: LTS stands for Long Term Support.  When it means is that it's not the latest and greatest, but it's the most sturdy and solid.07:23
ajah grub2 complains for syntax error file not found [Linux-bzImage, set= ,size= ] [Initrd, addr= , size =] , i`ve already use updage-grub but still show me this error07:24
Rugeaauthor: perfect, thats what im after.. stability07:24
sykesis there a way to change performance level of gpu while using nouveau driver?07:26
benzaldehyderuan: what percentage do you give to /home?07:26
navatwoHey, so I recently updated my kubuntu box and now I cannot connect to my wired network. /etc/network/interfaces is OK and `ifconfig` output is located here: ttp://pastebin.com/ZpRhKQjr07:26
rypervencheSwedeMike: So to give him sudo rights, he has to belong to the admin group, correct? And my home folder is chmod 755 right now, so that means he can look at my stuff, but he can't change it, right?07:27
SwedeMikerypervenche: dude, with sudo he can do ANYTHING.07:27
SwedeMikerypervenche: if you don't give him sudo and have 755, he can read but not write it.07:28
ruanbenzaldehyde: ?07:29
benzaldehyderuan:  how do you slice your box07:29
rypervencheSwedeMike: Ok, but how do I make sure that I do not give him sudo when I make the account? I'm not sure what activates sudo powers.07:29
ruanbenzaldehyde: i think you mean to talk to rypervenche07:29
benzaldehyderuan: why?07:29
ruanbenzaldehyde: well.. why are you asking me?07:30
benzaldehyderuan: gather your opinions07:30
ruanbenzaldehyde: oh07:30
ruanbenzaldehyde: how would i know what my percentage is?07:30
benzaldehyderuan: MB/entire disk times 10007:31
aauthorsevi, Having programs start in different workspaces in beyond anything I've done before; however this is a mention of it in the documentation.  Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75749t07:31
ruanpartition percentages07:32
ruanmy /home and /root and everything is on one partition07:32
benzaldehyderuan: same here07:33
ruanbut my /home dir takes up 34.1gb which is about 40% of the drive07:33
SwedeMikerypervenche: he gets sudo by you entering his account name in /etc/sudoers07:34
SwedeMikerypervenche: "man sudo" for more information07:34
Jibadeehaanyone here had success with using upnp in ubuntu?07:34
benzaldehyderuan: if you upgrade won't you lose all your /home since / is on the same partition?07:35
ruanbenzaldehyde: how?07:35
SN4K3encryption in ubuntu?07:35
rypervencheSwedeMike: SwedeMike Great! Thank you very much :)07:35
ruan!encrypt | SN4K307:35
sevi@ aauthor: thanks for the link! i'll check it out!07:35
ubottuSN4K3: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory07:35
benzaldehyderuan: i don't know but i was under that impression07:36
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ruanits not like it formats my partition07:36
HillbillyI'm a newb installed maverick.07:36
HillbillyHow do I know which version I have 32/64 bit?07:36
HillbillyThis may dictate the printer driver I download. Chips are 64 bit.07:36
Hillbilly2nd q: Do I need to install motherboard drivers as with MS windows? Are there any? Thanks07:36
FloodBot2Hillbilly: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:36
SN4K3ruan,was that a command to the bot or smthin?07:36
aauthorsevi:  No problem, sorry I couldn't help you directly.07:37
ruanSN4K3: yep, it's a factoid bot07:37
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:37
ljsoftnetHillbilly you dont need to install motherboard drivers07:37
benzaldehyde Hillbilly: FloodBot2 is a script he doesn't speak for me07:37
ljsoftnetHillbilly check your system monitor for 32 or 64 bit you installed07:38
RaJiLwhat version of ubuntu install in my Samsung R540-JA09ES, x86  or x64?07:38
Hillbillytks. bye07:38
ruanRaJiL: how much RAM does it have?07:38
ruanRaJiL: you might want to use 64bit then07:39
ljsoftnetRaJiL check your System Monitor07:39
ubottuAMD64 and Intel 64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#AMD64%20Processors and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.07:39
RaJiLIntel Core i3-380M is the processor07:39
ljsoftnetRaJiL ow ok, my bad07:40
MK`I need advice: I want to install Ubuntu on an old PC, but the drive only has about 12 GB free, the rest windows using. Then I found an old harddrive, 15 GB. Should I install Ubuntu on that 15GB HD? or should I move files onto the 15GB and make it a shared drive and install Ubuntu on the end of the windows disk? Mainly because this is a computer my family will be using07:41
darkdelusionsRaJiL: to save your self headaches anyways  I would advise agianst using 64 bit07:41
TechnicusHello, I installed kernel 2.6.33-29-realtime which cured the audio troubles I was experiencing, but at the cost of Nvidia drivers.  The system installed is Ubuntu 10.10 but the kernel is designed for 10.04.  What can I do to get the Nvidia drivers working again?07:42
MK`I think getting them to select different disks on boot will be harder than selecting different OSes on the same disk07:42
TechnicusHere is where I got the kernel from: [ https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+related-software ].07:42
rypervencheSwedeMike: Oh, quick question. If I changed my home folder's permissions so the person cannot read, say 700, do I have to do it recursively, or would it not even matter since they cannot access the folder?07:42
navatwoTechnicus: system > administration > hardware [or proprietary] drivers07:43
navatwoit looks like a mobo icon07:43
ruanor additonal drivers ^07:43
benzaldehydeMK`: dual use is never a good idea, you can if you keep at it configure ubuntu desktop to be friendly enough for your family to use. what will happen is one OS will be used and the other will get overlooked. use both drives for ubuntu07:43
Technicusnavatwo: ruan: That does not work.07:43
navatwoTechnicus: why?07:43
MK`The sole program they use that is windows-only is iTunes07:43
ruanwine will work for that07:44
Technicusnavatwo: I dont know, how can I figure that out?07:44
RaJiLok, thanks07:44
navatworuan: you sure07:44
navatwoTechnicus: why do you say it does not work?07:44
ruani remember an appdb review07:44
=== Milos is now known as meow
=== meow is now known as Milos
MK`Adding folders, they do that all the time07:45
MK`What was not tested07:45
MK`    Synching with iPod/iPhone07:45
xzcvczxcan someone please tell me where the terminal app is located?07:45
monggoim coming...07:45
yagooxzcvczx, gnome-terminal is one.. it's probably in system07:46
xzcvczxyagoo: a path would be great07:46
ruanxzcvczx: also, ctrl alt T07:46
benzaldehydeMK`: ubunu is bluetooth ready07:46
yagooxzcvczx, should be in menu07:46
monggowith thousands of trouble..07:46
xzcvczxyagoo: would be great if i had one07:46
xzcvczxruan: perfect, thanks07:46
MK`I dunno...07:46
Technicusnavatwo: because when I attempt to activate the drivers the response is: [ SystemError: installArchives() failed ].07:47
yagooxzcvczx, then install.. look up gnome terminal.. or just use tty1 (ctl-alt-f1)07:47
ruanctrl alt f1 is a fullscreen terminal07:47
benzaldehydeMK`: all of internet explorer's upgrades are based on firefox's ideas07:47
yagooxzcvczx, ctl-alt-f7 brings back to gui07:47
xzcvczxyeah i just couldn't be bothered going into console07:47
benzaldehydeMK`: since the license is free they can copy them and they do07:47
MK`Oh I know :P07:47
ruanevil ie :(07:48
benzaldehyderuan: :D07:48
Technicusnavatwo: I am sure that because of the kernel change there is a problem.  I had to deactivate the drivers for the new kernel to be able to startX.07:48
ruanthey are indeed copying, i've seen every single feature they copied07:48
xzcvczxbenzaldehyde: and of course firefox has never taken any ideas from ie07:48
yagoowhat's the name of ubuntu's own wip xserver?07:49
ruansmartscreen is one of them07:49
MK`I do want to keep the XP installation for testing07:49
MK`as I am a programmer07:49
benzaldehydexzcvczx: mozilla i think was around before ie so what microsoft hasn't stolen from xerox is all firefox's as far as i know07:50
yagooMK`, XP is not a good platform to program on. XP sux07:50
MK`but, I'd like the family to use Ubuntu exclusively. Is there another music library thing I can use instead of itunes to use on an ipod?07:50
yagooMK`, you sure you're in the right channel?07:50
Technicusnavatwo: I installed kernel 2.6.33-29-realtime because kernel 2.6.35-28-generic will not work with the Tascam US-122L USB audio interface.07:51
MK`Just looking for advice :P07:51
xzcvczxbenzaldehyde: just because x is older than y it doesn't mean that one stole all from the other and nothing went the other way07:51
benzaldehydeMK`: no matter how you slice it linux isn't windows, there are always alternatives07:51
fish_sticksI'm sorry,its nothing related to ubuntu.but,how do I download files from bazaar.launchpad?07:51
MK`I will take a backseat to any other inportant queries07:51
ohsixyagoo: those kind of comments aren't topical07:51
yagooMK`, you're not a developer. #XP.07:51
rypervencheIf I changed my home folder's permissions so the person cannot read, say 700, do I have to do it recursively, or would it not even matter since they cannot access the folder?07:51
* yagoo doesn't believe itunes is on linux.07:51
rypervencheMK`: You can use other ones to sync your music, but for syncing applications via iTunes, you have to use iTunes. I have a VM set up just for iTunes. It's the only thing I use it for, haha.07:52
benzaldehydexzcvczx: no, certainly not, although it makes it about nine times greater chance that all their ideas are in great thanks to the community07:53
MK`It's all music, they are ipod nanos07:53
ohsixrhythmbox and other players support syncing at least music to ipods07:53
ohsixyou can use an ipod specific program to sync other things07:53
soreauMK`: It's not too much to setup ubuntu on the 15GB drive. Just select manual partitioning when you go to install ubuntu. After you tell it how to set everything up, it will do the rest07:53
soreauMK`: Especially if it's your first ubuntu install, it wont hurt to just try it on the 15GB drive07:54
MK`No I have Ubuntu installed on my laptop; stopped using Win7 on that07:54
wildc4rdcan I get a sound/volume button on my top panel?07:54
rypervencheMK`: You can use Anorak then, I believe it was.07:54
soreauMK`: Well it's not really more difficult to setup ubuntu on the other drive. You just have to get the partitioning right07:55
MK`Google says Amarok autocorrect :P07:55
SwedeMikerypervenche: no, you only have to change your actual home dir.07:55
MK`I will have no problem setting it up07:55
Anakin_njlee any news :) ?07:55
EllI have a HDTV video. Which player support it?07:56
ruanwildc4rd: yes07:56
rypervencheMK`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone07:56
ruanwildc4rd: add indicator applet07:56
jleeAnakin_n: I can telnet smtp.gmail.com fine. When i send mail, it still seems like it's trying to use 25...07:56
MathuinI can use 'time' to see how long a command takes in real and user time.  How can I determine the maximum amount of memory used by a command?07:56
ruanEll: VLC should07:56
rypervencheSwedeMike: Ah ok, great. I was afraid I was going to have to change the chmod of all of my files, that will be no problem then :) Thanks again and sorry for being so bothersome.07:57
MK`I don't use KDE either :( I use GNOME07:57
jleeAnakin_n:  Apr  1 23:42:46 cannedHeat postfix/smtp[9306]: connect to alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25: Connection timed out07:57
rypervencheMK`: It works in Gnome too.07:57
MK`"A machine with a crumbling, 15 year-old, slow, 8GB, IDE hard-drive probably won't and doesn't really compare with the netbook anyway. "08:00
MK`That's a good description of this 15GB HDD08:00
MK`it came with windows ME08:00
Mathuinoh hey.  there's bash's builtin time and there's /usr/bin/time08:00
sykeshow to change performance levels with nouveau?08:03
rypervencheFor the group value of chmod, does that mean that someone who is in a group that I am in has access to my things, or that someone who is in the group called "rypervenche" will have access?08:03
Anakin_njlee telnet smtp.gmail.com 58708:05
Anakin_nConnected to gmail-smtp-msa.l.google.com.08:05
Anakin_nEscape character is '^]'.08:05
Anakin_n220 mx.google.com ESMTP x54sm1884015eeh.2608:05
FloodBot2Anakin_n: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:05
Ellruan: tks08:05
jleeAnakin_n: I did, it works fine08:05
MKakasey i have a problem, i cant connect the irc that i want only this freenode why is that anyone knows?08:06
MKakasfrom my iphone08:07
bazhangMKakas, try in #freenode08:07
jleeAnakin_n: I keep getting hints from random support sites stating that I have to use relay host...08:07
MKakask thx08:07
jleeAnakin_n: you think that will work?08:08
_Neytiri_i am gettinghtis error when instaling programs08:09
_Neytiri_Errors were encountered while processing:08:09
_Neytiri_ clamav-freshclam08:09
_Neytiri_ clamav08:09
_Neytiri_ clamav-daemon08:09
_Neytiri_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:09
FloodBot2_Neytiri_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:09
jleeAnakin_n: btw thanks for the help. gotta go though...08:09
_Neytiri_E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)08:10
ruan_Neytiri_: why do you want to install clamav?08:10
vanmikmattmcc: for instace i have this db — http://pastebin.com/76NgSmbv, in result of query i wanna have two lists (arrays) — with group1 titles and with group2 titles08:11
soreauruan: Shouldn't we be more concerned about why the package manager is giving errors?08:12
_Neytiri_i am setting up a mail server08:12
ruanah ok08:12
leapy0yois there a way to chown a file that is in userdirectory but owned by root?08:12
soreauleapy0yo: As user: sudo chown $USER /path/to/file08:13
leapy0yosoreuau, without invoking root or superuser08:13
bluumleapy0yo: no. if it's a regular readable file you can copy, unlink, rename.08:15
=== ubuntu is now known as help-need
help-needi need help08:17
help-needto re-install grub2 I think08:17
soreauleapy0yo: If it's owned by root, you must have root privileges to change the ownership08:17
soreauleapy0yo: Otherwise, it would be a big security problem08:17
_Neytiri_so how do i fix the problem i am having08:17
soreau! grub2 | help-need08:18
ubottuhelp-need: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:18
soreau_Neytiri_: Can you pastebin the complete output starting with the command you used to install clamav?08:18
rypervencheFor the group value of chmod, does that mean that someone who is in a group that I am in has access to my things, or that someone who is in the group called "rypervenche" will have access?08:18
help-needsoreau, tks08:18
soreaurypervenche: The former, if I'm understanding you correctly08:19
_Neytiri_yes one sec08:20
soreau_Neytiri_: to paste.ubuntu.com08:20
rwwrypervenche: someone in the group that owns the file, not someone in any group you're in08:20
khrmI am not being able to trap SIGILL in ubuntu by using expect. The same thing I am being able to do in other distros. Here is line in my expect file:trap quit {INT TERM QUIT ABRT HUP ILL }08:21
soreaukhrm: Possible candidate for #ubuntu-devel08:21
=== Guest28821 is now known as ssfdre38
soreau_Neytiri_: Try 'LANG=C apt-get install clamav'08:22
rypervencherww: So since my username is rypervenche, it has to be someone in the group "rypervenche"?08:23
rwwrypervenche: yup08:23
_Neytiri_nope did hte same thing08:23
_Neytiri_well shorter actualy08:23
soreau_Neytiri_: Does 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade' return without error?08:23
soreau_Neytiri_: Also, you might want to run apt-get autoremove08:24
soreauclean things up a bit08:24
_Neytiri_apt-get update W: Failed to fetch http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)08:24
rypervencherww: soreau: Great, thank you :)08:24
Anakin_n_Neytiri_ do you have active process clamav now ?08:24
soreau_Neytiri_: Which version of ubuntu are you using?08:24
ohsixkhrm: apport and the core/exception setup might have something to do with that08:24
soreau! who | _Neytiri_08:24
ubottu_Neytiri_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:24
help-needsoreau, there is no  EASY WAY ?08:26
help-needSORRy for caps08:26
soreauhelp-need: Reinstalling grub2 is about is easy as it gets when following that guide08:26
soreau_Neytiri_: If you run 'gksu software-properties-gtk' and look in the Other Software tab, do you have anything enabled other than lucid standard repos?08:27
soreauIs there a way to remove all kernels except the currently running one? (with a one-liner)08:28
khrmohsix I have apport disabled.08:29
BlackWeb soreau ya08:32
BlackWebgo to /boot/ and remove all versions you dont want08:33
siddhantchdguys need some help  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1062680108:33
BlackWebHelp with what08:33
siddhantchdhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10626801 this thing BlackWeb08:34
siddhantchdBlackWeb anything?08:36
nesbitti want to make a full backup of a netbook, which is dual booted with android and windows 7, and then install linux on it.  would doing a dd of the whole disk to an external drive give me what i need to recover the current setup?08:38
help-needsoreau, the root directory is the /boot partition right ?08:39
xzcvczxnesbitt: it would08:39
nesbittxzcvczx: awesome, so then to recover i just dd the whole thing back?08:39
xzcvczxhelp-need: err what?08:39
xzcvczxnesbitt: indeed08:39
BlackWebStill Checking it out08:39
soreauhelp-need: The root directory is /08:40
help-needNow that everything is mounted, we just need to reinstall GRUB by specifying the correct directory and the correct drive name: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda08:40
nesbittxzcvczx: cool, thanks.  i'll look into how to do it08:40
soreauhelp-need: But if you're on a live cd, you'll have to mount and chroot into the partition most likely08:40
Danielcg25I hate GRUB.08:40
help-needsoreau, in the options of grub-install root-directory is the boot right08:40
xzcvczxdd if=/dev/xdy of=blah.raw bs=<choose a size>08:41
xzcvczxreplace xdy with harddrive name08:41
xzcvczxwell identifier08:41
xzcvczxDanielcg25: better than lyelow at least08:42
help-needsoreau, not really that tutorial about recovery grub is weird08:42
help-needIm not expert enough to follow it08:42
xzcvczxphonetic it out and you will see :P08:42
soreauhelp-need: You have to read it and follow the instructions08:42
Danielcg25I prefer Windows bootloader, (just because I'm used to it, probably)08:43
siddhantchdhelp please guys http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1062680108:43
BlackWebhelp-need you trying to restore you grub right08:43
xzcvczxyeah the windows one is great if something goes wrong and you actually need it08:43
xzcvczxcomputer crashed -> safe mode -> computer crash -> head between legs kiss donkey goodbye08:44
help-needBlackWeb, right08:44
help-needBlackWeb, right grub208:44
=== napster is now known as Guest45412
BlackWebhelp-need, you in livecd08:44
BlackWebright now08:44
soreauhelp-need: Tell us which part you are stuck on08:44
BlackWebK the easyiest way to do it is first mount drive08:44
xzcvczxsiddhantchd: well first thing fix up the 403 link08:45
BlackWebSo Windows Took it out right08:45
Guest45412Need help regarding ATI 4350 driver. When it was enabled, all my windows were showing black glitches, after disabling the driver, its working fine. Any way to use the driver?08:45
help-needBlackWeb, Wich drive ? I have many partitions .. boot system home etc08:45
siddhantchdactually i hv written the error down08:45
BlackWebno wait, go to System -> Administration - > Partition Editor08:46
Guest45412Need help regarding ATI 4350 driver. When it was enabled, all my windows were showing black glitches, after disabling the driver, its working fine. Any way to use the driver?08:46
xzcvczxsiddhantchd: and this is irc not text messaging... you don't have to buy a vowel08:46
help-needBlackWeb, gparted ?08:47
help-needok, open it08:47
siddhantchdxzcvczx sorry bro08:47
vallhallaHello all08:47
VimkIs there some way to speed up banshee, pauses between songs last 2-3 seconds08:47
xzcvczxsiddhantchd: so whats the error?08:47
VimkI assume because of sqlite08:47
khepinI have an apache server set on ubuntu in a VM08:47
BlackWebNow how many HardDrives Does your system have, Browse to the hardDrive with linux on08:48
khepinand trying to access that apache from outside the VM08:48
Guest45412Need help regarding ATI 4350 driver. When it was enabled, all my windows were showing black glitches, after disabling the driver, its working fine. Any way to use the driver?08:48
khepinright now the connection will just "take too long to respond"08:48
help-needubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/boot /dev/sda08:48
khepinand timeout08:48
help-needInstallation finished. No error reported. I take a the shot, you think it works ? I have only one harddrive, wich many partitions BlackWeb08:48
siddhantchdxzcvczx  Check the DevicePath of /etc/ccpd.conf08:48
vallhallakhepin: what mode is the network adapter in?08:48
xzcvczxkhepin: it sounds like you are having issues with the virtualisation software not ubuntu08:48
BlackWebK now do you see BootFlag08:49
BlackWebor Flags08:49
khepinthat is possible, but I have to start looking from somewhere haha ;-)08:49
xzcvczxsiddhantchd: and what is the devicepath in /etc/ccpd.conf08:49
vallhallakhepin: what mode is the network adapter in?08:49
khepinnot sure how to answer this08:49
BlackWebChange the Flags To Boot To Linux Not Windows Partition08:49
Guest45412Need help regarding ATI 4350 driver. When it was enabled, all my windows were showing black glitches, after disabling the driver, its working fine. Any way to use the driver?08:49
help-needBlackWeb, yes, /dev/sda1 is with the boot flag ...08:49
BlackWebk so /dev/sda1 is your linux08:50
vallhallakhepin: ok go to virtualbox and the settinggs of the machine08:50
help-needBlackWeb, to the /boot partition ?08:50
khepinah, ok, maybe I expressed my self too quickly08:50
khepinmy host is a windows 7, and ubuntu runs inside a vmware08:50
BlackWebYa, the Partition that you installed grub on initially08:50
siddhantchdxzcvczx http://pastebin.com/bsQ95E3z08:50
BlackWebSet The Flag to Boot08:51
help-needBlackWeb, Grub it self I winstall on mbr I think08:51
xzcvczxkhepin: you running desktop or server?08:51
MononaHow do I turn off updates, etc, temporarily?  I'm using Lucid.08:51
xzcvczxthen its not problem with ubuntu08:51
benzaldehydeHow 'should' one pronounce IRSSI?08:51
khepinubuntu is pingable from the windows host08:51
xzcvczxI R S S I08:52
BlackWebhelp-need look to the left panel and theres a window with messages from me08:52
xzcvczxsiddhantchd: open a terminal and go "ls /dev/usb/lp0"08:52
BlackWebdo you see it, Lets talk in there08:52
benzaldehydexzcvczx: seems a bit militant that way even IUPAC has eye-yoo-pack08:52
khepinok, I need to check more before I ask questions here, I think it's a virtual host issue cause with the ip itself I can access my server08:52
khepinthanks xzcvzx08:53
xzcvczxkhepin: can you ssh to the ubuntu box08:53
benzaldehydedouble thanks08:53
help-needBlackWeb, Im using a very weird xchat version ... Im not seen a privete message here08:53
siddhantchdxzcvczx is giving this /dev/usb/lp008:53
xzcvczxbenzaldehyde: well some nods call it errssi but thats just scrwed08:53
BlackWebtype /msg BlackWeb To Start Private08:53
xzcvczxsiddhantchd: meh no idea then, probably best to just hope for a reply on forums08:54
BlackWebso Something like  "/msg BlackWeb  hey" To Start Private08:54
benzaldehydexzcvczx: i use to think vi was pronounced vee, it is literally vee-eye to my dismay08:54
siddhantchdokie thank you xzcvczx08:54
=== lance_ is now known as Guest89878
xzcvczxbenzaldehyde: can also be pronounced vile08:55
benzaldehydexzcvczx: it is vile, nano for me08:56
siddhantchdanyone here help me with the installation of canon LBP2900 printer08:56
xzcvczxsiddhantchd: i said probably best to hope for reply on forum08:56
siddhantchdjust trying maybe someone can help here alao08:56
xzcvczxbenzaldehyde: echo ftw08:56
siddhantchdecho ftw08:57
xzcvczxwell there wasn't 10mins ago and 2mins before that and 3mins before that08:57
Rehanis there anything for ubuntu to make it so you don't have to find the exact pixel on the corner of a window to resize the window?08:58
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Dice-ManRehan: what do you wanna do ?08:58
xanguaalt+middle clic Rehan08:58
aauthorRehan: alt_middle click08:59
Rehanxangua: i'm on a laptop, middle clicking isn't really easy to do, any alternative? thx08:59
Rehanaauthor: i'm in the same room as xangua. I can see what he wrote :P08:59
xzcvczxRehan: hmm can't say it requires "exact pixel" for me09:00
marvin_good morning everybody.09:00
alexandrosgrWhen i type in youtube search the text is invisible09:00
crlcan81Does anyone else have issues with flash video on youtube itself, for videos that work perfectly fine on other sites with youtube content embedded, and work fine on html5 trial. This is using both the standard 32 bit installer, and the 64 bit alpha as I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit with proposed updates, and it was doing this before proposed updates were installed.09:00
aauthorRehan: What theme are you using?09:00
marvin_I am trying to grap a dd image of my hard discs and put them on a USB disk09:00
Rehanxzcvczx: the bottom right corner usually allows more space, but the other 3 corners seem to be really picky about it.09:00
marvin_But for any reason this is really really slow09:01
Rehanaauthor: the default one that comes with ubuntu 10.1009:01
Rehanaauthor: didn't change anything09:01
crlcan81ok that was f'n awesome. I just did super+middle click accidentally.09:01
marvin_500GB ofer USB 2.0 high speed should only take about 3 hours09:01
xzcvczxmarvin_: what bs did you choose?09:01
aauthorRehan: Hmm, I just noticed what you mean.09:01
marvin_in dd I specified 512 bytes09:01
xzcvczxmarvin_: haha well thers you problem09:01
xzcvczxtheres your*09:02
Rehanaauthor: yeah, huge usability flop09:02
tranceok i'm having an issue with 11.04 (yes i know it's beta), and ics09:02
xzcvczxRehan: well the bottom right is the normal09:02
alexandrosgranyone help me?09:02
xzcvczxtrance: #ubuntu+109:02
alexandrosgrwith invisible text in youtube search09:02
marvin_which block size should I use instead?09:03
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:03
Rehanxzcvczx: yeah, i don't see why only one corner can be used to resize. Windows has been able to do it pretty well for the last 18 years or so :P09:03
crlcan81This is in firefox 4 that I'm having the problem with flash videos.09:03
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:03
oCeanalexandrosgr: what os version, what browser (and version) are you using? T09:03
marvin_xzcvczx: Which blocksize shoudl I use instead?09:03
xzcvczxRehan: yet they managed to get EVERYTHING else wrong09:03
alexandrosgrubuntu 10 firefox 409:03
xzcvczxmarvin_: at least a few meg09:03
aauthorRehan: It seems to be a well known "bug" discussed on launchpad.09:04
aauthorRehan: Alt+F8 is another option though09:04
ohsixRehan: there are keys you can press to resize/move windows from anywhere in their area :D09:04
marvin_xzcvczx: I thought I need to use the physical block size of my disc. Will the image still be exactly the same?09:04
Rehanxzcvczx: thats probably true, but when it comes to usability, ubuntu seems to be playing catchup. :) oh well.09:04
Rehanaauthor: thank you09:04
xzcvczxmarvin_: yes09:04
aauthorRehan: No problem. :D09:04
marvin_xzcvczx: well than thanks for your help :)09:05
* crlcan81 waits patiently as he can having drank a bit too much caffeine for someone on a glucose/insulin pill.09:05
xzcvczxmarvin_: a putt load of 512 bytes requres a putt load of control packets09:05
aauthorRehan: And that shortcut can be changed in Keyboard Shortcuts if you so choose.09:05
Rehanaauthor: very helpful, thank you :)09:06
oCeanalexandrosgr: ff4 is not supported on current ubuntu 1009:06
* xzcvczx is getting ready to stab the person playing Crap music09:06
truepurple_Someone said that ubuntu 64bit is has a fair amount of issues, would you guys agree?09:06
oCeanxzcvczx: please don't do that in this channel09:07
=== sca is now known as sbc
Axlinissues like what? i haven't really noticed anything in the last 2 years of using it (x64)09:07
oCeantruepurple_: I agree with Axlin09:07
marvin_xzcvczx: in the mount table I see that the usb disk is mounted with a block size of 4k09:07
aauthortruepurple:  The only thing I've noticed is that flash can be a little laggy at times, but that's an adobe lack-of-support issue.09:07
ruanflash runs perfectly fine here09:08
marvin_xzcvczx: So should this be a desirable dd block size as well09:08
xzcvczxmarvin_: i really don't care what block size its mounted with09:08
xzcvczxmarvin_: but if you want it to finish in your lifetime i would advise higher09:08
aauthorruan:  did you do anything special or did it just work?09:08
Rehandoes anyone have a spec list of new hardware that I could buy if I wanted to build a desktop computer in which everything was 100% compatible with Ubuntu? Maybe its just my bad luck but over the last 3 years every laptop I've ever had always had problems being compatible with Ubuntu09:08
ruanaauthor: just worked09:08
Axlini've noticed that adobe's latest flash version to have improved performance a bit. still not perfect, though. and in ff4, i get artifacts while watching videos. that's solved with the 64 bit preview of flash player for linux though09:08
truepurple_aauthor oC09:09
oCean!hcl | Rehan09:09
ubottuRehan: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection09:09
aauthorHmm, maybe it's a mental thing for me then. ;)09:09
oCeantruepurple_: any version in last 2,5 year. No issues09:09
truepurple_Axlin: How do i check what version I have?09:10
truepurple_Axlin: I mean of flash09:10
aauthortruepurple_: I use 10.10 x6409:10
ohsixtruepurple_: about:plugins, or adobes version checker09:10
Axlini wouldn't say so, aauthor. being a user of linux, os x, and windows, i can definitely see that the linux version is much slower :P it's been getting better, though09:10
ralphuname -r09:10
ohsixAxlin: on the same machine?09:10
aauthorGood to know I'm not going crazy then Axlin09:10
Axlintruepurple: in terminal: dpkg -l flash*09:11
ohsixAxlin: flash is way slower in safari it's almost a joke :D09:11
tunavisionhow do i turn on timestamp in xchat?09:11
ruanhmm. i'll report ram and cpu usage of flash here09:11
RehanoCean: wow, no sony laptops are on that list at all09:11
Axlinohsix: i have a desktop that dual boots windows and kubuntu, and a laptop that dual boots os x and xubuntu09:11
xzcvczxohsix: which is rather funny as apple would be rather stuffed if adobe decided to stop make all their products for mac09:11
ohsix(it's worse in safari cuz you can't really block it without disabling it)09:11
ruan39% cpu and 30 mb of ram, youtube video09:11
ohsixit's not objectively worse, maybe a few percent if it's just one instance compared across platforms09:12
ruanno problem with the video, no choppiness etc09:12
Rehanany idea how well Ubuntu runs on macbook pros?09:12
truepurple_ohsix: Shockwave Flash 10.2 r153, that the latest experimental one?09:12
AxlinRehan: i would imagine pretty well. my laptop is a 2006 macbook (non-pro). but it runs xubuntu perfectly. only thing that doesn't work is the webcam09:13
ohsixtruepurple_: no idea09:13
oCeanRehan: well, it is just a list of "certified" hw. Lots (and lots) of other machines work very well with ubuntu09:13
ralphanyone know how to report a bug....and the fix to it? I got both but no idea where to put it09:13
ohsixAxlin: does it not have the chicony webcam?09:13
ruanim on flash
EllWhy my flash plug-in always crash?09:13
oCean!bug | ralph09:13
ubotturalph: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:13
xzcvczxralph: whats the bug for?09:13
RehanAxlin: i see. why do you use xubuntu instead of ubuntu if you don't mind me asking. I'm a complete noob.09:13
ruanno crashing here09:13
Axlinnot sure ohsix. haven't really looked into it (don't use it often)09:13
ralphokay thanks09:14
ralphits a vaio webcam no detection bug09:14
AxlinRehan: i use it just because my macbook is on the slow side. i could probably use gnome just as well, though. but this gave me a chance to try out xfce09:14
ralphthought its gonna be fixed in 11.04 cause relatively easy but still no detection without fixing it09:14
xzcvczxAxlin: lol i have a mini from early '06 and it still runs snow leopard with a vm running ubuntu fine :P09:15
Axlinhehe yeah i believe you xzcvczx. but i was getting irritated with how slow snow leopard was compared to kubuntu on my desktop. plus, i was simply growing partial to linux in general09:15
xzcvczxAxlin: i am sort of moving in that direction due to apples idea they can now charge for anything and everything09:16
Axlinyeah. i'm not really a fan of apple's recent direction either09:16
truepurple_Axlin: Is Shockwave Flash 10.2 r153 the latest version?09:16
Axlintruepurple: i believe so. that's the version i have installed09:17
truepurple_Axlin: You find the one meant for 64bit to work better?09:17
Axlintruepurple_: only in firefox 4, for me personally. i was getting all kinds of strange artifacts while watching embedded videos. that's gone with the 64b version09:18
truepurple_Axlin: Someone here told me once that the 64bit actually didn't work so well, and I should go to 3209:18
Axlinthough in any other browser, the regular one worked just fine09:18
Axlindunno. the 64 bit preview version has been working quite well for me so far. your mileage may vary though :P09:18
truepurple_How do I check if I have autoupdate of ubuntu on?09:19
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amalgamawhen i type in the search box of youtube i cant see the letters... i changed the theme of the browser but nothing... any ideas?09:19
ruanamalgama: and your theme?09:19
Axlinit should be enabled by default, checking daily. if you're unsure, open update manager, and check your settings09:19
ruanamalgama: ubuntu theme09:19
ruanamalgama: what colour is the text in your theme?09:20
amalgamaruan: my theme?? you mean my desktop theme's ??09:20
truepurple_ohsix: How do I check if I have autoupdate of ubuntu on?09:20
ruanamalgama: yes09:20
Axlinit should be enabled by default, checking daily. if you're unsure, open update manager, and check your settings <- truepurple_09:20
ruanamalgama: the colour of text09:20
vhdwhat is the "command" to open a terminal?09:21
ruanvhd: gnome-terminal or ctrl alt t09:21
=== BrainB0ne^ZzZ is now known as BrainB0ne
vhdruan, thanks09:21
vltHello. I want to capture a small sequence of screenshots and save them as .gif (please dont' ask why ;-)   Any idea how to achieve this?09:21
amalgamaruan: give me a minute09:21
truepurple_Axlin: If it is enabled, why should I check daily? Where is update manager?09:21
=== KindOne is now known as MeanOne
Axlintruepurple_: no, i mean the default is that it automatically checks daily. update manager is in system -> administration (i believe... i'm actually using xubuntu at the moment)09:22
vltSo, what is the shell command to take and save a screenshot?09:22
Axlintruepurple_: you can also open it with alt+f2, enter "update-manager" without quotes09:22
xzcvczxvlt: gnome-screenshot might be able to do it from vmdline09:23
vltxzcvczx: Thanks, I'll try.09:23
ruanvlt: you can use printscreen on the keyboard09:23
xzcvczxvlt: other wise i am sure there are plenty in the package manager for it09:24
xzcvczxruan: lol i forgot about printscrn button... i haven't had one in years09:24
=== MeanOne is now known as KindOne
vltruan: But that doesn't save it. (And I dont want to hit that key 50 times every 50 ms ...)09:24
ruanyou can also convert a video into a set of .gifs09:25
truepurple_Axlin: Ok I got update manager up, but I don't see if its set to update daily or not. When I click on settings it asks for a password and does not accept mine09:25
ruanrecord desktop > convert to gif09:25
xzcvczxtruepurple_: well are you able to sudo to root?09:25
truepurple_xzcvczx: I don't know what that means09:26
ruantruepurple_: gksudo update-manager09:26
xzcvczxtruepurple_: who set up your computer?09:26
truepurple_xzcvczx: I did09:26
vltruan: record using wich tool?09:26
ruanvlt: not sure, but there are some in the repos09:26
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aauthorUbuntu 11.04 has aero snap-esque functionality built in?!  What's more surprising is I've been using it for a month, and just now noticed.09:26
xzcvczxaauthor: aero snap-esque?09:27
akashm1990any way to have all terminals set to root permanently? Or a single command which sets the current terminal to root?09:27
xzcvczxakashm1990: you do NOT want all terminals as root09:27
soreauaauthor: Your welcome ;)09:27
xzcvczxthere is a reason that its not in the first place09:27
xzcvczxakashm1990: and sudo su -09:27
truepurple_ruan: Ok that terminal command worked, but how come the gui interface didn't work09:27
xzcvczxbut be careful09:27
=== thricer is now known as sm`
ralphabout the bug reporting...turns out my little add on is not considered a bug but I suppose a driver issue...where would I report that?09:28
soreau! language | Vizirka09:28
ubottuVizirka: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:28
xzcvczxand don't come crying here when you kill your system09:28
akashm1990sudo su -   it will set the current window to root?  xzcvczx09:28
aauthorxzcvczx: Where you drag a window to the left or right side, and it's resized to take up that half of the screen, and when you drag it to the top, it maximizes the window.09:28
Vizirkaubuttu hush now baby, don't you cry!09:28
oCeanakashm1990: use 'sudo -i' to invoke rootshell09:28
truepurple_xzcvczx: Are you talking to me?09:28
oCeanVizirka: do you have a support question?09:28
xzcvczxtruepurple_: no09:28
Danielcg25Vizirka: eat a burrito.09:29
VizirkaYes oCean bro09:29
akashm1990oCean, Thanks09:29
ralphdoes anyone know?09:29
VizirkaDanielcg25 bro wtf?09:29
akashm1990xzcvczx, If i am the only user of the computer, can having permanent root still break it?09:29
oCeanVizirka: stop that language please09:29
xzcvczxralph: well does it have an upstream from ubuntu?09:29
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xzcvczxakashm1990: yes09:29
truepurple_Axlin: Can you help me figure out why I can't access it through menu?09:29
VizirkaoCean bruder it is english09:29
xzcvczxakashm1990: aka you can break it09:30
Danielcg25Vizirka: burritos are yummy09:30
ralphxzcvczx: what do you mean with upstream?09:30
pkkmHow to remove all lines shorter than 3 characters from a file?09:30
VizirkaI hate the mexician foods09:30
ralphim new to ubuntu lol09:30
spiralsakashm1990, yeah, you don't want or need to be root, use the proper privilege elevation methods for the task09:30
akashm1990xzcvczx, ok, will not do it then. I thought root was something like UAC in Vista09:30
xzcvczxralph: well unless its made by canonical its made by someone else and appropriated by ubuntu09:30
Vizirkaikonia bruder wake up puppetboy, please!09:30
spiralsakashm1990, UAC equivalent is sudo or gksudo basically09:31
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:31
=== michael is now known as Guest74216
Antonisthe clock on gnome-panel has stopped work and I don't know why. every time I kill the panel it updates itself as the panel reopens but it stays as it is no seconds changing nothing.. could someone pls help me?09:31
scabs42@Antonis try restarting09:31
xzcvczxakashm1990: you can do nasty things like <DONT DO THIS>"rm -rf /"</DONT DO THIS> as root09:31
Axlintruepurple_: if you're the one who set up your account, it shouldn't be rejecting your password if you're typing it correctly09:31
soreau! resetpanel | Antonis09:32
ubottuAntonis: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:32
VizirkaI think ubuntu without KDE very well. With KDE ( dirty dozen of bugz ) not useable09:32
aauthorakashm1990: If you cat walks on your keyboard, you don't want to accidentally format your hardrive. ;)09:32
xzcvczxakashm1990: or <DONT DO THIS>cat /dev/urandom > /dev/sdaN</DONT DO THIS>09:32
ralph<xzcvczx> well that's the thing though, I went through forums and many people with a vaio have that issue...and I the fix so I think some developers should take a look at it and include it to the drivers package09:33
Axlintruepurple_: or did i just misinterpret your problem?09:33
truepurple_Axlin: I am typing it in correctly, and it works fine if I use gksudo update-manager, if I use that command it asks for my password before it loads update manager. If I use menu, it asks for a password when I click on settings, and I am SURE I have the right password, absolutely positive09:33
Danielcg25Vizirka: Than eat a "taco". (notice the ""'s)09:33
xzcvczxralph: hence it goes to who made the drivers package for it.... not ubuntu/canonical09:33
ralph....if that is how things go here. I'm not sure haha09:33
Antonisthanks guys09:33
akashm1990xzcvczx, Commands seem interesting to read, Does the 1st one delete the current working directory and the second one format a partition?09:33
ma3xhi why doesn't ubuntu recognize surfsticks as /dev/ttyUSBn? how can i make it work09:33
Axlintruepurple_: is it rejecting your password when you click the settings button then?09:33
xzcvczxakashm1990: the first one nukes everything on your hard drive09:34
ralph<xzcvczx> yeah but there must be some place to um..post it haha09:34
xzcvczxwell all the partitions that are mounted09:34
VizirkaDanielcg25 brother no. But give me boutils of Tequila09:34
oCeanVizirka: please stop09:34
xzcvczxand the 2nd one will overwrite the partition with random numbers09:34
VizirkaoCean bro: Have you any problem?09:34
truepurple_Axlin: When I go through menu, if I use the command instead, it asks for the password before loading update manager, accepts that password, and does NOT ask for a password when I click on settings09:34
akashm1990xzcvczx, definitely deserves the <DONT DO THIS> tags then09:34
xzcvczxralph: well if you look at what package the drivers came in it will say what the website for them are09:35
Axlintruepurple_: but it accepts the password either way? if that's the case, then the reason is that using 'gksu update-manager', you're launching with root permissions to begin with. otherwise, it's launching without those privileges and has to ask you for them after you click the settings button09:36
xzcvczxakashm1990: although be aware gettings roots as easy as restarting your computer :P09:36
chicognuFolks I forgot the name the guy who is trying to help me wih grub, One of they are BlackWeb and the other I forgot. Anyway Thanks to both09:36
truepurple_Axlin: No, it does NOT accept the correct password if I go through menu09:36
VizirkaJustice and Freedom for Palestina09:37
ruantruepurple_: did you try gksudo update-manager09:37
truepurple_ruan yes, I said I did09:37
xzcvczxVizirka: shut the fridge up09:37
ralph<xzcvczx> I think you misunderstood me. Everything is fine running Vista...yest Ubuntu has issues picking up the camera as it recognizes it while not being able to work with it in neither Cheese, nor Skype, or whatever camera bound program you wanna use09:37
Axlintruepurple_: oh, that's odd. i'm not sure why that is then09:37
Vizirkaxzcvxzx are you da cionist? Elil Allhu Akhbar!09:38
oCean!ops | Vizirka09:38
VizirkaThe Holy Djihad starting again:)09:38
VizirkaoCean bro stop that espionnage09:38
pksadiqVjzirka this is not such a channel, just stop that, I'm too a muslim09:38
oCeanVizirka: as soon as you leave this channel09:38
xzcvczxralph: whats that got to do with anything.... its obvisouly an issue with the linux drivers09:39
xzcvczxand who in their right mind still/ever ran/runs vista09:39
ralph<xzcvczx> alright. then my question again...where to post the fix? so I'm not the only one using it09:39
VizirkaoCean bro: as soon I will fuck you09:39
xzcvczxralph: i have told you look who the hell the driver comes from09:39
xzcvczxi aint going to be your lakky09:39
FloodBot2xzcvczx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:39
ralphbeen on mint before, vista is just the factory os09:39
ubottuVizirka: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!09:39
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
sykeshow to change performance levels with nouveau?09:40
akashm1990Channel emergency?09:40
=== Fragster is now known as A_J
ma3xhi why doesn't ubuntu recognize surfsticks as /dev/ttyUSBn? how can i make it work09:40
A_Jhey how can i use a cue file in ubuntu ?09:40
sykesis there a way to change performance level of gpu while using nouveau driver?09:41
truepurple_Axlin: Might anyone here be able to help me?09:41
xzcvczxA_J: google for a bin2iso converter09:41
xzcvczxma3x: try google09:41
ma3xi tried google09:41
ma3xkernel doesnt assign usbtty to stick09:41
ruanA_J: try furius iso mount or acetoneiso09:42
A_Jxzcvczx I mean cue file which are in mp3's09:42
ruanA_J: uh..09:42
A_Jone sec09:42
ruanA_J: try to open them with a media player?09:43
pksadiqma3x try configin modem as YOURS in wvdial09:43
A_Jruan rythum box ?09:43
Axlintruepurple_: i'm afraid i don't know of anybody personally. your best bet would be to ask why update manager is rejecting your password09:43
ruanA_J: try it09:43
truepurple_Axlin: It only does it if I go through the menu though. Synaptic package manager does the same thing too09:44
Axlintruepurple_: it looks like this may be your issue here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gksu/+bug/9032409:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 90324 in gksu (Ubuntu) "gksu doesn't accept/rejects password, no choice but use sudo instead on feisty" [Medium,Invalid]09:46
kkristof_anyone know when the 11.04 will be releasing?09:47
truepurple_Axlin: System-> administration-> login screen had this issue, but since then has changed.09:47
cdbskkristof_: April 28th09:47
xzcvczxkkristof_: read the release schedule09:47
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.09:47
ruankkristof_: also, !$releaseversion as above^09:47
ralphtruepurple: sudo passwd root09:47
oCeanralph: do not suggest that09:47
oCeanralph: no, it is not supported09:48
ralphwhat you mean?09:48
xzcvczxA_J: hence it is a cue bin09:48
truepurple_ralph: Type that into a terminal you mean?09:48
ravenhow to do automated rsync backup?09:48
A_Jhow can i use it, use to use foobar2k on windoes09:49
ralphyeah but idk...wait for ocean what he has to say09:49
ruanif i had a sample cue file, hmm09:49
xzcvczxA_J: well does it have a bin?09:49
ruanA_J: there is a player which can use cue files on ubuntu09:49
ruanA_J: search 'cue' on ubuntu software center09:49
oCeanralph: truepurple_ sure it will work, but once you have set a password for root user, we cannot provide the support you might need09:49
xzcvczxmplayer i *think* can09:49
MK`How big do I need to make the swap when installing?09:50
oCeanralph: truepurple_: ubuntu comes with the sudo/gksu for a reason09:50
ravenhow to do automated rsync backup?09:50
truepurple_oCean: I don't know what that all means09:50
ruanraven: you can use a bash script09:50
ruanwell, you can do anything with a bash script09:51
ravenruan how to trigger it at startup?09:51
ruanraven: add the script to startup09:51
ravenruan, how?09:51
ruanraven: with startup applications in system > pref09:51
ralphoCean: how about just passwd that should do it, maybe he just needs to reset it09:52
ravenruan, sry i do not know where09:52
ruanraven: system > preferences09:52
xzcvczxraven: i am sure google has plenty of more suitable ways to do it09:52
oCeanralph: maybe, but he did login, in his session right?09:53
ravenah ok tnx09:53
oCeantruepurple_: I'm not aware of your exact problem. You want to upgrade?09:53
ralphoCean: idk...kinda jumped in late also09:53
sykesis there a way to change performance level of gpu while using nouveau driver?09:54
truepurple_oCean: The exact problem is certain commands issued through system adminstration menu rejects my valid password, but if I go through terminal for those same commands, it works09:54
Antonisguys do you know of any web development application with interface? I don't expect it to be as complicated as dreamweaver is but something I can create forms, tabled etc. and style them09:54
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oCeantruepurple_: ok. What version ubuntu are you currently using?09:55
truepurple_oCean: 10.10 64bit09:56
xzcvczxtruepurple_: check your system logs and see if you have errors in there09:56
ralphtruepurple_ yeah then just go into terminal, type passwd , hit enter, type your current password, enter, new (different password), then confirm and hope09:56
truepurple_xzcvczx: How?09:56
xzcvczxtruepurple_: tail /var/log/messages -n 10009:57
truepurple_xzcvczx: Type that into terminal?09:57
xzcvczxno type it into your web browser09:57
oCeanxzcvczx: that is not helpful09:58
truepurple_Why webbrowser? What does my browser have to do with system commands?09:58
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oCeantruepurple_: ignore that last comment. It's a command for your terminal indeed09:58
ralph<truepurple_> he was just messing with you09:58
Axlinsarcasm is probably best not used in a situation like this...09:59
truepurple_Well I am still learning linux, very new to it09:59
ralphno kidding09:59
xzcvczxoCean: i really don't care... he needs to learn to help himself a bit09:59
truepurple_Alot to absorb, especially when everything isn't working right09:59
Axlinawesome attitude09:59
oCeanxzcvczx: that 'humor' is not welcome in this channel, thanks09:59
xzcvczxoCean: its not humor09:59
ralph<truepurple_>  go up a bit, i posted you terminal line and see if it works, it pretty simple10:00
oCeantruepurple_: when you try (in terminal) gksudo update-manager ..does it work?10:00
ruanit's been tried10:00
truepurple_oCean: Yes I said10:00
oCeantruepurple_: Ok, I understood that you could not get into updatemanager. But it's actually that you cannot get there through menu10:01
SgrAWhat's a good LCD font for Linux?10:01
truepurple_oCean: That seems to be the case, like its a GUI issue10:01
oCeantruepurple_: indeed. Have not heard that one before :(10:01
