
jbichajbwiv_: did you get your question answered yet?01:02
broderHmm...so I have two different ATI cards, both running with fglrx. One detects hotplugs; the other doesn't, but detects the new display if I run xrandr -q. I know fglrx is unsupported territory, but does anybody have thoughts on where I could look a priori to determine whether hotplug works or not?01:38
broderThe alternative is to background a shell script running "while true; do xrandr -q; sleep 5; done", which just seems kind of lame01:38
broder(well, I guess I'll have to do that for Card #2, but doing it for Card #1 as well just seems unfortunate if it's avoidable)01:40
mterrybroder, not sure myself; but you may have better luck in #ubuntu, which is the support channel.  This is a development channel01:43
RAOFbroder: That's a fine question; I'd guess you'll find that it's based on card generation, but that's possibly the sort of thing that individual card manufacturers can screw up, too.02:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone!02:21
jbichagood morning02:37
TheMusochrisccoulson: Good morning, for it is still just morning for me. :)02:48
chrisccoulsonTheMuso, hi! yeah, it's morning here for me too :)02:49
jbichadefinitely not morning here in the US02:54
=== smspillaz|zzz is now known as smspillaz
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, who would approve -devel e-mails to the list (i just replied to the unity as default e-mail)?02:57
bcurtiswxchrisccoulson, morning :( im about to contemplate going to bed02:59
bcurtiswxwhere is the wiki for travel info to pair up for UDS ?03:05
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, did it not go through?03:07
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, i got a bounce e-mail from -devel03:07
bcurtiswxnot sure exactly03:07
rickspencer3It may appear to be a couple steps back, but I think in the end we03:07
rickspencer3will find that Unity as the default desktop environment for 11.04 will03:07
rickspencer3be a gigantic leap forward later on.03:07
bcurtiswxthe amount of attention it will receive if we make it default now vs later03:08
rickspencer3bcurtiswx, oh, right03:09
rickspencer3sorry, I was just trying to confirm for you that your mail got through03:09
rickspencer3thanks for hte note bcurtiswx03:10
bcurtiswxrickspencer3, ah OK. thanks for allowing another voice03:10
TheMusoI think bcurtiswx is referring to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com.03:11
bcurtiswxTheMuso, I am03:11
bcurtiswxbut now i'm confused03:11
TheMusoRight, I am not sure who has mod powers on that list.03:11
rickspencer3TheMuso, did his email not come through there?03:11
jcastroit went through03:11
rickspencer3maybe it only came throuhg on the desktop list, I got it twice03:11
TheMusoHaven't checked, ahng on.03:12
rickspencer3jcastro, but I wrote to @u-desktop, and cc'ed u-devel03:12
bcurtiswxjcastro, thx03:12
rickspencer3anyway, TheMuso, RAOF, robert_ancell, if you disagree, you can raise the issue with your no-good-boss jasoncwarner1 ;)03:12
jcastrooh right, I see that03:12
TheMusoI have no issue with it. :)03:13
TheMusoI can't wait to be able to use it more.03:13
* RAOF waits for his mail to finish filtering.03:14
rickspencer3hi all03:17
rickspencer3ayan, says that he just upgraded, it sounds like he's getting only the classic desktop, but he wants Unity03:19
rickspencer3ayan, did you choose Ubuntu when you logged in?03:20
ayanah ha!  my unity does not support my graphics hardware.03:20
ayanjust fyi, i'm using a thinkpad x201.03:20
rickspencer3ayan, well, you could try installing hte Qt version03:21
RAOFayan: Which particular x201?  They should all be pretty well supported, as they're using Intel graphics, but there's all sorts of variation possible.03:22
ayanRAOF: how do i distinuish it from other x201?  would you like the model number?03:24
RAOFrobert_ancell: You're a GTK god, right?  Banshee seems to be consuming ~10% CPU while playing music due to the position slider being updated at 5Hz, but it looks like it's triggering an expose event for the entire window.  Is that something gtk normally does?03:24
RAOFayan: The question is mostly how new it is, and what CPU it has.  Another factor is whether it uses eDP or LVDS (and there's not a trivial way to find out, really), but since you can apparently *see* stuff on the screen that's not likely to be a problem :)03:25
RAOFayan: This is probably better done in #ubuntu-x, too.03:25
robert_ancellRAOF, um, don't know it that well.  This is GTK2 right?  I think it would have to, to draw the window underneath the slider.   But the area should only be under the slider and nothing else should need drawing03:25
robert_ancellRAOF, does banshee have a lot of custom drawing in the main window expose method?03:26
RAOFBanshee is *all about* custom drawing.03:26
robert_ancellyeah, I thought that might be the case03:26
rickspencer3simple-player by default in 11.10?03:26
rickspencer3it shows the song title03:27
RAOFI'll check my hypothesis then go expose hunting.03:27
robert_ancellRAOF, thinking about it, it really must draw the background - if you had a pixmap window background then it would have to draw it, then the slider elements over it03:27
RAOFrickspencer3: Muinshee works too, presumably because it's got a much simpler main window :).03:27
* robert_ancell -> lunch03:27
RAOFAh.  I see we've managed to hook up fsck.btrfs to the boot sequence now.  Hurray ☹.03:32
TheMusoRAOF: hrm interesting. I thought that would have been one of the first things that needed doing for btrfs support. :)03:36
RAOFWell, given fsck.btrfs doesn't actually *fix* any errors yet I can see why it might have been lowish priority :)03:37
TheMusoAh, right.03:38
TheMusoProbably because the FS is still maturing.03:38
jcastroRAOF: did dbo and/or smspillaz talk to you guys about documenting video hw requirements for unity?03:42
RAOFjcastro: Not as far as I'm aware.03:43
jcastrodon't worry they were going to do it, I just told them to run it by you guys first.03:44
* jcastro will follow up with them03:44
RAOFWow.  Why is text rendering so expensive?04:44
lifelessRAOF: 3d ?04:45
RAOFNo; A (pretty simple) pango layout.04:45
RAOFBut rendering “1:02 of 3:33” at 5Hz results in ~5% CPU utilisation.04:46
lifelesstry xterm :P04:49
* lifeless doesn't have any pango based text visible on screen most of the time04:49
RAOFYay bitmap fonts.04:50
lifelesshmm, I thought it did them all these days04:50
RAOFOk.  I've got *most* of the Banshee CPU use killed.06:08
RAOFrobert_ancell: I don't suppose you'd know whether receiving two essentially simultaneous expose-events for a widget is normal?06:08
robert_ancellRAOF, I would have thought that shouldn't happen06:08
RAOFSo would I.06:09
robert_ancellis anything calling the expose handler directly?06:09
RAOFNot that I can tell.06:09
robert_ancellotherwise everything should just call gtk_widget_queue_draw and only one redraw occurs06:09
robert_ancelldoes anything call queue_draw inside the expose event?06:10
RAOFSequence is: UpdateLabel() calls QueueResize(); OnSizeRequested gets called exactly once; OnExposeEvent gets called twice.06:10
RAOFThe only thing which could possibly do that is the call to PaintLayout, but if that were the case I'd expect to get an unending stream of redraw events, as it's called each redraw.06:11
robert_ancellRAOF, hmm, I just made a little PyGTK example.  There are four exposes on startup, and two when queue_resize is called06:12
robert_ancellbut they have different areas06:12
RAOF(Specifically, that's gtk_paint_layout())06:13
RAOFHm.  I get identical areas.06:13
RAOFAlthough that might be because the actual size isn't changing.06:16
RAOFHm.  And if I don't redraw the second time I don't get any text.06:18
RAOFAnd if I don't redraw the *first* time and do the second time the text is there.  Presumably the first redraw is clearing the background, or somesuch.06:22
robert_ancellRAOF, hey, do you know why we didn't go with mono 2.10 in natty?07:02
RAOFBecause it wasn't packaged until about 5 days ago.07:02
RAOFAnd 2.10 had a bunch of regressions.07:02
robert_ancellfixed now?07:02
RAOFMono's really maintained in Debian, so the freeze had a certain chilling effect, too.07:03
RAOFBut 2.10.1 is in experimental now, so we'll have it in Oneiric early.07:04
smspillazRAOF: poke07:07
smspillazRAOF: was the nvidia driver updated recently ?07:07
RAOFNot by me, obviously.07:07
smspillaz(I'm looking at bug 752445)07:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 752445 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Intermittent white window contents when maximizing/switching windows" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75244507:07
smspillazRAOF: ah, well in the pacakge ?07:08
RAOFMost recent change was 18 Mar.07:08
smspillazI'm thinking that we must have gotten a broken driver and was wondering if we could revert it if possible07:08
smspillazsince window contents should definitely *not* be white just because the card is running low on texture memory (it only happens with large windows which is why I suppose this happens)07:09
smspillazI haven't been able to confirm this myself unforuntately07:09
smspillazyeah, exactly07:10
RAOFHurray for the black window bug!07:10
smspillazRAOF: I'm wondering if this is related to the memory usage smackdown07:11
RAOFNow back, but, like the iPad, available in white!07:11
* TheMuso can check natty-changes for the last upload if thats of any help.07:11
smspillazRAOF: I haven't been able to get any compiz logs of this, but I would imagine that glXTexturePixmapEXT is returning false because the server could never allocate the pixmap07:11
TheMusoYeah 18 march with a new upstream release.07:12
TheMusoTrouble is, the new upstream release properly supports the new ABI...07:12
smspillazthis is why prorprietary drivers suck07:12
RAOFsmspillaz: Time to force indirect rendering on nvidia again? :)07:13
smspillazRAOF: unity doesn't work with indirect rendering07:13
smspillazRAOF: it needs the available GL version to be >= 2.007:13
smspillazotherwise it willdie07:13
RAOFnvidia's GLX doesn't have protocol for newer GL?07:14
* RAOF has never tried, obviously.07:14
smspillazRAOF: I'm pretty sure the server GLX protocol only goes up to 1.6 ?07:14
RAOFsmspillaz: The *open source* GLX protocol goes up to 1.4, but the nvidia drivers replace that.07:14
smspillazRAOF: I guess what we could do for a workaround is try to detect where texture bindinding failed and attempt to re-bind a few seconds later once the server's got its stuff together07:14
