fishscene | ping, rye | 00:05 |
rye | fishscene, we found why the web interface does not work for you, i have filed a bug for this; I am reading your ticket now | 00:11 |
fishscene | Was it that server in the cluster? | 00:12 |
fishscene | err. nvm. But great! Glad to see things moving along :) | 00:12 |
rye | fishscene, the server fails to properly check for the nested email address nodes and assumes the emails to be available even if that is only an empty list | 00:12 |
rye | fishscene, what provider was used initially to store your contacts? Was that Google backend or the internal phone storage? | 00:13 |
fishscene | All my contact data initially was pulled from Google, sync'd to the phone, and then sync'd to ubuntu one. | 00:14 |
rye | fishscene, ok, could you please visit your google contacts via gmail? | 00:16 |
fishscene | yup. They all seem intact | 00:16 |
rye | fishscene, so the changes to the contacts did not propagate back to google? | 00:16 |
* rye is wondering | 00:17 | |
fishscene | It would appear so. I'm not sure if it is set to propogate changes to the server though | 00:17 |
fishscene | You see, I wanted everything sync'd by one application and I chose Ubuntu one. | 00:17 |
fishscene | So I think I initially sync'd everything over, and then disabled syncing. | 00:18 |
fishscene | no wait. hold on. It is reporting sync error's with gmail... apparently I didn't disable it | 00:18 |
rye | fishscene, I want to check what state the addressbook in, could you please open the addressbook, click menu, select accounts | 00:19 |
fishscene | Error message for gmail: "Sync is currently experiencing problems. It will be back shortly." | 00:19 |
rye | fishscene, correction, "Display options", not "Accounts" | 00:19 |
fishscene | Is there an equivelant application on Android/Nexus S for "Address book"? I don't think I have that. | 00:20 |
fishscene | I have a contacts list | 00:20 |
rye | fishscene, well, Dialer or "Contacts" | 00:20 |
fishscene | ok gotchya. I'm there. | 00:21 |
rye | fishscene, do you see the entry for funambol account contact source? | 00:21 |
rye | fishscene, it should have your user id digits | 00:22 |
rye | as the name | 00:22 |
fishscene | I have gmail, my work e-mail, and my and facebook. (I'm assuming these are the contacts sources?) | 00:22 |
rye | hmmm | 00:23 |
fishscene | am I looking in the right place? | 00:23 |
rye | fishscene, what do you mean by "my" there ^ (I have an android device but it is not Nexus but is running pretty close build to default one) | 00:24 |
rye | fishscene, another question - a level ip, then "Accounts" - are there any funambol accounts (or with Ubuntu-One styled "@" icon) | 00:25 |
rye | level ip | 00:25 |
rye | level up | 00:25 |
fishscene | Under display options, I have the following items on the screen: "ONly Contacts with phones (only display contacts that have phone numbers", "Sort list by..", "View Contact names as", and "Choose contacts to display" and a list of 3 of my accounts underneath. In "Accounts" I only have my 3 accounts listed there and all are green for "sync is on". I can not find "funambol" or any @'s anywhere in the two menu's "Display options" or "Accounts" | 00:26 |
fishscene | Interestingly, facebook is the only account that is syncing properly, the other two are gmail-related accounts and sync'ing isn't working correctly | 00:27 |
rye | fishscene, okay, this is weird. I believe I will need to postpone this for 9 hours and get back to you via the ticket with the conversion script | 00:28 |
fishscene | oh, one last thing. I'm running the vanilla android. I haven't rooted it or anything. | 00:28 |
rye | fishscene, ... which is strange, since facebook is the one who should be experiencing the issues, since google has disabled funambol sync for later releases... and gmail/google contacts are supposed to be syncing w/o any issues | 00:29 |
fishscene | Such is my life. | 00:29 |
