=== Robdgreat_ is now known as Robdgreat === Robdgreat_ is now known as Robdgreat === Robdgreat is now known as Robdgreat_ === Robdgreat_ is now known as Robdgreat [11:40] freenode y u no fail less [19:45] Robdgreat: updating kernels :) [19:46] multiple times in a day? >.> [19:46] also, looks like freenode was having issues: [19:46] 23:16:44 [Freenode] -Martinp23(martinp23@freenode/staff/martinp23)- [Global Notice] Hi folks! As you'll have noticed, we've been having some connectivity problems tonight. We're working on patching things together just now. Any further updates are likely to be delivered through wallops - go /umode +w to see them. Thanks! [19:46] Day changed to 04 Apr 2011 [19:47] fair enough [19:47] I was just teasing [19:48] then I ate my words, because I did the same thing you were doing last night - disconnected 2 or 3 times [22:40] like that ^ teehee [22:41] * bts3685|vps duct tapes r2d2rogers in place [22:42] nah, that's a split [22:42] when you were dropping it said Client closed connection [22:42] ah. i wasn't around when i got d/c'd, so i wasn' sure :)