
* MattJ wants to register lunchpad.net00:43
kaushalI installed php on Live Bootable USB05:24
kaushalwhen i rebooted and booted from USB, the php5 is not installed05:25
kaushalUSB is persistent right ?05:25
shaunoI think the default is for liveusb to act just like a livecd.   You might want to take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent to see what needs to be different for it to be persistent05:30
kaushalshauno: ok06:03
shaunomorning knightwise06:21
knightwisehey shauno  !06:25
knightwisemorning to ya06:25
knightwisei sound like a leprechaurn06:27
knightwisethat or an irish barman06:28
shaunoif an irish barman says "morning to ya", you're drinking too early :)06:29
knightwisealso true06:30
knightwisehmm , just watched the gnome 3 video06:30
knightwiseGnome looks like unity to me06:30
shaunohaven't tried either yet, but I gather they're both aiming in the same direction06:31
kaushalpopey: hi08:14
kaushalYes. Do a standard Ubuntu install onto a USB stick rather than use persistence mode in USB startup disk creator.08:15
kaushali did not understand that08:15
AlanBellthe persitence mode basically drops the CD iso onto the USB, and has a read/write area next to it08:16
AlanBellso you boot into a live CD session, but have some storage space08:16
AlanBellhowever you can just install ubuntu on the USB directly as if it was a hard drive08:17
TommehThough, beware flash re-write limitations08:17
kaushalnot sure install ubuntu on the USB ?08:17
kaushalhow do i install ubuntu on the USB ?08:18
kaushalapologies if i am asking basic question ?08:18
TommehIt appears as a disk at install time. Just select it :)08:18
AlanBellstick the USB in, stick CD in, boot from CD, install to USB08:18
AlanBellTommeh: I have never actually seen a flash rewrite limitation happen in real life08:19
TommehIt's only going to happen if you use it for 6 months or something like that.08:20
AlanBellI suspect you are likely to forget where you put the USB stick well before it breaks08:20
TommehAs a daily-use installation, I mean08:20
TommehUSB sticks don't have the wear levelling or sector replacement that SSDs do.08:21
kaushalAlanBell: Thanks08:27
kaushalTommeh: Thanks08:28
ubuntuuk-planet[Kwabena Aning] Using images in LaTeX - http://blog.kaning.co.uk/archives/26108:28
MartijnVdSpopey++ ("Unity" mailing list link @ twitter)08:29
ali1234i like the reply where ubuntu's choice to not support a feature is described as "functionality"08:32
MartijnVdSali1234: tbh, the whole "let's dump it in the systray" mentality of many programs needs to disappear08:32
MartijnVdSali1234: but they're going about it the wrong way :)08:32
ali1234if you don't like the systray turn it off08:32
ali1234the indicator just moves it to a deeper menu anyway08:33
ali1234except that hardly any software supports it08:33
MartijnVdSali1234: I mean things like the "HP tools" crapware08:34
ali1234don't install it then08:34
MartijnVdSali1234: I need it for my printer to work08:34
MartijnVdSIt's the same in Windows.. "Let's add a systray icon", so every user has 600.000.000 of them and the had to invent a new way of managing them08:35
ali1234on linux?08:35
MartijnVdSali1234: yeah it does some initialization.. I could close it afterwards08:35
MartijnVdSali1234: no wait.. it's the only way to read ink levels.. that's waht it does08:36
ali1234so how would oyu have it work?08:36
MartijnVdSali1234: Through the "Ink levels" tab in the "printer settings" window08:36
ali1234killing the systray won't make that happen08:36
MartijnVdSbut that tells me "Retrieving ink levels isn't supported by this printer"08:37
MartijnVdSexcept it is, because the separate tool does it..08:37
ali1234this has nothing to do with systray, they would still ship a separate tool08:37
MartijnVdSali1234: No killing systray won't fix this specific problem. It'll just remove the HP branding from my desktop. And the Spotify banding. And the Skype branding.08:37
MartijnVdSI haven't seen a useful use of it in a long time.08:37
ali1234then just remove it08:38
ali1234it's not required to have the applet on your panel08:38
MartijnVdSali1234: That fixes the problem of rogue icons for me. Not for everyone.08:38
ali1234my tray only has three icons in it: network manager, bluetooth, and pidgin08:39
MartijnVdSali1234: They should have made a better api 10-12 years ago, when the whole "systray" API was invented08:39
MartijnVdSN-M is an indicator now, bluetooth as well08:39
MartijnVdSI use empathy, which is also an indicator08:39
MartijnVdSMy biggest issue with the whole "new design" crap is the global menu and "be like apple for the sake of being like apple"08:40
ali1234the indictor only works with the crappy gnome-bluetooth which i don't use08:41
MartijnVdSali1234: what do you use then?08:42
ali1234i suppose now i will have to add indicator back to my pael to get N-M icon back, unless it can be reconfigured08:42
ali1234i use blueman for bluetooth08:42
MartijnVdSWhat are your problems with the Gnome one?08:42
ali1234it doesn't support enough bluetooth functions08:43
MartijnVdSIt supports audio and file transfer.. what more do you need? :)08:43
ali1234pan, dun, hid08:44
ali1234blueman is also easier to use08:44
MartijnVdSali1234: it supports hid, I had a mouse that worked fine08:44
MartijnVdSAnd I've seen options to set up PAN and DUN08:44
ali1234obex ftp...08:45
ali1234none of this stuff worked when i started using blueman08:46
MartijnVdSIt does now :)08:46
ali1234the biggest problem with systray is it doesn't support multimonitor08:48
ali1234so it's annoying that it's been replaced with something else that also doesn't support multimonitor08:48
Apacheukmorning all08:58
popeymorning all08:59
ApacheukI'm in the middle of a *discussion* with one of our admin guys at work, we have a situation where a number of users/jobs dump xml files into a directory and another user (ifs) picks up those files and processes them, but for some reason the ifs user will only process them if they are owned by ifs, is there a way to set up a directory so that no matter who/what dumps a file in a directory that it has ownership set to09:02
Apacheukthis ifs user/09:02
bigcalmGood morning one and all :)09:03
Apacheukat the moment we have a job that runs via cron, but thats causing an issue where the ifs process stops working if it tries to pick up a file thats being processed via our cron job?09:04
shaunothat's a fun one Apacheuk. I can do it on bsd, but not linux :(09:23
Apacheuk:( cheers anyway09:26
oimonApacheuk: does it also work if the ifs is not owner but is in the same group?09:27
ApacheukI've been told thats been tried and it still causes an issue09:29
oimonput all common users in the same group, then do chmod g+s on the directory so that  all new files in that directory will inherit the group ownership of the aprent09:29
ApacheukI'll check that out..... cheers :)09:31
bigcalmjQuery: I need to run my own script after a 3rd party script has run. I know my script works on generated source, but it's not working in the real world. Anybody with any thoughts?09:35
kazadeHeh, Nokia Fail: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/366637/nokia-symbian-is-not-open-source09:36
oimonhtc overtook nokia in market value - htc in the 00's is what nokia were in the 90s09:39
oimonrather 10's and 00's09:39
oimonforgot which decade i was in :S09:39
=== tim_ is now known as mistertim
shaunohm, acl don't seem to do it either09:45
* dwatkins returns09:49
dwatkinsand good morning all09:49
bigcalmAfternoon. Is it home time yet?09:50
dwatkinsWhich timezone are you in, bigcalm?09:50
s-foxGood evening bigcalm :)09:50
ali1234wow, holding up empathy of an example of why it's a good idea to put inferior software in by default... that's just crazy09:51
bigcalmI guess it'll be home time somewhere in the world09:51
bigcalmdwatkins: BST :P09:51
dwatkinsbigcalm: ah ok, perhaps you start early as I often do.09:51
bigcalmdwatkins: just bloody tired today09:52
dwatkinsunderstandable, it being Friday09:52
bigcalmIt's been a long and stressful week. Want it to be over already09:52
dwatkinsyeah, same here - I will be glad when certain things at work are resolved.09:54
oimonredhat's dodgy glibc update is causing massive problems, i can't believe how slow they are in fixing it :(09:58
dwatkinsin what way is it dodgy, oimon?09:59
oimoncrashes evolution every time when clicking send, and regular gnome-panel crashes, to the annoyance of all my desktop users10:00
=== ging_ is now known as ging
oimonthe fact there is no update yet goes to show that Redaht are not interested in the desktop10:01
DJonesoimon: Sounds like a good excuse to migrate them to ubuntu :)10:01
oimonDJones: my users wouldn't like unity - gnome2 would have to be guaranteed for 12.04 LTS10:01
oimonhalf of them are still on KDE10:01
oimonprobably the same ones who use pine still/10:02
oimonat this point, due to uncertainty over unity, i'd tend towards debian for my users.10:03
shaunodoes pine crash when you hit send?  ;)10:03
oimonman, i don't know how or why they still use pine10:04
