
pooliehi all00:20
spivHi poolie00:20
spivYou have some approved branches to land :)00:20
jelmermoinmoin :)00:21
pooliehey, thanks00:21
pooliethat's not very dutch :)00:21
jelmerapparently it is, though not the area of the Netherlands I'm from00:22
poolieoh, cool, i was just wondering after i asked00:33
pooliespiv there was one patch i think about adding options to diff that was a bit old and that needed tests00:33
pooliemaybe you/we should finish it00:33
pooliejelmer, i liked your mail about lazy imports00:35
pooliegreat title too00:35
dashahoyhoy. if i have a lightweight checkout whose branch has moved, can i point it at the branch's new location or do I have to blow it away?00:36
jelmerpoolie: thanks :)00:38
pooliedash, you should be able to redirect it with 'bzr switch'00:39
dashoh, hup. switch works if I remove the loom plugin.00:39
pooliemaybe 'switch --force'?00:39
dashshould've immediately gotten suspicious when that error message said 'thread' in it.00:40
jelmerthat sounds like a bug in the loom plugin?00:40
dashquite likely00:41
jelmerit wraps the switch command to add some extra functionality00:41
dashI also had a terribly old version of it hanging around00:41
dash(just upgraded this box from karmic to natty)00:41
pooliethat would be such a good case for refactoring commands to allow cleaner extension00:48
pooliein fact, that refactoring may already exist in cmd_status and just need to be used00:48
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mwhudsonsome kind of anonymous smart server access to lp would be nice!05:22
mwhudsoni guess this is still lurking at the "not important enough" level05:22
lifelessloggerhead does it05:25
lifelessprobably just need:05:25
lifeless - permit the url through05:25
lifeless - resource it05:25
pooliethere is a bug for it05:39
spivpoolie: any objections to me landing https://code.launchpad.net/~bialix/bzr/2.3-py2exe/+merge/55103 ?07:37
spivpoolie: it's been sitting around for a while and looks safe enough.  My main hesistation is that it's sort-of adding a feature to a stable release series.07:38
spivpoolie: but my I'm inclined to think it's worthwhile despite that.  I guess you could say that it's fixing a bug (not being able to install plugins when using the windows .exe) rather than adding a feature.07:39
poolieit's ok with me07:41
pooliebialix is probably best placed to judge the risk of it07:42
poolielet's not let it sit anyhow07:42
vilahi all !07:42
spivpoolie: thanks!07:42
poolieoh i was going to ask you to do a pp report07:43
pooliewe've got a bit out of the habit but there were a lot of patches this week07:43
vilaspiv: +1, I think the issue here is that it's landing into core when it's really a windows installer bug07:43
poolieand you did a lot on them07:43
vilapoolie (et al. ;): config stuff sneak preview available at lp:~vila/bzr/new-config,07:44
vilabeware, it's a loom, but it contains the minimal implementation of the needed building blocks07:44
vilait still lacks doc (which I will write today)07:45
vilait's currently ~1000 lines tests + code (evenly split, amazing...) and define 9 threads for review (the upper two are not relevant)07:46
vilaso, to really see where I'm heading you can look at the config-concrete-stores and config-concrete-stacks threads to get an idea07:47
spivvila: speaking of configs… https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/bzr/appenddir/+merge/50060 is stalled, and you're probably the best person to unstall it07:49
spivvila: is it still Needs Info for you, after the reply from Aaron?07:50
vilaspiv: yeah, that's part of the motivation for focusing on config :)07:50
vilabasically I'd like to get rid of policies as they are today and I'm still unclear about whether this can land soon enough to provide an alternative07:50
spivvila: well, at the least put a comment on the merge proposal saying what we're waiting for07:51
spivvila: so other people (like patch pilots ;) can understand where it's at, and why07:51
pooliehi vila08:01
vilaspiv: done08:01
vilapoolie: hey !08:01
poolievila i'm not a big fan of policies either, and i'm not very keen to add more of them08:01
vilapoolie: rationale added in the comment08:02
pooliei think it complicates the user model a fair bit for what it actually buys us08:02
poolievila, do you think you could send a short overview of that loom08:02
poolielike, 3 paragraphs?08:02
vilapoolie: I was about to make a "fake" merge proposal for it with a bit of high level description of the goals, sounds good ?08:03
poolierather than the goals i'd be more interested in08:07
pooliewhat changes to the user experience there are, if any08:07
poolieand what changes to the api there are, if any08:07
pooliei think we pretty much agree on the goals in your previous mail08:08
vilaha right, bad words again08:08
