[03:16] hi all im in ubuntu but searching help on irc about modifying windows system files fro ubuntu hopefully from someone familiar with a windows shell called litestep [03:16] i meant im in pa, not ubuntu [03:21] lol [03:22] anyone around? [03:22] whats up? [03:22] im new here but I am around [03:23] lol [03:23] u usin 11.04 yet? [03:23] nah, 10.10 here for now [03:24] cool, i like to have xchat go to my tray [03:24] but in 11.04 w/unity [03:24] trayed apps disappear [03:24] :( [03:25] yeah, I havent even tested unity yet [03:25] hope a fix/workaround comes out soon [03:25] shame on me [03:25] lol [03:25] Im just not buying the hype yet [03:25] maybe once I get it on a box [03:25] i'm trying to be open minded [03:25] but.... [03:25] tried to put it on my eee but it failed (bad burn) [03:26] so meh [03:26] so far like the classic gnome [03:26] lol [03:26] i hve it on an asus 1005hab [03:27] it would be really cool w/a touch screen tablet [03:44] yay! figured it out! [13:14] morning! friday :D [13:15] morning [13:16] hey mhall119, do you like unity? [13:17] It's nice, I can probably adjust [13:17] either that or I'll switch to Xfce [13:17] yea, i'm trying to give it a good try [13:17] or maybe it's time I get snobbish and switch to FluxBox [13:17] lol [13:18] there's been an amazing about of work done to Unity in 6 months [13:18] I'm sure it'll be even more polished by 11.10 [13:18] but there's still some parts that don't feel natural to me [13:19] the dash, specifically, doesn't feel useful at all [13:19] yea i feel the same [13:19] i did not like that xchat would disappear in the tray but i fixed it by white listing it [13:19] nobody's made an xchat message indicator yet? [13:20] guess not [13:20] after the white listing it shows up right [13:20] try apt-get install xchat-indicator [13:20] drop box too [13:20] ohh ok [13:20] yeah, Unity is trying to do away with systray, and move everything to indicators [13:21] xchat-indicator should put an xchat entry into the messaging icon's menu [13:21] do you know why? logically. [13:22] ill try the xchat-indicator tonight when i get back home to my 11.04 [13:37] I've been forcing myself to use Unity, but I feel relieved when I come into work and have Gnome 2 available for me again. [13:37] that sums up how i feel [13:38] i'm only running it on my asus netbook now [13:39] I really like to see the Software Center continue to improve. I'd like to see them put all the functionality of Synaptic and update-manager in there and then remove them. [13:55] maxolasersquad, i agree [14:19] munz_werk__: from what I hear, the systray was always an ugly hack [14:19] ok [14:22] I've discovered that I am starting to be annoyed evertime something decides to put itself in the systray. [14:22] Dropbox and easystroke are the two that I have demanding a presence in the systray. [14:24] yea, normally dont like a bunch of stuff in the tray but i do like to hit the x on xchat and have it go to the tray [14:25] that was my only issue w/it === bleeber is now known as bleeber_away [15:53] Has anyone tried the BETA yet? [15:54] I can't get it to boot [15:59] yea, i did not have any issues booting [16:00] whats it doin? [16:00] I'm trying to run it in VBox [16:00] hangs after the ubuntu with dots screen [16:00] ohh ok, i installed on physical asus eee [16:01] enough mem & processor allocated and such? [16:02] latest vr of vbox? [16:02] I imagine. half gig of ram? [16:02] should be [16:04] the beta of? [16:04] hmmmm... [16:05] Natty [16:06] tiemonster, check this out http://askubuntu.com/questions/33470/compiling-vboxdrv-virtualbox-4-on-natty-beta-1 [16:06] you may need to update [16:06] wait i read that wrong nm [16:07] ah yeah - I did install guest extensions. forgot about that. [16:09] I'll just wait for the release [16:09] cool [16:10] I just wanted to play with Unity [16:10] yea, i'v been trying to like it [16:11] not sure yet, but atleast i can use "ubuntu classic" if i endup disliking it [16:11] for day-to-day operations, I have a hard policy of only running LTS releases [16:12] good policy [16:13] im 10.04 @ work, home server, and main laptop, my eee is 10.10 and 11.04 [16:16] dont think i had any complaints about 10.10, but 11.04 and unity.... not sure [16:30] munz_werk__: use it consistently for a week before you make any final judgement [16:30] also, they just landed a bunch of fixes and features last night [16:35] mhall119, thats my goal, i dont want to be that guy that hates it b/c its different so i plan on using it at the least till after the RC [16:35] i also keep updating daily [16:35] to stay fresh :) [16:36] munz_werk__: there won't be an RC this cycle [16:36] beta is out, the next milestone is the final release [16:36] ok [16:37] then i will run at least till after final release :) [16:37] I'm loving 11.04 [16:37] I keep looking for the maximize button on the left-hand side in Windows ;-) [16:37] tiemonster: it's still there [16:37] oh, in MS Windows [16:37] lol [16:38] yeah, I did that too [16:38] yeah - I run Win 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 side-by-side [16:39] Funny how everyone is used to it now, and not to long ago it was all "shuttleworth eats babies because of buttons on the left" and all. [16:39] lol [16:39] lol [16:39] I've actually found that I use keyboard shortcuts now [16:39] the unity shortcuts? [16:40] regular metacity/compiz shortcuts [16:40] which still work in Unity [16:40] I'm really liking meta+[number]. It has mostly replaced alt-tab for me. [16:41] the one thing I don't like is super+T [16:41] what does that do? [16:41] opens the trash [16:41] but I've had it set to open terminal for a couple of years now [16:42] I've got one of those drop-down terminals, and have it set to the menu key [16:49] The super button is broken in Unity because it can only be used for the sidebar. [16:49] I am so used to using super+spacebar to open gnome-do. [16:49] And always so sad when nothing happens. [16:50] COOOOOL super key shortcuts are cool :) [16:51] is there a guide or some such? [16:53] munz_werk__: In Natty or before? [16:53] natty [16:54] never really used those shortcuts before [16:54] http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-ubuntu-unity-keyboard-shortcuts.html [16:54] With Unity just hit Super and then the number of the application on the left. [16:54] I think that's all there is to it. [16:54] there is more [16:55] Alt-F2 has much of the gnome-do functionality. I'd like to see it have all of the functionality. === bleeber_away is now known as bleeber [16:55] I've uninstalled gnome-do since upgrading. [16:56] Cool, thanks crashsystems. [16:56] cool crashsystems that was what i was looking for [17:14] tiemonster: I have the same policy. My work machine, primary home machine, and home pc at home are on 10.04. My laptop is on 11.04. My daughter's machine is on 10.10. [17:28] I found a machine the other day running 8.04. Old trusty. [17:28] server, though. big difference. [17:29] I was in Microcenter (local large electronics store) last week and saw one of their employee workstations running Ubuntu 10.04 desktop. [17:39] where are you crashsystems? [17:39] santa clara, california [17:39] cool [17:40] i love cali [17:40] hows the job market in santa clara [17:40] I'm prefering it to North florida, thats for sure [17:41] not sure. I've not really looked [17:41] what do you do web dev? [17:41] web application security [17:41] aka I find the mistakes that web devs make [17:41] lol [17:42] how long you been out there? [17:42] I started mid november [17:42] you like it? [17:42] yep [17:43] cool [17:43] i want to move out there [17:45] there are a number of people from the florida team who have moved out here [17:46] i noticed a few [17:46] did you find the job then move? [17:47] well, 'find' is not quite the word I would choose, but yes. [17:47] I had been looking for a job, and a friend who recently had gotten a job here told me about it and gave the department manager my resume. [17:52] cool [17:53] i want to make it out there but im not web dev or app sec [17:53] general it net admin [17:53] deal w/ms crap virusses [17:53] everything not web [17:53] sometimes light html