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tjaaltonuh, so audio doesn't really work when there are more than one users logged on07:37
tjaaltonthe first user can choose which output to use, others not so much07:37
TheMuso`tjaalton: Any of your users in the audio group?07:46
tjaaltonTheMuso`: both07:48
TheMuso`I suggest you remove them from the audio group then.07:48
tjaaltonshouldn't this be handled on upgrades then?-)07:49
TheMuso`Yes, the use of consolekit by pulseaudio means that the audio group only hinders audio working for more than one user.07:49
tjaaltonok, good to know07:49
TheMuso`Its been this way for ages.07:49
tjaaltonthis is an old install07:49
TheMuso`I don't think the policy is to remove users from groups on upgrade.07:49
TheMuso`Or add them etc.07:49
TheMuso`And I am not even sure how one could reliably check for this on upgrade either.07:50
didrocksgood morning07:51
tjaaltonthe janitor-thingy might do it07:51
RAOFdidrocks: Good mornin'07:52
TheMuso`tjaalton: Good thought. I'll put it down as something to investigate next cycle.07:52
tjaaltonTheMuso`: great, thanks07:53
tjaaltonTheMuso`: oh, I know why the users were on those groups.. it's the users and groups admin capplet07:57
TheMuso`Ah yes.07:57
TheMuso`That should be fixed in rrecent Ubuntu versions.07:58
tjaaltonI'll try ;)07:58
tjaaltonto see if it's true07:58
tjaaltondidrocks: unity-window-decorator doesn't want to start on display !:0.0 on the first start, is there a bug filed already?07:59
tjaalton(unity-window-decorator:20170): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.008:00
tjaaltoncompiz --replace fixes that08:00
didrockstjaalton: yeah, it's filed and on the top priority list08:00
tjaaltondidrocks: cool08:00
tjaaltonTheMuso`: nu-uh, still adds the user to the audio-group when I tick the box and apply08:01
TheMuso`tjaalton: Is this natty?08:04
tjaaltonTheMuso`: yes08:04
TheMuso`And what box are you talking about being ticked?08:04
tjaaltonselect the users, click on "additional settings", then "user rights" tab and there select the "can use audio devices" box08:06
TheMuso`Right, that box should go away entirely I think...08:07
tjaaltonand a whole bunch of others08:07
TheMuso`I.e for the moment, that shouldn't even be checked, because everyone can use audio regardless of whether that is checked or not.08:07
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pittiGood morning08:16
TheMuso`Good morning pitti.08:17
didrockshey pitti08:19
didrocksvish: small question, on bug #721121. Shouldn't the icon "user-home" in humanity be the one with the folder drawn?08:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 721121 in humanity-icon-theme "Icon in Launcher should be home folder icon" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72112108:20
vishdidrocks: hi, nope.. :)08:36
didrocksvish: what's the meaning of that lonely icon? ;)08:36
vishdidrocks: i already mentioned on the other bug; but i guess mark is reading only unity bug mail :D08:37
didrocksvish: let me look at the links then08:37
didrocks(still through the 800 messages of unity bugmails this week)08:37
vishdidrocks: in short; user-home being a folder is not important; its the same higher level folder as / or any media08:38
didrocksvish: oh ok, make sense08:38
didrockshum, adding a new desktop file seems to be the only solution08:38
didrocksbryceh: love it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/747014/comments/408:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 747014 in unity "Wanda is gone from unity" [Critical,In progress]08:41
brycehdidrocks, :-)08:56
cdbsrodrigo_: Hi, can I try packaging Gdm 2.91 for the GNOME3 PPA?09:07
cdbsrodrigo_: or have you begun it already?09:07
rodrigo_cdbs, no, please go09:07
rodrigo_cdbs, although 3.0.0 is due today, so wait a bit and package that09:07
cdbsrodrigo_: thanks!09:07
rodrigo_I am doing gnome-tweak-tool now09:07
cdbsrodrigo_: Weren't the tarballs due for tomorrow?09:07
cdbsso that they can release on Wednesdat09:08
rodrigo_cdbs, today at 23:59 UTC09:10
cdbsRiddell: hmm09:10
cdbsRiddell: oops, unping, meant for rodrigo_09:10
rodrigo_cdbs, but yes, I guess you can start doing 2.91.x and then just update to 3.0 when it's done09:11
cdbsrodrigo_: yeah, that's what I am doing already09:11
rodrigo_ok cool09:11
cdbsrodrigo_: though GDM can be a tough task09:11
cdbsits a base thing09:11
* cdbs downloads current gdm deb so that he can deal with failures09:12
rodrigo_cdbs, look at debian, I guess they have already packaged it, so it should be easier09:12
cdbsoh they did? nice!09:12
rodrigo_not sure, check it09:12
* cdbs looks at experimental09:12
cdbsrodrigo_: nope, they didn't09:12
rodrigo_ah :(09:12
cdbsthey have 2.2009:12
cdbstoo old09:12
Laneylook at gdm309:13
cdbsLaney: gdm3 is 2.30, again old09:13
Laneyless old :-)09:13
Laneyanyway, it might make sense if you ask on their irc and coordinate efforts09:14
tjaaltonresizing gnome-terminal doesn't show the terminal size anymore with compiz on natty, but can't find a bug filed against g-t, is it filed elswhere?09:14
rodrigo_cdbs, as you said, gdm is tricky so if you can get help from them, it will be easier for you09:15
cdbsrodrigo_: well, yeah, but most of the tricky part is ubuntu-specific stuff like upstart files and ubuntu patches09:15
rodrigo_cdbs, right09:17
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chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:30
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RAOFchrisccoulson: Aloha!09:35
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF!09:35
RAOFI had something to ask you about the unity freeze you were seeing.  What was it…?09:36
