
nemounity AFAIK made compiz non-optional, so you can't just switch to not composited00:00
robin0800nemo you can use unity 2d though00:00
nemorobin0800: ah. well. you tell amx how to try that :-p00:00
amx109yes robin0800 i think i just got unity 2d00:01
nemorobin0800: does it get rid of that ghastly shadow that slows down moving windows around?00:01
amx109it was automagic nemo00:01
nemowell The More You Know00:01
amx109thanks for the help though nemo00:02
amx109atleast i have something usable now00:02
amx109ill work on unity+fgrlx00:02
nemomight not work w/ your older card is all00:03
nemoamx109: for example, on my windows XP test machine w/ nvidia 120M...00:03
nemoamx109: Before firefox blacklisted it just before release, I'd get such black squares throughout their new accelerated interface00:04
nemoamx109: but, not if I disabled all effects in XP!00:04
nemoand you know, XP does not have a lot of effects :)00:04
amx109nemo, nice..00:04
nemoamx109: perhaps you can do something similar-ish w/ CCSM00:04
amx109my card is only a year or two old though00:04
nemoamx109: I know I had bad results from enabling gaussian blur w/ older fglrx, but the one natty uses seems to have finally fixed that on my card00:05
nemo01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV730XT [Radeon HD 4670]00:05
nemoamx109: also fixes some crashers in ati's shader compilation that were screwing up webgl demos :)00:05
thiebaudehow do i install the ubutnu default drivers in the terminal?00:06
nemoamx109: BTW, you might want to add MOZ_GLX_IGNORE_BLACKLIST=1 to profiles.d  :)00:06
nemothiebaude: not sure what you mean00:06
thiebaudei use the nvidia drivers but i just want to use the drivers ubuntu uses00:07
amx109nemo, i have a Radeon HD 485000:07
thiebaudemy system is borked,lol00:07
nemothiebaude: welll, could just set it in xorg.conf I guess...00:07
thiebaudethanks nemo :)00:08
nemothiebaude: here's my basic http://m8y.org/tmp/xorg.conf00:08
nemothiebaude: you could probably comment out the entire monitor and screen sections00:08
frankwethiebaude: you can use jockey-text to remove the nividia driver00:08
nemothiebaude: and just leave a "device" section00:08
frankwe(see jockey-text --help)00:08
nemooh. that sounds better :)00:08
nemodo what he said :-p00:08
thiebaudeok frankwe00:08
thiebaudethe problem is when i install 11.04 it installs nvidia00:09
amx109nemo, where do i find this profiles.d?00:09
thiebaudefrankwe, what would be the full command for that in a terminal?00:09
nemoamx109: try MOZ_GLX_IGNORE_BLACKLIST=1 firefox00:10
nemothen try a few webgl demos like, oh, no comply say, on hacks.mozilla.org00:10
frankwethiebaude: unity won't work with the nouveau driver unless you install libgl1-mesa-dri-experimental (or choose Experimental 3D support for NVIDIA cards ) in jockey (but that doesn't always show up in jockey for me)00:10
nemoor anything on planet-webgl.org00:10
nemoamx109: or planetbuster.no-ip.org/00:10
amx109nemo, thanks00:10
nemoif they work without crashing, you might want to enable it systemwide00:11
nemoamx109: they blacklisted a lot of drivers in linux that worked just fine because of how linux does driver ID00:11
amx109nemo, ah, i see00:11
frankwethiebaude: does 'jockey-text -l' show you the nouveau driver?00:11
thiebaudebug 72543400:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725434 in cairo (Ubuntu Natty) "Nvidia drivers lead to extra memory usage for each process using libGL" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72543400:11
nemoamx109: they were getting crashes just querying to create context. so they had to do a stripped down version of what compiz does.00:11
thiebaudevery high ram usage00:11
nemoamx109: basically, run a stripped down glxinfo - it'll be in Firefox 5 in a few months00:12
nemoamx109: ooh. or google's body browser - that's a popular webgl demo too00:12
ubntuguyI'm just going to install ubuntu 11.04. I will still get the regular updates right00:12
nemotons of stuff out there00:12
thiebaudefrankwe, i'll prob just want to use gnome-classic-no effects, so i want not need the nvidia drivers00:16
thiebaudewould not00:16
frankweTheTinyToon_: or unity-2d00:17
frankwethiebaude: ^^ sorry00:17
thiebaudei might have to re-install cos i cant get into the desktop00:17
amx109nemo, finally found an appropriate bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/74813700:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 748137 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "unity rendering broken with fglrx (black masks)" [High,Confirmed]00:17
amx109nemo, looks like unity 2d until ati release a driver that works with the latest kernel. same old, same old00:18
marcsterheading out - thanks for the help00:18
thiebaudethe problem i have is when i install ubuntu it install the nvidia drivers during installation00:18
amx109nemo, i take that back. lots of info in the bug report though00:19
amx109nemo, again, thanks for the help!00:20
UbuntuguyI have an issue00:28
UbuntuguyMy computer poped up the ubuntu 11.04 update00:28
Ubuntuguyso I just let it roll00:28
Ubuntuguymidway through it, it gave me an error message, something about firmware, but it finished the update, sort-a it lasted another 3 seconds which was strange. So I restart my computer and nothing changed, I see have my same old gnome 2 desktop and no unity, but it claims that ubuntu 11.04 was installd, can someone give me an answer to this strnage issue?00:30
amx109Ubuntuguy, have you tried a system update since?00:30
UbuntuguyYeah, there's no update, I just looked for one00:31
amx109have you tried logging in as a newly created user?00:31
amx109does that give you unity?00:31
UbuntuguyNo other user00:32
Ubuntuguyand my computer has 3d btw00:32
Ubuntuguyhow can I check the version of ubuntu I'm running?00:32
amx109good question. i cant remember00:32
UbuntuguyBecause this is strange00:32
frankweUbuntuguy:  did you choose 'ubuntu' on loggin in?00:32
Ubuntuguyubuntu is my only operating system00:33
amx109Ubuntuguy, in a terminal type 'cat /etc/issue'00:33
frankweUbuntuguy: I mean the ubuntu login screen00:33
frankwethere you can select the session type. and unity is now called 'ubuntu'00:34
UbuntuguyI'll log off and log bakc on00:34
Ubuntuguyback on00:34
frankweUbuntuguy: still the same?00:35
UbuntuguyBut my computer claims I'm running ubuntu 10.10, but I know I just installed 11.04, and it told me that it completed installation00:35
UbuntuguyNo option for "Ubuntu"00:35
UbuntuguyHow can I be 100% sure00:36
amx109Ubuntuguy, try doing "update-manager -d" again, from a terminal00:36
amx109Ubuntuguy, if it says you can upgrade to 11.04 beta, just go with it (again)00:36
UbuntuguyI see ubuntu 11.04, AGAIN  mind you, but I also got this error message00:37
UbuntuguyNot all updates could be installed00:37
Ubuntuguysomethign abotu partial00:37
UbuntuguyI'll take screen shot00:38
UbuntuguyIn the mean time00:39
Ubuntuguycan you tell me what00:39
Ubuntuguyfirmware is00:39
UbuntuguyANd how I could get it00:39
amx109fimware is something akin to software but for "microchips"00:39
amx109chips need firmware to run. some chips need firmware loading almost everytime they run. i know the linux kernel maybe/sometimes has firmware in its drivers for certain chips00:40
amx109im not sure its something you could affect00:41
UbuntuguyOH, so I can't install it00:41
amx109i'd try to upgrade to 11.04 from the update manager00:41
amx109and if it still keeps failing, log a bug report with as much info as possible00:41
penguin42Ubuntuguy: Some of the firmware is in packages (e.g. the linux-firmware package)00:41
UbuntuguyThis is the error message that I got00:42
penguin42Ubuntuguy: But unless you're actually seeing an error talking about it being unable to load a firmware wile I'd be surprised00:42
Ubuntuguythat's what I got00:42
Ubuntuguywhile installing00:42
Ubuntuguyubuntun 11.0400:42
penguin42Ubuntuguy: OK, so that's a fairly normal window, just tell it to do the partial00:43
amx109Ubuntuguy, did you try the 'patial upgrade' option?00:43
UbuntuguyTHat's what I did before00:43
penguin42Ubuntuguy: Have you got any PPAs installed?00:43
Ubuntuguyand got the error00:43
UbuntuguyI guess it wasn't 11.0400:43
UbuntuguyWhat will it do?00:43
UbuntuguyBecause just now, it brought back all my old software00:43
Ubuntuguylike firefox00:44
UbuntuguyOK, it just said that my system was up to date00:44
amx109Ubuntuguy, this was via "update-manager -d"00:45
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amx109Ubuntuguy, very odd00:45
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amx109Ubuntuguy, have you rebooted since the upgrade?00:46
UbuntuguyYeah, I rebooted00:46
Ubuntuguyafter the old one00:46
UbuntuguyAnd all my old applications came back00:46
Ubuntuguylike firefox00:46
Ubuntuguythe ones I replaced00:46
amx109Ubuntuguy, very, very odd00:47
UbuntuguyHow so?00:48
amx109its not something ive experienced before, myself00:48
amx109it should either do the update, or it wont00:48
UbuntuguyWell, I didn't install the ubuntu 11.04 update00:48
UbuntuguyI just noticed00:49
amx109sounds like you might have some extra PPA's or additonal repositorys that are incompatible with its attempt to upgrade00:49
UbuntuguyNO, I was saying, it turns out that I did the partial update00:49
Ubuntuguynot the ubuntu 11.0400:49
UbuntuguyDoes that make it less weird?00:50
amx109it still should upgrade as much as it could to 11.0400:50
amx109sounds like it wasnt able to go the 11.04 route. may have just upgraded your 10.10 to latest 10.10 versions, if you get me00:51
amx109if you really want 11.04 beta, maybe try via the iso image?00:51
UbuntuguyBut amx, what I'm saying is that it turns out that I never attempted to install ubuntu 11.04 as it turns out00:51
UbuntuguyIt was the partial update thingy00:52
Ubuntuguybecause a whilke back, I cancelled a ubuntu 11.04 update00:52
UbuntuguyI'm really eager to try ubuntu 11.0400:52
Ubuntuguything is00:52
UbuntuguyThe cd image takes hours to download00:52
amx109it will take the same time as an upgrade00:52
UbuntuguyYou're a unity developer right00:53
amx109the upgrade will download 700+ MB of packages. essentially a new package for every one you have installed00:53
amx109just a random ubuntu user looking for help00:53
amx109found some help. thought i'd help someone back00:53
UbuntuguyDo you have 11.04 installed?00:54
Ubuntuguyis it stable enough for everyday use?00:54
amx109ive been using it for one day :D00:54
amx109but i would say so00:54
UbuntuguyOK, I'll upgrade00:54
amx109my past experience is that beta's are stable enough to use00:54
UbuntuguyCan you stay here for a while00:54
Ubuntuguyjsut in case00:54
amx109im afraid not00:54
amx109its 1am in the UK00:54
amx109and i need to go to bed00:54
UbuntuguyGood night then00:55
amx109but im sure someone else will help if you ask nicely00:55
amx109goodnight to you too. and good luck!00:55
UbuntuguyUbuntu 11.04 is stable enough for everyday use right01:00
DaekdroomUbuntuguy, not yet.01:02
UbuntuguyWhat's unstable about it?01:02
UbuntuguyOK, I cancelled the ubuntu 11.04 update, and it claims my system could be in an unstable state if I do,01:04
Daekdroomoo gcalctool update. I wonder if it's gonna stop crashing.01:27
ceed^One of the natty mirrors has been messed up the last couple of days. I have switched to another one. But is it anything I can do to have them fix it?01:29
