
chris4585cjwatson, are you around?05:13
cjwatsonchris4585: yes09:56
evugh, the ubiquity panel is rendering as grey for unused space in the chinese edition daily11:32
evI thought we fixed this11:32
evo problem, of course11:32
davmor2ev, cjwatson: nice there is a new iso this morning should wubi be okay on it?  I thought I'd give it a try if I had time11:38
cjwatsonyes, it should11:40
davmor2cjwatson: cool I'll let you know :)11:41
evjust tried wubi, actually11:43
evwas working fine for me in windows 711:43
evhm, "try ubuntu" appears to be broken in the chinese edition11:44
evnot sure if that carries over to the regular Ubuntu, though one would assume so11:44
evwill have to check11:44
cjwatsonthe only change in the Chinese edition is "echo 'zh_CN' >isolinux/lang"11:45
evso then yes :)11:49
cjwatsonpresumably, unless "try ubuntu" is locale-sensitive in some relevant way11:52
davmor2ev: is it me or are the slides not moving very quickly on wubi?11:53
cjwatsonI'm merging an upstream GRUB branch to add a 'grub-mount' utility; we should be able to use this (after fixups, etc.) to replace things that have to do delicate blockdev hacks11:54
cjwatsonor at least to provide a safer form11:55
cjwatsonI'm not sure we should rush to integrate it into d-i code in natty though, since it's late; my main focus at the moment is using it in os-prober11:55
davmor2ev:  at the end of that I got to slide 411:59
evdavmor2: are you using an SSD?12:01
davmor2cjwatson: is the secondary grub screen meant to show Windows?   ie not the grub4win but the one that boots the Ubuntu kernel?12:01
davmor2ev: nope standard base unit12:01
evcjwatson: that's awesome!12:01
davmor2ev: it's my all intel box12:01
evdavmor2: I was pondering that as well. It strikes me as confusing to show the grub menu when a selection has already been made in the NT bootloader12:02
evI'm wondering if it makes sense to suppress adding Windows to the grub.cfg when in Wubi, given the order of thigns12:03
evdavmor2: I haven't noticed the slowness12:03
evand that bit of javascript hasn't changed12:03
davmor2ev: maybe it's just that it installed quicker being as it was on the HD then maybe12:04
davmor2ev: normally from cd I get to the thank you slide12:04
cjwatsondavmor2: it isn't harmful for it to do so12:05
davmor2cjwatson: Nope just odd I'll try and boot into it and see what happens12:06
cjwatsonand it gives you an opportunity to interrupt and change options, which I think given the general state of Wubi is if anything *more* useful than normal12:06
davmor2cjwatson: indeed12:06
davmor2cjwatson: so choosing Windows from the second grub takes you back to grub4win again so that's not so bad12:09
cjwatsonright, the nesting is purely presentational and doesn't actually correspond to the boot loader code being nested inside ntldr in some way12:11
cjwatsonit's a jump rather than a call12:11
cjwatsonso choosing Windows just jumps back12:11
davmor2cjwatson: Yeah I thought it would be pointing at host which I thought might cause issues but that makes a lot of sense now. The whole oh bugger I clicked on Ubuntu I wanted windows oh windows option phew no need to reboot12:13
CIA-7apt-setup: cjwatson * r212 ubuntu/ (3 files in 2 dirs):12:41
CIA-7apt-setup: Disable partner by default again (accidentally enabled in12:41
CIA-7apt-setup: 1:0.48ubuntu1), and make sure that preseeding apt-setup/partner=true12:41
CIA-7apt-setup: enables it (LP: #744982).12:41
CIA-7apt-setup: cjwatson * r213 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1:0.49ubuntu412:41
cjwatsonev: looks like there's a fair bit of feedback on bug 74514813:48
evah so there is13:54
CIA-7ubiquity: jriddell * r4652 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog gui/qt/images/squares.png): Update artwork gui/qt/images/squares.png14:29
evcjwatson: what's your take on this size debate?14:47
evDo you think double the size of the files in the squashfs is sufficient?14:47
evthe actual install guide says 5GB, this would put it at roughly 5.2 GB14:50
cjwatsonI'm not sure I have one - I was hoping you would make a judgement call :-)14:51
cjwatsonit obviously needs to have a bit of headroom, but 10GB (as suggested in the bug) feels a bit high to me since this is presented in the UI as a hard minimum14:52
evI'd like to put it at double14:54
evso 5.214:54
evhard minimum> indeed14:54
CIA-7ubiquity: evand * r4653 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/plugins/ubi-prepare.py):14:59
CIA-7ubiquity: Increase the minimum size of the Ubuntu install to be twice the size14:59
CIA-7ubiquity: of the contents of the installation (roughly 5.2 GB) (LP: #745148).14:59
evugh, m-a newns trick isn't working16:20
evseems to not be running under newns despite having the envar set16:21
evbum, and now I can't reproduce that17:07
evah, the try ubuntu issue I was seeing before is a unity bug, I think17:19
evyeah, it's compiz segfaulting in a loop17:19
chris4585cjwatson, I'm pretty sure my data was not deleted, it was encrypted and I'm not too sure how to decrypt it18:53

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