
danilosgmb, hi, do you perhaps know how to get the return value of a method with named_post? I get "undefined" for addBugSubscriptionFilter, and I need the newly created filter10:00
gmbdanilos: Hmm, that's odd. Maybe the return type needs to be declared somehow. It should just work. Hang on, let me take a look.10:02
danilosgmb, thanks10:02
danilosgmb, I guess it returns stuff in the 'on.success' handler instead10:04
danilosgmb, so, my error in thinking it might be serializing stuff for me10:04
gmbdanilos: Ah, yes! Sorry, I was thinking about when calling the webservice in Python :)10:04
gmbdanilos: It might be the second or third parameter passed to the success handler.10:06
gmbOr I may be thinking of what happens when you call .patch().10:06
gmb(This should be more straightforward)10:06
gmbdanilos: Oddly, I can't find a good example of us doing a named_post and getting something back from it.10:08
gmbAt least not in the bugs JS.10:08
danilosgmb, yeah, neither could I and I even tried grepping through entire lib/lp :)10:09
gmbBoldly going where no dev has gone before...10:09
gmbdanilos: So, it might be that if you have something like:10:09
danilosgmb, we mostly do it in on.success it seems, it's just non-obvious to someone just diving into this JS stuff10:09
gmbsuccess_handler(some_param, some_other_param) {...}10:10
danilosgmb, I was just thinking named_post might be hiding that from me10:10
danilosyeah, it gets the returned stuff as the first parameter afaict10:10
gmbAh, cool.10:10
gmbBut yeah, completely non-obvious.10:10
gmbgary_poster: Morning. Your branch can now land; my DB patch is now on db-devel after some testfix tomfoolery this morning.13:07
gary_posteryay, gmb!  that must mean we are out of release...thingy too13:07
gary_posterSo I'll land my branch13:07
gary_posteroh, and what about the api branch?13:08
gmbgary_poster: It's working through PQM now.13:08
gary_posterI'll make my UI MP after that13:08
gmbIn fact, it's now on db-deve.13:08
gary_posterwoo hoo13:08
gary_posterOK, I'll get started on all that in a mo13:08
gary_posterhow goes the bug 1 hang thing?13:08
_mup_Bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share <iso-testing> <ubuntu> <Clubdistro:Confirmed> <Computer Science Ubuntu:Invalid by compscibuntu-bugs> <EasyPeasy Overview:Invalid by ramvi> <GNOME Screensaver:Won't Fix> <Ichthux:Invalid by raphink> <JAK LINUX:Invalid> <The Linux OS Project:In Progress> <metacity:In Progress> <OpenOffice:In Progress by lh-maviya> <Tabuntu:Invalid by tinarussell> <Tivion:Invalid by shakaran> <Tv-Player:New> <Ubunt13:08
gary_postermy question was, why is that code being called at all?13:09
gmbgary_poster: I haven't had chance to dig around much on it today; I've been OCR this morning. However, the review queue is for now quiescent, so I hope to have an answer to that question in the next hour or two.13:10
gary_posterack gmb.  you started that before my suggestion to only start things that you think you can finish in 2 hours, but maybe you can divide this up into diagnosis and such, so that if you diagnose this, you can record the results somewhere and move to something else if necessary.13:13
gmbgary_poster: I started it because it was on the board and annoying me :). I need to perhaps think twice about scratching my own itches when they're complicated itches.13:14
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb: just wanted to let you know that HR has all of my reviews, so if I'm called away for baby duty, all that is taken care of.  bac, Sarah said she would enter yours for me from the text doc I gave her because of the technical issues we discussed.13:26
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb: please make sure kanban board is up to date within 2 minutes13:26
gary_posterwe will have our call in 413:26
* gary_poster looking at board13:29
gmbgary_poster: mumble or skype?13:31
danilosmumble still doesn't work for me :(13:31
gary_posterskype please gmb, all13:31
gary_posterdanilo you are not logged in :-P13:31
danilosgary_poster, but I am! :)13:31
gary_posterheh ok skype lies a lot13:32
daniloshaven't actually logged out since yesterday, skype is sometimes slow13:32
gmbgary_poster: Please call again.13:32