smspillazRAOF: Hm, I don't really have unity available to try on me right now, so I can't confirm if --indirect-rendering will work or not07:15
RAOFNow that's the sort of high-quality workaround we like to see :)07:15
smspillazRAOF: unfortunately, we can't rely on nvidia to fix this07:16
smspillazand I see this going from "high" to nuclear if we don't do something about it07:16
RAOFIt'll only affect crappy nvidia cards… :)07:16
smspillazunfortunately we have to support crappy nvidia cards07:16
smspillazand crappy drivers too07:16
RAOFYou're right that nvidia won't have a fix by release time, though.07:17
smspillazRAOF: indirect is an option if we can make it work, however we got forced to indirect by fglrx and look at that disaster07:17
smspillazindirect is also really slow07:17
smspillazit will make unity slow07:17
RAOFIsn't unity already slow on nvidia?  I seem to remember reports of such.07:18
smspillazits quite snappy on both nvidia and nouveau07:18
RAOFI've tested on nouveau, yeah.  Just not nvidia.07:18
smspillazwhy does that seem strangely familiar07:19
* micahg is running nvidia ATM07:27
TheMusoRAOF: Have you ever looked into how one could force sbuild to continue should there be a checksum mismatch with archive package metadata?07:29
TheMusoGranted I haven't either, but you may know of something that would take me a while to find out otherwise.07:30
TheMusoSince you have explored sbuild in greater depth than I.07:30
lifelessthat seems undesirable07:30
RAOFWhat do you mean?  In the case of a package download having an incorrect checksum?07:30
lifelessnag mvo to make apt try harder07:30
TheMusoYeah I know its undesirable, but sbuild never checked/updated archive metadata in the past...07:32
RAOFOh, you mean the pre-build apt update?07:32
RAOFset $apt_update = 0; in ~/.sbuildrc07:33
TheMusoooh thanks07:33
didrocksgood morning07:36
TheMusoHey didrocks.07:38
didrockshey TheMuso :)07:38
RAOFHey didrocks07:39
didrocksevening RAOF07:39
pittiGood morning07:40
TheMusoHey pitti.07:40
RAOFHeya pitti07:40
pittihey RAOF, hello TheMuso!07:41
didrocksmorning pitti07:42
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?07:42
* bryceh_ waves07:43
didrockspitti: ça va bien, merci! :-) you?07:43
didrockshey bryceh_07:43
bryceh_heya didrocks07:43
pittipretty well, thanks!07:43
TheMusoAh crap, taking out the games from powerpc only knocked off 4MB. :S07:45
TheMusoI guess next step is to try and knock off all dev related packages...07:45
smspillazmorning didrocks07:53
didrockshey smspillaz07:53
smspillazfta2: poke08:22
pittiTheMuso: do we actually have that many? you mean gcc/binutils/linux-headers etc?08:28
TheMusopitti: yeah, mostly gcc/binutils, since kernel headers were cut in the maverick cycle.08:29
SweetsharkMorning all08:29
TheMusoI haven't looked hard, because I was hoping the games alone would be enough, but obviously not.08:29
pittihey Sweetshark08:29
pittian extra kernel weighs a lot :-(08:30
TheMusopitti: Yeah but I am tlaking about headers only here. I can't really drop one or the other unfortunately.08:34
TheMusoI can't drop one kernel or the other.08:34
Sweetsharkbug 512395 is kind of pointless as the dekstop files are currently generated directly in the packaging, right?08:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 512395 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "Openoffice.org's .desktop files do not contain translation domain info" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51239508:46
didrockshey rodrigo_, Sweetshark08:46
rodrigo_hi didrocks, Sweetshark :)08:47
pittiRiddell: good morning09:08
pittiRiddell: is the package split in bug 597254 on your radar?09:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 597254 in srtp (Ubuntu Natty) "[MIR] srtp" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59725409:08
pittirodrigo_: hey, how are you?09:10
pittirodrigo_: can you please give me a quick status about bug 649809? is the problem there understood, so it's mainly a manpower issue, or still needs to be debugged?09:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 649809 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Natty) "the session settings manager can try starting before the login screen one exits" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64980909:10
fta2smspillaz, hi09:13
rodrigo_pitti, still trying to find what's failing09:13
fta2pitti, hi, is the retracer dead (once again)?09:13
rodrigo_pitti, I thought it was the u1's g-s-d plugin, since on vanilla version it works for everyone09:13
smspillazfta2: describe in detail this "screen corruption" issue you're having and exact instructions to reproduce09:14
pittifta2: yes, someone updated udev again, which keeps breaking the dist-upgrade; fixing09:14
smspillazand whether or not you are on nvidia09:14
pittirodrigo_: ah, thanks; so in the "debugging" phase then?09:14
fta2smspillaz, which bug?09:14
rodrigo_pitti, yes09:14
pittirodrigo_: do you think that this is a regression and affects so many people that it should be release critical?09:15
smspillazfta2: the one you pinged me about yesterday (can't find it in my scrollback)09:15
rodrigo_pitti, it seems to affect less people than before the fix, so not sure09:15
rodrigo_pitti, but at least high priority, yes09:15
pittirodrigo_: thanks for the heads-up09:16
fta2smspillaz, hmm, i didn't ping you since you told me to stop with the xterm bug09:16
smspillazfta2: right, I know about the xterm bug. didrocks said you had an issue with screen corruption09:16
fta2smspillaz, but indeed, i filed a regression bug against compiz yesterday09:16
didrocksnot xterm09:16
fta2smspillaz, with a video09:16
seb128hey desktopers09:16
smspillazfta2: link me to it09:17
pittibonjour seb12809:17
fta2didrocks, hi, I have a new unity crasher for you :)09:17
fta2bug 75409809:17
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 754098 could not be found09:17
rodrigo_pitti, hmm, just saw the last comments, some people using maverick, so I guess we should backport the fix to maverick also09:17
seb128pitti, guten tag! ;-)09:17
rodrigo_hey seb12809:17
seb128hey rodrigo_09:17
pittirodrigo_: oh, you think that they said "still happens for me" because of that?09:17
pittigood point09:17
rodrigo_pitti, no, one of them did, not sure about the others, so just asked them in the bug09:18
pittirodrigo_: perhaps you can follow up asking if anyone still gets that under natty?09:18
fta2smspillaz, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/75336909:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 753369 in compiz (Ubuntu) "artifacts in chromium" [Undecided,New]09:18
pittirodrigo_: great, thanks! crossing fingers :)09:18
smspillazfta2: exact instructions to reproduce09:18
smspillazthere's no video attached09:18
rodrigo_pitti, yes, do I prepare a maverick update anyway?09:18
didrocksfta2: checking09:18
pittirodrigo_: if it's a safe patch and will help people, sure09:19
fta2smspillaz, no, 753369 for you, 754098 was for didrocks ;)09:19
fta2smspillaz, the video says it all, any page with a selector will do09:20
smspillazthere's no video attached to that09:20
rodrigo_pitti, well, let's see what people answer first09:20
didrocksfta2: is is private or whatever?09:20
smspillazoh found it09:20
didrocksseems like https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/754098 is invalid09:20
ubot5Error: Launchpad(https://launchpad.net) bug 754098 not found09:20
seb128didrocks, it's probably not retraced, I'm checking on those09:20
fta2didrocks, is it? it's waiting for the retracer09:21
smspillazfta2: can't reproduce it09:21
smspillazfta2: if it's a damage bug at this stage it will be too difficult to look into time wise09:21
fta2smspillaz, with chromium?09:21
seb128yeah, the update failed again09:21
smspillazfta2: yes09:21
didrockssmspillaz: I confirm it09:22
didrocksfta2: nvidia?09:22
fta2didrocks, yes09:22
smspillazdidrocks: I can't reproduce it09:22
didrockssmspillaz: nvidia with proprieratery driver maybe?09:22
smspillazand damage issues are *very* *very* *very* difficult to debug09:22
smspillazdidrocks: I have the properietary driver09:22
seb128pitti, hum, did you work on the retracers today?09:22
smspillazit's very difficult because it requires tight timing and I don't have time to be spending hours on it09:22
pittiseb128: as we speak09:22
smspillazusually race conditions like that are the fault of the driver, there's simply nothing we can do about it09:23
pittiseb128: i386 fixed/restarted, amd64 fixing right now09:23
seb128pitti, doh ok, that's why upgrade,dist-upgrade lists 0 package to update09:23
pittiseb128: see fta2's question from 5 mins ago09:23
fta2smspillaz, well, it's a regression with the last update, should be easy to track down09:23
seb128pitti, yeah and see my response09:23
smspillazfta2: right, but I can't reproduce it on *either* the update before or the newest update09:24
pittiseb128: ah, sorry about that then09:24
smspillazand the newest update doesn't even touch the damage handling code09:24
seb128pitti, no worry ;-)09:24
fta2smspillaz, (last as in when the bug was filed)09:24
smspillazright, I know09:24
fta2smspillaz, which chromium? i see it with ch12 (trunk)09:24
smspillazif its a matter of which chromium version you are using then it is *definitely* not a compiz bug09:25
pittiseb128, fta2: both fixed and restarted09:25
smspillazfta2: 10.0.648.204 (79063) FYI09:25
htorquefwiw, i see similar artifacts with opera (nvidia blob)09:25
fta2smspillaz, no, i don't know, as i said in the bug, i checked older versions of ch that used to work fine before the last compiz and they are now broken09:25
fta2hence the regression in compiz09:26
seb128pitti, thanks, I've cleaned the logs so I'm reading to run my grep magic on those to see what issues were raised and which ones have duplicates today09:26
smspillazfta2: right, ok, well the damage code in compiz was *not* touched at all recently09:26
smspillazso I can't see any good reason for why that is09:27
fta2didrocks, the retraced nux crash was http://paste.ubuntu.com/590979/09:27
fta2didrocks, i had a bamfdaemon crash yesterday too09:27
smspillazfta2: (damage == the bit that handles which parts of the screen need redrawing)09:27
didrocksfta2: can you ping me once both are retraced? I'll add them to the list for a fix release09:27
seb128pitti, btw I will like send an apport patch your way today to put some extra infos in the retracer logs, like add the ubuntu version and the timestamp to the "Report is a duplicate of" lines09:28