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enblocnvidia 2nd monitor detection? I'm running 'current' and its activated, but I don't see the nvidia detection at all, and ubuntu monitor detection doesn't detect the 2nd monitor01:54
Sonjathe notification bar bug still active? :)02:06
Guest17648I have a problem with "Firefox " as it closes a window appears suddenly and "Firefox Crash Reporter"all the time, and do not let me work.02:15
Guest17648I have a problem with "Firefox " as it closes a window appears suddenly and "Firefox Crash Reporter"all the time, and do not let me work.02:19
travis_Any conflicting programs open?02:21
Guest17648yeah! with FF402:21
travis_Besides FF4?02:22
travis_I'm currently on 10.10 so I might not be that much help >.>02:22
Guest17648no, only FF402:22
Guest17648i'm currently on 11.0402:23
travis_I'll check it out tonight02:23
SonjaGuest17648 is from the future02:24
Guest17648ok, ok alright02:24
Guest17648see you later02:25
travis_I have the alpha 3 release installed currently -.002:25
Guest17648i'm currently on 11.0402:25
Guest17648i'm currently on 11.04  (Dialy Buld)02:25
TheBuntudosent natty have sun's java version....the only jre package i can find is openjdk-6-jre and icedtea-6-jre-jamvm02:32
benzaldehydeSonja: hahha!02:32
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.02:33
rwwalthough iono if natty has that yet.02:33
TheBunturww: i downloaded java from suns web site...where do i put it at02:34
rwwTheBuntu: no idea, I don't download java from Sun's website02:35
travis_download from shell02:36
SeverianTheBuntu, did you download a .deb package?02:36
travis_do this02:37
travis_"gksu /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk"02:37
TheBuntuSeverian: no they have a rpm...or a source package02:37
travis_Then, on the "Other software" tab click "Add" and add the following02:38
travis_deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner02:38
travis_then use02:38
travis_sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin02:38
travis_and if you want JDK02:38
travis_sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk02:38
travis_Your welcome.02:38
TheBuntudo what02:40
TheBuntumy bad02:41
travis_1. Open Shell02:41
jester7Anybody here that could help me with writing a resume.d script?02:41
jester7I can't figure it out...02:41
travis_3.  gksu /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk02:42
travis_4. Other Software tab, click add02:42
travis_5. deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu maverick partner02:42
travis_6. sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin02:42
travis_(AND) if you want JDK02:42
travis_1. sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk02:42
travis_did it work?02:43
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TheBuntutravis_: im in kde...so do i want software-properties-gtk or kde....but i have kubuntu's package manager gui installed and ubuntu's gui02:47
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travis_gtk should be fine i'm guessing02:47
travis_try it out02:47
coz_TheBuntu,  you have both kde and gnome installed?02:48
TheBuntuit dont matter they both open the samething...all i had to do was open package manager02:48
TheBuntucoz_: no...kde with both Synaptic and kpackage02:49
coz_TheBuntu, ok so there are some gnome libraries installed then ...yes?02:50
coz_TheBuntu,  I was just curious actually,, I generall use gnome with most of kde libraries installed and a few kde applications02:50
coz_TheBuntu,  i find a little of both kind of round out the system02:50
TheBuntucoz_: kubuntu uses some of the gtk package...well kde does02:51
coz_TheBuntu,  ah ok,, I did try kde's plasma netbook again last week,, and yes I do remember that02:52
TheBuntucoz_: i think firefox uses gtk02:53
TheBuntuso i think thats why kde has to02:53
coz_TheBuntu, ah  perhaps... do you use konqueror02:53
TheBuntucoz_: nope Forefox02:54
jasen_hey all03:08
jasen_I have a black screen on ubuntu 11.04, but only in unity03:09
jasen_why is that?03:09
jasen_I have a black screen on ubuntu 11.04, but only in unity03:09
jasen_why is that?03:09
drmorphiasjasen_: unity requires 3d acceleration so it has to be your graphics card issues.03:09
jasen_But my graphics card worked in 10.1003:09
drmorphiasjasen_: newer drivers are being used in 11.04 most likely... what card you have?03:10
jasen_ATI Mobility Radeon 467003:10
jasen_sorry, wrong app :P03:11
drmorphiasjasen_: have you made sure the restircted drivers were installed for your card?03:11
jasen_Yes I have. They are installed.03:12
drmorphiasjasen_: hmm... have you tried running compiz in gnome?03:12
jasen_I don't think I have compiz...03:13
jasen_actually, i dont even know what it is lol03:13
TheBuntuis there a gui package for system services03:14
drmorphiasjasen_: do alt + f2 and type "compiz --replace" and see what happens.03:14
jasen_"Sorry, Compiz closed unexpectectedly"03:15
drmorphiasjasen_: unity uses compiz. since compiz isnt starting, thats why your getting that result in unity.03:16
jasen_Ah. Is there a way to upgrade my card drivers?03:16
jasen_I googled it, and people say its a fglrx driver or something, but i have tried to update that03:16
jasen_and it didnt work03:16
drmorphiasjasen_: have you tried downloading the drivers straight from ati's website?03:17
jasen_No I haven't, i didn't even know they offered linux downloads.03:17
drmorphiasjasen_: i might be wrong for asking, i dont know if they do offer linux downloads.03:18
jasen_I don't believe they do.03:18
myk_robinsonevening. How do I add more indicators to the "taskbar" thingy at the top? I installed the weather indicator but have no idea how to activate it.03:36
nit-witmyk_robinson, right click the applet to the add location via preferences03:43
myk_robinsonnit-wit: at first i couldnt figure out how to add the applet to the bar, i assumed i could right click the bar and add an applet. I figured out how to run indicator-weather though. Thanks03:43
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onemanNatty crashing often on intel sandy bridge graphics, please let me know whatI can do to help03:44
onemanI'm a C coder / advanced users...03:45
onemanI suspect a memory leak as it starts out fast and then slows down and starts artifacting03:45
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nit-witmyk_robinson, the clock applet has a weather link as well03:49
ceed^nit-wit: myk_robinson may be running Unity and there the clock doesn't do weather (as far as I know).03:53
myk_robinsonsorry, i failed to specify that i am running unity. Got it figured out, though. You have to run the executable associated with the indicator. Seems it'd make more sense to add a right click function to add an indicator, and have installed indicators displayed as possible selections03:55
nit-witceed^, forgot this was the natty channel thaks.:)04:01
semitonesis it possible to make an "up to date" liveUSB?04:03
semitoneswhat I mean is start with the disk image, but include any updates that have been made since then04:03
nit-witsemitones, there is the daily build04:06
semitonesif I used the startup disk creator and gave it persistant space,04:07
semitonescould I just boot it and run update manager?04:07
semitonesand then it would be up to date the next time i booted04:07
nit-witsemitones, it will be up to date when you have updated any synched packages in the repos which at this point are added sporadically.04:09
semitonesok great, thanks!04:09
semitonesthat will be useful later on :)04:10
nit-witDon't upgrade the kernels though, at least in my exsperience it causes problems04:10
ninwaDoes anybody use Guake under Ubuntu 11.04 with unity? Seems to come up for me but I can't enter any text into the terminal at all. Was wondering if anybody was experiencing similar.04:18
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luckysmackin beta 1 of ubuntu natty, all my video and audio (no sound) plays very fast and im unable to see/hear them at normal speeds. is this a known bug? anyone know how i might go about fixing this?04:43
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needhelp1where can i find the pc requirements/specs needed to run 11.04?05:00
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu05:01
needhelp1this includes 11.04 beta, with unity ?05:03
needhelp11gb of ram05:03
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DewiI'm running netbook remix and I need to disable automount05:42
Dewianyone know what controls automount in unity?05:42
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RxDxis there any way to disable unity panel auto-hide, i mean... keep it like a panel05:50
Dewiunbelieveable, this is all undocumented05:53
Dewithere are sooo many different automounts05:53
kundanHi, my entire ubuntu experience with beta or otherwise is horrible with weird glitchy graphics all the time, gnome unity refuses to run at all while kde screen refuses to refresh and is flickery05:54
kundanHow do I resolve this??05:54
Dewikundan: if you don't like beta use 10.1005:55
kundanDewi, well 10.10 had similar issues while using compiz05:56
kundaneven w/o compiz.. random glitchy graphics was commonplace05:56
Dewikundan: mismatched / bad graphics driver?05:57
frewsxcvis there any easy way to install gnome-shell on 11.04 beta1?05:57
kundanDewi, which graphics driver should I be using?05:57
Dewikundan: depends on your hardware05:58
kundanDewi, 00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)05:59
Dewikundan: do you have non-free stuff enabled? See if there's a non-free driver in use in the "additional drivers" system panel and try switching it on/off06:00
kundanDewi, no non fee drivers06:00
kundanno options to switch one on either06:01
Dewikundan: dunno. Maybe you need to turn off effects, acceleration, anything that's using advanced video features that aren't working on your setup06:02
kundanDewi, well they used to work in ubuntu 8.04/1006:02
kundanso what broke06:02
DewiI'm not sure what the status is with intels06:03
Dewicould you have been using a non-free driver previously?06:03
kundanDewi, where should i be asking for help then06:03
Dewikundan: here & #ubuntu I guess06:04
Dewinobody's answering me either06:04
kundanDewi, whats your issue?06:05
DewiI want automount off06:06
Dewibut there's a million schemes and no doco06:06
frewsxcvis there any easy way to install gnome-shell on 11.04 beta1?06:06
Dewireminds me why I've always avoided X06:07
Dewiundocumented magic popping up everywhere06:07
kundanDewi, http://pastebin.com/muvUr30j modfify the booleans to disable automount for the type of devices you need06:07
Dewikundan: where is that?06:08
DewiI don't have an /etc/hal at all06:10
kundanthen udev policies instead06:10
kundanDewi, its a long read but heres the documentation http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html06:11
kundanDewi, hal was what did the autodetect magic earlier which was later replaced with udev afaik06:12
Dewievery reference I can find is to something I don't have installed06:14
kundanDewi, you are without udev? impossible06:18
Dewikundan: I have udev, but I've never found decent documentation for it06:19
kundanDewi, apt-cache search udev|wgetpaste06:19
kundanDewi, heres the documentation http://reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html06:19
Dewikundan: I think I fixed it with gconf's settings for nautilus06:25
Dewikundan: which is strange since I'm running neither gnome nor nautilus, but I guess it still shares enough under the hood or something06:25
Dewier, nope, I was wrong06:34