davmor2morning all10:04
oimonsearch is ugly and almost impossible10:04
oimononce they locate an old mail, they forward it to themselves to get it to the top of the list again10:04
shaunoif evo is crashing when you hit send, and pine isn't, I'd say they're justified with sticking with what works :o)10:04
DJonesoimon: Could offer them 10.04, its LTS so plenty of time for them to keep using it10:06
oimonDJones: our postgrads tend to keep the same release for the duration of their course. so a postgrad joining in sep 2012, and receiving 10.04 would be seriously out of support by the time they complete their course10:07
HazRPGhow's everyone doing?10:07
AlanBellthings don't magically stop working when they are out of support10:08
HazRPGthey sometimes do the minute the warranty runs out, so why wouldn't it :P?10:08
ali1234they just become a liability10:08
DJonesoimon: Right, I can understand that for consistency, but they're students, surely they want everything to be shiny & new and cutting edge10:09
ali1234they're postgrads10:09
oimonDJones: nope!10:09
ali1234not undergrads10:09
DJonesali1234: That would make a difference, undergrads would also want cheap/free to leave money in the beer budget10:10
oimonthey do however like dropbox and chromium10:10
oimonusing an OS outside of the support cycle is a massive liability, particularly for security reasons10:12
oimonlucid desktop expires 04/1310:12
HazRPGDJones: stereo typing there a bit? :P I liked cheap/free when I was undergrad... but it was because I wanted my money to go into the holiday jar, I hate sitting around in one place for too long10:12
oimonundergrads have the tablets and laptops. postgrads clamour for the 6yr old PC's i give away10:13
HazRPGoimon: surely the penny will drop at some point when they realise that new applications are suddenly not in the repo?10:14
HazRPGand when things like empathy or pidgin or w/e stop working10:14
oimonHazRPG: you don't wanna know how old the RHEL5.x apps are!10:15
HazRPGRHEL5.x ? I'm taking it the RH is Red Hat.. EL?10:15
oimoni feel embrarrassed installing evince 0.6010:15
popeyEnterprise Linux10:15
oimonHazRPG: centos10:15
popeywe use RHEL at work on hundreds of boxes10:16
gordis rhel gonna go with gnome-shell?10:16
oimonmaybe in 201910:16
HazRPGgord: somehow I doubt that :p10:17
oimonrhel 6 is based off fedora 13, and will last for a while10:17
HazRPGI'm sure people will support gnome2 for a while yet tbh10:17
gordshell just doens't seem like the kind of thing that would work well in an enterprise system10:17
HazRPGI can see the grump-force (possibly me inc.) coming out and trying to keep it alive as possible10:18
HazRPGas long as possible*10:18
oimonpeople don't like it when they think it is just change for change's sake10:18
gordgnome2 isn't going to die, its code, it exists now and works - it'll exist and work forever10:19
daubersgord: Has the unity launcher got ldap bindings?10:19
gorddaubers, in what kind of a way?10:19
oimongord - however compiz may lose functionality etc, so you are left with a snapshot - gnome 2 compiz 0.8 etc - no bugs get fixed or backported10:20
daubersgord: With an ldap server can I dictate what goes into the launcher?10:20
gorddaubers, no, why would you need to do that? what goes in to the launcher is gsettings based so you can use whatever people use to remote administer gsettings/gconf stuff10:20
gordi mean, if there is a valid need let me know10:20
daubersgord: Ah, ok. Thats just the kind of thing that OpenDirectory/ActiveDirectory servers do. A lot of Uni sites I go onto use that kind of feature in the directories10:21
ali1234does gnome classic rely on gtk+2?10:22
gordali1234, yup10:23
ali1234so it's basically going to be unsupported pretty soon?10:23
ali1234what about applications eg gedit? do they have to be rewritten for gtk+3?10:24
gordeh no10:24
gordmost applications don't need a lot of changes to do gtk3. gtk3 is really not much different from 210:25
gordjust some api removed - all drawing is done with cairo now10:25
oimonali1234: my feeling is that people will produce gnome-panel etc for gtk3 so we aren't stuck with gnome shell -either that or gnome shell will get extended, since it is rather sparse right now - i know that's sort of the intention, but..10:25
ali1234let me put it another way: can i have gnome-panel with gtk+3?10:25
ali1234that is, without gtk+210:25
gordi'm not sure, gnome-panel is a special case. uses terribad things like bonobo. i think i heard of someone porting it to gtk3 though10:27
ali1234yeah, it's terrible code, but it's the only panel system for linux that is both usable and looks good10:27
ali1234seriously, if KDE ever gets their act together and works out how to render text correctly, i would switch10:28
ali1234but i've been waiting nearly 10 years for that to happen10:28
oimoni think these things (gnome panel ) will come with us into the future out of necessity10:28
oimonand large user base10:28
oimonali1234: i didn't get to feedback about ny gvfsd experiements - are you still interested?10:29
ali1234i reported the bug upstream with python testcase and valgrind log10:29
ali1234but i guess the developers are kind of busy right now with the 3 release10:29
oimonsystem monitor froze on natty , consuming 100% cpu after leaving overnight.10:29
ali1234well, that's interesting10:30
ali1234probably overloaded the dbus10:30
oimonlucid , gvsfd grew to 800M and has stayed there since closing system monitor10:30
ali1234yeah it will do that10:30
oimonali1234: however , gvfsd on natty remained quite low ~ 100mb10:30
ali1234bug 75152310:30
lubotu3Launchpad bug 751523 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "gnome-system-monitor spams dbus with requests for volume information" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75152310:30
lubotu3Gnome bug 646867 in daemon "Memory leak on gvfsd "listMounts" dbus call" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:31
ali1234try the python script on natty10:31
ali1234it will eat up hundreds of mb in a few seconds10:31
oimonhold on..10:32
ali1234the amount of memory leaked is entirely dependent on the size of the returned data from listMounts10:32
ali1234it gets filled up with a lot of stuff like every URL you click in pidgin10:32
ali1234mine currently returns 200kb of data all of which never gets freed10:32
ali1234and g-s-m calls it once for every filesystem displayed, so 17 times per second in my case10:33
oimonali1234: confirmed on natty10:40
oimonyou should take a screencast of the memory flying up :)10:40
oimonpopey style10:40
oimonincreasing at 1M per second10:41
=== jason is now known as Guest40891
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:15
brobostigonmorning bigcalm11:16
willy1977good morning.11:16
brobostigonorning willy197711:16
willy1977how are we feeling today? TFIF?11:17
davmor2czajkowski: hugs how's the back11:17
=== Guest40891 is now known as jason_ukfsn
brobostigonwilly1977: not bad, tired, and you?11:17
willy1977ok, stuck at work - and like you tired ;) but I'm good thanks.11:18
czajkowskigetting better thank you11:18
* brobostigon shares his pot of coffee with willy1977 11:18
willy1977appreciate brobostigon love a nice cup of coffee11:19
brobostigonwilly1977: you're welcome, :)11:19
brobostigonany ideas of something i could try and build for android with google app inventor.?11:22
davmor2czajkowski: Yay! you'll soon be back to annoying and everything then yes?11:24
czajkowskiyes next week11:24
davmor2czajkowski: Woohoo! I've missed your goading11:25
willy1977brobostigon: I've not really seen the google app inventor...11:26
brobostigonwilly1977: it sllows for a graphical way of making apps, rather than typing out java, which i dont understand anyways.11:27
ali1234brobostigon: i have a small list of apps that you can't make with it, or can't make easily...11:28
ali1234for example, try making a paint program11:28
willy1977that sounds pretty nifty11:28
brobostigonali1234: elaborate. why ?11:28
ali1234try it and see11:29
ali1234basically if there isn't a widget that already does exactly what you want, you can't do it11:29
brobostigonali1234: there is a tutorial for a paint pro ontheir site.11:29
ali1234link please11:29
brobostigonone minute.11:29
brobostigoni interpret that as a pain prog.11:30
ali1234so they have "DrawingCanvas" to handle it...11:31
brobostigonali1234: i havent looked closely as to how it works.11:32
ali1234looks like it works in a fairly sensible way11:33
ali1234just connect the canvas.touched to the drawing function11:33
ali1234makes sense11:33
=== fred_ is now known as Guest7835
brobostigonali1234: ok.11:34
ali1234of course, extending it with more interesting painting tools would be a challenge... like a blur/smudge tool for example11:37
brobostigonali1234: soany ideas, of something fairly easy to start,i could challange,11:43
ali1234a spell checker?11:43
ali1234i tend to think if it's easy it's not worth doing11:44
oimoncool. playing with a polarising filter on my camera - i can turn it so that LCD screens are completely black on photos :)11:45