Sweetsharknot good.09:28
pittiseb128: oh, thanks09:28
seb128pitti, it would make easier for me to make daily stats about natty crashes and to report the most popular ones09:28
SweetsharkI clicked around a bit in the system settings->appearance and now my windows controls minimize/maximize/close are on the RIGHT09:29
fta2didrocks, i didn't file bug for the bamfdaemon crasher, not sure how it happened09:29
fta2apparently an assert.. "Failed to register GObject with DBusConnection"09:30
fta2but i can file one if you want09:31
SweetsharkDoes anyone have an idea how I reset that setting? Where is that stored? ~/.compiz?09:33
RAOFSweetshark: I'm pretty sure it's in gconf09:34
vishSweetshark: /apps/metacity/general/button_layout « you can change there09:35
Sweetsharkvish: also for unity/compiz?09:35
* Sweetshark tries09:35
vishSweetshark: if it has not been altered there, it usually is cause the gnome-settings-daemon has bad memory ;p , you'd have to close and reopen the appearance settings and re-select the theme09:37
Riddellpitti: I dropped our build-depend on srtp and linphone so it should be possible to move to universe now09:37
pittior that way around, thanks09:37
SweetsharkRAOF, vish: thank you very much.09:37
htorquesmspillaz: issue in chromium after bookmarking a page: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/985729.png in opera after closing a bookmark menu: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/955227.png - does not happen without compiz, does only happen with nvidia blob09:38
* Sweetshark is tempted to start a "gconf is like the windows registry"-flamewar. After all it is friday.09:39
smspillazhtorque: I'll try reinstalling. I cannot reproduce any of these issues09:39
fta2didrocks, just curious, why can't you see private bugs? I can09:41
vishpitti: re: the icon for nautilus on launcher, i removed the icon which has a pointer on the folder and the icon of the cabinet is from gnome-icon theme(but seems Mark doesnt like tht either and I'm not sure if anyone is working on a new version, maybe sladen knows or didrocks ); the home folder icon i've pushed to ubuntu-mono and that needs to be released09:42
didrocksfta2: you need to be susbribed to see it09:42
didrocksvish: sladen is the design packager09:42
fta2didrocks, i'm bug control apparently, but maybe you should be too09:42
vishdidrocks: cool! but just letting you know as well, i dont know what's going on there :)09:43
htorquesmspillaz: maybe easier to reproduce: make a gnome-terminal small enough so a menu would stick out of the window, then move the window. here's what i get: http://img.xrmb2.net/images/112558.png09:43
pittichrisccoulson: just discussed mono for bug 740815; this will resolve mono, gluezilla, and xulrunner-1.9.2 tasks; so I think the remaining one is LibO09:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 740815 in xulrunner-1.9.2 (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Updates to enable us to drop xulrunner from main" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74081509:44
=== kklimonda is now known as Guest46494
chrisccoulsonpitti - excellent, thanks!09:44
chrisccoulsonpitti - would you mind sponsoring the xdg-utils diff on bug 670128 when you get a few moments please? :)09:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 670128 in xdg-utils (Ubuntu Natty) "gnome-open uses firefox while it's not the preferred browser" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67012809:45
didrocksvish: I don't know either, let's wait sladen dealing with that09:45
htorquesmspillaz: sorry, that wasn't a gnome-terminal menu, but the window manager's context menu09:45
pittivish: ah, so the effect of the bug is now different (having an "ugly" instead of a "pointer" icon), but still needs to be fixed then09:45
pittichrisccoulson: sure, queueing09:46
pittichrisccoulson: thanks for getting this fixed! one more bites the dust \o/09:46
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i just need to fix it in chromium too now (that ships a copy of xdg-utils)09:47
chrisccoulsoni'll send the mimeapps.list changes upstream as well09:47
chrisccoulsoni had to fix that bit myself09:47
pittichrisccoulson: ah, that's different to bug 727372, though?09:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 727372 in firefox (Ubuntu Natty) "FF 4 requires both .desktop and gconf entries for url handlers" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72737209:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah. i'll land the patch for that in our packaging branch today09:48
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:48
seb128how are you?09:48
pittichrisccoulson: ah, thanks; they sounded similar09:48
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, i'm good thanks, how are you?09:48
seb128I'm fine thanks09:49
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pittiSweetshark: do you know what LibO needs from xulrunner? we need to drop the build dependency09:55
dpmhi Sweetshark. I've added a proposal on bug 512395, would you mind checking out if it makes sense?10:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 512395 in Ubuntu Translations "Openoffice.org's .desktop files do not contain translation domain info" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51239510:05
pittiI need to run out for a couple of hours to care for my grandma a bit; I expect to be back around 1400 UTC10:14
Sweetsharkpitti: IIRC mostly for adressbook integration for databases and mailmerge. But there is one when building with --disable-mozilla, "macro security" breaks.10:16
Sweetsharkbreaks meaning at least: Tools->Options->Security->Macro Security wont open a dialog and wont allow changes (thus giving any selfrespecting admin a heartattack)10:19
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Sweetsharkdpm: makes sense from what little i know about the translation infrastructure.10:31
dpmSweetshark, cool. Would you be up for having a session at UDS on LO translations going forward?10:32
Sweetsharkdpm: The only thing I have done wrt l10n is rewriting the build system for it. I dont know much about the actual workflow of translators currently. What I remember is that the use pootle, then translate to LOs internal ressource format, which is then used in the build.10:39
SweetsharkI would have to get it contact with the people doing that stuff first.10:40
dpmSweetshark, ok, let me send you an e-mail and let's have a chat about it when you've got a minute10:42
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, so, without --disable-mozilla, do you know which parts of mozilla that openoffice is using?10:43
Sweetsharkdpm: great, lets do that.10:46
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: hard to define, there is an option to use a precompiled mozilla and not build you own, but that is a _complete_ mozilla build.10:50
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: here is one hint: http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/libs-extern/libxmlsec/makefile.mk#4010:52
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, oh, so is it actually just using nss?10:54
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: no10:55
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: thats one place, it also uses it for the addressbook around here http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/libs-core/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/makefile.mk#3410:56
Sweetsharkand that stuff also get used in mailmerge IIRC.10:56
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: what is the root problem with the xulrunner build dep?11:00
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: according to this: http://openoffice.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17187#c2411:04
ubot5Error: Could not parse XML returned by OpenOffice.org: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (http://openoffice.org/issues/xml.cgi?id=17187)11:04
Sweetshark--disable-mozilla means no addressbook, no xmlsec (because of nss), no LDAP11:05
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, xulrunner is basically unsupportable now :(11:09
chrisccoulsonalso, xulrunner doesn't support LDAP (you need to use the thunderbird SDK for that). are you sure openoffice doesn't switch to another ldap provider for that?11:10
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: OOo used their own old flaky mozilla precompiles from http://tools.openoffice.org/moz_prebuild/680/11:13
ubot5Error: Could not parse XML returned by OpenOffice.org: HTTP Error 404: Not Found (http://openoffice.org/issues/xml.cgi?id=680)11:13
* Sweetshark is gonna ask on #libreoffice11:14
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, basically, this is the problem for us: http://mozilla.github.com/process-releases/draft/development_overview/11:14
chrisccoulsonif we keep it in main, we're committed to either maintaing old branches with security fixes, or rolling out new major versions across all stable releases every few weeks (and fixing all of the associated breakage)11:15
chrisccoulsonand i don't want to end up spending all of my time doing that ;)11:15
didrockschrisccoulson: come one!11:15
* didrocks hugs chrisccoulson :-)11:15
chrisccoulsoni care about firefox, i don't care about xulrunner ;)11:15
* chrisccoulson hugs didrocks11:15
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: well ...11:18
seb128rodrigo_, could you check on bug #75415211:20
ubot5Launchpad bug 754152 in evolution (Ubuntu) "Evolution unable to open CouchDB address book" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75415211:20
rodrigo_seb128, yes, I guess it's a duplicate, but checking...11:21
chrisccoulsoni always get frightened when i see people talking about couchdb bugs11:21
chrisccoulsoni think that they're going to blame me for breaking it again ;)11:21
Sweetsharkloosing xmlsec in LO is not an option IMHO, loosing the Thunderbird integration maybe. For LDAP Id need to check if that still needs xulrunner.11:22
chrisccoulsoni'm pretty sure the ldap stuff doesn't require xulrunner, as xulrunner has no LDAP library in it at all11:23
chrisccoulsonall the LDAP stuff is in thunderbird, and i don't think openoffice is depending on that is it?11:24
Sweetsharkthat would mean to split up the dependency on nss and the one thunderbird/xulrunner etc. -- but I suspect that to be nontrivial otherwise it should have been long done.11:25
