
rojikkuuhhhmmmm....o.o i have "the dreaded checking battery state" error...where it freezes at checking battery state.. with the latest ubuntu 11.04 beta.. o.o it didnt do this with the 10.04...though my ATI drivers make the booting screen look cruddy for some reason...what should i try and do? >>00:20
rojikkui managed to get into grub and into recovery mode..10.10 wouldnt boot in normal mode when i tried...00:21
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j1mcso... in unity, is the BFB officially called the Ubuntu Button or the Home Button?00:48
j1mcthis is for documentation purposes00:48
j1mci've read the post on askubuntu.com, but it is still not entirely clear.00:49
Keybukj1mc: I still want to know what you press when you don't *have* that button ;-)00:56
j1mcKeybuk: i'm referring to the button in the upper left... isn't it always there?  i'm not talking about win/mac keyboad differences.00:59
broderj1mc: based on the post from jcastro, i'd call it the "home button"01:02
j1mcbroder: thanks. :)01:04
jcastroj1mc: home button01:05
jcastrothough people call it the ubuntu button anyway01:05
jcastroand developers call it the BFB01:05
Keybukj1mc: ah, I thought you were referring to the keyboard button unity requires you have ;)01:07
jcastrothe keybuk button01:07
j1mcjcastro: thanks for clarifying.01:14
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psusidid the whole ubuntu on dell partnership thing kinda die?02:29
lifelessnot that I've heard02:30
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j1mcgodbyk: /quit02:31
psusihrm... hrm... because according to http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/w/linux/consumer-linux.aspx it looks like they still don't have 10.04 support, and I thought a few months back I heard they had stopped selling new computers with ubuntu preinstalled... I know last year when I got my netbook it was damn hard to find02:32
ScottKThere's not much you can get from them.  That's for sure.  Netbooks and a couple of low end laptops seem like about it.03:24
cody-somervilleIt highly depends on what region you're in.03:36
ScottKOK.  Well being in the US, there03:37
ScottK... there's generally been more availability than elsewhere.03:37
cody-somervilleAlso http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/software-os/w/linux/consumer-linux.aspx looks like it is just out of date. It hasn't been updated since November 2009.03:37
macoScottK: person who was asking /quit03:38
macothere was a post a few day ago going "hey look they have stuff listed again"03:38
ScottKDidn't notice.  Thanks.03:38
ScottKTwo weeks ago when I was buying a laptop there wasn't any.03:38
ScottKNow I see two.  One netbook and one low end laptop.03:41
jcastroScottK: the systray thing isn't a technical limitation of unity though, that is a design decision, we could easily just turn that on04:30
jcastroScottK: that's my way of saying we're going to get mpt'ed wether the panel supports it or not. :)04:31
jcastroso it's not really "can't", it's "won't"04:31
ScottKAlthough as long as won't is the position, then it's a fair point for arguing against it by default.04:32
ohsixargh, broken clipboard; and broken recently05:42
pooliehi, do i have to take any action to get my bzr sru approved from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=bzr into maverick-proposed?05:43
poolieor just wait?05:43
micahgpoolie: is it tied to an SRU bug?05:44
* micahg isn't sure if the standing exceptions require it05:45
poolieit is05:45
pooliebug 70707505:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707075 in bzr (Ubuntu Maverick) "[sru] lp-propose fails with a 404 error" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70707505:45
SpamapSpoolie: Its on my todo for tonight or tomorrow to review that05:45
micahgah, SpamapS to the rescue :)05:46
pooliejust wondered if i had omitted to do anything05:46
micahgpoolie: so, you probably want to set to fix committed and unassign after you upload05:46
pooliedon't hesitate to ask me or jelmer if you have any questions or see any problems05:46
pooliegood idea05:47
micahgpoolie: err, actually you can leave it assigned since you uploaded :)05:47
pooliewhy unassign?05:47
poolieah ok05:47
ohsixwhere do i go to get eyes on a bug like 62263905:59