* fishscene chuckles | 00:29 | |
rye | fishscene, anyway, we have found a bug on the server side and if patch goes before tomorrow server upgrade then it will be fixed, unless there are more irregularities. | 00:29 |
fishscene | sweeet | 00:30 |
fishscene | Was that a heck of a coincidence in timing, or do you upgrade every other week? :P | 00:30 |
rye | fishscene, you know, I think you'll want to install alogcat application from android market or run adb logcat from the terminal with android SD installed during attempt to sync google contacts, it should provide at least some info about why it is failing | 00:30 |
fishscene | hmm | 00:31 |
rye | fishscene, tuesday is the release day and some special rollouts are happening on thursdays | 00:31 |
fishscene | I have alogcat now. I'll see if I can fiddle with it and see what's going on in further detail. | 00:32 |
rye | fishscene, ok, and I will finally create a script that exports vcards from ubuntuone databases, since it seems to be needed sometimes | 00:33 |
rye | so I am at the end of day and see you all in 8...9 hours! | 00:34 |
fishscene | TTYL mate. Thanks again! | 00:34 |
rye | fishscene, you are very welcome, sorry for taking so long but there are more unknowns than I was prepared to hack with | 00:35 |
fishscene | LOL. | 00:35 |
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mandel | morning all! | 08:29 |
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mandel | eco | 08:53 |
mandel | eoc | 08:53 |
=== Stecchino_ is now known as Stecchino | ||
fagan | morning | 09:11 |
fagan | mandel: so task or are we still on the friday thing | 09:11 |
mandel | fagan: did you do the last things I mentioned from yesterday | 09:12 |
mandel | ? | 09:13 |
fagan | mandel: I cant remember | 09:14 |
* fagan checks the logs | 09:14 | |
fagan | ah passing the values to the constructor instead | 09:16 |
fagan | that shouldnt take too long | 09:16 |
mandel | cool, let me know when done :) | 09:17 |
fagan | mandel: done | 09:22 |
fagan | and tested | 09:22 |
fagan | (and pushed too) | 09:25 |
mandel | ok, on it, give me a min or so, I need to write some docs :( | 09:28 |
fagan | hah | 09:28 |
fagan | mandel: I thought you would have had that from yesterday | 09:28 |
mandel | fagan: have had what? the docs? | 09:31 |
mandel | this is for the compilation of the sso port into a .exe, I just managed to do it :) | 09:31 |
mandel | fagan: can you remind be the branch please | 09:31 |
fagan | mandel: oh by docs I thought you meant the task or something | 09:32 |
fagan | lp:~shanepatrickfagan/+junk/string_list | 09:32 |
mandel | fagan: nono, I've got yours, dont worry :) | 09:36 |
fagan | I dont know I think im almost up to speed now | 09:36 |
fagan | other than me reading the api docs properly :P | 09:37 |
mandel | fagan: why is list_type a class variable? | 09:37 |
fagan | mandel: well I need to access it in a few places so it was easier to make it a class level var | 09:38 |
fagan | I suppose now that im passing it to the constructor I dont need that | 09:38 |
mandel | fagan: exactly | 09:39 |
mandel | fagan: also, you remember de \ in those statements that are between (), so can you remove the unnecessary ones | 09:40 |
fagan | mandel: thats just to break up the really long lines | 09:41 |
mandel | fagan: I know, but you do not need the \ | 09:41 |
mandel | fagan: when you are splitting a statement with () you can open in a line and close is a diff one without the need of \ | 09:42 |
mandel | like: | 09:42 |
mandel | 1: long_method( | 09:42 |
mandel | 2: blah, blah) | 09:42 |
fagan | oh yeah | 09:42 |
mandel | no need to add the \, is just noise | 09:42 |
* fagan forgot to do that | 09:42 | |
mandel | fagan: also, what happens if a user of your dialog passes a None as the list? | 09:43 |
mandel | fagan: and remember what we talk about connecting the sort signal directly? | 09:44 |
