
akgranernope   - pastel  all springy00:02
popeypleia2: seen Charlies latest mail? Worth posting to the fridge?00:03
akgranerbut the wallpaper boarder had some aubergine in it00:03
pleia2popey: yeah, I think so since it'll be another couple of weeks00:03
pleia2at least00:03
popeywould you be able to do that?00:03
pleia2popey: I'll toss is up on my blog and x-post to fridge again00:03
akgranerpleia2, I've got a few minutes if you need me to post to the fridge00:04
pleia2akgraner: http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=4237 that'd be great, I need to get back to work :)00:09
akgranerpleia2, on it :-)00:12
AlanBellooooh I was going to chase for a wiki update00:13
popeyi did that for you :)00:13
popeyyou know what would be nice is a bot in here (like the one in #ubuntu-uk) which posts when new stuff hits planet ubuntu00:14
popeyi often find myself in here more than my rss reader00:14
popeyaaaaaaaaand sleep00:15
AlanBellyup sleep is good00:15
AlanBellnight all o/00:15
paultagHowdy, ya'll00:17
paultagPendulum: hahaha, awww! :)00:17
paultagjcastro: also, michigan is for chumps00:18
Technovikinghow does Unity do with dual monitors?00:26
jcastroTechnoviking: pretty awesome actually00:34
jcastromuch better than gnome 2.x00:35
Technovikingjcastro: still use nvidia-settings on a nvidia cards00:47
jcastrofor twinview?00:48
jcastrobut like, it puts the panels where they are supposed to go, etc.00:48
Pendulumpaultag: I am frightened for this weekend00:51
Technovikingare there power settings in Natty?00:51
paultagPendulum: :(00:51
Pendulumaren't you?00:51
paultagPendulum: yeah, not stoked at all00:51
paultagsox are break'n my heart.00:51
mhall119paultag: a beating brain might help that00:53
paultagmhall119: :)00:53
paultagmhall119: SO FREEKING AWESOME!!!!!00:53
mhall119I'm still pretty sure they're not supposed to beat00:54
jcastroTechnoviking: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-appmenu/+bug/66461400:54
paultagmhall119: they are00:54
jcastroWHAT UP PAWLTUG00:54
paultagmhall119: they have huge veins that hook up to the jugular, it totally jiggles the mass inside like jello00:55
paultagheyya jcastro, just got out of surgery :)00:55
jcastroeverything's ok I hope00:55
paultagjcastro: brain work to remove a tumor00:55
paultagjcastro: Oh, I'm fine00:55
paultagjcastro: I was in there watching00:55
jcastrodid they remove the ohio out of you?00:55
jcastrooh I see00:55
paultagjcastro: it was so boss. I had scrubs on and no one even looked twice at me00:56
jcastrowhat about the guy you lobotomized, did he get a refund? </arnold>00:56
* mhall119 imagines paultag like http://xkcd.com/699/00:57
paultagmhall119: dude, it was so cool00:57
paultagso cool00:57
paultagI've not been this jacked up for a long damn time00:57
mhall119why where you even in there?00:57
paultagmhall119: I was hanging out with the chair of radiology00:57
paultagat the cleveland clinic00:58
mhall119and he was just like "Hey, you wanna go see some dude's brain?"00:58
paultagmhall119: .... yeah00:58
paultagmhall119: I also go to see some other awesome stuff00:58
paultagit was sweet00:58
mhall119wait, I think I saw this episode of House00:58
jcastromhall119: the one where he pretends to be a doctor?00:59
paultagthe wiseass CS major raids the OR for kicks on a week night00:59
jcastrooh wait, that's all of them00:59
mhall119seriously though, did you successfully implant the tracking device?01:00
paultagmhall119: not so loud!!!01:00
paultagmhall119: also, I want to get an RFID inplant01:00
paultagso bad01:01
mhall119you can just eat your passport01:01
mhall119it's okay, the TSA will still be able to get to it01:02
mhall119those new security measures are thorough01:02
paultagthey're up there anyway01:02
nhandlerpaultag: Get my texts yesterday? ;)01:05
paultagnhandler: yeah, thanks! :)01:05
paultaggood pick-me-up during the game :)01:06
akgranerthere are some days one should just stay off the computer...:-/01:45
* Pendulum hugs akgraner 01:46
macothere are some days i wish i had a cluebat i could use over ssh01:55
paultagmaco: let me know when it's working :)01:56
mhall119jcastro: ping01:58
mhall119http://people.ubuntu.com/~mhall119/summit-qrcode.png what do you think of that?01:59
mhall119ignore the "Crew: mhall11901:59
mhall119ignore the "Crew: mhall119", cause that's not actually gonna happen ;)01:59
mhall119I had to resize the image, but I'm hoping once it's on those big screens, it'll be okay02:00
mhall119I'm also going to make it a link, and maybe put the same link in the sub-nav, that points to a page with the paragraph from davidm02:01
* cjohnston votes mhall119 for crew every day02:11
jcastro(sorry got distracted)02:12