frewsxcvis there any easy way to install gnome-shell on 11.04 beta1?06:37
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positivelI a laptop with intel gma3150 graphics chip and after installing 11.04, the resolution is down to 640x48007:54
positivelis there something I need to rebuild?07:54
positivelI keep getting (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so07:56
soreaupositivel: Pastebin your X log08:02
* soreau thinks the nvidia glx module crept in during the upgrade08:06
positivelsorry, still working on the pastebin08:08
positivelin the mean time, i'll point out that i have an nvidia chip too08:08
positiveli have a eeepc 1015pn08:09
seansorry, got disconnected08:12
aftertafhey all : any idea when a dist-upgrade will not want to remove my xorg?? :)08:12
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soreaupositivel: Can you show the output of apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-glx?08:13
Guest93675i was positivel08:13
soreauaftertaf: Is it supposed to?08:14
aftertafhi soreau : i dont think so....08:15
aftertafi think its a conflict with some gtk-linked packages...08:16
Guest93675paste.ubuntu.com/589567 has the output of apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-glx08:16
soreauGuest93675: Can you show the output of apt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-glx?08:16
soreauGuest93675: I guess the intel glx module is broken08:17
soreauyou should file a bug report08:17
aftertafand here's my pastebin output for dist-upgrade : http://pastebin.com/E0RnNCZ408:18
seanogdensorry... its me again. (positivel).  I'm on a windows mIRC client that keeps closing.08:19
seanogdendid i miss something?08:22
arandaftertaf: Sounds like you should hold back doing that, you are currently running natty right?08:25
aftertafjust about . . . :)08:25
positivelyskewedhi.  I got disconnected.  Now on my ubuntu machine...08:25
aftertafupdate-manager sort of didnt work so i did it by 'hand'08:25
aftertafarand: yep, i still like using X from time to time ;)08:25
positivelyskeweddid you guys see the pastebin about my libgl1-mesa-glx08:26
arandaftertaf: MOst likely the standard issue of dependencies not being published, waiting game, basically08:26
aftertafarand : looks like it.08:27
aftertafthen again, they do say, don't use unless you know how to fix a broken system (or avoid breaking it . . .) :)08:28
arandWell, as far as I know, partial upgrades/ dist-upgrading should never be done except in very rare cases.08:29
aftertafyeah, I know . . . .apart from that, looking good, starting Fast, happy with things08:29
aftertafbeen breaking and reinstalling since Hoary08:29
aftertafsome people never learn/learn more that way :D08:30
positivelyskewed<-learning that way08:30
arandHmm, read some backlog, yea, I did kind of start out on the assumption that you were new to dist-upgrade breaking things, obviously not :)08:32
aftertafnah, but best to assume that08:33
arandThough I guess there might be a round of users happily pulling the partial upgrade in update-manager at this very moment...08:34
aftertafwell  i hope it doesnt remove their xorg :)08:34
aftertafnot that many missing, to be honest08:34
arandCan only hope they are using btrfs with snapshots ;)08:34
aftertafi always found it easier to sed my sources.list instead of doing the auto upgrade... i guess its a control freak thing08:36
positivelyskewedhow do you rebuild the intel drivers after upgrading the kernel?08:36
aftertaffor the glx mesa thing, i dont actually have the same apt-cache output : but i do have ain intel PPA since the start of maverick08:36
positivelyskewedwhat's that ppa?08:37
aftertafhehe : you DO know what you're doing (more or less??) :)08:38
arandaftertaf: Well, the do-releaase-upgrade does some neat disabling of PPAs and whatnot as well, but yea, provide one actully knows one's packages and sources...08:38
aftertafpositivelyskewed: # deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/glasen/intel-driver/ubuntu maverick main08:38
aftertafarand: true, it does clean up my ppa adventures each time, as i lean towards brokenness :D08:39
aftertafbut risk taking, fwiw, has taught me so much.. including how to minimise the risk08:41
arandTrue, running an alongside install of natty on btrfs taught me a lot about how btrfs mounts and not mounts. And in extension initramfs, and grub...08:45
aftertafbeen on ppa since my new laptop : dell with i915 was just not compatible with stock maverick: too new08:45
aftertafyeah, its a vicious but rewarding learning curve08:45
aftertaflol, comparing linux scars, like old fishermen in Jaws :)08:46
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positivelyskewedjust did some stuff... going to try and restart...08:51
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aftertafgood luck08:52
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Jon--Using testdrive to launch the latest daily build. I wanted to try out Unity. However, Unity doesn't seem to be the WM running, or selectable from the menu upon logout. What?08:56
positivelyskewedno luck :(08:57
positivelyskewedI think I'm going to go back to 10.10...08:57
positivelyskewed11.04 doesn't seem to want to work with my intel chip, and the nvidia chip is too much of a battery hog.08:58
aftertafJon--: what choices do you have ?09:01
aftertafwow, i just died (tm)09:01
Jon--aftertaf, ubuntu, ubuntu classic, few others09:02
aftertafthen i think its ubuntu09:02
aftertafclassic being gnome as before . . .09:03
Jon--I did use that one09:03
aftertaffrom what i can remember reading on that....09:03
Jon--Unity it is not ;)09:03
aftertafu sure u got the necessary packages ?09:04
mikebeechamgood morning...I notice on the Ubuntu website that they are suggesting downloading the 11.04 beta. Does this mean that it's worth upgrading now?09:04
Jon--aftertaf, I'm using the latest daily build .ISO09:04
Jon--aftertaf, for 11.0409:04
aftertafyep, i gotcha.... still, not 100% guarantee that they are there...09:04
Jon--unity runs from terminal09:04
aftertafthough sense would say they should be09:04
Jon--complains a different wm is running09:04
Jon--so the package is installed09:04
aftertaftry running it from terminal in X, wuth the --replace flag09:05
aftertafcheck syntax though, not sure exactly what is would be09:05
Jon--I'm rebooting the VM hold on a second09:05
Jon--I did a man unity and saw nothing about replacing09:05
Jon--So I'm not sure either ;)09:05
Jon--Oh yay, it's hung on boot09:06
aftertafon natty on my laptop right now :  apt-get install unity says : unity : Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.23.90) but 2.22.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed09:06
Jon--and of course I can't drop to TTY because CTRL+ALT is the escape sequence for QEMU09:06
aftertafBroken packages.... so maybe the daily is fudged too09:06
Jon--fml :(09:06
aftertafhave to change qemu esc sequence ;)09:07
aftertafdont you just love it when this happens :)09:07
arandJon--: Isn't there normally just a menu that lets you input those?09:09
arandAt least in virt-manager...09:09
ChrisBuchholzI have downloaded and been beta 1 to a CD, but if i choose either the "install updates while installing" or the "install thirdparty stuff" options, i will get an error some time into the installation about /usr/bin/dpkg saying that the error is caused by an old installation medium or "something" else. What can this be? And what could i do to not get that? Dont wanna download and burn yet again, to just get the same error ... again.09:10
mikebeechamHi guys...can anyone tell me if it's worth upgrading to 11.04 yet?09:10
mikebeechamI notice the Ubuntu website is advertising the beta09:10
aftertafmikebeecham: if you know how to avoid pitfalls that could happen, it's good to use09:10
Jon--_Look ma, I just halted my system!09:10
aftertaflooool Jon--_09:11
mikebeechamaftertaf, would that be to just jump onto this channel if there's an issue :D09:11
Jon--_Time to try again!09:12
Severianmikebeecham, 11.04 is interesting.  Testing a new version can be fun.  But, do not move any important machine yet.  This is a beta and it is not ready for prime time yet.09:12
mikebeechamSeverian, ahhh I only have one machine at the moment :D09:13
aftertafyou just made my day, cheers man :)09:13
aftertafmikebeecham: sort of, yeah....   I have some dist-upgrade issues that want to remove xorg09:13
aftertafso I did upgrade then worked on the list one by one09:13
aftertafSeverian is right09:13
aftertafthough my issue is linked to libpango not having the right ver packages and wanting to delete 90 otherssion, so its holding back 10+09:13
Jon--_how do I make unity replace the current running shell?09:13
SeverianGet a second cheap machine and test on it.09:13
mikebeechamSeverian, hahha09:14
mikebeechamok...I'll get right on that09:14
aftertafthough my issue is linked to libpango not having the right version of packages so its holding back 10+  and wanting to delete 90 others,09:14
aftertafbetter, touchpad killed my posting09:14
SeverianNot everyone has problems.  On two test machines, 11.04 crashes multiple times per day for me.09:14
aftertafSeverian: i just had a sudden death, first time in one week of naughty nattiness09:15
amskinnerIve only had compiz hiccups, lucky me09:15
Severianmikebeecham, seriously, I have several test machines.  Some were free and some cost as much as $40.  Buy them second hand.  A P4 3 GHz machine is not bad at all with a gig of ram.09:15
amskinner"as much as $40"09:16
aftertafbut it is fun, and a good way to learn, as long as you know how to work around things... eg: redo the update in shell if no X . . . and problems are fixed fairly fast as we approach release09:16
Severianaftertaf, Like I said, results vary.09:16
aftertafand thats how bug reports get filed and fixed too... if noone ever tests, it wont happen either09:17
Severianamskinner, Yeah.  I usually don't like to spend that much, but if the machine is real nice, I might go $40.09:17
Severianaftertaf, I test, and I fill in qa test reports and bugs.09:17
Jon--_how do I make unity replace the current running shell?09:17
Jon--_it's not running now09:17
aftertafwhen $8 can get you 2 18oz bags of peanut butter M&Ms . . ., its all relative ;)09:18
SeverianYour hardware is probably not good enough.  Unity with compiz is installed by default if you have 3d capable hardware.09:18
aftertafSeverian: me too, i try to, since its the best way I can give back to a community that has freely given so much09:18
aftertafJon--_: qemu virtual machine, right ?09:19
Jon--_aftertaf, yeah09:19
aftertafSeverian: you have dist-upgrade wanting to remove xorg packages right now too ?09:21
ChrisBuchholzWould it be possible to _NOT_ make the Dock auto-hide when you dismiss the Launcher? What happens is that the Launcher disappears instantly and then it takes about 2 seconds for the Dock to auto-hide.09:21
ChrisBuchholzWould be awesome if the Dock would go away instantly just like the Launcher09:21
Jon--_how do I make unity replace the current running shell? it's not running now -_-'09:22
Severianaftertaf, I have not done a dist-upgrade with natty.  I installed from daily build and the beta1 alternate installer.  I tried alpha installers, too, but none worked.09:22
buhlHi! - I've installed the natty beta1. And i'm wondering why it uses 3 times more ram than it did before? I have common processes using 20Mb of RAM...09:23