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truepurple_oCean: This link was found by I think it was axlin, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gksu/+bug/90324 Perhaps this is it or related10:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 90324 in gksu (Ubuntu) "gksu doesn't accept/rejects password, no choice but use sudo instead on feisty" [Medium,Invalid]10:02
ruanSgrA: you can check in system>appearances>fonts10:02
prxIsnt gksudo merely a frontend to sudo?10:02
oCeantruepurple_: might be related, though feisty release is very old10:02
xzcvczxprx: indeed, doesn't mean its perfect through10:03
truepurple_oCean: Well I don't understand enough of it to make sense of that10:03
oCeanprx, yes. But sudo does not set correct environment when working with gui10:03
prxxzcvczx: By frontend i meant not a reimplementation, but it actually calls sudo10:03
prxoCean: ic, thx10:03
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)10:04
truepurple_oCean: Ok I got that log, now what?10:04
oCeantruepurple_: I don't think anything useful will be in that log. I agree it has to be gui (gconf) related.10:05
prxI think i got what gksudo does... its like su vs su -10:05
prxso essentially 'sudo su -' in a shell yould take care of that, correct?10:06
oCeanprx: read here about sudo vs gksu(do) http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo10:06
prxoCean: im reading right now10:07
truepurple_ruan: oCean: That gksudo thing apply to me too?10:07
oCeantruepurple_: can you try this command in terminal? gconftool --get /apps/gksu/sudo-mode10:07
truepurple_oCean: All it did was say "False"10:08
truepurple_lower case f10:08
gb__can we get suport for natty here too ?10:09
oCean!natty | gb__10:09
ubottugb__: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.10:09
javahornwhich VPN to setup for ubuntu 10.1010:09
gb__oCean: thank10:09
xzcvczxjavahorn: whichever one you want that is supported10:09
Danielcg25If Natty uses Gnome, should it be "Gnatty"?10:09
javahornxzcvczx: i had r60.exe but it does not install10:10
prxoCean: Im here to gather some information by chance... if thats not the correct chan, please say so. I do not want to bother busy ppl in here.10:10
xzcvczxjavahorn: wow i hope you are kidding10:10
oCeanprx: no problem at all10:10
javahornxzcvczx: which link is there for ubuntu?10:10
prxoCean: thx10:10
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
ruanjavahorn: what about openvpn?10:10
javahornruan any link?10:11
xzcvczxjavahorn: well exes aren't linux10:11
xzcvczxjavahorn: !google openvpn10:11
ruanhmm. apt:// is a protocol right?10:11
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javahornxzcvczx: yes , how to convert?10:11
xzcvczxyou don't10:11
xzcvczxexe is NOT for linux10:11
oCeantruepurple_: try this: start (in terminal) gksudo gconf-editor10:11
=== Lars__ is now known as LarsTorben
ruan!info ike-qtgui10:12
ubottuike-qtgui (source: ike): Shrew Soft VPN client - Connection manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.5+dfsg-1 (maverick), package size 193 kB, installed size 548 kB10:12
truepurple_oCean: You want me to put "start" as part of the command?10:12
oCeantruepurple_: nope, from gksu....10:13
Salih-kHi all. I have a problem with flash player on firefox. When i try to run two flash video in different tabs one of them that is crush. What can i do for this problem?10:13
ruanjavahorn: type sudo apt-get install ike-qtgui from a terminal or use ubuntu software center and search 'vpn'10:13
truepurple_oCean: I don't understand10:13
javahornruan: let me try10:13
mister2why doesn't this script work: http://pastebin.com/6g0a3nSX10:13
oCeantruepurple_: type this without the quotes:  "gksudo gconf-editor"10:14
ruanmister2: how doesn't it work?10:14
mister2ruan: it just doesn't ever echo10:14
soreauoCean: Err..10:14
truepurple_Ocean Ok done10:14
ruanmister2: echo -n $date10:14
prxSalih-k: I was having trouble using gnash (flash alternative) too, deinstall gnash, and install adobe-flashplugin, that should to the trick10:15
ruanmister2: wait..10:15
soreauoCean: Why would you run gconf-editor as root?10:15
oCeansoreau: oh wait, indeed10:15
prxgnash uses up way to much CPU anyway10:15
ruanmister2: $date isn't a variable10:15
oCeantruepurple_: nvm, please exit the application gconf-editor for a moment10:15
oCeansoreau: thanks :)10:15
Salih-kprx: but î10:15
mister2ruan: oh o.o10:15
akashm1990I used this guide to install LAMP  http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies10:15
Axlineither way, i think oCean has the solution. i was able to reproduce the problem by unchecking the "sudo-mode" key :)10:15
akashm1990How can I open phpmyadmin now?10:16
oCeanAxlin: sounds good!10:16
truepurple_soreau: Thanks as well, I didn't understand any of that, but it might have saved me some trouble10:16
mister2wait so what was i supposed to do for read?10:16
Salih-kprx: but i am already using adobe10:16
truepurple_Axlin: Is that directed at me?10:16
oCeantruepurple_: you can start the gconf-editor command again, without the gksudo, so, in terminal:  gconf-editor10:16
Axlintruepurple_: somewhat. just listen to what oCean has to say :)10:16
soreauoCean: truepurple_10:16
ruanmister2: use a different method of getting the date10:17
prxSalih-k: You may want to run your browser inside a terminal, as this gives additional errormessages which might be helpful10:17
soreauoCean: truepurple_: You can mess up your permissions by running user apps as root10:17
ruanmister2: wait, date is a command10:17
ruanmister2: hold on, im going to experiment10:17
oCeansoreau: yep, that is why we now run the gconf-editor as user10:17
truepurple_soreau: Is "gconf-editor" that?10:17
truepurple_oCean: Done10:18
oCeantruepurple_: click the (+) sign next to Apps, then from the list select gksu10:18
prxSalih-k: have you deinstalled the gnash plugin? It may still be on your system being used despite you installing adobe-flash10:18
soreautruepurple_: Yes, all settings in gconf-editor are stored in $HOME/.gconf and many gnome apps use these settings10:18
soreautruepurple_: If they were to become owned by root, other user apps would no longer be able to write and save settings10:19
truepurple_soreau: Are you telling me not to listen to oCean?10:19
soreautruepurple_: So far as running gconf-editor as root (with gksudo), yes10:20
* Danielcg25 runs10:20
truepurple_soreau: But as just "gconf-editor", it is fine?10:20
soreautruepurple_: yes10:20
oCeantruepurple_: but we corrected that mistake, thanks to soreau, and now we are running it as yourself, not as user,remember?10:20
truepurple_oCean: Done10:20
oCeantruepurple_: in the right pane you see "sudo-mode". Since the command said "false" it is NOT selected, correct?10:20
oCeantruepurple_: I mean, the box is not ticked10:21
truepurple_oCean: I don't understand it all though, so I wanted to make sure I understood correctly is all10:21
oCeantruepurple_: yes, that is very smart10:21
truepurple_oCean: It is not ticked, ALL the boxes are unticked10:21
oCeantruepurple_: now tick the box for "sudo-mode"10:21
grigoriadesis there any chatroom for backtrack users???10:22
oCeantruepurple_: you can quit the gconf-editor, and run this command again: gconftool --get /apps/gksu/sudo-mode10:22
Danielcg25!backtrack | grigoriades10:23
ubottugrigoriades: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition10:23
truepurple_oCean: It just said true this time10:23
oCeantruepurple_: great! Now it's time to test if this solution works! Try Menu > system > administration > updatemanager (for example)10:24
Ellgo off work now10:24
truepurple_oCean: It worked!10:25
oCean!yay | truepurple_10:25
ubottutruepurple_: Glad you made it! :-)10:25
Danielcg25lol the bot has !yay10:25
oCeantruepurple_: nice. What you now actually did, is tell the gui backend to use the same method for authentication as you do on the commandline.10:25
truepurple_oCean: And so does synaptic package manager, which no longer asks for a password at all10:26
Danielcg25truepurple: O.O10:26
truepurple_oCean: Ah, what was it doing before?10:26
Danielcg25Anyone could install anything then! Or uninstall...thats not a good idea10:26
Bill_Hello everybody.........Does anybody want to help an Ubuntu rookie configure a wired network card????10:26
oCeantruepurple_: not sure. It tried to authenticate without sudo, but there is no administrator password, so it failed. ... is what I think10:27
truepurple_daniel you mean remotely?10:27
soreautruepurple_: You can also re-own all files in .gconf by running as your normal user: sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.gconf10:27
oCeantruepurple_: Danielcg25 no, it will ask for a passwd once the sudo timeout has expired or an other user tries it10:27
truepurple_soreau:  I don't know what you mean by "re-own"10:27
soreautruepurple_: It will only not ask for password if you have entered it recently10:28
oCeansoreau: truepurple_ there's no need to chown the gconf files, since we edited as user, not as root10:28
truepurple_soreau: Actually, that whole line seemed like gibberish to me10:28
Danielcg25sudo chown -R /all/your/base10:28
Axlini'm pretty sure it stores permissions for 15 mins... it should ask for your password again after that time. this is normal behavior10:28
truepurple_oCean: I didn't understand what you just said too10:28
oCeantruepurple_: hang on10:29
oCeantruepurple_: see what Axlin said, last line ^10:29
truepurple_Axlin: New to me, before it asked for password every time10:29
oCeantruepurple_: sudo authentication has a method to store your "granted access" for 15 minutes (in the same shell)10:29
truepurple_And it really got old10:29
soreautruepurple_: ie. in case you ran gconf-editor with escalated permissions (with sudo, gksu or gksudo) and changed any setting (it will write the file as root and subsequently own it to root) then you can recursively (that is what -R means here) re-own the permissions to your normal user with the aforementioned command10:29
Bill_Hello everybody.........Does anybody want to help an Ubuntu rookie configure a wired network card????10:30
truepurple_soreau: Y10:30
truepurple_soreau: Sorry, you will have to dumb that down alot if you want me to understand that10:30
soreautruepurple_: Lets just assume everything is ok :)10:30
soreauBill_: What is the card connected to?10:31
truepurple_soreau: So no changes?10:31
oCeantruepurple_: I agree with soreau there, it seems the issue is fixed10:31
oCeannice find on that bug from Axlin though :)10:31
soreautruepurple_: Should be fine, I was just making a point10:31
Axlinoh, that gksu bug? thanks, but it was you who found the solution oCean ;)10:32
truepurple_soreau: Sorry I couldn't understand it for you, perhaps I will shove it into a tomeboy note and hope to understand it in the future10:32
soreautruepurple_: The underlying message is, never run anything as root unless you know why you need to10:32
benzaldehydeFluxbox is so the bomb!10:32
flynn3doesn't get as old school when running irssi in xterm10:32
oCeanAxlin: .. I got hinted by that bugreport :) Anyway, I'm off now.10:32
tyrone\join #python10:32
truepurple_soreau: Even there, I don't know what it means to run things as root (except for real basic principle) or even if I have run X command as root or not10:33
tyrone\\join #python10:33
benzaldehydeflynn3: tried that, strained my eyes, 32 inch flat screen10:33
prxtruepurple: You would need to know this. root ist the administrator, allowed to do _everything_ on that machine, even do bad stuff10:33
flynn3benzaldehyde: yeah I had to skwint to see your name.  comes up yellow10:33
antant!find ncurses10:33
soreautruepurple_: Running as root means you used gksu, gksudo or sudo, or if you are logged in as root at your terminal, the last character will be a #. For user, the last char for your prompt is $10:33
Axlinoh, i see what you mean. i missed that post, heh. well cool10:34
prxtruepurple: so you would want to minimize doing stuff as root10:34
ubottuFound: lib64ncurses5, lib64ncurses5-dev, libncurses5, libncurses5-dbg, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5, libncursesw5-dbg, libncursesw5-dev, ncurses-base, ncurses-bin (and 11 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ncurses&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all10:34
benzaldehydeflynn3: white backgrounds are never the way to go10:34
truepurple_soreau: Administrator and user are the same to me, being the only person who uses this PC10:34
antant!find /usr/include/zlib.h10:34
ubottuFile /usr/include/zlib.h found in zlib1g-dev10:34
flynn3benzaldehyde: yeah, i've always been a fan of gnome-terminal and others like it (terminator)10:34
antant!find /usr/include/ncurses.h10:35
ubottuFile /usr/include/ncurses.h found in libncurses5-dev10:35
benzaldehydeflynn3: i am gnome termin' it in irssi10:35
antant!find msgfmt10:35
ubottuFound: liblocale-msgfmt-perl10:35
soreautruepurple_: That is the mistake most people make. They are entirely not the same thing10:35
prxtruepurple: it is not the same as an ordinary user, although an user might become root. Why should there be root if it was the same10:35
Bill_Hello everybody.........Does anybody want to help an Ubuntu rookie configure a wired network card????10:36
soreauBill_: What is the card connected to?10:36
flynn3benzaldehyde: nice!  I have a built in terminal on my desktop that I use for irssi.  wee-chat is a bit easier to read with the colors10:36
soreauBill_: I mean the wire10:36
soreau! who | Bill_10:36
ubottuBill_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:36
txhhello, can the application that allows installation of windows type drivers be used on other linux types debian, or gentoo?10:36
truepurple_oCean: On the forum I got a simplier way to enable that, "gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/gksu/sudo-mode true"10:36
Bill_ethernet the answer your looking for10:36
bawukmonster!find /use/include/zlib.h10:37
ubottuPackage/file /use/include/zlib.h does not exist in maverick10:37
evtlcw cs 1.6 5n5 mid,10:37
bawukmonster!find /usr/include/zlib.h10:37
ubottuFile /usr/include/zlib.h found in zlib1g-dev10:37
benzaldehydeflynn3: what browser do you use generally? i was thinking about ditching firefox but now tht i see fluxbox is this fast i want to stick with it only i noticed f11 no longer works in maverick on it10:37
prxtxh: there is only a certain type of driver that can actually be used, and even then you probably do not want this10:37
evtlclan war? counter-strike 1.6 mid 5n510:37
maxx0rwhen i try to install grub, it hangs at "Searching for GRUB installation directory ... found: /boot/grub" and does not go on. what can i do?10:37
prxtxh: what driver are you talking about?10:38
benzaldehydeflynn3: you ought to be able to change the color scheme in gnome terminal emulation i should think10:38
benzaldehydeflynn3: gonna try it10:38
flynn3benzaldehyde: firefox 4 is nice10:38
flynn3benzaldehyde: I used it in beta i'm still on it10:39
flynn3benzaldehyde: you like fluxbox huh?  have you tried enlightment?10:39
benzaldehydewow i unchecked "use colors from system theme" and instant improvement10:39
Bill_soreau> is "ethernet" the correct answer your looking for10:39
benzaldehydeflynn3: not really, my linux use has been hit or miss, my laptop took a dump on me so i decided why not just go with linux on ps3 rather than do anything else10:41
crackguycan I remote access ubuntu machine using Windows Remote Desktop program>10:41
phoenixsamprasbenzaldehyde: try transparency in terminal, is cool10:41
prxcrackguy: If you enabled shared desktop in linux you may use something like ultravnc10:42
benzaldehydeflynn3: I just now got into the same speed of my laptop using fluxbox, gnome was so so slugish10:42
flynn3benzaldehyde: enlightment is more attractive and as light10:42
flynn3i can't paste in xterm irssi :(  be back on gnome :)10:43
benzaldehydeflynn3: i'm hesitant to go too far too fast, my intention is to use this as a work station, chemistry and so forth, lots of pdf reading10:43
=== hermanlf_ is now known as hermanlf
Flynn3back and better10:44
benzaldehydeFlynn3: do you filter out the parts joins and such10:44
Flynn3 /join   ?10:44
benzaldehydein irssi10:44
benzaldehydeFlynn3:  the annoying part and joins10:45
Flynn3benzaldehyde: no10:45
benzaldehydeFlynn3: i hate those10:45
benzaldehydeFlynn3: :D10:45
devin_hello, I have a problem with a linux install after installation10:45
Bill_! soreau, you see what I last put?10:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:45
devin_the resolution is stuck at 800x60010:45
Flynn3devin_: what's the problem?10:45
spendyalaHi all10:46
spendyalaare able to receive my messages10:46
Bill_Hi spendyala10:46
devin_I am using a Trident CuberBlade xp graphics card in a Toshiba Satellite Pro 460010:46
spendyalaI am new to IRC10:46
spendyalatrying to learn new thing10:46
spendyalathis is one among those10:46
devin_I cannot figure out how to change the resolution to 1024x76810:47
Danielcg25!enter | spendyala10:47
ubottuspendyala: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:47
Flynn3devin_: gnome-display-properties10:47
brontosaurusrexspendyala, try /join #ubuntu-offtopic10:47
loxswill gnome 3 be in ubuntu natty?10:47
Flynn3devin_: might have to run it as gksudo10:47
Bill_spendala, so am I. just FYI, I just learned. If you address someone personally, put their name so they know who you are addressing10:47
Flynn3loxs: i think it'll be in the repos10:48
Danielcg25How do I get a user into the sudoers file?10:48
devin_I will give it a  try real quick, just a moment10:48
brontosaurusrexDanielcg25, visudo10:48
=== Shvonder is now known as Besogon
brontosaurusrexDanielcg25, basically add the user to admin group is what i did10:48
spendyalaBill_ How to join the a channel and how to use this effectively10:48
truepurple_oCean:  soreau: Thankyou for all your help10:48
benzaldehydeFlynn3: /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS QUITS NICKS PARTS10:49
Flynn3Danielcg25: add your user as a admin in the /etc/group    or type in a terminal:  visudo        and add your user to the sudoers file10:49
truepurple_oCean: Are user names cap sensitive when logging in?10:49
Danielcg25Flynn3: Thanks10:49
benzaldehydeis a /me an action or just when ops kick and ban10:50
Flynn3Danielcg25: do you got it after the sudo visudo part??10:50
* prx scratches himself10:51
iceroottruepurple_: everything in linux/unix is case sensitiv. users, files, groups and so on10:51
Flynn3benzaldehyde: nice10:51
Danielcg25It says access denied10:51
Flynn3benzaldehyde: msg'ed you10:51
Danielcg25Flynn3: ^^10:51
truepurple_iceroot: But this is smuxi, not linux10:51
Flynn3Danielcg25: sudo visudo10:51
benzaldehydeFlynn3: i don't have the hang of that yet10:51
iceroottruepurple_: and this is ubuntu-support (linux)10:51
Bill_spendyala, I don't know if you can "join" the channel. I think you can participate when your on, ect. How to use it effectively? I don't know yet, I have not been effective at using it effectively yet. Ill let you know when I learn. ;-)10:51
benzaldehydeFlynn3: /window #?10:51
Flynn3benzaldehyde: ctrl p10:52
qwebirc61633"apm: BIOS not found."  Does this mean that my motherboard is not using APM?!10:52
devin_I have to install gnome-display-center10:52
qwebirc61633or just the module is not LOADED?10:52
Danielcg25Doesn't work10:52
prxdevin_: Youll use ACPI anyway, dont bother with APM10:52
PeddyMy menus in qt and KDE programs flicker when I move the cursor. Is this a known problem?10:52
prxsorry devin_10:52
Flynn3Danielcg25: sudo visudo should work10:52
prxqwebirc61633: Youll use ACPI anyway, dont bother with APM10:52
qwebirc61633prx: the machine IS OLD10:53
Flynn3Danielcg25: unless you are the user without root permissions10:53
Danielcg25I am the user =p10:53
Flynn3Danielcg25: in that case lets make the magic happen10:53
devin_It is installing, once installed, what should I do to fix resolution10:53
Danielcg25I can su root though10:53
qwebirc61633prx: Ubuntu is not powering it off!10:53
qwebirc61633prx: This is really buggy10:53
prxqwebirc61633: maybe you could post a complete dmesg after bootup somewhere?10:53
qwebirc61633prx: it shows System Halted and fans keep spinning10:53
Danielcg25It's funny, because you all think I cant. I know how to su root.10:54
prxqwebirc61633: Yeah, shitty BIOSes10:54
Flynn3qwebirc61633: sudo halt10:54
qwebirc61633prx: I have tried ACPI10:54
qwebirc61633Flynn3: ..........10:54
Danielcg25(hint: im not in Ubuntu, or even Linux. I am on iOS, the OS for apple iDevices)10:54
Flynn3Danielcg25: do you have a live ubuntu cd??10:54
serp_hey what's up Danielcg2510:55
Danielcg25Flynn3: LOL. I am on an iPod. No CD drive xD10:55
Danielcg25serp_: Hi10:55
qwebirc61633Flynn3: of course it DIDNT WORK I said that system halts but does not poweroff !10:55
Danielcg25It is a *nix OS, though.10:55
Flynn3Danielcg25: hmm apple irc isn't that fun10:55
qwebirc61633!ot | Flynn310:55
ubottuFlynn3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:55
Flynn3qwebirc61633: touchy touchy10:56
devin_Flynn3: That still only offers 800x600 resolution10:56
qwebirc61633Flynn3: at least read what other people write10:56
Flynn3devin_: your going to want to edit your xorg.conf  which by default ubuntu does not use.  you can generate one though but's it's a process10:57
benzaldehydeFlynn3: yep i think you have to chmod a directory and then Xorg -configure although i just nano'd one by sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and created my own10:58
phibxr /join #ubuntu+110:58
benzaldehydephibxr: ?10:58
ruanphibxr: no space before /join10:58
phibxrbenzaldehyde, one space too much in front of the slash. :P10:58
tim167hi, I want to stop a program from commandline, i try killall <name of application>, it doesn't complain but it also doesn't stop the program...how do i do this ?10:59
qwebirc61633[10:54] <prx> qwebirc61633: Yeah, shitty BIOSes10:59
qwebirc61633no, it's not bios fault10:59
prxtim167: try killall -9 programname10:59
benzaldehydephibxr: eye, she be a tricky thing the keyboard argh10:59
ljsoftnetwhy does my firefox does something in the background after, everything is loaded?10:59
qwebirc61633prx: I cant poweroff successfully in Archlinux10:59
qwebirc61633but cant in Ubuntu so maybe it's a damn bug10:59
Flynn3qwebirc61633: not helping you.  but might want to look into hdparm and scripting :P10:59
prxqwebirc61633: Doesnt make me wonder if this is really something BIOS specific11:00
ruanqwebirc61633: and in recovery mode?11:00
lucidiumljsoftnet, be more specific11:00
Flynn3qwebirc61633: also this isn't arch.11:00
tim167how do i find out how to "killall" a specific program? how do i find the correct name of the process to kill ?11:00
Flynn3qwebirc61633: but nice choice on a distro11:00
qwebirc61633prx: no, it's not a setting in BIOS because same settings have different results, it's so problem in Ubuntu11:00
prxtim167: ps auxw | grep partofprogramname11:00
Flynn3tim167: sudo ps -eF | grep -i "process name"11:01
ljsoftnetlucidium something is loading on the background after, the home page is loaded11:01
benzaldehydetim167: i don't know but i think it has something to do with pid11:01
Bill_I upgraded my network card, Ubuntu recognizes it, and recognizes when the ethernet cable is plugged in. But when I open a browser, it's not connecting to the internet. What am I missing? I am new to Ubuntu, if someone could help me in this matter, it would be appreciated.11:01
prxqwebirc61633: Im not talking about the settings, but about the actual BIOS code11:01
Flynn3tim167: sudo top11:01
Samueldoes anyone know how to enable postgresql PDO in PHP?11:01
phibxrbenzaldehyde, indeed.11:01
qwebirc61633Flynn3: stfu please you are just shouting offtpic. I sad it works in archlinux because it's relevant to fix this problem in ubuntu.11:01
lucidiumljsoftnet, probably the page uses AJAX or needs to transfer something else. That doesn't sound like a ubuntu bug.11:01
qwebirc61633!guidelines > Flynn311:02
ubottuFlynn3, please see my private message11:02
benzaldehydeFlynn3: i do not think you should expect a christmas card from that guy11:02
rigvedBill_: are you behind a proxy server?11:02
qwebirc61633prx: BIOS code? what do you mean11:02
ljsoftnetlucidium can i replace firefox 3.6 with firefox 4?11:02
lucidiumSamual, are you using apache?11:02
Samuelyes lucidium11:02
SwedeMikeljsoftnet: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/firefox-4-ppa-for-ubuntu-10-04-and-10-10-users/11:03
lucidiumSamual, in httpd.conf you can set PHP settings11:03
prxqwebirc61633: All BIOSes have some quirks, which newer linux Kernels may know and work around11:03
Samual-LaptopSamuel* not Samual*11:03
Flynn3qwebirc61633: cute11:03
tim167Flynn3:  prx: thanks i'll try it out11:03
prxqwebirc61633: BIOSes only tend to get tested under that one big OS11:03
tim167Flynn3: but if i have to sudo, i can't run it in an automated script ?11:03
Flynn3tim167: no problem11:03
Bill_rigved, I dont think so. when I installed Ubuntu about 2 mos ago, my intigrated netwrok card was recognized right away11:03
qwebirc61633Flynn3: do you want to be banned?11:03
lucidiumljsoftnet, i'm not sure if it's in the repositories11:04
lucidiumljsoftnet, you might have to download it off the website11:04
Bill_rigved, I know I am directly connected to the cable modem11:04
Samuelwhat is the location of httpd.conf?11:04
icerootSamuel: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf11:04
soreau! locate | Sami34511:04
ubottuSami345: locate is a command-line file search utility. To make sure its cache is up to date run: sudo updatedb11:04
prxqwebirc61633: of course this also might be because of the kernel doing something wrong, but then it's the BIOS again, as things are not standardized11:05
rigvedBill_: if you know your own ip address, then try this: Applications > Accessories > Terminal. in the terminal type: ping ip_address  <-- enter your own ip address here11:05
Samuelthat file is empty?11:05
icerootSamuel: you want /etc/apache2/apache2.conf11:05
overlordhi, i would like to use OCSP, which software could i use ?11:06
Bill_rigved, okay, give me a second11:06
spyzerhi all, just like we have google docs where many people can type simultaneously in a document, is there some similar code editor also??11:06
Samueloke opened the file what do i do next?11:06
icerootSamuel: depending what you want11:06
lucidiumspyzer, you could all use a screen session11:06
Flynn3qwebirc61633: if anyone is going to be ban it's both of us.  me for giving in to you11:07
prxlucidium: using vi ;)11:07
spyzerummm isn't there anything online like a site bcoz screen session wud be too costly on bandwidth i believe11:07
Flynn3lucidium: emacs is cool too11:07
Samuelwell curently PDO support for MySQL and SQLite is available, I just installed postgresql and its running fine but how do I enable PDO for that?11:08
spyzerprx: you mean many people over the internet can type on a same document in vi and everyone will see everyones' changes????11:08
iceroot!who | Samuel11:08
ubottuSamuel: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:08
icerootSamuel: i even dont know what pdo is11:08
prxspyzer: thats what a screen session would allow11:08
prxspyzer: But didnt you want something more GUI like?11:08
benzaldehydespyzer: there's an online thing like pastebin called twiddla11:09
Samueliceroot, its PHP Data Objects11:09
icerootprx: spyzer but the current vi(m) is not designed for that. the newest vim-release can do it but its not in the repos11:09
spyzericeroot: ohh11:09
benzaldehydespyzer: but i think i misspelled twiddla11:09
icerootSamuel: maybe have a look at #php, oder #httpd11:09
Samueli'll have a look iceroot11:10
tim167hmm, so the program i want to "killall" identifies as "java", but there is a second program by the same name in "top" that i don't want to kill...now what?11:10
spyzerany more suggestions please11:10
iceroottim167: use the pid11:10
lucidiumtim167, get the process number and use "kill <pid>"11:10
lucidiumoops, beaten to it11:10
prxtim167: specify the name better, so only one matches, or filter by hand, reading what you actually want11:11
tim167iceroot: lucidium: but how do i get the correct pid? because i can not know which one of the two processes called "java" it is...?11:11
iceroottim167: dont specify the name better.. just use the pid11:11
ruantim167: memory usage or cpu usage11:11
benzaldehydetim167: if you are in gnome there is also a thing you can add to the panel, i forget the name but it gives you a medical alert type line of your cpu usage and if you right click it is like a taskmanager11:11
iceroottim167: look at the time the program was started maybe thats helps11:11
aconiteneed a password list for wpa11:11
ruantim167: of each process11:11
lucidiumtim167, the process number is the number on the far left in top11:12
icerootaconite: ?11:12
ruanaconite: we can't help you with cracking here11:12
prxtim167: you might be best off using top11:12
aconitei need a longer pasword list11:12
aconiteto crack wpa11:12
benzaldehydeaconite: the biggest word lists are english oxford dictionaries in text form11:12
brontosaurusrexSamuel, maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36488311:12
lucidiumaconite, get a dictionary somewhere else11:12
benzaldehyderuan: i thought everyone knew that11:12
icerootaconite: generate it :)11:12
prxtim167: itll show processes by CPU usage first, if you press m youll get memory usage, pressing k allows you to fill in the pik you want to kill11:13
OomElvishey all... i had ubuntu installed, but then installed windows in unpartiitoned space... so then when u startup windows just loads (no grub boot menu or anything) - what do i need to do to get a grub menu back to be able to get into linux again?11:13
ikoniaaconite: we will not support any attempts for you to crack WPA - please don't ask again11:13
tim167lucidium: prx: ok, so i'll have to make an involved script to find and distinguish the two pid's of the two java processes...11:13
ruantim167: just make one of the processes use the cpu, it will distinguish their pids11:13
prxtim167: itll get involved, as you might need to parse out the CPU usage (highest first) or memory usage, find the pid ans finally kill it11:14
lucidiumOomElvis, you need to reinstall grub11:14
OomElvisso id need the ubuntu cd and then?11:14
OomElvisill google it11:14
tim167prx: ruan: I start both with a script, so i guess i'll write their pid's to a file as they are started one after the other...11:14
FloodBot2OomElvis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:14
lucidiumOomElvis, yes, but with the alternative disc11:15
ruantim167: or use system monitor and see where they're started from11:15
Bill_rigved, it says unknown host ip address in the terminal11:16
prxtim167: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-3056.html11:16
prxtim167: http://blog.dhampir.no/content/how-to-kill-a-process-that-uses-too-much-cpu11:16
rigvedBill_: are you sure that you typed your own ip address?11:16
MK`i'll ask here as well11:17
devin_I need to create a xorg.conf file for 1024x768 resolution11:17
MK`[06:10:27] <MK`> Also, I looked at the partitions, and it has the Extended partition (which contains the same-sized ext4 partition) and the Swap partition11:17
MK`[06:10:41] <MK`> but on my other installation of linux, the swap is under the extended partition along with ext4 | did I do it wrong?11:17
devin_anyone can help11:17
rigvedBill_: ping my_won_ip11:17
blinkwhat is a good movie maker for ubuntu? i didn't like the default one.11:17
tim167prx: thanks, the reason why i need to killall the process is that it sometimes crashes, and then i need to kill and restart it, i don't think it uses too much cpu though...11:17
Bill_rigved, I believe I did, lemme double check11:17
prxtim167: ic, then saving the pid somewhere seems best11:18
benzaldehydedevin_: just sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:18
rigvedBill_: run: ifconfig   <-- run this in the terminal. it will give you your own ip11:18
benzaldehydedevin_: doing so creates the .conf11:18
devin_benzaldehyde: I did, then what11:18
Flynn3Bill_: rigved:  terminal-              ping localhost               or         route11:19
devin_bensaldehyde: what can I do to edit, sorry for noob question11:19
benzaldehydedevin_: then i don't know, i use ps3videomode to set resolution, sorry11:19
brontosaurusrexblink, video editor?11:19
heizmannWhen I try : $ mplayer -vf ::-32 myvideo.avi # I have two black lines at the top and the bottom of my movie.11:20
blinkbrontosaurusrex, nevermind, i found PiTiVi11:20
brontosaurusrexblink, i'd use kdenlive11:20
Flynn3blink: have you tried openshot??11:20
OomElvislucidium: why the alternate cd?11:20
=== dani is now known as Guest26613
benzaldehydedevin_: essentially you would put in your arguments and then ctrl X then hit y and enter11:20
lucidiumOomElvis, it will allow you to install grub without completely reinstalling ubuntu11:21
Flynn3devin_: sorry been busy with a idiot trying to msg me and harrass me.  your trying to setup a xorg.conf right?11:21
lucidiumOomElvis, unless you want a complete redo of your system11:21
heizmannShould I reproduce this with mencoder? Because: mencoder -vf expand::-32 -oac copy -oav copy myvideo.avi -o myvideo_out.avi # doesn't work :-/11:21
Bill__rigved, here is my terminal out put. sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping my_own_ip ping: unknown host my_own_ip11:21
devin_do I just enter vga=79111:21
devin_Thanks everyone who is helping11:22
devin_this is a big problem for me11:22
brontosaurusrexheizmann, what are you trying to do?11:22
blinkFlynn3, no. I'd give it a try. lemme just see how it goes with me on PiTiVi11:22
benzaldehydedevin_: i think they begin with Section and EndSection11:22
heizmannbrontosaurusrex: Well I want to put two black borders at the top and the bottom of my .avi11:23
Flynn3devin_: your going to have to kill gdm and then kill X in order to generate a xorg.conf   ...it's a bit tricky, this guide does a good job of explaning it:  http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html11:23
heizmannbrontosaurusrex: The reason is I've got a 16/9 TV, but it's old (tube) TV...11:24
qwebirc61633I can't poweroff the computer in an old machine using Ubuntu, but I can using Archlinux.. So obviously the problem is not the BIOS. How can I fix this?11:24
devin_Flynn3: I will give it a try, thanks11:24
ikoniaqwebirc61633: #ubuntu-server is the correct place to ask11:24
Bill__rigved, here is my terminal out put. sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping my_own_ip ping: unknown host my_own_ip11:24
benzaldehydedevin_: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBcQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D83973&rct=j&q=ubuntu%20change%20resolution&ei=OfmWTZ_UF8PdtweM5s2MDA&usg=AFQjCNG3CV8Afneld2S08IoUgYjBaQWAnQ&cad=rja11:24
qwebirc61633ikonia: no, because I tried with Ubuntu Desktop and also doesnt work.11:24
Flynn3devin_: granted it says 9.10 but it's the same guidelines as in newer versions of ubuntu11:24
ikoniaqwebirc61633: you said you where using server now, so please ask in #ubuntu-server11:25
qwebirc61633ikonia: and tried 10.0411:25
benzaldehydethat url seems a bit long11:25
Flynn3devin_: after you do that your going to have to mod your xorg.conf11:25
ikoniaqwebirc61633: you said 1 minute ago you where using server, so please ask in #ubuntu-server11:25
qwebirc61633ikonia: it's not a Ubuntu Server problem, it's a probkem with Ubuntu in general!11:25
MK`Highlight me when you get to my question please :)11:25
ikoniaqwebirc61633: you said 1 minute ago you where using server, so please ask in #ubuntu-server11:25
rick__I have found a big bug in ubuntu 11.04, the screen is completely dark on the Acer Aspire 5732z11:25
qwebirc61633Thats why I ask here11:25
qwebirc61633ikonia: you dont need to repeate youself. I read what you typed11:26
soreaurick__: What gpu does it have?11:26
rigvedBill__: ping google.com11:26
ikoniaqwebirc61633: then please comply11:26
lucidiumMK`, question?11:26
qwebirc61633and im explaning why Im asking here.11:26
rigvedBill__: ^^ what does that give you?11:26
benzaldehydedevin_: that was supposed to be this sorry http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8397311:26
qwebirc61633ikonia: it is a problem of Ubuntu, not just Ubuntu server. I left ubuntu server channel and now im asking here.11:26
qwebirc61633this is not against any rules.11:26
brontosaurusrexheizmann, uhmm, example for adding two lines at the top and two at the bottom mplayer -vf crop=640:480:0:0,scale=640:480,expand=:48211:26
rick__Where can I found the GPU??11:26
brontosaurusrexheizmann, if video is 640x48011:26
Flynn3devin_: benzaldehyde's will work but you'll have to generate a xorg.conf file first11:26
soreauBill__: Can you ping ?11:27
rick__What like I have?11:27
ikoniaqwebirc61633: are you currently running the desktop or server edition11:27
Flynn3devin_: unless you are on a older ubuntu.  I think 8.10 or before.  i might be wrong when they stopped using it11:27
ikoniaqwebirc61633: wow, you changed from server to desktop really fast11:27
Bill__let me look see11:27
benzaldehydeFlynn3: i can confirm that 9.10 stopped using xorg.conf11:28
qwebirc61633ikonia: really fast? like in 5 minutes?11:28
Bill__rigved, lemme look see11:28
qwebirc61633I can't poweroff the computer in an old machine using Ubuntu, but I can using Archlinux.. So obviously the problem is not the BIOS. How can I fix this problem?11:28
prxqwebirc61633: making it easy... what kernel version works, and what doesnt11:28
ikoniaqwebirc61633: what are the kernel versions of the two different OS's11:28
qwebirc61633prx: other OS kernel is recent why wouldnt work in Ubuntu?11:28
heizmann<brontosaurusrex> ok, I see... I try this now :)11:29
nanodanoWhen I go to Places->Connect to a server and I 'mount' an FTP server, where does it mount it? Can I access it from the command line?11:29
qwebirc61633ikonia: i will check the kernel of arch11:29
jribnanodano: ~/.gvfs maybe11:29
rick__Can I install a older kernel version in Ubuntu 11.04??11:29
soreaurick__: Keep it here in the main channel please11:29
ikoniarick__: the kernel versions match the distributions11:29
jrib!natty | rick__11:29
ubotturick__: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.11:29
qwebirc61633ikonia: ubuntu's kernel is 2.6.35-28-generic11:29
prxqwebirc61633: "recent" doesnt tell me anything... recent would be
benzaldehydenanodano: i think it probably goes to /mnt11:29
soreaurick__: The output of 'lspci|grep VGA' from your terminal will tell you11:29
nanodanojrib: It is in ~/.gvfs thank you11:29
qwebirc61633yes prx I need to check arch kernel brb11:29
brontosaurusrexheizmann, http://resize.110mb.com/index.php?ssmw=640&sar=1&sar2=&ssmh=480&CT=&CL=&CR=&CB=&mplayCrop=&trw=&dar=1&dar2=&modw=&modh=&padw=&padh=484&css=&doit=true11:30
rick__Thank you soreau11:30
rick__00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)11:30
heizmann<brontosaurusrex> thanks :p :p !!!11:31
MK`I just installed Ubuntu on an old PC and I looked at the partitions, and it has the Extended partition (which contains the same-sized ext4 partition) and the Swap partition,  but on my other installation of linux, the swap is under the extended partition along with ext4; did I do it wrong?11:32
prxMK`: this should not matter at all11:32
qwebirc61633ikonia: just to clarify my situation even more.. I am currently using Ubuntu Desktop on 2 machines, and I run server in another one.. I usally join both channels. thats why I asked about the same issue in the 2 channels...11:33
prxMK`: are you experiencing problems you think might stem from this or anything?11:33
MK`no I was just curious11:33
heizmann<brontosaurusrex> hum, concerning to "mplayer -vf crop=640:480:0:0,scale=640:480,expand=:482", what is the equivalent with MENCODER (not mplayer) ? :)11:34
brontosaurusrexheizmann, no idea, i would think they use the similar command line? is the mplayer cli working?11:34
Flynn3qwebirc61633: sudo poweroff -fpv11:35
lucidiumheizmann, exactly the same, except with the -oac -ovc and -o11:35
ikoniaqwebirc61633: and on two different machines you're having the same problem ?11:36
lucidiumheizmann, but you can't use -ovc copy11:36
qwebirc61633yes ikonia11:36
qwebirc61633ikonia: no lol, the 2 version in same machine11:36
ikoniaqwebirc61633: are the machines the same11:36
brontosaurusrexlucidium, heizmann exactly, this need to be reencoded11:36
heizmannlucidium: uummm... not exactly, well, with mencoder, I never black borders with the same command (adding -oac copy -oav copy)11:36
qwebirc61633ikonia: desktop and server cant poweroff in the same machine11:37
heizmannlucidium: no -oac copy ? mmhhh... I see11:37
ikoniaqwebirc61633: that same machines also runs arch ?11:37
lucidiumheizmann, making these kinds of changes means you have to re-encode the video11:37
prxqwebirc61633: any kernel versions yet?11:38
Flynn3qwebirc61633: sudo shutdown -P now11:38
snappexcuse me i am using ubuntu, and i have problem whit routing table11:38
Flynn3snapp: how so?11:38
ikoniasnapp: just ask the question11:38
mr_boo_ltphow do i make the leftmost partition so that it becomes sda1?11:39
heizmannlucidium :) I understand... So, it's something like: mencoder -vf crop=640:480:0:0,scale=640:480,expand=:496 -oac copy -oav xvid mymovie.avi -o mymovie_out.avi # ??? according to I want the same quality for the video11:39
Bill_rigved, out put, sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping google.com ping: unknown host google.com sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping google.com ping: unknown host google.com sovereign420@sovereign420:~$     sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Net Unreachable From icmp_seq=2 Destination Net Unreachable From icmp_seq=3 Destination 11:39
brontosaurusrexheizmann, however, why not just add the borders at playback time? if you are using computer as playback device that is11:39
Flynn3heizmann: have you tried avidemux??11:39
Bill_rigved, and that was the result for all 200 some tries, it said the same thing,11:39
brontosaurusrexheizmann, with reencoding the quality will not be the same11:40
qwebirc61633ikonia: the arch was to try if it would shutdown11:40
qwebirc61633prx: just a second11:40
lucidiumheizmann, getting the same quality is going to be fairly hard. You'll have to add options for xvid.11:40
heizmann<brontosaurusrex> because unable to play a flux in my TV :-/11:40
snappif i delete this row: route del -net netmask dev eth1 , but when I reboot, this line comes back to me again, how can I do to eliminate it once and for all?11:40
ikoniaqwebirc61633: does it still have arch installed ?11:40
qwebirc61633ikonia: it's livecd11:40
ikoniaqwebirc61633: that's not a valid test11:40
qwebirc61633ikonia: and tried with ubuntu livecd11:40
ikoniaqwebirc61633: try it with the ubuntu livecd11:40
qwebirc61633already did11:41
ikoniaahh, how did it work with the ubuntu livecd11:41
snappif i delete this row: route del -net netmask dev eth1, when I reboot, this line comes back to me again, how can I do to eliminate it once and for all?11:41
qwebirc61633it didnt work in ubuntu livecd!11:41
heizmannFlynn3: avidemux haven't a frontend... so, it's not interesting to reencode several files with a script11:41
blinkhow can i remove audio from video in PiTiVi?11:41
ikoniaqwebirc61633: so ubuntu livecd doens't power off, ubuntu install doesn't power off either11:41
ikoniaqwebirc61633: what happens when you actually try to power off ?11:41
rigvedBill_: it means that even though your card is recognised by Ubuntu, your ISP is blocking your net access. do you have another Operating System (like Windows or Mac), from which you can connect to the internet?11:41
Flynn3heizmann: ah i see11:41
mr_boo_ltphow do i make the leftmost partition to be sda1?11:41
heizmannlucidium ok, I see lucidium :) thanks for all11:41
prxsnapp: why would you want to delete your own subnet? as soon as you take the interface up with an ip (using ifconfig) youll be in the subnet, as thats what one would expect11:42
qwebirc61633ikonia: i can poweroff by pressing power button for some seconds.. in bios one press and shuts down,. but via terminal it does not11:42
ikoniaqwebirc61633: what actually happens when you tell the machine to power off through ubuntu11:42
qwebirc61633ikonia: i hear a click in HDD and it shows a message: system halted11:43
coz_good day all11:43
qwebirc61633but does not poweroff11:43
brontosaurusrexheizmann, uhmm, so what exactly is your playback machine?11:43
ikoniaqwebirc61633: what power managment process was the arch system using ?11:43
qwebirc61633need to find out11:43
mr_boo_ltpare partitions labelled in the same order as the order of creation?11:43
snappprx: i have two net card, but i want delete this route: route del -net netmask dev eth1 , because when i reboot, and return this route, i have problem whit my connection ssh on interface eth011:44
archangelpetrohas anyone ever seen a <defunct> process taking up like 90% CPU before?11:44
mr_boo_ltpdoes anyone know stuff about partitions here?11:44
heizmann<brontosaurusrex> :) french material: a LiveBox + 16/9 tube TV11:44
qwebirc61633ikonia prx: the Arch kernel is 2.6.33 the ubuntu is the latest 2.6.35-28-generic(pae)11:44
SwedeMike!anyone | mr_boo_ltp11:45
ubottumr_boo_ltp: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.11:45
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: what kind of stuff?11:45
snapp prx: i want delete this row forever11:45
ikoniaqwebirc61633: and the power managment service it's using ?11:45
qwebirc61633ikonia: how can I check?11:45
qwebirc61633ikonia: services --all ?11:45
daniel__anyone wanna help me download this cobra theme?11:45
ikoniaask the arch guys ?11:45
ikonialook at the kernel config11:45
qwebirc61633ok ill check11:45
archangelpetrospecifically, does anybody have an explaination as to why a <defunct> process is taking up 90% CPU, if it's a problem and how to remedy it?11:45
Bill_rigved, let me run this past you to see if this makes sense to you. The way I am able to communicate and try this out is, I am using the same computer, same internet line. Just plugging the ethernet cable into the new card to test, and back to the old card to talk to you. So even though its the same internet connection/same computer, just different card. Does this help?11:46
ikoniaarchangelpetro: kill the process11:46
lucidiumarchangelpetro, it's a zombie process11:46
lucidiumarchangelpetro, kill with "kill -9 <pid>"11:46
archangelpetroikonia: i've tried killing it11:46
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: do you know how to make the leftmost partition to be named sda1?11:46
ikoniaarchangelpetro: may need to reboot then if it's a zombie11:46
archangelpetrolucidium: it's still there?11:46
Bill_rigved, My ISP isnt blocking me on that old card is what Im saying11:46
prxwell, is there some local.start script in ubuntu somewhere?11:46
lucidiumarchangelpetro, then you gotta reboot.11:46
rigvedBill_: i think it does. are you connected directly to the cable modem?11:46
prxi do not know startup at all11:47
archangelpetroso there's just a random process in memory that can't be killed?11:47
ikoniaarchangelpetro: not if it's zombied11:47
mrdebwhy has the indicator applet not been fixed in 10.04 but has in 101011:47
snappprx: you understand my problem?11:47
lucidiumarchangelpetro, the cleanup routine started when it got the SIGTERM signal glitched11:47
rigvedBill_: when i say directly, it means that the cable wire goes from your computer to the cable modem11:47
prxsnapp: yes, id suggest you put that line in a local, user defined startup script, but i do not know ubuntu enough to suggest where to put it11:48
archangelpetrolucidium: i see11:48
Bill_rigved, through a router first. 2 in one router and modem11:48
lucidiumarchangelpetro, more details are in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zombie_process if you're interested11:49
Bill_rigved, when you said, "you think it does" what did that mean exactly?11:49
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: leftmost?11:49
rigvedBill_: make sure that the router is configured to allow access to both the network cards. <-- what this means is that the router needs to know about the MAC address of both the cards11:50
soreauBill_: So you have two ethernet cards in the same machine?11:50
kubancis there any possiblity when i click the icon show desktop that my screenlets won't also hide11:51
Bill_rigved, that is correct, yes.......11:51
soreaukubanc: No, that is what compiz widget layer is for11:51
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: the one located at the beginning of the drive11:51
Bill_rigved, lemme log into my router config11:51
soreauBill_: Does the output of ifconfig show an eth0 and eth1?11:51
kubancsoreau, compiz widget is in compiz setting manager?11:51
prxBill_: its important for the router to say it has DHCP enabled11:52
soreaukubanc: Its widget layer plugin in ccsm11:52
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: are you using gparted live/11:52
Bill_soreau, yes, it recognizes both11:52
Flynn3qwebirc61633: gnome-session-save --shutdown-dialog11:52
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: yes11:53
soreauBill_: Try this: Plug in the other card again and, assuming you are currently talking on eth0, run sudo dhclient eth111:53
Bill_prx, it is configured that way. my old NIC card works fine11:53
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: with the graphical interface?11:53
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: yes11:53
A_Jmy google search and youtube is in hindi, how can i make it in English..11:54
Flynn3A_J: google translator11:54
Bill_soreau, correct, thats how it is, lemme try that11:54
kubancsoreau, so i need to install Compiz Config Configuration Settings Manager ?11:54
brontosaurusrexA_J, check the browser settings, languages section11:54
A_Jerr i mean by default Flynn311:54
A_Jbrontosaurusrex checking11:54
soreaukubanc: yes11:54
Craig`hey guys i'm wanting to setup a dual screen display for my computer, i have two screens connected by dvi (a hdtv and this monitor) and i'm wanting to have them both connected, with each screen as a different desktop or alike (to watch movies on the tv while im on the computer), however in nvidia x server settngs under config i'm getting "nvidia-settings currently does not support scanout screens (0) that have dynamic twinview disabled."11:55
