
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-1-departed-hook r182 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com01:18
_mup_Addressed review points01:18
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-1-departed-hook r183 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com01:20
_mup_Merged trunk01:20
_mup_ensemble/service-unit-state-upgrade-support r194 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com01:25
_mup_merge changes from review01:25
_mup_ensemble/trunk r188 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com01:48
_mup_merge service-unit-state-upgrade-support [r=niemeyer][f=750193]01:48
_mup_Enable state api methods on units and services to support upgrade, via01:48
_mup_an setting, getting, and watching an upgrade flag on unit states.01:48
_mup_ensemble/trunk-merge r183 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com02:32
_mup_merge trunk02:32
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-2-joined-hook r183 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:01
_mup_Merged new-hook-semantics-1-departed-hook and resolved conflicts04:01
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-1-departed-hook r184 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:15
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-2-joined-hook r184 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:15
_mup_Addressed review points04:15
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-2-joined-hook r185 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:16
_mup_Merged new-hook-semantics-1-departed-hook and resolved conflicts04:16
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-2-joined-hook r186 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:23
_mup_Removed unnecessary parens04:23
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-3-remove-change-hook r184 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:26
_mup_Merged new-hook-semantics-2-joined-hook and resolved conflicts04:26
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-1-departed-hook r185 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com04:31
_mup_Merged trunk04:31
_mup_ensemble/formula-upgrade-cli r197 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com04:40
_mup_update to latest parse formula id signature.04:40
_mup_ensemble/trunk r189 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:01
_mup_merge new-hook-semantics-1-departed-hook [r=niemeyer,hazmat][f=740569]05:01
_mup_Upon a departed event, invokes <name>-relation-changed hook, then05:01
_mup_<name>-relation-departed hook.  A subsequent branch merge will remove05:01
_mup_the invocation of the <name>-relation-changed hook.05:01
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-2-joined-hook r187 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:02
_mup_Merged trunk05:02
_mup_ensemble/trunk r190 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:06
_mup_merge new-hook-semantics-2-joined-hook [r=niemeyer][f=744723]05:06
_mup_Upon a joined event, invokes <name>-relation-joined hook, then05:06
_mup_<name>-relation-changed hook.05:06
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-3-remove-change-hook r185 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:07
_mup_Merged trunk05:07
_mup_ensemble/trunk r191 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:12
_mup_merge new-hook-semantics-3-remove-change-hook [r=niemeyer][f=744724]05:12
_mup_Upon a departed event, no longer invoke <name>-relation-changed hook.05:12
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var r187 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com05:14
_mup_Merged trunk and resolved conflicts05:14
hazmatensemble natty image if anyone is curious, ami-d06b96b905:49
hazmatjimbaker, is that fix for the formulas on trunk checked-in?05:55
_mup_ensemble/formula-upgrade-cli r198 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com06:45
_mup_add a dry run upgrade option, and a separate exception for newer formulas not found.06:45
_mup_ensemble/formula-upgrades-spec r185 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com06:59
_mup_remove per unit relation upgrade discussion and hook-api into new futures section06:59
_mup_ensemble/trunk r192 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com07:02
_mup_merge formula-upgrades-spec [r=bcsaller,jimbaker,niemeyer][f=731519]07:02
_mup_Spec documentation of an upgrade-formula command, and accompanying07:02
_mup_formula support.07:02
_mup_Bug #754318 was filed: add register cleanup utility to cli <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/754318 >07:07
kim0hazmat: Hi what's that ensemble natty ami do ?13:26