jcastromhall119: rock. and. roll.02:12
jcastroI was too distracted by OMGgate part 202:14
cjohnstonnow what02:14
paultagjcastro: sed s/2/3/g02:14
macoyep, 302:14
PendulumI didn't realise we were numbering them now02:15
macovolley brawl, neckbeards, and evony-style02:16
akgranergood grief - I usually don't even say anything...I just couldn't help it this time....grrrrrr02:17
akgranerit really takes a lot to piss me off02:17
akgranerand guess what I am right now....02:18
macoin need of a nice hot cup of chamomile?02:18
mhall119maco: I think she needs that ssh cluebat02:18
macomhall119: omggate3 is why im requesting one!02:19
paultagI wonder02:19
paultagif someone could exploit some open CVE against ssh or something else02:19
paultagif you could re-write a driver and burn out core units on the mobo02:20
paultagI bet you could physcally ruin a machine remotely02:20
mhall119most mobos will power down before heat damage won't they?02:20
macoi once heard about a bug in osx wireless drivers that meant you could send specifically-corrupted packages at a macbook and own the nic02:21
akgranerjust add "sex sells" is now acceptable marketing for ubuntu and community building and why we are on it hell lets just make everyone objects - all the name of upsteam adoption of ubuntu...02:21
akgranerI'm done...laters...02:21
* Pendulum hugs akgraner 02:22
IdleOneI haven't seen the tweets but if it has akgraner this upset...02:32
PendulumIdleOne: look at maco's links above and you'll get some sense02:33
IdleOneyeah looking now02:33
IdleOneWhy are we still surprised by this stuff from OMG?02:33
paultagIdleOne: because the editor who posted this is an Ubuntu Member.02:34
paultagnot that I'm getting involved02:34
Pendulumwell, I'm not surprised by it from him02:34
paultagbecause I'm not02:34
paultagPendulum: not at all, but the fact he broke CoC is nasty.02:34
IdleOnepaultag: he is still an Ubuntu member?02:34
paultagIdleOne: IIRC, ja02:34
Pendulumpaultag: he's been doing it for most of a year. I don't know why we expect him to change02:35
IdleOnesomething to be remedied if you ask me02:35
IdleOneI think he is a stain on our community02:36
IdleOnetime to use bleach02:36
paultagworth talking about, for sure02:36
macoim kinda surprised nothing was done after the neckbeards incident02:36
Pendulumjono dealt with it IIRC02:36
macothe effectiveness is questionable02:37
paultagfat lot of good that did, he's still doing it02:37
paultagmuch love to jono, of course02:37
Pendulummy point being, he dealt with it at the time and AFAIK it wasn't brought to the CC02:37
IdleOneHe is right about sex selling but that doesn't mean Ubuntu has to use that sells tactic or that an Ubuntu member should.02:37
jcastrohow does your browser know if you're male or female btw02:39
paultagjcastro: it don't02:39
paultagjcastro: that's a facebook ad02:39
IdleOneFacebook knows02:39
paultagjcastro: and facebook uses your personal data to target ads02:39
jcastrooh I see02:39
PendulumI loved his 'lesbians will get it too' as a defense02:40
mhall119facebook knows everything02:40
jcastropaultag is just angry about the neckbeards thing still02:40
PendulumI'm sorry, but this lesbian would not be interested in that girl ;-)02:40
paultagjcastro: dude, did you see that sick neckbeard that I was rocking at OLF?02:40
paultagjcastro: I planned that so hard02:40
mhall119Pendulum: I think that was technical clarification, since presumably facebook lets you target "Females interested in Females"02:40
jcastropaultag: yes, I was kind of making fun of you the whole time02:40
paultagjcastro: well I did it for a reason there jabroni, I was going for the offchance someone would get a photo and yell "OMG NECKBEARD"02:41
paultagAnd if that happend, I'd sit back and giggle quietly to myself02:41
Pendulummhall119: no, it was part of his defense. that they had the one with a pic of a man that was for straight women & gay men and the women one for straight men & lesbians and therefore it was okay because everyone was covered02:41
mhall119Pendulum: well yeah, I got that part too02:41
Pendulummy point being that pic totally would not work for the lesbian market :)02:42
Pendulum(at least not for most of the ones I know)02:42
mhall119I think he was just showing that he had taken more into consideration that just "OMG, hot chicks"02:42
mhall119Pendulum: nor, likely, would the pic of the guy they used02:42
mhall119heck, for all I know, the pic of the girl wouldn't be attractive to a large number of straight males02:43
macoPendulum: now for the gay men / straight women one... i mean, are we talking a twink or a leather daddy? or the sort of gay man the HRC tends to represent?02:43