brobostigonali1234: itend to think, to start my brain going, startwith something easier, and then toto something harder to challange it.11:45
MartijnVdSWhoa.. just came across a snake on lunch break11:53
directhexescaped from bronx zoo?11:54
shaunoescaped from a nokia :/11:55
MartijnVdS^ one of those11:55
davmor2MartijnVdS: Wuss that's not a big snake11:56
shaunoall the grass I found in holland was in bags too small to fit a snake in :o)11:56
MartijnVdS^ the snake11:56
shaunonice hat!11:57
MartijnVdSshauno: coworker hiding from other coworker's annoying questions :)11:57
shaunothat works?!11:58
MartijnVdSshauno: only if you do it like that11:58
davmor2MartijnVdS: Nice11:58
shaunois the sunflower also necessary?11:58
MartijnVdSshauno: of course!11:58
shaunohm.  this could be difficult11:59
MartijnVdSwilly1977: please try again :)11:59
willy1977nice looking beast...12:01
DJones10:02 < oimon> probably the same ones who use pine still/12:01
MartijnVdS(for reference: the pavement tiles are 30x30cm)12:01
DJonesgrr, stupid putty12:01
willy1977DJones: definitely stupid putty just caught me out too :/12:02
oimonimporting images using shotwell feels slower than fspot :S12:06
=== dad_ is now known as Guest74232
Oli``Very off-topic question: Does anybody know where I can get a standard UK tap - to - European tap converter? I've got a silly Gardena timer and the tap screw is like 7mm too wide for the tap and it didn't come with a step-up converter... I've tried searching but I don't have a clue what I should be asking google for12:14
popeyOli``: B&Q?12:14
Oli``popey: haven't tried them specifically but I did troll around a smaller garden centre for 20 minutes and everybody thought I was a bit mad12:14
davmor2Oli``: why not just get the right sized tap fitting and attach it directly to the hose?12:16
Oli``davmor2: it's not a hose, it's a watering timer. A little grey box that screws right onto the tap, I had a hozelock one but it died in the ice and was given this as a replacement12:16
davmor2Oli``: Ah I see12:17
Oli``This, essentially: http://pan.fotovista.com/dev/6/1/02728816/l_02728816.jpg12:18
Oli``Although ours doesn't have the dark grey adapter in the top of the lighter grey screw... That's the bit we need =(12:18
popeyOli``: plumbers merchants?12:19
seekerDuct tape?12:19
bigcalmSilly putty?12:20
willy1977how about searching for gardena spares uk ?12:20
Oli``Yeah I guess that's what it'll have to be: B&Q, Screwfix and then bodging it on with some high-tensile duct tape12:20
willy1977just looks like that grey thing should've come as part of the unit to me.12:20
Oli``willy1977: because that just makes too much sense12:21
Oli``Found one lol12:21
willy1977oh for goodness sake...12:21
willy1977not quite Oli`` just my ham fisted-ness at work again.12:22
=== denny- is now known as denny
X3Nreally annoying when you find a patch that you want to use but is only in ubuntu :|12:54
oimonx3n which bug?12:56
AccidentalHi Paula from Fossbox said someone may be able to help me.  We have Ubuntu installed on our charity's computer and it worked well for a few weeks.  Now it won't boot automatically; instead we get the following page: GNU GRUB version 1.98 + 20100804-5ubuntu3 GNU GRUB version 1.98+20100802-5ubuntu3 Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-22-generic Memory test (memtest86+) Memory test (memtest+, serial console 115200).  Can you advise?12:57
ali1234select Linux 2.6.35-22-generic and press enter12:59
X3Noimon: not a bug, ubuntu pataches gnome-settings-daemon to do it's own thing with the osd volume display, it would be useful if it was exposed in other distros12:59
UndiFineDAccidental, you could install the application startup-manager, which will let you tweak grub options and boot automatically again, perhaps waiting time is set to a high value13:04
willy1977X3N: I see, so you'd have to get the source from ubuntu's slice of gnome-settings-daemon and somehow wedge that into the other distro's version of gnome-settings-daemon - I guess?13:05
AccidentalPlease could you let me know how to install the application startup-manager; will it be obvious how to tweak the grub options?13:12
X3NAccidental: go to add/remove programs and search for startupmanager13:13
AccidentalUnfortunately I'm not in front of the computer itself today (working from another place).13:17
X3Nare you connected via ssh?13:18
AccidentalNot sure what ssh is - I really am an 'accidental techie'...13:19
daubersAccidental: Where abouts is the charity based?13:24
gingoh i installed grub 2 from grub 1.5 and now it wont boot13:27
gingit chainloaded from grub 1.5 to grub 2 fine so i did the command to upgrade it and it still has grub 1.5 trying to boot and now failing13:28
gingi think i installed grub 2 to the wrong device13:31
AccidentalWe're in Islington off the Holloway Road.13:35
X3NAccidental: what does your charity do out of interest?13:39
* ging mumbles about having to google his own solutions because everyone is out enjoying sunshine in pub gardens13:40
brobostigonging: i am not, :(13:41
gingwell i have to work tonight so i can't13:42
gingmight have a bbq on sunday13:45
Accidentalsupports children and adolescents who arrive as unaccompanied refugees who have had to leave their home country because of war,etc13:45
gingAccidental: i'm sure recent events will be keeping you busy for a while13:54
MooDoocool emails should come to me then as well as i'm signed up tooalright all?13:54
MooDoooops i meant13:54
MooDooALRIGHT ALL :)13:54
MooDooczajkowski: how's the back today?13:58
AccidentalYes, increasingly busy13:58
davmor2MooDoo: I asked that one earlier,  she'll be as annoying as ever next week she says \o/13:59
MooDoodavmor2: yay let's see if we can break her :)13:59
AlanBellno breaking czajkowski until after the 15th14:00
davmor2MooDoo: lets not hey, week after she'll be fighting fit14:00
MooDoookey :) 15th sounds good :) that's my birthday :D14:00
=== ormiret_ is now known as ormiret
* daubers goes on holiday on the 15th \o/14:04
daubersOn a seperate topic... how many charities are we aware of that use Ubuntu in the UK? And should we as a team be trying to support them in a more organised manner?14:04
daubersshould qualify that as small charities14:04
AlanBellthere is an #ubuntu-ngo team and channel (not very active)14:06
daubersAny idea who is the lead in that team?14:07
DJonesdaubers: In the past when I went out to charity clients, they were all using windows for internal systems, most of them used some sort of proprietry software to manage their database & committed donations from the public14:08
* DJones notes that the wiki says "talk to Laura or Daniel", could that be a Laura cz[tab]14:10
daubersI was more contemplating the idea of if there was a (small) charity who needed some help with Ubuntu machines, could we as a group provide them with people/resources/what ever to help/train/advise their support people? Or would we be treading on toes by doing so14:11
AlanBellDJones: it is14:11
ali1234any time you give out free advice you're treading on someone's toes14:12
AlanBellcharities have complicated accounting requirements14:12
AlanBellringfenced funds all over the place14:12
daubersAlanBell: Thats kinda why I dictates "small" :)14:12
AlanBellsize doesn't matter14:13
AlanBell(or so they say)14:13
MooDoohaven't been into the ngo channel in ages14:13
AlanBelleven small charities get grants for things14:13
AlanBellor donations for things14:13
AlanBelland they have to account for the right bit of money being spent on the right stuff14:13
daubersAlanBell: You say that, but having done some work for a couple of big charities, and some stuff for some smaller one, the smaller ones care more about getting stuff done, while the bigger ones care more on the paperworky stuff :)14:13
daubersAlanBell: Didn't say anything on spending money. Was more of a thing on a volunteer basis14:14
AlanBellsorry, yes, I agree14:14
DJonesPlus from the ones I've dealt with, MS seem to have quite a hold on them in that they get heavily discounted software eg MS Office for £1014:14
AlanBellI proposed a project some time ago to do a chart of accounts for gnucash for small charities, but there was little interest in doing it14:15
daubersJust something like Accidental's issue. If someone was around Islington and could pop in for half an hour over lunch to give some advice kinda thing14:15
ali1234that pretty much means anyone in london...14:16
AlanBellyeah, there is a lot of cheap software pumped into the charitable sector so that proprietary companies can account for it as corporate social responsibility14:16
ali1234(i've been, they have trains)14:16
daubersali1234: Takes about an hour and a half for me to get there :p14:16
ali1234it takes an hour and a half to get between any two points in london14:16
DJonesI would say the ones that provide computers/access to computers for people could well be interested though, they'd presumably be interested as ubuntu/linux software would be free, they'd probably be installing on donated equipment etc14:16