kim0s/what's/what does/13:30
niemeyerkim0: It's the base image in which formulas run13:58
kim0niemeyer: that is used for "bootstrp" right13:59
niemeyerkim0: It's used to run everything13:59
kim0oh I see13:59
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
=== niemeyer is now known as niemeyer_lunch
=== niemeyer_lunch is now known as niemeyer
niemeyerbcsaller: Are you in Canonical's IRC server?17:00
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var r188 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:05
_mup_Merged trunk17:05
bcsallergustavo: not currently17:06
niemeyerbcsaller: Can you please join it17:06
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var r189 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:13
_mup_Addressed review points17:13
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var r190 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:16
_mup_Removed hook stubs in light of optional hook support as r185 of trunk17:16
_mup_ensemble/trunk r193 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com17:20
_mup_merge formula-upgrade-cli [r=niemeyer][f=750304]17:20
_mup_A new ensemble subcommand for upgrading formulas, via local17:20
_mup_repository search, formula publishing, and marking service17:20
_mup_units for upgrade.17:20
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
_mup_ensemble/bashified-wordpress-mysql-examples r178 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:40
_mup_Merged trunk and resolved conflicts17:40
_mup_ensemble/bashified-wordpress-mysql-examples r179 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com18:02
_mup_Updated examples to use new hook semantics18:02
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var r191 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com18:05
_mup_Merged trunk18:05
jimbakerhazmat, r193 broke trunk for me for both natty and meerkat. when i checked out trunk to r192, it runs on both natty and meerkat for me. (fwiw, i also tried rebooting)18:25
jimbakerhazmat, this also occurs w/ a fresh checkout of trunk18:30
hazmatjimbaker, broke how?18:32
jimbakerhazmat, unit test suite18:32
hazmatjimbaker, a particular test? 18:33
jimbakerfirst error:    test_file_storage_returns_same_storage ...                          [ERROR] - then cascades from there18:33
hazmatjimbaker, thanks.. checking18:34
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var r192 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com18:37
_mup_Removed references to ENSEMBLE_CHANGE from docs18:37
hazmati just found out that the dc local government also shutsdown on a federal shutdown, 10% local taxes go straight to the federal treasury to be allocated back.. or not. getting back zero on the dollar.18:41
jimbakera good case for dc statehood18:42
hazmatjimbaker, it looks like a zk connection exhaustion, esp with the timing18:43
jimbakerhazmat, any good options here?18:47
hazmatjimbaker, yeah.. i'm making one.. i filed a ticket on it last night.. bug 75431818:47
_mup_Bug #754318: add register cleanup utility to cli <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/754318 >18:47
hazmatjimbaker, basically just a function to register connections generically for cleanup when the cli exits18:47
jimbakerhazmat, so we regain connections with a client.close?18:51
jimbakerhazmat, should we also play around with maxClientCnxns in the zk config?18:52
hazmatjimbaker, i've done the latter a bit earlier.. i think we're up to 32 connections at the moment,  they recently changed the default upstream to increase it. really the solution is to not have tests leak connections, automatic cleanup for the cli, would solve most of it,  perhaps a forsenic tool as well for checking for dangling open connections from a test18:54
hazmatmost of the other tests manage their own connection18:54
hazmatthe cli tests do internal construction, so the automatic cleanup registration when getting a connection there should solve it, afaics18:55
jimbakerhazmat, i changed maxClientCnxns=0 for ZK; with that the tests run except for ensemble.providers.tests.test_dummy.DummyProviderFileStorageTest.test_file_storage_returns_same_storage - the original failing test for me18:56
jimbaker=0 means unlimited of course18:56
hazmatjimbaker, yeah.. i fixed that as well18:57
jimbakerhazmat, i think the cleanup mech sounds good, but maybe do =0 for now so trunk works18:57
hazmatjimbaker, sounds good.. let me put together a minimal trunk diff 18:58
hazmatjimbaker, can you give a +1 on this trivial patch.. https://pastebin.canonical.com/45886/18:59
jimbakerhazmat, trying it out19:00
jimbakerhazmat, +119:03
