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ikoniaheads up to the bug squard, this bug isn't a problem for me, but I was trying to work through a situation with a user with pretty much the same problem and found this bug09:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 580206 in yelp (Ubuntu) "gnome-help crashed (segmentation fault) while printing (affects: 5) (heat: 20)" [Medium,New]09:21
ikoniaas the bug team, have a read through it, it's been handled pretty badly - from an end users perspective it looks like people are trying to find a reason to get rid of it, rather than deal with it09:21
ikoniait's still in a poor state09:21
VladbIkaHi All. Can I write about bugs in beta 11.04 here?10:52
TeTeTVladbIka: sure, though I don't know if it's of much use. Best is if you report and comment bugs on Launchpad and only if things are unclear you can discuss them here10:54
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penguin42is there a reference bug for /usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/.mo clashing between gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad ?  There are a whole load of package instal fails for the same reason on the list of latest bugs14:05
* penguin42 has duped 3 of them into bug 75126414:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 751264 in gst-plugins-ugly0.10 (Ubuntu) "package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly 0.10.17-1 failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/.mo« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0.10.21-1ubuntu10 ist (affects: 4) (dups: 3) (heat: 30)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75126414:07
jpdspenguin42: I've been dupping them all into bug #751343.15:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 751343 in gst-plugins-ugly0.10 (Ubuntu) "package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly 0.10.17-1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/.mo', which is also in package gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0.10.21-1ubuntu10 (affects: 37) (dups: 33) (heat: 282)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75134315:06
jpdspenguin42: Problem has been fixed though.15:06
penguin42jpds: Yeh I just saw your message in -devels15:06
somethinginteresI got the following output on natty when running the update manager just now http://paste.ubuntu.com/589701/ I am not sure what package to report this against and what I should include in the report15:08
jpdssomethinginteres: bug #751343.15:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 751343 in gst-plugins-ugly0.10 (Ubuntu) "package gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly 0.10.17-1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/.mo', which is also in package gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad 0.10.21-1ubuntu10 (affects: 38) (dups: 34) (heat: 290)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75134315:09
somethinginteresjpds: ah I see. Thanks15:10
penguin42jpds: Nothing like a popular bug :-)15:12
matsubarahi there. I just updated to Ubuntu 11.04 and am using Unity. I'm seeing some font overlap issue in a terminal <http://ubuntuone.com/p/kzM/>. It happens on gnome-terminal and terminator with multiple tabs open. is this known?15:13
penguin42matsubara: I'm not seeing that - what font are you using?15:14
matsubarapenguin42, Ubuntu15:14
penguin42matsubara: Is that fixed width?15:15
matsubarapenguin42, yep, Ubuntu font for all my font settings including fixed width15:16
penguin42matsubara: I don't think the ubuntu font is a fixed width font15:16
matsubarapenguin42, thanks. that was it. I choose a fixed width one and it now looks fine.15:33
matsubaralooks fine15:33
penguin42no prob15:33
somethinginteresAm getting some crashes on Natty but the bug reports Ubuntu wants me to send are around 350MB each, far too large for my internet connection is there a way to send a smaller report, no smaller option is offered16:30
MadCow108what crashes?16:33
somethinginteresMadCow108: the last case was Nautilus but another was aptd16:35
MadCow108you can run the program under gdb or valgrind to get similar information16:37
MadCow108gdb ./program, when it crashes, bt full16:37
somethinginteresMadCow108: I'm not familiar with gdb or valgrind will have to look into them, thanks16:37
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MadCow108are you using natty? I always get the option to send a small report16:40
somethinginteresMadCow108: yep. Natty Beta 116:43
hggdhsomethinginteres: have you updated your natty to current? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:44