RAOFOh, yes!09:36
RAOFHave you reproduced it with drm.debug=0x01 (as mentioned on the bug)?09:36
chrisccoulsonah, i've not tried it just yet09:37
RAOFIs it still easily reproducible?09:37
chrisccoulsoni'll reboot in a but with that, and see if it happens again today09:37
chrisccoulsonyeah, it happened 4 or 5 times yesterday09:37
chrisccoulsonso i should be able to get the information quite quickly ;)09:37
didrockshum, nautilus and evolution crashing09:37
didrocksok, shouldn't be that, almost no app opens09:38
seb128hey desktopers09:39
seb128didrocks, what did you do to your box?09:39
RAOFchrisccoulson: Handy hint: echo 0x0e | sudo tee /sys/module/drm/parameters/debug09:40
didrocksseb128: something evil… upgrading ;)09:40
didrocksall was going well since morning (for the last 3 hours), then, I decided to upgrade and reboot :)09:40
chrisccoulsonRAOF, thanks!09:41
pittibonjour seb12809:41
seb128hey pitti, how are you?09:41
pittiseb128: pretty well, thanks! the WE was splendid, wholly new feeling to sweat :)09:41
pittiwe had 22 degrees and all sun09:42
RAOFchrisccoulson: That's going to fill the kernel ringbuffer pretty quickly and start eating /var.  Just in case you wonder why you've run out of disk space :)09:42
pittiand I started packing and disassembling furniture09:42
chrisccoulsonRAOF, yeah, i noticed it's quite verbose ;)09:42
seb128weather was great on a saturday here as well09:42
seb128but it was raining yesterday09:42
seb128pitti, when do you move?09:42
pittiseb128: probably around end of April09:43
pittiseb128: we have some appointments for visiting flats now09:43
seb128pitti, oh btw I'm just catching up with emails, that nautilus abort bug... some users said in a duplicate it happens only when liboverlay-scrollbar is installed09:44
pittiseb128: the one comment I saw was having dropbox09:45
didrocksevolution crashed with SIGSEGV in os_pager_move_resize()09:45
seb128it's not dropbox, it's the scrollbars09:45
cassidybcurtiswx, seb128: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=646555 has loads of duplicates. Would be good to cherry pick the fix to the natty package09:45
ubot2Gnome bug 646555 in Contact List "empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in event_manager_add" [Major,Resolved: fixed]09:45
didrocksok, scrollbars, bye09:45
seb128hey cassidy, I was going to check on that today since the retracer has closed quite some duplicates of it recently it seems09:45
seb128didrocks, is that the scrollbars leading to crashes for you?09:46
didrocksseb128: just a guess, all gtk apps seems weirdly crashy…09:46
didrocksan seeing this stack…09:46
didrockslet's have a try09:46
pittiseb128: hm, I don't even see that package -- it's from a PPA?09:47
pittiseb128: oh, is that the new DX shiny scrollbars?09:47
seb128pitti, yes09:47
seb128it's in a ppa and in NEW09:47
seb128pitti, see bug #74855209:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 748552 in ayatana-scrollbar "With liboverlay-scrollbar installed nautilus crashes with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74855209:51
rodrigo_hey seb12809:51
seb128hey rodrigo_09:52
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, didrocks, seb128, did you have a good weekend?09:53
pittihey chrisccoulson, morning rodrigo_09:54
rodrigo_and yes, hi chrisccoulson, pitti, didrocks and all :)09:54
pittichrisccoulson: indeed we had, thanks! was splendid and warm spring weather here09:54
didrockshey chrisccoulson! Excellent, thanks ;) week-end in family, long walks and such ;)09:54
didrockshey rodrigo_09:54
RAOFchrisccoulson: Oh, also on the unity freeze thingy - to give a little more evidence that my hypothesis is correct could you attach gdb to X and check that it's blocked waiting for input rather than in some other point?10:00
seb128didrocks, did you figure what is causing your crashes?10:07
didrocksseb128: yeah, the overlay scrollbar, but I had an old version10:08
didrocksin fact I packaged one of the first version, install them to test, and such10:08
seb128didrocks, ok10:08
didrocksthen, I removed the ppa and switch to natty gtk which didn't load it10:08
didrocksuntil… this upgrade :)10:08
seb128it shows that the gtk update works at least ;-)10:08
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didrocksseb128: yeah, let's tell it that way :p10:13
vishseb128 or didrocks : can you sponsor the compiz SRU debdiffs to -proposed » Bug 438868 ?  (trying to get them in before pitt-i makes his SRU rounds)11:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 438868 in compiz "Numerous applications have focus issues after emerging from a screensaver or suspend" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43886811:02
seb128vish, hey11:02
* vish reminds seb128; chrisccoulson is not a core-dev yet.. make him apply! ;)11:02
seb128compiz should be in the destkop set11:02
chrisccoulsonyeah, it is, but i'm not sure i can upload it in lucid though. i've had trouble uploading lucid SRU's before ;)11:03
seb128well, he has written his wikipage, I need to put a nice comment on there btw11:03
seb128what about just trying?11:03
seb128it should work11:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'll try it in a few minutes11:03
vish thanks.. :)11:03
chrisccoulsonit would be nice to get that fixed, it's driving jo crazy now she's using firefox 4 ;)11:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - did you put your gnome-python-extras package split anywhere? (the one which didn't build)11:15
chrisccoulsoni can try it again and upload it if you like11:15
seb128chrisccoulson, btw should be try to get tracker 0.10 synced from debian or something,11:16