kubancsoreau, i already have it, but i cannot find widget layer...11:55
cvamHey anybody tell me that what happens when I unplug the usb device without clicking safely remove11:55
soreaukubanc: install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra11:55
A_Jbrontosaurusrex i'm on FF, where will it be ?11:55
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: sda is your disk, you ought to be able to tell it to partition it from beginning or end. i don't know your hardware though11:55
brontosaurusrexA_J, let me check11:55
Flynn3cvam: could mess up if not unmounted11:55
A_Jbrontosaurusrex found it nvm11:56
soreaukubanc: and run compiz --replace from Alt+F2 run dialog after its finished installing to restart compiz11:56
Flynn3kubanc: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHg5E3nh6Rs&hd=111:56
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: is there more than one disk? sda and sdb etc?11:56
brontosaurusrexA_J, ok11:56
A_Jty brokendatapoint11:56
cvamFlynn3: mess up means ? please explain in detail11:56
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: nope11:56
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: it would help if you outlined an object11:57
brontosaurusrexA_J, yes brokendatapoint is very helpfull11:57
Flynn3cvam: i've seen a flashdrive go unusable when the file structure was damaged11:57
Bill__soreau, out put....sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ sudo dhclient eth1 [sudo] password for sovereign420:  Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.1.3 Copyright 2004-2009 Internet Systems Consortium. All rights reserved. For info, please visit https://www.isc.org/software/dhcp/  Listening on LPF/eth1/00:1b:2f:28:50:0c Sending on   LPF/eth1/00:1b:2f:28:50:0c Sending on   Socket/fallback DHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 int11:57
A_Jdamn sorry brontosaurusrex, ty too you11:57
Flynn3cvam: you always want to unmount your usb's11:57
ruani've had a flashdrive become slightly unusable, when i renamed a folder it became a set of random chars and i had to reformat it11:58
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: the first partition will expect to be labelled as the first one due to the contents11:58
kubancsoreau, i'll restart gdm, so i'm sure...11:58
cvamoh! yeah FLynn3 I'm also experienced now i got answer from you11:58
Bill__soreau, rest of it........DHCPREQUEST of on eth1 to port 67 DHCPACK of from bound to -- renewal in 33066 seconds.11:58
prxFlashdrives nowadays seem to suck badly... there are however industrial grade CF cards, which seem damn nice (seeing their specs)11:59
daniel__ok im getting confused by all these different things for stuff like metacity gtk and emeraled can someone explain these a lil so i can understands whats going on with my desktop11:59
eveningsky2if I remove grub, how would i boot into recovery mode?11:59
prxconsidering you may even boot using CF (it is IDE, some even SATA compatible)11:59
daniel__i believe gtk is just gnome and the other 2 i have no idea what they are11:59
ikoniaeveningsky2: you don't11:59
ruaneveningsky2: by reinstalling grub with a livecd?11:59
Flynn3daniel__: emerald and metacity are window decorators.  some themes need one or the other to work11:59
ikoniaeveningsky2: you are unable to boot at that point12:00
soreauBill__: Great, that sounds like it worked12:00
cvamI want to be a good in system programming What should I do12:00
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: the first partition you decide to do no matter what the size or from what end of the volume ought to be sda1 so long as it is a primary partition, i would thing12:00
mongyI have my nautilus preferences set to icon mode at 150%, but I dont want desktop icons that size, just plain 100% will do... yes I wanna keep them... any ideas?12:00
soreauBill__: Are you talking through eth1 now?12:00
Flynn3daniel__: like right now i have a emerald theme...doesn't work in metacity --replace12:00
daniel__Flynn3, ok im stuck with a theme would u walk me through it if u have the time ?12:00
eveningsky2ubuntu studio doesn't even install grub with lvm partitions. it boots just fine.12:00
A_Jbrontosaurusrex that did not work, yet gettin it in some funny language12:00
ikoniaeveningsky2: it does12:01
ikoniaeveningsky2: it uses grub to boot12:01
Flynn3daniel__: what's the url where the theme is at?12:01
brontosaurusrexA_J, hold on12:01
jribmongy: can't you go to Desktop in nautilus and change the icon size?12:01
qwebirc61633ikonia: btw this happens in Xubuntu 10.04 too. maybe it's a kernel problem?12:01
daniel__Flynn3, http://www.linuxnov.com/top-30-dark-gnome-themes-gtk-2-x/ its number 212:01
ikoniaqwebirc61633: get the info needed and you can find out12:01
siddhantchdguys need help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1062680112:01
Flynn3daniel__: you'll need also a gtk2 theme changer12:02
ikoniaqwebirc61633: it's most likley the power managment module is not getting detected for your hardware so not getting loaded12:02
qwebirc61633ikonia: and I couldnt check kernel config in arch livecd there is no config at /boot/12:02
ikoniaqwebirc61633: the arch kernel probably doesn't have it as a module12:02
Bill__no, Im on eth0, I diddnt try eth1 because I diddnt know that was a command to fix it, lol. I thought it was a command to check something......Remember, rookie. I will check it though, BRB12:02
kubancsoreau, i have the widget layer, but my screenlets are still dissapearing12:02
brontosaurusrexA_J, type about:config in your url bar (in firefox), accept that you will be carefull12:02
Bill__soreau no, Im on eth0, I diddnt try eth1 because I diddnt know that was a command to fix it, lol. I thought it was a command to check something......Remember, rookie. I will check it though, BRB12:02
daniel__Flynn3, ok so um can i do a sudo apt-get install ....12:02
Flynn3sorry my cats on the keyboard12:02
brontosaurusrexA_J, the filter intl.accept_languages12:02
soreaukubanc: You have to add screenlets to the widget layer and use the keybinding to invoke it. More help in #compiz12:03
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: yes they are labelled after order of creation12:03
brontosaurusrexValue i have at the end is : en-us, en12:03
benzaldehydemr_boo_ltp: okay so how can i help12:03
A_Jbrontosaurusrex yes from there12:03
Flynn3daniel__:   sudo apt-get install gtk-chtheme12:04
docx_cz_mostHi, I'm testing 11.04 beta, and my question is: how can I change the default app shortcuts in lancher? (firefox,evolution,shotwell and rhythmbox?)12:04
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: i've created them in an undesired order so my partition at the beginning is sadly sda212:04
SwedeMikedocx_cz_most: #ubuntu+1 for 11.0412:04
mr_boo_ltpbenzaldehyde: i'd like it to become sda1 without having to remove the other partitions12:05
docx_cz_mostSwedeMike: oh, thanks and apologize :)12:05
prxsnapp: you might add that line to /etc/rc.local12:06
daniel__Flynn3, ok now what12:06
Bill_soreau, eth1 still does not work12:07
Bill_rigved, I am now in my router config12:07
siddhantchdhelp guys12:07
A_Jbrontosaurusrex u here ?12:07
A_Jsiddhantchd nice question12:07
soreauBill_: After it says renewal in how ever many seconds, check that you can ping the router ip, then and finally google.com in that order12:08
Flynn3daniel__: applications>system tools> gtk-chTheme12:08
rigvedBill_: try what soreau says ^^12:08
mr_boo_ltphow do i make the partition at the beginning of the disk sda1?12:09
Flynn3daniel__: you might have to right click the desktop and go to change desktop background>go to the theme tab> and click install12:09
Bill_soreau and rigved, okay gimme a sec12:09
brontosaurusrexA_J, yes12:10
ruanwhen i start gparted, it crashes, why?12:11
ruanno error12:11
tim167hi i try "killall 6062" but i get "6062: no process found", how do i kill a process by its pid ?12:11
soreautim167: kill12:11
rigvedmr_boo_ltp: you need to use gparted from the LiveCD to move sda1 and make free space at the start12:11
tim167soreau thanks i'll try that12:12
Flynn3daniel__: this is the one i use: http://customize.org/gtk/themes/64840    need emerald to install it though but it looks nice if you like dark themes12:12
A_JA_J, the filter intl.accept_languages12:12
A_Jbrontosaurusrex ^^12:12
ruani looked at all of the system logs but cant find anything related to gparted12:12
daniel__Flynn3, hmm its not themeing everything12:12
brontosaurusrexA_J, yes, you search for "intl.accept_languages"12:12
rigvedtim167: top | grep "name_of_process". next use the kill command as suggested by soreau ^^12:12
A_Jyea found two results12:12
=== sm is now known as Guest50363
brontosaurusrexA_J, what do they say?12:13
tim167rigved: the problem is there are two processes called 'java' i have to kill one of them12:13
=== Guest50363 is now known as sm`
rigvedruan: are you not getting any messages when you try to run gparted from the terminal?12:13
daniel__Flynn3, ill try urs how do i install emerald12:13
daniel__Flynn3, like the sudo apt-get install .... one12:14
ruanrigved: i'll try that12:14
prxtim167: name the source (bytecode) files differently and kill what you find by doing ps aux | grep java | grep someidentifything12:14
Flynn3daniel__: looks like you need emerald as well to install the rest of it12:14
ruanrigved: it gives a stack trace12:14
ruan probe_partition_for_geom() failed.12:14
daniel__Flynn3, ok lets get me in it or is it harder then i think ?12:15
tim167prx: i don't know how i should "name the source (bytecode) files differently "...?12:15
Flynn3daniel__: sudo apt-get install emerald12:15
prxtim167: are you staring two times exactly the same code?12:15
* soreau &12:15
tim167prx: no, two different java programs12:15
kubancsoreau, i disabled hide skip taskbar windows in general options, and now screenelts won't hide12:16
prxtim167: then those two different programs have different names, right?12:16
daniel__ok its going12:16
Flynn3daniel__: it is pretty easy in ubuntu to install themes, you just need to right window decorator installer.  emerald is usually more flashy12:16
soreaukubanc: #compiz12:16
brontosaurusrexA_J, ill make a snaphot of what i have there ....12:16
tim167prx: yes, but in 'top' they both appear as "java"12:16
rigvedruan: bug 55843112:16
prxtim167: grep that name, as you see the commandline after java, too12:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 558431 in parted (Ubuntu) "gparted crashes at startup - Assertion failed (dup-of: 545911)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55843112:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545911 in parted (Ubuntu) "GParted crashes with Assertion (head_size <= 63)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54591112:16
ruanrigved: right, thanks12:16
prxtim167: grep auxw should show the commandline, too12:16
ruanfix released? checking update man12:17
prxi.e. the parametres to java12:17
ruannope, no gparted update, only qt412:17
daniel__Flynn3, idk how u say that i need compiz emerald gtk and who knows what else i will need12:17
ruani want to remove qt4 but it has some dependant apps :/12:17
rigvedruan: if a fix was released, it'll probably be committed in natty12:17
ruanwell one dependant app12:17
ruanrigved: right.. will a livecd still work?12:17
rigvedruan: yes12:17
brontosaurusrexA_J, bbl12:17
tim167but can the kill command be used with a pid as argument?12:17
prxexample: root      7393  0.0  0.0   1692   240 pts/7    S    Apr01   0:00 /home/swarner/DEVEL/GIT/parsevil/src/parse -t /dev/ttyUSB012:18
ruani ran gparted without my usb stick in, and it worked12:18
prxrightmost is the whole commandline, second to leftmost its pid12:18
daniel__Flynn3, ok i just finished emerald but cant find it12:18
rigvedruan: i have never seen gparted detect any of my removable disks12:18
ruanrigved: i guess it's got a problem with them12:19
Flynn3daniel__: system>preferences>emerald theme manager12:19
prxman ps even shows you how to customize the output of ps in order to minimize the parsing you have to do12:19
ruanis it ok to leave 0mb of unallocated space on a hdd?12:19
rigvedruan: still, if you think that it's a bug, please report it in the same bug number - 55843112:19
BabyFashionhey guys12:19
BabyFashionJessica there12:19
ikoniaruan: on a file system or partition12:20
ikoniaruan: as partition table, sure12:20
ShogootQuestion for a LUbuntu distro, long shot but maybe someone knows. hey people. wondering why the command sudo /etc/init.d/lxde stop dont work.... isint the desktop of Lubuntu LXDE?12:20
BabyFashionanyone there12:20
ruanikonia: partition12:20
rigvedBabyFashion: ask away12:20
ruanwindows left 11mb unallocated space when it partitioned12:20
Flynn3lol I understand why tree isn't installed now12:20
BabyFashionserver down guys ?12:20
prxruan: thats because of some alignment, that is good to have12:21
ruanprx: alignment?12:21
prxruan: You have cylinders and tracks (virtual) on the hdd, so win starts a new partition on a new track12:21
prxruan: not soing this might cause trouble when you use newer hdds, which have bigger sector sizes (4096 bytes instead of 512 bytes)12:22
ruanhmm k12:22
jribShogoot: you shouldn't stop services like that, you should use the service command (may be unrelated to your issue however)12:22
Bill_soreau, out put. sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Net Unreachable From icmp_seq=2 Destination Net Unreachable  sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=190 Destination Net Unreachable From icmp_seq=192 Destination Net Unreachable  sovere12:22
Flynn3daniel__: play around with the emerald and installing it in right click the desktop part.  that will get you on the right track12:22
prxruan: changing one shared block of 512 Bytes might cause to be the whole 4096 bytes to get written, if things are not aligned, slowing your disk considerably12:22
Shogootjrib, im trying to boot into console on a LUbuntu distro.12:22
Shogootor kill xorg :)12:23
BabyFashionhey guys12:23
jribShogoot: hit ctrlr-alt-f112:23
daniel__Flynn3, alright haha ill shoot at it12:23
daniel__Flynn3, thanks12:23
ruancan grub boot isos off flash drives?12:24
Shogootjrib, the thingn is the computer Lubuntu is instaled on is ancient. If i can get ridd of xorg running the machine ill be back to usefull :)12:24
BabyFashionwhen server will back online12:24
ruanBabyFashion: what server?12:24
jribShogoot: output of: ls /etc/init/*dm12:24
Shogootwith the ctrl-alt-F1 the process dont disapear, right?12:24
n8wive noticed that my kde takes a lot of cpu resources...it hasnt been like this ever since,it just started perhaps with the few last kde updates...would reinstallin kde help?12:24
jribShogoot: output of: ls /etc/init/*dm*12:24
sykesis there a way to change performance level of gpu while using nouveau driver?12:24
prxAlignment information for thos interested (very important for RAID): http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-4kb-sector-disks/index.html?ca=dgr-lnxw074KB-Disksdth-LX12:25
ruanmy other disk appears to have no unallocated space at all12:25
prxruan: might be if things work out nicely, only on the latest (1TB+) drives this seems important (and on RAID, of course)12:26
Shogootjrib, No such file or directory but if you meant ls /etc/init.d/*dm it returns - /etc/init.d/lxdm12:26
ruan80gb and 40gb hard drives, not on raid12:26
jribShogoot: no, I meant the second command I gave12:26
prxruan: then alignment only is because of compatibility with DOS als old Windows and suff, i think you wouldnt care12:27
jribShogoot: but now you can just tell me if /etc/init/lxdm.conf exists or not if you prefer12:27
ruanok, going to give it 10mb of extra space then12:27
Shogootjrib, /etc/init/dmesg.conf and lxdm.conf12:27
prxruan: not, do not add some arbitrary amount, fdisk will handle this automatically if required12:27
jribShogoot: please pastebin /etc/init/lxdm.conf12:27
prxruan: the amount you chose might be exactly the wrong one, as you would have to know how the disk is layed out internally12:28
prxall sane disk partitioning tool just do the rigt thing (tm)12:28
harrypotter_hi all12:29
Shogootjrib,  pastebin.com/FGhC8ac412:29
harrypotter_i have question12:29
SentynelHi guys, testing 11.04 beta and it looks like something in libglib2.0-dev is wonky and it's failing on its own includes - http://pastebin.com/9MBTeD6p example errors here, but I've had the same with more than one project. Where do I need to report this?12:29
crackguyexchange is to microsoft, what is for linux (ubuntu) ?12:29
harrypotter_when will ubuntu 11.04 be available ?/12:30
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.12:30
jribShogoot: you never want X to start on boot automatically, correct?12:30
Bill_soreau, out put. sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Net Unreachable From icmp_seq=2 Destination Net Unreachable  sovereign420@sovereign420:~$ ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=190 Destination Net Unreachable From icmp_seq=192 Destination Net Unreachable  sovere12:30
Shogootjrib, crrect, but i want to be able to do starx command and run it :)12:31
ruanalright, partitioning was successful12:31
harrypotter_ok thx ubottu12:31
jribShogoot: change "start on (filesystem" to "start on (never and filesystem".  You can start it manually by doing « sudo service lxdm start »12:31
jribShogoot: is this really the complete file?  It seems cutoff12:32
Shogootjrib, it is cutoff. pastebin.com/index/FGhC8ac412:34
Assidanyone have an alternate to dreamweaver ?12:34
jribShogoot: that's the same thing12:34
MindmasterAssid : What are you trying to do? The only thing you cannot do outside of DW is DW templates.12:36
Shogootjrib, pastebin.com/1SWWyiVJ12:36
jribShogoot: in that case, disregard what I said earlier.  You should add "text" to your kernel line in grub12:37
jrib!grub2 | Shogoot12:37
ubottuShogoot: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:37
brontosaurusrexAssid, what kind of site are you attempting?12:37
Shogootjrib, gonna take a look12:38
ruanwhen i resample audio, it comes out distorted, not a major question but just curious as to why this happens12:39
brontosaurusrexruan, what software, command line (if any), ect?12:40
Bill_soreau, you still with me brother12:40
Assidbrontosaurusrex:development.. but i prefer the interface dw offers12:40
prxruan: how do you resample?12:40
ruansound conv12:40
Assidand intelligence12:41
ruan!info soundconverter12:41
ubottusoundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4-2 (maverick), package size 107 kB, installed size 916 kB12:41
brontosaurusrexAssid, ok, well iam not aware of anything like dw on linux12:41
* Assid makes a vm to run dw12:41
prxruan: i cant seem to find whether its using libresample, as thats what id suggest. Its having great quality12:42
brontosaurusrexruan, can you post a short cutoff of your original file and define the requested new samplerate?12:43
ruansure but how12:43
ruandoes a soundbin exist?12:43
brontosaurusrexruan, a filebin of some sort maybe12:44
prxmaybe rapidshare... should be anough for a short sample12:44
ruanRS doesnt do it for me, i'll upload with my mediafire account12:44
ruannote that it works perfectly fine without resampling12:45
* brontosaurusrex apt-get install sox12:46
ShogootRunning a linux-image on the grub list as recovery mode and then use netroot option, equals to have a normal system, but without the gui, right?12:47
hilarieThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: (LONG LIST HERE) What about that? is that okay, what does that mean?12:48
pksadiqIt just means that it is not  used by any packages , I think12:49
jribhilarie: read the list, make sure you don't actually want any, and proceed.  It means that you removed some package that required the packages in this long list, so they aren't needed anymore12:49
Shogootjrib, Running a linux-image on the grub list as recovery mode and then use netroot option, equals to have a normal system, but without the gui, right?12:50
hilariejrib, it doesn't give me that option, it kicks me back to hilarie@hilarie:~$12:50
hilariedo you mean Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. ?12:50
jribShogoot: no you don't want recovery mode.  Just add "text" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and run update-grub12:51
jribhilarie: sure, if that's what you want.12:51
hilarieI don't know if I need them, but some of them sound important ----indicator-appmenu  zeitgeist-core indicator-datetime libzeitgeist-gio12:51
jg3dears, I'm in the way to install a shared addressbook in my lan with OpenLDAP. I didn't find an usefull and running example for Ubuntu and latest release of openldap (in v3 standard). Any tips?12:51
jg3dears, I'm in the way to install a shared addressbook in my lan with OpenLDAP.12:52
ruanbrontosaurusrex: http://www.mediafire.com/?s7sgn0brssuohbq   the sample rate is 4800012:52
jg3I didn't find an usefull and running example for Ubuntu and latest release of openldap (in v3 standard). Any tips?12:52
AsimHey Guys12:52
brontosaurusrexruan, an mp3? what is your requested samplerate?12:53
hilariejrib are those things important?12:53
sinisterstufhi, how do I increase the resolution of my terminal (the tty)?12:53
ruanbrontosaurusrex: 4800012:53
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:53
brontosaurusrexruan, this is allready 48k12:53
sinisterstufAsim: yeah12:53
gurra72_Tjabba :)12:54
hilariesinisterstuf yo, hit the terminal thingymajig at the top!12:54
AsimNice is it possible to dual boot Ubunut studio along side Win 7 ultimate12:54
sinisterstufhilarie: pardon?12:54
ruanbrontosaurusrex: im encoding from a youtube flv12:54
jg3I didn't find an usefull and running example for Ubuntu and latest release of openldap (in v3 standard). Any tips?12:54
sinisterstufAsim: yes12:54
license2grillQuick noob question: Is there any good and comprehensible linux/unix command reference book freely available on-line you recommend?12:54
jribhilarie: not particularly12:54
AsimUbunut stuido looks good for editing12:54
brontosaurusrexruan, ok, so your playing 100 questions game with us? i'am out.12:54
hilariejrib: I feel it might have been my misadventure into unity12:55
jribhilarie: probably12:55
hilarieif I go offline and don't come back, they were important12:55
sinisterstuflicense2grill: there are some command "cheat sheets" from the Free Linux Books website12:55
jribhilarie: they wouldn't do that...12:55
ruanlol, ok. but it works without resampling, converts fine12:56
license2grill<sinisterstuf> Will look there, thank you12:56
ruanwas just curious12:56
jg3I didn't find any usefull and running example of shared addressbook with Ubuntu and latest release of openldap (in v3 standard). Any tips?12:56
hilarieI just free'd up 7megs of space... and I am still here, thanks for your help jrib12:56
jribhilarie: no problem12:56
AsimI want to download ubunut studio, I have AMD CPU 32bit, but from this list I don't know what to download > http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/10.10/release/12:56
hilariethe 32bit one asim12:56
jribAsim: intel x8612:57
AsimI don't see a 32bit there12:57
AsimI got AMD CPU12:57
sinisterstufAsim: the one that's not i68612:58
jribAsim: it's the "intel x86" version or "i386".  That's the one you want12:58
ruanAsim: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/10.10/release/ubuntustudio-10.10-alternate-i386.iso12:58
rodhashHey gusy.. does anyone know a light picture editor for gnome? I would like to do a simple task.. just cut a little peace of a picture and paste it into a doc12:58
Shogootjrib, sorry i dont udnerstand. i added the word text to the line you told me, and did update-grub, but i dont se any changes onthe options to load ubuntu12:58
wonderworldhi, when using nautilus to  connect to an ftp server "Connect to Server...", the contents of the monunted ftp are shown in firefox instead of nautilus. how would i make nautilus handle ftp:// again?12:59
jribShogoot: you wouldn't see any change in the menu.  Just run your normal kernel choice and X won't start12:59
Shogootjrib, ok gonna try :)12:59
license2grillrodhash: For that, maybe Shutter will suit you12:59
brontosaurusrexrodhash, if you are happy with some scripting, you may want to use imagemagicks13:00
ruanrodhash: gnu paint13:00
ruan!info gpaint13:00
ubottugpaint (source: gpaint): GNU Paint - a small, easy to use paint program for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3-6 (maverick), package size 116 kB, installed size 776 kB13:00
brontosaurusrexrodhash, http://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php13:00
ruanits like ms paint, but gnu paint13:00
ZuloHi!, how i can make my bash script for wait wget and then continue?13:00
ruanZulo: you mean pause?13:01
rodhashThanks guys, let me try gpaint13:01
Zuloyes ruan13:01
ruanZulo: wait for wget to finish or pause a download?13:01
mrdebis gnupaint less bloated?13:01
Zulowait for wget13:01
Zulowget finish13:01
ruanZulo: it will do wget before the next command13:02
ruanmrdeb: yep, looks much less bloated13:02
SandySynaptikIs there anybody to hear me?13:02
ruanSandySynaptik: yes13:02
nopfruan: who?13:03
GOMIhow can i make GNASH work with youtube and other flash related stuff13:03
brontosaurusrexwonderworld, i didnt bother to figure out that, but what seems to work is to run the connect-to-server command (or shortcut) from allready open nautilus window, instead of shortcuts, also this behaviour i noticed only on karmic13:03
ruannopf: ?13:03
=== doodoo is now known as Dart
GOMIit plays swf very good only youtube and other stuff wont work13:03
brontosaurusrexZulo, use pastebin for your current script13:03
nopfruan: joking. not 04-01 anymore though13:03
prxGOMI: the commercials all word ;)13:04
Shogootjrib, works :) but i tried to do startx and it fails, is it another command?13:04
Shogootjrib, i can live with it as it is btw13:04
jribShogoot: sudo service lxdm start13:04
ruanmrdeb: http://www.gnu.org/software/gpaint/gpaint_screenshot.png13:04
GOMIsorry i dont understand what you try to say by that ?13:04
yeats!gnash | GOMI13:04
ubottuGOMI: gnash is Gnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/13:04
el7rhello, where are emsene incomplete file transfers saved ?13:05
nopfGOMI: there are 2 things called flash today: 'flash games' and 'flash video' ... in the beginning, flash video had another name, wasn't from adoboe, wasn't even in the definition for flash player. it's just some video codec.13:05
el7rIm receiving a large video file, and it stopped at 93%, where can I find the file? I check /tmp13:05
rodhashThanks Guys, gpaint worked perfectly.. it's quick and light.. I was going to use gimp but it's really heavy..  \o/13:05
nopfGOMI: so better install some arbitrary video player embeddable to browser if you like, with the right codec13:06
SandySynaptikActually I'm new to 'Linux' and There is an outdated version of Firefox there on Ubuntu 10.10, I have downloaded Latest firefox from mozilla website named "firefox-4.0.tar.bz2" How to install this version of Firefox????13:06
jrib!firefox4 | SandySynaptik13:06
ubottuSandySynaptik: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox13:06
prxGOMI: you might try to install adobe-flashplugin and uninstall gnash, might work, might not13:06
rodhashThis IRC Channel is the best.. o/13:06
nopfGOMI: for me, gnash never played flash *video*13:06
brontosaurusrexgomi, if you just want flash, then this magic cmd may work: sudo apt-get --purge remove swfdec-mozilla adobe-flashplugin browser-plugin-gnash gnash gnash-common mozilla-plugin-gnash swfdec-mozilla; sudo dpkg -P flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin-nonfree13:06
nopfGOMI: and yes, like prx said, the *adobe* flash plugin plays flasch animations and flash videos. but is proprietary etc ofc13:07
Shogootjrib, works. THANKS!13:07
SandySynaptikBut I have to install this without and internet connection... Is there any way?13:07
unixoidhi all!13:08
mr_boo_ltpis it incorrect to have a partition with no operating system on defined as primary?13:08
ruanSandySynaptik: with the .deb package perhaps13:08
ruanmr_boo_ltp: no, i have a drive with no operating system13:09
prxmr_boo_ltp: yes, but it should not be marked "bootable"13:09
mr_boo_ltpruan: what's the point of so called "logical" partitions then?13:09
ruanprx: that drive with no operating system has the boot flag :p13:10
prxmr_boo_ltp: you cascade partitiontables if one is becoming full (each can i believe hold 4 partitions), thats where the extended partitions come from13:10
=== manio_ is now known as manio
DirtyDawgwhile firefox is being mentiond ( i know this isnt the Mozilla channel or whatever ) but under windows, FF 3 and FF4 can be installed and kept running seperatley, does this work in Ubuntu, or does installing FF4 overide FF3?13:10
prxruan: thats unfortunate, then you depend on the BIOS boot order to pick the correct one13:11
ruanprx: when i installed ubuntu, it always installed grub on the other drive13:11
ruanprx: the one with no os13:11
mr_boo_ltpprx: on my old drive i had linux swap as extended i think13:11
ruanprx: and it still booted13:11
prxruan: yep, because that one was marked bootable13:11
mr_boo_ltpprx: on my new it is primary and i can still boot13:11
yeatsDirtyDawg: if you install it with the mozillateam/firefox-stable PPA, it will replace 3.613:11
DirtyDawgahh k mate, ty for the info13:12
prxThose MSDOS partitiontables are hopefully becomint obsolete soon, as ppl should go on and use GPT13:12
mr_boo_ltpprx: is the extended or logical partition concept an efficiency issue?13:12
prxmr_boo_ltp: its not13:12
mr_boo_ltpprx: what could be the possible drawback for me when having both swap and my personal files defined as primary then?13:12
ruanprx: yeah13:13
prxmr_boo_ltp: none, if you are not using 4 partitions already, the 4th then should be the extended13:13
prxin order to be able to seamlessly scale up if needed13:13
ruanprx: but it always chose the one with no os, even when my boot order was different to what it chose.. i reinstalled ubuntu 3 times to discover that13:13
prxruan: seems some stupid MS partitioning tool messed that up, they always suck at stuff like marking partitions bootable13:14
mr_boo_ltpprx: i think i've been able to both move a primary partition and even rescale it with gparted13:14
prxruan: you may however fix this, if you are careful13:14
ruanprx: my drive boot order had to be swapped to boot ubuntu13:15
prxmr_boo_ltp: i hope you had done backups before doing this, as using gparted might be risky13:15
mr_boo_ltpprx: yes of course13:15
prxruan: its quite easy so set the bootable flag in, say fdisk oder gparted, if you like so13:16
prxif you want stuff done right, do it yourself (or at least dont let MS do it ;)13:16
ruanyeah, i wish i realised that before i  reinstalled ubuntu 3 times13:16
mrdebhow do you enable internet connectio nsharing without using network manager13:17
prxruan: i thing you can still change that, as partitions are identified using ther unique ID13:17
prxso the actual order and which disk it is shoudnt matter13:17
ruanprx: it didnt detect grub before i swapped the disk order13:17
remoteCTR1!sn > cjm13:17
mr_boo_ltpprx: thanks13:17
sinisterstufhow do you increase the screen resoltuion of the virtual terminal?13:18
remoteCTR1!cn > cjm13:18
ubottucjm, please see my private message13:18
mrdebhow do you enable internet connectio nsharing without using network manager13:18
remoteCTR1mrdeb: you could use firestarter13:19
prxmrdeb: youd need echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward and probably set up the iptables rules if you need NAT13:19
remoteCTR1cjm: yeah i figured...13:19
riddleboxis there any software that will make a diagram of your network?13:20
damiankubajest ktoś z Polski13:20
remoteCTR1mrdeb: wile what prx said is a solution which will not work after rebooting13:20
yeats!pl | damiankuba13:20
ubottudamiankuba: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:20
remoteCTR1!pl > damiankuba13:20
ubottudamiankuba, please see my private message13:20
riddleboxruan, software that you can create a visual look of your network13:20
prxmrdeb: http://ubuntulinux.co.in/blog/ubuntu/nat-configuration-with-iptables-in-ubuntu/13:21
cjmMy English is poor13:21
remoteCTR1mrdeb: if you need to aks this question and are not familiar with iptables do have a look at firestarter13:21
remoteCTR1cjm:  just have a try we are capable of abstractions...;)13:22
prxmaking it work after every boot is a case of writing your commands in the script /etc/rc.local13:23
prxbut i do not believe that is very elegant13:23
alternate_ubuntu server boys /join #ubuntu-server13:24
prxyeah, server will be more appropriate13:24
cjmAdult video site? To speed13:24
alternate_cjm: porn?13:24
BestKeptSecretis tor stable and safe?13:24
ruani dont think its possible to create a diagram of a network because you can't work out the exact location of a pc13:25
alternate_BestKeptSecret: #tor13:25
lampe2hey is there a way to get pivot to work with ubuntu?13:25
ruan!info pivot13:25
brontosaurusrexlampe2, a blog?13:25
ubottuPackage pivot does not exist in maverick13:25
cjmAV,do you know?13:25
prxruan: there are tools, and you might need to flood switches MAc tables for them to broadcast13:25
alternate_cjm: antivirus?13:26
prxnot very nice13:26
riddleboxruan, not that you had to do exactly that, but draw like modem-router-switch-then arrows to used IP's13:26
joeoshawalocale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory13:26
joeoshawa can someone help fix this please13:26
alternate_haha cjm you want to check porn sites without getttings virus, you just need to run Ubuntu.. no viruses13:26
lampe2pivot: screen rotation i cant get it to work?13:27
cjmyes.i do13:27
AHTOHsomeone can help me to install tp link wifi adapter 722n13:27
joeoshawai can't set my locale its causing all sorts of errors13:27
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
jg3A running and shared addressbook with Ubuntu latest and openldap? Any good example?13:28
cjmI just want a site13:28
bazhangcjm, stop it13:28
alternate_cjm: for porn?13:28
joeoshawaevolution has an adress book13:28
bazhangalternate_, you too13:28
=== Mindmaster is now known as mindmaster
alternate_bazhang: im trying to help the foregin13:28
bazhang!guidelines | alternate_ cjm13:29
ubottualternate_ cjm: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:29
cjmping www.163.com13:29
joeoshawaso can anyone help me with the locales problem i looked online i have seen this back as far as 2005 but none of the fixes are working13:30
alternate_invalid hostname13:30
bazhangalternate_, move on13:30
remoteCTR1http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines throws an ugly error btw...13:30
ruanreally? i dont get an error there13:31
remoteCTR1ruan: The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request...13:32
alternate_remoteCTR1: fix your DNS13:32
ruanremoteCTR1: i dont get that error13:32
alternate_remoteCTR1: terminal host wiki.ubuntu.com13:32
remoteCTR1now that is enthralling, it works again:)13:32
alternate_router fail13:32
remoteCTR1bazhang: i would like to ask a seriously meant question without meaning to troll, that ok by you?13:33
bazhangremoteCTR1, please PM me13:34
remoteCTR1bazhang: thanks! :)13:34
mehdihow can i change my wlan channel?13:37
salihk1guys, i have problem in java applet. when i play games on pogo sound doesn't work.13:39
m0021Does anyone knows a script which shows the amount of unread mail from my pop3 mailaccount?13:41
prxm0021: the mail monitor for the panel would show13:41
remoteCTR1mehdi: that is usually a setting on the wireless router13:42
Dr_Willism0021:  theres proberly dozens of them out there - i recall seeing some that even put the info in uyour bash prompt13:42
mehdii use kaptop13:42
xskydevilxI'm currently running Maverick of a live image and I'm trying to install it. When I get to a screen to select were to install it, I choose "Install alongside other operating systems" and I'm able to exand the Ubuntu partition only to a 22.3 GB but I have 45 GB of unallocated space. How do I install it to that free space instead?13:43
remoteCTR1  m0021: there are also desklets that do that job...13:43
prxmehdi: networkmanager will scan your entire channels, showing you the available networks to connect to, no need to manually change channels13:43
remoteCTR1mehdi: i thought so, yet this is not a setting for the operating system put for the wifi access point13:44
remoteCTR1mehdi: do you have any trouble with other close accespoints that broadcast on the same fequency or why do you want to change channels?13:45
mehdiwhen i wanto to use aireplay-ng it shows  the its shows wlan0 is in channel -1 and the broad cast is in channel 113:45
keducahelphow to install keduca on edubuntu 10.10?13:46
remoteCTR1xskydevilx: if you have non continuous free spaces you cannot. in that case you need to boot the life cd and use gparted to move the partitions so that you have continuous space13:46
navatwoHi, I updated my kde to the experimental packages.. they look great but now I cannot connect to wifi. I'm running plasma-netbook and the application switcher crashes kde as well. Any words of wisdom?13:46
bazhangkeducahelp, seems to be in the package pauker13:46
remoteCTR1mehdi: i am afraid you just lost me...13:47
Dr_Willisnavatwo:  thats why they were experimental? :()   You might want to ask in #kubuntu if theres some alternative ways to try to connect to wireless.13:47
Dr_Willisnavatwo:  or perhaps try wicd. if they managed to break the network-manager13:47
xskydevilxremoteCTR1: Thanks.13:48
remoteCTR1xskydevilx: np13:48
navatwoDr_Willis: what do you mean13:48
ruan!info wicd13:49
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-5 (maverick), package size 40 kB, installed size 88 kB13:49
m0021I need a bash script, so I can use it in conky. I have a gmx mailaccount13:49
vincent_I have ubuntu installed on two HD's, how come you cannot delete the file system dirs from one of them?13:51
gnosisanyone know if there is a way to include the tty in bash history?  so that commands from multiple terminals are distinct13:51
remoteCTR1m0021: google says not much on this...13:51
remoteCTR1vincent_: you mean you are running in raid mode?13:51
gnosisvincent_: you need to clarify that a bit13:51
terroristالسلام عليكم13:51
m0021remoteCTR1: I searched hours for that on google...13:52
vincent_gnosis remoteCTRl my second hard disk broke down once, but I put it in the fridge and now it works again13:52
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe13:52
remoteCTR1m0021: sry dude, out of ideas too...13:52
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية13:52
vincent_gnosis remoteCTRl but ubuntu is installed on it, however I cannot delete the files for some reason13:52
vincent_and both disks are getting full13:53
remoteCTR1vincent_: erm... you put it in the fridge and nowq it works again?? :D13:53
gnosisremoteCTR1: HDs are just like NES games, duh ;)13:54
vincent_remote CTRl really, yes.. someone told me that was a good measure to take to get the files off them before it breaks down entirely but it seems that the disk just works now13:54
remoteCTR1ok vincent_ i need to know: is that a raid or do you have two seperate operating systems on two seperate hard disks?13:54
=== chg is now known as chgtg
vincent_what is a raid?13:54
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:54
gnosisvincent_: can you copy files off the damaged drive?13:54
Dr_Willistime to be making backups.. fast..13:55
remoteCTR1vincent_: basically that means you put a few disks together in a special way so that you can read/write on them simultaneously13:55
gnosisbut it won't let you write to it?13:55
vincent_it made a rrrr tcloc sound in the past, and someone told me my disk was dying13:55
remoteCTR1vincent_: i am under the impression you got a permissions problem13:55
GOMIIT WORKED , gnash is working on youtube very good without adobe13:55
remoteCTR1vincent_: could be...13:55
vincent_I'll try, good one13:55
Dr_WillisGOMI:  you do know that Youtube can use the HTML5 video codec/setting and not need flash :)13:55
GOMIno didnt know -_-!)13:56
Dr_Willisat least  i think it can do html5 instead of flash for most videos. check youtube.com/html513:56
gnosisvincent_: why are you trying to store data on a damaged drive anyway?13:56
Dr_Willisvincent_:  if the drive is making funny noises, and acting odd.. i suggest backing up data very soon.13:56
gnosisanyone know if there is a way to include the tty in bash history?  so that commands from multiple terminals are distinct13:57
vincent_I've got 17 fd's in my dev dir, why so many?13:57
GOMIthanks will look at that13:57
Dr_Willisgnosis:  you may want toc heck the history command. I was thinking whenver a bash se4ssion closed. it wrote its history to the common .history file.13:57
vincent_well the drive seems to work now properly, right? it doesn't make the rrr tclock sound anymore13:57
=== administrator is now known as Guest50963
Dr_Willisvincent_:  its your data.. how imporntant is it.. that drive could die at any time. (any drive could die at any time)13:58
Guest50963no people13:58
Dr_WillisGuest50963:  1531 people here.13:58
gnosisDr_Willis: it does.  i was wondering if there was a way to show the tty the command was run in while viewing the history log13:58
Dr_Willisgnosis:  never noticed that feature. Check the bash/history docs perhaps.13:59
Dr_Willisi think 'history' is a bash built in feature.13:59
=== _antant_ is now known as antant
Dr_Willisgnosis:  its possible other shells may have that feauture if its that imporntant for you13:59
gnosisDr_Willis: not terribly.  i was just customizing history a bit and thought that would be useful if it existed14:00
gnosisvincent_: can you boot off the drive?14:01
remoteCTR1vincent_: does it work now?14:01
vincent_gnosis, I don't know14:01
vincent_remoteCTRl yes it works, I just uploaded a picture to internet from it14:01
vincent_except I don't know why fd0 in the dev list is the second dir14:02
vincent_which *14:02
gnosisvincent_: use smartmontools to check the drive14:02
remoteCTR1i think i need to restart my irce client, brb14:02
vincent_sg0 - sg6 in the dev dir are harddisks?14:04
=== remoteCTRL2 is now known as remoteCTR1
remoteCTR1vincent_: re14:05
FloodBot2ylmfos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:05
ruanwhat are all the question marks for?14:05
aeon-ltdruan: just spammers14:05
=== firewave is now known as DCI|FireWave
FloodBot2ylmfos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:06
ruan!ops | ylmfos14:06
ubottuylmfos: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!14:06
remoteCTR1vincent_: if you still have ide disks that would be hd[a-z][0-9] or if it is sata it is sd[a-z][0-9] like /def/sda1 or /dev/hdb214:07
Tyrnisplop all14:07
vincent_so you have to sudo mnt /dev/sd0 mnt/sd0 right?14:08
Tyrnisplop all14:08
hackathoncan i cleanup my macbook pro screen with cotton and water?14:09
remoteCTR1vincent_: i dunno what sd0 is but yes yozu could sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt14:09
ikoniaTyrnis: can you stop that please14:09
remoteCTR1vincent_: but as you said you can copy data to/from it it is supposedly mounted already, right?14:09
Tyrnisoups sorry.14:09
hackathoncan i cleanup my macbook pro screen with cotton and water? (sorry for the irrelevant question)14:10
brontosaurusrexhackathon, mac screen usually come with a special microfiber cloth for cleaning, dunno about laptops14:10
vincent_yes but I cannot get permission to delete files form it14:10
vincent_why again is it sda sda1, sda2 and sda5 again? I knew once but I forgot :(14:10
remoteCTR1vincent_: please desccribe the procedure, how are you attempting to delete them?14:10
vincent_mount it then sudo delete the stuff14:11
ikoniahackathon: then don't ask14:11
remoteCTR1vincent_: one is usually /boot14:11
remoteCTR1one is /root14:11
hackathonbrontosaurusrex thanks, but i really would like to know if it's possible14:11
vincent_remoteCTRl come again?14:11
vincent_one is /root?14:11
hackathonikonia please tell me if you have any idea14:11
ikoniahackathon: no, it's offtopic for this channel, please don't ask again14:11
vincent_I have sda, sda1, sda2, sda5, sdb, sdb1, sdb2 and sdb514:12
oCeanvincent_: sda is your entire disk. sda1, sda2 are the partitions on that disk14:12
remoteCTR1vincent_: pleas do "sudo mount"14:12
hackathonikonia can you redirect me to perfect channel?14:12
brontosaurusrexhackathon, ##mac14:12
ikoniahackathon: ##apple ?14:12
remoteCTR1ant tell me what is mounted to /14:12
vincent_people start laughing when you tell them you still use floppy disks14:12
remoteCTR1vincent_: :D14:13
hackathonikonia there is no channel called apple14:14
vincent_when I try to mount sda it says it's already mounted14:14
remoteCTR1vincent_: sr0 is your /dvd-rom drive btw14:14
ikoniahackathon: ##apple14:14
remoteCTR1vincent_: what did sudo mount return?14:14
itscoolhi all14:14
remoteCTR1itscool: hi14:15
itscool how is every one to day14:15
vincent_sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/kleineHD14:15
vincent_mount: /dev/sda already mounted or /mnt/kleineHD busy14:15
hackathonikonia i asked that question in the two channels, still have no aswer14:15
ruanperhaps ##hardware14:16
ikoniahackathon: so ? wait for a response14:16
vincent_I doubt that /mnt/kleineHD is busy so I guess it is already mounted14:16
cvamanybody help me I've wrongly remove the current running application  tab from the gnome panel by right clicking on it and click remove from panel14:16
vincent_but as what and as what is sdb mounted?14:16
cvamI want to get it14:16
remoteCTR1vincent_: hehehe look dude i did not ask you to tell me what sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt/kleineHD returns but what sudo moujnt returns14:16
ruancvam: the notification area?14:17
cvamanybody help me I've wrongly remove the current running application  tab from the gnome panel by right clicking on it and click remove from panel I want to get it back14:17
hackathonikonia no body seems to care, can you just tell me if it's possible!14:17
ruancvam: right click panel, add to panel, notification area14:17
aauthorcvam: Right click on the panel and hit "Add to Panel"14:17
itscoolcan some one tell me how to get the tool bar at the bottom with the trash can back?14:17
itaylor57hackathon: http://www.apple.com/support/macbook/care/14:17
cvamno a tab used to maximize by clicking on it14:17
remoteCTR1cvam: so right click the pannel and click add to panel and add it again14:17
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »14:17
ruanmaximise, hmmm14:18
LXCC-Vincenzo*crashed* hi all , after the last update of ubuntu 10.4 i have a problem with locale, anyone knows how to fix?14:18
hackathonitaylor57 thanks14:18
ruancvam: maximise what exactly?14:18
vincent_remoteCTRl http://pastebin.com/2DkJPVen14:18
remoteCTR1vincent_: thax gimme a sec pls14:18
conbothi, where can I go to learn about CRUX?14:19
prxbrontosaurusrex: thx, now my beloved nm-applet is back again *laughs*14:19
ruanconbot: #crux maybe14:19
remoteCTR1vincent_: so there you go your /dev/sda1 is mounted on  / , that means that is your filesystem root14:19
conbotok,  i'll try that, thx14:19
cvamsorry ruan Its mistake14:19
cvamI got the solution14:20
xskydevilx_I'm just trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 and when I get to a part where I should select where to install Ubuntu, I move the slider to 50 GB and after I click Continue I get a message: "An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices.  The resize operation has been aborted." Does anyone know why this is happening?14:20
remoteCTR1vincent_: and then there it says /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad please notice the "bad" at the end14:20
vincent_remoteCTRl what about my sdb1?14:20
vincent_ok sorry14:20
remoteCTR1vincent_: that is the disk that you are looking to delete on14:20
vincent_I wonder why there are so many updates of ubuntu all the time14:21
remoteCTR1vincent_: as far as i understood you you wanted to delete in order to free space there right?14:21
vincent_yes, the ubuntu updates took up too much space14:21
remoteCTR1vincent_: DON'T! save your data and watch it die14:21
vincent_my disk is not dying14:21
vincent_it doesn't make the sound anymore14:21
remoteCTR1point is you can probably not delete data there because the disk is mounted read only14:22
Dr_Willisxskydevilx_:  defrag/scabndisk the windows drives befor.. or use windows to resize the partition. leaving part of the HD unallocated.14:22
remoteCTR1due to the immanent failure14:22
remoteCTR1vincent_: its name is  /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad14:22
Dr_Willisvincent_:  it made the sound once.. that fact its not making noise now. does not mean its not dieing.14:22
vincent_what a complicated name14:22
xskydevilx_Dr_Willis: I'll try that. Thanks.14:22
remoteCTR1vincent_: at leat ubuntu thinks it is dying...14:22
brontosaurusrexvincent_, you can setup the updates to only install security stuff and not bother with anything else14:22
=== PinkUnicorns is now known as nhandler
Dr_WillisremoteCTR1:  thats the UUID. if you gave it a label. it would use that instead.. No diea about the 'bad' at the end however.14:23
vincent_yes but the security stuff alone is too much already I have only say 111 MB on my disk free14:23
Dr_WillisHard drives are the weakest link in hardware these days i find..  Eventually they all will die. :)14:23
vincent_which should be enough but it isn't14:23
remoteCTR1vincent_: your pastebin says the disk is mounted rw14:23
vincent_that's not funny Dr_Willis!14:23
terryI have a question about Firefox:  It appears that there are several places for them ~/.mozilla/plugins/~/.firefox/plugins/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/  So the question I have is;  In what order does firefox search for any particular plugin?14:23
remoteCTR1Dr_Willis: just a conicidence? :D14:24
Dr_Willisvincent_:  what part?  I have had more hd's die then any other hardware failure.14:24
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis, any light on that tunnel for the future?14:24
Dr_WillisHd's then power Supplies.14:24
