=== asac_ is now known as asac [07:51] armin76, eheh : http://perfectlylogical.wordpress.com/2011/03/06/pandaboard-seeing-full-1gb/ [07:51] armin76, I didn't know the panda had 1GB ... [07:59] guerby: it had, the problem wasn't being able to see it [07:59] but we had instability issues with it [08:00] seems to be gone with 38, but still need to test it more [08:00] rsalveti, I still have to try the new kernel [08:00] guerby: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/633227 [08:00] guerby: yeah, would be good to try [08:01] you can use the minimal image natty's image [08:01] just console by default [08:01] guerby: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-headless/daily-preinstalled/current/ [08:01] rsalveti, thx will try this afternoon [08:02] cool [08:02] rsalveti, do I have to upgrade other stuff (u-boot)? [08:02] guerby: should be fine with this image [08:02] you just need to update if you're upgrading your kernel from .35 [08:03] rsalveti, "update" what do you mean? [08:04] guerby: I mean, upgrading x-loader and u-boot [08:04] rsalveti, ok, do you have URL with up to date instructions for these? [08:05] guerby: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x-loader [08:05] guerby: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/u-boot-linaro [08:05] grab the latest deb available for both [08:05] extract and copy the MLO and u-boot.bin files [08:05] put at your first sd card partition and you should be fine [08:06] rsalveti, ok will try thx [08:07] np [08:07] * rsalveti gone, will try to get some sleep, be back in 7 [09:36] ogra_: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/lfr21_mPmTA/asus-releases-eee-pad-transformer-source-code - maybe will interest you as this is also for tegra2 [09:39] hrw, thanks === lilstevie|lagche is now known as lilstevie [09:50] * XorA|gone needs to find a tegra2 toy [09:52] XorA|gone: compulab one looks nice but probably not on market yet [09:54] would prefer an EEE replacement [09:54] or even better squeeze one into existing eee case [09:55] XorA|gone: eeepad transformer + keyboard dock? [10:00] hrw: I didnt like the look of it [10:00] hrw: and the fact the keyboard dock is priced as 1/2 the price of the tablet is a downer [10:00] yep [10:11] did you try a maverick kernel on a natty fs? [10:11] omap4 [10:14] ppisati: what is wrong with natty kernel? [10:15] hrw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/690370 [10:15] that is actually a duplicate of [10:15] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/746137 [10:15] i thought the vm.min_free workaround "fixed" it [10:15] well, i was wrong [10:15] i reproduced it on a natty kernel [10:16] and now i want to go back and see it if i can reproduce it on maverick too [10:16] but i had a natty sd [10:16] hrw@panda:~$ head /proc/meminfo [10:16] MemTotal: 940072 kB [10:16] installed maverick kernel on it and puff... [10:16] puff ? [10:16] define puff :) [10:16] smoke [10:17] Starting kernel ... [10:17] Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. [10:17] stuck here [10:17] hrw: i didnt' get your comment about meminfo [10:19] hrw: if you got all that memory, i guess you don't hit lp633227 anymore, right? [10:20] I did lot of builds [10:21] what hurts is fsck [10:21] cool [10:21] I have 280GB /home and most of reboots fsck complains [10:21] ouch [10:21] that's not a good sign [10:21] ogra_: hey, did you try today's daily image? i tried to install from SD card with the image. after installation, it is in gdm login screen. but I haven't setup any user account [10:21] ogra_: so i failed to login the system [10:22] MemTotal: 943112 kB [10:22] fixed cmdline to get 3MB more [10:22] anyway, i'll reinstall a maverick image, try again on that and than chase this memory frag problem [10:22] hrw: 460 + 512? [10:23] 463+512 [10:23] i was always curious [10:23] I had 460+512 before [10:23] how do we get that numbers? [10:23] i mean [10:23] >463 is memory for dsp&iva chips [10:24] 0x80000000 + 463 + dsp&c = 0xFFFFFFF aka (0xA0000000 - 1) [10:24] ppisati: sp you have problems when build gcc trunk? [10:25] s/463/463MB/ [10:25] hrw: you mean 690370? [10:26] hrw: actually never had instabilities, but i can easily get the bracktrace about the nic driver [10:27] cooloney, yep, jasper is broken, i would like to build a new image but the desktop team uploaded unity and that hasnt buiilt yet so i cant roll images [10:27] cooloney, i hope to roll fixed images during the day [10:28] hrw: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/591172/ [10:29] ogra_: got it, i'm testing the new kernel, so i might need to tweak the /etc/password file [10:29] or use an older image [10:29] if i mark a bug X on LP as a duplicate of Y, does X get cancelled? [10:31] ogra_: too bad, i don't backup old one [10:31] you can zsync to an older one [10:31] will only take a few mins [10:32] ogra_: can i find the old one in the cdimage.ubuntu.com, or some where? [10:33] yes, there should be some [10:34] also if you dont want to test desktop features, just use the serial/headless image ;) [10:34] way smaller and faster [10:34] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-headless/daily-preinstalled/ [10:37] ogra_: i got headless image, so far serial always ok, [10:37] yeah [10:38] todays headless should just work though [10:38] i'm testing the HDMI and other deskop related stuff like wirelese, BT/FM [10:38] ok [10:38] understand [10:39] but if you need to test the desktop you likely need to use the netbook image [10:40] kgilmer: good evenig [10:41] hi hrw :) good morning [10:42] kgilmer: wanted to write 今晩は but prefer to not trust online dictionaries when it comes to languages which I do not understand [10:42] :) that would have been fine hrw. [10:43] kgilmer: how goes things with bug2? [10:43] i keep meaning to resume my work to get ubuntu running on bug, but never seem to find the time :( [10:43] bug2 is going well. i'm mainly focusing on android platform dev now. [10:44] the build system is smaller in scope from oe, so it seems to break in less weird ways. but, i do not understand the make file syntax it uses yet very well. [10:45] today i got busybox running from the build so when accessing serial console you don't have to deal w/ androids nasty shell environment. [10:45] hrw, http://buglabs.github.com/android/ [10:47] kgilmer: tried to base on cyanogenmod? busybox included by default [10:47] kgilmer: and you can grab android busybox from many places too [10:48] yes, i forked and adapted a busybox github project. [10:48] i did see 'cyanogenmod' in the make file but i'm not familiar with it. [10:48] kgilmer: still on .31 kernel? [10:49] no...izzy and others are working on .35 now [10:49] linero [10:49] being out of the office, i don't hear much about the day-to-day however. [10:49] kgilmer: 8h difference kills [10:49] 13 for me [10:49] yeah [10:50] how are things going for you hrw? [10:51] kgilmer: good. got my panda working again, cross toolchains are on a way to archive [10:51] nice [10:52] kgilmer: hoping to get ubuntu developer status on monday (if dmb meeting will have quorum for enough time) [10:52] i am running ubuntu on my bbxm. working quite nicely. [10:52] except for kernel problem with audio not being fixed in latest. [10:53] kgilmer: get .35 working with video out module and then ubuntu will be easier to get working on [10:53] but .38 would be better [10:54] wow i have this, i will have to check out cyanogen in detail. http://www.cyanogenmod.com/devices/viewsonic-g-tablet [10:54] .38 w/ working audio is available now hrw? [10:54] kgilmer: cyanogenmod is nice build of android - I use it on my nexus s [10:55] kgilmer: I do not use audio on devboards [10:55] most people don't hrw...that is the problem. i think bug audio has never worked right. i could be wrong tho. [10:56] I kind of wish XM had HDMI audio [10:56] make a nice mp4 player without powering up my ps3 [10:56] hi XorA|gone [10:56] yo kgilmer [10:57] i just bought a "dreamplug" today actually. [10:57] it has optical audio out [10:58] kgilmer: ah. yet another sheevaplug mod [10:58] this one is pretty nice... http://www.globalscaletechnologies.com/c-5-dreamplugs.aspx [10:58] at least it looks nice [10:58] we'll see once it gets to me. which will be weeks i imagine. [10:59] kgilmer: migrate to debian or angstrom when you will get it. [10:59] kgilmer: it comes with ubuntu 9.04 installed which is not supported anymore [11:00] ic...newer ubuntu is not available hrw? [11:00] hrw: get that multiarch working for armv5 :-D [11:03] * XorA|gone can ssh into his beaglexm from outside his network now [11:05] kgilmer: armv5 was supported only in 9.04 [11:05] XorA|gone: ipv4 or ipv6? [11:06] hrw: ipv4, my ISP has no v6 [11:06] that remind me that I have to add some AAAA entries [11:06] XorA|gone: neither does mine - I use sixxs.net tunnel [11:07] hrw: I was looking into that, would be best if I could terminate it on my OpenWRT router [11:09] XorA|gone: I end it on my ubuntu router [11:09] but w8 [11:09] dinner time. good chatting hrw XorA|gone. [11:10] kgilmer: greet wife and Mira [11:10] will do hrw :) [11:10] XorA|gone: aiccu is available for openwrt [11:11] XorA|gone: even for 0.9 openwrt [11:11] hrw: Im running tomato [11:12] sane you are [11:12] I need at least some devices on network I dont need to continuous admin [11:14] http://cynik.eu/brak-panelu-z-4chan [11:16] hrw: hehe [11:20] hrw: ah I see there is a method that I can terminate it on the sheeva or the XM [11:24] so all these tegra2 googies, do nvidia ship a good GPU driver for them? [11:25] * XorA|gone