pittichrisccoulson: it's just what is in current bzr, plus http://paste.ubuntu.com/589195/11:16
seb128it seems like that's the sort of things where we should better get the current serie11:16
pitti that seemed the easiest way of disabling a package11:16
pittichrisccoulson: ah, you mean it should build with the updated firefox now?11:16
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i don't mind. i haven't tried it yet (i haven't looked at tracker in ages)11:16
pittichrisccoulson: I uploaded packagekit, that works great now11:16
chrisccoulsonit probably would be good to have though11:16
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i fixed the xulrunner SDK now11:17
chrisccoulsonthanks for uploading packagekit11:17
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chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm just building icedtea-web now (but i can't upload that one)11:17
chrisccoulsondidrocks, ha, i just saw a screenshot from a few weeks ago, and thought that unity has definitely progressed a long way since then: http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.png11:23
didrockschrisccoulson: excellent :)11:24
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, :-)11:24
chrisccoulsonheh :)11:24
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you mind sponsoring http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/icedtea-web/ when you get a few moments please :)11:29
pittichrisccoulson: ooh, sure11:32
pittichrisccoulson: done11:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, thanks11:35
pittiseb128: seems we shouldl make bug 740765 a dupe of 748552 then?11:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 740765 in nautilus "nautilus crash: assertion failed: (NAUTILUS_IS_VIEW (view))" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74076511:35
seb128pitti, I was just waiting for some extra confirmations but if you want to do it now feel free11:35
pittiseb128: ah, ok; let's wait for another confirmation then to be sure11:36
seb128pitti, btw I didn't get to review libscrollbar-overlay in NEW yet so if you have a free slot and want to do it please do11:39
seb128I'm still catching up with the bug emails from the weekend11:39
seb128350 for my desktop box, over the double for unity11:39
pittiseb128: urgh11:42
dpmhi seb128, quick question:11:42
pittiseb128: yeah, I can review it11:42
dpmI was trying to find out why the gdm translations did not get imported, and I think it's because of the fact that they are now imported from bzr upstream branches instead of packages. I've noticed that on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gdm the upstream connection is set to the master branch instead of gnome-2-32. I would have thought someone would have noticed if the link is wrong, but perhaps you guys don't use it at all - how do you use11:42
dpmthe upstream bzr branches?11:42
pittiseb128: more confirmation came in; duplicating now (using the web UI :) )11:45
pittiblergh, timeout error11:45
pittiseb128: I already used https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/740765/+duplicate but that times out as well (as expected -- *all* LP pages time out after 11 s)11:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 740765 in nautilus "nautilus crash: assertion failed: (NAUTILUS_IS_VIEW (view))" [High,Incomplete]11:45
pittididrocks: hm, what's the correct spelling of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/overlay-scrollbar/ubuntu/ ?11:52
pittididrocks: it should also use v3 source format, I'll fix that in bzr (as well as Vcs-Bzr) once I know the project name :)11:52
pittididrocks: oh, ayatana-scrollbar ?11:53
seb128didrocks, right11:53
seb128pitti, right11:53
didrockspitti: v3 source format didn't work with hudson daily build last time I checked11:53
pittiah, thanks11:53
seb128pitti, oh, web ui timeout? duplicate the other way around ;-)11:54
pittididrocks: ok, will keep v1 then and just fix vcs-bzr11:54
didrockspitti: and yes, the project is called ayatana-scrollbar11:54
pittiseb128: how?11:54
didrocksright, thanks ;)11:54
pittiah, Ken already did11:55
* pitti fixes Homepage:11:55
pittiAccepting overlay-scrollbar11:57
pittiseb128: how does "the other way around" work?11:58
seb128pitti, keep the one with a stack of duplicate and close the one with a short list11:58
pittiseb128: ah, ok; I thought more magic :)11:58
seb128no, but you are right, the ui timeout where there is quite some duplicates to reassign11:58
seb128got the issue the other day as well11:58
seb128or just use the lp script if you want, it spam a bit but it's not the end of the world11:59
pittiok, done11:59
didrockspitti: if you get a chance, can you have a look at bug #744104 ?12:06
ubot2Launchpad bug 744104 in unity "Feature Freeze Exception: Animation for Grid Plugin Previews" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74410412:06
davmor2is anyone else not seeing banshee in the sound indicator anymore?12:16
TheMuso`davmor2: Yeah can confirm that here.12:17
davmor2TheMuso`: Thanks.12:17
ogra_TheMuso`, hey12:26
ogra_i got a bunch of patches from TI12:26
ogra_TheMuso`, would you mind taking a look at them ?12:26
TheMuso`ogra_: Can do so tomorrow, if you can point me at them I'12:27
TheMuso`ogra_: Can do so tomorrow, if you can point me at them I'll look then.12:27
ogra_TheMuso`, i'll forward you some mails with explanations from the author, the patches are at http://afuera.cortijodelrio.net/~ddiaz/paucm/12:27
TheMuso`ogra_: ok thanks. Do you want them all to be considered?12:29
chrisccoulsonvish, tut tut, there's already a -0ubuntu16 version of compiz in the archive (in maverick) ;)12:29