vilaI thought new API and what is still needed to actually use it in bzrlib08:09
vilabut also mentioning some issues that this new design is ought to address08:10
* poolie branches it08:12
spivvila: thanks!08:18
vilaspiv: does my comment makes sense ? Explain why I was apparently silent on the subject ?08:19
spivvila: yes08:19
poolievila, one comment on your docs08:19
poolie(i've done the opposite on this myself in the past)08:19
poolieand that is, describing the current problems in documentation that is intended to be merged and carry on into the future is bad08:19
vilaforget about the doc in this loom, I plan to rewrite it from the ground up separating user and dev povs08:20
pooliethe config doc starts off with what will be, in september 2011, a description of primitive history08:20
spivpoolie: should https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/506265-command-deprecation/+merge/55030 be marked Work In Progress rather than Needs Review?  The last comment suggests you're going to do more work.08:20
pooliespiv tbh i wouldn't mind a tie-breaker there08:20
vilapoolie: at most, I will outline issues with specific markup or something so they stay up-to-date with the code08:20
poolieit is not perfect but in some ways i want to just land it08:21
poolieand then add a general configuration option to turn off particular warnings08:21
pooliefor which i think there is a bug08:21
vilapoolie: oh, I wouldn't mind landing incomplete stuff if it makes further submissions easier to review08:21
* vila LOL08:21
poolievila, perhaps the "here's what's bad today" belongs in a bug or a set of bugs08:21
poolienice, but i was talking to spiv08:21
vilapoolie: it belongs to devnotes in my mind08:22
vilapoolie: yeah, I understood, was just being silly ;)08:22
vilapoolie: I also thought about easy ways to deprecate config options so if you work on easily deprecating commands I know I08:23
vilaI'll benefit from it (damn badly placed return key !)08:23
spivpoolie: so what's the downside?  That there's no way for a user to suppress the warnings currently, even if they alias get=branch?08:24
pooliethat's the only problem i know of08:24
pooliethere may be others08:24
spivpoolie: Ok, in that case I agree let's just land it and find out if there are any others :)08:25
spivpoolie: (but file a bug for being able to suppress the warning, if there isn't already)08:25
* spiv updates the MP08:25
vilapoolie: Is the cover letter for https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/new-config/+merge/56887 answer your needs ?08:25
vilapoolie: or do you want more details on say, policies for example, or option converters or <fill the blank>08:26
pooliespiv, we're more likely to find the unknown unknowns if we land it08:26
poolievila it's a good start08:26
spivpoolie: precisely08:27
spivpoolie: Be Bold, as wikipedia would say…08:27
vilapoolie: you said 2 or 3 paragraphs, I tried to make it short ;)08:27
spivpoolie: that makes three approved patches you have waiting to be fed to PQM.  Is there any reason not to run those through feed-pqm now (aside from any inconsequential stuff like needing to set commit messages)?08:29
* spiv is hoping to get http://webnumbr.com/bzr-active-reviews back down to pre-April heights.08:30
pooliespiv, please do08:38
pooliei did get some pqm failures earlier but i have not worked them out yet08:39
poolieyou might as well feed all the approved ones though08:39
spivOk, that should keep PQM busy for a while.08:45
poolievila: i replied08:45
vilapoolie: hmm, food for thought...08:47
vilapoolie: at first glance I think we agree but don't understand each other yet08:48
vilaha, right, I misread 'reusing existing objects' at first read,08:48
vilayou mean we should reuse config files that has been already read from disk ?08:49
vila(I misread it as: we should reuse python classes we already defined)08:49
spivvila: it sounds more like 'reuse instances' than 'reuse classes' to me08:49
vilayeah, I agree with that, this is not apparent in the implementation but it's definitely on my agenda08:50
vilaso, not apparent *yet*08:50
vilabut roughly there should be something ~like possible_transports for config Stores08:51
spivvila: hmm.08:51
poolievila, wow, interesting point about fixed bugs08:52
poolieit reminds me how much i dislike all the 'fix released' bugspam you can get08:52
vilaspiv: the intent being that a given config file should not be read more than once for a given bzrlib operation (as opposed to read once by option today)08:52
poolieperhaps that idea should really go into lp08:52
poolieie merge those states and say the milestone the fix is in is released, or not08:53
spivvila: for configs tied to branches or working trees, that might be good.  For globals though I think it'd be weird to have to pass around a param everywhere when it's "global"08:53