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SeverianDuring alpha and beta, I would not be surprised to find debugging turned on in several packages.  With compiz and x as crashy as they are, someone must be debugging.09:24
Severianbuhl, That last was for you.09:24
Jon--_how do I make unity replace the current running shell? it's not running now -_-'09:25
Jon--_apt-cache search unity shows it is installed, I can envoke it from terminal, complains another shell is running09:26
buhl@Severian, Oh, so debugging is turned on by default when installing the packages?09:26
SeverianHow  do you request a tempory ban of Jon--_?  I believe it is against the rules to keep posting the same question over and over, especially when it has been answered?09:27
Severianbuhl, That is supposition on my part.09:28
buhlSeverian, Well, it seems reasonable.. Thank you for your time. :)09:28
Severianbuhl, sure.  Have a good day.09:28
aftertafJon--_: and 'unity --replace' works or not ?09:29
aftertafbuhl: possible : you can see specific processes using more, or just total used RAM is more?09:29
aftertafJon--_: if the --replace works, use that for now, if not then its the VM that can't handle the 3D part of it09:31
buhlaftertaf, Both. ie, my processes starting with indicator-"something"-service is all using 20 or more Mb of RAM..09:31
buhlaftertaf, and the system is using more than 60% of my ram, and before the upgrade it was using 10-20%.09:32
SupeR_NovAhelp me !  "no valid session found how".... to do this problem09:34
aftertafSeverian: or anyone else you have wireless issues with current natty ? mine drops the signal and then comes back, like every 5 mins, but nothing in dmesg...09:35
aftertafbuhl: could be worth posting a bugreport, just to be sure the point is addressed, even though it could have valid reasons and go away as things stabilise...09:35
aftertaf..your call09:35
SupeR_NovAhelp me !  "no valid session found how".... to do this problem09:36
Severianaftertaf, All my machine use wired ethernet.09:36
SupeR_NovAhelp me !  "no valid session found how".... to do this problem09:40
amskinnerSeverian: where did you find your little test machines?09:43
Severianamskinner, various places.  Craigs list is available lots of places.  There is a big electronic flea market once a month in Dallas.  It is a good source.  And, I just listen for people talking about getting rid of machines.  A 3 year old machine being upgraded in a company is likely to run Ubuntu quite well.09:46
SupeR_NovAhelp me !  "no valid session found how".... to do this problem09:48
SeverianA sensible question might get more replies, SupeR_NovA.  And, it is bad etiquette to keep asking over and over.  Your question does not have enough information for most people to have an idea about your problem.09:50
amskinnerSupeR_NovA: на български?09:50
SupeR_NovAda kaji09:50
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amskinneri guess not09:55
benzaldehydehi guys can't get restricted movies to play and none of the methods are working09:58
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SupeR_NovAno valid session found how...>< login ubuntu 11.04 beta 1 ????10:10
SupeR_NovA! Xsession10:15
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:15
=== timblechmann is now known as tim
BobbyBobbinsHey guys. I saw on the 11.4 page that it says I cannot install ubuntu 11.4 via WUBI, but on my ISO that I downloaded (the official one) thats exactly what the ISO uses to install..10:29
BobbyBobbinsso, how can I install then?10:29
Chr|srestart your computer with the cd in the rom drive10:29
BobbyBobbinsOk. Will I be able to install on a separate partition?10:30
BobbyBobbinsand specific drive10:30
BobbyBobbinsLike WUBI allows10:30
Chr|sBobbyBobbins: yes you will be able to set up partitions10:30
aftertafok, looks like the 83 to remove are due to an upgrade from libindicator1 to libindicator310:53
aftertafso i guess the depepndant packages havent been rebuilt with a -3 dependency instead . . . .10:54
bercik_Hello all10:57
bercik_That repositories should i add to ny sourcelist?10:57
Chr|s!repos | bercik_10:59
ubottubercik_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:59
Chr|sscratch that10:59
Chr|shasn't been updated11:00
bercik_I am looking for 11.04 repos11:00
Chr|sbercik_: refer to my last message11:00
bercik_And i have to wait for repos update?11:01
Chr|sim saying that page hasn't been updated11:01
bercik_ah, ok11:01
bercik_Then i have one more problem11:01
bercik_I cannot voice11:01
bercik_I cannot install a voice chat plugin to gnail11:02
aftertafbercik_: depends what you want to do... update, install new,... ?11:02
Chr|sbercik_: keep in mind 11.04 isn't fully released, still being beta tested11:02
bercik_install new on my new Ubuntu11:02
Chr|ssome things may or may not work correctly11:02
aftertafbercik_: http://www.google.com/chat/video/download.html11:03
bercik_I downloaded the plugin and it does not install, because of some error11:03
bercik_it says, it can make my system unstable and cancels it11:03
Chr|syou sure you selected the right one?11:04
Chr|sdo you have 32 or 64 bit machine?11:04
bercik_.deb for 32bit system11:04
bercik_32 - Intel Atom11:04
aftertafdoing it now to see, the deb came down fine11:05
bercik_i hope we will figure this out11:07
Chr|sindeed :D11:08
aftertafyou using which navigator ?11:08
Chr|soh browser lol11:08
aftertafok, me too11:08
bercik_if he ment browser :)11:09
Chr|s<3 firefox11:09
bercik_right aftertaf ?11:09
aftertafChr|s: sorry : french/english cast type exception11:09
aftertafyep, i meant browser11:09
Chr|saftertaf: no worries :)11:09
Chr|sI kind of figured it was what you meant11:09
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aftertafglad u did ;)11:11
aftertafjetlagged and confused, dont help11:11
aftertafso, it downloads with chromium, then you click it and what is the application that tries to install it ?11:12
aftertaf(me on kde)11:12
bercik_Synaptic (i guess this is it) starts to install and then it cancels, because of some quality error. It says, it could make my system unstable11:13
bercik_Maybe i should add repos first?11:15
BobbyBobbinsBTW just curious, is there any knowledge yet on when the WUBI installer will be fixed for 11.4? I know now how to work-around it (someone told me here) but still curious11:25
bercik_Guys, i cannot find 11.04 repos. Any link please11:28
Severianbercik_, It is not just 1 repo.  You are talking about the .deb repo, right.  One is   http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/11:32
bercik_I am looking for source list good for natty11:32
SeverianIf you install from the CD, it is set for you.  If you are upgrading from maverick, just edit the file and replace maverick with natty11:34
bercik_And extra repos? Unneeded?11:35
bercik_When i was using U 8.10 last time, it did need extra repos11:36
SeverianI think the partner repository for natty is not all ready.  Natty is a beta.  Not everything is there yet.  Everything I want is there, but YMMV.11:36
SeverianI have about 20 repositories, bercik_ You may have a few more or less.  Your country affects it some, I believe.11:38
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head_victimAny problems with grub in the beta that we're aware of? A friend in the loco has some issues after an install11:43
meborcanyone else loving the new blue "you have conversation" icon? :)11:49
benzaldehydei can't get encrypted dvd videos to play12:09
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repetecdbs, ping13:11
cdbsrepete: pong13:11
cdbsrepete: how can I help?13:11
benzaldehydeding dong13:16
tanelorn26I'm testing out 11.04 on a linux host(x64), using virtual box 4.04 (x64).  I've downloaded the 11.04 amd64 desktop ISO14:25
tanelorn26the installer get's about 4/5ths of the way through the install,  and then dpkg issues an error 1,14:26
tanelorn26I click continue, or OK what ever the affirmative button is there, and it immediatly says the instller has finished and prompts to reboot.14:28
tanelorn26I think it fails before the boot loader get's installed because it hangs with a blinking cursor after the bios post.14:28
tanelorn26how should I procede?14:28
thiebaudealternate cd tanelorn2614:31
thiebaudetext installer14:31
thiebaudei had the same problem but i did not get any error messeges14:31
tanelorn26thiebaude:thanks, will do14:32
thiebaudeok, cool14:32
thiebaudehi :)14:32
ChrisBuchholzhey guys. Im running 11.04 beta 1, and i have a problem with the nvidia accelerated 3D graphics driver i've installed via the "additional drivers" program. When i have the nvidia driver activated, my "screen-light" up and down buttons dont do anything. The notify-osd dialog shows as if the screen light changes, but it doesnt. Also the power-manager feature to dum display when idle dont work either. If i disable the nvidia driver and ...14:33
ChrisBuchholz... just use 2D or install the experimental nouveai driver, it works fine. What can i do to fix this?14:33
thiebaudenot sure what the fix is, but yea if you want to use 2d  until it gets fugured out :)14:34
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: or nouveai, but damn, well okay. I see14:35
thiebaudei have nvidia , but i use the nouveau drivers instead14:36
ChrisBuchholznouveaui doesnt have proper power-management så my laptop becomes hot when using it, so i guess i will go with nvidia14:36
thiebaudeahh ok14:36
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: doesnt yours become hotter by it?14:36
thiebaudeno problem with being hot, im using gnome-classic-no effects and the ubuntu default drivers14:37
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: ah, i see okay14:37
thiebaudeand i mangaed to put macbuntu on 11.04 and memory usage is back to normal :)14:37
thiebaudei dont 3d and fancy stuff like that14:38
Shawn727nyone need help?14:38
Shawn727Yu need help?14:39
thiebaudenope not anymore, but thanks anyway :)14:39
vishShawn727: you looking to get involved in Ubuntu development?14:39
Shawn727Okay and do you have a paypal?14:39
Shawn727Yes i would love to pm me14:39
thiebaudeno Shawn727 i dont use that mess,lol14:40
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: if i want "mac" experience, i just boot in to my OS X partition ...14:40
vish!development | Shawn72714:40
ubottuShawn727: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:40
thiebaudeChrisBuchholz, i wish i had the money for one14:40
thiebaudethats why i want the mac look,lol14:40
thiebaudei love the way it looks14:40
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: imo, ubuntu and linux is much better that OS X, but i do need OS X for school stuff (doing documents with classmates and so), but when i can, i use linux14:41
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: well i like how mac looks too, but i think ubuntu looks quite like it by default:D hand i really, really hate how OS X dont have a built-in notification system and no package-manager and so, so ubuntu is the better choice if you ask me: D14:42
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: and with unity, its even better!14:42
thiebaudei want to use gnome314:43
thiebaudei wish ubuntu went with gnome 3 instead of unity imho14:43
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: i tried it yesterday on fedora. I dont care for it. Its too bloated and "scraped". It makes me feel dumb when they removed all those options in the controlpanel, and i dont like how "big" widgets, margins and paddings are. I like the rest though.14:44
BluesKajHiyas folks14:44
thiebaudeBluesKaj, hi there14:45