fagan | mandel: well if they put in nothing and hit ok it adds it | 09:45 |
fagan | I should probably check what happens there | 09:46 |
mandel | fagan: and in the constructor? | 09:47 |
mandel | fagan: there are two input you need to validate, the user input from the UI, an empty string might be an issue, and the one in the constructor, if you pass None as the list something bad happens atm | 09:49 |
fagan | mandel: oh ok | 09:49 |
fagan | mandel: when I swap out the sort I get this | 09:53 |
rye | mornings | 09:54 |
fagan | morning rye | 09:54 |
rye | okay, evolution, i marked 100 messages for removal, you decided to re-check the mail and dropped the deleted property, THANKS! | 09:54 |
fagan | fixed | 09:55 |
fagan | rye: evo sticks them into trash though | 09:55 |
mandel | fagan: was that fixed intended to me? | 09:56 |
rye | fagan, as in the separate trash folder? | 09:56 |
fagan | mandel: yep | 09:56 |
mandel | fagan: so you fixed the connect issue then, right? | 09:57 |
fagan | rye: it has a trash folder it doesnt actually remove until you hit empty trash | 09:57 |
fagan | mandel: yep | 09:57 |
fagan | im going to valadate the input now | 09:57 |
fagan | mandel: I tried using "" and None but its still adding it to the list | 10:00 |
fagan | for the add bit | 10:01 |
mandel | fagan: what exactly are you doing? | 10:01 |
fagan | oh I fixed it | 10:02 |
fagan | I needed to put a space in | 10:02 |
fagan | mandel: making sure there is a string before adding it | 10:02 |
fagan | nope still adding | 10:03 |
fagan | :/ | 10:03 |
mandel | fagan: can you pastebin the full method so that I can take a look | 10:04 |
mandel | ??? | 10:04 |
fagan | fixed it now | 10:05 |
fagan | I used len(text) != 0 | 10:05 |
fagan | it worked | 10:05 |
fagan | mandel: done | 10:05 |
mandel | fagan: that is not very nice is it? | 10:06 |
fagan | mandel: well I changed it to is not | 10:06 |
fagan | but I couldnt do the string comparison since it didnt work | 10:06 |
mandel | fagan: what happens in python if you do: | 10:07 |
mandel | if '': | 10:07 |
mandel | or if None: | 10:07 |
fagan | mandel: it adds it | 10:07 |
fagan | which isnt what I wanted to happen | 10:07 |
mandel | fagan: why o you think that is happening? | 10:07 |
fagan | mandel: because its returning something else | 10:08 |
mandel | fagan: try to debug it to see what is going on, maybe you discover something interesting | 10:09 |
fagan | mandel: sure | 10:09 |
fagan | mandel: if I used unicode(text) is not '' would that work? | 10:12 |
fagan | Its a QString so it may be an object id say thats why its not working with the regular '' or the None | 10:13 |
fagan | nope still doesnt work | 10:14 |
mandel | well, if you do if QString(''): it works | 10:14 |
mandel | I just tested it | 10:14 |
mandel | fagan: ^ | 10:15 |
mandel | there must be something else | 10:15 |
fagan | ah ok | 10:15 |
fagan | that seems to be the best way of doing it | 10:15 |
mandel | what do you mean? | 10:15 |
fagan | mandel: well if that works it would be fine to use | 10:16 |
fagan | thats what I mean | 10:16 |
mandel | I'm just saying that is you pass an empty QString to bool() which is what that if '' does it works as expected | 10:16 |
mandel | so, it is not because it is an empty QString | 10:16 |
fagan | ah ok | 10:17 |
fagan | I dont know then | 10:17 |
fagan | All I know is len(text) works but nothing else that I tried seems to work | 10:18 |
fagan | it is a QString I checked the type so maybe there is something weird going on | 10:18 |
fagan | no matter its working you need to do another review or can we move on? | 10:24 |
mandel | fagan: can I see the code you used, because for me, the if works as expected | 10:25 |
mandel | I wanna know why in your case is not | 10:25 |
fagan | mandel: it was just if ok and text is not '': | 10:26 |
fagan | and the second one was if ok and text is not None: | 10:26 |
mandel | fagan: well, there you have the issue | 10:26 |