vilaspiv: yup, I think we *shouldn't* pass it around *because* it's global08:53
spivvila: off the top of my head, poolie's suggestion that it could be stored on the library_state sounds good to me08:54
vilaspiv: it's even defined *outside* of bzrlib: inf files on disks08:54
vilaspiv: yup, agreeing to that too, replying08:54
spivvila: cool08:54
vilaspiv: in fact, it's either user (or site) specific and should be tied to libstate, or it's branch/wt specific and should be tied to that08:55
poolievila https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/16369408:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 163694 in Launchpad itself "Fix Committed/Released distinction is inconsistent and unproductive" [High,Triaged]08:55
poolievila, one specific point for the library_state is:08:55
poolieif that was done properly, there would not need to be any config-specific test isolation code08:56
pooliewhich would be nice08:56
vilaspiv: which should be ... yeah to what poolie said ;)08:56
poolie(well, there may need to be some to isolate it from the environment in which the tests are run, but we should get for free isolation of one test from the next)08:56
vilapoolie: e-x-a-c-t-l-y08:56
vilause TestCase and rest assured you're isolated08:57
vilathe more I think about it, the more I view global configs as... compilation options. But because we use python, we can handle them dynamically08:58
vilaStill, you want the code associated with the options to be well tested08:58
vilaand you want easy ways to test them08:59
poolieeven in TestCase, it would be good to have fewer things that specifically isolate different aspects09:02
pooliespiv thanks for feeding in  https://code.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/659763-non-ascii-gecos/+merge/5586209:03
vilayup, but some existing things could find their way in configs too09:03
poolieit could have been polished more but finishing it is more important than getting the skip message precisely right09:04
pooliethat too!09:04
pooliei have seen many tests that could be better with this09:04
pooliealso it will give them a less ad-hoc way to control what happens in the code under test09:04
vilapoolie: replied, second read mad more sense, I confirm my original feeling ;D09:12
vilapoolie, spiv: Also note that the proposal doesn't make any assumption about what name space is used nor what section names are used/enforced whatever09:15
vilaI knowingly limit myself there to what is used *today*09:15
vilaI still have some strong opinions about how we should change that though ;)09:16
poolievila, i need to go soon09:16
poolieto meet spiv, actually09:16
vilaBut hopefully these opinions can be expressed in further submissions focusing the discussion and more importantly *not* blocking the building blocks to land09:17
vilapoolie: no worries, I still have plenty to do09:17
vilapoolie: and I optimistically consider that we agree enough to continue ;)09:17
vilapoolie: gee, bug #163694 has a real high S/N ratio... still reading09:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 163694 in Launchpad itself "Fix Committed/Released distinction is inconsistent and unproductive" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16369409:28
poolieit is nice09:30
* maxb gets an unexpected need to re-oauth hydrazine to lp09:31
maxbpoolie: Would it upset you if I set append_revisions_only on hydrazine trunk? :-)09:32
vilamaxb: bad symptom, I remember poolie venting (first time I ever witness that ;) about a lp API change.. may be related09:32
maxbironically I think it's poolie's changes which probably caused it for me :-)09:32
maxbBut yes, I am deeply disappointed about launchpadlib's cavalier approach to api compatibility09:33
pooliemaxb, sorry for the bump, please do09:35
pooliei would like that to actually become the builtin default09:35
pooliebut it will take a bit of consideration09:35
pooliethat reminds me to comment again on that bug09:35
maxbWell - I think it should be the default for server-hosted always-remote branches, but probably not for local working areas09:36
maxbor maybe it should be the default even there, but there should be a y/n prompt or dedicated option to say it's ok09:37
maxbor maybe it should be on for push but off for pull :-)09:37
* maxb stops brainstorming into the channel09:38
vilaoptions, options, so many gems waiting to be used from inside bzrlib, so little ways to get there (so far ;)09:39
maxbOK, so to finish the hydrazine point I raised: Yes, hydrazine has changed its credentials storage path and you will need to reauthenticate.09:40
maxbI wonder if it's worth migrating old credentials09:40
pooliemaxb, are you going to come and meet us in london?09:41
pooliesome of the time?09:41
poolieit's from the 16th of may on09:41