vincent_why didn't that happen in the old days?14:24
terryIt appears that there are several places for plugins: ~/.mozilla/plugins/~/.firefox/plugins/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/  So the question I have is;  In what order does firefox search for any particular plugin?14:24
remoteCTR1vincent_: what Dr_Willis said...14:24
ioterry: the first two are local, the second two are global14:25
Dr_Willisvincent_:  they have always been one of the weakest links.. with the new hd's and speeds and storage size. and other stuff.. they are a lot more complex.14:25
remoteCTR1vincent_: so how do you try to delete files on that disk?14:25
Dr_Willisvincent_:  what remains to be seen is if the new SDD's  are more durable.14:25
remoteCTR1you shoud see that one in "plces" menu btw14:25
Dr_WillisRIP :)14:25
remoteCTR1Dr_Willis: depends strongly on what purpose you use them for...14:25
ruanmy hd is super old, not dead yet14:26
vincent_look, my hd doesn't seem to be dying! I can access it and it doesn't make the sound anymore, it hasn't for about half a year or so14:26
terryio: I realize that, but for any one particular user that runs firefox;  what is the order in which firefox searches for a plugin?  (There has to be an order.)14:26
Dr_WillisremoteCTR1:  i dont own any yet. I need spaace not speed normally14:26
remoteCTR1vincent_: *sigh* but you cannot DELETE fiels on it, right?14:26
Dr_Williswell bbl.14:27
vincent_no, so ubuntu thinks it's dying14:27
ioterry: as a guess (which is better than nothing) I'd say the global ones, but you can always check with them directly14:27
remoteCTR1Dr_Willis: so do i and i have loads incoming simultaneously...14:27
gnosisvincent_: use smartmontools to check the health of the drive14:27
gnosisvincent_: what do you mean ubuntu thinks it's dying?14:27
ioterry: #firefox14:27
remoteCTR1vincent_: no, after what you said I thought... :D14:27
vincent_you guys told me14:27
jsebeandoes anyone know why some of my files randomly go corrupt on ubuntu server?14:27
Dr_Willisvincent_:  if a filesystem error is found. the system can remount the filesystem as read only. if its writeable once.. then a few min later its not.. check 'dmesg' output.14:27
remoteCTR1vincent_: i do ask you for like the 5th time now HOW you attempt to delete the files?14:27
vincent_with sudo in a terminal14:28
gnosisshow the command14:28
vincent_sudo delete /etc etc.14:28
jsebeandoes anyone know why some of my files randomly go corrupt on ubuntu server?14:28
remoteCTR1Dr_Willis: we checked sudo mount output it is mounte rw14:28
gnosisno, show the exact command you are trying to use14:28
terryio: What I ASSUME is that firefox first searches ~/.firefox/plugins/  then ~/.mozilla/plugins/  then /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ then /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/  But this is only an assumption.  Is that right?  Or not?14:28
remoteCTR1and the exact error was?14:28
gnosisactually, run the command, and paste us the output also14:28
vincent_cd /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad14:29
remoteCTR1vincent_: you gotta be kiddn me!14:29
remoteCTR1ah okk14:29
ioterry: I'd say the global ones first, but not definate14:29
remoteCTR1vincent_: if you d /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad14:29
vincent_guys, I'm sort of insane a bit.. but I still can live in an extraordinary way14:29
d3vin00how to install keduca on edubuntu 10.10? any link would be appriciated14:29
gnosisdude, just show us what you are typing in when you try to delete files off the drive14:30
remoteCTR1vincent_: then it is of course not sudo rm /etc anymore but sudo rm -R etc14:30
vincent_but I don't want the /home dir to be deleted14:30
vincent_yes I understand you14:30
remoteCTR1vincent_: cd /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad14:30
vincent_sudo rm -R /etc14:30
remoteCTR1sudo rm -R etc14:30
remoteCTR1not /etc14:31
remoteCTR1but etc14:31
fredrik_Every time I log in to my session I have to start "Compiz fusion Icon" and do a "Reload Window manager". How can I make this happend automaticaly?14:31
jsebeandoes anyone know why some of my files randomly go corrupt on ubuntu server?14:31
gnosisyou're trying to delete /etc?14:31
vincent_I can just delete the stuff right? I boot from the other dir, so.....14:31
gnosisno, do not try and remove the /etc directory14:31
vincent_why not? it is big and is never used, the /etc dir from the other hd is used14:31
remoteCTR1vincent_: lokk, your / directory is the ROOT directory of the system that you are curently running14:32
remoteCTR1vincent_: so if you rm /etc then you are attempting to delete the etc directory located in / of your currently booted ubuntu14:32
gnosisthen why not just copy what you need off the drive and then wipe it completely?14:32
vincent_remoteCTRl no from the other disk14:32
vincent_the cd /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad disk14:32
mramigejsebean: have you tried something like badblocks -sv on the partition to rule out physical problems?14:32
remoteCTR1vincent_: if you change directory to /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad then you have an etc directory in there14:33
jsebeanalright ill try14:33
sykesis there a way to change performance level of gpu while using nouveau driver?14:33
remoteCTR1vincent_: so you want to delete etc, not /etc!  got it? ;)14:33
terryio: Well, I know for sure that ~/.mozilla/plugins/  comes before  /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins  And the reason I know that is that I recently had an older version of libflashplayer in ~/.mozilla/plugins/  and had placed a newer version of it in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/  and firefox kept using the older version untill I deleted it from ~/.mozilla/plugins/14:33
gnosisvincent_: just do all this in the terminal and then pastebin it so we can actually see it14:33
mramigeit has to be unmounted to run though14:33
jsebeanits vps server14:34
marco_p85Hi, I have thisproblem. I have installed a program named Qmmp (it's an audio player) but I'd like to remove it. I uninstalled the Qmmp package from Synaptic, but the icon still shows in the Audio/Video menù and the app can still be run fro mthere14:34
vincent_oh oh14:35
remoteCTR1vincent_: or in toher words: you want to delete /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad/etc ant not /etc14:35
vincent_I'm afraid I have a problem then14:35
remoteCTR1vincent_: what ohoh?14:35
remoteCTR1vincent_: :D what ever did you do??14:35
ruanmarco_p85: does it appear in ubuntu software center?14:35
vincent_can I copy the /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad/et to /etc ?14:36
mramigejsebean: have you contacted the hosting company?, maybe they can check it out14:36
vincent_can I copy the /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad/etc to /etc ?14:36
marco_p85@ruan - no14:36
remoteCTR1vincent_: geeezzz, tell me you didn't...14:36
marco_p85I forgot tot say I have Ubuntu 10.1014:36
gnosisvincent_: that would be a horrible thing to do14:36
vincent_I'm afraid I did, remoteCTRl14:36
jsebeani will contact them14:36
ruanmarco_p85: can you remove it with terminal?14:36
remoteCTR1vincent_: you couldn't have cos you got the "cannot be deleted" error right??14:36
vincent_how come I can still chat with you guys anyway now?14:36
marco_p85i removed the package, but it's stil lthere14:36
vincent_I didn't get such error14:37
vincent_vincent@vincent-desktop:/media$ cd /etc14:37
vincent_bash: cd: /etc: No such file or directory14:37
ruanmarco_p85: sudo apt-get purge qmmp14:37
marco_p85done that14:37
gnosiswait, maybe he copied into /etc, not overwriting14:37
ruanmarco_p85: does that work?14:37
remoteCTR1vincent_: \o0/14:37
marco_p85I did that, no14:37
tjiggi_fovincent_, remoteCTR1 , the way to do this is make the unwanted directory "etc.old" amd move (mv) to good one into the original directorie's place14:37
marco_p85it nwo says that no package is installed14:37
gnosisvincent_: do "ls -la /"14:37
marco_p85sorry, phone.. BRB14:37
conbothi, does anyone know anything about grub?14:37
ruanconbot: yes14:38
remoteCTR1tjiggi_fo: thanks dude but wer are currently at smoething completely different..14:38
remoteCTR1vincent_: gosh dude first of all with such operations you need to think twice!14:38
vincent_my browser can no longer load pastebin.com14:38
remoteCTR1vincent_: in other words EMPLOY YOUR BRAINS!!14:38
conbothey, does anyone know about GRRRRRRUUUUUUBBBBBBB??????14:38
vincent_I'm sorry guys!14:38
bittin_conbot: #grub ?14:39
remoteCTR1vincent_: the other disk14:39
vincent_what's wrong with copying the /media/6a03268a-991f-4bac-a419-15e0436c4bad/etc to /etc ?14:39
vincent_I can do that, right?14:39
remoteCTR1vincent_: you booted ubuntu from it on the same pc, right?14:39
remoteCTR1vincent_: IF it is the same version14:39
conbot(sorry), how to i switch to different room on gnome x-chat?14:39
remoteCTR1vincent_: IF it is from the same computer14:40
vincent_ok, so I made a mistake14:40
vincent_it's not the end of the world14:40
remoteCTR1vincent_: IF you have a very similar setup you might get lucky14:40
vincent_I'll just have to try it14:40
DirtyDawgconbot: have you tried /join #grub14:40
gnosisremoteCTR1: accounts will be fucked most likely14:40
remoteCTR1gnosis: sure as hell...14:40
gnosisvincent_: can you load pastebin?14:40
vincent_no I cannot14:41
vincent_I guess the browser is in the etc dir14:41
gnosiscan you load anything?14:41
GaryDdoes anyone know how to make abr2gbr work on format version 6? i get this error - ERROR: unable to decode abr format version 614:41
vincent_my e-mail stil seems to work14:41
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remoteCTR1vincent_: one thing i still dont get: you kept asking because YOU COULD NOT DELETE EXACTLY THAT FILE... how on earth could you delete it all of a sudden??14:41
remoteCTR1vincent_: nope it isnt...14:41
gnosisvincent_: do "ls -la /" and paste it to me in a pm then14:42
suicidoltI'm looking to run neverwinter nights.  Do I need wine?14:42
prakashello how do i share internet connection from a ubuntu pc?14:42
remoteCTR1suicidolt: is there a linux version of never winter nights?14:42
prakasmy lan eth0 is set to on ubuntu box14:43
suicidoltthere's a linux version of the standalone server, but I don't know about the game14:43
gnosisprakas: what kind of internet connection?14:43
prakasand wireless wlan0 is set to169.100.100.12 gateway
remoteCTR1prakas: you could have a try with firestarter, that one is a "fullsize" firewall tho...14:43
prakasgnosis: i want to share my wlan0 with eth014:43
vincent_I cannot load a Evolution E-mail anymore either14:44
ruanvincent_: lol14:44
remoteCTR1suicidolt: most game servers run on linux, most games dont...14:44
prakasi want the pcs connected to eth0 to be able to use the internet14:44
vincent_ruan, go laugh about someone's misery somewhere else will you?14:44
prakasgnosis: any ideas how to do it? i am new to linux14:44
gnosisvincent_: is the copy still running in a terminal?14:44
remoteCTR1vincent_: if you reboot that computer now you will never be able to boot this operating system again14:44
Atamiskis there another channel for 11.04 help or is it all here?14:44
mrdebhow do you enable internet connection sharing with  eth0  in terminal14:44
ruan!natty | Atamisk14:44
ubottuAtamisk: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.14:44
remoteCTR1vincent_: so please don't, k?:)14:45
vincent_gnosis what do you mean 'the copy'?14:45
gnosisprakas: so you're trying to bridge the two networks?14:45
mysticaloneif I install freenx, do I have to disable vino before install?14:45
prakasgnosis: yes14:45
vincent_if I reboot this computer I will never be able to boot it..14:45
prakasgnosis: not briging actually i want the ubuntu to run as a nat gateway14:45
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remoteCTR1vincent_: you will if you reinstall but that might mean even more loss of data, right...?14:46
vincent_what stuff all is in etc anyway?14:46
ruanvincent_: different settings possibly14:46
prxvincent_: well, just reinstall then...14:46
remoteCTR1vincent_: there are several...14:46
gnosisvincent_: lots of important system files are in /etc14:46
prakasgnosis: so that pcs on 192.168.0.x can access internet.14:46
vincent_so I am f**ked14:46
remoteCTR1vincent_: well beasically the whole operating system's configuration14:46
bazhangvincent_, watch the language14:46
ruanvincent_: yeah, system stuff is stored in /etc14:46
thevishymy java doesn't load - unless I hit refresh 4-5 times for pages like this for example -> http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=101826014:46
remoteCTR1vincent_: d00m3d you are dud3!14:46
vincent_I'm going to copy the other /etc to etc see what happens14:46
ruanwhat other /etc14:47
remoteCTR1vincent_: do it14:47
bazhang!info etckeeper | vincent_14:47
prxomfg... ubuntu by default does not put that goddamn /home on a partition on its own...14:47
ubottuvincent_: etckeeper (source: etckeeper): store /etc in git, mercurial, bzr or darcs. In component main, is optional. Version 0.48ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 32 kB, installed size 380 kB14:47
vincent_what solution path do we walk?14:47
prakascan anyone help me set internet sharing. make my ubuntu a nat gateway?14:47
mysticaloneis freenx the best option to remote desktop?14:47
oCeanprakas: mind your language in this channel please14:48
remoteCTR1vincent_: well first of all it will require faith in gonsis and me as you doubtlessly are... flying a little blind so to speak? :)14:48
oCeanprakas: sorry14:48
prakasoCean: i was just asking. is my language bad?14:48
prxhow can anyone sane producing a distro _not_ put /home on a partition on its own? (yes, thats actually a debian rant)14:48
bazhangprx language14:48
remoteCTR1vincent_: do copy it but DO NOT REBOOT!14:48
gnosisprakas: can't just connect the AP to the router the pc is on?14:48
oCeanprakas: nick mixup, sorry14:48
vincent_never reboot my pc ever again?14:48
remoteCTR1vincent_: for sure not for the moment;)14:48
vincent_sudo: unknown uid: 100014:48
bazhang!home > prx14:49
ubottuprx, please see my private message14:49
gnosishaha, yup14:49
remoteCTR1hell yeah...14:49
prakasgnosis: the ap is out of range on the ground floor. so i have to connect the 2nd pc via wire eth014:49
remoteCTR1there we go14:49
bazhangremoteCTR1, lets keep the chit chat to a minimum please14:49
prakasgnosis: this pc is in range with the router. like an antenna ;)14:49
thevishyfolkz anyone has problem loading this page ? http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=101826014:49
remoteCTR1bazhang: duely noted!14:49
vincent_you guys are just going to leave me hanging right?14:49
gnosisprakas: ah14:49
chotazHey, I've untar'd a file with sudo to my desktop, now the folder that originated is locked, how can I change it's permissions and to all the fildes and subfolders within, so I can ahve full access to them. I can sudo.14:49
prxwell, bazhang, add "by default" to that14:49
vincent_is there no undo?14:49
gnosisvincent_: no, no undo14:50
remoteCTR1vincent_: i am thinking, give me a minute...14:50
itaylor57thevishy: I have no problems with it I am using chromium and iced tea plugin14:50
aeon-ltdchotaz: if you still have the original tar archive, just tar -xzvf it without sudo that will give it all your user's permissions by default14:50
bazhangprx the live cd? or the debian-installer ncurses based one14:50
vincent_is the time 1:50 PM now or 3:50?14:50
thevishyiced tea  ? is that different from Sun java or the Gnu java plugin /14:50
ruanthevishy: no problems at all, firefox14:50
chotazaeon-ltd, ty14:50
ruanthevishy: icedtea is openjdk14:50
prxbazhang: i f only i knew... my company installed it14:51
vincent_the minute is up remoreCTRl14:51
thevishyI dont understand whats creating havoc with me - in Opera FF and Chromium . NOt thatt the page doesnt load , but might take 3-4 refreshes14:51
vincent_the minute is up remoteCTRl14:51
bazhangprx, well check the link on how to move it; its easily done with the alternate cd14:51
prxbut i knew i always told ppl to put /boot on a partition14:51
remoteCTR1vincent_: what is your user name?14:51
prxi thought it was crystal clear to put /home on one14:51
jsebeanmy host had a kernel panic14:51
jsebeanso i assume thats why they went corrupt14:51
prxbazhang: thx, i will14:52
tensorpuddingwhat's the benefit of putting /boot on its own partition?14:52
remoteCTR1gnosis help me on this please we need to improvise a /etc/passwd and a /etc/shadow14:52
Dr_Willisprx:  /boot on its own. is a little old skool thesed days14:52
gnosishahaha, fun14:52
thevishyruan, is that a Javascript thing itaylor5714:52
GaryDnevermind. the newest gimp has native support for abr brushes.14:52
Dr_Willistensorpudding:  these days. not a whole lot. for most people.14:52
gnosisvincent_: any chance you used the same account name and pass on the old drive?14:52
bazhangtensorpudding, personal preference really. no need for it honestly though separate home is wise14:52
remoteCTR1gnosis: i know, but wer can't just... can we now?14:52
prxDr_Willis: but at least it would solve my problem with grub2 not finding its own config after /boot/grub.cfg got changed (appended i guess)14:52
vincent_gnosis I don't understand your question14:52
ruanthevishy: its a plugin14:52
tensorpuddingit makes sense if you're multibooting and want some flexibility14:53
gnosisremoteCTR1: if he already deleted his /etc, think we might as well try copying /etc off the old drive?14:53
vincent_could be.. not the same password though14:53
Dr_Willisprx:  i dont see how it would affect things. Unless your disks got reordered.. i thought grub2 used UUID's in any case.14:53
thevishyopera has this written : iced tea NPR browser plugin14:53
prxit makes sense if you boot a RAID, it makes sense if you boot LVM...14:53
remoteCTR1vincent_: what passwod and account name did you have on the other hard disks ubuntu? same ones?14:53
gnosisdoesn't seem like it could make it worse14:53
Dr_Willisthevishy:  so you are using the  non-sun java it seems.14:53
vincent_no different14:53
vincent_I changed my password14:53
prxDr_Willis: /boot ought to be the very first partition, so grub will always be able to reach it, regardless of BIOS constraints14:53
bazhangthevishy, enable partner and get the sun java packages14:53
thevishyyes I am using the Open JDK , but I am fine with it as long as it loads though .14:54
remoteCTR1gnosis: thats what he tried but guess what, in the attempt as it requires sudo there came unknown uid: 100014:54
bazhang!partner > thevishy14:54
ubottuthevishy, please see my private message14:54
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bazhang!java | thevishy14:54
ruanDr_Willis: there only seems to be icedtea for openjdk and not sun java14:54
ubottuthevishy: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:54
remoteCTR1vincent_: ok still figuring, we are gonna get this one way or the other, ok?14:54
bazhangruan, its in partner repo14:54
thevishyApparently bazhang everone else seems to have it working with Iced Tea14:54
ruanicedtea with sun java?14:54
Dr_Willisruan:  i thought icedtea was openjdk...  sun's is a differnt java14:54
thevishyicedtea plugin is working fine on the Page no ?14:54
chotazaeon-ltd, for some reason now I can an error when trying to untar the file14:55
vincent_remoteCTR1 what do I do in the meanwhile?14:55
chotazaeon-ltd, gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now14:55
tensorpuddinginstalling one single partition makes sense as a default14:55
thevishyI dont care if its iced tea or sun java .... and you are saying its working fine with iced tea ...so wondering what could I have done wrong here14:55
remoteCTR1gnosis: ok the only way i could think of if vincent_ boots the live cd and mounts both drives and then copies it14:55
Dr_Willisprx:  bios constrants are old-skool issues these days.. same as the 1024 cylinder limit.14:55
remoteCTR1vincent_: listen closely;)14:55
vincent_I think I have a live CD of Knoppix somewhere14:56
aeon-ltdchotaz: no idea on that one, except it sounds like the tar archive was corrupt (just a guess) and using sudo just forced it to untar14:56
remoteCTR1vincent_: got no ubuntu cd?14:56
thevishyruan, Dr_Willis can you check maybe just random if its working after closing the window14:56
chotazaeon-ltd I tried redownloading it, same error :S14:56
gnosisremoteCTR1: no, he doesn't have the pass for the accounts on the other drive14:56
ruanthevishy: after closing the window?14:56
prxDr_Willis: I have some trouble here on a Compaq nx9420, i.e. Centrino Duo... not that old14:56
gnosishe'd still be locked out14:56
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thevishymaybe it might work first time and then show problems too14:56
thevishyyes ruan14:56
remoteCTR1gnosis: doesnt matter  he can set them later via chroot14:56
ruanthevishy: trying again14:56
ruanthevishy: works14:56
aeon-ltdchotaz: keep asking, but what is in the archive?14:56
thevishysometimes It works in first instance and hang later one14:56
chotazaeon-ltd, wine-1.3.6 source14:57
thevishyI see so iced tea is not the problem14:57
thevishybbl ...14:57
ruanalso, chromium works14:57
thevishywill chec after some time14:57
prxDr_Willis: or is there enything else which might cause grub not to find its grub.cfg after it changed, besides a bootet kernel just sees it fine (moving it out and back in again "fixes" this)14:57
thevishyok thanks ruan14:57
gnosisi don't have a better solution, might as well run with that14:57
vincent_I have no live CD14:57
prxIt hat to be the physical position on disk, or fragmenting the file which causes this14:57
gnosiswell fuck, nevermind14:57
gnosisvincent_: can you get one somewhere?14:57
bazhanggnosis, no cursing14:57
ruanbut full of ads, not going to use chromium now14:57
remoteCTR1gnosis: or at least i thnk so? otherwise we would have to delete the hash in /etc/shadow...14:58
gnosisbazhang: ah, sorry14:58
vincent_I found a CD which says Ubuntu on it14:58
remoteCTR1vincent_: you said password is different now but you DO remember the old one, right?14:58
vincent_no I don't think so14:58
remoteCTR1vincent_: where do you have it from?14:58
aeon-ltdchotaz: from the wine site?, why do you need to compile it though?14:58
gnosisvincent_: do you have another computer nearby?14:58
vincent_the CD is from my CD container14:59
vincent_no only this PC14:59
remoteCTR1vincent_: you do NOT remember the pwd from tho old one... kk its just another step :D14:59
chotazaeon-ltd, need to apply a patch so I can have compatibility with a specific application14:59
gnosisyou are not making this easy14:59
vincent_I think I remember the password!14:59
vincent_It just came to me14:59
aeon-ltdchotaz: downloading now, i'll see if i can untar it15:00
remoteCTR1vincent_: look dude i am trying here so where did the cd come from, did you burn it or did someone give it to you? probably it is a normal cd which means you can boot it as live cd15:00
chotazaeon-ltd, ok ty15:00
vincent_it's not my handwriting, I think someone gave it to me15:00
McQueenhi, , have just installed ubuntu on my windows desktop pc. i want to boot windows but when i choose windows on boot screen its getting the boot screen again. it doesnt run windows... how can i fix it?15:00
vincent_if I reboot I may never be able to speak to you guys again, right?15:00
tensorpuddingchotaz: what's the filename15:00
remoteCTR1well put it in the drive and tell us what it says pls...15:00
chotaztensorpudding:  wine-1.3.6.tar.bz215:01
milamber!dualboot | McQueen15:01
ubottuMcQueen: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot15:01
remoteCTR1vincent_: well you made it in here, right? you reboot to the live cd and then you rejoin15:01
vincent_ok, I'll try15:01
tensorpuddingchotaz: that's bzip2, not gzip, so you have to replace the z option with the j option15:01
aeon-ltdchotaz: oh sorry the command is 'tar -xjvf' not -xzvf :( *facepalms*15:01
vincent_see you then15:01
McQueenmilamber, thank you15:01
remoteCTR1vincent_: wait!!15:01
vincent_can we not try anthing.. I know the old password!15:01
chotaztensorpudding:  aeon-ltd: ty and no problemo, I ended up extracting it manually ^15:02
remoteCTR1vincent_: go ahead then! :D15:02
mysticalonewhen I use FreeNX, i get two sessions, and when I try to connect to either one, I get "NX> 596 Could not find shadowed session", what did i do wrong?15:02
vincent_I guess you guys are LYA off now15:03
vincent_it's not so funny man15:03
vincent_if I reinstall ubuntu, will I still be able to access all my files?15:04
ruanvincent_: if the filesystem remains intact and isnt formatted15:04
prxvincent_: no, there was no extra home partition15:04
remoteCTR1vincent_: see that is the problem: depends on if you created a /home partition, if not they will be gone after reinstalling15:05
Suhn_ Ok, so last night, i updated to ubuntu 11.04. At the end of the installation process it prompted for reboot. I rebooted. I got to the screen where i select between windows and ubuntu. (Boot manager). And when i hit ubuntu it just restarts my computer and im right back to the boot manager15:05
marco_p85I'm back15:05
prxit will get "formatted" (filesystem newly created)15:05
remoteCTR1prx: vincent_ thats right according to your pastebin there wasnt15:05
ruanSuhn_: please go to #ubuntu+1 for 11.04 support15:05
Deckardthats why u need to creat allways /home partition15:05
Suhn_No one there is helping15:05
marco_p85who i was talkin to before?15:06
vincent_at least there aren't any viruses possible for linux, right?15:06
jribSuhn_: be patient, that is the correct channel for help with 11.04 (in development)15:06
Suhn_Its the boot problem15:06
gnosisvincent_: that is the least of your worries now15:06
vincent_so I reboot and reinstall15:06
suicidolttrying to extract files it's telling me I have permissions issues?  do I need to run the extraction from the command line just to get it to work?  seriously, is there a way to turn off the nanny15:06
vincent_and hope the home dirs aren't altered15:06
remoteCTR1vincent_: erm... they sure a re possible... but comparibly unlikely...15:06
remoteCTR1vincent_: DONT!!!15:06
aeon-ltdvincent_: some but not a lot, for any to do any damage they'd have to be executed as root, which by default you are not logged in as, however web based attacks - phishing etc still applies ofc15:06
gnosisvincent_: no15:06
Deckardare u guys trouble to install 11.04 too?15:07
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remoteCTR1vincent_: IF YOU THAT NOW YOUR HOME IS GONE!!15:07
ruanDeckard: i dont install beta operating systems15:07
oCeanDeckard: 11.04 is still beta, support in #ubuntu+115:07
gnosisvincent_: you are going to boot into the live cd and then come back into this channel so we can continue helping you from there15:07
remoteCTR1vincent_: what gnosis said!!15:07
metalfan_where can i disable compiz in ubuntu 10.10?15:07
gnosisvincent_: do not reinstall, you will lose all of your data15:07
bfrican anyone help me set up my openoffice so that i can switch between dictionaries english and spanish.  I want the autospell feature for both15:07
Deckardok tks15:07
vincent_ok see you in a minute then15:08
vincent_am I ok to reboot?15:08
remoteCTR1vincent_: go ahead!15:08
gnosisvincent_: did you confirm that was an ubuntu livecd?15:08
vincent_I guess this whole event will make my face radiate a certain amount of stupidity from now on, right?15:08
marco_p85Hi, I have a problem with the app Qmmp. I remvoed the package but the app still shows i nthe Audio/Video menu. i have ubuntu 10.1015:08
remoteCTR1vincent_: :D we were all rookies once! ;)15:08
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vincent_I'm rebooting, CU15:09
aeon-ltdmarco_p85: just edit the menu, if its uninstalled it won't launch anyway15:09
marco_p85no it does launch!15:09
ruanvincent_: make sure your important data is backed up15:09
marco_p85it's weird, I know15:09
marco_p85I mean, I did remove the package from Synaptic, bu the app it still there and I can run it15:11
marco_p85Under buntu Software Center, it's not present in Installed apps15:11
suicidoltso I opened the manual and now I can't get out of it, what's the key?15:11
remoteCTR1gnosis: tension rises..15:11
ruanmarco_p85: you can try a manual removal. remove /Qmmp/ from /usr/lib15:11
bfrican anyone help me set up my openoffice so that i can switch between dictionaries english and spanish.  I want the autospell feature for both15:11
marco_p85is sudo needed?15:11
ruanmarco_p85: yes15:12
marco_p85@ ruan let me try15:12
gnosishe's still online?15:12
ruanmarco_p85: after that, try to launch it. if it fails to launch, then remove it from the menu15:12
remoteCTR1gnosis: i didnt see him part, but i switched it off i beliave...15:12
remoteCTR1vincent_: still there?15:12
gnosisremoteCTR1: still in userlist15:12
ruanvincent_: is still in here15:12
ruanvincent_: probably going to timeout15:13
chotazaeon-ltd, I wanna record an mp3 CD to play in my car, will ubuntu's default cd burner do it?15:13
marco_p85there's no qmmp file in /usr/lib15:13
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ruanmarco_p85: folder15:13
marco_p85nothing named qmmp*15:13
ruanyep he timed out15:13
remoteCTR1gnosis: ..piece of work...:D15:13
gnosisremoteCTR1: what do you figure the odds are on him managing to get back in here?15:13
ruanmarco_p85: try searching the computer15:13
marco_p85already done - no files named qmmp*15:14
remoteCTR1gnosis: depending whether his cd is live? :D15:14
marco_p85wait, there's a folder named qt4 in /usr/lib15:14
marco_p85let's try deleting it!15:14
ruanmarco_p85: no15:14
remoteCTR1i say he returns...:)15:14
gnosisi'm not optimistic15:14
ruanmarco_p85: only if you dont have any other packages depending on it15:14
bfrican anyone help me set up my openoffice so that i can switch between dictionaries english and spanish.  I want the autospell feature for both15:14
remoteCTR1nah, we will see *g*15:14
marco_p85I'll restore it if it fails15:14
ruanmarco_p85: ok15:14
ruanmarco_p85: note that KDE and a few apps including fatrat and acetoneiso depend on qt415:15
marco_p85yes I see it's full of folders and files - unsafe to remove15:15
gnosiswhat's with everyone deleting stuff without knowing if it's important?15:15
quertyHow to reverse these commands?  "sudo apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)" and "sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)"15:15
remoteCTR1gnosis: there is still the user account mashup...15:15
remoteCTR1gnosis: wasnt the issue15:15
marco_p85auch I'm stuck then15:16
ruanmarco_p85: try to remove it with sudo apt-get remove libqt4-core; see what packages it tries to remove with ity15:16
remoteCTR1gnosis: he wanted to delete from another hdd and instead of /media/someuuid/etc he deleted /etc15:16
ZauberParacelsusHas anyone heard of any issues with some applications frequently/always crashing on startup due to a problem with malloc() under Ubuntu 10.10?15:16
ruanmarco_p85: if none of them are important to you, then remove it15:16
marco_p85:ruan ok15:16
quertyHow to reverse these commands? "sudo apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)" and "sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)" ?15:16
marco_p85that package is not installed on my system15:16
ruanmarco_p85: odd15:17
ruan!info libqt4-core15:17
ubottulibqt4-core (source: qt4-x11): transitional package for Qt 4 core non-GUI runtime libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4.3 (maverick), package size 45 kB, installed size 120 kB15:17
ruanmarco_p85: try qt4-x1115:17
marco_p85the output was: Il pacchetto libqt4-core non è installato e quindi non è stato rimosso15:17
marco_p850 aggiornati, 0 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.15:17
quertywho knows?15:17
marco_p85which in Italian means... package not found yep15:17
marco_p85:ruan ok i'll try15:17
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gnosisremoteCTR1: it might be best just to get all the data he wants to save onto one drive and then format and reinstall the other15:18
quertyHow to reverse these commands? "sudo apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)" and "sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)" ?15:18
tioxI am having some mousing problems. And I am certain it's not my mouse.15:18
ruantiox: what versionb of ubuntu?15:18
ruan     ^version15:18
marco_p85:ruan Impossible to find the package named qt4-x1115:18
remoteCTR1gnosis: its for sure the easiest, problem is he mentioned that both disks are full up to like 118mb...15:18
ruanarcsky: hmm15:19
tioxSometimes I can click on things just fine. But when I open a program from main menu, I lose mouse support. Then after some fooling around, or running from gnome-panel run, sometimes it works, sometines it don't.15:19
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tioxThough at worse, I can't switch between programs or use alt+tab.15:19
manuel__i extracted srware iron folder to my opt folder... how do i put the launcher on unity panel?15:19
ruanmarco_p85: and libqt4-script?15:19
marco_p85ruan: let me see15:20
gnosisremoteCTR1: if we blow away the OS on one there might be space15:20
terrytiox: 10.10 ?15:20
marco_p85:ruan it's present - shall I remove it?15:20
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marco_p85I may always reinstall it later15:20
remoteCTR1gnosis: we should be able to replace the os, but what about the data? we would also have to gparted reduce the partition to free space...15:20
ruanmarco_p85: what packages does it want to autoremove?15:20
tioxAnd last night, I secure wiped with Parted Magic and reinstalled Ubuntu -- Problem persists.15:21
marco_p85ruan: I seguenti pacchetti saranno RIMOSSI:15:21
marco_p85  ark kdebase-runtime kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-plugins kdepim-runtime khelpcenter415:21
marco_p85  kubuntu-debug-installer libkatepartinterfaces4 libkde3support4 libkrosscore415:21
marco_p85  libkrossui4 libplasma3 libqt4-declarative libqt4-designer libqt4-dev15:21
marco_p85  libqt4-opengl-dev libqt4-qt3support libqt4-script libqt4-scripttools15:21
FloodBot2marco_p85: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
marco_p85  libqtwebkit-dev lmms-dev plasma-scriptengine-javascript python-kde415:21
ruanhmm, it will remove kde15:21
ivanrdgcan I upgrade from debian 5.0 to ubuntu 10.04 server directly using aptitude?15:21
tioxAnd actually, it seemed to be a problem in parted Magic to a degree; I am beginning to think it's a hardware situation, but I just wanna check to make sure.15:21
ruanmarco_p85: do you use kde?15:21
remoteCTR1gnosis: its been a while *g*15:21
ruanmarco_p85: aka kubuntu15:21
gnosisdid he ever say how big the drives were?15:22
remoteCTR1gnosis: not that i could think of...15:22
marco_p85ruan: here http://paste.ubuntu.com/588629/. no Ubuntu 10.1015:22
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ruan!info ark15:23
ubottuark (source: kdeutils): archive utility for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 256 kB, installed size 1088 kB15:23
diffract|i'd like to create a very simple mechanism (CLI) to exchange files between two machines.. what should i look for? is it ssh?15:23
ruanmarco_p85: ok, you can remove it15:23
gnosiseasiest way for him to fix it would be to just go buy an ext. HD for $50, copy the data he wants to keep to it, and then reinstall15:23
marco_p85ruan: doing15:23
terrytiox: I wonder if you're just not maxed out on mem or cpu usage?15:23
tioxHuh. And it seems the problem was fixed by... changingmice? :/15:23
ruanmarco_p85: it will remove any apps dependant on KDE libs, but which includes qmmp15:23
tioxchanging mice*15:23
remoteCTR1gnosis: maybe he even has one but i never asked...15:24
rockworldmii have old 256Mb ram and p3 laptop...which system i should be using ??will ubuntu will work smoothly..or should i use unity .15:24
BluesKajdiffract , yes scp can copy files from one pc to another and vice versa15:24
* tiox sighs15:24
terrytiox: Probably a hardware issue. But what is your hardware?15:24
gnosisdepends which he wants to spend on the problem, time or money15:24
marco_p85ruan: the app is stil lthere and launches!15:24
tioxWell, everything is working fine now I am using a wired mouse.15:24
diffract|BluesKaj: so is it ssh or scp?15:24
terrytiox: changingmice?15:24
ruanmarco_p85: odd15:24
marco_p85ruan: I know15:25
remoteCTR1rockworldmi: have a try with slackware15:25
terrytiox: Oh you changed the mouse.... I see.15:25
BluesKajone uses ssh to scp , diffract|15:25
diffract|BluesKaj: alright.. thanks :)15:25
ruanmarco_p85: you've removed its libs that it's dependant on, removed its main libs, cant find it anywhere, and it still launches15:25
marco_p85qmmp is version 0.5015:25
marco_p85ruan: it's under audio/viddeo, if i click on the icon, it opens up15:25
tioxWow. I feel ****ing dumb.15:25
rockworldmiremoteCTR1 : is it have all the software repos like ubuntu ???15:25
ruanmarco_p85: trace the executable location from system monitor15:25
m33I'm having troubles getting php5 to work on my apache server15:26
m33I have no idea why it does not work15:26
tioxI am beginning to think more and more it was my USB hub messing around with my wireless mouse.15:26
m33I followed a tutorial15:26
FloodBot2m33: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:26
remoteCTR1rockworldmi: i couldnt tell, do some recherche about it;)15:26
ruanmarco_p85: open system monitor, processes, hover over qmmp, and find the path, and delete15:26
terrytiox: Is it a usb mouse?15:26
marco_p85ruan: doing15:26
remoteCTR1gnosis: odds falling we see him again...15:26
marco_p85ruan: if I hover the procces, it just says "qmmp"15:26
tioxBut I think the issue is resolved.15:26
rockworldmithnaks remoteCTR1 will look into it15:27
ruanmarco_p85: right click, open files15:27
ruanmarco_p85: it will show you the files it has opened15:27
gnosisremoteCTR1: yup, been 20min15:27
remoteCTR1rockworldmi: ahve fun! :)15:27
tioxOh well; I don't mind it, there were some things that were not working as I wanteds it in my prior install anyway.15:27
ruansome of them15:27
terrytiox: I for one, never have been a fan of USB mouse and keyboards.  But that's just me, (and my preferances.)15:27
marco_p85ruan: /tmp/qmmp.sock.100115:27
gnosisdoesn't take that long to reboot, even if he had to dick around in the bios or something15:27
tioxLike, I had a bunch of stuff installed before I used KDE cursors and it worked on every account except mine.15:28
mrdebthey only sell usb mous and kb now15:28
m33I'm having troubles getting php to work on my ubuntu server. I need some help15:28
m33Would anyone care to assist me15:28
remoteCTR1gnosis: maybe he is having trouble connecting to his wifi or to irc, or whatever... lets give him another few...15:28
terrytiox: Besides the problem of KVMs  The only KVMs I have are for ps2  I don't even know if there are KVMs for USB15:28
giankyscript dowload power15:28
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marco_p85ruan: such file is no longer there, uhm...15:29
terrymrdeb: What?  Are you kidding?15:29
ruani suspended irssi by accident15:29
ruandidn't realise it15:29
zmbidont know much, but what server do you run?15:30
m33Well actually I run arch linux15:30
zmbiapache or an other?15:30
ruanmarco_p85: and memory maps?15:30
tioxI don't know what I did, but all I did was plug a new mouse in and it seemed to fix it.15:30
tioxSo poke me with a fork; Consider me done.15:30
m33zmbi: Everything is in place where it is supose to be, i think i did the configurtion right.15:31
m33Yet it is not working15:31
terrytiox: Well, next time, try and come up with a REAL problem!15:31
zmbimoment im searching first15:31
ljsoftnetcan i change the bookmark icon of firefox 4?15:32
ruanljsoftnet: which bookmark icon?15:33
marco_p85ruan: /tmp/orbit-marco/linc.ba5-0-1cc880ddaaaa915:33
ruanmarco_p85: you can remove files in /tmp15:34
ljsoftnetruan the icon where bookmarks are saved15:34
marco_p85i can but I see no such file listed15:34
ljsoftnetruan the one with a arrow15:34
marco_p85ruan: i can but I see no such file listed15:34
dkringhow to install bilbo in ubuntu marverick15:34
zmbim33: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=5787715:34
if124ljsoftnet: the one right of the search bar?15:35
m33zmbi: you are my hero15:35
zmbim33: looks like you have to ad a line in http.conf15:35
m33lets try it out15:35
ljsoftnetif124 yes15:35
zmbigood luck15:35
marco_p85ruan: this qmmp is a ghost!15:36
ruanmarco_p85: any other memory maps?15:37
m33zmbi: I actually already had that line there15:37
zmbim33: and the last post?15:37
giankyload manuale15:38
CanadianPirateOk. I have a problem that I have had before, but forgot how I fixed it. On my computer all of the wireless on all operating systems (Windows, Ubuntu 11.04 Beta, Arch) have just stopped working. The switch is not off (I mean like a function key, but a actual switch on my computer), and I know that it was working on Arch a few day days ago. (I tried to solve on my own for a while)15:38
marco_p85ruan: how to paste the screenshot?15:39
thevishyruan, so what else should I check for the java problem15:39
ruanmarco_p85: imagebin15:39
ruanthevishy: openjdk15:39
marco_p85ruan: is it a website?15:39
ruanmarco_p85: yes15:39
ruanthevishy: try reinstalling openjdk and icedtea15:39
thevishyI suppose its h ardly possible that we both having iced tea have diff outputs15:39
freeman_hi guys15:39
ruanim considering running opera and deleting chromium15:40
freeman_how I can change the mouse scroll speed in ubuntu15:40
dombnexenwere i can find the remote of xchat15:40
Error404NotFoundhttp://pastebin.com/75h4VR4b thats my conkyrc file, problem is that when i login conky appears in foreground of all applications. Once i kill and restart it, it sets to background more and sticks like that till next login.15:40
freeman_I cannot find a suitable tutorial for that problem15:40
roothello, ive moved my user.15:40
marco_p85ruan: http://imagebin.org/14626415:40
rootbut i didnt decrypt first, so what should i do?15:40
rooti cant login as myself15:41
=== root is now known as Guest97628
Guest97628only root15:41
ruanmarco_p85: have you tried scrolling down further?15:41
m33zmbi: worked15:41
m33needed php-pear15:41
m33it seemed15:41
Guest97628basically i used commands to move my user, but nothing with regards to encryption, is there a way to fix this without losing my files?15:41
gnosisGuest97628: you moved your user?15:41
gnosiswhat does that mean?15:42
Guest97628i ran this15:42
zmbim33: glad it worked for yoy, try to google next time.  ;)15:42
dkringhow to install bilbo in ubuntu marverick15:42
dkringhow to install bilbo in ubuntu marverick15:42
marco_p85ruan: http://imagebin.org/14626515:43
m33zmbi: It actually asumed i configured something wrong since i am a noob instead of something that needed to be installed that was not mentoined in the tutorial15:43
m33I actually asumed*15:43
ruanmarco_p85: usr/local/lib!15:43
marco_p85ruan: ok, what do to with it?15:43
ruanmarco_p85: it's in /usr/local/lib/qmmp15:43
gnosisand what problem are you having?15:43
marco_p85ruan: let me c15:44
ruanmarco_p85: look in the middle of that screenshot15:44
zmbiok :)15:44
Guest97628ive ran the reverse of it, should i unencrypt my home, then run it again, will that work?15:44
freeman_who can help me with my mouse scroll speed problem?15:44
gnosisGuest97628: what problem were you having?15:45
Guest97628i moved(renamed) my user but didnt touch the encrypted home, and now i cant login as the user in question.15:45
Guest97628well, ive moved it back, im gonna reboot.15:45
marco_p85ruan: how to quickly delete it? is tehre a sort of "deltree" ?15:45
Guest97628if i screw up even more, my fault for not backing up ;)15:46
dombnexenwere i can find the remote of xchat15:46
ruanmarco_p85: sudo rm /usr/local/lib/qmmp/15:46
ruanmarco_p85: when you've killed qmmp15:46
if124ljsoftnet: this? http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/79268715:46
gnosismarco_p85: rm -r is recursive15:47
marco_p85ruan: it says I can't remove, because it's a directory15:47
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BluesKaj!xchat | dombnexen15:47
ruanmarco_p85: after removing it, try to launch it..15:48
BluesKaj!info xchat | dombnexen15:48
ubottudombnexen: xchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 312 kB, installed size 840 kB15:48
marco_p85ruan: stil lthere :( uffff15:48
ruanmarco_p85: hmm...15:48
shindraas /join [#lostempire]15:48
ruanmarco_p85: after the rm -r?15:48
shindraas /join #lostempire15:48
marco_p85ruan: it's a naughty son of a b***15:48
ljsoftnetif124 i dont have ff315:48
marco_p85ruan: yes15:48
marco_p85ruan: after sudo rm -r /usr/local/lib/qmmp/15:49
gnosismarco_p85: if this the problem where you removed a package but the app still laucnhes?15:49
ruanmarco_p85: go to memory map again, and look for things related to qmmp15:49
thevishyruan, reboot doesnt help wher would Java logs be ? Or say opera logs for java plugin15:49
marco_p85ruan: ok15:49
ruanmarco_p85: report anything with 'qmmp' in it15:49
marco_p85ruan: any quick way just to reinstall the Ubuntu supproted version, 0.4.1?15:49
marco_p85ruan: theo ne found in Synaptic15:49
marco_p85ruan: it would be ok just with that15:49
HeIsRisenAnybody available to help with sound problem?15:49
dombnexenubottu i have the big one15:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:50
ruanmarco_p85: you want to reinstall qmmp?15:50
dombnexenubottu but i dont know were i can find ite the remoto15:50
marco_p85ruan: the old version was fine15:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:50
dombnexenubottu but i dont know were i can find ite the remote15:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:50
rigved!brain | dombnexen15:50
ubottudombnexen: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:50
dkringhow can install bilbo in ubuntu maverick15:51
ruan!info bilbo15:51
ubottuPackage bilbo does not exist in maverick15:51
if124ljsoftnet i think its a stock icon, i installed ff4 fron .tar.gz and no icons there.15:51
marco_p85ruan: it still lists /usr/local/bin/qmmp !!!15:51
dr0idlo jmil_15:52
jmil_I'm having a problem with my speakers15:52
jmil_or just sound in general15:52
if124ljsoftnet try searching /usr/share/icons or /usr/local/share.icons for bookmark15:52
HeIsRisen!Sound jmil_15:52
dombnexeni wont one bot for the idjc15:52
jmil_when I go to full screen mode they get all distorted15:52
ruan!sound | jmil_15:52
ubottujmil_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:52
ruanjmil_: in what player?15:52
ljsoftnetif124 ok15:52
ruanjmil_: have you tried vlc?15:53
jmil_browser based flash players and vlc15:53
HeIsRisenruan, I have read over those pages and still having problems15:53
HeIsRisenThat's my info page15:53
HeIsRisenSays to find my driver and navigate to it on the github page, but I have no driver listed15:53
HeIsRisenWhat's weird for me, my sound has worked for months up until last night15:54
creakjoin #wayland15:54
coz_HeIsRisen,  what happened last night that didnt for months?15:54
HeIsRisenI did some updates with update manager15:54
coz_HeIsRisen,  ah ok ,, that can break things15:54
ruanupdates seem to be killing everything15:54
HeIsRisenNow all of a sudden it says I have no sound driver installed15:55
HeIsRisenCould really use some help to get this resolved as quickly as possible15:55
coz_HeIsRisen,   that's way odd for an update,,, do you recall the list of updates ,, or parts that might deal with audio?15:55
HeIsRisenNo coz_ my wife did it while I was in the shower15:55
ruanlogs will show what you updated i think15:55
coz_HeIsRisen,  oooo15:55
coz_HeIsRisen,    I assume you already rebooted ...yes?15:56
HeIsRisenRegardless, I think I just need to install a driver and load the proper modules for alsa15:56
HeIsRisenYes coz_15:56
nopfjmil_: the fullscreen mode should have to do nothing with sounds. but has for me sometimes too. *strange* distortions. i think it's system overload when reconfiguring graphics. sound gets better (that is: no distortion) if i 'soft restart' the video, like, 'search' a bit back: press once 'cursor left' in mplayer or 'ctrl cursor left' in vlc *without leaving the fullscreen mode* for a try15:56
marco_p85ruan: I see only that with "qmmp"15:56
coz_HeIsRisen,  mm   did you check in #pulseaudio channel or even #alsa channels?15:56
jmil_nopf: thanks I will try that15:56
HeIsRisencoz_ there is no driver listed as installed and no alsa modules loaded15:57
HeIsRisendid you look at the link I provided?15:57
marco_p85ruan: what about removing the qt4 libraries?15:57
coz_HeIsRisen,  sorry I didnt see the link15:57
ruanmarco_p85: you did that already15:57
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jmil_nopf: no go, it's still distorted in fullscreen even when I search15:57
marco_p85ruan: then how can it run?15:58
ruanmarco_p85: i have no idea. probably some shared library still there15:58
ruanmarco_p85: wait15:58
ruanmarco_p85: i got it15:58
ruanmarco_p85: go to main menu, and to to properties of the qmmp shortcut15:58
harushimocan I get google chrome through ubuntu software center15:58
harushimoor should I download it from google itself15:58
nopfjmil_: well, i was just guessing about vlc.. it *does* work everytime in mplayer here though. that's why i use mplayer from the command line only now. it's lighter on the ressources15:58
ruanharushimo: you can get chromium from there15:58
harushimoit doesn't show up15:59
ruanharushimo: are you sure?15:59
coz_HeIsRisen,   first run the alsa-info-script   it should give some useful info     wget http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh -O alsa-info.sh && bash alsa-info.sh   << i think that is still valid15:59
ruan!info chromium-browser15:59
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium browser. In component main, is optional. Version 10.0.648.133~r77742-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 15062 kB, installed size 52420 kB15:59
harushimoI'm in it right now15:59
jmil_nopf: how do I look at system resources use in real time to see if that is a potential problem?15:59
nopfjmil_: if you don't know mplayer, it's worth a try. 'mplayer filename', press 'f' for fullscreen, then 'c-left' to remove distortion....15:59