hggdhsince beta-1 we have had many updates16:44
somethingintereshggdh: I ran the update-manager but will execute those commands to be sure16:45
hggdhsomethinginteres: be careful that no needed package gets removed16:45
somethingintereshggdh: how can I prevent that from occuring?16:45
hggdhsomethinginteres: after you issue the dist-upgrade, read the output to see if anything will be removed. If it appears so, pastebin the whole command output here16:46
somethingintereshggdh: appears there's nothing being removed just 13 package upgrades. Thanks for the heads up. Should I always run from the terminal or would update-manager also find these upgrades normally and they just appeared after I last refreshed the package information?16:48
hggdhsomethinginteres: updating on a devel release should always be done with care; update-manager would also find these updates after an apt-get update16:49
somethingintereshggdh: OK, thank you16:50
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gnomefreakok what package do i file a bu on for preffered apps dialog. i know that each package should have a setting to be placed in there but on the browsers/email tab it doesnt offer custom so i was going to file a separate bug for the "custom" bug and the package bug17:43
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charlie-tca__gnomefreak: it Ubuntu, the package is gconf17:49
charlie-tca__but it is different for each distro.17:50
seb128gnomefreak, don't open that bug17:53
leoquantafter a revoke ui which is in the terminal revuid the uid key is revoked, but after a serverupload/synch. the revoked uid is still present in launchpad17:57
leoquantseahorse gives the same results....imo there no way to remove revoked uids from launchpad17:58
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om26erwhich package should this bug be assigned to ?18:03
om26erbug 74815118:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 748151 in unity (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) ""Safely Remove" USB drive works great, but is remounted immediately (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74815118:03
charlie-tca__om26er: udev, I think18:07
om26ermoved thanks charlie-tca__18:09
charlie-tca__You are welcome18:09
somethinginteresUbuntu isn't respecting prefered web browser. I set it to Chromium in Chromium Preferences and upon exit the prefered app returns to the default setting of Firefox. Where should I report this?18:13
micahgsomethinginteres: already reported, looking for number18:14
micahgsomethinginteres: bug 67012818:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 670128 in xdg-utils (Fedora) (and 4 other projects) "gnome-open uses firefox while it's not the preferred browser (affects: 23) (dups: 6) (heat: 155)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67012818:16
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somethinginteresmicahg: no problem. I try to use my search foo but it's just not up to par :)18:20
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gnomefreakseb128: dont open a bug on that problem?18:27
seb128gnomefreak, what about that?18:27
gnomefreakthis isnt for me someone else was wanting info on it so an already standing bug would be great18:27
gnomefreakseb128: preffered apps not listing apps nor custom18:27
seb128gnomefreak, what is your question exactly18:27
seb128right, that's a GNOME design decision18:28
gnomefreakseb128: he wants to know why thunderbird isnt listed in preffered...18:28
seb128chrisccoulson, ^18:28
seb128why is that still not fixed?18:28
gnomefreakseb128: oh, afaik we added something to the tb3.3 package to list it in there and it is listed18:28
seb128so what are you saying?18:28
gnomefreakbut not the default tb package18:28
seb128what is the default package and why is it not fixed?18:29
chrisccoulsoni just haven't done an upload with the fix in yet ;)18:29
gnomefreakseb128: only the 3.3 package of tb is listed. that is from daily PPA18:29
seb128gnomefreak, ok, known issue then, it will be fixed for natty18:29
gnomefreakthanks seb chrisccoulson18:29
micahggnomefreak: no, tb 3.3 uses gio I think18:29
micahgwhereas tb 3.1 still uses gnome-vfs18:30
gnomefreakmicahg: well i remember tellioong chrisccoulson about it and within a few days it was listed18:30
gnomefreakok i will tell fool.... about it. thanks guys18:30
chrisccoulsonnote, that setting the default client from *within* thunderbird is unlikely to work in natty. i just don't see how i'm going to get time to backport all of the gio changes to make that work properly18:30
