
cyberangerwrst: what was what00:13
cyberangerno clue00:13
cyberangerrough day00:13
wrstha ha ok... strange question00:15
* cyberanger has his demons, and knows actions speak louder than words, if I'm that pissed (long long time ago I had that rage) skip cussing, just knock some teeth loose00:15
cyberangerI can't think of knowing a brandon that well, memphis ip too00:16
cyberangerso I must presume trying to blow off steam, and not at the source of it (lest the pot continue to boil over)00:17
wrstyes blowing steam is a good thing, i think you will love as in hate that screenshot :)00:17
cyberangerthere's a saying, he who seeks revenge must dig two graves00:20
cyberangerand at wildneress school, I knew somebody who took that to heart00:20
cyberangerdug and dug and dug00:20
wrstoh my00:20
cyberangernever acted out his revenge (and it wasn't a literal grave) and it settled his rage00:21
cyberangerit took him time todo, time that cleared his head00:21
cyberangerit was something to admire really, his actions really showed he knew anger wasn't something to have00:22
cyberangerwrst: not bad, can you do that from a terminal, or android (reliably00:23
cyberangerthat is)00:23
cyberangerTHIS IS AN AUTOMATED MSG: Meeting in one hour00:28
wrstbut its pretty cyberanger00:44
cyberangermust run00:45
cyberangerwrst: pretty with a tradeoff though00:45
cyberangerthat script should kick in in 45 minutes, as will the meeting00:45
cyberangeragenda is release parties (memphis has one may 7th, still in planning)00:46
cyberangera thanks for our new webhost00:46
cyberangerand I have a progress report on an installfest box, which I'll have to postpone00:47
cyberangersorry, didn't make it to the wiki yet, mailman should be fixed00:47
cyberangerbut not tested00:47
cyberangersee you all shortly00:51
cyberangerTHIS IS AN AUTOMATED MSG: Meeting in 15 minutes01:14
cyberangerTHIS IS AN AUTOMATED MSG: Meeting time01:20
cyberangerthat one was off, hrm01:21
cyberangermust have been a 10 minute warning, goofed on the message01:24
cyberangerthanks to the G2, I might catch a little01:26
cyberangertime to go for the moment01:26
cyberangerTHIS IS AN AUTOMATED MSG: Meeting time01:29
cyberangerguess nobody's here to start it01:41
cyberangeranyone can01:41
cyberangerg2g again01:42
wrstcyberanger: i think its just me... no use starting it for just one i don't think :)01:53
cyberangerwrst: sounds that way, no pace, no jfenn219903:11
cyberangerwrst: the bot worked nicely though03:11
cyberangerI think I'm gonna code it differently for version 203:11
chris4585I was here just nothing I have to really contribute03:12
cyberangerone that can listen more, have it annoy into a meeting until a command is issued or it hears mootbot03:12
cyberangerchris4585: well, ok, I do understand03:12
cyberangerflordia and all03:12
cyberangerI have to have one this month03:13
cyberangerreschudle then03:13
cyberangerdunno why no leader showed besides net, and he resigned03:13
wrstyes cyberanger the bot was great how did you do that?03:36
robertzaccouram i late for the meeting?03:40
wrsta little robertzaccour :) but it is rescheduled03:42
robertzaccourthats not what the description says03:43
robertzaccourwhen is it?03:43
wrstdon't know sometime this month cyberanger will announce it03:43
robertzaccouroh ok03:43
robertzaccourdescription needs updated haha03:44
wrstbut robertzaccour at least you came03:44
robertzaccouryeah :)03:44
cyberangerrobertzaccour: today 2 and a half hours ago03:54
cyberangerdue to nobody but wrst here (idk why, I had my birthday dinner with family, another member had a family member event too, aside from that idk)03:54
wrstcyberanger: i finally make it to a meeting and no one shows, that may be a sign :)03:55
robertzaccourcyberanger, oh i see. im at work now on android03:55
cyberangerso I will have to reschedule it due to that, perhaps next week, same time03:55
cyberangerrobertzaccour: yeah, I aim to be off on time for it, sometimes I'm late, rare I outright miss it03:56
cyberangerand rarer it's planned like tonight03:57
cyberangerwrst: you've been to so many meetings, you and others just have time issues, can't arrive on time (hence the half hour delay, now our new meeting time) gotta leave early03:58
cyberangerodd to have that happen, but no time is perfect04:00
brandonni didn't even know that there was a meeting today :P  i guess i should take a look at that stuff04:24
cyberangeryeah, 1st thurs. each month04:24
brandonnaight, so what does everyone talk about at those things?04:25
cyberangerand this month we'll have another next week04:25
cyberangerusually planning upcomming events04:25
brandonnwhat kind of events ?04:25
cyberangerinstall fests, release parties04:26
cyberangerand such04:26
brandonnthat sounds coo  lolz04:26
brandonnwell im sleepy, so ill be back on tomorrow.04:27
cyberangersee you then04:27
brandonnaight.. later04:28