maxboh, that reminds me09:41
vila. o O (Please say yes)09:41
poolieah i was thinking of https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpadlib/+bug/75209509:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 752095 in launchpadlib "Launchpad constructor parameters changed incompatibly in natty" [Undecided,New]09:41
maxbI was going to send a "Hi, what do you do at these things,  and how much is worth attenting for non-employees?" email09:42
maxbI have holiday allotment to spare, so I might turn up for the entire week if it's sensible to do so09:42
poolieso, we'll mostly just pair on things together09:43
pooliethere will be some talking but mostly hacking09:43
poolieand just hanging out together09:44
pooliein the evenings or whatever09:44
maxbhmm. I could finish off some of my limbo-ed bzr-rewrite and udd branches :-)09:44
pooliethat would be nice; you could probably get someone to work on it with you09:44
poolieit is pretty non-corporate, i would say09:44
pooliein canonical's early days there was a lot of spec-writing at UDS and other sprints09:45
vilamaxb: It tremendously helps understand each other better to have face-to-face discussions and the consequences are still seen months after a sprint09:46
maxbWell - sounds like it could be fun, so you'll be seeing me there for some, if not all of the week :-)09:47
vilaI still remember AfC face from years ago and it gives a different color to everything he said since then, for example09:48
poolieok good night guys09:48
vilapoolie: enjoy your week-end !09:48
vilamaxb: and that's without counting the high bandwidth during the sprint itself of course09:49
vilapoolie: (too bad you're gone) https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/163694/comments/28 ... nicely summarized and cross-linked, S/N enhanced :-)10:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 163694 in Launchpad itself "Fix Committed/Released distinction is inconsistent and unproductive" [High,Triaged]10:14
dije-awayTried yesterday, trying again today:10:40
=== dije-away is now known as dije
dije Doing a checkout to my home directory from a branch at ~/bzr_scm/dot, I10:41
dijeget the following error:10:41
dijebzr: ERROR: Failed to rename /Users/phil/Library/Preferences to10:42
dije/Users/phil/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-159/Preferences: [Errno 13] Permission10:42
dije(On Mac OS X 10.5.8, Titanium PowerBook G4)10:42
viladije: from an OSX pov, renaming  /Users/phil/Library/Preference sounds really dangerous10:42
dijevila: right, so why is bzr doing it?10:43
viladije: what do you version in ~/bzr_scm/dot ?10:43
dijevila: My home config10:43
viladije: cause you asked it to :) Why you asked it to is the question10:43
viladije: more precisely ?10:43
dijevila: config files for:10:43
vilayou version files that are under library/preferences ?10:43
dijevila: I think so10:44
dijevila: Probably Mozilla*10:44
viladije: ok, so to clarify, try to branch in a different directory to see which files are versioned10:44
viladije: different from your home directory that is, so ~/test will do10:45
dijevila: Everything in bzr_scm/dot is versioned, that's its only purpose10:45
viladije: I'm searching for specifics, *everything* is not specific10:45
dijevila: Sorry, answered too soon (after you typed "versioned")10:46
dijevila: So I'm looking for specific diffs in permissions only, and/or existence vs. non-existence, and/or content diffs?10:47
vilahard to tell :-/10:47
vilastart for searching for files/dies under lib/prefs10:47
dijevila: Will get started10:47
viladirs not dies10:47
dijevila: You said branch, I'm trying to checkout; which do I need for this exercise?10:48
vilaalso, *why* do you get permission denied there ? what does 'ls -dl lib/prefs' says ?10:49
dijevila: Set-group-id. Weird10:49
dijevila: (until I chmod'ed it)10:49
vilahmm, can you check what is the default chmod for another user ?10:50
* vila curses not having an osx setup at hand10:50
dijeI did, against my own (the machine under discussion is my parents')10:51
dijeI'm maintaining it remotely over ssh10:51
dijeMy machine differs in being Intel not PowerPC, but same OS release.10:51
dijeThe perms on ~/Library/Preferences show as drwx------+ on my machine10:52
dijeand on theirs as drwx------@ (after I chmod'ed it)10:52
vilahmm, so that @ is for extended attributes IIRC, but no idea what they are10:52
vilabzr is still failing after your chmod /10:52
dijeOS X (HFS+) does ACLs, but they've never been used on either machine to my knowledge10:53
dijebzr is still failing10:53
dijeSame error10:53
vilaattrs can be more than just ACLs IIRC10:53
vilaok, try to rename it from the finder ?10:54
dijeRename ~/Library/Preferences?10:54
dijeSounds dangerous10:54