PendulumI also don't think they actually did take more into consideration that 'OMG, hot hicks'02:43
Pendulummaco: looks more HRC-ish02:43
IdleOneHave you watched TV recently? People make careers out of objectifying people. What we're doing is nothing new.02:43
IdleOneugh I need to close my browser02:43
PendulumIdleOne: yes, good idea.02:44
IdleOneSo how/where/to whom does one make a complaint about an Ubuntu member?02:45
macomhall119: the Human Rights Campaign, one of the equal marriage lobbying groups02:45
macoIdleOne: CC02:45
paultagIdleOne: lay chill. Get a few people to write in together02:45
macomhall119: they market pretty exclusively to the white upper-middle class cismale segment of LGBTQ02:46
paultagIdleOne: best think it out and put something nice together02:46
IdleOnepaultag: I was just thinking that we can all sign a mutual complaint02:46
paultagIdleOne: I was just saying that in PM02:46
paultagIdleOne: I'd sign.02:46
Pendulummaco: cismale and cisfemale02:46
IdleOnewell, I tend to get a little to emotional in these types of situations02:46
macoPendulum: i dont recall seeing many women in their promotional photos and such02:46
paultagIdleOne: aye. Someone should write up a complaint of breech of CoC and general disregard of `ubuntu', and sign it with @ubuntu.com'ers02:47
Pendulummaco: I know a lot of lesbians who do a lot of work with them so I've always assumed that they're also a target02:48
macodoes this mean GPG signatures?02:48
IdleOnepaultag: perhaps a petition ?02:48
paultagmaco: I think so02:48
paultagIdleOne: aye02:48
IdleOnehmm LP has polls again right?02:48
macoIdleOne: no02:49
macoPendulum: looking at their site, i do see a bunch of women in photos, so alrighty02:49
IdleOneLP needs a unlike button02:49
macotheir photos are so frequently "we need someone that won't scare the straight people away from giving us money by representing the actual diversity of our community"02:50
macoi remember one of my friends snapping "Do YOU have a moment for TRANS rights?!" at an HRC person when they asked if she had a moment for gay rights02:50
Pendulummaco: was this one of those street fundraiser people?02:51
Pendulumbecause they're probably not actually employed by the HRC02:51
Pendulummost of the canvassing jobs are done through agencies02:51
paultagmaco: true it's kinda shitty to be so white-bread about it, but at least someone's doing something for LGBTQ rights02:51
macopaultag: there's also the Gay & Lesbian Task Force02:52
maco(who, btw, *don't* shy away from trans issues)02:52
paultagmaco: I know. I'm just saying02:52
paultagmaco: they're better then someone who won't talk about it02:52
paultagnot defending them02:52
paultagjust saying02:52
* AlanBell adds to his list of unwise things humphreybc has done07:44
AlanBellhowever I am not sure I am very cross about this one07:48
dpmgood morning all07:56
vishAlanBell: haha! i was just looking at your Unity bug and thought, what happened to AlanBell, grammar is all weird and then realized it was Alex Bell :D08:01
AlanBellhe needs to learn to talk propper, like wot I do08:02
dholbachgood morning08:17
AlanBellmorning dholbach08:17
dholbachhey AlanBell08:17
kim0morning o/09:05
popeywhen I google for pages on the ubuntu wiki... the kubuntu wiki seems to always be at the top of the results09:52
popeyi see wiki.ubuntu.org at the top09:52
nigelbpopey: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommunityCouncilAgenda09:54
dholbachmaybe sorted alphabetically?09:54
nigelbpage title is still Ubuntu Wiki there09:54
nigelbdholbach: heh09:54
jussipopey: funny, I always get edubuntu wiki09:55
vishjussi: i think we both use the same google :)10:05
AlanBellthat is because the canonical link is not set10:08
AlanBell                   ^ small c10:09
AlanBelloff by one :(10:09
* jussi wishes he had popey's google :P10:09
jussi<3 kubuntu10:09
AlanBellI talked to newz2000 about it and investigated writing a moin plugin of some sort to insert it10:11
AlanBellit has to go in the <head> section so that would be a different type of plugin to one that rewrites stuff in the content area10:11
vishmaybe it is a g.co.uk/g.co.us/g.com  thing?10:11
AlanBellstill perfectly doable, if someone wants to do it10:11
AlanBellIt was going to use wiki.ubuntu.com by default but kubuntu.org for everything matching /kubuntu* and edubuntu for /edubuntu*10:12
AlanBellhttp://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2009/02/specify-your-canonical.html and you can now do cross domain canonical links (which is what it needs)10:14
popeycomments _welcome_10:21
jussipopey: one thing that occured to me, is you may want to find a generic linux list, or $other list for these people to be "accomodated"/pointed at - so as we dont get an influx of randomness to other lists.10:29