daubersDJones: Those are the people we'd be able to help more14:17
daubersAn interesting thing to ponder on for a little while anyway14:20
gingah i dont get it i've proper screwed up my laptop by installing grub214:24
ali1234why did you install grub2?14:25
ali1234more omportantly, why didn't you already have it?14:25
gingali1234: well i had upgraded several times so i was still on old grub14:27
oimonis it considered bad taste to take photos in a graveyard?14:28
gingoimon: depends on the photos14:29
oimonshots of pretty bluebells among the gravestones14:29
oimoni wonder if people would be offended by that14:29
ali1234a photo of you pointing at the tombstones and laughing is probably bad taste14:30
oimoni was also fully clothed :)14:30
gingit would be bad taste if the bluebells were replaced with girls with a lot of exposed flesh14:30
DJonesoimon: Is the graveyard attached to a church or seperate from a specific church14:30
oimonseparate and unused in over 100 yrs.14:31
ali1234dressing like a zombie is also not a good idea14:31
oimoni already took the photos14:31
oimonalthough i always feel conspicous when taking photos of everyday objects14:32
oimonlike patterns on things...people give you weird looks14:32
DJonesoimon: I would think that as long they were tasteful shouldn't be a problem, if its photo's of a bring a spade party.... maybe not14:32
ali1234take a photo of them giving you a funny look14:32
popeytake a photo of them punching you in the face14:33
ali1234make a photoblog out of it14:33
ali1234even better14:33
shaunoI think with almost anything in a graveyard, it's not what you're doing, but how you do it.14:33
ali1234i would read that blog14:33
oimonali1234: a photoblog of photos taken while punching people? i would read that too14:34
shaunoif you're quiet and respectful, you're already way ahead of 99% of the disasters we see in public :)14:34
oimoni don't believe it!14:35
popeyhaha, brilliant14:36
oimongoes to show, someone somewhere has already done whatever you are thinking of, it just has to be marketed right14:37
oimonnot the best pics because i was rushing, but it's a beautiful sight irl https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/5RngH0JYp_ulO6Kyo6Hhe2KtutltVwpUXNnARE5AE8M?feat=directlink14:38
AlanBellmy oggcamp mug has sprung a leak14:39
davmor2AlanBell: you weren't meant to use it14:39
popeyoh noes14:39
* AlanBell wants a refund14:39
popeyyou aren't meant to use it to hammer nails in14:39
bigcalmYou weren't meant to use it for cake14:41
AlanBellthere is a tiny chip on the inside14:41
AlanBellyeah, it is the one I made cake in14:41
bigcalmAlanBell: araldite14:41
gingis there a way to boot from a live cd then use apt-get from there but to point it at the local harddrive to add/remove packages?14:41
davmor2AlanBell: Sure you need to take depreciation into account so by now .....carry the one.........collectors item......carry 3.......you'll owe them around a £514:41
ali1234ging: yes14:42
AlanBellcoffee has seeped through and comes out of the glaze on the outside14:42
daubersAlanBell: At least you can get a new one soon-ish :)14:42
DJonesIf it wasn't so late in cycle, I'd be tempted to get a mug thats for sale in the shop next door with Meerkats on it14:42
AlanBelldaubers: good point14:42
AlanBellso popey, when exactly do I get a new one?14:42
popeya) they are designed14:42
popeyb) they are made & shipped14:42
popeyc) you pay for them14:42
AlanBellso no date yet then!14:43
exobuzzdoes anyone know if the locked top panel on ubuntu natty with unity, is something that is planned to be fixed, - i mean if unity is to be default, it seems a bit of an oversight to not allow people to add their own applets14:43
popeythe panel isnt for applets14:43
ali1234exobuzz: it's not planned to be "fixed"14:43
exobuzzwhere should i put my time tracker applet then? :)14:44
ali1234exobuzz: rewrite it to use indicators14:44
* exobuzz uninstall ubuntu14:44
oimonexobuzz: hold on 2 secs...14:44
ali1234exobuzz: switch to classic14:44
oimonsaw a blog post the other day about hasmter14:45
exobuzzyeh i know, i was trying really trying to like unity14:45
Laneyis there a cross-DE solution for that kind of thing?14:45
popeybug 68606214:45
lubotu3Launchpad bug 686062 in hamster-applet (Ubuntu) "hamster-applet should have appindicator support" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68606214:45
ali1234Laney: if by "cross-desktop" you mean "works on gnome, kde, xfce, lxde", then yes14:45
exobuzzi got a feeling users are not going to like this.14:47
exobuzzthe beta  reviews haven't been good - at least the ones i bumped into14:47
popeyI have only seen one14:48
exobuzzi saw two14:48
ali1234i haven't bothered to read any because i already know i don't like it14:48
exobuzzthe register and one other one.14:48
brobostigoni tend not trust reviews, i tend to like to try stuff myself, andmake my own judgement.14:48
exobuzzyeh and i installed ubuntu14:48
exobuzzand i don't like it ;-)14:48
ali1234"worst ubuntu beta ever" - the register. lol14:49
HazRPGmy ubuntu swag has been sent \o/14:49
oimoni like the fact that we get a public holiday for the release of natty14:50
davmor2ali1234: why?14:50
HazRPGmeerkat tee + hoody on its way :)14:50
ali1234davmor2: i dunno, read the review14:50
HazRPGoimon: we do?14:50
popeypffft, meerkats are so last year14:50
davmor2ali1234: I meant why do you know you don't like it?14:50
ali1234davmor2: oh. because i tried it14:50
exobuzzregarding applets, users are not going to care if there is a new better system, they just want their stuff to work.14:50
oimonHazRPG: actually it's the day after release, 29th april14:51
davmor2ali1234: I didn't think I'd like it buat now I can't get used to using this box (maverick)14:51
HazRPGpopey: still one of my favourite builds so far along with koala and jackalope14:51
ali1234davmor2: i don't like global menus, i don't like docks, i don't like the start menu14:52
ali1234i pretty much don't like anything about it14:52
ali1234i also don't like buttons on the left14:52
ali1234i don't even like the new themes14:52
exobuzzi dont like the global menus on my highres computer, i like em on a 800x480 machine - showing that you cant always do something for everything14:52
gingoh i think i've just wiped my hard drive14:53
gingstupid ext414:53
HazRPGerm... don't know who started it, but well my argument is that some of the people I've converted are only *just* getting to grips with the layout of gnome2... introducing them to natty is going to be a living nightmare for me14:53
exobuzzali1234, might be quicker to list what you do like :) hehe14:53
ali1234exobuzz: i don't like *any* of it14:53
exobuzzali1234, i like slightly more than you, but not much14:54
ali1234i don't like how the dock autohides either14:54
oimonali1234: this is why i need a dock: http://i.imgur.com/zChuy.png14:54
exobuzzyou can control the autohide from compiz config which isnt installed by default ;-)14:54
ali1234i don't like that you can only have 1 dock14:54
ali1234and i don't like that it has to be on the left hand side14:54
dogmatic69oimon: you running one of them windows viruses?14:55
HazRPGoimon: holy cow and I thought I was bad!14:55
exobuzzat least they didnt remove classic mode - if they really plan to do that for the next release, then ..14:55
HazRPGoimon: is that how many apps you have open?!14:55
oimoni just use lots of applications at once14:55
ali1234oimon: see there's two problems there: firstly, you have crammed the taskbar into the same panel as the menu and tray, and secondly, you're not using the virtual desktops14:55
HazRPGoimon: that's what my chrome browser looks like most days :P14:55
ali1234unity won't make things any better for you14:56
oimoni have 90 windows showing in alt-tab14:56
exobuzzlook like you need grouped tasks or so14:56
daubersali1234: I love the dock autohide! Had me amused for weeks!!14:56
oimonali1234: i use docky14:56
davmor2ali1234: the theme is the same one as in lucid and maverick, the backdrop is pretty much identical to mavericks, they got rid of one bar at the bottom and made it autohide on the side, not sure I see the issue?14:56
ali1234davmor2: yeah i didn't like those themes in maverick or lucid either14:56
ali1234davmor2: i still use human theme14:56
davmor2ali1234: you know you can change them right?14:56
ali1234davmor2: to human theme, yes14:57
ali1234but you can't change the theme of the dock14:57
oimondocky reduces all my windows to this: http://i.imgur.com/995ga.png14:57
* brobostigon is happy with with gnome3/gnome-shell, endof;14:57
exobuzzi was using linux mint, but i dislike that users have little way apart from the forum to feeding bugs back, and further route upstream. i do like the simple layout though. but at least ubuntu has a bugtracker i can write on (of course they will be mostly ignored but) ;-)14:57
ali1234davmor2: they also remvoed all the functionality of the top panel that i use and replaced it with inferior versions: start menu, and systray -> indicator14:58