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: but i think that ubuntu has the better product and community. Canonical have a killer in launchpad. No other distro has something going just as well. I vote for ubuntu for the time being.14:45
thiebaudei agree, imho best OS community around :)14:46
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: also, i think Ubuntu does whats great with OS X -- it simply works -- but still delivers true Linux14:46
thiebaudei use ubuntu since 6.0614:46
BluesKajhi thiebaude14:46
ChrisBuchholzthiebaude: i started playing with ubuntu when 5.04 come out, but i think i first truely used ubuntu as primary OS with 6.0614:47
BluesKajnice support community in (k)ubuntu for the mosy part , there are a few arrogant geek types with few social graces , they can be very helpful tho. :)14:48
thiebaudebug 72543414:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 725434 in cairo (Ubuntu Natty) "Nvidia drivers lead to extra memory usage for each process using libGL" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72543414:48
thiebaudei hope they get that fixed so i can start to use unity :)14:49
jussiSo in natty my x is really slow - (kubuntu), on intel. In maverick I had to use glaens PPA to get performance, any ideas on how to fix it?15:09
* thiebaude crickets :)15:23
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Smeuuhhi, I just broke my system.15:32
Smeuuhwith latest update, now ubuntu refuses to boot and tells me my / is "not present"15:33
Smeuuhwhen I switch to a term, I see that / is mounted readonly15:33
Smeuuhhowever I'm using a liveUSB here and I can mount rw the partition15:34
Smeuuhso yeah, help ? :)15:34
Smeuuhanyone? I'm really screwed here15:41
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penguin42Smeuuh: Tell me about your system16:01
meganerdhe is long gone16:02
frybyeHi - for goodness knows what reason when messing with the sound settings I have screwed it .. can't get working no matter what now - have restarted - got greeting sound but banshee etc does nothing...16:07
frybyeanybody got a clue for me??16:07
penguin42this is in gnome?16:11
BluesKajfrybye, still have pulseaudio installed16:11
frybyeas far as I know yeah pulse16:12
penguin42frybye: Bring up sound pregrences from the control panel and check the Hardware tab shows your sound card and that the profile is sensible - try the Test speakers button16:12
frybyeah ha - i remember now i used to fix this stuff with a asmixer thing or...16:12
frybyepenguin42: tried all of them...16:13
BluesKajfrybye, alsamixer is the way to setup your audio , yes16:13
penguin42took me a while to fix my dasd unti lI noticed that the 'profile' setting under hardware was wrong16:14
somethingintereswondering if it is possible to resize icons in the launcher?16:16
thiebaude!unity plugin16:17
thiebaudein the compiz settings manager somethinginteres16:19
thiebaudeif you have 3d unity16:19
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz16:20
frybyeBluesKaj: tried everything - still get no sounds... hmmm??16:22
frybyei have to leavfe this now - wife going crazy me too much on pc .. bye16:23
frybyeback - (sent her to buy a few beers.. crisis over.. hehe)16:30
frybyeso who has a clue with this soundless box here.. (except when dual booting to win7 of course - that works still I assume..)16:31
frybyehow to restart pulse??16:32
penguin42frybye: DO you get any sound from anywhere ?16:32
frybyenot now... did up till i messed with it...16:33
penguin42any diea how you messed it up?16:33
penguin42any particular settings?16:34
frybyeon the other hand it then made some pretty sick crackling sounds while trying to play music..16:34
frybyehave tried everything that the sound settings offer...16:34
penguin42frybye: Under the hardware tab does it correctly show your sound card?16:35
frybyebut of course with two sound cards there are a lot of options - the sb x-fi xtreme has never worked with ubuntu - so I am trying to concentrate on the other built in one .. I dont know what is in the main board.. i forget so much stuff - (war disab-)16:35
frybyein earliert ubuntus I had a hardware thing that listed eveything in the box - forgot its name16:36
penguin42frybye: So, in the hardware tab of sound preferences what do you see?16:36
frybyeit shows one internal audio and the lifecam hd-3000 (for the mike) and the x-fi xtreme which never works when booting to ubuntu...16:37
frybyein alsamixer there were two internals listed - one ati and one nv apparently...16:37
penguin42ok, and under the output tab of sound preferences does it show the internal one  selected?16:38
frybyeyeah with just connector: analog output...16:38
penguin42ok, under the hardware tab it says 'Analogue output' or Analogue stereo duplex?16:39
frybyehave green cable in the green socket on m-board... and was working up till a bit back...16:39
frybyeanalog output16:39
penguin42try flipping that to Analogue stero duplex16:39
frybyeunder hardware I have internal audio 1 output/1 input analog stereo duplex - but under output it only shows the analog output still...16:41
frybye2 choices - analog output and analoge headphones...16:41
frybyeunder the output tab...16:41
penguin42yeh, so in the hardware tab put it to analogue stero duplex16:42
frybyeunder hardware it is analog stero duplex...16:42
frybyedid that but it doesent change in output tab...16:42
penguin42ok, I assume the Test speakers doesn't work on the hardwar etab?16:42
frybyeno - but never has...16:42
frybyeanother angle - how to restart pulse audio...?16:44
penguin42pactl exit16:44
frybyeconnection failure: connection terminated""16:46
frybyeso that stopped it or .. now to start again??16:46
frybyepactl or...?16:46
Kartoffel_hi guys, has anybody test 11.04 on a Notebook with NV 320m ?16:47
Kartoffel_eg. Macbook Pro16:47
phoenix_Amarok volume control problem. http://imagebin.org/14643016:48
frybyepenguin42: you still there...16:48
frybyesystem sounds are working now but...16:53
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NijaboAnyone know if there's a way to toggle/remove the launcher arrows and solely use the background toggle to see if an app is on/off?16:53
penguin42frybye: Yeh16:53
frybyebut in sound settings - under applications = zilch...16:54
penguin42frybye: If you use a pa app it should auto restart16:54
frybyeso the prob is more banshee than sound stuff...16:54
frybyeskype test call is working fine...16:57
frybyemfso banshee is dead apparently...16:57
frybyei will re-install it.. see you in a bit...16:57
SchizoidVery silly question, but where are the notification icons in unity?16:58
frybyehmm - re installed banshee - nothing has changed ... grrrr...17:00
MartiiniIm looking for IRC channel for google help (specifically help on google docs) .. anyone knows such a channel ??17:01
gnomefreaki just had the weirdest thing happen. while starting it stopped on plymouth(not sure why) but i dropped to TTY1 stopped nad started gdm once it started i had a small dot as the curser. small enough it was almost unseen17:02
gnomefreakMartiini: maybe #google but let me try real fast17:02
gnomefreakMartiini: its #google17:02
gnomefreakbunch of people in there17:02
gnomefreaklol @ Fetched 13.3 MB in 47s (278 kB/s)17:03
gnomefreakW: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch17:03
jpdsgnomefreak: Cool.17:04
gnomefreakupdate fixed it as normal17:04
Schizoidsrsly where are system tray icons in unity?17:11
frybyeSchizoid: beleive it or not - on the off button!!17:11
Schizoidfrybye: huh17:11
frybyeyou mean where are the system controls.. the settings and stuff...17:14
NijaboAnyone know if there's a way to toggle/remove the launcher arrows and solely use the background toggle to see if an app is on/off? (or if this is planned in anyway?)17:15
Schizoidlike system tray icons, such as dropbox, or my media player has one, etc17:15
frybyesorry - then no clue...17:15
Schizoidhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/03/how-to-hide-or-show-app-tray-applets-in-ubuntu-11-04/ jesus what a mess17:16
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frybyepenguin42: i found out what it was - and fixed.. on re-starting the banshee - I have to re-open the location - a partition normally used for win7... does not remember the location from session to session even though the songs/albums where shown...17:16
* penguin42 doesn't use banshee17:17
frybyepenguin42: wise man.. ;)17:17
frybyepenguin42: must admit it did tell me to copy my stuff into the local music folder - but I dont have room for that on the ubuntu partition...17:18
FoolishOwlI'm noticing that in "Preferred Applications", Thunderbird isn't an option for Email client. Also, Multimedia has "banshee-1" but not banshee, and Banshee isn't listed in the dropdown, only Rhythmbox.17:19
FoolishOwlAlso, I'm wondering where there's a config file for the list of applications in the dock.17:21
NijaboAnyone else had problems installing Chrome on Ubuntu 11.04 Beta1?17:23
ceed^Schizoid: If you're still here: This notification/system tray situation is ridiculous. I really do not like that some of my notification icons are allowed (like Skype) while others (like Opera) isn't. I have enabled all. I think that should be a setting in the application itself whether to have a notification icon or not.17:23
Schizoidceed^: is there an easier way to enable them? other than using gsettings?17:24
SchizoidNijabo: I have google chrome dev build installed, wasn't a problem at all17:24
FoolishOwlNijabo, Chromium or Google Chrome?17:24
ceed^Schizoid: gsettings is what I used, but I allowed all instead of naming each one.17:24
Schizoidceed^: oh, how do you do that?!17:25
ceed^Schizoid:  Hold on I'll find it17:25
Schizoidhttp://www.fewt.com/2011/03/whitelist-utility-script-to-allow-apps.html this?17:25
Schizoidgsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist " [ 'all' ] "17:26
ceed^Schizoid: http://pastebin.com/cQTLHvFu17:26
FoolishOwlYep. Preferred Applications shows only Evolution. Not even an option to add a "custom" item.17:34
FoolishOwlgnomefreak, thanks.17:36
gnomefreakFoolishOwl: if i get around to it i will file a bug on it if i dont get answered. since i have other bugs to file. are you going to be around for the next few hours?17:36
FoolishOwlgnomefreak, probably not, but I can check in if it's helpful.17:36
gnomefreakFoolishOwl: can you pm me your email address. im hnot sure how lo0ng i will be here i have alot of work do to, so i would like to answer you when i find out the info or at least pm you with the bug number. OR if you can stay here for say 1 hour i will file the bug and give you the bug number in here so you can comment and confirm the bug.17:37
gnomefreakill be right back17:37
saxinwhat is the status on nvidia geforce 9800gtx and ubuntu 11.04 atm? any problems that you know of?17:39
saxinso nvidia drivers should be fixed now?17:41
gnomefreaki think they both have (ati and nvidia) but dont quote me on that)17:41
DasEiis there a guide for changes 10>11 one can read up ?17:41
Schizoidsaxin: i have 11.04 with a geforce 8800GT and nvidia drivers, works well so fqr17:43
Schizoida few compiz crashes here and there17:43
gnomefreakthats compiz not video drivers17:43
Schizoidgnomefreak: i know17:44
gnomefreakcompiz has been crashing for some people for a while. my chrashes have been fixed after fileing a bug :)17:44
gnomefreakgood afternoon mvo17:44
gnomefreakFoolishOwl: can you please give me a link to your launchpad home page17:45