ohsixultimately the missing samples mean theres never a battery life estimate on the applet menu05:59
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ohsixhm, the status for upower in 629258 is not right, who is supposed to provide the estimation if the data is missing for the battery? currently the things talking to upower dont', but they use the other statistics; that piece of missing data keeps the default battery applet from showing any time remaining, or a percentage06:48
ohsixit just says "estimating ..." forever, my bug was a dup; but this is the root of it, who is working on this? or who would be06:49
ohsixthe root of it is sometimes power_supply/BATn/current_now is sometimes 0 and theres no estimator like there used to be (effectively, when it was using hal)06:56
ohsixit would be nice if someone would promote it again as a papercut, cuz apparently it leads to no battery life estimation (and no fallback to percentage in the applet ui) on a lot of dell/hp/compaq & other vendor laptops/batteries06:59
ohsixkees: ping07:18
didrocksgood morning07:36
ohsixkees: nevermind, only needed input on something and i figured it out07:37
pittiGood morning07:40
didrocks@pilot in07:42
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: didrocks
Jon--I want to help out the community a little bit with something I've done. conky is out of date and has several bugs in it across all Ubuntu PPAs. I've compiled from source conky 1.8.1 using checkinstall so I have a .deb, I have created a user PPA on Launchpad. I'm brand new to this now, how do I package this deb into a PPA and generate the .changes file? Sorry for being so n00b. :O  I just want to help people trying to i08:06
Jon--nstall this package...08:06
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ohsixhi, is there a tool that uses apt, accepts a package (say a virtual) and will tell you the size of it and all its dependencies?08:14
dholbachgood morning08:17
mvoohsix: its easiest to use python-apt for this08:19
mvoohsix: like "import apt; apt.Cache()["mypkg"].mark_install(); print cache.required_space08:19
ohsixmvo: can apt be told to reinstall everything, then you could dry run something like apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, and it'd try and reinstall it and all the deps; thus telling you the size08:19
mvoohsix: you need give it different dpkg-status file as the base for the dependency calculation too08:20
brendandis there a meta-package that will install the correct kernel (pae or non-pae) depending on my system?08:21
mvoohsix: the easiest way is to point it to a empty dpkg-status file (it is python-apt). what is the use-case you have in mind here? i.e. what problem do you want to solve?08:21
brendandi know when i installed maverick it chose pae automatically somehow08:21
ohsixmvo: no problem, just curiosity, i wanna see what a virtual and all its dependencies costs as far as size goes08:21
mvobrendand: base-installer makes this decision (its part of debian-installer)08:22
mvoohsix: use apt.apt_pkg.config.set("dir::state::status", "/path/to/empty/file") before creating the apt.Cache() then you should get it08:23
ohsixcan i tell apt the same thing? empty dpkg-status (or rather dpkg with -o DPkg::)08:24
brendandmvo - does it store what choice it made somewhere?08:24
brendandmvo - actually my use-case is that i want to install the right one in the late command of the preseed08:25
brendandmvo - so i need to know if it should be pae or not08:25
ohsixmvo: also is there something i can get to get dpkg/apt/whatever to display all possible configuration that could be set? they're a bit hard (and a lot not mentioned) in the handbook documentation08:25
mvobrendand: you could check the release-upgrader (update-manager). it uses base-installer to make the decision, in lp:update-manager DistUpgrade/get_kernel_list.sh08:27
brendandmvo - might using dpkg --get-selections | grep linux-generic | awk '{print $1}' be safe?08:28
mvoohsix: all possible configurations in the sense of all possible "OR" targets?08:28
ohsixmvo: like the DPkg:: and Apt:: options that are set in apt.conf(.d)08:30
mvoohsix: apt-config dump and /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/configuration-index08:30
ohsixah excellent, thanks08:31
ohsixyeaaa that's the one i couldn't remember (apt-config dump)08:31
