
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
chrisccoulsonfta - i've got xdg-utils working now :)01:50
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, i didn't realise chromium shipped its own copy of xdg-mime and xdg-settings too02:09
chrisccoulsonwe'll need to fix those ones as well ;)02:09
chrisccoulsonit's all working properly now anyway02:09
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ftachrisccoulson, hi, thanks for xdg-utils, where is the fix? a distro patch? if so, i'll patch ch and inform upstream06:11
silveryI have enabled network.protocol-handler.external.shell and no effect, please someone tell me what should be else enabled in order to use external shell commands in URLs? (if it's possible)07:57
chrisccoulsonbug 734526 is really bothering me now, can anybody reproduce this?11:25
cobe571hello everyone. I installed firefox 4 under debian 6 from PPA. firefox works really well. thank you to the team :)12:33
chrisccoulsonhi asac, you there?13:10
asacchrisccoulson: i below sealevel13:20
asaci am13:20
asaci am happy to get distracted for a few minutes here ;)13:20
chrisccoulsonhi asac, how are you? haven't spoken to you in ages ;)13:21
asacchrisccoulson: feel free to move ubufox main branch to mozillateam13:21
asaci will change the development ofcus13:21
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i was going to ask you about that13:21
asacon the project page and make you driver if you want13:21
chrisccoulsonthanks :)13:21
asacjust ping me when the branch is there13:21
chrisccoulsonthat would be good. i can do a proper release then, and clean up some of our patches :)13:21
chrisccoulsonasac - how are things with you anyway?13:22
asacchrisccoulson: great ... except that i am drowned far below sealevel ;)13:23
chrisccoulsonwhere are you?13:23
asacchrisccoulson: in a coffin built of work ;)13:25
chrisccoulsonoh, now i'm confused. that sounds like a strange place to be ;)13:27
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, i've branched it to lp:~mozillateam/ubufox/trunk13:28
asacone sec13:28
asacyou are also driver now13:29
chrisccoulsonasac - excellent, thanks13:29
chrisccoulsonthanks :)13:29
chrisccoulsonfta - i've not looked at what version of xdg-utils chromium has yet, but i guess they will need this change: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xdg/xdg-utils/commit/?id=4b4e879c55fe83fbea1de1e4e37543bba496d22813:29
chrisccoulsonalso, the gnome3 detection in xdg-utils doesn't actually work on natty (because we're running gnome 2.32 on the new stack)13:30
chrisccoulsonso, i had to fudge that in our xdg-utils build for natty, but i'm not sure how you'd do that with chromium and still have it work on every release13:32
fta2chrisccoulson, i gave you the commit yesterday showing which rev of xdg ch now has13:44
fta2chrisccoulson, upstream bumped xdg only in trunk. if the old stuff is still ok (i didn't test it), i guess i will just point upstream to your comment and just take your patch as a distro patch for the dailies13:47
ftachrisccoulson, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=73231#c1815:46
chrisccoulsonm_conley_away, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2011-April/002912.html16:10
ftachrisccoulson, the funny thing is that they bumped xdg utils to please natty: http://codereview.chromium.org/6670095  and that's what made it regress17:46
chrisccoulsonfta - thanks. i commented on the bug17:55
micahgfta: I can confirm with the new stable release passwords are gone17:57
micahgI tested on maverick17:57
ftamicahg, seeems better in trunk17:57
micahgstarted w/6, then 10.133, now 10.20417:57
micahgfta: I'd like to be able to upgrade people before version 12 :)17:57
ftaoh, 133 was impacted too?17:58
micahgfta: I'm sorry this took so long17:58
micahgfta: no, 133 still shows the passwords17:58
micahgfta: not quite sure what to do, I pinged the upstream guy one day w/no response, the bug shows that password-store=detect is hit or mmiss18:00
ftanot sure either. a regression bug would be a nice start, if there's not one already18:04
micahgwell, the bugs already filed and the guy seems to have been watching it18:04
ftamicahg, well, reading http://www.google.com/support/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1230517 it seems we're out of luck for a general workaround in the packaging18:09
ftait's also different for gnome and kde18:10
micahgright, that's also part of the problem :(18:11

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