cyberangercyberanger: pong05:40
cyberangerchris4585: pong05:42
chris4585cyberanger, ah thanks, sometimes its really hard to tell if I'm really connected with my internet..05:42
cyberangerchris4585: no sweat05:42
Xpistosokay I am actually here today13:58
wrstwow Xpistos!14:08
Xpistosmy laptop monitor died on me16:56
Xpistosat least I think it did16:57
oriasvideo out still work?17:08
Xpistosand when I turn on the box, the Splash screen is lit for a second like the LED backlght is out but I am now sure what I need17:35
oriaswell that sucks... sorry17:43
XpistosI am tyring to buy another one so I have parts17:49
Xpistosinspiron 140517:49
chris4585Xpistos, ouch I have a 1420n18:52
Xpistosget this.19:05
Xpistosafter 3 days with no back led19:05
Xpistosall of a sudden the led is working again19:05
XpistosI shut down and it is still up after I restarted?19:05
Xpistoshow can I see my partitions and how big I have them19:11
Xpistosbrain fart19:11
Xpistosand what i labeled them?19:12
chris4585Xpistos, I use gparted19:15
Xpistosoh yea19:15
chris4585you will probably have to install it19:15
chris4585gparted <319:15
Xpistosof course I forgot to label these when I installed, but that is okay I remmber what they are from size now too19:16
Xpistosthanks chris458519:16
Xpistosand what is a good rule of thumb for swap anybody19:18
XpistosI have 4gb installed and currently have my swap at 2gb19:18
chris4585eh 2gbs19:18
chris4585or at least the same amount of ram19:18
XpistosSo bump it up to 4 gibs?19:18
Xpistosor 2 is good19:18
chris45852gb is really fine, unless you have a complete freeze19:19
chris4585ubuntu's installer always does 2x the size of ram I believe though19:19
XpistosI custom19:20
Xpistosput boot alone19:20
Xpistosput / alone19:20
Xpistosput home alone19:20
Xpistosand then use a /data part for my stuff19:20
cyberangerXpistos: another command for that is df (I use 'df -h' simplifies things a bit)21:10
Xpistoswow ubuntu ultimate has a lot of crap in it21:11
cyberangerXpistos: the old swap rule was double your ram, but I think that's kinda gone out the door lately, due to ram getting above most linux users needs21:11
XpistosI don't mean bad crap21:11
XpistosI just mean alot of stuf21:11
cyberangerI still follow that due to hard disc sizes also growing at the same rate, and it doesn't hurt21:12
cyberangerchris4585: as a rule of thumb, that's what ubuntu did do, on avg.21:13
cyberangerXpistos: ubuntu ultimate?21:13
cyberangerchris4585: I've seen it do some other things too, but they were rare in comparison (and I've not used automated for awhile, prefering to keep /boot a little closer and encrypt the rest)21:15
Xpistos2.8 is based on 10.1021:15
cyberangerXpistos: I see, intresting21:16
cyberangersomething I do myself though21:16
Xpistoswell i will only have it til the end of the month so21:17
chris4585cyberanger, well... when I installed ubuntu on my desktop last time it decided to give me 11gbs of ram21:22
chris4585thats a little redonkulous21:22
chris4585forgot to mention my desktop has 4gbs of ram21:24
cyberanger11GB of swap?21:31
cyberangeryeah, that might be a step beyond reason21:32
chris4585I'm not sure if this is normal or not, but I'm using my desktop with the default video drivers, and things seem to be smoother than with the nvidia drivers22:08
cyberangerdepends on the card, the driver, settings23:18
cyberangerbut it can indeed be normal23:18
wrstchris4585: on ati i have better performance with the open drivers23:27
wrston my laptop23:27
cyberangersame logic23:31
wrstcyberanger: i didn't realize that until ati dropped support of my card and low and behold the open source one was better23:31
cyberangerwrst: yeah it's a card and driver thing23:37
wrstyes and varies much by card23:37
cyberangerusually they code for a reference design out of 5 models and such23:37
wrstreally i didn't realize that the noveau drivers were good enough to do any compositing yet? so i always install the nvidia drivers23:38
cyberangerand each driver has it's fixes to the reference design, sometimes that's not so helpful for the mobile chip, or the higher end desktop card23:38
cyberangersometimes we test FOSS drivers, they don't, it's like playing blackjack with only face cards, you'll never hit 2123:39
wrstyep but its good to have options when needed23:39
cyberangerwell, working options yes23:39
cyberangerand that's the thing, you'll never hit 21 the way it's done, you'll either hit 20 or bust23:40
cyberangerbut why hit 21 when the house always wins23:41
cyberanger(dropping the blackjack bit, what good is perfect when your so close now, and the extra effort is bug fixes, not newer drivers for newer cards, gotta focus on best use of your resources)23:43
wrstchris4585: hate to say it but after using gnome 3.0 / gnome shell for a couple of days i much prefer it over unity23:50

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