ohsixmvo: After this operation, 1,991 MB of additional disk space will be used.08:32
ohsixthat worked great, thanks for the tips08:32
pittidirecthex, Laney, RAOF: how bad would it really be to drop the webbrowser widget from mono to fix bug 740815? with firefox' new release cycle this will just keep breaking underneath us anyway, and keeping it would cause a rather unacceptable continuous porting work overhead08:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 740815 in xulrunner-1.9.2 (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Updates to enable us to drop xulrunner from main" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74081508:50
pittiI know that it wouldn't break anything in the archive, but wondering about third-party software08:50
pittibut I guess that's a compromise we need to make, until the webkit integration is ready08:50
pitti(yes, sorry, panic level rising)08:50
ohsixwouldn't the mono people  be generating patches for that if they were going to stick with it? i don't know how it's integrated now so that might be nieve08:51
RAOFpitti: I don't have a good idea about how prevalent that is in third-party software :(09:00
pittiohsix: they are working on webkit integration, yes09:00
ohsixRAOF: google code search?09:01
RAOFohsix: Not a bad idea :)09:01
ohsixpitti: i mean while they do that, for new versions09:02
pittiohsix: same problem for them -- with the new release schedule this will become a huge pain for them as well09:03
pittiand it's mainly the "gluezilla" package which needs porting; it's not directly tied to mono09:03
ohsixyea :P but i mean, wont work they have to do, pain or not; be usable in the meantime, or are they just going to drop it entirely until the webkit portion is available?09:04
ohsixi see09:04
RAOFThe webkit portion is mostly available, I think, although I haven't followed it closely.09:05
directhexpitti, i think that's a reasonable thing to do for this cycle. it's likely too late to fix before release with your/andreia's webkit work09:35
directhexpitti, it'd be nice to SRU it later though?09:35
pittidirecthex: to reenable it? yes, sounds ok, as this would merely reintroduce a package, thus low regression potential09:36
pittiRAOF: would you have time to work on this? i. e. disable the webbrowser binary and gluezilla build-dep?09:36
RAOFpitti: I guess so.  When's beta2 freeze?09:37
* RAOF probably won't do it today, given that it's 6:30pm09:38
pittiRAOF: I guess around Monday09:38
RAOFOk.  I can do some work tomorrow, I guess.09:39
pittiRAOF: it'd also be ok to drop it after beta-2, I think09:40
RAOFOh, in that case, yeah, totally.09:40
pittiRAOF: can I assign the task to you then?09:42
RAOFYes, please do so.09:42
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ogra_can someone bump the build status of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/3.8.4-0ubuntu1/+buildjob/243330110:10
ogra_(it breaks image builds for armel atm)10:10
diwicogra_, hi there...do you think we have come to a reasonable conclusion for all parties with PA UCM patches?10:15
ogra_diwic, only using the first four and the config files ?10:15
diwicogra_, yeah10:15
ogra_if it works i'm happy10:15
ogra_will have to try it, sadly my day is full of meetings so it will take some time10:15
diwicogra_, will you help to test it (or make sure that someone tests it)?10:16
ogra_i'll also ask the team, but first we need armel packages10:16
diwicogra_, just take TheMuso's source package and build it the way you usually build armel packages10:17
ogra_yep, indeed10:17
dokochrisccoulson: ping10:46
chrisccoulsonhi doko10:49
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Riddellsladen: going to upload the font today to fix bug 744812 ?13:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744812 in Ubuntu Font Family "FontConfig/Qt stack choke on Ubuntu Medium font meta-data (No medium in Inkscape and too bold in Qt apps)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74481213:13
didrocks@pilot out13:14
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots:
jdstranddidrocks: hey, sorry to bother you. what is the name of the 'ubuntu icon' in the upper left? It doesn't show up still and I'm looking for bugs on it13:14
didrocksjdstrand: it's the bfb13:15