gnomefreakyou can PM it to me if you prefer17:45
bowsermy ubuntu logo turns sometimes blue, what does that mean?17:45
gnomefreakbowser: what logo/where?17:46
vishbowser: that means some app window is calling for attention17:46
bowsergnomefr: top left corner17:46
gnomefreakand what color is normal17:46
gnomefreakbowser: not sure that i havent seen before or heard of yet17:47
Schizoidmine does that during synaptic installs17:47
bowserbut clicking it does not do anything17:47
gnomefreakah vish knows ;)17:47
* gnomefreak never noticed that17:47
gnomefreakok brb need to speak to wife17:47
bowserunity and all - it is fantastic to see innovation in the user interfaces!17:48
bowserand I'm not talking about the color change now :)17:48
vishbowser: clicking on it wont do anything, but it might be improved »  bug 75011917:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 750119 in unity (Ubuntu) "Clicking the blue Ubuntu button hides the reason it went blue" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75011917:49
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bowserI see17:50
ceckoIt might be be cool if the logo worked, like in Maemo (Nokia N900), - that it would trigger whachyacallit - Dashboard in Maemo, Exposé on MacOS17:52
ceckoI mean I use the corners of the screen for windows selection and Expo (desktops selection), but clicking the logo would work without mouse also - on touch based devices - that seems to matter to designers now17:55
ceckoBTW is there any IRC client that would integrate with messaging menu in Ubnuntu's top panel?17:56
FoolishOwlFunny, I'm just reading an article on Ars Technica on how the Thunderbird team is being brought back into the Mozilla team -- and most of the responses are, 'Who doesn't use Webmail now?'18:02
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ceckothat's why we need FreedomBox, so that we can have our email ours again, yet accessible everywhere18:28
gnomefreakcrap where did he go18:30
gnomefreakok not sure if he knows how to use memo service so i guess i have to find his email18:31
dylan-mHey, I noticed Compiz crashes whenever I enable a plugin that wants the text plugin… which might relate to why the window switcher doesn't have any text. Anyone know if there's a bug report about this?18:32
om26erdylan-m, for "whenever I enable a plugin" part there is a very famous bug not sure about the rest18:41
dylan-mNice timing! I just found it. Bug 685552, right?18:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 685552 in unity (Ubuntu) "Compiz crashes when (en|dis)abling a plugin (ccsm) aka compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in sigc::signal_base::impl()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68555218:42
dylan-mom26er Sounds like the text plugin is never enabled automatically. I must have been imagining it or something…18:42
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zniavregood evening18:56
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JohnHeikkilazniavre: Evening.18:56
JohnHeikkila!offtopic > zniavre18:56
ubottuzniavre, please see my private message18:56
PiciPeople are allowed to say hi...18:57
zniavrethere is a way to clean the dash history please ?18:57
Picidash history?18:57
DaekdroomFor a moment I thought he said bash18:58
zniavresorry for my english ...18:58
Picizniavre: Do you mean your bash history?  dash is not meant to be a login shell.18:58
zniavrewith unity if i type alt+f2 it gives all history how to clean it ?18:59
trismzniavre: perhaps http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/how-to-clear-zeitgeist-history-quick.html18:59
zniavretrying right now  i need to relog19:01
zniavresorry i forgot to thanks19:04
zniavrebut it does not work19:04
trismzniavre: it worked here *shrugs*19:04
zniavreho ?19:04
zniavrei typed today two wrong commands i just rm'ed as the websote told but the wrong commands still there19:06
Guest6485every time i resume from suspend i get an error that suspend failed19:06
Guest6485even though it clearly didnt19:06
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aditirex I have a problem with / , doesn't mount at start ( natty - kubuntu )19:06
trismzniavre: oh, the alt+f2 history, yeah doesn't seem to work for that19:07
alexsanyone have any issues with suspend?19:07
trismzniavre: it did clear the recent files/apps though19:07
alexsalso i have no option to hibernate19:07
alexsbut thats probably something to do with crypted swap19:07
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trismzniavre: found it, gconf-editor: /apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel/history-gnome-run , double click it and you can select and remove any commands you don't want in the history, then log out/back in and they are gone19:17
dylan-mzniavre: Or, from the looks of it, run five other things :)19:20
zniavretrism it did the trick  thank you19:25
Malkavianhi, I installed natty and after an update a few minutes ago I cannot start ubuntu anylonger, I am using now the live session; how can I login back into the old system? when I try to boot, it comes to the login windows but then it would take no input19:50
Malkaviansome xserver packages were updated19:50
Malkavianafter the update i got a message that some gstream stuff were not updated ok19:51
Malkaviananyone? is there anyway to recover the installation from the live cd?19:53
Malkavianok, where do I find the evolution mail and address book on the hard disk?19:54
Malkavianas the update destroyed ubuntu completly I want at least my mails back19:55
Malkaviani cannot even use the recovery console19:57
Malkavianit would just stop loading19:58
bengold_hey all, the files place in Unity doesn't seem to be indexing my files19:58
bengold_If i search for files i know exist, I get no response19:58
DrknzzHi guys, how can i change grub's background colors to blue instead of purple?19:58
Malkavianafter the update a few minutes ago I restarted the machine and I could not login anylonger as the login screen would not take any input from me19:59
Malkavianthe recovery console stops loading after a few seconds20:00
ninjaihey guys, ty be dead, I found this in dmesg: ata4.00: status: {DRDY ERR}, and ata4.00: status: { ABRT }.20:00
ninjaiirrsi is glitching20:00
ninjai*i think my resize2fs is frozen20:00
ninjaihow can I be sure?20:01
SwedeMikerun iostat -x 5 and see if there is still activity on the drives20:01
Drknzzninjai: fsck it?20:01
skyjumperinstalling Natty beta now... the installer app is really nice20:01
skyjumperkudos to whoever worked on that20:01
Malkavianhey has anyone any idea how I could recover the ubuntu installation?20:02
ninjaiSwedeMike: what package is iostat in?20:02
Malkavianor at least where are the evolution mails??20:02
Malkavianwhere do I find them on disk20:02
SwedeMikeninjai: "apt-cache search iostat" to find out.20:02
skyjumperMalkavian: in your home directory20:02
trancegeeki just noticed a package named bamfdaemon20:02
trancegeekbamf = bad ass mother fucker20:03
trancegeekthat's pretty bamf20:03
Malkavianok, I will try to recover my data and then say goodbye to ubuntu for ever20:03
ninjaiSwedeMike: everything is 0.0 :)20:04
MalkavianI just updated my system and I cannot even login20:04
trancegeekjust give up then20:04
trancegeekit's not worth fixing it20:04
trancegeekmay as well go back to windows20:04
SwedeMikeninjai: check with "ps auxw | grep resize" and see if it's in D state, then it might indeed be frozen, you can strace -p <pid> as well to see what it's doing.20:04
MalkavianI would fix the damn thing if I knew how20:04
trancegeekyou would know how if you learned how :)20:05
charlie-tca__Malkavian: I think evolution data is in ~/.evolution20:05
lcbMalkavian, updated or upgraded?20:05
charlie-tca__At least it used to be20:05
Malkavianlcb: update+upgrade20:05
Malkavianthen restared20:05
lcbMalkavian, from 10.10?20:06
Malkavianno, from natty20:06
trancegeek11.10 is out?20:06
ninjaiSwedeMike: 41% this time when I checked.20:06
ninjaicpu time20:06
lcbi just did it on a desktop and everything's working20:06
charlie-tca__trancegeek: no, 11.10 is not even started yet20:06
trancegeekthat's what i thought20:06
Malkaviani installed the beta, upgraded packages  and then bang! no login20:06
trancegeekoh he's talking apt commands20:07
Malkaviannot even the recovery console is working20:07
trancegeekdoes it boot?20:07
ninjaiSwedeMike: earlier it was claiming to be using 102% of my cpu (I have a dual core), is it normal for this to use a lot of CPU? I'd think it would be more I/O than CPU20:07
lcbMalkavian, when booting press SHIFT after bios messages them do dpkg20:07
SwedeMikeninjai: don't remember.20:07
Malkavianlcb: just press shift?20:07
Malkavianthe system boots, but at the login windows won't take any input: mouse and keyboard are not working20:08
lcbMalkavian, right after bios booting/messages. then click on ckean then dpkg then grub then failsate20:08
lcbckean=clean in typenglish20:09
Malkavianlcb: can you give me the exact commands as I will try them right now but I need them on paper20:09
lcbMalkavian, easy: you'll get a choice of linux normal or recovery20:10
lcbthen select recovery. you'l get a dialog with clean, dpkg, failsafe, grub and root20:11
lcbdo it all except root. the last one you do will be failsafe20:11
lcbselect default on failsafe, cancel, run X20:11
lcbthen, btw, do this:20:12
lcbsudo apt-get update && check && apt-get -f install && reboot20:12
lcbgoing back to windows is not a solution - it's part of the problem. the problem, normally, are ourselves :p20:13
patdk-wkman, openoffice is killing me :(20:13
lcboops... wait..20:14
lcbthat 'check' must be apt-get check20:14
lcbpatdk-wk, that's because it's open. kill it and start again :)20:15
trancegeekhow do you display cpu stats through terminal?20:16
trancegeekor... specs20:16
patdk-wkI have 3 spreadsheets open, and it takes 2+ min to click the mouse now20:16
patdk-wkand I have 8gigs ram, with 4gigs free :(20:16
trancegeekno like info about the cpu20:16
trancegeeki know there's a command20:16
trancegeekit isn't top20:16
patdk-wkcpu stats or specs?20:16
patdk-wkstats is top :)20:16
ali1234cat /proc/cpuinfo20:16
patdk-wksystem specs is either cat /proc/cpuinfo or lshw20:16
trancegeekmodel name: AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor20:17
lcbspecs is another thing20:17
lcbhardinfo, i guess it gives what yiou want20:17
trancegeeknot to brag or anything20:17
trancegeekbut... my cpu is at 100% usage at load 6.00 XD20:18
lcbtrancegeek, in other words.. is in trance ::)20:18
lcbtoo many things loaded, probably20:18
trancegeekumm no20:18
trancegeekload average: 1.36, 1.10, 1.0120:19
lcbfirefox with too many addons20:19
trancegeekand i'm running updates20:19
lcbohhh so wait20:19
trancegeeki'm saying my cpu is at 100% usage when the load hits 6.0020:19
patdk-wk100% cpu and load have nothing to do with each other20:20
trancegeekthey aren't the same20:20
trancegeeki know that20:20
lcb100 is too high tough... somethings cooking in background20:20
lcbcheck with top20:20
SwedeMikepatdk-wk: "nothing" might be too strong, but you're basically right.20:20
patdk-wkwell, have a very loose relation :)20:21
trancegeekmy cpu usage is at 22% average and i'm running updates20:21
trancegeeki'm not saying my cpu usage is too much20:21
patdk-wkmy cpu usage hardly ever goes >10% even with a load of like 1020:21
trancegeekprob poor io20:21
patdk-wkit's good to have 24cores20:22
lcbi sayd 100 is too high... i mean, there isn't higher20:22