ogra_TheMuso`, not sure they are all needed, we better ask the guy from TI working on them, i just forwarded you a mail with explanations from alejandro12:30
TheMuso`ogra_: ok thanks.12:31
TheMuso`Will look tomorrow.12:31
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ogra_thanks, tell me if i can help with anything12:31
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TheMusoogra_: will do, thanks again.12:31
vishchrisccoulson: you mean lucid?12:38
chrisccoulsonvish, no, in maverick. you can't have 2 builds with the same version anywhere ;)12:40
chrisccoulsonthere's also a 15.1 already12:40
vishchrisccoulson: weird, i see only compiz (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9) maverick and compiz (1:0.8.4-0ubuntu15) lucid here » https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz12:40
chrisccoulsonvish - that doesn't show the publishing history ;)12:41
vishweird.. , i just apt-got the source, and i got only version compiz (1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9.1) maverick-proposed  :(12:42
chrisccoulsonand, they've been rejected anyway ;)12:43
chrisccoulsoni can't upload them12:43
chrisccoulsonnever mind!12:43
vishchrisccoulson: so, i need to make a new debdiff with the right version? (-0ubuntu17)12:53
chrisccoulsonvish - -0ubuntu15.212:54
vishok. :)12:54
chrisccoulson(you don't want a version newer than what was uploaded to maverick)12:54
chrisccoulsonvish - then i guess you'll need to subscribe sponsors ;)12:55
vishchrisccoulson: oh! you dont have access for maverick either?12:55
chrisccoulsonvish, no. and neither for natty12:55
chrisccoulsoncompiz is in desktop-core12:55
vishchrisccoulson: dont make me tell seb-128 ! ;p12:56
chrisccoulsoni *can* upload it to dapper though if you like ;)12:56
vishwait! i just noticed that the maverick version was 8.*4*12:57
vishbut this is 8.612:57
vishnope. i'm blind :D12:58
vishor maybe not.. :s .. 1:0.8.4-0ubuntu16 is last maverick that i can see on that link..13:00
vishand then the 8.6 starts in which 1:0.8.6-0ubuntu9.1 seems latest13:02
* vish gives up, subscribes sponsors and lets them yell at me :)13:03
* rodrigo__ lunch13:04
dpmhey seb128, I'm not sure you saw my question earlier on: <dpm> I was trying to find out why the gdm translations did not get imported, and I think it's because of the fact that they are now imported from bzr upstream branches instead of packages. I've noticed that on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gdm the upstream connection is set to the master branch instead of gnome-2-32. I would have thought someone would have noticed if the link is wr13:11
dpmong, but perhaps you guys don't use it at all - how do you use the upstream bzr branches?13:11
seb128dpm, did you check with danilo? I though they didn't turn on upstream import for Ubuntu yet?13:12
seb128or that they would make it an optin on sources you have to ask to be imported13:12
seb128dpm, we don't use the upstream imports13:12
seb128dpm, I though launchpad was not supporting imports from != trunk anyway?13:12
dpmseb128, danilo no longer works on translations after the squad reorg in Launchpad, only henninge from the old team works on a translations feature right now. They have turned upstream imports now - but that's a good point, I'll check if it supports imports from branches other than trunk13:13
seb128dpm, right but he might still know what's going on there13:14
seb128dpm, when you say translations didn't get imported are those .po from the tarball or template?13:15
dpmseb128, I know, I was just pointing out. It seemed to me that the translations from the .po files did not get imported13:16
seb128dpm, do you have any example of string wrong or missing?13:16
dpmseb128, yeah, any of these: https://translations.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gdm/+pots/gdm/ca/+translate?show=untranslated (giving you the staging.lp.net link which contains an older copy of the database, as on production I fixed it for Catalan by manually importing the translations)13:19
dpmby manually importing the upstream translations, I mean13:20
dpmAny of the untranslated ones in that URL are present (and completed) upstream, but don't seem to make it to LP through package uploads13:22
seb128dpm, hum ok, yeah you need a launchpad guy there, I've no clue about that, at last UDS danilo told me that upstream imports would be opt in and not turned on before checking with us and using some testcases first13:23
seb128we didn't request those to be on for gdm in any case13:24
dpmseb128, yeah, I'll check with the lp guys, I was just asking you to know which use you made of the upstream branches first13:24
seb128let me know what you figure13:24
seb128I'm curious now ;-)13:24
dpmwill do :-)13:24
didrocksmaking some session tests, brb :)13:25
nessitahello everyone!13:36
nessitahi dpm, I was wondering if you can confirm if this https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/translate-volumes/+merge/55989 requires a UI freeze13:36
dpmhola nessita, let me have a look...13:37
nessitadpm: I'm adding a new ui file for translation, that I dumbly forgot to add sooner :-(13:38
nessitadpm: but it only adds a new string: "Sync locally?"13:38
dpmnessita, that should be fine. Generally fixing strings that were untranslatable is not a problem. But if you could just send an e-mail to ubuntu-translators@ and ubuntu-doc@ with a heads up so that they know that there are new things to translate, that'd be great13:39
nessitadpm: thank you very much! I can send an email, no problem13:40
dpmnessita, excellent, thanks!13:40