gary_postergmb, my ui branch is 814 line diff.  I can split it up into 100+ line python and 600+ line JS if you like, or just throw it at you13:41
gary_posterwhat do you prefer?13:41
gmbgary_poster: Just give me the whole thing; simpler than splitting it up and after 2000 line diffs a couple of weeks back 814 lines is a cakewalk.13:42
gary_poster:-) ok thanks gmb13:42
danilosgary_poster, also, epiphany has started to crash quite often for me, which hasn't helped with my debugging efforts, enough that I switched to firefox and chromium13:44
gary_posterack :-/13:45
gmbgary_poster: So far as I can tell, the reason that parent messages are looked up is "because that's the default behaviour." However, I can find no test to reference *why* it's the default behaviour, and indeed the default on IBug is for include_parents=False, where as on the model it's True. I've changed the model to match the interface and I'm running it through EC2 to see what flies off.13:49
gmbThis might be one of those it-made-sense-in-2005 things.13:50
gmbI don't know.13:50
bacgary_poster: did the storm blow y'all away last night?13:53
danilosbtw, how does one get a user URL for a team object? filter.subscriber_url is calculated in the view directly :/13:54
gary_posterbac, yeah it was crazy!  not too many new branches on the ground13:54
bacgary_poster: not actually bad here.  the weather radio kept going off talking about tornadoes next door in alamance county13:54
gary_posterthe sound was the craziest thing here13:55
gary_posterdanilos I did it that way because I didn't know :-/13:55
gary_poster(you mean Python view class I think, yeah, and you want it done in the JS)13:55
gary_posterbac, benji, gmb, if you have any wisdom for danilos, please share :-)13:58
danilosit seems simplest to parse team.link (which is an API link) but that's _very_ broken; round-trip to server sucks as well, though I don't even know what would I get that way13:59
benjiI don't have anything off the top of my head.13:59
gmbI can't think of anything that's not "parse team.link"14:00
benjiyeah, pulling stuff out of API links and reconstituing a new link sounds bad14:00
gary_postertry deryck as last resort, then go for it :-/14:01
benjiIf you know at page render time that you'll need the link, you can stuff it into LP.cache for use on the client side14:01
gary_posteryeah, that's what we do for the other stuff, but this is for the dynamic add story, so no such luck14:19
gary_posterdanilos, what about changing the LP.cache collection of teams to include links?14:20
gary_posteras constructed by code in lib/lp/bugs/browser/structuralsubscription.py14:20
gary_posterthe team thing is a constrained set14:21
gary_posterand we are already iterating for names14:21
gary_posterso you could include the link14:21
danilosgary_poster, yeah, probably the best option14:21
gary_posterbenji, is there a LP-preferred way to run the Crockford JS linter?14:22
benjigary_poster: not that I know of; I've been using jslint.com14:23
gary_posterack, thanks benji14:23
bacgary_poster: doing QA i've discovered a problem i'm looking into.  the overlay is being rendered in the page on the bugs root:  https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/firefox14:29
gary_posterbac, argh, good catch14:30
gary_postergmb, damn, I have to run, and didn't finish MP prep (got caught in lint)14:40
gary_posterwill be back in a few hours14:40
benjibac: I believe we want the new subscription feature flag rule in production, right?14:41
bacbenji: don't know14:42
baci don't see what it would hurt as long it is team:yellow14:42
bachi gmb, in structural-subscription.js we're using Y.fail...but it errors "Y.fail is not a function"16:00
baci assume we need to add something to our 'requires' but i don't know what16:01
bacit is part of the test package.  is that even appropriate to use in production code?16:01
gmbbac: I thought it was part of "base"16:03
bacgmb: ok.  we're not using 'base'.  i'll add it and see16:03
bacgmb: nope, base doesn't help.  where should we look to find a definitive answer in the docs?16:06
gmbbac: Urr. I don't know. I just tend to dig around in http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/ until I find what I need to know.16:07
gmbbac: Although just looking, and the only refereces I can find to Y.fail() seem to involve tests...16:08