godzalphahey are there any channels for new guys?15:59
HeIsRisenI already did coz_ and I pasted the link16:00
ruanharushimo: sudo apt-get install chromium-browser && chromium-browser16:00
coz_HeIsRisen,  alsi ,, if that script doesnt see the card  we might be able to remove the pulse config iles,,, restart and see if it is picked up after that16:00
ruanharushimo: run that from a terminal, and it will install and launch chromium16:00
marco_p85ruan: name: qmmp16:00
ruanmarco_p85: command?16:00
coz_HeIsRisen,  oh sorry16:00
marco_p85ruan: command: qmmp %F16:00
ruanuuuuh.. hmm16:00
godzalphathanks for your help16:00
nothingspecialgodzalpha: /j #ubuntu-beginners16:00
ruanthere should be a whereis function16:00
dr0idso those .deb files are binaries and the source code packages are source files ?16:01
harushimoi got through the command line16:01
nopfjmil_: well, it has to have to do with some 'realtime properties' and 'sound buffers' i know of no way to display anything about those. else i would've looked into this some more already... multimedia is a lost game sometimes :/16:01
WeThePeoplehow do i put a icon in the Apps. menu. i installed linphone but there is no program icon for it16:01
ruanmarco_p85: what happens if you type 'whereis qmmp' ?16:01
coz_HeIsRisen,  Ididnt see the link... the other option is   sudo rm -r ~/.pulse ~/.asound* ~/.pulse-cookie    sudo rm /erc/asound.conf16:01
harushimoI don't why I couldn't see it in the software center16:01
dr0idam i right ?16:01
coz_HeIsRisen,  you should probably reboot after that,, but i would check in the #pulseaudio channel first16:01
aron__is there a downside in using ubuntu in a virtualbox as your development platform?16:01
marco_p85marco@casa:/usr/local/lib$ whereis qmmp16:01
marco_p85qmmp: /usr/local/bin/qmmp16:01
ruanmarco_p85: then it's clearly there, hmm16:02
HeIsRisenHow do I check my channels?16:02
dr0idso those .deb files are binaries and the source code packages are source files ? am i right ?16:02
ruanmarco_p85: in /usr/local/bin/qmmp. remove it.16:02
coz_HeIsRisen,   you mean change ot another irc channel?16:02
ruanmarco_p85: sudo rm /usr/local/bin/qmmp16:02
coz_HeIsRisen,  where you type here type   /join #pulseaudio16:02
godzalphathere insnt anyone in the begginers channel16:02
nopfjmil_: the workaround of using mplayer only and skipping back once at the beginnig of a movie was good enough... i didn't even want to have to look wether the problem lies in the kernel,alsa,pulsaudio,jack,vlc or whatever16:02
Crash1hddoes anyone know how I could move all the .svn folders in directory a into directory b when / if directory a has subdirectorys that also have .svn folders?16:03
HeIsRisenoh, thought you were talking about a sound channel in linux16:03
marco_p85ruan: we got it!!!!!!16:03
coz_HeIsRisen,  oh  :)16:03
marco_p85now it says "file non existing"16:03
ruanmarco_p85: yep, a simple whereis did it16:03
ruanmarco_p85: now you can safely remove it from main menu16:03
marco_p85ruan: great16:03
salihkhey guys is it possible to create proxy chain in order to surf freely on the web16:03
marco_p85and reinstall it from synaptic?16:03
nothingspecialgodzalpha: You haven't asked a question16:03
jmil_nopf: mplayer doens't have the audio problem but the video is now jittery on this dvd16:03
ruanmarco_p85: you can do so16:03
marco_p85ruan: I learnt never to install packages that don't coem from synaptic16:03
dr0idso those .deb files are binaries and the source code packages are source files ? am i right ?16:03
gnosisdr0id: .deb files usually contain binaries yes16:04
dr0idok, there are tohers too ?16:04
dr0idjust trying to understand the diff between binaries and source :)16:04
dr0idi thnk i get it now, source when gets compiled is binary ;)16:04
nopfjmil_: oh, partly fine :) ... you can finetune mplayer in many ways ... have fun, if you've enough time for that :~]16:04
nonaohi may i know why there are hidden file with ~? what is their purpose?16:04
Crash1hdHey everyone does anyone know how I could move all the .svn folders in directory a into directory b when / if directory a has subdirectorys that also have .svn folders?16:05
nopfjmil_: first thing to check is the differente video output devices/option, like -vo ...16:05
gnosisyes, source is available for people to want to compile their own version, while binaries are pre-compiled16:05
AnthraxSSHhow can i see how much memory i am using?16:05
AnthraxSSHin a server?16:05
ruanAnthraxSSH: type 'free'16:05
AnthraxSSHi want to see what apps are using the most memory16:05
ruanAnthraxSSH: then 'top'16:06
AnthraxSSHlike top, sort by mem usage?16:06
coz_AnthraxSSH,  open terminal  free -m16:06
jpdsAnthraxSSH: sudo apt-get install htop; htop16:06
zmbicrash1hd: copy past?16:06
marco_p85ruan: reinstalling16:06
edbianAnthraxSSH: free -m  might be easy to read16:06
ruanAnthraxSSH: top/htop16:06
Crash1hdzmbi, ???16:06
marco_p85ruan: do I need to reinstall some libraries?16:07
zmbicrash1hd: you want it with the commandline or in a qui16:07
Crash1hdzmbi, commandline16:07
nothingspecialCrash1hd: If I understand you, find with the -maxdepth option16:07
ruanmarco_p85: it will auto-reinstall dependancies16:08
zmbicrash1hd: litle bash script, think off foreach16:08
ruanmarco_p85: if you didn't remove the installation packages, it wont redownload them16:08
Crash1hdnothingspecial, so something like mv a b | find .svn --maxdepth16:08
marco_p85ruan: I installed it, but it created no icons (from Ubuntu software center). if i run qmmp from temrinal, it goes error16:09
tim167hi, i want to an 'insmod' command to be executed at startup, how do i do that?16:09
zmbicrash1hd: to move a file you use mv16:09
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nonaohi may i know why there are hidden file with ~? what is their purpose?16:09
zmbifor a folder mv --r16:09
ruanmarco_p85: again, whereis qmmp16:09
ruanmarco_p85: and sudo apt-get check16:09
marco_p85ruan: marco@casa:~$ whereis qmmp16:09
marco_p85qmmp: /usr/bin/qmmp /usr/lib/qmmp /usr/share/qmmp /usr/share/man/man1/qmmp.1.gz16:09
Mabusanyone here running 11.04 on VMware workstation 7?16:10
nothingspecialCrash1hd No, If you don't want to descend into subdirectories you use maxdepth, maybe I don't understand your issue16:10
edbiannonao: They are temporary files saved my text editors.  In the even the program crashes or you need a backup the ~file.txt is there for ya16:10
ruanmarco_p85: ok, check if libqt4-script is installed16:10
ruan!info libqt4-script16:10
ubottulibqt4-script (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 script module. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4.3 (maverick), package size 828 kB, installed size 2796 kB16:10
marco_p85ruan: it goes error after the "check"16:10
jribCrash1hd: you should probably tell us what you want to accomplish.  You seem to want to do something "strange"16:10
nonaoedbian oo can I disable them?16:10
ruanmarco_p85: sudo apt-get install libqt4-script16:10
marco_p85ruan: yeah doing it16:10
Crash1hdnothingspecial jrib, the issue is simpe the solution probably is too, basically I have 2 folders say a and b in a I have a subfolder c and in a and c I have folders .svn that I want to move to b which also has subfolder c16:11
edbiannonao: Yes.  In every text editor you can turn them off but you have to config it in each text editor separately16:11
marco_p85ruan: Visual: The file '/home/marco/examples.desktop' is not a valid Qt plugin.16:11
marco_p85Visual: The file '/home/marco/PC51f.sf2' is not a valid Qt plugin.16:11
marco_p85qmmp: symbol lookup error: qmmp: undefined symbol: _ZN9SoundCore5setEQEPdd16:11
tim167how do i 'insmod' at startup ?16:11
jribCrash1hd: can you fix the grammar, it's confusing16:11
ruanmarco_p85: sudo apt-get install libqt4-core16:12
edbiantim167: You write a script that does insmod (you should use modprobe) and then you tell the system to run the script at startup using the update-rc.d program/package16:12
aeon-ltdtim167: is insmod is a terminal command make a script that has 'insmod &' then add that script to startup items16:12
agrabWebgl runs with fglrx, but not with the radeon driver, does anyone know of any incompatibility between webgl and radeon driver?16:12
aeon-ltdedbian: damn beaten again... :(16:12
nothingspecialfind a -type d -name ".svn" -exec mv '{}' b \;16:12
nothingspecialCrash1hd: ^^16:12
tim167aeon-ltd: the thing is that it needs sudo16:12
nothingspecialCrash1hd: If I get you right16:12
edbianaeon-ltd: haha, sorry!16:12
Alvohello, with kde from kubuntu-desktop 1.205 i cannot connect to the wlan, with gnome it works, caqn i fix the problem somehow?16:13
LXCC-Vincenzohi all , anyone can help me to fix this problem with alsa ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/588642/16:13
Crash1hdjrib, basically I have 2 folders say folderA and folderB in folderA I have a subfolder folderC and in folderA and folderC I have folders .svn that I want to move to folderB which also has subfolder folderC16:13
ruanAlvo: have you tried wicd?16:13
Crash1hdnothingspecial, thanks :)16:13
aeon-ltdtim167: either add it to sudoers or changes its executable permissions16:13
ruan!info wicd16:13
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.0+ds1-5 (maverick), package size 40 kB, installed size 88 kB16:13
* jrib sighs16:13
tim167i added the module *.ko to /etc/modules, but it doesn't get loaded...16:13
marco_p85ruan: same.....           Skin: cannot find region.txt. Transparency disabled16:13
marco_p85Visual: The file '/home/marco/examples.desktop' is not a valid Qt plugin.16:13
marco_p85Visual: The file '/home/marco/PC51f.sf2' is not a valid Qt plugin.16:13
marco_p85qmmp: symbol lookup error: qmmp: undefined symbol: _ZN9SoundCore5setEQEPdd16:13
FloodBot2marco_p85: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:13
WeThePeoplehow do i put a  icon in the Apps. menu. i installed linphone but there is not a program icon for it16:13
ruanmarco_p85: odd...16:13
zulaxwhen i type, it inserts random characters16:14
zulaxlike numbers, ctrl+p16:14
ruanWeThePeople: use system > preferences > main menu16:14
marco_p85ruan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588646/16:14
jmil_nopf: the sound just suddenly started working properly. I'm pretty convinced I did nothing16:14
jmil_nopf: thanks for the help, though16:15
ruanmarco_p85: is that the error upon running qmmp?16:15
agrabcan anyone run webgl with the radeon driver?16:15
noobCan somebody help me with something?16:15
Crash1hdnothingspecial, basically what is happening is I have wordpress installed in a folder that is subversioned and in wordpress there is a plugin folder that when you update the plugin it deletes the folder that contains the plugin and rebuilds it sadly this deletes the .svn folders inside it which inturn causes my error16:15
nopfjmil_: yeah, write that down in detail, so you can repeat that steps when it happens again :)16:15
zmbicrash1hd: look at this http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/loops1.html  example 11-416:15
edbiannoob: Just ask your question please.  If anybody knows they will ask you16:15
edbianI mean, help you.  Not ask.16:16
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zulaxmy keyboard inserts random letters!16:17
kemykatzemy sound stopped working after i ran the update manager16:17
Crash1hdjrib, basically what is happening is I have wordpress installed in a folder that is subversioned and in wordpress there is a plugin folder that when you update the plugin it deletes the folder that contains the plugin and rebuilds it sadly this deletes the .svn folders inside it which inturn causes my error16:17
m4tt3yhello all.16:17
marco_p85ruan: yes, after typing qmmp16:17
jribCrash1hd: you need to copy two directories, just copy each one to where it needs to go16:17
ruanmarco_p85: try aptitude, sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude reinstall qmmp16:18
marco_p85ruan: I forgot to copy it all. Here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/588647/16:18
m4tt3yIs anyone willing to provide me a snapshot of their home directory "ls -la"? I had the misfortune of an fsck.ext3 lost+found renaming.16:18
noob_When I move my trackpad or press the mouse buttons attached, My computer goes to the login screen16:18
Crash1hdjrib, ok but there must be an easier way then manually going into every directory as its not like there is only 2 or 3 directorys there can be up to 20+16:18
dr0idtheres a command that can search the man pages for a particular word, wut is it ?16:18
marco_p85ruan: doing16:18
salihkguys, i recently installed and removed kubuntu desktop on ubuntu 10.10, but when i start and shut down my computer i always get kubuntu loading and when i log out from ubuntu still there is an option to switch desktop to kubuntu how can i remove entirely16:19
jribCrash1hd: you can use find (but you must modify what was told to you earlier)16:19
ruansalihk: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop16:19
ruansalihk: btw, it will always show up regardless of if it's installed or not16:19
jribCrash1hd: in reality, you should fix the plugin16:20
ruansalihk: it seems at least16:20
jribto not do stupid things16:20
noob_When I move my trackpad or press the mouse buttons attached, My computer goes to the login screen, can somebody help me?16:20
nothingspecialCrash1hd: I don't think I get you right. Be careful with find.16:20
Crash1hdjrib, I dont make the plugin others do and have no control over how they choose to update them16:20
zulaxis it709 somekinad virus or is my laptop keyboard breaking3??16:20
salihkomg :S16:20
Crash1hdnothingspecial, yeah I never run anything blind16:20
dr0idtheres a command that can search the man pages for a particular word, wut is it ?16:20
dr0idjust cant remember16:20
ruanzulax: there aren't viruses for linux16:20
Crash1hdnothingspecial, ever work with svn?16:20
ruandr0id: grep? im not sure either16:20
dr0idruan: i have heard there are :/16:20
edbiannoob_: Can you press ctrl + alt + F1 and go to a terminal and log in there?16:21
zulaxruan how can i diag7nose my keyboard then?16:21
marco_p85ruan: still http://paste.ubuntu.com/588648/16:21
jribCrash1hd: it's a wordpress plug-in.  It likely has some sort of free software license, I'm sure other people encounter the problem, the author may not even be aware of the issue, and I'm sure he'd welcome a patch16:21
dr0idohh sorry, its apropos/man -k :P16:21
nothingspecialCrash1hd: Only for using stuff16:21
Crash1hdnothingspecial, ok16:21
BlueBomber7dr0id: There are not. Especially if you compare the amount of malware "for" Linux vs. that for Windows.16:21
mindmasternoob: you been playing WoW or something before you loaded linux with a fancy gaming mouse and have the key programmed to a game command?16:21
petsoundssalihk, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome check em16:22
Crash1hdjrib, yes I understand but it seems to be common practice with all wordpress plugins (and I am not going to spend my time tracking each of them down to tell them they dont need to delete the old when updating) I am sure I am not the only person with this issue just the only one that doesnt have a simple solution16:22
jribCrash1hd: I told you, use find16:23
jribCrash1hd: or ask the subversion folks if there's a nicer way16:23
edbianThe only viruses are proof of concept.  There are none surviving 'in the wild'  Keep in mind that viruses different than security vulnerabilities or exploits.16:23
Crash1hdjrib, I have no one is arround which is why I am in here as well16:23
Crash1hdjrib, I have also asked in wordpress on the off chance that someone knows / has had the same problem16:24
mindmastermost successful viruses require a chain of infectable hosts... with linux there generally is no chain, and as long as you run every priveledged command with sudo it's impossible to elevate your rights to the point where you would have a problem16:24
Crash1hdjrib, mostly I just have to wait longer16:24
jribCrash1hd: well I don't know much about wordpress16:25
mynamedaveQUESTION: hi everyone! is it possible to have Evolution mail check for mail immediately after opening up Evolution?16:25
nothingspecialCrash1hd: or ask the subversion folks if there's a nicer way16:25
Crash1hdjrib, no problem16:25
ruani use thunderbird16:25
Crash1hdnothingspecial, I have no one is arround just have to wait16:25
mindmastermynamedave: it's possible to click the send/receive button any time you would like to. :P16:25
jribCrash1hd: do you understand what you would do with find?16:25
kubanchow do i change icon for lock screen in gnome menu?16:25
Crash1hdjrib, yes16:25
jribCrash1hd: ok16:25
=== Xaevo is now known as AnthraxSSH
jribCrash1hd: that's your easy solution...16:25
WeThePeoplelinphone opens, but then closes, why16:26
Crash1hdjrib, I was hoping that svn would have a way to just rebuild the folder16:26
thevishyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware do they scan linux virus ? How good are they ?16:26
mynamedaveim setting up an Ubuntu system for a 82 year old guy who used to use Outlook. I dont know what he did there, but he says he has no mail in Evolution and forgets to click SEND/RECEIVE button16:26
WeThePeoplei used sudo apt-get16:26
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mynamedaveafter he clicks SEND/RECEIVE he surely gets his mail :)16:26
scarleomynamedave, you can choose that in account settings16:27
ruanthevishy: linux viruses just dont work16:27
thevishyruan, why so ?16:27
thevishyam curious16:27
mynamedavealternatively I could probably tell Evolution to check mail every minute, but that would be overkill for him./16:27
ruanthevishy: first, the average intelligence of a linux user is high16:27
mindmastermynamedave: the default configuration has it checking every 10 minutes, so he can click and wait.. or you can go into the mail account settings and adjust the time. Do not set it for quicker than 5min anyway.. many mail providers will temp ban you from checking mail if you do16:27
ruanthevishy: second, the executable bit prevents anything from opening apps without permission16:28
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ruanthevishy: third, they need your root password to do any real harm16:28
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thevishyI see16:28
ruanthevishy: then fourth, the linux userbase is low16:29
ruanthevishy: they aren't a big target16:29
marco_p85ruan: any ideas?16:29
thevishyYeah but I am talking about the userbase incereaseng aspect16:29
mindmasterruan: honestly, I'm not sure it's low.. I just don't think anyone is counting. Linux on the desktop is low, but I've worked with it a lot on servers and high demand apps. :)16:30
ruanservers use linux commonly yeah16:30
ruanbecause of its secure nature16:30
mindmasterproblem you have with Linux is there are 3000+ flavors and no one is sharing the count data16:30
edbianthevishy: Even if the userbase increases it forms a weak argument for linux becoming insecure.  There are still 3 other reasons that it is secure.  The userbase argument is actually the weakest16:30
jribCrash1hd: my advice is you see how other wordpress user's handle this.  This really is an issue with what the plug-ins are doing imo16:30
thevishyYes I agree basically thanks16:31
lashahi guys, I have question about backuping 10.10, I want to try out 11.04 but I want to backup whole system settings twicks and personalized information before doing so. Anyone knows how to do a backup similar to win7 backup like saving whole system image or is there anything better to use ?16:31
ruanthe userbase argument is mac's largest argument, lol16:31
Crash1hdjrib, I agree16:31
RisterHello all.  I don't frequent IRC that much but I have a question about busybox and initramfs.16:31
edbianruan: mac also has unix style permissions16:31
Laurencebhi, is there a way to click to close notification icons?16:31
thevishymac is basically like a Unix if I am not mistaken16:31
Laurencebor whatever they are called16:31
mindmasterI do better.. I run macubuntu lolz..16:32
thevishyit has its features from Unix basically16:32
ruannot completely16:32
m4tt3yIt's BSD16:32
edbianRister: I'm guessing since you're in busy box at all that Ubuntu won't boot.  Press shift during boot time to get the grub menu to show up.  Try to boot recovery mode.16:32
edbianthevishy: As much as linux is unix yes.16:32
ruani havent heard of the executable bit on linux, and permissions16:32
thevishyYes bit like that16:32
ruani mean, mac16:32
m4tt3yDarwin, which is the Mac OS system, is a BSD derivative.16:32
Risteryeah, the odd part is I tried booting to a different linux based OS from a thumb drive and it hung on loading the kernel16:32
edbianruan: You haven't heard of permissions on linux?  They're there.16:33
ruanedbian: i meant mac16:33
ruanedbian: i didnt think when i typed that16:33
edbianruan: Oh, yeah they have permissions just like Linux.  You're just usually not bothered with them16:33
kemykatzeI just installed ubuntu for the first time today, and everything worked, after i ran the update manager and installed everything from there the sound stopped working, can anyone help me with that?16:33
jesse_is anyone here very proficient with xorg.conf that can help me set it up???16:33
mindmastermac is much more pay to play.. it may have some commonality at the core, but most of the stuff you get for free on linux still costs money on mac16:33
ruanand mac is more closed source than linux16:33
edbianRister: You probably have some faulty hardware.  Try booting with different things removed.  (e.g. hdd, ram sticks, etc)16:33
marco_p85ruan: nothing like  a sort of windows automatic backup, I mean... going back to yesterday?16:33
ruanmarco_p85: not really16:34
thevishyMac has its GUI features top class , for the money you pay and its basically like a UNix system ...so it has its pluses16:34
lasharuan: you cant compare mac and linux, mac is as closed as it can get, there is no more sadistic proprietary OS in the world than mac16:34
mindmasterrister: are you using any type of raid?16:34
lamenti just switched from mac back to linux16:34
lamentmostly because of the app store and because xcode is no longer free16:34
ruanthey are like opposites16:35
spetrea[hireme]ops of #ubuntu dfge is spamming ---> http://pastebin.com/X6uZ25NF16:35
thevishyMac basically is a narrow hardware OS ... as in , its not mean for non mac machines16:35
spetrea[hireme]please correct this16:35
Ristermindmaster: no. It's an earlier Acer Aspire One16:35
edbianlament: You switched because of a new feature?  You must really hate the app store16:35
lashahi guys, I have question about backuping 10.10, I want to try out 11.04 but I want to backup whole system settings twicks and personalized information before doing so. Anyone knows how to do a backup similar to win7 backup like saving whole system image or is there anything better to use ?16:35
jesse_can anyone here help me set up my xorg.conf file for dual monitors?16:35
lamentedbian: i'm worried about the direction they're taking.16:35
marco_p85ruan: ok then stuck?16:35
mindmasterrister: seen that problem when I screwed up installing my raid drivers before..16:35
marco_p85ruan: any other similar player, like Winamp?16:36
edbianlament: Ahh, controlling the apps that run as well as EVERYthing else about their platform.16:36
ruanmarco_p85: what features are you looking for?16:36
lamentedbian: "everything else" bothers me much less than the apps16:36
edbianI don't think MAC and linux are that different.  They're both unix based OS's.  They have some difference but they're not opposites16:36
Hedgehog456When will Firefox 4 be added to the Ubuntu repository?16:36
Ristermindmaster: I jut rebooted into recovery mode and it found a bunch of errors in the filesystem. :P16:36
Hedgehog456!info firefox16:36
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.16+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.10.1 (maverick), package size 11090 kB, installed size 29920 kB16:36
ruanHedgehog456: in natty i believe16:36
Hedgehog456!info natty16:36
ubottuPackage natty does not exist in maverick16:36
edbianHedgehog456: There is a PPA if you don't want to wait.16:36
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.16:37
Hedgehog456ok, thanks ruan16:37
lashaedbian: by opposite people meant the direction, corporation vs open source thats what talk is about16:37
jesse_is there an easy way to update to firefox 4?16:37
Hedgehog456edbian: what's a PPA?16:37
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox16:37
mindmasterrister: dying disk possibly.. if you can boot into bios check if any SMART errors are showing..16:37
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.16:37
edbianHedgehog456: Basically a repo that has only one a two things in it.  (in this case firefox4)16:37
mindmasterrister: not worth continuing if you aren't sure the disk is up to spec16:38
marco_p85ruan: quick research of songs from a playlist, sort playlist by artist16:38
marco_p85ruan: no loads of useless stuff16:38
ruanagain i wish songbird was still supported16:38
Risteredbian: thanks for the tip on getting to the grub menu.  I wasn't aware of that keyboard shortcut.16:39
edbianRister: no problem16:39
nothingspeciallasha: http://openubuntu.com/index.php/topic,671.0.html pay careful attention to the last paragraph16:39
ruanmarco_p85: rhythmbox?16:39
mindmasteritunes on wine? :P16:39
lashanothingspecial: ok thank you16:39
Ristermindmaster: I think I'll let SpinRite have a pass over the disk just to be safe.  Thanks.16:39
ruanitunes is bloated..16:39
marco_p85ruan : I'll try it out. qqmp is lost then?16:40
mindmasteryea, I wish there was a better way to update my iPhone16:40
ruanmarco_p85: most probably. it doesn't want to repair qt416:40
mindmasterI have a virtualbox win7 just to update iphone software lol16:41
nothingspecialmarco_p85: This is the one everybody is talking about http://guayadeque.org/forums/index.php?p=/wiki/page/home16:42
mindmasterrister: I'd def do that first there is no sense in pulling your hair out16:42
gnosissHey all.  I have a curious problem, looking for tips.  Running ubuntu 10 in a vm, hosted on a mac, I cannot ctrl+click to select multiple items in a list or file manager, etc.  Ctrl+click triggers the context menu, like it would on the mac.  Does anyone know of a way I can convince it to not do this?16:43
ruannever heard of guaydeque o_O16:43
marco_p85nothingspecial: looks cool. where to get it? Soft center?16:43
lampe2gnosiss, must be a vm provlem cause for me its working on an real machien ;)16:44
ruanmarco_p85: yep, its in soft center16:44
erUSULgnosiss: Preferences>Keyboard Settings ? maybge it has to do with the virtual vm software you are using... vbox ?16:44
ruanmarco_p85: also, sudo apt-get install guayadeque16:44
nothingspecialNo, its still alpha, use the ppa, the -svn version can be buggy because it is the dev version but has all the latest features, hang on16:44
WaltzingAlonggnosiss: because that is what the mac host is sending as a key combination?16:44
lampe2iam looking for a mediaplayer with a internet radio browser16:45
marco_p85thanks guys, I'll sue that Guayadeque16:45
WaltzingAlonglampe2: vlc?16:45
gnosissYeah, I also figure it has something to do with the vm and keyboard mappings.  ctrl is definitely mapped correctly, though - stuff like ctrl+c and ctrl+v work as expected (those combos don't do copy and paste on the mac)16:46
Scarra3I can't seem to get Ubuntu 10.10 to fully work with my laptop16:46
gnosissit's vmware fusion, actually.16:46
Scarra3Its a sony vaio and my touchpad doesn't work16:46
lampe2WaltzingAlong, vlc got a radio stream browser build in?16:46
nothingspecialmarco_p85: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:anonbeat/guayadeque && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install guayadeque-svn16:46
m33best encryption tool?16:47
m33encrypt a folder for instance16:47
Scarra3Anyone have a alps touchpad that doesn't work on ubuntu 10.10 and got it to work16:47
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory16:47
WaltzingAlonglampe2: vlc / view / playlist / internet16:47
mindmastergnosiss: you probably have install guest vm software in the client for proper mouse behavior16:47
lampe2WaltzingAlong, thx ;) never saw it XD16:48
kaushalAre there certification courses available for ubuntu ?16:48
gnosissmindmaster: it's installed (vmware-tools) and seems to work great except for this one little annoyance.  Not a huge deal, just thought I'd poke around for a solution.16:49
mindmasterkaushal: no, but there is LPI.. google it..16:49
kaushalmindmaster: LPI199 ?16:49
gnosissNow I'll proceed to mess with my keyboard mappings until a really break it.  I'll be back here in half an hour asking how to reset to defaults ;p16:50
nothingspecialkaushal: or duckduckgo it16:50
kaushalnothingspecial: ?16:50
nothingspecialkaushal: a better search engine ;)16:50
greywalkhi. i have a strange problem - it looks like as if firefox was loading the CPU (although not much CPU is used when i look in the system monitor) - the indicator on the case is constantly blinking and i hear a sound as if smth was permanently reading from the hard disk16:50
mindmasterheh, it's the first thing that shows up hehe16:50
greywalkwhen i close firefox - the bulb stops blinking and the sound quiets down // does anyone know what this might be?16:50
Gorkymanone stupid question.... i'm connecting mic to onboard audio-in and hdmi out... any way to send audio directly to hdmi output ?16:51
WaltzingAlonggreywalk: more like IO, reading your bookmarks and history from the sqlite files apparently16:51
greywalkWaltzingAlong: is there any way to fix it?16:52
greywalkWaltzingAlong: is it possible that some add on causes this?16:52
ruangreywalk: how long does it take to launch>16:53
greywalkruan: what exactly? firefox - quickly16:53
ruangreywalk: because my indicator light does 3 flashes, and then it stops16:53
greywalkruan: mine is just constantly flashing when ff is running16:54
ruanno flashing at all here16:54
ruancould be a malfunctioning addon perhaps16:54
WaltzingAlonggreywalk: well you could sqlite vacuum those files or use an addon that does it for you.you could browse around, find something about writing your own, empty, fsync, having firefox use that instead16:54
ruangreywalk: what happens if you run firefox in safe mode?16:54
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szymon_gi'm kind a new to ubuntu /i haven't used it since 2006/. i've installed 10.10 on my laptop /t61/, downloaded drivers etc. is it possible to get a menu similar to this http://img101.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1uz.png /screenshot from beta 11.04/? the standard, dash "menu" isnt working for me16:55
greywalkWaltzingAlong: i am thinking about xmarks.. maybe its because of it - i noticed xmarks were active when that sound started16:55
nimrod10greywalk, create a tmpfs partition in memory and mount /home/user/.firefox in memory16:55
greywalkruan: not sure - going to try now16:56
ruansafe mode will not load addons, so you can identify what the cause is16:56
tensorpuddingszymon_g: that's available already, it's not the new natty menu which is very different16:56
nothingspecialszymon_g: That looks like regular old gnome panel with the gnome main menu16:57
szymon_git may be a really stupid question, but how can i change it into the "standard one"?16:57
nothingspecialszymon_g: At login16:57
tensorpuddingszymon_g: you have to configure the panel and look for the gnome main menu and drag it into the panel16:57
ruangreywalk: 'firefox -safe-mode'16:58
nothingspecialszymon_g: Choose "classic ubuntu" or whatever they call it16:58
ubuntu_How to open .sqlite files? Can http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/ help me open them?16:58
lashaanyone knows if 11.04 has system backup integration ?16:59
WaltzingAlongsqlite3 ubuntu_ ?16:59
greywalkruan: yes, browsing in safe mode now - no bulb and reading the hdd so far17:00
szymon_gis it possible to have it with that unity menu on site? i'm fairly sure i had it on livecd when i've tried beta release yesterday /its not on screenshot/?17:00
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Cyborg-Xwhat about jupiter os?17:00
ruangreywalk: try to disable xmarks then17:00
ubuntu_WaltzingAlong: I've sqlite317:00
ubuntu_!info sqlitebrowser17:00
ubottusqlitebrowser (source: sqlitebrowser): GUI editor for SQLite databases. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3-2.3 (maverick), package size 129 kB, installed size 456 kB17:00
szymon_gok, brb17:00
tensorpuddingszymon_g: you can't use unity with that menu17:00
ruansudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser #in that case17:01
greywalkruan: yes, ill do so. looks like because of some add-on. ill try disabling xmarks first17:01
greywalkthank you all for your help17:01
tensorpuddingszymon_g: you can't use unity with that menu17:02
szymon_ghm... i could swear i've seen it. but, nevermind, i just want to get that menu. classic desktop menu /as chosen in gdm/ isn't the same17:03
ubuntuWhat are things are required to install SQLite DBMS?17:10
Kuba912hi from 386! :)17:11
prakasmy ubuntu in wubi gets stuck sometimes when starting, i got to press ctrl alt del.17:11
prakasis it common17:11
jesse_can someone please help me set up my xorg.conf file to use both of my video cards?17:11
zmbimore info jesse_17:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:12
jesse_zmbi: i have  radeon video cards installed. i would like to set them both up to have a 2 monitor setup. both work with linux, and are recognized when i use lspci17:12
infinituxfinally got my wacom tablet to work in linux17:13
zmbiso 2 radeons with in totaal 4 screens? 2 each17:13
ubuntuHow to install SQLite RDBMS?17:13
infinituxnow I can gimp for real17:13
jesse_zmbi: 2 radeons with one screen each17:13
zmbiok, moment17:14
jesse_zmbi: a radeon 7000 and a radeon 920017:14
novitololohi all17:14
WLwhat the channel for the 11.04 beta?17:17
coz_WL,    #ubuntu+117:17
coz_no problem17:17
ginosalhi everybody. please, I would like to know why my kernel is always 2.6.32-27-generic and the update manager doesn't propose me newer ones!17:17
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.17:18
szymon_gginosal, maybe there is no newer versions in repo?17:18
ubottuStable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:19
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!17:19
bowai tried to upgrade my ubuntu installation to 10.04 LTS … everything seemed to go fine. After the reboot i got into the Grub rescue prompt, instead of it asking for my full disk encryption password. I found this thread on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1072336 i downloaded the 10.04 alternate cd and used the rescue/repair function. there i can give in my disk encryption password and get into a shell on my root partition 17:20
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pinnerupSupport question: The last couple of days my computer has started crashing. Suddenly the screen will go black (or white or some other colour), any music playing will stop and nothing I do makes any change at all, except rebooting the computer. I'm thinking it may be my graphics card that's gone bad. Any ideas? Any logs where I can see what happens just before the crash?17:20
ginosalszymon_g, no, there are newer versions...17:20
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk17:21
rawlerhey.. I've got a quite heavily customized install of 10.10 on my media-pc, and are having some performance issues on .. I just discovered that the processor, Core(1) Duo are supposed to support 64-bit..17:21
szymon_g*in repo?*17:21
rawleris it possible to in-place convert an ubuntu-install to 64bit?17:21
fermulatorAnyone familiar with mdadm software RAID?  If so, and if you have some spare time, could you please take a peak at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1719427?  My RAID6 array doesn't auto-re-assemble on reboot.17:21
ruanrawler: i doubt it17:21
rawlersomething like force/convince apt that it really is a 64bit system, and reinstall every installed package?17:21
rawlerI would of course prefer to not have to reconfigure everything..17:22
BabyGirlcan i tags movies in linux ?17:22
rawlerBabyGirl: "tags" ?17:22
BabyGirlrawler:) yes17:23
szymon_gBabyGirl, do you mean metadata tags /still within file/ or, let say, tags on filesystem level?17:23
BabyGirlszymon_g:) tags on filesystem level,,change the way they dislpay,,instead of thumbs,,i want to put a fron picture as dysplay for that movie for my colection17:25
IanWizardHey everybody.17:26
brontosaurusrexrawler, how is it costumized? can you backup those constumizations?17:26
shahid_Slaaam Everybody17:27
bowawhen i upgraded to 10.04 … should i then have grub or grub217:27
Jeruvybowa: if you upgrade you stay with grub, a fresh install would install grub217:28
shahid_i have ubuntu 10.10 .. and i want to upgrade it to 10.0417:31
bowaso when grub is complaining about "partition table invalid or currupt" (even tho the alternate cd doesnt complain about it … ) i ll have to continue with TestDisk or something ?17:31
robbritshahid_: usually you have to reinstall by CD in that case17:31
shahid_11.04 is released ?17:33
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.17:33
robbritshahid_: oh did you mean 11.04? yeah it's not out yet17:34
ruanshahid_: it will be released april 2817:34
danileigh79Natty Narwhal is not getting good reviews though17:35
ruanso far, no17:35
tensorpuddingthe beta just released two days ago17:35
gorukahow do i make ubuntu unity launcher horizontal?17:35
AutonomiserHi there all17:35
danileigh79dapenguin, you on?17:35
ruannatty has issues, hopefully they will be fixed by the time its released17:35
danileigh79ruan, have you used gparted outside of the live cd17:36
AutonomiserI am just trying to set up the freeCAD svn repo so I can stay up to date and boy am I lost17:36
ruandanileigh79: yes17:36
shahid_i really interested to learning about Ubuntu ! i m a new user .17:36
tensorpuddingAutonomiser: have you checked out the source?17:37
ruandanileigh79: i used it today to resize a partition17:37
ruandanileigh79: unmounted of course17:37
danileigh79ruan, i'm trying to make sda5 larger by taking some of winxp's disk, how do i do it?17:37
ruandanileigh79: resize both17:37
AutonomiserEvery guide I come across is for setting up a svn repo for my own code17:37
ruandanileigh79: first make winxp smaller, then make sda5 bigger17:38
gorukaQuestion: can I make ubuntu unity dock horizontal? I have a 4:3 monitor and it being vertical is highly annoying17:38
danileigh79ruan, thx17:38
tensorpuddingAutonomiser: getting the source is usually as easy as 'svn co <url to svn repo> trunk'17:38
gorukaguess no one is using 11.04 here? is there a channel for 11.04 users?17:39
gorukaah thanks17:39
danileigh79goruka, sorry, i'm not beta user17:39
AutonomiserAll I want to do is access the dev version of FreeCad and stay up to date with the latest code17:39
rawlerbrontosaurusrex: sorry, want AFK.. no, it's not exactly simple to repeat.. there are lots of small changes, installed 3d-party packages, tweaks and configuration..17:39
danileigh79bbs smoke break17:39
tensorpuddingAutonomiser: have you done the svn co command yet?17:40
AutonomiserOkay sure tensorpudding but where is the source going?17:40
tensorpuddingthe command listed on sourceforge is 'svn co https://free-cad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/free-cad free-cad'17:40
AutonomiserHow do I tell subversion where to put the FreeCAD code?17:40
tensorpuddingwhat that would do, is put the source in a directory called free-cad under the current working directory17:41
AutonomiserI would like it to go in /home/svn/free-cad17:41
mark49_!Frina Douglas Adams - [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 01] - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (v5.0) (rtf).rar17:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:41
rawlerbrontosaurusrex: of course everything CAN be backed up and restored.. but reinstalling 64-bit-version of every package should be MUCH easier if it's possible..17:41
tensorpuddingAutonomiser: so enter the /home/svn directory, and run that command17:42
AutonomiserBut this step seems to be left out of every guide I can find17:42
IanWizardIs there any way that I can set NetworkManager to use a static address for a bluetooth connection?17:42
AutonomiserOh okay thanks17:42
AutonomiserEasy pezy japonezy17:42
AgentFiveseveNHello.  I need some help.17:43
nopfAgentFiveseveN: that's ok with us17:44
AgentFiveseveNIs there a default password or something for root when you first install the system?  I definitely don't recall being asked for a separate password but the only one I set up is not working.17:44
llutz!root | AgentFiveseveN17:45
ubottuAgentFiveseveN: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:45
serialhexif you issue sudo passwd root you can change the root password17:45
oCeanserialhex: please don't suggest that here17:45
serialhexoCean: ok, np17:45
klisterIs it possible to install ubuntu without CD or usb?17:45
AgentFiveseveNOK, I will take a look at that link.  Thank you.17:45
mynameistuxwhy can't people learn to modify their own root password17:46
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serialhexso has anyone else tried 11.4 yet?17:46
robbritklister: how else would you want to install it?17:46
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llutzklister: one way would be using debootstrap17:46
KM0201klister, possible, but difficult.17:46
ruanklister: there is net install but im not quite sure how that works17:46
oCeanmynameistux: once you have set a password for root user, we cannot provide the support you might need17:46
mynameistuxwhere do we cross the line from protecting users from themselves, and censorship?17:46
klisterim on backtrack atm17:46
oCeanklister: bt is not supported in this channel17:46
ruanklister: how did you install backtrack?17:47
oCean!backtrack > klister17:47
ubottuklister, please see my private message17:47
ruanoCean: he's trying to install ubuntu17:47
klisterUSB, but i dont have that usb drive atm17:47
oCeanruan: klister now THAT is supported here :)17:47
danileigh79ruan, i'm actually a little nervous about using gparted, afraid it'll screw something up17:47
ruandanileigh79: which is why backup is used17:48
ruandanileigh79: but i havent messed anything up with partitioning before17:48
danileigh79ruan, recommended method for backup?17:48
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:48
ruanpersonally i use online backup @ mediafire17:48
ruansince i dont have storage media17:49
danileigh79ruan, what about a free one for my winxp partition?17:49
klisterSo it's difficult to install ubuntu from backtrack then? Are there any tutourials etc?17:49
llutzklister: old but shows the basics https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/hppa/linux-upgrade.html17:50
klisterI guess i will give it a go, thanks.17:50
serialhexhey, i just installed kubuntu 11.4 and it removed my nvidia driver, and the one it provided me with is wonky... but when i try and install it again it says i have to uninstall xorg & a bunch of other things... whats up?  how can i fix that?17:50
coz_klister,   I believe backtrack is using ext2  ..yes?17:50
ruandanileigh79: what exactly do you wish to backup?17:50
sacarlsonklister: you can install an iso from grub217:50
coz_or ext317:50
oCeanserialhex: it's still beta, support in #ubuntu+117:51
klistercoz_: hwo can i check that? sacarlson how do i do that?17:51
brontosaurusrexwould unity allow positioning that launcher on the right or bottom of the screen or is it hardcoded to the left?17:51
gsrHello all.  I am running Ubuntu 10.04 (kernel 2.6.35), and the torrent application Vuze.  Sometimes, when attempting to allocate a large file, it gets stuck at 0%.  If I close (or kill -9) Vuze, a Java process remains.  It's listed as a zombie by ps, taking up 100% of one CPU.  I cannot kill the process, and the parent is gone (so it has no parent).  Is there any way to kill it besides restarting?17:51
serialhexoCean: ok, thanks!17:51
danileigh79ruan, my entire 80gb hd incase i screw up17:51
WanderMhi for all17:51
llutzklister: grep ext4 /proc/filesystems17:51
Autonomisertensorpudding: I ran this command: svn co https://free-cad.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/free-cad free-cad17:51
v4nelleanybody with floola?17:52
ruandanileigh79: mediafire is free, but it depends what you want to backup17:52
klisterllutz: *** File error: No such file or directory, ext417:52
tensorpuddingAutonomiser: okay, so there should be a free-cad directory with the source in it17:52
Autonomisertensorpudding: As listed here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/free-cad/develop17:52
Autonomisertensorpudding: Cool17:52
danileigh79ruan, just music, docs, n vids17:52
sacarlsonklister: you can create a custom grub2 entry to point to the iso file as seen done here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860417:52
ruandanileigh79: mediafire has 200mb file size limit, with unlimited storage17:52
klistersacarlson: ok, will try.17:52
llutzklister: grep ext4 /proc/filesystems                        you issued a wrong command17:53
nopfgsr: i'm not sure i believe you cannot kill-9 a cpu-100 process17:53
* Autonomiser the svn noob is getting some where17:53
danileigh79ruan, that might work, i can backup my vids on usb17:53
klisterllutz:         ext417:53
klisterthere we go17:53
WanderMwhat is Dhcp Please17:53
ruandanileigh79: yep. you can also split large files17:53
llutzklister: so ext4 IS supported17:53
klisteri guess so17:53
danileigh79ruan, is there a linux program comparable to winrar?17:54
brontosaurusrexWanderM, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol17:54
nopfgsr: but nowadays anything is possible. i had some other impossible situations a while ago. so in this case: do you have any 'window' on the screen that belongs to the process?17:54
ruandanileigh79: p7zip-full17:54
WanderMok but how it works I mean thank you aney way17:54
ruandanileigh79: it handles all archive formats i know. archive manager works with it, too17:54
nopfgsr: if so, you can go about it with 'xkill' ... worked for me on some otherwise not kill-9-able programs17:54
brontosaurusrexWanderM, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_Host_Configuration_Protocol17:54
gsrnopf: nope.  and, with htop, I can see a heirarchy of the processes running, and their children.  this process is listed as having no parents, no children17:55
tensorpuddingAutonomiser: you can keep it up to date by pulling the latest revisions17:55
danileigh79getting it now17:55
danileigh79ruan, getting it now17:55
philsfhi, when I plug a headphone in my netbook, the sound still outputs from the speaker. I'm using Maverick, up to date with maverick-updates and -security. Is this a kernel issue?17:55
ruandanileigh79: once its installed, right click file, compress, choose an archive format17:55
danileigh79ruan, is it gui or cli?17:55
ruandanileigh79: both17:55
danileigh79ruan, k, thx17:55
coz_klister,  did you find out which file system you have there?17:55
ruandanileigh79: 7z integrates into archivem anager17:55
gsrxkill won't work, since the window was run by the parent, the Vuze process, which is already closed17:55
danileigh79ruan, oh kk17:55
tensorpuddingAutonomiser: you go into the free-cad directory and do 'svn up', and that will pull the latest changes from the server17:56
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ruandanileigh79: so it opens all compatible archives. and it supports more than winrar does17:56
danileigh79ruan, nice17:56
ruanplus its free17:56
danileigh79BBS smoke break17:56
nopfgsr: yeah, i remember java zombies from 5 years ago. could get a hold of them too. now i don't use java except if given money...17:56
nopfgsr: s/could/couldn't/17:57
ruanjava zombie apocalypse17:57
mindmastersomething about java provokes automatic hatred17:57
klistercoz_: yup, ext4, but its solved, my dad lent me a stick :)17:58
klisterthanks guys17:58
coz_klister,  ah ok :)17:58
bewest1can I ask about dput / ppa here? I'm curious how long after running dput I should see my package in my ppa?17:58
scarleoI'm trying to make chromium use gnome keyring with --password-store=gnome but I can't see any difference from before, it still gives my password out without any questions17:58
nopfruan: no really. twas horrible. hate java ever since. i *heard* that some automatic zombie collector came into kernel a bit later, dunno if it helps much here though17:58
gsrnopf: lol, agreed.  Guess I'll find a C-based torrent client17:58
ruan!info qbittorrent17:59
ubottuqbittorrent (source: qbittorrent): bittorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with a Qt4 GUI. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.3-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2304 kB, installed size 5388 kB17:59
brontosaurusrexgsr, what was wrong with transmission?17:59
ruanwritten in c++17:59
mindmaster!info utorrent17:59
ubottuPackage utorrent does not exist in maverick17:59
gsrbrontosaurusrex, nothing really, I'd just been using Vuze up to that time17:59
mindmasterI bet utorrent is better than qbit hehe18:00
ruanpersonally i find qbit more feature-rich18:00
oCeanbewest1: maybe try #launchpad channel?18:00
llutz!info ctorrent18:00
ubottuctorrent (source: ctorrent): BitTorrent Client written in C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.4.dnh3.3.2-3 (maverick), package size 120 kB, installed size 280 kB18:00
ruanbrontosaurusrex: c++ isn't the issue, wasn't talking about that18:00
tensorpuddingwhy is the language used a problem?18:00
bandit5432any one hearing of problems updating to 11.04?18:00
tensorpuddingtransmission is a fine client18:00
brontosaurusrex!info rtorrent18:00
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent from rakshasa. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-1 (maverick), package size 397 kB, installed size 1308 kB18:00
bewest1thanks, oCean18:01
oCeanbandit5432: it's still beta, so problems can be expected18:01
bandit5432well yes i understand that18:01
mindmastersome of my torrent sites only support two clients.. az and utorrent.. not much of a choice.. if they catch you with the others they ban you :P18:01