dpmseb128, I haven't found any translations people around yet to answer the question on imports, but on the related question whether upstream imports other than the main branch are supported: for git, they are not, but they soon will be, according to jelmer -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/589239/13:41
seb128dpm, ok13:41
seb128hey nessita13:41
nessitahey seb128! how are you?13:42
cdbsrodrigo__: gdm ported successfully, just that it isn't using the Adwaita theme for some reason13:42
cdbsrodrigo__: its using the old fallback theme with ugly Windows 98 buttons13:43
seb128nessita, I'm fine thanks, how are you?13:43
seb128cdbs, gdm ported to what?13:43
nessitaseb128: pretty good, currently on buenos aires on a desktop+ sprint13:43
cdbsseb128: not ported, updated13:43
seb128nessita, oh, nice ;-)13:43
cdbsseb128: gdm 2.91.9413:44
seb128cdbs, you managed to port the stack of patches to the new codebasE?13:44
cdbsseb128: yeah, though it required a headache of work13:44
seb128I can imagine so13:44
cdbsmany seemed to have been accepted upstream13:44
seb128does it require the new accountservice now?13:44
cdbsseb128: yeah13:45
cdbsit uses libaccountsservice13:45
seb128you managed to port gdmsetup to that?13:45
cdbsseb128: yeah, magically I changed configure.ac to build it with gtk3 and it build successfully13:45
cdbsand right now I am running a GNOME3 session booted using the version of gdm I just built13:45
seb128ok, weird that gdmsetup didn't need porting to use the accountservice13:46
seb128you are sure it's working as it should?13:46
cdbsseb128: yes it is, but I can't be sure about what happened during the build; whether gdmsetup built properly or not13:46
cdbsseb128: My packaging isn't suitable for the PPA, it would require more pairs of experienced eyes before it enters te PPA13:47
cdbsseb128: the built GDM is in ppa:bilalakhtar/gnome-builds13:47
cdbsyou are sure to find a ton of mistakes in it13:48
cdbsbut it still worked, magically13:48
* bcurtiswx waves to room14:02
* alex3f waves back to bcurtiswx14:03
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seb128hey bcurtiswx14:04
bcurtiswxhey seb128, is anyone backporting the patch mentioned in bug #74853514:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 748535 in empathy "empathy crashed with SIGSEGV in event_manager_add" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74853514:04
seb128you? ;-)14:04
bcurtiswxseb128, can do, just making sure i'm not performing a futile action14:05
seb128go for it14:05
bcurtiswxOK :)14:05
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davmor2kenvandine: Gwibber lens doesn't seem to be doing anything for me,  is there something I'm meant to do once it's installed?  (By nothing I mean there are no quick menus, no tweets/fb entries shown etc)14:10
kamstrupdavmor2: does normal gwibber work for you?14:13
JanCdavmor2: do other lenses do anything (here none of them work, currently...  :P )14:14
davmor2kamstrup: Yeap14:14
kenvandine_davmor2, having trouble with the gwibberlense?14:14
kamstrupdavmor2: have you restarted unity (or fx. logged out/in)?14:14
davmor2kamstrup: I rebooted14:14
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davmor2kenvandine_: indeed nothing shows up, no quick menus, if I type in a name that is in a recent tweet nothing shows up etc14:15
kenvandinekamstrup, i noticed a pretty weird problem... installing the lense on a box that has never had it installed before is "odd"14:15
kenvandinedavmor2, have you logged out twice?14:16
kenvandinekamstrup, i witnessed it 2 machines... had to logout and login 2 times before it populate the sections and the menus14:16
kenvandinewhich just seems impossible14:17
davmor2kenvandine: nope only once after I installed it,  I can reboot again if you'd like14:17
kenvandinekamstrup, just restarting the service doesn't do it14:17
kenvandineit is like the rendering side is confused14:17
kenvandinedavmor2, please do14:17
davmor2one second14:17
kamstrupkenvandine: that can only happen if the daemon somehow keeps running and is in a bad state to begin with14:18
kamstrupkenvandine: is there maybe a headless login on the same user account or somethhing?14:18
kenvandinekamstrup, is it possible that i am doing something out of order or something... so the first time it runs it doesn't get the model right14:18
kamstrupkenvandine: if you log out and log back in it should always work...14:18
kenvandinekamstrup, i reproduced it on 2 fresh installs14:18
kamstrupkenvandine: and then after that you never see it again?14:19
kenvandinenever again14:19
kenvandinedoes it do the on disk caching thing?14:19
kenvandinekamstrup, note: it isn't just that it isn't displaying results from gwibber... but it isn't populating the quicklists either14:21
kenvandineuntil the second restart14:21
kamstrupkenvandine: not unless you use the Dee.ResourceManager (which the unity-place-python example does not)14:21
kenvandinemine doesn't14:21
kenvandinethe renderer does seem to do some caching14:21
kenvandineit always has the last set of results14:21
davmor2kenvandine: Nope, however compiz crashed which triggered unity to restart and then everything showed up :)14:21
kenvandinewhich is awesome14:22
kenvandinedavmor2, so now it is working?14:22
davmor2kenvandine: it is now indeed14:22
kamstrupkenvandine: Unity does "caching" in the sense that all the models are *shared* so they exists both locally on unity and on the daemon and are automagically kept in sync14:22
kamstrupkenvandine: and even if the daemon stops unity will still keep the model as it is14:23
kamstrupkenvandine: and when the daemon comes back up the models will be synced back into the daemon (from unity)14:23