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/libs-core/connectivity/source/drivers/mozab/makefile.mk#6111:26
Sweetsharkdunno about that libs, do you?11:27
Sweetsharkah, wait ...11:27
Sweetsharkwe are building with SYSTEM_MOZILLA, I guess which disables the mozilla addressbook anyway, because that only work against those old rotten prebuild mozilla binaries.11:28
Sweetsharkso it might be that we really actually only use nss (because the other stuff is broken anyway).11:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, i hope we really only use nss :)11:29
Sweetsharkin that case it might be just a bit of configure.in tweakage.11:30
chrisccoulsonthere are certainly no binary depends between openoffice and xulrunner to keep xulrunner installed on the system11:30
chrisccoulsonso, if it really is using it, we'd need to fix that anyway11:30
chrisccoulsonand xulrunner is also not on the CD now either11:31
Sweetsharkno guarantees though, LO/OOo is a treacherous beast.11:31
chrisccoulsonheh :)11:31
chrisccoulsoni'd be happy to help, although it might take me a week to find where i need to look ;)11:31
Sweetsharkhm, theres is another one and that is the odf-viewer plugin in firefox itself.11:40
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, is that a cross-browser (NPAPI) plugin?11:41
chrisccoulsonor is it using mozilla code too?11:41
chrisccoulsonwe already have a solution for NPAPI plugins :)11:42
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/components/extensions/source/plugin/unx/ uhm, you tell me?11:43
kamstrupmvo: is it possible to launch S-C and have it display a specific category like "Games"?11:43
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, it's not including any mozilla headers there, so it looks like a pure NPAPI plugin11:44
chrisccoulsonin which case, you can build-depend on firefox-dev for that (or, you might not even need that if openoffice already has a copy of the npapi headers)11:45
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: we'll need firefox-dev I guess. nss is also already in the source, but I still have to grok how/if it is used in our current build: http://opengrok.libreoffice.org/xref/libs-extern-sys/nss/readme.txt11:47
Sweetsharkso if we a) link against nss only from xmlsec b) use firefox-dev for the plugin c) not use the adressbook. it should work out.11:50
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chrisccoulsonsounds good :)11:51
Sweetshark_rene_ just said on #libreoffice-dev: "12:46 <@_rene_> xulrunner *is* the system-mozilla :) (and it has the mentioned headers)"11:55
mvokamstrup: not currently11:56
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: do we differ from debian there wrt to packaging (of the needed headers)?11:56
kamstrupmvo: ok11:56
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, no. there's no LDAP headers anywhere in the mozilla codebase11:56
chrisccoulsononly in thunderbird11:56
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, these are the idl files which are used to generate the LDAP headers: http://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/file/c3227fb51b3f/ldap/xpcom/public11:58
Sweetsharkyeah, ldap/adressbook is disabled anyway with SYSTEM_MOZILLA. I wonder about the NPAPI headers being in xulrunner/firefox-dev.11:59
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: You could also come over to libreoffice-dev and we could discuss directly with _rene_ there ;)12:01
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, is that on freenode?12:03
chrisccoulsonxchat just crashed when i tried to join ;)12:03
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: yes, I saw you join and crash.12:03
chrisccoulson1 second, trying again ;)12:03
Sweetsharkchrisccoulson: whats the timeline on this?12:10
chrisccoulsonSweetshark, that's probably a pitti question. pitti - when are we really frozen for release?12:11
Sweetsharkok, so the target is natty.12:11
TheMusopitti: Seems that even if I remove expplicit inclusion of gcc and make in the desktop seed for powerpc, the still get pulled in via aptdaemon, recommending lintian, recommending build-essential and dpkg-dev.12:41
fta2didrocks, bug 754098  (seems it's a dupe now)12:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 754098 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in operator--() (dup-of: 754118)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75409812:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 754118 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in operator--()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75411812:49
didrocksok, seems nuxish12:50
dpmhey didrocks, do you know if there is any alternative shortcut in unity for what used to be Super+t (show all apps in a workspace) and Super+a(show all apps in all workspaces)13:00
didrocksdpm: super + W13:01
didrocksfor show all apps in all ws13:01
didrocksI resetted show all apps in a ws to default IIRC13:01
didrocks(it's ctrl + alt + whatever… should be in ccsm)13:01
dpmdidrocks, oh, awesome, thanks. "I resetted show all apps in a ws to default IIRC" -> I'm not sure I understand this bit. Do you mean that in a next unity update super + w will show apps in a ws instead in all ws's?13:04
didrocksdpm: no, super + w wasn't the upstream defaults13:05
dpmdidrocks, oh, I see. Cool, so I can use super+w. If I want to have a shortcut to show all windows in a ws do I have to install ccsm and configure the shortcut?13:06
didrocksdpm: exactly ;)13:07
dpmdidrocks, ok, thanks!13:07
didrocksit's like good old days ;)13:07
didrocksdpm: yw13:07
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dpmdidrocks, ah, and another question: I used to be able to shift+click on a launcher to open a new window. Now that functionality is gone, but I still can use the super+shift+number functionality to do the same. So is the shift+click function gone by design, or shall I report a bug?13:09
didrocksoh really?13:09
* didrocks checks13:09
dpmit's been gone for a while13:10
didrocksit has regressed, yeah13:10
didrocksdpm: open a bug, assigned me13:10
dpmdidrocks, yessir!13:10
dpmdidrocks, bug 754565, but I lack the permissions to assign it to you13:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 754565 in unity (Ubuntu) "Regression: shift+click on a launcher icon to open a new application instance gone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75456513:14
htorquesmspillaz: hi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/591220/ - that's the only nouveau-related error that changed (almost doubled) when causing the bug a couple of times (compared to a valgrind that just started compiz)13:15
htorquesmspillaz: does this look like it makes sense?13:15
didrocksdpm: btw, you want to change the "scale" plugin in ccsm13:16
dpmdidrocks, ok thanks for the pointer. I don't have ccsm installed, though, so I'll see if I can manage to remember the Shift+Alt+Up shortcut, which seems to do the same :)13:18
JanCdpm: middle click also opens a new window (in case you need it)13:22
JanCand can use it13:22
didrocksJanC: do you have a real mouse?13:23
dpmJanC, yeah, I knew that one, thanks. It's just that when I'm on the laptop I don't usually do middle click13:24
JanCyes, I know it might be difficult with a trackpad  ☺13:24
dpmthe two buttons at the same time do the trick, but it's a bit difficult and it defeats the purpose13:24
didrocksyeah, xorg middle emulation issue13:25
didrocksbryceh_: tseliot: we spoke about that one, why finally this was changed? ^^13:25
JanCI always carry a mouse in my backpack  ;)13:26
tseliottjaalton: ^^13:27
tjaaltonnothing was changed, natty has been without middle mouse emulation since evdev 2.6 hit the archive late january13:31
tjaaltonthere is a quirk for the ubuntu mouse13:31
tjaaltonso if you have usb mice that need one just open a new bug13:32
smspillazdesrt: ping13:58
smspillazdesrt: seems that gdbusconnection.c:1934 quits the compiz main loop13:59
smspillazg_main_loop_quit (data->loop);14:00
smspillaztracing what it might be14:00
smspillazoh, ok, hang on a minute, that's not right14:04
smspillazthere's no main loop created at that point in compiz14:05
fta2didrocks, do you want a bug for the bamfdaemon assert()?14:08
seb128smspillaz, what bug is that?14:08
fta2or should i just ignore?14:08
seb128fta2: yes14:08
seb128fta2: we want bugs about any crash issue14:08
smspillazseb128: something different, nevermind that14:08
smspillazseb128: seems like we are quitting ourselves, no idea why yet14:09
smspillazI think there is some stale restart signal we get14:09
fta2seb128, seems my crash would be a dupe of bug 75422514:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 754225 in bamf (Ubuntu) "bamfdaemon crashed with SIGABRT in dbus_g_connection_register_g_object()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75422514:14
seb128you are uptodate?14:14
fta2i was when it happened (yesterday, late)14:15
fta2happened after a reboot14:15
fta2the main bug is 11h old, so it matches14:15
davidcalleIs there any plan for featured applications in USC 11.04?14:17
seb128fta2: no it's not, it's from wednesday and it was supposed to be fixed in the update yesterday14:19
seb128fta2: did you restart your session after today updates?14:19
seb128DBO: ^14:19
davidcallejcastro, IIRC you raised this topic during maverick beta on the ml. What's the plan for Natty?14:20
didrockspitti: do you have a minute to look at this FFe: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/75458314:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 754583 in unity (Ubuntu) "Launcher - update launcher reveal interaction to make it more accessible to first time users" [Undecided,Triaged]14:20
DBOseb128, yeah they would have to restard their session14:20
dobeydidrocks: thanks for the sponsoring :)14:22
didrocksdobey: yw ;)14:22
smspillazvuntz: poke14:23
smspillazvuntz: is it possible for gnome-session to send us SIGINT or SIGTERM if we are a required component ?14:24
seb128rodrigo_, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60480914:33
ubot5Gnome bug 604809 in Server "Assumes binding an IPv6 socket also binds IPv4" [Normal,New]14:33
seb128rodrigo_, that's the bug corresponding to the patch for which you say is breaking vino for you14:33
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didrockshey pitti14:40
pittiSweetshark: odd, does macro security involve HTML or javascript in any way?14:41
seb128pitti, wb14:41
pittichrisccoulson, Sweetshark: freeze for release? well, any structural changes should be uploaded around or after beta-2, as otherwise it'll get really tight14:41
