
DBOI told him you're great in bed00:00
lamalexi'll be sleeping on your couch for the next 6 months00:00
DBOthat has to count for something00:00
lamalexlet's hope00:00
lamalexmaybe my #4 spot in top contributers will save me00:00
lamalexover your #600:00
DBOi hate that00:01
DBOlaunchpad needs to start giving credit for code00:01
lamalexat uds i'm going to get you drunk, and tattoo #6 onto your arm00:01
lamalexDBO, is this the bug you just fixed? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bamf/+bug/71892600:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 718926 in bamf (Ubuntu) "Some apps don't integrate to appmenu after having their windows closed" [High,Triaged]00:03
DaekdroomI reported that bug :D00:03
lamalexit was targeted to 3.6.8 with fix released00:03
DBOyeah I fixed it with ted on the phone00:03
DBOit got fixed in 3.8.400:03
DBOmore stat padding00:03
lamalexi reset it back to 3.8.400:03
lamalexMORE KARMA FOR ME00:03
lamalexi gotta reboot so i can watch netflix00:04
lamalexvea usted mañana00:04
lamalexoo wait no00:04
lamalex¡hasta mañana00:04
DBOi belive thats latin for "I have to go to the bathroom"00:05
Daekdroom"see you tomorrow" "till tomorrow"00:05
DBOthe manana of course referring to a special part of the male anatomy00:05
* DBO wonders if Daekdroom has a broken sarcasmotron00:05
DaekdroomYes, I do00:05
DaekdroomI'm acknowledged by taking everything too serious.00:06
lamlexosx notifications are the most obnoxious things00:08
lamlexhow the hell do you make them go away without clicking them00:09
davidcalleSuch great websites, such ugly icons o_O http://s2.imagefrog.net/out.php/i151630_Capture.png00:18
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DaekdroomCan anyone tell me what the hell is this?00:33
DaekdroomUsual Phoronix garbage talk or is it serious?00:33
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DamienpHi all. I think I've found a typo on the unity page. Where would I send a fix?05:42
didrocksgood morning07:36
MacSlowgreetings folks08:05
oSoMoNgood morning08:56
davidcalle_Good morning #ayatana09:01
ryeHello, is multi-display configuration supported in Unity (i.e. not extended desktop, but DISPLAY :0.0, :0.1)? ATM i have started unity in such configuration and got all the goodies of Unity on :0.1 but nautilus root window only on :0.0, no window decorations or panel09:22
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arandIs the system-settings being in the "shutdown menu" a final decision (I guess yes for natty since frozen, but also onwards)? Going through a *poweroff* button to get to the system settings seems a bit conterintuitive (and two users which I just helped find it in #ubuntu+1 agreed on that).11:04
dbarthfinal for N yes, and a good design discussion for ayatana or UDS11:06
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arandRight, just wanted to to know that it was taken into consideration.11:09
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DartIf we reset unity profile to defaults in ccsm, it does not enable unity plugin again and all we get is blank screen and wallpaper11:26
coz_ hey all11:30
torosplease, tell me that this is just a bad joke: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/ubuntu-1104-switching-back-to-classic.html11:40
Kaleosladen: did you see https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-mono/fix-start-here/+merge/56790 ?11:44
arandtoros: It seems like linkbait to me.11:45
torosarand: I hope so11:46
arandtoros: If you actually read the references..11:46
torosyepp, I read it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2011-April/002894.html11:47
sladenKaleo: groovy11:47
torosWe are working very hard on education material for Unity, so we can release it together with natty11:47
torosI would be very, very, (very) sad, if Unity wouldn't be default11:48
arandtoros: Hmm, the initial one sounds a bit negative, but that is likely just for the sake of argument, I've half-followed that thread and the response seems overwhelimingly in favout of Unity.. Is my impression.11:49
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om26ernjpatel, Hi! is this bug 747516 that could be fixed in unity or its another limitation of X11 seems like the super key is working while the indicator is open, nothing else12:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 747516 in unity (Ubuntu) "pressing super doesn't open dash if an indicator is being viewed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74751612:51