didrocksjdstrand: are you mirroring your screen?13:15
jdstranddidrocks: yes, mirrored13:15
tjaaltonare there installation images that can just be copied to a usb drive with dd? ("hybrid", i'm told)13:15
didrocksjdstrand: it's known and fix committed :)13:16
bdrungdidrocks: "The branch looks code" :D13:17
jdstranddidrocks: \o/13:17
didrocksbdrung: yeah, there was some code in the branch, awesome, isn't it! :)13:17
cjwatsontjaalton: not yet, sorry, I really meant to do that for natty but didn't quite get round to it, and it's too risky now :-/13:17
didrocksbdrung: well, I have to make one typo at every mail :-)13:17
cjwatsonneeds backporting some bits and pieces to lucid for the CD image build machine13:17
cjwatson(for jigdo hybrid support)13:18
tjaaltoncjwatson: ok, good to know it's on the radar13:20
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bdrungdiwic: can you give me a debdiff for bug #733424 (with dep-3 header in the patch)?13:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 733424 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "pulseaudio crashed with SIGSEGV in module_jack_sink_LTX_pa__init()" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73342413:29
diwicbdrung, it is already in the bzr tree and waiting for upload by TheMuso13:31
bdrungah, ok13:31
bdrungdiwic: so i can unsubscribe the sponsors team?13:31
diwicbdrung, yes13:32
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psusihrm... a fuse mount doesn't actually have an underlying block device, so it isn't possible to umount by device is it?  so shouldn't ntfs-3g provide a umount.ntfs to handle this properly?13:53
kenvandine@pilot in14:13
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
* dholbach hugs kenvandine14:15
ohsixah-ha, sun-java6 finally shows up14:15
* kenvandine hugs dholbach14:15
evmvo: would you mind making lp:apt-clone team-accessible? I have a one liner fix for a crasher that a merge proposal seems a bit too heavy for.14:16
mvoev: sure, hold on a sec14:17
mvoev: I set it to core-dev for now14:18
evsorted, thanks14:19
ohsixcan't sun's java package be setup to use pulseaudio for output, using the classpath driver? (openjdk already does it)14:26
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stgraberspeakman: ping14:45
stgraberoops, auto-complete fail :(14:45
stgraberSpamapS: ping14:45
pgranerdidrocks, ping see https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/744325/comments/30  what would you like me to do?14:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 744325 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Unity Launcher stops autohiding and is not responsive" [High,Fix released]14:46
didrockspgraner: someone already opened another bug on QT apps and intellihide, it's a separate issue than the one reeported there14:48
pgranerdidrocks, ahhh didn't realize mumble was a qt app, then all is good14:49
didrockspgraner: hope we can fix it though, they are doing weird dnd stuff ;)14:49
pgranerdidrocks, ack, its quite annoying14:50
pittidpm: FYI, I requested a full natty langpack export now, so I'll build/upload new natty langpacks on Sunday evening14:51
pitticjwatson ^ FYI14:52
bidreamhello all14:53
bidreami would like to know what is the best way to read a config file from a c code14:54
speakmanstgraber: :)14:55
bidreamChipzz i know, i am developping for ubuntu ;)14:55
Chipzzbidream: irrelevant14:55
dpmpitti, ah, thanks. But I thought you had already done that a few days ago. (btw, it's good that you've done it now, I've just noticed banshee has changed the domain from banshee-1 to banshee and I fixed it in LP - the next langpacks should have the .mo file under the correct domain)14:55
bidreamstspeakman strgraber  , thanks for the hint, it is the most usual one ?14:58
dokochrisccoulson, pitti: http://people.canonical.com/~doko/tmp/binutils_2.21.0.20110327-2ubuntu2~ppa1_i386.deb14:58
dokotest case doesn't fail with this one, please retry a firefox build14:58
pittiooh, thanks doko14:59
chrisccoulsondoko - awesome, i will kick that off in a second14:59
chrisccoulsoni will be so glad to get this one fixed :)14:59
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bidreamho , as i am here know , i think i have suggestion for peoples preparing the livecd version, it should be good to enable to rebuild grub from the livecd menu as it is possible from the failsafe meanu of ubuntu15:01