popeygood call.10:30
popeythat one looks perfect10:30
popeyhealthy dose of sarcasm implied10:30
popey:( apparently I want to shutdown sounder because I have been found out10:57
koolhead17hi all11:02
koolhead17how are things here?11:05
* koolhead17 kicks nigelb 11:05
koolhead17hey czajkowski11:06
=== daker_ is now known as daker
koolhead17hi popey11:36
nigelbohai koolhead1711:43
koolhead17nigelb, whats up?11:45
koolhead17who is collecting goodies for natty release in india?11:45
* dholbach packs his stuff and works the rest from home today12:54
dholbachsee you later12:54
nigelbjussi: HAHAHAHA 'isn't that the definition of #ubuntu-offtopic' :D12:59
Pendulumjussi: thank you for the laugh this morning :)13:01
jussiPendulum: you are most welcome.13:01
jussiIm glad its been appreciated :)13:02
nigelbjussi: Its 5 pm, and I was almost falling asleep.  Thanks for the wake up :)13:03
jussiI would really like someone to explain how to setup bugzilla on ubuntu. *grumble*13:04
nigelbjussi: take notes while you flounder around, will be helpful for the next person :)13:05
jussioh lol, I was just going to the wrong address! :D13:12
maconigelb, jussi: i liked that one too13:46
doctormojcastro: Do you know of a wiki that documents Unit's key combinations? I'd like to put together a graphic aid.13:48
dholbachdoctormo, jcastro doesn't use wikis any more - "it's all on askubuntu"13:51
doctormojcastro: Do you know of a wiki that documents Unit's key combinations? I'd like to put together a graphic aid.13:51
doctormosorry if that's a repeat, empathy hic-up13:51
doctormodholbach: Even the askubuntu wiki is on askubuntu questions? ;-)13:52
doctormodholbach: askubuntu has a wiki and you can migrate questions over to it13:52
Pendulumdoctormo: there's the askubuntu bit13:52
doctormoThere are a bunch of badges you can earn for doing it too.13:52
dholbachI'm sure I'll go to hell for it (or something), but I never posted anything on askubuntu - so I'm clearly the wrong person :)13:53
Pendulumthere will be something on the Accessibility wiki as soon as I get a chance to sit down and do it13:53
Pendulum(so not this morning, maybe later today/over the weekend)13:53
doctormoPendulum: If you can get me the raw info, I can have print out done in time for release.13:53
Pendulumdoctormo: I only have the same info as is on the askubuntu question: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/unity-keyboard-mouse-shortcuts13:54
doctormoPendulum: That's the raw info, thank you for getting it me :-)13:55
nigelbdholbach: Nah, you won't go to hell, but jcastro won't be buying you drinks anymore :P13:56
* popey taps his watch14:11
popeywhere's that jono guy14:11
kim0attending collab summit14:16
* popey spies a jcastro 14:17
PiciIs there a CC'er about?14:28
PiciOr an IRCCer?14:28
nigelbjussi was around till a while back14:29
Picipopey: Do you have a moment for a pm?14:29
akgranerjcastro, was the Call for Participation for Open week ok?14:51
akgranerand do you want me to go ahead and send it or do you want to do that?14:51
* koolhead17 raises his hand to give his introduction14:51
duanedesign'lo all14:57
jcastroakgraner: yeah it was awesome15:07
jcastroi will send it out today15:07
jcastroakgraner: mail sent!15:25
jcastroakgraner: now we sit back and let the money roll in!15:25
akgranersweet!  yay!15:25
akgranerha we'll be robbing banks before the start of the event as you'll voluntell someone I am sure ;-)15:25
akgranerWe'll get this on the fridge and I'll post it other places sometime today :-)15:27
* popey adds it to the podcast for tuesday15:28
=== Pici is now known as Guest95063
akgranerthanks popey!15:34
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Technovikingjcastro: is Workspace Switcher consider a lens?15:44
jcastroI don't think so15:44
jcastrogood question15:44
jcastrolet me ask15:44
nigelbmaco: unity places thingy that jcastro has been talking about for AGES!15:46
macoum, ok15:46
jcastroTechnoviking: no response yet, but I'm going to say no15:46
jcastrosince it's not a view on data15:47
jcastroI think it's just special, like the trash can15:47
jcastrosorry, RUBBISH BIN.15:47
macowhat i know of natty so far on the gnome side:  if gtk theming fails and it looks all windows98, it turns out Ubiquity DOES have accelerators on the forward/back/quit buttons15:47
popey\o/ RUBBISH15:47
macoalso, onscreen keyboards can't type in the unity search bar apparently15:48
macoand um, theres a new wallpaper. the end.15:48
maco(at least, i think thats a different wallpaper...)15:48
jcastroI sat my wife down in front of unity15:49
jcastrodetermined to just watch how she uses it15:49