notices a silliness in natty boot.scr [11:27] unless something these days unsets it setting all the elevators to noop in cmdline is wrong === diwic is now known as diwic_afk [12:04] hrw: got it too [12:05] hrw: home on NFS? [12:17] ppisati: on usb hdd [12:18] uh [12:18] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/591172/ [12:18] http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/591194/ [12:18] while doing network traffic [12:18] in natty it takes a couple of minutes to get it [12:18] on meverick much more [12:18] both of them with vm.min_free = 8192 [12:20] hrw: but did it break anything? i mean, the compilation went on or did it stop? [12:20] becase that msg is just a warning [12:20] ppisati: compilation is still going [12:20] k [12:20] i.e. [12:20] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=453010 [12:21] gcc: Internal error: Killed (program cc1) [12:21] it was make -j33 [12:21] ops [12:21] so the internal fragmenantion affetcs usrland memory too [12:21] nice === diwic_afk is now known as diwic === ian_brasil__ is now known as ian_brasil [13:48] Anybody home? [15:39] easwar: wasap? === sbambrou` is now known as sbambrough === prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague [16:43] guerby: *yawn* [16:44] armin76, sh4 fun for now :) [16:46] sh4 && fun? right :P [17:14] rsalveti: Hi! Do you have a minute (or two) to try something for me? [18:28] alf_: sure [18:28] rsalveti: thanks, latest chat at #linaro ;) [18:29] rsalveti: in a few works, can you try glcompbench on the panda? It isn't working for me and I can't figure out why. [18:30] rsalveti: s/works/words/ [18:30] alf_: sure, have the bzr link? [18:30] or branch name [18:30] rsalveti: lp:glcompbench [18:30] cool, will give it a try [18:31] rsalveti: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --data-path=`pwd`/data --with-flavors=egl-es2 [18:31] rsalveti: (so you can run it without installation) [18:31] rsalveti: ./waf [18:31] cool, one minute [18:31] rsalveti: build/src/glcompbench-egl-es2 [18:31] rsalveti: sure, no hurry :) [18:33] rsalveti: btw, I have been using the alpha3 image and I am now upgrading to latest to see if it makes any difference [18:35] rsalveti: but it will take a few hours for the upgrade to finish :/ [18:35] alf_: yeah, can imagine [19:08] alf_: will be able to test in a few minutes, had to use my other panda that doesn't have the pvr packages installed [19:08] my main panda is building the kernel in loop to test the highmem issue === prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague [19:58] alf_: just a solid blue window [19:59] with everything update [19:59] both ubuntu and sgx drivers [19:59] alf_: what would be the expect behavior? [20:07] rsalveti: blue background and the desktop windows drawn around in a circle (texture from pixmap) [20:07] rsalveti: you can run it on your desktop with --with-flavors=glx [20:08] alf_: sure [20:08] rsalveti: (or egl-es2 if your driver supports it) [20:09] rsalveti: I am not sure if it is a driver issue or I am doing wrong that just happens to work with mesa... [20:10] rsalveti: thanks for trying it out! [20:10] alf_: how to build for gl? --with-flavors=gl? [20:11] glx :-) [20:11] rsalveti: the flavors are --with-flavors=glx,egl-gl,egl-es2 (you can build them all at the same time) [20:11] alf_: probably a bug, if you give an unsupported flavor it will finish the configure just fine [20:11] just the make part that's not going to build what we expect [20:12] rsalveti: yes, I was too lazy to fix that ;) [20:12] rsalveti: I'll fix it now [20:12] alf_: works fine with glx [20:13] rsalveti: desktop or omap4 swrast? [20:13] alf_: desktop [20:15] alf_: is it working with the mesa gles? [20:17] alf_: seems to have an eglerror with every pixmap update [20:17] http://paste.ubuntu.com/591417/ [20:17] or is this eglerror expected? [20:17] rsalveti: this is EGL_SUCCESS ;) [20:17] alf_: oh, so it should be fine :-) [20:19] rsalveti: on the desktop, it works with mesa even when I force EGL_SOFTWARE=1 (it uses glTexImage2D fallback) [20:20] rsalveti: on OMAP4 I haven't tried for a long time as I am using the TI drivers [20:20] rsalveti: but I guess I could try with software glx... but I have to wait for the update now :/ [20:22] alf_: was this example working with any ti driver version? [20:23] rsalveti: I really can't remember now... I was under the impression that some version of it did run successfully, that's why I hadn't tried it for so long [20:24] alf_: hm, ok [20:37] rsalveti: interesting! http://people.linaro.org/~afrantzis/egl-composite.tar.gz which was the proof-of-concept precursor to glcompbench seems to work [20:37] alf_: let me try [20:38] alf_: yup, works fine here [20:39] rsalveti: ok, cool, at least I have a starting point now :)