seb128pitti, I've assigned some bugs to you while reviewing python crash duplicates from the day14:41
pittiTheMuso: eww, we pull in lintian by default now? that sounds quite heavy14:42
seb128pitti, feel free to ignore those, they are things worth checking but probably not blockers14:42
pittididrocks: will look at the FFE14:42
pittiseb128: ah, thanks; will check them out14:42
rodrigo_seb128, ah, cool, just found the debian one14:46
rodrigo_seb128, so, I was wondering if we could remove the patch, but I guess not, right?14:49
seb128rodrigo_, well it works for other people and vino is not just simply broken for everybody or we would have noticed14:49
seb128so I would like to figure why it breaks for you14:50
seb128if you are in contact with upstream can you get them to review that patch?14:50
rodrigo_seb128, not sure yet, still debugging14:50
rodrigo_seb128, yes, sure14:50
TheMusopitti: Yes, even on x8614:53
* TheMuso heads to be.14:54
pittiseb128: ah, nice picks; they should be easy to fix14:54
seb128pitti, ;-)14:56
seb128jibel: hi14:56
seb128jibel: did you restart your session today? are you uptodate?14:56
seb128jibel: the libreoffice-writer issue could be fixed with today updates, would be nice to make sure if you are uptodate to confirm it14:57
jibelseb128, yes I did.14:59
seb128jibel: so you are uptodate from today with session restarted and still get the bug?15:00
didrocksseb128: we didn't change the gio directory, did we?15:02
didrocks(if this is what you are reffering to)15:02
jibelseb128, yes, I am as of 6:57 ago.15:02
seb128didrocks, slangasek did15:02
seb128jibelt: what bamfdaemon version do you have?15:02
didrocksseb128: oh, scrolling in -changes didn't spot it, you're right15:03
jibelseb128,   Installed: 0.2.84-0ubuntu215:03
seb128didrocks, he did the change I suggested you yesterday15:03
didrocksseb128: yeah, nice, thanks :)15:03
seb128jibel: grumpf, DBO ^15:03
seb128DBO, libreoffice matching is still screwed it seems, we need that sorted for natty15:03
DBOseb128, understood, did someone fix the module?15:04
seb128the gio use is fixed for me, it matches back the correct desktop15:04
seb128DBO: slangasek moved it back to the non multiarch location and I can confirm that fix the .desktop matching case in nautilus15:04
seb128so I think libreoffice is another issue15:04
seb128DBO: it matches the writer to javafilter15:05
seb128DBO: but they have the same commands in their .desktop so it might be a special case15:05
seb128DBO: bug #73893115:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 738931 in unity (Ubuntu) "no icon for libroffice write" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73893115:05
DBOseb128, wtf, really?15:06
seb128jibel: I can't confirm the bug there though, can you try in a guest session? how do you start it?15:06
ricotzDBO, hi, is the name_changed signal use for libreoffice?15:06
ricotzok, havent looked the a code, i just can confirm problems with libreoffice too, but we dont connect to the name_change signal though15:08
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seb128chrisccoulson, hey15:19
chrisccoulsonhi seb12815:19
seb128chrisccoulson, so what happened to that default email client email? ;-)15:19
chrisccoulsonit's getting there ;)15:20
seb128ogra_, you you became civilized, that's nice ;-)15:20
jibelseb128, I can reproduce the problem on 2 other systems. you need to install libreoffice-filter-mobiledev and restart the session15:21
jibelI start lowriter from the command line btw15:21
seb128jibel: oh, I don't have that binary installed, that would explain it, thanks15:21
seb128jibel: does it happen if you start if from unity places?15:21
seb128ogra_, joking but nice to see that you described the bugs fixed this time rather than just list a list of lp: #number15:22
jibelseb128, yes it does.15:22
seb128jibel: thanks15:22
ogra_seb128, hehe, last time would simply have been to much15:23
Sweetsharkpitti: no, but it involves certificates needed for xmlsec15:24
seb128ogra_, talk to didrocks, the unity changed are built by a script using the milestoned bugs set in fix commited ;-)15:24
seb128ogra_, well maybe not today but at UDS pay him a beer ;-)15:24
didrocksseb128: one beer by bug handled you meant, isn't it? :-)15:25
Sweetsharkpitti: but that is nss only. the other uses are either disabled of should do with firefox-dev instead of xulrunner-dev. So I will just do a "xulrunner-dev|firefox-dev" builddep and everything should be shiny.15:25
seb128didrocks, hum, are you sure you will manage to walk back to the room? ;-)15:26
seb128mterry, i've accepted your control-center email from moderation, just fyi in case if you pondered if you need to repost it or subscribe15:26
didrocksseb128: I can share with my roomate then :-)15:26
mterryseb128, thanks15:27
pittiseb128: ah, | firefox-dev sounds fine, or even just libnss3-dev ?15:27
pittisorry, Sweetshark ^15:27
pittichrisccoulson: nice, so it actually looks we'll getting rid of both \o/15:28
pittiSweetshark: firefox-dev should be a drop-in compatible now15:28
chrisccoulsonoh, that's excellent :)15:28
pittichrisccoulson: building gluezilla against firefox-dev is not possible?15:29
pittior will it just keep breaking with ffox updates?15:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - no, as it's still a new gecko version and it doesn't really solve the problem that dropping xulrunner from main solves15:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, it will likely break with upgrades15:30
pittiI thought so, but wanted to check15:30
chrisccoulsoni want to limit what we build against firefox-dev. browser plugins are ok, and we also have 1 extension too15:30
chrisccoulsonbut we shouldn't have any more than that :)15:30
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rodrigo_is anyone seeing e-addressbook/calendar-factory crashes often?15:44
seb128rodrigo_, never crashed for me15:50
rodrigo_seb128, ok, neither for me15:50
seb128but I don't use ubuntuone for contacts15:50
seb128hum, evo suckage again15:51
seb128it just displayed me a meeting remind for the weekly rt meeting at "11:00"15:51
rodrigo_seb128, but there are a lot of bugs in lp about threading crashes, so I need someone that sees the crashes often to run it under valgrind15:51
rodrigo_seb128, it happens on google and local contacts also, it seems to be some bad usage of mutexes15:51
rodrigo_I'm running it under valgrind now, let's hope I can find something, even if it doesn't crash15:52
seb128seems it display the time from some other tz, the meeting is in 10 minutes and that's not 11:0015:52
seb128rodrigo_, ok15:52
seb128rodrigo_, well what I got from previous cycles and that some of those issues where due to gconf which is not safe to such use15:53
rodrigo_seb128, what timezone is the meeting on?15:53
seb128rodrigo_, dunno, I just got the reminder so it's in 10 minutes which is 17:0015:53
seb128it should display 17:0015:53
seb128I guess it's 11:00 in the timezone from whoever set the appointement15:53
rodrigo_seb128, yes, but evolution should convert to your timezone, so it's a bug, unless you don't have a timezone set?15:55
seb128rodrigo_, the preference has "use the system timezone france,paris" checked15:56
seb128the calendar is a gcalendar one15:56
rodrigo_seb128, ok then a bug, it seems15:56
seb128the details of the meeting say it's a 10:00 chicago time15:57
rodrigo_that's not 11:00 paris time :-)15:57
seb128it's not ;-)15:57
seb128not sure where it got the 11:00 from15:57
rodrigo_unless you moved the country westwards :-)15:57
seb128it's neither the chicago not the paris time15:57
seb128could be a dst bug added to the other issue15:57
rodrigo_hmm, maybe15:58
seb128ok, let's see15:59
seb128I just added a new meeting at 10:10 chicago time in that calendar15:59
seb128same bug16:00
SweetsharkHow fast would I get stoned for suggesting to depend the LO build on a full JDK instead of gjc?16:02
seb128rodrigo_, do you want to peak at it and see if you can fix it?16:03
seb128pitti, btw there is no gnome-appearance-capplet in GNOME3 that code is going away when next cycle open16:03
pittiseb128: ah, thanks; makes it even harder to patch :)16:04
seb128right, it would mean writting code to drop it in 2 weeks16:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, done ;)16:09
rodrigo_seb128, yes, sure, assign the bug to me, although I'm now looking at the e-d-s crashes, but I'll have a look as soon as I'm done with that16:11
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks16:13
seb128rodrigo_, thanks16:14
seb128rodrigo_, did you see my comment about gconf earlier?16:14
seb128rodrigo_, I think the #evolution guys mentioned something about gconf not being safe for use out of the main context16:14
seb128but that was previous cycle16:14
seb128it's the same issue that the keyring and gvfs16:14
seb128or "similar" issue16:15
rodrigo_seb128, yes, saw it16:20
rodrigo_seb128, the fix I did in evo-couchdb was for keyring to not crash the threads16:20
rodrigo_seb128, but all these crashes are just in lots of places, not gconf or keyring or gvfs16:20
seb128well if the lib it's not safe to use in that context it's weird that an init workaround the issue16:20
rodrigo_so yeah, something's wrong16:21
rodrigo_seb128, yes, that _init call prepares dbus to deal with threads16:21
rodrigo_not sure why it doesn't do it by default though16:21
seb128oh ok16:21
rodrigo_now 2.32 uses glib's dbus API, so it might have the same issue than dbus-glib had16:21
seb128oh mcrha just commited a bunch of fixes to gnome-2-3216:22
rodrigo_oh, /me looks16:22
seb128do they plan a 2.32 tarball?16:22
rodrigo_seb128, ah, those are the fixes from David's github branch16:24
rodrigo_seb128, there's been a discussion about keeping the 2.32 brnahc open for distributions16:24
seb128that would be nice16:25
rodrigo_so yeah, with all those fixes, I guess a new 2.32.x tarball is coming16:25
seb128though it's getting late for natty now, freeze is on monday next week16:25
rodrigo_and the fixes that he just pushed are not that "important", from a 1st look16:26
seb128didrocks, jibel got a case of non hidden launcher not using qt for you ;-)16:26
seb128rodrigo_, right16:26
didrocksseb128: yeah, I'm discussing with him, I don't reproduce16:26
didrocksso I have to ask him to give all small dirity secret of Launcher state :)16:26
seb128chrisccoulson, I think the key point in that default email client is whether online calendar matters or not16:30