bandit5432i have beta tested since 618:01
bandit54326.04 '18:01
ruanmindmaster: qbit supports name faking i think18:01
gsrI have rtorrent, and have used it occasionally, but it lacks a lot of features18:01
oCeanbandit5432: since it is still beta, the support/discussion is in #ubuntu+118:01
gsrlike prioritizing files18:01
ruanfatrat does though18:02
gsrill give qbit and ubit a try18:02
oCeanbandit5432: there was no 6.04, it was 6.0618:02
brontosaurusrexgsr, hmm, really? i thougth rtorrent can do everything18:02
bandit5432ty for the correction18:02
ruanthough it must be open source, can probably fake the name from there18:02
gsrbrontosaurusrex, it also doesn't allow for the use of proxy servers18:02
mindmasterruan: not the issue of the names. many of them have faulty ratio algorithms so they pick it up that way anyway18:02
BajKHow can I make a video DVD out of an avi file? I tried converting this avi file to mpeg and then using kdenlive's dvd author feature but it always fails when crating the DVD structure and because it's linux there is no explanation but cryptic error messages18:03
BajKor Video-CD because its a 700mb avi18:03
kdogI've installed natty beta in a virtualbox and when I log in, nothing appears on the desktop. Unity must not be coming up. I do have "3d" checked in the vb monitors. Any hints?18:03
dougdaultonhow does one prioritize load order of virtualhosts in apache on ubuntu (lucid lynx)18:03
llutz!info devede|BajK18:03
oCeankdog: support in #ubuntu+118:03
ubottuPackage devedeBajK does not exist in maverick18:03
bandit5432oCean,  thanks for the help and information18:03
llutz!info devede18:03
ubottudevede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.16.9-0ubuntu3 (maverick), package size 1976 kB, installed size 3936 kB18:03
ruan!info devede | BajK18:03
ubottuBajK: please see above18:03
kdogoCean: great, thanks!18:03
BajKruan: thx18:03
mindmasterdougdaulton: why do you need to do that? I can think of almost no reasons.18:04
ruanutorrent isn't open source :P18:04
BajKhm, why doesnt kubuntu remember policies anymore? In 9.04 therer was this nice polkit policy editor where you could just say "is allowed to uinstall packages"18:04
BajKand now even the "remebmer authorization" checkbox does nothing18:04
dougdaultonmindmaster: the last to load is a wildcard domain18:05
dougdaultonmindmaster: 1) forums.monkee.comm  2) *.monkee.com ... which is wordpress multi-user network18:06
mindmasterdougdaulton: Anytime you vhost the 'rule' that is most explict applies first. I've never seen a case where it mattered. Logically though, you want to define all the 'unique' rules first.18:07
mindmasterlikely.. you have some error in your definition18:08
dougdaultonmindmaster: OK. That helps.18:08
BajKman why are GTK dialogs so a pain to use? why cant there just be a normal "save as" dialog like KDE would use? no, there is a dialog with a prompt for filename and folder, you click on the folder, and no there is no folder browser but a dropdown with your favorited places and a "other" button which THEN triggers a folder browser -.- man I just know why Canonical should ditch Gnome/Unity and just use KDE18:08
dougdaultonmindmaster:  I've been through the apache2 docs and must be missing something.  Do you know of a good tutorial or example18:09
llutzBajK: thats what the gtk-freaks call "usability" since ages...18:09
BajKyeah I know the Gnome philosophy^^18:10
ruanadvanced usability :P18:10
BajKThere's a difference between "easy to use" and "hide every option that your grandmother might not need and confuse her"18:10
mindmasterhttp://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html make sure you get all the steps and read carefully18:10
dougdaultonmindmaster: thanks for the help!18:11
scarleoI'm trying to make chromium use gnome keyring with --password-store=gnome added to the launcher but it still fills my password out without any questions. Any suggestions?18:11
pbaradaQuestion: I'm running 10.04 LTS and suddenly my mouse/keyboard sow way down and if I type to fast it either drops keys or keys stick until I hit another key.  Keyboard rate looks t be <3 keys/second or they drop/stick/ Any ideas on a fix(resetting machine cures it for a while)?18:12
brontosaurusrexBajK, and you are not using kubuntu, because of.. ?18:13
mindmasterscarleo: my tests of integration between gnome and chromium only do more to tell me how little the two things speak with one another :)18:13
BajKbrontosaurusrex: I AM using Kubuntu :)18:13
melloQuestion: (running 10.10), I used to use hibernate option a lot on my  laptop, but lately it just doesn't recover out of hibernate anymore. It just goes very very slow.. And I have no clue what caused this18:14
dev2centsI have the same. What hardware R u running18:15
mindmasterif you need integration I recommend you stay with firefox 3 for awhile. Chromium still breaks a great deal on linux.18:15
ne7workhow can I check my video card temperature on ubuntu?18:15
ruanvideo card temp? didnt have that back in windows. not sure if it exists18:15
mindmasterne7work: if you have nvidia prop drivers then there is an app installed to manage the display and it reports it18:15
scarleomindbeat, Ok, so basically it won't work? Seems like some people has it working but doesn't want it...18:16
scarleomindbeat, sorry, wrong nick18:16
philsfhi, when I plug a headphone in my netbook, the sound still outputs from the speaker. I'm using Maverick, up to date with maverick-updates and -security. Is this a kernel issue?18:16
mindmasterne7work: if you have ati I pity you because they screw us poor linux folks every day18:16
ne7workmindmaster, I have recommended nvidia drivers?18:16
mintuxI have two INTERNET connection with two ip.i can now active just one of my connection.is it possible to use two of my Internet connection together? means one of my connection use in desktop and firefox and etc and another connection be in just session and use it for download ?18:16
scarleomindmaster, , Ok, so basically it won't work? Seems like some people has it working but doesn't want it...18:16
dev2centsI have 2 machines but my notebook is a tad old and noticed hibernate does not work swell on there. My 64 bit desktop box seems to be ok though18:16
ruanhow do i remove album art from mp3s?18:16
ne7workmindmaster, ?18:17
mindmasterscarleo: I'd try it on firefox first because chromium's gnome interfacing is dodgey as hell.. if you can get it to work there then you have some possiblity of having it work in chrome as well when they decide to up the glue layers18:17
brontosaurusrex!info tag18:17
ubottuPackage tag does not exist in maverick18:17
brontosaurusrex!info mp3tag18:17
ubottuPackage mp3tag does not exist in maverick18:17
gsrruan: easytag is a great tool for mass editing mp3s18:17
llutz!info id3v218:18
ubottuid3v2 (source: id3v2): A command line id3v2 tag editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.12-1 (maverick), package size 24 kB, installed size 100 kB18:18
scarleomindmaster, ok, thanks18:18
gsrit supports reading cover art and deleting it, not sure how it does en masse18:18
ruanthanks, i'll try it18:18
ruanno need for mass deletion, only several mp3s have it18:18
shadaloohello, my system is failing to load the nvidia kernel module and now I cannot use gdm. Any help?18:18
mindmasterne7work: you need the prop drivers if you have them then Administration tells you you have an Nvidia X control panel thingy18:18
ruannvidia x server?18:19
Max-PHi, I installer Ubuntu on a friend's computer, and it works fine. But when we try to boot Windows XP from GRUB, there's only a black screen and it does nothing. How do I fix that?18:19
shadalooruan: yes18:19
shadaloothis is what I need18:19
novitololoany recommendations on reading to understand how linux filesystem works?18:20
mindmasterne7work: specifically it says "Nvidia X Server Settings"18:20
ne7workmindmaster, and if I have nvidia control panel how to see my video card temp?18:20
ubottuext3 is the default filesystem on older versions of Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org18:20
brilldoctorwhy does empathy keep giving me unknown command for /quit18:20
ne7workmindmaster, Yes I have nvidia x server settings18:20
ruanbrilldoctor: try /exit18:20
cha0s2358can some one help me Adobe air? I installed Adobe Air in software center, and downloaded the ".air" program i want to install. but i cant figure out how to open the .air file with the air installer. im on 10.1018:20
mindmasternear bottom it should say "GPU 0" click next to the tick should say "Thermal Settings" and a bunch of other info18:20
|Long|can someone plz help me..after update new driver for gforce 8400gs, i reboot and stuck at initramfs screen, how i fix this?18:21
shadalooim in the sme boat18:21
rcmaehlHELP! Got error at boot: Opening /dev/null failed: No such file or directory.18:22
rcmaehlShould I be concerned?18:22
ruanrcmaehl: if you can't boot, i guess so18:23
rcmaehlruan: it booted fine18:23
rcmaehli just don't want to see the error message18:23
ruanrcmaehl: hmm, im not sure if its a good idea to mkdir /dev/null18:24
novitololoI've a question about USB.  Why when I insert a USB it's recognized, and I don't have to mount it?18:24
=== marcos_ is now known as Daekdroom
novitololousb flash drive.18:24
rcmaehlnovitololo: b/c the options are configured to do so18:24
brilldoctori guess ubuntu auto mounts it18:24
mindmaster|Long|: Not sure how that prevents boot at that point. I've seen a driver mess up cause GDM to go into a reloading fit and force me to kill it from a terminal, but nothing with ramfs18:24
SwedeMikenovitololo: because most users don't want to be bothered with that, that's why.18:25
brilldoctorthere must be a option to disable it somewhere18:25
novitololoI imagine that.  But where is that configured?18:25
ruanwhy would you want to do that18:25
novitololoI've looked in /etc/fstab18:25
novitololoruan: I'm just trying to learn how the filesystem works18:25
rcmaehlnovitololo: check nautilus options18:25
rcmaehlnovitololo: and try ubuntu-tweak or ailurus18:25
brilldoctoror disk utility18:26
mindmaster|Long|: your system should get to a point where you can alt-F1 into a terminal at least.. if that doesnt happen then it's not the driver it's something with your kernel18:26
novitololothank you guys.18:26
rcmaehlAlso why is my login screen xfce instead of gdm?18:26
|Long|mindmaster, alt+f1 didnt get me now where, what else can i try?18:27
alabdGood day all , How to convert .TS (type of recorded in dvb-T capturing) files to others video formats in Gnu/Linux ?18:28
mindmaster|Long|: er sorry... ctrl+alt+f118:28
giuliacan you tell me how can I make disappear my name on the right top with gconftool ?18:28
giuliaI don't stop searching but I can't find it18:29
novitolololove it! gosh18:29
iaindaltongiulia: just right-click that and choose options18:29
giuliait doesn't work18:29
giuliawhen I am on the desktop18:30
giuliaI just want not to read my name18:30
giuliabut you can't do it with right click18:30
llutzalabd: mencoder, ffmpeg, avidemux, handbreak... lots of tools18:30
iaindaltonoh, oops, I guess you can't18:30
iaindaltonpretty sure you used to be able to18:31
brontosaurusrexgiulia, there is an option in 'ubuntu tweaks'18:31
bowagreat … thought i would fix it with testdisk … seems i only made it worse :(18:31
alabdllutz: am trying avidemux but has not result yet18:31
giuliabut does it work with the 10.10 version ?18:31
giuliaquestion at 2 cents18:32
giuliaas we say in French18:32
brontosaurusrexi certainly cant see my name up there, so i guess it does work18:32
iaindaltongiulia: looks like the settings in gconf are at /apps/panel/default_setup/applets/fast_user_switch and there's no option to change text18:33
novitololoanyone have bookmarked good readings to learn filesystem ? :)18:33
giuliabut the only problem18:33
giuliais that I have an old tutorial18:33
iaindaltonbrontosaurusrex: maybe you don't have that applet on your panel18:33
giuliawhich works with Ubuntu 10.0418:33
giuliahold on18:33
ruannovitololo: heres some info about ext18:34
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext4) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.18:34
slyrus_so I've got a new (larger) drive and copied all my stuff over to it. how can I make it bootable?18:34
iaindaltonGNOME is notorious for removing features18:34
novitololoruan: thanks.  I'm moving from ReiserFS to ext4...18:34
gusgI'm affected by this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/csound/+bug/719206 which is fixed in "csound - 1:5.13.0~dfsg-3build1" but all I see in Synaptic is version "1:5.12.1~dfsg-5rebuild1". Can I force apt or synaptic to get the newer build?18:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 719206 in csound (Ubuntu Natty) "import (and examples) fail" [Medium,Fix released]18:34
giuliaok, the name of this tutorial18:35
giuliatranslated from French18:35
brontosaurusrexiaindalton, giulia, with 'ubuntu tweak' its under GNOME settings/Me Menu setting18:35
giuliaSetting the user name in the top panel18:35
giuliaoh ok18:35
=== Hedgy|Away is now known as Hedgehog456
giuliaI give a try18:35
mykeyim trying to get write access to an osx journaled drive18:35
mykeyturning oof journaling is the only way?18:36
ravenhow to display foldersize in shell?18:36
llutzraven: du -sxh dir/18:36
Jon--I want to update ubuntu to 11.04 when it comes out but maintain using GNOME shell as my window manager instead of Unity. How difficult is this to do?18:37
philsfwhen I plug a headphone in my netbook, the sound still outputs from the speaker. I'm using Maverick, up to date with maverick-updates and -security. Is this a kernel issue?18:37
giuliaok, the Me Menu setting works18:38
deft_n1xhi all, i've try to re-compile likewise-open but it fails with likewise-open- file not recognized: File format not recognized18:38
iaindaltonJon--: I don't know about GNOME shell, but I've upgraded a system through several releases while using Fluxbox. I don't think it will try to force you to change desktop environments18:38
deft_n1xany idea?18:39
slyrus_or, perhaps put another way, how can I use the ubuntu disk utility to create a bios boot partition?18:39
mykeyany help18:39
Chillancewhy is the install dialogs so slow? its just a damn dialog window, but takes forever going back and forward...18:40
giuliabut how can I do the same, with Ubuntu TMe menu setting -> not display18:40
giuliawith gconftool ?18:40
scarleoJon--, You can just choose classic desktop in Natty to get gnome18:40
ruanChillance: which install dialog?18:42
brontosaurusrexgiulia, pretty sure its possible18:42
alabdllutz:  avidemux converts  but no sound in converted video18:42
Jon--scarleo, Will the development of GNOME and/or GNOME shell not be hurt by Ubuntu switching to Unity? Surely I can do so now, but what guarantee do I have that Ubuntu will still have such good support 5 years from now?18:42
giuliaok it is18:42
giuliasomeone told me18:43
llutzalabd: it has a lot of options to play with...18:43
giuliabut I was too tired to notice it18:43
brontosaurusrexgiulia, good for him18:43
giuliaso, you go to system, indicator18:43
alabdllutz: which options ?18:43
Guest41779helo i am wanting 2 no how 2 ubuntu18:43
aWeelAdminso am i18:43
ruanGuest41779: how to ubuntu?18:43
aWeelAdmini d k h o w 2  u b u n t u18:43
Guest41779how 2 ubuntu18:43
Guest41779i d k h ow 2  u b u n t u18:44
ruanhow does one ubuntu18:44
llutzalabd: video/audio etc.pp. pls read documentation18:44
aWeelAdminhow 2 ubuntu??18:44
scarleoJon--, None i guess, as far as I know they don't give any guarantees for anything whatsoever18:44
aWeelAdminubuntu not boot18:44
Guest41779ruan i d k18:44
Guest41779can u tel me18:44
brontosaurusrexJon--, you would plan a desktop system 5 years ahead?18:44
aWeelAdminhow 2 gawet oobntoo 2 boot? O_O18:44
Chillanceruan, Im installing 11.04 0402 beta18:44
Guest41779i d k18:44
Jon--brokendatapoint, No but I like Ubuntu. Are you claiming I should be prepared to switch distributions?18:44
ruanaWeelAdmin: what is the error?18:44
aWeelAdminruan, there is no error, graphics look like very old TV thats burnt out18:45
Guest41779can any1 tel me18:45
Guest41779if ubuntu or lenix beter18:45
Guest41779ubuntu vs lenix18:45
FloodBot4Guest41779: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:45
ruanwhat is lenix?18:45
Guest41779i not flod18:45
llutzGuest41779: whats lenix?18:45
Guest41779u dont no??18:45
mykeyanyway to get write access on osx jouraled disk18:45
ruando you mean linux?18:45
scarleoJon--, I don't think switching dist gives anything, normally they don't give you any guarantees18:45
Guest41779ruan i d k maybe/??18:45
llutza troll18:45
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux18:45
Guest41779ruan wat r beter18:46
Guest41779ubuntu or lenix18:46
aWeelAdminubuntu vs linux18:46
ruanGuest41779: ubuntu is built on linux..18:46
Guest41779ruan but wat r beter18:46
Fuchswhy are you guys feeding the trolls  *sigh*18:46
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.18:46
ruanthey can't really be compared, they depend on each other18:46
LjLGuest41779: stop trolling18:46
=== bandit5432 is now known as bandit63
Guest41779LjL i no trol18:47
Guest41779that aginst rule i think18:47
llutzruan: why should linux depend on ubuntu?18:47
aWeelAdminyeah that against rule18:47
ruanllutz: for ubuntu to function18:47
SwedeMikeGuest41779: you just asked "what's better, a car or a toyota?".18:47
LjLGuest41779: ask your non-support questions in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here18:47
aWeelAdmin<Guest41779> LjL i no trol18:47
aWeelAdmin<Guest41779> that aginst rule i think18:47
aWeelAdmin<Guest41779> ??18:47
aWeelAdmin<llutz> ruan: why should linux depend on ubuntu?18:47
aWeelAdmin<aWeelAdmin> yeah that against rule18:47
Guest41779ljl this is suport18:47
LjL!ops | aWeelAdmin18:47
ubottuaWeelAdmin: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:47
LjLGuest41779: no18:47
ruanllutz: what i mean is that linux is not really much without ubuntu18:47
ruanllutz: as swedemike said18:48
brontosaurusrexruan, cough, what?18:48
borgoshi guys im setting up a htpc on a 40" LCD. ubuntu can render the desktop at 1080p but the edges are slightly off, so i cant see the taskbar at the top for example.  in monitor settings it says my monitor is 36" but i have a 40".  how can i update my monitor or fine tune the screen position?18:48
llutzruan: hrhr, tell that to the fedora/rh/suse/debian folks18:48
borgosim on ubuntu 10.1018:48
ruani know, what i mean is a base operating system18:48
LjLplease, #ubuntu-offtopic18:48
Guest41779o m g ops can halp me ????????18:48
Guest41779!ops | ubuntu vs lenix18:48
ubottuubuntu vs lenix: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!18:48
Guest41779!ops | ubuntu vs lenix18:48
FloodBot4Guest41779: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:48
alabdllutz:  what do you mean of .oo .pls ?18:49
alabdllutz:  what do you mean of .pp .pls ?18:49
llutzalabd: maybe this helps you to convert it correct http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/doku.php?id=start18:49
brontosaurusrexalabd, what was your question?18:50
bandit63any one here or is chat dead?18:51
LjLit's far from dead18:52
itaylor57bandit63: seems quiescent at the moment18:52
bandit63well ubuntu+1 is dead18:52
bandit63question i have a bunch of updates with %3 in them18:52
bandit63when did updated packages start shipping with %3 instead of _18:53
itaylor57bandit63: I don't know I have never used Natty18:54
bandit63well i havent either18:54
ruanis vlc built on qt4?18:54
itaylor57bandit63: oh I thought your issue was with that version18:54
bandit63well i am running 10.1018:55
alabdbrontosaurusrex: How to convert .TS (type of recorded in dvb-T capturing) files to others video formats in Gnu/Linux ?some apps can convert but output file has not sound18:55
bandit63but trying to update to 11.0418:55
bandit63so i dont know if its a 11.04 question or problem or a 10.1018:55
zee313i hv installed adobe reader but not working. Does not opening18:56
zee313tell me what to do18:56
bandit63does not matter i cant restart so i am going to hang out here all day18:56
itaylor57bandit63: I'll leave that to the rest of the room I haven't upgraded  before18:56
itaylor57zee313: how did you install adobe reader?18:56
bandit63itaylor57, thanks for just talking to me i thought i had been /ignored-by-all18:58
itaylor57bandit63: be sure you follow the proper process to do your upgrade18:58
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:59
zee313first i downloaded it from website debian version. Then installed through ubuntu software center18:59
pyghassenhi there I can't detect Ad-Hocs18:59
borgosis there a command that can help me fine to my display/resoluation settings or correctly identify my monitor?18:59
borgosfine tune*19:00
pyghassenwhen I look at the Network Manager I only see APs!!19:00
itaylor57zee313: did you do anything with the debian version before you installed the one in the repos?19:00
brontosaurusrexalabd, what exactly is in those ts files? did you analize with something? (like mediainfo?) what is your target format?19:00
pyghassenany idea guys?19:00
froldCan someone tell me howto get rid of Google Chrome? Im not able to uninstall it...19:01
itaylor57borgos: sudo lshw will list your hardware19:01
bandit63itaylor57,  thanks but thats how i did the upgrade19:01
froldDid try: sudo apt-get remove google-browser - didnt do the job19:02
tensorpuddingfrold: open the software center and go to the Google tab, then find the one you've installed and remove it19:02
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duperhow would i go about configuring Ubuntu9 to use a 10.04.2 (LTS) repository for package updates with APT? i.e. I installed an older version of the distribution originally, but I still want the latest userland utilities without re-installing (I've already upgraded the kernel.)19:03
shigutsofrold, sudo dpkg -l |grep -i chrom ----> sudo apt-get remove "on what appears"19:04
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itaylor57zee313: what application are you using that is not working?19:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:04
tensorpuddingduper: upgrade to 10.04?19:04
froldshigutso: and tensorpudding  seems like sudo apt-get remove google-chrome-stable does the job!! thanks...19:05
zee313i want to open my .pdf files through adobe reader . but it is not working.19:06
tensorpuddingduper: 9.10 won't be supported forever, whereas 10.04 is an LTS release and thus will be supported for three years19:06
SwedeMike9.10 goes end of support in april this year I think.19:07
itaylor57zee313: I haven't used the adobe reader so I will defer the the room on this one19:07
mister2where do commands launched from panel run from? i have pianobarfly running from panel and i can't find where it saves stuff19:07
joeb_hi all .. i removed some items from the trash can .. there a tool /software that can retrive the deleted items ?19:08
cisshi, has anyone of you successfully installed virtualmin on ubuntu 10.04?19:08
alabdbrontosaurusrex: that .TS file is output of recording TV (dvb-t) with VLC19:08
random123how can i find the permissions of a certain file?19:08
SwedeMikerandom123: ls -l <file>19:09
cissrandom123: or ls -e if you're using acl's19:09
random123i tried ls -l makemaildir in /usr/sbin but now im stuck19:09
random123i cant get back to bash19:09
brontosaurusrexalabd, i understand, you did capture the stream as it was, but i always find it easier to figure out what kind of video (i could be h.264 or mpeg2) and audio is inside the container before attempting to convert..., what does 'mplayer myfile.ts' does?19:09
cissrandom123: try ctrl+c19:10
pyghassenanyone know why my wifi card is detecting only Access Points, but not Ad-Hoc????????????????????????????????????????????19:11
cissrandom123: what exactly were you trying to do?19:11
random123ciss: I am trying to use maildirmake with courier19:11
brontosaurusrexalabd, alternatively you could capture a small sample and put in on  a web somewhere...19:11
random123ciss: But it said I don't have permission for some reason19:11
random123ciss: But I can't figure out why it says that19:11
cissrandom123: did you run it with sudo?19:12
random123ciss: I am in root because I'm in a VPS19:12
cissrandom123: can you pastebin the exact error you're getting?19:12
pyghassenhelp please, I need an answer for that, anyone faced this problem before?19:12
cisspyghassen: this is a very specific problem that probably depends on your card and setup. have you already tried asking google?19:13
random123ciss: I can't anymore I lost the web page i was on19:14
pyghassenciss I have to laptops running Ubuntu, no one can see the other !19:14
brontosaurusrexcan i get some info about a state of batteries in my bluetooth mice?19:14
random123ciss: I am really confused, linux is so unintuitive and you have to be like the rainman to remember all the different keywords...19:14
cissrandom123: are you following a guide?19:15
cisspyghassen: i really recommend you ask google first to narrow down your problem19:15
alabdbrontosaurusrex: http://pastebin.com/xw38khwt , is uploaded file required ?19:15
BajKhm this DeVeDe thing does not work, it always hangs when "creating DVD structure" -.- any other proposals?19:15
random123ciss: Yes, I have been trying to set up postfix with sasl for about 20 hours now19:15
cissrandom123: can you give me a link to that guide?19:16
mongyBajK, works for me, I use it once a week19:16
BajKthe first time it said "unable to create structure, maybe your drive is full"19:16
BajKand now it just hangs19:16
random123ciss: I lost the specific one, but I've tried like 5 guides now19:17
random123ciss: http://www.debiantutorials.com/installing-postfix-with-mysql-backend-and-sasl-for-smtp-authentication/ for example19:17
rescueeehow to fix grub resolution using rescue mode? i cant edit the grub file but cant update grub. HELP19:17
BajKhm, I like kdenlive but why offer a dvd creationg assistant and not provide a way to convert the input videos?!19:17
brontosaurusrexalabd, ok, what is your target codec or usage intention?19:18
BajKand kdenlive says "DVDAuthor process crashed.19:18
BajKi never thought I would have to say: I miss NERO burning rom -.-19:18
cissrandom123: let's see if i get you right: you were accessing your vps via ssh, then ran some commands, and now you don't have acccess anymore?19:18
rescueeeneed help19:19
random123ciss: I still have access19:19
random123ciss: I am in SSH yes, on Putty19:19
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BlueEagleBajK: Does /var/log/messages or any other log hold any clue to the cause of the crash?19:19
random123ciss: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?p=254489#post25448919:19
BajKBlueEagle: dvdauthor: segfault at 10 ip 08054623 sp bfbcd280 blabla19:19
random123ciss: That is my main problem19:20
rescueeeI changed grub2 resolution but now it doesnt give signal!19:20
rescueeeneed to fix it19:20
alabdbrontosaurusrex: no difference , just i(humble) want to convert that file to a format and type that can be layed easily with know players in other OS like media player and  so19:21
cissrandom123: can you paste your smtpd.conf?19:21
BlueEagleBajK: Ahh.. A seg fault. That's not easily debugged. First hit on google indicates bad handling of "unusual" file names so I would check that first.19:21
brontosaurusrex!info mp4box19:21
ubottuPackage mp4box does not exist in maverick19:22
BlueEagleBajK: Also, I assume you're not running an overclocked system and you're confident that your RAM is in order.19:22
BajKBlueEagle: I wouldnt consider /data/bajk/Videos/TheKingsSpeech.mpeg an unusual file name19:22
BajKBlueEagle: it is19:22
BajKmaybe it's because my /tmp is tmpfs ?19:22
cisshas anyone experience in installing virtualmin (preferably on ubuntu 10.04)?19:22
brontosaurusrexalabd, i think this type of file could be remuxed to either mkv or mp4, i'd think you can use ffmpeg for that, hold on, ill find some command lines...19:23
cissBajK: case insensitivity can be an issue19:23
BlueEagleBajK: If you're running an over clocked system and experience seg faults check the processor temperature and also try using original settings and see if the error persists. Transcoding video is processor intensive.19:23
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alabdbrontosaurusrex: thanks let me upload one examle19:23
BajKBlueEagle: temperature and everything is fine and no my system is not overclocked19:23
BajKciss: I always KNEW it's dumb to differentiate case in filenames -.-" but well the path is correct19:24
BlueEagleBajK: Then why are you saying that it is? d'oh!19:24
BajKBlueEagle: ??19:24
BajKi didnt say that19:24
BlueEagleBajK: Well I interpeted "it is" as in your system being overclocked.19:24
BajK(at least the thing didnt tell otherwise but because it's a GTK application and so does not tell you everything (because it MAY CONFUSE the user) while KDE would just say "hey you idiot, wrong filename" or something^^19:24
BajKBlueEagle: oh19:25
pm2Can anyone give me an official answer: does Kubuntu Lucid use pulseaudio or alsa by default?  I seem to have parts of both installed on my system, and sound is not working...19:25
BajKthe "it is" was reffering to the "ram is in order"19:25
FloodBot4BajK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:25
SwedeMikepm2: it depends, applications can use either API.19:25
brontosaurusrexalabd, you can try 'ffmpeg -i my.ts -vcodec copy -acodec copy my.mp4'19:26
Guest57435If the absolute value of -x cannot be used, how is it then that any x can  be used, since x itself can be negative without a prefixed negative sign19:26
edbianpm2, It probably uses both.  Look at this: http://www.tuxradar.com/content/how-it-works-linux-audio-explained19:26
Guest57435oops thought i was in #math19:26
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BluesKajBajK, checkout ffmpeg as a conversion tool, but the kdenlive will run any ffmpeg supported format according to the package manager.19:27
pm2SwedeMike, edbian, hmm... very complicated...  Any recommended steps on debugging how to get sound working again on my system19:27
BlueEagleBajK: Well, then I cannot help you any further, sorry. The Segmentaiton fault is most likely caused by bad coding. Try a smaller file perhaps and see if that resolves the issue. Also make sure no temporary storage runs full during the process.19:28
edbian!sound pm219:28
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:28
r3mHi, I would like to know if i should trust program like keypass... i really hope there is no backdoor19:28
BajKand why cant there just be a program where you click the file, say "make a dvd" and have a finished iSO and pass it to k3b19:28
edbianpm2, See what ubottu said19:28
BajKand ubuntu always claims to be multimedia and home friendly..19:28
fedora_newbI started up my machine to find "error: unknown filesystem. grub rescue>"19:28
cissr3m: you should be fine with keepass19:28
edbianr3m, Did it come from the repos?19:28
BluesKajBajK, try devede19:29
r3medbian, yes19:29
BlueEagleBajK: Oh! I found this in launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dvdauthor/+bug/6915119:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 69151 in dvdauthor (Ubuntu) "Edgy: dvdauthor: segfault" [Medium,Invalid]19:29
edbianr3m, It's safe19:29
pm2thanks edbian19:29
edbianpm2, good luck!  :)19:29
BajKBluesKaj: maybe you didnt follow the conversation but as I said: it segfaults whenever it is creating the dvd structure.19:29
r3mthanks edbian19:29
edbianr3m, sure19:29
BajKon EDGY?! how old is this bug? o.O19:29
BajKlol 200619:29
BluesKajI did BajK , never liked kdenlive much , I found it flaky on my video capture19:30
BajKand kdenlive doesnt let me convert the file to mpeg..19:30
fedora_newbtried using supergrubdisc but didn't work19:30
BlueEagleBajK: You can ofcourse check the change log of the release and see if upstream has added this patch that checks if sounds actually does exist in the file.19:30
BajKif sounds?19:30
BluesKajso segfaults on kdenlive aren't uncommon BajK19:30
BajKit is a movie.. it shoulkd have sound19:30
BajKBluesKaj: NOT kdenlive19:30
BajKit does NOT crash19:30
BajKit just says that the author encountered some error19:31
BajKwhile DeVeDe just segfaults19:31
FloodBot4BajK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:31
AndorinIs there a way to adjust the contrast of system fonts to make them darker for someone with poor visibility?19:31
BluesKajthey are both authoring progs , probly using the same engine19:31
edbianAndorin, Have you looked at System -> Preferences -> appearances -> fonts?19:32
edbianhelp__me, hi.  What is your question?19:32
help__meHow do I fix grub2 after setting a resolution that doesnt work?! help19:32
BajKsuper -.- I just wanted to make the movie avi to be playable on a dvd player19:32
brontosaurusrexBajK, get your file out of kdenlive with some uncompressed settings, use some other mpeg2 encoder, use some other authoring tool19:32
BajKnow I have to tell my mom she's gotta need to play it on her pc19:32
help__mei dont have ssh access19:32
Andorinedbian: Yes19:32
BlueEagleBluesKaj: From what I gather kdenlive is a front end for dvdauthor.19:32
BajKbrontosaurusrex: and what other authoring tool?19:32
help__meim trying rescue mode19:32
BajKI just want to make a plain .avi file playable on the dvd player and that's it19:32
fedora_newbif anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated :)19:32
help__mebut there is no option to update the grub!19:32
r3mhttp://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=140448&file1=140448-1.jpg&file2=&file3=&name=Equinox+orginal+themes <== what is the name of this dock please19:32
BajKa task that would NORMALLY require just clicking "make DVD" -> Choose file -> Make -> Burn -> done19:33
BajKbut no, welcome to the World of Linux.19:33
brontosaurusrexBajK, honestly? i wouldnt use any on linux, i would step-up to my win or osx station19:33
ChristofferDoes anyone in here know about any "digital" clapperboard for screenrecording? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clapperboard19:33
BlueEagleBajK: Did you concider http://alternativeto.net/software/kdenlive/19:33
edbianBajK, If you don't like it don't use linux.  Please don't complain in the channel19:33
Dr_WillisBajK:  with devede its basically that simple.. but it depends on yoru needs.. My dvd players can play avi files directly these days..19:33
rats_BajK: have you tried avidemux19:33
alabdbrontosaurusrex: converted file has not sound again ..19:33
edbianhelp__me, What do you mean you can't ssh?  What difference does it make if you can ssh?19:33
aauthorr3m, I'm pretty sure that that is AWN19:33
brontosaurusrexalabd, did you post a short sample?19:33
r3maauthor, thanks!19:34
BajKborgos: the more I want to do NORMAL EVERYDAY tasks with Linux the more I hate it. No problem doing any geeky or nerdy tasks like pushing your soundtrack you are listening to to your webpage with Dbus or whatever but you cannot even PLAY DVDS OOTB19:34
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help__meedbian: resolution is gone!19:34
BluesKajBlueEagle, yeah,  figgered that , ffmpeg or mencoder work for me19:34
alabdbrontosaurusrex:  should find a upload site19:34
BajKman; i'm gonna found a company that sells Kubuntu computers with EVERY STUPID CODEC in the world PREINSTALLED19:34
help__meedbian: no video signal!19:34
llutzalabd: use projectX to demux the .ts first, convert it and remux it last19:34
BajKand I'm gonna get rich19:34
BajKand donate the money to the poor developer who cannot even make a simple vdd maker tool :)19:34
help__meedbian: so if i had ssh i wouldnt IMAGE19:34
help__meget it?19:34
help__mei want to fix GRUB_GFXMODE19:34
edbianhelp__me, If you don't press anything grub just loads the first kernel right?  So just boot Ubuntu normally.  No need to ssh19:34
BlueEagleBajK: Would not that lead to some interesting licensing issues?19:35
Dr_WillisBajK:  there are unofficial ubuntu variants with those codecs and other 'legally grey area' stuff allready installed.19:35
help__meedbian: it's not showing up!19:35
help__meedbian: no video signal! grr19:35
edbianBajK, Why don't you just learn to develop and write the app yourself.19:35
edbianhelp__me, Can you boot a live CD ?19:35
brontosaurusrexalabd, let me setup a lil ftp account...19:35
help__meedbian: not desktop, no enough ram19:35
BajKwhy sould I give a damn? I would say "F*** you stupid money obsessed record companies, leave me alone" :)19:35
help__meedbian: only server edition19:35
BajKand move to middle sahara where no police could get me :)19:35
bandit63bajk you can also add them easily to any ubuntu install19:35
edbianhelp__me, How much ram do you have?19:35
BluesKajBajK, if you want a cli that works well try tovid and associated tools ...much better than any gui dvd authoring19:36
BajKthey should just be installed. period.19:36
help__methe ram is not the problem here19:36
BajKBluesKaj: I still refuse to believe that in 2011 it is neccessary to do ANYTHING in a console19:36
alabdbrontosaurusrex: thanks dear , wait i(humble) try to find one in google19:36
BajKthat should be illegal19:36
help__meI need to edit the /etc/default/grub and update grub19:36
BajKbut I will take a bath19:36
BajKand then look forward19:36
BluesKaj!tovid | BajK19:36
FloodBot4BajK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:36
BajKto getting that stupid thing fixed19:36
help__me!ot | BajK19:36
ubottuBajK: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:36
BlueEagleBajK: Pretty please take the rant to !ot19:36
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help__meedbian: I im rescue mode.. i can edit grub file but cannot update grub19:36
edbianhelp__me, Alright then.  You can't ssh in, a display connected doesn't work, and you can't boot a live CD.  I don't see how to fix it.  Try booting the live CD of another distro?19:37
edbianhelp__me, oh19:37
help__meI CANT BOOT A LIVE CD19:37
help__menot deskto19:37
edbianhelp__me, How are you in rescue mode?  The screen doesn't work?19:37
FloodBot4help__me: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
help__meedbian: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr RESOLUTION IN GRUB MENU19:37
BluesKajyeah , get mad and go home :)19:37
help__meedbian: because i changed it!19:37
help__mebut the monitor works..19:38
dupertensorpudding: i understand that.. i just don't want to have to re-install due to downtime since this is Ubuntu server19:38
edbianhelp__me, sudo update-grub changes grub.  Did you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst  ?  What version of Ubuntu is this?19:38
help__meedbian: i cant do that command in rescue mode19:38
dupercan you upgrade to the new distribution without having to re-partition?19:38
help__meedbian: 10.04 server19:38
Dr_Willisduper:  thats a feature of the package manager system. yes.19:38
duperi was hoping i could just use a diff repo in /etc/apt/sources.list or something19:38
jimcooncatWhen I attempt to boot from usb, it loads fine until it gets to show the desktop -- then it shows and old screenshot (from a previous session) and freezes. Is this coming from swap?19:38
help__meedbian: i have access to rescue mode.....19:39
Dr_Willisjimcooncat:  whats your video chipset?19:39
help__mebut there isnt update grub in there19:39
jimcooncatDr_Willis, a badly supported nvidia19:39
edbianhelp__me, yeah.  I get that you're in rescue mode.  What error does it give?  command not found?19:39
edbianhelp__me, You're using sudo?19:39
Dr_Willisjimcooncat:  try the nomodeset option, untill you get the nvidia drivers installed.19:39
help__meedbian: livecd uses root19:39
help__meno need for sudo19:39
jimcooncatDr_Willis, thanks. this goes on the boot line?19:40
edbianhelp__me, So you are running a live CD?19:40
fedora_newbI started up my machine to find "error: unknown filesystem. grub rescue>" is this a grub issue? do i need to reinstall? just want to make sure before i mess something up19:40
Dr_Willisjimcooncat:  yes. You can hit space I think when you see a little man icon, then that gets to the advanced options screen. F6 i think has nomodeset check box in it.19:40
help__meedbian: if you never used server edition you cant help me19:40
Dr_Willisfedora_newb:  could be grub is missconfigured and looking for things on the wrong disk/filesystem19:40
edbianhelp__me, fine. I can't help you.19:41
fedora_newbDr_Willis, i have the live cd in now...any tips?19:41
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | fedora_newb19:41
ubottufedora_newb: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.19:41
help__meedbian: at least you tried.. the only one in 1587 users19:41
fedora_newbty Dr_Willis, appreciate it19:41
edbianhelp__me, yeah I wonder why19:42
* Dr_Willis thought the 'rescue mode' was identical on server/desktop19:42
fedora_newbDr_Willis, one more thing, do I need grub or grub2?19:42
fedora_newb10.10 ubuntu19:42
edbian10.10 uses grub219:42
help__meDr_Willis: yeah and why dont u help me with this if know it..19:42
fedora_newbkk ty edbian19:42
edbianfedora_newb, sure19:42
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help__meDr_Willis: i just want to update grub because i changed resolutin and now i get no signal video19:43
Mahjongghello, how can i modify settings for ubuntu update manager?19:43
Mahjongghello, how can i modify settings for ubuntu update manager from within the terminal?19:43
bandit63Mahjongg, what are you needing to do?19:44
Dr_Willishelp__me:  with the proper commands you can update grub from a live cd, or rescue mode. check teh guides19:44
duperhas anyone else had issues with MySQL+InnoDB randomly enter an infinite paging loop every month or so that eats up all the swap space (thus forcing reboot) ?19:44
Mahjonggbandit63, system shows Maverick available. I'd like to hide that19:45
help__meDr_Willis: that doesnt help19:45
help__meDr_Willis: what guides19:45
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:45
=== Valou_ is now known as Valou
bandit63Mahjongg, i dont think you can hide that19:46
LancelotI'm having issues playing a DVD in karmic. I have both the restricted extras and libdvdread4 installed.19:46
Mahjonggbandit63, yes you can... you can choose to be warned for LTS releases only19:46
help__meDr_Willis: I dont have access to GRUB menu! no video signal19:46
bandit63ok then you need to open update-manager and choose options19:46
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Mahjonggbandit63, I do not have access to Xorg on that machine19:47
Mahjonggbandit63, just ssh19:47
bandit63ok let me look it up19:47
Dr_Willishelp__me:  resort to a live cd then peraps. you should still get to GDM even if you cant see the grub menus by default.19:47
help__meDr_Willis: I cant use gdm dont have enough memory/cpu for that19:47
LancelotI'm having issues playing a DVD in karmic. I have both the restricted extras and libdvdread4 installed. VLC just starts and immediately stops afterward. Totem isn't working either.19:47
bandit63how is it showing upgrade to maverick if you are not using update-manger?19:47
klisterapt-get update (?)19:48
Dr_Willishelp__me:  thats rather amazn+19:48
bandit63that would not ask to upgrade would it19:48
danileigh79QUESTION can I set a function somehwere to auto download repositiories when needed?19:48
edbianamazn+   ??19:48
Mahjonggbandit63, when I log in remotely, it shows it in the welcome screen19:48
help__meDr_Willis: ?19:48
Dr_Willishelp__me:  thats rather amazeing - since iv seen gdm/gnome work on rather minimal systems.19:48
klisterapt-get upgrade (?)19:48
help__meDr_Willis: are you making of fun of my problem?19:48
help__menice one19:48
bullgard4[Maverick]  Why does Ubuntu not remove automatically the corpse /etc/gnome/-app-install/packages-whitelist?19:49
help__me*fun of*19:49
Dr_Willishelp__me:  you could also boot a very minimal live cd such as tiny core linux, chroot in, and attempt to fix your grub config issues.19:49
help__meisnt this the support channel?19:49
bullgard4[Maverick]  Why does Ubuntu not remove automatically the corpse /etc/gnome-app-install/packages-whitelist?19:49
bandit63Mahjongg,  but it does not show any other time?19:50
appi_uppiHi, I have desktop(running windows xp) and a loptop(running ubuntu 10.04). I have a ADSL LAN is connected to desktop and ethernet is connected to laptop. I need to copy a file from windows to ubuntu, how could I achieve this?19:50
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avinashhmhi , is there any apt-command , to view the details of installed package .. ?19:50
=== sagii_ is now known as sagi_
Mahjongghello, how can i modify settings for ubuntu update manager from within the terminal?19:50
edbianavinashhm, There is aptitude show <packageName>19:50
Mahjonggbandit63, no19:51
Fuchsavinashhm: apt-cache policy  or aptitude show19:51
danileigh79ruan, you on still?19:51
aauthorMahjongg, what do you want to modify?19:52
avinashhmedbian, thank you .. works good ..19:52
edbianavinashhm, glad I could help :)19:52
bullgard4Mahjongg: Read 'man update-manager'.19:52
avinashhmFuchs , thank you .. works cool ..19:52
avinashhmedbian, i appreciate ;-) .19:52
danileigh79Need help, sudo make install for audacious, then attmepted ./configure for audacious plugins, says can't find audacious19:52
alabddo you know a ftp manager that has fewer size that filezilla19:53
Mahjonggaauthor, I would like the system warn only for LTS releases rather than normal release...19:53
Dr_Willisalabd:  you mean a 'ftp client' ?19:53
Mahjonggaauthor, is there a /etc/update-manager.conf or something?19:53
edbiandanileigh79, Is there a reason you're not just installing audacious from the repos?19:53
edbiandanileigh79, It is much easier that way.19:53
Mahjonggbullgard4, thanks but does not help19:53
danileigh79edbian, how to so that, am still new linux user19:53
help__methanks for nothing19:53
alabdDr_Willis:  yes19:53
edbiandanileigh79, sudo apt-get install audacious19:54
danileigh79edbian, I did that, installed old version19:54
edbiandanileigh79, And you'll have it!  :)  You could also look for it in ubuntu software center19:54
* Dr_Willis wonders what sort of magical answer help_me wanted....19:54
bullgard4Mahjongg: Reading does not help? How come? Never been to school?19:54
aauthorMahjongg, let me make sure I understand.   Do you only want update manager to pull updates from LTS?19:54
danileigh79edbian, doing it from repos gives you 2.3, I want 2.419:54
bandit63Mahjongg,  you want it to not show you about the upgrade correct?19:54
edbiandanileigh79, Ahh, you want the newest version.  good reason to download from the site.  What error are you getting?19:54
Fuchsbullgard4: try to stay friendly to other users, thanks.19:55
bandit63Mahjongg,  look at the files in /etc/update-motd.d/19:55
Mahjonggaauthor, update-manager reports newer releases upon shell logins. Currently it is set to report all releases, I'd like it to report only the LTS releases19:55
borgosim running ubuntu 10.10 and i have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  do you know where it would be stored so i can edit it?19:55
bullgard4Fuchs: Try what you pray to others, first yourself. Please.19:55
danileigh79edbian, I already sudo make install audacious, now when I try to ./configure the plugins, it says audcaious not installed19:55
bandit63Mahjongg,  its a motd thing not update-manager19:55
edbiandanileigh79, So the program you have works without the plugins?19:56
bandit63Mahjongg,  look for a file 91-release_upgrade in that folder and then move it19:56
syn-ackborgos, There isn't one.19:56
danileigh79edbian, no I cannot find it except as the folder in downloads19:56
Mahjonggbandit63, thank you but I'd like it to report LTS releases...19:56
borgossyn-ack so how can i manually edit my monitor settings?19:57
Mahjonggbandit63, I was thinking if I can set the update-manager setting, motd would behave as I'd like19:57
danileigh79edbian, I sudo make install for audacious, how do I complete install??19:57
edbiandanileigh79, This should probably be helpful.  seems to me you have to run more than one command to install from source (usually you have to compile then install)  http://martin.ankerl.com/2007/04/19/how-to-install-anything-in-ubuntu-condensed/19:57
syn-ackborgos, you'll have to generate one with dpkg-reconfigure or get one off the 'net and modify it to your needs19:57
borgossyn-ack thanks19:57
bandit63Mahjongg,  the problem is i dont think that its update-manager that tells you when you are logging in with ssh19:58
danileigh79edbian, I already ./configure, make, then sudo make install, how do I complete install now?19:58
syn-ackborgos, Question though, if you don't mind... Is the multiple monitor app in Gnome not working?19:58
induzis there any application to download/paste pdf books from my ubuntu desktop to Kindle19:58
aauthorMahjongg, what if you changed your repositories to only include the LTS releases?19:59
edbiandanileigh79, I believe you're done.  Is there a readme in with the source or something?  I'm not sure.19:59
induzI have few ebooks as pdf format, i want to read them on my Kindle19:59
syn-ackaauthor, Then you will only get the updates for LTS19:59
danileigh79edbian, if I am done, why can I not find the program now?19:59
edbiandanileigh79, Did you get any errors?19:59
syn-ackwhich, if you're running an LTS that's how it should be setup to begin with19:59
Dr_Willisinduz:  kindel cant read pdf's thats rahter.. sad of it.19:59
edbiandanileigh79, I don't know what is going wrong.  I think you are done but there was an error.  OR you have to do something special for audacity.19:59
aauthorsyn-ack, oh I think I misunderstood the question then.20:00
=== przemo is now known as grabarz
edbiandanileigh79, Read the output from the install commands.  Are there any errors?20:00
induzKindle wants me to download something which are available FREE online20:00
arianitmy kernel is not updating. I get: The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources20:00
danileigh79edbian, I was, this is what I found20:00
induzis there anyway i can read my ebooks[pdf] on Kindle20:00
danileigh79edbian, ** WARNING! DBUS support is disabled. This means that various features20:00