ali1234so now the top pael might as well not even be there14:58
oimonali1234: i agree with a lot of what you are saying. i am just hoping unity will improve gradually14:58
oimoni am seeing signs that it is improving14:58
ali1234oimon: you mean like empathy did? (lol)14:58
davmor2ali1234: but that is the same in gnome 3 only more so14:58
oimonand hacks can move buttons and docs and launchers etc14:58
exobuzzpersonally i think if you are doing "experiments" it should be optional until its truly ready14:59
exobuzzit still feels like an experiment to me14:59
ali1234davmor2: yup i hate gnome-shell too14:59
davmor2ali1234: so don't use them go with something else14:59
HazRPGdavmor2: the argument that the bottom bar is now the left auto-hide *thing* is invalid... because a) you can see your virtual spaces just at a glance on the bottom; b) the applications running per screen (ali1234, thanks for that tip btw :)); and c) a show desktop icon if needed... you can even add more stuff if needs be down there14:59
oimongnome shell is a tablet DE14:59
ali1234for months now i've been saying that the only good thing about unity is "at least it's not gnome-shell"14:59
exobuzzbrb - switching to ubuntu classic - need my applets14:59
HazRPGoimon: so is unity in all fairness15:00
ali1234HazRPG: unity not usable on a tablet due to it's overuse of mouseover to unhide things15:00
ali1234(that's another thing i don't like about it)15:00
hamitronwhy is it changing if so many hate it? :/15:00
oimonHazRPG: but more hackable i think, and mark seems to agree on any cool plugin/feature that is suggested , within reason15:00
HazRPGali1234: I guess, but you could stop it auto-hiding15:00
ali1234hamitron: because ubuntu is not a democracy15:00
oimonali1234: unity requires too much keyboard input - more than gnome classic15:01
gingali1234: how do i use the live cd to modify the packages installed on my hdd then i can't figure it out15:01
ali1234ging: you boot up and then chroot into the harddrive root filesystem then use it like normal15:01
lubotu3A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot15:01
hamitronali1234: neither are many companies, but it still makes sense to try to provide what people want15:01
ali1234hmm that's not really what i expected15:01
brobostigonoimon: the less i have to use my mouse the better, it wastes alot of time moving my hands around, so the more natural keyboard controls the better.15:02
HazRPGbrobostigon: I guess... but well your more likely to suffer RSI over-using the keyboard too15:02
hamitronbrobostigon: putting your greasy paws on the screen and having to clean it each day, is the way forward ofc ;)15:03
davmor2HazRPG: It was an analogy rather than an exact duplication.  I actually prefer the zoom out approach as it means you can actually see what is going on in each desktop, per application is still in place and show desktop is a shortcut for minimise all iirc15:03
oimonexobuzz: do you know it is possible to whitelist apps that require the systray15:03
brobostigonHazRPG: maybe, but, i prefer my keyboard, :)15:03
brobostigonhamitron: i hope not, :(15:03
exobuzzoimon, how do you mean ?15:03
ali1234hamitron: all tech companies today want to be "social"15:04
oimonexobuzz: if you want to use an app in natty, but the icon does not appear in systray, you can whitelist it to appear there15:04
ali1234hamitron: look at the google +1 stuff15:04
HazRPGdavmor2: yeah it is, erm, I thought that's what mod4+e was?15:04
exobuzzoimon, it's an applet issue not a systray issue15:04
ali1234hamitron: it's insane, it might even hurt them quite badly15:04
exobuzzoimon, i need to use an applet. hence i just switched to classic mode15:04
gingali1234: so i just do "sudo chroot /media/something/ apt-get" and it'll work like it was running on the installed copy ? or do i need to use a pipe or something?15:04
HazRPGdavmor2: mod4+e shows you all workspaces in much the same way, and that's been there since compiz's inclusion into it15:05
ali1234users flocked to google precisely because it wasn't loaded down with the usual webportal crap that all the other sites had15:05
hamitronmeh, I think I have it easier burrying my head in the sand15:05
ali1234but now somebody decided that actually what google needs to do is... fill their site with social content! (which is just the new equivalent of web portal crap)15:05
ali1234the me menu is borne of the same silliness15:06
davmor2HazRPG: and I love the ctrl+alt+t for a terminal15:06
HazRPGdavmor2: I changed that to mod4+t ;)15:06
ali1234ging: no not really, not like that at all15:06
oimonali1234: I never , ever use the memenu15:06
HazRPGdavmor2: that way I can do it with one hand rather then 215:06
hamitronI liked it when the web served you content, and the users job was to read ;)15:07
HazRPGdavmor2: since I can't see a natural way of doing ctrl+alt+t without fumbling my hands around15:07
ali1234oimon: i removed the whole thing from my panel... can't do that on unity though15:07
davmor2HazRPG: I do it with one hand anyway, maybe I have large hands :D15:07
HazRPGdavmor2: although ctrl+alt+t has been around for a while too if I recall though15:07
exobuzzHazRPG, its easy if you have a forefinger twice as long as other fingers15:08
HazRPGor maybe its just always the first thing I do on each fresh install :P15:08
HazRPGI use mod4 for a lot of things, because well its an unused key most of the time15:08
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Mod4? Winkey?15:09
davmor2HazRPG: Never knew about it till I read askubuntu unity keyboard and mouse shortcuts15:09
exobuzzlarge hands..15:09
HazRPGmod4+left OR right, and that skips my music, mod4 up = play/pause, mod4 down = stop, mod4+home/end = vol up/down, mod4+del = mute15:09
HazRPGMartijnVdS: yeah winkey15:10
HazRPGdavmor2: I always look under keyboard shortcuts to see what changes has happened, and to see what I can configure15:10
davmor2ali1234: what are you going to use instead of gnome/unity then are you moving to XFCE?15:10
ali1234davmor2: i'm going to use gnome classic15:10
ali1234davmor2: and i'm going to configure it to look like karmic, the last version of ubuntu that worked properly ootb15:11
oimoni will probably use gnome classic too and then assess the unity situation in 11.1015:11
HazRPGI also have mod4+f1 to f4 for usual apps :)15:11
oimonwoops, looks like hazrpg did an alt-f415:11
ali1234alt-f4 turns on god mode!15:11
oimondid you know that you password appears as ******* when you type it in irc :P15:12
MartijnVdShaz needs to use screen with his irssi :)15:12
davmor2ali1234: and what you going to do in 11.10?  no classic mode there15:12
HazRPGgrr, don't know what happened there15:12
MartijnVdSHazRPG: screen, then irssi15:12
MartijnVdSHazRPG: not irssi in a terminal :)15:12
ali1234davmor2: yeah right15:12
MartijnVdSHazRPG: Alt+F4 vs Mod4+F415:12
HazRPGMartijnVdS: byobu :)15:12
ali1234davmor2: 11.10 isn't even specced yet15:12
davmor2ali1234: no seriously!  It's already been announced15:13
HazRPGoimon: who's password? what?15:13
ali1234davmor2: i don't see how it's possible to remove classic mode15:13
ali1234davmor2: are they going to specifically prevent me from installing gnome panel? remove gtk+2 maybe?15:13
oimonHazRPG: http://www.bash.org/?24432115:13
davmor2ali1234: unity 2d instead15:13
HazRPGoimon: bah! lol15:14
ali1234davmor2: classic isn't something made by canonical, it's part of gnome15:14
popeyit wont be on the cd i think davmor2 means15:14
popeyso you wont get that session option15:14
ali1234big deal, half the programs i use now aren't on the CD15:14
popeysure, I'm just clarifying15:14
HazRPGMartijnVdS: its not irssi that closed the channel, it was pidgin :/15:14
MartijnVdSHazRPG: use irssi! drop pidgin!15:14
hamitronubuntu as a collection of software is moving further away from what I want each time, but still a good base to work on :)15:14
MartijnVdShamitron: Xubuntu \o/15:15
davmor2popey: no for 11.10 I think gnome 3 will be in the repos and unity no classic gnome full stop15:15
ali1234gnome 3 includes classic mode15:15
hamitronxfce is not great either ;/15:15
popeyits not decided fully yet15:15
hamitronlxde <315:15
popeygiven they haven't even decided fully if 11.04 is going to have unity by default, what 11.10 will have by default is well open15:15
davmor2popey: nope but it'll be a fun UDS for sure15:15
popeyfor some15:16
ali1234for the trolls :)15:16
MartijnVdSpopey: that mailing list thread you linked to this morning is all "OH WOW UNITY IS SO GREAT"15:16
davmor2popey: I'm only there cause we happen to have a sprint at the same time :)15:16
MartijnVdSI can't be the only hater ;)15:16
ali1234MartijnVdS: the thread on sounders is exactly the opposite15:16
ali1234at least it was until it degenerated into an argument about the middle east15:17
hamitronis there probably gonna be a Gubuntu for vanilla Gnome?15:17
DJonesIs sounder still going, I thought it had been closed down last year15:17