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, true. i thought i might miss something out ;)16:31
seb128chrisccoulson, in a world where google give one for free and any smart phone allow you to use it very easily it seems an important usecase even out of office16:31
seb128like kenvandine said he knows people who just use online calendar for day to day things16:32
kenvandinemy wife and all of her friends live off their google calendars16:32
kenvandineall moms with kids to run around16:33
kenvandinebusy schedules :)16:33
sabdflpitti: hi, re the interface changes, we have a tough debate between "long term frustration" and "short term frustration"16:34
sabdflmost people start looking for the launcher on the left edge16:35
sabdflit's frustrating to them that they have to get it from the corner, especially since we don't cue that well16:35
sabdflwe have a visualisation, it was not done in time, but will be for oneiric16:35
pittibecause that corner is only actually 1x1 pixels big? :-)16:36
sabdflon the other hand16:36
sabdflno, the corner should be 5x5 iirc16:36
sabdflon the other hand16:36
sabdflthe edge results in lots of false positives16:36
sabdflso people end up having the launcher show up when they don't really want it16:36
sabdflwhich, in the long term, is more frustrating16:36
sabdfland in the long term (days) the muscle memory of corner activation is just as good16:37
pittifull ack; I don't think it should ever be on the edge16:37
sabdflso, corner activation is better long term16:37
pittiit'll interact badly with working with window edges for resizing, or for tiling them, etc.16:37
sabdflpitti: i agree, but it's the most visible wtf? in unity atm16:37
pittiand there's always the windows key16:37
sabdflalso exactly :-)16:37
sabdflso, if we give people an easier day 1, they spend a lot more time frustrated16:37
sabdflif we don't, they blog about it on day 1 :-)16:38
pittiTBH, I still think the most visible WTF is "why do I only see half of it when I point to the ubuntu logo", but that's a battle I won't win, I guess :16:38
sabdflthat's another false positive story16:38
sabdfli think we'll settle on a combination of corner + hover-on-bfb16:38
sabdfli.e. rapid move through corner will do it immediately16:38
sabdflor you can explore and if you get as far as the bfb, it starts coming out16:38
pittiso how do we make it discoverable that you can change the behaviour in a four-levels down appearance applet (which never had panel properties before, and isn't supposed to either)?16:39
sabdflthe idea is to give them the day 1 behaviour they expect, then let them take the rough edge off later16:39
sabdflbut it's not a totally solid idea, this is not properly tested, and imo it's ok to ship what we have16:40
sabdflwe're busy wrapping up the formal user testing, i'll have a better sense of whether this is a showstopper when Charline's written that up16:40
sabdflnext week :/16:41
pittisabdfl: well, beta-2 archive freeze is Monday 0900, we won't get in the gnome-appearance-applets change written, tested, and uploadd anyway by then16:41
sabdflok, let's pass for natty16:42
sabdflin a pinch, SRU16:42
pittiso a few days back and forth would not matter much, and tarnslations for this will be broken anyway16:42
pittisabdfl: and at start of oneiric gnome-appearance-properties will be history, too16:43
pittiwe don't have the equivalent of a pointing bubble any more, do we?16:43
pittisuch as ^--- move mouse here or press Windows key to open Launcher16:43
seb128sabdfl, we can't sru new UI since that means they will land non translated16:43
sabdflseb128: ok16:44
pittiseb128: they'll not get translations in time either way16:44
njpatelI will buy many beers, can we push freeze time to 11:00 UTC or something?16:44
njpatelon Monday16:44
pittinjpatel: perhaps join #ubuntu-meeting, it'll be the desktop turn soon16:44
seb128njpatel, pitti said he would raise it during the meeting for unity upload target16:44
pitti(i have it in my blurb, too)16:44
pittiI think it really ought to be possible16:44
njpatelpitti, ah, thanks16:44
chrisccoulsonnjpatel, are you trying to bribe pitti? ;)16:44
njpatelokay, fingers-crossed16:44
njpatelchrisccoulson, always16:44
njpatelAnyone on the release team, there are always beers available for favours that move the freeze time to later. It's just how DX rolls :)16:45
sabdflnjpatel: we are flying blind here. we're guessing that the edge thing won't cause more problems, and we're guessing people will find the alternative16:45
seb128pitti, what about cairo and gl? should you mention it during the meeting?16:45
pittiah, right16:46
pittiseb128: do you think we could upload the non-EGL version today still?16:46
njpatelsabdfl, sure, in my mind that has dropped. I'm asking for time so we have a chance of releasing monday morning/sunday evening16:46
njpatel(for normal stuff)16:46
seb128pitti, yes, it will just break wayland so I was waiting for a decision to be taken16:47
sabdflwhat has dropped?16:47
njpatelsabdfl, the two requests from this morning, launcher & menu16:48
seb128sabdfl, speaking about discovrability I see users arguing over the menus one over the launcher one16:48
didrockspitti: I should maybe join #ubuntu-meeting then has I'm impacted by the unity release :)16:48
pittihang on, I almost got it :)16:48
njpatelsabdfl, I'm currently negotiating the standard "can we please have more time?" DX<->Release Team thing16:48
sabdflokdokey :-)16:48
pittinjpatel, didrocks, seb128: ok, unity got a free pass until 1300 UTC16:50
njpatelthis is going to be an interesting weekend16:50
pittiall just coordination, don't worry16:50
didrocksthanks pitti :)16:51
pittiseb128: mentioned it in release meeting; I think we need to go ahead; do you know what needs to happen with the package?16:52
pittiseb128: it seems https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/wayland/ even has the cairo still, but I guess it needs to be updated to be newer than the natty version16:53
seb128pitti, I can upload that now16:53
pittiseb128: please do; I'll take the bullets16:53
seb128pitti, should I break on wayland from the updated version?16:53
pittibetter than on Monday16:53
pittiseb128: I think that makes sense16:53
seb128ok, doing that16:53
pittibryceh_: ^ really sorry about this, but I'm afraid we're running out of options here :/16:54
pitti(and time)16:54
vuntzsmspillaz: why/when would you need sigint/sigterm?16:54
pittibryceh_: want us to provide an updated cairo upload for the PPA? (basically current natty with a newer version number)16:54
smspillazvuntz: ah, I was wondering because it looked like we were getting that signal and I was wondering if gnome-session was doing it16:55
smspillazbut we aren't16:55
smspillazI figured out what the problem was16:55
smspillazthanks for the response though :)16:55
* pitti hugs njpatel16:55
* njpatel hugs pitti, gets ready money for beer16:56
pittithe man who fixes bugs faster than we can even apport them16:56
didrocksvuntz: already back home?16:56
njpatelpitti, heh :)16:56
pittinjpatel: nah, you already paid in bug fixes!16:56
njpatelAh, bug fixes as a currency, I like16:56
vuntzdidrocks: yes, just now16:57
=== nessita1 is now known as bessita
=== bessita is now known as nessita
jbichaI have a collection of gnome3 ppa bugs, would it be better to send them in 1 email or all separately?17:25
seb128jbicha, where do you want to send those?17:32
seb128one email seems better17:32
jbichato the gnome3-team mailing list17:33
seb128jbicha, ok, one email will do then17:35
jbichacool, email sent17:35
pittiTTFN, have a nice weekend everyone!18:02
njpateldidrocks, seb128, pitti, because I hate myself: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/75458318:04
ubot5Ubuntu bug 754583 in unity "UIFe: Launcher - update launcher reveal interaction to make it more accessible to first time users" [Undecided,Triaged]18:04
njpatelwhat about a small capplet for gnome-control-centre?18:04
seb128pitti, enjoy!18:04
njpatelSeven new strings only, one time offer!!!!!!!one18:05
seb128njpatel, what about stopping wasting time adding a fix me option and pick a behaviour and focus on fixing bugs?18:05
njpatelseb128, Don't shoot the messenger dude :)18:05
seb128njpatel, well tell whoever is pushing on it to come argue directly ;-)18:05
njpatelAww, but they are counting on you all loving me18:06
ricotzseb128, hi18:15
ricotzare you ok with https://edge.launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing/+sourcepub/1636891/+listing-archive-extra ?18:16
seb128ricotz, why do we need the new gdm?18:20
seb128doesn't seem right to push the update if it's not ready, like half of the patch commented18:20
ricotzto actually have a gnome3 themed one ;)18:20
ricotzthe gdmsetup patch depends on gtk2 and other patches rely on it18:21
seb128why can't you port it to gtk3?18:21
ricotzactually i dont have the time to look into that big one18:22
ricotzbut this gdm will finally give a better user-experience while it is not broken-gtk2-themed18:24
ricotzbut  of course there is no rush18:24
seb128ricotz, hum ok, well upload if you want but the ppa quality is lower with updates it seems but since we don't recommend users to run it...18:28
seb128like dropping the patch to respect the system uids to display or the locale and keyboard handling fixes18:29
ricotzseb128, i will keep it in my ppa for now18:31
seb128maybe commit to the gnome3 vcs as work in progress18:31
ricotzbut it is actually kind of crazy to have 31 patches :(18:31
seb128send an email to the list to invite others to continue the patches update18:31
seb128well, that's not specific to Ubuntu18:32
seb128Debian and OpenSuse have a stack of patches for gdm as well18:32
seb128that's a known issue18:32
ricotzhmm, i see18:32
ftadidrocks, please keep bug 728428 open, it's definitely not fixed18:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 728428 in compiz-plugins-main (Ubuntu) "unity messes up with workspaces" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72842818:42
didrockssmspillaz: ^^18:43
didrocksfta: you can reopen it18:43
smspillazdidrocks: I haven't got time to fix this one18:44
didrocksit was listed as the fix on plugin-main though18:45
didrocksprobably by error then18:45
ftawhich task should i re-open? all?18:46
ftadoh, compiz crashed18:46
fta"not enough memory to report it", wfh? I have 4GB18:46
didrocksfta: no, it's ok, plugins-main is opened18:46
ftawhen compiz restarts after a crash; my workspaces are also re-arranged, but it's not a rotation18:48
