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coz_ good day all12:18
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dashuavish, I've tried all sorts of widgets/classes for that FF bug with no luck, may need a user .css file to fix it15:42
dashuaIt definitely is fg[INSENSITIVE]15:43
vishdashua: hey, yea.. seems stupid of FF to use a few items under Mozilla namespace and the rest from theme :s15:59
dashuaYeah, I use chromium <3, but FF has been a theming issue for years16:00
vishdashua: chromimum is no better with themes ;p16:01
vishdashua: look at its scrollbar ;p16:01
dashuaHa yeah16:01
vishand the inactive tab is brighter than the active one ;)16:01
dashuaYou check trunk for light-themes?16:02
coz_there are definitly moments during a year when things seems to go backwards or stay at a stand still16:02
dashuaChromium looks quite nice16:02
dashuaThe scrollbar is still an issue16:02
vishdashua: yea, i had those matches already.. :)16:02
dashuaAh nice16:02
vishthorwil: http://www.flickr.com/photos/j_baer/5560807769/in/photostream/ « wow!! the lengths he is going to make it visible in Ubuntu-Gallery.. I doubt if he got permission from Izo; seeing that he has his own flickr profile » http://www.flickr.com/photos/designbyizo/ and izo specifically mentioning that he has no interest in taking part in contests..16:03
* vish shakes head and sods off 16:04
thorwilvish: tell izo, but why tell me? ;)16:05
vishthorwil: nah, just mentioning to you.. the blog is on the planet so if Izo notices let him bother i guess..16:07
coz_oo I sort of like that image16:12
coz_kinda sorta16:12
coz_ is this izo?   http://www.design-by-izo.com/tag/fonts/16:14
coz_older guy/16:14
* vish doesnt know.. 16:15
coz_googling to find out16:16
thorwilcoz_: picture on that page is not him. this is: http://www.design-by-izo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/hex-middrum_sharpened-800-cropped.jpg16:16
coz_ah cool16:17
coz_ah another drummer :)16:17
coz_with a beard lol16:17
coz_my kind of guy16:17
thorwilcoz_: you're a bearded drumming painter? ever combined all 3?16:17
coz_thorwil,  mm  never the painter side to music ,, no :)16:18
thorwilpaint with beard while drumming16:18
coz_ah yes then make a you tube video,, and become famous  :)16:18
coz_i will start each video with "hey tubers"16:19
thorwilif you develop a small fan following first, you can then become a sellout, otherwise that path is closed ;)16:20
coz_I like some of this izo's work16:21
coz_wait a minute,, hey  is this jbaer ??16:22
vishcoz_: are you asking if  izo == jbaer ?16:23
coz_vish,  yeah but apparenlty I am wrong16:23
coz_huh,, i just noticed that stuff on flickr is already copyrighted16:26
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=== Trollington is now known as Islington
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