
ooI see, it's an unfixed bug: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17252/audio-cds-will-not-auto-mount-correctly00:07
ooI can play it via vlc and mplayer but can't open it via pcmanfm00:09
ooHey, renaming short-cuts on the desktop does not do anything, any reason why?00:23
Stew_822Hello :D05:38
Stew_822I was wondering, just about how much does the lubuntu installer download when it installs the updates?05:39
Stew_822Is it in the realm of hundreds of mb?05:39
Stew_822Because, for me, the max is about 30mb because of a) slow connection b) stupid internet limit05:40
Stew_822Nevermind, it's probably way too much05:40
Stew_822I'll just download it some other time05:41
Unit193If you skip it, you can always do it later05:41
Stew_822Oh cool :D05:41
Stew_822Uhh, how?05:41
Stew_822I'm more worried about the "third party" stuff05:41
Unit193Menu > System > Synaptic05:41
Unit193or if you like the CLI sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:42
Stew_822hehe I like the CLI05:42
Unit193Really? have you used linux before? (debian?)05:42
Stew_822What's the "third party" software package? What's it's name, do you know?05:43
Stew_822Yeah, the default gnome one, but then I kinda stuffed up the desktop somehow (i don't know why, but there was TWO wallpapers. I don't even know how tha's possible) and I wanted to switch to LXDE anyway05:43
Stew_822synaptic scares me05:44
Stew_822Thanks for your help :D05:45
Unit193Thirdparty = Canonical Partner Repositories05:46
Stew_822Thanks :D05:48
Stew_822I have one last question :]05:48
Stew_822How do I tell the Lubuntu installer which partitions I want it to overwrite? I went to the "manually specify partitions" bit05:49
Stew_822ohhh hang on brb05:49
Stew_822ok ok I'm back :D05:53
Stew_822oh YAY someone fixed lxpanel!!! the one I used to have didn't work how I liked it :D05:53
Stew_822I found it :)05:55
Stew_822I'd better be going now06:14
Stew_822thanks for all your help :]06:14
UBuxuBUgood morning.06:29
UBuxuBUhas anyone seen phillw?06:29
Unit193UBuxuBU: It's barely night! ;)06:31
UBuxuBUcan u hurry it up a bit on natty plz06:32
Unit193Natty should be th 28th06:33
* UBuxuBU shrugs...06:34
sharkk hi there14:03
sharkki'm a new user of lxde, just wanted to say hi and to ask which feedreader you use, tnx14:03
bioterroryou mean like RSS?14:04
bioterrorpeople tend to like conky, I think :D14:05
sharkkconky? is not a monitor of resources?14:05
bioterrorit shows you what you want14:06
bioterrorlike weather and stuff14:06
sharkkuh nice14:06
sharkki was seeing sorry :P14:06
sharkkanother question, i found cpu temperature monitor, cpu usage monitor, but not a memory monitor to put on the panel, do you know one?14:07
bioterrorhttp://ricecows.org/slubuntu.png that's how I do it14:07
sharkkeh always conky14:08
sharkki have to learn this one :)14:08
bioterrorit's handy for that kind of stuff, somehow I want to keep my panel simple14:08
sharkkok, many thanks to you bioterror :)14:09
bioterrorthere's so limited ammount of panel applets14:10
bioterrorand good ones14:10
bioterror(I think that green cpu graph is horrible ;)14:10
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
sharkkyeah but with only a 10.1 display, having things on the desktop is not easy14:11
bioterroroh noe14:11
bioterrorcitrix connection lost14:11
sharkkespecially when you use dual monitor at home and not outside14:12
bioterrorI have 12" display ;)14:12
sharkkwell, but untile yesterday i was used to a 17'' display it was strange :P14:13
donniezazenI am trying lubuntu Natty b1 but app indicator icons are missing18:50
bioterroryou mean "system tray"?18:52
bioterrornothing new :D18:54
bioterrorkeep updating ;)18:54
bioterrorit might get fixed18:54
bioterrorit's a known bug18:54
donniezazenwould installing lots of heaviweight software on lubuntu defy the purpose of whole light weight thing18:55
donniezazenlike libreoffice etc18:55
bioterrorthose apps are just some heavier18:55
bioterroris libreoffice in the repos yet?18:56
donniezazeni think so18:56
bioterrorI'll do release upgrade18:57
bioterrorthis 10.10 is too stable18:57
donniezazeni have not had any problem with natty b1 lubuntu19:00
Unit193LibreOffice is in Natty repos19:00
bioterrorupgrading atm. ;)19:01
bioterroroeh noe19:02
bioterrorour guests are arriving19:02
bioterrordisturbs my natty experiences :(19:02
donniezazenSo there are two softwares to make lxde look good19:05
donniezazenand openbox configuiration manager19:05
bioterrorif you put my picture as your background, your lxde looks really good then!19:05