vilaoh, wait, you don't have weird mounts or something where ~ and ~/lib/prefs are on different volumes right ?10:54
dijeNo. Good check though.10:54
viladije: yes, this one, you can revert it10:55
vilaif it works from the finder, try from a terminal, I'm trying to see how to reproduce without bzr being involved, it's a file system issue at the root10:55
dijeOh no, remote machine is gone! Parents are coming to lunch, I think they're bringing it10:55
viladije: and yes, it's dangerous in itself but10:56
dijeIt's near 11am here10:56
vilaoh wait ! You said accessed thru ssh ?10:56
dijeRight, I run screen on their machine and (re-)attach to it over ssh10:56
vilaha, ok, so bzr runs locally not on top of an ssh fs right ?10:57
* vila rules sshfs fuse bugs10:57
dijeIt's a single-disk, single-cpu, single-user (mainly), router-and-one-computer-LAN home office setup, absolutely nothing fancy apart from DynDNS and my remote access10:58
vilaha, finally found an OSX host I can look at with ssh10:59
vilacd Library ; mv Preferences toto10:59
vilamv: rename Preferences to toto: Permission denied10:59
vilaok, so, we can't do that, that's a point, we can now switch to *why* are we trying ;)11:00
dijeditto on my Intel machine11:00
viladije: can you retry your failing co with -Derror11:00
vilathat should give us a traceback, pastebin it and I can look at where it's coming from11:01
dijeNot til they arrive with the laptop! Sorry11:01
vilalol, oh right, try again later then11:01
dijeWill do, thanks for help so far11:01
viladije: or file a bug explaining our discussion a bit, that will make it easier to track for everybody11:02
viladije: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+filebug11:02
viladije: oh, and don't forget to mention your bzr version and where you installed it from (in case the traceback is not clear enough for that)11:04
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dijevila: will do11:10
dijeFYI: MacPorts package11:11
viladije: >-/ We don't often hear about it (as opposed to the installers) but while there are some dark areas regarding the dependencies, we didn't hear about blatant bugs there either11:12
dijevila: Python should isolate the platform to a degree11:13
vilahehe, yeah, to a degree and for some values of isolate ;)11:13
dijeRight :-)11:13
dijeI've had MacPorts bzr working on multiple Macs for x > 3 years11:14
vilabut nothing that should be related to your bug anyway, I still can't think of a cause so far11:14
vilawow, great11:14
vilaand kudos for admin'ing with bzr ;)11:14
* dije blushes11:14
dijeWorks great across linux and cygwin too11:15
viladije: it it turns out to be a bug related to some internal design, it may be hard (and long) to fix, so, as a *workaround*, I admin some osx hosts myself but instead of versioning the files directly, I use a mix of symlinks or copies of the system files11:16
dijeI don't version any *system files*, just config files under (in this case) system dirs11:17
dijeFirst time the issue has arisen11:17
vilaright, but the issue is kind of the same, if you need special rights for some operations, using copies works around the issue11:17
dijeNeed to take that into account, maybe redesign my repo11:18
vilaI can;t think of why we want to rename Preferences though, unless some weird side-effect ends up triggering it11:18
dijeAlready use symlinks extensively11:18
dijeYes, that does seem strange11:19
vilayeah, me too, but nothing under prefs so far, only under LaunchAgents in fact11:19
vilaI know Preferences is localized when looked at from the finder, but at the fs level, it's always Preferences11:21
vilaso this should *also* rules out any fancy language change from your parents11:21
dijehad not thought of that!11:22
dijeMore weird detail: the target dir *used* to be versioned, but when I tried to sync up for the first time in quite a while (x > 6 months) I found no .bzr dir11:26
vilaoops, someone deleted it ?11:27
dijeThe branch in ~/bzr_scm/dot was intact and synced fine with my remote machine11:27
vilaor moved it ?11:27
dijeWell, "someone" could only have been me11:27
vilano restore from backup ?11:27
dijeIn a fugue state11:27
dijeThis *is* my restore-from-backup strategy11:28
viladije, well, your parents can too no ? They have physical access to the mac I presume ;)11:28
dijeYes but not admin, and they have nothing like the skills to single-user-boot11:28
vilamaybe moved somewhere else ?11:28
vilaerr, wait, oh you mean that's inside your own account ?11:28
vilayeah, of course, makes sense11:29
* dije spots light going on over vila's head11:29
* dije holds breath11:30
vilano no keep breathing ;)11:31
vilaha, one possible scenario (but hairy)11:32
vilayou somehow, by working on two different branches (one local, one remote), added Preferences twice11:32
vilaeach add creating its own file-ID for it11:33