danileigh79** the user might expect (such as remotely adding files to session via20:00
danileigh79** commandline) will not work!20:00
induzi have ebooks on my desktop and i want to copy them on my Kindle20:01
Dr_Willisinduz:  check the Kindle homepage/forums/faq's perhaps?20:01
phenomCan any one offer input as to what the hell,, happened to netcat? I understand the -e flag was removed,, but nothing is working any more. Can't set up even a basic "Chat Server" via: nc -lp 5555 or do a: cat hellotext > nc -lvp 5555 anymore..20:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:01
syn-ackaauthor, That update script should only show you what you have configured in update-manager20:01
danileigh79edbian, this is the only error I found20:01
edbiandanileigh79, Who cares about that.  Any other errors?20:01
Mahjonggbandit63, in 91-release-upgrade the command ran is: /usr/lib/update-manager/release-upgrade-motd so it is related to update-manager somehow, isn't it20:01
danileigh79edbian, no20:01
edbiandanileigh79, That's it huh.   Mmm, can you pastebin the output of the commands for me?20:01
induzKindle homepage asks me download only from amazon20:01
phenomCan someone try nc -lp 55555?20:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 55555 in Launchpad itself "Upstream Status search options are confusing and poorly presented" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5555520:01
lamentuseful bot20:02
danileigh79edbian, how to pastebin?20:02
induzI got this kindle as a gift20:02
phenommmm hmm20:02
syn-ackMahjongg, It's directly related to update-manager20:02
phenomnc -lp 5555520:02
edbiandanileigh79, paste.ubuntu.com   (pretty self explanatory once you see that page I think)20:03
phenomCan someone try nc -lp 55555?20:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 55555 in Launchpad itself "Upstream Status search options are confusing and poorly presented" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5555520:03
Mahjonggsyn-ack, how can modify update-managers settings from the terminal?20:03
edbiandanileigh79, thank you for asking and not just guessing that you should paste to the channel btw   :)20:03
erUSULphenom: why?20:03
lamentlp 55555?20:03
lament-lp 55555?20:03
johnzornI havent updated my ubuntu install in a few months, when I run the updater it tells me it cant do a full update, it can only do a partial update. I read somewhere it was bad to do a partial update. Whats my best option from here to get my system up to date?20:03
lamentodd but20:04
mister2where do commands launched from panel run from? i have pianobarfly running from panel and i can't find where it saves stuff20:04
phenomCan nc -lp 55555?20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 55555 in Launchpad itself "Upstream Status search options are confusing and poorly presented" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5555520:04
phenomBlah nc -lp 55555?20:04
syn-ackMahjongg, check out man update-manager... it's kind of a bit at length for the channel20:04
danileigh79edbian, http://paste.ubuntu.com/588703/ is that what you need?20:04
phenomCan 5555520:04
fedora_newbI am trying to mount my disk to repair grub with "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt" gives me error, but from dmesg, i get "EXT4-fs (sda1): Couldn't mount because of unsupported optional features (80008000)"20:04
david430induz: kindle explains how to convert pdf here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=20037563020:04
edbiandanileigh79, yes20:04
phenomCan 55555?20:04
Mahjonggsyn-ack, I did that did not help20:05
phenommods,, please warn me before you kick me heh20:05
phenomCan e e 55555?20:05
phenomCan -lp 55555?20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 55555 in Launchpad itself "Upstream Status search options are confusing and poorly presented" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5555520:05
danileigh79edbian, line 357 shows it says I haven't installed audacious when I got confirm that audacious was successfully installed20:05
lamentC -lp 55555?20:05
phenomCan - 55555?20:05
=== root is now known as Guest28685
phenomBan -lp 55555?20:06
erUSULphenom: stop already- do you have an ubuntu support question ?20:06
pm2Hello - I'm troubleshooting some sound problems.  I'm having an issue where if in KDE I go into System Settings->Multimedia and test my sound card output device, I can hear the test music.  However, if I just try running mplayer to play an MP3, I hear no output.20:06
edbiandanileigh79, Yeah I see that.  Do you have anything in /usr/local/    ?20:06
pm2I do have two sound cards, and I've tried both, but there's no output from either one.20:06
pm2Any ideas?20:06
fedora_newbanyone? :(20:06
erUSULfedora_newb: try passing a fsck to the partition first20:07
fedora_newberUSUL, fsck?20:07
induzfine line;Then, Amazon can transfer the file(s) wirelessly in a Kindle-compatible format to the device(s) for a fee.20:07
erUSULfedora_newb: filesystem check20:07
danileigh79edbian, as far as what? I show some folders there20:07
edbiandanileigh79, I think you forgot to sudo make install   for audacity (not the plugins)20:07
=== przemo is now known as grabarz
phenomerUSUL, Yea, appears all the "great" netcat functionality doesn't work on my 10.04. I was hoping someone could do a "nc -lp 5555" and tell me if it actually sets up the socket of spits an error.20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:08
phenomIt works on all of my other distros20:08
phenomNot sure if it's an upstream goof since the demise of the -e flag20:08
lamenthey there was neither a "Can" nor a question mark20:09
phenomTrue that20:09
fedora_newberUSUL, Filesystem revision too high while trying to open /dev/sda1. The filesystem revision is apparantely too high for this verion of e2fsck or the filesystem superblock is corrupt20:09
mister2hey guys, what's the directory for panel launchers?20:09
erUSULphenom: default version of nc changed in recent ubuntu. install the old one package "netcat" ( now default is netcat-openbsd )20:09
danileigh79edbian, aw crap, stupid me, thanks for help20:10
phenomerUSUL, Well it20:10
erUSULfedora_newb: try with a different superblock20:10
edbiandanileigh79, haha,  fixeD?  :)20:10
phenomblah,, it's apparently made it inoperable.20:10
danileigh79edbian, will find out in a minute20:10
nit-witmister2, /file/usr/bin generally20:10
fedora_newberUSUL, like sda2?20:10
mister2nit-wit: where the hell is /file?20:10
phenomnc -lp 555520:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:11
danileigh79edbian, eroor: configure: error: Cannot find dbus-glib >= 0.6020:11
nit-witmister2, look in the home side panel20:11
danileigh79edbian, er, error I meant20:11
mister2nit-wit oh so just /usr?20:11
erUSULphenom: with this *new+ nc is simply « nc -l 55555 »20:11
nit-witmister usr/bin  and sbin at times20:12
edbiandanileigh79, So you'll have to find that package, and upgrade manually to the newest version by compiling and installing.  This is possibly the beginning of the 'rabit hole'20:12
* fedora_newb getting scared...all my work is on this machine...:(20:12
danileigh79edbian, i'm beginning to see how far down that rabbit hole is.... fml20:12
nit-witmister2, if you are building a launcher navigate from the command to bin and double click or ok20:13
erUSULfedora_newb: no; « sudo e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/sdxx »20:13
edbiandanileigh79, That's probably the reason that audacity is not version whatever in ubuntu.  Cause there are X dependencies that also would need to change.  What is the bigger issue?20:13
erUSULfedora_newb: replace xx with the letter number of the partition20:13
fedora_newberUSUL, it gave me usage commands20:14
fedora_newboh forgot -b20:14
danileigh79edbian, i'm trying to play vg system sound files PSF,PSF2, and SPC that won't play on audacious 2.3 but supposedly will on audacious 2.420:14
edbiandanileigh79, you just wanna play them?20:14
danileigh79edbian, yes, that's my intent20:14
fedora_newberUSUL, Superblock has an invalid journal (inode 8). Clear <y>?20:15
edbiandanileigh79, does vlc or mplayer play them?  They play everything20:15
fedora_newbI don't want to lose any work...plz keep that in mind lol20:15
phenomerUSUL, Ahh,, well thank you.20:15
* phenom gives netcat a noogie.20:15
danileigh79edbian, I couldn't get them to when I first installed linux20:15
* phenom hates change20:15
=== whoelse is now known as guntbert
ActionParsnipguntbert: like it!20:16
danileigh79edbian, vlc will not, am trying mplayer20:16
phenomI'd rather use a convoluted solution that I've remembered than a slightly easier one I have to learn again.20:16
fedora_newberUSUL, should I hit Y?20:16
ActionParsnip!codecs | danileigh7920:17
ubottudanileigh79: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:17
guntbertActionParsnip: ?20:17
phenomI imagine the new netcat has broken broken hundreds of thousands of scripts etc.20:17
edbiandanileigh79, Can you encode them using ffmpeg ?20:17
phenomnc -lp 555520:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:17
ActionParsnipguntbert: when you join it says: who else is known as guntbert    classic20:18
danileigh79edbian, not playing correctly on mplayer and no, cannot encode them20:19
edbiandanileigh79, This is a tough one.20:19
danileigh79edbian, completely understand, probably why winamp was always the best program to play them on20:19
llutz!info netcat-traditional20:19
ubottunetcat-traditional (source: netcat): TCP/IP swiss army knife. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.10-38 (maverick), package size 66 kB, installed size 244 kB20:19
llutzphenom: ^^ thats why this exists20:20
alabdllutz: this that .ts file http://dehqann.byethost15.com/1.ts20:20
bullgard4[Maverick]  Why does Ubuntu not remove automatically the corpse /etc/gnome/-app-install/packages-whitelist?20:20
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: got ubuntu-restricted-extras as well as w32codecs from medibuntu20:20
edbiandanileigh79, They say (here for example http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261873)  that audacity works with the plugins.  The post is from 2007 surely the version in the repos then is older than or equal to the version in the repos now.20:21
llutzalabd: i'm not very good in video things, i cannot help you20:21
danileigh79actionparsnip, am new to linux, how to use those?20:21
ActionParsnip!medibuntu| danileigh7920:21
ubottudanileigh79: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:21
alabdllutz:  ok but you have mentioned  demux and remux20:22
danileigh79ubottu, how to install from there, cannot find dl link20:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:22
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: you can install ubuntu-restricted-extras using software-centre as your OS stands20:22
llutzalabd: yes, since that the thing i have to do sometimes when converting vdr-recordings20:22
erUSULfedora_newb: how its going?20:23
phenomnc -lv 555520:23
llutzbullgard4:you'd better ask in #ubuntu#devel20:23
danileigh79ActionParsnip: when I click on packages, gives me 403 error20:23
llutz-devel sry20:23
foowafflehey guys do u know any programs that allow the xfr1 codec?20:24
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: use the medibuntu repository how to command to add the extra repository and install w32codecs in software centre20:24
phenomnc -lp 555520:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 5555 in Launchpad itself "add branch form has confusing english" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/555520:24
llutzphenom: please stop playing20:24
bittwistknowledge is powwa20:24
bullgard4llutz: Please reason why you push me off this channel. The problem is no development problem.20:24
danileigh79ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588711/20:25
phenomllutz, Sorry, just had to pass on a "proof of concept" heh20:25
LancelotI want to download a copy of a backport module for backup purposes. Where can I find the URL in synaptic?20:26
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: ok did you run the command in the output?20:26
erUSULLancelot: packages.ubuntu.com20:27
llutzbullgard4: 1st i don't push you whatever, it was just an suggestion. 2nd i thought there might be people who can help you, because it sounds to me like a package/installer issue20:27
danileigh79ActionParsnip: that's the result from running the command in cli20:27
_Alex__Hello there, i am a Debian user, i want to install Ubuntu and try it, via a USB-stick. Can i just DD it into the stick like Debian ISOs?20:27
LanceloterUSUL: thanks20:27
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get update20:28
erUSUL_Alex__: no you have to use unetbootin or the usb disk creator afaik20:28
ubuntui need help with something20:28
snake_this is kinda an ubuntu related question: my dad is doing some paper work, and I would like him to buy me this album off of Ubuntu One, how can I speed the process of getting him to buy this.20:28
_Alex__erUSUL: ok20:28
chotazAnyoen can help me with brasero here? I've been trying to burn a DVD with some folders with music inside, and I had them to the empty disk and then burn in, problem is on the end of the burning, Brasero says it can't eject the drive and so I do it manually, waited for about 5 minutes, brasero state didn't change, so I closed back the drive and brasero still hasn't changed from the 'failed to exect' dialog.20:28
ActionParsnip_Alex__: use unetbootin20:28
danileigh79ActionParsnip: W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org lucid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278320:29
ActionParsnipchotaz: try gnomebaker20:29
chotazActionParsnip: Will give it a try it's been 2 toasted dvds already,.20:29
ubottugpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts20:29
ubuntui am using ubuntu live from a usb flash so i can get back into my windows 7 account that is password protected, and when i need to mount my harddrive i cant find it anywhere on my computer, can someone help me20:30
Packrat_Mobileanyone alive in here?20:30
snake_Packrat_Mobile, yes?20:30
Packrat_Mobilelol guess so.20:30
piotreknick kf20:30
_Alex__Packrat_Mobile: Me20:30
Packrat_MobileI am having an issue with RAID and Ubuntu....20:30
snake_Packrat_Mobile, wait... I just checked my pulse, I'm dead sorry.20:30
nothingspecialsnake_: steal his beer20:31
* Packrat_Mobile reaches for shotgun....20:31
edbianoh god, it's happening20:31
snake_Packrat_Mobile, no i kid, but I don't know anything about RAID, sorry.20:31
Haeginhi, I'm having issues getting my locale set right on my machines20:31
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: copy the hex code and search for guides. I have a script to handle those but I'm on my phone so copying it will take ages20:31
Packrat_Mobileits been 16 hours ive been working on this and trying to find a work around for this crap...20:31
snake_Packrat_Mobile, try thinking outside the box.20:32
Packrat_Mobiletried that...20:32
Packrat_Mobilei wound up walking into a wall.20:32
snake_i gtg20:32
Packrat_Mobilethnx n e way20:32
ActionParsnipUbuntu: is it not shown in the places menu?20:32
Packrat_Mobileanyone else know anything about RAID + ubuntu20:32
DasEiPackrat_Mobile: just came in, yes I know some20:33
ubuntucan someone help me mount my harddrive20:33
Haeginboth are installed using ubuntu server but one is a desktop running Xorg etc. The desktop is more broken, it just has LANG="" and everything else = POSIX20:33
ubuntuor atleat find it20:33
edbianubuntu, Does it show up in the output of sudo fdisk -l  ?20:33
ubuntuno it doesnt20:33
DasEiubuntu: open a terminal ..20:33
ubuntuits open20:34
DasEiubuntu: not in fdisk -l ? usb ?20:34
ActionParsnipPackrat_Mobile: grab a raid card rather than cheap soft raid and have fewer issues. Thats what I know of raid20:34
Packrat_Mobileits not a soft raid.20:34
Packrat_Mobileis built in.20:34
Packrat_MobileAsus MS4N98TD EVO board20:34
erUSUL!details | Packrat_Mobile20:35
ubottuPackrat_Mobile: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:35
ActionParsnipPackrat_Mobile: is it a server board?20:35
cisswhen installing ubuntu server in virtualbox (osx 10.6 host) with one cpu assigned, should i choose 32bit or 64bit?20:35
DasEiubuntu: it's a standard internal drive, so sata or IDE ? try gparted then first20:36
edbianciss, Did you create a 32 bit virtual machine?20:36
ubuntuubottu: i have a problem with mounting and finding my harddrive, im running ubuntu version 9.10  live when i try to find it in my computer or anywhere it is missing20:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:36
zoLevDotComHi,guys! Anybody can help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107125320:36
DasEisudo apt-get install gparted && sudo gparted , ubuntu20:36
freeman213Hello. I was wondering if anyone could give me assistance setting up partitions. I'm on Lucid, and had to install to a USB memory stick due to my HD dying. THing is I'm rnning out of space..20:36
DasEiubuntu: ubott.. is the channel ro-bot20:36
freeman213Is it possible to set up the apps folder on a partition on another memory stick?20:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots20:36
ActionParsnipciss: depends on if your cpu/motherboard supports 64bit guests as well as the use of the server20:36
fedora_newbgot it working, thanks guys, GREATLY appreciate the help20:37
fantapandahey, how to convert from linux notation (e.g. /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb2) to grub notation?20:37
fedora_newbubuntu ftw20:37
erUSULfreeman213: have you tried freeing up some space? « sudo apt-get clean »20:37
fantapandalets say20:37
Packrat_MobileAMD Phenom II X6 100T - Asus MS498TD EVO 3, 2 TB WD's, 1 60 GB OCZ SSD, Trying to run 2 of the WDs in a RAID 1 Mirrored Setup. Trying to run the other two in Seperate Spanned Arrays. I set /Home to mount on the RAID 1, install/partition goes fine through the Alternate Install CD, and when it comes time to Boot it says "The Drive for /Home is not available or ready yet."20:37
fantapandafdisk -l gives me20:37
* fedora_newb hi5 erUSUL20:37
DasEiubuntu : try gparted20:37
erUSULfedora_newb: hi20:37
fantapanda /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdb2, /dev/sdb5, /dev/sdb620:38
llutzfantapanda: grub2 counts drives from 0, partitions from 1. so /dev/sda1 ~ (hd0,1)20:38
erUSULfedora_newb: e2fsck fixed the partition ?20:38
fedora_newberUSUL, yes :)20:38
freeman213erUSUL: yes. I've tried that, localepurge, blechbit etc. It helps some but not enough.20:38
fantapandain grub notation, which one will be /dev/sdb5?20:38
fedora_newbdoes this mean the drive is bad @ erUSUL?>20:38
erUSUL!yay | fedora_newb20:38
ubottufedora_newb: Glad you made it! :-)20:38
llutzfantapanda: hd1,520:38
ActionParsnipPackrat_Mobile: yeah its fake raid. A nice pci raid card 32mb will set you back $25020:38
cissActionParsnip: what are the main drawbacks when choosing 32bit?20:38
freeman213Down to 750MB free space atm. Having to clear all caches to keep everything going.20:38
* Packrat_Mobile bangs head into wall.20:38
fedora_newberUSUL, should I think about replacing my hdd now? Thinking because of this issue it might be bad?20:39
llutzfantapanda: and pls don't ask what grub-devs smoke...20:39
fantapandawhy is it called /dev/sdb5 in the first place20:39
fantapandaif its third partition20:39
DasEiPackrat_Mobile: ask detailed question20:39
_Alex__Is it a good idea to set up a RAID 1 (Mirroring) on 2 2Tb Drives?20:39
llutzfantapanda: 1st logical drive, always = 520:39
edbianfantapanda, cause it's in an extended partition (which allows you to have more than 4 partitions)20:39
fantapandallutz: thanks alot!20:39
DasEi_Alex__: yes, why not20:39
_Alex__Just asking20:39
erUSULfedora_newb: hard to say; we do not know why the filesystem got corrupted... check SMART status ( health) . System>Admin...>disk utilitie20:39
ActionParsnipCiss: access to less ram, smaller data registers are two I can think of easily. I suggest you look at what 64bit really means20:40
fedora_newberUSUL, kk, again, thank you for the help, you don't know how much headaches you saved me...20:40
Packrat_MobileAtcionParsnip: is Ubuntu 10.10 still not playing well with AHCI?20:40
edbianciss, end of the day.  64 bit allows you to use more than 3.2Gb of RAM20:40
Packrat_Mobile_Alex__: I've done it on far smaller drives...20:41
DasEi_Alex__: won't save a backup , but lowers the chance of irrecoverable hardware failure for important data20:41
erUSULPackrat_Mobile: linux plays well with ahci... bios fakeraids in the other hand ...20:41
_Alex__Raid 1 DOES save data20:41
DasEi_Alex__: yes, but backup is fine for user/software related errors20:42
ActionParsnipEdbian: it also has larger data registers to allow processing of larger amounts of data or to allow more accurracy in floating point calculating20:42
Packrat_MobileerUSUL - didnt do a whole lot of investigating on it yet, but while i was surfing the forums this AM: came across a bug report that M.M was not playing well with AHCI20:42
edbianActionParsnip, of course :)20:42
cissedbian: since i don't plan to assign more than 512 MB ram i guess i can happily stick to 32 bit? the appliance will be used as a lamp development server20:43
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »20:43
erUSULPackrat_Mobile: To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs  -u »20:43
edbianciss, It's probably a safe bet that you have a 32 bit virtual machine as well so I would say yes20:43
DasEiPackrat_Mobile: I don't know your asus personally, mine does fine in compatible mode, with real 'freky'setup, mixed ide n sata20:43
danileigh79hafta reboot, brb20:43
itrekkiehi everyone—does anyone know if ubuntu server 10.10 has a firewall enabled by default? I'm trying to access an oracle service over bridged networking from virtualbox but no dice, looking for more ideas to research20:43
ActionParsnip_Alex__: it has 2 identical drives. Single drive failure will not destroy data and you can replace the drive and the data will duplicate over20:44
erUSULPackrat_Mobile: i would add dm-mirror ( i think that is the one for raid 1 ) to that file...20:44
erUSULPackrat_Mobile: and run the update-initramfs20:44
ActionParsnipitrekkie: yes iptables is in all ubuntus20:44
DasEiPackrat_Mobile: but apart from investing much money for a davicontrol or such, I'd recommend using softraid rather then this fake-raid of the mobo20:44
Packrat_MobileerUSUL: from where tho? i cant even get into the system atm...20:45
DasEiPackrat_Mobile: freaky*20:45
amir_hello all20:45
Packrat_MobileDasEi: will check into that.20:45
Packrat_MobileDasEi: (thats what i thought, just checking)20:45
_Alex__amir_: hi20:45
DasEiPackrat_Mobile: mdadm is your friend20:45
amir_can anyone here give me a hand on recovering my partition table?20:46
Packrat_Mobilethis is what i get for getting my dad into Ubuntu.20:46
erUSULPackrat_Mobile: can you boot into recovery mode ?20:46
DasEi!info mdadm20:46
ubottumdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 231 kB, installed size 660 kB20:46
niclyamir: im recovering my partition right now :p20:46
bullgard4llutz: I have filed a bug report to Launchpad.20:46
DasEiamir_: testdisk20:46
amir_did that20:46
DasEiamir_: how did you loose it ?20:47
amir_it recovered my partitions although the numbers are different20:47
itrekkiemy bad guys, oracle by default blocked remote access—I was wrongly blaming ubuntu ;)20:47
ecinx3how do i download a website, but ignore files over 300MB20:47
niclywhat fs?20:47
amir_this is how: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4096 count=1M20:47
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llutz! testdisk | amir_20:47
amir_please don't laugh20:47
Packrat_MobileerUSUL: no20:47
Packrat_MobileDasEi: reading.20:48
llutz!info testdisk20:48
=== Guest70748 is now known as airurando
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (maverick), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB20:48
niclyisnt that supposed to erase it?20:48
llutzamir_: ^^20:48
amir_testdisk did in fact recover20:48
=== lukas_ is now known as Guest98821
jmorrisWhy doesn't step 2 work? http://www.ubuntu.com/business/get-ubuntu/download20:48
DasEiamir_: so write to disk, be fine ?20:48
_Alex__amir_: 'shred -z /dev/sda' is better20:48
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:48
fderlhey guys, im trying to find information about laptops that support ubuntu out of the box, and good turns up empty, can anyone be so kind and point me in the right direction?20:48
amir_my partition table was  sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 sda6 sda7 > sda320:49
fderlgood = google20:49
amir_after testdis now is sda1 sda2 sda320:49
fedora_newbfder1, most laptops now days works right out of the box20:49
niclyi wouldnt make effort to repair the partition20:49
DasEiamir_: you had lvm before then20:49
_Alex__!google | fderl20:49
ubottufderl: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.20:49
niclyid just recover the files and setup up again20:49
DasEiamir_: size of the drive ?20:49
amir_no just 3 primary partitions and 3 logical20:50
fderlmost laptops isnt a bet im willing to take20:50
amir_the disk is 300GB20:50
DasEiamir_: another such storage attachable ?20:50
fderlim trying to make sense of the ubuntu laptop testing thing, but i  cant seem to get it to show me laptops, just how you test yours :p20:50
fedora_newbfder1, research20:50
yeatsfderl: this might help: http://www.linux-laptop.net/20:51
wacommneed help with simple-ccsm on natty20:51
fedora_newbfder1, http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&l=en&cs=1920:51
yeats!11.04 | wacomm20:51
DasEiwacomm: #ubuntu+120:51
ubottuwacomm: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.20:51
niclyjust throwing it out there:20:51
fedora_newbdell has some ubuntu laptops20:51
fedora_newb@fder1, if that helps20:51
fderlyeah been there, but they dont ship to norway :(20:51
fderlbut checking out linux-laptops now20:51
DasEifderl: there are few sites referring linux-tested ones20:52
amir_i'm still logged on the laptop with the erased partitions20:52
fderlmy laptop was stolen last night and i have a paper to turn in two weeks :P20:52
amir_lucky that my linux partition and data partition are on the sda3 sda4 and sda520:52
DasEi!pm | Packrat_Mobile20:52
ubottuPackrat_Mobile: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:52
fedora_newbbummer @ fder120:52
Packrat_MobileDasEi: Question, do i leave the BIOS settings on the HD's as RAID when using the software raid or set it to something else?20:52
DasEiPackrat_Mobile: for mdadm bios regular, no raid function20:53
nicly1600 people :p20:53
_Alex__Packrad: If you use Soft-raid, disable BiosRaid20:53
=== d3ngar is now known as Guest835
Packrat_Mobileaight. im on it. bbiab20:53
DasEiamir_: so can you least acces your data again now ?20:54
kyodaihow to manually add a screen resolution in xorg file?20:55
DasEiamir_: please stay here20:55
amir_i'm afraid that if i reboot, i'll lose my data due to  changed partition numbers20:56
DasEiamir_: so you could, if there is free space, save your data on an extra partition and then reinstall20:56
_Alex__Or get a USB stick, and back it up there, amir_20:57
DasEiamir_: that could be avoided20:57
amir_is there a way to rebuild the partition table from the data stored in /proc20:57
kyodaihow to manually add a screen resolution in xorg file?20:57
fderlanyone here got any budget 13" inch laptops to recommend? running ubuntu flawlessly out of the bos20:57
erUSULamir_: use testdisk or gpart ?20:57
erUSUL!info testdisk | amir_20:57
=== hippo|asm` is now known as asm`
ubottuamir_: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11-1 (maverick), package size 1510 kB, installed size 4672 kB20:57
DasEiamir_: not that I knew, it's all mbr20:57
DasEierUSUL: did, after mbr was wiped, now lvm is gone, having 3 partis just now20:58
ceo_how to i remove all plugin or add on webserver on ubuntu 10.10 am need reinstall it,20:58
amir_done that with testdisk, however partition numbers are recovered wrongly20:58
erUSULDasEi: oops... lvm20:58
amir_what remains is primary partitions instead of logical partitions20:58
cpatrick08@federl how much are you willing to pay for the laptop20:58
ceo_am need reinstall webserver on ubuntu 10.10 need you ide, so many error, am can't used well my /var/www/20:59
DasEiamir_: backup and reinstall20:59
ceo_please help20:59
erUSULno experience with that one... and data recovery is the main reason i do not use lvm or encryption... it makes everything harder20:59
amir_does the partition table remain in memory?20:59
DasEiamir_: nope20:59
bada hi! special keys and suspend on lid close stopped to work some time ago on my thinkpad edge 14. I cannot get it back.20:59
DasEiamir_: we can try to fix your fstab20:59
fderlcpatrick08: enough, could go up towards the price of the smallest macbook, but cheaper is better21:00
cpatrick08@fderl i found a 15.6" laptop for $399 at http://www.linuxcertified.com/linux_laptops.html21:00
cpatrick08or up to 15.6"21:00
amir_this is the output i get from /proc/partition:    8        0  312571224 sda |    8        3  202354688 sda3 |   8        5   15350076 sda5 |   8        6   38909398 sda6 |   8        7    4747176 sda721:00
DasEiamir_: but really, I'd feel better if you shrink (space?) your root and have a sda4 for data, then reinstall21:00
amir_that is the setup i have21:01
amir_sda1 - windows21:01
fderlcpatrick08: appriciate it, but i was more asking about laptops that people in this channel had first hand experience with, i need to keep it for 2 more years of school so i dont want to risk anything :p21:01
amir_sda2 extended21:01
cpatrick08ok yw21:01
DasEiamir_: df -h , how much free space, arrgn, windows on it, too21:01
amir_sda3 - root, sda4 - data, sda5 - ntfs21:01
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swimhowdy folks.  Can anybody please remind me where I can change my startup settings so that I can choose which which desktop environment to load during startup??21:01
fderlat the log in scree21:01
_Alex__swim: Login screen21:02
DasEiamir_: you said you only have 3 partis now, after testdisk ?!21:02
russjr08Hey guys, I want to install Ubuntu but Windows won't let me shrink more than 150mbs of space. If I use GParted to resize Windows 7, will it mess up Windows 7?21:02
swimfderl it just boots directly to xfce..  last time i installed xfce i had to specify somewhere in the settings to show options in the boot screen21:02
swimor splash screen, w/e it is called21:03
amir_that's right only 3 primary partitions21:03
fderlswim: when you choose your user, there should be a little ribbon on the bottom where you can pick the session you want21:03
cpatrick08@fderl my dell inspiron 1525 works great with ubuntu but it comes with broadcom wireless though21:03
_Alex__russjr08: Defrag the stupid OS's Disc21:03
DasEiamir_: is the ntfs still there and accessible ?21:03
swimfderl, yeah, i'm looking for the setting that allows that..21:03
russjr08_Alex__, I already did21:03
amir_sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 sda6 sda7 > sda321:03
cfcyo everyone21:03
amir_my data partition is still accesible21:04
fderlcpatrick08: is it alot of hassle getting it working?21:04
cfcanyone that can tell me how to get a mic to work?21:04
fderlswim: what distro are you using?21:04
J697Is Ubuntu 11.04 good enough to upgrade to?21:04
swimfderl ubuntu 10.10 maverick21:04
ceo_how to i remove all plugin or add on webserver on ubuntu 10.10 am need reinstall it,21:04
dsnydersHi all.  I have a bunch of serial files (eg radio shows) and I would like a command that each time I call it, it will play the next one in sequence.  Is there such a command?21:04
fderlswim: cant you choose anything at the login screen?, like language etc?21:04
DasEiJ697: #ubuntu+1, ask there21:04
russjr08I really want to install Ubuntu, but I guess I'm stuck21:04
_Alex__russjr08: Delete the retards'os21:05
swimfderl nope.  before i've had to drill down into some settings menus to specify to include the options menu21:05
cfcmy microphone thats built in refuses to work on ubuntu21:05
russjr08_Alex__, I don't want to though21:05
=== veki_ is now known as Da|Mummy
swimand i've totally forgotten what it was and can't seem to find it on the net21:06
_Alex__Just back up your data on a USB-stick and delete windows21:06
r3mrussjr08, use virtualbox21:06
fderlswim: try this now, log out, click your username and thoroughly inspect the bottom of the screen21:06
fderlswim: important to click the username21:06
amir_i had sda: sda1 sda2 < sda5 sda6 sda7 > sda3 | now in testdisk i get /dev/sda1`(which was sda5 [root]) /dev/sda2 (which was sda7 [swap]), /dev/sda3 (still is same [ntfs])21:06
russjr08r3m, it would be better for me to dualboot21:06
DasEiamir_: if you wonder about rebooting, open /etc/fstab, run sudo blkid in terminal and compare the numbers, fstab can still work with identifiers (aka /dev/sda1), too21:06
_Alex__russjr08 Or VmWare Player21:06
r3mrussjr08, use WUBI21:06
russjr08r3m, I will be installing 11.04 and they don't suggest using WUBI21:07
_Alex__Yes, russjr08, Wubi is the most inteligent way to go21:07
swimfderl, i've done that twice, i don't get a login screen with xfce for some reason, the first screen i get is login keyring, after sfce has already loaded...  but okay..  i'll do it again..21:07
DasEirussjr08: mind joining #windows ?21:07
amir_doing that now21:07
judgetProlly a silly question but after adding a second processor is there anything I should do to take advantage of this as far as ubuntu server 8.04 or will it just see the second processor and take advantage of it?21:07
cpatrick08no they put it in the the wireless drivers in newer kernels so it works better now21:08
* DasEi brb 21:08
russjr08DasEi why?21:08
fderlswim: then you must have done something custom to GDM21:08
bilighello, i had a problem after runing ubuntu live cd on my pc, now windows 7 says the ethernet cable is not connected21:08
r3musing wubi is maybe not as stable as real linux file system but its better than nothing21:09
ceo_oh sit21:09
judgetin winblows the easiset thing todo is to goto device manager and remove and let windows re install it21:09
fderlbilig: have you checked the cable?21:09
ceo_am need re install webserver how do i21:09
ceo_am need re install webserver how do i21:09
_Alex__!windows | bilig21:09
ubottubilig: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents21:09
biligfderl, yes i have checked the cable with another computer and it works properly21:09
cpatrick08@fderl no they put it in the the wireless drivers in newer kernels so it works better now21:09
judgetbilig look at the device in device manager21:10
judgetso anyway does anyone know if the linux kernel will discover and make use of the second processor21:10
fderlcpatrick08: cool, how is the batterylife?21:10
llutzjudget: it will21:10
slim_hello all, what is needed to join ubuntu desktop to windows AD domain ?21:10
erUSUL!samba | slim_21:11
ubottuslim_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:11
judgetthank u llutz I am recycling some old servers for my students to use21:11
Sub_ZeroWhen I insert the headphones into the Laptop with Ubuntu the sound automaticly only comes out for the headphones. On my Desktop PC though when there inserted the sound still comes through the speakers as well.21:11
ceo_am need re install webserver how do i21:11
judgetit is amazing what corporate america will toss out that can still be put to good use21:11
slim_thanks erUSUL21:11
fderlSub_Zero: so ubuntu does it better :)21:11
cfcseems no one is able to help me in any chat...21:12
_Alex__Sub_Zero: That means your Laptop works properly21:12
Sub_Zerofderl: They both run Ubuntu 10.1021:12
biligjudget, i have gone to device manager and everything is correct..21:12
DasEiamir_: getting by ?21:12
judgetceo sudo apt get remove apache2 then reboot and sudo apt-get install apache221:12
judgetbilig remove the device and let winblows find it and install it again21:12
_Alex__judget: apt-get purge apache2 works better21:12
erUSULSub_Zero: try with newer drivers? « sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-alsa-$(lsb_release -cs)-generic »21:12
cpatrick08@ fderl with the 6 cell 2hr 53min but you can get a 9-cell battery for extended battery life if needed the orgional 6 cell battery lasted me 2 yrs before i got a 9 cell battery from amazon for less than $5021:13
fderlbilig: have you checked that the cable is properly plugged into the router and the pc?21:13
biligjudget, what device? the cable? or the ethernet card, because it is integrated to the motherboard21:13
erUSULjudget: ceo_ _Alex__ afaik the conf files are in apache2-common that's the package you want to purge21:13
judgetgood suggestion _Alex yes that will complete;ly remove including configs I believe. Maybe though he may want to keep his configs?21:13
biligfderl, yes many times, i even have connected another computer to it and connection is ok21:13
judgetbiliog the ethernet card there is no device for the cable21:14
fderlcpatrick08: can i have the modelname again please, the chat is too fast :p21:14
judgetit prolly got windows - stupid21:14
fderlbilig: sounds weird, highly unlikely that this is the fault of the livecd tho21:14
biligjudget, the ethernet card is integrated to the motherboard, i dont know if it is possible to unplug21:15
cpatrick08dell inspiron 152521:15
fderlbilig: you can select remove device in device manager21:15
cognac-gammahi anyone could help with a wireless issue?  stack with http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-troubleshoot-wireless-network-connection-in-ubuntu.html21:15
judgetbilig it is still a device if you remove from control panel then winblows will find again and reinstall it21:15
cpatrick08@fderl here is a review on the laptop http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=417521:15
fderlbilig: computer-->Manage-->Devices21:15
fderlcpatrick08: thanks :)21:15
judgeti agree very unlikely to be caused by running the live CD21:15
biligbilig, yes i have already done that, it has reinstalled it but still21:15
fderldid you put it on static ip or something like that ?21:16
biligfderl, yes i have already done that, it has reinstalled it but still21:16
fderlbilig: you put it on static ip=21:17
judgetbilig if u run the live cd does the ethernet card work?21:17
biligfdrel, no i changed nothing21:17
ceo_erUSUL, how do? please step by step21:17
judgetbilig does the link light work on the card and or on the other end of the connection?21:18
biligjudget, it only works on the pc card end21:18
biligjudget, not in the modem21:18
judgetbilig try another port on your switch21:18
biligjudget, i've tried that, and still21:19
judgetbilig is the pc connected directly to the modem or do u have a router / switch21:19
biligjudget, i connected another computer to the cable and it works, so it does not look like a modem problem21:19
wingnut2626good day people!21:19
wingnut2626i have a question concerning sound compatibility in 10.10 on a lapto21:20
cg2916i installed xubuntu and it won't let me log in21:20
biligjudget, i have a router, sorry i used modem and router interchangeably21:20
vltHello. I installed hugin but when I start it I get a "memory access error" after closing the tip of the day popup. How to make it work?21:20
DasEi!clone > amir_21:21
ubottuamir_, please see my private message21:21
drmorphiascan someone help me? im trying to run update manager and it says "Requires installation of untrusted packages".  IT doesn't let me update.21:21
drmorphiashow do i get it to let me update?21:22
eGejoin #irssi21:22
yeats!pass | cg291621:23
ubottucg2916: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords21:23
wingnut2626my ubuntu does not recognize sound within the GUI and it will not play songs or any sounds.  However when i use an external application (i.e. flash),  it plays perfectly fine.  there is no volume control in the top control panel.  I have pulse audio equilizer still installed which i have tried to remove with no success.  how can i remove it and get my sound control back?21:23
SnowmanX11Anybody could tell me how to download viedos from Sony Handycam to Ubuntu machine?21:23
cg2916yeats: it's not that, i type it in, it goes black for 10 seconds, then kicks me out to the login screen21:23
amir_that means i will have to download everything again?21:24
Gulfstreamis there a way to install fonts, such as 'Times New Roman', in Ubuntu?21:25
llutzGulfstream: apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer21:25
Dr_WillisGulfstream:  tons of fonts in the repositories.  in addation to the mscore ones.21:26
DasEi!who | amir_21:26
ubottuamir_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:26
xangua!panels | wingnut262621:26
ubottuwingnut2626: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:26
fxhp_I have an application Id like to start at system boot21:26
Gulfstreamllutz: It appears that I have already installed that21:26
wingnut2626will that restore my sound?21:26
fxhp_The script is working, but the application starts as root21:26
fxhp_Any suggestions?21:27
klisteris there any way to resize a parition without it taking forever to complete_21:27
DasEiklister: depends on the size21:27
Dr_Willisfxhp_:  whats the app and how are you starting it?21:27
tehnefklister: depends on where it is on disk, where the data is on the partition, and where you want to move it21:27
wingnut2626ok that didnt fix my problem its a software conflict21:27
fxhp_Dr_Willis: teamspeak server21:27
klisterits 227 GB, there is 11 GB on it.21:27
Dr_Willisfxhp_:  if you are stating it from rc.local use the su command to run it as a user21:28
klisterits the whole disk21:28
JuJuBeeI need a substitute for the photo editing software that comes with HP printer.  Im looking for something with templates etc...21:28
=== mike is now known as Guest22353
=== Guest22353 is now known as airurando
DasEiklister: it's formatinng, the bigger, the longer, and specs of box n drive, oc21:28
fxhp_Dr_Willis: I'll give that a go21:28
amir_!DasEi thanks for your help, sorry i'm new in irc21:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:29
klisteri want to make it a bit smaller. i tried it with gparted and it ran for like 1 hour without any progress at all21:29
DasEiamir_: cloning wil re-install your upfreshed sys, faster than remastersys21:29
klisteri looked in the forums and people reported that it could take 60 hours+21:29
DasEiamir_: no problem, the ! triggers the bot, look :21:29
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:29
ibm b21:30
elothi i have ubuntu 10.10 64bit and system cannot suspend or hibernate all buttons for that disappear and i i press some hot key or close display it show window with text "Cannot suspend" please help i can't found nothing on the internet21:30
DasEiro -bot, channel21:30
amir_DasEi : i just have remastersys installed, what do you recommend for cloning: clonezilla?21:30
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate21:30
DasEiamir_: I already send you a pm on your pm, general ask for pm, often ones chats few persons, then pm interrupts21:31
vhdhow to revert back to firefox 3.6?21:31
DasEivhd: remove 4, install 321:32
DasEivhd: synaptic21:32
vhdDasEi, cool21:32
Dr_Willisvhd:  use the package manager system, and ppa-purge if you used a ppa21:32
DasEi!pm | amir_21:33
ubottuamir_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:33
fxhp_Dr_Willis: rc.local is for multiuserq21:33
elotany ideas?21:33
Dr_Willisfxhp_:  hmm? rc.local is ran by the system at the end of the normal boot process...21:33
DasEielot: about what ?21:34
amir_DasEi : that suggestion would mean downloading every package again, i just don't have the bandwidth to do so. the time it takes to build an iso would be an order or magnitude faster than downloading21:34
elotDasEi: i have ubuntu 10.10 64bit and system cannot suspend or hibernate all buttons for that disappear and i i press some hot key or close display it show window with text "Cannot suspend" please help i can't found nothing on the internet21:34
Packrat_Mobilethanks guys, software raid did the trick21:35
DasEiamir_: ah, I see, then go that way21:35
DasEi!yay | Packrat_Mobile21:35
ubottuPackrat_Mobile: Glad you made it! :-)21:35
Packrat_Mobilerofl. nice21:35
Packrat_Mobilenow. anyone got a power strip i can have? :-D21:35
amir_DasEi : thanks for your understanding, patience and advice21:35
DasEielot: open a terminal ..21:35
demonsporkI have 3x 1TB hard drives.  What would happen if I added 3x 1.5TB hard drives and set them up in RAID5 with LVM?  Would I lose the extra .5GB per drive or would I be able to get that extra space21:36
elotDasEi: and?21:36
dsnydersHi all.  I have a bunch of serial files (eg radio shows) and I would like a command that each time I call it, it will play the next one in sequence.  Is there such a command?21:36
=== mike_ is now known as Guest46520
DasEielot: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog21:36
Dr_Willisdsnyders:  write a script would be the linux way. :)21:36
DasEielot: give resulting url here21:36
DasEidsnyders: lazy way ? enumber, move to folder, open folder with vlc ;-)21:37
dsnydersDr_Willis, I kind of thought it would take a script.21:38
dsnydersDasEi, enumber?21:38
DasEidsnyders: give them numbers ascending in your desired line to listen21:39
dsnydersDasEi, They are sequentially numbered.21:39
DasEidsnyders: help my speech, give them numbers, ah fine then21:39
=== sixofour is now known as sixofour11
elotDasEi: terminal write this <html>21:40
elot<head><title>413 Request Entity Too Large</title></head>21:40
elot<body bgcolor="white">21:40
elot<center><h1>413 Request Entity Too Large</h1></center>21:40
DasEiopen folder with vlc, there you are21:40
FloodBot1elot: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:40
xapelDoes Facebook still work with gwibber?21:40
DasEielot: thats part of a html file, url from terminal ?21:40
jpvoipHello, im using 10.10 updated, and since yesterday i cant access one specific site at IP If I try to access it from another PC in the same wireless network it works. Only from my ubuntu computer isnt access, even if i try inside a winxp at virtuabox using ubuntu as host. Any dea?21:40
dsnydersDasEi, the problem is between one week and another I often forget which file is next.21:40
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DJonesxapel: Yes it does21:41
txhhello, can the application that allows installation of windows type drivers be used on other linux types debian, or gentoo?21:41
elotDasEi: here is no url21:41
dsnydersjpvoip, can you ping the site?21:41
DasEielot: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/syslog21:41
jpvoipdsnyders: no21:41
LeifSo, today's updates have caused my computer to not have any gnome bars, or the top of window bar...help?21:41
dsnydersjpvoip, can you ping other sites?21:42
Leif(Obviously I have access to the terminal ect.)21:42
jpvoipdsnyders:  yes... everything is working OK21:42
eosshow do i become a pro21:42
DasEidsnyders: check vlc's history,21:42
xangua!panels | Leif21:42
ubottuLeif: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:42
xanguaeoss: study a lot21:42
jpvoipdsnyders: and i can access this site from another windows PC in the same network21:42
jpvoipdsnyders:  this problem started after my last update21:43
dsnydersDasEi, I'm using mplayer21:43
Leifxangua, It said: leif@leif-VPCEB11FM:~$ gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel21:43
Leifgnome-panel: no process found21:43
sixofour11I installed Ubuntu 10.10 and when I go to boot my computer it says "Gave up waiting for root device" and puts me at a shell.21:43
jpvoipdsnyders: maybe check last update.. and do a rollover... is possible21:43
xanguaLeif: so you uninstalled gnome-panel21:43
Leifxangua, Not intentionally...21:43
Leifxangua, It didn't happen until I updated this morning (and rebooted). :(21:44
Leifanyway, I'm apt-getting it now...thanks21:44
elotDasEi: sill no URL just that HTML code would you like screen?21:44
ceckohi all, messing around my system I deleted my /tmp, now  even if I recreate it with 755 permissions, I cannot even log in... could anybody help me?21:45
exsi have a problem with gnome-network-properties. after configure a proxy systemwidly i cant reset the settings to work without the proxy configuration21:45
DasEielot: which distro ?21:45
elotubuntu 10.10 AMD 6421:45
sixofour11I installed Ubuntu 10.10 and when I go to boot my computer it says "Gave up waiting for root device" and puts me at a shell.21:45
StereocaulonHow do I give a windows program raw access to my floppy drive?21:45
elotDasEi: ubuntu 10.10 AMD 6421:46
DasEielot: gedit /var/log/syslog21:46
DasEielot: you know how to use pastebin ?21:46
elotDasEi: no but i'll try to find it out21:47
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:47
francohallo bin neu hier21:47
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:47
Dr_WillisStereocaulon:  Hmm. never tried to let wine do somthing like that. You may want to check teh wine homepage/faq/forums.21:47
sixofour11I installed Ubuntu 10.10 and when I go to boot my computer it says "Gave up waiting for root device" and puts me at a shell.21:47
DasEifranco: englisch ? sonst #ubuntu-de21:48
MathuinI would like to install the postfix package on Ubuntu in a non-interactive manner.  How do I do this?  I don't want to be asked about what kind of setup -- I want to use "internet site".21:48
mrdebdid you install grub to the master boot record21:48
StereocaulonDr_Willis, thanks for the link!21:48
sixofour11mrdeb me?21:48
MathuinFailing that, what's the minimal requirement to send mail from an Ubuntu server?21:49
sixofour11probably not, lol, i am not sure, ive placed grub on sda [th hardrive] and on sda4 [my linux instal partition] and it failed both times21:49
ceckohi all, being stupid I deleted my /tmp, now even if I recreate it with 755 permissions, I cannot log in... could anybody please help me?21:49
salihk1hello guys, do you how to enable multitouch on ubuntu ?21:49
sixofour11i tried to partition my hd as, 2gb swap, 16gb linux, and the rest is data21:49
mrdebok sixofour1121:49
sixofour11but its been a long time since i have done this21:50
Mathuincecko: create it with 777, then chmod +t ?21:50
elotDasEi: oh that log is bigger than 500kb21:50