mandel | try: if ok and text | 10:26 |
fagan | mandel: ok | 10:27 |
mandel | fagan: d then tell me why do you thin your attempts did not work | 10:27 |
fagan | ah works | 10:27 |
fagan | I really dont know | 10:28 |
fagan | if I did I would have fixed it :) | 10:28 |
fagan | mandel: I have a feeling if I went if ok and (text is not '') it could have worked | 10:30 |
mandel | fagan: ok, lets think about it, you know as a fact that you are getting a QString(''), right? | 10:30 |
fagan | yep | 10:31 |
mandel | then, would you say that QString('') is str('')? | 10:31 |
fagan | mandel: no? | 10:31 |
fagan | there must be some difference otherwise they would have just used str('') | 10:32 |
mandel | fagan: they are not the same guy, one is a str and the other is a QString | 10:32 |
mandel | they are diff types, therefore, not the same guy | 10:32 |
mandel | right? | 10:32 |
fagan | yep | 10:32 |
mandel | ok, know what do you say about this QString('') == None | 10:33 |
mandel | that is not correct, right, I mean we do have something, a QString, right? | 10:33 |
fagan | mandel: well it would be a QString('') so it is an object | 10:34 |
fagan | so its not None | 10:34 |
mandel | exactly! | 10:34 |
mandel | and one last thing, what do you thing python does with this: | 10:34 |
mandel | if QString(''): | 10:34 |
mandel | or for that matter: | 10:34 |
mandel | if any_object | 10:34 |
fagan | mandel: well it would check with the object if its true or false? | 10:35 |
mandel | fagan: yes, but how does it do that? if I ask you to tell if me if an object is true or false, what would you do? | 10:36 |
fagan | mandel: check the object's data and see if it has it or not | 10:36 |
fagan | if it doesnt then its false if it does its true | 10:37 |
fagan | (python does do some things like C and this is probably one of them) | 10:37 |
mandel | fagan: can you write a small script to do that? | 10:38 |
fagan | mandel: to check if an object has data or not? | 10:38 |
mandel | fagan: hint: it can be done without if statements and in a single line | 10:38 |
mandel | fagan: to check i it is tru or not | 10:38 |
fagan | mandel: is it getattr() ? | 10:40 |
mandel | fagan: no | 10:43 |
* fagan googles | 10:43 | |
fagan | mandel: '' in text | 10:46 |
fagan | ubuntu forums saves the day | 10:46 |
fagan | I tried it and it works too | 10:47 |
mandel | fagan: I'm not looking for that, I'd like to see it for any object type | 10:48 |
mandel | that inherits from object | 10:48 |
fagan | mandel: bool("") | 10:52 |
fagan | or bool(text) | 10:52 |
mandel | bingo :) | 10:52 |
mandel | so, everytime that you do a if some_object | 10:52 |
fagan | didnt even need google for that | 10:53 |
mandel | it gets expanded to if bool(something) | 10:53 |
fagan | ah ok | 10:53 |
mandel | fagan: I think we can move on to the next one | 10:54 |
mandel | give me a sec | 10:54 |
fagan | finally | 10:54 |
fagan | :) | 10:54 |
* fagan makes tea | 10:57 | |
mandel | fagan: there you go: | 11:03 |
* fagan back | 11:03 | |
karni | hi guys | 11:04 |
fagan | mandel: I know right now that im not going to like this | 11:04 |
fagan | karni: hey | 11:04 |
karni | fagan: hi there \o | 11:04 |
mandel | fagan: well, he have moved up one level, now you are in the intermediate one :) | 11:05 |
karni | @ping | 11:06 |
ubot4 | pong | 11:06 |
fagan | mandel: but do I need QPainter for the installer's screens? | 11:06 |
mandel | fagan: well, this is a Qt course, so the idea is to make you good a Qt, I dont know if we will need it | 11:07 |
mandel | we might do some custom widget | 11:07 |
* fagan hates doing graphics stuff | 11:07 | |
* fagan break | 11:36 | |
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga | ||
* fagan back | 12:30 | |
fagan | (im reading the api docs not writing code yet mandel) | 12:31 |
mandel | fagan: nothing wrong with that at all | 12:39 |
* mandel walking dog | 12:39 | |
