
nicofsCan someone help me set my screen resolution right? All i get is "xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default"...01:24
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lightanicofs, wich resolution do you want to set ?03:06
lightayou didn't choose one propose by xrandr ?03:06
nicofslighta, my panel supports 1280x720 and all i get is 1024x76803:10
lightaah yeah embarassing03:10
lightalet see if there nothing for us03:11
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:11
lightayou check that already ?03:12
nicofsjep - usually i use a script i wrote to set the resolution... basically it handles all that modeline and xrandr stuff. but currently all i get is this error about the gamma value...03:13
lightahmm ok03:14
lightaI don't hhave the 1280x720 neither :(03:15
lightanop I didn't any gamma error maybe your hardware ? may I see your script maybe N03:25
nicofshang on...03:27
nicofslighta, http://pastebin.com/Uix6dpRX03:29
lightaoh I had very diff value with cvt well not big difference but still03:35
lightaI don't really have solution I can just give idea hope it'll help03:36
lightaso I suggest try with cvt and maybe a different refresh rate ?03:37
nicofswell, giving ideas is better than the support from #ubuntu...03:37
lightawhat did you change btw ? new os ?03:37
lightanew screen ?03:37
lightaI tryed with 60 refresh rate myself was fine03:38
nicofslighta, new screen - no difference between cvt/gtf03:38
lightaah hmm03:39
nicofsin my time with linux i had a lot problems with resolution... it's not exactly well handled... but i've never had anything with that error about this gamma thing03:40
lightahm yeah sound like a driver error03:41
lightabut why 1280x768 exactly?03:41
nicofsno, 1280x720... that's the screen's native resolution...03:45
lightaah ok I see03:46
lightaoh in fact I tryed your script and I had a error03:46
lightawait let me continue03:47
lightahere my result03:47
lightalighta@lighta-laptop:~/Myscript$ ./xrandrre 1280 768 6003:47
lightaX Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)03:47
lighta  Major opcode of failed request:  150 (RANDR)03:47
lighta  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (RRCreateMode)03:47
lighta  Serial number of failed request:  2503:47
lighta  Current serial number in output stream:  2503:47
lightaI had no issue manually but I used ctv so let see03:48
nicofsmight sound stupid, but in my script you need to set the correct name of the output (replace LVDS)03:48
lightayeah I did that already =)03:48
lightaI said to myself to bad didn't auto recognize but was ok03:49
nicofslighta, working on that auto-recognize^^03:49
lightadam since it had "mode" as mode instead mode having issue to delete it :( rofl03:52
lightanicofs, do you have error on manual add too ? I didn't have it look like he doesn't like much you mode with ""03:58
nicofsyea, tried manual aswell... still not completely understanding, what's going on03:59
lightagot error ?04:00
lightawell you script fine just need to remove "" on when storing in NAME04:01
nicofsnow it can't find the mode... anyway.. giving up for now - need sleep04:02
lightai'll play with a bit04:04
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=== WolfOne is now known as IdleOne
slooksterpsvgood morning all09:12
VizirkaPici bruder ola10:18
VizirkaJesus loves you:D10:18
Vizirkaubuttu hozsi10:24
Vizirka!ubuttu hozsi10:24
Vizirkaikonia bruder:D Hello sweetie, my sweet cucky:D10:25
Vizirkajarnos bro aloha bruder10:29
jarnosno moi, Vizirka10:31
Vizirkano moi? thanks10:38
VizirkaMy old goodfriend live in Finland, mr. Gliv Blaas10:39
Vizirkabyez all10:57
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
ZummiG777Question: Is there any reason to wait for the 11.04 version of xubuntu rather then installing the 10.10 or 10.04 releases?12:51
mark76I'd wait till about a week or so after it's officially released12:53
mark76Just in case there are any bugs that haven't been caught yet12:53
ochosiZummiG777: 11.04 ships a completely new version of xfce, so a lot of new features there12:54
mark76Yay for new versions12:54
ZummiG777Thanks ochosi - I'll wait.12:55
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
CiemonCan anyone that's running 11.04 tell me if their toolbars have gone in the last day.... and if that's the plan anyway?15:21
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/15:22
CiemonThanks Sysi15:23
Sysialso #ubuntu+115:23
charlie-tcaCiemon: Mine have not gone anywhere15:23
charlie-tca11.04 will have both a top panel and a bottom hidden panel15:23
CiemonI had them.. been running 11.04 for some time, but yesterday that disappeared :)15:24
Ciemonodd, none of those solutions bring them back.15:30
charlie-tcatry alt+f2, xfsettingsd15:36