dijesounds feasible11:33
vilanow, updating the remote tree, creates a conflict to tell you that (A so-called Content Conflict: the same name for two different objects)11:33
vila*This* could lead to an attempt to rename the dir11:34
vilaha no, wait, that's simpler than that !11:34
vilaYou're trying to checkout an existing branch onto an existing tree and bzr try to move the items that are on its way !11:34
dijeYes, lots and lots of them11:35
viladamn, I didn't realize the fallouts of 'the .bzr dir has disappear'11:35
vilawow, hmm, how to recover from that...11:35
dijeCan't checkout to some new dir, then move files including .bzr/ ?11:36
vilathe most obvious will be to create a clean tree somewhere and just move the .bzr dir11:36
dijeThat answers that :-)11:36
dijeSo the move of .bzr is necessary; is it sufficient, or do I need to move all the checked-out files (that differ) as well?11:37
viladije: hmm, I think you found a nice bug, trying to do a checkout in an already populated directory is likely to cause chaos and we shouldn't even try (unless there are use cases that escape me at the moment)11:37
viladije: no, that's the nice bit11:37
vilamove the .bzr dir only (restore it in fact)11:38
vilaand 'bzr st' will tell you about the changes11:38
dijeUse cases like this PEBKAC ?11:38
vilafrom there you can decide if you want to 'bzr commit' or 'bzr revert'11:38
viladije: It's hard to say11:38
vilaas you present it, you're just trying to restore order and bzr answer is creating even more chaos, not *that* helpful ;)11:39
vilaNow, recovery plans are not always the cleanest process in the world...11:39
dijevila: Great, this gives me hope. So, I checkout to ~/foo, then mv ~/foo/.bzr ~/, then either bzr commit or bzr revert.11:40
viladije: 'bzr st' first !11:40
dijeWhere do I bzr st first, in ~ or ~/foo?11:40
viladije: both :)11:40
viladije: to make sure we don't run into path issues:11:41
dijeHang on, can't 'bzr st' in ~ ... no ~/.bzr!11:41
vilacd ~/foo ; bzr st; bzr info11:41
vilacheck the paths mentioned by the later if some are relative you may run into trouble by moving .bzr11:41
vilaif they are absolute, you should be fine, so:11:41
vilamv ~/foo/.bzr ~/11:42
vilacd ~11:42
vilabzr st11:42
vilashould tell you the differences between the basis revision (the one defined in the branch) and the actual content on disk11:42
vilafrom that, it should be obvious to you, either the tree is correct: bzr commit11:43
vilaor the tree is wrong: bzr revert11:43
dijeGot it. You are a genius.11:43
dijeWhat if paths are relative?11:43
vilaif it's a mix, well, 'bzr revert <file>' or 'bzr commit -m 'recover from ???' <file>'11:43
dijeCan I edit something under ~/.bzr to fix paths?11:44
viladije: you will need to edit them in /.bzr/branch/branch.conf probably11:44
viladije: you're a fast learner :)11:44
viladije: really, the missing bit was '.bzr disappear' and I'm trying to recover11:45
viladije: I may have understood faster what was going on if you started with that, but, hey, bug reporting when you know what the bug is is so easy ;D11:45
dijeRight, hindsight helps11:46
viladije: worth filing a bug *anyway* if only to remind us how confusing the error was for you (and even for me)11:46
dijeTechie view is to start with the detail instead of the big picture11:46
vilayeah, not blaming you here, just sharing thoughts11:47
vilaI'm not sure I would have done better...11:47
vilabut telling the story often works better than focusing on the end ;)11:48
dijeAin't it the truth?11:48
vilaon the other hand, some stories are full of useless details :D11:48
viladoomed if you do...11:49
vilaok, lunch time here, bbl11:49
cheater99is it very difficult to set up bzr on a server so that i can check in files from home and the office?11:56
vilacheater99: if bzr is installed on the server *and* you also happen to have ssh available there *then* you're all set11:57
vilacheater99: i.e. if the server is unix-based, you're done, if it's windows.... it's harder but doable, but I don't remember who knows about the gory details11:58
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cheater99vila: yeah i have a dedicated slicehost server12:35
cheater99with ubuntu 10.04 on it with root access12:35
PengExcellent. No problem, then.12:35
cheater99so how does it work then? is there some sort of tutorial?12:35
PengUbuntu even has a package for bzr, though it ain't entirely up-to-date.12:35
cheater99what is missing in the package?12:36
cheater99well you said it was out of date12:38
cheater99so there are probably some cool new features missing, or bad bugs, otherwise there wouldn't be a mention, right?12:38
* Peng shrugs12:39
PengI don't know anything specific at the moment. Distro packages are never entirely up-to-date, which is usually okay.12:39
cheater99oh ok :)12:41