jcastroand I was like "this is all new, so I am going to watch"15:49
jcastroshe immediately right clicks and just goes through the wallpapers.15:49
jcastrosets the one she wants15:49
jcastrothen went to facebook15:49
jcastroI was like "what about the rest of it?"15:50
jcastro"oh yeah, cute"15:50
popeythats a great idea15:50
popeyI might do the same with my wife15:50
popeybet she does the same15:50
jcastroall that work and all she did was launch chrome and move on with her life15:50
macook, i did notice that the menubar i <3'd in gnome before is gone, replaced with that annoyng everything-shoved-into-one-tall-and-cluttered-menu thing15:50
jcastroit took me like 3 hours to upgrade that nettop too15:50
jcastromaco: that got fixed back15:50
jcastroto how it used to be15:50
macowait when?15:51
macoi was using wednesday's daily live iso15:51
jcastromaco: yesterdayish15:52
Technovikingjcastro: making a wishlist bug for Workspace Switcher, this make sense? "The Workspace Switcher icon should change its highlight to show what desktop you are currently using."15:54
AlanBellwhen applications launch in unity they seem to be 1px too far to the left and knock the sidebar out of the way15:54
jcastroTechnoviking: yeah, tag it low and wishlist15:54
AlanBellis that intentional or flipping annoying?15:54
jcastroTechnoviking: confirmed, it's not a lens15:54
jcastroTechnoviking: I would prefer if the icon didn't look like a terminal, heh15:54
Technovikingcool thanls15:54
jcastroAlanBell: that was fixed  yesterday15:55
jcastropopey filed that as a bug iirc15:55
AlanBellah ok15:55
jcastroand terminals would launch up and underneath the panel too15:55
jcastroalso fixed15:55
jcastroeveryone should update today, all new unity stack yesterday15:55
jcastro(there will be one monday too)15:55
AlanBellthat was obviously something that is particularly irritating to people in their 30s called Alan who live in Surrey15:55
macoyou both live in Surrey?15:56
macohey, just like harry potter!15:56
* maco ducks15:56
AlanBellalmost walking distance15:56
AlanBellwell it is walking distance if you like long walks15:56
popeyi can see surrey from my house15:57
popeybut I am not in it15:57
mhall119so can Sarah Palin15:57
jcastroso did we get popey to package etherpad yet?15:57
popeyOh, I see15:57
jcastroalso, elmo mentioned that there was a session on summit? does anyone remember that?15:57
AlanBelldid we establish what "package" means yet?15:57
popeyI think you mistyped "popey"15:57
popeyyou meant to type "daviey", clearly!15:57
jcastroman if I would have known all we needed was to package it I would have bothered daviey every day for 6 months15:58
mhall119popey: lol15:58
jcastropopey: sorry, I actually meant daviey15:58
popeyof course15:58
AlanBelljcastro: there is a .deb file, does that mean it is packaged?15:58
popeywe are so alike in every way15:58
popeysame laptops15:58
Technovikingjcastro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/754713, sorry don't have rights to change low,wishlist15:58
AlanBelland it does install on 10.04 if you enable the partner repo because they set sun java as a dependency15:58
jcastroAlanBell: I think that depends on the level of correctness on it, like is it evil packaging that destroys your server ....15:59
popeynice AlanBell15:59
AlanBellI would only install it on a disposable server anyway!15:59
jcastroAlanBell: reply to him on the list, don't let him get away, we're so close!15:59
jcastroTechnoviking: on it15:59
Davieyjcastro, yeah.. me and jamespage have been looking at packaging it15:59
DavieyIt hasn't been a priorty, and bit of a bytch TBH.15:59
DavieyBut Fedora have helped quite alot15:59
james_wAlanBell, built from source in a PPA would be the minimum I expect15:59
james_win main would be preferable16:00
james_wnot that I would ever speak for elmo16:00
AlanBelllets get it on the CD \o/16:00
Daviey(in public).16:00
popeyput an icon on the desktop16:00
Davieyinstalled by default?16:01
AlanBellok, so rolling back a bit, Daviey what are the prospects of getting it building in a PPA?16:01
Davieyjcastro, can we get a unity widget for it?16:01
DavieyAlanBell, slow.16:01
AlanBellcan that even happen if it depends on sun java?16:01
AlanBellbecause of ogre stuff16:01
DavieyI'm actually not sure it does still depend on sun.16:01
macohas anyone tried it with openjdk?16:01
DavieyI think it is now openjdk compatiable.16:01
AlanBellthe existing packaging asks for sun16:02
mhall119when it was first open sourced, it wouldn't run on openjdk16:02
jcastrounity widget?16:02
mhall119no, etherpad16:02
popeyjcastro: we were joking16:03
popeyget it in a ppa -> main -> on the cd -> on the desktop -> unity widget16:03