CardinalFang | fagan, hi. Do you mind testing the version of desktopcouch in our nightlies PPA to see if it fixes the problem you saw yesterday? | 13:11 |
CardinalFang | ppa:ubuntuone/nightlies | 13:11 |
fagan | CardinalFang: ill give it a go I dont know exactly how I triggered it the first time | 13:12 |
fagan | but I can try | 13:13 |
nessita | good morning everyone! | 13:13 |
fagan | hey nessita | 13:13 |
nessita | hey fagan | 13:14 |
CardinalFang | fagan, you might need to "killall beam beam.smp desktopcouch-service" after you stop programs that are using it. | 13:16 |
CardinalFang | fagan, I don't know what state things could be in after that error. | 13:16 |
fagan | I was able to reproduce it | 13:17 |
fagan | CardinalFang: I just had to remove desktop couch and try install it again while syncing | 13:17 |
nessita | can I have a second review for ? | 13:24 |
CardinalFang | fagan, what version of desktopcouch is that? | 13:25 |
fagan | CardinalFang: the repo version | 13:26 |
fagan | give me a sec and ill check the nightly one | 13:26 |
CardinalFang | fagan, I'm pleased you reproduced it so quickly. If you can't see it happen with the nightly, it will give me confidence in my change. | 13:28 |
fagan | CardinalFang: sure I have a crap load of updates so its taking a sec | 13:29 |
fagan | Oh and I have a little bit of a bug report too | 13:33 |
fagan | On the computer im syncing from I dont want to get a notification about a new cloud folder being available | 13:33 |
alecu_ | mandel, hi! | 13:35 |
fagan | CardinalFang: Hate to say it but I just got it in the nightly | 13:35 |
fagan | assertion error right? | 13:36 |
fagan | Or maybe I had to restart the cp first | 13:36 |
fagan | give me a sec | 13:36 |
* rye 's bip host is down, rebuilding libvirt to bring it up... serial ports are really carefully guarded by apparmor in libvirt - bug#578527 | 13:38 | |
fagan | CardinalFang: ok not getting it now | 13:40 |
fagan | good | 13:40 |
nessita | thisfred: | 13:42 |
nessita | thanks! | 13:42 |
=== verterok` is now known as verterok | ||
mandel | alecu_: hello, sorry I was away walking th edog | 13:58 |
alecu_ | mandel, no prob. Did you see the fixes I requested on my last review? | 13:59 |
mandel | alecu_: I dont think so, can you let me know the merge url again? | 13:59 |
alecu_ | mandel, since they were "trivial" I approved anyway | 13:59 |
alecu_ | mandel, windows_3 or something, let me check. | 13:59 |
mandel | alecu_: oh, cool, let me see | 13:59 |
mandel | I though it was related to one of your branches | 13:59 |
alecu_ | mandel, | 13:59 |
mandel | alecu_: I can fix them, np, thanks for taking the time :) | 14:00 |
mandel | alecu_: I'll fix them right now | 14:00 |
fagan | Still no standups? | 14:06 |
fagan | mandel: the pyqt book isnt too great for the painter stuff | 14:11 |
fagan | the api is a lot better | 14:11 |
mandel | fagan: I dont think we will have standups this week at all, and next week I'd be surprise if we are doing them since we have a sprint too | 14:12 |
fagan | mandel: I kinda miss having to go over what im doing | 14:13 |
ralsina | hello people. | 14:13 |
fagan | hey ralsina | 14:13 |
ralsina | Sorry I am late, but A FREAKING TRAIN DERAILED | 14:13 |
fagan | what? | 14:13 |
CardinalFang | Hardware problems suck. | 14:14 |
fagan | CardinalFang: I commented on that bug confirming that its fixed on my machine | 14:14 |
CardinalFang | fagan, high five! | 14:14 |
fagan | CardinalFang: I thought it wasnt for a sec but I just had to kill everything and restart them and it worked | 14:15 |
alecu_ | fagan, go! | 14:15 |
mandel | ralsina: I told you to sit down in the middle, otherwise you make the trail tilt and this things happen ;) | 14:16 |
ralsina | mandel: not my train, but the train ahead of mine | 14:16 |
fagan | alecu_: thats harsh :) | 14:16 |
alecu_ | hahahha | 14:16 |
alecu_ | fagan, "go" as in "say your standup lines" | 14:17 |