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PengIt's okay unless a newer version has the *one* feature or *one* minor bug fix you need. ;-)12:51
jamPeng: that's what ppa's are for :)13:15
cheater99Peng: :)13:16
PengRight. I should've mentioned that...13:17
cheater99nah, don't want to bother with ppa's13:17
PengWell, you don't have to, but it wouldn't be much of a bother anyway.13:20
Pengdash____________: Quite a tail you've got there.13:21
\shmoins...has anyone the new location of the bzr eclipse package? http://verterok.com.ar/bzr-eclipse/update-site/ <- doesn't work...13:22
vilacheater99: with 10.04 it's only 'add-apt-repository ppa:bzr' *once* and then you get stable releases for bzr and plugins as you get the updates for Ubuntu itself13:23
vilaerr, that's ppa:bzr/ppa sorry13:23
cheater99but i don't see any need for a newer version13:23
vilaright, your choice, but lucid carries only 2.1 and we almost don't backport fixes on 2.1 anymore13:24
cheater99do you think lucid will upgrade to a newer bzr?13:25
vilaanyway, back to your initial question, once bzr is installed and an ssh server active, you're set, you can start using bzr+ssh: urls13:25
vilalucid will receive SRUs when we get to that, it carries 2.1.1 now and we have 2.1.2, 2.1.3 already released but not SRUed13:26
cheater99what are SRU's?13:27
vilaha, soory for the jargon, roughly they are described here http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/UbuntuStableReleaseUpdates for bzr with links to more general definitions13:28
jamcheater99: SRU is getting an updated version into the official Ubuntu Updates repositories13:28
cheater99ok, when an SRU for 2.2.4 happens, will it be put in the ubuntu 10.04 repository?13:30
cheater99or will it be put in maverick or something like that?13:30
jamcheater99: it isn't the original repo, it s the "updates" one, so I think you have to enable it, but it will be the 10.04 repo13:30
vilacheater99: try 'rmadison bzr' , SRUs will never cross series13:30
cheater99ok, gotcha13:30
vilaso lucid will for ever carries 2.113:31
jamvila: right, so if you want 2.3.x, then you want a ppa13:31
cheater99ah ok, gotcha13:31
vilacheater99: that's why Peng mentioned the ppa, with the stable ppa, you'll get the most stable release, which is 2.3 currently13:31
verterok\sh: I'm trying to get the server fixed...should be available soon-ish13:31
cheater99i thought i would get 2.3 in the end, just later13:31
vilajam: yup, you're typing faster than me ;)13:31
cheater99but in this case, let me set up the ppa13:31
vilacheater99: err, if you setup the ppa, you'll get 2.3 *now*13:32
vilacheater99: which is fine :)13:32
cheater99that is what i have meant, i will get 2.3 when i use the ppa, i will not if i don't13:32
vilacheater99: and you'll get updates faster as building for the ppas is lighter than going through the SRU proces13:32
vilaha, right, yes, that's it13:33
vila. o O (With such a nick, I thought he will prefer the ppa...) :D13:33
cheater99ok, i think something is broken. now i have added the wrong repository :D13:37
vilahow so ?13:38
cheater99i copy-pasted without fixing the ppa url :D13:39
cheater99now i am wondering how to fix this using the command line13:39
vilaand you ended up adding what then ?13:39
cheater99add-apt-repository ppa:bzr13:40
vilacheater99: I don't remember the details for lucid, but it's either in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/13:40
cheater99the funny thing is i cannot find the ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list13:40
cheater99ok it's in .d13:40
vilaha, good13:40
vilacheater99: in any case, it's described at https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa13:42
vilahonestly, I have no idea where ppa:bzr is pointing to... what what the url in apt ?13:42
vilawhat was ! (grr)13:43
cheater99not sure anymore13:43
cheater99let me add it again and see13:43
vilanever mind13:43
cheater99nah let me do it just a sec13:43
cheater99now i wish the python-support trigger weren't so sluggish13:43
cheater99that's the one thing i hate about installing things on ubuntu right now :D13:43
\shverterok: ah thx a lot :)13:45
cheater99ok it turns out to be deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ppa/ubuntu lucid main13:47
cheater99whereas the "correct" url that you gave me later does: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ppa/ubuntu lucid main13:48
cheater99so, the same thing in the end :D13:48
vilaso what is broken then ?13:48
cheater99nothing i guess13:48
vilaha cool13:48
cheater99it just works13:49
vilayeah, ppas are lovely13:49
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vilaand add-apt-repository really closes the loop, before karmic you needed to hand-edit sources.list *and* fetch the gpg key too after copying it from somewhere (when possible)13:53