bacfilebug_dupefinder.js uses it16:08
bacbenji did you add the use of Y.fail() to structural-subscription.js?16:08
benjibac: yep16:09
bacbenji: so it doesn't seem to work16:09
benjiit was suggested in a review16:09
bacbenji: who was the reviewer?16:13
benjihmm, let me look16:13
benjihmm, there has to be a good way to find that MP16:24
benjibac: found it! https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~yellow/launchpad/accordion-client-1/+merge/5471516:27
bachah!  it was gmb!16:27
bachow very circular16:27
bacso, i cannot figure out where Y.fail comes from.16:28
bacit seems to be for tests, at least the docs imply that16:29
bacwe have it in a number of places in production code16:29
bacgmb: has something odd happened with filebug_dupefinder.js?  it uses Y.fail so i was trying to exercise it on lp.dev and get16:31
bacNotFound: Object: <zope.browserpage.metaconfigure.IcingFolder object at 0xe454e0c>, name: u'filebug-dupefinder.js'16:31
gmbbac: Not AFAIK. Have you tried cleaning and rebuilding?16:32
bacyes, many many times16:32
bacvery odd16:32
benjifrom my reading of the YUI docs, it doesn't seem like .fail is for tests but a shortcut way to raise an assertion error16:33
danilosgary_poster, I am out now, but the branch is in a state where everything works (I've fixed a few bugs not related to this branch, but not all: eg. when you remove the final filter, the subscription listing still remains)16:37
danilosgary_poster, https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/add-subscription-link/+merge/5639216:37
danilosgary_poster, no tests yet at all, it's been hard enough getting it to a state like this, so I'll tackle that tomorrow morning16:37
danilosgary_poster, cheers16:38
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gmbbenji: Could you quickly review https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bug-1-timeout/+merge/56407 for me?17:52
gmb(12 lines of diff, 1 line changed)17:52
benjigmb: sure17:53
benjigmb: done17:56
gary_posterdanilos, ack, thanks18:01
gary_postergmb, you are out about now, yeah?  or do you have one more hour?18:02
gmbgary_poster: I'm at EoD now, but I've been AFK for a bit longer than I intended this afternoon so I'll be around for a while to make up the time. I'm still happy to review your branch.18:03
gary_posterawesome gmb thanks.  I'll try to get it ready for you quickly then18:04
gary_postergmb, took me long enough, sorry18:40
gary_posterdiff is being generated now18:40
gmbNo worries.18:40
gmbI'll take a look shortly18:40
gary_posterended up being < 800 lines after all18:40
* gary_poster feels like taking a nap, more than anything else :-/18:44
bacso long shipit!18:46
bacwho gets the honor of ripping the final bits out of our code base?18:47
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benjibac: do you want to review the "bug includes link to subscription page" MP?19:17
bacbenji: is it short?  if i can do it in a few minutes i can do it now otherwise it'll have to wait until after i go to the dentist19:18
benjibac: yeah, pretty small; 88 lines and half of that are the tests19:18
bacsure, i'll do it now19:19
gmbgary_poster: r=me, but you need to add some comments to the tests you've added in lib/lp/registry/javascript/tests/test_structural_subscription.js19:23
gmbAnd also to test_muted_team_member_subscription, now that I come to look back.19:24
gary_postergmb, cool.  Just top-level comments at beginning, or others in addition?19:24
gary_posterand thank you19:24
gmbgary_poster: Just explanatory ones at the beginning of the test stating the expected behaviour.19:24
gary_postercool, will do19:25
gary_posterhave a nice evening19:25
bacbenji: if you update your pocket-lint 'make lint' will probably work19:31
bacunfortunately i think you have to use curtis' PPA to get the latest working copy19:31
benjibac: I don't know if I'm using Curtis' PPA or not, but upgrading pocket-lint fixed it19:33
benjithere is one piece of lint that I'll fix now19:33
bacgary_poster, benji: for the new links we've added for structural subscriptions we've been careful to only enable them for logged in users ('launchpad.AnyPerson').  the links for 'editsubscription' are shown to anon...but the same is true for other subscribe actions directly on a bug19:38