Picietherpad council16:03
jcastrobecause we totally could do a lens of an etherpad16:03
popey\o/ Regional Etherpad Board!16:03
jcastrofor you to search documents16:03
Technovikingneed to make a forums lens, so Unity will suck more:)16:04
popeyonly if I can get it deleted16:05
mhall119Daviey, jcastro, cjohnston: there are now 4 merge proposals for summit waiting review16:05
jcastromhall119: awesome, watch this16:06
Davieymhall119, I'm sorry, but i'm really swapping on other tasks at the moment, there is no chance i can look today16:06
jcastroDaviey: get on those reviews man16:06
jcastroand would you hurry up with the etherpad already?16:07
mhall119while (workitems.has_next()) { Daviey.fork(); }16:07
jcastroDaviey: did you finish cobbler?16:08
* jcastro is in a friday mess around mood16:08
Davieyjcastro, Leave me alone, or i'll cry.16:08
mhall119fun fun fun fun16:08
* popey cuddles Daviey 16:09
mhall119while (Daviey.workitems.has_nect()) { jcastro.wait(); }16:09
* popey pops to the shop to buy Daviey a creme egg16:09
Davieyi ate two on Wednesday16:09
Davieythe third is waiting in my bed side cabinet for a midnight snack.16:10
popeyI am staring at the screen not knowing what to type now, so just typed this.16:10
DavieyI just rebooted two remote servers, and they haven't come back.16:11
DavieyI suspect they've been re-provisioned on boot, losing my work.  Awesome!16:11
popeyCloud! \o/16:13
Technovikingpleia2: I'm going steal your sounder= rest of the internet line16:13
czajkowskiDaviey: you're a bad bad egg16:15
popey\o/ eggs16:17
AlanBell\o/ chickens16:18
macoczajkowski: "but daddy, i want it NOOOOOOOOooooooooooowwwwwwwwww"16:23
czajkowskimaco: daviey and creme egg and that sentence are not sitting well with me16:23
macoi missed teh bit about creme egg. was referring to Willy Wonka16:24
macoveruca salt "was a bad egg" and so fell down to the trash compactor / incinerator16:24
PiciWhat an incredible smell you've discovered16:32
Technovikingtrying to rebuold some Ubuntu love in Utah, please retweet http://twitter.com/#!/Technoviking/status/5637620436998963316:37
jonohey all16:56
Technovikingjono: hiya16:58
dholbachalright my friend17:06
dholbachI'm calling it a day17:06
dholbachhave a great weekend17:06
dholbachand see you on Monday *HUGS*17:06
jonotake care dholbach :-)17:07
jonohey Technoviking17:07
dholbachyou too17:07
jonojcastro, 15mins17:16
jonojcastro, is dbarth clued up on classbot?17:16
jcastrohe's in the release meeting17:16
jcastrolet me ping him17:16
jonothanks jcastro17:17
* popey tickles jono 17:17
jcastrojono: are you going to intro and all that?17:18
jonojcastro, will do17:19
jonohey popey :-)17:19
jcastrodid we put this on the twitters?17:19
jonojcastro, yup17:20
jonodoing the Facebook jiggle now17:20
jonojcastro, ok, happy to ack the two ARM folks if Robbie acked them17:21
jonothere is only one thing that sucks more than doing expenses...doing performance reviews17:45
* jono prepares to hate his life all morning17:45
nigelbjono: you forgot about taxes.17:45
jononigelb, my wife does that17:45
nigelbjono: lucky guy :p17:46
jonogiven the fact that the US tax system seems to be written in some kind of alien language17:46
nigelbjono: but yeah, I agree with you.17:46
jcastrojono: you do your own?17:46
jononigelb, Erica doing our taxes is one of many reasons why I am so lucky to have her as my wife17:46
jonojcastro, my own taxes?17:46
jcastrooh, good.17:46
jcastrook so you don't sit there with a form and do them all right?17:46
jonojcastro, no, she does them17:46
jonoour taxes are complicated17:47
jonomainly due to all the drug money17:47
jcastroyeah I have a guy who does mine17:47
jcastroeven then it's 2 hours going over stuff17:47
macoi need to find the receipt from cashing in savings bonds last year so i can mark down that interest17:54
maco...and find my W217:55
TechnovikingNancy has a degree in accounting, so she does the taxes17:55
maconigelb: paper from employer listing all your wages paid and how much of the taxes theyve withheld from your paycheques17:55
macoyou have to turn in a copy with your tax form17:55
nigelbmaco: ah, like our form 1617:55
macooh right. w2 is with the pile of paperwork i took to the MVA to prove i'm a legal resident to get a drivers license17:56
nigelboh, did you get the car?17:57
Pendulumoh tax season17:57
Pendulumthis is why I'm willing to put the money into an accountant17:58
Pendulum(I also have weird taxes because of medical expenses)17:58
maconigelb: yes17:58
nigelbmaco: \o/17:58
* Pendulum is getting back all the taxes she paid last year!17:59
Pendulumwell, I had $8k in medical expenses18:00
macowait...except for what that means about your income level...18:00