jimbakerhazmat, we should add to bug 754318 that ideally we can get the max connections down to a small number, just to ensure cleanup in the case you mentioned19:04
_mup_Bug #754318: add register cleanup utility to cli <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/754318 >19:04
jimbakerhazmat,  if that makes sense to you, i will add that in to the text of the bug19:05
hazmatjimbaker, sounds good19:05
_mup_ensemble/trunk r194 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com19:05
_mup_up max client connections for test zk, to temporarily prevent connection exhaustion, fix typo in a dummy provider test. [r=jimbaker][trivial]19:05
hazmatbcsaller, jimbaker, niemeyer standup? 19:05
jimbakerhazmat, sounds good, let me jump on skype19:05
niemeyerhazmat: I would like to skip it if that's ok, unless you have something for debate specifically19:06
hazmati need to go run some errands in a few before the gov shutdown19:06
niemeyerI'm working on reviews19:06
niemeyerand have to finish that today19:06
jimbakershutdown does seem imminent19:06
hazmatniemeyer, i did have one..19:06
jimbakerand i was actually planning to go to the nearby national park this weekend :(19:06
hazmatniemeyer, but it can wait.. its the notion that upgrade-formula cli interupption is an inconsistent state, i noted on the merge proposal, but it never got discussed19:06
niemeyerhazmat: Ok, can we please delay that until Monday?19:07
bcsallerthats fine with me19:07
hazmatthere's a larger discussion on some other things, but i'll kick it off in response to kim0's email19:07
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good19:07
niemeyerhazmat: I'd like to be able to focus on the problem you'll bring up19:07
bcsallerkapil and I talked over some changes on my branch and I have some revisions to do19:07
niemeyerhazmat: But don't want to let my current mental state go away19:07
jimbakermaybe skip standup then?19:08
bcsallersounds like it will be Monday19:08
jimbakermy big issue just got resolved, now i can get back to releasing my branches19:08
jimbakerwell, release one more branch, plus get another one ready for review :)19:09
hazmatsounds good, i'm off to the post office, back in a bitg19:09
bcsallerIn that case I'm going to get some food. 19:09
_mup_ensemble/new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var r193 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:34
_mup_Merged trunk19:34
_mup_ensemble/trunk r195 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:39
_mup_merge new-hook-semantics-4-remove-env-var [r=niemeyer][f=740330]19:39
_mup_Removes the setting of the ENSEMBLE_CHANGE environment variable.19:39
SpamapSHrm.. I really need to be able to make principia work w/ the current ensemble trunk. :-P19:54
* SpamapS feels it will take a lot of effort. :-/19:55
jimbakerSpamapS, you may want to take a look at lp:~jimbaker/ensemble/bashified-wordpress-mysql-examples, which i just pushed up19:56
SpamapSjimbaker: Yeah I will do that.19:56
jimbakerthis branch incorporates trunk as it is now, including changes to relation-get and new hook semantics. it's actually not too bad19:56
SpamapSWe're trying to get ensemble to work w/ openstack btw19:57
jimbakerSpamapS, now that we are deploying against natty, i'm going to change it to use augtool19:57
SpamapSnot sure if trunk has this problem, but in the old rev in the PPA you have to hack the code to set the ec2 and s3 uri's19:57
jimbakerSpamapS, this bug is still outstanding, not certain if this will have impact on that: bug 72508219:58
_mup_Bug #725082: DNS error when specifying a different S3 URI <Ensemble:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/725082 >19:58
SpamapSjimbaker: yeah we ran into that right at the beginning. :-(20:20
_mup_ensemble/state-machine-enhancements r199 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com21:44
_mup_statemachine success transition support21:44
_mup_ensemble/state-machine-enhancements r200 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com21:56
_mup_add support for transition specified actions21:56
niemeyerHeading off for some exercising.. will be back later22:01
hazmatniemeyer, got a  moment?22:07
hazmattoo late?22:07
hazmatjimbaker, bcsaller ?22:07
hazmati wanted to bounce an idea regarding upgrade state transitions on error22:07
_mup_ensemble/state-machine-enhancements r201 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com22:14
_mup_Bug #755062 was filed: statemachine needs support for success transitions and custom actions <Ensemble:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/755062 >22:32

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