
sethlyhey all02:25
Unit193U-H is now over... (started later)02:29
Unit193Hello sethly!02:29
sethlyhi :)02:29
Unit193Shell hosting with Ubuntu!: http://www.nvita.org/free-shells.aspx02:35
dmcgloneHiya Pals02:49
* Unit193 runs02:49
dmcglonelater gator.. ;-)02:50
Unit193Hello dmcglone02:50
Cheri703hey dmcglone02:50
dmcgloneHow's that data coming along Cheri703?02:51
dmcgloneUnit193: figure out your problem yet?02:51
Cheri703slow, have a ton of stuff going on! it's on my list!02:51
dmcgloneI know the feeling :-/02:52
dmcgloneI asked a couple clients for testimonials today02:53
Unit193dmcglone: I have many problems ;)02:53
dmcgloneI feel ya Unit193 I take crazy pills for mine ;-)02:54
Unit193dmcglone: It's really crapped, I'm going to be lucky if I can even get data off the HDD02:54
dmcglonecan you use command line to backup02:55
Cheri703Unit193: can you plug the hdd in to another computer?02:55
Unit193dmcglone: Things took a turn for the worse...02:55
Unit193Cheri703: LiveCD hung on mount02:55
Cheri703I have an adapter that makes it a usb drive02:55
Unit193So do I... Lubuntu didn't see it (never used the device on that computer)02:56
Cheri703try it on another?02:57
dmcgloneUnit193: why are you using Lubuntu or Xubuntu?02:58
Unit193dmcglone: Why are you using Ubuntu?02:58
dmcgloneLOL I'm just asking if there is a perticular reason02:59
Unit193The lubuntu box can only mostly handle Lubuntu02:59
dmcgloneis there a big difference between the 2?02:59
Unit193L and X? heck yeah! Ubuntu and Xubuntu have more in common...03:00
dmcgloneI just thought that they were Ubuntu with different apps installed by default03:01
Unit193Xubuntu uses XFCE by default (not Gnome) Lubuntu uses LXDE03:01
Cheri703same as how kubuntu uses kde instead of gnome03:01
* Unit193 is waiting 'til 11.04 to reinstall *ubuntu on main03:02
Unit193I don't know if I'm going with X or K, I like both03:02
dmcglonethis begs the question, whatever happened to lindows?03:04
dmcglonelast I heard they had to change their name, but don't remember what they changed it to03:05
dmcglonethat was like 8 or so years ago03:05
dmcgloneAh it's Linspire03:06
Unit193Cheri703: Can you plug the IDE to SATA in after boot?03:06
Cheri703uhm, no03:06
Cheri703not that I'm aware of03:06
Unit193Sorry, IDE/SATA to USB03:06
Cheri703why would you need to do it after boot?03:06
Cheri703yeah, you can plug the usb in after boot03:07
dmcgloneUSB is "hot swappable"03:07
Unit193Yeah, was just making sure Ubuntu would detect it...03:08
dmcgloneIt should03:08
Unit193sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit > http://paste.ubuntu.com/591057/03:12
dmcgloneOk all, I'm out.03:22
dmcgloneI'll catch you all later03:22
Unit193dmcglone: Have a nice night03:22
dmcgloneU too Unit19303:23
canthus13Unit193: Reinstalled your box yet?03:36
Unit193canthus13: No, I need data off the HDD first, and I can't seem to read it (I'm starting to think bad HD)03:37
canthus13Unit193: double-bag it in freezer bags after it cools down. then freeze it overnight and try to grab as much off the drive as you can.03:38
Unit193canthus13: That was my next plan03:38
Unit193Thanks for the idea anyway03:38
Unit193I hope to get all of /home and maybe some of /etc03:51
Unit193canthus13: If you had to guess, how long do you think a freezer would give you?03:56
canthus13Unit193: Eleventy-seven minutes.04:58
canthus13Seriously, though, It all depends on the drive.04:58
BiosElementYa know, mediawiki is a mess but it brings me comfort at times07:58
BiosElementWhen designing my own wiki system, I ran into a pretty big design bug where example.com/pagename?rev=3 would not actually be the third revision for the 'page' but the third revision of all pages on the site.07:58
