[03:37] rick_h__: .... and i've gone intel 510 [03:37] the vertex 3 doesn't look /that/ much faster + reliability. [04:19] Night [12:38] hmmm, do I need the regexp book on the deal today? [13:10] ugh, how did 1am become the new 4am [13:10] too old [13:12] 1am? [13:12] that's how [13:13] i'm dead if i stay up past 11pm [13:26] no need for regexp book, master them yourself. [13:26] although an advanced pocket ref would be nice for stuff like zero width look ahead assertion rules that I can never remember [13:27] jrwren: THis is the Mastering REgular Expressions book from O'Reilly [13:27] I'm not sure how you can really master regexes without this book [13:28] http://twitter.com/OReillyMedia/status/56247625053241344 [13:28] take a good comp theory course and understand regular languages. [13:29] or read a book [13:29] books ftw [13:30] much cheaper than courses [13:30] and easier than understanding [13:31] lol [13:34] now I want to read the book just to see if I get anything out of it and if it really truely covers mastery. [13:37] I just have the pocket reference :-) [13:37] ...and I certainly don't claim mastery. [13:53] jrwren: You should write a recipe book [13:53] "How to bake a cake, by jrwren" [13:53] "First, start with a cake" [13:54] "Then, you're done" [13:55] Short book. [13:56] pad it with a lot of pictures [13:56] and coupons for cakes [14:04] <_stink__> rick_h__: oh no, that early? [14:04] * rick_h__ zombie today [14:05] <_stink__> yikes [14:05] <_stink__> /dcc rick_h__ caffeine-stream [14:06] but good day, hard drives are by the door, 3 install mediums for ubuntu server on hand [14:06] and desktop is set back up and ready for testing bookie galore [14:06] <_stink__> o/ [14:08] bookie galore? is that the premium version? [14:09] hah, yea [14:10] no, just the EC2 instance isn't up for the task of jenkins with 3 builds for each push [14:30] LOL. Just got an e-mail from a friend of mine... [14:30] "Did a little poking around on Identica last night. Not only is the traffic very light there, as you noted, the people there are all mentally disturbed. The FOSS community needs teams of specialists to provide them with the kind of mental care that they need." [14:30] <_stink__> hah [14:32] wolfger: Any community of creative folks is one breakdown in need of a shrink [14:34] hmmm, so my 10.04 server install installed gnome and booted to it? [14:34] So says one of those mentally disturbed Identica people... :-D [14:34] I didn't see that coming [14:35] <_stink__> rick_h__: that's strange. it's been since maybe 8.04 that i did a server install, but that didn't happen then. [14:35] yea, I mean it was a nice text installer [14:36] nvm, wrong disk ugh [14:36] bah, msised it put it int he downloads folder vs home dir [14:37] rick_h__: I've never seen that before [14:38] rick_h__: Do you need a server USB key? [14:38] snap-l: no, all good. I just did the second download on the wife's machine and assumed it went into home vs downloads [14:38] rick_h__ needs a caffeine drip [14:38] but home already had an old alt-isntall download [14:38] <_stink__> hehe [14:38] I'll make one just in case. :) [14:39] oh well, desktop install can be a desktop install [14:39] bah, except it was 32bit install. Ok, a reinstall in my future [14:41] rick_h__: amd64? [14:41] yea, all good man [14:41] making new cds [14:41] the usb should be good since I made them on my laptop [14:43] I'm making a 10.04 AMD64 server key if you need it. :) [14:43] lol, thanks, but will have two usb and 2 cds so hopefully be good [14:57] snap-l: i hate recipe books. [14:57] snap-l: but I really don't know what you are talking about. [14:57] what is the name of that html/js toolkit that is open source and has closed source extensions owned and run by telerik? [15:08] jrwren: You say that the best way to learn regex is to first learn computer theory and languages. [15:09] i never said that. [15:09] "master them yourself" is waht I said. [15:09] 08:28 < jrwren> take a good comp theory course and understand regular languages. [15:09] to get to mastery. [15:10] its a great way to get from intermediate competency to mastery. [15:10] To become a zen master, first master zen [15:11] Dreyfus model of skill acquisition is fairly well known and understood. [15:14] Maybe we need more jrwrens in this world. ;) [15:15] please god no. [15:21] snap-l: well, that *IS* the path to zen mastery [15:21] what is? [15:22] mastering zen [15:22] [10:10] To become a zen master, first master zen [15:29] http://ubuntuone.com/p/lce/ [15:30] <_stink__> hah [16:19] God, I wish Perl had virtualenv [16:19] cpan is such a miserable piece of shit [16:25] I hate that government is only going to selectively shut down [16:26] congressmen will still get paid [16:26] they won't issue passports, but they will keep the TSA running [16:26] glaring problems with pypi just the same [16:26] wolfger: Oh, you didn't realize that congress gets to be selective? [16:26] snap-l: just voicing my displeasure [16:26] they're doing it all wrong [16:26] haha, I just sent my passport in for renewal last week [16:27] congress and the TSA should be the first service to go. They do no good. [16:27] the only reason I don't care if the gov shuts down [16:28] now now now, t's only the public-facing pieces of the government that shut down [16:28] services for the people shut down, not the self-servicing services. [16:28] yes. Everything *useful* shuts down. [16:28] if the government shuts down, I presume this means laws are voided. Time to stock up on assault weapons. [16:28] silly wolfger, if congress shut down, would anyone care? [16:28] I'd care. [16:28] you have to care to celebrate [16:28] yeah, total anarchy, start hording [16:29] ColonelPanic001: you beat me to it [16:29] \o/ [16:29] me ++ [16:29] I'll get to read my books by the bonfires [16:29] indeed [16:30] IMO, federal govt can go cram itself into the BP oil well [16:30] solve two problems at once [16:30] Perhaps congress could take up music lessons so they can do a proper fiddling like Nero while the American experiment fails like Rome did. [16:30] snap-l++ [16:31] on another note, an email just told me that tryouts for the cheerleading squad here are soon [16:31] * ColonelPanic001 checks calendar [16:32] You have a cheerleading squad? No fair. [16:32] * wolfger wants a cheerleading squad [16:33] work at a university. :) [16:33] ah, the benefits of academia :-) [16:42] lol, awesome, taking these 200gb drives out of this server [16:42] with a 160gb boot woot [16:49] rick_h__: You had a 160GB boot drive? [16:50] yea [16:50] and three 200gb disks in raid 5 [16:51] well by boot I mean /boot and /home [16:51] just funny that my laptop ssd is as big as this server drive from the past [16:51] Ah, OK [17:26] I love reading old books on WSDL: [17:26] "Because of the relatively young age of WSDL as an accepted technology, the mod- [17:26] ules and tools available to develop Perl applications with it or based on it are still [17:27] somewhat scarce [17:30] I can tell you that from 2003-2011, only the age of WSDL has changed. [17:35] holy shit, there's a program for perl called stubmaker that generates the code for you [17:36] wonder how well supported it is [17:37] We'll find out. :) [17:47] unless you are in java or .net land, then there is an insane abundance of wsdl tools. [20:01] snap-l: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWac5UT80no&feature=related [20:25] jcastro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chiVMrWMHko [20:51] I can think of few things that are more miserable than dealing with SOAP [20:51] SOAP/WSDL [20:53] holy crap. i ordered a tablet from tigerdirect yesterday at 3:45PM and it was delivered today at 1:50PM using ups ground shipping [20:53] Nice! [20:53] Was that the Archos? [20:53] yeah [20:53] AWesome. I'm looking forward to seeing it next time we meet up [20:54] with the current crop of roms i can make it a video-playing tablet with android 1.5 or a more full-featured tablet without video using android 2.1 [20:54] there may even be a linux distro for it [20:56] http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/ [20:56] heh, very cool! [20:57] has anyone attempted to get minecraft working on android yet? Its an application wirtten in java and seems like it's be a good game to have on a tablet [20:59] Not sure. It beats up my laptop with integrated graphics, though. [20:59] So I'm not sure how it would fair on a tablet. Probably require quite a bit of rework. [21:38] God, who the fuck legitimized using pretty quotes in code samples? [21:40] No one? [21:40] o.O [21:41] wordpress? [22:26] How does anyone get anything done in Java? [22:29] Trying to find a fucking jar file is just fucking impossible [22:30] and downloading eclipse is just fucking frustrating [22:30] Eclipse IDE for two pepole who give a flying fuck about flying fucking [22:32] http://ubuntuone.com/p/lft/ <- fuck me [22:53] damn easy rom install [22:54] copy image file to root, reboot