donniezazeni do not want to scare kids19:06
bioterrorfor gtk themes and other stuff19:06
donniezazendoes it have to be a open box gtk theme or any gtk theme19:10
bioterrorhi sz19:19
bioterrorI had a pictoday19:19
bioterrorszczur, http://i.imgur.com/0hSS6.png ;)19:19
szczursooooo true :)19:20
bioterrorlubuntu uses hal?!19:26
bioterroratleast I'm installing it19:27
gilirbioterror, maverick or natty ?19:31
gilirhum, it should not19:33
bioterrorwhere did I get that...19:33
gilirtry to remove it after the update19:33
bioterrorI'll clean my system19:33
bioterroreven the creator of hal said it sucks19:33
gilirthat's why everyone try to remove it :)19:36
bioterrorI had to install it on my desktop becouse of xfburn19:36
bioterrorupgraded hal and now it gets removed19:42
bioterrorou yeah19:47
bioterrorbattery and wlan icons are broken19:48
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
bioterrorgilir, is there a fix for that yet?19:49
gilirbioterror, no, or you need to activate indicators applet21:03
MrChrisDruifHiyas gilir :D21:11
cyphermoxwho takes care of lubuntu development? I'm curious about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager-applet/+bug/753300  and whether nm-applet should be added to autostart as it's suggested. I just want to double-check ;)21:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 753300 in network-manager-applet (Ubuntu) "add LXDE (and possibly other DEs) to OnlyShowIn" [Undecided,New]21:24
Stew_822Hello (again) :D22:20
Stew_822I was wondering if anyone knows of a automatic wallpaper changer that works in lubuntu?22:20
MrChrisDruifI thought Gnome was able to do that himself?22:21
MrChrisDruifHow to created automated changing wallpapers is a bit more work22:21
Unit193Maybe wally?22:21
Stew_822cool i'll give it a try :D22:22
Stew_822The other two I tried failed completely22:22
Unit193Stew_822: Did the install go fine?22:34
MrChrisDruifOw...was in Lubuntu...hehe22:34
MrChrisDruifDon't mind me Stew_82222:34
klynchusing empathy instead of pidgin22:39
klynchsynaptic wants to remove lubuntu desktop when i choose removal of pidgin?22:39
klynchpidgin never syncs with fb chat22:39
Stew_822klynch: I read somewhere that that's fine, to remove lubuntu-desktop22:46
Stew_822Unit193: I have a *very* slow internet :D22:47
Stew_822and it has to pull in the QT stuff22:47
Unit193And you don't even know if it will work...22:48
Stew_822hehe well I'd surely have to get the qt stuff eventually22:49
Unit193Stew_822: What's your current speed?22:51
Stew_822Unit193: Very very slow22:52
Stew_822It doesn't seem to be working22:52
Stew_822I don't think it supports OpenBox22:52
Unit193The site says "KDE3, KDE4, Gnome, XFCE4, Fluxbox, Blackbox, FVWM (unstable), and WindowMaker"22:56
Stew_822I just read that :(22:56
Unit193Didn't know for sure if that would work (hence the "maybe" and ?)22:57
Stew_822don't worry I don't blame you matey22:58
Stew_822but I've gotta go now :P22:58
Stew_822thanks for your help :)22:58
Unit193Sorry I couldn't help... have a good one!22:58
Stew_822haha that's okay, you too! take care :D22:59
Stew_822Well I'm back again :D23:39
Stew_822Hello :D23:39
Unit193What's up?23:39
Stew_822Well yes I did actually join for a reason :D23:40
Stew_822Uhh I was wondering, how do I tell if I have a GPU?23:40
Stew_822I figured it'd tell me in the system benchmarky place but I can't see any text that says "YOU HAVE A GPU, BE HAPPY!!" so I figure I don't have one but you know, I thought I did23:41
Unit193lspci may tell (I don't have any computers with a GPU)23:44
Stew_822Haha yeah it's just confused me even more :D23:46
Stew_822thanks though23:46
Unit193Stew_822: sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:46
Unit193Then you can do lspci |pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com23:47
Stew_822haha who would've thought that someone'd make something like that :D23:48
Stew_822I don't think it's there though23:49
Stew_822oh my gosh23:51
Stew_822there it is23:51
Stew_822ATI radeon23:51
Stew_822cool as23:52
Unit193Love the name of you're computer ;)23:53
Stew_822hehe thanks :D23:54
Stew_822it's really annoying in the terminal though23:54
Stew_822almost a whole line23:54
Stew_822with you know a couple of directories23:55
Stew_822Unit193: So does that mean I can use a compositing window manager without much of a drop in performance?23:56
Unit193Looks like you could try!23:58
Unit193On the thinkwiki site, go down to "3D Acceleration"23:59

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