bryceh_seb128, instead of dumping bugs like 753910 to X that haven't really any useful data, instead tell them to file a *new* bug about the specific issue against xorg.  These rambling multi-problem bug reports are of no use to us like this.18:50
ryanpganyone know if the gnome3 team PPA has a roadmap? I'd like to try out gnome3 on 11.04, obviously it's very experimental, I'd like to know when it becomes installable if possible.18:55
JanCfta: the bug you describe when scrolling through workspaces existed in compiz before natty too19:03
nessitahello everyone, is there any available for a sponsorship? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-0.9.5/+merge/5699519:04
ftaJanC, maybe, but i don't know, i was using metacity before19:08
JanCfta: I added a comment to the bug report, just in case it's useful for the compiz developers  ☺19:09
JanCit also means this is not a unity bug but a compiz bug19:10
ftathanks :)19:10
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|z
jbicharyanpg: the gnome3 PPA is mostly installable now but not recommended if you like your system to be free of breakage19:18
jbicharyanpg: for instance, I would hold back from upgrading gnome-session19:19
ryanpgI did try to install from it... and gnome session was one of the troublesome packages19:19
ryanpggnome3-session was un-installable along with gtk3-engines and others19:20
jbichagnome3-session is obsolete19:20
ryanpgjbicha, ahh... cool19:20
jbichabut don't upgrade gnome-session or you'll probably have trouble logging into Unity19:21
ryanpgjbicha, do you know if the plan is to have a stable and installable PPA eventually? or is it always intended to be experimental?19:21
jbichaI can't speak for the Desktop Team but I believe the plan is for the Gnome 3 PPA to be stable by 11.04 release19:22
jbichaobviously there will be lots of integration issues which is why Gnome 3 isn't part of 11.0419:22
ryanpgyes, I guess there still is three weeks till release19:23
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ryanpgjbicha, do you know of a way to install a minimal gnome3 from the ppa, while holding back troublesome packages? I mean, other than manually selecting package versions and choosing which packages are upgraded...19:25
ryanpgadding the ppa and doing a dist-upgrade is sure to result in disaster19:25
jbichaI wouldn't say disaster as you could always use ppa-purge to get things back to normal19:29
jbichagnome-shell is the major package you're looking for but except for gnome-session I have everything else there upgraded all the way19:31
jbichawell, and gnome-accessibility-themes is broken too but that's not too important19:33
ryanpgjbicha, have you tried out any of the gnome 3 live images? If so how do they compare to the PPA "experience?"19:45
jbicharyanpg: no I haven't got around to trying pure gnome3 yet, it's difficult to compare Ubuntu Gnome 3 with pure Gnome as Ubuntu has different design & integration goals19:48
ryanpgjbicha, sure... those differences are a part of the comparison I'd like to make, so far I've not been able to get to see any part of gnome3 on my 11.04 install19:54
ryanpgI'm going to guess that working subpixel hinting is going to be one of those "design and integration goals" :D19:55
ryanpgMacSlow, hi there... I remember you from waaaaay back in the early days of hanging around the  clearlooks channels! :D19:56
ryanpgMacSlow, I always expect to see you show up on one of G4s parkour shows, or American Ninja. lol :)19:56
MacSlowryanpg, oh... that is really "waaaaaaay back" :)19:56
MacSlowryanpg, no I ended up at Canonical :)19:57
ryanpgMacSlow, hah! Well I've seen your name scroll across my screen a few times since then - you've really become a big player!19:57
* ryanpg doesn't intend to embarrass 19:58
* MacSlow tries not to be19:58
ryanpgMacSlow, do you ever talk to Remenic? He seems to have disappeared.20:00
MacSlowryanpg, no... never met  him in person20:01
ryanpgme either... just on #clearlooks, anyway...20:02
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
seb128bryceh_, hey, yeah sorry the issue is that I'm not sure what questions should be asked on xorg bugs or what infos are needed20:38
seb128nessita, ola20:38
nessitaseb128: hola! ca va?20:39
seb128nessita, ca va bien, et toi ?20:39
nessitatrés bien!20:40
seb128nessita, I'm about to call it a day (week if nothing come during the weekend that needs to land before monday freeze)20:40
seb128nessita, do you still need sponsoring?20:40
seb128nessita, I can do that before calling it a day20:40
nessitaseb128: yes, I do, please!20:41
nessitaseb128: so, you said something that has scared me: *monday freeze*? I was hoping the repos were freezed wed20:42
seb128nessita, no, monday at 9utc20:42
seb128nessita, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule20:42
nessitaseb128: OMG20:42
nessitaseb128: final freeze is April 14th20:44
nessitaseb128: why do you scare me? :-)20:44
seb128nessita, because I've been at the r-t meeting today and they argued over the unity upload on monday20:44
seb128nessita, monday to wednesday is for selected fixes for issues that are considered blockers for the images20:45
seb128nessita, you should count on it to land fixes you want if they disagree on those being blockers20:45
nessitaseb128: so, sorry but I'm not understanding properly (is Friday and I've been sprinting all week :-)): we will have a chance to upload next week or we have 0 chance to upload?20:48
nessitapitti: maybe, you around?20:54
seb128nessita, he's not around20:55
seb128nessita, it's free uploads until monday 9utc20:55
ftatjaalton, yt?20:55
seb128nessita, it's upload that need to get reviewed and paid in beers after that20:55
nessitaseb128: so, before hearing about the freeze ocurring at mon, I was counting with having more time to land bug #702176, which depending how you look at it may or may not require a UI FE. Can you tell me if that require a UI FE?20:56
seb128nessita, but they plan to roll the candidate images on tuesday so you need a strong reason to get things in an new images after that20:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 702176 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu Natty) "[UIFE] Syncdaemon needs to open the control-panel to volumes when a folder shared to the user exceeds the owning user's quota" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70217620:56
nessitaseb128: I sadly understand20:57
dobeyi wonder if we will even be able to get sponsorship for uploads20:57
dobeythis late in the week20:57
ftatjaalton, i have a new problem with X. started a few days ago (2, maybe 3). when I put mplayer in fullscreen mode, X goes bersek, with evdev_drv.so in the stack. desktop is all stuck. then compiz goes 100% cpu too20:57
seb128nessita, that one is not likely to get in after monday, it's not even likely to get it on monday, it's late for ui changes20:57
seb128dobey, when?20:57
seb128dobey, I'm still around and can do a round of sponsoring now20:58
seb128kees is patch pilot today also and U.S based20:58
nessitaseb128: I see. Well, thanks a lot the same :-)20:58
seb128nessita, ;-)20:58
dobeyseb128: well i need to do a banshee upload. was hoping to do it on tuesday, but i guess i have to do it today20:58
seb128dobey, check is skaet but yeah better today if you can20:59
seb128nessita, what sponsoring did you need btw?20:59
nessitaseb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-0.9.5/+merge/5699521:00
seb128nessita, you got it21:01
nessitaseb128: thanks!21:02
dobeyseb128: yeah, i'm pulling banshee branch right now and will push the upload21:02
seb128nessita, you're welcome21:02
mterrytedg, still here?  what exactly happens when a process uses both dbus-glib and gdbus?  Is it only bad if they use it for the same end point?21:02
seb128nessita, what source do you need to update for the uif issue?21:02
seb128mterry, what are you hacking on? ;-)21:02
tedgmterry, Yeah, you'll just have two connections to dbus.  So you can't send messages on one and expect to receive on the other really.21:03
mterryseb128, this quassel crash21:03
tedgmterry, The problem that we had is that we'd pull the address of the message for many things, and we wouldn't get the right address.21:03
mterrytedg, crashes?21:03
nessitaseb128: control panel as well, but I didn't add it to the release because I was waiting for the exception granting21:03
tedgmterry, Shouldn't in theory.  I haven't tested it though :-)21:03
mterrytedg, apps that use dbusmenu-glib and interact with the messaging app but use dbus-glib elsewhere wouldn't have problems, one assumes, right?21:04
mterrys/messaging app/messaging menu/21:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 743541 in indicator-weather (Ubuntu) "indicator-weather crashed with SIGSEGV in dbusmenu_menuitem_build_variant()" [Medium,Confirmed]21:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 742824 in indicator-weather (Ubuntu) "indicator-weather crashed with SIGSEGV in dbusmenu_menuitem_get_id()" [Medium,Confirmed]21:06
tedgmterry, One assumes.  I don't know of anything that'd be an issue there.21:06
seb128those have just been added to libdbusmenu if someone want to check on whether they are bug there21:07
mterrytedg, is there any reason /usr/lib/indicator-application/indicator-application-service would be linking with dbus-glib?21:08
mterryoh, because it does....  I thought we cleaned all that out21:09
tedgmterry, Yes we didn't get all of it sadly.21:11
dobeyhyperair: ping21:12
hyperairdobey: pong21:12
tedgseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/ubuntu/natty/nautilus/lp750788/+merge/5700521:13
dobeyhyperair: is banshee 2.0 going into 11.04 or are we sticking with 1.9.6?21:13
bryceh_seb128, as a general rule we always want the stuff that the xorg apport hook includes.21:13
bryceh_that answers like 80% of the questions.21:13
seb128tedg, does that mean those are broken installs? how come it doesn't find the ui description?21:14
tedgseb128, I think they must be.  But, we shouldn't crash...21:14
seb128bryceh_, ok, so basic rules is to invalid those asking to open a new bug rather than to reassign?21:14
tedgseb128, Only thing they'd loose is the help and changing the desktop background though.21:14
seb128bryceh_, i.e ubuntu-bug xorg-server?21:14
seb128tedg, ok, I don't care about those ;-)21:15
tedgseb128, So I'm not *too* worried about solving the install issue.  I think it might be an upgrade one as well?21:15
bryceh_seb128, right21:15
seb128bryceh_, xserver-xorg rather I meant, ok ;-)21:15
seb128bryceh_,I will do that from now on!21:15