fagan | alecu_: yeah I know what you meant I just prefered to take it the other way because it was funnier | 14:17 |
alecu_ | hahaha, it is | 14:17 |
* mandel hates merge conflicts... | 14:40 | |
alecu__ | dobey, I have a question about this bit: | 14:43 |
alecu__ | dobey, just understood it, never mind. | 14:44 |
alecu__ | dobey, | 14:52 |
CardinalFang | thisfred, | 14:52 |
dobey | alecu__: libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev and libgstreamer0.10-dev | 14:53 |
alecu__ | it worked, thanks. | 14:55 |
thisfred | mandel, I would like to reproduce, but I have no idea how | 15:04 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 737120 in desktopcouch "AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'head' (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 15:04 |
mandel | thisfred: that was happening in my natty laptop, so if you give me some mins to finish what I'm doing I'll boot it and will test if it occurs in the current beta, is that ok? | 15:06 |
thisfred | mandel: sure. I just wondered when it happened | 15:07 |
mandel | thisfred: it happened when I was trying to create a new database, it looked like the service crashed, tried to reconnect and got that error | 15:08 |
thisfred | I think you created the database in the wrong way | 15:08 |
mandel | ein? | 15:08 |
thisfred | mandel: did your code look anything like: Database(name, True) ? | 15:09 |
mandel | thisfred: it is: DesktopDatabase('test', create=True) | 15:09 |
thisfred | I'm betting you left off the create | 15:09 |
thisfred | 5 beer, I'm betting | 15:10 |
mandel | thisfred: hmm it could have happened.. I was on the terminal, so maybe I did not type create... | 15:10 |
mandel | thisfred: have the args param changed? | 15:10 |
thisfred | Not sure, I don't think create was ever the second argument though.\ | 15:11 |
thisfred | anyhow, marking as invalid, if you can reproduce it with the code you pasted above, I'll reopen it | 15:11 |
mandel | thisfred: I'll give it a try in a few mins | 15:14 |
thisfred | thx | 15:14 |
alecu__ | dobey, branch approved, and filled bug #751441 | 15:14 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 751441 in libubuntuone "Fails when cancelling the second password prompt (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 15:14 |
* fagan is still trying to make sense of the QPainter stuff | 15:14 | |
=== alecu__ is now known as alecu | ||
rodrigo_ | rye, so did you test the evo-couchdb package? | 16:12 |
mandel | dobey: ping | 16:22 |
rye | rodrigo_, well, it tested it and it was working well, now i removed it and reinstalled and can't get it to work | 16:26 |
dobey | mandel: hi | 16:26 |
rodrigo_ | rye, any output on e-addressbook-factory? | 16:26 |
mandel | dobey: hello :) | 16:26 |
mandel | dobey: are you very busy atm? | 16:26 |
dobey | mandel: always. what's up? | 16:26 |
mandel | dobey: haaha, well I was wondering if you could land a branch for me, because tarmac is down, right? | 16:27 |
rye | rodrigo_, ok, after several kills of evolution processes it is now showing up the contacts | 16:27 |
rodrigo_ | hmm | 16:28 |
mandel | dobey: is not blocking me, so it can be done after the sprint, not a big deal | 16:28 |
dobey | mandel: tarmac is down yes. what branch? | 16:28 |
mandel | dobey: would be this: | 16:28 |
mandel | dobey: but as I said, not blocking so I can wait 'til tarmac is back | 16:28 |
dobey | ok | 16:29 |
mandel | dobey: so we wait for tarmac, right? | 16:31 |
nessita | alecu: | 16:31 |
dobey | nessita: can you land mandel's sso branch^ por favor? | 16:35 |
nessita | sure! | 16:35 |
dobey | gracias | 16:35 |
nessita | de nada | 16:35 |
mandel | oh cool :) | 16:36 |
=== rye` is now known as rye | ||
* fagan just understood all of the languages spoken there | 16:36 | |
fagan | o/ progress | 16:36 |
mandel | nessita: before you do it: sudo apt-get install python-qt4 | 16:36 |
