
nhandlerpleia2, akgraner So are we meeting today? Is there anything to talk about?00:05
pleia2oh look, meeting time00:05
akgranerwe can00:05
nhandlerI don't really have anything new since last time00:06
akgranerbut I don't really have anything new atm...:-/00:06
pleia2I'm going to be out of town these next two weekends00:06
pleia2(and all next week)00:06
pleia2I know we were shooting for getting UWN on track again this month, but that's tricky for me00:06
* akgraner notes that...00:06
nhandlerAfter the second week in may, I'm pretty much done with classes for the year and will have a LOT more time00:06
akgraneryeah - I forgot about crunch time with the book00:07
akgranersame here after UDS free time is back00:07
nhandlerSo we will be able to start fresh for the onerick cycle00:07
akgranerI believe so00:07
akgraner:-) yay!00:07
nhandlerakgraner: Any response from the sysadmins re: the fridge?00:09
* pleia2 back to work :\00:10
pleia2(so busy this week!)00:10
akgranernhandler, crap  - I need to look...00:12
akgranerthose emails don't go to my work account...and that's all I've been looking at...grrrr00:12
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akgranerhey highvoltage20:21
highvoltageakgraner: hey there, what's happening with UWN?20:22
akgranerstaging for a kickoff next month20:23
highvoltagewhy hasn't it been happening in the meantime?20:24
akgranerb/c no one was able to put in the hours required20:24
akgranerI was busy with getting my house in order and now I am moved back in so yay!20:25
highvoltageah ok20:25
akgranerwe put out several calls for people to help...20:25
highvoltageah I somehow missed those calls for help20:25
akgranerguess so :-/20:25
highvoltageand here I thought I read everything on the fridge, planet ubuntu, and the important mailing lists :)20:26
akgranerthey were posted in all those places20:26
highvoltageakgraner: are you going to UDS again?20:31
highvoltage(I mean, next UDS)20:32
akgranerhighvoltage, you going?21:42
nhandlerhighvoltage: We also have monthly meetings21:57
nhandlerI was just thinking. What if we put together a "What is happening Today" type of article. It could include the day's events, and links+titles+authors (no summaries to save time) to the previous day's Planet Ubuntu posts. The idea behind this would be it would be fairly light-weight and could be automated22:03
* nhandler added the countdown story and banner to the fridge23:27
pleia2thanks nhandler :)23:29
pleia2and I don't know about that, it sounds like a lot of work :\23:29
nhandlerpleia2: It would be automated. A bit of initial work, but nothing after that23:29
pleia2I kinda question it's usefulness too23:30
pleia2who would read it? why don't they just read rss feeds of planet and ubuntu-news (which is on planet)23:30
nhandlerpleia2: It is sort of like that digest feature for the ML. It provides a quick way to see if anything important is going on23:31
nhandlerSort of like the daily newspaper23:31
* pleia2 nods23:31
nhandlerEspecially if we are only publishing UWN every 2 weeks (if we get going), this would fill the gaps23:33

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