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njpatelom26er, yeah, unlikely that we can fix that13:11
om26ernjpatel, but the super key seems to be working in this case, is that weired or super key is a known exception to work with indicators opened?13:12
njpatelom26er, I guess could add something to do the panel service but I'm not sure13:13
LLStarksjcastro or anyone: what's this all about unity being reconsidered as default for natty?13:15
LLStarksi feel dirty after reading phoronix, but i see the meeting notes13:16
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LLStarksbug 75458013:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 754580 in unity (Ubuntu) "Cannot move tabs between multiple Firefox windows while using Unity unless windows are not maximimized." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75458013:51
LLStarksmake that "unmaximized, unminimized, and visible"13:53
lamalexDBO,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/748300 bitesize?14:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 748300 in unity (Ubuntu) "No multi-touch initiation for maximized windows " [Medium,Confirmed]14:14
kamstrupKaleo: do you support all the return values from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Lenses#com.canonical.Unity.Activation in U2D?14:20
kamstrupKaleo: in trying to think of a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/754424 I need the return mode where we don't hide the dassh14:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 754424 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "Dash: only returns first 5–6 "available to download" results; misleading because many more are in the Software Centre" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:21
kamstrupdash even14:21
=== chaotic_ is now known as chaotic
mpttedg, hi. Let's say the XChat developers wanted to set /away and /back based on your IM status changes in the me menu. How would we change the me menu to let them do that?14:37
tedgmpt, They have choices :-)14:37
tedgmpt, If they want it to work with just the me menu they're an object to implement in me.  We don't currently load those, but if it becomes popular that's an easy change we could make.14:38
tedgmpt, This is how the emesense folks did it.14:38
tedgmpt, If they're willing to assume telepathy is around, they could just listen for the telepathy mission control signals and respond to those.14:38
mpttedg, what do you mean by "they're an object to implement"?14:43
tedgmpt, You can subclass an object.14:43
mpttedg, unless someone uninstalls Empathy (and leaves Telepathy installed), there's no UI way in Natty for them to cause those Mission Control signals to be sent without inadvertently launching Empathy, right?14:45
tedgmpt, That's a longer conversation, and I need to run.  Sorry.14:46
lamalexhey didrocks how should we handle "fix released" bugs that aren't fixed?14:47
lamalexhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/747439 is still happening14:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 747439 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in CompWindow::id() while opening tcl/tk interface of R" [High,Fix released]14:48
didrockslamalex: really? dbarth confirmed it14:48
lamalexi get the same crash when opening password-gorilla14:48
didrockslamalex: check with smspillaz14:48
lamalexsmspillaz, ^^^14:48
didrockslamalex: if it's still exactly the same issue14:48
didrocksif it's different, open a new one14:48
smspillazlamalex: even with the most up to date compiz?14:49
smspillazI just opened gitk and compiz didn't crash14:49
smspillazif its still crashing then my fix wasn't put into the package14:49
didrockssmspillaz: it is, your fix has been merged by dbarth14:50
lamalexhm maybe i need to update14:50
lamalexoh look at that14:51
lamalexa compiz update14:51
lamalexwell isn't that nifty14:51
didrockslamalex: ok, next ping I'll ignore you! You own us this! :-)14:51
didrockssmspillaz: at least, he'll confirm it's fixed14:52
lamalexall you had to do was say "did you update?" and now i'm blacklisted?!?14:52
lamalexyou guys are fickle14:52
smspillazlamalex: time is a valuable resource ;-)14:56
lamalexonly to industrialists14:59
\shhmm...somehow the rdesktop screen (started via terminal server client) has no window decorations, always operated in fullscreen mode (it seems) ... how can someone change that for unity?15:09
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lamalexsmspillaz, didrocks yah that crash is fixed15:17