RoAkSoAxhowdy. I was wondering if MIR's need FFe?15:10
RoAkSoAxdoko: ideas ^^??15:11
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evmvo: what was your intent with actiongroup in apt_clone.py:358? To use it as a context manager?15:24
evmvo: also, would you be comfortable with me adding running pyflakes to make test (for non-test code only)?15:27
evso we avoid typo bugs15:27
mvoev: sure, thats fine15:27
mvoev: and maybe coverage to see how much is missing15:27
evcoverage.py makes me smile15:28
mvoev: the actiongroup is pretty much a context manager, as long as its alive apt will not do its internal "is_garbage" calculation, this speeds the code up quite a bit15:29
mvoI should ahve added a comment15:29
evwell you assign it to a variable that never gets used, which is slightly confusing15:29
evif you wouldn't mind just removing the LHS and letting garbage collection do its thing15:29
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: howdy! Do MIR's need FFe?15:31
cjwatsonRoAkSoAx: that depends on whether they're features.15:32
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: if it's a small python module that hasn't been updated since maverick?15:33
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: or should I just file FFe to be safe?15:33
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cjwatsonI don't know, don't have time to think about it right now, sorry15:34
RoAkSoAxcjwatson: ok, no prob. Thanks!15:34
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sladenjdstrand: Big Friendly Button.  But {distro,launcher,ubuntu}-{icon,logo} will probably get recognised15:49
* jdstrand nods15:49
jdstrandsladen: fyi, I looked for an open bug on my problem, but couldn't find one. I'm told the fix is committed somewhere15:50
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dokochrisccoulson: any feedback?15:58
chrisccoulsondoko - sorry, I got sidetracked after I had to update my chroot15:59
chrisccoulsonit's building now though15:59
chrisccoulsonit takes a while ;)15:59
sladenjdstrand: that is the bug?16:04
jdstrandsladen: I'm sorry, you seemed to pick up on backscroll wrt to bfb, so I thought you saw the rest. my bug is that bfb does not display here on up to date natty. I do mirror (ie, with the same resolution) my screen with an external monitor. I have not (yet) tested it without the external monitor16:06
seb128jdstrand, it's a known bug with mirror16:06
seb128jdstrand, njpatel fixed it today16:06
seb128jdstrand, it will land in natty on monday16:06
jdstrandright, I was told the fix was committed. I could not find the bug number (I wanted to make sure it wasn't a different bug)16:07
seb128jdstrand, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/fixes-2011-04-11/revision/109016:09
jdstrandno wonder: "panel superposition"16:10
jdstrandthat was not my search term16:10
jdstrandseb128: thanks! :)16:10
seb128jdstrand, you're welcome16:10
seb128jdstrand, well we discussed it on IRC this morning with neil16:10
seb128so yeah the description doesn't match exactly but it's the same bug16:11
jdstrandcool, thanks16:11
jdstrandnot criticizing or anything-- just kinda hard to find :)16:11
jdstrandkeep in mind, I didn't know what 'bfb' was until today, so grain of salt and all that ;)16:11
seb128jdstrand, yeah no worry ;-)16:15
lamontso resizing a window should really resize it still, right?16:30
stgraberScottK: what's the most up to date working daily-live for Kubuntu ?16:30
Riddellstgraber: beta 116:31
stgraberRiddell: ok, I guess I'll have to give 4GB of RAM to that VM so I can update it a bit :)16:32
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kenvandine@pilot out17:15
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots:
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nigelbdbarth: You might want to join us in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage17:25
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lamontso now it's not  just windows that decides that putting a window at the top of the screen means I want it full screen??  sigh17:32
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pittihm, here you actually have to try to push it beyond the top; I can attach it to the top edge just fine17:43