kenvandinekamstrup, so maybe a race condition setting up the model?14:23
kamstrupkenvandine: could be, but if you restart or log out nothing should be cached14:23
kenvandinekamstrup, i had assumed it was caching on disk since once it works once, it always works reliably14:24
kenvandineit is just that first run14:24
* kenvandine tries to reproduce in a guest session14:25
kamstrupkenvandine: no disk caching14:26
kenvandinekamstrup, ok, easy to reproduce in a guest session14:27
kamstrupyou only get that if you explicitly do it yourself14:27
kenvandinekamstrup, so start a guest session14:27
kenvandineadd a gwibber account14:28
kenvandinetry then lens14:28
kenvandineit'll be empty and no sections14:28
kenvandinesetsid unity14:28
kenvandineand like magic the lens works14:28
kenvandinekamstrup, it is very puzzling... :)14:28
kenvandinekamstrup, it doesn't even get the sections model14:29
kenvandinekamstrup, yeah, you can reproduce it even without adding a gwibber account14:30
kenvandineyou'll notice there are no sections in the quicklist14:30
kenvandinebut if you "setsid unity"14:30
kenvandinethey show up14:30
kamstrupkenvandine: lol, sorry dude, works perfectly here :-)14:30
kenvandinesigh :-D14:30
kenvandinedo you have the ppa version?14:31
kenvandinemaybe it is something i broke :)14:31
bcurtiswxkenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.34.0-0ubuntu2/+merge/56161 when you get some free time14:33
kenvandinekamstrup, try again14:33
kenvandineout of 5 attempts in a guest session it worked twice for me14:34
kenvandineso gotta be a race14:34
kenvandinebcurtiswx, sure14:35
kenvandinekamstrup, ok... this is getting freaking weird by the minute14:37
kenvandineafter a bunch of attempts in a guest session it is working everytime14:37
kenvandinebut adding a new user and logging in it fails the first time14:38
kenvandinebut the guest session gets cleaned up each time!14:38
kenvandineanyway, it does make it seem like a race condition, which of course can be unpredictable :)14:39
JanCisn't it possible to put windows back on the right workspace after a unity/compiz crash?14:44
seb128JanC, no, that's compiz which has the infos about those14:49
seb128so when it crashes it get a clean state14:49
seb128well it would be possible I guess but time is better spent on fixing the crashers ;-)14:49
JanCseb128: it seems to remember some of it, as it puts the workspaces in a different order, and then moves the windows slightly such that they end up partly off-screen14:51
rodrigo__cdbs, I think it's because we change the gsettings-desktop-schemas package to have another default theme14:53
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cdbsrodrigo_: oh thanks for figuring it out14:53
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cdbsrodrigo_: so, what is to blame for that? gdm or gsettings-desktop-schemas?14:59
rodrigo_cdbs, well, the problem is that we should set gsettings-desktop-schemas to use a default theme that we ship15:09
rodrigo_cdbs, so if we indeed have a patch in g-d-s to change the them, it's g-d-s' fault15:09
rodrigo_cdbs, can you check if that's the problem?15:09
cdbsrodrigo_: I apt-get sourced the g-d-s package and I found it to be setting Adwaita as the default theme15:10
cdbsrodrigo_: That seemed to be for the whole interface15:10
cdbsrodrigo_: I couldn't find a GDM-specific key for it15:10
cdbsrodrigo_: leave it, I am not uploading gdm to the GNOME3 ppa right now, I just left it in my own ppa, I'll see after the final release15:12
cdbswhere final release is GNOME 3 final release15:12
bcurtiswxkenvandine, thx for the merge15:13
rickspencer3hey all15:14
* bcurtiswx waves at rickspencer3 15:14
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, seb128, pitti, etc...15:14
rickspencer3it's beta 1 plus a few days, what's the work ont he street?15:14
seb128hey rickspencer315:15
rodrigo_cdbs, hmm, ok, I thought we had a patch15:15
pittihey rickspencer3, back home?15:15
rodrigo_cdbs, and afaik, gdm should be using the default, so not sure who to blame now then15:15
cdbsrodrigo_: /me scans accross GDM source code to see how its determining the theme15:15
seb128rickspencer3, lot of bug feedback over launchpad during the weekend, having reading though most of it desktop seems solid, unity seems quite stable now but lot of small issues15:16
rickspencer3pitti, yeah, got back yesterday evening15:16
rickspencer3seb128, do you think unity is going to be ready to ship by beta 2?15:16
rickspencer3seb128, I mean, what's your gut feel?15:16
pittiit's still very crashy15:16
pittibut I think it'll be good, if they keep the current bug fix pace15:16
seb128pitti, is it?15:17
pittiseb128: not for you?15:17
pittiit's a lot better than in beta-1, though15:18
seb128pitti, I didn't get any crash for 3 weeks out of stress testing it to make it crash which worked once15:18
seb128rickspencer3, seems fine to ship to me, it's not like we ever have a bug free product15:18
rickspencer3the only time I get any kind of instability is when I am in multi-mon15:18
didrockspitti: if it's very crashy, please tell us, we have very few crashes since last update15:27
pittididrocks: I'll apport it the next time it goes boom15:28
didrocksthanks :)15:28
seb128mvo, bug #74293515:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 742935 in aptdaemon "aptd crashed with OSError in release(): [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74293515:32
seb128mvo, that one got several recent duplicate15:32
mvoseb128: thanks, I check it out15:33
seb128mvo, there is another one about unicode error but it's on the natty list so I guess it's on your list right?15:33