trancegeekoh yeah20:22
trancegeekwhat kind of cpu?20:22
patdk-wkdual x5650's20:22
lcbremoving cd/s dvd/s from drives also helps, if you have it20:23
trancegeekintel costs too much for what you get though20:23
patdk-wktrancegeek, relative20:23
patdk-wkit all depends on your load20:23
trancegeeki haven't managed to max my cpu out yet unless it was a stress test so20:24
patdk-wkamd doesn't make a cpu with enough onboard cache to be useful for me20:24
AnubArackcan I install 10.10 and then update to 10.04 from within ? I'm on a netbook and i saw Ubuntu Netbook edition was dicontinued so I want to get used to unity ...20:24
trancegeekthink i paid $130 for my cpu20:24
trancegeekand it's the second best amd20:24
lcbAnubArack, you mean upgrade to 11.0420:24
PiciCan we try to stay on-topic here folks?20:24
Malkavianlcb: thanks; I will try it now20:24
AnubArackmy bad, yes 11.0420:24
skyjumperunity's pretty cool... but where the hell are all the system settings?20:24
lcbMalkavian, :) good luck. pray to your God and patience helps20:24
lcbskyjumper, try under Themes & Tweaks20:26
skyjumperlcb: where's that at?20:27
lcbskyjumper, on natty bar, on the left, seleck Applications then the one i told you20:28
skyjumperthere's no 'themes & tweaks' in there20:29
lcbskyjumper, are you on Ubuntu or Ubuntu CVlassic desktop?20:29
skyjumperunity on natty beta20:29
lcbbut on login, did you select Ubuntu?20:30
lcbskyjumper, don't you have a left bar ?20:30
skyjumperlooks like "Ubuntu" was auto selected20:30
skyjumperthere's a left bar20:30
lcbso, the one with a + sign, it's Applications20:31
chris4585when upgrading to 11.04 via the CD, where does the files in /home temporarily go?20:31
skyjumperlcb: yes, clearly20:31
skyjumperbut there's nothing labeled 'themes' in there20:31
lcbskyjumper, then, on that one, select it and you'll get more options. select themes & tweaks20:31
skyjumperi see... the text in the top right is a pulldown20:31
lcbskyjumper, don't change everything at one before you are familiarized with natty20:32
lcbat one = at once*20:32
dougmenckenhi guys! just interesting: which gcc version will be in 11.04?20:33
dougmenckenand kernel version20:33
skyjumperthis is way more slick than i expected20:33
dougmencken(cond ((< (string->version "gcc") 4.6) (display "nope!")) (else (display "cool"))20:34
PiciLooks like 4.5.220:34
Picidougmencken: ^20:35
dougmenckennope! ;)20:35
dougmencken2.6.38.*8* o_020:36
dougmencken2.6.38.2 is currently the last one in .38 series ;)20:36
PiciIts probably some internal number.  I just grabbed it off of whatever rmadison said.20:36
Pici!info linux20:36
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)20:36
Picidougmencken: The source package says '2.6.38-8.40'20:37
chris4585!info ubiquity20:37
ubottuubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.33 (natty), package size 3982 kB, installed size 14880 kB20:37
dougmenckenhmm, okay, so migration to 4.6 is stalled :(20:37
rwwthings after - are internal, yes20:37
dougmenckenPici: okay, so it's 2.6.3820:37
Picirww: thanks20:37
dougmenckenrww: internal thing is FOSS community argh20:38
dougmenckens/thing is/things in/20:38
dougmenckenthe fact is: ~60% of packages are not buildable with 4.6 w/o patching; heh, what am I talking about, firefox source tarballs still require autocong 2.13 (>10 yeras old) ;)20:40
dougmenckenthanks you for information anyway, and good luck20:40
rwwdougmencken: I mean "internal" as in "not an upstream version number"20:40
rwwunless you're objecting to packages having versioning o.O20:40
ali1234maybe he's objecting to packages having local patches, without which there'd be no need for versioning?20:43
dougmenckenso gcc 4.5.2 and linux 2.6.38.[0-3], okay, got it20:43
rwwali1234: That'd be an equally odd stance.20:43
ali1234even more so i think :)20:43
chris4585does ubiquity have a dev channel? I'm having some data loss...20:45
dougmenckenbye guys, see you later20:45
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trancegeekpatdk you liar20:54
trancegeekyou don't have 24 cores20:54
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patdk-wktrancegeek heh?21:13
searaymanhey all i just tried upgrading from ubuntu 10.10 to natty and its all messy as hell right now. When I first logged on there were hug black blotches everywere and I hav no unity bar nothing21:13
searaymananyoen in here able to help me with my problem?21:16
joumetalsearayman: have you tried classic desktop session?21:18
searaymanjoumetal: yes, i am in tha now. Everything is workign but my compiz seemed to not start, and i am pretty sure i am in gnome not unity21:19
ali1234i had same thing when i upgraded21:19
ali1234no 3d in any of the desktops21:19
searaymanali1234: did you fix it?21:19
ali1234no, i reinstalled fresh21:19
ali1234then it worked21:19
searaymanahhh, i got a whoel lot of data i cant afford to loose21:20
ali1234i never do upgrades on production machines anyway21:20
ali1234it never, ever, works right21:20
searaymanlol :-)21:20
searaymanoopsy, i do it a lot21:20
searaymanthink there is nyway to salvage this situation without doign a fresh install?21:20
joumetalhave you same gpu?21:20
ali1234i only did the upgrade to see how broken it was this time, turns out "very"21:20
ali1234the gpu in the machine was pineview21:21
searaymanjoumetal: yea i hvent changed any hardware21:21
PresuntoRJsearayman: does it still boot via live cd?21:21
searaymanhavent tried, and dont have any cd's available at this time21:21
PresuntoRJsearayman: you could try to backup up what you need then (booting via live CD) to an external drive or USB dongle (pen drive), or another machine in the network - that is in the nature of a beta release, things can go a lot worng21:22
searaymanif i have a dual boot and re install fresh will it erase windows?21:23
meganerdsearayman: it depends on how you do the install21:24
searaymanif i do it via the gui?21:24
searaymanfrom the live cd21:24
meganerdsearayman: there are many options, one wrong click and you can wipe the whole drive21:25
searaymani know....21:25
meganerdsearayman: so you can do it both ways21:25
meganerdsearayman: what I am saying is that result is deendanding on you :)21:26
searaymancan i boot off a external hard drive like i can with a usb drive?21:26
meganerdshould be depending21:26
meganerdsearayman: it depends on the BIOS of the computer you are using, but in theory yes21:26
searaymanok, well thats the only thing i possibel have with me at the moment lol21:26
meganerdsearayman: I have a hard drive on me with 10.04 installed on it.  It works on most modern machines, but not all.21:27
searaymanalso can i store all my files on my external alongside the bootable iso on the drive?21:27
searaymanalso how can i check real quick if i need amd or i386 iso?21:28
meganerduname -a21:29
meganerdwill tell you what you have.  If you have less than 4 GiB of RAM then you don't really need the 64 bit one21:29
searaymanthnks, my insticnt was correct on what i had, just wanted to make sure21:29
searaymando you know of a good torent? for the i 386 natty the one i am tryign to download wont even download the torrent file21:31
searaymanand direct download is saying 1 day....21:31
meganerdI just pull them from the ubuntu site: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta21:32
searaymanok i just found a faste rone21:32
searayman2 min21:32
searaymanfor backing up do you think one large tar would work?21:33
mrdebwhy is 1104 hitting more sources21:35
meganerdsearayman: there are thousands of ways of backing up.21:36
searaymani just want an easy way. I have a few folders21:36
meganerdsearayman: yes it could work, it would also preserve permissions21:36
searaymanand music and some movies21:36
searaymani will do that21:36
searaymannow does the external hard drive i am booting from have to soley be the iso thts bootable or can i have my backed up files on there too?21:37
meganerdmake sure that the destination file system can handle large files.  FAT32 for example tops out at 2 GB, and I have had NTFS fail at 4 GB (older version of NTFS from NT4)21:37
PresuntoRJsearayman: it it has enough free sapce, it can hold any files you copy to it also21:38
searaymank, but could both be on there, since i am compressign in tar its not huge my backed up files21:38
searaymanPresuntoRJ: thanks i just wasnt sure if it would mess up with the install21:38
searaymanPresuntoRJ: do i have to do somethign special to the iso to make it bootable?21:39
PresuntoRJsearayman: not really, every Ubuntu release ISO is bootable... just dont copy it to a pen drive or external drive and expect it to boot from...21:39
searaymanok cool, lmost done compressing all my things21:40
PresuntoRJsearayman: the ISO is like a ZIP or TAR.GZ file that contais the image os a CD21:40
searaymanhopefully this goes well21:40
searaymanthanks, i am new to programing just started my cs/it major this year although i have used ubuntu for years i am finally gettign to figure how things work21:40
PresuntoRJthere is an application in the default Ubuntu installation just to create bootable drives from ISO images... there are other ways to do that in a Windows or Mac also... and, ofcourse, the ISO can be burst to a CD-R via Burn Image option (the name may vary)21:41
PresuntoRJsearayman: good21:42
searaymanbut i do not need to create a bootable drivve of my iso right just dump it on my external?21:42
coz_ good day to all21:42
soreauWhy does natty have an official release date already? I thought release dates were always to-be-determined until the actual release21:43
searaymanPresuntoRJ: also any suggestions to make sure i only overwrite my old ubuntu install and not windows?21:44
charlie-tca__Got to have a target date to aim for21:44
jbichasoreau: official dates have been set in advance for many releases now21:44
charlie-tca__Every release has a target date set 6 months in advance21:44
soreauI guess they reserve the right to change it at any time :P21:45
charlie-tca__yup, and sometimes it does move around21:45
charlie-tca__10.10 release date was originally set for the end of October, but got moved up21:45
mrdebwhy is apt getting updates in 110421:46
mrdebisnt it stable by onw21:46
Picimrdeb: What does the changelog say?21:46
mrdebPici: i dont read that21:48
BUGabundoyo o/ :D21:49
yofelit was an apt bugfix release, why shouldn't we get that?21:49
yofelhey BUGabundo ^^21:49
BUGabundono more ship it :\21:50
genii-aroundmrdeb: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/a/apt/apt_0.8.13.2ubuntu1/changelog)21:51
mrdebhey guys21:53
mrdebthe new kernel is downloading. is this gonna scrwe up the nvidia driver from working? if so, how do you remove and isntall it againt from command line only21:53
mrdebin case i have to do it21:53
py_hello i am having sound problems on my macbook pro 5,521:53
py_the funny thing is it works on login21:54
py_but not when i am loged in21:54
py_this is my alsa report21:54
yofelmrdeb: if you installed the packaged nvidia driver you shouldn't have to worry about that21:55
filihello all, question: Ubuntu 11.04 beta - is there any way to minimise stuff like evolution / emphaty to the main top panel instead of the unity panel on the left?21:56
mrdebyeah but to be sure, should i unistall before rebooting into new kernel and install it again from jockey21:56
yofelmrdeb: no21:56
mrdebr u sure21:56
yofelit'll get rebuilt when the kernel is installed21:56
mrdebi heard this doesnt always owrk though21:56