Pendulumand only worked until the beginning of May...18:00
macoyeah..if you get all your taxes back, that means your income and your expenses were rather uh oh...18:00
maco8k medical expenses :(((18:00
nigelbjcastro: I conclude that people will always ask junk questions.  Just saw that tar question fly by :\18:00
jcastroyeah I just toss those out18:01
nigelbI'll skip it brutally :D18:01
jcastronow you're talkin!18:02
nigelbjcastro: Do you want to introduce your best friend to dbarth in PM? ;) See current question (And he's in -backstage too)18:17
jcastronigelb: he's jono's friend18:17
jcastroI don't have any friends18:17
jonojcastro, which friend?18:20
jcastroyou're buddy sebsebseb18:20
vishthe seb triplets18:20
jonojcastro, dude18:20
jonohow many times do I have to tell you18:20
jonohe is *not* my friend18:20
jcastrothings to tell your boss during performance review day18:20
vish>.>  <.<18:21
nigelbjcastro: haha18:21
vishIdleOne: TADA!! http://www.ubuntu.com/community/countdown18:25
IdleOnethank you18:25
Technovikingvish: woot!18:31
AlanBellPendulum: http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com look OK? (left side)18:38
PendulumAlanBell: there are issues with the font colours on the counter, but positioning is fine18:50
AlanBellyes, I looked through for the one with the most contrast, then picked the blue one with the smiley narwhal18:56
=== daker is now known as daker_
Pendulumyeah, I didn't think that was something you could control18:57
* nigelb --> BED19:07
nigelbg'nite all :)19:07
nigelbpleia2: have a fun weekend :)19:09
pleia2week! thanks :)19:09
nigelbooh, week!19:10
Pendulumpleia2: have a wonderful holiday :)19:10
pleia2thank you :)19:10
* pleia2 needs it!19:10
jcastroczajkowski: ping19:27
jcastrokim0: hey you have vdpau?19:32
jcastroin mplayer?19:32
kim0jcastro: yep19:32
jcastrois it jerky?19:32
jcastromine is19:32
jcastrobut I hadn't investigated yet19:32
kim0without unity .. it's rock solid19:32
jcastrolet me try it, I just did a clean install19:33
kim0with unity .. my cpu was high .. but didn't really do scientific testing :)19:33
jcastroI get about 15%19:35
jcastroit's supposed to be like 1% iirc19:35
kim0jcastro: try   -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau,ffmpeg12vdpau,ffodivxvdpau,ffvc1vdpau,ffwmv3vdpau19:37
jonophew, last review to do!19:38
jcastrokim0: aha! 5%19:38
jonoall the staff ones done, finishing the last one from the pile requested by colleagues :-)19:38
jonolife sucks in our perf review system19:38
jcastrokim0: I should adjust my .mplayer file19:38
kim0jcastro: yeah I get like 5% too19:38
kim0jcastro: now try that in unity and file a bug :)19:39
jcastroI am in unity19:39
kim0oh interesting19:39
kim0then I guess it works fine19:39
kim0jcastro: the one gripe is, if the codec used is not one of those vdpau enabled ones, I'd get audio only19:40
kim0still havent figured out the voodoo to have it failback to normal codecs19:41
* jcastro tries19:41
jcastrowhat's an unaccelled codec?19:41
kim0non h264 :)19:41
jcastroworking for me!19:41
kim0well, just keep it in mind if you get audio only sometime19:42
jcastroI will keep an eye out19:42
kim0jcastro: was that a 1080 file19:42
jcastro[vdpau] Failed creating VDPAU decoder: An invalid/unsupported VdpDecoderProfile value was supplied.19:43
jcastrooh I see19:43
jcastroit doesn't fall back19:43
* kim0 nods19:43
jcastroI just had to find the right file19:44
kim0it considers those codecs as "forced" and doesn't try anyother ones19:44
jcastrokim0: ok so is it a bug or do we just not know how to set a fallback in the config?19:44
kim0probably misconfig I suppose :)19:45
kim0mplayer is a big dark ocean of secrets19:45
jcastroI suppose gstreamer vdpau support isn't coming along as fast as we hoped19:45
kim0ya :/19:45
jcastroshame really, I can do 2 1080p on twin monitors without breaking a sweat on mine19:45
jonoreviews done!19:46
jonohappiness returns19:46
jcastroyay! I am fired!19:46
jcastroyou ever see fifth element?19:46
jcastrowhen bruce willis is eating and he gets mail19:46
kim0yeah hehe19:47
jcastroand it's like "open it for me, my day can't  get any worse"19:47
jcastro"you are fired!"19:47
kim0then he jumps off the window or something hehe19:47
jonojcastro, dude, I wouldn't fire you in a performance review19:47
jonoI would send you some flowers or something19:47
jcastro"please take this Nickelback CD as a consolation prize"19:48
jonoDear Jorge, enjoy the rest of the Internet. Hugs, Jono xoxoxoxoxo19:48
jonoI wouldnt wish a Nickelback CD on anyone19:48
jcastroWe have this joke19:48
jcastrothat the local rock station plays nothing but nickelback19:48
jcastroand JUST NOW when I went to lunch19:48