cheater99ok, now i have a problem: add-apt-repository doesn't exist on 10.04 on slicehost13:58
cheater99and aptitude search brings up nothing either :D13:58
cheater99aight, getting bzr installed!14:01
vilaapt-get install apt-file ;  apt-file search add-apt-repository, pfew that was tedious and so slower than you ;)14:04
vilabut at least I now know how to do it :D14:04
jelmerbusy day for pqm today :)14:32
cheater99ok.. i am doing my initial commit, and it's not big, it's just under maybe 100 mb, but i'm not sure what is going on with it14:51
cheater99it's stuck at "^[[Bloading data to master branch - Stage:Fetching revisions:Get stream source"  ... ok pressed some buttons14:51
jamcheater99: if you are using a checkout, then it is copying the 100MB you just committed up to your remote branch.15:01
cheater99yeah i am15:01
cheater99i was a bit surprised that it was so silent and there was no progress indicator15:02
cheater99i was afraid it hung up15:02
jamcheater99: I'm surprised there isn't a progress indicator15:02
cheater99nope none15:02
cheater99is this a bug?15:02
jamcheater99: not one that I know of. Feel free to report one15:03
cheater99would you yourself expect an indicator there?15:04
jamif there is a lot of transport activity going on, we should be indicating it15:08
cheater00i would even say just have a spinner show up after a few seconds15:23
cheater00to show activity...15:23
cheater00and, if it takes even longer, have an interactive input ("Press v to monitor progress") which starts showing you what's going on15:24
cheater00this could probably show up after half a minute, and people wouldn't be freaking out15:24
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kirklandquestion about bzr-builddeb ...19:17
kirklandas of *very* recently, i can no longer test/build with bzr bd, if my distribution is "unreleased"19:17
kirklandthis is kind of a bummer, as I *always* do that, before go through my release processes19:18
kirklandis this a bug, or new behavior by design?19:18
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Unknown distribution: unreleased.19:19
maxbI seem to recall some conversation about that19:22
* maxb tries to recall *where*19:23
kirklandmaxb: my build/release scripts are all broken right now, and i'm trying to find a workaround :-(19:23
maxbkirkland: What version are you using, because I'm seeing a recent commit claiming to specially support UNRELEASED19:27
kirklandmaxb: bzr                               2.3.1-1ubuntu119:27
maxbkirkland: of bzr-builddeb19:27
kirklandmaxb: bzr-builddeb                      2.7.219:28
kirklandmaxb: tis what's in Natty 11.0419:28
maxbkirkland: wait, "unreleased", literally? Not "UNRELEASED" ?19:31
kirklandmaxb: i have tried both19:31
kirklandmaxb: with lowercase, I get:19:32
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Unknown distribution: unreleased.19:32
kirklandmaxb: with upper case, I get:19:32
kirklandbzr: ERROR: Unknown distribution: None.19:32
kirklandmaxb: which is a little odd ;-)19:33
maxbAh.... is there one and only one changelog entry in this debian/changelog ?19:33
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maxbkirkland: ?19:43
kirklandmaxb: yes, exactly, new package19:44
maxbRight, ok then.19:44
maxbSo 1) the existing changes break using bzr bd on new packages19:45
maxb2) the existing changes forbid the use of bzr bd for arbitrary third-party repositories19:45
maxbboth are nasty bugs IMO19:45
kirklandmaxb: yeah, thanks19:46
maxbkirkland: I will be pushing a branch with a proposed fix shortly19:46
kirklandmaxb: great, thanks19:46
kirklandmaxb: i'll +1 that for getting into Natty, as it's going to make my life hell, managing dozens of projects/packages in lp/bzr19:47
maxbjames_w: Are you around to comment on this? (This being that bzr-builddeb should not error if it cannot recognize the distribution of the top changelog entry?)19:48
maxbkirkland: If you would like to test out my branch, "bzr branch lp:~maxb/bzr-builddeb/no-error-unknown-distro ~/.bazaar/plugins/builddeb"19:51
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kirklandmaxb: will do, give me a couple of minutes ...19:57
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james_wmaxb, indeed it should not20:18
maxbbranch merge-proposed :-)20:21
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Deathzorhey guys just wondering is there some way to push into a different branch then you pull from ( without having the user change the target )21:09
dashDeathzor: sure, 'bzr push <url>'21:09
Deathzordash: not exactly what i'm looking for but oke ( i'm trying to find some way of hooking in a testing system at the central repo ) that allows me to make sure i don't accept any untested code.21:15
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