willy1977whilst I don't have much exp. with classic I find unity confusing and those global menus are not there when I need them... I switched to "classic" as I find that more intuitive... but I'll have to keep trying I guess.15:18
brobostigonhamitron: venilla gnome now, is gnome3.15:18
popeyDJones: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2011-April/016351.html15:18
HazRPGhamitron: I hope so!15:18
HazRPGhamitron: if not, I think we should make it so!15:18
oimonisn't it concerning that so many hardcore ubuntu users are worried about whether they can use it in future?15:19
popeydunno, is it?15:19
HazRPGoimon: I'd say it was!15:19
DJonespopey: I seem to remember a similar mail/meeting last year with sabdfl getting involved15:19
hamitronif there are enough who want it, there will be enough to make it exist15:19
popeyyup DJones15:19
popeyI actually argued with sabdfl that sounder should _not_ be shutdown15:19
ali1234popey: u mad cos of david gerard?15:20
HazRPGbut I have a feeling canonical is trying to span out more users... however I feel this is a BAD way of doing so.15:20
popeyali1234: apparently15:20
brobostigonhamitron: i agree, i would want an ubuntu remix asentially, with pure gnome3, and and not having to ass it seperatly.15:20
hamitron"span out"?15:20
DJonespopey: Maybe suggest handing the sounder ML over to #defocus admins15:20
HazRPGhamitron: well reach a bigger user base15:21
ali1234if anything that list serves the purpose of keeping most of the trolling in one place :)15:21
HazRPGhamitron: try and tab the tablet market15:21
popeyali1234: that is a point of view expressed by many :)15:21
ali1234and i only see "most" because i don't post there15:21
HazRPGhamitron: so that it gets preinstalled as standard with more manufacturers, but this is just speculation on my part15:21
hamitronHazRPG: there is nothing wrong with expanding, and changing things to do so, but always a good idea to try not to isolate the original audience15:22
HazRPGhamitron: bingo!15:23
HazRPGhamitron: my argument exactly15:23
HazRPGhamitron: personally, I don't think it would hurt at liveCD/install time to ask if you want gnome2 or unity15:23
HazRPGif CD space is too much trouble15:23
HazRPGhave gnome2 a download option at install  time (much like it does with updates on install)15:24
ali1234there's the alternate CD for that stuff15:24
hamitronI don't see it much of an issue, just install cli or alt cd15:24
oimonpopey: they should just rename the sounder list to trollfarm and leave it at that15:24
brobostigonHazRPG: unity, gnome2, or gnome3. :)15:24
hamitronor kde15:24
hamitronor xfce15:24
hamitronor lxde15:24
hamitronor fluxbox, etc (I'll stop now)15:25
brobostigonhamitron: xubuntu- kubuntu- lubuntu, :)15:25
HazRPGhamitron: heh taking it too far...15:25
ali1234what about... fvwm9615:25
oimoni know people that still use fvwm15:25
hamitronthe 1 problem I have.... they seem to be hiding the more advanced installation options from the front page15:26
HazRPGhamitron: ubuntu as a thing is gnome/debian based distro with a reasonable release cycle... its why we like it so much15:26
brobostigonif gnome should be an option next to unity, then justas much, so should gnome3,15:26
HazRPGhamitron: however if they want it to have unity, give users the option... the liveCD already gives you the option at start if you want to boot to the liveCD or to the LiveInstall15:26
hamitronI had to use google to find the mini.iso!15:27
ali1234just... no15:27
lubotu3The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:27
shaunoI still wanna know how they stuffed up the global menu so badly :/15:27
hamitronpopey: stop wrecking my arguements plz, ty ;)15:27
lubotu3Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:27
popeythat needs a factoid15:27
HazRPGhamitron: in all fairness ya should have tried the factoid in the first place :P15:28
popeyhamitron: its a draw15:28
hamitron!pxe would be better15:28
lubotu3Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:28
ali1234that factoid isn't that helpful15:28
ali1234it doesn't tell me where to get the pxe bootfiles15:28
lubotu3Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:28
davmor2hamitron: Why the cd image is called netboot?15:29
popeyfeel free to improve it :)15:29
ali1234that has nothing to do with pxe?15:29
hamitronbut I still don't like the ubuntu.com webpage, hiding everything15:29
ali1234the real instructions are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer15:29
gingyay i have grub back and i didnt wipe my hdd15:29
gingthat was a stessful hour15:30
ali1234but even that tells you to get the files from the CD... but i know they're on the archives somewhere15:30
ali1234ok i eventually found them: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/15:32
gingi can't wait till they bring out grub 315:33
hamitronali1234: it is maybe because there is so much information to look through, with ubuntu doing a very good job at everything?15:33
ali1234hamitron: no, it's because there's too much documentation and not enough getting to the point15:34
hamitronali1234: yeh, maybe :)15:34
shaunoheh, I hate clients that send parts instead of just disconnecting :/15:39
HazRPGwhat is a part anyways?15:39
shauno /part15:40
shaunoit's how you leave a room :o)15:40
willy1977leaves just that channel doesn't it ;)15:40
HazRPGi thought that was what /leave was for15:40
shaunothat's what's messing with the proxy.  some clients will just disconnect, some get funny about cleaning up their windows15:40
brobostigonHazRPG: i use /wc15:40
HazRPGI must say I do really like irssi proxy15:42
HazRPGI've got my phone hooked up now too :)15:42
brobostigonme too,15:42
gordirssi proxy ended up just getting in the way for me, switched to znc15:42
gordmuch nicer15:42
shaunoI tend to have irssi going most the time anyway.  it's what I connect from work with, etc15:43
shaunoso I just leave it there and attach a gui to it when I get home :)15:43
gordyeah, it wasn't long after i switched away from irssi-proxy that i stopped using irssi entirely15:44
HazRPGi think i'd probably confuse too many people if i ever showed them irssi15:44
willy1977i've only just started using irssi - seems pretty cool... nice and simple-ish15:46
willy1977it can probably do loads more than I've got anywhere near yet of course :D15:47
hamitronI use pidgin15:47
hamitronomg, late for a cup of tea15:48
hamitronbrb, tea and cakes \o/15:48
HazRPGhamitron: I had a vision of you running to the kitchen with your arms in the air because of the \o/ lol15:57
hamitronHazRPG: it is certainly how I felt :)16:02
exobuzzis anyone else finding this warm summer like weather is making them drink more beer ?16:06
bigcalmAle \o/16:06
* dogmatic69 ++16:06
davmor2someone say cake16:06
dutchieexobuzz: you say that like it is a bproblem16:06
davmor2wow l33t cake16:06
exobuzzdutchie, hehe16:06
exobuzzdutchie, it can be ;-)16:07
hamitronit certainly encourages me to drink more tea, compared to coffee16:07
hamitronthe transcoding performance of my i3 is disappointing16:08
hamitronwas expecting more compared to be budget c2d16:09
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DJoneshamitron: i3? which one did you get16:27
hamitroni3-550 3.2ghz I think16:28
DJonesright, I've just got an i3 350M16:28
hamitronI'm finding it good for gaming16:29
DJonesretired my old 8100 :)16:29
hamitronwhat you done/doing with it?16:29
DJonesNot sure yet, may stick lubuntu on it to see how it works & keep it for a while16:30
hamitronI'm still using mine16:30
DJonesAlthough I've now got 3 old/oldish laptops sat doing nothing16:30
hamitronLXDE runs sweet I find16:31
hamitrontbh, my 8100 with lxde, runs better than my c2d with XP on16:31
hamitroncore2 duo16:32
hamitronit is only 2.2ghz though16:32
hamitronhaving said that, the p3 is only 1.2ghz16:33
DJoneshamitron: p3? Is that the 8100, Mine was an Athalon16:33
hamitronDJones: laptop?16:34
DJonesAt least I think it was16:34
hamitronI'm sure16:34
DJonesMight be getting mixed up with my old desktop16:34
hamitronmy Inspiron 8100 has a 1.2ghz p3, and the latitude c810 has a 1.13ghz16:35
hamitronI remember they came with both nvidia and ati cards16:36
hamitronat the time I had to have the top nvidia one, even though the ati had 64mb memory :) nvidia drivers existed \o/16:36
hamitronI sort of worshiped the dell laptops that year, while choosing which to get :/16:37
DJoneshamitron: I was the same, spent weeks picking out the best of the best16:38
hamitronI spent 4 months16:38
oimoni got sent an audit questionnaire for our impending microsoftisation - asking for packages we use..i am sending rpm -qa > packages.txt16:38
hamitronmy first dell sales rep hung up on me after getting sick of me16:38
DJonesDecided since I was paying £2.5K, I wanted to get the most, latest, up to date, longest life etc16:39
DJonesI must dig out my old copy of Deus Ex and try it on this new laptop and see how it goes, it went quickly on the 810016:40
hamitronI'm playing with the idea of getting 2 more16:40
hamitronwe have a round table in the kitchen now, could be good with 4 laptops for some multiplayer gaming16:40