bacso, leave as it is and stay consistent for that context if not a little gross?19:38
* gary_poster reading. brain is slow.19:38
benjiright, that was my reasoning; since we show "Subscribe" and "Subscribe someone else" to everyone (and ask them to log in if they click on them), I did the same for the edit link19:39
benjiI don't feel too strongly about it, but it seems like making the links visible to non-logged-in users is a nice discoverability bonus.19:39
gary_posterI also don't feel strongly about it, but would have leaned the other way.  bac, is one noticeably easier than the other?  or do you have a pref?19:40
bacbenji: when everything settles i think we should agree to do it one way or the other in the different contexts.  for now i agree it should be consistent on that page19:41
bacgary_poster: disabling is harder but minimally19:41
bacbut we should decide and fix all of the links on that page if we want to19:41
baci don't think it should affect benji's branch right now19:41
gary_posteragreed on not affecting19:41
gary_posterbac, I say, do not disable, add a card to raise an issue to Huw about it19:42
gary_posterthat's if you are looking for a decision, which I think you are19:42
gary_posterif not, make a decision. :-)19:42
bacgary_poster: that is the decision i made.19:43
gary_postercool, thanks bac19:43
bacbenji: done, in the nick of time.19:46
benji:)  thanks19:46
benjigary_poster: do we want the structural subscriptions feature flag enabled for team:yellow in production?19:48
gary_posteryes, benji19:48
gary_posterthank you19:48
benjik, I'll shepherd that19:48
benjigary_poster: should I grab one of the quick jobs cards next or one from the backlog?19:56
benjihmm, I wonder why the card for 674422 is in Acrive/Coding19:56
gary_posterbenji, I think the ones in backlog/design fit the bill best19:57
gary_posterbut do what you think works19:57
gary_posterincluding making your own card19:57
gary_posterfor something like "test the edit/delete functionality" (though look at my mute branch if you want that one)19:58
gary_posterbecause danilo reports that deleting the last filter no longer deletes the subscripton in the ui19:58
gary_posterwhich used to work19:58
gary_posterit's almost like we have no tests for it!19:58
benjigary_poster: to be clear: "design" are things like the small QA issues I identified, right?19:58
gary_posterbenji, 67422 is in active/coding because it is following the last pertinent card (Danilo's) out the door.  AIUI that's what I'm supposed to be doing.19:59
benji"test the edit/delete functionality" sounds the most important19:59
gary_poster(AIUI from flacoste)19:59
gary_postersounds good to me benji19:59
gary_posteryeah <shrug>19:59
gary_posterask me when I don't feel tired ;-)19:59
benjiunfortunate that it takes up a limit spot20:00
gary_posterbenji, I suggest you build off of my branch.  finding...20:00
gary_posterIt has some bits that I intended to be useful for this purpose20:00
benjiok, cool20:01
gary_posterand stuff that I would have refactored further had I worled on what you are looking at20:01
gary_posteroh, but...20:01
gary_posterthat branch is landing on db-devel :-(20:01
gary_posterso, merging will be problematic20:02
gary_posterI should have done the refactoring separately20:02
gary_posterIf you want me to help with the mess lemme know20:02
benjigary_poster: feature flag rule is now in production and I've verified that I see the new UI bits20:17
gary_postergreat thanks benji20:17
gary_posterbenji, you available for a pre-imp?20:28
benjigary_poster: sure20:29
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gary_posterbenji, instead of talking again, I'm running away, at Francis' encouragement, since I feel tired and pressured...and I don't even have a baby in my belly. :-)  I'll refocus on what we talked about tomorrow.  I might ask you or bac for pair programming, if we can do it in a reasonable way.  But meanwhile...I need a break.  :-)22:04
gary_posterbye all22:04
benjigary_poster: sounds good, have a relaxing evening22:04
benjiif you want to relax in a brain-numbing way, I'd see if iTunes has the TV show Reaper from a few years ago22:05
benjiI'm going away now too.22:05
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