lamalexnice work15:17
smspillazblame tcl15:17
didrocksand smspillaz :-)15:17
* didrocks runs away ;)15:17
lamalexom26er_, what are you working on today?15:21
om26er_lamalex, its the new NEW and on...15:22
lamalex:-) good stuff15:22
lamalexmaybe we can get it killed tody15:22
om26er_lamalex, i'll be on them on the weeked too so when the week starts it will be all clear ;)15:23
lamalexyou should enjoy your weekend though15:23
lamalexdon't spend too much time on the computer/triaging15:23
lamalexget out and do some stuff15:24
om26er_oh, i do a lot of stuff ;)15:24
jcastroyeah! look at this baby rocket! http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/unity-stats/15:27
torosjcastro: wow!15:29
didrocksI like the "fix committed", and bam(f) release!15:32
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jcastronjpatel: is the workspace switcher considered a lens?15:45
jcastroI would think no since it's not a view on data15:45
DBOjcastro, no15:52
DBOits just a button15:52
njpateljcastro, nope16:00
* jcastro nods16:00
nhainesAfter yesterday's update to Unity on my laptop, I no longer have the shadow animations when I snap a window to the Grid, either on the top or bottom of the screen.  It works great on my desktop computer.16:28
nhainesCan I reset Unity's configuration settings to the defaults?16:29
om26er_nhaines, unity --reset16:29
om26er_and I can confirm the issue too, intel and nvidia(with experimental drivers)16:29
nhainesFor me, the nvidia proprietary drivers work, but the radeon drivers don't.16:30
om26er_uity --reset won't work as I am currently in the live session with no settings changed16:30
nhainesAnd after running unity-reset, it doesn't change.16:30
kenvandinemterry, any fixes queued up that we want to get uploaded before beta2 freeze?17:09
mterrykenvandine, not yet17:13
kenvandinemterry, ok, let me know if you find anything17:13
mterrykenvandine, oh i do have lp:~mterry/dbusmenu/sudo-make-me-an-activation-sandwich17:14
kenvandineok, i sent that to tedg17:15
ChrisBuchholzHello people. I just discovered the 4-finger drag to unveil/hide the Dock in Unity, and I already use 2-finger scroll and 3-finger love handles. Is there a way I can set up my own gestures? I'm thinking a configuration file somewhere? And is it the plan to provide a GUI configuration tool for it at some later point? Do you guysh ave plans to provide more gestures with ubuntu in the feature?18:06
kim0Does compiz kill VDPAU ?18:41
th3pr0ph3tHi, something funny happens to me with Unity: I don't have Ubuntu logo on the top-left of the screen. And this confuses the menus. However it happens on my desktop but not in my netbook... weird...18:54
om26erth3pr0ph3t, screenshot please?18:56
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vishjcastro: could you find a way to add this link » https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/FilingBugs#Triaging%20instructions  to  http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/#testingandtriage ? right now, the only way i found that wiki page was since i knew it was there.18:58
jcastrovish: oh I see, I am only linking to the generic ubuntu triaging stuff19:01
th3pr0ph3tom26er, I'll send a screenshot when I get to that computer, I'm not sitting on it right now :(19:04
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lamalexdoes the keyboard indicator replace the scim notification icon?20:03
DaekdroomIs anyone else losing minimized window menus when using QT apps? (altho it does affect GTK apps)20:07
th3pr0ph3tIf a window is minimized it shouldn't show its menu, right?20:11
Daekdroomth3pr0ph3t, by "losing menus" I mean it doesn't recover them later.20:15
Adomhi all. ive been looking around for info on ayatana anxious for the upcoming ubuntu adoption of it. i was wondering if its going to have better support for triple monitors? the best current setup is seperate x windows held together using xinerama, which is horrible for gaming/high graphics.20:46
bbigrasIs it really possible that Unity will not be default in 11.04 like I just read? If so, which bugs needs help?21:20
=== humphreybc is now known as justinbieber
=== justinbieber is now known as humphreybc
Th3Pr0ph3tHello, a few hours ago I reported that Unity does not show the start button (with the ubuntu logo) and this makes it very difficult to use the menus with the mouse. I was requested a screenshot and here it is:22:26

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