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SpamapSstgraber: pong. sorry, you still wanted a 'dpkg -l' right?17:52
SpamapSstgraber: I uploaded dpkg-l.txt to bug 752393 .. note that the output has changed slightly (not sure why), but its still running lines from plymouth and lsb init scripts together17:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 752393 in lsb (Ubuntu) "lsb init scripts show line buffering problems on bootup" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75239317:57
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stgraberSpamapS: thanks, I'll diff that with what I have here18:05
chrisccoulsondoko / pitti - the binutils change looks good so far18:07
chrisccoulsonthe resulting binary looks correct, i just need to test it out18:07
chrisccoulson^^kees ;)18:08
chrisccoulsonyay, pie build of firefox is working \o/18:21
chrisccoulsontime to drink lots of beer now18:21
cjwatsonexcellent, well done you and doko18:21
micahgthanks chrisccoulson and doko \o/18:25
stgraberScottK: ping18:25
stgraberScottK: oh, ignore that, Colin's comment answers my question (bug 628906)18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628906 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubiquity-kde manual partition very painful" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62890618:26
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keeschrisccoulson: \o/ that rocks!18:42
keeschrisccoulson: thank you so much for tracking this down! :):)18:42
chrisccoulsonkees - no problem. i'm just glad it's sorted now. this one gave me a couple of sleepless nights this week ;)18:42
keeschrisccoulson: I know nothing about (thread) TLS (I only understand crypto TLS), so I might pick your brain at UDS to better understand what was going on in that.18:47
chrisccoulsonkees - sure, no problem. i didn't know that much about it before this week either. it's been an interesting week ;)18:48
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kees@pilot in19:14
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature/UI freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: kees
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keesjhunt_: hi! are you around by chance?19:51
jhunt_kees: hi - just about :)19:53
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keesjhunt_: hi, I was just looking at some merges for upstart and found that you'd already merged it into your pending branch, so I'm all good now.20:05
keesjhunt_: specifically https://code.launchpad.net/~clint-fewbar/ubuntu/natty/upstart/upstart-job-change-restart/+merge/5254720:05
keesslangasek: can you shine any light on this merge? I'm not sure where/what it's for exactly. https://code.launchpad.net/~jcrigby/ubuntu/natty/u-boot-linaro/proposed-2011.03.2/+merge/5427720:05
slangasekkees: hmm let me check with the submitter20:06
jhunt_kees: yes, sorry! you are right - that is in my latest 0.9 + natty branches.20:07
jhunt_kees: err... just the natty branch even :)20:08
keesjhunt_: cool, no worries. I just wanted to get it off the sponsorship radar. :)20:08
mdeslaurkees: hey mr patch pilot, here's one for you: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/nautilus/+bug/66219420:08
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/662194)20:08
mdeslaurkees: not sure why it doesn't appear in the qa sponsors list anymore20:09
keesmdeslaur: cool; I'll poke at it.20:09
mdeslaurkees: natty is done...it's now just an sru for lucid and maverick20:10
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keesmdeslaur: 662194 doesn't have an SRU justification or a testcase. looks simple enough, though.20:41
keesmdeslaur: I can prepare the uploads to -proposed, are you able to write a justification and testcase?20:41
mdeslaurkees: my mom keeps hitting that bug...it drives me _nuts_20:41
mdeslaurkees: sure, I'll add it to the bug, give me a few minutes20:43
keesmdeslaur: also there are no debdiffs for maverick and natty :P (I think this is why the sponsor group wasn't subbed yet)20:44
keesI'll work up the debdiffs20:44
mdeslaurkees: there's a merge request, look at the top of the bug20:44
mdeslaurkees: click on the "diff" links20:45
keesoh hey look, branches20:45