bryceh_used to be unity's apport hook included the same stuff as xorg, but it doesn't any more, so easiest if people file new bugs21:15
bryceh_seb128, actually just 'ubuntu-bug xorg' is enough21:16
bryceh_the scripts will automatically take care of shuffling the bug report to the right spot and so on21:16
seb128bryceh_, I guess they can just do "ubuntu-bug" and pick xorg and follow the questions?21:17
bryceh_seb128, that works too21:17
bryceh_(in fact that might even be better)21:17
seb128doh, the "don't know" exit you from apport, not very useful friendly ;-)21:18
dobeyi guess we are not getting banshee 2.0 then21:22
Laneywhy not?21:22
mterrytedg, ooh, may have a good crash fix21:32
tedgmterry, Woot!21:33
tedgmterry, I think that kenvandine had started to think about his weekend, let's not let him do that!  ;-)21:33
dobeyLaney: i don't see any merges for it, and it's not in debian yet either21:34
Laneyit was uploaded today21:34
bryceh_seb128, the one exception I can think of to this is if the bug is about a crash of _unity_, where the backtrace indicates a fault in mesa or driver code; obviously we want the backtrace from the original bug, not a new bug in that case.21:35
bryceh_seb128, although having looked at a few such bugs so far, sometimes it's not really clear whether the issue is X, or unity/compiz passing in bad data that crashes X.21:36
bryceh_er, crashes unity I mean21:36
mterrytedg, kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-application/dont-wildly-free-apps/+merge/5701221:37
seb128bryceh_, right, for crashers with a debug stacktrace I would close those21:38
tedgmterry, Cool.  I have a bug on the fact that application needs to be made a real object... it's always going to have these problems until it does :-(21:43
dobeyLaney: ah. i didn't see that when i searched21:44
Laneyjust merging it now21:44
mterrytedg, yar21:45
tedgseb128, Seems both of those dbusmenu ones need valgrind :-(21:46
seb128tedg, ok, that's fine, I was pointing them in case21:46
seb128kenvandine, you probably want to get the fix mterry just pointed in natty and maybe the one he mentioned earlier21:47
tedgHeh, I was just about to say that!21:47
kenvandinetedg, i was going to ask... distro patch?21:48
tedgkenvandine, Listen to seb128! ;-)21:48
kenvandinei always listen to seb12821:48
tedgkenvandine, Definitely for the indicator-application one.21:48
tedgkenvandine, The dbusmenu one is bigger, I can release it if you want.21:48
kenvandinetedg, i can distro patch21:48
kenvandinethat one?21:49
tedgkenvandine, Then grab this one as well: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/dbusmenu/lp746091/+merge/5685021:49
mterrykenvandine, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-application/dont-wildly-free-apps/+merge/57012 too21:49
tedgmterry, Could you review to double check ^21:49
kenvandinetedg, you've got two branches for dbusmenu? maybe you should do a release then21:50
kenvandineand i'll distro patch indicator-application while you prepare that21:50
tedgkenvandine, K21:51
dobeykenvandine: can you sponsor a branch real quick for me? :)21:51
kenvandineeveryone beats on me at eod?21:51
kenvandinedobey, is it banshee?21:51
dobeykenvandine: yes21:51
kenvandineseb128, do you have time to do it? i know it is late... if not i'll try to pick it up in a couple hours21:52
seb128kenvandine, just bounce to kees on #ubuntu-devel he's patch pilot21:52
kenvandinedobey, ^^21:52
kenvandinethx :)21:52
seb128it's almost 11pm here, I'm over my work hours and about to go ;-)21:53
kenvandinedobey, let me know if there are problems, i am sure i'll be around tonight21:53
kenvandineseb128, indeed :)21:53
dobeykenvandine: ok, thanks21:53
mterrytedg, one thing21:53
dobeyseb128: good night21:53
kenvandinei'll be needing to leave soon21:53
kenvandinebut will be back21:53
mterrytedg, in new_item_normal(), you probably don't want to unref the gmi if you're sinking too21:54
mterrytedg, do you know that no other callers of dbusmenu_gtkclient_newitem_base do the same?21:54
seb128ok, enough for today, have fun everybody, see you next week21:54
kenvandinegood night se21:54
tedgmterry, I'll look at that, here's one back at you :-)21:55
tedgmterry, Do you think we need to check to see if the menu is visible before sending the close in stop_activating?21:56
tedgmterry, Just incase the menu didn't close with the activation.21:56
mterrytedg, hmm, that can happen?21:56
tedgmterry, Like the date/time with the calendar.21:57
tedgmterry, Seems it only would happen with custom menu items.21:57
mterrytedg, maybe we need a "tried to close" flag on the item and only send the delayed close if that flag has been set.  else let normal notify::visible handler handle it21:58
tedgmterry, Makes sense.21:59
mterrytedg, that branch can safely be delayed until post beta2 I think.  It's a little tricky and doesn't fix a crasher or anything21:59
* mterry looks when beta2 is21:59
mterryah, monday is freeze.  That's why you guys are so intent.  ;)22:00
dobeymterry: yes22:00
* mterry lives in a bubble22:01
dobeymterry: i thought i had until tuesday evening, but alas :)22:01
tedgmterry, I don't see any reason to have the unref in new_item_normal.  I think I must have assumed there was a latent ref instead of that being initially unowned.22:01
mterrytedg, if this branch doesn't make it for monday, when is next opportunity?22:01
tedgNot sure.  kenvandine ^22:02
kenvandineafter beta2 release at the soonest22:02
kenvandineindicator-application uploaded22:03
mterrythat's fine.  just as long as there's a window after beta2 where normal releases can be made22:03
kenvandineit will be strict22:03
mterrytedg, let's wait on this branch while I think about the new flow with that flag22:03
kenvandinebut no worse than an SRU :)22:04
kenvandinei think every upload will need to get approved22:04
seb128kenvandine, not sure there is an upload frame between beta2 and naty22:05
mterrykenvandine, guh, let's just put the indicator stack in universe.  Then we have until the 24th!22:05
seb128kenvandine, but yeah, ubuntu without a round of sru to fix dx bugs wouldn't be right ;-)22:05
kenvandineworse case we do an sru...22:05
mterrykenvandine, tedg: OK, I will make further changes on this sandwich branch tonight, and if you guys are feeling frisky this weekend, it can go in?22:06
mterryi assume you're both signing off now22:06
kenvandineanyway... i gotta run, kid activities...22:06
tjaaltonfta: that sounds like a gpu hang to me. which hw?22:06
mterrykenvandine, see ya!22:06
kenvandinemterry, i'll be around tonight22:06
tedgI'm not quite yet, but sure.  I'll release it this weekend.22:06
seb128kenvandine, have fun22:06
ftatjaalton, nvidia22:06
kenvandinetedg, propose the dbusmenu branch and i'll look for it tonight22:06
ftatjaalton, happened twice in the last two days22:06
seb128mterry, if you have something to queue for upload just subscribe ubuntu-sponsors so europeans can upload it on monday morning22:06
kenvandinetedg, and feel free to ping me on IM if i don't respond on irc22:07
tjaaltonfta: too bad then ;22:07
mterryseb128, k22:07
* kenvandine runs... bbiab22:07
ftatjaalton, new regression22:07
tjaaltonfta: since when?22:07
ftatjaalton, 2 days :)22:07
tjaaltonfta: something else than x then22:07
tjaaltoncausing it22:07
ftathere's not much in the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/591464/22:08
=== hallyn is now known as hallyn_afk
tjaaltonyep, the gpu is hung22:09
ftabut the nvidia blob didn't change recently22:12
ftacompiz did though22:12
ftacould it be compiz 3D competing with mplayer vdpau?22:13
bryceh_fta, dmesg?22:15
ftai had to reboot since. but nothing relevant in /var/log/dmesg.022:17
tjaaltontry without compiz22:18
ftathe thing is, it worked the second time22:18
bryceh_gpu hangs can often be intermittent22:18
ftaboth times it failed, a retry worked22:19
ftawell no, the first time, once it killed mplayer, the display remained corrupted, blinking tiny squares everywhere22:20
ftathe 2nd time, i was able to kill mplayer and compiz (twice) to get back to a normal situation22:20
ftakilling mplayer alone was not enough to free X. killing compiz did it22:22
ftanext time it happens, what info should i capture?22:22
bryceh_well, first caveat that with nvidia there's likely not much we can do on the X end22:23
bryceh_fta, after reproducing the problem ssh into the box and file a bug via 'ubuntu-bug xorg'.  And take a photo of the screen showing the corruption.22:23
bryceh_fta, the bug report will need to be filed with NVIDIA at their bug forum, so that would be the next action after that22:24
bryceh_fta, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=46678 is upstream place to send nvidia bugs22:25
bryceh_fta, but like tjaalton if you can isolate it to only occur with compiz, then maybe the compiz guys have some insights and/or know of ways to work around it on their end.22:25
tjaaltonor unity22:26
tjaaltonwell, same guys i guess :)22:26
bryceh_fta, also would probably make sense to write down exactly what steps you take to reproduce it (including what video drivers mplayer is using, whether it's full screen, etc. etc.)22:26
mterrykenvandine, tedg: just to cover all my bases, branch updated (though I sent an email about it too)22:33
ftabryceh_, here the steps are easy, i clicked on a big mkv file, got mplayer playing fine, hit f for fullscreen and boom. i didn't get the full screen, video froze, the sound went in loop (same 2 secs over and over again) and whole desktop froze (no mouse, no keyboard)22:33
tjaaltonfta: is this with unity? if so, try classic22:34
ftabryceh_, i sshed from my android tablet, saw X at 100%, killed mplayer, no change, killed compiz once, no change, twice, X recovered22:34
ftayes, with unity22:34
tjaaltonok so it's compiz/unity doing it22:35
tjaaltoner, triggering it22:35
bryceh_fta, to translate... X at 100% cpu almost always means "some client process is stuck in a loop making X calls".  Standard practice for debugging is to kill procs until it stops; whatever that proc was is where the bug is22:38
tjaaltonyeah, and the backtrace on the logfile means input is not getting through22:39
ftabryceh_, that's basically what i did ;)22:40
ftamost likely culprits where mplayer (i use vdpau), compiz and chromium22:40
ftagrr, were22:41
ftatjaalton, i guess i should file a bug against compiz then, but they probably won't be able to reproduce :P23:05
tjaaltonfta: why not? nvidia is quite popular..23:08
tjaaltonfor good and bad23:08

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