yofelwell, it does have failure potential, but it does work 98% of the time usually21:58
mrdebit not, how do you recover rom command line to remove nvidia and install it again21:58
yofelapt-get remove nvidia-current; apt-get install nvidia-current21:59
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yofelno need to touch xorg.conf for that21:59
mrdebok thanks21:59
skyjumperanyone have a patch for vmware modules on natty beta?21:59
searaymanPresuntoRJ: so i am about to go, trnsfering the last files. All i have to do is reboot with my external drive plugged via usb right? Maybe set boot options?22:00
bjsnidermrdeb, there is a command you can run to make sure the nvidia driver is installed after you finished upgrading the kernel22:00
mrdeboh really22:00
bjsnidermrdeb, the command is dkms status22:01
mrdebshould i run that right now22:01
bjsnideris the kernel finished upgrading?22:01
mrdebit's downloading22:02
bjsniderrun it after it finishes installing but before rebooting22:02
mrdebim scared22:03
=== Guest91706 is now known as AnubArack
mrdebif you copy all files from one hdd to the next, how do you then install grub to the second hdd22:08
TLFI did a dist-upgrade today, rebooted22:10
drmorphiasTLF, hi22:10
TLFand I can't login through gdm22:10
TLFany clues??22:10
AnubArackhow can I upgrade my 10.10 to 11.04 ?22:12
BUGabundo!upgrade > AnubArack22:12
ubottuAnubArack, please see my private message22:12
TLFI think is a problem in whole GNOME22:14
=== meganerdca is now known as meganerd
AnubArackBUGabundo, none of those links have the answer22:15
BUGabundowhat ?22:16
BUGabundoAnubArack: $ update-manager -d22:16
BUGabundogo go go22:16
* Pici points at release notes in topic22:17
drmorphiasgo go gadget, go! :-)22:17
BUGabundota ta ran ta ta rannn22:17
PresuntoRJ!upgrade > PresuntoRJ22:18
ubottuPresuntoRJ, please see my private message22:18
drmorphiasi love ubuntu.  i got a decent OS and i got world of warcraft working.  heck, i dont need windows for the rest of my life :D22:20
coz_drmorphias,  :)22:24
ubuntuguyWhat customizations will we be able to make to unity?22:25
ali1234you can pin different apps to the launcher bar22:26
ali1234you can make the launch never hide22:26
ubuntuguyWIll you be able to make the lancher smaller?22:26
ali1234don't think so22:27
ali1234i don't think you can do anything but those two things22:27
krabadorplease, tell me that i can move down the bar at the left on unity22:27
ali1234what do you mean "move down"22:27
ubuntuguyNope, you won't be able to move bAR22:27
ali1234you mean move it to the bottom of the screen?22:28
ddbt-nlis the non-complete snapping to half of the screen of the terminal already reported as a bug? it still leaves some open space around the edges.. it looks kinda sloppy22:29
mrdebddbt-nl: are you windows blank22:30
searaymanPresuntoRJ: hey when i tried boot options and chose usb device my computer just hanged and never booted off my external hard drive?22:30
mrdebdid you install to that partition22:32
ddbt-nlis the snapping of the terminal to one half of the screen already reported as a bug? it does not snap completely and it still leaves some space around the corners. this looks sloppy.22:33
zaeryI've got a radeon 6970m, and ubuntu's telling me that I don't need any additional drivers to make it work nicely, does anyone know if the default drivers are actually good?22:33
mrdebzaery: they work and ar emor stable than the ati drivers, but less peformance. what are you gonna do with they22:36
zaeryplay games with wine, how much less performance?22:37
searaymananyoen know how i can boot off of an external hard drive?22:37
switch10_searayman: use unetbootin to put it on the drive.22:37
searaymanswitch10_: trying but it does not see my external....22:38
mrdebwine sucks22:38
searaymanswitch10_: ubuntu sees my external though cause i see it on the desktop and can put things on it or take things frm it22:38
searaymanswitch10_: any other ideas?22:39
switch10_searayman: have you tried the USB creator that comes with ubuntu?22:40
searaymani think so whats it called again, i tried one other thing but forget its name22:40
switch10_searayman: startup disk creator22:40
=== meganerdca is now known as meganerd
graingertwhat "Updates" should I have ticked in "Software Sources"?22:41
graingertimportant, Recomended proposed and unsuported?22:41
searaymanswitch10_: tha tone only recognizes my hard drive...22:42
thiebaudegraingert, i choose all of them :)22:45
charlie-tca__graingert: normally, you do not want proposed or backports22:45
charlie-tca__since once natty releases, that would mean you get the untested packages as soon as they hit22:46
graingertcool just unticked backports22:47
mrdebit seems the blank windows are fixed22:53
cg2916how to i make it so that GRUB starts with the menu as default instead of the command line?22:56
mrdebno. still blank windows22:56
NarcHello all. I looked on the web but I'd like to be sure : Natty will use GNOME 2.x, right ? Not GNOME 3...22:58
yofelyes, unity and gnome 2.3222:58
NarcThanks yofel22:58
bgoldHey guys. Am I using the File Lens wrong, or is it just not working properly yet? On a fresh install of Natty with only one file in my pictures dir (tornado.png), it doesn't fidnd it at all22:59
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code22:59
DasEiwhat was this new editor, changed for oo in natty called again ?23:00
DasEibgold: yup, thank you23:01
bgoldDoes the File Search in Unity work for anyone here?23:01
Kevin1aI just noticed that the "floating gnome foot screensaver" is still present in the Natty Beta.  Shouldn't this have been removed since Ubuntu now uses ?23:07
charlie-tca__Unity does not replace Gnome23:07
NarcKevin1a: Ubuntu still uses GNOME, Unity is just a "shell" for GNOME23:07
charlie-tca__it adds to it23:07
gordonjcpnemo: ping23:13
nemoso. how goes the ATI card :)23:14
gordonjcpnemo: I went down the "modify the theme" route23:14
gordonjcpnemo: you total, total genius23:14
magn3tsWhich is dumber? Unity not coming with a config tool, or GNOME3 completely lacking the ability to change even the GTK+ theme?23:15
nemogordonjcp: yeah. but I'm still irritated that all that is necessary23:16
gordonjcpnemo: yeah23:17
nemohm. I wonder if natty has picked up the compiz focus fix23:17
gordonjcpnemo: I'm considering a package of "make ubuntu not suck" tweaks23:17
nemothe one that was bugging up various applications (like firefox 4)23:17
nemoit was landed on compiz just a couple of weeks ago23:17
gordonjcpoh ghod this is amazing, I've been on this for about ten minutes now and not even a little bit of eyestrain23:19
Kevin1aI actually left Ubuntu because of Unity, but after trying Gnome 3 and not particularly likeing it either I've decided to test drive both Ubuntu Natty and Fedora 15 and let them fight for my affection.  I have to say, I'm starting to hate Unity less now that I'm using it, but a lot of the stuff still seems counterintuitive.23:19
gordonjcpKevin1a: I still don't like the ugly strip down the side23:19
gordonjcpbut losing the knackered monitor effect on windows is good23:20
ali1234you could just carry on using classic23:20
thiebaudeim just using 11.04 with gnome and macbuntu :) with nvidia drivers not installed,lol23:20
nemoali1234: that's what I'm doing :)23:20
ali1234that's what i'm doing too23:20
nemoali1234: but I may give unity another shot in a week or two. it may have improved, maybe23:20
gordonjcpI *know* my LCD isn't great, I don't need fake blurry wobbly effects to make it look worse23:20
Kevin1aI agree, I'm on a netbook 1200x600 or something like that.  Screen real estate is already uber-scarce for me.  A lot of windows hang off the bottom half of the screen and I have to tab to the unseen confirm or next buttons and hope I don't accidently hit quit23:21
nemogordonjcp: the only effect I'm willing to slow down my sucky intel card on my laptop for is gaussian blur on translucent terminals23:21
nemogordonjcp: and that slows it down enough w/o having that huge drop shadow23:21
nemoKevin1a: on my laptop, where I'm still using gnome classic, I have only one bar, along the top, and I shrunk that one to 24px23:22
nemo(also replaced the App/Places/Sys w/ the button menu23:22
nemomy mom has gone a step farther and set her menu to autohide23:22
ali1234can't stand that button menu myself23:22
ali1234it just means i have tomake 1 extra click when launching a program23:22
nemoali1234: if you want to have the broken up menu, you can have that while still reducing space on a bar by forcing a "translation" of it23:23
nemochange the text to like  App/Loc/Sys23:23
ali1234i don't want to reduce space23:23
nemoor A / P / S23:23
nemoor whatever23:23
ali1234i want it to be nice and big so i can easily click on it23:23
nemoali1234: well. this is for fitting more on a bar, if you're trying to do away with the bottom bar23:23
ali1234i'm not23:23
nemoguess you're not on a laptop23:24
Kevin1aNemo: I've been using gnome classic with no bottom bar and an emerald theme that makes the boarders really really thin.  I know the keyboard shortcuts anyway, so I don't need the buttons anyway, just a place to grab when I'm tiling windows.23:24
ali1234if i was, i would use hildon23:24
nemoKevin1a: I did a custom theme w/ really tiny/thin buttons/sliders :)23:25
ali1234i still use human-theme23:25
nemowell. I'm still using human, just human + skinniness23:25
gordonjcpI think the idea of sticking "System Settings" under the power button icon is fundamentally retarded23:25
ali1234don't like thin borders... can't resize windows properly with them23:25
ali1234also i patched gtk to get rid of the dumb resize gripper23:25
ali1234my system is basically intrepid but with less bugs :)23:28
Kevin1aIs it on the web somewhere, or just a personal use thing?  I think gnome-shell and unity have a lot of potential, it just seems it's not here yet.  I actually liked the older mock ups of gnome-shell better than what it's turned into.  I like how unity integrates the title bar into the taskbar.  It's ugly as hell, but it saves me some vertical pixels.  Would probably look better if close, max, min buttons where alligned left and ubuntu butt23:29
Kevin1aon was hidden and triggered by dragging the mouse to corner like with g323:29
ali1234the only thing i use that isn't in the natty repos is the gtk patches, and those are 1 line each got gtk+2 and gtk+3 (just change a TRUE to a FALSE in gtkwindow.c)23:31
ali1234oh i use that ppa that fixes the indicators to not leave a 1 inch gap between them and the panel23:32
Kevin1aali1234: link me please, that's been bugging me for ages.  Those indicators.  You mean the ones that pop up in the see through black rectangle right?23:33
ali1234this was the procedure i used for maverick: http://pastebin.com/Jimg1W4S23:34
ali1234haven't finalized the instructions for natty yet but i will23:34
ali1234this is how you get rid of the grippers through patching: http://askubuntu.com/questions/29209/disable-resize-gripper-in-windows/33658#3365823:35
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Kevin1aI'm fine with the grippers, I just want to move the indicators to eliminate the gap23:37
ali1234the ppa is in the pastebin23:37
ali1234maybe not yet updated for natty, idk23:37
Kevin1aHmmm, I'll keep an eye out.  I don't see a medibuntu repo for Natty yet either.  I just used a deb from a different repo to install the codecs I needed.23:38
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau

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