chrisccoulsonbut setting it from gnome-default-application-properties will work18:31
micahgchrisccoulson: probably not worth it since in ~2-3 months we'll be updating to 3.318:31
chrisccoulsonwell, it doesn't work there either ;)18:31
chrisccoulsonalthough, it needs less patches to make it work18:31
* micahg thought 3.3 was using gio, guess not18:32
chrisccoulsonit can, but it doesn't work properly18:32
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Tetsuo55can't anything be done to speed up the retraces?21:20
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yofelTetsuo55: I think you'll have to ask pitti that21:33
Tetsuo55he comes onlin ehere?21:38
Tetsuo55the retraces are almost always to late for my bug reports, resulting in a close because the retracer got updated21:38
yofelTetsuo55: nope, he's in #ubuntu-devel21:46
yofeland yeah, that does happen rather frequently :/21:46
Tetsuo55ok thanks21:49
ali1234does installing the debug symbols packages from ddebs make valgrind traces more useful? (ie less '???' in them?)22:47
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hggdhali1234: yes indeed. Actually, not more powerful, but _useful_. Without the symbols, valgrind's output is worthless23:35
ali1234i never said powerful :)23:36
ali1234actually you just reminded me to kill the leaky program before it totally overwhelms my system23:36
hggdhali1234: I beg your pardon. 'powerful' came from my deranged imagination ;-)23:36
ali1234totally forgot about it23:36
ali1234leaking 2GB in 20 minutes is bad right?23:36
hggdher. bad is a delicate way of saying it sucks to high heaven23:37
hggdhit is BAD23:37
ali1234this morning i had 7GB of swap in use, plus all of phys mem23:38
hggdhheh. Who is the culprit, and what version of Ubuntu?23:39
ali1234probably would have been more if page faults didn't cause a 1.3 second iowait23:39
ali1234the culprit is gvfsd/gnome-system-monitor/libdbus and the version of ubuntu is at least lucid, maverick and natty23:40
ali1234i can reproduce on a clean install on any of those, haven't tried others23:41
ali1234as usual it's the intersection of two or more bugs that's causing it23:41
ali1234gvfsd has a small leak that's made much worse because gnome-system-monitor hammers it constantly with requests sometimes23:42
ali1234i haven't figured out yet what "sometimes" means23:42
hggdhyeah, sounds like it, and --right now, without any firm position-- I would say g-s-m plays a part23:42
ali1234g-s-m also likes to exceed the limit on active dbus watches23:43
hggdhcuz I do not have this problem (and I am not running /have not run) g-s-m so far since I installed this natty23:43
hggdhand which programme you see eating up memory?23:43
ali1234hang on, let me get the bug number :)23:43
ali1234bug 75152323:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 751523 in gnome-system-monitor (Ubuntu) "gnome-system-monitor spams dbus with requests for volume information (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75152323:44
ali1234if you follow the 3 steps you'll see ever increasing mem use by gvfsd on any ubuntu system23:44
ali1234on a clean install it's like 1mb every minute23:45
ali1234on my main workstation it's more like 1mb per second23:45
ali1234but it happens everywhere to some extent23:45
ali1234hmm still missing some debug symbols23:48
ali1234um... where are the symbols for libdbus-1 and libglib-2?23:49
hggdhIDK, let me try to find out23:50
ali1234this is what i got so far: http://pastebin.com/W3BbvKf823:51
hggdhfor libglib2.0-- you can install libglib2.0-0.dbg23:52
ali1234ah is that in the main repos?23:52
hggdhit will carry all needed debug symbols for all packages derived from the source libglib2.023:52
ali1234bet dbus is same :)23:53
hggdhbut not all packages have a .dbg (or even .dbgsym)23:53
ali1234hmm... can't find anything for libdbus23:53
hggdhit's in dbus-1.dbg23:54
ali1234ah cheers23:54
hggdhali1234: the valgrind excerpt you showed me is for which of them? This one really has a problem...23:55
ali1234that's the only one that actually spirals out of control re memory use23:56
ali1234g-s-m just fills .xsession-errors with crap23:56
ali1234and only after it exceeds the limit, which takes a few hours23:56
hggdhI think 1 second is too short a period. *BUT* still, this should not happen23:58
ali1234it's just to make the problem happen quicker :)23:58
hggdh(this is also called 'testing for boundary conditions')23:58
ali1234on my workstation where i first noticed the bug this morning it's all on defaults23:59

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