seb128bug #730643 as well15:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 730643 in software-properties "software-properties-gtk crashed with Error in setlocale(): unsupported locale setting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73064315:34
seb128not sure if it's a pitti thing due to the gi port though15:35
mvoseb128: the aptdaemon unicode one I have a branch ready15:35
mvoI had hoped that glatzor is able to have a look, but if he dosn't in the next days I will merge/upload15:35
pittiseb128, mvo: I can have a look at the s-p-g crash15:36
seb128pitti, that would be great thanks, doesn't seem to be gi related but it started this cycle15:36
seb128or it's frequent nowadays for some reason15:36
pittiseb128: coudl be related to more detailled locale setting in gdm15:36
seb128pitti, btw I've a go at fixing the retracers15:37
pittiseb128: argh, they crashed again?15:37
pittiwhat is it this time?15:37
seb128the amd64 without a reason, I restarted it and it's going through python duplicate fine still15:37
seb128the i386 one crashes on ['apt-get', '-y', '--allow-unauthenticated', 'dist-upgrade']15:38
seb128I'm logging in manually to see what fails to upgrade15:38
seb128pitti, it's the udev upgrade which breaks it15:40
pittiah, needs set -e removed from the postinst again15:41
seb128pitti, well I usually just rm the postinst15:42
seb128that's not like those were boxes that need to start or have a working udev ;-)15:42
seb128dobey, hi, we got another g-s-d crash bug from natty due to the quota dialog15:51
seb128dobey, do you think you can work on it before natty?15:52
dobeyseb128: ok15:53
seb128dobey, thanks15:53
dobeyseb128: i think we are going to remove that part of the plug-in, in favor of other integration points with unity15:57
seb128dobey, if you could just drop a comment on the bug from the other day to say you will work on it that would be nice since the submitter since quite responsive and sort of corporate user with landscape support15:57
seb128dobey, ok, I'm find either way, as long as g-s-d stops crashing and that the submitter see that we are taking care of the issue ;-)15:58
dobeyseb128: right, yes, i will fix it today even.15:58
seb128dobey, great, thanks15:59
chrisccoulsonpitti - i just reviewed https://code.launchpad.net/~psusi/ubuntu/natty/upower/sleep/+merge/54093, but you should probably have overall authority on that. you might want to take a look at it at some point16:07
dobeyseb128: so there's a couple g_return_if_fail_warning crashes i see in g-s-d filed under ubuntuone. but it looks like it's crashing in libc or in glib maybe16:08
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seb128doh, mvo is making the retracer life hard ;-)16:27
seb128dobey, do you have examples?16:31
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dobeyseb128: bug #74475816:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 744758 in ubuntuone-client "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74475816:34
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dobeyseb128: it seems to be crashing in vasprintf internals, which is a bit weird16:34
seb128dobey, could be a corruption issue16:35
seb128dobey, or an invalid translation16:35
seb128like not using the right format16:35
pittichrisccoulson: I'm aware of it, thanks16:42
seb128pitti, seems quite some users ran into #71386316:43
seb128it's jockey crash16:43
dobeyseb128: sorry, broken wifi toggle button on this laptop16:44
seb128sorry guys, I've been doing some duplicate counting in the retracer log to see frequent python crashers16:44
pittiseb128: thanks, assigned to me16:45
pittiseb128: no need to be sorry; I'm so glad that you do this kind of urgent bug review!16:45
seb128it's just mvo who hates me after it because he has some of the most frequent ones ;-)16:45
seb128mvo, #728713 is a s-c one16:46
pittiwell, hate isn't proportional to frequency, but to difficulty :) (for developers anyway)16:46
seb128bug #736507 as well16:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 736507 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _convert_struct(): 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 100: ordinal not in range(128)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73650716:48
mvothanks seb12816:51
seb128mvo, sorry for spamming you ;-)16:51
bcurtiswxcassidy, how would I get a subscription request box to pop up?  I'm testing a fix to gnome bug #64665416:54
ubot2Gnome bug 646654 in Contact List "Empathy subscription request dialog box should be more helpful" [Trivial,New] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64665416:54
chrisccoulsonseb128, i have a patch for the gsd/u1-plugin crasher17:31
chrisccoulsonit also makes g-s-d actually shut down properly17:31
chrisccoulson(it just spins the CPU for ages on shutdown atm)17:31
seb128chrisccoulson, nice, tell dobey when he's back17:33
seb128chrisccoulson, the quota crasher?17:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - bug 74475817:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 744758 in ubuntuone-client "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74475817:34
seb128oh, that one17:35
seb128nice catch17:35
seb128sorry we discussed 2 issues earlier and I was still set on the other one17:35
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that one has been an issue for ages, but i never actually sat down to investigate it properly17:36
chrisccoulsoni'm sure it's a problem on maverick too17:36
seb128the bug is a lucid one...17:36
chrisccoulsonit stops gsd from quitting properly too17:36