Ciemonit's running, but nothing seen15:37
aelen_vHow to mount usb sticks on xfce 4  (mythbuntu 10.04)? Xfce Settings did not do anything.17:48
ochosiaelen_v: usually usb-sticks would be shown in thunar and you can mount them with a simple click17:52
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/17:57
likemindeadHmm... Everything in Xubuntu 11.04 was going brilliantly 'til yesterday. :-\17:58
likemindeadOne batch of updates killed my wireless & xserver.17:59
likemindeadThen this morning's updates fixed those issues.17:59
likemindeadBut now my panel is missing.17:59
aelen_vochosi: thanks! :) They are not shown. I can see them by lsusb. lshal indicated hald is not running. "thunar-volman --device-added /dev/sdc1" results in  "Segmentation fault" output.18:00
ochosilikemindead: i think your panel might have been broken by a recent fix (side-effect was breaking existing panel-configs iirc)18:01
ochosiaelen_v: hm, that's kinda weird, well with 10.04 you need hal afaik for that kinda stuff18:01
likemindeadI'm sure they'll sort it out soon. Minor annoyance. I still love me some Xubuntu.18:01
ochosilikemindead: you just have to recreate your panel, that's all18:01
likemindeadI tried "xfce4-panel" in the terminal, but it said it was already running?18:02
aelen_vhow to start hald? sudo service hald start?18:02
ochosilikemindead: are both panels missing or just one?18:03
likemindeadI'd removed the bottom panel right after installing 11.04 days ago, so just the top panel.18:04
ochosiaelen_v: well in fact if hald isn't running that sounds like a problem that's somewhere else because it clearly *should* be running, you can try starting it yourself and see whether that fixes it for now, but it would be good to find out why that happens18:04
ochosilikemindead: hm, maybe you can try a "xfce4-panel --restart" ?18:04
ochosilikemindead: otherwise you could also try to wipe the panel config, that should be somewhere in ~/.config/18:05
likemindeadWill do, thanks ochosi.18:05
aelen_vochosi: Finally, I managed to mount: udisks --mount /dev/sdc1. But why it does not happen automatically as it should according to Xfce Settings?18:09
charlie-tcaochosi: that's at least two people that lost panels in natty and can't get them back,18:10
charlie-tcaafter updating18:10
aelen_vsudo service hald start on resulted in "unrecogized service". So where might the problem be? This is fresh mythbuntu 10.04 install (same happens using Live-CD).18:11
charlie-tcais hald installed?18:18
charlie-tcaIt is correct, too, there is nothing in /etc/init/ or /etc/init.d called hald18:19
aelen_vhal 0.5.14-0ubuntu5 is installed. "sudo service hald start" results in Unrecognized service".18:26
charlie-tcato start a service, doesn't it have to exist in /etc/init as a service?18:28
charlie-tcaaelen_v: maybe ask in #mythbuntu how to start it?18:29
aelen_vcharlie-tca: Thanks everybody. It solved: there was (for me) a strange autologin to "Mythbuntu session" (kind of "do nothing but watch TV" mode), where usb sticks were not able to be mounted by thunar, connecting to internet was not allowed etc. When I logged in to a Xfce session everything works!19:08
mister_mwhat window manager does xubuntu use be default?19:54
mister_mand what is the difference between an xfce session and a xubuntu session19:55
pleia2xubuntu is a whole operating system with a suite of default applications not strictly tied to xfce itself19:55
Unit193pleia2: I think he is talking about the login screen session select19:56
pleia2ah, I see19:56
mister_mpleia2, sorry, yes the session select19:57
pleia2good question, I don't know :)19:57
pleia2try it and see?19:57
Unit193The look differs19:57
mister_mthey look a bit different, thats all I was able to tell19:58
pleia2that's probably it, I assume xfce session is more like classic xfce, where xubuntu has the modifications that the xubuntu team adds to make it arguably easier for new users19:59
mister_mthat makes sense19:59
mister_mdo you guys use any different window managers? I used to use awesome a little bit20:00
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=== thermi is now known as Thermi
cg2916i installed xubuntu and it won't let me log in21:19
knomemister_m, you should always use xubuntu (i don't know the little details), but afaik it might prevent some bugs from happening21:27
Papaaawww.snowlinux.de www.computerhilfe-forum.com www.cfreakz.de www.larstorbenkremer.de22:13
JontyMy window borders aren't showing in xubuntu - I think the window manager's crashed. I would try starting it using run program but I can't type in that either. How do I start it from an ctrl-alt-Fsomething console?23:52
Jontyis is there some other way I can fix it?23:52

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