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mdeslaurkees: I've added a blurb to the bug, you just have to subscribe ubuntu-sru when you're done uploading20:51
mdeslaurkees: thanks20:51
keesmdeslaur: you got it; thanks! I'm getting the branches merged and the code built now.20:52
keesmdeslaur: hah. upstream closed it as "obsolete" since they're all 3.0 shiny now :P20:57
mdeslaurkees: yeah, they've been doing that for all gnome 2 bugs for a while now20:57
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seb128james_w, hi21:26
james_whi seb12821:27
seb128james_w, how are you?21:27
james_wseb128, good thanks, how about you?21:27
seb128james_w, I'm a bit tired but fine thanks ;-)21:27
seb128james_w, when you have some time could you send an email to an ubuntu list explaining wth are those sponsoring request you keep feeling for import vcs diverting for reasons nobody understand?21:28
james_wseb128, I can21:28
james_wseb128, I don't do it though, a script does21:28
seb128james_w, I still don't know why that happen and I know other people got confused21:28
james_wand it is buggy, which is probably why you can't understand them21:29
seb128well they queue on the sponsoring list21:29
seb128so patch pilot have to deal with those and quite some are getting confused21:29
seb128I guess the others one just ignore them :p21:29
seb128but still it's confusing and annoying21:29
seb128those are things we don't do anything for, we just do normal uploads, it's disturbing21:30
seb128james_w, thanks! ;-)21:30
seb128ok, that's wrong21:34
seb128kees, I just noticed you did a non change upload to fix one of those import issues, is that required?21:34
stgrabercjwatson: do you have a few minutes to explain me how the whole plymouth boot.log thing is supposed to work ? (assuming you know :))21:34
stgrabercjwatson: my understanding is that plymouthd is usually running, plymouth-upstart-bridge sends the upstart events to plymouthd and the upstart plymouth-log upstart task dumps that to disk when it's mounted21:35
stgrabercjwatson: so on my test system I started plymouthd + plymouth-upstart-bridge in debug mode. When stopping/started jobs I see them in the log but nothing ever reaches boot.log, though lsof shows that plymouthd has it open ...21:36
keesseb128: well, I'm not sure -- I thought it would be since otherwise the bzr tree and the archive would be out of sync (i.e. the archive didn't have the typo fix that was in the old bzr tree)21:36
seb128kees, ok, see what I was just saying to james_w, I don't even understand why those happen to start21:37
keesseb128: as in, it was a no-change to the source, but the changelog and patch metadata had changes21:37
keesseb128: yeah, I did'nt realize it was an automated thing until I read that21:38
keesseb128: but it seemed so trivial, I just did it to get it out of the sponsorship queue21:38
seb128kees, well I was just raising it because the sponsoring queue has a few of those and it's not new21:39
seb128like dholbach asked yesterday why they are here21:39
keesseb128: cool, yeah, this is the first i'd seen it.21:39
seb128so I've been basically ignoring them since I don't understand the issue but I would like an explanation ;-)21:40
micahgseb128: most likely someone used UDD then someone else sponsored a patch from bug which may or may not be the same21:46
seb128not likely21:47
seb128like gtksourceview3 there was not a sponsoring request but an upload by somebody who has upload rights21:48
seb128isn't the autoimported supposed to deal fine with upload being different from commits anyway?21:49
micahgit used to overwrite them if there were no tag, now it creates one of these branches21:50
dobeykees: hi there :) can you sponsor a banshee upload for me? i just proposed the branch merge21:53
keesdobey: hi! sure, what url? I'm currently looking at 2 other uploads at the moment, so I'll check back with you in a moment...21:56
dobeykees: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/natty/banshee/fix-and-amz/+merge/57016 thanks!21:57
CardinalFangkees, Hi.  dobey is 1 meter <- that way from me, and I also need someone to look at a source-package proposal, but for desktopcouch.21:58
* CardinalFang hates to pile on.21:59
keesCardinalFang: excellent, I will queue that after dobey's merge. :) thanks!21:59