mandel | nessita: I think that is the exact name of the package | 16:36 |
rye | rodrigo_, and it does not appear to be starting desktopcouch on startup | 16:37 |
nessita | mandel: what?!?!?! | 16:37 |
rodrigo_ | rye, what doesn't start it? the session or evo-couchdb? | 16:37 |
nessita | mandel: are we adding a new dep to ussoc? I didn't get that memo ;-) | 16:37 |
nessita | mandel: does it work on linux? can I try it? :-D | 16:37 |
dobey | he's porting it to kde | 16:37 |
mandel | nessita: is qt, not kde. It is because otherwise you will get all the pylint warnings about not having pyqt in the system | 16:38 |
nessita | mandel: makes sense. Can I try it on linux? | 16:38 |
ralsina | it's just to make pylint happy | 16:38 |
nessita | and to avoid this: | 16:38 |
mandel | nessita: not yet, it will be ready for Linux next monday, as a per project :) | 16:38 |
nessita | File "/home/nessita/canonical/tarmac/ussoc/ubuntu_sso/qt/", line 19, in <module> | 16:38 |
nessita | from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl | 16:38 |
nessita | ImportError: No module named PyQt4.QtCore | 16:38 |
mandel | nessita: ein.. that should not happen | 16:39 |
mandel | u1trial should be ignoring the tests from qt | 16:39 |
nessita | mandel: hum, run-tests didn't report the problem and the branch got merged the same | 16:40 |
* nessita fixes run-tests | 16:40 | |
nessita | mandel: let's no skip the QT tests | 16:40 |
nessita | mandel: let's make it a dev dependency, just like zeitgeist | 16:40 |
nessita | mandel: we all should run all the linux tests, both gtk and qt, to ensure we don't break anything | 16:41 |
mandel | nessita: atm the controllers are windows base, there are Qt multiplatform tests that are not skipped | 16:41 |
nessita | mandel: great thena | 16:41 |
nessita | then* | 16:41 |
mandel | I tried hard to make just windows not to be tested :) | 16:41 |
rye | rodrigo_, it does not start desktopcouch, which I suppose is because it does not query for the port | 16:42 |
nessita | perfect! | 16:42 |
rye | rodrigo_, even better | 16:42 |
rye | rodrigo_, it starts desktopcouch but does not connect to it :( | 16:42 |
mandel | nessita: I'm also adding some bugs with the windows tag in the project | 16:43 |
mandel | I'll take care of all windows tagged ones | 16:43 |
rodrigo_ | rye, can you get the e-addressbook-factory output? without it, it's hard to say what the problem might be | 16:52 |
rye | rodrigo_, need to logout to obtain clean state..brb | 16:54 |
rodrigo_ | rye, nah, whenever you can, no hurry right now :) | 16:54 |
* fagan clocks out | 16:56 | |
dobey | lunch time | 17:00 |
=== Tm_K is now known as Tm_T | ||
rye | rodrigo_, so, there is nothing being printed by e-addressbook-factory and desktopcouch is being started but then "There are no items to show in this view" is displayed in evolution and it stays this way until i restart e-addressbook-factory and evolution | 17:16 |
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk | ||
rye | rodrigo_, weird thing - if i start e-addressbook-factory first then evolution, couchdb data source works, but if i run evolution w/o e-addressbook-factory, then there are no contacts | 17:23 |
mandel | ralsina: do you have time to give a review for the windows team? | 17:37 |
rodrigo_ | rye, weird | 17:44 |
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fagan | mandel: windows "team"? :) | 17:45 |
mandel | fagan: well, we are a team and we work in windows, right? | 17:46 |
fagan | mandel: duo :P | 17:46 |
mandel | fagan: well, ralsina is in, and we will have Chipaca with us in London | 17:47 |
fagan | mandel: oh I thought ralsina counts for all the corners of u1 | 17:48 |
mandel | yes, but he is mine now, once you do a windows review, you are hooked for ever | 17:48 |
mandel | well, I need to wallk the dog | 17:48 |
mandel | bbl | 17:48 |
* mandel walking beast | 17:48 | |
fagan | later mandel | 17:48 |
=== tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz | ||