seb128so it's likely an issue since at least lucid17:36
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chrisccoulsonbrb, i need to restart xchat now i've been playing with g-s-d ;)17:41
chrisccoulsonthat's better :)17:43
chrisccoulsoni don't have an xchat window that looks like it came from the 1970s now17:43
kenvandineseb128, i fixed bug 746962, looks like it was a copy paste of the bug i fixed in 73931917:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 746962 in indicator-me "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGABRT in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74696217:50
seb128kenvandine, right, that's what I assumed when I read it, thanks17:50
kenvandineseb128, i reviewed the rest of the service, only other g_error is if we can't get on the bus at all17:50
seb128chrisccoulson, the theming issue is fixed in gtk3 it seems17:51
seb128chrisccoulson, i.e applications not picking up the theme correctly17:51
seb128kenvandine, ok great17:51
seb128kenvandine, do you know why the username fetching fails for those btw? what will be displayed instead?17:52
kenvandineso should be good17:53
kenvandinei can't reproduce the failure17:54
kenvandinebut it'll be an empty string17:54
kenvandineactually, it'll just never set_label17:55
kenvandineset_text on the label rather17:55
kenvandinesame for the status icon, it just won't set it17:56
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pittigood night everyone!18:34
didrocksgood night pit18:41
* didrocks can't type anymore18:41
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davmor2kenvandine: I have one issue with the gwibber-lens it's not obvious which order the posts are in.  Does it go down the columns left to right or along the rows left to right?18:56
davmor2kenvandine: the issue is only raised because in gwibber you go down the column rather than across.  It is still pretty cool though :)18:57
kenvandineyeah... i have the same complaint18:59
kenvandinedavmor2, unfortunately i can't control that, the renderer does18:59
kenvandineleft to right does feel weird for this18:59
kenvandinedavmor2, i am hoping to convince njpatel to create a single column version of the render19:00
kenvandinedavmor2, i suspect there will be bribing involved at UDS :)19:00
davmor2kenvandine: get him drunk to the point where he'll say yeah to anything record it then dub the question in before, then he has to he said yeah :D19:02
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tedgIs there a way to find out what version of indicator-appmenu this stack trace aligns with?  bug 73856119:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 738561 in indicator-appmenu "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73856119:59
chrisccoulsondobey, did you see the patch on bug 744758?20:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 744758 in ubuntuone-client "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_return_if_fail_warning()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74475820:27
dobeychrisccoulson: no not yet.20:28
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dobeychrisccoulson: hrmm. weird. are you going to propose an upstream branch for that?20:30
chrisccoulsondobey, yeah, can do20:30
dobeychrisccoulson: great, thanks20:33
bcurtiswxcassidy, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64665420:39
ubot2Gnome bug 646654 in Contact List "Empathy subscription request dialog box should be more helpful" [Trivial,New]20:39
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nagappan_in #ubuntu-testing, I asked patrickmw the following info, pasting here, can someone help us ?21:14
nagappan_nagappan_> patrickmw, okay, the reason I ask is, in VMware Workstation, we have Unity functionality, where the guest window will appear as on of the host application window21:14
nagappan_<nagappan_> patrickmw, in Ubuntu 11.04 I don't see the menu in this window21:14
nagappan_<nagappan_> patrickmw, if we can enable / disable the menu bar at run-time, that will be nice ;-)21:14
nagappan_patrickmw suggested me to check here, thanks patrickmw :-)21:14
SpamapSIn Unity sometimes I swear the launcher just stays visible and won't go away.22:03
SpamapSI have to close or open a program to make it slide back away22:04
SpamapSam I crazy?22:04
AmpelbeinSpamapS: I have the same problem, so we are crazy together \o/22:04
Ampelbeinit seems to have something to do with clicking launcher then switching to another window without waiting for the program to load.22:05
SpamapSHmm that doesn't seem to do it for me.22:07
Ampelbeinit's not always happening for me, so maybe it's only a coincidence.22:09
SpamapSI can't put a finger on when it stays stuck.. but when its stuck its very annoying because its not clear how to make it go away. :-P22:09
nagappan_patrickmw, can I ping someone is specific ?23:07
nagappan_patrickmw, found something interesting online, but this requires to be changed before any app started or restart the system - http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html23:10
nagappan_patrickmw, not at runtime23:10
patrickmwnagappan_, nice.  try asking the guy who wrote the blog :)23:12
nagappan_patrickmw, finding some more useful info here - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationMenu23:12
patrickmwnagappan_, I really don't know the answer, so you may want to ask again23:13
nagappan_patrickmw, sure23:13
nagappan_patrickmw, np23:13
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nagappanis there a way to disable the appmenu at run-time ? rather than before starting the app ?23:25
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