keespiling on was what the patch pilot is here for :)21:59
CardinalFangkees, you win beers from me.  Thank you.21:59
keesdobey: will I suddenly be flamed for being the person to upload that amz url change?22:01
LaneyI just uploaded banshee22:02
Laneysaid I was doing it on #-desktop22:02
keesLaney: with or without merge 57016?22:02
Laneywithout, I wasn't asked to merge it22:02
dobeywell i didn't see you were merging banshee22:03
Laneyno worries22:03
dobeyi'll update my branch22:03
Laneyis the u1 fix upstream?22:03
dobeyit is submitted, but not reviewed, i guess i could just commit it there though22:05
keesdobey: ? it's not functional? so that upload would break since u1 doesn't support it yet?22:06
Laneywe are planning on cherry-picking aggressively from stable-2.022:06
dobeykees: what do you mean?22:06
Laneyso if you get it there then it'll flow from debian22:06
keesdobey: I must be confused. :)22:06
dobeyLaney: well we need it now, since it fixes a pretty annoying bug22:06
kees+- return "http://integrated-services.banshee.fm/amz/redirect.do/" + Country + "/" + action;22:06
kees54++ return "https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store/amz/" + Country + "/" + action;22:07
keesthat change requires that https://one.ubuntu.com/music/store/amz/" + Country + "/" + action is live, yes?22:07
keesbut you just said it's not live?22:07
Laneyjus' sayin, in the interests of delta minimsiation22:07
Laneybut ymmv, et cetera22:07
dobeykees: it is live. we have a couple fixes to deploy on the server on tuesday but if you search for music it will work22:08
keesdobey: ah-ha! okay. thanks!22:08
dobeykees: the other patch is upstream but not reviewed yet22:08
* kees nods22:08
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dobeyLaney: yeah, i'm all for that too. but the patch can just be removed when it's pulled from upstream later, too22:09
Laneyall I'm saying is that in general I'm more than happy to pull patches from stable-2.0 for you22:10
dobeyLaney: sure. thanks. i think it's more important for us to have music show up in banshee right now, than to have it committed upstream.22:11
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dobeyugh. the banshee 2.0.0 isn't merged into the bzr branch yet22:19
vishjdstrand: just plain ‘compiz’ should do a compiz restart the replace is implied, Amaranth mentions that ‘compiz –replace’ is NotTheRightWay™ :)22:21
jdstrandvish: interesting. and fast response22:21
* jdstrand goes to change22:21
jdstrandvish: done. thanks :)22:26
vishnp.. :)22:26
keesCardinalFang: do you have the orig/dsc/etc for the new upstream release?22:34
CardinalFangkees, sure.22:35
CardinalFangkees, orig: http://launchpad.net/desktopcouch/trunk/1.0.7/+download/desktopcouch-1.0.7.tar.gz22:35
dobeykees: are you -0700 or -0800?22:36
keesdobey: I'm US pacific. I never remember my offset due to DST :)22:36
slangasek-0700 currently22:37
* kees thanks slangasek22:37
slangasekwe're 8 hours behind England22:37
dobeykees: ah ok. thanks22:37
slangasekwhich is currently one hour ahead of UTC :)22:37
CardinalFangkees,   http://sandbox.chad.org/desktopcouch_1.0.7-0ubuntu1_packaging.tar   Beware, this unpacks in PWD.22:41
keesCardinalFang: cool; thanks. the orig I think will get me sorted for an upload. orig + branch works :)22:41
CardinalFangkees, I'm a slave to the wonders of bzr bd now.  :(22:42
slangasekoh, but then you have pristine-tar metadata surely? :)22:43
keesCardinalFang: I don't trust it yet :)22:43
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keesCardinalFang: dunzors22:53
keesdobey: how would you like me to handle your banshee merge?22:54
CardinalFangkees, Internet high-five.  Thank you, sir.22:56
keesnp :)22:56
dobeykees: i'm waiting for the bzr branch to update still, with the 2.0.0 upload, so i can update my branch22:57
keesdobey: okay, I'll check back later; going to task switch now :)22:58
dobeykees: ok, thanks much22:58
kees@pilot out23:17
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dobeykees: bzr still seems not updated for banshee and time to get dinner here. if it's still not updated when i get back, i guess i'll just make a debdiff instead. cheers23:53
keesdobey: okay, cool23:54
Laneyyou can probably import-dsc to the bzr branch23:55

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