DasEielot: copy syslog to http://paste.ubuntu.com , press paste, copy url from browser, give it here21:50
mrdebyou did the standard install and didnt change grub pulling root from /dev/sda?21:50
bastidrazorMathuin: is there a reason you can't do ncurses setup? tab and spacebar are how you would navigate around during that setup.21:50
Dr_Willissixofour11:  you want to install grub to the mbr of the drive you are booting.. ie: /dev/sda21:50
sixofour11no, i did advanced21:50
Mathuinbastidrazor: it's an unattended installation.21:50
sixofour11i think i should try the "use the whole drive" option21:50
mrdebadvanced partitions, but did you install grub to /dev/sda or elsewhere21:50
Leifxangua, Hmmm...I still don't have the top part of windows...what package is that?21:50
ceckoMathuin: thank you I'll try that! BRB21:50
sixofour11to /dev/sda21:50
sixofour11i lft it default the second time21:51
mrdebok, it hsould work then21:51
sixofour11hmm, it didn't21:51
elotDasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/588726/21:51
sixofour11i only have one hd21:51
mrdebyou can boot into it with the live usb/cd and see if you can reinstall grub to the point to the partition. do you have multiple hard drives?21:51
Daniel0108Is Ubuntu MultiTouch working with the TUIO protocol? :)21:51
DasEisixofour11: try supergrubdisk21:52
bastidrazorMathuin: sendmail is all you need to 'send an email'.. if you need postfix possibly #ubuntu-server will have a better answer21:52
sixofour11what is supergrubdisk21:52
Mathuinbastidrazor: I do not need postfix, I just chose that as an example mail transfer agent.21:52
DasEielot: reading21:52
MathuinWhat I need is a mail user agent -- as minimal as mail or mailx -- and if necessary, a mail transfer agent.21:53
MathuinAll I want to do is mail myself the output of a process. :-)21:53
llutzMathuin: msmtp/ssmtp + mail-utils21:54
sixofour11also, the livecd takes like 1- mnutes to load, maybe there is something wrong with the cd?...i had similar problems last time [9.10] when in stalling on my laptop21:54
Mathuinllutz: I'll give those a try.  I'd heard that ssmtp was no longer actively maintained -- is that true?21:54
kaoskohello, anybody able to help me building coova-chilli package on amd64 ubuntu? the issue is that .deb produced by dpkg-buildpackage doesn't include the executables21:54
llutzMathuin: no idea, i prefer mstmp21:54
sixofour11perhaps making a new ubuntu cd would help21:54
ceckoMathuin: thank you, It seems to work allright! so 777 is the default permission for /tmp?21:54
Mathuincecko: drwxrwxrwt is what I've got here.21:55
llutzMathuin: besides that: theres not much maintenance needed for such a simple tool/task  ;)21:55
DasEielot: seems your partitions are messed up, another question : do you have a swap twice the ram installed ?21:55
ceckoMathuin: ok, thx21:55
jerry256I have an unreliable broadband internet connection... how can I update my system without it breaking something during the download and install of all major updates?21:56
elotDasEi: i have 4GB RAM and swap is about 9GB21:56
Mathuinllutz: heh.  hmm.  mailutils won't install without me playing ncurses games, which isn't acceptable for this purpose.  I'll try heirloom-mailx next.21:56
DasEielot: should be fine21:56
jerry256Can I download all major updates first, then install them later? how do I do this?21:56
sixofour11mrdeb i think i will try the "use the whole drive" option [second option] and if it fails, maybe there is something wrong with my live cd21:56
nerdshellhow can I enable graphics in Links ?21:57
sixofour11mrdeb the live cd takes a very long time to load and i had a similar problem with 9.1021:57
nerdshellhow can I enable graphics in Links ?21:57
nerdshellhow can I enable graphics in Links ?21:58
milen8204I have installed Virtual Box and set up for Windows 7  and Windows 7 doesn't recognize my videocard GeForce G 105M CUDA21:58
milen8204anyone can help ?21:58
DasEimilen8204: wrong chan here (##vbox), that won't work, emulation21:58
MathuinOh crap.  mailutils just littered my new server install with like seven or eight packages.  How do I list all the packages that were just installed? :-P21:59
llutzmilen8204: running w7 as guest-os? it will only see the vbox-graphics adapter21:59
elotDasEi: this did work well but yesterday this hapends cannot susped21:59
milen8204llutz, W7 is my quest os22:00
llutzmilen8204: guest-os won't have access to native videocards22:00
bastidrazorMathuin: apt-get autoremove should remove unused dependencies22:00
DasEielot: did you change annything in your mount/partitiontable/fstab ?22:00
llutzmilen8204: you want to read the vbox-documentation22:00
jerry256How can I use APT to download all updates to my system for later install?22:00
DasEijerry256: hardly, you can use a local updatemirror22:01
Mathuinbastidrazor: thank you, exactly what I needed.22:01
elotDasEi: no but i had full HDD i deleted some music etc.22:01
milen8204llutz, thanks22:01
DasEiquite a hassle, or get the latest iso then and and now, mount it put to sources22:01
n1x1hi guys, i have some funny question22:02
n1x1how to open current aplication? (e.g skype, pidgin... or other)22:02
n1x1when icon is hide on gnome panel?22:02
DasEielot: df -h , how much space left ?22:02
bastidrazorMathuin: you're welcome.22:02
tehnefjerry256: apt-get -d upgrade22:02
DasEin1x1: terminal22:02
n1x1DasEi: yes but how? :D22:02
DasEin1x1: !terminal22:03
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:03
DasEin1x1: enter pidgin or whatever prog there22:03
n1x1DasEi: wtf? :D22:03
n1x1i wanna open current22:03
jerry256tehnef, thanks22:03
Mathuinllutz: msmtp requires a lot of configuration. :-(  I'm ---> <--- this close to simply telnetting to port 25 on the destination server.  It shouldn't be this hard just to send a single email.22:03
elotDasEi: 5.8G22:03
n1x1when you type skype skype skype22:03
DasEin1x1: create a starter, edit the menue22:04
n1x1opened is 3 skype..22:04
tehnefjerry256: yeah man22:04
n1x1DasEi: mda... i dont wanna speaking with you :)22:04
llutzMathuin: mstmp needs exact one config-file22:04
n1x1i dont want sys bar on panel..22:04
bastidrazorMathuin: possibly use mutt ?22:05
Mathuinllutz: I need a .mailrc that points at msmtp and an msmtprc file which appears to need to be pointed at a mail server.22:05
Mathuinbastidrazor: I imagine installing mutt will make Ubuntu install a MTA, right?  That's what I've been trying to avoid. :-)22:06
DasEitehnef: that will download (apt-get -d upgrade) d/l on a crappy connection and else stuck , but won't install untill done ?22:06
elotDasEi: 5.8Gb left and i did install libgcryp for faster hibernation22:06
elotDasEi: could be problem in libgcrypt?22:07
bastidrazorMathuin: it recommends an MTA but it isn't a dependency.22:07
Mathuinbastidrazor: can mutt send mail without an MTA installed?22:07
DasEielot: might be, but I'm not common with that22:07
DasEielot: try removing ?22:08
tehnefDasEi: it will ONLY download them. once they're downloaded you should be able to 'apt-get upgrade' and have them work?i'm not 100% sure though22:08
bastidrazorMathuin: uh mutt will not work. it installs the postfix package.22:08
DasEitehnef: ah, I see22:08
elotDasEi: yes just second22:08
DasEiman apt-get, lazyboy :)22:08
llutzMathuin: mutt >1-5.14 should be able to send mail22:08
Mathuinllutz: *without* installing postfix or sendmail or any of that?22:09
llutzMathuin: http://wiki.mutt.org/?MuttGuide/Send22:09
DasEielot: in your syslog there are many complains about partitons not being found22:09
Mathuinllutz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/mutt#Installation *sigh*22:09
|Long|can someone plz help me..after update new driver for gforce 8400gs, i reboot and stuck at initramfs screen, how i fix this?22:09
edbian|Long|, press shift during boot to get the grub menu.  Can you boot into recovery mode?22:10
DasEi|Long|: supergrubdisk or live cd, chroot, reinstall grub22:10
llutzMathuin: i guess mutt.org should know better about mutt22:10
edbianDasEi, Um, I think he has grub...22:10
elotDasEi: i have partition for Win two partitions for linux(ext and swap) and some shits from manufacturer22:10
jerry256tehnef, I have a question, do I need to do this as root in ubuntu?22:10
kaoskohello, anybody able to help me building coova-chilli package on amd64 ubuntu? the issue is that .deb produced by dpkg-buildpackage doesn't include the executables22:11
DasEiedbian: initramfs-screen is busybox ? |Long|22:11
=== mactimes_afk is now known as mactimes
edbianDasEi, Which is a result of booting a kernel that does not work?22:11
Mathuinllutz: yeah, but it's Ubuntu I'm using.22:11
MathuinI wonder if there's a dummy MTA package I can install.22:11
llutz!info mutt22:11
ubottumutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.20-9ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 1167 kB, installed size 3380 kB22:11
InvaderZimfor many months I have tried do-release-upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 but everytime it  gives me error: "pkgproblemresolver::resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages22:11
DasEiedbian: ah ok, or not being found22:12
tehnefjerry256: yeah22:12
edbianDasEi, He installed a new nvidia driver.  Why would grub be pointing to a kernel that doesn't exist anymore?22:12
llutzMathuin: sudo aptitude -R install mutt22:12
tehnefjerry256: sudo works fine22:12
jerry256tehnef, ok, thank you22:13
elotDasEi: that wasnt Libgcrypt but tuxonice-userui22:13
edbian|Long|, Can you boot recovery mode?22:13
InvaderZimcan any1 help me?22:13
Mathuinllutz: installed, but doesn't send mail.22:14
DasEielot: don't freeze tux, so working now again ?22:14
|Long|edbian, let me put back livecd22:14
MathuinError sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.).22:15
MathuinCould not send the message.22:15
jerry256tehnef, what do I do after I have successfully downloaded my updates for the ubuntu system? how I install them later?22:15
MathuinAwesome trick with aptitude -R, though, I didn't know about how to do that.22:15
edbian|Long|, no no.  Can you boot recovery mode without a live Cd.  Press shift during normal boot (before Ubuntu begin) and use the grub menu22:15
elotDasEi: i22:15
llutzMathuin: http://wiki.mutt.org/?action=browse&diff=1&id=MuttFaq/Sendmail22:15
llutzMathuin: "How do I configure Mutt to use a remote SMTP server to send mail?"22:16
elotDasEi: i did uninstall tuxonice-userui and nothing happend22:16
DasEiedbian: sry for fuzzling in again, left ctrl it is on my grub222:16
elotDasEi: i try reboot just a second22:16
Hedgehog456Is the Firefox4 PPA safe?22:16
edbianDasEi, No worries.  is it really left ctrl?  Why do they keep changing it!?  What was wrong with escape?22:17
DasEiHedgehog456: what is safe ? I had no problems, but that are betas, in the daily22:17
edbianHedgehog456, If you trust mozilla it is22:17
Hedgehog456DasEi: No malware, will not bug up my system22:18
edbianHedgehog456, definitely no malware.22:18
DasEiHedgehog456: had no problems so far22:18
Mathuinllutz: That is very cool.  It won't work for me, because I don't have a username and password to give it.22:18
AegisXHi guys. When I restart my laptop, Gnome Do almost never works properly; I have to restart the application for it to function. Is there a fix for this?22:18
edbianHedgehog456, Will firefox4 have bugs in it?  Probably.  Does firefox3 have bugs in it?  Probably22:18
Mathuinllutz: thank you for finding it.  I will be able to use it in other situations.22:18
DasEiHedgehog456: has an own pgpg key, so I really doubt eastereggs there22:18
demonsporkI have 3x 1TB hard drives.  What would happen if I added 3x 1.5TB hard drives and set them up in RAID5 with LVM?  Would I lose the extra .5GB per drive or would I be able to get that extra space in the array?22:19
egarffdemonspork: if you set it up as 2 LVM arrays, you'd have redundancy per LVM array, and then you'd have all of your space.22:19
egarffdemonspork: or I mean, 2 arrays added into a single LVM container.22:20
=== Sazpaimon_ is now known as Sazpaimon
JasonnI am using hamachi on my server, and my comp, both ubuntu, and I want my computer to connect to the server via the virtual connection that hamachi provides to connect to a proxy22:20
egarffdemonspork: Just realize that your redundancy would ONLY be in the raid array's, LVM doesn't provide redundancy.22:20
demonsporkegarff, but that would still be n-1, so 2TB per array and I am trying to get 5TB or more out of 6 drives22:21
demonsporkegarff, but can't you use LVM to set up a software raid?22:21
egarffdemonspork: It's the only real way to do it... N is equal to your smallest drive in a raid array.22:21
DasEidemonspork: can22:21
egarffdemonspork: I've put software raids in LVM containers.22:21
egarffdemonspork: you can use LVM to use all the drives as part of an 'array', but you don't have any redundancy.22:22
elotDasEi: i'm back after reboot still not working22:22
demonsporkoh, actually I would have a total of 3TB in the raid5 with the 1.5TB drives and then 2TB with the 3x 1TB drives, so that would be acceptable22:22
|Long|edbian, yea i can boot to cmd line,,, but what do i do there?22:23
egarffSo you'd have 5TB for LVM22:23
edbian|Long|, What is the name of the driver you installed?22:23
demonsporkand this RAID setup I could do in the OS? because the board I am currently planning to use wont' support a BIOS level RAID22:24
JasonnI am using hamachi on my server, and my comp, both ubuntu, and I want my computer to connect to the server via the virtual connection that hamachi provides to connect to a proxy22:24
edbian|Long|, ... what?22:24
|Long|nvida 8400gs video driver22:24
egarffdemonspork: yes, although that's slightly more convoluted, my suggestion would be to break off 50MB or so for a /boot partition, then use the rest for the raid+lvm22:24
edbian|Long|, Hang on.  I have to find the actual package name.22:25
demonsporkegarff, using a separate drive for the OS, so that won't be an issue22:25
egarffdemonspork: BUT, if you wanted to use the whole raid+LVM without a boot partition, it can be done..22:25
|Long|edbian, thanks22:25
egarffdemonspork: well, there ya go... easy peasy.22:25
egarffdemonspork: use mdadm to setup the arrays, then the lvm tools to add the arrays to the LVM array.22:25
edbian|Long|, try this: sudo apt-get purge nvidia-glx     then press tab twice (or three times) real fast22:25
demonsporksweet, now to just pick a decent case that will keep all 7 hard drives quiet22:25
demonsporkand then I can hit check out on newegg22:26
egarffdemonspork: Now, one caveat.22:26
demonsporkoh boy22:26
|Long|edbian, ok let me try22:26
egarffdemonspork: You're using 2 software level 'drivers', so it'll be slightly slower than hardware.22:26
egarffdemonspork: Or just one of them instead of the 2 combined.22:26
DasEielot: I   don't have a certain idea , you can try go through syslog again, find out where these mount-errors come from, also dmesg could reveal something after a frozen hibernation22:26
demonsporkegarff, I am aware, it is going to be a file server. Would I get better performance if I simply had 6x 1TB drives in a software RAID rather than 2 different RAIDs combine with LVM?22:27
edbian|Long|, this is 10.10  maverick ?22:27
egarffdemonspork: I'd guess though that with 5TB, you're looking to do some sort of file (media, smb, etc.) serving.  Generally, your network will be a bigger slowdown than the 'drivers'.22:27
DasEielot: hmm, real big /tmp.. 5.8 isn't much space, too22:27
egarffdemonspork: network will be a bigger bottleneck, I wouldn't stress about it.22:27
Hedgehog456I've added the Mozilla PPA but it's not showing up anywhere. :(22:28
demonsporkdual gigabit LAN might stress it a bit during LAN parties, but it probably won't be too bad22:28
bastidrazorHedgehog456: did you update the repository list?22:28
egarffdemonspork: heh... bonding will be another hitch for speed, but I wouldn't stress.22:28
Hedgehog456bastidrazor: how do I do that?22:28
bastidrazorHedgehog456: how did you add the ppa?22:29
elotDasEi: i know but that shudn't be problem i guess22:29
egarffdemonspork: How are you going to bond btw, do you have a managed switch that can do bonding with linux?22:29
DasEiHedgehog456: it does,   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox-4.022:29
edbianWhat the heck is the difference between nvidia-current, nvidia-96, and nvidia-17322:29
bastidrazorHedgehog456: DasEi actually just 'firefox'22:29
egarffSpeaking of firefox-4, has anyone else noticed on some flash videos (go view CNN's to see it) that you get weird artifacting?22:30
demonsporkegarff, if I have a 3 drive RAID5 software array can I add a 4th drive to that raid5 without losing any data or would I have to completely rebuild it to do that?22:30
egarffdemonspork: rebuild22:30
egarffdemonspork: raid doesn't support adding or removing, just fault tolerance.22:30
Axlinegarff: yeah. it's a problem with the latest version of flash player. i fixed it by switching to the 64 bit flash preview22:30
sixofour11I installed ubuntu 10.10 using the whole drive option, and it still says "gave up waiting for root device" upon booting the system, could my ubuntu cd be bad?22:30
edbian|Long|, Do you have a geforce 8400gs   ?22:30
yagooegarff, artifacting? you on lsd?22:30
Axlinbut that only works if you have a 64 bit ubuntu install :P22:30
egarffAxlin: good to know.22:31
=== Gurty` is now known as Gurty
egarffyagoo: no, ubuntu 10.1022:31
egarffyagoo: hahaha!! I read that as bsd22:31
demonsporkegarff, not planning on using bonding or anything, just going to have people access it via 2 separate IP Addresses22:31
edbian|Long|, hello?22:31
egarffyagoo: artifacting is the tv/movie industry term for strangeness on the screen.22:31
demonsporkat LAN parties 2 separate networks22:31
egarffdemonspork: ahh...22:32
egarffdemonspork: well, just remember, most 'intel' based systems have a hard time even utilizing 1 gigabit due to processor/bus limitations.22:32
demonsporknow that I finally sat down and learned how to do actual routing I can segregate the broadcast domains at LAN parties22:32
egarffdemonspork: awesome!  Been doing that stuff myself for years. ;)22:33
DasEiHedgehog456: if not in sources.list, additionals go to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:33
sixofour11I installed ubuntu 10.10 using the whole drive option, and it still says "gave up waiting for root device" upon booting the system, could my ubuntu cd be bad?22:33
demonsporkwell, it was a pain having everyone on the same broadcast domain because it took 30 minutes to find out whose computer had a bad NIC that was overloading the switch with bad packets22:33
edbian|Long|, I have to go.  Try to figure out which of these packages you installed so you can remove it.  http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nvidia&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all22:34
egarffdemonspork: understandable.  I think it's a great idea... I'm just saying, don't expect 2N22:34
egarffdemonspork: 2 times 1G22:34
demonsporkoh, right22:34
demonsporkyeah, just giving it more capability than it can handle to make sure that I can get the maximum out of it22:35
|Long|edbian, thanks22:35
jon__Does anyone know of a good tutorial on how to triple boot winows 7, osx and ubuntu 10.10?22:35
DasEi|Long|: you are  in commandline of rescue mode ?22:35
yagoodemonspork, you running a game server at those lan parties?22:35
Axlinjon__: on a mac?22:35
egarffdemonspork: well, I wish you much luck.  The only thing I can suggest with wanting to add drives is LVM gives you that option, you could always buy 2 more drives and add a mirror, thus still having redundancy.22:36
jon__on a pc22:36
|Long|DasEi, yea on cmd mode now22:36
Axlinjon__: well you should probably start with a hackintosh guide. i know lifehacker has a couple of good ones to set up a dual boot windows/os x system. after that, you'd just create another partition for linux and install ubuntu there22:36
demonsporkegarff, yeah, at that point I would also be adding a separate SATA controller card because I would be out of ports, but it is a functional option. I know a guy who does that setup with external drives, just has stacks and stacks of external hard drives and he keeps adding controllers and adding piles of hard drives22:37
DasEi|Long|: you could look in /boot for latest kernel, re-install it simply22:37
|Long|i selected fix broken package option22:37
egarffdemonspork: Heh.. seems slightly ridiculous, but I can see the draw.22:37
jon__Can I pick which one to boot all from one screen?22:37
DasEi|Long|: also a try worth22:37
|Long|DasEi, i will let you know in few min22:38
danileigh79ruan: i reinstalled audacious now program won't open22:38
Axlinjon__: yes. you should be presented with a graphical boot loader which will list windows, os x, linux, and any other bootable media22:38
Axlinjon__: the lifehacker guides should go into detail about that22:38
yagoojon__, they all can do that.. u'd just have to tinker 1 of them.. i suggest using chameleon2..22:38
DasEijon__: ask in #grub for osx, if thhhhat chainloads, win and ubu is no problem, idk about osx22:38
Asadanyone knows of a codec for a52 in ubuntu22:38
Asadit's an audio codec...22:39
yagoodanileigh79, lol22:39
RSombryCan i BOOT Ubuntu from VHD like Windows 7?22:39
danileigh79yagoo: what's so funny22:39
brontosaurusrexAsad, thats ac3 alias dolby digital22:39
DasEiAsad: most can be found in :22:39
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:39
yagooRSombry, no.. but grub2 supports a similar thing to vhd bootstrapping for linux image files22:39
Asadbrontosaurusrex: ah right.. is it in mediabuntu?22:40
danileigh79DasEi: do you have anymore advice, I still can't get audacious to open22:40
yagooRSombry, you can have an imagefile with linux on it.. and this imagefile can be on ntfs..22:40
brontosaurusrexAsad, i just use vlc or mplayer22:40
DasEiAsad: tried restricted extras already ?22:40
jon__If I already have ubuntu and windows loaded I should take ubuntu off and put it back on?22:41
yagoodanileigh79, you don't know how to use audacity.22:41
DasEiAsad: bunch of common ssssstuff : sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:41
yagoojon__, "loaded" ?22:41
Asadyes DasEi .. I tried restricted-extras22:41
danileigh79yagoo: I most certainly do, I had it working, I updated a lib, and now it won't work22:41
demonsporkegarff, you will be here in a week when I am configure this rig right?22:42
RSombryyagoo: more details please22:42
DasEiAsad: vlc is next try then22:42
danileigh79yagoo: if you're not going to be helpful, don't make unnecessary comments22:42
yagoodanileigh79, do an ltrace .. (library trace).. maybe u have to make a symlink to the new library22:42
egarffdemonspork: haha... I lurk sometimes...  I'm in mountain time zone, so generally after work on weekdays probably around 7pm I jump on.22:42
egarffdemonspork: or the weekends.22:42
DasEidanileigh79: what happens if you launch it , btw try to22:42
AsadDasEi: VLC is working fine on windows but on ubuntu, audio is messed up with this codec.. I think VLC actually uses system codecs for this ...22:43
demonsporkI will probably manage, I have done LVM configurations before, but nothing this ambitious yet.22:43
bandit63what codec is not working?22:43
DasEiAsad: nope, bring it's own, same codecs22:43
cesin10good all22:43
demonsporkAsad, VLC uses some system codecs on Linux22:43
Asadwhy would it be different on ubuntu then .. weir22:43
danileigh79DasEi: nothing happens at all when i click on audacoious, and says starting audacious when i click on audacious (gtkui) then goes back to nothing happening22:44
Asadoh demonspork .. can they be replaced?22:44
demonsporkAsad, that is the extent of my knowledge on the matter, sorry22:44
=== Jasonn is now known as it_wasnt_me
RSombryhow to boot virtual hard disk in linux?22:44
yagooRSombry, what are u trying to install? ubuntu? there's an installer to setup ubuntu on a linux imagefile on ntfs22:44
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DasEidanileigh79: try to launch it from terminal22:44
jon__Is there anyway I can back up all of my ubuntu settings and then reinstall it later and get it all back?22:44
yagooRSombry, ^22:44
RSombrywhat is imagefile? its like VHD?22:44
Axlinjon__: back up your entire home folder. make sure to include hidden files (ctrl+h to show them)22:45
cesin10I need understand fast fourrier transform (fft) and inverse fft for compar audio format mp3 or wave in real time22:45
jon__And I can just drag them all to a hard drive?22:45
DasEidanileigh79: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get -f install &&  sudo apt-get install --reinstall audacious22:45
cesin10someone help me ?22:45
Axlinjon__: yep, and restore them after reinstallation. make sure your new install uses the same username22:46
guntbertcesin10: this channel is for ubuntu support only22:46
s3r3n1t7DasEi, wasn't apt-get upgrade deprecated?22:46
vyomaIs there  a different channel for ubuntu natty support ?22:46
th0rguntbert: darn....I was looking forward to the answer to that one22:46
DasEis3r3n1t7: no..22:46
cesin10ok guntbert22:46
jon__by restore do you mean I just replace the new one with the old one?22:46
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.22:46
yagooRSombry, i'll try to find the link\22:46
Axlinjon__: exactly. so after you finish installing, you go to your backup, and replace your new /home folder with the backed up /home folder22:46
vyomallutz: thanks!22:47
root_Is there a program I can run on a folder to remove non standard charectars from file names of files in that folder?22:47
cesin10thanks, you have idea where i can find ?22:47
jon__Ok thanks22:47
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cesin10about my problem?22:47
Axlinjon__: you may also want to back up /etc/apt as well if you have added any custom repositories. otherwise, you'll have to re-add them22:47
egarffAxlin: thanks for the pointer, 64 bit preview flash fixed it.22:47
Axlinnice egarff :)22:47
egarffAxlin: Much gratitude.22:47
cesin10or any channel about audio program22:47
Axlinnp. my only gripe is that it's a little bit slower for me. but at least videos are watchable again22:48
cesin10any place, please ?!22:48
egarffAxlin: seems fine for me, but I'm running on a quad i722:48
yagooRSombry, there's also this site (known to #debian) http://goodbye-microsoft.com/ ... i'm looking for the ubuntu one22:48
guntbertcesin10: start asking in #math22:48
th0rcesin10: I had a good course on that at the University of Illinois22:48
Axlinoh, powerhouse heh22:48
jon__Where can I find that?22:48
egarffAxlin: heh... yep! ;)22:48
DasEicesin10: you might want to look in rosegarden or #ubuntu-studio, I'm no pro in that, sry22:48
brontosaurusrexcesin10, hydrogenaudio.org22:48
danileigh79DasEi: pls pm that, couldn't copy bdidn't work, bucnh of errors anout unexpected token and syntax errors22:49
DasEi!info rosegarden, cesin1022:49
ubottu'cesin10' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable22:49
DasEi!info rosegarden22:49
ubotturosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:10.02-0ubuntu5 (maverick), package size 7777 kB, installed size 12564 kB22:49
yagoothere a goodbye-microsoft.com/ for ubuntu guys?22:49
jon__it giving me the error "The folder ".gnupg" cannot be handled because you do not have permissions to read it."22:50
cesin10ok thanks all22:50
eamonHow do I batch-rename? Any good progs?22:50
cesin10very satisfaction22:50
llutzeamon: "rename"22:50
Tigger__cesin10: you are welcomd :D22:51
yagooRSombry, found it!22:51
Axlinjon__: just skip it. you don't need it22:51
brontosaurusrexeamon, thunar is easy22:51
elementzhi all. i have a problem removing a package via ppa-purge. i have installed the package via  sudo apt-add-repository ppa:florent.x/ppa22:51
elementzwhen trying to remove it via sudo ppa-purge ppa:florent.x/ppa22:52
elementzi get: Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: florent.x ppa22:52
elementzdoes anybody have an idea how i can fix this?22:52
danileigh79DasEi: I'm going offline for a while, if you're still on when I get back, I'd appreciate the help again22:53
eamonbrontosaurusrex: how do I rename every file in a folder taking out special charectars?22:53
llutzeamon: what are "special charectars"?22:53
jon__So should I remove grub and all the ubuntu stuff and then do a hackintosh thing?22:53
vltHello. I installed hugin on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS but when I start it I get a "memory access error" after closing the tip of the day popup. How to make it work?22:53
eamonllutz: anything outside a-z 1-9 and normal symbols22:53
YankDownUnderjon__, What boot loader you going to use with yer Hackintosh?22:54
eamonaccented charectars and the like22:54
Axlinjon__: if i were you, i would look up one of those how-to's on lifehacker to see if you're willing to go through with it to begin with22:54
jon__All of the guides I see are to make a hackintosh pc, but thats not dual booting is it?22:54
YankDownUnderjon__, Have you looked at this: http://hackintosh.org/index.php/topic,8799.0.html22:55
jon__Is that the right thing?22:55
eamonllutz: do you know a program that can do this?22:55
bazhangjon__, thats offtopic here and on freenode22:55
llutzeamon: "rename"22:55
eamonllutz: what is the option to strip special charectars?22:55
jon__Sorry :S22:56
yagoojon__, ^ I said u can use any bootloader.. u'll just have to understand this-> install the primary bootloaders for the others into their own partitions..22:56
eamonllutz: It is not listed in the manual22:56
yagoojon__, cuse i've done it..22:56
llutzeamon: there is no option for that because it depends on YOUR definition of "special"22:56
jon__I dont understand how the bootloader works, ubuntu just put it on automatically22:56
JasonnI am using hamachi on my server, and my comp, both ubuntu, and I want my computer to connect to the server via the virtual connection that hamachi provides to connect to a proxy22:57
llutzeamon: so feed rename with a list of all those unwanted chars  and what you want it to substitute to22:57
eamonllutz: I want to get rid of the charectars that my pc can't display. They're coming up as ? marks in terminal22:57
yagoojon__, u need to place stage1 of whatever bootloader into the "other" Oses.. so lets say u use grub2 in the mbr.. u'll need to place chameleon2 into OSX's partition and Win7's bootmgr into it's own parition .. then this means just to use "chainloader" for Win7 and OSX from grub22:58
llutzeamon: check your locales22:58
eamonllutz: how do I know what the chars are if the comp can;'t display them. I need something tthat can strip these special chars22:58
fr00gCan anyone tell me why Metacity draws drop shadows around Conky?22:58
jon__Is there an online tut you know of that explains all this?  I have no idea what all this bootloader stuff is22:58
llutz!info convmv22:58
ubottuconvmv (source: convmv): filename encoding conversion tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-2 (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 88 kB22:58
llutzeamon: ^^22:58
yagoojon__, then just use a bootusb... don't bother.. it really is time consuming22:59
jon__I dont know what that is either :s22:59
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drawmeatI have a question for #ubuntu-unregged.  Is there anyway to record the sound output of a program like chrome.  I'm trying to record an out going phone call made from gchat and want to record the audio.  Help Plox!23:01
fr00gCan anyone tell me why Metacity draws drop shadows around Conky?23:02
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sideinhello, I have a friend with a sound issue. Everything appears to be working, on his end, but no sound comes out, and the speakers are verified working23:05
tehnefsidein: "a friend". riiiiight. :P23:05
tehnefsidein: what kind of computer?23:05
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sideinit's and old compaq computer23:06
txhhow should I partition a hdd for ubuntu? shouldit be on an msdos part table?23:06
memphizHi all23:07
yagootxh, it can be gpt and like 20 different partitionstyle tables..23:07
bastidrazortxh: ext3 or ext423:07
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yagootxh, for any linux.. it's basically "/" and swap partition .. just 2 at minimum needed..23:07
sideinIt's running mint 10 technically23:07
icewatermanhi, my ubuntu disguises as kubuntu during boot23:07
tatueamon, zero is also default char :)23:07
icewatermanhow can i fix that?23:07
sideinfrom what I can get from him, sound stopped working yesterday for no apparent reason23:08
icewatermanthe boot screen shows kubuntu instead of ubuntu even though i installed ubuntu (and added kubuntu desktop afterwards23:08
memphizIf I installed another Distro after installing ubuntu it overwrites my current Grub2 loader. If I now delete the partition with the newer Distro does this give me back my old Grub2?23:08
icewatermansidein: try alsa-utils reset23:08
drawmeatI have a question for #ubuntu-unregged.  Is there anyway to record the sound output of a program like chrome.  I'm trying to record an out going phone call made from gchat and want to record the audio.  Help Plox!23:08
nerdshell1how can I enable graphics in Links ?23:09
txhI want to have a large ntfs tailing near the end of the disk will that interfere with it later wh I decide to install ubuntu?23:09
sideineverything seems to be in order on the system itself, alsa sees the card, it acts like it is working, but no sound at all23:09
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sideinicewaterman, ok23:09
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sideinI think it may be a hardware issue since everything appears to be in order on the os side23:11
JasonnHow do I make my computer use a certain network adapter as the default23:11
cfeddeJasonn: make sure that interface has the defualt route.23:12
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Jasonncfedde: And how do I do that?23:12
drawmeatplz plz plz help!23:12
xzhehey, can someone help me with this prob? i mean find a solution, the prob: my laptop died , i  took the hdd to some usb hddcase and trying to copy some files from it on another ubuntu machine, this machne is old - dont have boot from usb, and i do not have the permission to copy the files, is there any way to login from this ubuntu to my linux partition which is on usb?23:12
Jasonndrawmeat: What do you need?23:13
drawmeatjasonn: Is there anyway to record the sound output of a program like chrome.  I'm trying to record an out going phone call made from gchat and want to record the audio.  Help Plox!23:13
chipminks there a linux media player that can play audio/video from a windows samba share?  I would have no problems doing this in windows but playback starts, skips a couple of times then freezes the computer23:13
sideindrawmeat, I would try the program audacity23:13
memphizAfter installing another Linux Distro my Grub2 is overwritten. If I now delete the partition with the new Distro do I get my old Grub2 back (it was customized to look clearer with a custom_menu.cfg)?23:13
llutzxzhe: copy it as root from any linux machine23:13
drawmeatsidein: got it with no success23:13
teshhi, what does 'unable to stat' mean?23:14
_Alex__drawmeat: how about a loopback cable?23:14
SwedeMikechipmink: try vlc, it plays "everything".23:14
chipminkbeen there done that23:14
xzhellutz: this is live cd ubuntu, ii did sudo nautilus, but still cant? i need to install the os first? - cant do it fro mlive cd?23:14
drawmeatalex__ looking for a software solution.  is there none?23:14
chipminki have to copy complete file then vlc has no problem23:14
_Alex__xzhe: You must run GKSU! notSUDO23:15
SwedeMikechipmink: sounds like you have a network problem, not a video player problem.23:15
JasonnHow do I make my computer use a certain network adapter as the default23:15
Jasonncfedde: ^^23:15
Jasonncfedde: HOw do i make it use the default route?23:15
llutzxzhe: that should work from livecd too.23:15
xzhelet me try . brb - im talking from some http online irc - thru website lol23:15
cfeddeJasonn: are both interfaces on the same broadcast domain?23:16
memphizAfter installing another Linux Distro my Grub2 is overwritten. If I now delete the partition with the new Distro do I get my old Grub2 back (it was customized to look clearer with a custom_menu.cfg)?23:16
yagoomemphiz, ?23:17
yagoomemphiz, just use the ubuntu cd to fix grub23:17
llutzmemphiz: you'll have to write your old grub to MBR again BEFORE deleting the new partition23:17
Jasonncfedde: One is a hamachi connection, and i want to use that "adapter" as the default one to connect to the internet with, I already have the proxy set up on the server. Also, I have to connect to a wireless network in order to use the VPN, so its kind of tough23:17
memphizwhats the command for that?23:17
yagoomemphiz, for your other distro go to #distro.. this is ubuntu23:17
yagoomemphiz, google ubuntu wiki grub fix23:17
Jasonn!google | yagoo23:18
ubottuyagoo: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:18
yagooI didn't say google it.23:18
xzhe_Alex__: still dont wotk, i did gksu, i took root and run nautilus, but still: Error opening file: Permission denied23:18
yagooI told him what to google. Result is the first link.23:18
memphizyagoo thx23:18
llutzmemphiz: sudo grub-install /dev/sda23:18
yagooJasonn, << stop abusing the bot23:18
bazhang!grub2 | memphiz23:18
ubottumemphiz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:19
Jasonnyagoo: You DID say google it23:19
bazhangyagoo, lets move on23:19
memphizthanks guys23:19
yagooJasonn, nope.23:19
bazhangJasonn, you too23:19
sideinicewaterman, `alsa-utils reset` followed by `aplay /somemusicfile/` doesn't yield any sound23:19
yagoo"yagoo> memphiz, google ubuntu wiki grub fix"23:19
yagoo^. history speaks for itself kid.23:19
cfeddeJasonn: you can do it using the route command. Include the interface name in the argument list.23:19
* yagoo ignores Jasonn23:19
cfeddeJasonn: it can also be done in the interfaces file.23:20
Jasonncfedde: so route CONNECTIONNAME and then what, I only want google chrome to use it23:20
Jasonncfedde: Actually, any prog can use it, just i need to connect to the internet in order for this to work, so i want that to happen too23:20
cfeddeJasonn: route delete default...; route add default ... ehth or something.23:20
ejvlol yagoo23:20
Jasonncfedde: BUT it WILL still connect to the internet to enable hamachi?23:22
cfeddeJasonn: I'm not that familar with hamachi. iirc it creates a virtual interface.  use that one as the default route and all non local traffic will go over that interface.23:23
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PhoenixSTFok can anyone help me on manualy installing ati drivers on maverick?23:23
cfeddeI thought that hamachi had a way of doing that for you though.23:23
_Alex__ok, i can23:24
Jasonncfedde: Thanks :)23:24
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eamonHello I'm having trouble with displaying charectars in my terminal23:24
PhoenixSTF_Alex_, hey m8 i tried to install like in the unoficial wiki but nothing hapens23:24
eamonthey are coming up as question marks or question marks inside circles23:25
xzheok i copied the files, had to open 2 nautilus as root, thanks for help23:25
jeffreyfhello ctl-alt-f8 as well as ctl-alt-f9 shows a blinking cursor.  All the other tty's allow for command line login......any idea??23:25
PhoenixSTF_Alex_, uninstaled the prior drivers, made the fglrx debpacakegs for maveric, and no fglrx installed :(23:26
Jasonncfedde: SO if i want it to use ham0 then, what command should I use?23:26
PhoenixSTF_Alex_, also did the dpkg fglrx*.deb, restarted twice... no drivers...23:26
cfeddeJasonn: let me go read the route(1) manual for you.23:26
Jasonncfedde: Thanks :)\23:27
llutzJasonn: sudo route del default ; route add default ham023:27
llutzsudo route *23:27
memphizwhat is the location of drivers?`for example wifi drivers?23:27
jeffreyfhello ctl-alt-f8 as well as ctl-alt-f9 shows a blinking cursor.  All the other tty's allow for command line login but I can't start another gui session......any idea??23:27
EdranomI just installed ubuntu server 10.10 and smuxi-server. I can't run smuxi-server as the normal user, only as root. what should I do?23:29
eamonllutz: that program didn't help. My computer isn't able to display much of anything. You said something about locales. Is there something I could configure there?23:30
sideinany thoughts as to what would cause ubuntu to fully recognize the sound card, but not get any sound at all?23:32
jeffreyfhello ctl-alt-f8 as well as ctl-alt-f9 shows a blinking cursor.  All the other tty's allow for command line login but can not start another x session......any idea??23:32
llutzeamon: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales23:33
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adrian15jeffreyf: They are usually reserved so that you can start X11 sessions on them.23:33
memphizwhere are drivers stored?? for example wifi drivers?23:33
jeffreyfadrian15...is what I am trying to do.  I get a blinking cursor in the upper left.23:34
adrian15jeffreyf: Did you try: xinit -- :1          ?23:34
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eamonllutz: I'm not on ubuntu sorry23:35
jeffreyfadrian15 "X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting."23:35
adrian15jeffreyf: With sudo23:35
eamonllutz: noone will help me in #gentoo23:35
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eamonllutz: here is the output of locale... http://paste.pocoo.org/show/364610/23:36
magn3tsHow can I remap Ctrl + Winkey in my keyboard layout?23:36
pigimanHhey, I have 3 OS on my computer , unbuntu , ubuntu server and windows 7. I`m using grab. I want to uninstall only my ubuntu and keep using ubuntu server + windows 7 with GRAB. how can I do it?23:36
jon__My friend is installing ubuntu 10.10 on his mac, and he's doing the setup thing, making his login account and password but it won't let him hit forward.  Any ideas as to why?23:36
llutzeamon: then reconfigure your locales in gentoo-manner (however that is, i never used it)23:36
adrian15pigimanH: Just reinstall ubuntu server's grub.23:37
jeffreyfadrian15, with sudo, it blanks the screen with a small white terminal in the upper left23:37
itaylor57jon__: username needs to be in lower case23:37
adrian15jeffreyf: That's an X session23:37
pigimanHadrian15 - I just need to reinstall the grab? what about the partitions of ubuntu ?23:37
llutzeamon: UTF-8 should be right in most cases23:37
Soraisi have some problem here23:37
yagoojon__, thought u were asking for pc before23:38
adrian15pigimanH: If you do not delete it but just reformat it it's ok23:38
jon__It was pc before, my friend is triple booting on a mac23:38
yagoojon__, he'll need refit for that23:38
pigimanHI want to use all ubuntu partitions for my windows 723:38
Soraisi just start my notebook and apear this screen Memtest86 v4.0023:38
jeffreyfadrian15: OK....thought that would give another gui?23:38
adrian15jeffreyf: Welll23:38
Soraissomebody can help me ?23:38
eamonok llutz thank you. hopefully i can figure out what to do23:38
jon__I think he has it all figured out, he just couldnt finish the ubuntu installation23:39
adrian15jeffreyf: In gnome there is an option that says: Login as a new user (Or something like it)... this actually enables a new X11 session23:39
adrian15jeffreyf: And this X11 session is found on ctrl+alt+f8 or ctrl+alt+f923:39
llutzjeffreyf: "startx -- :1"23:39
pigimanHadrian15: I want to use all ubuntu partitions for my windows 723:40
adrian15pigimanH: All ubuntu partitions except the ubuntu server ones I suppose?23:40
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pigimanHadrian15: yes23:40
memphizwhere are drivers stored?23:41
yagoomemphiz, in the kernel image and in modules23:41
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adrian15pigimanH: If you do not want to have one partition for windows instead of several ones it's ok. I mean if you do not modify partition layout is ok.23:41
JasonnOk, how about this, I want a certain interface to JUST handle 5.* IP addresses, can I do this23:41
pecarhi how i remove a driver of a tv tuner adapter23:42
llutzmemphiz: most drivers are kernel modules, /lib/modules/$(uname -r)23:42
jeffreyfadrian15: thanks...I think I misunderstood the concept23:42
merryman540Does this channel help with legacy? Ubuntu specifically 8.04?23:42
RussellAlanhey guys im trying to run sudo mono23:42
RussellAlanbut the app says something about visual basic.23:42
Jasonnmerryman540: Its too outdated23:42
adrian15jeffreyf: What did you want to do in the first place ?23:42
RussellAlananyone know what builds i need?23:42
Jasonnmerryman540: Or is it lts?23:42
pigimanHadrian15: I didn't understand what you ment.... how can I take only ubuntu's partition and add it to windows partition without destorying my BOOT GRAB23:43
yagooRussellAlan, gambas2 is a good alternative to visualbasic23:43
merryman540Jasonn I think it's been lts up til now23:43
RussellAlanyagoo, will that let me run it?23:43
jeffreyfanother session separate from the default logging in with the same user23:43
yagooRussellAlan, i don/t know about mono23:43
tripelbI just never understand the control-find. I want to search the file system for something. I have no idea what the "scope" of the search is.23:44
tripelbor even search my user.23:44
adrian15Jasonn: eth0:0 , eth0:1 , I do not know how it was called... vlans.... but you can also try bridged mode... I do not know if there are other ways of doing it.23:44
Jasonnadrian15: How do i bridge them?23:44
lariousI have installed openvpn successfully on my Ubuntu, but dont know how to configure it23:45
merryman540My problem is that when I change Visual effects from the none setting (in order to run wobbly windows etc) my terminal windows becomes bleeched or whited out with no menu bar.23:45
Jasonnlarious: http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/howto.html23:45
adrian15pigimanH: If you want to merge ubuntu desktop partitions into windows 7 then probably the partition numbering is going to change. So even if you reinstall ubuntu server's grub you might need to regenerate its grub.cfg file.23:45
gmachine_24tripelb, when I want to find something I do a locate / in a terminal and then type locate xxxx whatever it is I'm looking for23:45
memphizllutz thanks23:45
gmachine_24tripelb, probably not the most eloquent of effective23:45
Jasonnadrian15: How do i bridge them?23:45
tripelbI just never understand the control-find. I want to search the file system for something. I have no idea what the "scope" of the search is. IN GUI.23:46
IsmAvatarhey guys, in this one java app I'm helping with, I'm trying to track down an ImageFormatException, but the stack trace only seems to go 5 levels deep, back to ImageFetcher.run, which is Java code. How do i figure out where this exception is coming from in my code?23:46
merryman540The only way I can restore the terminal window for use again is to return my Visual effects setting to none : (23:46
tripelbcontrol-find is in the gui23:46
pigimanHadrian15: oh...23:46
awakeningI was wondering if someone could help me install java and flash plugins on ubuntu...23:47
linuxuz3rawakening, what are you on amd6423:47
merryman540If no-one can help here maybe someone knows if there is a channel for ubuntu 804 help?23:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 804 in eric (Ubuntu) "Bugged by pyQT api update (dup-of: 803)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80423:47
awakeningI believe so23:47
jordotechhow can i view http requests live on my ubuntu server?23:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 803 in eric (Ubuntu) "Bugged by pyQT api update" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80323:47
linuxuz3rawakening what version do you use23:47
linuxuz3rawakening you have ff 64bit23:48
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
adrian15Jasonn: http://acidborg.wordpress.com/2010/01/21/how-to-configure-a-network-bridge-in-debian-ubuntu/   This might help, ubuntu wiki howtos do not convince me.23:50
adrian15pigimanH: But maybe I am wrong about partition numbering change. I recommend you to reinstall ubuntu server's grub to the mbr before doing anything if you do not know how to access your systems when you cannot boot from the hard disk.23:52
lariousNeed some one to help me on how to complie yf23:52
linuxuz3rawakening, the flash plugin on the repo does not work?23:52
Jasonnadrian15: And if I use wlan1 to connect to the internet, I would replace the first eth0 with wlan1?23:53
awakeningi wasn't able to get it to, linuxuz3r23:53
linuxuz3rtry it23:53
adrian15Jasonn: Yes.23:54
merryman540Anyone any ideas how to fix bleached out terminal window when I change my Appearances Visual effects setting from None?23:55
adrian15Jasonn: Do you want these ips to be seen from outside or not?23:55
Jasonnadrian15: No23:55
th0rmerryman540: adjust the transparency?23:55
awakeninglinuxuz3r, I assume you mean Flash Plugin from Ubuntu Software Center...?23:56
edbianCan I file a bug in Ubuntu without running the actual OS?  (at launchpad.net)23:56
adrian15Jasonn: So bridge is fine. It is like having some extra local lans.23:56
merryman540thor which/where transparency setting??23:56
pam61anyone know how to set a vnc server (x11vnc) to run at startup?23:56
linuxuz3rawakening, from synaptics repo23:56
tripelbgmachine_24 thanks for the hint abotu the terminal and locate. TIL]23:56
th0rmerryman540: I don't use advanced graphics as it slows things down...so not sure but I think it is in the window menu for the terminal.23:57
RussellAlanwhats the shell command to rename something?23:57
adrian15RussellAlan: !mv23:58
edbianRussellAlan: mv23:58
itaylor57RussellAlan: mv <oldfilename> <newfilename>23:58
merryman540thor ok but you see I can't see any part of the menu in the terminal because it's bleached out maybe if I right or left click in the window...?23:58
RussellAlanedbian, so mv filename newfilename ?23:58
awakeninglinuxuz3r, ok synaptics repo, what's fastest way to access what you're talking about?23:58
edbianRussellAlan: yes...23:58
edbianRussellAlan: itaylor57 just said that23:58
=== aaron is now known as Guest59540

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