shaunoIs this normal ?   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23042/Screen%20shot%202011-04-08%20at%2016.39.06.png16:41
hamitronold C&C or starcraft16:41
popeyshauno: bug innit16:41
DJoneshamitron: You could play "hearts" on winxp between the four laptops16:42
kazadepopey, where's the bug?16:42
hamitronDJones: haha16:42
kazadeYou mean "File ma" ?16:42
shaunothat's what I mean, atleast16:42
kazadeshauno, it's by design...16:42
kazadeyeah, like 90% sure16:43
* shauno boggles16:44
lubotu3Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P16:44
shaunothis isn't just aversity to change.  I've been using a mac as my main machine for 6 years.  a global menu bar isn't change.16:45
shaunothere is absolutely nothing about that thing that's right16:45
shaunoif I had to narrow it down to anything in specific, it's existance is probably a bug.16:46
shaunothe dock actually doesn't bother me.  I haven't found a pattern to when it thinks it should be on screen or not, but that's probably down to being used to another dock16:47
shaunobut I think kde's implementation of a global menu bar beat that thing 10 years ago.16:48
shaunothat can't be intentional.  the 'file ma' label should be aligned to the same position it is when the windows is maximized.16:51
kazadeshauno, does the label move when the menu is shown then?16:52
shaunoyes.  the window controls (Traffic lights) move to where 'file ma' is, and 'file ma' shifts to the right16:52
shaunoso when the menu autohides (I won't get into mystery meat navigation right now) it doesn't look like it was created by someone who's never seen a global menu before16:53
shaunobut when it's windows, the text label goes back to where the traffic lights were.16:53
shaunouff, *windowed16:53
kazadehmm, I dunno then, that could be a bug16:55
kazadeI know the overlapping label/menu isn't16:55
kazadeit's supposed to appear awkwardly over the end of the label (I think this is partly what MPT complained about a little while ago)16:55
shaunothat's what I can't get straight in my head16:56
shauno"it's meant to be awkward"16:56
kazadeheh, I know shauno, don't even get me started ;)16:57
shaunoif they're going to autohide over the top of it (which they really, really shouldn't), they should atleast be consistent about it16:57
kazadewell, really, they shouldn't be hiding it at all...16:57
kazadegod knows how touch screens are gonna work with that..16:58
shaunothat label is my only point of reference for where the thing that I want to click on but can't see is.  don't move the only point of reference I've got left.16:58
kazadeshauno, https://twitter.com/#!/jonobacon/status/5638529718905651216:58
shauno'file' appearing over the start of the text label is about the only shred of muscle memory that leaves intact.  so they move the label.  gah.16:59
ubuntupopey: hi17:03
ubuntuI was trying to install 10.10 on USB17:05
ubuntukaushal here17:06
=== ubuntu is now known as kaushal
shaunosorry, that wasn't meant to be a rant.  I thought I hadn't managed to apply the default settings properly.  I wasn't expecting "oh, we know".17:06
kaushaldue to which i broke my production laptop17:06
kaushalI get a grub> prompt17:07
bigcalmWe learn a lot by breaking stuff :D17:07
popeykaushal: i suspect you have overwritten your grub bootloader17:09
popeyrather than installing grub on the usb stick17:09
kaushalmy bad17:09
kaushalpopey: i tried to fix it17:10
kaushalPlease guide17:11
shaunohave you taken a run thru https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub  ?17:11
popeykaushal: sorry, i am just packing up and leaving the office now17:11
bigcalmpopey: part timer!17:12
popeyI am working from home from 9pm until sunday lunchtime17:12
popeyand by "working" I mean "watching an rsync in a screen"17:13
bigcalmpopey: Workaholic!17:13
bigcalmOh, fun17:13
popeycopying ~4TB from here...                            to here...17:13
dauberspopey:  over single GigE?17:13
bigcalmBy working you mean playing minecraft while you have a terminal open17:14
davmor2 copying ~4TB from here... 1tb                           to here...17:14
popeyfrom one filer to another17:14
davmor2 copying ~4TB from here...    1tb                        to here...17:14
davmor2 copying ~4TB from here...       1tb                     to here...17:14
davmor2it start to slow in the middle it always does17:15
dauberspopey: Should only take ~10 hours if your drives can sustain saturated GigE17:15
popeyI'm getting ~70MB/s17:16
popeyright, home time.17:16
kaushalshauno: please give me a moment17:18
kaushalpopey: will update you17:18
* kaushal rebooting my laptop 17:18
popeyits fairly easy to fix17:18
kaushalyes it is17:18
bigcalmHas anybody experienced <select>s not working in FireFox? By not working, I mean that clicking on them will not display available options. Using cursor keys does work though to cycle through the options17:20
kaushalshauno: i tried following the steps as mentioned on the recovery grub217:27
kaushalit did not worked :/17:27
kaushali still get the grub> prompt17:27
kaushalpopey: sorry i got rebooted17:28
bigcalmkaushal: he has gone home17:29
kaushaloh ok17:29
kaushali mounted the boot partition17:29
kaushalit gave "No error reported"17:30
kaushalAnything else i am missing ?17:30
AlanBellif anyone has unity questions David Barth, the Desktop Experience Engineering Manager is now doing a Q&A session in #ubuntu-classroom17:32
AlanBelland you can poke him with questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat17:33
AlanBellali1234: MartijnVdS ^^17:33
kaushalAlanBell: ok17:34
kaushalAlanBell: Shall i explain the issue ?17:34
HazRPGwoot! My Arabic recipe got added in Calibre :D17:35
HazRPGscore \o/17:35
kaushalI dont see the latest conversation17:36
HazRPGkaushal: hmm?17:37
kaushalI have by mistake broke my production laptop17:37
kaushalI mean overwritten the bootloader17:38
kaushalfollowed the suggestion as mentioned by shauno17:39
kaushalsudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda17:40
kaushali just got Installation finished. No error reported.17:41
kaushaland rebooted and still get grub >17:41
shaunoI really don't have anything that isn't in the wiki.  I've not touched grub for a loooong time.17:42
kaushalAnyone else can guide me ?17:43
HazRPGI'm lost, what's up exactly?17:47
HazRPGor rather what happened?17:47
kaushalHazRPG: i have overwritten by bootloader on 10.1017:48
kaushalwhile preparing persistence USB stick17:48
kaushalI did followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows17:49
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=== tubadaz_away is now known as tubadaz
kaushalAny clue ?17:49
HazRPGyou say you get a grub promt right?17:51
HazRPGhang on a second17:51
HazRPGdid you just copy and paste exactly was in the wiki?17:52
HazRPGoh, its just because you wrote: kaushal: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda17:52
kaushalAre you asking about the UUID ?17:52
HazRPGwhich is the exact same command as the wiki17:52
kaushalthats the command i follow :)17:52
HazRPGright, so when you typed mount | tail -1, it gave you /media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 ?17:53
kaushalsudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/56c0727a-78fb-4888-9f51-4cd5ca58533b /dev/sda17:54
kaushal/dev/sda1 on /media/56c0727a-78fb-4888-9f51-4cd5ca58533b type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=udisks)17:54
PalaPad_What a day17:54
PalaPad_Am knackered17:54
kaushalInstallation finished. No error reported.17:54
HazRPGkaushal: ah, so you typed the right one for your system... that's okay... hmm17:54
kaushalHazRPG: Anything else i need to do ?17:55
HazRPGdid you check that it was boot partition ?17:55
MartijnVdSFailing police in this town.. you're not allowed to use a bicycle in the main shopping street.17:56
MartijnVdSWhat's the best way to give fines to people who do?17:56
MartijnVdSGo after them on a motorbike of course!17:56
KrimZonbecause unicycles are so much safer17:57
MartijnVdSKrimZon: no, it's just not safe to cycle in a sea of walking people.. common sense17:57
KrimZonoh, it's pedestrianized17:57
HazRPGkaushal: hmm...17:58
AlanBellMartijnVdS: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRfluaMKoOY17:59
AlanBellooh heck, bit more nsfw than I thought17:59
MartijnVdSAlanBell: he sounds more northern english than dutch :)18:00
kaushalHazRPG: Anything else to be done ?18:01
HazRPGkaushal: erm...18:02
HazRPGat the grub prompt try this18:02
HazRPGroot (hd18:02
HazRPGbut don't hit enter!18:02
HazRPGpress tab18:02
HazRPGit should show you a list18:02
HazRPGor it might just put in a 018:02
MartijnVdStime to add some RAM, brb18:03
HazRPGif you get a list, pick one of the hard drives by typing a number in18:04
HazRPG(from the list)18:04
HazRPGthen put a comma, and then tab again18:04
HazRPGthe first number is the hard drive18:05
HazRPGand the second number is the partition18:05
HazRPGactually, hang on... I'll see if I can find a site with this info on18:06
kaushalroot (hd0,1) setup (hd0,1)  ?18:06
kaushalif boot is /dev/sda1 ?18:06