jcastroI was like "come on, really."19:49
jcastroI can't even tell the songs apart, it's like the same song over and over.19:49
jonoI would rather listen to the screams of a thousand seals being clubbed than listen to Nickelback19:49
jonooops, inside voice19:49
jcastrolooks like someone took the rooster v. nickelback video now19:50
jcastroit would be entirely appropriate19:50
jonoit would19:51
jonoI couldnt find death metal rooster the other day19:51
jonojcastro, also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eco2vo78dc19:52
jcastroman, there's a bunch of these!19:55
jonojcastro, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InZNBcJTmWs19:57
jcastrowho makes this19:59
* jcastro cries19:59
jonojcastro, and lets not forget http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9CcotpUrB0&feature=related20:00
jonoright, lunch for me20:00
czajkowskijcastro: pong20:07
jcastrohey bunch of updates yesterday20:08
jcastrostill lens go boom?20:08
czajkowskijcastro: having problem booting that machine since updates this morning20:08
czajkowskijust got in the door will boot to live cd to fix it once I order dinner20:08
czajkowskiit's take out friday and first day I'm home in 7 days. so no food in the gaff20:09
jcastroI'll be around for 2 hours still if you need help20:09
jcastroThen I am off to the museum!20:09
czajkowskijcastro: lovely jubbly20:09
Pendulumczajkowski: I like the idea of take-out friday20:09
czajkowskijcastro: off to see anything nice ?20:09
czajkowskiPendulum: I fancy chinese.20:09
czajkowskihad a hankering for it all week20:09
jcastroczajkowski: yeah jill donated the restoration of a prehistoric whale rib in my name for my birthday20:09
jcastroso tonight all the donors get to see the full skeleton before the exhibit opens20:10
Pendulumjcastro: that's awesome20:10
jcastroand meet real paleontologists, etc.20:10
jcastroPendulum: yeah I have like a certificate and stuff20:10
jcastroI will blog it20:10
jcastroso someone can remind me that it's not ubuntu related. :p20:10
czajkowskijcastro: oh that is deadly20:11
czajkowskiso there are people like Ross out there :)20:11
jcastrogreg-g: speaking of ....20:11
czajkowskidear chinese take out answer your phone! >:(20:11
* czajkowski frowns at her inbox20:11
jcastroczajkowski: yeah only downside is that it's in greg's neck of the woods20:11
czajkowskiyay for listadmin but bloody hell like20:11
jcastroso it's full oh homeless hippies20:11
czajkowskijcastro: ah my dear I do love you so, only you can get away with this stuff :)20:12
jcastroso you know how he's a cyclist right?20:12
jcastroso he rolls his pants up20:12
jcastrofor the jam I saw him walking20:12
jcastroand we were looking for a place to park20:12
czajkowskimy nose is still itchy went to Lush yesterday to buy bf a gift of bath balls for looking after me all week, I hate that god damn shop20:12
jcastroso I rolled my window and yelled "get a job hippie!"20:12
jcastrobut he didn't hear me20:12
jcastroso when I parked I ran in and was upset that my master troll was unacknowledged20:13
jcastroactually ann arbor is home to my rival college so I always just rip on them20:14
jcastrohe just happens to live there20:14
czajkowski2hrs for chinese, this does not sit well with me at all20:14
cjohnstonjcastro: is that bug ok for next UDS? a little late for this one20:43
jcastrocjohnston: next UDS for sure!20:43
jcastrosorry, I should have made that more clear20:43
cjohnstonis there anything for this session that's needed?20:46
cjohnstonjcastro: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/videographer/+merge/5602321:00
cjohnstonjcastro: do you remember what you have to add to the end of the summit url to enter the ui scheduler?21:02
jcastroI don't have a strong feeling each way21:02
greg-gjcastro: ?21:18
jcastrogreg-g: hey21:21
jcastroI'm in AA  tonite21:21
greg-gawesome, I have an event tonight: http://publishing.umich.edu/2011/04/04/copyright-criminals/21:22
greg-gwhich mean, unawesome, I won't be able to see you, probably21:22
greg-gI'm going to dinner with the speaker after the show, so like around 9pm.21:23
jcastrogreg-g: it's ok, we have dinner at like 821:23
jcastroso we can do a late thing perhaps?21:23
jcastroI'll just discreetly text you21:23
greg-gsounds perfect21:24
jcastrothat does look awesome tho21:25
PiciPhoronix posted a story today about us expelling one of our devs: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=OTMwNQ23:53
Pici'ugh' is pretty much all I can say about this right now.23:53
pleia2typical one-sided poor reporting23:57
pleia2but for once we're not being criticised for not enforcing the CoC :)23:57

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