BiosElementHere I was trying to think of a fancy solution, and I came up with a couple. Then I wonder what wikipedia does about it since I'm sure they're smarter then me07:59
BiosElementAnswer: Nothing at all, their revision id's are a mess.07:59
canthus13Ooo... http://www.ugo.com/the-goods/smell-even-more-like-bacon-with-bacon-cologne16:29
* Derath-Srvr smirks16:42
Derath-SrvrThat would drive me insane... would be hungry all day16:43
thafreakAfternoon ohio19:53
thafreakFinally got around to trying out crunchbang on my netbook...19:53
thafreakI'm liking it19:53
thafreakcourse, I was running fluxbox on lucid on it prior...so it's obviously not too minimalistic for me :)19:54
Unit193thafreak: Sounds great! You're using the Openbox version?19:58
thafreakit's nice...20:11
Unit193Switching to debian now? ;)20:11
thafreakeh, I've typically always had something debian somewhere...20:12
thafreakbut yeah, I kind of like how some projects are shifting to rolling releases using debian...20:12
thafreakmint debian edition is nice too20:12
Unit193I have tried some of the Mints, haven't tried that one yet...20:13
thafreakhmmm...I was almost impressed20:15
thafreakI inserted an encrypted SD card...and it prompted me for the password to mount it20:15
thafreakit didn't work...but it's close20:15
Unit193With the *ubuntus, I have to install the getdeb + launchpad repos20:16
Derath-SrvrHey freak, Unit20:23
Unit193Hello Derath-Srvr! how was/is work?20:24
thafreakhey Derath-Srvr20:24
Derath-SrvrGetting there...20:24
Derath-SrvrBeen wondering if it's possible to corrupt a VBox snapshot by loading it too many times20:24
Derath-SrvrAnd ya know, I wish there was a "Keep Above/Keep Below" option in Aero... getting tired of not having that20:25
Derath-Srvrhas anyone ACTUALLY heard from spwelton in the last couple months?20:26
* Unit193 only talks to people on here20:28
Derath-SrvrOnly wonder to see if he's still doing Ubuntu Hours... I emailed him and still haven't heard bac20:30
Unit193Last seen  : Jan 13 02:11:29 2011 (12 weeks, 1 day, 17:21:11 ago)20:33
Unit193^^ last freenode login with his user20:33
* Derath-Srvr smirks20:33
Unit193You're not any type of ReLoCo lead?20:34
Derath-SrvrFor Dayton...20:34
Derath-SrvrBut can't say that I've actually run one... also seems like there are only about 2-3 users in the LoCo that are in my region20:35
Unit193Doesn't say on: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/reloco20:35
Derath-SrvrThere's a lot more in my LUG20:35
Derath-SrvrYeah I checked that, and I've been removed from Dayton...20:35
BiosElementGnome really needs to throw out some loose cannon 'volunteers' who think they're helping. :|20:35
Derath-SrvrOh well, no loss there20:36
Unit193Derath-Srvr: AFAIK leads just show up and make sure everyone is nice20:36
* Derath-Srvr shrugs20:37
Unit193The Ubuntu Hour I go to isn't even on there...20:38
Derath-SrvrHmm... wonder when we'll start the planning for OLF this year, and is it going to be on me again20:42
thafreakHow does the name "Logix Labs" sound?20:43
thafreaka company20:43
Derath-SrvrPurpose of company?20:43
thafreakcool stuff20:44
thafreakdevelopment of solutions20:44
thafreakto problems20:44
Derath-SrvrSales? (Product selling?) Services? etc...20:44
thafreakthat's some one else's problem20:44
Derath-SrvrSo services then...20:44
Derath-SrvrNot bad...20:45
thafreakservices...that's also some one elses problem :)20:45
Derath-SrvrDevelopment == services20:45
Derath-SrvrI was trying to figure if the name of the company fit what you wanted the company to do20:45