HazRPGno, /dev/sda1 would be root(hd0,0)18:07
HazRPGbecause sda# usually starts with 118:07
kaushalHazRPG: will try it and update you18:08
kaushalplease give me a moment18:08
bigcalmHave a good weekend everybody :)18:08
HazRPGkaushal: here, I've found this site with some better instructions :) http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.php?act=ST&f=14&t=502518:08
HazRPGbigcalm: you off for the weekend or something?18:08
MartijnVdS\o/ 8GB18:09
bigcalmHazRPG: it's that time of the week again :)18:10
HazRPGkaushal: if you follow that guide and can boot ubuntu back up, type in "sudo update-grub2" inside of ubuntu18:13
MartijnVdSdirecthex: How did that work? Dropping banshee CPU usage by that much?18:44
directhexMartijnVdS: short version: a major reduction in the frequency with which the "now playing" text label is refreshed. it was several times per second before. next thing is to make it not update whilst minimized18:50
MartijnVdSdirecthex: ooh..18:50
davmor2MartijnVdS: nice timing with the ooh I'm currently listening to war of the worlds :D18:51
MartijnVdSdavmor2: don't tell the Wokingites :P18:54
davmor2Mayberry hill18:54
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popeyevening all18:58
MartijnVdSevening popeyman18:59
davmor2morning popey19:15
Seeker`bah, I want to be able to sit and watch TV on a friday evening, not have to fight with X -_-19:38
Seeker`Hey, my pc has just failed to start X, using nvidia propietry drivers. Message in /var/log/Xorg.0.log is "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA graphics device PCI:2:0:0", and the /var/log/kern.log file seems to suggest that "RmInitAdapter failed! (0x26:0xffffffff:1028)", although the first item that looks like a "fail" is "vmap allocation for size 16781312 failed: user vmalloc=<size> to increase size" <- if anyone has any bright ideas19:40
gordSeeker`, try nouvou maybe?19:47
gordreally, if the nvidia driver fails you just have to shrug and go "okay"19:47
Seeker`fixed it19:48
* gord claps19:48
AzelphurJust did an update on natty, now I'm having issues with software sticky middle click, anyone else getting this?19:49
* Azelphur pokes popey19:57
gordsoftware sticky middle click?20:06
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Azelphurgord if you press and release middle click, it only sends a keydown event20:09
Azelphurpress and release again, it sends the keyup20:09
Azelphurso middle click is like a toggle switch now :s20:09
Azelphurreally annoying breaks compiz rotate and my mouse gestures and paste :/20:10
Azelphurindeed \o/20:10
gordAzelphur, eh? weird20:11
Azelphurindeed, fun.20:11
gordi can't confirm that here20:11
Azelphurgord done a natty update and an X restart today? :p20:12
gordi did an update20:13
gordoh yes and a restart20:13
Azelphurit just hates me personally then :D20:13
AlanBello/ daubers21:26
daubersQuiet around here this evening isn't it21:29
Pendulumit is quiet today21:36
* Laney bangs some pots21:36
* AlanBell looks at lots of c++21:37
daubersAlanBell: Urgh21:38
daubersAlanBell: Thats not good for you you know21:38
AlanBellwho thought writing compiz in something other than python was a good idea?21:39
daubersheh, what're you trying to break in compiz?21:40
* popey ponders minecraft21:41
Seeker`AlanBell: Fancy taking a look at my C instead?21:41
dauberspopey: I'm considering whether now is the right time to turn left towards rapture21:42
daubersMight go forward another six blocks firts21:42
AlanBelldaubers: trying to get ezoom plugin to follow the text cursor21:43
AlanBellI know how orca magnifier does it in python21:44
AlanBelljust need to do the same in C++, register for at-spi events and get the coordinates and move to them21:44
daubersDoesn't sound it21:44
AlanBellif only I knew c++21:45
daubersHaving spent the whole day compiling stuff, I think I can easily say tha all compiled languages are evil21:45
AlanBellyeah, I haven't quite figured that bit out yet21:45
AlanBellI managed to do it by dpkg-buildpackage then install the resulting deb21:46
AlanBellhowever that is really slow, I just want to compile one little cpp file each time I edit it21:46
* hamitron will use everything compiled and let daubers just use the scripted stuff21:46
daubershamitron: I'm having to move more and more stuff into compiled languages lately for the performance :(21:47
hamitrondaubers: good :)21:48
hamitronlook at it as your part for saving the planet \o/21:48
daubershamitron: By saving GHz?21:49
AlanBellmeh to that21:49
daubersOh, anyone know a good textbook that talks about binary diffing?21:49
AlanBellalmost always the algorithm counts for much much more than the interpreted vs compiled difference21:49
hamitrondaubers: yeh, less speed can equal less need for power :)21:50
daubersAlanBell: I've tested some of it in both :) Compiling it definatley helped21:50
AlanBellyeah, but if you have a compiled routine that touches the disk once more per loop than an interpreted one then the interpreted one will win21:51
daubersMost of the time I'm trying to _stop_ it touching the disk21:51
hamitronAlanBell: that is really using an unfair comparison to make scripts look good ;/21:51
hamitronlike for like, compiled code is "better"21:52
daubersAlanBell: Also, in the box that this is for, disk isn't too much of a bottleneck :)21:52
AlanBellhamitron: sure, my point is that the algorithm is more important than the language21:52
hamitronAlanBell: I'll accept that :)21:53
daubersOooh, didn't notice the ubuntu circle of friends doodah goes blue when an appliction wants your attention22:03
czajkowskidaubers: aye I find it an odd choice of colour22:03
daubersczajkowski: \o/22:04
daubersHows your back?22:04
hamitrona hot colour would be nicer?22:04
czajkowskidaubers: getting there slwoly but surely22:04
czajkowskia week of resting sleeping and not being online has helped a lot22:04
daubersczajkowski: My wifes cousin was rushed to surgery today to sort a slipped disk!22:04
daubersczajkowski: Really do take it easy.22:05
czajkowskithat's one of my greatest fears22:05
czajkowskisurgey on my back22:05
czajkowskiit has only a 50/50 chance of success22:05
daubersczajkowski: My boss has a slipped disk that can't be moved as it's pressing on some nerver or other, his dad has the same22:05
czajkowskidaubers: yup I'd need a neurosurgeon to operate on mine22:05
czajkowskias nerve is caught down my left leg22:06
daubersczajkowski: Ick22:06
daubersczajkowski: Well, don't go breaking yourself!22:08
czajkowskino intention of22:08
czajkowskireason I've been offline and restging this week22:08
czajkowskistayed in london and slept22:08
dauberswell, 'cept the first bit of that sentence22:09
daubersstayinh in london is more of punishment22:09
czajkowskinah it was all good22:09
popeyAzelphur: you about? i have a steam question22:38
popeyAzelphur: had problems where you cant logon to steam, try to reset pw and it wont accept it?22:51
Azelphurpopey: try doing it from steamcommunity.com ?22:52
popeyi havent22:52
AzelphurI do have an issue where it stalls at logging in for anywhere up to 48 hours22:52
popeyits asking for a code22:53
popeyah, i have mail22:53
popeyso i have logged in via the website now..22:53
popeywonder why i couldn't with the client22:53
popeybut i cant login with the client now...bah22:54
Azelphurpopey: does it hang?22:55
popeyno, it just goes back to the logon screen22:55
Azelphurno error?22:55
popeyhah, now its updating22:55
popeysorted, seems like the steam guard thing is new?22:58
popeynew since i last used it22:58
Azelphurpopey: yep22:58
Azelphurpopey: they are quite proud of it and did a press release where gabe newell told everyone his password22:58
Azelphurmyself, I think it's irritating and turned it off :D22:58
directhexi turned it off too23:31
directhexand the release version is not gabe's version23:31
directhexgabe runs a steam beta which uses intel's cpu-based drm23:31
directhexthe normal version isn't as smart23:31
Seeker`so, should I get minecraft?23:35
hamitronbad for your health unless you are strong minded23:36
Seeker`well, I managed to quit WoW cold turkey23:36
hamitronif you can do that when needed, should be safe23:37
hamitronI'll be making a minecraft comeback soon23:38
hamitronI've been playing too much Hearts of Iron23:40
Seeker`bah, can't buy it :( servers busy :(23:41
popeyworks fine here23:42
hamitronI'm still annoyed it won't work with synergy23:43
hamitronon the client comps anyway23:43
Seeker`"Too many concurrent Sessions. Please try again later"23:44
popeySeeker`: what url?23:44
Seeker`then I enter my payment details, and the next page is "too many.."23:46
hamitronner ner ;)23:47
mattiI can't play 1080p ;/23:47
Seeker`you only have 1080p?23:47
directhexpress f11?23:47
MartijnVdSI set up va-api (in vlc), now I can do 1080p23:49
Seeker`aha, got it23:49
mattiIt is tha my load average goes through the roof with 1080p23:51
mattiI guess some code(s) are not the most performent ones.23:51
mattiChillies were hot ;]23:52

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