karni | CardinalFang: Trivial review please | 18:18 |
ralsina | fagan: I am everywhere. | 18:19 |
karni | ralsina: How dare you be in my bathroom O_x | 18:19 |
ralsina | karni: only of you IRC there | 18:20 |
karni | I don't IRC from my bathroom xD (Although I have friends who do lol!) | 18:20 |
CardinalFang | karni, okay. | 18:31 |
fagan | ralsina: hehe | 18:33 |
karni | CardinalFang: remember your question about making those static int's enums? I justified my choice for statc ints, but I pulled them into interfaces, which should make it cleaner. | 18:42 |
karni | But that's in the branch that'll follow. | 18:42 |
CardinalFang | karni, rock. | 18:45 |
karni | CardinalFang: \o/ | 18:45 |
CardinalFang | karni, approved. | 18:56 |
karni | CardinalFang: Thank you! | 18:56 |
CardinalFang | karni, I misread a bit the first time. | 18:56 |
karni | CardinalFang: ack | 18:56 |
peppe84_ | If I connect to ubuntu-one client he disconnected after few second. I have try to this procedure but doesn't work. however, if I start ubuntuone-preference from gnome-terminal I receive a dbus error. see this: any idea? | 18:59 |
karni | CardinalFang: fixed | 19:16 |
jester7 | I cannot find an easy answer to this. Does Ubuntu One support file versioning? | 19:20 |
beuno | jester7, does not at the moment, no | 19:21 |
dobey | we don't yet support file revisions,no | 19:21 |
jester7 | ok, thanks | 19:21 |
dobey | yo soy tambien reviews de code por favor? | 19:54 |
dobey | y | 19:54 |
nessita | dobey: puedo tener algunas reviews? | 19:59 |
nessita | dobey: me pueden hacer un par de reviews? | 19:59 |
ralsina | nessita: I already did your performance review ;-) | 20:01 |
karni | Is this Portugese or Spanish? | 20:11 |
CardinalFang | d-bey's is neither, ha ha. | 20:11 |
karni | hehe that I know ;) I meant what nessita wrote. | 20:11 |
CardinalFang | ES | 20:12 |
karni | ack :) | 20:12 |
=== peppe84_ is now known as peppe84 | ||
=== peppe84 is now known as Guest84202 | ||
=== Guest84202 is now known as peppe84_ | ||
dobey | ralsina: | 21:34 |
nessita | dobey: I'm getting this error: | 21:43 |
nessita | Namespace is empty; likely causes are: | 21:43 |
nessita | * Not including .h files to be scanned | 21:43 |
nessita | * Broken --identifier-prefix | 21:43 |
dobey | ah because you're building the stable-1-4 branch on natty and gobject-introspection stuff changed | 21:44 |
dobey | so when you get that, you can cd gsd-ubuntuone && make | 21:44 |
dobey | and it will build the gsd extensin | 21:44 |
dobey | then you can just test that | 21:44 |
nessita | gsd-plugin, rigth? | 21:44 |
dobey | oh yes, sorry | 21:45 |
dobey | me falni | 21:45 |
dobey | well just proposed another branch, which makes music store work in rhythmbox again | 22:43 |
dobey | think i will upload maverick sru patch for proposed and be done | 22:44 |
alecu | lucio_, facundobatista: q: after sending a share invitation thru the web, does syncdaemon have a valid volume_id for that share? I would guess it does not. | 22:45 |
alecu | I'm working on bug #646059, and I need to return a volume id on the ShareCreated dbus signal | 22:47 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 646059 in ubuntuone-client "Nautilus doesn't update emblems for shares (or, syncdaemon doesn't emit response at all for shares offered thru http) (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [High,Confirmed] | 22:47 |
alecu | since the volume id is used later by nautilus to get at the share info | 22:48 |
lucio_ | i am gone, i can look into it tomorrow | 22:52 |
alecu | bye then | 22:52 |
alecu | for tomorrow, then: do "shareD" folders have volume_id, even though they have not been accepted yet? | 22:53 |
alecu | and this completes my day as well. | 22:54 |
dobey | i am pretty certain the answer to that is no. :) | 22:58 |
dobey | later all! | 23:05 |
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