BiosElementOut of curiosity, would anyone care for a convore group? It might be a tad more useful for planning events then a mailing list.20:46
* Derath-Srvr shrugs20:46
thafreaknah, development is not necessarily a service20:47
thafreakthis is more of an incubator...20:47
thafreakfor awesomeness20:47
Derath-SrvrChanging the business model on the fly? lol20:47
thafreaknot programmers for higher20:47
thafreaknah, just developing ideas...20:48
Derath-SrvrOkay, if incubator, it's good... if you're "providing" development work for people, then it's good, but not best...20:48
thafreaksome one else can figure out how to make money with them...20:48
Cheri703 sort of like eureka mansion is/was?20:48
thafreaklike the bell labs of old20:48
* Cheri703 toured eureka mansion YEARS ago with a gifted kid group20:49
Cheri703was SWEET20:49
thafreakwait...this is a place?20:50
Cheri703it's now "eureka ranch"20:50
Cheri703it was so freaking cool20:51
Cheri703this was at least 12 years ago20:51
thafreaksoo....what do they do20:51
Cheri703it's in newtown ohio20:51
Cheri703it's an "idea" place20:52
Cheri703at least when I was there, they had rooms full of things to jog imagination and help you look at things differently20:52
Cheri703look at the site :)20:52
Cheri703yeah, so it was pre-1997 when I was there20:52
thafreaktoo much going on the site...couldn't focus...20:53
Derath-SrvrAnd Hi Cheri20:53
Cheri703hi Derath-Srvr20:54
Derath-Srvrgilbert, could you get in contact with me when you can? I have a question for you20:54
Derath-Srvrhope he's got a screen session going or something lol20:55
Cheri703ah, yes, gilbert I also have a question for you :)20:55
Cheri703or BiosElement if you're around21:01
BiosElementJust ask heh21:08
Cheri703can someone update the ReLoCo page? mansfield's has been happening since december and we're not listed :(21:09
BiosElementcanthus13: Don't you have ReLoCo access?21:09
Unit193Doesn't Jacob run the site?21:10
Cheri703I mean on the main website21:10
BiosElementNot sure21:10
* BiosElement is going to eat, nag me if it's not done when I get back21:10
Unit193Are they still having U-H in Akron?21:19
thafreakDunno, I haven't been to one in akron for a while21:31
canthus13BiosElement: I have no idea.21:33
canthus13BiosElement: I have access to the google calendar, but I don't think I can update the page.21:34
Derath-Srvrheading home... laters21:57
Unit193Have a nice one Derath-Srvr!21:57
Cheri703Oh, so...I figure I'll toss this up in here, with the MAJOR disclaimer that I COMPLETELY understand if you look and say "HA, NO" and apologies in advance if you think it's crappy of me to do so: http://cheri703.chipin.com/uds-stuff22:01
canthus13Cheri703: I think I posted that drive last night... pretty funny stuff.  I've gotten one of those looped thumb drives before.  I was lucky.. Mine was a 4gb masquerading as a 16gb.22:24
* canthus13 fixed it with the HP flash drive tool.22:24
Cheri703\o/ I win!22:48
* Cheri703 used the word "Blargh" as the dual factor authorization word for new online banking thing :)22:49
Cheri703had to be at least 6 characters22:49
Cheri703that was the first thing that came to mind22:49
canthus13That's awesome. :)22:51
Cheri703so now every time I log on, it will have an image of the word Blargh :)22:51
Cheri703and I will chuckle22:51
* Cheri703 is far too amused by this22:51
canthus13Simple pleasures... :)22:52
Unit193After the drive is in the freezer for a long time, do you just pull it out and plug it in?22:58
=== peppermint is now known as rokkett77
Unit193Hello rokkett7723:45
rokkett77heloo all23:51
rokkett77hello that is23:51

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